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Show i- - VENING NEWS; AT who wu aear aeked the ne waa lnjarea. a memorial to it on memorials, presented ittnsrress in me iorm ox a prowst oj the Governor and Legislature of the Tcrrltorv of Hub. acralnit the removal of ceitiin Indians from Colorado to ex-iena- tor "re, madam, my dlrnlty is nnrt." Perhaps tbe two much la the Canadians were lnjared region of their dignity as their heads. u fOCa O'CLOCK. TO-DA- M. DEATlia. Orangeville, TELEGRAMS Y'S CnawKonD. ''. Utah, as proposed in congressional House resolution No. 1365. The mrmnrid lt rtrth that if Said Indiana are dangerous ts the people of Colorado. thv would be more so to the scattered settlers along Green Beckwltb, the Murderer, Hanged and ihat their River, in this Terri'-orvAfter Being: Sentenced to location on the Uintah reservation there. Indians to the would be uojust Death Six Times. It therefore protests against such re moval. The memorial was read the first time and under suspension of the rules was passed and was ordered enrolled. The Canadian Commission on Railways II. . 50, under eonsideration-- at the Mais. Recommendations, for a morning session, passed its second Settlement of Dispute. reritnr C. F. 18. a bill for an act amending an act entitled aa act providing for the establishment of a' territorial insane The Tariff List Made rtibllc-T- he asylum, wis taken up for second read" April Sth. K87. , j LAnVgX. Maria Larsci!dcd at Castle Dale Octebef 2ird, 1S87, ol typhoid fever. in Dcead was bora October Jrd. Odeaae, Deacaark; emigrated with her pI one eix and months when reate year-on died the her both plain parent is; and she was brought to ait. Tleasaut, San: pete County, br George Farnsworth ; she was reared by Hans Brown, of ' the same as slxtcenjart b1i;"When sh fTaM,im (he moved to Ctlel Dale, .mery County, where she was mariiisd Ociober 4th, 1883, to tJvrl CmilLarsen : sfie has been a member of the Castle Dale choiir since it was organ Ued. and at her (leath jsbe waa therreaidant of the Young - UMiea' Aaeootaiton- - vi m ward; tha leaves a tnouriUnjr husband aud two children one 1 three, years . ana me other live months old. glkmdinavtan Stjerne, please copy. BY THE THE ILLINOIS CYCLONE. -- DESERET NEWS COMPANY. Its Playlal Perlorm- - Sanaa CHARLES. JT. TEKROSE, EDITOR. Rouso Praibik, Perry Co., ratxom. TAYLOR; lt, REAL ESTATE, - MINTED AND rUBLUHED vr. whoeping cough Qonatr, Feb and tething'. Mary Cecelia, daughter of William W. and Ellen C. Crowford; born Wilson, Accused fa f Complicity in the Decorations Scandal, Con- victed and Sentenced. ' :f ;'- I. tEAIi KSTATK ACSH.NTS. Km try At" 20, 1SS, of - ' 4 11 UA1UFACTDBEES, IHPOBTERS. jj03.Il & U0ll6CU(Hl AffCHlS AUD Illinois, Feb. 21, 1888. March I, Editor Dcaeret Ntws: WEOLESALE MD RETAIL DEALERS LN .3T 'X- O 3BVi l.,0-"I send you a few items in relation to damage done by the cyclone thai swept PHAHt ASM AGOBI A. T.TATW through this part of the Stale. It ?;; to storm the that seems I, that proved nvaV' Thkrb is a great deal of Inflation talk be so fatal last Sunday evening, struck in this city about a boom. We request GockIs, this section of country first, tearing up lug..... Ant Ac. , .... Strike any intelligent citizen to put on his Buxllagteai trees by the roots and breaking Hardware, Queensware, Cliina and Glassware, business and Intellectual spectacles large tress Suicides. and splintering others, some of them IIOL'SK. ' i and report whether he can see it even rery large. Hicuory and oak, 3 ab1 ' Ladies't Misses' and Children's Wraps, Feb. 27, 18S. Hosiery, to in its incipient stages. That Is to say. 4 feet, in diameter, were torn were Several the houses During the discussion over N'KWS. It the word, boom is not to be taken in pieces. were amount Some to be appropriated for the re4 By Telegraph te the ; ; Boots, Shoes, and Buhber Goods, damaged. badly- or a Pickwickian sense, but as bavin m Us'ied to pieces, others bad the roofs form school, King suggested that it rjutTs CatMtflaa Railways. 'l 1 Lkmok. At Ferrons City, Emery Connty, blown off.? Mr. John Goldman expercould not be intelligently fixed till the reference to a substantial reality. a Hats, Caps and Clothing, 1. The report Utah, of scarletina. after an fitness of ten f March ot amount Ottawa. Ont., the ienced committee should reoort.' damage. greatest If the spasmodic rpurts In relation or A uw ALSO, Ilosre replied that the report of the of the royal commission on railways, days, Dora Emma, daughter of Jun C. and upper part of his large house was Wall Papers and Decorations, to real estate are taken as indisputable The lifted off, thrown in a beip to the committee was ready, and there were which body for the last two years has Cmoia Lmrn. Bora January 1, 1884 ; died evidence of a auHstanUU indication ol ground.. ,AtHat eighty bus bets of oats calls tor it. regard less of the regular ' in the npper part of the order. Iu re!pone to the demandsjof been ioqurjng ipto Important railway Feb. 13,' isss.-Carpets, Bugs and Linoleums. growing prosperity, those who base that waswere ' inuxm. lTrxrA nflfcrpri th fo'lowlnir: matters with a view to legislative ac over crrt scattered away kkaji nmhtn building At KlKO. their hopes apon that frail basis will, to the next field. It also tore down City, Emery Counly, was presented in the House of UUh. Feb M,Ferron 4 !f :':-- .H ':" ; . ifafanr to OHos. Drags. ,; , tlon, 18SS, of whooping eovgb, naless a change occurs, yet be found bis stables pig pens and fences, and Mr. Sjealtr: , , , i ReCommons afternoon. yesterday reoii eommittee aad E. son Tour and of John Osmond Leonel, Mary penitentiary as interare the rails and planks a great form school to whom were the what known garding "sitting like patience on a monument, carried rereferrvd the distance. t One of the rafters was found ports of the special committee railway disputes, the commissloa say jane "King. Born Octotcr27y 1587. In a green and yellow melancholy.". for the field and had been a In over neighbor's reform the school, beg that special legislation in each par proposed Whtt does the real! estate furore driven into the ground about four feet. leave to report that thev have considered ticular case of expropriaMon Is not de - Bote Welch. ! Morgan City, Morgan O., Utah the Celebrated amount to anyway, at the presen Mr. Geo. Troester had a lively experAgents the same, and recommend that the board of sirable, but recommend that such Ctah, Feb. 13, 1888, William Frederick, aon olected be shall take which to was home some directors from as he ience decided be by means proper driving affairs? of there B. questions that It after G. and Harriet Welch, Thonsa stage be aathoriaed chnrye ot the said institution, tribunal. They say of rtnckneyville in a light spring wagon. to locate tha said reform school in Weber is going on in this city a species of The to- establish an an illness of four days, froia diphtheria and ililed himself, is cyclone requited caught legislation Weber Hirer.of tha aambllaK that may rise a step above team and wagon. It whirled him County, south Respectfully. V Independent tribunal, with power to aged 16 years, 10 months and It days. Vuew ' He was highly respected by all who deal with disputes between railway Chairman. the common Vice of throwing dice and around and set him down again, and IIooK. AND . i if the rails from the feuces were flying relative to crossings, fights hint, and died in fall fa J. of the Gospel. ' manipulating cards, but not largely around him m every direction, but be As Hoge sent the above to the clerk, companies Walker and so forth, and whose deci- COM. of House, . way Opposite that a minority beyond what Is denominated stock escaped without injury. The eople Hatch arose and stated sion should be final t that a uniform reHAS FITTED I'P'A KICK, been kept very busy putting up cf the committee had prepared. At Monroe, Feb. 1.1, of old "itA.saiCSSKN.r gambling. It is the balk of business have V CLASSiriOATION 0 BATJtS aave and roinmoiliou rfflce, and incites his to he read which asked blown been bad i. in that line to which reference is now fences where they the houses that port of Sorea widow Aae Raamassen, agay nl fiiMoiners e.i nieo and repairing unjr rtirni adopted. It is ' subjoiaedi should be established and maintained be has im i efote selling Ibelr profterljr-both formerly of Copenhagen, made, and not the small percentage of down, have been damaged by the cyclone. Atr. Speaker :' an to bv all t itr Iota and. land adop .. companies, Imvers. subject of nnmlirr I . estate 74 and real men and transactions. at A liu month; genuine years Qioin great many The onderiijroed, being a minority of the tion. Ill desired bv. them- - of the aped ivar tin tv'tly limits wanted nnmeaisipiy. 'VrnKnaeMs Sijenu,. pleats eopy. vicinity are out of employment on ac- committee e on penitentiary and reform 'AmetJcan.cIassiacaUoji ;. lot-- through and Balling and bearing Is about as count should )i'A cnjl Buyers of the strike at the coal mines school, respectfully represent that: traffic to and from the States, and lively ia this city with a , numerAt Wntrloso, S". M., Feb. 14, Wherrae. At n meeting of the emmmittee that the Mjlvgvu. there. ' and make may companies ARGE LIST OF PROPERTIES ous class, as In a stock exchange on penitentiary and school held thrtj 1S88, James Mitchell Maugam. lie had been Reapcctfullv, mo purpose ot consuiennx tne re establishtotariffs of maximum , rates, of one of the mammoth cities of was called Ernest S. Pkkrose, uy ior aud.revii?n bf aa invalid for several years. lie approval port of the special eommittee on reform subject i ,. WB' 31AJOC J. s mar be ciustltotea. OF this country. Fishers and hunters are Ifcforc Jnvc fluff ; school, it was decided by a majority vote to nnpti ! i t Pioneer from Mt Tisgah. and was' a ,. limit the location of the yroposod reform It is expedient to adopt a rule ot equal member of Charles C. nich's company, traversia fo cl'y, the eJjct blng YTa foil PAf Vam AnVltltAO kcIiooI to Weber County south of Weber mileage rates irrespective ot distance h plains la B47.5- . WAS IT aiURpER? simply the disc ivory of owners of and cost of service. . One carload of crossing Villi 1 VtM) 1V.I UII 1UII1VO and Kirer, H0r.1E-r.1AD- E in 18i0,. waa fi. born 6th, IU a We lion of January consider this Whereas. the not less than ten tone should be a unit be cajoled, tempted reality, who to S o'clock yesterday morncommittee be of Church not the the the for Alabama ; about At In respect to Clare County. joined in r persuaded into placing their prop- ing, says the San Francisco Chronicle. majority railway transportation best interests of the Territory, v Itis riutation for over Si t ears in L'lah a Dec iai rates granted, all Quan lit January, 1843; was- ordained a Peveny Would recommend. That' the hit nl guarantee fr fir rloaling. s erty in the hauls et a trader in real ol the 20th, a young man, dressed AND treated' tities to carloads office held the other and that la being reof ago, the committee be many years at a ars welcome. majority report yirangers estate, an 1 to sjnu extent, to our per- neatly la a striking suit of buff Mel- jected be will company but 17 and any that recommendaof the alike, railway was the He rather his following death. of time a the brown Derby hat, be accepted : sonal information, a trader on the ig- ton, wearing at liberty to make special rates fer children 10 of whom- snnrlTe him. ,He has COME I P AM) SRR GKOKGE neck-weand a pair of small, tion That the reform school bortrd be author- large shipments, r. norance of some of the people. A sum latest the saloon childran. lie was one of the walked into KNOVLIKN, to make the location of the reform pointed shoes, street. He was Thomas ized Discriminations of an unlustor par 32 living grand school at any point in: their ludg.nent best tial character between individuals is fixed upon for property. It 1 not at ot Washington, Kane County, 130, Fourth settlers first and 251 3Iala Street said limits an for within the of school, an habitue the adapted quarter, different localities under like and went from there to Kanab aa a Indian immediately purchased, but an amount Lannon, between Davis ot Weber Counties. and bait Lake, ot House. Is' Walker good " unemployed stroller, although Opposi'e conditions should be prohibited, and mlsaionety with Jacob llambhn and others, running all the way from tea dollars family, Z2C. Respectfully submitted, TTlTsTXl.Tr1TQ-iand a victim of the hypodermic CSxijpt. ncn o. 4 Kane atso oi HATCH. Lived 1809. at any .infraction, Pahread, about law;; .to several hundreds, is given to hold morphine, habit, lie ordered a glass 'i' FABNS WORTH, n IKirtner. d JJ'iH( al St. Capitalist Walnut still minA later Grovs, and few a sandwich. BT PBXALTIKSf and of owner to Coanty, beer PUXISHED the bargain, while in the Of committee on pettitentiarr and reform ' indifferently school. John's Ward, Arizona ; from which place . most instances the latter also signs an utes later a tall man,', After due cognizance In the latter case he removed Inebriated walked dreesedaad to Kutrioso. fie died firm ia partially consideraTburman time wanted for has been taken of the effect of water the agreement to give a deed within a spe- la. lie hailed young Lannon as tion before surrounded by a number ..of his B. O. AVoutr", w. t. coaa,'OOMrAiiT, on faith, of the the secret all report acting and rail comvetltlon, special as cified time. The trader having found turn greeted Tom," and was In same and moved postponement rates, rebates, drawbacks or coaces relatives and mends. COM. time was cemmntee, and at the one day. game, next hunts for a purchaser. "Dan' sions to sblppvrs should b declared newTne Lannon. to drink by If he succeeds, he manages to asked Moyle opposed postponement, and llleiral m.nd made sublect to penalties. comer was Daniel Mahoney, aa em- urged the bill bad been that too often make out of the transaction a ploye of the lumber firm of C. A. deferred. Every special rate should be made on the demand of any enquirer. Special Jfi'otteeM, at L 120, a and r und sum frequently running u? Ilooper Co., lodger tranmoved to amend the majority public Hoge or extortionate ef unjust Complaints street. What furihsr bv striking out the clause, discrimination should be referred to into the thouands. Thus the original Fourth between them Is not known, report A new Hammond of Weber River," so as to allow the authorised tribunal for settlement. "south DRY GOODS owner dumps a Urge portion of his spired that JEPARltENT they the reform school to be located any damages to be limited. Railway comlor, although it is thought Writer. Call at this O fflce i denies into , the of the quarreled. the saloonkeeper property pockets where iu vveDer uounty. carried. na to be not should compelled repanies have ' shrewd and sometimes not over scrup-- : tals. Tuey, however, cjuld ' Farnsworth moved to amend so as dertake express business,, but must WANTED A man to take an effice t mained in the saloon but a few min to allow the reform school NEif loa V0 be to alous middleman. and per manufacturer; to afford represent facilities express companies was still eating the utea, for Lannon ' week ; small capital requireu. Auuiera, RAYBOULD, CR0HAS & CO, anywhere In Weber, Davis or alike. Illegal infraction 01 any statu We have been cogniztnt ioc mny sandwich Of Insertions, Bibbons, rarasols, JM; had bought when they cated Salt Like counties. This amendment . be left to the 'vita ' " stamp, Manufacturer, Box To, IV V years of the existence of predictions entered the bakery next door. James would have made the majority sub- tory obligation should Lawcs, Dress Gaods, Etc., for . Acton. Mass. West who may impose tribunal, taat proposed Dash wood, the night clerk, says YfKAR. SPRING made in the long ago when the com identical South with Second , minori 60 the y lor aav prOvel violation, or neglect to W. No. St, seats, and were not stantially they did not takethat but it was lost. . for All Housewives. Saints were sur- quarreling, Fearllne naanlty of Latter-da- y comply with the regulations es ab-alter Mahoney's report, but s The was majority report adopted. llsbed law, such penalty as may 'be rounded by trials and privations and refusal to eat at Lanaon's expense TttrTft REltVlHES TO" THE Richards offered as an amendment a deemedbyproper, not less than- $100 nor 1 The "Kxposltlon Unlverselle de Tart I I rriearfs and the residents f Salt Lake stood the test like heroes, braving they went out. section a for more toan $3000. condemning ia tha sale aad Cnltnalre" awarder the highest honors- niir and Con ii it renerally. on A minute afterward a pistol shot site, etc.,providing for a dangers that were sufficient to appal raag cuthwimi.., to Angostura Bitters as the most ei- uurvhase of realnurestate out in front of the bakery. James sarv. Adopted.reform school, if neces wilt be sara- natroas i..i.ii,n( M. TUiM Cwavlef !.. ncacioas stlmulent to excite the ap vi.. rdlaary peeple and cause them to Dashwood ran to; the door. He says vur II. Allen's F. u. witn came 47, school jour end to keep the digestive organs mriunt faint by the way. These pronogstlsa-tion- s that he saw Lannon lying on the edge upoa second reading. It bill, business experierce in mis nij 1. M. Wilson, son In petite March was rend the Ask Faris, for order. genuine in desirous over good ,to those fScrtities m f niKerinr the walk and Mahoney bending were to the effect that a change by sections, slightly amended, Orevy, who has article, mioalictnred bT Dr. J. (. B. of nln breast and through iticjHJung of ineir pnenj, am I and made special order for tomorrow. law ofon would come over the scene in him tapping himgetonup;tliewhat Sonc. and beware of imi are in the Miesfert been trtal for you complicity shouting, "rom, to L'onzresa. SHOES, COOTS & SLIPPERS. lhememoilal asking ot time. This transformation acting that way for? Wnat's the mat- for ten acres of r tations. t;' to Call Ve Invite Them the Fort Douglas mil- Legion ot Honor decoration rcandals, ." l was to be In the form f ter with jou?" reservation, which had passed has been convlcd and sentenced to PearUne makes Washing easy. Dashwood saw no one else about, itary and was real and passed. the two years' Imprisonment, to pay a fine DAILY ARRIVING! Council, opposite complexion. Tse people and officer An a whistle. blew police 1 oa an 01 to a of irancs bill aepnveo introduced pro sm) jvtcLiSuann were to be tried by riches. When forenamed McVey, who is connected with viding 1 PI IRF THEM DM UUH 115 . vv ifnflo with any Throat TV lecorporating sportnaan's all civil rights for Jve years. - casts of that character are made It is a lodging houset across the street, ran clubs. for V or Lung Disease. If yon Committee on private corporthen Others over seized and Mahoney.ations. difficult, and even Impossible, to tell in have a Cough or Cold, or- the children Tlaawltai hastened up, among them Police Officer The bill establishing a dea mate in what shape they will be verified. When Grant are threatened with Croup or Whoop who handcuffed Mahoney. Mccrown 1. March The Sax Rbmo, was passed. It aDnronrlatea use Acker s English Kem-ed- y RAYBOEB; CROHAB the incipient stage s'appear the process Vey was the first to address the pris- stitute CO I5 060 tor purchasing a building, and had a good night. He feels bet- ing Cough, prince further trouble. It i easily understood, ft is simply this: oner, aad says that Mahoney said, "I $5000 and prevent for the riexS two annually years ter this morning.' The discharge from is A bositive care,' and we guarantee shot him," and then promptly correct- to maintain tne institute. There cemes a .tiros when opportual tie throat continues to be tinged with It. fnce 10 and 60 ceats.- ed himself oy saying, "He shot himB :40 the House At ties occur to p3sess the adjourned till 10 blood. of the self." To this latter statement, Maa. in , tomorrow. Tm aatt ay S. V. M. sV Drmg Ufr gjj JOIID GEO. U. world. It this possession is to be at honey persistently adheres. 1358. M March 1, Jlsttea. Berllai ' killed. had been Lannon instantly War Ve&ra T hav tried many reme lalned by a. Step involving a question exercises. Opening bullet had struck him in the left . Farnsworth introduced a nrtltion x BrRLix. March 1. It Is reported dies for Catarrh and never could find In Kndless Variety, Daily ArrlTlnK. ' of principle the tempted individual Is The BAT side of the throat, cutting the jugular asking n rHi till I nscd VIt'b Cream Balm. will for se the Coundivision of of the Flute ssloa the that Reichstag - confronted He vein and ranging upward through the by an alternative. i im niDDT touTati it lias euieu Counties close March 8th. must stand by principle from the love brain, forced out the skull at a point ty.farnsworth committee. me. It Is the best remedy known for ' jf introduced the netltlon If KTvV STOCK HEW GOODS 1 Afri-of the an to Inch about German the the of chief Dr. Peters, right ot it, or he can slide away from it. The of M. L. Shecherd asking to be reim Patarrhal dlaeases of the head. f thus Tne LOWEST shot PB1CES it and where , lodged. 8ocletv. has sadaeaiy retnrnea bursed for taxes. Claims com cm Michabx Clancy, ort assinasone. latter course is sn eay one; All he crown, trom East Africa.' It is supposed that Montana J . through tne neao up- mlttee. ' unpaid i passedfrom Territory. has to do to enable him to get ward entirely left to right. No'ono saw with the J;rroan authori Taurman, for the Judiciary commit- he nuarreled i 1 oKnnot help telling yon how glad I :'!: as far as Is yet known, tee, .:.'--V'- ; on the bill to ties. rich, and become seeming y, the sbootlBg, reported am adversely of vour Uream uaim tor iavarra. are that j there vague Collection Agency, reports the boundaries of the first and that caue, comfortable and in although Was snflerlng terribly at the time It Jroa J" an actor named Brown and a, nameless change second ;V Judicial Mai, districts.fi aentlsJ, Is me and alter trying everything reached Adopted, AT up a' coupler of German could tell something about it and the bill was 1 , know nf tint vour medicine on trial Clt.r. TJtnH. rtjicted Mexican minMarch twenty-dolla- r ranis, He also reported gold pieces from the if they could be found, which they canwith' I notice could first on favorably, and ! application one circum' to is There date. not Mexiup ister's home advices dejiy that a bill amending the No. 39 MAIN STREET, tempting pile, place one over each eye, stance, and In & aaysieii umi new however, in the conditions ameudmenls, can troops -bve .been sent to Outte relief, code. Filed for second reading. ?penal oan i and the thing is accomplished. His surrounding A. msn. J. vaj. Bkixoli, joee, immediate incident, tie als reported favorably on H F. maia. Two 4eor aeuta el 2.O.U. C j vision being obscured he no longer that warrants suspicion. A piece ot 70,He the civil code, and on' amending dead of toe sleeve the in i sees the the left cloth principle, the gold being too man's coat, near the wrist has been iloge's marriage bill. Hsssnl. i Deaf Bro.r Meek. d. The Central close to his optics to admit of it. Ciark, for the claims committee, re, K March tors out with a strip across the arm. ported Hudson-T., on Wm. Methodist, Catlettahurg, Ky. the claim of adversely Returning to the subject proper, the It this was cut out by the bullet, as Burrows, fSJ, for Jury service. Adop- Bcckwith was hanged 'at the Court see in the last Central that yotf fjands for Sale, , I 't boom ' be cannot closer determined by except i business; it may be taken as art; rant a aiRk headache remedy.. I suf - 1 ,. ted. . , ten this at .minutes House .past .nine have the autaoritles than yet j IncontroverUble Heybourno, ,for. the committee on morning, for the murder of bimoa fered from sick headache, almostI frcm proposition that it scrutiny a it would that it, support theory Kentj ; and commerce, reported Vandercook. al'Aasterllti, Janaary infarr.r- and tried everv remedv could will remain an tgnit fantus unti; an ad-- J given Lannon was leanlug backward and rnsaufacturog never w on nut ret. lonna the ot aortaing conditions, etc.,was 10U. 1882. This case has bacons cele me rood Until I used Simmons Liver vance is made ia the matter of locit bielding himself with bis arm from the D. A.properly, M. The report brated from the fact that the con Rsanlatnr. T feel for S1TOIS that SUf- I attack, actnal or threatened, wood accompanied Sjciety, manufactures. Uatil that ts done it W some a communication from demned by has been ' sentenced to ifers with that terrible disease, ana i was would This shot the tired.. easily a myth. People are not going to come reconcile the peculiar course of the the president- of the Society,, which death sixmas i ( times. 'hooe von will give it a trial. C. 3. vas read. Report adopted. "iti, here to stay for their health. If they beliet with the theory of murder. comfor live stock the Secgmlller, Morris, urownsvuie, w. vs. Colleetioaa aaada aad 1111111 Wiaitlr 4k. Strife. corns and there is no su istaatlal, solid TIM C Mahoney was taken to the city prison a bill mittee, reported adversely ferwarded. logai pra, eararauy aorawa on. seemed He from to be recovering means of making a livelihood, their I relative to etc. 1. BECEITED March The JUST CHrcAOO, Bu'Jingtoa stcc, the effects of liquor, although be de AJoptccl an f ebranding O jarEnaalaatloa ef Titles a apeetalty, bill was rejectep. health will collapse Instead of recuper- nied offlclali are mora confident than ever that he bad drunk much. Sheeilnff, on Xinaey committee Roueche, for the agriTO "I was on my way borne about 12: rroatasaBUatellahUity. ating. Even those who might come for on the this morning. They said that a num reported favorably BalHng, o'clock last nlght,"hesaidto a Chroni- culture, M Mmtm SM UmM the purpose of res tor lag wasted or cle V train bills and ber of. Nabraska, sugar, relating freight injuring tj OverablrUand Underwear, reporter,130"when I dropped into the barb wire fences. T Illiaols waning physical energies would not saloon and Iowa. at Fourth street. I there Th) enrollment commiUec, "King have beenMissouri Blankets, Trunks, efc at desire to occupy their tlra a la count met Tom Lannon. I had DOtseen him moved. . 8 im throujh several bills seat trains came chairmao, reported this ia EXTENSIVE ARRIVALS FOR EARLY morula;, ing (their fingers. Those who wou'd for some time. We walked out to O. CUTLER &, DUO., to the governar. . iiand a full suburban setv.ee is in oper- JOU5 and stood on the curb. He are not only Invalids but also drones, gether me counoa for committee TToolcn Lual, tie Acts. ProTO Mills, ation. About 210 H;adlQ? eagloeers if I had a asked I replied ties, reported adversely on the Coun- have arrived and were belag. ex anyway, ujjlesf tj tijratelvea and that I had. He askedpistol. Stonecutters and Builders, to lcok at it. I cil JS 9, 9& JIXAln Mil eet. bill officers to certain amined today. Many of them have told him that he did not need to sea it, reside at requiring everybody else. and :L : favprably already been put". to work. Tne men county Tombstones, MonnmamU, Mantels, "Iroa aea't, As I handed h'.m the on two other . B A.M LETT, Gentlemen, talk it cheap to those but he Itinsisted. bills. Mantels, Gratea and Hearth Stones. thu strike will be Manufacturer of Fine are that he hopeful off his went and la bands Havana Cigars Flstol I who resort to is and real estate gamblCreer, for the elctions committee, settled at tha conference today. and picked him up and s'ooped 171 at Irs a. Mam street. 77 favorably on two liquor bills. ia icmrxi: reported A little got blood on me." ing dear to any community. . King, tor the conference committee OmKMiti JutmHi Ball. He here exhibited his shirt sleeves, on Am Aetra9 Snlelslea. Jess wind and a little mre work, a the boundaries bill, reported Pi:OMrrkss8 is a good motto. It la were stained wlta blood. little less bulling and bearing and a that tnat theounty council would recede. CuiCkGi, M trsh 1. Mrs. Heaton isrd to And anything more prompt " The officer came presently, "be con The educational committee, Moyle Manice, who arrived ia this city Sun nan St. Patrick's mils, inev are a few mors solid buians eatsrprlses ot tinued, "and arrested me. 1 bad not . NOTICE TO CREDITORS reported Allen's school bill day from New York and registered st aleaxant cathartic and a good medicine. a productive character are wanted to seen Lannon that night prior to meet chairman, without recommendation. The bill aa. a. ArBK uevt. ii hwichuu M was htm not the ia and ing saloon, j. make a boom that wilt endure. When " Estate of Orson Pratt, deceased. a ' .v Report the Inland Ilstel, phot herself thronjh gents. for him I never had any trou- had already been considered. t In her room at the hotel at it is inflated afmoipSericaUy it 'only looking heart the ble wish him, and only knew him on adopted. AXXOKB TTTC THTIM, ' S Months' The general municipal bill came np, one o'clock needs a circa mstatlal pin to bj stuck speaking acquaintance. " morning. The case ia 13 HERKBT GIVEN HT THE and a large number of mlnoramend-ment- s sensational tjls and mysterious. It is sals trial. 0. Orlob, z. C. M. I., Salt Lake City. XTOTICE administrstor of the estate Into the frail fabric to came it to- col . Atvir this atatement Mahonev would USLIUSDRED aaderdigned, 50c. 75 to were made. it wasan who Ice. that Mrs. Mat talk do more, declining to answer even ictres. ot ursoa iTail. to tne crcuuors oi. ana- - an Thurman moved to strike out five .named lapse and come do wa from its perch. ine amplest questions. Manice a jear ago, AaUTICA aUXTX. ' oersons Baring claims against tne saia an BCCKIJUrS jounx it it 75c. to exhibit tbem with the necessary The sooner It strikes ' tor 7Y;4 thj while the The police nelleve that a woman is sections relating to actions for violavrastravenag in chargt. ICO, Thb But Sai.tr la the world for ceased, aftor the first ' tions ot city ordinances, on the ground ef a tutor.litter vouchers, within foar months local that . say . papers the cause of the shooting.: Thj Bait Adbetter. . Sores. Uleera, Braiaea, publication of this notice, to the Mid that the subject was fully covered by Manic hfl ciirjtJ aii wifo Kttti Cats, ti Rheum, Ferer Sores, Tetter, Chapped ministrator, at lSComiaeree Blocker eeoad laws. and . a divorce suit existing that adultery, bkla South fttr et, Salt Lake Citr. la the County all and Cams, Hands, Chilblains, One of the aectious Was stricken out, was pending. i From O J. Spencer, father of .1. K. .4, Eruptions, nd positively cures Files, of siJt uuta. but Allen moved to reconsider the vete THE LEOISIiATUKE. Spencer, of Randolph, Utah, we have orne u It pay gnaraateea reejuired. by which it wai dne Carried- -' Administrator of estate of Orson Pratt, Wlul Is Ost lis t Free 1.11. ito give penect satisiaction, or money deceased. received a souvenir la the form of a A long debate took place upon-th, v cenis-- s V eox. rnce COl'XCIL.reiuaaea. V ' whole which la Dated February xn, lws. oiaw w of subject the Tburman, photograph young inaa and the WAsmxarox, March I. The new Vnr aavl h A f Ami tk s dm Allen and March Hoge, (Others Moyle; King, 1,1883. African lioness slain by blin when he ' fix proposes oa to the tariff bill duty took part, and the section which had The Council mst at 10 a. m. v , ff was attacked by It, a short time ago been strikes out was restored. pig iron at $9 per ton f oa lroa or -I3i POST AST TO ., UVtseWlVES. NOTICE TO CraKDITOBS. a communication For cleaning pts- and pans nothing Woolley presented aouag Spenctr stands gun in band RBy an oversight, an article on educa- steel railway bars, weighing. snore thaa touais wue waa the uteei cioto. tion had been omitted from the draft 2 i with the huge brute lying dtad at bis from Wells, Fargo 4 Co, preferring ol pounds to the yard aad slabs or manufactured ey U. v Diunore, soutn Estate of Elizabeth T, Groesbeck, Deceased. the bill. Allen moved Its adoption. billets of $11 per ton; on iron or Cotton woed. For sale at Z. C. M. I., feet. It is a powerful looking beast claims for witness fees, mileage, etc. It allows GIVES Bt the : Incorporated cities to be ex- steef rails steel, weighing not over S3 poaaCa at wholesale and retail, and at other XTOTICE 18 HEREBY parties. Re empted from It is so fUpojed iu the picture that paid by fiem to certain on tetrltorial school laws, Administrator of the undersigned. oa ton tne ot and lroa ; yara, it per claims and gives city council control ot school t) d kstate of Elizabeth T. Ureesbeck. deeeaaed stores Xhroughout the country. the wouads In Its breast madi by the Isrredto the committee rails, punched, sia per ton. nit to the creditors of. and all persona haTing matters and provides for free schools, steet ; bullets from the young man'.- - t is, are public accounts. Dili BRO Tne free for A P. ADKRBAt'H , provides admitting claims against the said deceased, to ex. m tneto moved make Thurman bill A communication was .received from of after fol 158S, the tne witn tbem hilut Have 1st, necessary selection Toor.nera, flae July of duty received luat plainly vLlble. Judging from the por order for tomorrow. Lost. , ten months after tn arst jpoxuea lowing articles: All wools, hsir of the Tricoliaea aad Satin Marvelllenx.sult- - within the City Council defining the limits, special Hatch, moved to asaead trait of J.F.Spencer he is a sturdy etc tion of fhia notice, to the said Adminia it alpaca, coat and other like animals, leave of tendered the land the , with councils it. optional at his office. t Wasatch Building, Territory city a wools aa yonta, with countenance that Indi on skin, woolen rags, shoddy at the urprecedentedlv low price of trstor, they have free schools or not. mengos, the Salt hnke City, is the County of Bait Lake, a Capitol Hill. Referred to the spec whether waste and and after cates his tearless character. icks; Moires 62Vc worth at $1.00: per yard, Allen opposed this amendment and i; . iai committee which visited the t pated February 2nd, 1888. was lost. ' - - October 1st, 1838, a It provides, among &5c pec yard, wartbldouble: Rhadames GROESBECK. HYRUM grounds. tor other cent, per S5c at things, forty duty per yard. At I2:a5 the House to?k a rccsss till on woolen and worsted bargain; bummer Wi miner, from the committee on of the Estate of Elizabeth T, cloth, shawls Bilks. 29 yarns lor 7J0. on account AdmlnUtrator f The . great men ot Canada, taklog ilr counties, on H. . i9, (county 4p.m.Uroesbeck. aoswit deceased. ; reported of not and ail manufactures wool, on of bad weather and Wash '2 p m.' i Masson, M. Pn and asslUaat fiaaoc'.al goveramenta) recommending Its pasand oa flannels, Ington's Birthday, toeclosing Bhall continue enumerated, specially After noon the the considerrecess, Report adopted and the bill ation of the monlclpaf bill waa re- - blankets knit goods, womea'a and Bargain Sale for One Week, and add a inspector Crookshanks as avarage sage. flied for r co nd read id a;. KOTICB N TO CREDITORS. 1 children's dress goods, composed la lot of Ladles' Boucle Jackets, la all specimens, mmt be playful and festive ..... Vounx preenteal C h . 40, an act to samed. The article en education, un- pat l OI WOOI. i; at $1.00 and of lot one, colors, each, several sections, was adopted. indiriloals. They evidently be- provide counsel for, pauper criminals. bracing EsUteot Silas F. James, Deceased. Misses' Boucle jerseys, at 00c each, The bill prescribes a tee of $2.1 in tuch . A substitute for the article which bad lieve practically in CHICAGO MARKET. the fjree v:'; warm .. coin iota oonoie. j to tha committee on been t t'leken oat, prescribing the fiTTfTR TS IIKRETtT GTVBJSt BT THE f fie "A Utile nonf cases.) sajlng: manner ia rrhich districts included la . Chicago, 1 p. la., March 1. Clofte, nndersirned. Administratrix of toe Judiciary. sease, now and then, is relished Estate of Silas F. Jamea. deceased, to the Wheat Steady; cash,Wi ; AprU.S; May, Carlisle presented C. V. il, a bill mualcipal corporations might become For Throat Diseases, Coughs, i and aV persona haring claims etc.. effectual relief la tonnd in creditorstheof,said therefrom, . wss discussed, S'i. by the wisest men." But what providing for county, city and town Uetacted.and der4saad. to- exhibit theta Cora Firmer ; eaahi 7 5 April, 7! Mayt Colds, It provides for H'4tne ns 01 xtrown't uronchtai irocnee. against adopted. an unhappy endlug ca ne tJ their boards of health in the Territory of amended voochem- witkis rocs with toe neeoarY a drtachment vote f m Hold by Boxes. the Price Utah. majority only MBths after the first pnblieatioa ot this Oats Firm ; cash, M",' ; May, 81 toboggan frolic. ' Tje telegraph inII. F. S3, a bill of i sections, pro- whole city. notice, to the aaid admiaistratrix. at the v Karley Nothing doing- forms us that they Jumped the saute viding for a uniform system of county The bill passed by a vote of 15 aves. 14.10 UW.' office ot James H. Moyle, Attoraei, Hooper ; cash, May, rork Kasy T11 1 V AW fretful, A Eldredre Building, Salt Lake City, la and suddenly stopped, their further governments,' was then called up for 3 noes.sh, 7,70; AprUk73; May, 8083. "VtcVvoa. theConntr ef Salt Lake. Allen, for the committee on oublle occupied the 1X7 : .1 progress being impeded by a tree. It second reading, otwhich -- .Vll r.i:- - ix..tLU- - I on C. F. 85. aiit seshealth, the reported favorabjy greater portion morning was the stop ih et Stla ef -- the Estate hurt thjm, not the sion. The bill was read by sections. Allen's school bill came no on third Pains, ore Stomach Disorders, can be Administratrix deceased. Jamea. i J The he a tne onoe committee off sue at relieved 'red result will be that the two amended by striking Out several entire reading. .. for.; .. jump. ; Pope. by 188S, using ated twi Baby Sard, joker's dianpa January number ot amendments, not affecting ' by other bills, changSoother. It contains- no Opitim or great men who lovad We toboggan slide sections covered come s which" the have vital features of caret bill and ul after The which th considerapresents poor Morphine,' bene ia safe. Price 25 ing otaers, not wisely bu'. too well, will have their tion Ink in upon the Pjpe from all quarters eenta. and much comment by various were adopted. bold by - J, mu was no thinking powers Impeded by the effect members ot the Council, passed its liberal of the under consideration ' include KOTIC3 1 loe we cruiDiToru. ; j "..provision . a.Ja.'f. Era; Crept. e 50.C00 nan wer ' when bottles CO ol, wctt to press. f champagne. reading. ofthj bruise t'Jsy rvctlved ia the second .chim-- i no A ommunlcauon was received from B. Wood tn Aosee', DeceaasA. is lover himself of The Amelia Estate of our in caU pdpe attention which the 17x readers the bt brain Is region lOt- supposed the House notifying the Council of it of the Juice of the to the new card ot the ttndec4kers. A solitary female vulture had dwelt pagne, ner. Indeed, to be Iocs ted, and will appear In pub-li- e, rejection of C. F. SC. A. single glass of red wine at all. new a novel grape have and It is e on twenty-flvcounty vears plow.' rquirlrg for tha Blotscaora thb if at all, with bandaged eapits and officers to reside at county . ttercbt givek bt the (Hv Is believeq They mm " a 1 . I 1 " If .'. I J ft k A scatf.lind in the npper VaUls. bwitzeriana..ana at the chief meal of anderaie-nedthe'Wew. Patent Avery. 'fiakly Plow. vrjQTiCK.ia adnrtwistrator o - tha j extent hi of be the deutmost' the Honse had passed tha memor- escaped to Eitut .indyN , .Amelia b.. end This the of, Jikhtesr is' plasUred faces. We hops their in- - that simplest at countless ;wodmapsa plow ' capture; ' attempts ial to .' sees. -- This plow has Jiad ceased, to tbe creditors of, and all pertaas Congress, asking .land for the.! tteceovy aonng svere "weatner, ia jencCin it. .i , that lurles were not seriDas althongh the t OrpbaVallome. lo atocK a erlilcai test ana eas been pronounced 6aVi cJafms krainir tbe cU-be da jifUailhlSTaat: WjistwiU fox left the below poisoned proved II- F- 77, icctdeut made a suddeo break Jnr their an exhibit taeWwitb tftd BereiaryTiarber, e for a providing reat' a lpstltytion 3o1?r of theVIoAnrlnef stVer grxpe eewal was by bait and tns'trtrd Jflijut i witbintien morffrvs ater the Brrt was read fi tit' a UJ asuceeBful hnd rJraeS?: The Unn. : Franca." '11 B14Y be thaa tha tatwr 'lft wtl-rhthilarity. A story Is told about deaf mates, ttt thia notice, to tM said At3iinitri to the committee on education lunjid dead. The Jjady was ttoffad an'l Kaaterns and are. will d bverstockc infurbr provs1 Z. ti. M, Institution'. Salt Ik t:ityj pi elerjcy. Sitn.leier Compasy It iseoe Conkling, wh ia"dfs;endln ' lerred t JLauanno. at muscuoi It prelate placulintbo a ll. for .7I, providicg Territorial mea8uren aoroatt tht. . ninva.SH 11 eons 1 to U) occaaioa or uio x win utmj on plowf, And to make room, U1 offt-J Salt Lake, U..t. - ..i the bounty tt git of steps in front of a building rrfornt school, waa read bv t if 1 ' an.i Inch's. - . .lOSKPH WOODlf Is possible that one or tfvo decide o lay it down in the cellars of during the next thirty davs.ico plows ' It AiiSfcR, j tato referred oa . ommit at down wl a dull, penitent iarv ; soli ary spec nuaw- still remain, but IB the Vatican in the hope that letter, at manuf acturers trlcesllald down. , Administrator of the Kalate of AaictUa. slipped i ' . "T--k - 7 , T rt was then takrn tin 2 ra K?ces r: ? Make decensedi.t, and tVtMlnanee, tim-when Get .the v: the store are good for. in , Wheu We, a.ploWiRS papacy, a he regain ieet, Xop fcckenlag Specialty lstjuue cuteln there is no nest, and days a p m. the species is beliuvtul to hare iiin-- i jollification wUinot be si much, out cfi cheaper t&an the cheapest. SJ an4W - Iated Salt Ttke rity. C'; T..TeV. iU'Vij' perpendicular position, lady frleni Marshal), from the joint committee pearcd s LsUta. Lake for Salt . Mala Properties. Chas, from the Swiss territory, V.'6TAVKCB,AUoraey v as eat. City. Street, t place at pr:: . ' - 02 Staple and; Fancy Groceries, Notions, Dress Goods, Dry ! -- HOUSES and 'LOTS pa cm. all , 1 - CHOICE FART.1C ! j r -- .. loca-tion'- 1 for " -- - MOVED - - ro 251 . " '? s - axjst ST., CHAM PION MONITOR r " CHARTER OAK r - j sioVES, 'RANGES & HEATEES s : ' - " , - for " .)' i- " re-for- 8PBCIALTT trii-nnaf- BOOTS ui and SHOES - re ru c ar . - - O. ' n ' ' . - - . - SAXT LAKE ' $90. ' : r 1 ; inniTiu " ! - 1 waa ' : yrre - , riici bu ce-urs- .... Ua ji at-stof- au . - - - !.'.. I , . - - REALESTATE.L0AN 1 -- ; cona-paratlve- Tl2 ES TLa CE5 UMM d : . IS U - 4 v r ly - Trp v, to-pic- Salt Lake The . : . ' - m ! H e - BE(0M Eagle! Emporiiim liouses tor u . , - : rat : ' . t:-.- nel : 7 ; watson:bros . afjrii . . . . ' ' . s M MITE - ' " - po. "- - iJOYS' SHIRT WAISTS, - , 25b. EACH. - - .50 PIEOES FRENCH SATEENS, . - KEGULAlRV PRICE , , !5 . 500 Pieces Choice Lawns. PER YARD, "wl - " '' 30 0 0 Pieces . q Eiial3ioiclor,ioSa . reJ -- ".,-'.''':-- 7-- , . ? , ; - -- LarO-Ca- -- TBtEJ''? - to . , MIDLAND REAL ESTATE & INVESTMENT -- ... '. we-hav- - of-th- n-- '' - a-c- : lr v j e-- V . frKoifflt a - - ? U e a - i - STREET, of :r |