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Show Utah ; New Time OardNOV, ., . ..,. Trm and Pacts Bfewthw -- ' - rrona Sontr. f ss I have taken Ayer's Sarsanarilla with great benefit to my general health." im. juas xmrza crerar, ...1U.00 S.ra " Mv daughter, twelve palmyra, ream of aire. . . . 6.40 p.m has suffered for the past year from i. 11.30 a.m. Milford Express at.. Park Oity Express 17 tab Storth rn and Facine 6.36 p.m. Juab Express at. .Express .... 7..SC Atlantic Exoress. p.ut. 1.2 ) a.m. Artaatia aad Pacta 3 Express TBAXCIS COPE, joiix SHAttr, General superratanflent. Gen. Freight and Pxstearer Agent. CHICAGO . General Debility. A few weeks since, we began to give her Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Her health has reatly improved." Mrs. Harriet XX. tattles, South Chelmsford, f ass. "About a year sco I began using Ayer'a for debility Sarsaparilla as a remedyfrom malarial and neuralgia resulting Oreriui exposure in the army. I was in a very bad condition.' but six bottles of the Sar riMMy Ua CWryBaa- - tlM Vatted. saparilla, with occaftional doaes of Ayer's Pills, have greatly unproved my neaitn. I am now able to work, and feel that I Tar Slseptrsead Ms sera way cannot say too much for your excellent CtspSiss frost F. A. Pinkham, South remedies." Moluncus, Me. DH1ECT CONNECTIONS 'My daughter, sixteen years old, is sareaparuia witn goou using Ayer's Rev. S. J. Graham, United II Cewn-OeMver, Cheyenne, Kuiu City. Brethren Chureh, Buckhannon, w. Va. ' ' JL suffered from tlwe,0majis, ChlMf , Leaie union pacific nr. a nnRT "fti RAILWAY. ro SttW er-fe- ct. TO VAST AX1 en all Nebraska, Colorado, laako, MMavOrwf Washington TerNorther Paeifio Coast with lame back and headache, and have ritory, been much benefited by the use of Ayer's Llnee. Sarsaparilla. I am now 80 years of age, and am satisfied that my present health narxMrs Caeeked Through, te aad tress aB and prolonged life are due to the use of Bast aad aad Feints essaestiees West, v Lucy Moffitt, aaeee at Miaseari fcrver wltk list- Ayer's Sarsaparilla." j lted Trains eX Xastera Liaes. Iil!ingly,tvonn. t. f' Mrs. Ann II. Farnsworth, a lady 79 Nervous Prostration, AMMTWMWMtr ToAnd ARRIVAL A O DEPARTURE OF UNI0X , . PAClJriO TRAIN 8 Main Li ua. 8T. PAUIi, DUXsUTH. . I I SLIIPIR and Una and Mail and Mai! ana Mail OABS returned. 7.20 ExpressDKPARX Express express. ii.ju p.rn. Mail and Express'. Accommodation .. MfPM. BANKS. vimtosrov dakotat p. in. ST. LOUIS TRADE. HcMlllln declared it wonld be political wwiih for the dimooratic prtv to admit alf tbse new states. The deuio-crashould go ' sk in the matter. These proposed new states were reand would continue to be publican, HIS PATKKr ' Wire Gauze iJyen Door i 3.15 p.m. 8.03 a.m, U TIE J. B, TOnl, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. aaasasawaawasw PAID UP . CAPITAL,-$280,000- $aso,ooo. notwithstanding tbe action SURPLUS, the democratic House might take look lug to their admission. . the Dakota question then became lobt sight of temporarily- - ta toe dla IBPBOTniXT 0!f TIB LATEST Deseret National Bank, DIEBCTORS: 18. tc. WHITE & SONS. iajrnung teWo Wy 18th. lSJt, being the Tuesday. Ieember time set by the said Council when ssit will may hear and coaaHler soca objections be made thereto. Lake Bait of By order of the City Council City, made NovewberSOUi, 188rtr.Recorder. 1IEBKUM. WMX8. City Salt lamb citt, kov. xtn, isee. tKBTABLISHKD 1876 is Extsad Stater take vl'ensure in announclna to our trntronsanil the public that tee have added to our JSstablMiment a Iiefri'erator, which enables us to put before FAR SUPERIOR CONDITION! saSsrlh aflatws aaMl Plra ARY MEATS that have ever beeth. offered to the SALT LAKE COy SJTMEUS. BUY WHITE & SONS REFRIGERATOR MEATS And be convinced that VTA If It EE Fa n d JirUTTOX, oronerly cared for, EQUALS AM It KEF and MUTTON IX TJIK WOli Ll. To IS HEREBY UIYJLN Bl in NOTICEnonno.il of Salt Lake CUT of tbe intentioM of Sucb Council to make the fol- lowing -described improvement, to wit: Kxteneins- and layinr iron water Pipes or mama along tae loitowsng streets, aameiT . t rom the termination ot tue tuein on .iu" Tamnla Street! tnst west of West Temple RiMwt UiHiaiiRcn l block westward to conaect with tbe main running north andiftnth on rtrat West Htreet. rrora the intersection ot First North aad nrst wesx StreeU eastward one block and a half to Kast and West Temple midway between NtnalL ud rroan tlia intflracettoa ot North Temple aad WestTemple StreeU northward one block te connect with tbe mains to ran einna-- First North street and defray three of the cost tnereor. esumaieu at fourths Twentv-eia-h- t Hundred and Fifty Dollars (ta.B90). wv a local asseesmea npoai wia ' or pieces of ground within the following aeacnoea nidirici. oeinr tne uisinc, iu w affected or bonefited by said improvement i j S. 4, 3 Otill MEATS in a the public the City Canaell Tansle, Wear Temple and s, block . All of lots 1, S, S, 4. . 8. 7 snd 8, block All of lou 1. S, S and 4, block 104 ; All of Int. 1 and R liWk 103. nlat A : All of lots 1, t. S, and S, block S: In . Mutton, Beet quarters. ! ' SALT LAKE its FORT DOUGLAS It YTstil k mb lb salt c. ImL ! Lead Pure White Strictly Bought before the advance in price and note in lot to suit at Prices that offered . defy Competition ALSO, A FULL STOCK OF ALL SIZES OF Window glass . Ior ' SALTL AKE BAI1K PAINT expert: dty , " ! IRON HOOFING PAINT, 25 nAIinELS,IlEADYMIXEI FIRE PROOF, at 80c. PER OilLEON t Paints Reduced in Trice at All Business Transacted. . Paint M ixed OFFER W .' . Sn 1 HOUSES WITH CVLMEIt'S XOUM Enamel Ready rulwts General PRICES GREATLY REDUCED AT riarbifc-s- uea-addresse- d . ISOIV aSc 40,000 pounds to-w- it F-jt- 4 plat . E. aalt Laka City anrvev. All protests and objections to tbe carrying out of such intention must be presented in to tbe City Recorder oa or before writing Tnesdav. IVMmVr 18th. 1868. being tbe time set by tbe said Council when it will and consider such objections as may hear 1 man inffreto. By order of the City Council of Salt Lake miT, maae wove moor its, low. HKBKR M, WELLS, City Recorder. a Lax Crrr. November 26Lh, JS8S. Salt , Mm 4H WHITE ti Sbort 4 ft "" nd grd W MALI cents per fh. cents per tb. cents per rb. ft cents per rb 8 to 8 cents per tb. Carcasses, Beef, 1st Class, Trs & Soutn lie THIS PlCIfJtliLWAY PIIICK LIST. WliOT4lSA.1L.lt: ECHO AND PARK CITY. JOHN SHARP. PMSIDEKT, AKRIVX. Paisaaaat Ayaa 11 20 a-Mail -Trmveltaf SALT MOSES THATCHRR, TICK PaBSlDXXT, aad Express... 11X1 TT. ' DKPART. cussion over tbe ' question whether W. wf RITXR, 3.15 p.m 4.U. WbTITMAJT, M. . WKKCS, B. P. WDM, Mad and. Express.. utau be omnl eaould included la the R. BARNK9, J., raa. NOTICE Oral ataag'r. Maa'fr. 0m. Agt The 11J0 bus bill. J. T. LITTLE, p.m. train. leatnr Salt Lake, dMlr and an of made Delegate uaine, Utah, the 10.30 p.m. train, arriving at Salt f the IastaaiUaai at sSm City Casiwetl earnest appeal tor the inclusion of his J. C. CUTLER, Lake, carry through Pullmaa Sleepers be Kxiead WaSer at alas aw Tfttfrsi . - the JAMES 8HAKP. in He Denver Lake tween Salt City, Cheyenne. territory proposed bill. B tract. Bedwaea K aad M Btraata HENRY D1NWOODKY, Kansas trains said aad Citr. Other now no was bleep carry ET33 polygamy longer ers both east aad went bound between J. A. OHOESBECK, practiced to any extent, and toe demo GIVEr BY THE Offden and Council Blolfs. cratic party Should not undertake to NOTICE IS IIXRXBT V. U. PJCERY, Salt Lake City of the of oar reservations can be eeenrcd Sleepingeast Utah admission solely because Ti W. JENNINGS, LateatioB of snob Ooaaoll tatnake tbe fol deny bound trains, or for the Utah for either if the religious belief of . some of her t lowlai deeeribed imorovement. A Northern and Oreeon Short Line trains GEOROE BOMNEY, or . water at Office citizens. Union to r and Ticket iron s the pipes laying by application extending & Th CASHiKa. L. S. HILIJi. saaina aloag the following streets, namely: Salt Lake City or Ogden. ; ,SK! BBkCKESBiDC?, From the termination of the main on Third J. V. PARKER, . i cojnracnoK wn . A. Cashibb. AssT ' SMITH, Fans. Division Street, between K and L streets, thence d Agt. It Prsdsess Prsctieal BetaKs la Bakisf aad of Kentucky, seconded the appeal, say ta a saint midway between Land eastward Tks Denrer, Texts ft'Wortli'B. R. Utah would be tbe la iug only ssfOrs attalsea probably or tbe . say tsastiag aeter U atreeU, and defray three-fourth- s state democratic in I tbe ? and Hundred Five ought lot, at aad will I cost estimated j thereof, Cacklag (TAB Dsposil. ipsarattt, BVTK) Ud not to d omruea ' Dollars ($300). by a local assessment a no" Vew Verms ta Direct Uae Pram , , , & After a further discussion, the com the lota or maces of around within tbe fol RsTohtir-irof Fressat Ksiicda s m Ittee on territories was Buys and sells exchange on New York lowing described district, being the district by Iknrtr, Pueblo,' Colorado Sprites & requested ' a vote ehowiog a entail melorttv In fa ' r San Francisco, Chicago, St. Louis, Omaha, to be affected or teuentea try snia improve R'Y: . t vor of tbe proposition, to prepare and London, all Points in Colortio, UtO, . !' sad all the principal continental meat, la that all Food Bakerd or Cooked, should to All ofnamely lot I, block 54; bill clues. present to t he liouse a separate : be cooked in fresh air freely ad mill ted to the ; block 31 ; All of lot 4, for the admission of Utah. ruarrtiER notice-thNendi, s. Wyoming oven. This tllnf Wt.hliirAt&: all in TJat D, Salt do.e by discarding; toe close run A ) Lake will rort and Carlisle Holman block All oven SO; door and of Douglas speaker Kailwiiy heretofore used, Judge substitntisjr lots, i TO trams as ioiows : I tor it a door containing a sheet of wire the caucus in favor ol J. H. Bacob, Treat. F. L. BOLlABD.CashV. Lake City survey.il All nmiaiu as as itself. nl)lc.liona to the carry door Gsnze lame the the Tens Points, New Orleans an. tbi bill to omnibus nearly include territories So. I. be presented must such intention Tbraaarti ItUa Vaan Ing outol lbs air. having a rath f population entitling Lv. t). A R G. Depot, 6:50 a.m.(Morning) frealy in arrtunr tnlha OHv Reaotdar on Ot before Sontniisl1 thS process them faotlitatias; etrealatea, toone Ce of member 7:13 ogress. Ar, at penitentiary, beinz tbe ot eooKins, ana prodnemg rooa taat is Tuesday. December lUth. 18. Cox closed the debate in a BDeech In " 7:2n Pa lees flesplas; Cars fress Va?srta Ifsw Lv. Penitentiary, Of eaualied in flavor and nntriUoa. aad acta time aet bv tbe said City Council when it 7 :33 wbicb"he Ar. at Milt Creek, tbe asked members to such Orleaas dally wltkeet ekaae. f ne consider cooked less with will and el bear objections at accept consumption ally 7:41 MiU Creek, uie proposition oi i uagu iioiman leav; than in an oven with acloaed door. . may ie made thereto. Council of Salt Lake sals saiiad la Kfeaaat Pall sua aXslas; Cart Lv. " A r. at Penitentiary, 7:5, It mates ar enormous saving la the lDg the Dakota question to the people By order ot the City Taelwaa.JsMiac A . U. Pesrtsenttary, ' 8:tx weiicht ol meat. maoe sovemoer nui, u, usi Kiinorfsira proviaiuK (or tut '. . tlty, I" Pssaaalied :30 Tsellltlea ler BaM Traatlt tf Ar.atO.AIUU. ; UKBk.lt M WALLS, alaet Laavea af nrodncea laraxr It admiaaioa of the other territories seta Passeatsrs sad rrslckt. . i City Recorder, Br ad, requires les attentien from the named. Banking Cess onetioa asade at Mew Orteaat Lv.,? JkE.C Depot, 11 :00 a.m. (Morning) cook, and promotes the health of the family Salt Lakb Citt, November Wtb.leos. Uolman's rtsoIutfoD, 88 amended by WOOD ail fail aad ftaamsip Haas, laaradiag OF THa Dy US lUPKltlOB QUALITT :2a ll11:30 "' " lv. a suKtesuoD irem speaxer Carlisle tae faneas w COOXID IX IT. Arrfft I'eniteatiary.v Shale Beds: NOTICE s was tnen adopted ana the caucus ad CBOMWELl. UNB, FOB KEW TORE, Lv. Shale Beds, jeurned. AN vi:vt OPINION er OP other iv. t'enitentiary, Of tba lateaUlow ef tba freight, tickets, ferrate, ofregardins; Active Accounts Solicited, fonatll 1:10 laferaiattoa this line, Say Mrs. Mart ll. Vuch, Teacher Domes NONIXATION8. apply te Ar. it D. ft R. U e rstasMl Wafer Matata am Idlrd tic Economy. Iowa State Uuiveraitv. aavs Time ea eayraMrosxf airent. or to latereat Deposits. paid foe president sent the following Mtraac, kmwwb 0 avaal K S4reta.( V. W. P15I.XT. . WiLUfi deliberate Wood, Judgment is that the ovea ot D. ft R. G. Depot, 1 :45 p.ni.(Aftern'n) "MyRanc-eLv. , T. P. A P. A.. O. r. A. Sold. as compared with others, is not uouiioatiuas to tue senate : the aad Bought at Ar. Excbaage Fort Densrlas. j:i. XTOTICK 13 1IEREUT GIVES BY THE 4enver. Cole . alia. Tax. L G. Taiker Norton, of Salt Iake City inly more equally heated in every part 2 19 Fort Douglas, Ll City Council oi Salt Lake City, of the , n. kcCuu-otroHT. Am T Tout and rear but as a resnit ot us superi ue f t to 2:1 of surveyor Utah. utan, Wafcener', general or arn council to make' toe roi 4 i mention Dallas.Tox. is food ventilation therein the ir placed w M. Lv Ira Krutz. of Indiana, register of MONEY to LEND on HEAL ESTAT1 lowing descrilied aaeners, Kx . A.ttatAJVr.eaal HarV, Pallas, Tex. Lv. Port a sweeter tie wb etter improvement, : " cooked, retaining 3:15 Doairlas, f ine land omce at Worth Yakima, and laying iron water pipes jot tending 1avor, and larcer proportion. et its best oi " Ar at if. u, tx Depot, 8:40 rv , mains along the following streets, namely! luices. I and, also the consumption of foe) Territory. . tramOaeaanveTeantisasv . , Ho. ' , a . Toimtn. of Minnesota, agent intersection ef G and 1 bird n this Ranee is much less than any ether tleginning.at.tlie itasniogton rr-etn. westward to a point midway La D. A HL Ot Depot. 4:16 p.ii).( Alicrn n or same worit. thence ur ma Aeutaas ot sne agenjrarces Hetweea B and ii .'Straeta,, and. lefiK Ar. at Penilcatiarv. " 4:40 cy, Idaho. ' Lv- of tbe cost thereof. e6iiniat 4:f. sad for lUastratsd Clrealars aad Pries List Tna rotom,iry, of has State been Department " Mill 5:(K ' at Ar. t Seven Hundred Wo'lars (J7W)), by ' ; Creek, informed by Uaunder Deem ' nsaessmcat Lv. ' Mill CreeK, , tl 5:0j upon the lots or pieces ot 5T. elsbraeco, tbe Belgian minister to this 8:20 Ar. at Penitcntiarj-t numl within the following deseriiicd dis- XtAXXiWAT. Lv. " riot, lieing the ditr'T't to lie affected or 5:23 country, that he has been appointed Peaiteatiary, FOB0AUBT ? ; ;3 eneflted by us Id improvement, aaoaely: . Ar.atD. ft R. G. Depot, 5:50 minister to opsin, uarmer Aeidewick All of )ol3 and 4. l'locA3; Monn Iroi stents. Mantels, ., CM.!. Sole Agents in Sal t Laie Cit y has been chosen to succeed him in he Tombstones, All of tots I and 5 block Maatela, Orate aad Heartb Stones. U in lea states. t :.es AH f of lot btoekSTi 4, ,i. A large delegation from the Ameii Salt Lake to Fort Douglas and return, 25c AU of lot 1, blocA 4f, All Jn rial P, Salt 37S dk laser twvru. TmxnjK bt-cava Bail LK0 to ami lireex ana retarn, 2sc. ake Snrvrv; City OpboiUu AmtmU JJoilWE ADYIStJJUR FRIENDS AU protdotji Salt Lake to Sugar House and jeiutn, 2.1c W.jecilons to the carry SABBATH CONVENTION. to penitentiary anasmurn, 23c not of uue .toast be resented sait tif vsl octObzs is. isss. n ilio C Salt to Waeener's and return. 25c In tv Ke order on or a litis writing before btd the hearing morning THJS NEED AXTT1HNG IX Salt Laka to Shale Beds and return. UOc. eniiwKtw, 16SS, betas TaiUy;i lino to call upon Barton ft Satiate committee on education and Salt Lake to Sugar House, Milt Creek and WHO set by the kS Council wbea it the lime KABT-30UKTRAINS. ' , which Ubor had before it bill the Blair 44 will well Main where finds will St., Port Douglas and return, for school Co., hear and w.nsirier such objections as they YOUB selected stock of men's .and . boys' suits, t sicure to the ieoplc the enjoyment . 4 may be made I hereto.' K.a. . Ko.10. . Children, 10c ever als, hats, eapa. shirts, etc, at very low of the Sabbith as a day of rest and to .. .'. Lv. 9.40 a.m. 5.30 p.m order of the City Ceuacil of Salt Lake Oadsn.... ity and will treat pronKjieit.es a aay oi religion ror 9aTt Laka City prices. This Una is reliable Ar. 1L0O a.ai. fi.sorua. CHy,. made November 20th. 18S. - dtf a ft ? on riirht. - fTCBER M. WKLWI, ine aeietates presented man Go and examine the fine selection of snip, ' 1.33 v.Bs.. rVrraVrUl docuroentsr barii oa -- ) We NOTICE Iaitamtloai rf 11,1111 S. R, MARE5 & CO., II. IT HtlUgT benefited py said improyemeot, namely All of Iota 7.an4 8, olock CI , All of lots and 5, block S, iB Plat B, fait Luke Ciiy snrvey. . All protests sna oujeciioua n, m, ins out of such intention mast oe preseatea at sba Steam Carpet Cleaning, Mattresa Renovating, Proce; s di-ti- Beds, Pillows and Carpets, wiixTJF:ia:Eu!ia.rc3 Feather sanet APPLY TO intention ot such Council to make the fol lowing described improvements, to wit: Kxtending and laying iron water pipes or maina aloDg the tollowing streets, naraelv. From the present main on South Temple Street, thence southward along Sixth 1 as t Mreev to a fHint uiuwiy ueiweeu duuhi Temple and Sirst South streets, and defray of the cost thereof, estimated (HuO). by a locsl at Four Hundred Dollars assesmeut uon the lot or pieces of described within tbe following ground I.einx the diotnet So be -- affected: or of lots te 5 : IS HEREBY GIVEN BY T1IK NOTICECouncil of Salt Lake City of the .. TO HAVE n lean Oata-Ual- namely: All PREPARED BY tiJI Jtail and Express..... 4. ........... .lLS0a.m. tatofsattaa ayvry ta territory, and others took the same ground. Oates and Herbert, of Alabama, and KJ.aup.m, Or. J. C. Aver & of Tennessee, stoutly opCo., Lowell, Mats. McMillin, posed the 8.03 a.m. Price 1 ; six bottles, $5. Woith $5 a bottle. ARKTVK. ExpreeB UTAH 'Jk NORTH ERN AND OREGON A1X Vorhees, of Washington Minnesota, Ayer's Sarsaparilla, SHORT LINE. J 0Tnm tr eSSTf JJtmUSt 9mt ftOl Tkrssta years old. So. Woodstock, Vt., writes : "Alter several weexs" sunenng; irom nervous prestratiou, I procured a bottlo THOS L. KIMBALL, J. S. TEBBETS, of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and before I I ; a.. U. P. Acting (jen'i Man'r'r. OMAHA. had taken half of it my usual health QMA11A. Eastern CUt3 PALACE rs-so- V tAWaWBaaSBaa ranily Blaowera rail all Travtaw. BLBJtCT LUTE TV tremity I first learned of Dr. DavlsV Kennedy's Remedy. Blade at Rontoot. N. Y. I took In although not mentioned tbe resolu Favorite Inquired into Dr. tion, it was agreed should be admitted the wise coarse. 1 privately into t&e Union, but br a separate bill. Kennedy's personal character sad professionalit members were in attendance at steading at hta home In Readott. J. Y. The sixty was more than satlstactory. I discovered htaa toe caacus.and it was evident they cad come rearer an understanding since to be a highly educated and experteaoed okyaclaa .he previous nigh. aad surgeon, respected and treated at home and uox opened the proceeairgi with a ahnad-t- mu whose carrer has sees a Ions mid lone epeecb. in concluding which ne open success. I bonvht a bottle, however (the said he oppo-e- d Utah coming In on the good ef cots cheered and omnibus tdiJ, bat was willing to defer eontdeace.me.The following the I bourht another, aad aowI want to mke known to the wish of the caucus and accept etoaw dtreetloea: Ac i me. 1 oa oiseaae ass reiaxeo it tue measure, provided it was under- .old end l look forward to seendlne the stood that Dakota should have toe balaaeeel my life free from bodily tortore, anl Which a heart gratefal for tbe medicine with oi division. previiege so aleaesat a prospec'.- -, jtev. a. me uocaery, of Missouri, wheeler, of affords Chaoyller. Lebaaon Sptinga, N. x-aiaoama, mount, oi Ueorgts, Manser, ot Missouri, Rice and McDonald, ot E. o. H.l. DnatT Dsba Aarosate. UTAH, it lrTBTMTm seBttlaat ( tbe Vity Coaawtl e Rateawl Water Malaa sa aixib f Kaat StttwaC, Btloest ttawtn warsl trsMM ftaaita Taaaada Btrwet. tbree-foorth- LIFE ! AND AS NKCEHSinY AS NOTICE. tBMi 5h W. NEW SOr.lETHING LEGAL) NOTICES. ard s Bar-saparil- la, Q f TASSENGrB TBATMS LEAVE SALT LAKE DAILY, AS Oolaa; 4a4aC Karfh. AtttttM end U. 4 N Express at... 8.30 a.m. MUford Express at.. 1.40 Juab p.m. Express at Express.;.. IO) Park City and Pacific Express.,... 4.30 p.m. 9.S0 p.m. Atlantic aad ractfle Express. Fneeenxer Train Arrive Salt Lake daily, a follows I EVENING NEWS. to strengthen Who advised their minds by the1 use of Ayer's appreciated the: truth that bodily health is essential to mental vigor. For persons of delicate and feeble constitution, whether young or old, this medicine is remarkably beneficial. Ee TOIXOWB ure you get Ayer's Sarsaparilla. " Every spring and fall I take a num 4.00 p.m. 7.20.a.m. ber of bottles of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and am greatly benefited." Mrs. James If. EastmanStoneham, Mass. her-pupil- o " line will be filled from the list of eligible la the district through which the line runs. Important positions in tbs service, where they become vacant, will be filled by promotion on merit , 1S8S. ! FrMay. from tbe ranks. Postmaster-Gener- al Dickinson said today to an Associated Fress reporter that within the last few weeks be bad TELEURAPH1C received tbe resignations of a considContinued from, First Paae.1 erable ' number of presidential and fourth-clapostmasters, with the that the republicans whom request WABHIIGTOa. mame and recommend be appointthey Frwpaalttaaia by thre Pens aerate te ed In their place. He said ho resignaor would be accepted tions bad been Astasia UtaH Oesnaeratle t. M.'m that are merely for tbe purpose of KcalanUajs;, Etc. forestalling tbe action of the incoming Washinotow, Dec. 13 The demo administration by the appointment of cratic caucus in a session lasting over repabilcans. three hours, adopted ibe following resolution: STATEMENT. A MINISTER'S Reaolvtd, That la the Judgment of this cancus'provislons should be made Kxpeet to be Believed la alt I una by which Dakota may be admitted into about to Bay I write for the the Union as one state, or two stater--, as the people of the two Droooaed food of other. states may hereafter determine; also that the necessary legislation ought to ana aow at aa see when a soma shooM speak be provided for the early admission wordf of troth and soberness, havtaa i cached into the Union of tbe territories of the alloted Una of tare soots years aad ten, and and New haying; devoted say tUae la the pal pit impressing WaabiBgtMki Montana Mexico: that t these measures should lesson of wisdom to my fellows. Mine Is s com all he embodied in one bill, either by mon story of suffering and bow I was in amendment to the pending bill or delivered remphyncsl and ray desire Is to mention ft; otherwise as to detail, as the commit the facts a though ne one were Interested tavs tea on territories shall determine; and and those .who may read tlteee Uar i. I that an order ty tbe Hoase for tbe myself loag troubled with a stabbora affectum of consideration of the measurea should was oe made at an eat 1 day and tbe bill the kidneys sad bladder. I ba4 palnfal gravel enlargement of tba considered in the House at tbe earliest deposits, and at times all the professional help I Despite day practicable. eoald act I grew steadily worse. la this ex The Teacher r UAUiBOAX8. . ii G F GULE1ER & BROS., 20 to 28 E. First South St., Salt Lake City. -- to-wi- . BXo Grande Western mm ji ', WATSON BROS., Stonecutters' and Builders, tins usiPEti,, hree-fourth- iucOntiitiiWorld! - be-'o- re You Purchase D Pepsi... uusy. t ... CHRISTMAS ..tAF. ... ' a.n. AT. 9.90 aj. saw sua. - trains. mcsT-Bomn- ) Ko.7. Praia rUle.........Xv. Lake City ...Lv. MS p.m. un ....Ar. S?Vr. Ar. 0 7.0V Great Reduction ' Wo.. 8.50 10.10 p.m. a.m. a.m. a.m 4.30 p.m. 7.80 O. DODO, J. H. t Oeaeral Maaacwr. " BeturaiBg, BENNETT, tien. Pass. Agt-- AT TBI : wasaiHeatHarri i PATENT ROLLER MILL CO ,U. a.u Iint Jfe. 58 Horth Temple St. Fast HASLAM BROS. -- v- -j- IBAIBIl At 2 oclock the President received tbe delegation from the Sabbath Ob- SCVIBPIBB WBOLB WBIAT rLOCk iisiBT still usi piTcOiib mmu He. STL Office Telephoa Ne. 3S7. EUAB MORRIS. Bupt Telea-eea- CHEAP FARM LAND! 949 an acre tor 20 acres good land, mostly in crops, 13 miles from fxtit Lake. 17 an acre for 1W acres, adobe house, adobe granery and barn; two Bowing wells; 7 miles from Mai A Street; very cheap ; adjoins It. R. track. 37 aaacre; 16 miles south; water ht; servance Convention. At the evening session of the Sab bath Union Convention, tbe principal event was a speech of Prof. Herrlck Johnson, TJ.D., of Chicago, who made a vigorous attack ea the Sunday newspapers, lie said the plea that a necessity existed for It Is absurd. The 8ua day newspaper is here solejy for tbe money that h in it. He appealed for a public conscience aided bytoe.indl vldusl, which should urge upon the business men and legislators the necessity for reform In tbis direction. Resolutions the petitions for the paestgjendorsing of the Sunday rest bill and the proposed amendment to tbe Constttntioa forbidding tbe manufacture. transportation' or sale Importation, of alcoholic liquors were adopted, after which the convention adjourned tint die. Riverton. ' ' CONFIRMED!' " . 9 an acre for 82 acres 4 miles nor west Perrv Belmont fNew Ynrhi tovoy , of White Bridge. and. Minister Pienlpa extraordinary for SO acres 7 miles, south-easto .cre testiary Spain.' or i l A committee renresentinir the ac city. tors' order of f riendshln aeneared be. soo an acre for 100 acres 2 aulas west of ' fore the Ford committee on investi, Mala. 1 J, ef immigration today .and asked 20 an acre for 8i acres 4 milec south' gation that k the oontract labor! law be so east ef Main. amended as to lad ode professional Also acreage at larger flfcures In (."'iraCle acSbrs and musicians, prohibiting location. them from entering the United States , It . , , u - - j . - TK3 CalSAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE. FULLElf" Y6UNG7" Main Streets- - uader labor contracts Tne committee said that a large number of foreign-- ' actors were brought to this country for the sole reason), that they Would work cheaper- - than! Americga actors.' They did not object to the presence of stars, but to the host of minor actors they brought witiit them pf the grade iof fsrelgn attoxswhom cheap ' the American managers imported solely because tf their cheapness. Their, profession was already overcrowded, and they thought themselves fairly entitled toar- -protection against a r tlO &Paeifi aad Cnleago, Sanaas t Nermtski Bys.) beaand xtenBioBa weet. northwest' and eoutfiwest LdtBaUe. MftWM, Rock Island ' tq peorta, Joaatjtteiwa, ft It ll rwo.eadro, 1 flWU K .1111 m WVWUITCTM. MAUWVIOV. W MIL UIJPI I. UMUUIWK CO;, laoroas, Knoxrllle. Winteraet, Atlantic. Andubcm. Harlan. Guthrie TA Cooacll BhrSa fa and St. Paul In MINNB- ana in Jaaia Trenton. eionx Gauau wsjsnowi ijakota OF CALIFORNIA, Kaaaasj City la VUSSOUiU Beatrice, FaJrbuxaad Meleou 4--Belleville. Norton. iiutcninaon. Wichita. TopeJca, Norton, WILXXAM SinfXxH Agreat. Abfieas, OeOdwetX. in KANSAS Colorado Sprincra. JOHN Denver. in Pueblo, atTiMxnt COLO; Travstsea smd tMt ifeii of rich rarmlnir ami nw l&nde. Kw).. 1 Dynamite, No. txsrt mix the facilitiee auoTClnsy of interoomrrmpication to Idar Stataa snA No. t f d lor Clreularvj the rUa 11 , Sotxttians Kanasvi, V No. I ATiacoAsv. laano. u&iiiornia and iwiiwri iSTis.Nsrbraaka, f Strength A Prices. ptrir (Cfcicaco HocX Ite toetri tlnee. yulcan PouflBi FW VESTIBULE EXPRESS TRAINS ccDes-esiQinan covrpwtitora fa splendor of eonlpinent and prpeis n tnroon between Chlcatro and Colo- lunrr oiacronmo.iwa-iruxmemo. Lwnver ana t.imtidaily TiAoumrnEMr VE3TIBULH TJsAXl B .4VTCB daily betweeTi. Cbioaro and Council Bluffr (Omahail - aiut I avna cttv. Oieara eeiwesa ru.i.rA,Cars. California -Excurlaanrtalnr Cnadr Oar TBJaH. suad Palaca fcaatwrjlngr Mms) tSttihr. Cnoioojcf route to sum! from 6aitiXak: City, Portland, Loe anoi taa Aieo. ban ocaiitieaw Qoicic time, Asiad,MBsacttoaa trmnaisr la ionSoot? asa arancisoo. Srcsspt a. At" r a mik J , sMts.-eriiii s aaw MbwiBii iiwusaI li ins, a-daily eexh way between Chicago, mgaTratos gusi Imrerbry sinatyA Bt. Joaeph, aod. Atcbiaon, Lsawnworta, City and Minns' Pani. Tba Tonrtsr Pavortts thesoenfo .Um toKansas faoSa aund reaorte, Ita aotrtizt svadfV of tba Northwest. Vatartovm rd . Branch er w eja vsvl bstvssn TUB f5HOKT TINTS VIA CTMIICA ANZ KAKTSAKEB offera fhMMt.ioa n and Ccmncfl felufls, Su Cincinnati, InoJenapoUs, Joseph. Atchison. LeTenwortU. Kansas City. IdUnneemcOia, aad 6U PauL or daedred Information, apply to any Coupon FwTlceta, Mape, yoldara, iStates or Canada, or addraaa h .. & ST. JOHN, E. A HOLDROOK, Qtaeral ItAaafer. 0a1 Ticket raaa. Agent CHICAGO, XLL. Laitt, ! . rwir .Tir UOLKSALtriltrORTAtlOiV ' ' Member CKrrrder. Salt lua.CiTT, acuiim i,. iali in i. m i. a Watches, Jewelry & Clocks H. s is s s is s inaawaaawaaaaa U(JAL HOTICE. A. is Sj REISER, r;-- . . : : i '. . i , ! TSkiimtj seaeateAafAg twa Clotha, aad havlac all a or awoda aaade P mmOtw mr owa awparrlalea, we are aow reetdy and are displaying one of tke llaadaoxavest aad jaoet select llaee at , " I li i.r i rf ' '"li . ' i- - ' Free Yeunjg, deceased. . Order appointing time and place for Set tletaent of Final Account and to i v., iiear Petition for Ihstrihution. jfflE o. GARIIEHTS TillflH-nAD-E '' ' ?4' ' fJIIOWN IN TILE CITT. JS3VEX 1 ' REXlilKO AST FlLKfQ Tmc PEOS tltioa of liyrwmrS. Yaaag, Ejeeator of tba estate of 'Fmeline r Free - Young, ' . PBinTIIlG - efetaftd Enocks. - I we .u - .' . . . . , ( pta iaaa'l7taIajte4)l,. -, ; c i SW.". l at mmmtw lie beach of all . ' "v-l'v.- s:-- - as ' Loader CnH oiuu ava ?0 -- Art l7VAlTATlf . Weber Goal saaaaaaawaaaaawawAwmawAwa-Ba- Af .ill ii I :"-- .- : W ' .. SMsaasamaaam .. I - i'S MANY, NIW'D ESIQN8. X Att "TITB COtBTS OF TO. run , arit W Call Bpoelal Attentloa to oar IUadsome Line ot TAILOB. TxuirroaT.' , and Domestic Patterns :x rEnsoss uATixa to HADB TU0USEK5, UtH la ForelrTi ' JHL ett e should call upon aft--. Stayaer BO of Y8 BUITfl aad CHILDREN'S KILT ItObjt Oomplats Ua betore oieg Into the FroUate Conrt, Ua makes no chance a ronaattation.. and s TJlTSara atew, lat aawi wa aexlelt yonr laspectloa of many aew novel ra this branch ef tboroaghlyaaperfenoeti leral business. Jle wiHbet a Ceaqnal gor ties' aad xaaadaoate lTaeZaFBa aaaoaaaS them.' Seay aad Meaager Administrators comfor a ' Anthracite" V Offlce No. 40, Slain Street, F. A: XtTGH pX. for $1.90. CHARLES W. STAYJIEB, r'- ' A; u i ifrs.' rm' tt'A' 9bS C.a.1tr.U .!. t. svDtl Canaellor ' AM OH Gu W HIOH W1LI. BE: POUND Attorney i'CBtt IaBtWa li tU j J .11 Rook 8pTinirii, Red Canyon and PBACTICBS IS states fr , very reasonable pensation: Wills jtreparcd and' filed far Office: Three doors east Xea. probata. rret Bans-,- , P, (X address Jlox ,M7, Salt . - : tr Lake City, Ufah. t,-- I.: rt , . i 4F . ..,. ; Sols Agents tor lh3 Celebrated cu i. a- DT i ii e " - ,f f4s 5 -- j t, r-1- u:-"tzrrt- nm I3ST Porcalo, Full Dress, i IDAHO STORE, 1 P-.- ffOL . 8 . tar O. Mi Is "d . ,i y ', , AKD . f. '- -. -- i - FANCY FLANNEL. li z i - - I rj . artw tJt -- 'i Pleasant ViAley; - ' a H-.'.T- : CimaW KbmMt-Sui- tii 1 Cdstrstti SScin ta ' .. Have Not Removed, -- . ' ' he has filed deceased, setting forthhisthatadrnintstrataea bis final aeeonnt of upon said estate in this coart, that ail tke debts and- - expense bare been fully paid, aad that a portion oT said estate remMins to be divided among tbe heirs af said deceased, and praying, among. other things, for an order allowing said dual aocbuat and of da. , . i ". . ... tribatiea of the reeidae' of said setata amoag r I tbe persons entitled. It is ordered that all- persoaa ISterested In tbe estate of tbe said KmeUae Free Tounir, 'But desire to aaaenace that they are still ; deeased, be and appear before the Probate. Court of the Conaty of Salt Lake, at tie . doing every description of Coart Room-of- r eaid Conrt. in tba county Coart House, on the 29th day of December, BOOK JOB 18BH, at ; o ci oca a. m , tnen- ana mere io tj: ana iieaiam uraaee. oar hnw mus arhv am ardar ilawmr aald sa a abb 3hv , -r A Anal far account, and of distribution, should i i ,t ir.i. e.. 'en not be made, of tbe residue of said estate wkefatr are trlraaaad tip ta tbe TeryTieat ot style, equal to Castora Made, City, at which place also is the office of ' amoag the heirs of the said Emeiino ' rrte .. . w :;;;.;v ; w, ts deceased. according tola w. . I H PARRY'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE Fouag, . Qaj.JKpstasea Ivalas; saaaU, we prapoae to aiTO Ute Publlo the it is runner oraerea tnat ine uicri cause cooies of this order to be tioeled in tarse '. oat their stock of Stationery pnblic places in Bait Laka Cpuaty and post Deaeflt, and aeli ear goods reaaoaeble, nsneo in tne ueskhkt kverino jnewsj and Faacy Goods, tbey propose to do rinl'n exclusively. Their friends and enstosners wi aawspaper printed aad circulated In Salt i find them, as heretofore, at tbe old stand, Lake County .three Weeks successively prier to saiu snn uay ox isceemoer, loot-- . . HAAS A. SMITH. x, is iunr stsest." oifums Pwbate JudgeJ . . . AtaMsMs n i.ul. WsaiM i r at i im im. ki faVaw 3; '.i't--.- ' V u$ a 'a w j' ciir t of Utah; i,!iw Territory j. r OiFei-lkaiga , . County of Salt Lake.J,' ... . ti . ' ' ' ' i r.. I. - John4 C Culler. 'Clerk of tbe Probate Court la and for the County of Salt Lake," fsiw. la toe Territory or titaa, ao aereby certify 4 XaU, AsAVOUOUU Tfrioi'yiAoo AIUOaUOOO that tne foregoing is a full, true and correct 1 ;: iw. it'.t eopy ef Order-- , appointing trme aad plada WX ALSO 0TFXB AX IXCXLLENT ror sevuemea er nnai acoanni, .anr to H ra(j i a hear petition for distribution 4n tba Estate il l XI ' ox emetine rrae I onnr, occcaaca, aa aa s At mUS AJTD SBIFPBBS OF 1 1 t pears af record in tar offleet '; .In witness whereof A have A ere ud to At Ytrr- - hands aad affixed the seal of said Coatt, $ tsna ta any or Aseoemoer.a. if. ronoji r n Ji . (SeaLI , JQUX G. CUTLER.. aj pBAXaas nt" flEiiamiiAm J jtt1. -- ' 'V.-- r ef fore' go actors who were under boj obligations to the United States, snd CHICAOO BCAXK CO. AOEECT. lelt It when their engagement was at IJAMT ; avin. committte aisa claimed TPfL ..I H.l .ir'ii, r. au suBue 91 eeiear-'a-a sa. , y m anend.The their wardrobes, property and stage - .f ,aTt scenes were all ImporMd-contra- ry ta u-- i. n r law, without custom duties and to the CIsstca's t . . yr- -. . .. of AmericausirrrXhla was , i iu i i Hediaaa Horse. . t detriment eoiraia-rrjtn fabx a . ; done through ballat . glrta - and-- others , iJ test the Can, swearing falsely, wardrobes, etc weietavflrpfi iofjai i Jects m Mate, CarfjrBdl KtSi, . i ti...j i,inr Te Postmasfeet-aener- ti MUm, El, raasel, Taoeat, nearly u t jw vi ;1 ' co as pi oie a :w, cjassincf Under this classificatlon.whlch BfarBwiw, aa,1 3 T may be amended before its final adop1 1 r tC ' the employee are divided Into Toes sf Wrspptof Ptper of tion, tea classes. viz.i- - A. B. C. D. E. lli. 3. Olreavlar. fiooorjusnji.fiBi.Efi! Three or FOnrKlads. f patX. f slid aad Cklael and 6. - Class A : will represeDt these I aad Sioco SBoasi aa I n mAfifa reisrtTeeta, tit sslary TrinaA," a IX KINDS OF JAPAKBSB BCBKEXS ALL KIND8 Of PAY WANT! D.I wha ajreceive HnTViKasa ra atHtMlPTiai at Tha dt asw fBv lraQtat Ttsaaer wta, aa4 tt tdOltac a VI andBanpers; also Ladies' iik WranviT lumtuvaiassj ta Increasini 1 rCewa. Paata, Smoking Jackets; Chinese per and Gents Hiea m9 ssd iltfriffTpref?Bt ' Lilies : Bead aad Btawwie aartains ater W) crder the e waose si ansa sra n ore ky far t.sa, t.t .f i W China w are ( all kinds .of aad aad jess .in ;2000r Local. expensive than a'sax a Fall atc at tkatr ra Cantoa Crepe and Shawla, and. Fancy ' a S) IlaaSkeiehletv. aewaesl B as aad , A a bia jt aB RXAMIRIXO BOARDS. always ea kaaa. 18. Mrain conTea mh LaV any. w1llbe every lr r. o. bos Kia, Street, box oi a. 23. fclonal district and vacaucks on suy y-- ' " " aasaaaaaaaa - In the Probate Court la and for Salt lake , r County. Territory of Utah. Xmeliae! Batata' Matter of la the of the -Ir HIOH PATENT, No. I. BAKERS' WAOQUATJVTXS WITH THE OtOORAPHY OF THE CODTTTST", WILL OBTAIN ICtrCH TAZA7ABXX UTTORHATIOW PROM A STUDY OP THIS MAP OT am exempted from Its ob 22EJ, FIKST 80UT8 Mr. Stern, secretary of tbe National Which he will sell at LOWBUT nfJaWB 4 . DtTtlXO THS nOUDATS ! Temperance, Society. and. llrt,. Bate the ef LI 'L ; ithe TiJ7fav0rd Wia J rsgsf bifl,Uid Prbfessof Afotzy T Jones of the Battle Creek (.Mlcb.) IdsM ereutti Day tnte.repntsentlau.tbe. Adventists, and Mr. Wolff, of Wash. ington, PIONEK It 22 W., First Sooth St. FAT GOLD AKD SILVftR Jw serration. Offlae; 31 Sewth Temple SU Wsstf SOUD GIFTS,' the-subjec- locluoi jg Cardinal.Gibbons' letter, and TO 11EWT. OLD JJ1LLOU MU6I0 HALL stated that petitions tor the passage ot THE nearly .14,000,00 on First South Street,' two the bill represented .. and a half blocks west of Bast Tempter- powoasf The building; and location is one of the Key. JDr. Lttml", xepresentiog .the most desirable in the city formanutactcring Seventh Day Mpti?t9,(terwards eama, purposes. upposea the for terms apply to Anrns H. Cannon; at uciore cue committee ana tbe ScventbDay President Woodruff ' Office, or to Gcorjre bill.aad suggeetd that 'AQ veansta ana oapiaiatoPeveno issy it. Cannon, OiBceof County Recorder. vd the be . 7.00 a.m. BZXGHAM AND ALTA TRAINS. Lstva Salt Laka City, Arrffa Beit Lake City, i. -. id xrrsct NEW ENTERPRISE hi Tailor-Had-e Clothini f;f . ,T.t Ca.ltBatATais rATltBTP t ;"t . 5a ,1 . .... nPMAN . 4 CO., 17& & 177East Temple St, ". !4. |