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Show RAILROADS. How's Your Liver? Utah Central Railway V LIKE Konth. (Join ... .W U.UI. .. 7.20.a.m. - in From Bout It . at.. Express eS". . 7.20 p.m Jnab Express at.... .m-. 1.20 i I 10.20 0.10 .1 0.00 a.m . 6.10 p.m . stomach undij-geste-J, the poisoning .headache d. r rr rr nm ru HOT FORGED 18S. Sumncn? Liver Regulator has been the means of restoring more 1 people to h e a 1 h and inem tiy giving tiappiness .i T 1.1 a rneauny liiver man any agency known on earth. ft acts with extraif-dmav- y power and efficacy. o rm i 7 V UNACQUAINTED WITH THE GEOGRAPHY OF THE COUNTRY WILL OBTAIN MUCH USEFUL INFORMATION FROM A STUDY OF THIS MAP OF THE KTKB BEES L " " DLSAPfOlXTEI). As .1 (ffnrriHamMw remedy for Dyapepsi Torpid" l.iv('r,('oiis'lipation. etc., I nardly ever une anythViff else, and have nerer in tUe cnect produced: been uiaappoint'-x;t tl'lll3 lo he iihnost a perfect cure for all ; diaekbts of theStomnrh and Bowels. W. J. MGl.LKOT, Macon, Ga. . ; . dsAw BILL Is Craws PBKVKNTIXO CRIMES TUB ELECTIV8 Skctiox 1. Be it enacted bv the Governor and Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Utah : That every per een charged witQ the performance of aDy duty under the provisions of aiy law of this Teiritory or of Congress, relating to elections la tills Territory, who wilfully neglects or reiuses to periorm it, or who. In Bls omcial capacity, knowingly ud fraudolently acts id contravention or violation of any of tbe provisions of Fuch laws la, unless a different for suca acts or omissions punishment is prescribed by law, punishable by fine nat excediDg one thousand dollars or by imprisonment In the penitentiary not exceeding two years, or by both. oec. M. Kvery person who wilfully causes, procures or allows himself to be registered in any precinct or citv register list Jo any county, knowing Limself not to be entitled to such registration, and: every perspa who wuiuiiy causes, procures, advises, en courages or assists any other person to be registered in any precinct or city register list la any county, knowing or believinff such person not to be entitled to such registration, is pun ishable by, a flnei not exceeding one thousand dollars or by Imprisonment In i he penitentiary not exceeding one year or by both, In all cases where on the trial ot a person charged with any offense under the provisions of mis section n appears in evidence that the accused stands registered in any such precinct or city register list in such county, without being duly qualified and entitled to such registra tion the court upon conviction most order such registration to be can Ci) akMM MADE FROM PURS ' EXAKIFCAM 0T TARTAR aSBMSMSWSSl celled. Sic I HOTIO.B. and Point North Brighton Irriga tion- Company. lVaUl IIDK reeerrine over sixty a nick, snccessire sham slows, at a welding heat. They are then scalded by Us water process, li. position and close connection witli Eastern Lines at Chicago and continuous lines at terminal points West. Northwest and Southwest, make it the true mid-lin- k in that transcontinental chain of steel which unites the Atlantio and Pacific. Its main line and branches include Chicago, .Toilet. Ottawa, La Salle. Peoria, Geneseo, Moline and Bock Island, in Illinois; Davenport, Muscatine, Washing-tonFairfield, Otttunwa, Oskoosa, West Liberty, Iowa City,TJes2oines, Outbria Centre Indianola, Winterset, Atlantic, Xnoxville, Audubon, TTtTp", and Council Sluns, in Iowa ; J all a. tin, Trenton, Cameron. St. Joseph and Kansas City, in .Missouri ; and Atchison, in Kansas; 2Xixineaiolis and St. Paul, in Minnesota; Watertown and Sioux Palls, in Dakota, and many other prosperous towns and cities. It also offers a CHOICE OF ROUTES to and from the Pacific- Coast and Intermediate places, all transfers in Union Depots. Fast Trains of fine DAY COACHES, making DININGCABS, majrniflcent PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPING CASS. elegant and (between 'Chicago, St. Joseph, Atchison and. Kansas City) restful EECLIN- iJN U cuaia UAJiS, seats rxjm to noiaers or tnroua-- first class tickets. , mm Lea-venwart- - - n THE CHICAGO, KANSAS & NEBRASKA R'Y (CREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE) Extends west and southwest from Kansas dry and St. Joseph to Fairbury, Berina-toxKelson, Horton, Topeksu Hutchinson, in southern Nebraska, JvlVaTii Wichita, Caldwell, and all If 1 points 1 ZM Zi fk interior Kansas and Entire posaeng-e- equipment or the celebrated FuUman 1 naamrfactare. Solidly bal m?mm assaeasCLJ lasted track of heavy steel rail. Iron and stone bridged All safety appliances and modern improvements. Commodious well .built stations. Celerity, certainty, comfort and luxury assured. pwsraffisEI ! u Ll fxjLll be-von- r THE FAMOUS ALBERT LEA ROUTE Is the favorite between Chicago. Rock Island. Atchison. Kansas City, and Min neapolis and St-- Paul. The tourist route to all Northern Summer Besorta, Its VVatertown Branch traverses the most productive lands of the great wheat and Dakota. dairy belt" of Northern Iowa, Southwestern Minnesota and The short line, via Seneca and Kankakee, offers superior facilities to travel between Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Lafayette, and Council Bluffs, St. Joseph, Atchison, Leavenand St. Paul. worth, Kansas City, Minneapolis For Tickets, Maps, Folders, or any desired information. apply to. any Coupon Ticket Office in the United States or Canada, or address. IHi East-Centr- al , E. ST.-JOH- iniv,uu, - General Manaser. OKNVKE ANI - : Rio Grande Western RAILWAY. ... UNION PACIFIC RY. "Tha Overland Route." . The Oaly Line Carrylag the United States Oeerlaatt Mail. , Scenic Line of the World ! E. A. H0LBR00K, Oenl Ticket PassT Asrent 11.1.. lorourh Pa'lmaii Sleepers aid Modern Da wauiM irom uo Busaeari mver, . . East BoundSo Trains. 8. Lt. 9:20 a.m. San LakeOity..Lv. 10:50 a. m.' Arr. 8:43 p. m. Arr. 8 :oo a. m. uteaffo Osden.. No. DIRECT CONNECJTIONS 10. BBTWEBX p. ra. 11 l:Mp. 8:30a. ; ra- - ni. Denver.Cheyenne, Kansas City, Coun6:99 a.m. . oil Bluffs, Omaha, Chicago, St. Louis t and all Nebraska, Colorado, Idaho, West Bound Trains. No. 7. No. 9. Montana, Oregon, Washington Ter 7;.-Salt Lake City...I.v. 5 a. ni p. ra. ritory, and Northern Pacific Coast r 10 9 a.m Hjrden ..Arr.7:15p m. i ; sn I 8:10 a. m. Lines. a. ra 10-4- Hlnsham and Wasatch Trains. J. (:. Manaicer. H. BKSJfETT, tien. Pom.. Act. .j d FREE on nmtly Sleepers Bl.All Trains. L, Throng I' J. POTTER, J. 8. TERBET3, V. P .Jfirst CHICAGO THE ,. . lim-Ue- p. P. c. HODGE, ' adltaie Checked Through to and from all roiuvs cast ana n e't.an" connectioss made at Missouri kiver with .Trains ol Eastern Lines.' Lent' Salt Lake ' ity. 7 45 a. m.- Returning, 4 JO m. ;';.rr ve Suit Lake City. f AND OMAHA O. P. . ATA.. OMAHA. AliBIVAL AND DEPARTTJKEOF UNION Lino. , ; PAUIrlQ TRAINS Main ' i? Mail . inifieo........ ? WESTERN ' ' UCD J THE FAST AND KLKQANT - Which makes close Union Depot connec-tionwith through trains from T. A TCE AKD THX WKST a CITY 3AXT ToAndCHICAGO Eastern Cities, -- ABRIVB. Hail ami a.m. f.'xpress... ccom tnodation p. m. DEPART. . ...... tail and Express p.m ........ .. 4.19 .03 a.m.? vccommoaaiion... .11.29 9.53 mm limz- Overland 8.30 a.m. 6.43p.m. UTAH A NORTHERN AND ORE80N SUOKT LINE. IS THX lOPUH,A.rtBU'9ROUTE . tail and Express 7.S4p.m. 1.20 a.aa. J., .--. '.united.. RAILWAY., : ''!'. aubivk. and Express. ........... TUE DIRECT LINE TO ST. PAUL, D ULUTH, KCH0 AND PARK CITT. . ARRITB. 11.20 a.m. lailand Express DEPART. fail and Express... .....i .......... 4.10 p.m. The Salt Lake, and at Salt Lake, arry through Pi.llman Sleepers between Ch l ake ait yenne, Denve" and Kan-City, City. The limited trains carry Sleepers oth east and wc.t bound between Ojrden nd Council ISIuda. can be secured Sleepinir or either eaot bound trams, or for the Utah Northern and OrPfon hort Line trains, y application to the Union Ticket Office at ait Lake C'i;y or Oxrfen. J. V PARKER, 4 ' Division Pass. Agt 8.03 a.sn train, leaving lie 7.20 p.m. train, arnvrnr s cr t A5D ! v : PALACE ox Kor CARS aso .Yorth-Wester- n, .ALL HAY, GRAIN, SLEEPING ITAMMKIt POIrTKD. e i polated A. M. Chnmpncrys . , PUTNAM THE N A L 1 IS THE ONLY I Ho anil Forpi HORSE Mm Pointed SHOE :l NAIL World, We sddreaurchese Uses to HORSE OWif-ER.becansa thav ara tha sartiea moat vitally interested. We feel a scored that af ter knowing the facta, and giving the subthey will INSIST ject due consideration, mat tneir sorsea oe snoa witn tse Mot and Hammer Pointed NaiL A few Forged nomna' trial wui always convince. 1. The Putnam Nail Company, 3 8LT BUSINESS BROS,, and - hou-an- - .rin; be-tevi- tfENRY WAGNER, CAUrmm. r ip eil-Csr- b. J fJ - ls - WI ni.-.- iifiy-rrr- noth-.nir.cis- ' J. II. Z-- Bavt s othe-balm- " . i l j- U.cr wh'-- r - haa-- 1 4 i . , , sIlt BAT S- - LAKE CITY. , . .' AD 'will-sTeinov- lmprl-on-ne- I thb-i-ire- Kidney-icndiP- K '" guilty misdemeanor fc.c. ii. Every person wko wilfully lolates any of the provisions of the aws of this Territory elating to elec ions, is, unlet a different punish nent fer such violation Is prescribed iv law, emity of a misdemeanor. Site. 13 All acts or parts of acts. In 'inflict with this act are hereby re scaled. This act shall take effect from and , after Its passage and approval. &T.E. TAYLOR, YOUNG, C. M. 1., Ukb crrr. March 7lh, STOCK TEANSFEIt 1S8S. !?00KS OF this lnstitntioa will b Closed on March a April Sth, next. lith, and dSSSw I - TKALWS. Travelinif Paisenger Arent. i SALT LAKE CITY.' J. . WHITS AJf, H. C. WICKER, E. P. WILSOJf, U;n'l a,inj'r. Ti'fflc Man'r'r. Gen. Tas. Agt '1 dS91r , 'l; pill V 18--- AT E. Y. THOS O. WEBBER, Beoy aad Tress. 137 w. SOUTH TKMPLH ST. TELEPHONE KO. S1L Sl,1: JAPANEHB OK IMPORTED received weekly. Invoices vi new goods, Cniucse Silk and Crepe Dress Ladies' Silk Wrappers and Cent's wood. -oioLmtf Jacktla. new style ant f hiuee and KmbroMered silk Han- - kerchiefs Japanese una Shawls. and ' Satin Japanese AllHilk serpens and Banners. kindd ot Irnrr, lironae, Sanda. Wood and expensive Cbina wa.e. HONG HOP 1. O. Box ICS), y f iitil b. Alain street AIKGE STOCK avid eJanies Co. v M STEAM FITTERS ului n Plumbing Material, JPmpa, Pipe and Fitting Steam Heating Supplies, Tin and Iron Roofing, Gal vantned Iron Cornice, Guttering, JStc. " GARDEN HOSE AND LAWN SPRINkllERS; , h " and " "2 $ I CO ltti tij io 3 li 5 C9 f0 , 8 17 U) C7: 16 3. 7 ' 111 M VI : 8 60 . 1 k.). J 2) co : 1 1 8 40 5 40 11 John Lloyd.......:. has- J Hnbbard. Jan. Gillespie.. .... John Davis........ 100 .113 120 : - aud - 17 and 1 T. II. Shepherd. . . . '' . March 20, IHSS. 4 140 t4 0) 7 20 .11'h 2 131 l0 2- 4 SO .10 6 00 42 25 20 5 8 l0 37 40 l S HO 3"i - '. - tlio Tr'txde in XendL TV ': 4 mi 6 40 a ni illOO; ... ' T In the Probate Court, in and for the County of bait Lake, Territory of In the matter'of ' the Estate of John S. Harris, deceased. Is Order Appointing time- and 'place for '.Bet tlcment of final account mid to hear l'etition for Distribution. , '. X READING AND FILING THE VE tition of John A..Egbert, Bdiniulstru- or tor tne estate er jonn s. Harris, ooreabeii setting forth that he lias 'filed his final ac Count of his administration nnon said es tate in this Court: that all the have been fully paid, and that a portion of said remains to be divided among the heirs of said deceased, and praying among other things for an order allowing said ilnul necount and of dibtributlon'ttf the residue of said eatute amonic the persons entitled. It Is Ordered. That all persons inter ested in the estate of tho said John S. Harris, deceased, he and appear before the robute ourt, of the County of bait Iake al thvi Court room of said Court, in tho the 13th day of County Court House,-oApril, 188, at 11 oVloc-- ana. in., then and lo show cftose why order theri said final account and or distributionallowing should not be made of the residue of said estate, among the heirs of the said John 3. Harris, deceased, according to taw; that tho Clerk cauiie It ia further-orderecopies of this order 10 be posted in three in Lake Countv, and iiub- public places lished in the Deseret EtEsino News, a newspaper printed and circulated in 'sail Lake onnty, three weeks successively prior iv jim uiu u:ij vi iiini,.iwc, i ELLAS A. SMITH, GQ J - Q OP n f I-- s Judge.-DateProbate ' m. March 13tli, d Fine Carriage, Bngrsies ' - and Carts, " .'. ' 4 Surrey Wagons, Spring iVagons, Delivery Wajr,ODSf Coal and TlIREMIiTOMM l'j , Patent Light L, TKRH1TORT OF UTAH, I 'iecu pylng the Finest Jiuilding in this City, We Display a Line of Goods to Correspond - SPLENDID BARGAINS WE GIVE ' I1T . n SB ak. ii 1 1 1I 11 11 1 ineano ivieaium uioining V ..:. - t u. t punty or salt Lake, j " I. John 'C. ntler. Clerk of the Probate Court in and for the t'ounty Lake, U the Territory ot Utah, do herebv certit v that the foreeoine is a full, true ami cirrect copy of order appointing tune and' plai o for settlement of and, to iiear peii'tion lor. ditrioution in the Etae of John b. Harris, deceased; as appears-ore? cord in my ofllce. . nave In- witness whereof, I hereunto set mv hand and aOixeu the seal of said linnn this 13111 nay ot Miircii, A. u. isss. juh.x u. virion, iseaij . of-Sa- f : . v , - LKGAL. NOTICE. In the' Frobate Court in and for Salt uoiimy, i erritcry oi utan. i jike In the matter of the Estate ' of Thomas King, deceased. j - . MOIIKY REFUNDED at say tons the eortet does not prove ssatisfactery. Z. . FOR SALE BY" M. IM halt Lake " City. , ". tJ.C Wagons. NAJtQLB, Clerk pro, teui. The figures of this year, 18SS, resemble three big girls and a dode as tbey spread themselves across the pavement on a fine afternoon. 10'. STUD BIKER BRA' CH HQUS" SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. m for prtoes. sis-Wr- its FOR Order appointing time and place , tlcment ot nuai account and to near Petition for Distribution. A; LEADBH, S1.50. , REAPING AMi FILING THE; of Edwin I) wden, adininfotr'a- tor. with the will annexed, ot the estate ot Thomas King, deceased, settinir forth: that he has filed his Hual account of his admin Isiration upon said cm ate in this (hurt: tbat.ail debts havebecn fully' paid, and that or saiu estate remains to be divided among the heirs of said deceased. and other th'ings:;for an order praying aniong saia nnivi account ana or aifrriiu-tioallowing ot the residue of estate among the persons entitled. It is ordered that all persons interested in the estate of tha said Thomas lurrir, de wascd.be fand appear bcfori the 1'robate t'ourt of the County of halt Lake, at the said t'oart, in tne Connty court itoom of (JourL llonne. on Lhe Huh diiv of Ari.nl ISwmat 11 o'clock a. ni., then and there to show cause whr an order allowinit said flual nc. count and of . diKtribution should not be made of the residue of said estate Hmong the heirs and devisees ef the said Thomas King, deceased, according to lnw. It is further ordered that the Irleik canse copies of this order to be' liostcd in three public places 10 bait Ike County and published in the oeskret EyENiso News, 11 and circulated In Salt newspaper printed Lake County,: threeor weeks successively to Join the April, dayELIAS prior A. SMITH, Probate Judge. Dated March lltb, ISStJ. OX Additions to Our Immense Stock Arriving Daily, GOLDSMITH & CO., ' I Territory of L lah, Connty of bait Lake, j 1. I,Joha C. Cutler. Clerk of the Probate Court in and for the County o' Salt Jike id the Territory of Utah, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a lull, true and cor rect copy of Order appointing time and place tor settlement of final account and lor distribution in the matter Of tho Estate or 1 nomas King, deceased, as appears ot :4 record rh my oftice. In witness whereof, I have licre- unto set mr hand, and affixed SEAL.. the Seal of said Court; this 14 tn day or March, A. a. ISSS. - SOUS O. CUTLJiR. i d07 3wv IroUae Clerk. NEW FURNITURE STORE r:o:- - O II I L.that1 ttiey, hut to inform their friends and the In the Probate Court in and for Salt Iake Cruintv. Territorv of ltah. In the Matter of the Estate of Mary Ann iiooper, aeceaseu. Order appointing time and place for settle- uivub vi uiiui nucuuHb iruu petition for distribution. V OEJ IV Be eSc , public Kener&lly, JUST OPENED at ; V . , ' : . SOUTHOFSTREET, No. 68 & 70 w. FIKSTASSORTMENT 'i WTII T?9 XJ 0 A GKNEKALy , 3 1 and Trimmings, Window Shades Wall Paper, :o: UPHOLSTERING k DRAPERY; WORK i ' we a and do will Please give us call NEViT tV CUILD, 0 SPECIllT!. :OV- I UCGAIi NOTICE. K. N. Cl!IHa 8. P. KEVB. is. oar best to give sati sfactlea. A TO SC w. First goat . r 5 KEADINO rN f til ion of AND FILING TUB TE L. S. Hills. Administrator tne Estate of MaryAnn Hooper deceased, nas mcd nis nnai ac rortn tnat-nsetting count of his administration upon said estate in this Conrt; that all the debt have been fully paid, and that a portion of said estate remains to be divided among the heirs of said deceased, and praying among other things for an order allowing said- final account and of distribution of the residue of said estate among the persons entitled ; It is ordered that all persons interested in the estate of the said Mary Ann Hooper, deceased, be and appear before tho Probate Court of the County of bait Lake, at the Court Itoom of said Court, in the Countr Court House, on- the lfith day of April, lt&8, at 11 o'clock a. in., then and there to show cause why an order allowing said final account and ot distribution should not be made of the residue of said estate among the heirs of the arid Mary Ann. lloopcr, deceai-edaccording to law. It is further ordered that the clerk reuse of this order to be posted in three copies in County and fiublic places In. the DKSERKT hVKNINO NEWS, a newspaper printed and circulated in Salt Lake County, three weeks successively prior to said ltilh day of April, isss. j ELIAS A. SMITH, . Jiu) ire, . .Probate ' . V 01 e . ;. Salt-sLak- Dated March 8th, 138S. . Tkbritort of Utah, Conntv of Salt AGBETCe COA3L A. L. flLLIAHS, Agent anfl lanapr, 145 s. MAIN STREET.' PLEASANT mi VALEEY, SLACK, $6.00 per Ton Delivered, " S3.50 " " v . -- ) J ko. I. John C. Cutler, Clerk of the jobate Court in and for tbe County o 8a! t Lake, in the Territory of Utah, do hor;by Bertu'y that the foregoing is a full, tree ana correct copy of Order appointing time and place for settlement of final account and to hen r petition for distribution in the mattf rof the estate nf Mr Ann- lfooir, deceasqd, ae s appears of record in my1 olttce. In witness whereof, have hereunfo set my hand and attixed the'genl of said Court, this 8th day of March. A. ll. ltH. . SEAL JOUN C. CUTLKTt, . lYubnte L'krk. II. S. CUTLER, By . 01 Rw ; DeiHity. 1. A. C3 - 13 3NT a T 3T ANTHRACITE, C0KE, CHAEO0AI : AND BLACKSMITH COAL I . . . MEMO Y tritesu. JEt Wsolly aslOts arttflctal leaned la ene rosdlss'. Recommended try Miu Twaiw, RIObt-RPaoOTon, lho Scientist, Host. w. W. 1STOB, JUDAII P. BEKJAUIN, DA MlVOS ete. Class of 100 Columbia Law student wo classes of 800 each at Ytle ; 400 at Unl ifersity of Penn., Phila. 50 at Oberlln Ool ego, and three largo clatsea at Chautauqua niversity.etc. Prospect nsFOST I'Htn from 'ROF. LOISETTE, X37 Fifth Ae., N. Y. d wdAsat j. . Any book WM. 0. MOSBIS, SALT LAKE II I 1. n 1 Hiinn si s s ... I .... .aw-.- . A a at s"- Aw ;.. ... j 9200,00-UiiLrS- . so,oor 8, jSt.DKKTxjK, President, Vice ' ...... 7 CITi. A V9 CAPITAL, ohs. Kharf, AMIS T. FLASHUUr. 1 PAfflTERS' SUPPLIES, -- - sea-eo- Jersey tSixits all ages and Colors, forl-Set- . Frazicr Boad Carts, EXTRA ENEE PANTS, SHIRT WAISTS. rr&bate Cldrk. ' d','5 3w . -- OVll GREAT SPECIALTY. t . KANAB STAKK CONFKRENCK Bnicher Wagons, The Quarterly Conference of tbe Farm Wa.oni, Kanab stake of Zion convened at Kauab at 10 a. ra. on Saturday, the 17th last, 1'resldent E.U. woolley ., : p esidlDg. FiesidentThos. Cnamberlatn afld 'i ! majority of the High Council and Bishof this Siaho occupied tne stand. ops 1'hc house bad been neatly repaired and presented an Inviting appearance to the goodly numoer of attentive Coated Patent hearers who assembled dnringithg conLock Lever Rakes. the, ference; and I think all will echo seniiment that the remarks of our wonuy bretliron, tne Presidency and Elders who a dressed the Saints were AVERY'S NEW indeed Instructive, edifying and encouraging. Sulky Plow Tne report of the Bishops of the various wards were quite satisfactory; aud as usual the conterence was a time of rejoicing for the Saints who were Morrison' i Weir's arid South desirous for Spiritual food. Bend Steel and Chilled Brother Joseph L. Jolly was set apart as Second Connsellor to his Su'ky J Hand Flows, father, Biahop Jolly,- olU.Mt. Cannel v Ward. !V, Grading $ Ditch-- . j conferTWfta UORIQINAL CoUe Spnag ; tfce eighteenth yn Sunday in Plows. , Elaatle Sectkoa Health Preserving Corset ence adjourned to convene . at Urder-vill- e , In June. Beware of ether so caUed health preserviThe health of the people In general in this Stake daring tbe past winter ng- erscU, stiffened with WOOD at4 has been good; although the win- -, Spring has nown ether worthless material, and 'called by a ter was extreme. IK EWUT C1ZE5 ASZ STTXU9. dawned upon us and a prosperous Is onr Some of sheepCABAH3TIO came te ceelvs you; anticipatedmen have begun feeding their flocks. The Stock Association held their an- Fine and Cheap Harness for A8K TOB TBB nual meeting .here tcti ay with very Carriages, Buggies, and DR. SCniLHWS CORSET, satisfactory results. ,- PLUMBERS, GAS EXTKA ANNOUNCEMENT. s Dininjt Cars fall information apply to ; SO "g LEGAL NOTICK. Made by Machinery in the ..' Wm. Cochrane.... Chariton Jacobs.. 4..'. Henry Cohn Henry Arnold Elias Morris... ..i. P. F. U08S..V D. Hockliolt........ U'm. K. Andrews.. Jkb H. ThoillllB... ('has. B.liuiu'omb'e.. Uourlay.. Davit J Witherel., ....... E. T. Knowlton..., V:, '' f, ; : Sesse ether anaanfaetnrers claia to make s Hot Ferged Nail, bat yos wiU obaerve all sash a Shsaxed Kdxe sear tbe point. . THHOltlH becn'tary. O o 'o Onr nails, therefore, are U ail in- teote and parpeses the sans as ibe hanuoer old rasnioaad nans I AMO UOLDi km. XO ACIDS o 1 IVTt " eeisg used, aad afierwarcs - CHICAGO. ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R'Y. Its central y FOLLOWIXG DESCRIBED stock will be sold at Dublic auction at 12. ni. Friday, April 20. Is 8,- to assessments and cost of advertising pay and sale of same, at the liriKbton ineettnu-houee- , Brighton. 8nlt Lake Comity, ; Every person not entitled to Ton, MASS. vote who fraudently votes, and every P. O. rrnii. I N UPON MASS, aoimglh SET, Address, person who Totes more than once a i WILL BDNVINCCrBU ear For sale by . O.K. L aad Its brasebes any one election, or knowinglv bands in two or more tickets f oldea to Ketber, or changes any ballot alter the same nas reen deposited la the oaiioi box, or adds or- attempts to add any oauot to tuose legally pollea at any WM. COOK s C either by fraudulently in'tro luclug the 'same into the ballot box beloreor afterlthe ballots therein have Architects & Suoerinlendents. if en coantd,or adds to --or mixe with, or attempts to add to or mix e Office hours.12 to 3 Kooms 1 13, with the baifots lawfully polled, other Herald Unilding, or address P. O. Box llM riallots, while the , same are being counted or canvassed, or at any other or f ra k carries awav or LAKR GREAT or attempts to carry away or detroy, destroy, any poll list or ballots, or AGEXCY. oauoi oox, or. wu.uiiy detains, mull atcs or destroys anyeleption ..teiurus", .r m any manner so latenerts wun Buys ind Sellall kinds of iUisinc-seand . the oflicers holding such elec piange l'.ii iiiei.iiip-ion or conducting such canvass, r wua ine voters lawfully exercisim: No. 127 sf MAIN STREET. Up S'airs. Oeir rights of voting at such election, as 10 prt vr.t such election or canvass from being fairlv held or lawfallv con WATSON lucted, is guilty of felony and shall boy nne not exceeding oae panisaea CrUTICAl ANALYSIS. d ' dollars or by iaiprisonment Stonecutters Builders in rne pennemiary ror.a trm not x- or Usivr.xsirr Ijssejust, Tombstones, Monuments,. Mantels,' Ironby both.". ceeaing4.two years orsun Salt Lake City, Jun 8th, 1887- Mantels, Grates ana Hearth stones. vkc. not entitled to pei ivtry Br careTnliy exanainiiijr DeLand's Cherai vote woo iiauauiently attempts jro cal taking Powder with the microscope and 278 A, I2S0 SeCTH 1EJIP1.!: STote, or who, being entitled to vote with chemical reaircnls, I And that it is free ' !' hvwie Asifmbht Hall from Alum, Ntarrti, Flonr, Bous Ash, tttempts to vete more than once at nr.. pi- ction Is a and that of misde Asnaio.iia ana vthise guilty t consists essentially of Cream of Tartar meanor. fid Hi t 'Krhonate 'A Soda. Ms.u 5 Every person who procures, he Hakinx i'owder exurained I purchased encourages, a.sists, counsels or . aius, SALT LAKE CITT. at riirnis & Dav.s, its this cur. dvises another to or' oftcr his J. '1'. KlNUi!ljUKTt;nmlSt. vote at any election, jiive or knowing BREWERY, that the pers n istiot qualified SOfEBIMElTS. EnEMlSTS. a to mis is of ."vT'ea vote, guilty MUiFICHaEIS; demeanor. BEER; 1LE iad PORTER, ; t i PHlKiPALITiES 0B PflWEES" o.c b.; Eveiy officer or judge of elec- blQES AND RETAIL. WHOLESALE tion who aids in changing or destroyre unable toXdiarprOve the Statement n in fraudulently Second South Street, Three Docn Ef ' every tin ot Bal,and's C'heraical Baking ing any poll list, or fonder " Maris of Purs Creasa placing any ballots in the ballot box, lrest from Mai and kods only. So or tatting any tuereirom, or adds or Tsrlsrwhatever."1 to add to filling those any ballots attempts ef .legally polled at such election, either Ai;TI05f'Tie one fonrti this Bikini? rovrdrrAand sne half less oy irauauieBtiy ntroduciug the same ISAAC SAETOM. . B.TOEOKTO. A. S. OBSSSI. with all recipes than with otker into the bailot box, before or after the JBA11TON fc CO., ballots therein have been counted, or 44 Mais Stroat. adds to pt mixes with, or attempts to . ARE PLEASED TO INFORM THE add to or mix with the ballots polled, W lt UirTm v 3I.S1 ikf inne in tlte wovlil public that oar lmcreaseat trade km any other ballots while the same sre wi3l euro as bf.d a rase of larf purcbaaea of unusaally I'lrernten being counted or canvassed, or at any demanded Fall and Winter Goods. Wo have coiavrfed and lileedinj Piles as. will onX i or so other allows to do another time, room for onr now stock, our store to make boscf Dt. Emnil's Ma'ic It ilm ofv Healing when ia his power to prevent it, or and secured the service of A. S. Geddes te Ointniont. It arts as a soothmut lurifaior abBorbs the turaor't hivJ allr.j s the rttcif ifauuuleTitly carries away or destroys, assiltwein the management ef tke buiinetsj te now can suit all. Onr Uses is msn'i or knowingly allows others to frauduthat Itclhin!? si- once as will. V pib cure ever acquired o IflfKe a sale in o flior anv doII hoys' and children's CLOTS ixo, rcaxitl or away carry lently destroy, a time. Sold at every ilru store, or aeuiNl mats. etc., box. or ballots lawfully imus; CNDIRWUl, Jist, ballot orl-tktst will bestld asCars, man.; .urn's cooperative 51 AUim is polled, by at punishable Mr. c Ikte re imprisonment will lowost. aaia wits, bfvc canine intiuution.hau uaket ur. s in tor not less tnan Geddes is a member of tbo First, but has land. Ohio, I iiiuary-21- i lfe7 Scmi m flvi nor more two seven tho than for last been four years, as years. employed, rrOFS Email's MaK' liahn eoon a pru&ihle. K8 7. Every iudge of anxelection principal of the 16th "District School. This will make ncarlv oha hundncil an' We kiadly invite our many friends and tha who, after receiving the ballots ef any fifty dozen I have 'bought l.nce July 15, I now sell mre of your 11 t!m, oryOintniPiii-a- t public generally to give ns a call. wco is uuiy regis eietior quiuiueu retail over my counter than- of a' found to ne entitled to vote and ointwents combined. It tell, tereaahd at such to deposit election, .nedicine' better than any in n.v such ballot in the neglects ballot box, or who, store. 8. 1. Cbui fluli, ?,0 .Eodid avenue. the ballot of an previous to dAw C1J 7 elector In th putting ballot box, attempts to and out any name on such ballot, or who opens or suffers the folded ballot J l SEA ofVOITBERS of any elector which has been handed thousamU tuf are iurpd4el bj th. ttti. are tu cw AV.tsatch Meat Market. DEEP Uinr 1, (.f ;uvu!(.ii. TLo? who in, to be opened Or examined previous to putting the same infotne ballot box, Ihei kt lS?r-- Bfcoirl at in; acj ta H liK it Cu PortlauJ. aiaiu, aud recetTe aidr" or who makes or places any mark or Wholesale and Retail Butchers. li t all aire., can Mr, frol 13 to tifi .lav anViipi.r'I. device on any ballot with the view to tk.y llr. Von yr Hi;me iuc'.y&i c ,..nnaietfrt'jircd.j ascertain the name of any person far V3 in a'aita iaat till, mtrk DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF all vnom tne elector has voted, or who. la. wirltoat the consent of the elector, yrURB FOR PILES. discloses the name of any person Itchinjr' Piles are known by moiEtnre lik which snch ludgo of election has perspiretion, producinir a very disairreeabl or illegally discovered to itching after getting warm. This form as fraudulently 22r W., FIRST S OUTH ST., nave oeen voted lor oy snch elector, is wellfas itlind, U!eedinf and protruding rues, yield at once lo t lie sppiuiaiKMtor Air punishable by a tine not less than fifty Bosanko's Pile Remedy, wli ch i ctsdirectlj uor more tnan live hundred dollars. absorbinir the ta .upon' the pHrts lterud, or dec . very personofwhoanforges morn, allaying the In ten--itching and ef election a permanent cure. 3tt cents. Ad counterfeit to returns feasujf nave Deen nelCf at any dress The Dr. iiosanko Molicine Co ,Piqua purporting precinct or city in this Territory where dis no ., or Z. C. M. I. Drug Store. election was In fact held, or wil CliAS. W. STAY.VEil, fully subsitute8 forged or conhterfeit returns of election in tbe place of the TO THE AFFLICTED. true returns, for a presiact or city Attorney and Counselor at law. where any election was actually held is punishable b imDrlsennaent in the ar d v a i;o.s catatiiu Isaac 'n in all the COURTS of the TerriDB.Jmedy willcuie Pains in tha Head penitentiary for a terra of not less than Practices Court tory and before the HuruEiiu liuzzin two nor more than ten years. bits, Dinness and Ringing-of the U. . Mjnnds and UoarihgXoiseiu the Ears , lit 9. Every person who wilfully Sec ceratcd hore Kye, liry, llackinst outrhr Adds to or subtracts from the votes CONDUCTED. I.KSn Abthma, Hronchiiirt and all I'.r ncliial 1)1 actuallr cast at an election, in any re ea!"e, and even pronounced Consumption UNO "ESTATES M 1SI5TEBED. DRAFTED WILLS turns, ot who alters inch returns, is If taken in sonjusct,on with Tonic bitten in H the MADE. and Knulit-by at COLLECTIONS punishable Imprisonment lleiuedy Cotitfhing In Consumptive persons in tw penitentiary for Mt less than pne nor A NOTARY IN THE OFFICE, weeks and will a it ;in one week, li more than nve years. ' the patient cannot lie down in bed it wil Skc. 10. Every person; who aids or o. 13, HOOPIlt nL'IMHNO, result. the . f accomplish aoets in the commission of any of the East of Deseret Hank, Inter off cces mentioned in tbe fonr oreced Texil. Ultters should ; be takenwill First South, b't., Salt Lake City, U. T. vatarrb Renedyi they n nallyulth Ing sections is punishable by all poisonous mucous romall parts d KW I. O. Box 687. in the the iaii for county period the body and eleane the blood from a of six or in months the in ation; will renov corruption :or a period not exceeding penitentiary two years all travel from the Keins and to Vlcoiat.on and symptoms 01 Skc 11 Ever person who, by torce b rests, menaces, bribery, or any cor Bribt's Disease. Also, b .using the three combined will apt mean, either directly or indi- canse "and thereby cure remove The ctly, attempts to iunuenoe any elec Diaijctes. By batlmifj over the kidneys with r In giving nis vote or to deter him the Enirlish itemdy ii will take out all fever 'Qtn giving the same, or wbo, being a and ttiflammfttioh. 1; , J'lerif-- write for circularsand send two nidge oi any election, whue acting as for advice. ' Directions, on each acb, induces or attempts to induce cnBttaip 'tattle. ry elector, either by menace or r oitt by Z V. Mi I sl( I.nke City. or promise thereof, to vote dif vard, L Manufactured and i;u Up by Mardy.' rfntlynrfrom wfcat such elector ln-- a., la vv south Templa eet, bait Lake Citv of nH,i rioired to vote, is VstOTHlNa S H 1r" 04 TirVTl THE to a point rxoaitmere4, tkaa: w LEGAL yOTlCES. ' NATL Putnam ia-rea-- y ' tude, 'despondency and nervousness indicate hew the whole system i3de-range- JOjIN SHARP, General Superint I .msi S, FBANCUIdE. blood; frequent ensues; a feeling of lassi- p.m.t p.m. i . FRANCIS COPE, . Gen. Freight and Passenger Agent. the AX ACT AGAINST FOR con?-stipate- .11.10 a.m. Milford . A Is the Oriental salutation knowing that good health cannot exist without a healthy Liver. When the Liver is torpid the Bow- els aro sluggish and the iood liejs AILY, A3 FOLLOWS 8.03 a.m. Mil ford Atlantic Express at Emmk at 7.20 p.m. Atlantic Express at... Pacific Express at .10.20 p.m. Trains Arrive in Salt Lake daily, a follows Passenger From North. Haireli Wedaesday, i' New Time Card, February 1st, 1888. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE SALT Park City and U. A N. Express Atlantic Express at Atlantic Express at.. Pacific Express Accommodation Train niiTAinnn i EVEJSING KSWS. i; 1- lTcsi.ient, - , 1 5 t. A. G KOES BECK, PI RKCTOB IAMES SlIASr. a 8. Cashier, Ias. T,Hills, Lixtuc Asst. Caskter. mm m llwjs And SfUs 'ork, Nhji mm Exrbri! cn fie' rmucltrt, t'ticoKr,, (hnshn,.I.om!on, uit prlr a CodtlnemsJ Cltie Mtle, 49 Makes colleiiloas, rszatUAC s:ivsv roowwr. ; . . AW OX0SCUB M, CUKOl ... A i joiur if. : f,- ':. CaUrcrotf. |