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Show THE FUIOJL DEFENDED. flif Able forerhes in Favor of the Citizens' Ticket. rA bru At the call of a number of the genFRAGMENTS? tlemen who had been Instrumental in d fleeting the lormalloo ot the Citizens ' ... f i Hi! I aokle-iMn 4k Tar nod fl 'at T)ckv a Jarge audience assembled in crossings on the principal streets the Federal court room last evening. The hail was crowded, there being ? ? Tab witnesses' in the cases gainst standing room only, f were Governor Wtthla the .raUinj? Marshal Dyer, J. L Rawlins, wjyBaf and lifcbar,? Grant, fo bot-5- o West, V.f H. iDlckson, J. R. Uaojiftoi Bma fa'hissakioa," were before Dr. allot the J. F.Bradley, McBride, "tlKj ferahd jnry oay. tlemen Earned on the fusion ticket, and K.Coalter'4 Snklgkovk are In re- - many other prominent .Liberals, some cclpt ot a beautiful, song and chorus of whom were Inside the railing last founded cm the Incidental thtfJTebras ka schoolteacher that saved the lives At 7:45 W. K. Sells called the meet- of thirteen of her pupils when rctarn-ing to order, and ' lag irom scnooi in tne lernoie oitzzarat , j, m'bridk of last month. ' was clcctcjcl chairman., JIe made an T Bnoifc'wicWbVt' itxwi "be & address' in whlche referred to. the : - - m to-.d- ay. pn 'H 1 , . served that the ;4rttie daaghtenof Brother Charles W. hill and wife died yesterday, from pneumonia. r The case ' Is More than 'usually fad, as, the, demit .of thf lftila linn npenrriirl Yfarlni tha .abeenee ? the 4ather,S who wis lb the north on business. He was of his bereavement by telegraph and returned last evening. The parents have the sympathy of a wide cir: cle of friends, t TdKKK Were' at least four times as many witnesses summoned to appear before the grand jury today as that body eould examine. Some of them were ladies with small children, who wete. pat to great inconvenience In waiting around nearly all. day In the witness room, and then being required to appear again tomorro w) with a bfos-pe-ct ol golutf through similar until the css'-- on which they ' r are wanted are called ' 1 axilngpallllcaj agitation, and to thea manner in which the proposition for fusjon had cotne to be made. It seemed All Old Settler Dead. At 2 o'clock this morning David Love, of the Sixth Ward, died at his home In this city. lie was 66 years old on the first ot the present month, and was one of the early settlers in Salt Lake Valley.' The' funeral .services will be held at the Sixth Ward ueet- Ing house on Sunday, commencing at being called for, said there was some excellent talk at the meeting on the previous night.' That part which was stolen from Tribune editorials was particularly good. (Applause), Some of the gentlemen who were very noisy at that meeliog in former tiroes have said that het the speaker, was ah agitator and lived on tight, and that he would not have peace if be could. He hailed the proposal from the People's party, when It was flrBt pre sented to him, as the dawn of a better The day. Some say it was a trick. mat wouia speaker be soughtsuspected ot it; but the to be made outcapital enemies of the Liberals in Congress bad tho idea that they never would ac cept any offer from the "Mormons," and this nnri me JUioerai cause ia con gress. fie urged mat f ao-tld- to ?made In good faith. .The speaker Was at a conference at which the propositldh Was presonted, and meeting; of 40 or 50 Liberals, hastily called together, unanimously agreed to accept the proposal for a fusion. Four places. on the ticket were accepted by the Liberals, and on Saturday last the People's convention adopted resolutions, admitting that representation was accorded to the minority party as a matter of He a favor. as not right, described the manner in which the agreement for a fusion ticket was brought about and defended what bod been done id an earnest. and logical i .i argument; j Mr. Sella suggested that the election ot a secretary was next In order, and Mr- - Burnett was chosen. ed iet-perlen- ce b Jl'UGK GOODWIN 11a. m. ; . ;'-!"- ; I- The Benefit Tonight. Tonight the stirring and attractive play of William Tell will be presented at tne laeaire. The occasion is the complimentary benefit to Mr. Joha S. Lrndsay.one of the oldest actqrs of ' Salt Lake still rn the profession. We hope that his friends, and the theatregoing portion cf- the public ecncrally will turn out and1 give him a bumper ! bouse. THE OLD TOLICY - He referred to the movement for without adstatehood, showing that, could accept vancing It, the Liberals the fusion proposal, and cited the orof Comganization of the. Chamber merce, and the ot ?n In it of "Mormons" and GentilcS, as Indicating that progress is being made in the direction in which the Liberals have been working. That institution was, he said, organized on business principles, without regard to religion or politics, and as soon as it was shown that its members were working honestly on a platform, "Mormons' Joined it. From thi he drew an argument that old conditions are being done away. lie urged that non-partis- ' H CITY IN THE COBNTRY there light over every minor question, and called attention to the tact that the men who last evening predicted that in two years there would be a Liberal maloritv in this city, bad not Joined in teeChamber of Commerce, nor united in any error t to enaauce tae material welfare of Utah. The speaker showed that, if the prominthe posal for a representation of ority should be rejected., such- action would furnish a strong argument in favor of the assertion that the Liberal party sought power in Utah tor purac poses of plunder, and would not was cept of a degree of power unless It ac great enougn to enaoie toem to complish that object The Governor's speech was an able at frequent effort, and was applauded .''- intervals. be like Salt Lake if a be should political . JflBtt s - - : MR. J ... OVERLAND HOUSE, V . f Main '1 iL CityJ Street, iV -- i AttKRICAJf or EUROPEAN PLAN. . ! 1 . . - j -- ... , M tA 1 .1 1 - .1 j iiVDSAT tVllxiAM TELL AS , Supported by a competent east of ! ! Introductory to the play an augmented orchestra, under the direction of Prof. WKIHE.will render the famous Wm. Tell Ovenure. and m the Act the Orion Ulee Club, will aing the glte, " Come Where the Lilies Bloom." Usual prices of tdmission. r Itox OlBce open far the Sale of Tickets at W .jn.' a i; Wlb-LAR- TUJSJE, n - .1 tlx an sieirrif iCRru sT, ism OmmhU At&mbtv Haiti ,:.i a tENKY WAGNEli, LaKRCITT. CiUFOMlA BREWERY; md L1QER B5ER, XlA PORTIR, WKOLBAALS AND KCTAI1 n Second SoutX Street, Thret Be frM Jfci,, Strug 'mtoBt - ; Dm... J IJM. MTIOMI. SALT LAKE CITT. rAla I'P CAPITAKh 1 - The charge of adultery against Vt! set lor John , Wat. w. preliminary examination this morn- J. A. qkobbck, " Jambs 8hab ' SHAar. Vice rrealilant,. Hirr-a- Wm. Bredetrieyer, Which was ;; ;" - tiring, before Commissioner Norrell, has Ia. 8. Cashier, Hit.!, been postponed, at the request ot tbe Jab, T, Littlb Asat, CashlM, ' defendant, until Monday next. ; - ,, Tri, 1 ' , and San '.' m a 1 - : - " t 0nscrroM : ,J r. i - 1 : f 1 n-- . l deceased- - , rcTi ! s - Slmw Cause why Ilwrm 1 l)i. IribuUoa. should not he Made. I N REAPIKGJ1ND FIL1NO TUB IHa son ajiU M.. Uiion of l heir to the , Kataia of Tbomia aad for ceased, thiags amongAher praying an arder of dMtnbnUoa at the teataiie q. said aatate among the persons aoantMd : It Ts Ordered, That U .persons intce-enteIn the estate of the said Thomas Cope, deceased, be and appear before the Probstc Court, fn ana ior tne county or au iaica at (ha 4.7onrt room of said fnrt, In the County Court .House in, said Vauaty, oh caiurda WtkevtaUr day vi Vbraryr lsc H, at 11 o clork a. m., then ana t her 10 snow cause why an order of .distribution should aaid estate aoi.ba made of U13 rasidite among the heirs of the said deeeased. to law: j, It Is Further Ordered. That a copy of er be published for three sucoeFoivc weeka before the said S5th day of February, lf88, in the Dkskrkt Evknino Nkwh, a printed aud published in the said baft Lakeoanrr. ' Dated rebruary lth,18. A. ' " V . , SMITH. ! EUAS tarre r TKRRITOKT.Or UTAW, 1. 1 . 1 S. 3 ...., C s .j , .i .,4.;.ii.',.i... I.f - ' f f.-...;- t.- fat t ..........,...,, Ioen a . H s -- '." y - " - . U LJ t s --- St J 'r; '! i ; , w - 1 . ) r -- I - - F. CTIJIiMER & BROS., 7fittXfAi 20 26, lt , ? .i' - - i- ':.;: ' - .. j , ';; ,, ... i.' . Wmmmlf 37 to 43 w. ffirst SoiitH St., XiAKIU CITY, J JSr .. FiAUERAGH&BRO iliiiiinlsi! ii'on The Early I l M s - . ;:' ' - t ' v 4 4 . ilanr 1 '"' I - . i K " ji Pefi.i.Mt?f t:rr. iVr-: -- Ma&er Will :groceks, Oity rt, ju s k CULUER & BROS 2-5- 1 ' ! . . --il ; - d, .ts m f ( !"ibr 1 C L. - i Countf of Salt I lie. ( O. rnsUcr-- , Clerk of the l'robate I, Joha Conrt In and for tba Connty- f 8alt iMka, in the Territory of Utah, do hereby certify that the foregoing i a full, true and correri eofiy- et order to show cause why Dorree shoald not be made ia the of matter of the Kstata of Thomas Cope, aa appears of record in any wfflce.-liw witness whereof. 1: have bareuaso.. t my hand aad affixed the sea) of said Oonrt. this 4th dav of FebruarV. A; U. 1HHS. I Seal Probate Clerk. d td ny If. S. CflXEB, Deputy. , 1 I'. V -.V . Trobale Judge . ; , rv j tirnnrtr V fritiMlnritif thi-ord- y v -- .u ,'ief . tx-.f- - - .1 - Bait . r Older to MAITtTFAOTU XjO,1lo M rr.rn . WIIOLESAl-l-- : . : iMsU-ibtitio- a 1 G. F. i ,.. lnb, 1 rss--.- the Probate Court. In and for the Couutff of Bait. of tJUh. i .' . Lake. Territory In the matter of the Kstaleof Thomas Vl'. 4M IIili., In the Seventeenth Ward of this of war here would never bring the city, Feb. 9th,' 1SS8, from pneumonia, IWcy boom to this city whicn might ana " C'oatlMBliU atlea. Cecelia, daughter ot Charles W. and ought to be brought. He said there ; ' , was no danger ot stavenooa mis ses Jeanette Hill, borti September 2fl, 1887. collecUona, retsittivg proceed' ThA fiinira1 apiriA tvns pnnrfnc.lnit at sion,' but mat two years irom new there was great danger of it if the An JJoiir with the I'rophetH." the residence of the parents this afternoon. democrats should, as was likely, elect The second of the; series of lectures a full majority in Congress. WAUfc. la the SNtcentb Ward, reb. 10, o pneumouia, Caroline Si ill man, daughter provided by the Twentieth Ward In waived, that the matter of fusion was of Joseph C. and E. A. Wade, late vt tlaf stitute, will be delivered on Sunday upon a business basis, and that the nort. England, aged 2 years and 8 evening next, in the commodious Fat by a proposal had been earned months. lair jignt at tae unamoec oi uommerce .meetinghouse of. that Ward, commenc He thought the meeting last ftlneral at residence, i4 NorthTempie ing at the ujual hour of meeting, 6.30. meeting. would result ia a confirmation Street tomotowi at 1 p.iri. Friends of the Elder Arthur Stayner will be the night of what had been done, but the speak .mlltf invilaff C. W. BKNNETT speaker on this occasion, and his sub ing was all on cue siae ana tac ques- ; " ' Millennial Slat', please copy. " ' next addressed the meeting. He said .ICC.i-.iLii,- ' ject 13 the Interesting one of "An tion was not fully presented. 1.1 j n ,j:t t was ne well mat known was it quite waatujtisairicsr hour wltbthe rrophets.' These lecin the Sixth Feb. 1&S8, in. 1xvb. Ward., be and orinosed to the fusion ticket, . " ww. CAN TUB UBEKALS LOSE WHAT tures are entirely free, and Ihe public would now state nis reasons, ue nau of pneumonia, David ixve, sped 66 years, . are cordially invited and wal be made by it? .NotLlng. while they have , heard talk of a split and was glad to 1 month and 10 days. unanDeceased-wanot vote did i'coanceto Gentiles for hear much. in' JM8, at Black baptized gam it, comfortable."' bur- birth Personally he was where ne nan al imously at the dictatioa of a priest Braea, near Falkirk, toScotland, Air . , Utah in iso'J.- - 11a OFFER rOR .SALE "l!f LOT TO.bUIT ways been on all of the old questions. Heleared noomnon among uantues. Kiaue, a 1. aaemigratea Of ver Ward' Sixth resident the came ac ox some tae tne when ior noai time intimatea that lie oppon Indicted.arrival. His life Was thataof a 600 Sixes Window Glass, at Greatly Reduced was to since hisLatter-dalie ents el toe fusion wtic among those tloa. opposed . S.8.V Saint, and he died nrni 140 Cases Conefntrated l.ye Alexander Burt, of this city, was ar who in the past had refused to patron- mugwumps - and hated men who faithful 01 a of in tbe raitn the uospci and the hope ... on oy Tribune , not It Raisins..-ize ill er the tneir . that the stand 2.35 Dozes tie sons party, 110 ground morions ii resurrection. leaves on an indictment cbarg was rested today opposed to peace. - He told how would lose bis right hand before be and S dauehters. fiOOO 4'. Oats.. Rolled Pounds log bun with unlawful cohabitation. difficult The fanerai win take place m the sixth it had been io get four men to would take a eramb from the Mormon i'.l.W.'.'. 011 Sunday, ne.it at 40 Dozen fjemoa Sajar JIs gave the necessary bond to await accept too nominations to the City table. He respected the men who had Ward mretins-hnusr A n..iail 4 ti A (tn.lltl.. llA.nnfl 28 Domd Stove Iollsh fusion proposition, but eleven a. hi. Friehds are lavitca. his trial.'and was released., accepted thehad 0 y Who made a mistake. He bad the those 50 position. SO Dozen l amp Burners front accepted thought tby Joseph Dover, wm.- II. Tovey and a atra!Rht Gentile ticket, and tne favored oi wouia spoae aavamage it lie ....... 2. 40 Pine Tar...... 170 toJBen Quarts Wottvny. John Squires-werarrested by Deputy be to have such men In the City Coun invited the fotl3ntts to loin in sup War ItopArtMeMfc.ShrM. HerTlc, U. H.. A rat-,. . 200 Pounds Sewing- - Tninf t bonding the city porting it. He felt a principle was at DAILY WEATII KB BULLK TI If . ...,f bpragne under similar circumstances cil when it came to for 60OO Bundles Paper' Bags, 80 per cent off List. costly public stake as sacred as that which the 'and for the same offense. They, with and making contract? barons bad contended for with King I Meteorological Report Received at Halt X 250 Reams f'a Batter.. Mr. Burt, were called lor arraignment Improvements. He made some Lake CVv on February 10, 1883, John, aad asked what Kind ot a propo 3.40 65 Cases Quarts Harness Oil, doz...... In the Tnlrd District Court this alter-feodat II m. vt. local time. sition it would oe to give one party l:40' R 50 Dozen Bare Pop..;..... three and the other niae of a Jury, and trat thematter was deferred till I 4,2 HUMOROUS REMAKES ,c 9 TBKKMOMSV- .2.1S Boxes Candles in answer to the charge that Liberals said that was equal to the luston pro 140 WWD. tmo rrow. .; f TIE. : 2.10 who favored the fusion were "Jack noaitlon. He did net believe that"MorOO c Liquid if Bluing...... . memoers 01 tae city council ri.cn of Mormons," and stated his belief that mon" . , Boot. ' Lavddera, per 50 1? Step vote would the Gentile members with some of the prom. .Sent and noisy op OBSKBVA- I'olice Court. 4 would pull to 4000 Packets' Prrared Kalsbmlne......'.... 111 ponents of the fusion had slept with He believedin tbeGentiles TIOH. the coming election, 25 , no Dozen Wood Palls.... Albert Butch and Charles U. Hush 'Jack Mormons" for years, and had gether, m but knew they would not on the . alone too. ' (Laughter.) ..... Board-- . ; TO Donen Waaa .4 ..... . . . 00 were tried lH the Police Court yester slept He continued : whatever we do I bee fusion ticket. If tbe "Mormons", bad' ' 80 from 53 Brooms, fl.SO t? J60 3 day, afternoon on tho charge of petit of nave any split. Do to been honest in the attempt to do lus- S. 4 fc aoii't s TAght City . to the Gentiles, the latter would 40 p. Doaten Oak Kegs, troin a LiRht Cfdy It) larceny, and .were esavicted. They others as you would bave them do to tlce 6 Ogden offi or 01 had nine tbe have eight city Calm ri'dr 0 were fined $20 each, and not possess- - you. Give them the credit for honesty cers conceded Stockton ., lu Dozen. Tuns, .from e.OO60cup.doren. to them. W Lifrht Cl'dy It yon ask ior yourselves ana cease Bingham., Cases Lamp Chlmaeya, 160 inz the requUite amount of funds will wnicn E S 10 o gating before election aay arrives. Park City.. 'Light Cl'dy r; , :K c. bavarian 0 ' 115 Doxea Harden Hn4 Grenades 17".50 ff ' If 4 realm Vl'dy Provo streets foiTtho Meet the "Mormons" fairly when they at clearinif-ih- a .t Light Ci'dy Alta....... 1 44 Willow BasketsVVrryClieap. ;. oSer to meet you that way. and don't next epoke. He thought that all who Lake next month, :rJ Park an are nad We In snouia express have in it. ranks. your any opinion 640 Fancy Japanned, Broom" Pockets, 23. Taese arere- - r Seymour Severe was brought in last ia a hole; split If we were physically mired the, remarks tbe previous night and in 5 a. in. 1. fl at Service taken V Signal reports tailed t 75c. Ilia' drunk. !5 friends night, deposited we would not object to naving a some of those made at the present I " a us out. He sketched meeting, be thought be saw evidences 8. U City .. 38'. 3 .136: N :LigUt , Cl'dy 850 Jltlrrors Framed,' all sixes, from 20eto t15.00"- eachJot his appearance1 this morning, but "Mormon" help an Clear W, as he. failed to respond the amount was ihe Drozress which had been made in of feeling, though the fact might be Helena.... 6000 Sponges, -- II alzea from le' to 50e act.-"' a .'1; 48 Vt FortCuster Sa'w'f and ieit tne lie and disclaimed, mis, the deplored "Mormons," fight against Xorfelted.": . 200 Boxes Laundry ,A Faaey Soaps, betoiT market price ;g 0 Clear Washakie. 24 3 that to support me insion that the "Mormon" question required Boise v argued a Clesr Citv. i is states Everything? Klse at Proportionate Prices. in, the city would be to follow up the successes the exercise of the broadest Joseph J). McCarthy Wla'eai'eea' 34'' 31 w tt 's Light nTdy ' manship. He believed that there was "jail awaiting sentence for having bcea which had been gained. !Clear a areat moral glazier- - grinding all Bcai'sf W.! 36 Ul on a drunken spree. GOVERNOR WEST, ! creeds to powder, and that in time the Salt Lake City, Barometer J9.?4. Ga? ' to calls from the audience, "Mormon" creed must go down Posted in frame at 13 noon, Feb. lo) 1S88. responding He to referred the nnder it. said he was glad to be here before so "Liberals" a SoutlCRf.'i CUtf, Ulalt, to Wll. A. Koktz. Sergeant Siffnal Corps. The Church Snits. who bad accepted the fusion manv of. bis fellow citizens, to Ktve his can ana as to and honest hearty endorsement of what baa been them tames and iaiimui,, I iTOdayi thet taklngjot testl0i6By"was abuse them, even if Bowl's coiwH BiLsaia meaning the acceptance of the A 61 ommnced before Judji K. T. done, f osloa proposal. they have made a mistake, was not the and Tar Troekea are lnvalnabft Id or He men named a numoer of the way Americans conuuet poimcs Spra;ne, who wa? appointed examiner every family tor (Jonahs, Colds aad .! Sore Throat. in the suit of th3 Halted States vs. the prominent "Liberals" present, to society. . ;.o.i.:n7-Ts:ijAa)i- i men wno were 01 Nome tne abused woom ne said gratitude was aue.ior BtWaSNBt-IC- A aAA,TB Church of Je?u Ctirlsi ot Xitcr;day, the He It. deserve not nlirht did last had so long made variant fight they ts averv box warranted for Cats Saints. Mr. fames Jack was called as for the redemption of the Territory, thought ihe fusion was right, but even Braises, 01d Sores, Piles and it was not, ne, would not oesert me Boras, witness and after proceeding and asked if this meeting would say to II tie flrjt faVore ao pay. care Eyes Ko last night had men who were engaged in it. lie said for ' a short time a recess was taken them what the meeting haw not been the Liberals the fighting lie thought not. He thought until 3 o'clock this afternoon Mr said, eoaal. Stands alone as the this meeting would say that what had "Mormon" people but a principle. has ao Mle-oTurifver aad care for Jack answered several questions, but been done showed, as Judge Good Toey bad beseiged tbe fortress and Oremt, laid tne train, it tne oeseigeo snoaia Raenmatlsm. All Wholesale Drugwhen one was asked regarding the win bad remarked. show the white flag and offer to sur gists sell Brown's Family Medicines. lr THE DAWN place at which the. late President John x. u. Jt. A. Drac Ktore. ueaera render, what would be thought i ,1 .1 .13. 7 .v" H ofl the commander who would Ageata. yr' Taylor was on a certain occasion ia of a brighter day your surren the early part of 1887, he declined to He said that as soon after his arrival eav. "We have demanded as a right, and won't accept It only t i state. The- examiner was asked by In tbe Territory as be learned the situ der at the point of tbe bayonet r" J had in he the Joined atlon fight here, the District Attorney rtQ. adjudge Mr. the not tae minx iusion ticxet lie did I had been waging, and ex was minority tn i as . Maws In I a Jack contempt, but declined to pass nressed the belief that victory was be Deserxt ticket, Judge blCdlil Ddllll. " I ePmS IIDP.ITAM no obli laid had Bennett It charged. upon the question, which was to be ginning to be won. He dwelt upon the nations on the Liberals should they Cleat aiaes (be a course mat would accent 10 referred 4o the Third District Court necessity ot taxing He It. explained what a mow Patasaa; to and confidence attract nal give capital some time this afternoon. maae anouid couia "Mormons" the i a. AHava M In RPiuira. npw nnnniAunn filhrf Linn ing 110 if. it oe reiasea. it was a great step ior and InflammnV HFEVER ?! Haws of Congress would won the de 10 taxe. to "Mormon" the let people i i In stated L'Uh. that He i sited change I: flow, uenia m Gentile into the City Council. r Tliird Disfriet Coait. the arimments used last nicht related and j rea, Betrea a nnktnd thinz He it thonaht very not In did to old ,.4 and times Utah, apply mil as was (Im ! Z&ne to in tae face publicly, ; Proceedings before Judge t preaent conditions, la answer to to slat the 4 ft t Bt,a.r.' v m mO tne f;ari ', prevlou .c tbe assertions which had been made to dou nlgt, si; ii iy ..( ; ,'day: t. ' i4tmen acceDLed r honest! have the who f was 1.V4.1. mm: t. I the effect lesion tbe that ifftiH C. proposal Kiddemrs. cb and George Park, fusion, and said that it is a principle of i, .,(rtnat 91 universal City Railway Company; notion of de ; L. "MOBMOX trick," , r politics ' 'XX' wnea a man nas kobbrecognition, into a political TRY the CUE Iia-.s -i ! fendants to strikeout part oi complaint . A ntmtr before he had a said he beea beatea la and beea fair Informed, convention allowed. . aarA he reto "was each into he is should notril Utabthai applied lie particle coming submit, contest, cents at ArnsUn : hi J.B. Nichols vs. N. White "fct al. coming to a tana 01 revelation; dui ne didn't memoered a certain memoer 01 a na is axrccslile; Trice0 96 .1 cts. ELY BHUTUKIl? ytr. mail, rccl'tercd. from revelations made a .brave wbo both, demurrer to answer f defendant tional convention expect parties . . w LI. AW. .1 And he here uu u yet, asked, ui (Laughter). i White sustained. cwuhuw, ugatiur now uo gentlemen Know it is a tricar convention covered with honor. Bat Crescent Mining Co. vs. N. B. White When vou meet the loe anon the he went to nis omce ana Began to 1 if battlefield, and have stricken from his ozht the candidate chosen rv the conet.al.t same ordtjr.1 Peter Tomnef ys: David Iillstead; bands his weapons, and he throws up vention. Tbe result Is that e has lost his hands la token of surrender, would the respect et his fellow citizens and detasrrer to complaint, overruled and it be reasonable to teu aim that bis his own motion for appointment of receiver surrender was not made Tne meeting last mjras was un- firopoted i allowed. c He faith snoke at American. It was a Liberal meeting leDgtb. opon the question of Im bnt excluded a larre portion of tne tl. S. Young vs. George F. Culmer some ana we searing oi respon- party, aad prevented them from having ( iff ft. at.? demurrer; f"to complaint sus provements sibility in making them,- and claimed a hearing. All sorts of wild Invective tnat wnat toe People's j'arty now waa indulged ia eatoy tne speaaers. uaa tained!' 'j. to concede was what the val tbe Insion beea made Tbe grand jury came into court and offered iant men of tbe Liberal Party bad beea secretly It would bave beea right to (IV ; ti .t j Irf ; ;.' ""H" tSelte ExeaMusar mm ! Trmmetmet . Chtnts, ODMha, Londaa, bhI ' T". fltaje) r j i - mfsmiimm mm ' i ' per 9oo,oiet ... 1 ' - - .1 ... Tombstones. Sfoanmeata, Mantels, Iron Mantels, Grntcs and Hearth ntones. 1. ; 1 XKQAli-.WOTtCH:"- ; IMIIMM itr . There try thy boasted archer craft." And hoarsely the dark Austrian laughed With quivering brow. ; WATSON B110S., ; StonecaUcrs and Bnilders, Irr.S .A. IIili l.H t $VU pes Day. ' Single Meals tso. W. A. JTTT. rrevrfeUr. 1 M ( "W A. Xj Yearn Under One Management. - HOMK DRAMATIC TALKNtj " Mace there the boy," the tyrant sai, ' ' fix me the aml on his head .,,1111 Ha! Rebel, now There iaa fair mark for our shaft, i . DEA.T1I8 r ? The Hero of Switzerland. ; i The Bredemeyer Case. ? i LI1SAY, mm UilDiiylJbv . - It WIIIMMLL! f ' Tases.Xtlrot-ker- Ik CHy.i Oa which occasion will be presented Sheridan Knowles' lrcat Revolutionary Prama in 3 Acts, - ' - rilk iTaaakerrhieat in ware,: Japan eserDLiliesriMMt a full inm of (,'hmeso; and s. Kovclties. , itu uumiir - - noVkl HASJtrsrKCEivEft irtvr Beaatif ul Nei Serene great variety: i Tendered by fiDinerone Leading Citizens me Talented At'lor, . a thought that those who favored if they straight Gentile ticketthemust, confess would properly study past, that there was much Institication for those who favored the fusion. It might be said that it would bave been better to have been less basty in making the bat he arrangement fdr theoffusion) the Liberal" asked every member and, if A mistake to act Eerly been calmly, made, not to make a the course greater one by pursuing that was advocated last evening. What would we say of the "Mor mat mons" were they now, alter ait"Morhas been done, to put a straight eve of on the field In the mon" ticket election? Would we not denounce What then then as traitors? will beaald ot the Liberals ot Utah if the agreement which has been made is violated by putting a straight Gentile ticket in the field? He showed bow a course would be. rilsgraceful auch He Admitted as an inaiviauat mat me fusion was a mistake on the part of thea Liberals, but tnought it would be much greater mistake to now run t ticket. He straight Liberal that, such a course would not secure for any wrong which revengethose bad been done, but that took it wo aid --only be who friends wlthou ?nnlsblng their while a serious split in the ranks of the Liberal party would be accomplished. In Answer to theharge that the fusion proposal was a trick to farther the statenood movement, he said that there was no danger of Utahs admission this session, wnile the "Mormon" lobby would have a much stronger argument in favor of statehood should the efter the People's party have made be rejected. The latter coarse would be taken advantage of to further the statehood movement, And it would work no disadvantage to the Liberal cause for the future, if the fusion ticket In closina- - he asked that, granting the fusion bad been a mistake, would It Hot be a much greater one to split the ranks of the Liberal party? Several " , names were shouted, and ! . Japnaesa n W. II. DICKSON." When the Governor had lalshed, there were calls for Bennett and Dickson. The latter responded and said that it seemed to him that the times required the manifestation of a spirit of forbearance and moderation. He - Makagee. H. B. CLAWSDJf, " Gea-ttle- would - ; - THEtnE. ALT LAKE L an AS is offered be refuses to accept it,. Who is consistent? ' He remarked: "When the.' enemy makes a gap In his ranks I will tell my troops to walk in. and 1 Will not Insist upon a comph te surrender before He stated seizing any advantage." that one objection to the fusion ticket was that it gave to the Liberals no salaried officers, members of the Cons ell receiving only $20 per month. He showed that this objection sprang from a desire for spoils, and furnished so often made that proof of the charge the agitators In Utah were after-th- ' : spoils. He said that "Mormons" of standing and business Integrity had given the pledge that they would work for public improvements, bad asked the to furnish some good; men for the City Council. The case.was folly presented at the Chamber of Commerce meeting and the f nston was carried by nearly two to one. He didn't believe in a war of extermination. When his enemy conceded what he claimed, be felt it bis duty to stop lighting htm. It is ' tae brave who are generous and magnanimous. Gen tlemen say toe"Aiormons" are not acting ia good faith. Let us give them a chance and see. He firmly believed they were. .. It has long been a reproach that certain Liberals were agitators who were keeping capital away, and he was tired ' i of it. lie held that the Liberal f nslonUts were right tn principle, and argued strongly ia support of that proposition. What P. L. Williams bad said the previous night was like firing into a an' last year's bird's nest. It had no plication tf present conditions.connecHe held that there was no tion between the business affairs of the city and the religion and politic of any portion of the citizens. Poll' tics should have no place in city gov eraments. They resulted in corruption when such is the case. 4 Wbea the speaker went into a convention, aired his opinions and was ' beaten, he submitted to tbe will ot the he went to tbe repremajority. When sentatives of the People's party, as tbe servant of the meeting, and told them their proposition was accepted, he considered that be pledged the honor of himself and bis friends..: lie be would vote the fusion ticket-ivoted alone, and if, with bia votei a straight Gentile ticket could becarrledi be would feel himself dis honored If he should cast ft. He argued against the charge of trick ery maae against me feopie'8 i any, urged the great advantage it would m to the Liberals to have four good men in the city council, denounced the spoils idea and closed by saying v "I am will yet confess right and gentlemen i that tbe mistake was theirs." At the close of Judge McBrlde's ad dress the meeting adjourned without ' day. Worm-Catche- tho Bird. s X ,: StocktaJcina CombUUd and having too, many. Whiter Goods left, tee offer mem at " uw.imccB, ivmcn are sure to attract crowds of Buyers, . ll'll II I 1' !ll ' P.i- f. !"!..' ; - . . ' -' CbUt: EftRLrand SAVE MONEY! s - - - - - Biewis MuariBiLU . . , ...... . . nH ELY'S DATAH - ait- - n- ri.v"s itt IJll 1 n 1 X mm ' , f 1 tti 'At that the places oa the Gblch Confessed ticket given to tbe Liberals ww) given as a matter of right and not as a favor. Tne ODjeciious against acTicket were all cepting tbe Citizens' Jrawn from the old condition of things years ago, here, which existed many, but does not exist now. - : lie referred to the civil war, and the surrender ot the souttj which, he said. was accepted by tQernortu as an act 01 good faith, and was followed by the sweeping front the statute books of all laws indicating, doubt as to the sin , the surrender. He. asked cerityof what the gentlemen of the previous cvimai wouia aemmno 01 me mo&s." ana wnat must result IX rjior every conciliatory effort by tbe latter ia to be met at the threshold by the declaration believe you." dwelt upon tae changed const- ay lU J JSharp s. on t Utan bow, a compared wit! nwwvu n eevTKe ; wunorawBf purpose 01 many years ago, iop-aand plaintiff allowed tea days to nerve sbowlng that old Ogata should be lai kle made some, aside. amended eimpialotA . ilTora Silver Mining Co, vs. Matthew Cullen; detBurrr'to complaint argued In reply to some of the ; speakers of . and'iaboiUted., y -Wednesday evening, and ashowed that, it tba proposal for fusion were JtMlah Batrows ' was admitted to even a trick, it would sot cost tae Liberals . ' cltlzenehlp. anything;' W. VV eij. Paoi-Doabr- - -- "I-doa- 't a t. . 1 ct. f arra-gem- PABTY, ,t .1 1 - ior ior years. ngnting He called attention to the ' RESOLUTIONS OT - TBI FKOPLK'S - t.' 1 . 1 reported having found nine indict ments under United States laws. Buell Manufacturing Co. vs. M. H. -Llpman; Judgment for plaintiff. James Carrigan vs. K. G. McNiece et "al.; demurrer of defendants with drawn, and time given to answer. John C. Cutler vs. S. S, Higinboth- am ; mouon for change of venue sub ariUsxf without argument'. " rrrr7cnar vs. Thomas B. Shaw; 4e marrerto complaint verrulek .1 fEffzabetli. Dadler, vs" James-Campbell et al.; demurrer to com plaint argued abd submitted! rJuJla Haymond vs, Joseph E.Tlay moafl f decree of: dlyorcj. granted to plalntm, on tbe ground that the de isadanthad been convicted of grand larceny, and was now servLn a three yean Urn ia the penltentlAry-- v . :V , -- ' seir-respe- " . -- ..U.i. - MM 1 call a meeting to correct such doings. i.' fit bnt even taea tne movers in tnem would have been heard. He thought beta sides snenia nave ocea heard, and the call for the nreet lng the previous night was sot a pro A ... per one, as it excluded those wno aad mmmSmmmmmmmmSlmmmmmS beea at the Chamber of Commerce meetlaar. If a mistake has been made, it is all WONDEI .S l ts the more reason why we shoald stand riamitlos. Tina whm rumIs rmtM k tlr.t m k lafcl by those who have made v, and see wrmn .nw MHl M them tbroazb. tnm. r wMrwa w n lrti A Cm.. rotUmwi Malta., im He deprecated the condemnation foil tihrawlN mm4 rttKwardmi. mt all mrm. - cam fromrta ' t tmf Ihn tii frt krm had beea heaped apoa thoe who ttarte trmm. 0rMl mM qwtna- .- SfM mtxm l that "ft favored the fusion, and the feeling i,..M).fa,Ml.kMrt. among Liberals who complained that WANTED tney nad not been consulted, uesau A T ONCE. A PATTERN the Ltoerais had not the "means 01 MAKER s Xone bnt a mechanic need quick communication. ' to the nh tie inougat iiDerais sDonia trust one apply. Steadytneemployment . CO another, to some extent, and shoald man. 'taii at JEJtCEliSIOR rODXIRY.; say If a mistake has beea made, "Don't . dtf W9w.SjJttBoata Street ao a aay more." JCDGl MCBRI10B . TSTRAY KOnCE." ' made tbe closina speech. Hewoald but T Wlz IN MY rSESSION: , make bo effort at Generd Red Estate Agents, would defend what 40 or 69 bt the most On frr ty If ABE, about t years toM, saddle Purchasers, oa B Intelligent mea is this community hadt and harness left aad branded marked, J I.IAI1T neia to be a good taing. tie oian-, , .. mien. . No.; know by what authority that which If damace and casts on said animal Of not ten OPPOSITE VXIOy NATIONAL BANK, bad been done was pronounced a mis-- i be paid within days from date notice, it will.be sold to the hightake. lie wanted ao man to apolo- - this est cash bidder, at South Cottonwood, al 10 it. gizexor o'clock a. m., February lt h,lHi. . wsr We Make He remembered I tbatl Henry Law Specialty of. JTone but Desirable i ml. It. IIUUR, ' rence, sixteen years ago, asked thai r . '! . lavor. It was then refused. Mow It South Cottopaeod, Feb. 9,FounwaeppfT.' Properties isss. ' 1 I 1 f mmmm . mm M rm -- A ; l ial. Vmm 1 - j? : : 4 . !; Lots ot Bustles, lc. z5c, aad Uo, each. , 60c. sack. Ladles' 1 Lotat Gassaaters, slightly damagedj I5c; 7c., 10c.,iai-C-;, rW Tlecea" Walte' and' Colore Xmbralderles,icac., 1 to see . them is To buy them . 20C. aad i5c. a yard. New Goods 350 ' TLoliToTLadies pvr ' DressBottoaVfOc-Loloif NewLot," 1 wd, Lot at Children's Jfur seta, ac. ; u sea w ecu t with. 1 Lot at UkatlBf Cps',2Sc. ecJu Yoo can ikate oa, yaur head in them 3 a rl . v Lot af Childrea'i Beaatilai rtusa toaaeU at closing eut prices. each, post Lots Ladles' aad --Uasea' Jerseys, eaaorted, at 11.00 and ' St.M ' worth double.). '""''; 8 LoUrof Ladiea' aad Misses' Cloaks and Ulsters, at f3.60, $3.60, $4,00, $3,' k; aad 8.W. - These prices will mare the last one ot them. r .2 Lots of Ladiea Satla abd Cashmere Ties, lc. each. 1.00 each. Beduced from 1 Let of Ladies' BcarletJ'aU Wool Uaderweai, 1 80 3 left. aad alaes 'rof account S, l.78 on having only 1 Lots of Daaas- - aad'TarklshTawels.: Bare Bargains. Cost Double. LiittBUCotoredBklr ; iXots of GeaU' Laaadrled and Ualauadrled ShlrU, 5o. aad 65c. each. a Lata of Boys' Hata and Caps, assorted lota, at S5c, aad 60c. each. " 9 Lata of Boys' aad Yeuthe' Scarlet Wool Drawers, offered at 60c., 76c. and i "l.0O. oaaccouatof UadersalrtB belaic all sold oat. , 2 Lots of Geflts' Satla Scarfs at J5c, and 26c, each. Remnants ot Dress Goods, yiaaaels aad Table Damasks at Half Trice. ars a 1 Lot each at Dresa Patteras at 11.25 S14o, $2 65 and $2.73. They ; - desirable aad at less thaa ralae, : . , ; The balance af our High Colored Plushes at Wo. 7W. at , Thebalaacebf our Silk Velvets ; '.. our :Quilltj High The balance af yelveteeae aad Corduroys at 75c. Woith f"t !' Dorble. ''lT':':V ":'T .'".'' 60 aad upward $3 to twelve years, three from A Lot of Boys' Overcoats, . . We doa't want to keep them aatll 1882. 4 come. to while ' It worU your Maay other BarKalBV which win faaka 1 " I ' J - ! , f. '' , -- - , ''''r' ' " 1 REAL ESTATE & I1WESTMENT or . Sisie,-On- . HAHDYi BICHOP. , e, . Intestcri& 77 . ' ! -- tint-clas- . self-defeas- N8ti:;riv' L'': 1 1 ! t,-- Tail a.wj, t.w ana more. worth lfty per cent. Hose, 85c. aad 60c., worth 40c. aad 7c. a pair. S LoU of Ladles'-TTooleMostl 5 LaU ot Ladles' aad UUsea' Felt Hats, 10c, 2c., 60c., Wc.'aad 1, I Lots of .White Blaaketa, sllghUy Bouea,i3.it as.w, ' a J 1 - d CO.f STBEET, - WE IlEVER niSREPRESHIT. -- e Price To All! ' . WE ARE iilVER UI2DERS01D. C:: F. iiUilBlCH & BRO- - |