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Show RAILROADS. The Salt lake Fort (mglasfBailway & be "Believed In all I amexpect 't? for WO to about Will run Trains to nd from Fort Douglas as follows: TIME TABLE No. ' To take effect 3. July 3, 1888. EASTWARD. Ne. No.jft No. V Stations. 8.. No... Ko. 4. 1 No. 6. No. 8. I I No". 10. I I I 1 i Trains and 2 run sad Wednesdays excepted), Ko. arriving at Fort lrouglas in time fordaily.Sunday Full Dress Farads every day in the week (Saturdays and Sun10 run Sundays only. No. 3 arriving at the Fort in Trains 9 and 7, 4, 3, 8, days excepted). lime for Dress Parade, Sunday morniit inspection and guard mounting. Nos. 8 find D. R.U. Bathing Trains to and from Lake Park. Trains 5 and 6 run connecting with la time for Band practice. Sundays and Wednesdays only, No. 5 arriving at FortofDouglas Soldiers and a s ine Band at Fort Remember there is now nearly a Regiment and at Band at Guard Mountings and Dress 1'sradea Daily, lKug)a. which appear t i ii i Concerts Wednesdays and Sundays. O t A Fort i To see the a over ride Sa'l take Lake the all its in and beauty; City galley ' . . . . . n . c, , . . . .. i f x a YMf street car connections si i.iuerij ar, uraipuuui ana wciitn cast sbocjs o C. W. HARDY, W. W. MAPKTSTOSJI, r snd ,t Supt. and Engineer. t. : - TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. te lt, I. A. V 1888. Ei 1, ..!.... Ike 1 1 o, r.,n an, taw. uilnnl , bet-we- e -- tn toi-nwi- to-w- lt: ok-d- order with exclusive riguvoi straight, which was done in Jess than special a minute, and Susie Shettler is now a way, until it snail be perfected ana tne handsome little girl, while her parents senate has passed it. are well pleased. INTERNAL REVENUE. The commissioner of internal reve SATISFIED AT LAST. nue today submitted the preliminary Georce A. Smith of Salt Lake City is report oi his Bureau's operations ior man well and young favorably known the year ending June 30tb. The total Deen collections were S124.32G.474. an in juud. ue has tarsughout cross-eytroubled with a bad case of crease of $5,G49,743 over 'he previous all his life. Several years ago he had year. Nearly of the increase an operation performed by an oculist was upon the wholeand lermentea spirits .did . no Uauors, bat ft was ooi saccessfol andwas- very good, co J8tiuectlv nisxaim f Hg ALIEN LAND LAW. much shakea about ttsever being made Representative Hermans of Ore eon. ut at tne uontinentai straitfUt. Hotel oniionday-- ' of thii" week Dr. from the committee on public lands, in less- than reverted favorably to the House the Prentice made it stralsht half a minute. Mr, 'Smith la Senate bill providing that the alien wit3 tne result ana ins many irienas land act shall not affect the title to astonished. Mr. Smith sa it caused mineral or mining claims in the terri- may oe acquired. or held him practically bo pain. wneavfruicQ ...4A.a uuuet .V. hue tuiucxai laws ui .L tne 1IA. inikeuJ States or any mills or other improvePILES, thereon. I have been alllicted with Hemor ments The committee has added an amend rhoids (or Bleedioe Piles) forine past aunt to the bill, providing that the act tweaty-liv- e years. For 'several weeks not be construed so as to au past the pain has been so intense that I snau was forced to qnit work. I found no thorize the acquisition or holding of relief either day or night. and was fref any coal orofIron lands in any of the the United States by ao quently compelled to walk the floor all territories or aiieu me was as ioreigner. for it long, impossible night to eleep. Iirthis condition I called on 8YfPATHY FOB WITNESSES. Dr. Prentice at the Continental Hotel. has transmit' The Attorney-Generwho, after a painless operation of less ted the House' a communication tban one minute, relieved me irom an iromto the Acting Commissioner of the pain, and 1 have been able to Sleep and Land Office, calling attention to the rest wen ever since. injustice of compelling witnesses I consider myself perfectly cured .and great and testify in United States unsolicited offer this testimonial for to appear in tne Territories at the presthe benefit of those who may be simi courts ent insufficient rate ot compensation, ted. ilESRT URHGORT, larly 8 U11C 110 $1.50 per day and live cents per mile. N. WestTemple Street. Ue says upon some routes " of travel are compelled to pay at the witnesses AH OPKN LETTER. rate ol ten cents a mile each way for Salt Lake City, Junp 21, im. transportation, and f rom $1 to $1.60 a I, was born io the pretttafittle village day for subsistence more than the legal of Underwood, Devonshire, England, allowance for such purposes. The effect in the year 1822. I remained at home is highly prejudicial to the interests of aUfLworkfd.on .until I.vcaa in years oiu. xue recoucc: ion oi taose of fraudulent' transactions In public early days is very pleasant to me as life lands and depredations on public creeps on.. After leaving the farm I timoer as it is impossioie to induce spent fourteen years in the English persons to admit that they - have navy. In 1872 I camo to America, and knowledge of fraudulent actions when six years ago I came to Salvlyake. The it will result in a loss of time and only blight to my .life, especially my money to themselves. boyhood davs. when lite ho a Id have been the brightest, was a disngurentent PAKSKLLITE JN VEST1U ATION. mat i was oorn witn, namely, cross-eyeI never will knew jast how much Warm Debate absnt it la the t'sst- " ' ainerence it nas maoe in my me. but I naons. know it made a great deal in my early cross-eve6tir rears. d dayp.. I've bees tiosDoif, July 24. In the Commons Ou Monday of this week Dr. Prentice tonight Libouchere resumed the de my eyes in half a straightened bate on the Commission bill. Ko three Vu q r ivithont paimintr m o anv nxln minute, at my age I am proud to bave straight judges, be said, could as well adjudi cate these questions as the House of eyes ior me oaiance oi my aay?. call at Dr. Prentice's office at the Con tiacntal Hotel, Salt Lake City, nearly Commons. The commisssien would bave power to indemnify any ruffian every day, and have seen him do oner ations without pain that axelalmost who weuld criminate himself, provided miraculous. It ii with pleasure I add ns oe accommodating enough to enrol nate some one else. It was a fishing my testimony. henry honey. 740 First South Street, East intcDueu to avoid tne wujiuiasiOD, isbue to be decided. E ran and ral for S'EW INVENTION O'Brien, instance, could not yet yet in ineir aosence the com In ISoW Dr. Prentice invested and appear; was to mission their con copyrighted- a mathematical system for duct and listen investigate charges. Matthews fitting spectacles or glasses which is, had said a wide to scope of inquiry might undoubtedly, the most accurate of any reveal some undiscovered murder. Did now in use. It Is used in England, that mean that members against whom Holland and France. 'Dr. Gardner, of Diii was directed were murderersf Chicago, says it is the true principle. toe tolerate, these vague Dr. Helmes says he has found it very Would the House ? wasNever the useful. Dr. Fitch, a trustee of the Il- insinuations of the linois Eye and Ear Infirmary, relies on effrontry ss when Governmentcom-so said the they it almoskexclostvely. With this sys- complete tem the most delicate and sensitive mission was granted at the request of the while in the meantime Parnellitcs, eyes can oe tmed with classes so ac government - was arranging .with urately that . they are relieved of all the the Times what sert of a commission Strain, and thus thev noon rernvpr should and what ought lost strength. Spectacles fitted to be thebe proposed, scope of the inquiry. The ana ground to order in this manner do opposition wanted an inquiry Into the not change as ordinary glasses do. but conduct the government. They they wear for years jind preserve the wanted toofa now aoeut tne Dr. jrrenuce, continental Ho Bigm. tel. Salt Lake City. j ., , , f MURDERS At MITCHELLTOWX Send one cent P. O. stamp lor Dr. and about the murder of Mandevllle. rieuuee b iraper on diseases 01 the I near i hear!" beriain on arising to vote neaa. said be himself bad formed an opialon of Parnell'8- - character which would Dr. Prentice diplomas can be seen make-- , hira slow to accept the chsrgts his office, Continental Hotel.,, d&s The only thing that against him. shook bis confidence was Parnelrs re CCBE Fast flll'U UEABACHK. luctance to face the charges. Cheers Z. CM. L Irug Stere liare Free Samples ana ; cries oi raoi"i v.of Dr.; ti udd's Uver.I'iIis. Cnre without How was Parnrll going to show ran; removes rimies in the Face; relieves himself and friends innocent Unlets Billionsness, and improve Digestion. Only the inquiry covered the relations be viior iih m wn. ;u i;cnu a oox. oats tween members and persons outside whowere accused ofycrimes? The Paraellltes, Chaoaberlain added, ought not to grudge a prolonged inquiry to uriDg odi, iae irutnp. lie aia not Believe they thought the government a part y to the accusations ol the Tint$. if tOriesof ohlah'J . Sir Wm. Veinon Xlarcoart said the government evaded the question la re gard to these letters, and tried, under tne cover oi an inanirv. la mm an attaok npon political opponents. II Attorney-GenerWebster believed one single charge he had tried upon Parnell as counsel for the Times. it was his duty for the crown to Indict ,1-n- -- - deli-shte- 1 1 1 . CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R'Y. Its central position and closo oottnoetlon with Eastern lines at Chicago and continuous lines at terminal points West, Northwest and Southwest, make lt the true mid-lin- k in that transcontinental chain of steel which unites the Atlantic and Pacific Its main line and branches include Chicago, J oliet, Ottawa, La Salle, Oeneseo, Mollne and Bock Island, in Illinois; Davenport, Muscatine, Kforia, Fairfield-OttnmwWashina-ton- . OikalOMi.WMtLlhfirtT. lowaOitrr TlMltTninM. Indianola, Wintarset, Atlantic, Xnow-ille- , Audubon, Harlan, Gmthrie Centre and Council Bluffs, in. Iowa ; Oallatin, Trenton, Cameron, mj J"MsBMgI aw St. Joseph and Kansas City,' in hfissourit Ieawenworth id ill 1 m a rl r and Atcnison, Kansas; JSinneapoUs and St. Paul, in 1 Minnesota; Watertowa and Sioux Palls, In Dakota, and TIT mi many other prosperous towns and cities. It also offers a CHOICE 07 ROUTES to and from the Pacific Coast and intermediate places. uv asc or nne au transxers "lminm union jjepots. jr malting; jjax l'uauujss, PTJX.LMAN PALACE SIEKPINQ CABS, elegant DININO- CABS, ana (oetween Cbicago, eu josepn, Atcnison sma jutnsas City) restful SCIU4oz seats to Holders fBJ&S nrst CUAIK class tickets. CABS, IHQ through a. . (J IfOf nt mag-niflee- - & NEBRASKA R'Y THE CHICAGO, KANSAS ineiiT back isLaain oatrrn ' .. . f- itxteridf vsst and sou thwsst from Kansas City and St. Joseph to Fairtrary. Herinirton. Hutchinson. Nelson, H or ton, Topeka, Wichita, Caldwell, and all points in southern Nebraska. interior Kansas and beyond, Entire passenger equipment of the celebrated Pullman manufacture. Solidly bal lasted track of heavy steel rail. Iron and stone bridges, All safety appliances and modern improvements. Commodious, well built . stations. Celerity, certainty, cosnfort and luxury assured. THE FAMOUS ALBERT LEA ROUTE - East-Centr- al I A. HOLBROOK Fass'r Agsa. ilKRVRR AND' Utah & Nevada Ry, Rio Grande Western AND AFTER ON anrJTiAV BAILWAY. Scenic Liae of the World Tralu. Not iO. Kas Bosiad i Ogdcn... Bait Lake City Icnver...... Lr. Lv. .VAr. No. 8. 9.20a.m. 10.50 a.m. 8.45p.m. 8.00 a.m. iTTTpIP OA Hiqq The Utah A Nevada Railway will rnn'Tt uitins osuy (sunaays excepieu .. as follows;; f . ! . For Termlsas, (Jarfield Beach and SBMersMeaiateMlsttlona. Leave Salt Lake City at.i. ......... S 0 a. Arrive at Terminus 11.1.1 a. For Malt E4Lfee C'lly and Iatermedf ate Leave Terminus naiwn. at ..........12:44 p Arnve at Salt Lake City at......... 3:43p aX.... ' 8.40p.m. 10.10 p.m. 7.00a.m. 6.55 a.m. Ar. ' WEST BOUND j TRAINS. TRAISS FOB 6ARFIELD BEACH t No. 7. No. 9. wm leave Salt Lake City daily at 7:10 a. m Pa It ILase City Lv. 5.55 p.m. 8.25 a.m. 8:20 a. m. (Sunday excepted), 11:40 a. m .50 .Ar. 7.20 p.m. Ogden....... U3 p, m. (Monday m., 4:45 p. m pan ranctsco .Ar....10 a.nu 10.40 am. excepted);' returning, arrive t Salt Lak . 5 INGHAM AND 'ALT A TBAINS. 10 13 ni.(aiaUP. Pi., Ixave Salt Lake City, 7.25 a.m. Ectarning, uo;axcpiea;je:sp. : p. m. (Mondays excepted). . uue Arnvv uui i.w p.m. Chicago i :P. a-- D. C4 DODGB, Geseral Manager. J. II. : BENNETT, Gen. Pass. Art. OJf 8FSDATA A Special Train will leave Salt iMfw Bf V4 ..Oil a wm us V Wn s. CHICAGO aa. W I X I". Agt. ; vr. W, RITER. Sapt ! union pacific nr. "Tki OrerluiRowttv" :. Tko esdy WW S1ILW1V !U . An . . Til MAXIJI- o- Denver, Ckeyense, Ksitsse City, Cotin-oil Bluffs, Omaha, Chlesf , St. Louis nil Alt Nebraeks, Coloraslo, Idaho, OyerlaiilJEiress Tf atel makes close Mantana, Oregon, Withlnften Ttr ritory, tn. Nrthrii PaolH Ctati Lines. , Sarrsse Cheeked TkroK aa i.i fra .n mwun "V j UaloiKDenet es tioas with tareagh traiaa trem T A SALT CHICAGO And Eastern Cities. rX7o - ST? PAUli, DUIjUTH, f ;.; A . , - - . - ; . . ' '." " al to-fi- rarnen. I , slUUTAL AND DKFAItTTJTtE OF VKIOl ' Liae. i -aam.1 tffti! u J SmMsA . ........ LM Las. Umitsd........ ' s BBFAaWbSrir Maa.Bg. JlsiUs xpiese..,......,.i.U ...... Lmites Ctl s.sa. ' ; Yprth Western, Dining Cars v sU THte usasi TKAXJra. J. II. : j . . AXORTHESN , .,.Tr'.: ss - t.s p. as. ........ 4.1s.mm. .bwuavuuoatHMi ............. S.M a.Ba KaOsad Express.... YOUWO, Traveling PsMesrer Areni, m pais onr. xcxo SALT JLAKB CITT. . 1. 1. ITBITMijr, I, C WICKEB, I. p. WILS09, Asarvm. Sen't Maog'r. Tffflo Maa'fr. Gea. Pas. Agt Mail sad Express ! . 4: x slf SUMMER DRINKS. . The LSI a. SB. traia Lbs 1M p.ss. traia, SHT - an MaaaadKzpi I 0J, dim TtZ- " Beware ef ether so called health preserv- lag eerseU, stitened with WOOD aas thsr worthless material, sad called y to deeelvs yem. A8Z ros THX setwsss Sieepers tJr'fk DR. SCDILIKQ'S- - COIISBI City. Oh eye n Be, Denver asd Ths ilnltsd traias Kan-saaOt- y. uMi .!..ciTisarMsyAft , i IS HEREBY GIVEN iBY THE NOTICECouncil of Salt Lake Citv of the intention of such Council to make the fol lowinguleseribed improvement, to wit: Ex and laying iron water pipes or tending mams aiong tne iouowing streets, nameiy: Beginning at the intersection of I, and Sixth Streets, and running southward along Li street to f irst street, ana tne acirsy whole of the cost thereof, estimated at two five dollars thousand hundred ($2,500) by a local assessment upon the lots or pieces of aescrioeo ground witnmthetne following district to be affected or district, being nenenttea oy saia improvement nameiy : au oi lots i ana, oiocx m; All of lots 3 and t, block SS ; All of lets I and 4, block 59 ; All of lots S and 3, block 58; All of lots 1 and 4, block 54 ; All of lots 3 and 3, block 55 ; All ot loUl and 4, block 31 ; Aiioc iota zana 3, bieca so; . All of lots 1 and 4. block 26 ; All of lots 3 and 3. block 27. All in Plat D, Salt Lake City Survey, All protests and objections to the carry iu uili utaacu tuvention must be presentea in writing to tne Jitv Recorder on or be fore August 7th. 1888, being the time set by tne saia council when it will bear and consider such objections as may he made thereto. t Am ssSst VAUAWa MONEY RXPUNDSD at aay time the eersst dees net prove ssatiafaetery. S. Oa' P05 21. X, atALsT BY;;; f el : Tiliw City. BUILDING IRMITS Net lee te lerseais About to Build. miTE ATTENTION OF ALL PERSONS I J contemDlatinr building is berebv re spectfuUy called to the following provisions i? of citv ordinance : I 8kCTioif 3 It is hereby made the duty of every person, corporation or association, about to erect any building within the limits of this city, to notify the Inspector of Buildings at least three days before commencing the same;; and within the fire limits, every person, corporation or associa lion, before proceeding to erect any kind of building, er to repair er alter any in erectea, snail notiry tne already aDuuoing theretor his and obtain written pec permitana ana sucn ai aii ior, ouiiaings, tc rations shall be subject his Inspection. to repairs 8. Sec Any person who shall neglect or of this refuse to conform to the provisions of chapter, or toorthe written requirements mere tne inspector Hunaings, consistent ' . a to be liable forexceed each one ofadu wits, shall hundred iniuuTMuniMlu to to or not exceed dollars, imprisonment fine sad imprison thirty day a, or both such i ' men?. To prevent the erection of dans-eron- a buildings sad to keep as accurate account HEBEB M. WELLS, oi tne numuer ana suna oi ouuaings sveosea in the city, it is requisite that the aforesaid r City Becordcr. proyiston should be- strictly complied with. " " The Inspector of Buildings may be found at WOTICE the office of Taylor, Komney Armstrong, f the latentloni of tke Citv Casseli corner ef South Temple and Second West J tare asatesta water law a ii streets. Respectfully, GKORGK BOMNEY, B)tre. j Inspector of Buildings SAft LAKEiCrrr, July 13, lsss. XTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN BY THE 11 city councu of salt Lake. City of the intention of each Council to make the fol'1 '.t XOTICE Ex lowing described improvement, tending and laying iron water pipes or: Of tfers laiteeitsoai et Use Cttv Cssarll iouowing streets, nameiy Kaleavsl Water skSUsmi ess CVtsi maiasuvngtue Beginning at the- - intersection of B and . Bositai SMroeC. Bixtn etreet, ana running soutnwara along j B street to a point midway between Third ana Fourth streets, and defray three- - NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN BY THE j Council of Salt Lake City of the fourths of the cost thereof, estimated at one thousand two hundred and fiftv dol intention of such Council to make the fol Exlars, ($1,250), by a local assessment upon the lowing described improvement, lots or pieces oi greuna witnm tne iouow tending and laying iron water pipes er folio aescrwea the o maiaa tne district wing streets, namely : along aistrict, being ing be anectea or benentea by saidimprov Beginning at the intersecUoa of fifth ment, namely: South and Second East streets and running Allot lots i:and 4, block 72; tbenoe westward along fifth Booth Street to a point midway between East Temple All of lots.3 and 3, block 73: 1 All of loU and 4, block 69; and ' rtrst East streets and defray three-fourtAll of lota 3 and 3, block 68 of the cost thereof, estimated at All ot lot 4, block 44; two thousand five hundred and eighty eight All of lot 3, block 45 1 and all in plat D, dollars (Wmtt by a local assesameat upon Salt Lake City Survey. the lots or pieces of ground within the folAll protests and objections to the carry- lowing described district, being the district of such to out be affected er beaesttd by said improveIntention be sust presented ing in wniing io me iiiy iteceraer on er be- ment, namely: i! I fore August 7th", 1888, being the time set All of loU 1.3,3 and 4. block 38; Allot lots 4, &, S and f, block 354 i i' "J by the Council when it will hear and consider such objections as may be made - AUof lots lands, block 39: AJIof lots 7 and 8, block 34, all la Plat A, thereto. ', By order of the City Council of Salt Lake Salt Lake City Burver. All pro teats asd objections to the carrying City, made July 3d, 18?8. v out Of such intention must be presented in HEBKtt M. "WELLS, writing to the City Recorder oa or before City Recorder. August 7th, 1888, being the time Tuesday, sot by the said Council, when it will hear ss may bei aad consider sueh objections Of tte IsitesitKaai ftae City t'saacU made thereto. of the City Council of Salt Lake te eatessel Water Mai an mm West By. order Tetaswse attreet. uuy, maae ..i:. , - i i ! to-wi- t: , to-wi- t: Bv order or toe cut councu oi sail Lsae City, made June afith, 1888. I i City Recorder. " Of I He SBStestfloai swl Use City CTeMssell to atatestdi Water saaviats smb rsrsirsaB Street. svesitBt JBA-iT03- IS HEREBY GIVEN BY Tlis NOTICECouncu of Salt Lske City of the intention oi sucn council to maae tne JSC' C OO. SPECIALTIKo in attfi B A3UE MAKING Boys' Summer Salts. DulcT-Alpacand Klaanel CoaU and Vesta. TboHf who are not supplied wtth Summer Clot- a described improvement, and l.tHnir Iran water nines or mains aiong the following streets ; namely : at tne interaecwo m. iteginning East and Fourth South Streeta and roamiiBtT eastward to a point midway between Fifths and Sixth East ttreets.and defray of the cost thereof , estimated at two thousand two hundred dollars (2,300,) by a local assessment open toe lotsdes-or following pieces of ground within the cribed district, being the district to be affected or benefited ny said improvement, namely: All of lots I, s, 3 ana 4, biocs 37. All of lots 4, 5, 6 and 7, block 34. All of lota 3 and 3. block 38. All of lots 6 and . block 33. all in plat B, Salt Lake City Survey. All nrotests and obteetions to the carry intention must be presented ing out of such in writing to the City Recorder on or before August 7th 1888, being the time set by the said Council when it will hear and consider such objections as may be made thereto, Bv order of the Citv Council of Salt Lake City, made July 3d. 188S. JaJDllUlS JH. WJ!.LLo, . City Recorder. -- llala. Keckweai. etc.. l..tl.. be amply paid by examining our specialties. ana wut are and Our Will nmr right prices styles prove MtiBtactory. three-fourth- . NOTICE ''''''''''"'aBsBBBBSBBi " - QUOtfa WONG BINQ TYA8 JUST RECEIVED of. A LARGE Rockets, aBd'Kra.rrantcd good. Wholesale Also tuU line of Chinese and Retail. Japaaes Novelties.50 :, East, First Syith St. rireworks .assortment .tl Firecrackers, etc., etc.. Fresh msde V At and fcerJh'. itlErBI FEITIHS IliY ISTEE S. TTJkllTEUlD, MO Takes pleasure! la lafevming the citizens Of the IaUeaOoai ef Use City CoeueU Bait Lakd City anA vicinity, that he i now prepared to , Wlroee. Ennovate Old I Feathers. to Water Hal aw KxtesMI t re-roo- f, -- : NOTICE. : -- r sms - IS HEBEB T OrVEK BT THE CITT NOT1CK of Salt Lak a Citr. of the inten tion of. such Council to make the following described improvement, Extending snd laying iron water pipes or mains along the following streets, namely: Beginning at the intersection of F and sixth Streets, and running southward along Street to a and Fourth midway between Third point Bwccu.aaa betray the whole of the cost thereof, estimated at eleven hundred and twenty-fiv(tlJW.OOi dollars, by a local assessment upon the lots or pieces of within the following described disgtound trict, being the district To be affected or benefitted by said Improvement, namely: All of lots 1 aad 4, block 7 ; All of lots 3 and 3. block 77; All or lots 1 and 4, block 65; AW of lot 3 snd 3, block 4 ; ' All of lot A, Week 48 r All of lot 3, block 49; all la Plat D. 6alt , Lake City survey. All protests aad objections to the carrying out of such extension must be presented m writing to the City Recorder on, or before 7ts. itws, the time set by the August ssid Council trbeabeing It will hear and oon-sider such objections as may be made thereto. By order of the City Coaacil of Bait Lake ihns. uuj, maae juiy sra,HEBER M. WELLS, City Recorder. to-wi- t: f Beds and Pillorrs' I mad Clean and HcWJtir. Sell, V Leo S. Whitehead cordially extends as vita lion to the ladies and vubiio generaUy to call st la- - ' ; 8. R. MARKS eVCO'8,3a MftlM e . at IfJGRflHflCT tHIS FINE HQLSTEIH-FRIESIA- H BULL. TMPORTKD FROM THX NETHER JL lands, aad registered in the Holsties-Friesia- n Herd Book, (No, 46&S) will remain ia the yard at the. Bishop's eeaeral StoreLake City, Salt house, the season ef 1868. For terms apply during to JOHN K. L.KKS. NOTICE 1st lanesrilsss of tkve City Cuaaetl to Kmtesrsl Water slalaw sms Street. Of Mtkiiii 2ii:i ! Itoiifectaii ft., EUIIJ)lis.-- - tad XTOTTCE IS nEREBY GIVlEN BY THE . 13l City Council of Halt Lake City of the Intention of such Council to make the following described Improvement, to wit: Extending snd laying iron water pipes or uiaina tuuut toi iuiiwid nrasis, Dame ly: Beginning at the intersection of Sixth ' 8ith, Doers. Blines, Meeldlsf, and u streets and running northward Street te a point midway between along Q Shinftes, Lath, fiekefe, Hsu Eight and Ninth streets and defray three-..Tt. f fourths of the cost thereof, estimated at .., ,'. '.S. J t one thousand two hundred and fifty ear Lumber Sawed sad Dressed te Orses. (8L2BO) dollars, by a local assessment SM. W MteW jaovta, SlsrsBia upon the lots or pieces ot :. , the following described district, being the Tstarnosa No. ata. aistrtot to be anectea or oenenuea by said t improvement, nameiy 4 block 83; All or lots land AI I of lots 3 and 3, block lr ' All of lots 1 and 4. block 105: All of lots 2 and 3, block 106; .. All of lot 1. block 120: All of lot 2, block 119, all In rial D Salt Wssstch Mtst Markea. Lake City Survey. All protests and object lona to the carryHEBER M. WELLS." ; ing out of such Intention must be pre- entea writing io tne ju.y ttecoraer on City Recorder. or beforein Angast 7th, 1888. being tbs time PsULXJtA IN ALL KDmS OST set by the aald Council when it will hear t and consider sueh NOTICE objections .ss may be made thereto. By order of the City Council of Salt Of thve Isaeattteei e itse Citv Jsmsiei ibks. juiy sa, ts EzteaMi Wales' Mavlats sxa Ceat innate vity. asiaae , A4. WKLLS, HEBER aOUTH T., tire, nsissi ausdl tesUstee) Stroete. M' 22, City Recorder. IS HEREBY GIVEN BY THE JJN f City Council of Salt Lake City of the . intention of such Council to make the fol. ; Ex. Of tsto Iselesv- - ike city Coamesl Tn PATEKT: V .' rowing described mpreveroent, Exlesrdi WsJstlsnf tending and laying iroa waterptpesor main to streets, aiong tneat iouowing Bast Street. the terminus of namely: the present main at or near the Intersection of Centre IS HEREBY GIVEN BY THE TBS." and Tine streets thence northerly along XTOTICE XS TBE LATErVV IHrBOTESXHT JL City CouBcil ot Salt Lake City of the Centre Street to Plum Street, thenoe west- lawDuoB uca TOI mus vi ine tuuir.u to Plum Street .along erly Quince Street, lowing oesenbed improvement tj to wit: Kxthence southerly along Quinee Street te tenaiDg sna laying iroa water pipes .or the cost thereof, estimated st three thousand mains sioog the following streets, namely: one Dunarea ana seventy live ($3,175) dol Beginning at the intersection of Seventh and Third South Streets, and yeaning lars, by a local assessment upon the jots er East soutnwara to a point miaway between grouna Trunin tDs Touowins ne Fourth ptercsoi and Fifth South Streets, snd defray scribed district, being the district to be sf the whole of the cost thereof, estimated at feeted or benefited by said improvements one thousand three hundred aad thirty-eig: , namely: dollars (31,338), by a local assesameat All of lots L and ft. Meek 4 : or tots tne wpoa 11 All of lota 1. s, , 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. S, 10, aad 13, pieces of groaad within the following described district, being the dis oe or ueaesttea by saia im to anectea trict All of lots T, 3, 3 and 4, block 8; j provement All of lots 2, 3, 4 snd 5, block l'i; namely: All ot lota 1, 3, 7 and 8, block S9 ; All of loU 1, 3, 3, 4, S, 6, 7, 8 snd 9, block lit All of lots 3, 3, 4 and a, block 40, All of lota 1. 3, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, lock 16 ; Allot kUS and 7. block 33: All of lots 3 and 4, and the west half ot All ef lou 5 and a, block 81 ; alt ia plat B, ' lots 2 and 5. block 17; t AO of tote 1 and 3. block 31 ; A J A ' fl Salt Lake City survey. All protests and objections to the carrying It PrsSBoes Prsetleal Bsselss la. Baalag aad i All f lot 1. block 15; . 1. 3, 4, 5, ft and 7. block. 14 ; all oat out such intentia mnat be presented in Beast Ing asver befere attsaass m aay Allot lots to the City Recorder, oa or before Bali writing Lake ia plat B, City Survey. Cesklsg tpparates. sad wlM ' All protests and objections to the carrying August 7lh, 1888, being the time set by the out of such intention must be presented in said Council wbea it will hear and contidcr as may oe maae thereto. writing to he City Recorder oa or before sucn objections By order of the City Council of Salt Lske Tuesday, July 31st, being the time set July 3d. i&s. by the said Council when it will bear snd City- made . M. WELLS, :. HEBER consider such objections sa may be made ... . , . , thereto. i" , City Recorder. H that all Food, Bakrrd or Cooked, should Bv order of the Citv Councu of Salt Lake be cooked tn fresh air freely admitlted te Use June 36th, 18B8. oven. This is done by discarding the cioas City, made ; WOTTCE i M. WELLS, HEBEK oven door be restore used, and substitauag . i Jtecoroer. i'f erf laitosiUosB Use it a door containing a sheet ef 'H ire uity i.tt Of ike City Cemstcil to for Ganse nearly as Jarre as the door itacir. BMreot. gatessdi Water sbsJsbs asa air I sua BiiBiBiBiu ai 1 the facditaUng etresiBateo, freely Of thrS lateBtfosl of lite City CoaaveU NOTICE IS HEREBY orVEN BY THE of cooking, and produciag food that process Is Salt Lake City of the in flavor and nutrition, sad acts- to Kxtesadl Water Halsis TUrdl intention or sucnofcouncil to mags the with less Cessumptioa ot fuel : j From J to 1 Street. Street following described Improvement, ... ia aa evea with a closed dour. tn iroa water pipes or than and ri,: Extending an enormous saving la ths laying makes It HEREBY GIVEN BY THE malna along the following streets, nameef meat. NOTICE ISu noil of Salt Lake Citv Of th intersection of Sixth weight at the of ly: sOae Beginning iseslwres harsrer Lostvea It intention of such council to make the tot and A Streets and running southward on Breast, frerd the less sttcotioa requires s Exdescribed H to a between Street Third improvement, lowing the health ef tbe family sad lajing iroa water pipes or and Fourth point midway and defray three- - cook, and jrrorootesQUAUir tending or Tn yooli mains along ths following streets, namely; fourths ol tbsStreet, cost thereof. estimated at by tbe atIIIrumoK , .; IT. i ,,f,-Beginning at the intersection of Third asd eleven hundred and twentynvs dollars jOOUP to I Street, (81,126,) by a local assessment upon the J streets and of the cost there lots or pieces OPINION OF AN EXPERT. and defray of ground within tbe followof. estimated at five hundred dollars ($500), ing described district, being ths district to If aa. Bf art B. Wklch, Teacher Domes : Bars by local assessment upon the lots or pieces be affected or benefitted by said Improve- tin tMuuinw. Iowa atate Ualversitr.eves of of ground within the following described ment, namely: . : "My deliberate Judgment is tbst the to the district be ou. affected as or ana tne being AH wiia district, oioca lots mum, i comparra ttange, is; or benefited 1by said improvement, namely: ia every part-fr- ont All of lots 1 and 4, block AS; . only mere equally-heate- as AUof lots a aad Z. block 08: and rear but a result of its superi AUof lot 4. block 60: AU ef lots and 4. block 38: axacea 3 or toos tnorem is block All tee 79; lots ventilation of asd 8, " J All of lot 4, block 34 better cooked, while rolatDing a sweeter All of lot 3 and 8, block 2; 61 All ef lot L block ; all 'in Flat D. Salt All of lot 3. bloek 61. all In Olat D. Salt flavor, sad a larger proportios ef Its best - ,.. t ' Lake City Survey. Lake City Survey.. uices. iBsq, sistncconsumpuoBOf iuci All protests and obiectiona to the carrvina AH protests and objections to tne carry. n this Kadits is much less than any other out ofsueh intention must be presented in Ins out of such intention must be pre for same work. writing to the City Recorder on or before sented In writing to tbe City Recorder on 18S8, being the time set by or before August Tth, let,, being tbe time Bead fsrlllBstVated tlrealanart rrles lUt Tuesday, July 81,when it will hear and con- set by the said Council when it will heats the said Council sider sach objections as may he m de and consider such objections as may be .. si. made thereto. thereto. Br order of the City councu or salt Lake By order ot the City Coaacil of Salt Lake RA.LK ST FO M. made June 2,1HS. City, City, m4e July rL,un, llClihl si. viRecorder. Z. C. 11. 1., Sola A gents in 11 1 ttke City City City Kieortler. CONTRACTOR i - Si -- s grounU-.wilnl- i i NOTICE. t sa.-isur- " -- HASLAIVI ; 1 - BROS . . : IS HEREBY GIVEN BY JHE of the NOTICE Councilor Salt Lake City mention ofsueh Council to make the following described Improvement, Extending and laying Iron water pipes or mains along the following streets.nameiy: at the terminus of the main on Beginning West Teen (street, at or near the Intersection ofpie Sixth South Street, thence West southward Street to a to-w- lt: along Kiirhth and Ninth betweenTemple oolnt mid wSV South Streets and defray ef the cost thereof, estimated at four thou sand three hundred and thirteen ($4 813) dollars, by a loeal jMsessment upon ths Sots or pieces of crouod within the follow. lDg described dlsti lot, being the district to be a fTec ted or benefited by said Improve- ' r t OWDI. DUniJV' and , block S3; , ' A'l of lota 8,4,5 "A 7 of lots 1, S and 8, bloek 23; AUof loU 2,3,4 and 6, bto-e- 1A; '' i- LA.lloflofslr2iyanda,bliklt; .' All of lots aitfidfl, block 4;AU of lots 6 and 7,block 5; all in Plat A, i t Salt Lake City Surv-y- . AM protests and objection's to the earrr-ing out of stir h mtentlon must be present ed In writing to the City Recorder on or be lore 7ili, 1888. being Angoat set by said thb timeTu"day, Council when It.wilT ana consieer iuco hsr otfjecuons as may Demnacinereu). order of the By City Council - f Salt Laae vity, maae juiy au, toen. HEBKlt M. WELLS, City Recorder three-fOtirt- bs . :' 1 i - 1 k - , I . 1 - - : i - . 4he ORIGINAL CoUsdSpnas ElasUe Seetlsa Usalth rrsserrlag corset. ltmm Rati TaV. s amnag at Salt Lass, or-fe- ToIephwe this .... SOS SwBa. CA8ALI9TIQ a sarry Sleepers both east asd wst hosad between Ogees , . , and Coaacil Blof s. OF CHAMPAGNE ean ear leaervstlsas' lia Sleeping MANUFACTURERS r Grape and Cream for either east bos ad trains, the Utah Krxla, Ginger Ale, Baisaparilla,-anlioot at Nortkera and Oregea Snort Line trains, Beer, i by application to the unien Ticket OMoe si HEWLETT SADERUP, Salt Lake City or Ofdsn. i ! i 751 Sottthf First East St. PAEXIR, ' Hewlett & Saderup, - n ANaXXWr SHORT UNJE. Mail and Xnnai Acooaamodatioa. 3 if For all iafensatien apply to tTTAX j , t; VU4 . al . .. uki ? 'OMAHA.rkj. 3lMABA. r hs . TnOS. L. K1MBAIJS. 'TEBRBS. A T. A.. Acting Gen'l Man'g'r. rsoifiu mains, and running westward twenty rodai aiong First Street: also beginning st ana the intersection or First ana m streets to-northward along it Street a running noint mid wav between Second and Third streets, and defray the whole cost thereof, estimated at eight hundred and seventy five ($8751 dollars, by a local assessment upon the lots or pieces of ground within the following described district, being the district to be anectea or oenenttea by said u nameiy: improvement, n Alt or tot t, oiocK z; All of lot 8. block 1; All of lotl and 4, block 27; All of lota 3 and 8, block ?8; All of tot 1. block SO: AU of lot 2, block all in Plat ' D, Salt Lake Citv Survey. I All protests and objections to the carrying out of such intention mast be presented in writing to the Citv Records - on or before August 7th, 1888, being the time set by the said Council when it will hear and consider such objections as may be ; mads thereto NOTICE. By order of the City Council of Salt July 8,M.1888. Of tbe Iatenflen ef taw Cits Coaneil Lake City, made WELLS. HEBER a. ts EatesKi water stsosts City Keeorder; Street.. three-fourt- 4 mna HMI.U4 eeaneetieas ua- "'"on" jtiver wits ited Trains ef Kastera Lines. FamH; It spars FBZI o TkroofSiJ xsaUis-M- ala point midway between Third and Fourth Streets, and of the cost thereof, defray estimated at Elgbt Hundred aud seventy-nve (f87o) Dollars, by a local aseesstneat upon the lots or pieces of ground within the following described district, being the district to be affected or benefitted by said nameiy: improvement, All or lots I ana 4, mock is.'; All of lots 2 and 8, block 61; 'All or let f, block 6i; All ol lot 8. block 62: all in olat D. Salt Lake City Survey. Ail protests and objections to tne carry ing out of such intention must be pre sented In writing to the City Recorder on or before Tnesdar. Aucust 7th. 1888. being tne time set by toe saia uouncu wnen it will bear and consider such objections as in ay be made thereto. iiy order or tne uitv council oi Halt City, made- July Sd, 1888. IlEBfcK M. City Recorder. IlIK PROOF I,' UCGALi NOTICE. he not believe the' charges was that did iouna in tne iscc mat ne bad not ad- - In the Probate Coarf of the - t ef Salt County vised he government to risk a nroaecatiorn As now framed, the bill was a . iviiiwu iviui vi juiuiavt acjir-- In the matter of the Estate ot John Lareen, I he to quiry. thoroughly unfair : i Aeeeasea. ; be amended in cused, and " it must " committee. Order to show cause why Order of Sale of T. N. Healr denonncpd Attnrmrv. ueai Jtstate snouia not oe maae. ; General Webster for. makinir a aeries Of Infamous charges and failing to THE ADJIINIS KARI LARSEN, of the Estate ot John Larsea. t ,v"i i l.'.'. prove them. having filed her petition herein, Attorney-UenerWebster arisinir. deceased, verified, praying for an order of sale-osaid be was content to leavo his con duly real estate of said decedent of certain duct to the Judgment of those who had described ths ia her petition, for the purposes in his set experience forth, lt is therefore ordered bv profession.. Every therein step he had taken bad been after con- the Judge of said Court, that all persons in- terested in the estate of said deceased apsultation with, and with the fall-cocurrence of Sir Uenrv James.' Web- Sesr before the said Probsts Court11oa 6th day of August. 1SS8, at o'clock ster denied that he had used informa- in thetheforenoon of said day, at the Court tion obtained ss counsel for the 7?mes Room of said Probate Court, at the County to institute prosecutions in his oflicisl Court Hduse. in the Citv and Countv of Salt Utah capacity, Territory, to show cause why t Lake, I'ameil asked If the linn was to as order snouia not oe grastea to the saia mm nn Ondaratanil lhat.lnfnrm.tu. UU1IUMM.UI. W WW WV WUWl V. UV IHI ot the said deceased, st private sale,as rln the bands of the learned genUeman estate shall necessary, and that a copy of this meuster as counsel ior the. limes order be be published at least four oeoatsive which was not available for the purs weeii in tne jjkb&ksi awkstno t poses of public Justice? j r newspaper printed and publishedaiwi, in said ' Webster, said this obaervatiea bad City and County. no bearing oa the matter. usiea juiy sra, lows. JLXIAS A. SMITH. The bill passed its' aecnnril wadlne ' Probate Judge. Without division. The committee stage wis fixed for Monday.. TEEJtrToar of Utab, . t x ' county or ait xase. Court ia and for the County of Salt Lake, ia ! the Territory or utan, ao ncretiy cerury WATSON that the forefMing is a full, true and correct codv of Order to show cause in the matter Stonecutters of the Estate ef John Larsea,- as appears ef Bnilders, record in any oflloe.- Tomlistone. hfonnments, SJantels, Iron ' in witness wuereor, irnve. nereunio r r Mantels, W rat as and Hearth Stones. hand and affixed the seal ot said Court. nr ; , this 3rd day of July, A. D.lSfcS. 278 A 12S0 ISOl'TU ICMrUB T8K1U ' JOHN O. CUTLER, d w Probate Clerk, OBBOQftf AuttnW Hall. f. mmrr.m ' PALACE SLEEPIMO CAR! ..r ' . a i j Mr.-Cha- mimtm WBST TBE DISSCTLimt T0- thA-far- ' KHCT jiira i TJBTM . ? DIRE0X C0NHECTI0NS ' Bxnri TBB VAST AS1 MUtQMMt . Uks Caused Tnresgs PaThaan Sleepers and Messrs Bay veacnes tream tse Mtssimri aivsr, POPULAR ROUTE j - - ORTH W r. W.FKVTOV . al . ltd- mmm W i take City ? - s'. Xs the favorite between Chicago, BochMaland, Atchison, Kansas City, and MinIts neapolis and St. Paul. The tourist route to ail Northern Summer Besorte. Watertown Branch traverses the most productive lands of the great " wheat and Dakota, dairy belt" of Northern Iowa, Southwestern Minnesota and The short line, via Seneca and Kankakee, offers superior fTTmmmTT facilities to travel between Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Dafa- -- H 1 gl tl ITlt TJ H 11 a' yette, and Council Bluffs, St. Joseph, Atchison, Leaven- H H s 1 M T F9 1 " and St. Paul. worth, Kansas City, Minneapolis mmmmmmtmmmmSS Por Tickets, Maps, Folders, or any desired information, apply to any Coupon Ticket Office in the United States or Canada, or address. ! ' net -- E. . to-w- Bca-innln- es Oeal Ticket . - VNACQUAINTrD WITH THE OROGRAPHY OF THE COUNTRY WILL OBTAIN MUCH USEFUL INFORMATION FROM A STUDY OF THIS MAP OF THE CHICAGO. ILL. n.t ! a 1 rut nZZL.ZA?'91"' B..?d...... NOTICE E. ST. JOHN, General Manager. d v-- to-w- it a-- m , iiVki.- ' j - to-w- lt: if ,t, . , naC SoIbht dolanr atootaa, g.88 a,m- - MUford Cxorese at. AUsstio Express at .88o.bb. Park City and V. N. Express at. 4. IS p.as- - Juab Express at... .i. ....... ...... 7J0.a.av 7.M p.m. Atlantic Express au. Paciao Express at.... ....... ....... lA.90p.Ba. Jswr Passsnger Trains Arrrve fas Bait Lake dally, as fsllows Frossi SorUt. ie.ee N. Express.. .ll.ie a.m' Milford Xxnrsss i s Tsrk OHyaad 17. Atlaotto Exprsss at......... T.sep.m' Juab Exprsss at. M9 1.28 AtlaaUo Express at ......lt.24iu.rn Psoiic Exnress at 8.1C p m. Apsaamodatloa Train. FXAX0I8 COPE, JOHN SHARP, Csmaial Bapsrateadsai, Ooa. Frsight jnd Passaagsr Agent, . i.v.m. ,,,vi,igi,v.II.!i . XI "i..0 , WwiuoiiMiiM, or sucn vouncii Intenuoa ,en. i ! ciieas TRAINS LXAYX SALT LAZX DA11.T, AS FOLLOWI : FA8SINGBR nrvm I" pjor - Utah Central Railway. ' Cewsrell tltv atfaM M rtrst ssw VTOTICK M BKmrev txxv. nv Ll City Contaell m am It m Ik &tA D Ct 1 f. A atentlon ofsueh Council to make the tol- t 'he City ot the mske the ft .w.ug ueacrioeu IniDrovement. u. I Eavat avtreet. to-w- N"rr. Time Card, February o oss . FARE FROM MAIN ST. ANT RETURN 23e JOHN W. YOUNG, tPreet. and Manager. ny hd, r ii. Afford instant relief m ail cases of Catarrh Throat, or any wio, eore TestimonUla atnarner, of InHanunatioD. ef hnndreds of citizens of Colorado on furnished From application. ' S5, 1S8S. - ste fleeitsi HlfMl tr In the Probate Court Jn and for Salt Lake County. Territory of Utah. ;f In the matter of the Estate - of Sarah j i. Kewn, deceased. lerfttsra rhMl1 of1 gfci,,,. gateau tare Water isrtreet. - . -- ii Tire Ssuro Catarrli rswe. NOTICE. CssbssI J- - v : of taw!IsHessUW Wsm" . 1 - v1- . V" i 1 j i'J when a man should VOTICK - ; TE 1 5Lv 4 - Jaly lUEOAIi NOT1CK. i Belford: Order appointing time aud place far Set Uyn '"w water To whom it mav concern .in. f described improven. tlement oi flnai account ana to . scar .l?Uowinf streets; rianW following ae i' to in from Conbnued gresi First Distribution. for pleasure commending , Petition iX-rage.1 the slloted term of threescore years and tea, sad . terminus or tne mam Extending ana laying iron wm v naine. iy Tr ?. uim;wu is'n snat terriuie aiseas on ' mains along tne wiiowmg b o the set Kaowri as. the catarrh that most excellent MXWS. WASUlKGTOa having devoted my tins In tbs pal pit Impressing ox ou JE-FILING N seventh AND he terroinua at l READING Ksl Street-- thanes th lessons of wisdom to my fellows. Miosis a com. specific known as Willielm'a Masaline. 1 Daniel Stewart, administra ly: on mini budw om;v ea. manBeginning , a,tw? hint Souti. street to a Tt" vrd swa u mvseir with mnat bxnitfliMai m. torJotitiaionof mon story of physical suffering and how I was Ttae Besiate and tbe Taria Injasllee o Pot "m between Sarah Tenth snd Kewn, deceased, t sneet and rnnsiDrwenCT the estate ef salts. Its nse mnat snortlv eatabUah ita delivered from it; and my deatro Is to mention ire hs iu icuu tl. WUfeessee. forth that he baaflled his Snal ac-- along Third outn three-fourtdefray threeourths setting JAS. B. UILi'OKO. grea value. ol U of thereof.csllmatod rrf hla aH minlStratlOrT nDOn said es ennnt and Street the facts as though no one were Interested save derray nd thlrtyighi dolls at six tbous-un-Washuigton, Jqly 24 There was a ' tate tathUCosrt; tnat ail tne aeots oisara eot thereof, estimated at four thousand myself and those who may read these lines. I From a Denver dollars prominent lady: been three lots r Pieces have estate and deceased and of said fully seven hundred thirty -I- ?kinl.npoJ,h0 was loag troubled with a stubborn sffectlos of full meeting of the Senate finance com To whom it may concern: lh following dcsorlbed grp. naid. and that a nartioa of said estate re 4,73S, by a local assessment upon theg mittee, this morning and' an boar was the-- kidneys and bladder. I bad painful gravel .nww-Inuavensea a part oi one oouieoi wil- - mains to be divided amonr theheirs of said tots or pieces or grouna witnia ZZj T.v : dUt."t. elBM's SlassUtSM and have derived mnnl deceased, and other things described district, being the district deposits, and at .times enlargement of the pros, devoted. to an lnf oi mal'discusslon as beLTS. praying among 1'iwcnni, name- Imbenefit from said final account I 1 it medical an tban said from beneUted to be did' affected ' l 2. 3 by order ior trate gland. Despite all the professional help allowing ioron . to line and the of. actios to be adopted treatment daring a six months visit among biwk 5?: of disoibution of the residue: of said provement, namely: could get I grew steadily worse. In this ex celebrswed catarrh doctors of the east. ."JMj 7 "lock M; mnn , utw& V the tariff. Nothing was determined, the among the persons entiuea. All or lok Alibi igif can recommend it as being past what is estate block 58; In I tremity I first learned of Dr David Kennedy's ,3aud 3 block and 8, interested S, loU 4; 1, It is all ordered of All that persons All Of tots but at the time of the adjournment viaiincu ior n caiarrn care. 6. 7 aud 8, block 55; Favorite Remedy, made at Eooaout. N. Y. I took the estate of the said Sarah Kewn. de OI lots I ana 5, uiur I All All lots of was an the there understandioK vr. that JSAKT the wise court e. I privately lnamlred into ceased, be and appear before ths Probate AUWIwaiBu www bv, :n m. i J. DXXTKX.; Court ef the County of Salt Lake, at the AM of lotas,, 7 and 8, Wock 41 ; republican majority of the committeeKennedy's personal oharscter and professional urs-lstSO Court Sold bv Boon sent dr eenta. rial 7 ef said would ar nrlea an see iret the ii aiaeetogether and Court, la Oeuaty ' dS,block37t staatUag at his home is Boadput, N. Y jThe re n Court 37th the House, ef t meot salt ujr Survey: Aaaress City in day could be nob B, ihu July, reached respect price. . II A Int. 9 nml A. hlaftK 8: sult was more wan aauaiacwrj. x uimthh iu M' ' Ta n 5:. UO.. IAOAlUSiK 1 MANUFACTUK1HU a a to a measure o to be submitted tohe a highly Wncalsd and experienced phyateiav substitute for cause wny an order allowing said final ac deod ' 51 King Block, Denver Colo, of lots 3 ana , DioeK All riai ,aaii suc PaH CHtt , i.. Lake If a tLnmt Mills bill. . the -count and of distribution should not be Lake City Survey. . sod surgeon, respected and trusted at home and cessful in ana ; . " io the carry- - nAlloutprotests this, the measure is likely made of the residue of said estate-amonAll protests and objectlesstnnst khcnadS man whose earrer has been a long and to be . NOTICE of such Intet aVr2!i7rB pre- be laid before' the republican can- Of heirs and the devisers intentions ef said Sarah the i.rniitnrmrh open success, i poueot a doiuo, nowwer iios VSTZ. " , f CosiSreU V f. w n rlAAJiaail ...r.-- f i uw the iMtenttom n . w . aented In tse City to the City liecorder on ed In writing to the noooay into my cus. and when shaped to meet any con outing cheered being only !.,) effects price smb sevesatai the said administrator's account should not or before writing and em vinfldenea. The aood water naisa mav win be aeveiopea which sisi, boldened tart.' I booght another, following the meting viewa oo nnajij hiuco. street, froaa St to F SMreeC louncii wnen asn bear and consider sucn the time setxueeaar.juiy by tne saia now l want to maae Known there, it will be laid before the demo' clear direction: and me. further the' ordered such is that It clerk and consider objections bear will nas cuaease . be made thereto of the caucus relaxed done for cratic .r ins consideration the good ltliaa . a, cause BY THE of this IS HEREBY to GIVEN be in noatml Ilissaln. order copies Its held and I look forward to spending th9 line of policy on their part. With so KOTICE Connell of Salt Lake in Salt Lake County and Lake ol three Salt Council of, City of places public order ths balance of my life free from bodily torture, sn1 By City a Lake City, made July r with a hsariao grateful for the medicine which many elements oi uncertainty, no one tne intention or said council te satelt: toe is I ittBfcH . v Recorder. a newspaper printed and circulated in Salt City, maae juns J1B.JMC.I Mum-- t atsr. B. j. feels like venturing to srness as to the following described improvement, afTorda me prospect. n. pieasanta or Lake County, three weeks encceSsively Chaudles, Lsoaaon 6pHngs,NY. laving Iron water pipes kind of measure, if any, which may be Extending and City Recorder. f: name unor w HW atui way m. uuiy, lew. ' streess, following of the ses mains along tne or the submitted, length ana or ELLAS E A. at M. ue intersection SMITH. S. C .Beginning NOTICE ly: I. Drnc Jept, Acestts is It the but that pres sion, ' expected tbenoe east NOTICE Probate Judge. Btreets, and ent wees win determine pretty cieariy seventh Of tsto laitesstssrai st thve city tx i to F street, and running Dated 30th. 1888. . ward tnreeounns June 1 atemttatm stto ttse Of defray ty tne course oi imnre events. of the cnet thereof, estimated at live hunI aVSYSeaBfli wsxer JS to Katessdl Water slalais e freer "HE CAN'T GET AWAY.; The republican members of the com i dred dollars, (S'40), by a local assessment Territory of UUh, ; i Siowf si Cttreea. TenasOe sskI XlorlBi Tes-- re or mi fee remained in conference nearly upon the lots S pieces of ground within Ceunty of Salt Lake.,' the described the district, being following en hour after their democratic col .TOTICE 19 HEREBY UIVEN. BY THE I, John C. Cutler, Clerk of the Probate IS JIEKEBY GIVEN BY THB to be affected or ben en lea ty ssia Court in and for the Count v of Salt Lake. L leagues withdrew. During the after - district City Coiin-a- l of Salt Lake City of the NOTICE of Salt Lake City of tb In namely: of do Improvement, the Utah, or mare sucn tot tne to were frequent private conhereby Territory certify intention council noon, there DRVPR-EHTief- . intention oi hiicb council to maaelt m isms a ana i, diock w; au o4 lot that the foregoing ia a full, true and cor lowinar described imnrowemcnt. frnr-.f- a with othnr renuiilican Sena : described 4. block M: improvement, All following rect cosy of Order appointing time and Extending and laying iroat. water pipes or ana laying tors and with republican members of iron water pipes or All of lot 1, block 1()3; Extending : settlement of final account for and ' mains the etreeia, nameiy following Slace along the following streets, namely: Ail of lots 1 and 2. block 101. all In Flat the House. As a result the opinion for distribution in the matat the intersecMaa of Second mains alongat the petition intersection of North. D, Halt Lake City survey. Estate or Sarah Kewn, deceased, South and Eighth Kset Streets' and running Recinnina ter of the gained headway that the sub-comRecently from London, Ear, Streets and run and WestTemple ana Temple to toe carryAil omce. as or reeora in BfratB Btreel to protests the Unviad objections will my tee continue appears its .Inn. during inquiry bibov nortnware irsi ronnoitreet: tor ning Ha Prolonged hi flat until July 25 recess, should the republicans adopt ing out of such intent iornnuasbe presentor nave nere witness and Tenth wnereoi. in Ninth i and affixed point " ! midway at the Intersection of West oa beslnning Citv i. to Recorder ed the smtins la unto set fcaat hand of the fourths my Streeta and three defrav of a final adtbbrnmeni this course.' North, Temple Streeta and 188S, bhle the time set 'before sXA- fthe Seal' of aaid Court, this cost thereof, estimated at two anouaanu, Temple and weatwara to rirst wwidutbi. may be expected within three try the Junelst, Congress said wunon wnen it win near ana running 2nd day or July A. D. I486. SB' ltZ.TDU.l DT nnllara hnnrlr.il rocaj on Side of the aqueduct, and CATARRH. the north . EAE .AND weeks. EYE, consider saejh objections s may be made sessment upon the lots or pieces of ground defray throafurlhs JOHN C. CUTLER, . of the coat thereof i which bave thereto.. Among the propositions HunClerk. -Probate t tOns Thousand EightassessBv order er the city council of sen nirfrHtarf ma nnaitkjplv to be ctited eMtlmated or L.n a Beefed to bea be the district -' 3w H. d a local 9. being dred By DoUara, Deputy. 1883. by JLnne Cdtles, ,$100) made Lake 26th, : City, considered Lake Senators Continental Hitel Salt At the Dy saia improvement, nameiy meat upon the lota or pieces of ground by the republican 4 M. UKBIiH oa WELU), oe a ana , x, ; oiocs iota 1st Ail a d described within the following l, is that to ring in resolution instruct riot, t Cly Recorder. All of lots 4, 5, and 7. block 44 ; City. mirthe tariff sub committee to con being the district to be affected or bene2 and 3, block 56 ; lots All of fited aald by of the ue improvement, namely: tin its hearings and study A II of lots 9 and 6. block 43. Of Ike Infesitlosi of the City Cowsrcll All of Iota 8, 4, 5 and 6, block 94; MADE HANDSOME. aublect durlnz the recess by hearing All in Plat B, Salt Lake City Survey-Al- l All of lota U 2. 8, 4, 7 and 8, block 05; teT on KxtesrSl Mates First Waterl laUeatiom of .Of CUrCoewtell the lb of of the industries to nrotests the and objections carrying Mr. B. H. Shettler.of Zlon'a Savings' representatives All of Iota 1 and 3, bloek 101, in plat A e Cxleatw Waier Halas aval 1 Mrees. . :! Streets. aud labor, and to frame a out of such intention must be presented in SaK Lake City Survey, and Bank, bas a, brtgot ana . intelligent agriculture on before or to fair Recorder bill be based the which shall upon AU of lota 1.3. a, 4 and a, block 8, In plat writing 7th. 1888.City little danehter nearly nine years old. VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN BY THE KTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN BY THE August set time the TL the being Lake Suit Citv be survey. by to reported JS City council or Bait Lake City of the JX l City Council ofSalt Lke City of the said Council when it will hear and- conprinciple, but she. lias suffered the anloisonate protection All protests and objections to the carry toe intention oi sucn council to mage tne all ber life of being to tno senate on tne nrst aay oicon intentlou of such Council to make the sider such objections as may bo made) Ing disfigurement out of sueh intention must he pre session. a. This deaortbed Improvement, preposition desctibed Improvementt to wit: thereto sasie w. aaeiuer-following . badly cross-eyetented in writing to the City Recorder. on or Extending and laying Iron water pipes or Extending and laying Iron water pipes of of Bait Citv Council loatb to trust any templates fixing in the resolutions the Lake Rt or parents were very before Tuesday, July atst, I888, being following streets, namemains along tne iouowing streets.nameiy : City, made July 3d. 1888. one to operate on ber eyes, uai tney minimum of reduction of revenue mains along the the time set by the aald Council when It and at Intersection of the l ten a on at se Street ly: Beginning to aim first which shall the committee point Beginning; and consldertucb. objections as will hear bad laitb enoasb to trust Dr. Prentice. Filth Streets, and. running southward rods east ot M Street, the terminus of the City Recorder. and he has made the eves perfectly cure, as well as makinz the measure a along said I Street to a toay be mad ;thereto.: 1 P. M. P.M. . P.M. A.M. P. M. P.M.' V.H. A.M. P.M. r.M. Lv H4iLv l25Lv SM lv 7 55'Lv 6 454th West St Ar 8 45Arl0 3SAr!7 30 Ar 2 SOAr 50 26ll.v 7 89iLv 2 2wLv 946 J.v X44I.V 12!Lv 4MainSfreet Lv 8 41Lvl0 31iLv!7 Lv 8.4h!Lv ISILv S34Lv 8KiLv 6C3SK. ft 8 8. Lr 8 3TLvl0 27;Lv)7 3'!Lv IMU 942 39 l.V 8 51Lv 13Lv 5 36LV 8SLv 56 Liberty Pk Lv .T4Lv 10 8Lv i 7 19 Lv 2 19 Lv HS5d L 14:iLv 5 43Lv 8 13 Lv 7 03 fuller's IL Lv 8 37Lvl017;Lv7 12 Lv 8 13'Lv 9 32 'Lv 01Lv 146,Lv 5 46Lv 8 16Lv 7 0S Gravel Bed Lr 824 Lv 1014 Lvi709Lv 209 Lv 929 Ar lOiAr l &WAr 5 55 Ar 8 251Ar 7 151ft Douglas Lv 8 15 Lv 10 05. LV 7 00 Lv 2 00 Lv 9 20 . F. write am now at an age speak words of truth and soberness, having leachsd 1 WESTWARD. No. 6. 1 No. 7. say - ' WILHELM'8 NASALISE. Trade Mark. EVENING NEWS. MINISTERS STATEMENT: A - , BROS;, and - V " . . - , ti !; , FlRT KOTICE. to-wi- t: Vlire Gauze Oven Door - : ht . - 1 i f ; - ' 8, ITS' "TIIIEOaY i- . - T . 4 j g J ally-cooke- to-w- lt: - ; to-w- it j running-westwar- d three-fourt- . .. , ( . ; . " . . titEisni i:i:rtn., - . . W . u:;3 - |