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Show RAILROADS. BKicnrs Tho Salt Xako & Fort Douglas Railway Will run Trains to and from Fort Douglas as .follows: TIME TABLE -- Ko. To take effect July 2, 2. - E.VST WARD. So. yo. 9. No: 8. 7. WESTWARD. No!. Stations. No. 3. I P.M. P.M. A.M. P. Lv 1 25'Lv 5 85 Lv 7 65 I I.v 129L.V 5 29 Lv 7 6)L.v Lv 133 LV 5 3Lv 8 03 L.V Lv 5 3Ly 8 06 Lv Lv 1 8 13 Lv 8M LT 143.Lv 5 5 4ftLv 8 lfijLv 146,Lv 9 0iLv P.M. 8 40 H 44 8 48 8M I.v Lv Lv Lv Lv Lv Ar lAr I P. 6 454th West RtAr 6 49 MainStreet LV 6 53 5 K. A 8 8. Lv 6 56 Liberty Pk Lv 7 03 Fuller's H. Lv I , J I . ! 7 06 Gravel Bed 7 15 Ft Douglas 565Ar 825Ar I No. 2. M. 43v 9l0!Ar 1888. - I fco. NO. 4. M 6. I Ko.,. No. I m 1 8 45! ArlO SSAr 8 lliLv 10 3l!Lv 8 37 Lv 10 27Xv 8 34Lvl0 24 Lv 8 27 Lr 10 17 Lv Lv 8 2Lvl0l4Lv Lv 8 13Lvl0O5.Lv I I i . Trains 1 and 2 ran daily (Sundays and Wednesdays excepted), No. 1 arriving at Fort Douglas in time for run Dress Parade every day in the week (Saturdays; and Sun7. 8. a and in run Kondavs onlv. No. 3 arriving at the Fort in days excetitadY. Trains X time for Dress Parade. Kuxl.iv morninir insnection and iruard mounting. Kos. 8 and 9 with D. SVUG. Bathing Trains to and from Lake Park. Trains 5 and 6 ruu connecting No. 5 arriving at Fort Dou&las in time for Band practice. Kundavs and Wp.dnnadava nnlv. Remember there is now nearly a Resriment of Soldiers and a Fine Band at Fort Iiouglas. which appear at Guard Mountings and Dress Parades Daily, and at Band (Vinrorta WfdnAfldvH and finndavs. To see the Citv and Valtcv in all its beauty, take a ride over the Salt Lake & Fort Douglas gtrcct Cju Connection8 at L,berty Park, First South and Twelfth East Streets.- JOHN W. YOUNG, Prcst. and Manager. Utah Cental Railway, New Time Card, February 1st, 1898. : PA3SZNGEK TRAINS LEA YE SALT LAKE DAILY, AS FOLLOW Berth. Setoff ftontB. Atlaatie Express at Fark City aad U. N. Express at. Atlaatie Express aU....... W 4.10 7.20 Express at. one for a 4ose, 4.M f.Wk. Continued from First Page. V rxAirois COPE, 0a. Fraigkt sad Passesgsr 1.M . A Vt cenu a box. tut Recently from London, Eng., well-know- Whott uneoualed success in the treat ment of EYE, EAR AND CATARRH WITH THE GEOGRAPHY OF THE COUNTRY WILL; OBTAIN MUCH USEFUL INFORMATION FROM A 8TUDY OF THIS MAP Of THE fc'WACOUAlNTED Astonishes Everyone, Has been induced to again postpone his departure until AUGUST lO. hs 11 City Recorder. KOTICE. three-fourth- 1 ; M. WELL?, City Recorder. llr.tsh-- tbe Intention of Citv Council Extend (bo Water Mains oo li lo, Ml Mie roct. to-w- i M. WELLS, t;ity Recorder, u : to-wi- t: to-w- it: aud-Ele- three-fourt- hs nt ! ,- r i ; ; 1 11 fnrt-.vp.- r - Its central position and close connection with Eastern Lines at Chicago and continuous lines at terminal points Weet, Northwest and Southwest, make it the k true in that transcontinental ciialn of steel which unites the Atlantic! find. Paciflo. Its main line and branches include Chicagro, Joliet, Ottawa, La Salle, Oeneeeo. XSoline and Xtock in Illinois: Unscatine, mid-lin- Island, Peoria, Saveuport, WuhiiiirtoD. Fairneld. Ottumwa. , Oakaloosa.Wet Libertr. ti.nH.-Centre "Winterset, Audubon, Harlan, Onthrie Indianola, Enoxrills, and Council isiurtB, in Iowa ; xrenton, vameron. St, Joseph and Kansn City, in fiLissoori ; Leavenworth and Atchison, In Jvansas; jninneapolis and St. Paul, ir Minnesota; "Watertown and Sioux Falls, in Dakota, and manv other prosperous towns and. clues. It also ouers CSOICTB OP ROUTES to and from tho Paciflo Coast and intermediate daces. In XTnion Hepota. Fast Trains of fine DAY COACHES, raakinjr all transfers PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPING CASS. olonnt DININQ CAB. 3.St. and (between Joseph, Atcbisen and Kansas City) restful RECLIN ING CHAIR CARS, seats REE to holders of through nrst class ticket. waaar--ws- w I raaW -sa' W IowaCity-DesSToino- s, -- maa-niflce- i ? li.WliriWIfi n (CREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE). .. i Kxtends west and southwest from Kansas City and St. J oseph to Falrbury, Hutchinson, Nelaon, Horton. Topeka, Heiington, m'l IiJ a T il nointa in southern 1 ebraska. Wichita. Caldwell, and all Tj3eOMJtMi3BBSS!S If ! mA KsW J Entire interior Kansas and berond. passenger equipment r I 1 t I mannfacture. WJ I 1 "4 ""I " J f of the celebrated raUmon 1 TBtTsT solidly bal KSBAkmSkI rail. Iron and stone) lasted track of heavy steel bridges. All safety appliances and modern improvements. Commodious, well built etatiena. Celerity, certainty, comfort and luxury assured. '. THE FAMOUS ALBERT LEA ROUTE Is the favorite between Chicaaro. Hock Island. Atchison. Kansas City, and Min Its neapolis and St., Paul. The tourist route to all Northern Summer Resorts, Watertown Branch traverses the most productive lands of the great " wheat and Dakota. dairy belt" of Northern Iowa, Southwest arn Minnesota and The short line, via Seneca and Kankakee, offers superior Lafato facilities travel between Cincinnati, Indianapolis, yette, and. Council Bluffs, St. Joseph, Atchison Leaven worth, Kansas City, Minneapolis and St. Paul. For Tickets, Maps, Folders, or any drsired information. apply to any Coupon Ticket Office in the United States or Canada, orj address. East-Centr- al E. ST. JOHN, General - CHICAGO, ILL. TWnnnger. E. A. H0LBR00K, Sena Ticket 4k Paes'r Agent. AI Utah & Nevada Ry. Rio Grande Western AKTEH OKN VKR OX AND. RAILWAY. Scenic Line of the World BondKo.Trains. 8. Cast OXdCtt fenrer -- The Utah ft Nevada Railway will run its irains aaiiy (sunaay : execptcuj as follows ! ror Tormina. Uortirl.l Beach and intermediate stations. usaTe .ait Lake City at...,...iS:20 a. in. ...... ...11. 15 a. m. Arrive at lerminus at.... 0. H.40 p.m, a.m. lu.lujt.m. For Halt Lake City and Intermediate Stations. p.m. 7.00 a.m. xcrminns at.- ..12:4o p. m. .00 am. 6.53 a.ti Arrive . otut uiiy at....... .. 3:45 p. m. 10.50 m-hv- b ...Ar. Chicago SUNDAY, JUNE 24, f88, "I.'i0a.m. ,,.Lv. ..Lt. ...Ar. Palt Lake City. ,Wo-1- j TRAIN'S, WEST-BOLTJ- So. T 1. uic TBAISS FOB tIARFlEJLD BEACH No. 9. a.m. Will leave Salt Lake City daily at ?:10 a.'m. 11:40 a. m. Ar. am. o:a a m..,(Sundays i.m. :a p. m.,excepted), o:4a p. m. Mondays p. a.m. Ar. am. excepted) ; returning, arrive at Salt Lake a m.. 1:55 p m., 3:45 pj m. (SunCity at niNGH AM AND ALT A TRAINS.-I.cavdays excepted) ; 6:25 p. m., 8:00 p. m., 10:15 Salt Lake City, 7.25 am. Keturning, p. mM(aionaays excepted). Arrive Salt Lake City, 4.30 p.m. Part lake City Oedcn San Francisco r.v. S..M 7.20 8.10 p.m. 8.25 9.50 10.40 9.-2- c J. D. C. DODGE, General Manager. j : OBI SCJS DAYS A Special Train will leave Salt Lake City at 9:25 a. m. ; returning, arrive at Salt Lake . If. BENNETT, Geo. Fass. Agt. f vity nvji.w p. ni. 8. F. KENTON. G.F.& 1. Agt. thi CHICAGO as. union RIORTH- - TIm I0 J Us a7L. A. ' i' Air i ROUTE wnrs uenver.uneyenn, Kanttt City, Coun cil Bluffs, Omaha, Chloage, St. Louis and all Nebraska, Celorade, lath. r, Mantana, Oregon, Washing ton and Narthtrn Paoifi Coast Unea.." . Tsr-Htorj- Wsieh stakes close Uaiom Devet eeaaes Uons with tarosf h traiaa frsst 3AT.T t.atcth; oirr3r I;' AND TBM WM3T ToAnd OHLTCO-A.O- . -- O Eastern TO- Mall TralsM. - . ; MI 4 .: QXiIB. i n . . m For full ay' iM SlT . - WaiAl-K- 6 ' is ftis new dUfoyery for CousnmpUss, ceeded in proa or id a medicine which is stknowleiired by all To be simply marrelona !f tr exceeJiaf ly p'easaet to the taste, per. and does not sick r a. la al feetJy harasless. ; of v Coairhs, Golds, W boopiBft (nsaaaption. Oourh, Ureup, Broncnitis, and ' Pains la the Cnest, K ns gtren nnrrersal lr. Boaanko'a Con ah aad ' sstlsfaetlon. Long Pymp Is teU at N- eeaU by Z,V. U. L ksA4ia- rie, I8tora. . - 1 "i '; p.sa LMasa. 14 a as. 4.ap.ss. NORTH UN AND OEECOX HOST LINE. j ABJUTB, aad Express,.... aewmnodatioa... ' "; ' cmo .' ' ......11 M asa. Asp.sa. 4-- 1 $.$$ m riix cnrJ t'AaalTaV Mall aad Express. saraaT. Msil and KxprsM a.as. Jus. r: ' VLM a.aa. 4.1sa. The 8.0 traia, leans; Salt lils, sad the 7.30 p.m. trala, arrtTiaa at Bait Lake, carry throat h Pall as Sleepers hetwssa Salt Lake City, Oheyenaa, Dearer ssd Kaa-as- s Oitf. The Mail t trsias aarry Sleepers both east ssd west beasd hetwesaOgdsa and Oonaeil Blaffa car reeerratiens can he seenred rorSleepiaar aiihe east boe ad trains, or for the Utah Northern, and Oregon Bhsrt M tmine, ta tks Union Ticket OSVse at ' "V: .......a.. ii Uen'lMaar'r. Tr'Ho VAa'f'r. Gea.ras.As . ...... AcoontmodaUoa. Kali and Express TrsTeliag PsMenrer Agent, MVS LAKE CUT. . .. PBTAJtT, ssd Express...... UTAM MaU rT r I.X.WBItIl!l,K.C.lnCKIB,B.WILIO!i, 'f ABJUTB. aad Express ...... ... Limited Mail Dining Cart THISrai TBAIXsVl iaforat atiea apyty te J. II. YOUKG, to-w- gSyAfSSypftjrusfato it . senate. ! 5 i ' a. T J , notic: S-- f by aaltUaeOltyerOaj.. rARJnEKt QIIOXG WOX(J JUST RECEIVED A LAUlrtC 11 assortment of Fireworks Rockets. Fresh made Wheels, ; t " : 1 1 1 s' . . Firecrackers, j w NOTICE ' j J.W.WEST, BUTCHER, No. Oo East, Seon4 South Street, I TELEPHONE 313A coinpleto JVirc Kront and No Flics. J I ft" l; lt . nrst street. Said list and Dlot have been lodired in the the City Kecorder No. S, City Hall, and will be oncn to inspection tor a period of ton days froih and after the lst day of during which time written apJuly, 1888, peals to the Council for tbe correctionItsof assessment may be filed with said the in pursuance of the ordinance in order, sucn cases proviaea. HJEBER M. WELLS, , ' City Recorder. office of Salt Lakb Crrr, July 20th, 1888. Larfjo Stools. L liRGAtJ NOTICE. In the Probate Court of the County of Salt LUe, xerxitory or u tan. In the matter of the Estate ot John Larsen, IMPORTED NEWjANCY E000S P. O. Box Order to thow cause why Order of Sale of Kcal JSatate shooia not ic maae. LARS EN, THE ADMINIS1 of the Estate of John Larsen. deceased, having filed her petition herein, dnlv vended, for an order of sale of real estate of said decedent certain of thenrayina described in her petition, for the purposes therein set forth, it is therefore ordered by tereslod in the estate of said deceased ap pear ueiore toe saia rrooaie court on uon day, the Oth day of August, 1888, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the Court Room of said Probate Court, at the County Court House, in the City and County of Salt Lake, Utah Territory,beto show cause wh an order should not jrranted to the sail administratrix, to sell so much of the real estate of the said deceased, at private aalewas shall be necessarv. and that a copy of this order be published at least four successive weeks la the dkskket Kvkxinq news. newspaper printed and published in said City and County. vstea July srd, issh. ELLAS A. 8MTTH. Probate Judge. .." County of 8aH Lake. I C. John Clerk of the Probate I, Cutler, Court in and for the County of Salt Lake, la the Territory of Utah, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of Order to show cause ia the matter of the Estate of John Larsen, as appears of recora in my omce. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal ot said Court, this 3rd day or July, A. u, 1888. SKAL. JOHN C. CUTLER, Probate Clerk. dwi OF UTAH, TERM-TOR- BiaRTON ac x. IB SESHIME 15 THE LEO LAGER BEER, AL don officials, and not yet found. . I will famish s written statement of all the names in any family, entitled to property and money, as shown by my records obtained in London. Fee in advance, fSi C1IAS. W- - 8TATNKR. Address: Attorney-at-Law- . Box 587, Palt Lake City, UUh Terrttory, U. 8. A. Office : Hooper Building, Kast of Descrct j dim Bank, First South Streets MNGRJrlarn' ; li. ? ,.J ! ? .. Ieal - TH , ; to-th- e i -i mi-rK- - cost-thereof- , . die-tri- 4 - ; - B . SCHIIfflG'S coasET - , -- i I 18-- ' n. X, ? ;. i . ct BULL. H0LSTE1N-FBIES1A- H Tnk . KETHKRFROM IMPORTED registered In the Ilotstlen-FriesiaHerd Book, (No. 4So5) will remain in the yard at the Bishop's Uenersl Storehouse, Salt Lake City, during the season of For terms apply to - n s ; JOHN h?-:r- W. LRE8. . ; b? O ! THACKMH11 , IET 13 GROUP AND UOW.EL ISTDEX. in- ACQ'S, 32 Main St The Deseret Kcvs Office. M ARKS TUB PATENT REimiBm Wire Gauze Oven Door PLEASE IS THE LATEST IXPBOTCsTMT THAT WI 09 Til 8TIXL CAEJtT A , "Oisston's Celebrated SaiVs," ooxsifrrnt V o ' ""' 1 Csoo Cnt, Ara;, "'f o Man. rnrlfrhaaffll, rnnet. Tenon, i Batchsr, Cok, Keynote, Si Kfe. BnsMt, MMp. TrmmSmm;. Contnaaa.) Olrcnlar, both Solid aal qhUeJ Point Tooth, and Triumph," i ror relUac TiiswMs fn nrolslIlM t4 . It Prsdacca Practical Besalto la Baking aad .s : Boastiag sevsr befsrs attalnei Is say , Ceoklsg Arpsratss, sad will Msds of Cooteg : Iteibiaiail . ? ' THIS TlNEl and Pillows mad Soft, Clean and Healthy. r ked and PORTER AWAITING CLAIMANTS.' WHO l&l V. have been advertised for by the Lon- Renovate Old Feathers. 1 , 1 SEVERAL MILLIONS OF MOHEY. lVIIITJEIIEAD, . : i , - S. R. -- S Main Street. WHOLESALE ilVfl EE TAIL . i KtrOot. st'nroo Aa FOB FE1THEBS Leo 8. Whitehead cordially extends an vitation, to the ladies and public i generally to call at . 367 CAUFOMMBREWERY. W. Takes pleasure in informing the citizens Salt Lake City and vicinity, that he is now prepared te .Beds , LAYS CITY, CO. RE MAKING SPECIALTIES IN MEN'S and Hoys' Summer Suits, misters. Alpaca and Flannel coats and vests. Those who are not supplied with Summer Clothing, Underwear, Hats, Neckweai, etc, will bo amply paid by examining our specialties. Our styles and prices areright and will nsvawsn aahefsiilArv s IVI DawniMVWt J A MOItQ HOP, 10G3. Wagner, henry SALT KARI T ' . satis Order your meat and you will get 1 d2" am ; faction. e ; - L u-m- p - fJIT'J SALiTXiAKE GIVEN THAT THE NOTICE IS HEREBY and Collector of Salt Lake City has made and completed the list and to tne assessment ot a locai plat lax ofpertaining foar mills per square foot levied by Brewery soar U. C. R. B. A P. A R . Is, tbe City Council of 8alt Lake City, July SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. lotb, 1888, upon the following: described lols or pieces of ground, namely ox lot uioca o; ah ,so Brewery, 'tia. ir.5. --rs All of lotsi,1 and 4, block 57; P. O. Box,"VW.: All of lots 1 snd 4, block 5 ; All of lots 1 and 4, block t ; All of lots 1 and 4, block 2H, in plat We are now prepared td promptly All of lots 2 and 3, block the public with Kee and Bottled Beerserp'y of a 21 : All of loU 1 and . block ir, All of lots 2 and 3. block 9. in plat ti. Kalt superior quality, at popular prices. Lake City survey, said tax bctng for the exs. Ba'a Sti Ttht: ttoas 139. City Besot tension of the water mains along the fol lowinir described ronte. namelv: A. FISHER BREWING CO. at tne present termini. or tiic Heginning on N street between Filth and Sixth main streets, thence southward alonir N street to i , , etc.jetc.-- i - i i and warranted, ' good. At Wholesale and Retail. Also lull line of Chinese and i f Japanese Novelties.SO South St. East, First ; - t DEPAltTtTRE OF UNION PAOXriO TBAINS If ala Liaa. Limited., MtJU ' .;: AKBIVAL ANT Mail PALACE 9LECPINQ CARS Xorth-Wester- Tkreag-- THOS. L. KlMBAuTj. 8. TEUttKTS, A T. A. U. AcUng Gen'l Man'g'r. OMAHA. OMAHA. AK OTSHELAJE' h I. t. ST. PAUL, DULUTH, , - Bar(sKe Checked Through U aad Ireoi all i'oinu East and Wet, and eoaaeetieas sals at Missouri kiyer with limited Trains ( Eastera Lias. ramlljr Bleefvers FBZE Cities. THS DIRECT LDfE Caawytsis; Use ValttW DIRECT CONNECTIONS t OYerlanfl Express- - -- KIm NOTICE. ST lOth. the Completion of Assessment of lioeal Tax for Xxfenslon of Water - ' THS FAST AKD KLBOAXT aUy n4 to-w- it: vertaaisl Mali, Tarosra raUmsa Sleepers sad Ms4era ay Omcass Area Us Misseari sUTSr. Alt. WAV. . PACIFIC RT. wTki Orerlind RonUr" HESTinrj ' ViW W. W. RITER, i Supt. u Bdu T. E. TAYL0H, sourii TfBllLJD ST.' A3 Of Mains Alona- It Street. NOTICE. THE I Intention of (bo City Council 1" City Council of Salt ;Lake City of the Ofto ho Extend tbe Water Malnaon first make the fol intention of such Council-ton h lb Street. Ex lowing described improvement, tending and laying iron water pipes or vrOTICE IS H EREBY GIVEN BY THE The following are a lew of the many mains along the following streets, namely: 1 nas Cty Council oi salt Lake City ot the ur. cases ol cross eyes Beginning at tne intersection ol is and l'renuce Sixth Street, and running southward along intention of such Council to make the fol fltraichtencd ia this city in less than B street to a point midway between Third lowing described improvement, and laying Iron water plpoaor; and fourth streets, and defray three- - Extending one minute: lollowlng streets, namefourths of the cost thereof, estimated at mains along the of the main ly: Beginning at the terminus one thousand two hundred and fifty dot ou Geo. A. Smith, Salt Lake City. at or near the interFirst South Street Susie M. Shettler, Salt Lake City. lars, ($1,'250), by a local assessment upon the section of Seventh East Street, I hence lots or pieces ot ground within the follow Frank J. Hocking, Salt Lake City. eastward along rirst South Street to a ing described district, being the district Florence Peppers, Salt Lake City. point midway between Tenth be affected or bonetited by said imprOv Lester Hlggs, Salt Lake City; enth East. Streets and defray ment, namely: tne cost ttieropr.cstimated at six tlious. ol Sarah Wilder, Salt Lake City, All of lots l;and , block 72 ; ind and tbirty-clgdollars (S6,U3S), by a .loser) h Mcliae. Salt Lake City. All of lots i and 3, block 7:i ; local assessment upon the lots or pieces All of lots 1 and 4, block ti'J ; David M. Cambell, rroviderice, Cache or .me wunin 2 following uescribeu AUof lots and U, block bS; ground County. district, being the district to be affected All of lot 4. block 44 -: eye lurueu out or cataenne.uiveus, benefited said by Improvement, name? All of lot 3, block 45 and all in plat 1) ward. can iJiKC uiiy survey. iy:All of lots 1, 8 and P. Pustslev's sranason, totally aeai in 4, block 69; 2, All protests and obiections to the carry All oflota;4,6, b and 7, block 54; In Chicago. ope ear, restored to hearing, and many ing out of such Intention pjust bo presented All of lots 1, 2, 3 and V'ock SS; others. in writing to the City Kcoordcr on or be All or lots 5, 6, 7 and 8; block 55; Cuicago, July 30. George . Wil- fore 7lli, 1888, being the time set August All of lots 1. 2. 1 and 4. block 67: bear and con son, concerning whom a dispatch from bv the Council when it will TILES. All of lots 4, 5, and 7, block 56,in l'lat as may be made such sider objections was Denver Saturwidely published B, and : Piles are almost instantly and pain thereto. A of lots 2 and 3. block 37 j ruBy order of the City Council of Salt Lake lessly cured by Dr. Prentice, and t""I day last, is here. He denied the A of lots 5 and 6, block 2l, ia Plat K.all 1 mors that be has been removed. ita. missing, that be city, inaaevuiy sn, in Kan Lase city aurvey. UEBKlt M. WELIS, his partners ia Denver deeply InAll piotcnts and objections to theucarryi City Kecorder, I have been alllicted with Hemor- left out of such intcntiou must be present on Inn he volved his that account, brought rhoids (or Bleeding Piles) lor the past ed in writing to the City Kecorder on or Irom there any large earn oi away weeks e several For twenty-livyears. before Tuesday, August 7tb,1888, being the money or has been guilty of any irreg time set by the said Council when it will past the pain has been so intense thatnoI ularilics of any kind. On the contrary and consider such objections as may was forced to quit work. I found he says he has been registered at the Of ttmn InlralivH of tle Citr Connrll hear be made thereto-and was fre Piitner relief either dav or nlicht. of llouse this for three Co Connell of Salt 1ras order of the City Wsterl Exlrnd city By walk floor to the all quently compelled ne3 1, 1888. Lako City, made July and has been in daily men M Street. past, as it was impossioie ior me weeks M. WELIfl. long, HEBEB aigbt business with gotiation leading on called I to sleep. Iri thia condition arCity Recorder, had and about consummated here BY THE fclVEN HEREBY IS tne Dr. prentice at uoniineniai tiotei, rangements lOr NOTICE of to the take Council enough capital ofsaltLakeCHy ol less who. after a Dainlcss operation up nis 9utstandhg indebtedness there. intention of such Council to mako the than one minute, relieved me from all Moreover, he says he has ben In fre- following described Improvement, to wit Of tbe. Intention of tbe Cltr Connell to able and been have I and sleep pain, laying iron water pipes or communication with Lower, bis Extending and to Extend Water Mains on ronrlb quent wen ever rest since. along tne loiiowiugsireeis.nameiy: . in tnat place, who. Wilson says mains Boufta BtreeU on First Street ten a I consider mysell perfectly cured, and partner point ttejfinniosrat now is also here has and of M Street, tlio terminus ot tlie TtTOTICE 18 nEREBY GIVEN BY THE telegraphed rods eat unsolicited offer this testimonial for back to Denver and running westward twenty AJN requesting tho papers the bcne0t ol those who may be siml City Council of Salt Lake Citv of the Street: also beginning at there to deny over rods along First .his signature all mains, larly alllieten. N. Hknky ukkgokt,' M streets and intentiooot sucn uouncii to mane tue and of First Intersection tho as statements Wilson representing West Temple Street. described li'J improvement, rimninsr northward - alonir M Street to a oj...-- -j Point rtilrlwiay Jelyti,i,,j liimns along the following streets ; namely : tlie whole cost tltcreqr, streets, ana aermy Dt. Trentlce can be found at the action in which no is concerned. efliimaiea atcignt nunureu ana seventy' Beginning at tlie intersection of Fourth Continental Hotel, Salt Lake City. Dve ($875) dollurs, by a local assessment East and Fourth South Streets and runsing to a point ninrway between rum the. lots or pieces pf ground within castwara uponfollowi Fl mETfl0NGRESS. until , nir described district, belnir the and Sixth East streets, and Oofrav three- the of tbe eoet thereof, estimated at dtstrlct to be nflected or benefitted by Said fourtba ;vx A TIG XT two thousand two hundred : . dollars ($2,200.) namely improvement, a local t assessment upon the lots or by block All lot 2; of 4, 30. Tho Washington, July sundry chit MADK HANDSOME. of tho within block 1; following des All of lot 3, pieces ground bill was before the Senate today ,and Bowen cribed district, being the district to be af All of lots 1 and 4, block 27 J Mr. B. II. Shettler.of Zlon's Savings offered an amendment fected or benefited by said improvement, All of lots 2 and S, block 28;' appropriating 12)0,-- ' Back, has a bright and intelligent 000 for the All of lot 1. block 80: nameiy: of the purpose Investigating All of lots 1, 3, 3 and 4, block 37. little daughter nearly nine years old, extent to which All of lot 2 block 29; all in Plat P, Salt the the arid of . All of lots 4, 6, 6 and 7, block 34. region out ehe has suffered the unfortunate ; liSke city survey. All of lots 2 and 3. block 38. can United States be redeemed by irriaaAll Drolests and obiections to the carry all her life of being tion. He disfigurement All of lots 5 and 6, block 33, all In plat B, briefly addressed the senate in ing out of such intention roust be p ro Salt tsusie al. BneUler'a badly cross-eyeLate City Survey. of tho amendment. se u tea in writing to tue city Keeorue on oarents were very loath to trust any support AU AlliHon thought this appropi protests and obiections to the can-or before 7th, ISSSj belug the time ine out one to operate on her eyes. But they but of scch intention must be presented the entering wedge to much larger sums set by theAugust It Council when said hear will to had faith enough trust Dr. Prentice, yet to be appropriated before such work and consider such objections as rriuy be in writing to tlie City Becorder on or before and he has inade the eyes perfectly can Auirust 7th 1888, being the time set by the be accomplished, made thereto. wbichVwas wnen ltwutnear ana con uouncu saiu done in less tne of Council than .letter lavorea ofSalt the City By ortlor straight, amendment, sider sued objections as may be made Pldmb opposed it and said the measure Lake City, made July 3, im a minute, and Basie Shettler is now a thereto. HEBEH M4 WELLS, , handsome little girl, while her parents was constructed in utter disregard of the By order of the City Council of Salt Lake Ciiy Kecorder. riparian rights of those who dwell on the are well pleased. Lower Platte, the Arkansas' and Mississippi City, made July 3d, 1883: HE BE It M.WELTJS, saw He Rivera. in it the means of specula' tion i a the public domain. City Kecorder. t SATISFIED AT LAST. EThe proposition was supported by Stew- Of the Completion ot Ioenl Tux for Call." Voorhees Beck alio said the and George A. Smith of Kalt Lake City is art, NOTICfixtenttoa of Wter Mains a youBK man well and favorably known effect of the survey would be in the Interest the. Ntroot. between Fonrtb and Of the Intention of tbo Cltr Connell alonsrO Ml i speculators. Necond reels. has been ofTeller throughout Utah. He cross-eyeto Extend Water Mains on F denied inwas in it the this, saying s troubled with a bad case of terest of masses the who lived .... great Street. living all his life. Several years ago he- had on farms and in the interest of tbe, nation. IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE an operation performed by an oculist Then he moved to add tho following words Xl assessor and collector of Salt Lake City lVTOTICK IS IIEBBBr GIVEN BY THIS CITY completed the lift and plat bat it was not successful and did no to the amendment, and 'the motion was has made and of Salt Lake City, of the inten to tne assessment oj a ipear tax tioncouncil pertaining of such Council to make the following good, consequently his faith was very agreed to. levied The foot ot mills four by as as square sites per lie "And fast the much shaken about its ever being made ucecnoea improvement, to wit: isxtenaing surveyed such shall be. fa a state of reservation till Citv Conncil of trait Ijiko City. Julyiot10th. But at the Continental sites ox, and laying iron water pipes or mains along straight. 1888, upon the following described of United President the the Status shall the following streets, numely: on Hotel Monday of this week Dr. of srouna, nanieiy : order." ' pieces at the intersection of F and SixthBeginning Streets, Prentice made it straight in less than otherwise AU of lots land 4, block 45; some further discussion, te the efAfter and runningouthward along Street to a half a minute. Mr. Smith is delishted fect that the matter would end in speculaAll of lots 2 and 3, block 16; Third and Fourth between point midway i All of tot 4. block 40: wit the result and bis manv friends tion, Bcagan offered us a substitute for Teland defray the whole of the cost streets, D. in all Salt block 3. All of lot 39; plat to Mr. folSmith astonished. said, it caused ler's amendment the amendment the thereof, estimated at eleven hundred and Lake City Survey ; saia tsx ucmg ior me ex twenty Ave (fl.m.OOl dollars, by a local him practically no pain. lowing: of the' water mains alonir tho fol assessment "And all lands which may be designated tensiondescribed upon the lots or pieces of : Beginning namely route, lowing for canals aad for shall reservoirs within the following described dis nound irrigation K8W INVENTION. and C of Fourth at streets, the intersection be reserved as the property of the United, being the district to be affected or C street to a point trict, along ana be snbjeet to entry 'or and running southsccona benefitted by said improvement, namely:. In 1SS5 Dr. Prentice invented and States, and sRall not streets. xnira between shall midway nntil settlement hereafter be it All of lots 1 and 4, block 76 ; ' proof the copyrighted a mathematical system for vided for by law." in .. office been lodged Said list has ; All of lots 2 and 3, block 77; . i u ., ...ill ... a . ' : . 1 the fitting spectacles or glasses which is, Bow-endiscussion ceased the and All of lots 1 and 4, block 65; the most accurate of any Finally ' as amended was agreed to open to inspection for a period of ten days undoubtedly, 2 and S, block 64 ; amendment All of low now In use. It is' used in England, from and after the 21st .day of July, 188. All of lot 4. block 48 : yeas 2a, noes 8. written; appeals to tue Holland and France. Dr. Gardner, ol during a hKih time t ' All of lot 3, block .49; all In Plat D, "Salt Adjourned assessment of the correction Council for the City, survey. Chicago, says it is the true principle. be filed with the recorder, in pursu Lake may All protests and objections to the carrying Dr. Holmes says he has found it very HOUSE. cue ance of pro ordinance the sucn extension must oe presentea in out oi useful. Dr. Fitch, a trustee of the i i writing to the City Recorder on or before aid Ear Infirmary, relies on Washington, July 30, The House today vided. 'I ' HE BEE M. WELLS, . 7th, 1888, being the time set by the August it almost exclusively. With this sys- went ioto committee of the whole on the pity Kecorder. said Council when it will bear and contem the most Salt Lake Crrr, July aoth, 1888. delicate and sensitive deficiency appropriation bill. sider such objections as may be made eyes can be fitted with glasses so acthereto. On motion of Voorhees of Washington ' By orderof tlf5 City council of Salt Lake curately that they are relieved of all territory an amendment was adopted for the oompietaoc ot ikh. cay, maae strain, and thus they soon recover , , juiysru, 1IEBER M. WELLS. , their lost strength. Spectacles fitted the public building at Port Townsend. to Conncil Ibe of Of he Intention Clfy committee City Reorder. The the rose, leaving appro ' and ground to order in this manner do Water Mai us on II Street. and the House soon Extend not change as ordinary glasses do, bat priation bill pending, KOTICE. lor years and preserve the sojourned. ihey wear XTOTICB 18 HEREBY dlVES BY THE Of tbo Intention of tbo Clfy Connell sight. Dr. Prentice, Continental Ho1I Council of Salt Iake Clly of the Citv to Extend Water Mains on G Street, d&s tel, Salt Lake City. intention of such Council to make the BRIEF TELEGRAMS. following described Improvement, IS HEREBY OIVEN BY THE and laying iros water pipes or XTOTICE IX City Council of Salt Lake City of the XonouiU,' Jnly SO. General Sheridan's Extending name the streets, mains following along or sucn council io maxetne roi intention condition is uncnangea. x avorauic ly: Beginning at the intersection ofHlxth described Improvement, to wll toms continue. and A Streets and running southward on lowine or laying iron water pipes to a point mid way between Third Exlcnding and Belgrade, Jnly 20. King Milan has asked II Street streets, name following along tne Fourth Street-- , and defray, three- - mains tne iftnsistory to grant mm a lggal cepara- - and of the Intersection Sixth at y: Beginning fourths oi the cost therein, estimated at and uon irom vueen jvatatie. tree is anil running normwara ...... dollars alonaUO Street eleven hundred and twenty-livto a point miivray betweenNew York, Jury 30. Judgment for $37, ($1,126,) by a local uaf esstnens- upon the Klcrbt and Ninth streets and delrav threevM was entered today against the Kl Uro lots or pieces of ground wit hin the fol lowcost I hereof, estimated at of the fourllis to district the Nadescribed of tho in favor district, being uompany Third ing Mining thousand9 ' two hundred and nay be aflected or benefitted by said improve- one tional Bank of Syracuse, (S1J25Q) dollars, by a local assessment ". ment, namely: UDoOhe lots or pieces ol iiround within Ipahragka City, Neb., July 30. The ther All of lols land 4, block 7S; tlie fallowing described district, being the mometer today registered 104 in the shade. r or tots I and 4, bioca ,u; All district io oe aiiecioti or neneutieu oy: saia Several sunstrokes. One fatal, All of tot 4, block 80: iialnelyr Improvement, 3, block 7!; .All of lots i2 and Al or lots I and 4, block OT; Baltimore, July : 30. It has been deterAll of lots and 8, block, 62; 3 mined by the Baltimore A Ohio to immeand lots All of it, block 01; All of lot 2, block 51, all u plat 1, 8 tit All of lots I and 4, block 105; diately complete tho connection between LAKe ' y ourvey. 2 or City the Philadelphia extension ; and Staten lots and 3, block 106; All All proiesis and onjecuons w tnebocarryAH lot 1. block120: Island. ,t .; ;.". out of such Intention must pre. . .A 11 of ing iot of 2, block 119, all in Plat'. I, Salt New Vork, Jnly 30. The stock of Levi M. seated In writing to the ('fly Recorder on Murvey. city Bates A Co. was sold. by the sheriff today. or before August 7th, 168, being the lime fixxe All protests and 'Objections to Ibe carryThe estimated value was over $200,000,1 The set by the said Council when it will hear ing men intention must be pre. itnd conxkier such objoctious as may be sentedoutIn Of sale realized less than f loo.too. wrltinc to the City Kecorder on '. ....... made thereto.,, or before 7th, 18R8 being the time Cleveland, July robbers enBy order ot the City Couueil or Salt Lake sol by the August said Council when it will bear tered the larm house of Vkinrad Dunp, in City, made July W, aud consider such objections as may' be Knox County, last night, best tha oWi man UEBER Kr. WKLI-S- , ,j mads thereto. with a club, hound him and stole fiO.,, i :''-.- ! Cjty Kecorder. By order of tho City Council Of Bait ISH8. iBer'in. July .30, Emperor William. wi:,l Ixkeciiy, madeJiuyiw,; visit the Poue immediately noon his ar HKBEIt M. WELI4. ' rival in Rome, before going to the Uuirinal Of ,v city Recorder. the Cosnpletlon of Assessment ol in order not to oucna tne rope. r Tax Water of for Extension Emperor William has telegraphed from nalns; on Bontb Temple Afreet. Of tbo Intention of tbe Cltr Con art! Wagner that he considers it to be his sacred Irom K to P Btreet.j to protect and farther tbe performduty to Kxlend Water Mains on peooauk ance of goer's werks at tayreuih. HEREBY GlVts THAT Kaat Street. . IS Kew York, Jult 30. The sheriff's 1urv to NOTICE and collector of Salt Lake day decided broker Charles A. Johnes to be IS HEREBY GIVEN BY THE the hut and insane. - Johnes was one of the most dar- City has made and completed the assessment of a loeal NOTICE Council ef Salt Lake City offolpertaining plat of ing operators on the Stock Kxchango. mills tax four per sousre.foot levied .by intention of snch Council to wake too sT Albany. July 30. Governor Hill todav the City Council of said city, Jnly loth, 18t, low! nit described Imiirovcnieat to wit: Ex and laying iron water pipes or lots or pieces among many other telegrams of thanks for upon the following described tending ' ' f mains along the following stroeta, namely : namely: commuting tbe sentence of ChariaCigsarle, of ground, Tals m the ORIQIWAL Oofloi Bpnaa- - received ui mimn one from Baron i'ave, the Italian All of lots 1 antf 4, bloek 8; at tne itesinnmg All of loW land 8. blocks: and Third South Streets, aad between East . Minister on behalf of his government.: loaaiag 1 to a midway All of lots and 3, block 7; in I'lat D. southward Elastic SecUsa Health rrsoarrias. OorseS. point aad South Oulney. III.. July 80. The Burlinirtori fast Fath Streets, All of lots 1 and 2. block Si and Fourth defray train wett bound, ran into a car which sot estimated at whole of the Allof lots land 2, block 7; in riat G. ' Baware ef ether the calls health sreterv. on the main track near Round Grove at one thoiaand three hundred and thirty, All of lots , 6. 6 and 7, block 68; thia mornirtr. The enirlne was enm All of loU5. 6. 7 and 8, block 67: in Dat It. right dollars ($138), by a local assessment lac eeneti, attf&iied with WOOD aa o'clock wrecked. The engineer and n reman All of lota 4 and 6, block 84, la Plat V, all noon the lots or pieee of gronnd within the pletely described districr, being tbe badly but. None of the passengers in Salt lake City Survey ; said tax being for following tar wrtkls aaatorlal, asS ealleo bys were ' were Injured to bo aif ected or benefitted by said im, tlie ft - the extension of tbe water wains along : t provement namely: route, namely CABALISTIC aaaso o smsJts ysn. Conwar. Ark.. JulV SO. While two denntv following- deaertbed of K and Beginning at the intersection sheriffs- were endeavoring tor arrest r red S, 3, 4 and B, block 40; lots of All South eastward thence streets, Temple ASK TSX Conway, a farmer near here, s fight took along said South Temple street to P street. All of lota 6 and 7. blocs 32 : place in which the whole family attacked Said list and plat have been lodged is the Allof lots 8 sad 6, block 31 i all la plat l and fatally wounded one ol the officers. DR. salt Lake city survey. Another posse has gone after Conway, who and will be open to All protests and objections to the carrying for a period inspection has said he would not be takes alive. ; AKD TAXB KO OTHXB. nt trni Hm triKn aad aftr th siat dav nf out out such intention must be presented In written a I wwUag to the Cut Recorder oa or before MONIY RIPUNDID at say during whichthetime July, to theCouocil Auanst 7lh, 1888, being tbe time set by the correction of tii for peals raot oaoa not prove ssstlsfaotoiy. the aaaessment may be filed with the said re- - ; said Conncil when it will hear and consider TOCKU BROS. CO.. obiections as mav bo made thereto, such in pursuance of tits ordinance In 8S Main St., Salt Lake City, have sold eorder, I By order of the City Ceunoil of bait Lake provided. FOR SALsT BY over 70no Domestic Sewing Machines snch ease I , 11H.BJSU M. WIUJ, . t. Vll OlSUe - USJ u. lorn. A UEBER Mo WELLS, and tba eruanu lor them is S. C, Salt JUakf Qltj. aince 19U) City Kecorder, 1i ; ; r d&sti Salt LflU City, July 2oih,iss3. greater than ever, , citjRecwder, ; & 127 w. IVOTICE. - 11 CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R'Y. VTOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Lv Assessor and Collector of Salt lake City has made and completed the list and pertaining to the assessment of a local plat tax of four mills pei square foot levied by the City Council of said city, July 10th, 1FS3, upon the following described lots or pieces ot ground, namely: oi iota anu 3, block vi ; aii All of lots 1 and 4, block 93 ; All of lot 1. block 104: All of lot 2. block 105. all in plat D. Salt Lake City Survey, said tax being for tbe extension of the water mains along tbe fol lowing uescriDea route, namely : Beginning at the intersection of V and Sixth streets, thence northward . along F Street to a point midway between Seventh ana cignin strceta. said list naa been lodired in the office of the City Recorder no. t, city nan. and will-bopen lor in spection ior a period of ten days from and after the 21st of July, 1838, during which time written ai Deals to the Council for the correction of the assessment may be filed with tne recorder, in pursuance of tne ordi nance in sucn case proviaca. IIKBER M. WELLS, City Recorder. Salt Lake City, July 20th, li8. : TVTOTICK 18 HEREBY IGIVEN BY E. Y. Telephone No. aU. THE BY mention oi sucn council to maae tnelt loilowina deserioed Improvement, Extending and laying Iron water rtioea or: mains along theol lowing streets.namely of the main on itegmaiug at tue terminus west xempie street, at or near tne inter section ol Sixth South Street, thence southward alour. West Temple Street to a Hintu point midway between f.iehtn and s of South Streets, and defray tne cost tuereor, estiroaiea m tour thou sand three hundred and thirteen ($4,313) local assessment upon the dollars, by a or lots or pieces grouuil wltuln tne 101 lowing described distiict. being tbe district to be affected or benefited by said improve ment, namely : o A1 oi tots a, 4, ana ,a diock ti; All of lots 1, 6, 7 and 8, block 23; All of loU 2, 3, 4 and 5, block 15; All of lots 1, 2,7 and 8, block 11; All ol lots & and 6. block 4: AU of lots 0 and V.block 5: all In Plat A' sail Laae city survey. .u protests and obiections to tne carry. Ing out of such intention must be present ed in writing to tho City Itecordcr on or, belore Tuesday, August 7th, 1888, ooing the time set by said Council when It will hour and consider such objections as may j be made thereto. ,' By order of the City Council of Salt Lane City, made jnly 3d, 1888. NOTICE f the Completion of Local Tax for Extension of Water Bialno alone F Street between Slxl b aad Effcbtb Of City of the- Cifcy ilFMr Hay, Grain NOTICE. tho Intention of tho City Connell on West to Extend Water nalns Temple street.; Of i ; - . benefitted by said improvement namely : All of lots 1 and 4, block 82 ; Alt ol lots 2 ana 3, bioct w ; AH of tots 1 and 4. block 59 ; All of lots 3 and 3,lock 5S ; All of lots 1 and 4, block M ; All of loU 3 and 3, block 55 ; All of lots 1 and 4, block 31 ; All of lota 2 and 3, block ; All of lota 1 and 4. block 26: All of lots 3 and 3, block 37. All in flat D, Salt Lake City Survey. i All Dro tests and obiections to the carry ing out of such intention must be presented in writing to the Citv .Recorder on or be fore August 7th, 1888, being the time set by the said Council when it Will bear and con sider such objections as may be made IIEBEft llKOS., and itls, s v City Council of Salt Lake City of intention of such Council to make the for"! lowing described improvement, to wit: Ex and laying iron water pipes or tending mains along the following streets, namely: Beginning al the intersection of L. ana Sixth Streets, and running southward along L, Street to First Street and defray the whole of the cost thereof, estimated at two thousand Ave hundred dollars ($2,500) by a local assessment upon the; lots or nieces of desciibed ground within the following district, being the district to be affected or thereto. oo. iviiwiin. - irj XTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Council OfiSalt Lake IN well-know- REMOVED Ti) Si. 16, MAIN 8T. Z..C. M. I. Telephone. :u. HAS IS HEREBY GIVEN, BY THE NOTICE Council of Salt Lake City of the of intention each Council to make the fol lowing described improvement. Extending ana laying iron water pipes or mains along" the following streets, namely: Beirinninir at the intersection of Second South and Eighth East Streets and running eastward aloug Second South Strcei to a midway Tietwccn Ninth and Tenth point East Streets and defray three fourths of the cost thereof, estimated at two thousand, two hundred dollars (f2,3oe,) by a locai or lots upon the pieces of ground within the: following described district, being the district to be affected: or benefited by said improvement, namely ; aii ot iota i, z, 36 ana 4, bioc os All of lota 4, 5, and 7. block 44 ; All of lots 3 and 3, block 56; All tf lots 5 and 6 block 43. All in Flat B, Salt Lake City Survey-Al- l protests and objections to the carryln out of such intention must be presented ir. on or before writing to tkjB City Recorder .tn. isss. being tne time set iv mi August mid Council when it will hear and con sider such: obiections as may be made : tbe IotMiiion of tbe City Council on I. to Extend Water Alalna Street. Hartley Campbell Dead. New York, July 30. Bartley Camp n bell, tbe playwright, died at Bloomlngdale Asylum for tbe Insane this afternoon. He passed away peace fully, and his death was so sudden that bis friends who had been nasuiy seni for were not able to reach his bedside. A 8IO.OOO Bobbery. . Albany. July 9. About noon today n firm P. D. Dederick of the of arrleultural implement manufac turers, drove to the Mechanics' and Farmers' bank and secured a package of bonds containing scries lti of the debenture bonds issued by the Equitable Mortgage Company of Kansas City, dated May 1st, 1S87, and falling due May 1st, 1892, for $1000 each. Tbe he placed on toe seat of bis gackage A man attracted bis passing there ws someattention by saying harness and thing the matter with hiswas while Dederick's bead turned, a In confederate dashed and grabbed the bonds and made his escape. Dederick thinks th package contained bonds to the value of $10,000. Attempted Sulfide. Atlantic City, N. J., July 30. A distinguished looking stranger about 35 yqars ef age, evidently a Raslan.wbo declines to give his name! bpt says he is from Philadelphia, made a desperate attempt to commit suicide tonight on the beach near the Excursion House, first by drowning and then by ring two shots into bis body.: lie is in a critical condition, lie admits it was a love affair. X. HIIXJIu 13 Xt. 13. South Street.. to-wi- NOTICB. Of the Intention ol the Cityon Connell to Kxteoil water nalna Beeono: Of to-wi- 11EBER M. WELLS, City Uecorden Anglo-Americ- an Dr. Prentice, JOHN BHABJP, Osmsral Bapaiiatamdsmt. AgeaU ' ago. NOTICE x IS HEREBY GIVEN BY THE NOTICB Don ncil of Salt Lake City of the intention of such Council to mako the fol Ex described lowing improvement, tending and lnying iron water pipes or REAL ESTATr.Ma mains along the following streets, namely If you have Real Estnteito Sell ; uegianing at the intersection oi rum If you want to Buy Kca Estate ;' South and Second East streets and running thence westward along Fifth South Street If you have llonses to Bent; to a point midway between East Temple veu wsnt to Rent a If and First East streets and defray threeIf you have Money to House; fourths of the cost thereof, estimated at If you want to Borrow jran; Monoy , two thousand five hundred and eighty-eigh- t Coine and see ns, uonars w,ogh), uy a local assessment upon w. AT 63 FIRST SOUTH ST. the lots or pieces of ground within the fol lowing described district, being the district to oo aneciea or ucucutia uy saia improve ment, namely: WATSON All of lots 1, 3, 3 and 4, block 38; A of lots 4, 5, 6 and 7, block 35 ; All of lots I and n; block 39: Builders, Stonecutters All of lots 1 and 8, block 34, aU in riat A, Salt Lake City Survey. VI lnn Tombstones, Monuraenla All protests and objections to the carrying and Hearts btonc. Mantels, Crat-jout of such intention must bo presented in writing to the City Recorder on or before 12 MO SCt 1 11 JaMlIK N I 278 Tuesday, August 7th. ISM, being the time Ovvctite y4a.W llaU set by the said Council, when it will hear tliiriioand consider such Objections as may be Lake of Council order the salt of Cltr By made thereto. made July 3d, 1888. By order of the City Council of Salt Lake City, lic.ue.it at. v cit-- , mauc juiywi.jNbs. City Recorder. IlEBER M. WELLS. e life-lon- aa-rth- . Paa Ibree-fourt- Vice-Presid- ent w in-la- AUGUST lO. Erarea...-1L1- 0 Milferd Express at. p.w jvxprei at juas Express at............... 7.20 1.20 .m AUaatio Express at..... ..lS.SCv.m Pinltn Enreaa at S.1C p.m. Train AAemmoaatlo NEWS. -- Moutb Street. to-w- tt: s . p.m. Juab Express at.. p.m. FaoiAo Express at .............10.20 p.m. ST PaaseBger Trams Arriva in Salt Lake daily, as fellows A tlaatio J NOTIOK tbe Intention of tbe City Council to Extend Water Mains on Fifth Of XTOTICE IS "HEREBY dlVEN BY TlfE City Council of Wait Lake City of the Intention of u?h Coancil to make I he following described Improvement, Extendina; and laying Iron water pipes or mains along tbe following streets, nameBeginning at the intersection of I and ly: FiJth Streets, aud ruuulng southward along said I Street to polut midway between Third and Fourth Streets, and of cost thereof the defray estimated at Eight Hundred and Sevenly-fiv(tSTo) Dollars, by a local assessment upon the lots or pieces ofground within described district, feeing the the following district to be affected or benefitted by said improvement, namely: All of lots hand 4, block 6?; All of lors 2 and 3, block 61; ' All of lot 4. block 51: All of lot 8. block 62; all in pint V, Salt ; lbxb jiiy ourvey. All protests and objections to the earn Of aucU out must be preintention ing sented In writing to tho Clfcy Recorder on or before Tuesday, August 7th, 1888, being ine time set ny tue said council when ll will bear and consider such objections a . may be made thereto. By order of the City Council ol Salt Lake : aur maae City, j 3d, iws Fers;er C'ans;tot. CmcAGO, July SO. The arrest is an nounced In Portland, rccon, of James ll. Porter, and this revivos the story ol his crime. In February, 1886, while in the employ of President Fowler of the Packing Company, Porter cleverly farced the name of bis employer te three checks, aggregating $49,000, aod cashed them at the First , Favorite Dr. ft. Kennedy's Remedy National liana oi unicago. lie threw Kondont, W. Y. Price tl; 6 for the officers off the scent by pretending to go to Montreal, when in reality he Z. V. M. I. Drag Dept. Agent went to central America rja New Or leans, after baring sent his family ITRE FOR RICH HEAMCHE. Portland. Alter spending nis money . C. M. LDmg Store have Free Samples be returned to his family, when ho was of Dr. Gunn's Liver Pills, cure witnont by detective agency. He is fall ; removes Pimples in the Face ; relieves arrested on his way here. V V Billioasness, ana improves lugcauon. umi; ' -- 31 1888. July TELEGRAPHIC nedy's Favorite Remedy of Rondout, N. Y., advertised in our paper. After u :lng one bottle I threw away mv cane and went to New Yorlt on a visit, and three bottle cured me, this was six years ago. I have never had a retu-- n of or weakness in me gravel, nor of the pains back, and though I am over sixty years of age I ant Now Vigorous and 8treag as I wa.i in my prime. I do all my own work. and rareiy Know wnat it is w on wreu. itom.ry my the medicine in the house and give it o it whenever I grandchildren, and recommend ana Wv W. MACKINTOSH. 01 tne C. W. HARDY, ail What many . jinysicians 3n. G. F, and P. A. remedies 1 hai taken coma not ao, vt. Acnne- Supt and Engineer. Favorite Remedy did; it stayed the disease ly's md made me a strong, vigorous woman, ' FAME FMOM MAIN ST. AND KETUMN, 25c. Vein Tnesdajv WOTICE the iatesiMejsi of the council te Extend WaUy Mains City on I Street. Of - A . EVENING NEWS. AlKblr Belated. j' New York. July 30. Dr. Winsiow S. Pierce died at Brooklyn yesterday. aged 09 years. lie was twee a brother to Hendricks g friend of Stephen A. sad a was He a cousin of Presi Douglass. I Never Expected to Keeever. dent Franklin Pierce and related on bis to the Prescotts and the and I finally gotrfo weak that I could not stand mother's side alone. Hn a few months my physician said I Bancrofts. He went to California in 1849 and returned to Indiana in 1855; had, Brigbt's diseaae, which was Indeed alarming Information. To add to my affliction after- He married a sister, of Hendricks. x naa been ill about two vearn. I had a bad at tack of Uravel. Hlx years ago, last June, how Same years after her death he married well I remember the day, I saw Dr. David Kenanother sister, who died a few months 10, P.M. P M. P.M. 7 30!Ar a.WAr 9 60 7 2,Lv 2 2vLv 9 46 7 2 22LV 9 42 7 19 Lv 2 19 Lv 9 39 7 12 LV 2 12 LV 9 32 7C9Lv 8 0lLv 929 7 00LV 2 00LV 920 A.M. DISEASE. The following statement from Mrs. meline P. Mliner of Burg Hill, Ohio, will be of great in terest to those who snffsr from Blight's Disease or OraveL I have long resolved that I would apyou of the deep prise sense of obligation which I feeL There Is nothing which I now enlov that I do not owe to the happy oi imvuig uwu -- ciiaiHje Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite at a aj time whenRemedy I was snflfer-- r -- inir All that a hi man bm jlng could endure. My Kidneys over nine years ago and from which Tkaa ever; also a Pell Stock of their re wand and BAVfirs aiways oa asaoj riLl x&:sm v: ITS THEOEY. Is that all Food, Bskerd or Cooked, should be cooked in fresh sir freely admitlted to the even. This is done by discarding the close evca door heretofore used, and substituting for it a door containing a sheet of Wire Gauss nearly as large as the door itself, t rarooa-h f tsla Uanao Boor the air freely elrew late, f aciiiUUns- the nrocoss ef cooking, snd producing food that ia en. equalled in flavor and nutrition, and actually cooked with lens consumption of fuel liuta ia an even with a closed door. it makes an enormous...'-- .saving In the EEO. Ll. & JOHH U! CMOR - HATS OrSKSD A - AKD Collection Acencjr, ... . I of meat. weight 11 also prsdares lararor Lssvm of res less attention from the Bu nd. renal cook, and promotes the health of the family by tlie SirrgRtoa QUALITY OF ISC roOU COOSMl IN IT. '1 ... ... t, OPINION OF AN EXPERT- . - ' AT No. 39 MAIN STREET. ' Mm. Makt B. Wklch. Teacher D6raes tic Economy, Jowa Siata University, MMy deliberate Judrment is that the oven of the Range, as compared with others, is not Only more equally heated In every part front and roar but as a result of its superior ventilation the Is food placed therein better cooked, while retaining a - sweeter flavor, and a lara-e- r Dronortion'ef Ita beat Juices. I And, also the consumption of fuel In this Eange is much less than any other . fpr same work. sy: Two doors South if, I":-- VI Iands for Sale, j HousesVjTor, Itent, : ; T- - t Money to Loan. ! k " .;: r! rsaflsiAaiAsani Oisia Sail "i ' ' h,Vaaij. r""T.fT tMrul1' a noMfsrlUatsdClrealsn sad Fries 4rI!,d .d-- . tACEiSIE- 5L LC2IS roa sAXa ar Z..0. U. 1, Sole Agents iaSalt Like City No. 33 Maiai Street, mimi, of Z. U. , - Specialty. r''" SaltMrtitj. |