OCR Text |
Show ' - P I PUiv-- I i TETTTH every Evening, except Ono Copy. . one year, with Postage, '? nit month three months, - trAtjk. NKW YORK 8BMI-WEEKL- Railway Ilorrcrs. Copy, one year. with Postage, three months, " Onm ?3 balf-barn- AND ANOTHER IS EETOKTKD. OC of hitman beings were stretched out in a row, like so many charred logs. There were Postlethwait and twb sons side by side, and seven others, none of add near whom could be recognized, thema ;rras8 of flesh and bouts that may bare been parts of bodies of dif- Datcb at' Advices from Wa&b lugtoii. A 1 75 1 00 DESERET NEWS: STEWABTtlttOMEK IS &XVADA. I BBBTY United States, at present the only asencics for tne redemption of minor coin, while at tne same time there may exist a pressing demand for the same class of coin ui parts of the United States remote from the T,reaMiry and its branches. Again, he says: There, may be an accumulation at the Treaswhile ury or at certain at the same time there may exist a demand at tne commercial centres.eveu where certain other snb Treasuries are located: yet no specific appropriation is available for the transfer from ore to another of the minor coin found to be la excess of the demand at the locality where any such excess may happen. The Director atids that part of the demand for ; ed NINE SHATEIKSS TRCNK SATURDAY Hi JD 1ST . V, PUBLISHED KTEBV TUEgOAT AH ' ' latest Details of the Great ft DESEIIET NEWS: ! I I Ai and frozen human llesb, and workmen wefe still the burnbodies in finding ybrtions of ing wreck. All the mail, express and baegage were burned, including large sufiis of money. The scene ot Chamberlain's establishment was one calculated to make the stoutest' heart f quail, j and pieces of GENERAL KEWS. :" ffwfM $10 00 6 00 ,2 30 . TERRITORY, WEDNESDAY; EVENING, JAN. r, 1887. SALT LAKE qiTY, UTAH XX NEWS: EVENING Fubixhed Sunday. . Mil rvf: JL 4. VOL,. :ft ' . " i j' -- sub-Treasu- ry ! NO. 3(5. the Morrison' motion, it iwancertained had a very considerable effect upon ths Western ltepnblicaus, who. while they have constantly voted ''with the" Prohibitionists FUR PROTECTION'S. AKB, have recently stated that if the New Eoclaud Congressmen cau afford to break ranks upon this subject these ts no reason why the Western men. the' Industries of whose sections. are practically without protection!, should not also exercise their Independent judg' ment. A prominent New England Congressman who voted against the Morrison resolution says he has discovered that this feeling is quite prevalent la certain sections of the West, ana he io apprehensive that if Morrison shall again make his motion the result will be different. 'It is now defititely knewn that Randall's plan Is tho total repeal of the Internal revenue tax. which would involve for the full ear, a tliimiuutiou of receiipls toy! f 120,000,000, which is at least $12,000,000 more than the expected surplaa-io- r the fiscal year. ferent people. At tbe depot was fonrd Wm F. M.I N OK COIS r WEEKLY, of WTaynesborougb, Fennsylta-niSmith, l rrainnED Evfinr wedkisdat. coach in trVm the was has a passenger arisen to an Other Dfspatebes (which who On Cony, one year, with l'ostage, f"2 W) in extent during the latterunprecedented Ile'wss the next to ' pitting part, of the sleeper. Varlona Ivlnts. 1 50 mx when the past year) is at least unreasonable, it and car. of the front the part " threen.on'hs, i' .60 nionthd, , collision occurred he wa thrown vio- Laving appeared that in the exercise a for coin, applications lently against the front door, of the Of News. to the By Telegraph DT Mint for large sums to thepreference car, but was not injured fn the least. Philadelphia He said he did not think there had of minor coin Kbave been made from Further the Ballway THE DESERET NEWS CO"!, been a collision, but that the train had various cities where an accumulation Horrors. SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH. run off the track. He helped Ithe la- was leported attue A 4. special Clevkxakd, Jan. dies in the car gather np their wraps, To facilitate the transfer of coin and A Ratfroa fissIsV to the Leader from Tiffio, Ohio, and and cleaning for reissue. said iwhen be went back' to his Its of the following tcrapuic account A sensation smoktilts N. ue to the he noticed his seat hat tne vised CHICAGO TIIAOK. to amendments certain Y., Ja(. 4.' get Troy, t horri er in flames the coiliaion: One of the-msaw an immigrant Statutes are suggested, contcrring on was caused in business and railroad and ble and in accidents ever from the car throcRh the roof the Secretary of the Treasury authori- - circles to day when lawyers, bankers chronicled occurred uear Republic, jump tv to transfer coin from the Titasurv and others, liable to knOwl stated as a a and 2 east of about eight miles here, at to the Mint, and allowing him to retain fact, that the Troy and Boston Railroad 1 FLAMES. OF an WAU. At o'clock this rooming. o'clock from the balance or the tumor coinage bad been soid within a few days to the in ol Ireicht train, charge in tthc coach was hurt profit fund, which is now covered into Fitcbburg Railroad Company, A reConductor Fletcur gulled out ol thia He said no one of One man had his hand the Treasury, a sum not exceeding porter learned that the majority seriously. sidereceived to orders city, having bonds and stock of the Troy & Boston the burned slightly by falling against the OOQ in any one year, to defray to at the allow track ScipiiSwittb, road had already been transferred to stove. After icettinsr out of tho car he penses of distribution. "Fiiidf fowfler aever 'rarlea. A marrel of express to pass. After the helped to The EreminffHtar says: "Though the Fitchburg Company. There were two"". sleepers.! the and wholeaomcneaa.; Wore passenger train uncouple ptirity,iftrrnrrt conducbad tte one, them down the track so they the'announcement has not been tform- - about iH.000,000 in shares,'- The first, :fc(inninti Hi. than tlw ordinary km:l, and tor beiug without puh special orders, exer- ami in competition with the mui second aud third mortgage bonds lit is not be burned, tic then piektd ally made, it is known that wonld 13 riiiiii.ii b"of Kold low test, ehort weight, alum oi cised his owii Judgment anftfc; deter--miunderstood were ass untied by the waite's little girl, who was Postleth up ' OK TOR NKW as an d had he halt inasmuch that K, COX, ,.livr j'hate powders. in me; snow, ana of tie Fisst Cliss Fitchburg Company at (par. The sell cans. lirrrAI. ItAK!ti9 POW Sioui anhi-ia wanaering arouno make to at hour theswitcu lteptjiblic, carried her to the depot at lUpublic. is to be appointed to nil tho vacancy ing price of the Tioy and. Boston was Ch. 19b Wall Street. New fork. " little less than 'five miles distant, master, was on the ways and means committee &.400.1HJO la Fitchburg stock. It lis not arrival of tlie fast express W . &. Price, baggage meaus that the ciisp. His home is tu caused by Mr. Hewitt'sa retirement, known whether the sale from the eaat, due at that point at 3 burned to a There active F'ttchborg Company have (secured the were, noi donbt, lie is expected to be very Whetling. BRINCKERHOFF, TURNER & CO .o'clock, he pulled out.. The nlgLt many more perished in the wreck. a member of the committee, of which he Hoosac Tunnel and are to Use the Tioy s. aud Boston for a through lints to Troy, the (frnmber of persons who escaped may be chairman in the Fiftieth the purchase to and whose remains were recovered is BITTER COLD It is reported that he intends or whether they make from Mausif.'H'tiirers of ;tiiHJcalcrn in CottOS Established ion ,Sv . w w ooii)errv," uruid not equal to. the number reported iu to take an aggressive part iu trying to prevent other roads 'All. ir:u, purchasing UJIq was d and much diftlculty experiece "I'l.i.liKMi'h1' liinl oilierjiavorite L.randa the car. The number actually lost may brinj; About a reduction of revenue this the tunnel from the State. in keeping up steam in the engiae. never Ibe know n. A number of watches sessfon. In this it is that he feisfosi Overrated, Finally at a iolot half a mile wet ol were fennd in the ' wreck, and one of will act in accord withthought Wo havo now ready for your inspection one of the Soapmaiers, Perfumers, Ch::u::t3, Administrathe BU"KF03eVEHALLS.BLbC yRDW.OaiSTHEgRB suod-"a came to train the e Niem i decisfollows': licpublic as Jan. is described President the Mass., 'to a is closer be Open BTTHB LowrlL, tion, move fnrther. face, imarkcrti I. W & Co. u barrel than are auy of the members of the ion inithe arbitrators' suit of WJ U. beint upabJe to Cotton Oasvass or a1 Hitmhew U ol"4 biiil, OF world's Industrial and Cottn-c..:;a of .1 ust here wai mads the horrible mis inchjWidc tor .I.Jtfv.l4 Car, ounce case,! jewel oocnmiiteei. It is said that he has an lienn vs.Tbe Erie Telephone Company, three bridge, "Wit;5or Coverinjjs, Slaehme Aprons aivf tsn&lal Exposition, New 0"rleo?v, Which resulted in the loss of many mounter), Springfield movement, case idea of has been overruled by Judge Thompa m store aJ4 take bringing about for oilier ptii oK(s, 1631 and 1880. DC iivta ana me ttefcjruction ot tnousana -cancompromise be had to son lu the Superior Court on the umber r 023,009. votes . which ii ) to oi di r. f by enough nalc -of oollars wortaof property: Although 4.Thee Com Jan. of the tariff ground of illegality in the papers ex iRxtracts from consideration O., the take Cincinnati, Ascnw fir If. S. Ituntiajr Co., "Standard'-anup Jieports to tiie Ilartt' mast have conductor the known that merciat Gazette's Tiffin, Ohio, special question. Ue and Mills, of Texas. w ill tending the time of bearing.- General " Knitle," of Awards.) . the Case or less P' can Ml notained at Z.quantity These Goods ly C. H. I. xie was encroaching Cacgerously cear reports a diversity of opinion regardiFor Collecti-rbe lival candidates for the ways and uutier appealed the case to the Su nni Display of Toilet of the time the ' express, he did not ngmeans chairmanship in the Fiftieth pretne Court. J Perfumery-aftersend feut a his until tialn wnal For Fancy and Ordinary Toiiet Soaps. Congress, and the result will indicate anil REAL CAUSE THS come he had a to standstill and found TTS-iEJesJonsy r5 the disposition of the whether For Excellence of Matei-ra- h TJfeffeacy of Fcr- It impossible to move farther, lie of the accident.. The reports agree party a and bold to CiKCtsKATi, Jan. 4 fnmi &ud Neatness of Style. 0 adopt special aggressive from TO BE FOUND IN THIS CITY! then fctarted forward with a lantern that there was carelessness on the part tariff policy, or one more conciliatory. PAS HANDLE GlRPET WARf himself. Morebead, Kentucky says;, Last For Znithia Shaving Soapf. At this Dolnt there U a share of the railroad Menix a s U at Whether to show Cox but fails Mason night, house, Judge tmploye?, Put Laohdry Saap Spociallics. curve, and ConductorlTletcher had not the blame should Keeton saw his rival, Jo; hn Rogers, attached to the WHITE AX1 COI.OUEO. For Excellence and Superiority of Lai.iuir. PRKTTY GOOD HAND more than tae lensta of freight or passengerbecrew a proceeded a dance of with Miss matter is Martin, to whom Ilarne.s, and Medicinal Toilet. Soaps. tv'trily cars, when no paw the head conjecture. A thorough Investigation during the two months he will be on he was pay tnr attention, wish to call your particular attention to otir lie followed TJJS0EZ 1'XI3Z3 HSUST of idaj and the Award lfsfit round for Chemicahv Highest express only approach will be made. have taken the committee this scssiou, Mr. Mills Rogers into the street, where Rogers Coroners Pnre Glycerine. more curve lines of .; not tnan init 4Urods the Z. O. M. I, SOLE A;NT3 Cain of the dead. Will probably be before him in the F'lf saluted htm in a friendly way. Keeon and ruirirmn at lightning charge ' Which all thi;ir branch stgircatMroiijihoTtf a CommtrciaVt with iinuijut hot revolver if The replied Carlisle is correspondent Meth'Cougress, JAS. S. KIBK & COMPX the ced J jiuuus ytr neur. J'tiXa sUt gives 27 as the number who were Speaker, as no one seems to doubt he took off one of Roger's lingers. Keeiton ' . CX1ICAGO. HOP.ROR STRICKKS killed, andayslbat out of 15 passen- Will be. In the event of an extra ses- then ran Into an open door bat not escape a volley from gers m the smoker not one craped. sion, and there is a pretty general iin-- ; sodu enough to who pFithTEe knowledge that the frightful Jan. 4. The II. had seen Keeton how that one may be called,' Roger's friends, .Eisswi'll o 3'- Chicago, presstou not be averted, he accident did frt rrive the appointment of a successor to Mr. shoot. Keeton was Instantly killed, train wrecking & 71 You will find' them JFXK 8 T CLASS g 9 S In flashed hificopii fight the face oLEcgineer at here until 12:30 this morneverj Morrison is not so remote. The or- -: but who fired the shot could not be depot ' MiNCPiCTUKIKS OP Lem Eastmans' TbcTatter at th same ing.the One men belong to the opposite of the first men to be helped "SiB s v. o e a The told. House and next the the of anization rettpeet. of the' the lights freight off was Harry C. Forrester, of Chicago. mouientsayr have kept Rowan ui iia jJUiitj ujoj "turn iuiy factions which tniilaiU-frifluimatpu giviBg a wild Shriek of the His bead was d ard his left soon ends." County in a state of terror for a long after th's session 8IDEB0AEB3 ind BOOK CASES, whistle ler brakes, he reversed hTen-gin- e arm was broken. bandaged No sooner; bad be .1 also says: "Sena- time. The iS'af to and, jumped foe his life, crashing alitrhted from the coach than a burly tor Brown, ofntght will arrive in la Walaat, Charry an 1 merieaa Kakofaay, Georgia; A Moehrsl window ' eab the of the Claimant. carrytfirougli railroader grabbed him. The wounded this citr or to morrow morn- ing the glass and saso. with him and man was hustled into the baggage ieg. A reporter was assured y 4.-- 4 The Jan. case of NewI by York, alighted in a heavy snow drift. He es- room and left there, while the railroad a partv competent to speak on the sub- - Sarah Branagh OurQpoda are o Sals in all ths Prinehpal against Win. P. Smith, his hurts serious being tore in tho country. caped injury i f if he the Senator Brown, that otmer coaebmaa of tbclaUA.T. iect cjit resigns confined to a slight weudd upon the Lat all, will not do so until the meeting; Stewart, has been pending for months !Ia Complete la KID, GOAT, VKLVKT, BRAVKR CLOTH STOtlMID AT TUB RErORTkRS knee.. A ha, realized the danger tte uA CB IU" The plaintiff is Irish, and claims to be A..Sx IC1HDU bliC'UCUl his called to nreruan.fVVilliani Freder and FELT, We lnvlts Inspection. and yelled at Forrester not to shy The reporter,s Informant added the sole heir of the Stewart estate, inr. 2? " u icks, to save lumselL The latter was naa urown tuem. . It F.' Forrester not Is aaaf aetorer at Center, Library Pillar Kxtea senator Butler that herJcounHtl. nearlyifainted Benjanjln yet fire and ralsea from exhaustiom, but at a late hour engaged iu stoklroj the is Claimed that Mrs. A. T. Stewart gave iloa,K.itcaea,BrakLut Co mm 3 ExteaaWs UKTKRMLNED TO RESIGN up ana nesitatea a moment to glanct- was taken almost lie tbehaase in KastThtfUnfth Street to away, v escaped A NEW .AND COMPLETE STOCK OF crH o f or If Ward to estimate the danger. miraculously from the wreck, being ad g Smith in return, for his signing for K his been and has health that impaired was This fatal, as that instant one of the four men who' was not tho probability of his being compelled Stewart his name1 to a paper which was probated as his wdl. Plaintiff in the smoklngcar, i?i Hat Rscks end Whatnots, killed j to abaadou public life in order to re y -a at dealer IIS to 331 Soaih Citnloo Street. Chicago. a lumber claims have Fred 'to number of letters stores bis Betrold, strength bad been and por Fredericks was pinned and Rushiille, UtHxL can be ronnl at the Nebraska, was another of suggested physical by the Senator's phjsicianis Xeoiu Stewart provliiit.rrer ielat oashlp. crashedsby a mas of wrecfe. Thfe JUST RECEIVED, ILL STILES MD QUALITIES. who escaped Itpia the, S"ie the four au ineu action ruroitnro Co. an J other Dealera at Salt lor Smith's brought auiuinicdiaUs bu( tliey had uot advised oty tne coliisioa can. lie fetter fatal snicking car. Betrold foaml hiH resistuation.-' Lake Cut. Ihirtjt-flft- h dly fronr the Street .i! jectme DESERET RAT10SALT5AKK; imagined than deacrlhtd.j The eugtoe.s legs fastened between two seats. Uy that, house. Her amended complaint, filed liclcrriitg to the criticisms Lim-seof the two trains, reared in the air tie greatest exertions he dragged them lf uoraon September 29tb,lSSG, shows that Stewupon renarpr brougnt Mfcoi a pair ot Hvln? moanters and and crawled from the car. A pasoat died intestate art in lOtn, l,876,seixed his SALT LA KK the placing resignation by OUR LINE OF tlowailre settled upon the track" senger who was unable to f ree hitasclf, iuiucl of the lioveruor instead of sub- ol itthe premises April in question. That ottreT eactt sr antii the cylin tfeized Be(zold,And nearly prevented driving Into is heir and kin of next of the piainttff the tf mitting it to the representative ders touched. The force of the im- his escafxs. lietzold could do nothing people CHILDREN'S HATS AND CUPS FOB THE HOLIDAYS Georgia, a Democrat twtao said Stnart. That defendant is In rOUSUSD OR BLUEaj, the baggage carinto the for the imprisoned man, who sank back eavu theof facts of 2M,000 pact Jammed question,-claiminthe in to the reporter said. poasessiou premises tender of the lirst train, "the express, and was burned to death. t be. ?. to Will hold a choe en Lenter than ajay adOwner the ithertjof, Senator Brown will piofit by the cx j verse liter car into the baggage and thacl0ltr Defendant demurred Q II. S. Ei.nitKnoE, othr Ws guarantee our Naila perience of Cordon and will wait until, to the to plaintiff.on THE . & A. DISASTER to live In less the than express. E K ICC HA MOi:, I.I ITLBV the ground that it the legislature meets to resign. Mean-JTCSU, complaint to l JTijuaJ In Quality and 'nutos frc-u- Uia momeet of tha'col-lisio- n .; sua UK, .limy if his heailh Improves or if 'he tailed jtoi state, facts' coostitDtlng: a ad befaroaoy. organized effort teneague station wa the scene of, the time, WmT W. 11ITEP, UIKSCTOB;-- . ; lii'.rtbiiuy to any made. I cause of believe that he action, J udge Wallace has reason' to t fire' eaus-- d frightful railroad accident at an early can .1. A. UKOKSLtECK, it rescuethacoetd be made, the in his decision sustains the derturrer, JS- - Our Goods retain" .bis 'seat without posiJPHccs Reason-(Jlass Made from ths Beat Norw7 L. JB. Hiliji, Cashier. fci toves by gventlrneit a i'The thts morning. Afodoc," f "ana the bour tive Injury to it, he ' will uot resign at but gives the plaintiff au jopport unity j as. X, MxTLji,UVe8t. Cf shier, j J to the woodwork dePlease Call able, ithe to Irctt. Finished Alrsady uuou from Examine amend the complaint train navment , . j.: Albany, approached all." u flames leaped high In the air, their roar pot r. an hour behind time and running The President has commuted to five to drive, by e. of wlth.JJicrlea PECEFVES .DEPOSITS mingling thirty-nvof miles rate about the at B EES. the imprisoned victims, to whom deatb years ia prison the death sentence of Cholera Kmxvi hour. When within a few rods of Jon W. Par rott, of Arkansas, HORK KAIIj CO., .van coming id its most terrible form. per the cars in of live six train the the O New bleaks', Jan. depot f irom . Sell" EtctutnK oa HjfeB and unisjured pasacjig-crCuj's' ,' Co:svictei or murdrr were from the track by a Jiuenos Ayres, jan.l 8. received CHICAGO. wer powerlerfaiH eould && not&- - brokenthrown' wheel ear. under ithe announce that buggas;e the and sentenced to be hanged January1 yesterday, nor fii ' , Fnr Sale by Z. C. M 1 ATiU LoiclaC OiMoIia, ' a The traia consisted of the engine, an 14:u. 24 hours, 6a new easci dsrtng itnl gkrttacf r1 ,'t' i if 'Mil of cholera 1.4itoi, ' He made the past endorsee " ' following a. Jtranee tur-a 20 Ciilrscar, and car, ContiiMtuiiU Smoking iu jnt ou.the application for Parrott's deaths occurred., express baggage aei - : RESCUB TI1K SUVKKREKS. the ' --- -f The pardon: "lam not quite willing td last month there have beenUuriug car, day coach and two. 700 cases The express train. was ia4 charge of engine, and express carsleepers. on the deaths In Mendosea and durkept!car was pardon absolutely this: convict after and Xj2 ! s g OciDduetsr fl'oiiv 'Llaahfell, Engineer main track, but the' baggage aromntlri .fj,;l v his conviction of murder and altera ing the last 24 hoursv i 43...ucjtses and S3 and Fire mat JVm. Fred-- t thrown against the, efcglu&ot .lhel local denial . .. l of the motion for a new trial, deaths.' d rick, with engine No. 72ti, a mail and which. bad basied substantially Ireirbtrain, all the AKKIVED baggage upon papers !' i ...y,,, l5(i:.;.K4Wrt car, express, smoxer, coach Just pulled in and wave stau'ltng on tL now before me. I am entirely satisfied Wliaflj trOlee, 63, lia St, Xw Vorli. ' . west bound main track. Tftet freight that he ought; not to suffer the extreme CAksoK, Nevada, jJanj-4Tho ' Reme freight tram cbarpe ef engine was thrown' on Its side and penalty of the law, buvl do not think publican Legislative caucus oa hand a complete RtoHt of thia seCuiidaoter. FtetcJieri Enrinser Rre.er completely The Wrecked.; car, well knon and baggage celeiratca when be killed Elder Mc Adams be lected Wm. M. Stewart as the nominee Ji'iuuiese Uoo;te f'T lay Picet? auof 1,Frrnati and smoking car and day coach immediate- -. thats driven 0uliertson, wail by the attack of for United 8tates SenatorP The bal to "W" 33 ill 3 ! T.N tlamdkerclttr lriii I"' engine .No.Oi and frjxteeo Jy took are and were consumed. When his aaaailant tothe eoosisld,ot "witl' dies' liiiwls Itomil.) UXitWca i. Cleaily excuse the tak- loting foi- United aau a r.Tadeit few The cars ' the be could charred ITlastln?:, Koutucliy Klfle, rropty the . gondolas e " searched, as the .ifiiVrrrr i, i. it AIo, Liiine. Lihej, ftt ing of life. I do uok think the convict tuite place Uuesaay next, and smbicur oontiLavd ironi twelve., to Pair Lawu, Duck, Klectric Kuse ;,v . ; of a maa remains i HUiswart'a lu tue invited but xegiMacure phblicao, attick, i 1 considering it come of 'Whom were 50 K. first tHmUi tlreet. tpasscngertr; aa application U r hi pardon, I cannot election is assuredff-"ji.r;- j For sale at wholesale uml retail hi Bt'KNKD TO A cnisr 'lli reo nata 1escaped alive, 1. O. Box, f.fe:iit Jike City. j!timi'zrnBts.vrfaiiti'S-'wer. bveriook the fact that he armed him- i m le.nhn? atores in lite TemtJirr, Inir! tirefr4 bnt1 bot Heavy tiiMiw. , ..in learned, went the to self idenwere and means of where wnoienaie only hv J. .v. ;s.indc the the r Co,. found, V Wew-ttronly place r k, luggage-roasteF. of jGates, 8nlt was bad. man take threatened who QiXT' to kill 'Nw Orlbansv Jan. 4vJA Picayune - ! gytptu, hi car, and tifying hitn beinff the letters 'U. 8." imm the only of the hitu before night. la the belief- that special: 4 rota t Arcadta, Farniersville he was ortt a boltj tlie lfcH leg 03 his cap. Auofhour later ball of ths pr'uiiur should be punished for ana Aunueu report the heaviest 'scow , Jenks Ludlow Mr,' 'urtiedlcorpse tx;lt.g tat lrf9ver;tl pfetCc-B- auii spliat-i I I was the partite took In this homicide, and storm tit er cxptrleceed. ' Snow has life would i 5 r ! found. The loss, t l ... t' v.'Lt rucsii iku ra;o mfl i liave been much larger if the sleeping-CarPltlithblB tellOTTs1.foa. f i f tci! vent euu that he is guilty of a crime much less been falling since noon. It ia nw four GRANT liridJey.jDt I Washing .1. . aweli uoeuux and borate And llidi.sdo elg1jfp.f XJIX! I i inches MXTSJli have not 9 had to than determined prospect iae ; murder, U. , escaped, was mtnmg from Earli Salt lake citizeo knowa tM.tM'.i there will jbea loot f snow by ih'or'u- An unknown body is believe td be' cotfctxmte his sentence t SHinrison the window of the smoker, but his legs that freeman ooand to be ttrat- term was Hard Hi.liiier labor a on for the ment who at ol five the of train re-iiio. couid not he ; veie last and who has not beeh seen since. . The f t ' 'Toole Prnsale AM 2 Kl!t nrovd. "There he remained ' until he and is the list of theinitireu. ' following was TrrR civr skrvici cpMMlssiomtR Is still in the van, saving opened , Charles S. I'lckard, printer, of West- i !f Workhis, a boy 17 years 6f ' atf,:eni- ;t 'fBUWWO TO iiAif,J' tew, probably fatally injured. long conferancc )vlth the pioyiai ,oy .jcot A'oaaivi'pmaur, as to.day hadaconcern! baufiy Mrs.,Jaiio Jeiis.ifof Tioyi Prvsidcnt1 cg appoiuttucnts collectorvwas ithffiifr cnrTedre'mViBiiielf to the bruised. ..3! .ii-- , . charged i by his l vZ- vf J ;i !ii( j: j . . and promotions in the New York Where all kinds sf FISII can be fonnd ft with Itaring embezzled emploxer mass. a.: M. Chandleri'of severe Mrs. F. blaclnd shapeless grcuud Trot, at the lweai t ig res, v ri i submitted to him House; acfcaowl--edged They " ' money.',TUq boyjf pronrptlir ET- Cali an tSee.ouf Immena Barg alns for :tbe JPbblio and I lis tie was conscious ana gave bis anaress sprains and injured aikte.' a set ot inlet which; if approved, will It toand, aisfeed that--, bit Jalher be vrTioleaaleTVads. W to the bysundtri. sald he was WIIOLESAIK AjrtjRETATIs aid Marcaa Smith, .Springfield, ' cut civs them foperviekm and control fur say tvl)a4, WW, tweaa, sod. mean what we say. wait-lefor -- 4 oodi scab g While a inaket oa officer of the Knights of: Labor t about the legs and fingers.' t tho first time of ail examinations, apfor his father to cqmei Mr. Peake Zi-i- i' cave his watch and : lie enpplied.. Wafon B. pTslotelsa&atfaniUles of James bruised Chllds, jbt Syracuse, I ' left. UiaViitUce, ycuug "Wofkins eallaeveVr i"7 atytmr Uoor, Send In yoar other vaiuabTes'BTe coufdgef from Ll8 and pointments and- promotions In jthecus-badly cut about the knees. .'.'," toans service at the Port of New York. having a sdet swallowed prussic acid,Tandlo less to. uo mine to i Fletcher, of U;e ot Francis pockets campeuo; ! Thompson, f. there are hot governed by than two. minutes was drad.r-Th7 W. First Snt3a A 334 EtbtH KM boy i VY ,T-- t!A .1. siJ AA Massachusetts, hart abouttbe hlfis.... Promotions as- the Ilayes rules. bad no bad i as... Tl.i is kuowa what A t S warn f. k Rf :.;'15 (vaet bave y and jit lr frilk lsald T. and Kmillne Dwver. or Honolulu. Thenewirenulatlons in the hands of used the habits, 1. nroney in buying boiSks and fit ''J,! JOSEPH W-U- i' TAlfJUUx. Uis sous were Spencer, sped 18, and Henryi badly braised and cut. i, i are intho the Pesldenti: an. resultof a skates. la Ills of 'resident father lu ithelsarmt ndnoInluVnfiCTa seat sacdlf of Surlne. aittmg i Mary ' vest made a Commissioner Ivi'liA.'ii by '.a it Ujy gatiou 4 BondUUi and 4 :woukl; read have jui the smoker,' and their chaired re- Wound on the side of the fare. I t v 3 jEast.Ha SoirtTi Sf.. V. weeks ago, aud ii taade good the - deficit- - Tha boyiiad. t S Jv t'JuJj.i'i : ' mains arete fosnd 'In the ruin 9 Wlth . wMuoro. ox ,xxoviaence, Oberlyt several e.a. ft will lbs . two change prac-tlof vials ero-adopted existing his ., hta'wifei Uvo badly braised. potoo4a rocket..,. 44tltbwaitc. s a f.T LAKH (MTV. . - r ill--V,i.i,I , ' in the following particulars: -""m"1''i ooys, a Mrs. wniuora, Druisea. girl by a former F'irst They will make examinations it 4 a little boy of ft and a baby girl aiteK terri Leslie of Worden. Sprlbefield. for promotion compulsory instead of t'r acific i COAST VOTES. A iJirge Aasortwcnt of e bad oicl tlielr lartn M bly cut about the of 2 t: leg, r K 130 acre in We?eU Cdahty, West Vir :ii ti; -John fcSanders. of West Springfield, optional, r.,'s w'f; j.. o ? Second DOUBLE AND FINGLB VEHICLE, Under the. proposed rales CCIXW, FROM LATEST WKSTCtit kX- - rSvlii'' ChllllcotheT ah(J wksniovinto on and forehead the and giuia, cut cheeks, Funeral Director names all of d. the Urjdertawr for persons MkSAunrlT-arwb.eligible r ; i rJbtltthwatu shoulder dislocated, i . V 5 L t ,t SADDLE HORSESCtc, ii'Fmhilnltr romotlon in the New Yvrk Customs nad a. brother liriiuc. and where he on floose Conductor O. A. -Chapla, bruised, are ' ." be to to the jp. i Farmer on tbs J paclfle c6At Weie submitted hoane .' lfe t had' face.voBkrlmikebjsttoture and the aiti?,j bt'ail no 'i.i Oloth. tr art ff mi; ofllcera instead of only four rvoently busily tgmged ta plowlag. pointing r,?:al uUrnlton Id FUKEIiAUZ 3e'iot Cofflnn ind Caskets. caah, check for frtiOO of Mount Hope, Kansas, names F. AbQ.fc4jD as now.required. v.. .i " K C.iHC'ianu Cablets, t several notes" la his 1 possess ron, and cut ltawson, ana i.,, regtee ackdo qisiongnt ViTBird The State pi' Caicrhfa' has'' i;oaH"-00-0 Under the present rales A coinplete atork of Urtrinl Rnlioa and Xfr these wrrMnroxlnibJxKlyJeav J r j cated. . . , ;... seres of,- unoccunied landi Room to all branches ulating iertaiicrs' Uo)d of evety Ucerijtion ks appointments wmow . tae Charles II. Clark, colored, of wiodj ol poor ing -r" on h.vL Beyeria peppjf there jet. i i fat ' r 'tir jootmtry sor Locks, Conn., cut and brnised; ,:f ';.V.' 1 ...... ..u--Miaek or White lleare. ' i A 2 K. $eorndaata 8t . eniKi" was with ijuaif eoiuuv. an 7 ' ' eecosd-storCharles Van Wyck.fot Lock port; N. : TIM CIVIL SERVICE, ' "J ? Jtodtea preserved without ic for am a nd thrown from torn. outs knocked window teeth Y., feHartti r tints. r scalp an a hart) anA nrtWtlotMns a person after an examination is eligi- in San Jose, Cal on NVeduesday. . Partientar oltehlon jrivt trf smb! ntlaf 50 cents a eriervt irhat P. J. jb'lielHy, of Ashlordj,, P.- ,Q., ble Deo. huaiband Her forI e and .money, ' to the rMxiiee.j T appointment highest 20th, by Mrs; Chaffers, while in a nt of . , brulaed. lhijHht nii, areof Ml ot the ; The service. t Ksisabriifj nl fio ppu e upoelalry. i j two boys had., left her but a few grade proposed insanity.' Tne child fell on aa awning rlextcr iDrurr, of Tramjnghaxrf,' ' regu lations pro v IJe that certifications Lota m.j graves furnteltsd i brtore Md rossj frees the eoactr brelscd,' liar tn4 tb ; tnence toapue ocotrt, re TIMBERS, -- TOXERS,' 6.4S MD STEM FITTERS. . Fotlethwaiie,-;as-I'm crt Bolterl the is to. ser- ana'irom lor the city. customs' f JOSEPH KTAypOK; j . Alsrija by tetepraph or telephone, da Mrs. vice appointment Mrs. and snd Jenks danthter. zatai ' "' icjurtcaj The woman was . vi ; i ionna in tae wren Chandler oi Troy, Were on tnetr way to at New York shall be only to tha ceiving i neaaj T7:t"; taxen Toiau ana will be committed to will rtjeive prroipti'UMiifn. n;jrh:, a was in Ualod soldier ths jr or lower indicated,and $1,200 that after to asylum.' elass, Iltau rriecalor ad Urmi reasonable. Pioneer with the oodytji tar; Jenxs, ,V ,t ranks in the lata war, being a member Lutuow, Offlce Keriar Closed. Ko. 351- Mhich was burned. The through Chi' any person has entered .the service be FranrJaro San Dec. 30,;' of Conrparryrr3eTeT'tenttr-8egl-luen- t, kt chall be to i required pass aa exarainamail; for 'all cago, and other Western West Tlrtlni Volunteer Be! WStf Mew England points, ' (five- pouches) tioa for promotion to each succeeding h Wm. ' witn with Rowas, higher grade, nntii tue fourth class is kmiag of " fj TstLinPOBTS ff. Vrs.- vT the fireman ol were ' entirely destroyed.-man All tae WlUIam xP?ed!ricks, -i U. himself ! JDolaa. to sarreaderect, At- - attained, which iacladesicoiployeM of Westfleld fleld and and Pitts the Ike express was, pattgbt - between Hie tali In House Customs old ag the receiving a alary'c Sergeant lioogh letter mail was also destroyed. fc tender and engine and lived for two tany City Hail, and n was booked lor" TUere were about eighty sacks of news- - ol frosa f 1(00 to j,000. is claimed murder. all President' It took Moakbas that the hours, but it was f on ol impossible 'to were papers effect his release. Ills mother is a Capers, and ail but sevep of them under adylsemenV It is thought that been seen on the streets dairv and has TTjkJ&n 'I ;i K.f. JII.pKioani.u, !ia .j.Lnrs, t Kr.owitr. ROLVTF.nS ENTITLED widow a!i.(ritTei IfTWMlilDftoo, D. d. twice visited the oldj CUy. lIaJl since, tha be will t Truckes, l regulations approved j iAXI Cal. , AKD STILL ANOTHER . - - .j COMMUTATION, He was a member of the Bretherhood Comuiia-sio- n. Coroner 0Donuf31's: w&rraut lor Ms as the by proposed ;i. . i KK8TOUATION, or to- Arrears of Pay and of FiFenjen.fWhic organization took i3 r ttwi; J. i. airehtwaslMuedj. ( Itonntr, Orrectton of jMnatfr, Rcniorol f charge of Crticioo, Jan. i.irThe'WeriOcevin wldch were re Oconomowoc, Charare of Insertion or t n daliraie ItoblesDeceinBel rThe Wl H cPaao says CsmMasties. I ,)tn.ti ;s , special ; maveti to; Ctaiulietlain'sj aoderUkint east bound yirtie eh :rrre. run have their JiSOMfT. , Jtasttaeoirsr and nrmin tm Ml at about 4 :m., A. AiOrls passenger train w hich' arNew' Yore, i Jan. 4. A' Washlngtoq UIK ettaJblithToest kid prcparcel tsr bnriaL rive at Pewaukee 0 o'clock, when at more, foreman of the: carpenters in tho . 1 "a lik tealil t f tits tee to moveUeraigtxed. A Post the R9ay iapicted dispatch j p( says: js j ice which, mammoth house of the railroad, who had- been t Hrwolaf Attention will be plvfnto CLAIMS Mf IsCet fun 'is In progress among Soothern employ Umt to his pissing the .ETiiuc, bsobTsWlbti Pewaiakeo Lake,' ran into a ment to San Miguel on business, boarded the aten who are ANI relief. If. II. Parks, whose address .bordersload a of ia favor Or WlUOWS ANDwithMOTHERS reduction of Inot and ice laborers construction train fqr tte purpose of msriv assleaec4all ieiernsd. was alsftr ) fetj; sleigh killed three- and .fatally Injured the surplus in the form of a combinaan' lie furnished. opaid set4f stantly when, new evidence coming to Paso Rubies.? When the tion which on taxes the by fruit t brandy men returnwere rC t f. wf.f mK9axnmxstastxif ' several other a. The train was a s&or Ui stance-so-n tir ot Bpectalty.made ot INCUkASt and tobacco and Its manufactures . fait lias f corFiM rcRHisxrin'Ci ing home to supper and did pot hear Shalt be abolished, and there is soma San Miguel he attempted to pass, from 'BOUNTT LAND 10H TO SOLDIHRSaf rCTdiOTKttto'death,-alte- r ttaadfafotis nat-caa hand. kept conetanily one the Approaching train..,. 1 1; Old War and Three Months' Extra Pay, to another. He. sapped on i the 'r'.tt.. expectation that Randall will i . i3 money, letters and car as to ne ol the JIOStMKM. timuni.vr a chip and tell on- thetracK,,Ooe truck (a. am . jui! ! It is also said 4 JT tbis was la scheme. i Mf and Orders Dy the to Telecraph prorept asKli dqriaa;th1asrwAr(caa :rlJormployes .iiouiiUJBts ver lelt his' muowi, j Telephone Joors, arm, eg rniDM, passlug Democrat were numjm, those of several who ought to know, that crush n i till be coliaeted. consumed, as the leas from 4 The Secretary Mr. Morrison, both r tii a;UllBIa. Packirnr,tr Boxes. Botlders Bodies preferred la their natural es . , .J,Wood! PumpS, kaewn otWASHtNOTOir, Jan. Wert les of Old others whose names aro-ot c during the holiday re- down.lag:He : was; hM nl Ths back,! to-d!il takea San ' trUoa, without extra charge. .?,' transmitted! to, to K,r.i.,. the has become never and cess, com will Treasury be. laced will that It perhaps Vt's.ntsI. Uexieita fitners medical assistance was : ths House a communication from "the be expesileat for him to move again to Miguel, whore KIGITT. . mrOVXS DAY until woo o ; :taw tfce Mint bearing on the consider the revenue bills, and that it given,' of ! Wars Rosms Ns. 253 Cv renenew in 1.'I o i OLAlMd At stiioi (heolocjiast. sk Liislock to. Director PE2CfHfT10K3 "ADK TO OROCfV. came- to bis relief, at about OAPA'AL. Address ' day, the ruins of the baggage car. ex- - lttaue and- redemption' 1 mincT coin. is not Improbable that he .Will have a death lliiiiiAaiC First ttosif b hires. same lock was the o' a, lie the evening. that The Director TOte says were experience. he than had ; before. The snd twactt" still Oss aad a half block Eaat pf Theatrt Sress, smoker 4 en.-- , single man, and a member of ths Msn-tere- y e::7. fact tin tweNew England and scores of hand were en-- last year nas saowu conciusiveij " 7. Telrekn . Tcllo ws, TTetis one' ... Ks. sccurauiste minor colts ciesr taay the track, ,It sYt r7,,sVra9MftQ,P0, deavorinj ta cirJ. tesrlv every lLterrcttf uhn. brokerLc 1 rare,ctU'i .. t 'I r!, ' v is j t UUt? fcaSibrcthtf (t rriffniVtHmwitw: Trt,?ury anj i.'jFfrf-- a, Ke-era- . ' c5 al FCTBI-ISHt- Iltlof Sub-Treasu- dis-pat- ry. ch ; art-readi- ng j eaat-bou- ud Absolutely Pu re. ; - east-bou- nd DUN FORD'S - ni AWABJ-.K- . the Holiday Amomcement! ; Con-sres- .' j . - 4.4-Th- r ; Ti-ud- BEST SELECTED STOCKS E3CO Li X J&i "ST oons-taiAJ- y '. - - Jnr-or- - e So-rp- Boots, Sloes, Slippers, Hats and Caps, s l . - TH33 t-- it-i- s -A ) In -t be-qb- a'cri-asry- , i Udies'l Gents' $2.50 i ! - f: S3 Shoes. MAIEE in OUR STOOK ;. S. Ladies' and Gents' Slippers to-da- E. POHLE, L. A A any-thieg- CO OIF - to-uic- bt CHICAGO. I V 4 sf AA to - , -- ef-(e- c6 ' m r ; star mm. mils, -- , Pi-cs- i a v J i' - -- to-d- - are First ay . eom-jnunicat- ed . w . v i f - 1 ' rgains!;Bargai ! .. HAZARD POWDER . .tIVj r . Co-Rtn- ju-H- v -- t , . in - or iate-gehht- ' , 1-- e ; Sale! Closing put STILL continues:! r ,Airi , iuju, - s BP0S.CC6':! Bargains! : s JJ1-te- en - n f to-l- aj W.-V.- Q-Q2rP- O ; 'WEEK OF CO'S GOLDSMITH . west-boun- at DUNFORD'S. 124 Main St. lRli-.Ju- Tlie-trai- n and and 4 - . J l;r. Mtr ill JOHN II. FREESf . I s -- .1 -- II(ilutaiRilii:in - to-d- aj . Cus-Um- r -- alr - Clotliii! .1 . . i , . - lmvmtt e . - sa 1 f - ac I BAltOAlNS I I - - PAPAIN ; i i.:-- - 1 r - t 1 oe '' WSL . - yV. r ; Ms Wd (Do, i - I orrTj - i i ji i -- 1 . . ed on-ui- e , ; BARGAINS ! .' V'fTOOTTOr'ilBf' ta? 4 , , - ; " si. ..i. a. eieven-montns-oi- - " roo-rie- DAYS! v ' nta " ' - naii-meti- Undmakeril . ea i - . . ilSTJnpiHsE ;s'.:7;-K6?;C7- - In-tantr- y-" i: S- -- - Soldiers, LijftehtSoii! t! carnas-tsOASSEis.- - 3 tMi iT73sari3ii lLANIirQ MILL, tly fj'l' Ves-tard- km ! -- sub-stantia- . C'-Al- 1 . iua-reniain- " sj i: I trieat& - : ay SltHi OElOil LUMBER 1SSI t i - r P, lH . .' co-oper- GoTf-rnme- -- -- tkre-kn- ee -- ...l . ay . Yf7 - tt;, t alC - i imm i ia, t-- ' lU s tl . 1 m - , i v Tfc-"- . .- - ? STREETs , - !;.':.'. ? ; |