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Show EVENING NEWS. MlUg- - ' Msvcmber 17. !. " Keligious services of the Church of Latter-da- y Saints will be held in the Tabernacle (8unday) liternoon, commencing Jesus Christ of o'clock Home missionaries will preach in the country wards tomorrow. lu the city wards semces arc held la the various ward meeting' houses at the hoars named: 6 .p.m. Twelfth First 6:50p.m Thirteenth. .G:30 Peroml.....6:30 6:30 6:30 Third Fourteenth.. 6 JO " ' Fifteenth...." :30 " Fourth, - " " Sixteenth ...6 f ifth " 6 Seventeenth.B SUth... 3 Pcvenlh 6 Eighteenth..; Nineteenth. .6:30 ' ' Kifchta......:SO Math 6 Twentieth. ..6:30 " Tweiilv-iirst.Tvnth. t(eTenUi....6 Meetings convene in the country wards as follows: Snjrar House. ....... fanner Mill Creek Kaat Mill Creek...... y Oct-12- the-amou- p.m. -- things created considerable interest, especially among members of the bar, and the session of the lilulfuale South Jordan., TERRITORIAL ... '.. ...... Pleasant Green...... uraager..... ...... ra.m. ti 111. 2 p.m. m. 1 FBAGMEXTH. ktox Ccktis was arrested today on a charge of petit larccay. J. Beer and John M. Moore were lined $5 today fur being drunk. 8kb advt. of Mrs. Joseph Ball for a Slrl to do general housework. B U. Fkatt left his team unhitched, and hi neglect coot tlm ii at the City Hail. . SVl'RKMR COURT, expected to be made, was well attended this forenoon. Cnlef Justice Sand-forand Associate Justices Boreman, Henderson and Judd were present. Considerable time Was consumed In readius; the minutes of the last ses- eiOD, as the decree of the court in the Church cases was entered in txienso. This concluded, S. P.Brown, of Col orado, and Lieut. R. W. Young, of this city, were admitted to the bar on tak ing the prescribed oath. P. L. Williams asked foe the report of the Examiner in regard to the com pensation and accounts of the receiver and his attorneys in the suit of the United States against the Church of Saints. He Jeans Christ of Latter-da- y said that so far as the receiver and bis attorneys were concerned, they were prepared for the report-District Attorney Peters arose and stated tnat he was not now appearing for the government in the case, but for the receiver. He had requested the Attorney General of the United States to send some one to represent the government and that official had designated District Attornfy Iiobson, of Colorado, but Mr. Iiobson had been too busy to come. Mr. Peters tnertiore asKea a postponement of the dale of making the referee's report. Mr. Young Joined in the request for delay for the Church attorneys to look at the Receiver's aecounts. At this point Judge Zane arose and asked leave of the Court to appear m the case. The schools of the Territory were interested in the disposal of the Church funds escheated to tne government. The United States bad no representative here to care for its Interests, and flfe had been employed by the trustees of various school districts to appear on their if and state their claims. The Just fudge bad. been employed as he was coming Into court, therefore he had not made his application in writing. The law says that the Cnurch property confiscated "shall be disposed of by the Secretary of the Interior, and tne proceeds thereof applied to the use and benefit of the common schools In the Territory in which such property may be." This be ins the case, the school districts had a right to be heard In their own In- M-AU- JL First District Court. wear at less than cost . ' NIGHT GOWNS at ftz, (tfc, 7:c. !K)c, 1 00. frU and il . CliKMISK-La- ce trimmed and tucked at :W and X, ccnti-One lot Chenilie, slightly soiled, at cents. ao'ljt One lot ot Ctemlse,emtrolJerytr1romt d, at bOciV.;, ; One lot of Drawers, slightly soiled, at ii One lot of Drawers, Isce trimmed, at 'M and 4 cents. One let of Drawers, embroidery trimmed, :. , .Vkj, ho T' Vc, and frl Tucked and Embroidery trimmed Muslin Apron- - at 20c, and 4 wut 1 WANTED. l Yesterday's cases at Provo, before GOOD I'LACKSAITII FOR work in country shop. Apply to ESTRAY NOTICK. Judge Jndd: dis lw Fillmore Co operative lastitution vs. John Webster. TaylorsTtlle. HAVE IN MT POSSESSION- Mary LrC. Holt; the Jury found for LOST. One dark red HEIFER, 4 years old. (wo the plaintiff and assessed the damages wattles ou back of right leg. nndcrslope off "ESTEItDAY, SMALL POCKET at$S72.50. on left ear, branded Book. Deliver at room 22. hip. C.! II. Blomsterberg vs. Wilhel- - Tribune ISuildingor Metropolitan Hotel, on said animttl be If damage and 4coatslight notfifteen within from date f rinye paid obtain and reward. dl mina Blomsterberg ; divorce; trial m this notice, it will be sold to the blghebk cash , Bntlerville bidder.at progress. estray pound, at 10 o'clock a.m., Thursday, November 2vth, TO LKT. At Ogden,Judge Henderson admitted 1TTIIITK Dated at Butlerville Precinct, Salt Lake SECOND HOUSE the fallowing persons to citizenship : Yy cast ofHOUSE, Co., UUh, this 15th day of November. 188. Kagle Gate Annlv CHARLES K. WOOTTON, A. ROSltER. Thomas Carr, Joseph Severn, William Irccioct Pou'ndkccper. Office. dtf l'resident's Leaving a balance of cash on John S. Southwell and baud i'.)B - Covington, Leonard J. Wykes. MAKKUUr. .l KYr.. . The Receiver now lias in his possession t.TTWe Tin. T7 it,. v.m-e1 the filowing real estate: mkkt anu l:F.oriREytNT3 ese Goods. Cbinaware. Silks. Milk Aj TeintoviHl law, pro and grounds. Tithiug Office etc Handkerchiefs, Novelties, Toys, viding for a marriage liicinn lie.ng i.ucr. Historian's Office and grouuds. BKIEF TELEGRAMS. onrt of llic by the Clerk of Itic Prol.s TSUE YUJEN CIIUXO liardo House and grounds. 110S acres biide renide in which the containing Church The farm, No. 30 Commercial Street. before a marriage can be Uv' '" I crloriuod. more or less. there has been ivrn'jd Paris, Nov. 17- Mme. Viilerey. press at lhi An undivided one half in what is comsituCoal office a supply of licenses of approved form, of the Mines, Cnurch banker Goldsmldt, daughter avictt roa ciiKC axasAc monly called the which Probate Clerks r.ill do well to avail committed suicide this morning. ated in Summit County. L'tah. Z. c. M. L Druit Store ? Free Sample thai themselves of. The law also A J WINTER GARMENTS. MEM-orandu- v m Also the following personal property: day Promissory notes due on theat second the rate of of March, lssO. with interest 6 per cent per annum from tne znuuuyoi .1 kjwnrAil with certificates xi. w 1 of stock in the Salt Lake Dramatic Association as follows: Jas. Jack, with 2D0 shares as se Attorney-G- necessity for a postponement on the grounds stated by Mr.Peters. As to the schools of the Territory, they were entitled to certain proceeds if the prop erty was escheated; then the funds were to be distributed by the Interior Department. He therefore opposed The "Rrtord." any steps leading to a delay in the Ex The Historical Record for October is a miner's report. out with a lengthy article.on the Eight Judge Sandford Mr. Williams, you Witnesses to the Book of Mormon, in- are connected with the school Interests Commissioner of cluding biographical sketches of of the Territory Christian Whltmer, Jacob Whltmer, Schools, I think. How many school V Peter Whltmer, Jr., John Whitmer, trustees are there? Mr. Williams About. 1,000. I could Hiram Page, Samuel Harrison Smith and others. The number also contains not give the exact number without reftho dying testimony of the late David erence to my records but there are Whltmer and other Items of interest over 300 school districts and each disin connection with that remarkable trict is a distinct' organizitlon with man; also a short sketch of the Whit three trustees. Court We will hear Judge Zane'a pe mer family and an extraordinary expe rience in the lvle of Mary M. Whitmer. tiilon on behalf of the school districts mother of Ave of the witnesses to the If he will put it in writing. The case Book of Mormon. The current vol- does not appear to be ready, and the court will give further time. Judge ume of the Ittcord Is unusually InterZane will prepare his claim In writin esting. so we can consider it. that Judge Grand Concert and "Mcsse Soltu- - Jndge Gilchrist suggested Zane be permitted to come in for al1 116116." the trustees, so that the matter could The sale ol reserved seats for the be decided for all at once. Court It these 1000 trustees desire grand orchestral concert and "Messe Solennclle" in aid of St. Mary's f, to come in and present their claims, Church choir is very encouraging and we wilt consider that point. We will a large attendance Is already assured. give till next Saturday, the 24th, for a Tne entire program for the occasion further bearing of this matter. Meanis composed of the most choice vocal time the court will take a recess till and orchestral selection and Gounod's 2:30 9. m., when Messrs. Sheeks, famous masterpiece, the "Messe Sol Critchelow and Varian will act as an ennelle," wUl be produced for the first examining committee on applicants time In ibis city with a combined for admission to the bar. orchestra and charts of 73 persons, in obssbvatiioks. which Mrs. M. V. 0. SlhV will make Peters made the an Mr. When her first appearance before the Salt nounccment he was not counsel that Lake public; also Miss Ifawley, and for the aovernnaent but for the- re Messrs Kroase and Gorlinsai, it caused a buzz among the at locsl artists, will . assist. Box ceiver,, but when Jndge Zane asked torneys, oflke now open for reserved seats. leave to appear for the schoois.matters grew decidedly Interesting. .Messrs Williams and. Peters looked' at each "As Yon Like It." and the glance Indicated that other, The fact that there was no .percepti- they were net at case under the prop ble diminution In the attendance at the osition. One attorney leaned over Theatre last night Is of itself a striking and remarked : "I guess others want testimonial of our citizens to the cap- a hand id this. It J ndge Zane gets in ability of Louis James and Marie he will make that $10,000 business feel Waluwrlght as artists on the mimic pretty sick, and there will be some stage. The transition from the deeper fun." Altogether there may be some shades and more robust passages of interesting features before tne case .1 "Virginias" to Ihe light ana even airy closes ap. deportment of "Orlando" was cerTHE RKCKIVBB'S ACCOUNTS. tainly antipodal, or nearly so, and yet Up to Nov. 1st, the following is In either instance the stars were enstatement ef the re- summarized tirely satisfactory to everybody. This s accounts shows a range of versatility rarely reiver's BXCEIPTS. equalled on the modern stage. The company Is an excellent one; Decccmbcr 1 , 1887, rent of Tithit Is not especially weak at any point, ing Office and Historian Of fflce $ 300. 00 and is strons; beyond mediocrity December 1, 1887, rent of Gar7i00 do House (to Dec. SI, 1887).... throughout. They carry .their respec3, rent of Gardo House tive assignment throughout frem first January 7SC0 mouth ef January.. for , to last without hitching" or otner January 2, rent of Tubing Oflioe ; 200 00 for month of January.. ...... drawbacks, and pay more attention to February 1, rent of Tithing Of209 00 details thau Is always done by others. fice for month of February. . 1, rent of Gardo House Is one instance last evenlag we February .". 73 00 for month of February thought there might have been an im- March 2, rent of Gardo House . 7500 for month of March.......... provement; that was in tire wrestling March rent of Tithing Office i, sceao. Considering that it is an Inci200 00 for month of March I, rent of Gardo House for dent in a Shakespear!an,Bot a modern Aprilmonth X5.00 of Office for drama, a Jittle April 2. rentof ofApril.............. Tithing 200 00 month April... more attention ; to the' statuesque S, dividend on sou shares of would heighten the effect and be en AprilGas Co. stock................ 1,080 00 1, rent of .Gardo House for tirely wit: la the range of propriety Maymonth 78 CO of Hay.......... was Otherwise, everything 1, rent of Tithing Office for complete. May - month of . 200 00 ar May......... but sadly- - June Tonight the S, for rent of Tithing Office 200 AO neglected "School for Scandal," with for month of Jan. Mr. James as "Charles Surface' and June 6, for rent of Gardo House 7500 for montnoi June.. Miss Waiawrlght as "Lady Teazle," June 1,0 JO 00 9, dividend on Htm Co.fctock or umo j tonne ,wiil be played. This will be another July j, for rent 75 00 for month 01 July...... not a very en JuIvS.for departure, and rent of Tithing Office 200 00 for month or juiyu... joyable one. - - well-kno- wn . r : -- . " er . ever-popul- - latclv-eunrte- d W 40 f'oin-i'li.- - P. L. Williams said he thought the school trustees had no more right to be heard than did the ministers of various denominations or the City Council of Salt Lake City. The of the United States bad eneral appeared unconcerned in the matter, and had no representative present. Mr. Williams could therefore see ho . Tt InU-r.Oe- terest. 5 . . be-ca- - lot of la?t siason's Ladles' Newroarktts at i7. .", sold !at wlnnr at to 115 00. Ladies Black Jackets, (this if ason'f ) ati'i Vi, reduced Itom i7 w.. Ladies' heavy weight. Striped Jackets, extraordinary value, at S and .0 (Ki. Ladles' EngUsh Seal l'lush Sacques at 17 A $10 00 -- T 1433 curity. LeGrand Young, with 100 shares as security lrTB. Clawson, with 300 shares as security Also nroaissorv note or J tin Feramorz Little, sharp and interest at the rate bearing of 0 per cent, from March 2d, A.. V 33 Um 66 5,000 00 ot. 13433 33 lS7.anddaeonMarchSd,18a), Also Cure without ts. SO per share. 30,000 head of sheep. Til CYCIiOHAMA Battle of GetWsburi'- THE EDMUNDS LAWS. United EUtea Cases to be Tried In tbe First District. The criminal calendar for the No vember, term of the First DistrictCourt r at least that wing of It which is to held iu.Ogden, haa been set, and the following cases under the Edmunds laws are to and Edmunds-Tuckcome up for trial on the dates named ; Wkenesdav, Nov. 21. United States vs. Wm. Skeen; un FANCY GOODS AND TRIMMINGS. A line of this eeasou's Colored Drtsi Triuinlugs al U. and IS ceuis. and ii 00; fonar price i 2. and l Foster 5 and 7 Hook Kid Gloves, at This season's Handsome Dress Buttons at 15 cents a card. Ladies' Silk Mittens at l 00, f I 23, $1 40 and ?2 00 a pair. Ladles' Pure Lined, Cambric, Hems itched Inltjal Handkerchief, at 2.i;t anehaa Mmrmt aipoai in, D DANCE !iC.k'rTt L D- th. mnr ALBUM-lip- r;o I bsUads. mum so. Ksrssaiia bum at F varlattoiia. 110bmj4 vompaaiDMDta, and pp. 'joe. opm sTTanawsnta. sta. mnmm at ! h aoSBDoaan ILtHITUiCB ( irSAlt w Cirs. MM transnrlp. T AND" foe Prtea LYON A MKAL.V. Stats rtniuti. I JiM. oim wWtsnsrs, vnmtajo. asotwos S07.,3 g:i6 M AI'IT put l lienerai mercnanaise, at Prices." - This china, for prac tical purposes, is not what it is cracked " PEARS' Ilia Great English Complsncn SOAP. Sea EnnitaB." up to De. The first camnaisn reealia was worn d by Joseph, who had a coat. 1 erre Haute Express. ' 3 The star actress' wardrobe is Incom plete nowadays without a divorce suit ZTcrre Haute Express First Sophomore How do von man age to get your lessons so well with out "boningr" Second Sophomor- ePrivate tuition How do you do? First Sophomore I'rlvate intuition. Mistress I am to have company for iKSTABLISIIKD 1870 ) dinner can't you think ' of something nice ' for desert; something lignt and Yis. Cook airy and mum. How would baker's bread do? We take pleasure announcingto to our Establishadded tea have that Clothier Yes, we want a few women and the public to sew in the pants department. Have ment i Jtefriaerator. whiclh enables xts to you ever had any experience in bast ins pants? Applicant Weil. I should the jmblic OUJC remark; I taught in a primary school 24. Nov. Saturday, v United States vs. Alexander ilill.Jr.; lor lour years. Wife Don't consider Young you adultery. United states vs. raui rouison; un marriage a means of grace. Oeorge? To ANY MEATS that have ever been offered to tht Young Husband (who has already been lawful cohabitation. SALT LAKE COXSUMlUiS. forced to play a second fiddle in the 26. Nov. Monday, DUU9CUVIU f VD, BUI IfUIUK. IB MEATS BtTY WHITE & SONS BEFEIQERAT0R United States vs. Elijah Box; un of grace that leads to repc nUnce. . - t lawful cohabitation. jw 1 jl.-- A TTTfWf J rTl m,AT Ttf rfPT1 XT In: trying to obtain a inry for a mur United states vs. jonaa tu vans; der trial at Hudson. N. Y., the other adulterv. and the district attorney asked an nronerltt cared for. JEQ UAL 8 ANY uuitea states vs. jonaa n.van; un day. Irishman if be would har,g a man If he M UTTON WOULD. lawful cohabitation. he was guilty of murder United S'.ates vs. Edward lObbina; thought "Shnre. it would'nt be me that would unlawful cohabitation. hang him; it would be the sheriff," was tne answer. Tuesday, Nov. 2J. 4k cents per ts. Beef Carcasses, No. 1, United Slates vs. Niels Hansen : un . - . - . A a cents per th.v No. 2, lawful cohabitation. - ' r nI , cents per, United State vs. Niels P. Ulsen ; un Mutton Carcasses, No. 1, lawful cohabitation. Ramsev. la Kanosh, Millard .County, Wednesday, Nov. 28. 31, 1888, John Ramsey; born Sept. 2i Uoited States vs. Axel Christenseh; Oct. ISO4, at Haden Bridge, Northumberland, adnlterv. United states vs. ureaerica a. ixew- - Kugiand ; baptized March 2 1851. by Elder R. Shaw, at Middlesbrough, Yorkshire, bereer: unlawful cohabitation. . Unltea States vs. iNieis r. xtasmua- - England j emigrated to L'lah in 18G2. mlssiw.totisi-sen; uniawiui conaoitation. Deceased was a member of the nigh Oss. H. Tayler, H.Tayfor, Assistant Maaafsm ttssrge ftoaiasy. United States vs. Geo. Uraenl; aaul Priests' Quorum and died as he had lived, O. D. Ksataay, 6serstsrr aa4 Trsaaarar. iu aoiutr. j. terv. : if. Anaatroag. in the faith of the restored Gosper of United states vs. nengt reterson; firm Jesus C'hrisU-- f Com. y unlawful cohabitation. Millennial Star, please eopyf : Friday, Nov. 30. Ubited States vs. Henry Bott; adnl tery ; two Indictments. War Drpartaieat, Slgaal Serf ic. Uuited States vs. wm. Willie; nn lawful cohabitation. United States vs. Wm. Williams; DAILY WKATHEIl BULLKflN. to-Al SaU htLks Cttg, Vth, on Kortmber 1 7, adnlterv. taken at 8 o. 18fi. Obtervatioiu United States vs. Annie J. Hensen; 76th lieridi n time, at all stations. fornication. IHiiKUOHlC- -. Saturday, Ukc. 1. wniD. 1KB. ' United States vs. Adram Hlllam ; riACB OF unlawful cohabitation. United States vs. Louis Lund: un lawful cohabitation. United states vs. feter u. Jensen; a it unlawful conabiUtion. United States vs. Ilenrv Tlngey ; un lawful cohabitation. 44 16 CPdy Mgl United States vs. Ueo. uavis; un S.L.City..j -- 10 3, On Block ,Calm Clear of V. C. tieiena....! Depot. lawful cohabitation. 10 s B Light :Clear Ft. Ouster. H 12 Calm 'Snow United States vs. OleAnthon Jensen; Boise Citv.l 31 6 30, unlawful cohabitation. Washakie.! wU'em'real United States vs. John Ilalzren. un w (Light iSnoW BawllW.,r 28 20 lawful cohabitation. Signal Serviee reports taken at 11 a. m. Monday, Dec. 3. S M. 8 r. Light - Ilaiu S. Wheelwright: s. L.Ony .. ' United States vs. . , S Llgl S Rain . ; V : f to Ogden .... unlawful coaiDiiauon. v Calm tCl'dy . . Stockton vs. un James wray, United States "I-Calm ICl'dy Bingham.. lawful cohabitation. 5 Calm way Park City..; v vs. James Keller, un. Provo...... United states 0 . lawful cohabitation. vfijgiit Snow Altai....... Ktc, for our "I!cd Rock ; LINK OF Service Unequaled. so: WE. OFFEU OUIt ENTIRE LINK r, OB LADIES', MISSES' AND CIIILDKEN'S Etc., AT COST! COATS, WRAPS, fy No w WHITE & SONS in ffa BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, ROBBER GOODS, parti-colore- d? tVLL IASK Of A 1 FULL A rightclearcomplexion Soft healthful skiiu -- n -- iVIiolfsalc and Retail, Fair white hahdsr1' Tbe-ma- n without-a navy is what the Indians would call Secretary Whit bigb-prlce- RAT TO SAVAOK'S AHT DA7.AK, OtTKR rs FItOM TIIK FOUR WINDS. ney.; BARNES. LEWIS & CO.. N that place. The marriage was secret. The members of the firm of Browning, lung & Cj , here refuse to talk. lawful cohabitation. United States vs. wm. bKeen; ior- nication. . United States vs. Marina waiters; fornication. United states vs. Joan inorpe; un f awful cohabitation. United States vs. W. 11. Maugnn; unlawful cohabitation; two indict mcnts. Thursday, Nov. 22. United States vs. James Uansey ; un lawful cohabitation. . . United States vs. A. Me ariana ; un lawful cohabitation. United States vs. Martha nvansen; fornication. United- - States vs. wm. nicrxeai; un lawful cohabitation. United States vs. lloroert ravage; unlawful cohabitation. United States vs. Henry btanaer; un lawful cohabitation. Fiudav, Nov. 23. United States vs. Uyrum Bowman; unlawful cohabitation. United Suites vs. Henry btanaer; adulter?. Umtea S'.ates vs. jreaerica tucuter; unlawful conabitatlon. United States vs. John Hurt; un lawful cohabitation. United States vs. Alanson Norton: unlawful cohabitation. Uoited States vs. unaries Keeiy, un lawful cohabitation. ,, $3.(0 St! Lduis, Nov. 17. A few weeks since a special dispatch from Louis iana. Missouri, appeared in the 1 s Dispatch ot this city, announcing the or Henry w. King, jr., wno marriage was shot and killed at Omaha today, at er A n, mono ir.froa fall r. GOODS- - Men's Nautical Wool Shirts and Drawers, Jseavy weight, at W cents each. Men's Seamless, Soleid, Knit W sol Socks at 25 cents. Men's UnlaundrieJ, pure Linen Bosom, perfect fitting shirts, at M ceuts. Silk Hemstitched Handkerchief, at 2 and M cents. and. Japanefe Chinese .. .. ... . t Xtl t Anid w. lient'S lriso iinen, iiemstucnea naouaercmetp, vunw r.msflj 'TAtiDARD Incb, All Wool Tilcot, in good colors, at 4 cents. inch All Wool Tricot, In Myrtle and Bronte only, at M cents. cent. inch All Wool, Ladies' Cloth, in Navy Blue only, at GENT'S FURNISHING reffuires the person performing the ceremony return with the license, within thirty days after I ho signamarriage, a certificate over bis own ture and countersigned by two or more witnesses present at the ceremony fcftUinii the date and place of the marriage. These suitable for either a civil oflrei tcrtincates, or an Elder of tho Church to use, ran l had at this office is any quantity, and fro hats Clerks ouirht to keep some of tbeiu or bsnd-aleo- , so that if Ihcyroulr the person apiying for a marri'igt tupply license with a cortittoate also, to provirfi1, urainbt the poeaibilit y of the person who to officials in perfonubig the ceremony no' having one to farnishtbein with. ex-Que- Also corporate stocks as follows: 300 Co. of the par shares Salt Lake City Gas4732 shares les-ere- t value of J100.00 per share ; Telegraph Co , of tho par value of $;0.'.00 of Dr. yunn's Liver Pills. HUT. UUBlUt VI Pimples is tbe Face; relieves tall; removes and trusteesJLV1K, ol Columbia1i1UC College have de BUltousness. DigesUsa. Omfy cided to establish an annex lor women. one wimproves eenta a oox. for a London. Nov. 17. Business on the Stock Exchange was suspended today in order, that tn bnudlng may be cleaned New York, Nov. 17. Jack Splank and "Ginger" McCornick, both of City, fought eleven desperate Jersey on rounds Long Island this morning. t Splank was knocked Vienna. Nov. 17. Kins Milan has of fered to cot Arm the right of Natalie to the title of Majesty, provided she foregoes her intended protest to European courts against the legality of the divorce. Durham. N. C.Nov. 17. John Mark- ham, a wholesale merchant, assigned ID yesterday jor jyo.ooo due to the failure of tbe Durham bank. Other failures , OF TUK ... are already announced aggregating a million and a half. if Tho decisive struggle of the late Civil London, Nov. 17. Dispatches from . War now on exhibition on West Australia show that the peoole of Temple Street. South from New South Wales and New Zealand are Temple Block Corner. of tbe same mind with the people ot na Queensland on the right of the colony Opei from IO . na. tUl 11 p. to be consulted regarding the choice of governor. ,;. ct-nt- GKX-era- j , last nizht for drunkenness and profanity, deposited $10 with the Police Cowt clerk for the offense. J. F. Cordkay was arrested today for doing business without a license, lie left $10 security for his appearance at the trial. Tins funeral services of Jesse Wtst, Jr., will be. held in the Sixth Ward meeting bouse, at 12 o'clock tomorrow, instead of In the Fifth Ward as previously announced. . Jame4 M. Hall, who is being held at Ogden on a charge of fornery, tried to escape from Jail .last night. The resolution and prompt action cf Officer Robert Chambers prevented the success of Hall's scheme, thougu the olllcer had to knock his prisoner down with a revolver before he could keep him. Ox Thursday evenisjr, Nov. 22ad, there will be a grand concert and ball, at the Salt Lake Theatre, in aid of the Hebrew Benevolent Society. It will doubtless be one. of the moot brilliant affairs of the season, and the proceeds are for a wortny object. We are in receipt of an Invitation from Air. Fred. Simon, secretary of the executive committee of the society. , Loan Utah The and Trust Company is a new incorporation of a number of well known business man. Tie stockholders in the association are : Lewis M. Saurtliff, Nils C. Fly Rare, John Watson, Henry II. Ilolapp, Thomas J. StevensFrank J. Cannon, Joseph A. West, Matthew S. Browning, John M Browning, Charles C. Richards, Fph-ralH.fye, Danial Hamer, Thomas Y.Stratford, Nathaniel Montgomery, Franklin S. Richards, Nephi W. Clayton, James U. Movie, Isaac H.Clayton, Joseph Barton, llicy H.Jones, Thomas. F. ltouecbe and James T. Hammond. we-don- FtK inr. ihm lsi MUSLIN UNDERWKAlt WENHolidayTUGoods, and have marked down the following lines ol under AND DIVISION Cards, a hoiue invention by D. C. GIHL WANTED . which games very fascinating ts Wray, by DO GENERAL HOUSEWORK IN A young people may be piayt-- and learned In rO small familv; no children. the easiest and most ready way possible. Onlv 40 cents per pack at the Dkrkkct ,'MBS'. JOSKPH BULL, Apply to ' News office. A liberal discount to wholeNo. 222. w. First North Street. sale nurrboscrs. ' d, ' 1 - blood-aad-thund- Clerks tq issue in case of every marriar performed, to- be obtained in any quantity a the DEstKirr Mews Ornca. -- at which the Examiner's report was .......... 11 Nona Hunter.loiat.... p.m. w.m. Mountain Dvll.... Services ; ln foreign, languages are conducted" as follows : Seaadiaavian, Social II ail, 10 a. m. . German, City Ball. 1(1 a. m. '? S. Auams arrested SUCH AS THE MARRIAGE LICENSES, law requires Probate 5 !nlj Rlerton Kngbton . deueral Reduction Sale ! FOB SALKI . MM (DOTEM , Cottonwood.... ?oulh Cotton wrosd.. t'nion North Jordan Uraper tiraaite Jlemman In the show window f John C. Cutler & Brother are specimen blankets, probably the finest and best ever produced in the west, California not excepted. The wool Is so fine as almost to be silky to the touch. The material is not pulled, and consequently the blankets are not so bulky as some that are greatly infe lor in quality. The pulling does not add to tne excellence ot the article, however, although some prefer blankets which are put through that process. That is generally a feature of those imported from California.) In producing those now in Cutler & Brother's store, the Provo Mills beat their Own record in that line of manufacture, . A NABBOW ESCAFB. Col. W, K. Nelsoa,of Brooklyn.came home oner evening, feeling a peculiar tightness In the chest. Before retiring, he tried to draw a long breath but found it almost impossible. He suffered four days from pneumonia, and the doctors gave him up. Dr. Acker's English "Remedy for Consumption saved hlsa and he is well- today. S X. C. n. L. Drna- Kiev. BEDDING'S Superior Blankets. ' ; RELIGIOUS SERVICES. at Co. stork 1,100 00 July 9, dividend onjGas 3, for rent of Gardo Angast ' House for month of 75 OS August.. August 3, for rent of Tithing Of- ' 200 00 fice for month of AojruHt.... ' Likelihood of Lively Developments September 10, for rent of Tithing J Office of month for Septemla tlte Church Cases. 200 00 ber..'. September 10, for rent of GardoSeutemmonth House of for 71 00 Jt OCK ZAJTE APPEARS FOB THE SCHOOLS, ' ber.... October V from note for suits dismissed in the Third .Dis137,666 15 trict Court Lett Us Whsls AsMsat fee Taas for Attor-wOctober 4, from interest on above Fee, ass Iscideatal Excesses." 2,238 60 note... Oct. 6, cash received in lieu 73,000 00 ofcatUe 4, for interest on above Yesterday sfternoon, before Judge Oct.money 00 E.T. Sprague, two more witnesses, Oct .ft, for cash received lor 1,000 00 3,000 stock sold... .Dkskkkt Nkwr M. Klrkpatrick and C. W. Bennett, , for rent of Gardo House testified as to the amount of compen5 00 for month of October sation they thonght the attorneys lor Oct. 12, tor rent of Tithing Office 00 200 of October the receiver In the suits for the Charch Oct.for12,month fet rent of Church Kariiv o0 00 for month of Octoter property should have for their year's 13, Dividend on Gas Oomp y services. These witnesses also were Oct.etock 1630 00 of opinion that $10,000 each, or .W.OOO 9.074 75 Total in all was not too much. It was ad , THE DISBURSEMENTS mltted, however, that their firm did not receive half that eura In the D. & Of the Receiver show that he attorneys, inpaid out for special clerk K G. 'cases, where ot stenographers, . tor uie courts costs, and lees volved reached inio tne millions ......... . $2,179 40 of paper.. The "compensation" claims have For service and City County. Territorial . 1,203 50 taxes been so cnu&ually lame as to attract of for general expense oewe general attention. One prominent at- Leaving lor the Receiver's clerks' salary, rent of office, torney suggested "they think they have of parties searching expense a iat goose to pluck, and don't mean for property, and incidental to leave any pickings." The state of expenses ot tuc omcc."V BREAKERS AHEAD. fc3 CHOICE patron put beor all II is the time to secure Jiargains. :o: AND KG G8 ALWAYS llUTTKJ VmtmM Jb . n ON If AND. AAWJUAAJI .1 JL Jk.Jk.ISJ m. mjsjlts tn a. FAR SUPERIOR CONDITION! " M. - . m WBt IN TJIE . - BEEF . WJECITJD2 j Li- - 4 list. WHOLE8AUE DKATIIS - - . & SONS. "BgllPjj. jt ri"SW (s. LTJMBBKY4!PD;;fv;-- STEAM PLANING MILLTX1 j I' is: TAYLOR, ROrJlNEV; ARMSTRONG CO f: tsr -- -- . ear "XA1LT skkakjabt" wim Ahvct rtf raseitsrartahl Zaaatls4 Copper Ksssrvair. Of TUB AG. - OT rXCLTLXU P.T7". ueies ass Better Than the Best Heatisr Thaa lha Heaviest. HOST OOMFUsTTB ITOTJC mix IM KVEBY KMriCT. 1IADSEN & CO,, 39 & 41 e. FIRST SODTD ST. East 1 -- f MATTERS OF INTEREST Garfield....) j. Tuesday, Dac. 4. United States vs. John II. Barker nnl&wfnl cohabitation. United States vs. Andrew Hansen. aniawful cohaouation. United States vs. John Ash. Stn. unlawful cohabitation. United States vs. Eisa uisen; lorni cation. United states vs. Tnomas is. ueim : . adultery. , United states vsane ueim; iorm- cation. . ' ... . WBDSKSDAY,. JJKC. o. United States vs. Matthew B.Wheol: , . adultery. wnght; United states vs. uatnerine Gardeners and Farmers . - t w neei , ruii luv Brighton's. SEEDS. WE ABB THE PRODDCEUS Ol are the best In the world. They arethe best lor al. They P. ILt'lTZMAUBiCB. 8ergt Signal Corps. climates. They are earlier, more hardy, vlgerona ana productive than tnoat a Urge stock of Iresh seed and bellevt mm in lower altitndes. We keep We we can rive you satisfaction. unhesitatingly atarm that no bettej that COAL!! caw In seeda than those we deaf be fbocuud. Bestowing such assiduous Rock Springs. Red Catoo. Weber care noon them, we feel Instilled In saying our seeds are uhstjrfassk la and Pleasant Valley. Order from the nuritv and oualitv. We do not pretend to be the only house In the west sellln Union Pacific Company. C. E. Want beews." but we do claim that we nave the very best seed corner Main xoktherji-geow- k office and agent; land, several Second South, to be had anywhere; and that has not been all over the country, forboxes a in commission boxes, as we do not send out any commission Seeds for our Northern-grow- n ; JBnekleai's Armif Halve. all, as so vany do. Ask year home mexchaht oe soia t anu snura are as low as rename stocxs can The Best Saxvk in the world for Oon attendlBC the Drover conduct ef the see labor and fnr ths hmbh Cuts, Braises. Sores, Ulcers, Salt easiness. We ask a trial order from all who have notoswT out Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped for circulars. to? toe UTATI NUKSKIiY CO. air correspondence . . Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all sain General WesternAddress u tan oau Aency, city, and positively cares Files, Eruptions, 4 GOODWINS C(WMhMw!i M'nn. BBASLAN KOBTURUP no or pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 23 cents per box. For sale by A. C. Smith 4 Co. Salt Lake City, Barometer nuY jV ., , V.', - NORTflERJI-GTiOW- N D seed sold 20.98. 'ds4attaHSMsjlBV4HBaHaMiSB pr by uav COAI: f ,in. . L!. 1 ' M T v ... .1 ' V. iu mcu wright; fornication. U nited states vs. aisry J!uen w ara fornication. United states vs. Peter. Swensoa; nnlawful cohabitation. United States vs. Peter Swenson; adultery. Thubaday, Dec. 6 United States vs. Peter Anderson All kinds of Grass Seeds at v . Baixavr & Sons. adultery. vs. wary ti. unggs United states Seed Rye and Winter Wheat adnlterv. Bailey & Sons. United states vs. 1. unaries neory .:f;te;s? conamtauon. uniawiui Berrett; of Gas Fixtures at united istates vs. uuver a. smun Latest Style Hkesch & Ellebbeck's. r nnlawful cohabitation. 493 First South St, dtf United States vs. Absalom 'Wooif unlawful cohabitation. If yon want to buy tbe right kind of goods at right prices, go to F. Auer-bac- n Bro's one price establishment W. It. Atkins, of New Tork. who was In Salt Lake with his wife and two Fears' Soap, is the most elegant children a few days ago, are la trouble toilet 2 , adjunct. in Denver. The cause Is said to be when husband's which, infidelity, the ,, arOUSlT't ai(HfBIIt discovered by tne wife, naturally caused a rnmnns. When Mr. and Mrs. Recerdf License Mrri?e ig lorui, cyn-ol- f si ' '.V ItioUd Atkins were on the street together la this city they attracted consldraJ atwiuoat roues wriung, or up tention, as he was of commanding fig a- - v rt otner Etna 01 n?coras nure, fully six feet iu height and lupc-in- g can obtain them on horl presence, while his wlfa was a ta'l. V ainl reasonaMo te MM at ir bandssrme blonde, with a h'aiy colli La a," :i:aei f.fcws vateiynanncr. P ' iae fis., . David cFames &z Co. -- ' ' ly Mrr.tri: -- mi- - ' ,: 1 - . . . 1 - rf PLDUBERS. WM STEAU FITTERS uuu as riumllny Uatcrial, rumps, Pipe and Fitting: turn. Heating Supplies, Tin and Iron Ksoflng, Qal mnlsed Iron Cornice Guttering', Ete. 1 GARDEN HOSE AND LAVN SPRINKLERS, ivo, or D xiaiw oxniaisXs . CoBftata Fenco -- nvmmiisn ciTin vrwis i t JWJ Atw uauiM kwva FACTORY AND YARD, A mi v Oence IlacMes mi VL CORNTEpm FIRST SOOTH STREET. SOUTH AND oTAiti win |