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Show 1 I M ; ;:ii'M8lRBT - - i in ' :' - ' ; ' JEYENIM G NEWS. - i : ' ' V t I MONDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER lilj 1888, SAIT LAKE CITY IICAGO TRADE. NKW YORK MANF'C 4 I." V MAS i CO PLI U BCR5 ACTC IIKI'8 OF t. rf.tnilHry Water f?!osU," tt and Vab Ptsndu of be Bath Tul. I and mot.) "r latest . ' proved Mvg. Monarch, Porcelain Tlaln and Rolled Edf latk Tab,Lanrtry and fiu Klichca (Hop and Pantry. Sinks, and alL Imda o Plumber's Materlils in Iron, and Cr.i. Copier, and Cabinet Wora incidental i .PhubUBK. Is,, Tu, .'.!' I r i fW. CiMMl chica&o. for WriU IXlf 1 u rs.nAi r. jjlLa III Wed Ubi ..? IUuttrated Catalogvt. oiui i FOU8HED O M BLUKO. iI 1 W tz 7aia. garaate4 1hy taBt .rNiliaI,a4 hat HaT 4k 6a am 7 S. O. M. L aca ( je U 4t taaa aay atkar. Will Im4 a f aaUa(acUoa la(r M4a by U GHJCiG0, ILL. r a r La M. t aai kMMfe atoraa. f . M " KIRK'S 1 i REPUBLICANS CfcLEBBATlSO. Eleetlaa Ketcfraa. ' midday, bat there was a ienewal cf demonstration at 4 o'clock, and 11. Nov. is It Impossible Tlse HJ deans Ola' Created by Victor tha conservative club was compelled atRichmond, 1 1, this time to give the vote of thU lana Pollllciaas. i Two Largs Staamara' tJollide One o to erase us uoors. state, as official returna have not yet Indianapolis", Nov. 10. CongratutTSPABALLELED UVKBOat. Them in a Sinking ton been received. The Dispatch today latory telegrams continue to pour In ditlon a tabular statement, giving upon Genoral and Mrs. lIarrlsod The Khalilajr Details .MM KaM pabllabed Prof. Kedzie,.of the Michigan University, who the estimated vote bycountles. This total Hlare Eapleatetfl); f pemo:j. has now reached about 0.000. shows a majori-- tor cieveiam of up of classes Jf are all from Ii. JT. people, is Louts, oat Tbey dispatches St. of it oeiievea wards tUJw, tais Ifurrowlna; Particulars of the Ter bat by far th? larger portion came all guperintendod the examinations of various brands of from Pittsburg, Ktosss, gits tbe fol m&iarltr is considerably oter-cs- ti rlble Mine Kxplosioa from individual worklngmen or labor official tnat is tbe It mated. expected some of the incidents of tbe relowing as win oe announced within tne representatives. Asasmany as 4,000 la Kaatst. veteran mine horror of that place. Far hoars result and maoy next three days. publican clubs sent baking ptnvdera on the market, and made an official govern ooncratula-tionafter the explosion, which Ban fled oat drganteatlons this their number the Among large ChilsMS Blewa. Celebration of the Anniversary of the the lives of nearly a hundred men, tbe Associated Press representative this scene at the tit distressing. Nov. 11. A dispatch from afternoon noticed a despatch from men t report to. the National Board of Health, Washington, Hanging of the Chicagd babies clad with women, Poorly i It 1 announced that Senator John Mitchell of Oeeeoa, . Anarchists Clasped to their breasts, came through Shanghai says of Governor M. P. Woodbury of Ver- the EmpfeJafow the or tne light cast lrom daughter the darkntss In somo brands we found excrcnu-ntitioraont, Congressmen John H. Gear ol D mjb: bonfires,- looking like bagsard. un ager's brother has been selected as the of IdwS Thomas J. Henderson of 1111 from the other A European Wat Declared to be canny beings Emneror of China. Li nols, Patrick fiagan of Nebraska, Some shrieked above the consort of thedemands' world. tbe dlamUsai of rreaiaentoi tie Amaiwamatea associs aiimonia, in still others we found alum and other foaeign InInevitable by aa Italian storm and muttered as .they fell HungCbang Mr. Dennick, the American adviser of lion and many others. ot ShdUlderS on the The weather was nnfavorable to helpless the King of uorea. it is stated tnat Authority. stronger neighbors. Still others were Viceroy has ordered rifles, night for the great ratification meeting gredients, leaving on our hands, as tho results of our lahoi i Qcbang mad in thdr despair and tore their hair Ammunition etfl.. to .the Valna o that was advertised to take place. and garments, ana woa;a nave aasnea firta of Ludwig Lowe Early in tbe day a drizzling rain set in the from 75,000 By Telegraph to the Kewb. loto the tomb headlong but for the of Benin. and continued until nightfall. The Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder, upon which to fix al f tWa JsTKABKBS COULIOK. and streets were conse strength exerted by minerarora other sidewalks shafts, uoe poor woman, whose Husand alto KaOarats af Laksar. quently deluged with mud. band and two awaar were In the pit, lay Oae at Tnena la a Maklaa. Jaat tbe most disagreeable getberltwas Nov. annual lSDtAXAroLis, of panty and wholesomeness. . children besides ber three . v youngest atUeta. day ot the season. In viewanol the unere and then tell in hysterics session Of the General Assembly of tbe favorable outdoor outlook for biasing Nw York, Not. 11 The Canard among them. She lay unnoticed in Knights of Labor will .convene here demonstration, tbe committee having in charge, eany in tne aiier-noo- a steamer Umbria collided with the this position until morning, when she next Tuesday. The iessiol will be the affair removed to her bourn, a raving called a meetinz and postponed ii Fabre steamer Iberia about four" miles was one of the most interesting la the his man-'ac-. the ratification till uext Wednesday At one time the crush of women and tory of tbe organization. One of tbe night. However, tie postponement by .Thie iK)wdcr never varies. A "tnarrel of off Long Beacb Hot;), fast beyond was so great that it was points around which the contest will the committee was too late to prevent parity, strenjetb and wliolewomenesn. More Rockaway, Saturday 'alternoon. The children ei'onomical than the ordinary kinds, and Iberta was violence would be necessary in centre will be the election of General tbe arrival of a number of delegations feared her badly having damaged ennnot be sold in couietition with the mulorder to clear the way for rescuers. Master workman, also an executive Cntwfordsvlile. Clinton County. titude of lw twt, short weight alnm or whole stern cat off and the Umbria, The poor creatures fought each other committee and a full list of general from small delegations from several snd Said in eant. 00 men after taklug off t be crew ef phoaphate jiowders. only ofltiers. in Indiana and Illinois other 100 Wall St., and places Kor.iL Baking 1'owdeh IX Co., TaEIKDKSPAlB, lyinz by the injured shtD all alarbt. Master Workman Fowderly la ex Tbe demonstration tonight therefore S.Y. came Bp to the dock for repairs tbis and in some instances inflicted severe pec ted to arrive in tee city early te waa nurelv an lmnrornDta local affair. morniDx am o cioca. woeo sue leit punishment. As tight wore on, the morrow. General Harrison did not come dartfl the Iberia the latter Was slnkiog work of re:overing the bodies continGEORGE E. IMLLY& CO., TO THE FRIE5DS OF HOME ENTERPRISE: to town the westher being tae stern ana looked as ued until the floor of the engine house oauiy at crowos ana War Inevitable. eany urge inclement, wo . old co to the bottom ii she strewn with mangled men. Their Mmaficturert & Jobbers, began to congrerata on Pennsylbelore noon. Tbe Umbria was bat was Home, Nov. 11. Ktercito, tbe Italian vania rows were in tbe avenue and Washington Street. We would Bay that tern MAKE BOOTS and SHOES, bodies upon placed slightly injured and came back to her ground where rala and snow beat up- war office organ, in an article on the It was tbe same motley Sa t 4 BOADWAT, looking crowd aock merely as a precautionary mea- on them. Most of the victims were relations between France and equal MUCH MOllE Style that has filled tbe streets for tne past Italy, tew sure. According to tbe agent of tbe some were and mutilated, blowing tbeir tin boms and days, a DURABLE tbe line. Vcrner II. Brown, all tbe mark shockingly by signed high editor, authority Goods brought as be Imported to neus. as evening approacnea unrecognizable. disfigured she nore of tbe-- ogly wound she gave so "Both ringing All' were- covered with blood and in military matters, says: hunwere into several the reinforced we by Market, they all tbe Iberia was a ragsred edged bole In dust, and many were almost stripped France and Italy, with perfect good dred ont ef town guarantee Seams, an d republicans, notably Its dimensions about feet not that the do to intend . laitb. s!i as largest is Oil Low protest as tbey was Cloths. Floor' of their clothes. There nothing make an attack. Nevertheless war is the delegation from Crawfordsville, goods ' that are by three feet. Tbe bole is Inst abaft of of the first man brought Inevitable which was accompanied by five uni Made Class the extreme bow and Its lowest point left of on Solidly tbe Material. first occasion. France : 7 a o'clock the drum corps. At up- lrom tbe dreadful bole but about fire feet above tbe water line. bleeding endeavor to burst formed nulov trunk. The extremi mast sooner or laterwbksn rain ceased, and tbe people began SOLOMON BROS. Tbis Is on the starboard side. A small ties of la iron circle tbe the off. unity on of and blown been lhad tha Avenue Many Pennsylvania mtherlng bole was also punched la tbe plate searchers fainted. As fast, rOie. S3, Pine St., Mw Torla. the. Germany and Italy has bound ber. Let around the New Denlson, not knowing as on the port side, directly opposite. bodies were blame ber for such ah effort. that tbe bin demonstration bad been brought to tbe surface, no onecannot a oomiilete stock of thi Tbe Canard do otherwise than con- postponed. "Oitanliy people tell Italy there was a rush made to identify tinue well kujwn and Justly calcbrateo with Germany, be them, a dozen women in many cases cause in alliance TUB FOLLOWING S10KY: By 8 o'clock tbe Jam was terrific. the success or tbe French Tbe Or CT3sTFO one time scanning at were simply impassible, being engaged The Umbria left her dock on Satur- tbe bleeding fice of some unfortu- arms, facilitated by Italy's neutrality, and sidewalks into the muddy street tho far Blastlujd Kentucky RtOe, ' would soon be bitterly felt by Italy. crowd surged back morning at 10 145 o'clock with 215 nate. and 9a.lt Lawn, Duck, Klectrlo Fsae day making cabin passengers, 67 Intermediate pasItalian statesmen who nave failed to a hideous din with their forth, are thousands of bodies There still about la fifty 429 si eersge. Sandy Hook the lower levels. Some of tba victims recognize this would lead the country tin Tot sale at wholesale and retail by all tba sengers and dram corps, torpedoes, and boms, ' TO:' leading stores in the Territory, and by was reached at 13 :li and the pilot left were found Uuriod- - beneath . immense to destruction." their Incessant cheers. Within lastly wholesale only by J. W. fiaadera A Co., at 12:30 withoat incident. The wratber were was scene a of while others New Denlson the the slate, was hazy and was growing thicker all weights Agents. Salt Lake City. All in groups and in all kinds of Altar tbe Deaperadaes. repetition ot Thursday night. tbe time. At 1 10 tbe skip was slowed found men to be not were bad who of Two outlandish sorts garbs positions. down on account of tbe thick fog. been identified, were so tightly locked Nov. 11. Advices from seen, some wore Chinese aoiis on St. Louis, About five minutes later a steamer In each others arms that It was witb the Indian WEAL ESTATE. plug Territory Say a vigilance tbeir breasts, othersredbad their while whistle was beard on what appeared great difficulty they were torn apart. flinnel, ' 100 citizens hats covered with of to be committee, If job hare deal Estate to Sell; tbe starboard bow. Capt. composed NOBTHEBN-GItOWSEEDS. WE ARE THE PRODUCERS OF bad been caetns out a the blown not Their had stretch few paper log by eyes If you want to Buy Heal Estate; was on the so horribly of the. Creek Nation, was recently ed over their hats, giving them a most BUY sold by us. Tbey are the best In tbe world. Tbey are tbe best for all bridge. explosion, and their faces If yon have Houses to Rent;, As the whistle seemed to be crashed that the bones were ground formed for tbe purpose of capturing or If van want to Kent a unique appearance. many were covered growing - nearer the engines were into (the flesh. from the Nation, a band of with little fligsj while their head gear climates.. Tbey are earlier, more hardy, vigorous and productive than those If you have Money to House; driving The next moment Kansas City. Nov. 11. A Testes' desperadoes who have long been oper- rivaled s Sioux chief. Others again, grown in lower altitudes. We keep a large stock of fresh seed and believe stopped want to Borrow If a strangealtogether. steamer was seen directly special . you Come and see Money; in that section, making both, life wore red cslleo nanU. or blight col received tonight from Pitts us, that we can give yon satisfaction. We unhesitatingly affirm that no better across ahead bow tbe pointing to tbe burg, naasas, sass: oearcning parties ating and property unsafe. For two weeks ored coats, anything to be odd. When seeds than those we deal In-- can br frocursd. Bestowing such assiduous IT C3'i w. FIRST MUTH ST. northward. Tbe Umbria were engines a committee under tbe leadership theCrawfordsrllle drum corps marched at Frontenac Mine have worked with care npon tbem, we feel Justified in saylag our seeds are tjnscbpassbd in Immediately ordered reversed at full out cessation all night and today, but past of Captain Serblang and Wm. Enac Into the hotel at 8 o'clock, the excitenot but did that enough zen speed, prove reached its S3 been and have bodies additional and ment been enthusiasm bare the country scouring purity and quality. We do not pretend to be the onry bouse In the west selling DR. R03IAM1 B. PRATT. to neutralize the headway and the only taken out. The most astounding dis have arrested and delivered to tbe ith. Meu cheered themselves hoarse. nobthxrk g bowm suns," but we do claim that we nave the very best seed Umbria struck the stranger on tbe covery Marshal some 15 of the Horsemen were dressed in fantastic recorded during tbe wbole his- United States be bad anywhere i and that has not been all over the country, for several quarter, carrying away a portion tory of the disaster port was made today. outlaws. ' yesterday they surrounded garbs with their bats full of flags and to A BaeeUlty mad. at Seiaatiaeallx rears. In commission boxes, as we do not send out any commission boxes at of her stern. Orders were immediately 5 a.m., a relief equaa working at the house of Abe Carr, in which their coats chalked fall of figures. FolAt Seeds given to lower boats and make aa ex- the foot of the mala shaft were the notorious Barrett gang were con- - lowing this cavalcade came a band, all, as so many do. Ask your bomb mihchikt for our Northern-grow- n are as ion aa reuaoia sweu can us sviiu at anu aouru a iair amination of tbe Umbria, which was astounded see a man approaching cealed, and demanded their surrender. then aoont 400 veterans, who were also Una rsucaa for to TESTIBS THE EYE-SIGtbe expense and tabor attending tbe proper conduct ef tbe see done, with tbe result given already. Tbe reply came In tbe form of a vol- covered with flags-- and pictures. Sky business. We ask tbera. He was not one of their party, a trial order from all who have not used oar seeds. Write Tbe two steamers drifted aoart and aad believe there was a ley frriu their riflss. A battle ensued rockets, uoman canaies sna cannon for not did tbey . circulars. Address all correspondence to tbe UTAH NURSERY CO., lost Usee of each other for fall twenty living man in the mine besides res and Mose Mcintosh, a prominent eitU and torpedoes, In profusion greeted Salt Lake Cltv, Utah. somy alter getting nearer, cuers. Their surprise can therefore zen of the natien aad a member of tbe tbe procession as It passed down Qeneral Western Agency, FITTWG SPECTACLES. minute, Minn. uuuiiwiHD i:i., Minr-apoNUttiUttUf miASLAN the first officer of be Imagined when the mysterious vis- committee, was killed, and one des Pennsylvania Avenue into Market came outveterans ana was to the two " others Street. itor dimly op THK CRIPTLKD STEAMER tinea them, Following istaggered perado lined by the uncertain light of their wounded. Reinforcements were sent nearly a thousand nondescripts gorg Office at Deseret Hospital, corner of First name He aboard. His is Gulllot. get 200 men accounts had with at for and them last and oia ping ow nu '"Here, arrayea noia two lamps greeted North and Second West Streets. Warns said tbe name of bis men dressed brilliant-suit- s, was started from Muskagce and other eously ship was the let me have a light." It Spring- car track tblua car) paasaa tba Iberia ot th Fabre Line. The Iberia fellows., RoSO hours bad places for tbe scene of tbe fight. A and many of them shooting disHenry Burns, who for alike, bad sailed from the Persian Oulf on been building. Boura from 11 a.m. to S p.m. was He tbe beet man lost. the counted candles. among Perhaps ' Telephone 269. 21st with a cargo of dried fruit. quickly taken to the surface and there of dtf Sept. students play was that of the a iK rftCoffae. etc. There' were 3a men no told the story of Arfe of the Indiana Dental College. They oftU of inclusive told, HOLOCAUST. carried a coffin. Within sat an upright KASSAS TDE BKMAKKABLV I8CAFE3 &hsria had met with sn TjaMOST skeleton with a foot protruding, ine ii at machinery and bad from death on record. After the exbead of tbe skeleton was swathed Jn a to. been laving making repairs for plosion he was unconsclsus tor some, bandana, and tbe inscription on tbe fcibe about baa last got time, aad when be recovered found bis Ninety Bediee Recovered From coflla thirty hoars, wast "Free Trade Baby." The when the accident occurred. watch had stopped so he didn't know gfalfj underway students provoked storms of applause Mine 1 Horrible was the a Tbe Iberia of steamer about as they marched through the great r the time. He was suffering internal ,i 1000 tsns register and belongs in Marcrowds. Another device that caught Disaster. from Inhaling tbe bad air, but seilles, Fracce. Being in the middle agoales the crowd was a small coffin carried on was otherwise unnurt ana proceeded of the day there was great excitement to a pole, and inscribed, "Death to the to make of bis tbe .foot tbe way among tbe passengers on tbe Umbria. abaft, lie does not kn red banoanna," ana Dcnestu wure mo bow long bis The Next House- of Representa Tbe blowing of the whistle of the words. "Good bye, Ob, Groyer, .good removed After lasted. being Journey n, steamer on bad strange pat every body tives Will Have a RepubU-caAn express wagon naming a to tne open air ne.oecame nervous ana bye." the qui vivo to see whence the sounds delirious mammotn could not be made under granaiawer o nai uwr came, and when tbe Iberia loomed out stand tbe and Majority. three feet In diameter and painted red, full significance of what he of tbe fog tbe excitement grew Intense had was loudly cheered. Some half a dozen undergone. Burns could not realamong 700 passengers. drum corps were consolidated, and behad and two ize that day nights 'a Men were at once put to work The Republicans are Noisily Cele hind tbem came an endless mob of Cavisgr ssteeted r owa Clotks, sued havias; all ear goods made and be lost since consciousness, the repairing whose object was to ap ander oar own snpervlsioa, we are bow ready and are displaying damage to the Fiassed that people Were joking when '.. Harrison's General brating Cunarder. an was all It make as mnch noise as possible. Many told him it was Sunday morning Handsomest and most select lines ef Election. night's too. A plate of. steel !( ef they carried strings of sleigh bells. Others one of tne He Is well cared and be wPl for, being an inch thick will be placed over tbe all u bad bells and aevu's arums right la a few days. Ton'gbtltcan bole, which will be guarded with con- be asserted SO bodies have been boras and fiddles and their success MERCHANT TAILOR crete, the cteamer as strong as taken from that making naanestionee. Tuey marcha TMLOR-IIAD- E the mine, and probably Hotel Boarders at Indianapolis ever.- - Captain- at cMlcken. thoroughly and at are nine or ten more there. through tae city for two hoursmem TowV K scape to are Leavtas; exhausted, went ta bed when tbe there are Fisher Impanelled a Jury this midnight a goodly nam?er oi Umbria was docked. At noon tomor- Coronor still on the street. forenoon and allowed them to view the Din. Fearful row Umbria tbe to continue expects Has opened his The continuous run of tne past loir the remains. The inqaest will be OUOWN her voyage. has growa learf ally monotonous will be a tomorrow It days given morning. ILTIEJ W" and regutown to as down made the be w'll effort residents, every long one, to the Ncws.1 A Ml ver Stealer. AT lar boarders at hotels are leaving to by both tbe Company and the men to By Telegraph General accicause of ascertain the awful tbe escape affliction. All thisintime KABfSAa THK HOSBOB. BEiDGxroRT, Conn , Nov. 11 Miles dent. The fuaeral will take Ho. 25 W. South Temple Street, tobis library Harrison sits quietly place A. wife were Frencb and at arrested morrow. Superintendent Craig Is con- maetr Bodies Taken Oal rartf reading tbe news ef the day and cbat , (Opposite Temple) "" the depot In this city last night by de- vinced that occasional friends who call. " sla Have t C!nie. ' the explosion was duo to t'ng withhis '. WITH AH callers today were Genera an of coaiduat the as Among tectives they were about taking ignition following Henderson, St. Louis," No. 10. A special from Wallace, Congressman blast. Some of toe old NEW STOCK train for Boston. French has been overcharge miners are inclined to tbe theory that Pittsburg. Ktnsas, gives details of the Patrick Berry .of Chicago; also Join OF employed for the paat three years b. the explosion Is du-- to the striking of. horrible holocaust la the abaft of tbe Davoy. President, aad Joseph K. Kyan. tbe Bridgeport 'Copper Company, bis a pocket or natural gas. and Michael First ei ox tne nrl Pittsburg1 Cherokee Mining Company Brells, Second ! ore. t or sometime past be has and Protective League opper more last bad (.The company Celebration. Anarchistic night, been carrying aa a system of stealioir to They came expressly BBBBT Be ia also authorised by the lata V. than they could fllL and bad of New York. the of silver obtained. Tbe company bad Ckicaoo, Nov. 11 .The celebration ordera General, and were congratulate an been O. Tailors to pay and collect all debU ef of means of knowing the exact amount of the first force unusually large cordially received. anniversary was observed of running each ton of ere, here . be said Corporation. miners. Yesterday morning 101 da aandsilver taken from Si. Paul, Nov. ij. me victory oi Chitho of of the hanging today, they trusted to bis honesty. JWhen the republican national ticket was men were mine. lowered into At the Two loaded anarchists. trains a ton of ore would exceed tbe average, cago celebrated in a hundred cities and be would appropriate tbe excess to his carried several thousand sympathizers neon tbe shots were tired all right and towns of Minnesota and Dakota toUMDERTAKKBS. ' own use. lie sooa began to spen t out to Waldhelra Cemetry. The entire later the men descended for tne after night, torchlight processions.flreworka money freely aad lived far beyond his affair was rather Oret' SoX Patterns La beta lias staid Hedlam Grades. Onr gar- noon doty. At 8:30 they were ready to and blgblyfwrought orator being the BsraausaixD lata. tame, though tbe fire the Dakota In salary, which caused the firm to infeatures. shots first especially The shot bad menu Made, are trimmed up la the Tory fcest ot style, equal to Custom sgaln. vestigate matters. This resulted la il;rai contributions Were most elabor- been fired, bat 1 .; before a man could be enthusiasm knows no bounds; as tbe auad Fit sraaranteed. TAT LOIT, JOSEPH .:... bis arrest He or bis wife or both ate. After tba opening speech by hoisted a terrible rumbling noise was election of General Harrison is under made frequent trips to Boston, ProviOmr tepeases belas; small, we propose to give the. Public the and heard above, and a black cloud of stood to mean tbe admission of North 8 abert Beitzal of Detroit dence and New York, where tbey met a bymn rendered .by a soeialWt dirt and shot Into the air and South Dakota with little delay.. slata dust benefit, and- seU onr coeds reasonable, agents and disposed of the pi trader. Sunday school, tbe feature of the day from the mouth of the shaft, tearing Minneapolis celebrated tonighcwita When arrested last night they had was announced, and tbis, too was very away the tracks upon which the cage 10,000 people in line. St. Paul is preabout $20) worth of silver bars. It is tame. It was a letter lrom Albert It. was noistea ana miing tne snart witn paring for A grand commemoration on thought French baa stolen from $10,000 Parsons to his children, which, was not debris.' The exp osion occurred on Tuesday, to which the people of the to $13,000 la this manner. to be opened Until today. It was dated the east aide.aad Is attributed to tbe in northwest are an mvitca. Dungeon No. 7,Cook County Jall,.Ntv.. experience of some of the new men. Be Weaaf tm Cfcwrehi as UsaiaL was filled with kindly fore the men outside could recovtt their -th, 1837, and u : Ikteir & wav. nalnM f aad fatherly advice to bis children. senses, ons of the miners appeared at i LXDIA3UPOL13, Not. 11. Thepresl one thing has caused no . Probably Tbe letter was a disappointment to the the air abaft nearly suffocated. He was X7o dent-ele- ct f BV. 'S OfTtering' 'am Xieiader attended divine services listeners. at A. C. was too plain, and lacked helped out f ollowed by others, until such a &general revival of trade It this morning, as usual, at his church, the: of a large number escaped. How many, 8mith Co's Drag Store as their givusual words catch jJV t" of so Business-Sni- t GO. the First Presbyterian. lie was ac- the! revolutionists. William Holmes, is not known. There was plenty of ing awav to their customers Dr. of bottles trial free King's many an old friend of devoted at and those the Parsons, top companied by Mrs. Harrison, his son next made a wild speech, and was fol- help, tor Consumption. their attention toward rescuing their New Discovery Kasaellaad wife, and Mr. and Mrs. lowed Peal WE ALSO OFFEB AN EXCELLENT ;,."V trade Is simply enormous la this 0ETALUS. HSia 111 CtlTt CETEIE1 by Grottkan, a well. known entombed C3mpanlons. The faa boose Their McKee. - The chorea was crowded xrem tne tact tnai vaiuaoie article formerly of Milwaukee. was only slightly damages ana was very with strangers and others In anticipa anarchist,, canvas being tacked It aiwais cures snd never disappoints. first CIFFIIS MNM5IETSV tloa ot General Harrison's presence His principal thtme was tbe $1.90. Asthma, Bronchitis, that bad over repaired, tbe boles. About 1 o'clock tbe Coughs, Colds. After the services many members of allowed tbe working classes diseases throat and all long anarchists to be "murfan house was ready and fresh air was Croup.and rail Have at FVatHiaallJlCf the congregation gathered around and dered." the quickly cured. Yon can test It before Tae proper way to honor the pumped lata the driTlDr sac shook hands with tbe General and Mrs. min. mm a eaaataatly tnai ooiue tree, men, said he, was to lead to a the poisonous air and averting suffo- bayingsizeoy getting bottle Harrison. A large crowd awaited bis dead warranted. $1. Jvery successful issue the movement which cation. Attention was then turned to large demon and Talagraab Ordera preaipi coming oat. but there was no Taiepkeae had died for, the cribbing so that tbe cages stration. The day at tbe - Harrison tbey raising ly Oiled .A chorus of 300 male voices con- could be lowered. Men lowered into residence was a very quiet one. Tbe cluded Bediea preferred la their aatarai .' Knefew . JkSJEB the programme in a dirge-litbe shaft by a rope and bncbet could JZTF2ST; , general passed most of bis time In his song tnat charge, j TTAyXETO Jk. Tbe transition from long, lingering xormea a 2 a.m. conclusion tbe At or ruling the no'.hing. accomplish with aarOFcs jdat reading conversing library, hiqht. to the ceremonies. The weather was cage was ready to descend. Tne first and painful sickness to robust health FOUND MANY NEW DESIGN 8. AMONG WHICH WILL Maw MS &, family. Amonav many congratulatory aaa Wnfrrnaii Inclement and the roads very mudy. rescuing party was towerea into tne marks an epoch In the life of tbe Incommunications receivea yesteraay no ' nmaaaihaimi Is event a remarkable Such as an organized procession shaft. Owing to the bad air i they dividual. were letters from General Sherman ' Oae and a half bloeka Kaat ef Theatre, memory and the ' wasattempt made at the cemetery. The police could not remain, long.' On .the; first treaaared in tba aad of the Joseph uedlll, proprietor the We Call Special Attentlosi to our Handsome Line ot TAILOR- good health has Tel ep boa a Ko. 7ft. not would a ailow agency whereby in tbe return contained of . the it parade cage Tribune. city, $"''.' Chicago . Milwaukee, Nov. 11. oiessea. 11AOB TROUSERS, both la Foreign and Domestic Patterns Five hundred a number of uninjured but badly oeea aitainea is grateiuuy ' aaztevw OSae ha aaase batlalaa. heard in socialists gathered at Llederkranz demoralized men. The bottom of tbe Hence it is that so much Is So f MeAtHasr SVeaar Caatavaa. Our Complete Line of ' BOY'S SUITS aad CHILDREN'S Ktl. r. many uau tonight and celebrated the festival shaft was badly damaged, and it was ? raise of Electric Bitters. to restoration BUIfS are now, la and we solicit your Inspection of many new uovcl- iriLLiAn MADRID, Nov. 11. In anticipation of of soi row ocl tbe occasion ot tbe an difficult to get at tbe dead. As found, eel ?they dweusetheir tne to Alter Great of the of tbe anarchist execution. they were piled health, botat the tba arrival of Senor Canoras Del Caa nlversary together ana Tonic.- If yon are troubled tlee and Handsome Designs amongst them. UTAH'S LXADLHa It was an orderly crowd.and no blood tom, while the living and badly wound ative , tilo from Savllle, a strong force of jo thirsty anv disease of Kidneys. Liver or ed were hoisted to tbe top. At 4 a. m. with speeches were made. was Scli Agents for the Celebrated morn of long or short standing flice and this BtomAch; 1 military posted five m. been bad aad at p. rescued, DDDERTAKEB ' EUBALLIEB. ing find relief by use ef will you surely CoaU were more out four alive. Slaters. At along the streets through which the brought Bltaa Electric Bitters. Sold at 00c. and ft conservative leader was to pass on his they struck .aa entry con- ver Kansas City, Nov. 11. A Journal this timetwelve bottle at A. U. smith oo's Drug more at and this ' dead, taining M. way from the station to his residence. special from Benier, Mo., reports a hour, 2 p.m., there are 23 dead and 9 Store. Thousands of republicans collected at riot at tne coal mines at that place on wounded found, with 25 missing suptbe station early, and tbe arrival of to be dead., a .laffte number of Nearly al diseases originate from In Uanovas was the- signal for a hostile Saturday night. A strike has, be& posed tbe killed are French and Italian minsome months! and ers. A temporary- - hospital was pre- action of the llver.and this- is especially outburst. Tba mob surrounded and prevailing tbera Sta followed bis carriage, booting and there have been consequent rows be pared In the blacksmith shop' near by, the case with chills and fever, inter fevers and malarial diseases throwing stones. Tb windows of tbe tween the strikers,. and new men. a. where tbe most heartrending scenes mittent CeMlXBTS save doctors' bills and ward off To smashed by flying misi as the were carriage were witnessed and - diautaM taknr Ktmtnons Live? He ITU la His- 'wife was siles. struck shcit Urns ago a number ot Swedes badly ' burned men-- weremangled 'carried la. v AND ' with a stone" but not eerloualv In were eagazed to tak e tbe Dlaca of the David Tweed and W. Elwood died eoen tor. a medicine that Increases in popu ana aas oecnnie . -tae When tba carriage reached strikers, and on Saturday Bight, tha after being taken out. Tbe casualties moat every year, larity Bovolar Undartaker'a Oaetfs In Utah. jured. and best endorsed medi surrounaea feeling resulted in a pitched battle. are now placed at bi dead aad 9 intne parao gen Wheleaale aa Katau, at cure of liver In market tor tbe the cine C. " It to order tbe in " a was t J. occupants protect shot Anderson, i Swede, jured. - , ' ;, tai st BXI.T raucca i from violence. Similar scenes of dis though the breast and killed. Later.-- A special from 'Cherokee j or oowei ojseases. rh t-crap,a v , also ;1; " Lewer taaa ware ever etena ta Utah, . , order occurred outside of the residence and three other Swedes were Iowa. . Kansas, says r v Ninety t bodies nave buque. TH CXaVKBStATSiv PAT112TB II slightly Canovas. 'In order to escape tbe wouauea. been recovered. It is Relieved there aar LOTS and CjmATZl faratsaed ta aay of ' be drove to tbe residence ef -bis It Ifl rniBAKil that nut afritr are still it in tha mine. $ mob, Otty. All erdere ailed-leaaetary In theahariaat brother-in-la.r is not confirmed. Over tbis but g 'ascdjrtaln-inkilted, The la w eight ia the time yeaafble. ej prtaclpal difilculty " Tba crowd continued the demonstra. 100 shots were fired daring tha riots, or THUKV roa four tbbm mo lkasbbltaated tbe names of ilea the la aalles frsm mmPark JL am "il'H a i yeara. tloa tbe club a around conservative f and '.,7it,m i,.a and were number of bouses aa fact IVataiaesM CSeaeC a number ef that Water there pierced yras a larget ItMa U.hMfli. Btum Ik. tbe. conservative Journals. At the by stray bullets. The situation la men who were nbt known to tbe Pitts- MUailstoBe Farm," Knnntre of W. PeMrsea. B. Tfdjajt TtnmpU CL Epoca building everv window waa critical, aud tbe militia will be UnUhar, S W. First boath t Ban Iake & 00., 175 &"177, Xast Temple St. probably burg people, and many never will smashed. . Tbe agitation abated at oecaueaout. t. .' Sea1 taa. Tlehea4 UL Identified. uasu , city. 8UJXBAY DISPATCHES U j ill', the; BOARD OF linil II y -- e. th-se- 11-- DHian HORSE HAit Gt.. . VOL. XXI. C, OtapHnWoHailo i llUlOUllUliO. w TRADE. UTAH TERRITORY. The - Zsol utely P re. SOLOMON BROTHERS. '. I . . in ' ofA.3rtI 13T I NO, et. STRErJ 70 3XLIIV IVo. - EAZARD POWDER and Finish, and than any and Jrice any First -- No. 70 MAIPlT STHEjET' MATTERS OP INTEREST d WJ3JE3I si - ' PLOATmO 60AP THE CHIEF , ia IJalBw Tll !rr mw Waitl Wit tt ImMi; n4 fur. Mt kaa Wait Ctad dJr 4aa Aksltly aMl p. ea4 ta eaata far aaaaala caaa ta tha mmktrt, JA8. S. KIRK & CO., CHICAGO. i HENRY , ! i' WAGNER, Baalb Mrwt, Thr Nftla Mvt. N -- HT ' WITOLKlSALS AjfD RETAIL. Fa lria en . iCAUFORMAjBREWERY. ' Mc-Mlck- - SALT LASS CITT, : Gardeners and Farmers. 1 Ottr D MV - LI ud BUILDEB3. D liUU Of CONTRACTORS Shlnflet, Lath, fiokata, Eto. ar Lmk 8awd aad praaae ; t . OMaa. im 4 Wa HaHa; TBUtraoira Ka. 4a. ' aU. ; - pttft tiil'il si JL MB Saah, Door, Bllnda, Mouldlaf , Hi XT fill - 5 NEW ENTERPRISE - nn mil For - ah OfiiiA Clotli rag. . horn-blowe- i 0 r! . L " ' ' 91 1 Tin Dttciirnok, La ' - a .. saaaw- r - aav ravaalaatZ. C. JT.T. aa4 ita braaef aorea, Seara A Liddla and daalera xeaaralr. dl9 4lt Utrausboat tba Tnrntarr. vice-rresiae- Anti-Clevela- ST. .LOUIS & OHlbAQO, ' 0 atAJICTAOXUUU n n i tt?n at nd - i5r-- ink. AT PRICES J ' ii "- r(T OF ALL a for $9 An Excellent i ff mTimi tie BEACB Are small-ness"- i j CUTAWAYS, acks and Frocks. Vice-Preside- a ' J0HH KAK. T o n? H S s , ar aa DaaJara THE CITY. - Hi afaBafaotvrara m Prime AlbertSs i EmrinE LDflTSD. G4EUE1ITS EVER ! STORE I'OLFEBROS.&CO. FIE . - PHILIP SPRY O rs Child's Knockabout Suit for of Crrui ; Our Line4 of Fall and Winter .Overcoats ? ke at II - - - H mm, jos. . : rn - -r 4 , SIT, - - LilSISI - INI Fancy Percale, Full Dress, : ' Tka Soaihera White Lead is aaaaaiaetnred Leads, from tba beat relaed entirely and la ground ia Para LUaeed rif QiT.aad as the same of the Company ia placed ealy varUee baytag pon bTEICTLT Pblte Lead bmsded or eotauu. vaay are abaolntely a : - flU,' - A PiarOTL ABTlCLK. - bxvcj FANCY FLANNEL. - a- , - , - u w. --- 'llOiLCRE ITARMii tbe-vtcUt- IIotliGr's Frionfl Sliirt Waist o - fllSlLE IT1LL CEILEE5 II HHrTE LEU. I1A 4 , iiiapT- -w LIKJAN i |