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Show ink dt the bill, look up tbe matter more War Be part "tjSla-aa- l Herrlee, V. f. Xrmj. thoroughly. Hoge moved a slight amendment, to DAI lY. WKATII HR IJULLETIN. Offenders The List ot Against the at to Insert the matter of the new bill w- -Meteorological Reports Received at Halt la one of the sections of the present Lata Clry ok Jtonswirw 3( . 188$, Peace of the City. law. ..Carried."-'.- ' as Ji a. locai X Thurman moved to recommit to tne In the Police Conrt on Saturday af- committee on public .health, this bIF, lUKuioaK-- WWD. ternoon May Hart wat tried on a in order that verbal defecta might be -7 i c HE,' J v n-aCarried. or charge of keeping a hoaae of prosti- corrected. 0 Council had passed a substitute m The C tution In the Wasatch block; and waa bill for C. F. 14. amending sectlen 2006 4taSKBVA5 found guilty. She waa flaed $99, which of th3 Compiled Laws, and it. was for i tion, warded to the nouses ;.i-'she paid. of his nosltion in relation In .u.t: Mary Kurd was tried for retorting to thesupport numbering oi sections in a bill, POLICE ITE3TS. " .stay. -Li ' T .1 OM aaTerusemeut offerta a liberal reward for the recerery of stray anf- ' Th1 a ( sf-- :.. N y. . . morniar! the. wife of CHarles Abbott, of toe JTifttt Ward, presented l with a floe SnfcRtfr H. 8. LoVklbss and D; C. ..x Hob bins, of Huntington, Botery .Co.; are i fowa for a few day. " Smmaribs for the voteraof the People's Party wlU be held at tie varl-- ? ns poltiig placet I t(U ?lty a Vj : ,wfc.:.ww 0 - .r d SaUrdsy afternoon' George Walters was arrested on a charge f unlawful cohabitatloa, and gave $500 bonda pending-thpreliminary em-iaatlof e . n. ..- a - ' - Qx Saturday afternoon the deputies arrested Ajratha Peters, who Is alleged be the pluraLwlfe, of B. II. Schet-tle- r. She was released oh $300 bail. Nkils P. Madskx of Mount Pleas, ant, anpete County,, was released from Jtbe , Penitentiary Uday,! bavin tores oiaaUs f9r" Tiojatlii the aerred : Xdtnabds law. . , t f'i ": 4 ' wafsfoWla the East Is rapidly lowering. : It now looks as though the Russian bear could not wait till spring opens before attacking Austria' and In all probability preclpltate a, general European war. Naft Bubgkss appears at the The, atre tomorrow evening in bis. amusing pity 61 "Widow Bedott," prefacing it with a sketch in one act, entitled "A Mare's. Neat," in. which be will enact a male character for the first time in v many years. McComib died rather suddenly yesterday afternoon at No. 8 Market 1IW. "An Inquiry revealed that tats death was from natural causes. Ills sod, wno lives m the north, was entor,:andia expected to reach the , , city U4ieveiR.. . , .n .tai i ss ss -- , . l the holiday featlvitles whloh occurred there, has a fUvor of antiquity too marked to'admit of pg1)licatloB now. At the tlt the Jetter was f written its statements werf doabttetsjcorrect.but our readers' must make their own for the mutations time may. have wrought while Uncle Sam's mails OTace conyeying.lt,. tqjits destination. We gleaa from ft Oar centre town goes by the name of Veraaiffcaati being the name of the post office at that place. Ashley It the name under which the town Is laid qrat, totted aad recorded; out owing to tne Old AstUtJi Fork office aeiag en tne extreme nortn pout to i oar valley, prevent contusion the new town goes name of its post office. Dy the There 1q Vernal four first clast dry goods stores, oie drug store, two blacksmith shops, one narteaa and e butcber shop, one shoe maker, one lurolinra stbre and two saloons. A new two story hotel is np and covered and will be in rnnolne; order soon. There are about fifty family residences and the town is growing very fast. A new concert and theatre ball ttat been elected by tnt irrepressible Jake Workman, 40 oy 70 leet, with stage, painted drop curtains and scenery, the work of Mr. i Jackson. We have a tikcatricaf roupe wb nave given tone very nne exniouiOBs. A subscripilon is being circulated to purchase instruments for a brass band. rbe necessary amount is almost raised. and a competent and experienced teacher has oeaa procured: to drill the . , . members of tbe band. Wm Have eixbt first-claschools set of teach running, with a first-claa ers, and large attendance at fcunaay : school. The measles Is prevalent but the general health is otherwise good. t Oar Stake is perfectly organized," wltn a good and commodious house to hold oar Conferences in; but tola is like all the rest of the buildings built to accommodate-thpeople in tola com oy tne u tne it nuisuea jv is munity; too am all to Accommodate the eager listeners. Crops tbe last season were about av erage and will in all probability supply tne people'a necessities nntil another harvest. Nearly every one found the necessity of having plenty of bread on hand by the year's experience. None came to actual want, but same came near to it.;- Flour was up to k 60 before last harvest. That does not look much like there was no market in this valley. A ready sale can be bad for all surplus and at good prices. e - Ttr - THE PEOPLE'S PARTY. - I.' '. y -- Fmom afletter received from John Call of the Central! Committee for W. .Brown, the Parowan attorney, who i Salt Xaka City. It at present in San Barnadlno, we learn thai the country about which A Municipal Convention of the Peo t-- ' tuch astlr la being made by people hereabout is not what it la 'craeked" up to be, and tnat several of those who iw. who have rone there from hereabouts are heartily disgusted and desire to return to Ulh. Southern UtonianT' ple's Party is hereby called to convene at the City Hall, Salt Lake City, on V to tbe Hart woman's place with W. T. Devereux, of Grand Junction, immoral purposes, and being was tenteaced to ten days' and to pay a fine of $99 imprisonment r Devereux, whose case comes under the 'Territorial statute, Is to be' tried thlt afternoon. Thla morning one of the culprits who . came before f Justice Pjper name at Frederick gave" hit Thornton. He " was charged with petit" larceny, the crime having been committed about 12 o'clock on Saturday night. Thornton it a large and powerfully built man, and when he faced the Judge he looked at though be had been struck by John L Sullivan 1 or a Missouri ,cyclone, Ula Jointa teemed to move rather stiffly, his bead waa swollen and the surroundings of both eyes were so badly discolored and puffed out that he could hardly see. An inquiry was instituted, and showed on Saturday night Mayor Armstrong went oat to discover tbe cause of an unusual noise among his poultry. His Investigations revealed the fact that a man was np In a tree taking possession of several fine turkeys. The intruder wat: ordered; down, but his actions showing' that, he meant mischief, the a brickbat Mayor np caaght' at the thief, it ..threw and, and' effectually , . disabling . him producing the results above stated, The accused pleaded guilty and was sentenced to pay a fine of 100 and be imprisoned for thirty days. Andrew J. Wilson, for peddling meat .without a license, paid a fine of $10. Benson Clark, for having been drunk on Sunday, was fined $7.60. .Richard White is In custody , for keeping a disorderly house. Ben Bingham was taken in by the police yesterday' afternoon for gamCole-rado.'- v " ! ; John Crocker and Wm. bling. . Jail awaiting - at IIBRUART TH, ,' Nixon are In trial for drunkenness and vagrancy. Jacob Nelsonwas arrested this morning for drunkenness. Rse Thome is In custody for being drunk and profane. THE LEGISLATURE. ' SATURDAY, 11 o'clock a. for . L , ' a COUNCIL. ..-- Stockton . 31 M OF UNION MEAT' MARKET I ': ' From 60 MaU Street, to 64 X. First A'ouU aVtreef, J , ffliere FBED JT. HAT will sell Jutcv Roasta, Choice Steaks. Chops and Meau of description at Lowest Prtee. Come J eery one and all and try me it I will not sell yoa prime cut at the lowest rate. Corned aad ;. SO ! Ss : i SS SO SO 4- - , S B ! :,;' 8 w k iw I. FISHER BREHLW Clear Clear Fair Fair Cl'.ir S Light Calm N r Brewwy near V.C.E.B, L O. Box,. MS. BB iro-- nd k TlkM . 1 . COME EARLY and SAVE MONEY ! l. I Lots of White Blankets, sllRhUr soiled,.86, S.60, 4S.90, 4.C& and $5.2S, wortn niiT per cent. more. -J Lots of Ladles' Woolea Hose, c. and 50c., worth 40o. and lie. a pair. ' 5 Lets of Ladies' sad MUies Felt fiats, 10c., 30c., Ve.t nci aad $1.. Most! New and Styllsk. TO HELP WITH take care of children f.54 U.e. MRS. completed and having ,1 06 many Winter Stocktaking J Goods left, we offer them at " Cut Trices," xchich are sure to attract crowds of Buyers. s ' STRONG GIRL ACERBACH. Third South St. ; Lots ot Bustles, 10c, 25c. aad 86c. each. Lot at Ladles' Gossamer, slightly damaged, 60c. sack. f09 Pieces White and! Colored Embroideries, sc., ftc., 7c, 10c, 13Kc..15c. 20c. and 25c. a yard. New Goods. To sea them is to buy Uem. 4 Lot of Ladies! Jersey and Usskmere Qlores, lOclJ loc., 20c. and 20c. a pair I 1 Lot ot Dress Buttons, lOo. acard, "New Lot." ; SI. to for 23c. Used sell I Lot of Cklldrea's Far Sets, 1 Lot of Kkatlng Caps,2Sc. each. .Yoa can skate oa your head In them with7 ::''' out bumps.' , 1 Lot of Children's Beautiful Flask Boasets at closing out prices. s ssorted, at fl.OO and $t0 each, posi- Ladles' and Misses' Jerseys, ' j Lots tWeiy worth doable. 5 Lots of Ladies' aad Misses' Cloaks snd Ulsters, at $2. 6Q, $3.50, M OO, Vj. and $8.00., These prices will more the last one ojt them. 5 1 ORCHARD. 5 in cultiTation. to close the Anylum; a ftugar House ICigbl dollars per month. Kniuire at Mr. W. J. Moss, No. 29, Ninth East Street, City, MRS. DUNN. ids OT BOOM9, .A. IIOVSE acres of land.3. acres S W ard, : TO.Rsiar.T. - r- P. Bt It is announced that gold baa- been found in Wales; "on Guynfyndd Farm, near Iransfyndd, between the beautiful mo RESPONSIBLE AND CAREFUL wateTfaii, oi ristynv cam ana kd&i- - X "' parties, from 01. e to five years, 10 acres adr Mawddach." Even though there fina land, twentr minutes drive Irons Post is no gold there, it would be easier for ifflre. with two atorv house and large barn. Also. 63 acre en State Road, as a whole tbe average American to find it there, t i r A than - to tell a friend where to look for or tn subdivisions. IT. SHESItMAN. WM. V it.' PAID Godbe Pitts Drug Co, ,d . UTAH. " We are bow prepared to promptly supply the oublie with Keg and Bottled Beer ot a superior quality, at popular price. KM s. Mala IC Oty JL FISHER BREWING CO. SEND ADDRESS TO Bon, d3 valuable papers. d4 meter ever tries i j V. 'y-b- : ttfU. JL.8. sALf LAKE ClTYt " RAPID PERSONAL. CLOFDIC. a 9. CO., N. V Telephone to Brewery. SOS. . A The Early Worm Catches the Bird. i Salt Lake City. Barometer 302. Tosted in frame at 12 noon, Jan. 30, 1S8S. I Wm. A.' Koktz, Sergeant Signal Corps. J house Apply to 1888!WBaipiiS - i FortCueter Washakie. Bbise Citv. vr All kind of Dried Meats a specialty. SAUSAGE unsurpassed in the market, Courteous treatment and Meat de. dtf : livered promptly. 'Signal Smc roporU taken at 5 a. rs ed 3 SjL Oity.. Helena....! The complimentary benefit tendered to Mr. JohnS. Lindsay will be given on weaaesoay evening. The piece selected for presenUtlon Is one with which Salt Lake Theatre-goetre not has as been It only placed, on familiar, the beards in this city once. It Is therefore, practically, a novelty, which is one reason why, the' bill should draw. The drama Is a high-cla- ss one, and although it is not historical some of Its features are; The title role is a difficult one and belongs to the heroic class for which most morUls have an Intense admiration. It will be assumed by the beneficiare, who Is one at the oldest actors of this city still In the profession. We hope to see Mr. Lindsay get a rousing h benefit. , well-regulat- 4i T. mmJm F.AUERBACH&BRO BEMOVAIi 'Calm Light Calm Calm Calm Calm Calm . Bingham.. Park City.. AHa. ...... irovo Lake Park. Mr Lindsay's Benefit. No li-4ti.-- Stiaaa sav Kmm. U mm MrnnxL bask . - - CUKE FOR SICK HEADACHE. i Z. C. M. I. Drug 8tore have Free Samples Dr. Gunn's Liver Pills. Cure without Davidson. In Wallsburg, Wasatch Co., of fail ; removes Pimples in the Face ; relieves Utah, January 26, 1888, Samuel J. Lavidon, BilLiousnegs. and improves Digestion; Only " dAs one for a dose. ' cents a box. . of old age. i' DEATHS tj? rKiLjni. '... i tAKli CITY. SALT CAPITAL, . '' i; i , 9200.004, 300,000 Eldbbdgb, President, l Lohk Sharp, Vice President, Wji. W. Ritkb, r DntBOToas J. A. Gboksbbok, shakt. Mill frl. ad y : as a : -- . ntal; i Lots of Ladles' Satin and Cashmere Ttes, l&c. each, Reduced from 1 Lot of Ladies' Scarlet, all Wool Underwear, St 00 each. $1.75 on account ot having only sixes 28, 80 and 82 left. 5 Lota of Damask and Turkish Towels. Rare Bargains. . 1.00, Cost Double. Z Lots of Oents' Colored Shirts, 60c., 75c. and J Lots of Gents' Laundried and Ualaundried Shirts, Hi. and ti5c, each. 2 Lots of Boys' JIats and Caps, assorted lots, at 25c. and 60c. each. a Lets of Boys' and Youtbs' Scarlet Wool Drawers, offered at 50c, 75c. ana 1.00, on account of Undershirts being all sold out. earca. 2 Lots of Gents' Satin Scarfs at 15c. and 25c. j Remnants ot Dress Goods, Flannels and Table Damasks at Halt Price. ?1.85, $2.63 and n.TO. TopJ arc a 1 Lot each ! Dress Patterni at I thaaTaiue. less at , and I1 desirable r SOc. Tke balance of oar Hls:h Colored Plushes at :Taa balaace of our Silk Velveta at 75c. at 75c. Worth High Qaallty Velreteens and Corduroys Th balance of our ' " : :'--M'";' Double. ''j"'-A Lot of Boys' Overcoats, from three to twelve years, 3 50 and upwards. ' We don't want to keep them until 18S9. come. to while make worth it your Many other Bargains which will 2 -' tou . : ( , H. 6'. Jajik L. 8. HlbU, Cashier, Born November 1, 1812, in' Limerick, Ire--. T, Littlm Asst. Cashier. Jas. pttK.m. rustic land ; emigrated to Utah in 1839 and settled ' lik moisture are Piles known by Itching in the 10th Ward. 8alt Lake Cify. He died bersniration. SEGEIVES EEP0SIT5 F0ASLE HI nroducins a verv disagreeabl V SainU-CO- H. a faithful Latter-da- y itching after getting warm. This form as ,;v; and as well protruding Blind, Bleeding Baknes. In the Tenth Ward, this city. PilM viHrf at onM tii the aoDlicatlon of Dr. .Sells Eacbastss n Aoa Caya acts which Bosanko's 28 Remedy, of Habi Frandaee Cptteaaro, Si 1838, general debility, John upon the pile atfected, absorbing directly January tathe part LrfMita. Omaha, Lsndoa, stml prloct-Barnes, late of Manchester, England, aged mors. allaying the intense itcning ana 66 yean. He ti Jig a faithful' Latter-daa. nermiuient cure. 60 cents. Ad CoatlnentaJ ClUe. The Dr. Rosanko Medicine Co ,Pijna, 8aint, and died bearing a ' 'testimony to the dress M. I. Drug Store. Make eollecUon. ranvitaag yroccaan O., or Z. truth'Of the Gospel. i. romntlr. :,, Funeral at 10 a.m. tomorrow at the Tenth O I '. nst. B0.1AS-KWard meeting-house- . In his new discovery for Consumption, suc- ., ESTABLI8HBD 13C3. .' .. ; ; Mill. Star,. ptease oopy. ceeded in producing a medicine which is acknowledged by all to be simply marvelous. It is exceedingly pleasant to the taste, per1'. TAYLOR, fectly harmless, and doe not sicken. In al 1 have been a sufferer from caUrrh of Colds, Coughs, Consamption. of for tbe past eight years. Having tried met Bronchitis, and Pioneer Undertaler Whooping Cough. Croup, in the ihe8t,Jt has given universal a numoer of remedies advertised as Pains Bosanko's and Dr. Cough satisfaction. without cures" "sure obtaining any C. M. I. relief. I had resolved never to take any Lung Syrnp is sold at 00 cents by Z.dAs 6m Drugstore. a ;.- :. V JOSEPH ' January SO, 1888. Roll called. Marshall, Tuttle and Smeot abtent. A communication was received from Dr. Park, president of the University of Deseret, inviting the Council to visit the University including the deaf mute department at any time that might salt the convenience of the Council. On motion of Woolley the itvltatMn was accepted with thanks. ' A communication was received from the House enclosing H. F. 81 making appropriations for general purposes. The bill was read the first time by its title and referred to the committee on apprepriatiena. Woolley presented a report from the committee on Judiciary on C. F. 15, a bill to amend several sections of the act in relation to civil procedure ia Uuh Territory, recommending that it be put upon its passage. Tbe report of the committee was adopted; the bill was ordered printed and filed for second reading. Woolley presented a second report from the Judiciary committee oa C F. 14, tec mmendtntr It rejection and the snbstitloa of the following: A bill amending section 200tt, chapter 10, Title IX, ot the compiled laws of the Territory of Utah. Be it enacted ey tbe Governor and Legislative Assembly of Utah, that section 2006, chap. 10, Title IX, of the be and the same is herecompiled laws by amended as follows: Every pernon who deals, plays or carries on, opens or causes to be opened, or who conducts, either as owner or employe, wbetber for hire or not auy game ot faro, monte, roulette, lansquenet; rouqe tt noir, rondo or any other game played with cards, dice or any other device, for money, checks, credit, or any otber representation ot value la guilty of ' a misdemeanor. Tbe report oi tne committee was adopted and the bill filed for second readlug. IC.F. 11, relating to a fourth district judge, was called np, but at tae request ot Bryan consideration was tomorrow. postponed natil On motion ot Woolley C. V. 14 was by the Council and forwarded passed to tae House for tueir action tbereon Tne table being clear of business tbe Council then adjourned till 2 p. m. to r morrow. 1SSK, SJiCitf the Speaker read from Jefferaoa's mannal. But in answer to a question from Richards av to whether what he bad lust read applied to the present case, the Speaker said he wat In doubt, but would look fuither into' .the mat.v ter. At 2:55 the House adjomrnea. f uj mot '', v w lo. raqalcait frr. ttS UUlaiktwutaUnrt., cs "V- w kllk a . " II III -- : -- IB tbovaada r urmi. biu HnwN4 by tb - r imm 1 1 P m vers tsmt bc.4oH uhllfi I ll In. at Mm hMM st sr trad tkttr I Ca., Haiku NMitl av. rrtlM4. Stlw, Mru nrw tall iafersMfos M. t all I'm art W mhmrtr a? wwaNi T. v Say ti s. letler frdin "tt: C.! dated at Vernal; UioUl, County, Jan. 3, after being four ween 3 oh the way, at' length; has come to hand. The account it gives of A I'aorLs's Primaries tonight. Md peUtiarort ir Letter, Lon Delayed. '.Ujk FRAtJMENTS. ; f J Notes Taken From ,V. . I Mir. '-- Jmmrr rrn I I ba awr- r i ( . . , J, m., to nominate candidates to be voted for at the Municipal other patent medicines, when friend Election to be held on Monday, Febadvised me t try tiys uream uaim. 1 18S8. will The Convention STRAYED ruary 13tb, THB Election of William did so with great reluctance, but can of thirty-si- x TelP'or allot consist delegates, SOUTHERN PART OF THE T7IROM now testify with pleasure that after hU benefit performance Wards as Municipal Wednesday ted to the several Tooele, one dark brown MARK, about F believe weeks I six it for myself nsing . , night by Mr. LlniUay, is regarded as follows: old.nna branded H 9 on right thigh. cured. It is a most agreeable remedy 3ynara One dark brown HOUSE, about 7 years Ward, Comprising appropriate and attractive. Stew an Balm. lovaiuable After FfrsttneMunicipal Joseph branded old. C with a half circle above on J! iret, becona, intra. such an extensive round of variety art, 624 Grand Ave., Brooklyn. left shoulder ana W "a Dtotcneq orana on Ninth and Tenth Bish Eighth, lert thigh. -amusements, embracing everything - 7 op!' Ward. The finder win be rewarded by returning but the strictly .legitimate, this Second xv- Btaafaetarer aad Dealer la all klaa t of whereabout to Municipal Ward, bus to. Information comprls 'UlVWIDl or giving nuiiu AUKWiUin ought , JOHN HOLM BERG, nowned appetizer and invigorator, Imto be an agreeable relish. Incident to ing tne ou tQ, Jiltn, Sixtti, fl i rt Dm a n r Salt at METALLIC. WQOD IRtKClDTH GDVEBED Ueveath, Fourteenth and Fif- -' parts a delicious flavor to all drinks at Granger, Salt Lake Co , or address the second act, the Orion Glee Club r a BW teenth Wards. cures fever and Bishops' .Lakeciy. diarrboea, UUU dyspepsia, 1U HUB, will render the beautiful ?lee, "Come Third Municipal Ward, comprising and ague. Try it, but beware of counciffiis Where the Lilies Blojm." terfeits. Ask your grocer or druggist DISSOLUTION. OF TiOriCE Nineteentti Bishops' Wards. lor tbe genuine Angostura, manufacFall line ot COFFIM rCR!lNHI?l9 Tok following circular has been la- Fourth Municipal Ward, compris tured by Or. J.G. B. Slegert & Sons. E, THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING kept constantly or band. been associated in the business of j med by the general superintendent ol ing the Eighteenth, Twentieth Tooele WE ARE NEVER UNDERSOLD. Stock and in Twenty-firs- t and Farming raising, Bishops the Utah Central: "John H. Ramel, tnd Telegraph Orders prompt: WE NEVER MISREPRESENT. -- - - 6 County, under the name and style of I'TcIcphoue Wards .'.. fl;lcd. Is A notice ; the that ly HOUBS CO.. JOSEPH j give Jr., hereby appointed agent at Salt Fifth Municipal Ward, comprising between ns condiBodies preserved in their natural existing Lake station, and traia 'dispatcher of tne &ieventn.i weiitb anainir- Eartoership heretofore dissolved 1838) 30tb, without extra (Jan. day tion, charge. " - 6 teentn bishops' wards, -the first division of the Utah Central hv mutual consent, and Jbat nil obligations OPKN DAY AND NIGHT, 1 the late firm must be presented at once ;; Primary meetiags of the registered Bill way. Too mas J. Mackintosh is sud Wtrtroomf Bfo. 253 E--, . F. Doremns, at his residenoe, No. Mr. rarlsrjr to of voters the for the iPartr. People's ' 2J8 ,V., Second West St., Salt Lake (,'ity, for First Nonllilrt. hereby appointed chfcf clerk in the election of delegates to the Conven, tiailltPHlEIS.lll. aedlt and settlement. He is also authorized ; One and a half block East of Theatre, general freight and passenger depart- - tion, will be held in the several Municurm. to tne ' debt '' owinc collect a'l td iie T.!'' i' ':'' j So. 70. of this city, at the usual Telephone the Utah Central Riilwav. ipal Wards , meat of ' Kextoa's" ' lit sam balldlag ' of holding elections therein, at DOREMUS. Os.es F. A. places ' The;abave appointments to taae effect 'J w o'ciock p.m., on 7. :V.. ,' '.' :.' All Kinds at Depot Prices. itDrnary 1, 18S." ' MONDAY, JANUARY 30 TU, 188S. Delegates should receive credentials. Screre Injury. properly authenticated by the Chairand Secretary! of the meetings E. Y, & T. B. TAYLOR, ; Mrt. Caae, of the Ninth Ward, re man ceived a severe lnlary yesterday mor electing them, tne of citizens several Leaaing nlng. She was going alone; a plank walk Municipal Wards are respectfully re127 w. SOUm TEMPI.: ST. near ine nonse, when fhe, slipped quested to take tbe initiative In carrying into effect these suggestions rela and fell, breakfhg her left tive to the Primary meetings, that tbe STRAYED. The alp .bone. may be properlv notified of the injury is of votersand atca t .nature, that surgeons can time places af holding the same; STREET, 19TH ' that the rights and liberties of ttie Salt Lake City, a small roan asMsjaaMBMa P Ward. si no reiiei, ana ahe must await its voters '''-:. -u of the People's ticket may be :o: ' ".:.'. ?i M on branded combined left N thigh, MARE, '. recovery in the position in whica the fully protected and that tbe delegates also a bar MA.B&T. 4 rears old. branded a? on the Two following Days, on Ipft nhnnlder. A liberal reward w be We will offer on MONDAY. JAN. 30, and ixactored bone nrw la. The onfortu caosea to the Convention may be such of these animal. as the will of recovery (or 7 best the interests given represent oe of age next the mil a years fy-people. ! i montn. A By order of the Municipal Central i X Committee of tbe People's Party. I. From Mionesota. :o:- JA3..11. ANDKRSON, SeCV. ' THE A. MEETING BE WILL 1888. Lake Salt 21, City, January aiaer eter . Akelun, of Fremont, THERE of tbe Utah Soap The Entire Stock has just been received, and is composed of ui voaniy, reacbed thU city, this works, . a a , '..' Company at tbe company's .':' .'...'"' '.- s.a a j moyle oj mi North. Fourth West, on Wednesday. our ana perjcet-mai- ie v First District Court-mornl"t from a mission t the North- garment fining P we 10 a. eheelion the for at m., Febraarv 8th, ITllOM HANGING A N I3IME&S12 STOCK, tern States, lie left Utah in Mir. IFYidt-of'Loof officers and such other business as may I Muslin and Lonsdale Cambric only; . with Trim- On Saturday a session of the District . come before the boara. 1SS, and went to Minnesota, m which Court was the II. SXELL, Secretary. keldatOgden. During inings of the best Embroideries and Linen Torchons. SUtt he spent most of the time of hit morning a number ' of motions were arand NOTICF CHEMISE at ESTBAT 05 $1.00. 40, 55, 50, 25, 75, ne muunu laoorea some gued, and in one of the cases against uusaiuu, BOUSE. ! NIGHT GOWNS at SO, 55, 75, 80, $1.00. $1 .10 and $1.15. months in Wisconsin. A Reeling of C. II.- Blandin, bail was reduced to 30. 1SSS. .1 HAVB IX MY POSSESSION Jan. DBAWKRS and at Indifference S1.00 SO, SO, ra SO, OS, r $1.15. 25, 75, characterizes the $5oo. ; j w; y Farnsworth introduced a p tl ion '. One light roan yearling STEER, brand re SKIRIS at SO, OO, 75, DO. $1.00 and $1.10.1 people among whom he labored, at a Alvln Crockett, of Logan, was ar from the county court of Beavec seaobling on left hip.. j 1 COBSKT COVKRS at 25, 40, SO; 55, 60, OS, 7S, OO, $1 .OO, $ .10 CouHtv. calilBK attention to the di general thing. There are,, however, raigned on the charge of unlawful and unsafe condition of the If damage and costs on said animal be not and $1.25- lapidated in mat region, a number of faithful . He pleaded guilty, and bridge across Bear River, and asking paid within IS days from date of this notice, LONG SLIPS at 35, 50, 55, 65, 75, 90, $1-0and $1.10. Saints wno expect to em'grate soon Feb. 13th was the time set for passing an V at that it will be sold to the highest cash 9bidder appropriation of $1,500 to assist o'clock at DRESSES and Cottonwood Bi at SHORT new a oae. "Elder Akelun returned alone, and feels sentence. pound, estray $1 $1.50 75, upwards. 00, 65, county in on constructing 18S8. . p. ., February 10th, hlrh wars. weu in body and spirit. ? :o: Ira Allen, of. Hyrum, was arraigned .Committee MeLanrMin introduced a petition " - r ; Poundkeeper. on the charge of nnlawful cohablta from' citizens of Woodland. Summit Barns' Birlhdaj. SPECIAL EMBROIDERY SALE at about Half the Actual Value. tion. Tne defendant entered a plea of County, asking for an appropriation of Big Cottonwood, Jan. 80. 183. and will bs sentenced February $l,ouu ior roaa purposes. oara com NOT1CK. ESTKAY Two correspondents seed ns ac guilty, ' l 13ih. 2000 Pieces Hamburg Embroideries In 4 yd. lengths, and V to 6 mittee. counts ox the celebration of the anni- The drawing of lurors took place in Inches In width, all perfect goods and the Handsomest Designs. King said that the committee on Y HAVE IK MY j tI pSSESSIOK: 1 .T'l VfJ ,I u J i ' i. il'. yeraary of the birth of Bobert Burns, the afternoon, and resulted in the fol- municipal corporations and towns de 4 X yards, will bo cleared out at 15, 20, 25, 35, 'irvim Piece containing names serve to on drawn a the make to verbal being lowing old.binnded tired One red 8TKESabont year report ' the Scottish poet, which was gotten np 65,- 75. 85, $1.00 and up to $1,50. These quotations are the February term: ' bill for tbe classification and gov Won right hip, crop oB left ear, wite in ' 50, y the txjotch people of Uuh County, during an some and white He belly, rump that ernment of suted forehead, about one half the usual selling prices, The lot contains a limited cities.; (Irand Jnrrtr. Hharlca Andrew. two of tbe commute Oesired to retain some white spot on legs, and batt tail and hM.ln Chlpmans HaU, American of Colored Kmbroldery In entirely New Patterns. ' ' JaaC American Crookston, quantity '. .' b tae Dili and incorporate it in tbe gen white. ForkVoft .Wednesday and Tnursday repbi; and eosts oa said animal lieoer: it. a.- eral of Excellent Quality 4 4 Bleached Muslin at 7c, Yards 20OO If damage rork; jona Aiouiton, bill to relative corpor municipal not naid within ten dava from date of this Ogden ; George Qowmsn.'Oeevenings el last week. Oa each of Coates, of while committee the :oithree atloos. cash hiKhest sold to the ; w--nntina.it will be ..-Cummiogs, Ueber: James srv, 'M"?; I those evenings a programme embrac Dunn,Isaac ttfor passage. report bidder at Peoa estray pound, at S o'clock. Provo ; John Connover, Spring- - desired to vwas isim. atscusston tne bill a After tn, rt Thursday, Febrnary Sacrifice Eooriiious Dress French lag tongs, recitations, hornpipes, iga vi.l- -; Jos. E. Tibbetts, Spanish Fork; ceived and Allen moved to make the (foods Best U. U. MAUCHANT. Qualities it B. Yotint, .OgdfeB: Barney Tibbies, Og- and.tallrooal was gone dances, etc., . Poundkeeper. anecial order for Wednesday. .... . . B P. h '' a Lester 18SS. Ogden Cntchluw, , p We offer, to Clear Oat, about 50 Pieces French Dress Goods, In Peoa, Summit Co., Jan. 28, a reunion neia alter ta deq: v King opposed this motion and nrged ray ""s?Sj: aithe ray ton; u. u. rnoe, ugaen; that the House would do better to send Plain Blaek, Dark and Ian Shades and Mixtures, suitable for Spring second evenloe,lt.WM B, Wlor,Brown. 'xercltetof Lehi; Adam Sandbnrg, the bill committee to be back to theVAtfitfer! NOTICK TO CREDlTOR9wx Wear. The lot embraces qualities fwe have been selling at 75, $1.0 decided to bam tin custom at Trenton; Wm. Bailey, North Ogden; liun.nAp.tM4 In th. Hill. Exra rrovo; Sanford, Henry Rawlins, SSo pel and $1.23, and will be Cleared Out at the " uniform price of BeTabirtbdar continu jd, aai Jr.V Springville ; Robert A. Hilea, Allen spoke briefly in favor of his Deceased. Estate of Sarah Kewn, " i ' 5 'hjPHLSTEHY. ;! . the following committee were aus- - rrovo : joeepn ismitB, usntavuie : motion, and aaid if the House wished . . . , .'K'. yard. H DIN waa to to tne do it to GIVKJ the ! kill " " 24-inKCEESY way IS Ulied lor the vurDOsef Messrs. bill, DBYjTHH. CO "Pieces VfOTICS Goods,1 In Tans and Dark Shades at 10c, n Dress Tr J. T T Page, Wm.J.llall,SprlntTllle; r'dVo ' ' John Peters, James Crooia-toi3 nndemigned. Administrator ofto. the i Hunter, M ' T Mt. Pleasant; fie well Knlrn Provo; tend it back to tbe committee. I ' V.'i.. r il? -tne Thurman tupported Alien's motion, Eatate 01 bars a allKewn. aeceasea, claim A. Miller, .Adamsou. of Peter Adamson, American For a ; Wm. of. and person having as dd Creer, both thinking the House creditor AnMrtcan Pork, Wm. Ferguson, of Stout, Nepbi; Andreas Peterson. Ricn-fllCLEARANCE SALE OF NOTTINGHAM LACE CURTAINS. take immediate action upon asrainst the aaid deceased, to exhibit them rroro, and ueo. Aastlo of lst&l. Jaoiri- - WOtberspoon, Ogden; should measure. this flrst publication of this no months after the Lyman S. Hudson, Nephi; Ueorge W. , n 85c a pair. . Lot of Taped Edge Curtains at Moyle had no objection to an early tice, to the said administrator at the .office Wallacjs Boyle, consideration Jacques, Provo; Wm The Entertaiamenf A said of but the H. th:t reduced from of Jama bill, Hooper Moyle, Attorney, $2.25. $1.35, ugdenscnas. W . uiddleton. ugaen: it committee had several bills Eldredge Block. Salt Lake City, ia the a '. ti $t i;7st" it 3 OO. The following has beea issued by Andrew Madson, Lake. Vie ; Jamea municipal Lake. unof Salt to County relating municipal corporations InI If Barton, Mantl ; Lars O. Lawrence, der II It tl II It lt 3.50. 2 18S7. . a to 25, riew December with , the Old folks' Coamlttae, .which Is Spanish 17th, Dated consideration, Fork; Joan Greer, Provo. 1 II It II li niVTVT 5.00. A J A lb T Jf aCTTT VA 2.75, wmpoted of Bishop Wat LB. Presto, .Petit Juror. Abner - Crane, Mt. corporating tbe good featureshe of all ot favored Administrator of the Estate of Satan Kewn, In a general bill, and i George Howard, Nephi; them KjS" Better Qualitiea Reduced In tbe same proportion. jmwtjo uouuara, u, a. parage, .tvii Pleasant: uww tae deceased. bill this until of the general delay Charles Bowen, Foote, Nephi; Joseph t'ltam Eddlngton.'Wm.' Kaylor, John Beaver Dam Albert Herrick, come oae snould np. Ogden ; Klrkman, Wm. L. Binder, Walaon A. Robert Garbutt, Ogden; Amasa Huge criticised the action of the L. committee ' Allen's motion lavored aad : Empey and Andrew Jenaon Neoeker, Provo p John C. Sagers, Sa- to mate tbe bill toe special VOT1CK TO CZUCDITOB8. order for E. J. naa; Chester; Coarad, Tha committee bava aieasure in be J. II waa lost. motion Tbe Estate of Silas F. James, Deceased. Moore, Moroni; Amos Wednesday. moved that the committee ingabJe to extend theiaannaal invita Haywood, Bpriogvlllej Wil- onThnrmao ' tion to all the old talks over 70, the S. and towns ions municipaPcorpora son Pleasant vroncK is heuebt View; given by the to report the general bill J3l widows, orphans, deaf mates and con Gideon Cragua, Administratrix ot tbe Holmes, West Weber; Warren bd instructed undersigned, valtscent from hospitals, irrespec- Corey, were earliest the at Silas of Estate F. preparing, James, deceased, to the ; Thomas G. Wlmmer, they tive of faith, race or color. to a f rev en Pay sou;Ogdea creditor of, and all person having claim date. Carried. AUel-be- rt possible Vardle Importer f)d Manufacturer of McNeal, Sallna; tertainment in the Salt Lake Tte jure, against the said deceased, to exhibit them Hatch, from the claims committee, with Nepbt ; Wheatley Gibson, within vouk the necessary vouchers, t auraaayi jreoruary t, at s tTSi p. m. WestCailer, $300 of Daniel that HarringWeber: Ornon Riser, Ogdsn ; reported tne nrst puDiioatton 01 ibis Tne Home 'Uramattc Company will ton's claim for services as minute montn toarter at the the' said administratrix, have the nonor of presenting tbe play 0car Wilkins, Provo; Parley T. clerk of tbe last Howe aad- been in- notice, office of H. Moyle, A ttornej. Hooper James Brigham Ozden; Jones, Rlcy Wrlgbt, t m ureea iaaea oi Jiingtand'7 an in tne and cluded bill, A appropriation Eldredge Building. Salt Lako City, In City; II. P. Bowman, Ogden; James recommended that taat occasion. $00 of it, interest, the County of Salt Lake. Walker Barlow, Ogden; lue parquette will be reserved for Thompson, JANE ELIZABETH JAMES. be not allowed. Ogden; J. S. Mitchell, Mammoth- Holtne ow texaa: . Administratrix of the Estate of Silss F, the recommended tame The report E. D. ' J. Provo;OF i A Jamea, deceased. 1888. of A. G. Joansoa'a claim, TvV Im flrst and aecond- circles for the low; Pfeasant Jones, Dated doawlw Grove; Albert East- allowance S3rd, : January wlctoen, deaf mules and convalea- - Ward, of as and collector Tooele. man, Pleasant Grove; Samuel Doug'..!.... ?' .,' V 'Adopted.. A. Wm. Pavson: r . clrcle-foProvo; . Hawes, lass, IlBnilngtoo,-'WjrtogTUlthe orh pats.' Twhlrd J BSTRAIt KOTICE. Richards introduced a bill to amead EdDC. -Mold confusion, floors wul b ward J7 nntoand game law, which was re' Hall, SpringvUle; William the ferred that ommittee. JT HAVE IN MT POSSESSION: t De 'Nav Provo il! iaav . tK. Partes, Witt, Logan. Aro 01 C , It is requested on that occasion that a a introduced bill Hoge amending ' on'tal One red m while HEIFER, aB thx)id folkl tttar thavbBdgis lndl yearling of civil of section the code Ca5 t ' procedure. and taigns, small cut in left ear, ana " wjcatln tneir aessr. Judiciary committee. f a dim heart brand en left hip, t4e citizens of to Moyle introduced a bill amend the One red lined back yearling 8Tk,kR,wnite alWik toi render all the aid possible A"VOUna man bv'tha nsmi at Ar.rtrttw tchoai law. It makes each county a on tail, brand resenibiinr T oa left hip. to from and the and provides suostan sing One red yearling STEER, white on tail taking district, (Browo left bis borne in Weat Weber schoolthe ana rniuw TBeMrea" the old people d oa waa as that same aad under school system belly.' crop off, two slits and to-ttin Jannary 1, lSs,to go to Saowville-Hehasn- t tiaily coaamencement in right ear, and an illegible brand on In a late Isme of toe News. described tbe JUar. the oldeat rnnrhian In Halt been-- n Guaranteed, nor heard of wbica hat been recommended by Dr. ftcitmp. One red yearling STEER, white on tail will be Introduced to the tlnce ' ''AMD . , the it park. of L; Following , ear. notes ana two ieit in dlscrlptlon and a few choice Elections wtBdJtBte, Several communications were reaa. One red yearling STEER, upper and nn 6 V JraavUe Oid FoUt' Qhplr wiilba ftn- - birn Height feet;, dark hair; gray expressing thanks tor the courtesy of dertlope off left, center and underslit in 100 aboat pound'.: Had tne iiouse. eyeat5eilht right ear,, and 'brand resembling R on r.right WwflWaets fbr5a1lntertainment will be on,wUen he left liome, blue: bin. ? Kimball's bill fn relation to the dis overalls, tm red yearrlog STEER, white under given yf leather 'sbap, Hark, vest r coat jabd posal of dead animals,-wa- a - taken .up One erou off eScb ear, and alltln left. . . V oi 19, Uilu a. xrf:; andlaw at ta o& .aW.edaeadayyebraary belly, v' 3 two overcoats. JIa Is aged Is. De oa second reading, la some wbit Ons STEER, red' Art yearling tt cUla'p.w iavage' was ridjng a saau black horse, brand? This bllTproTldei for the adiitloa of face, under belly, tn flank, and oa hip, and Bszr, It detirttl that thottt who can Eon left thlh( a smalt white a section .to the nretent law. to be erop off both and 14t la left ear. he nterttlament thould apply in edit If damage and cost oa said animals be )a face. Any information is called section thiee. Tbe Speaker strip person iortlckett. waa improper to specuy in not paid within 10 day from date ot this 5I A5D 53 E. FIRST SOUTH STREET, it regard to the above described person inongnt The Irieadt of old paopla and others or received bj a new bill, how new sections to an old notice, they will be sold to th highest cash hone will be call in parson for tickets, hit father, John thankfully bidder at the estray ponud, Bnghant CUy ' unable-tWest Weber, law should b nnmnerert. Browj, tnem 7th, U-cto tfacure In a clear statement Richard set the at 8 o'alock P. m., February by giving the atmea Uuh. The young man wat-las- t heard MAD3B.N.JB.; or ail such to the commutes. Bat such from at the head of Blue Creek. He Chair right, and- - the Speaker tuted SotqrotB Dascrst Baa mmtt Thaatra. jKaXS PouBdaecper. City tickets art ntt trantferable. bad been lost but found the way agala. taat ne would, pending the third read ham Jan. 28, im. Brlf City, ji i " ; .1 ' - : ." FOR COAL v - r -- F. AUERBACH & BRO. " ' '.' - . - 1 .1 ' '. 'i ; SPECIAL SALE LIMITED to THREE Days ';'. OE. Itf O T Great Sale of Muslin Underwear ; Jlanu-factari- ' m well-Know- . - i , n, it-U- a.So. :i- - ,r-.- I .. ' - All! miitj mium. , f , j U P WA RDS 0 - - i - , ; . . at - -- ... cele-bratr- . 1 - I . 5 j ag - w6dbnYS,FURNiTUH - l' ch - Per .r,5. - d-n- e r -- - ' AW ----. - 1 n, ! "r ' - - I r:" 'l- - ' d; ,' . - .. A '. ' - - is. . W. MADSEN, . V'VV . !:'V' - i Jh " '3 tTJ . xn e; . -- AXJSlFarlor......Sets it b MATfllW - . ... "I -- Specialty ,' i FULL-STOC- 7' CARPETS v - All Grafles. Gar Loai Lot Just Arriye vuuuui ( Ikfcty " . . . , WALL PAPER. i ' at-Vb- vJ - 37 to 43 w. First South St., a . a. -V-0- |