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Show bELEE & EVENING NEWS, fay. AKt 37, IMS. t A' DREADFUL BOLD ROBBERIES. ACCIDENT. Cfl m CAOT Two Children Killed ana Another! Two Cltltetts Held Up and Believed His Discussion of Utah's Present t In a, Precarious Conditio. HiBMllMMm mL MflrKEII ROT-MI- - Condition. of Valaables. ' Calling is All th0 06. ' The following special dispatch to the S--r-H- rr-"There seems to be a "boom" setting I to tie News. Between Are In, but It Is of a nature that the citi- Herald gives1 a better, idea of the m. yesterday, as the rest- - zens feel requires prompt action on speech made by Hon. John T. Calne la and ' bi John' Victor SWKXSON was ad (fenoe of p. L. J. Jordan, a sad calaxlty the part of the conservators of the Congress, On Satdrdiy, thlti was conmitted to clticen&hlp today by Judge ocenrred throuzh the explosion el a peace, there kas been a large addition veyed In the . Associated Press ' . Zane. : one aallon, in to our population daring the past few contiiniDR coal ofrt&n p-vS Next Saturday the o and Pay-t- o juring thiee children, two of Brother weeks, and Judging by new faces to be Washington; D. C Aug. 23. In the bne of Brother Garner's. seen on the streets, a large pro- House today, on the consideration of eo bends take ait excursion Syra- - Jordan's and aced-fivsubstitute for DeleKate Dubois' Cleo Gamer, Tears, died at portion has been obtained from the the cuse. number ol 9:25 p, m. yesterday. who have no doubt resolution calling for the Jordan, Guy criminal class, ol granted personsinconvictedand There Is a message ( the Wester-Uni- axed ax years, died at 7 K a.m. today, been attracted here with the Ilea that pardons polTKAHiaas Uta practices telegraph oflice Tor J. A. Ed- after much suffering. David Jordan they would find a veritable paradise Idaho, Delegate. Calne, pf Utah, sup wards. suDeuiuie resolution i portea tne lies in a critical condition. in which to ply their nefarious call- inx It was perfectly Diain that that was the of cause the explosion ing. As a result 0! the innux of un original resolution was foe Chas. Jewett and Cbas. Fonn, for The ' Will Demonstrate During the Month of August, drunken nese, were lined $5 each in the throwing into the can of a match by desirable persons, most of whom hail litical nurooses. Ue earnestly fav r sub little Alvin Jordan. BotHfamUies are from the east, burglaries and kindred ored the adoption of thethe. comI'ollce Court today. statute by reported throws into the deepest distress and ofienses are becoming alarmingly fre- mittee, which would bring forth inforV Eioixk A. Henbiod, of American have tire sympathy ol.the entire com- quent. , mation showing conclusively that the Fork, has been appointed a notary munity. Mr-E- . power bad been exercised Oa about pardoning 10:15, Saturday night, in a few cases, where the facts public for Utah County. T. Taylor was going home from his only were such as to justify leniency, being on store Lewis Morrison appears at the South Temple Street. The the eases ot old nd feeble men. Ue moon was Just coming from behind claimed also tttet the information Theatre this evening in "A Dark-Sfor would demoiffltrBterwder THE FAIR. " cret." The curtain rises at 8. the mountains, and as he turned south called ' " on whose administration the laws had In Actual Cut of One-h-alf on First West Street he noticed two been J. rigidly He enforced,. most Tag Second Quorum of Seventies The Directors out the fact that when the law Meeting oa Satur- men standing about ten lods south of pointedwas will .hold its regular meeting La the considered by Congress, it of 182 EveniBf-Mttr- e Premiums. were also corner. the There people day uteeath ward meeting noose this was destined understanding that perwest. across street the Not suspecting sons who bad contracted polygamous evening at The board of directors of the Des-er- et anything he i07ed south, and on relations before the law against poC. Blqkd was arrested last night the Supreme Agricultural and Manufacturing re&Chlng the place where the strangers lygamy was afilrmed by disturbed, and for drunkenness. He was released on Society held anether meetliig on Sat- were, they stepped toward him. One Court, should not be the law ot 1882 the sixth section of -- is depositing Hr which was forfeited urday cteni-- t, there being present of them was about five feet nine inches gave the President the power to grant today toy bis failure to appear. President,Winder and Directors Rowe, high and of medium build. The other amnesty to a certain class of offenders, 1; was a powerful taa BOl less than six ttutthis had never been done. ; Bean, Arm;j Ta funeral service over the remains Read, Thomas, Empey, .Y.' ' V . , m&x M. ! , NO AMNESTY HAD BKKN G BANTED, of Sister Elizabeth R. Donkin. of the strong and Movie, and Secretary Wells. feet in height and weighing about 180 Searsueker and Fancy Flannel in The premium lists te le offered by pounds. The smaller ot the two pre- and the law had been enforced in the Eleven tn Ward, who died this morn-in.- ?, applicawill be held in the Eleventh Ward the society were tireiully considered sented a revolver and commanded most vigorous manner. Thebad been Mr. Taylor to hold up his hands. The tions for pardon which 'on Wednesday afternoon,, at 3 o'clock. and determined upon. the considered by President, favorably to same is be. back moved at list and the latter oCpremlums The complete were In nearly all cases recemmended The workmen employed on the Tem- published in pamphlet form during the time shouted for assistance, as be by the United States District Attorney, ple Block and their friends Intend tak- coming week, and will be widely dis- could hear person, tttdia the street. and by 'II lie declined to upon taePreslr, ing an excursion to. Garfield on tributed throughout the Territory. The larger of his assailants sprang notice the criticism . : reply ,to.tpe.n-Wednesday. We' are, requested to On motion of Mr. Tboffias it was de- forward and struck at him, but be dent's action, . of : the Delegate Mate that tickets can be obtained from cided that ah eftort be made to secure dodged and caught the blow on the from Idaho,remarks reviewed the lie briefly A tne electric lighting oi W. E, TTlakwoitb. exposition right shoulder. A second blow was efforts of the people of Utah during building, so that the fair may oe kept the past two years to settle the so OFFICE AND SALES BOOMS, 101 .& 103 E. FIRST SOUTH STREET. Messrs. Armstrong and dodged, this time the left shoulder re- called Tomobrow the. Hawaiian excursion open at night. Mormon question and bring that to te were attend man winder with the muchabused Territory, appointed into harmony FACTORY AND YAM), CORNER EIGHTH SOUTH AND bTATK kuad. ceiving its force. The to Syracuse takes place. Forty-tw- o matter. Few fest of ttenatlon,n Stylish, Well Made and Ciit, Udflng native Sandwich Islanders will take theOa motion of Mr. Armstrong the revolver eatne upt and as Mr. Taylor with tfle Morof the the he traced history his this, part in programme, which includes price of life memberships in the society ftai orcrniatched be threw up The mons from Nauvoo, describing what Xfe membership hands, still calling. for help. placed at holder bad to endure in their migration flinging, diving, swlmming.a barbecue, was to bebimseil heavier ot the two men pushed his they will entitle the Lake Valley, and sketched the to coo-i- eg Salt vegetables, etc. exhibienter for admitted to, and to of the Territory of Utah from Mr. where hand into growth pocket Taylor's any fair of the society any CUMVUT HIOCK SUITS, settlement of the Mormons to Tomorrow the Tabernacle Choir tion at article rlrst FOUR the was $40 without there but It withdrew or raised or commodity time a community number the present will go to Springvihe. They will give animal, by himself Territhe within produced obtaining the cash, as was subse- ing --00,000 people, with material posa concert at that place temorrow-even-ing: tory of Utah, without additional quently ascertained i lie then seiztd sessions worth at leastj0,000.000.. wHe j . a A number ol the leading soloists charge. was wiw said ( it community , On motion cf Mr.Kowe annual mem Mr. Taylor's watch and chain, worth percentage of fore gn bor population accompany them and the Springvilleltes bershlpa were placed at 51. about $40, and took possession of it. h.n mn- - rt htr Trrltoriai L the that Former Prices ,' "':'t'-'-will have a musical feast long te be On motion ol Mr. Thomas the en Another pocket in which was about seneral Hmorality, industry, sobriety ! adtrance tee or general admission was i f ' remembered. was untouched i The thieves then and thrift ot the people excite thetravI I at 25 cents, and 10 cents for $0 of placed every miration unprejudiced ordered him to run, but he refused. A movement is on foot to close ail children under 12. on the earth, eler. There was not, stall rent Other parties were approaching by another community where so many It was determinedbutthat the business places in this city at 1 p. was the nwn be there should where Ages 4 lo ll Years. price CniLDRES'S SUITS $1.00. charged, hfimps. this time and the highwaymen started nnmui their m. on Thursday and Friday next, the left or future consideration. no necessity! and no were houses alms On motion of Mr. Thomas it was re- off toward Wblttemore's alley. Their of any, where there was practically no days of the regatta. Today several that the Chamber of Commerce forms were quite distinct in the county, municipal or Aernwrw leading firms had attached their signa- solved be invited to of this and they were followed by debtednessi He showed that it had tures, end the committee expected with thecity in the opening of the modnlighti Ages 13 to 18 Years. in Judicial proceedings society men who the had been attracted been proven hat nearly all would do so. in Itself fair, and also to Interest Mormon the that ghttrch for help. Mr. the exhibition a success, and by. the shouts Thews was a meeting at the Opera making no Loxdsn GAV'K PERMISSION VrWi.t, tipvr. fftwi dava we will offer the accumulation irom tnat printed invitations be issued to Taylor was himself close upon their : attention Uonse on Saturday evening, at which the officer of the various chambers of heels. They went called plural marriages part way down the for of the cities In the neigh$1.UU. Ulast season of Remnants and Odd Pieces of Carpets at a TyTflY to the fact that the Territorialuwlegis eleps were taken for the reorganisation commerce The and the lot. into atalley to sprang Territories mzavor and oi States had declared lature boring a of republican club in this city. A tend. . larger of the two made toward Mason's hnmane and lmpatUal entorcement of committee of five were appointed to On motion of Mr. Reaa it was de- lumbet yard, while the other turned to the laws of the United States against LARGE REDUCTION BELOW COSTJ a most enacted had the local newspapers be so- the northeast. and draft a constitution and polygamy end cided that Coming to a fence licited to comoete with each other in The above low Prices, and Everything in our Store arc .report next Saturday evening. a a .1Uu the orocurinsr of subscriptions .to lite which he could not get through be some wii. at .uue, ui are lengio uviu in KenmailiS Deaung tinderwhlch lnumo ad-- 1 " turned and started back towards Mr. ButnHon. A. Anirson was fined $0 in the membership in the society, a special of lile mcmoersnip to oe Taylor, asking, "Have you caught mission to the Union, Mr. Calne Domestic and lltons, Axminsteis, Police Ceurt today for having been premium consist of Foreigit awarded to the paper securing tne them?" pointed out the provisions Incorpordrunk. He had taken beer and brandy largest subscription. pplyr-amBri-fisated therein, forever prohibitlm? and Ingrains; also a ' Moquettes, Velvets, This trick on the part ot the thief and claimed that la adoptin conjunction, and, as he said, "it On motion ot Mr. Rowe a committee conventho -made toe sick so, I couldn't shtand of two was decided upon to elaborate was to make his pursuer believe that ing thev work of bodrnice line of Rugs and Crumb Clotlis of various - of 7 the the ftnX with he was one who had Joined in the pur- tion, the exhibition suit-ait." work five days on the a plan . to providesame Ilt&h Ont them Mnrmnn aennln nf o time offer mafic and at the was too transparent. Mr. selves sqnerely on rectora, and :that new road In City Creek Cation. qualities, designs and sizes, at less tliau if nd substantial encosrtgement to suit, but it clap-trap to that say the merest s; divine art. Messrs. Thomas and Taylor ot course knew that this was it vf aswere manufacturers prices.-Lake Pabk is the attraction that is the not sincere in so dointr. Ue man who had presented the pistol they the were appointed. Rowe ' a small to what percentage very gaing depopulate the Tenth Ward On motion of Mr. Rowe it was dehim a few moments before, and to showed been goods we will als ;otter Extraof the population those who bad class lii connection next Wednesday. The Sunday school cided that there be a uniformity in .the at this one of the and that in polygamy were, query put replied "Yes, " of the ward is going to take advantage stall signs at the lair, and that the NORTH OF DESERET NATIONAL' BANK f were forever disfranchised by the laws ordinary Inducements in r, as in them, as he seized the thief by the . before any strictly attended to, of a 25 cent rate, from Fuller's Hill matter beexhibitions that ; States United of the the lack of time taking hold of the citizen conld vote he had to swear that to the above mentioned resort. The Jirevtoos had been a drawback to the coat at the same he had seen him put he had not violated the laws .01 the where pocket widows and orphans in. the ward have exhibition. KtAtPd. a.m.lnat bizamv. DOiyc the the There weapon was, all be a show pistol. was decided that It baby a complimentary ride on this occasion. a feature of tne fair and a nice pre- but one chamber, as was afterwards amv or unlawful cohabitation, and L awarded for the best specimen discovered, being loaded. By this that Charles Weavkr was arrested on mium .. 1 Lot Raw Silk Tidies, at 10 cts. HE PID NOT MEiS TO. Utah's best crop. came and the time others opSaturday night for drunkenness. He ofThe their to up, the fact that prisoner He referred of the society were new DRY GOODS OEPAHTUEHTI the was subsequently released on leaving read and 1 Lot Embroidered and Lace Tidies, at 15ct. was brought out on to toe street. Donents were reticent to abandon approved. -u On motion of Mr.Thomas a commit where he was delivered to Officer Sed- - cry against polygamy. wqicu $7kZ0 for his appearance He gave the and were now them so well in the past, ., --,..i - rk 1 Lot Euibroiercia. and Lace Tidies, at 25 cts. J ; h k. name of another resident of this city tee of two. consisting Of Messrs. the- - great aanger that te were JIEW ABRlTiLS Rowe and insisting appointed Moyle, in order to conceal his own Identity arrange the details of a vocal concert eape, temporarily at least. was tne union oi cuurca- anu Silk Table t1 Raw OUO$1,95. InsertJons. Covers, Lot Of t.hla. Calne Blbbons, Parasols, Mr. ; and bring odium on an Innocent party, one evening during the fair, to be held Mtrnvrtinr The captured highwayman assumed Dress Goods, Xtc, lot I f. '; and to consider an air of Innocence, and declared he ed not only from the preamble and Lawns, but the dodge didn't work. He didn't at the fair building, 1 Lot Raw Silk Plush Centre Table Covers, $f .50.,tSI7 adopted by the Mormons, SPRING WARt propriety ot offering prizes for vo- had entered the lot to aid In capturing constitution appear today and the amount depos- the which iipriiri there shall never be cal music. ;' but church ited was forfeited. and state, j of fact he union But that the any awkflc Plush Centre TablCovere, $.oO. It was suggested that the various the thieves. X Chambers of Commerce in Utah be couldn't come in by the way he from the doctrine of the Church, as follows: under to the asked to lend their aid and the further fact that Mr. 1 Lot Raw Silk Reversible Table Covers, largfe size, $4.00; "We do not believe it lust to minglet. people the claimed,was taking and to nrge upon theexhibits gevern-mpnheels had and his civil Influence with To the Bishops. upon to Taylor religious necessity of bringingtotheir whAreh one relisriou SOCletV is 1 solicit special never lost sight ot him, dispelled the also .1 wortli $8.00. Will the Bishops of the wards who the' fair, and in its. another and fostered ot proscribed Lake 'Salt outside City. II as W. A. He name his idea. gave have not as yet sent in their reports do premiums The secretary was instructed to asprivileges and the individual1 1 "Lot tapestry Table Cloths,- $1'.50. from St. Elmo, Colorado. He is spiritual ; of Its members as citizens." In rights certain the best rates to be had from bo not later than Thursday next? admit ai tne "I the railroads for the transportation of a hard looking character, and when ar- conclusion, he said: . SDOES, COOTS & SLIPPERS fa are united, but I deny 1 Lot Felt Table Cloths, 45 cts. people exhibits and exhibitors, before Justice Pyper this Mormon raigned nnttecclesiastical to ia tharir dne of the Adlourned sublect to the call morning pleaded not guilty, and was tht University Openin, k authority: Irishmen were united. Is President. DAILY ARRIVING l' 1 iLot Printed Cloth Table Cloths, 75 cts. . remanded to all in default of $200 bail their nnitv dne to the fact tba they An official announcement of the re Roman Catholics? No. sir, it is The following additional premiums to await the preliminary examination I , . opining of the University of Deseret, were 1 Lot Turkish Tidies, at 20 cts. to the fact that they are. deterdue : He on on afternoon. says offered Saturday Wednesday com ot to the mined appears in another column. The openright regain ' ofA $60 Domestic sewing machine, that he arrived in Salt Lake on Satur- munity which they f 1 Lot Turkish Tidies, at 25 cts. ing takes place on Monday next, Sepwere wrongly deprived ot and which fered by the Tonng Brothers Company day. tember 3. denied them. The Mormon At 4 o'clock on Sunday morning R. ia linlnatlv for any purpose the society saw fit, 1 Turke Red Table Damask, 2 yard leugths,for 75 cts. -- - are united, because there baa '' '" people i who O. with that closely agrees the only condition imposed being on McFarlane, a settled and been there purpose is, wuri-toymreaca oi It be placed witnin tne the description of the other robber thft nart of a small dm persistent 1 Lot Scrim Cloth, at 9 cts. per yard., Concert at Scofield. or working gtrls. to deprive them of the right mlnorltv was Whlttemore's arrested at, hotel, ' j & a silver A communication from Brother Evan Co., $10 By Little, Roundv community . Odds and Ends in Curtains and Drapery Goos. me ot "Ilocal have endeavoredCthus, briefly, to S. Thomas conveys the information ice pitcher, to be given as the society near tne ytan central depot direct. watch was not found upon him, but he show what that a very successful concert was held should to be awarded was taken into la Xndlew variety, Daily ArrtTliif. W. 8. Simpklns custody because of THE MONOGAMIC MOUMONS lliirncroiis to Oihsr in Scefleldon the 24th Last., for the by the board ot directors. of Mention.; ; Bargains Plsaty some suspicious circumstances which of Utah have done to Dlace themselves & V.V-- . a soiu -j-cvmu lui 11. J. benefit of the Sunday school. Credit, if accord with the I STOCK ;' it Is bj no means and the Territoryan insolve best design of fire escape. HEW ODOD1I ' H It developed, though be says, is due to the committee, T. M. theGrant the troublei Bros. Co., a gold medal for sure that he is the man. He claims to public sentiment .. ,a4.-OWE- ST 'n: i: .'..:. Richards, W. Lamp, R.T. Thomas and the best carriage team, and a gold problem. Entertaining as they in bed some a Summed (iooiw do tbe highest veneration for the rn- - Now is Younl .OppoRTOKirr! j R. Evans. medal for the best driving team, ani- be a mechanic, and says he was He as a had sutntions of their country as well mals to nave been bred and raised in at the time of the occurrence. Of the ma j Sacritice j .MiiL Ordees IWill Receive PkoslW Utah and to be owned by one man. engaged to o to work for a Mr. Croft dna reHoect for the ooinlons on determined is ,4 ' was oy receivca deliberately the they following Today this morning, but was of course un- jority, The Immigrants. 4 to pursue. They a c.nnrae thev the secretary : able to do so. He was very anxious to nnt their hands te the plow: they drew SALT ItKE UTY, AUg 27,18i8. The company of immigrating Saints (X O. D., or ok Recejit, or come on, so be could get furrow broad and deep. They will whose names appeared in the News a JltberM. Wells, : Secret '.try, D.A.&M. have the trial iv dra not back.'t OR MONEY tBDEK I ' to work, as he said be had no means to Society. City - T few days eto, arrived in NewfYork on .i ' IMBBCXO-J- K Dear 81 r: Please put ns down for a subsist on. He was also held ia de i r " . if, -. 1 arie -- , m". Saturday morning after an nnnsally special gold medal, to be awarded at fault of $3000 ball until the examinaOm. Released. H.TyWr, ' H- - J. O. ts aMMy. oraufy aa4 TtaarM- I, . MrtrMr.l ot a idea tor the fourteen bet voyage the fair, coming protracted days. tion on Wednesday. Alexander Bart, having served his barn, to be prepared by aVoy 20ofveara 4 Hew Daily iin All Osr BspariDenls. They left for the west the same after- nirf one to consist Plan nr sentencennder. ot term months) ANOTHER. STILL (six the usual and if time is made noon, one of a floor, elevation, r-ronplan al cohabitation, was released from will reach this city ri the Union Pa- general Last night (Sunday), at 10:30, two Bina and a full description of the construcon this the afternoon, penitentiary & cific and Utah Central, on Friday even- - tion of the same. Yours very truly, thieves near the D. R. G. W; were Dallas & Hkdobs, Architects. mofe successful than were Hlbbard payment ot costs. ng- WE ARE SEYER UNDERSOLD! OXE PRICE TO ALL! and his companion. They met Mr. H. ... . ' AnonymoBs. v Spronse and ordering him to hold up :o Territorial Supreme Conrt. went his his hands, oil pockets through who A useri the signature Election Returns. person and secured $147. . The officers "A Subscriber" writes from Parowan, Today the Territorial Supreme of Board the afternoon On Saturday shadowed two men, but Mr. Sprouse Court was to have held a session, as a enestldai of a leral na completed two more coun could not Identify them as the foot- propounding per adjournment. At 10 a.m.,hewever, Canvassers over he Says, there isqaite which, ture, pads wltix whom bo had had such an a qaibbfe there. As the. name of the Judge Henderson had not arrived, and ties, as follows: SANrEIB.COVKTV. it being understood that he wonld not expensive Interview. One of these days writer does not accompany tbe jcom- we would not be surprised at learnSelectman. reach this city aatlliooon, an adjournmunicatloc, neither It, nora rcply! ment was taken till 3 p.m., when the Joh Carter.... ...818 8cattcrin ing of something more serious con- It, appears in tbo Nsws.- Before pub nected with this holding up business lishing or answering communications, three justices, with the new Judges, County Clerk. 1 r 4. ualeis the thieves arc discovered and ha these columns, we must know who Chief Justice Sanborn and Associate John Rcid........810 Scattering... ra arrested. C. If. II. Justice Judd were expected to be In V Airsor. mocWEaM the writers are. rr" ... C. W. retcron....778 Peter Grcavea.... 13 attendance. Mot NT FRAtiMENTS; Aug. 27, 1888.--Spec- ial !! Cheap : dis-patc- sSfcL bes r.-ov- e . on J'v 777 , ...". e v .1 - WHAT CHEAP GL0TH1H6 REftLLY IS ill ''' r CO. , IH A - & GOLDSMITH SUMMER CLOTHIMG. - non-Mormo- ns. ruuuu mm I COATS and VESTS, $1,501 COATS, WOOLEN SUITS, 50 cis. a a ii ii ;;7.5 ; $10 .6o. and " I F.AIJERBACH&BRO BOM i-- j . SPECIAL SALE OF . lS.O(. 10.00, 1S.450, - ; f ;.!'' $20.00, $25.00, $30.00. CARPET REINAUTS. co-oper- -- BOYS' SUITS - r.1 $3.00. FLANNEL 0VERBHIRTS ... by-la- w-i'rh- w pv Utah-aske- LOWER THAN EVER BEFORE j y, els 'GOLDSMITH & GO - tte-wt- ll - vJthese cOI-lla- lT-it- 2. S IE3 HOUSEKEEPING GOODS. Al V. ! H3 IE3 CS by-la- u-i- ,k. - .1 - j tot lb-ba- rd J J- . - 201 Ixt ' --- 'H en too lirt . M -- at All I s. out Draft . w . lor-an-li- wf - ernarf, .f gwt'r itmiii w yard STEAM PliANING MJXXTXI i. : -- F. AUERBflCH tun, TROflG: BRO. . Hill - 5 . jRetornins t Hig Field. Elder Thomas Holt who, it will be remembered, came to Utah from his missionary field la the Southern States in order to escort Elder William M. Lloyd, who was taken seriously 111 while in the ministry in that section, is about to return and resume his labors. Before leaving for home on his errand Elder Holt was connected with the Western Tennessee Conference. He will ko to the same field, for which he will depart tomorrow morning. Eider Lloyd has partially recovered bis health since his arrival home, in Southern Utah. Collector: Mcrrlman...807 Scattcriag A. rroscculiiiff Attorneg: W. K. Hcid ........W Scattering...... Coroner: Hunter Ward Organized, " Wh iCMlB at a.ui. uu &?H.4. 1888, the Hunter Branch of the' Pie's, ant Green Ward was organized into a 1 jauicCrip. ...... 819 Scattering ward when the following named brethj Recorder: ren were set apart to act in their reil Joan Kcid spective positions: William Miller, Sheriff. Bishop ; John T. Evans, First Counsel3 or JeeeoF. Iar8cn....818 Bcattcrmg and Alfred A. Jones, Second Coun. Surveyor: selor Apostle John W. Taylor, PresJ. H. Uougard .818 ident Angus &f. Cannon aad others i Tremturer: officiated in the ordinations. 1 George B. Cox. ....819 Scattering In the afternoon of the ' same date SAN JUAN COUSTY. Brother Edward Scboenfeldt was set ' apart as First Counselor snd Brother Coinmmionert to Xioemtc Universilj Lmndi. LK. Waddcll.... 20 Robert Hazsn as Second Counselor to T. A. Mitchell...- -. K.A.BaUantyne.. SO Bishop Frederick Schoenfeidt of the ' . ? Selectman: Brlshton Ward. . Brother Edward '" r. A. HAmnond ...20 Schoenfeidt had heretofore held the j Count CUrk: position of Second , Connselor. The . Obsequies. ; I'etcr Allen. ....... .30 Presidency of the Stake attended to . The services held over the remain ' and Collector f Attestor the installing of the counselors in this of. tbo late Moata.ne'W. Cornell, In T.J:Joae ...CO ward as well as to that of the brethren Ward achoolhonse yesnamed In the following wards r Protecutimg Attorneg: terday morolnc, were largely attended. NorthPoint-Broth- er Nathan. Han The deceased was a promising youth, J.B.pecker........20 I was U as act Recorder: set son ' First Conn . apart and was only In his seventeenth year. W. Bcld, of Nerth Levi .....30 to aelor Peter Alien,... Bishop y was BU father formerly president of " r .'" Sheriff: Point Ward to fill the vacancy caused the North London Branch of -- the WK. It Hyde T, j. by Brother William Ac Barron's reTaylor....i Church, and much sympathy la felt for moval to a distant Stake. . Surveyor:' him and the bereaved family generally. J ; On the ',-evening of the same 'day, The speakers yesterday were brethren P. Richards was set Brother' Henry of the who had made acquaintance 13 B. Decker.... ....... J. F. Barton av the Second Counselor to apart the family In London. They were: J. ....1 Scattering Bishop George H. Taylor, of the FourBishop George H.Taylor, Elders W. morns ware Joan San In teenth Ward. County Richard F. Spry, L. Binder, E, Parry, ' precincts. The brethren comprising the new B. 8. Yonng and John Nicholson. Tbo received from but twa " Bishopric, as wall as the Counselor-name- d opening prayer was off ered by Ekler Blnffaad Moaticello. was taken up, but received the una aim ou votes Sevier County Robert Morris, and th benediction con was an the nf finished 6t before the ad IT. Felt. people of their respeetivs Wards pronounced by Elder Joseph to" which they The services were conducted by Bish- journment vat uken nntn this after to act in the positions t noon. V wereordalwd,....: op McRae. ' .. A. ,4 onui, . ' . ? :.' j - , K ' - . the-Eleven- f . th : i . 11 :l j- 1 v -- ; ; . " ' - j ' lllRPRISE: ,' thy that we MLKE BOOT&and SHOES, MOIIX equal in" Stylet and Finish, and MtfCU Goods DXJIlAliJjB than any Tmportd brought ,;into thearket,aiuiwehu4trailte am that, the Price' is iSoUaiu Jaaae or i Xrfw ainyg66dB that an irsi l viama juuieriai. Krsoro3ioN OEAjfHB At X0uu PitUburgh, Pa., Aag. Ii,' 168, j ffm, W., onljr son 6f Ct E. aad Sophia panua aged ljrear and SS 4aya' 19,1888, Wiraamf Baxtirdcrt, 1 DONaiv.In Bait Lake City, A u frost S7tb, . 1888, .Elizabeth It. wife ot. Char.es J3L : Pon-kinIn tbe eventyixt yetrtof her kg t Funeral on Wednoadar, Ward cetin honae, al are yopflotfally invited. Eleventh t pte' ip, Fries "a at 1 1011 E3 - Goods1 mr. PMMMffliTIMIiFITfEIlS CZcS&aZ-ZZZZ- j . tii .,'.' T VJ 7 can mm - t - O " .r a . . ' ' l lm'- - - f : rk H Walfllia from H oa. to iCSm !. rartMn Prark VIO. s, rrtiH4Knr'rMta, rannera M Oo odd Joha, pvlnitutn Aavl)a, v amti o, o. i'en-aMw-er. SCALES. VAGOri Oa- l- man1 in Afnrr ir DOthlna Koolfor Vt. I nof ( 4.TOnlRIIIIO7. . ' i WhMharrmriL Corn trmt-im- . irrin Clhn mil fla-w- Si ruiicrm but the bri vf Ecglit all Scaleai ' K I' iiliarfarfto.r tpc-aU- ara SAflS CF e. ' nJ Wrlngora All SIZES. Xtt. weight 1.100 a., ISA SET7in3 IliCniHKS, : 3 PRICE ms - ll.Kotl6j.i boMwBlt,Iko . , to taoaaot 494 Saoom : landa. and" f leered lo tRe IToHtton remaii fiMaa lro mthnviniit iho ltiAou' e Genoral aeanon ritf,.rl-E.l'- cpniNKLEno, . m mm ifWI iSiy.ny, vf-- ARUCUi to Consumers. rAlOLTSQALES, 240 lbs., $a Watform Scrums, til to S2d - ElCSSEHSftEO T. C Ar:o LAvrj 1:0:2 aincrj ' ..II ' .f- ii " 0 fo'and M otkar SoaMrs Tms-riN-E 5 U JK mm. BEtERSCORF OO., . on urwaoT--- as n.j. errivorr. . SI Bmi Cmn, tm WalMl, AaitHim I rtfdlaw rUm Hsaa7 408 toatiO Canal tt; CMfOAQO. .V!r:01T!AUi ia-saa-xs, ' timWf TH2CUI9 Sold Ptreet e iaw6UTBt TMPJUiJIT. Mki -- 63 ' f ; ;. Coal Valley, Pa., Aag. sou ot John an Jaael I raantha aad 29 dayf & f 80 TO 70 FIB CENT. OFF ' " . Bay, uram UUli tll.l CM. I, , Taifcone, Z. e SUGG . B4XKSDEUAt 0.-lpoit- 1UIHM York, recently appointed Caief Justice for .Utah, arrived in this city and took . DBfE. .Dfc.HIIIl'1 i, rirAs ekmo ykd to jio. io,rSK fet., altos. I r j 1 rooms at the Continental Hotel was about' the city for: a short time day, and was expected to be present tbe session of, tbe Supreme Court this afternoon.. He ts above medijum height, of,, portly build, and impresses tnosa woo nave met nun as a man o Intelligence an ability. ;rS'. m Mmu We would - UtahV New Chief Justice;,: List night Jadge Sanlord, of Jew . . TO THE FRIESDS OE BOM ', :r tf Pno SOLOQOtJ BROTHERS. is not likely that after today Chief JustIceZanc will hold a place od the Supreme Bench of the Territory, his successor Chief Jastlce Sanford havi arrived. Jude --iane will open an office in the Wasatch bnlldins. between the clerk's office and. the United States MarshaVs office, and will enaRe..1n the practice of law. . lie has served sixteen, years successively 4i on the bench, twelve in Illinois and four in Utah; He possesses marked ability as ' . a a lawyer. 'U '' 'i --.' . CO. f km oll t to mtp. flnth"t Unpp rmt ut taoH fecrtlT OO tb" fc'-- l-r l' "" flvt H(- -k )UeUn-r-vrlea iui " r AUnrkrr;. bavomom-ranted, perfect, -- ndLfor Circuiwri- Chicago Seals Co., - |