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Show NEWS! t " 1 ' , . i " i . ! -- ill ! Hr I : V.: I , . iS " -- TUESDAY ; : U PinSBUBQ TEADK. NKW YORK TRADE. IOLFE BB0S.& EVENING, JULY 17, 1888; SALT LAKE CITY, LUflTKD. . j i .. "This Is only one out of many tele wool ianufaoturersliire opposed to fire re TELEGRAPHIC 5EWS. developments in the trial of the dyna grams duty on foreign weoi. the per of a similir nature," said the moval ofsuccess miters and the hope of more startling wool of the mancnit manufacturing "whici have reached here industry, said wnuroan in nis letter is dc disclosures brought a large crowd to chairman, one is- addressed to This roaay. on in the ting growth country of The Independent Labor Party Will day to Judge Gresham's court room chairman Gould, of the Rock Island pendent their principal raw material. where Commissioner Uoyne is hearing Grievance bore Vote for Harrison and tcsllniohv and shows Jackson of Pennsylvania Committee, wnicn way the wina is blowing. wool manufacturers of PhiladelHe that the eviaence. Morton. A'ex. Smith of the Aurora Brother also said that a general meeting of phia vcre uncompromisingly opposed to wool. hood of engineers, who turned in chairmen of Grievance Committees of free Kerr of Iowa, called attention to the fact former, was the first witness called. nearly every .line running out , the that reduction of tho duty on wool in He unhesitatingly confirmed tbe out- cago would be held here this week-- a 1883 had resulted A General Order Forbids the a. line in an increase of revenue ot tbe case as given tbe first day wmch action will be taken racrardinar to the extent. of $11,000,000. and he there of tbe trial by District Attorney Wins me wnoiesaie arrests ana prosecu fore favored a return to the tariff A. R. to Take Partisan Acof K7 have occurred in Chlcaco Anderson of Iowa, said that the self con lor tne prosecution, smith was re tionsi which o- .. : tion in Politics. j stituted champions of American labor bv me past ten days." tired before the beginning of the after uunng The Sliyhtty Damaged by whiter at noon session, after having been sub 4 declaring tnat tne out was au assault unon 'wnataoes the writer of this dis American i. U were a the recent presenting fale in jected to a cross examination of great patch mean when he speaks of ex indue tu theindustry country. treme measures was the counsel. .'" defendant's asked. thee by length Williams of Ohio, protested against; the A Conference Held Looking to an Tbey failed to get him to contradict That remains to 'be seen. It may disregard of t lie interests of; the himself but did establish the fact that mean a boycott of the Burlinsten. ruthless End of the "Q" farmers of Ohio and tbe great northwest. he knew nothing about the dynamite wuiuu wuuia eventually terminate in a oi lex as and tne uroaa prairies or the Strike. t, in placing wool on the free list. louna on th train when Brociericx, strike. The meetins will decide that south wetof Kelley Pennsylvania, here arosd ;aud Bowles and Wllsou were arrested. question." Will be Closed Out at repelled with cross examination of Smith was will be a with considerable thewarmth The think there you do attack made utwiihiin equal personality Discussion of Prison Labor at finished this afternoon and adjourn- strike?" Krie. bv Scott, of ment was taken until tomorrow. Well, the men on the Grand Trunk. Saturday Aftcr.ia brief argument by ltrcekiiirldire. Meeting of the Prison Be-- ; r Rock Island and .Northwestern, amorxr or Kentucky, in favor of the rreo wool . form Association. Wilkins, of Ohio, moved to strike Murdered at rwiaers, are very sore over these ar clause, wool lroui the and free list. will rests, speak ia no i(Ew York, July 16. Captain Ty36n, uncertain On a division, the vole stood itj to 12iand tone certainly when tbe time comes. the announcement was received with, up of the National Line steamer Erin, They do not believe in dynamite, By Telegraph to the News. plause on the democratic side. t from London, which arrived here to- neither do they believe in persecutSowddn of Pennsylvania, und Wilkins and ritisox refosx assvciatiom, day, reports that on July 5th a seaman ion.'-' xoranoi uuio, were tne oniy democrat 3'iV. W NEXT JKi lit win this meetinz have the power voting the atnrmative. while Anderson of named Kelly, aged 36, murdered two to declare a strike without the sanclowa voted in the negative. Exercises on Sunday Keaolutlon ei of Butterworln or Ohio wished to ell eel an his shipmates John Barry and John tion of Chief Arthur?" Prison Labar. 1 by which nn aye and nay- vole es. in while arrangement and thev will do it if necesaarv. Clapman, tbey were asleep to The lie taccn, out anna uccuncu to eom their bunks. He .stabbed them both of Arthur is only for its mignt 51 & 5H support II v. uosTOK, jaiy 16. Yesterday's pro the CallEariy and Examine Goods lstSon(Ii SI heart with a sheathknife, killing moral and financial effect. If any of Tellers were then ordered, and Wilkint, gramme ol the annual meeting of tbe them instantly. The dco-- am cause assigned the systems conclude to strike and motion was defeated by a vole of in? to ISO. Prison Keform Association included tor is that Keliy had a slight Arthur refuses to sanction the move Mills offered an amendment striking out attendance" at the services of Trinity quarrel with one of the murdered men we receive no support from the Broth. the clause imposing a duty of 30 per ceul tne evening before. Both bodies were erhood. But at tbe same time the au valorem on carpels ana carpeting, anil Church in the forc&oon and tbe Peo buried at sea on tbe Did inst. chairman of any system can declare a inserting a clause imposing a duty of 6 cents ples Church and First Baptist Church The steamship Erin, from London, strike on that system provided tbe per20squutre yard on jute andonhemp noorcarpeting. of pet cent ad valorem malting in tne evening. The aanu&i sermon came, into port today with the murderer Brotherhood so employed so desire." nunuu noor mats exclusively oi vegetable was preached in the forenoon by Rev in irons, Patrick Kelley, who had and 40 per cent ad valorem on all stance, to death sailors stabbed Harris John other carpets and carpeting, druggets, Dr. Phillips Brooks and many mem- and John Convention. Cbapman. Kelley was taken backings, mats. rags, screens, curei's. has bers of tbe Association were nresent ashore under San 16. anal bedsides, of wool, flax, cottou or socks arrest. The Francisco, July cityHis text was, "I was in prison aad ye or other niHtcriai- is filling up with delegates to the edu parts of either came unto me." hii of Massachusetts, lodgCf Murder Caused by Whisky. cational convention. All preparations amendment impohing a duty ofonercd rbe evening meetings were devoted ten renin to short speeches. square fool on cocoa mats aud liftet n Danville, Vs., July 10 On Sunday are nearly completed. The galleries of per rents per square yard on. cocoa maltin-- ' At tbe reopics' courca short ad a men Mechanics' con of where at last the Pavilion, Axton, party gathered dresses were made by Messrs. J. 1' Lost, hi to '.13. will be held, are reserved enGAS Mills' amendment was agreed to. with vention Phillips, of Rhode Island, Oscar Mc Henry County, and made merry Boothaian of Ohio, then called uu bis for exhibits of public and other Culloch of Ireland. A. G. - Bayers of whisky and bard cider. Lee Eanes tirely some days ago rcstor of tbe country. amendment offered tried to drive bis mule over Hannibal schools from all partsconcert Ohio and others. ' ug the wool tariff. f 1807, aud it was re will be Icctcd welcoming At the First Baptist Church the Turner. Turner struck the mule with a A grand Stiilo 95. nasLaas y tomorrow evening, and on Wed tin motion oi Mills oi texas, inc uaiooii speakers were Messrs. VV. J. Batt of- club. Eanes alighted and hot words fol- given ii o'ciock tne convention at nesday shall Lee's Gus clause which wool Eanes ilie free took go into the Concord Reformatory, R. Brlnkcr- lowed. part, Material, Pumpt, Pipe and JtUUuas, non and M. w. Reed of Colorado and and E. Davis stepped up and declared opens. At today's meeting of the edu effect ws fixed as October 1, 188, and the or Ramabai cational council .Pundita cnect the woolen forHhe date he Gas taking defend Eanes Turner. would L. MUiisanof Pennsylvania. The an address upon tbe advance schedule was fixed as January 1, 189. This fteatn Supplies, Tin and last named spoke at the'; Concord Re told Davis he was not afraid of him, made Roofing, Qal of Indian women. disposes of the wooleu schedule. Davis drew a pistol and shot ment to lormatory this afternoon. The gath when tlie out moved srike ef Maine, Uingley The on of ele the committee H report pmniMed He him dead. then turned and shot Cornice, Guttering, Etc. a duty or - per cent pn ering is tne largest in tne History of Lee on "Waste in edu paragraph axingLost. wound. mentary education the association. Eanes, in llicting. a mortal paper. printing was discussed at length, as Mdls moved that the paragraph concern Tbe evening session opened with an After the shooting he fled to tbe cation," was aiso a paper oy iroi mnsaaie, GARDEN HOSE AND LAWN SPRINKLERS. so as to increase ol ing card cloth be amended woods, brandishing his pistol and tne addressbyN. il. Breaker, of South knife. 15 to jo per cent, per square university ofoi Michigan, on tbe tne duty from The Eanes boys have many relCarolina. business side school education. foot, and in case of such ciotn made trom IV O. OT O.. M JLIN R. W. McClanzhrar. warden of the atives In tbe country land much exciteaTJttlCET. The close relation of the people to the tempered steel wire, from 23 to 40 cents per Illinois penitentiary, submitted the re ment prevails. foot. square Adopted. was ana systems consiaerca, existing i amendments offered Mills port ot the committee on rezistration Other and by the method of the school board ad adopted were the A Worthless Cheek. of criminals, with particular reference the India striking out of the ministration for large cities. rubber fabric paragraph, to tne fixing duty on Tbe Ssystem. jsertuion 10. M. LittleNew York, July kaolin at $1 per toil for crude and tor existiBK methods of dealine with & China ciay or wrought kaolin, and placing field, president of the Jacksonville criminals are entirely too lax, ana Tallahasee me duty on rougn luaruie in uiocss Railroad, was arraigned in sterner forms of repression are neces cents F1FTIETHC0NGRESS. per cubic foot. court today, charged with sary. The role should be the more the; police This completed the consideration of the a $59 worthless check, signed passing strict the more the imprisonment. oy the bill except essentially tariff features of as SESATE. ti. . uearasiey, payaoie to When a criminal is shown by repeated in regard to such features have been He the and order. fleld's JeaV Brary Smith, real. money paid 1C over A. I. Caaaaa, The House joint passed and the adinlnistra convictions to be unlit to be at large. was Informally, Washington, July measure was the taken live of up; discharged. he should be imprisoned for life. The portion resolution electing Colonel Harris of Ohio, O. H. rsttlt, rt. aadTraa. ew an of ottered Buchanan, lork, General Martin of Kansas, and General amendment providing that no goods, the starting point of reform lies in the full : in tbe Commons. acquaintance of the prison officer with Hartraaft of Pennsylvania, managers of the product in whole, or in material part, of the criminal and also with his record. moor snail ue imported ror tne pur London, July 16. In the Commons National Soldiers' Home to fill vacancies convict The report compared the system of CO-O- P. pose of sale or trade. Rejected. COM'PY- to was certain committee arid from the interroga tonight reported replying a to On of Breckinridge, of Arkansas motion commercial agency registration an amendment was adopted excluding from here the standing of any person in tories Smith, government leader, said passed. waoLajaLB a uraiL The bill appropriating $25,000 for the pur- the provisions of tho section which prothe business community .may be ascer any! suggestion that the government to a shall monument of include General vided duties valorem ad that pose erecting some tained in central office. Statistics received from the attorney-generthe value of cartons, cases, boxes, etc, in George Rogers Clark in the city of Louis& of all confirmed criminals should be had or had whicn ville, was reported and after some debate wluch the merchandise is imported such communication any oe ana it wouiu avauaoie tor an come to his knowledge as counsel in passed. sacks or coverings, such as are nesepi boxes, courts of the country. Thus it would the O'Donnell-- y jmes case was with The Senate then went into an open execu- cessary coverines lor machine y. Wa jTy a complete Una at On- motion of Mills an amendment was Da easy to learn wnetner a man was a tive session on the fisheries bis and was adthe slightest foundation. dressed bv l'uih in favor of its ratification. adopted fixing October 1,1883 as the date cotnhrmed criminal and he could be out al attorney-generthe FDRNITORB, asked whether Sexton It was manifest the majority upon which the repeal of taxes on manupunished according to bis deserts far was not consulted in preparing was wiiruiiy avoiding itsrepublican constitutional and factured chewing tobacco, smoking tobacco more effectively than now. nPHOLSTERY GOODS, sworn bill or as Senate before the drawn in the ana anus snail go into eneci. the the motion doty framing no :; placing a aiscnssion ty tne memoers pres and it there bad lor no to country in a disreputable beeu Wise, of Virginia moved to include in the attitude, CARPETSL LACE CURTAINS, V necessity ent followed the re the of on . other purpose than supposed political and repeal of the lax reading cigars, cheroots aud consult the attorney-genera- l. How a could such consideration. port. partisan WINDOW BLINDS, FEATHERS, rarnell expresses aissaiisiaction party be trusted with tbe custody of polit- cigarettes. bhnson. of orth Carolina, moved to a cnanse ox programme was made at with the explanation, and for the pur ical power? The hope that Kngland would amend Wise's motion by providing for a rethe national prison reform conference pose SPRING MATTRESSES, of obtaining a full debate moved suiter' no injury, derives no benefit from peal of ail internal taxes on spirits distilled toJay in order to discuss the O'Neil adjournment. so 27 in Lost that the Irish kind. to the of or from fruit any treaty, anything BABY CARRIAGES) ETC. bill, word having been received that it 1 Tha sDeaker said this was clearly out votes the republicans were fishing for, 135.' grain would come up in Congress Wednes When the vote was announced. Johnson of order and refused to hear argument. would find nothing in the rejection of the that would mortify or punish Eng. asked in an astonished tone of voice, which day. Gladstone asked if a vote on a mo treaty w. atylisb and rood. Call and sea as. and land. England had nothing to lose, but caused ranch laughter, "Y hat has become a paper en the labor question was tion Krerytalag I a bill for leave to introduce for examine our good aad prices, we sell low aad guarantee to gain by American of tbe republican party? 1 thought, it was presented by Charles . Feltoa, of the appointment of a committee would everything with Canada. The people of Canada roinr toi'vote with me." ; sait lacuon. Chicago. He said if hostile legislation be in oraer tonigat. W. H WILLI AMM, Onal. ' were natural friends of the people of tha Tost, af Louisiana offered an amendment to prison labor continues all the prisix so could be made United 4 eaia in but and it Wise. to would, of Smith it similar Bejectcd-8States, that effect hoped ia ons in the country will soon be idle. was be would to 85.1 it, and it. could practice by commercial intercourse. So it Sowdeo. The power of tbe agitators is great. not be taken. oppose of Pennsylvania, offered an He certainly would, not would be the best policy of the United . a i. be to States on spirits and lenient They elect members of city and state occupy , ,y: 'i liberal, amendment forbearing ii. aLolikiiig tlie lax and the time of the House at any with that neighboring The other from distilled! governments in their Interests, hold length discussing people. peaches applet, measure. mis reason for the opposition to the treaty, he fruits. meetings and are well organized. Parneli Does tee night iionoraoie said, was found in the fifteenth article, Public officials, both elected and apPending a vow the committee rose we are mean to say which it was feared would give theAmerican (Smith) gentleman The Sneaker announced the sub commit to favor these with curry pointed, try but to to market fishermen. not debate this allowed Canadian Had it bill, not tee to iavestUrate and repart on contract powerful are organizations and even labor must accept, like sheep, the judgment been for the menace of free fish, fonnd in labor Messrs. Ford, Gates, Spinola, Gucnbureaus no open to the charge of of a Jury butcher? fifteenth of the outburst indignaana Morrow. article, i ri tha sacrifices and surrenders uier favoring them but labor must ultimThe Uoase then adjonrncd. against smitn repuea once more tuai u tion the would have in made treaty pending ately be a cblef factor in the reformwas It would there opposition he said been In heard. the conclusion, ' ation of prisons. Felton sketched the probably hinder a vote being taken to President had DiaacrroK : Oao. Ramaey, It aaager. discharged his duty with due Oaa. H. Taylor, Geo. H. Taylor, Assistant Mas agar. history of the O'Neil bill and read It. nigat, whereupon tne rarneaue mem- care to the rights George Romaey, A ataaad fishermen Onlnlaa. of American Legal Be gave the statistics presented to bers left the House to consult. . O. D. Eomuey, Bacreutry tad Tttatarer. r. Amsireuf, iu j. uomnty, and free from any partisan consideration. E. Bainbridge Mnndav. s.. CeuBlv w . r. Armstrong. Congress as a reason for toe bJll.saylDg was for the people to decide whether the It the outside said Parneli that position t Hare used they were highly magnified in the in- assumed by the government was in President or the Senate was most to blame Atty.,Qay Co., Tex., eayi Electric Bitters with most happy re- terest of labor. He read the minority tolerable ana unheard oi. lie must for keeping up the disturbing condition 4Dlta. waa Mr brother also Terr low was full of ruinous consequences, bill, charging that examine every possible bearing ot the which report against thewas but and MalarlalfFever Chandler addressed the Senate in oppo with Jaundice, to destroy all bill before be would Its real purpose it to pro sition to the treaty, which, lie said, was a was cured ny timely use or this med of ceed in tbe House. permit prison labor. He gave an analysis Tbe to dishonor Chandler government the Am quoted icine. satisfied Electric Bitters statistics showing how only 13 per had offered him, as an alleged crimi- from the speech nation.; of Sir Charles Tupper, dehis life," cent of the amount to be produced by livered before- the Canadian Parliament saved own of their a tribunal choosing, nal; Mr. D. I. Wilcoison. of Horse Cave, prison labor was really produced, and which, he said, libelled the republike testimony, saying: He sought to debar him from de- lican that 87 per cent was for raw material, but badtheir Never before in the Kv., adds abelieves soparty.he would have died, position. emispositively of the the had free labor and skilled supervision. He bating history country midniirht Smith After formally been Electric Bitters. for a of saries methods proposed by foreign government openly uadt pot argued that tbe that the House permit the In engaged in negotiations with one political This great remedy will ward off. as the bill would not protect labor and It moved and Senate ought to find a way to well as cure all Malarial Diseases, and bin. the oi the troduction .1 party, ; was wrong to lock up prisoners in A tell them that.. While American party tor all Kidney, Liver and stomach: Parneli opposed the motion. Idleness. The destruction of the labor more must not were strifes bitter never had enough, they monstrous proposition Disorders stands nneaualed. Price made the basis of political negotiations. 60c. system would prevent the opportunity been made br. a minister occupying be at A. C. Smith 4 Co's Drug and of earning a release by good conduct. Chamber Chandler declared that Joseph letters are gen lain came here anxious to negotiate a Store. il, C6) The proposed bill is not In the iaterest such abepositlonNjJ thenot an onor-able," is even at the expense of conceding aU irarneii) treaty, of honest workingmen, prison, reform ome, but a dishonorable member. the American' Government claimed, but y emt Experiment. or good government. knew no reason why he should from the vanityaandanxiety ot Bayard to be Ten cannat afford to waste time in Bullock, of Georgia, Parneli known as the negotiator of the and tbe trust tbe accept government said the O'Neil bill would compel the bill without knowing tbe names of the his desire to protect experimenting when your lungs are in abandonment of the whole system of Jury ef Judges selected by Smitb. He the rights of treay," American fishermen and the danger. Consumption always seems, One Block overcome Cham was national honor and of U, C. R. R. JepoU . , at leasing convicts in vogue in the South. would not eay tonight whether he ac- bcrlain only a cold. Do not permit obtained anyfirst, He predcited that the Southern memto andhinexpectedly with suddenly dealer yon upon Impose on he or finds, rejected it. if an easy victory. But there must have been some bers of Congress would vote against cepted of Dr. King's the details of the bills, that in tbe surrender more than the vanity and New cheap imitation the ' bill when they saw that it would examining Discovery for Consumption. he decrepitude of Bayard, and it was impossia fair fail insure to inquiry, they compel the support of prisoners in will claim bis right to enforce his ble to resist the conclusion that a combine Coughs and Colds, but be sure yon ret idleness. bad been formed between the leaders af the genuine, itecauae no can mass of the House. mora vroflt he mav tell yen be has C. R. Brockway, of the New York Judgment tbe democratic party to sacrifice the intermoon some runner Alter aeoate, State Reformatory, said that in no tion of Smith, the bill was read for the ests of New England fishermen and break lust as good, or Inst the something indown the American tariff sstem. The same. Lion't e aeceivea, out insist country was convict labor more than a first time. bit on American interests assaults unon rettlnr Dr Klnr'a New Dis jurious small part of one percent, ok tbe free tfie combined forces of English free trado which is guaranteed to aire re- -' labor. Yates' bill of New York and A rir la California. to be covery, an and southern democrats ought O'Neil's bill in Congress are samples uei in nroat, Lung ana wncet af ef on met the thresuhold the rejection of the legislative tendency to discrimChandler declared fections. Trial bottles Ires at A. u. Merced, Cal., July 16. Advices this miserable treaty. by inate in favor of a class at the expense from Bear Valley, Mariposa County, a the Monroe doctrine had been formally and Smith 4 Co's Drug Store. of others. Brockway's proposition town of about W deliberately abandoned by the present adfour hundred inhabiLarge Bottles 1. . ; was to hold a conference this fall, re- tants, says that a fire broke out in Ozo ministration. To the south, tne Panama i within and was Canal constructed, being 1 art de Unlverselle EmoBitlon The presenting all the states If possible, to Sunday morning and destroyed almost five years the was likely of Panama Istnmus consider the prison labor question. the entire town, rne government store to become a French colony. While the ad-- ; Cullinare'' awarded the highest honors Brockway presented,; a resolution, and a few private dwellings still re ministration was opposing and defeating tbe to AuKoatura liltters as tne most ei- which was adopted, providing that the main. Loss about $20,000. Nicaragua Canal scheme, to the north tbe caclouis stimulant to excite the ap executive committee of tbe association Dominion of Canada was growing stronger and to keep the nigestive organs and more powerful than ever liad Been petite confer with the governors of states in good order. Ask for the genuine Remains Removed. was dreamed She of. tni seizing (bodily throughout the Union with a view by Dr. J. O. B. interests of' the Lnitod article manufactured transportation to calling such conference. Utica, N. Y., July 16 The remains States, ana oe ware ut limwas American tons, her into Hiegert way forcing Professor Wayland, of New Haven, of the late Hon. Roscoe Conkllng were markets, was perpetrating outrages upon itations. J! offered the following resolution : T .'. fishing vessels and was forcing removed from the receiving vault and American us on e.jual and degrading terms. President In 1850 "Brown'' Bronchial Tro- litsolvrd. That in the Jddgmeat of this interred lu tbe Seymour let in Forest Cleveland submitted to all these aggreswere introduced, and their suc association productive prison labor is an in- Hill cemetery this afternoon. Tbe sions,, and in bis last annual message, cAe" dispensable factor in the worhtof nrison ro. casket was not opened. an amazing solecism, had omitted cess as a cure lor uoias, uougns.Astnthrough form and that any scheme which has a to any question of foreign or do; aia and Bronchitis has oeeo unpar reference tendency to permit or promote idleness of mestic policy except one, and that- one was alleled,. A "V COSl EREISCt. ; M..I prisoners will inflict irreparable injury opon j-to recommend Congress to Join htm in his i' ' l DAIAG . nw - Furniture : - ataaufacturer or a a a Dealer ia t , - r:S fjUr I y" . Or ITIXT DESCRIPTION, SBUEG-"EI- , . ITT Represented by JOIM R.1E. I? I M. - Absolutely Puro. This powder nerer variaa. marrsl at CHICAGO TRADE. A strength and wholesemeaess. Mara econamical than tka ardinary kinda, and L. WOLFF MANF'C CO. sarity, e saaaot ae sold ia competition with the of law test, short weight aiam at 'TITJL ANUKAOTUKEBS OF PLl'XBCRS M Stld onJ tm cans. 1 la ROTA.L shosphate powders. Bapfiieti aad HaiUUtryBath perTubs Bauwa fOWDIl CO., IK Wall St-Sanitary Water Closets, r. ana nun feUnus ol ine latest and most ap proved styles. Monarch, Porcelain, Plain and Rolled Ede nam xuDe, ana tux 8 Ion ajid Pantrr Sinks, andtudo, all kinds ol CEOROE E. ILIIILIN & CO., Plumber's Materials in Iron, and Drags, 1'oiiryer, and Cabinet Work incidental to Manufacturers & Jobbers; mul-atad- t I- H. Jvin-nc- ! Wt OBjocj, Slrwt. k Vtrt aitims, mi. nut. wojmv Inhibit Cri.ll otreci, auil ' MVrte ACTUBlfSS BROAUWAT, x. r1 vv yi tx js 1 OAH.PBT I JSVGr, Floor UI Cloths, etc. dly FORD, JOHNSON & CO., MANU 34 J.M - IX1X1 CHICAGO. or JUntCreUcd Catalogues, J.S. 3ti Dear !) Koouid, born Htrcct. L&ke Stretl, Mid OF SAZARD POWDEE CHAIRS, Office, 63, Pine St., Kew York. on hand a complete stock of this ottantly well known and justly vclcbratca I O-- CJ 2sT JE W- JD 1 RATTAN SETTEE'S AND REED O . - ...... Vr,y .1. I . W. eanders A Co., at i the-crim- Bavid James & Co. : i TeiM-berm-" : j ea sold bjZ. C. M. L 10 years. Tbey ar the Bm fr overHa rtumbing Seating Iron 1- . so-caii- ea - Louisville, Kentucky, CO., MAKUrACTURXRa FURNITURE . . or Dealers al -- Isr itit ILL. FINE, HARD, WOOD y Z. O. K. I. aad krassk - NTELS. Represented by m bmI HI 1 'k Ik I A Manufacturers, - - 4Aa KIRK'S ' Iron Tlea-Irs- t. MAN BROTHERS made, and tnaaxaateed t vIts the bast of satisfaction. Will 14 a Shoe on longer than aaj othsr. Mad y ta stores. anJ STEAH FITTERS, PLUMBERS, - JftV- - CHICAGO, L e J-- LOUISVILLE, KY., TRADE. POLISHED OR BLUED. E NitiL FE I J. wholesale by A T W. CsUonly SIM Hors e Nails . Ti, Blasttnft, Kentucky Rifle, Pair Lawn, Duck, Electric Fuse 18! aid 804 ITabask ireaaa, CHICAGO For ale at all toe Principal Furniture eioies mronguoat tne x emtorj. ai23 . WITHIN Till: i I. and ill brand rores. Sear A Liddle and dealers (teaerall- Plum bin?. a : , For sal at Z. O. Greatly Reduced Hales . - pre P. W. MADSEN'S STORE - ir BE TO BE CLOSED OUT. of-Ch- r VOL. XXI. i , H - """ j UTAH TERRITORY - CO. y- f " - I j, ; , ; 1 , iTRTJTH AND LIBERTY. , i: 1 t f - y ' - Ellas Morris I & Co., SALT LAKE CITY. - . 11 J sSs 5 nisi i 1 rj ,-- & ..... i.i ' ' - . Sol i SI'S ?; g A . FLOATING 80AF --IS- THE CHIEF' Batik, TU aad Lsmatdry rr lhWhit. m Aksolatelj- Psiro. ; - roar dealer does not kep White Cloud ,,sad 19 coats Cot sample caks to tko If . JASrS. Bf .24 amammml ' ' KIRK & CO., CHICAGO. C LUMBER iYAR'D . i I 1 i S "2. VOjSb I STEAM PLANING MILIiXI - - 1 S TAYLOR, ROilllNEY, ARMSTRONG CO : . LUfia. r -n- company; LOUIS & CHICAGO, ST, "Bayard-Chamberlai- H, o.Ss laafiaal . East a OT MAKTTFACTUilSJ aW Strictly Pure Wiiii9 Lead, 49 u5 S n n. : UNDERTAKERS. tSTABLISHBO 1901. Fin i Dtsj, PULlNsiED i- H-V- UuMei il . Ma i I . TAVLOIt, JOSEPH - " The Soatbern Whit Lead is maanfactaired cnliroly from the best reined Pig Leads, and ia ground in Pure Linseed Oil, and as the name cf the Company is placed only wjPbB BTR1CTLY PURK, parties buring Whits Lead brauded "Southern T?6m pany" art absolutely sure of obtaintnc A yVllZ ARTICLE. satalaet t an kkaaa af CLITI CD1EIEI 110 aad Baalar HET1LUC. WOiB . PXJU-JCCTL- Fl 1 Sill 8T III 6ULEBS II WRITE LEAB. r; r CIFFIIS illCISKETS- Adopted. rail II a af COFTOI Fi;aUfISalIJICi BuusaTr" kaaX amataaUsr Telephoae aad Telegraph Orders promptj ly nils. Bodies praaarrad ia their aatnral caadi-tlowithout extra charge. a, ' : I i MTOPSN DAY AND KIQHT. ravctarj aad Wareraaaaa Hav, ra aWnth UtraaC J .. j m -, JC- One and a half blocks Xaat of Theatre. Telephone No. 70. Mxteal Omos ia same balldlag. JOS. WILLU11 TAYLOIt, UTAH'S j & EUBILUEB. (INOEBMEB 7 LE ADLNQ Balrd of Virginia, said that the -- iecialty of ?nting Pianos & Organs. LiKSHT aadax Ml irecx coifun ALDER'S JIUSiC PALACE, COWWTNB, CASKETS, 45 47 W. Firtt South Street. I asum (he Undortaker's Goods in Utah, Whalaaale aad Jtatau, at iMBLurauuT mxdvckm PBicza i . dlscorery for Cousumptio. Lawar than were era effersd ia TTtah, la producing medicine which la acknowledged by all to be simply marrelona. tad OBATX8 raraJshad hi say av LOT? It is exceodlngly pleasant to the taste, perla tha City. All orders ailed fectly harmless, and doe not sicken. In al Cemetery la skortast Uata aoasiala. -- day tha sr s easoa ot Consumption. night Conghs, Ooids, Contti, Cronp, Bronclutis, and ,WkoiiK Ofioa aad Wararaaau Xstst OlaaaaV y Palaa la tb Chest, it baa girea nnlvsrssJ satisfaction. Dr. Bosanko'a Uongh and SI aft 83 0. TTeat St. u. 10 U. Z. L Temple) cenU ia at laid by Laag Syrap kea SO. . r. O. BX M4. . Talay k la fwM ftora. la hit mew , DHeusslon .Looking' to an End of tbe Strike. O'Neil bill contained two raonatroes Chicago, July 1G A conference was that convicts be compropositions pelled to live in idleness, shall become held tuts afternoon at the office ot the shysical and moral wrecks, and that Burlington road, at which the road the poor people of the country, who was presented by President Perkins. pay most of the taxes, shall supporVall Deasley, General Man the convicts in Idleness.' i. ager Stone, Wirtv Dexter and J. W. Vice-Presid- KepabUeaaCe-BnaaUtea- . New Yobx, July national republican executive committee met today and organized by electing Quay chairman, and J. Sloate Fassett secretary. The principal subject discussed was the selection of permanent headquarters for the committee. Another session will be held -tomorrow. 10.4-T- he Freda-hi- t We make a ' "'" spring prisoners, the workinsnufttt f and the state. - ' A Marfea. July 10. The tariff.. rates recently submitted by Commissioner Waldo of the Texas Association and accepted by the Pan Handle route and eastern through lines, went into effect today. The rates affect all lines leaving the West from New York, Chicago, St. Lonls and Kansas City mors or less directly. Manager- Meek, at tbe time the matter was submitted to Mr. Waldo agreed to stand by the rates for thirty days. It is not known for certain whether at the expiration of that time the Fort Worth Company will recede from the rates by not but tbe prevailing opinion is that the rates of today will remain undisturbed for an. indefinite tlma. i ' Tbm , Dynamiter. Chicago, July io. The sensational .. ent uiy.i The other side was represented iuiei Ariuur, ox tne locomotive engineers, Chief Sargeant, of the loco motive nreraen, ana Alexander Sullivan, their counsel. The arrival cf Arthur and Sargeant in Chicago had been kept a secret until the conference was over. Chairman Hoge and Murphy were also present. The officials of the two brotherhoods assured the railroad men that they had no sympathy with the dynamiters. - At the conference, the strike as it affected the public and the parties to the was discussed. All agreed struggle that it would be well if the strike could be ended. . President Perkins was seen after the conference and said that nothing was definitely settled. Neither Mr. Arthur nor Mr. Sargeant could be found e after the conference; 4 Touching the meeting,. Chairman Hoge said to an Associate i Press rep- aC4&Cttt&wsV6 -"Propositions were1 submitted by both sides to the controversy looking toward a settlement of the strike. What these propositions were I am not at liberty to state. They have not taken tangible form, and will not until another conference is held, which . will be in few dtiys.!' Mr. Hoge then showed the reporter a telegram sent from Davenport to W. F. Gould, and which read as follows: "Owing to certain events, the men at this point decided that we had better adopt extreme measures.1 uy - '. - - ' alliance with Great Britain td strike down the American tariff system. : How long was the protection of American interests at heme and the defense of the national honor to be intrusted to hands like these? Teller obtained the Moor and the treaty went over till tomorrow. Tbe Senate Mil for the adjustment of accounts of laborers, workmen and mechanlaw was ics arising under the eight-hou- r then taken up and advocated by Blair. Without action the Senate went into executive session aad soon adjourned. '" ' - uoi'se. ..: i Wasuisutok, July 19. The proceedings begaa with the House in committee of tha whole on the tariff bill, the woolen schedule being pending. E. B. Taylor of Ohio, in opposing the schedule, argued that the passage of the bill would not benefit the consumer of wool. It would not reduce the price of wool in this country until it had been in opera, tlon long enough to destroy the home inTo be sura, ; tha placing of wool dustry. tha rev ea the free list would reduce enue about $5,000,000, but that could be accomplished as well without injuring j jifJD S , summer stock ' (,-:: VACllPoIGOf) COFFEE." If- - you waat one. ask year Grocer ' . J jy" The BVREST ROASTED Coffee in the World, Put up la aaa pound package aad her- ,, ealed In its own1 natural strength ! : : and flavor ! l;.,,;.y.y- "i rji.M- . ;:;f:i; .:,.- - pry OARPBTSy G-ood- s, Una Brill j . : MM All SLIPPERS, GLOTIIIIfi . 'by a process knowa only to THE UNION COFFEE CO., : SOLE PBOPEIETOKS T THE f an industry ly taking that amount ot Now gold and silver from the Treasury and aiuk ing it in the Potomac Biver. The passage of this bill would absolutely destroy the for roasting Coffee and retaining its strength ' main wool raising industry of the country. aroma, J It might net destroy that of California or of Texas but it would absolutely destroy that aar Tar sale by all Wholesale aad KetaU af Pennsylvania, Ohio. West Virginia and Dealors ia Salt Lake City aad Ogden. ... the northwestern states. Wool bad been placed oa tha free list simply because the President recommended it and the President knew no more why he "rocommendtd Haaagex Wholesale Depot. it than Dickens' fat boy knew why be went so .. x much. to sleep Its cause, ana a aew am It was this point that the suggestion of to vote on tha free wool clause at nOTHESS successful carm ai year ewa noma, arena who was I O'clock was interposed and adopted. twenty-eigh- t Adams of Illinois spoke in favor of chang yeare. Treatad by toast without baaafik ing to January 1, 1m, the time when the Udeax aotad specialist . lm thM. nautili, and alnna wool schedule would ro into effect. ' free ' Allen of Massac busetta sent to the clerk's ot a. other euadreda Tii partieuiart than desk and had read a letter from Mr. whit aaat aa Xeat flat St. Kra man, president of the National Association il awJ, a44w of Wool Mtnufftcturers, stating that (be " Patent Process i. j '., ' j j . y WittoTit doubt the . . . ' .y j; ; Bgli Eaporio For sams quality of goods as , ANY BUSINESS HOUSE IN UTAH. - ! Mr-lUi- f .. THE LOWEST PRICE- S- AKE8 xxurx3xi. x - iig - piia. a, ' - I |