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Show Mill t III EVENING NEWS. J'xMfaiwa at PRINTED D.til-j- , Sunday rutin AND M.'jceejted, O'CLOCK. PUBLISHED BY Thursday tf. PENROSE, EDITOR. 1M IeeT"B&, CHRISTMAS NUMBER. (December 24th) the News will publish a Christmas nnmber,wbich will be double the size ol its regular daily issue. .The extra matter will consist of an array of special contributions from well known local writers, and will embrace a wide variety of themes, some of which are not only adapted to the season, bat forcibly to the times and erenta through which- the community la now passing. It will include poetry of a' high class, papers, upon the situation of the Saints, narrative, anecdotal matter and broad humor. In the last named line a confidential league circular by'Saxey' will be a striking feature. The issue will, we believe, be popular, and will be sought by numbers of people to send to their friends at a distance. As the number of copies printed will be limited, those who desire to procure it should apply early. w - " " llk fiaUlday'ai Etomlclde la declared to be justifiable, "When committed In a sudden beat of passion caused by the attempt of any such offender to commit a rape upon bis wife, daughter, sister, mother THE DESERET NEWS COMPANY. CHARLES - - ll- or other female relation or dependent, er to defile the same, or when the defilement is actually committed.". (See Compiled Laws, p 687.) Here, then, is a case which seems to come under the legal bead of justifia- ble homicide, and the accused is indicted for murder In the first degree, for he slew a "Gentile? adulterer. In the other case nothing fits the offense except the statutory definition of murder, and the defendant is indicted for manslaugbter.for the murderer killed a "Mormon." Is any further comment required? IiKAGUE' LIBERTY. The liberty which the "Loyal" Fifty-Ce"League," or rather its cash collectors, tire seeking to establish In tjtah, may be Justly appreciated by the intimidation which some of its promoters are using, t force laboring men into its ranks and secure their monthIt is generally underly stood (among the workmen at Park City, and at th smelters and other places: where many are employed, I that there la danger LiOYAIi nt half-dolla- rs. their of not are names IX discharge,. found their enrolled on Hollister's lists of contributors to - - -'- '' T of-e- ar m law-break- anti-'formo- AMUSEMENTS stock-breede- ar rs, T1QBSQAT. FBIOAT. SATOBDAT. DEC. 23. 24 & ers M n" , a-- f full-fledg- ed, - - - -- . ; ) CHRISTMAS MATINEE! Engagement of tbeComedians. World-Renowne- Heny Christmas ! HaBT'Juw Year! d American MR. AND MRS. W. J. In the following repertoire of thair Successes: BrOUaut NEW CHRIST! Us FRUITS! TUIIKSDAT 'EVEHIH6. "By a Large Majority," THE CELEBRATED COMEDT, THE MIGHTY DOLLAR! FBIDAT EVEHINCI. "Ton can take the Governor's word for it." O tilt GOVERNOR! Or, II Little Hi tenet. CONSISTING aubsrrlM Capital, Up Capital. ti EE BER J. OK ANT. JAMES SHARP, FL1AS A. SMITH, is ar4r ud Salrld of Charles Dickens' A Dramatization DOMBEY HON. & 49- - gents on sale Wednesday. I II. J. GRANT Ofla: 40 Kart r Extensive NUreet , " THIS IS AND Brooklyn. Christmas Presents, to-da- y. at and MAIN Holiday presents BETTER GIFT HISTORY LAKE TTHB DRIVER AND CONDUCTOR SAULTED AS- BY TUX MOB. The police attempted to interfere, but were overpowered and the reserves were called upon to aid them. The car was hoisted from tbe track at Fulton and New York" Avenue, and the police were called upon there also. The driver and conductor, who were men, were assaulted: Obstructions have been placed upon the tracks, and it looks as though there would be even more serious trouble If the company persists in trying to run their cars. Bold Burglary. Dec. 23. Two men in Minneapolis, a cutter drove up in front ot Elliott's store, on Nicole t Avenue, at jewelry 11 :30 last night, broke in tbe window and carried off a tray of diamonds to the value of $8,000, and escaped before the police or any one in the store could give chase. Before breaking in tbe window, the robbers placed a heavy oik bar In tbe bandies of the door, preventing it from being thereby from within. Tbe window was opened smashed with a small axe. Murder and SnlcMe Star Newtown, non-uui- " STAR " For Sale at the OF- FICE, 48 W. SECOND SOUTH STREET, and by the Agent, MORONI Ij. PRATT, who ia now canvassing the city. on ESTRAY NOTICE. One bay MARE, 5 or 6 years old, both hind feet white : brand resembling ) on left shoulder, she has a coll. If rot claimed before Tuesday, December 38th, they will be sold to the highest bidder at my corral in Oak Creek, Millard County, date. Utah, on the above J. K. LOWELL. Oak Creek, December the van, having opened Is (till A CM, Fish Store, 76 Market Row, vraara all kinds sf FISH can be feuad at the UwhI risarM, Ui STAPLE DRY GOODS, ant SS4 KlsrMm HENRY REISER, Et Watch linker and Jeweler, Has a Fine Selection of GREATLY REDUCED RATES! CERTS' WATCHES & CHII1S ALSO, AN ALSO, CLOCKS and Spectacle Which he will sell at LOWEST PRICES. ELEGANT LINE OF JEWELRY FOB Jewelry, CLOTHING! CLOTHING! CLOTHING! COWS! COWS!' FOR SALE, " KVERYTII1NG DESIRABLE FOlt Men's, Youths, Boys' and dhlhlreii's Wear. 11ATS, Choice Sew Milch Cows, sYaluons, BUCKS and BULLS. '- BEE BE, & AT ALMA PRATT'S Salt Lake City, Utah, Dec. 30, 1880. CHARLES W. STAY NER, CURTAIN'S PUIIKLY ; CHILDREN'S SHOliS. ASSORTMENT Ol in VARIETY. WALL PAPER & DECORATIONS. VEGETABLE. TH Jlefftl " tor nrtvr fail to rwt-e- . most cheerfully recommend it to all h safer from Bilious Attacks or anr Disease caused by a disarranged state ot the l.iver. Kansas Crrr , Mo. W. Ii. BERNARD. In , Do You Want Uood Digestion? wMfered intently icUX IStll Htowarh, I etc A- neighbor, who Jtad (oAvn Mnfutuh', Simmons Liver Reoulator,toid. wttitvmim run The irtt dote I look retrvuble. enre for at lieved sm rery snwra, mnd in one veeft time I was a itrong and hemriy eu I ever mls. It it the beet medicine I ever took for Ikyepep-Hex- . KKWf OMB, Va. H. O. CRXSSUA 20 Cbief-Jns-tl- ce Have You Malaria? kewi had experience vitk Simmoni Liver Mngmimtor time 2806, and regard it at the erremtott medicine of the tlture for dieeamee reqion.- So good - m ui ,ui eommendatxon. i im hhmm MKV. It. B, WHARTON. Cor. Sec Souih'n Baptist Theological Seminary I wwwi O I bar 'been subject to severe spells of Congestion ot the Liver, and have been In tbe habit of takina; from 16 to 90 grain of catomel.whleh generally laid me up for three or fonr days. Lately I have been takina; Simmons Liver Renlator.whioh fare me relief, teithemi Ay interruption to emminrmn. J. HUGO. attDDUtron, Ohio. i cuaiiMi, fl. PRICE, il.00. i. j. zeiui MISSES' ' 1 '" U 1 ' - 'ZZZZZiLss. " T ' ," 0-'0'0-X'I- Opened the Handsomest Lot of HOLIDAY GOODS we have erer shown. T1IKY AUK ALL. NOVKLT1KS, and la rite Inspection. We fcTe cee-(eoU- No, 41 MAIM STRKKT, surf 103 to 106 Vf. 8ovth TesapU St., SALT LAKE CITY. r--J " GARMENTS. CHILDREN'S HOLIDAY Jnst demands of a moderate or limited nurse'. i Covrtcous attention to the visitor an well as the purchaser. ' 8. B. MAKES-- , flap. r AND 20O Misses' Newmarkets, AT A ORRAT SAORIFICK. Children's liavelocks, at $1.25 to lO.OO. Reduced to less than oost. lOO Children's Cloaks, Sixes 2 to 8, at $1.75 to O.OO; marked down 25 per cent. 25 Misses' liouele Cloaks, $3.50 to 0.00. Reduced 25 per cent. at EXCEEDINGLY LOW PtUCKS a large, complete and especially selected to meet the J , ilOO Offers well-aasorto- il 15-Oo- ! - President. Joan Henry Smith, Orson H. PetUt, and Trees. ,W. Williams, 8ecy ( . - Safer and Better than Calomel! : 50, reduced from $7 00, 8.00 and 0 OO. reduced Irom JjilO.OO, 12. OO anil 17 50, reduced Irom JU12.60, 10-0JJ.7.CK), 25-00- Testimony ofI HntAM Wanna, have used Simmons Liver of 4Ja.: Constipation of my Bowels, Regulator for caused by a temporary Derangement ot the last three or four years, and Liver, forUtheeleeUUd meneU." Siways ftoemUietr tm wnmimri- -t Cloaks & Wraps. f 18. .0, 20. Oa unci . 15 RAUKiNS, (Lnteai Slylea) HtJjtfOO and S.OO, reduced from$10 00 And 12.50. and 18. OO, 25 HAG LANS, (Latest Style), ut $12.56, 15 OO, 10-fireduced from $20 00. 22. GO, 25. OO and 27.50. , IS Kar Kined and Satin Quilted Silk Circulars, at $8 00, 15.00, 'I HIS IS KXACTfLY HALF" COST. J.OO and 24.0i 1,5 Kb gitut uiihrUii Circulars, also, at half their usual coat. 12 llaadsouie Brocaded Silk Dolmans, (hint year'a good) at lets than half price. y lO Handsome Damanae Newmarkets, at half price. at $15 OO, 18. 50 and 22.50; 12 AtlracliHn Hacquea, (thU Season's) reduced irom $20.00, 25 OO atvd 27 Co. just 25- latest Style Cloth Wraps, lortner prices $10.00, 12. 50, 15.0O aud 18; now reduced to S7.50, O.OO, 12. OO und 14.00 25 Bouole and Attraoban Wraps, at W.OO, 12. OO, 15. OO, 17 50, ao.OOand 25.00, reduced from $12. OO, 15. OO, 18 00,21.00, 24 OO and ao.oo. SO 1rlexe Wraps, (Elegant Styles and Materials) at $20.00 to 00.00; reduction of 40 per cent. 25 Kagllsh Html Plush Wraps, 25 per cent, reduction. 20 Kstallsh Seal Plush Sacquea, 2. per cent, reduction.' Short Jackets, at 5.50, 7.00, 10.00 aud 12.50. Forty 25 ladles ' per cent, redaction. W. Do You Suffer from Constipation? ; ladies', Misses' ami Children's 23 NKWMARKLI9 at ' " 30 t. Special Sale of MEN and SILK HANDKERCHIEFS! We hare oat Opened sod will continue to receive Urge shipments darlnr, Stock ol 8Uk and Linen Handkerchiefs for the next ten days, ot an Elegant t the Haodsoment Variety we hare ever shown, Ladlae. Gents' and Children and TO WS SOLD AT GRKAT BARQALN3 I Sr We ash Special Attettiioit this Month. EVERY DEP'T.' PRICES REDUCED Bargains ! Bargain s I Bargain s ! FIRST WEEK. OF GOLDSMITH & CO'S IM" A ,"M MOTH ? AKr. Ti i . X mWV a '. i f Coile b j ! . RevoMon in .i V3 Call and See our Immense' llararalns for the Publlo aad the . We say what we mean, and mean what we say. Wholesale Trade. ' FOR GOODS. H. E. PUELPS, Three doors aorta of Hrall V AND TRTE RUSH STILX. CONTINUES.! 8. W., Dec. 23. At a meeting held here yesterday, five thousand dollars were subscribed for tho benefit of evicted tenants In Ireland. Tbe subscriptions Included 500 from Cardinal Moran, Archbishop of Sydney, and &S00 from Sir Ataxamior Stuart, Prime Minister of the colony. s'V.y xiTllljfO? ORDERS ' Lf d ) Closing Out Sale Snbaerlpuoaa (or Ireland. dlw vrs 1 AND Are You Bilious? Dlseluu-swd- . EXCHANGE MISSES' linoleum and Oil Cloth, Hugs. Mats and Art Squares. c -- . 8YDNBY, N. i boots - FIMISHIM MODS. ENGLISH & AMERICAN CARPETS, fWEST T10MPLE ST., Attorney for Estate. Cham- , m OF MEN'S, WOMEN'S, COMPLETE FARM, SALT LAKE CITY. CENTS' AND CAPS STOCK LARGE ay JL PRESENTS. H. s. HLDR.13DCH3, Supt, the purchaser. JANE MACDUFF, Administratrix of the Estate ef Malcolm Macduff, deceased. Dillon Sheehy, Dublin, Harris and O'Brien reached Lougbrea and attended court. Tbey formally Justified their charge of assault and battery against Police Inspector Batrd, who waa responsiole for their arrest last week. The court decided that tbe charges against tbe four men lor their conduct atLoughrea were insufficient to justify their prosecution and they were therefoie discharged. The presiding magistrate was John Pbelao, Nationalist Member of Parliament. rTIAKkN CHMSTiS ttr Watches and Jewelry Cleaned. Clocks Repaired. All Work Warranted. ' Dec. 23. to-d- in Immense Variety, at 12 K. FIRST SOVfU ST., I VtLViTS. AND DRESS GOODS, SILKS, SATINS (MBWATIOS SUITS at Greatly Rednrcd Prices. Ladies', Misses' and Children h Wraps, THE WELL KNOWN LADIES' STi CK OF LARGK AND COMPLETE ST Hotels aad families supplied. Wagon calls every day at your door. Send In your No. LAWS. AND RETAIL. WHOLESALE ordars. T W. First k GLASSWARE NOTICE berlain has deferred his contemplated visit to KScotland) until tbe Easter holidays. No other member of th cabinet is expected to resign. It Is asserted that Lord Hartlugton will be asked to assume tbe office of prime minister. On tbe other band it is reported that he will be pressed to take Lord Randolph Chutchill's place as leaderof the government par. y in the Commons. Lord Hartlngton is at to present la Home ana has arranged remain there another week. ,. .. DUloai IN JOHN taH. . FREEMAN. NOTICE OF SALE. Prepartair for War. Dec. 23. The resignation London, of Lord Cb archill from Lord Ilartlnicten. London, Dec., 23. Joseph HO LI DAY GOODS Though Smith his bellows blows. And Hides do swell and burst. Each Salt Lake citizen knows Freeman's bound to be first. 18. FOREIGN. the Randolph cabinet has caused aseusation. Tbe desire to increase the of the war omces, to wnicn aamiraity ana tne was Lord iKandoipb opposed, lndl cates, it Is believed, that government are ol tie opinion that a j ropean war Is Imminent, and that ex tra naval and military preparations on maae ner incence ieit onj we conn nent. The resignation of Lord Churchill from the Cabinet was proclaimed through the streets of Dublin this a bellman. Tbe populace mornlnbywith shouted enthusiasm over the news. FREE COlfflTRY. District Ponndkeeper. 1886. to-wi- t: Lord Kandolpb Cfanreblll ateslfue Ete.,Ete A rilATT HAVE IN MY POSSESSION: IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT IN of an order of tbe Probate Court, in and for the County of Salt Lake, in the Territory of Utah, made on the 11th of December, A. D. 1886, in tbe matter of day estate of Malcolm Mac1uff, deceaaeri.tbe the the administratrix of said esundersigned, will at private sale to tbe highest sell tate, 23. CtTTDec. William Bridgeport. bidder, for cashP current funds of the Warner, a young man well known in United States, and subject to confirmation on or after Haturday, this city, has of late been quite inti- by said Probate Court, mate with Mrs. Mary Lynch, a young the 8th day of January, A. D, 1887, all the of the said married woman who formerly resided riffht, title, interest and estate Macduff, at the time of bis death, here with her husband. A few weeks Malcolm aii'l all the right, title and interest that the ago Mrs. Lynch left her home and said by operation of law or otherwent to her mother, near Newtown. wise estate has other than or in addition to Last evening Warner called to see her, that ofacquired Malcolm Macduff, mt the said the and as near as can be learned, tbey time of his death. In and to all that certain a lot, piece or parcel of land situate, drew Warner quarrelled. Lake Mrs.- - Lynch and being in the said County of Salt lying aad shot pistol Territory 8Ef Utah, and bounded and through tbe heart. The unfortunate an4 as filowa, woman fell face downward to tbe described A certain tract of land situate,' lying and floor dead.' Warner, then- - asked ber being m Salt Lake County, Utah Territory, mother if she thought Mary was dead, and known as the "Macduff property tbe and at tbe same instant sent another same being part of Lot four (4) Section bullet through her back, between tbe fourteen (14) Township one (I) North of Lake Meridian, and shoulders. The murderer then left tbe Jtange one 1) West,Salt h juse and tbe officers began scouring containing in all about twenty-nin- e (39) more or acres of land, less, with tbe . imthe country for htm. Warner returned provements thereon. ; morn8 to the house about o'clock this Bids will be considered for the ing and shot himself. Ills body was of said property either in whole orpurchase in found lying across that of his victim. as may be suitable to purchasers, andpart, for He left a note, in' which he gave the tbe beat interests of said estate, and must be presented in writing, at the office oi cause of the murder as Jealousy. Charles W. Stayner. Attorney at Law, Building, Main Street, Salt Lake fqnires Said bids must specifically state City. whether they are for the purchase of the whole property or for a part only, and if the a correct deslatter, for which part, giving of the same, as to metes and PREPARATION FOR WAR IN cription and size area of bounds, desired, with tbe offered. The said administratrix reprice v KUROPK. serves the right to reject any and all bids made for said property or any part thereof. of Sale: Gash, current funds of Five TTio usand Dollars for Kvlcted theTerms United States. le-e-l at the expense of Tenants in Ireland. STAPLD and FANCY GROCERIES. 44 CHAIRS, LINK OF COMPLETE A CO., BAHTON MAIN STREET. Car Strike la y CHOICE SPICES. tor Call and see them before purchasing. Lowest Prices guaranteed tor CASH. Large stock of HATS aad, GENTS FURk!3 NISHINGS. e to-da- Brazil and Pea Nuts. Filberts, IBIMEN8E HTOCK OF CAN'DiES. IMPORTED & HOME-MAD- E I Men's, Boys' and Children's. UPHOLSTERY, New Yobx.Dcc. 23. Many thousand t are to who accustomed Brooklynites, SUITABLE FOR ot the Brooklyn the horse-ca- rs City Railroad Company, are compelled to walk. The company controls eleven lines of street-car- s, ail. of The men which are tied up NOW UNLOADING. claim that the company has failed to made with carry out the agreement them last March In regard to hours of work. See thetn Call One af the causes of the trouble was the fact that the company would not recognize the Knights of Labor nor the SORENSEN & CARLQUIST'S, Empire Protective Association in its men. At 8 o'clock negotiations with Itswere started under about a dozen cars ST. 116 tbe protection of police. In East New York, one of the cars was attacked by five strikers and the police promptly arrested them and thus prevented further trouble. ! Brooklyn merchants say they will lose thousands of dollars by the strike eviwas in It the holiday.week. coming dent at about noon that there was liketrouble on the lines serious ly tq,be ot the Brooklyn NO City Railroad, and t he police were called upon to pro- Can be made by the residents of Salt Lake tect a car which the company desired City to their friends at Christmas or to start out from tbe depot at GreenNew Tears, than a copy of Tullidge's wood. Capt. Box and several officers went to the scene aud mounting tbe OF SALT platform the car was started. It got only one block on its Journey when the mob took the horses from the car and CITY. ran it back into the depot. Tho police were unable to resist the men. A car at Hersey Street and Tompkins Ave17. Bound in Half Morocco nue was overturned. Full Turkish Morocco, gilt edges, $9. u-- Almonds, Walnuts, Pecans, Received Direct from the Manufac turer a New Supply of FURNITURE, By Telegraph to the News. ' 4c CO., Agent. St., Bait Lata Oiy. TmmpU OLOTHING NOTICE! mr Newton, CMawtkal, Etc ZANTE CURRANTS, LEMON, CITRON and ORANGi: PKKU I T INIOHTJ Iayer, Valencia and Sultana RAISINS, Hftywroii, Secy, and TVcus. MATINKK, JEH Henry Dinwoodey, Jolih Henry Sn.t.h, John Cl Culler, Their Latest Success,. George Romnev, David Ecdes, T.XX IE3 3F Xj OF. . Tbos. Q. Webber, P. T. Farnsworth. (t3- - CHRISTMAS OK Loose Muscatel, De Mesa, London 04MM0 100,000 DIRCCTOftS. CHRISTMAS ion acai 2i A. 3ST X5 G-1- 3 the Merchants. M Z. C.JML 1. 1887. 886 SILT LAKEJTDEATRE. quar-hntinedjst- horny-hande- - i - all-ov- 1 -, Wlys-aaaySereeebe- a half-doll- half-doll- - to be Influenced by such representations? It is high time that such hlgb- at la Public-Big- ; handed proceedings were put a stop toi we bear from Marshal Dyer on RjUlrMul TraHIe Preparlaia; for Shall this subject, and will he endorse sucb ifce Holiday A Jadu Isearlot outrages? We shall see. Additional School Room Voted ITEMS. . . . Down Gcaeral Nsttoa. A large numoer oi voters, new and been hare registered since the ofThis (Wednesday) mtfrnlng several old, fice opened on Monday morning; and went to the Union, depot in a large number of males and females reporters' quest of news. Amoi g the large num- have been naturalized this week. The ber of people who are usually met with judge, however will not take up any of the time of the court for this purpose, there, was one "Elder" Capp, of the during tbe his honor is willte church, who, it appears, ing to stay daybut to a late hour at night, and Joseph! never loses an opportunity to spew out also willing to work at noon recess, te all that he can, to get tbe venomous contents of bis heart accommodate their naturalization papers. of the of the against majority people Bollln P. Saxe,who haa been here for Utah. This morning, seeing a "Mor- a number of months with a fine lot of mon'-' or two gathering items, he Holstein cattle, which be bas advertised extensively, and many of thought he would furnish them a few which have found their way to the of himself into notice. barns by way farmers and hoisting here about ten days Thinking the happy moment had ar- bence.willHeleave has done a good business to talk to anyone in his rived, he commenced line, and he feels grateful for tbe in general and no one in particular on good reception and kind treatment he the subject of has received during his sojourn. Mr. PLURAL MARRIAGE. and Mrs. Saxe will return to their home in the Golden State. on to tbe revelation that Referring This morning I met Dr. H. J.Powers, an be with ar said, subject, the quarantine physician, visiting "The of conscious ie had just was false in its origin, arouRd in a hurry. system more ftuses, in each of and could which be found pernicions In its practice a case of scarlet fever. not be proved by auy of the books beis at Mr. Charles Jenkins', on lieved in by the "Mormon" Church. He One Franklin Street; tbe other is in the to discuss these family of Mr. challenged any onehim. Emmertson, on Spring one no But with propositions Street. The yellow flags are now wavthe the and challenge, acctpted "sweetness" of his eloquence was ing in the breeze at those places. wasted as completely as though he had breathed upon the "desert air." Traffic on the railroads is very brisk LATEST DISPATCHES. at tne present time. The Pullman cars are 'usually filled, every palace berth being taken, and sometimes an extra, one is required at this point. A GENERAL STREET CAR Many people are hieing away to spend STRIKE IN BROOKLYN the 'Christmas and New Year's with families and dear friends and to bask in the Joys of Breaks up the Holiday Trade of SWEET HOME. the feasting fund for Baskin and Bennett who are faring sumptuously at the League's expense, in elegant apartINDUSTRIAL EDUCATION. ments at a costly hotel In WashingHOME, When the late President Brigham ton, of rumor and business men genon is This merchants fa Our "sack" the views his announced probable Young their arrangear completed erally have for all it Is worth by the necessity of industrial training as an worked donation-fiendaud decked and beautified tneir s. So far, the ments essential feature of proper education, choice show windows with specimens of holiday goods, and tbe city is he was assailed by bis enemies, here menace is not traceable to the manfrom the adjawith people thronged and elsewhere, as an ignorant utili- agers of the mines or smelting works, cent their pursettlements, making Is is and the but Impression abroad, tarian who had no ideas'above material for the festivities on tbe Xmas chases things, and who wanted to keep the used in tbesrrezing process, as well as' day. The meat markets do not make the people in a condition of servitude. The intimations tbatAhose who do not Join they have doue in years past; showing makes the for which overthrow Infamous paper in this city ffbe conspiracy while they are well supplied with a specialty of attacking everything Jrjbf majority rule in Utah, will be for, the usual variety of fat, wholesome that comes from a " Mormon," was counted either as "Mormons" or Jack beef and mutton, pork and poultry, toe weather is nut favorable to the specially jeeriug aud abusive. It declar- 0Mormous" and treated accordingly. of as large a stock as formerly We know from the nature of the ad- 'collection ed that all President Young desired in was to be seen on exhibition for weeks the way of education was to teach a venturers who are engaged in the plot during the holiday seasons. While boy how to saw off the end of a board to capture the Territory and their un- those who have and a girl how to sweep out a kitchen. principled dodges and tricks, what sort PLESTY OK MEANS But we notice that the very ideas of "liberty" they would establish if of their own to purchase or command which that great statesman, and polithey had the power. It would be free-d- o all the comforts and delicacies needed m for them, and bondage to all for their enjoyments, it is gratifying to tical economist expressed on this subless fortunate resisted who their schemes of know thataretheir advocated and are being adopted ject, not forgotten. The poor and coercion. the Every are provided for. But still, many plunder by the friends of education er on whose hearts have been made glad at coantry. Industrial training, as a part man wao bestows his this season of tbe year, in times past, of school instruction, is having a their cadging crusade, donates for his will miss the munificent gifts of oue of means own success Their Is boom. It veritable degradation. beginning their former benefactors whose genial to be perceived, as President Young both rule and ruin. Tooele under facets now hidden from their view bebars. He is now incaraffirmed, that mere intellectual culture "Libers!" domination should be a hind tbe prison with many of his confreres in is insufficient. That it raises up an warning to every taxpayer. What was cerated, the penitentiary for the word of God, army of aspiranta for office and posi- done In two years in a county, should the testlmouy of Jesus, and because he honored God, and his own convictions. tions where manual labor is not need- be a caution to the whole Territory. Bennett at the Arlington, spending That friend is Ambrese aGreenwell, Sr. ed, and supplies no artisans or me number of Every Christmas, for chanics and no physical toilers for the the funds raked In by collector IIollls-te- r years he bas distributed amongst past, and squeezed from the scant wage8 the poor of the several wards two or very basis of strong society. The d pons of toil, is a three fat beeves, as many sheep, behead is running away from the hand, of tides many other Joints and roasts, exand the brain is cultivated at the diverting spectacle to cynics, but a poultry, etc., which found their way to on hoax heartless the hoodwinked The legislative the pense of the body. and the muttered part of the human system Is fostered Leaguers; HOMES OF THE NEEDY threats of discharge from em- in a and the executive neglected. quiet way from him, he not letting It is which said his left Physical development has received ployment, band know whatjbis right hand encouragement in the colleges, but it have worked upon 'the fears of the did in these matters. 'Tiey miss the face, has been simply in the way of sport. It needy laborer, so as to drag four bits blight smiles of his once happy tbe music of bis voice as he adhas hardened the muscles but has not from bis monthly earnings, ought to be and ministered words of sympathy and trained them in usefulness to society. a sufficient and edifying illustration of material aid to all aud any his assistance. The who sought This defect in the educational system "Loyal League" Liberty. veuuine prayers of these friends of the country is perceived and a follow him and his companions to their in A revolution called for. remedy abode of isolation, aud they will never AMD THREATENED SUSTAINED. cease to remember him and his when school methods will doubtless be the Technical education The Salt Lake Tribune has given Utah they bend tbe knee at the throne of consequence. and ask for tbe blessings of and manual training will be considered U. S. deputy marshals a new name. It Grace to fill their hearts and sanctify peace a necessary part of academical Instruc- calls tbem "Marshal Dyer's avenging to them their afflictions for tbe Gostion aud there will be more mechanics angels.". pel's sake. God blessL.them allof! Brig-haJones, morning John and fewer clerks in the generations It is doubtful whether Mr. Dyer and ThisCity, came to Ogden to transact that are to come. bis aids 'will appreciate the appella- some business and make sundry purEducation should by all means be tion. The title will, however, exactly chases, when he fell into the hands of busipnties. He was doing some D. practical. There is no need to abolish fit William Thompson, wbo, as deputy dt H. in the establishment of the intellectual part of it in order to U. S. marshal, instead of executing ness & Sens, when Deputy Marshal lVery indusSkilled Introduce the physical. the law broke it by murdering E. M. Whetstone walked in, tapped Jones on the aheulder and mado the arrest. try Is what is wanted, flow to do Dal ton. doubt but There is not tbe something and d it .well, should be One thing is certain if the whole that a kinsman of slightest the aim of youth. Excellence In any force of deputies should transform JUDAS ISCARIOT branch of human labor must be desired Lihemselves into and . He went before the him. .1.1 and achieved. The natural best ot avengerc, in betrayed piace oi executors oi me U. S. Commissioner, waived prelimimind and adaptation of taste and per- ia w, the Ipaper named would rush to gave bonds in $1,500, and is son to various occupations ought to their rescue from the consequences of naries, held to await tbe action of tbe grand ; studied. Trades should be made the perpetration of the bloodiest deeds, Jury. Chester. A. Loveland and J. M. went security for him. Of honorable and OesirabU-- , and profes- so long as their victims were confined Johnson it is the usual charge. sions should not be exalted, as to the class of people known as "Mor- course Andrews and McMasters are still held to await the decision of the grand now, beyond lurasure. Production mons." who may conclude to inought to be honored more than distriThe crusade Is po- inquisitors, them (for the part they took in bution and art be piac d on a level with litical as well as religious. In fact dict pummeling Desponey, whose body now science. it is essentially political, and a part of lies slumbering, if not mouldering in With all the valuable and practical tbe programme is to advocate a resort the grave. Last night a meeting was held in the instructions of our leaders on this sub to murder. It is consistent With sucb Tabernacle. It was called by the trusor in been little bas done nothing ject, the bloody work be tees of the First School District, In that advocacy Utah in the desired direction. The ab City, and the object of whicn was for when It is perpetrated this to vote a special tax1 for school pursurd policy of the Government in with- - apologized Upon that topic here is the language of poses. Mr. Joseph Stanford stated holding the use of the school lands un the paper to which we refer: that more room was much needed for tH suu-hoor- i is achieved, has hindered the accommodation of the scholars. "Tbe interfering with politics In XIII The houses are so crowded the progress of educatl in the Terri noisiswhat cost Joseph Smith bis that itpresent is impossible for the teachers to tories. In the time when help is most life; the anger which is caused the their duties with satisfaction needed it is denied, aud wnen it can itiftr aad fear caused by all the thou discharge to themselves and strict justice to the ot in sands Mormons Utah be better , dispensed . with it as directed, will never voting cease pupils. He stated that it waa will be grauted. But in spite" solidly ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY' until that rule shall be relinquished of this drawback, Utah bas rapidly ad It is a menace to free government should be raised for the that money vanced in school affairs and stands In which Americans will never snbmit to. erection of other school buildings, and When it grows dangerous enough, If no favorable comparison with much older omer to put a new floor Injthe Central School. remedy can De iouna, tne one reneeded for and more matured communities. And sorted to la Illinois will be Invoked The new bouse is especially the rrimary department. It would renow the ideas advanced-bPresident again." quire for all these apurposes about $6,500 Young should be taken up aud, as soon Alter explaining few other matters connected with the subject of educaat possible, brought Into practical ser NEW YORK AMD UTAH. to baltion, those present proceeded vice. Boys should be fitted for various which resulted, 63 for the tax and lot, txlal of boodle Alderman second Tua useful occupations as well as taught against it. It was lost by a majority the proverbial three R's. Girls should McQuade, In new York, resulted in a of 15 (or the dissenters. It will be perbesides the chairman there be trained for duties suitable to their verdict of guilty as charged. Most of ceived that 121 voters present at the only sex and to be good housewives or at our readers are familiar with the prln were This may be partly acmeeting. UUa re no so details that of case, clpal least good housekeepers. tbe fact that some were counted for of tbem la necessary to attending thebyregistration office, so ire This is an important subject and capitulation interested in the naturalization needs to be thoroughly Impressed upon enable one to understand the bearing were business In the court, while.doubtless moral and of whole the position pro the professional Instructors of our were absent through apathy. Tho result of the first many This morning Mr. Edwin 8. Tout youth. It will har to be thought out ceedlngs, was a disagreement by again went into the court room, or first and then, as opportunity offers, trial rather into the clerks office, and this tho ; and the Jury bribing brought into practice in oar schoolor of n three time, when he emerged thence he was two of the or' the Same defects perceptible in the a free, sovereign, so that, while not general school system of the country Jurorswas andpalpable CITIZEN INDEPENDENT accessible enough to will make the same evils here as are lanMig: He had proved States. of United the warrant the prosecution of tbe parties felt in every part of this nation, where the fellow Emmertson- bad lied that to act shameful of the it embracery, labor seems to be regarded as degradout ot whole cloth about him, and the was sufficient to Justify the expense of Judge could no longer la Justice withing and only fit for tHe uneducated. a new trial. The Jury was then more hold bis papers from him. And thus must be to dose Something prevent for once, again, right prevailed over, careiniiv selected; every man was not this, and that without delay. might, but meanness. searcbingiy and critically examined Elder William Butler, of Marriotts, under oath; and when it is wbo was arrested at his home yester'report of the TWO DIFFERENT HOMICIDE'S. considered tnat the long list of day, makes a terrible 600 names, submitted was exhausted deputies' doings on that occasion. It being early in the morning, they surThe relief afforded the murderous and another panel had to be drawn be rounded bis home, and knocked for men deemed worthy of do admittance. They were answered by deputy, Wm. Thompson, in the Indict fore twelve Mrs. Butler, who told tbem they case the Justice were obtained, should ing ment for manslaughter by the grand be admitted as quickly as posbe difficult it will comprehended how sible. Before, however, she could open jury which be selected, and to which is the task of extracting a few kernals the front door, one of Butler's boys bis case was referred by instructions bad and went out at the rear of from District Attorney Dickson, pro- - oi honest wheat from the dishonest the arisen house to commence his morning so chaff abundant in superlatively voces a comparison with another case chores. One of the deputies seized of homicide handled by the same grand Gotham. The Jurors were not 'drawn him, announced that he " bad him," nor selected on the principle that ob and used him roughly, before he disJury. in Utah when a "Mormon" Is to covered his mistake. In tbe meantains A week or two ago tbe startling news time, Steele and Whetstone burst open reached this city that W. H. HaUiday be prosecuted, of course, or there the front door, rushed Into the room Butler was,' and pointing a at Kanab, had shot and killed Joseph would have been less trouble encoun where Mr. his Whetstone called at ex less time and less consumed tered, Eistol G d d head, Dobson, who bad seduced HallkJay's d son of a b b, if entailed the ; had Issued pense Justl-.fieJudge d to burst bis G d, wife. and threatened Popular sentiment -to the chief officer executive ana of on Dim out d bead the d lay tbe killing, because the villain All this was done without the who thus takes that which is his court an open venire command- ground. ' SLIGHTEST PROVOCATION dearer than life Is considered ing him to bring say fifeeeh men the of on for purpose McQuade trying on the part of Mr. Butler, who made worthy only of death. This feeling la the Utah plan, the sheriff or marshal no resistance, neither did be attempt not confined to the people of Utah, It Is would have understood what was to escape. There is not, however, the general throughout the. land But the wanted and selected those wbo were smallest doubt that bad their prisoner same grand Jury that has virtually to nee, tnere would nave attempted another tragedy enacted, another turned loose, the assassin Thompson, known to have both bias and prejudice been the defendant, and at least a victim to the haughty insolence of tho. e who, without provocation and without against who are clothed with a little ana ex minions excuse, shot down and slew a peace lew whoanbad both formed official power, which thev so shame hostile la one) pressed opinion (a abuse. It now remains to be seen able citizen In cold blood, finding a relation to the side of the defense, "and fully wnetner nis nonor, j uage tianaerson, simple indictment for manslaughter, then It Is iaie to or the Jury of his court, will take indicted the avenger of his wife's dls ventre would have say that no second official grand cognizance of these outrages, been In needed fact, and call the perpetrators to account honor for murder la the first degree; chances are that there would for them. I3o not, for a single momThe . murdered Dalton was a "Mor the have been three superfluous men on ent, believe that the Judge ot the First mon." the ' executed Dobson was a the first call., Tbe proceedings In District Court countenances such dasGentile; that explains the difference court would then have assumed tardly doings. An inquiry at least into the matter. and suggests a reason for tbe diverse somewhat tne aspect of the per- should be made formance of a well rehearsed drama, Whetstone say a he was isstigated to Indictments. . Z t , we jury simpiy riving expression to a such proceedings by a statement of Bill We have shown from the .statutes, previously registered decree, the detold him that Mr. Batler would beyond question that Thompson's fendant would be hnstlad oftso to the wbo that if be bard to arrest, ana tney naa Deuer pending appeal, crime . was not manslaughter, either penitentiary the proceedings should oe subsequent be prepared for him. v y . voluntary or involuntary, and that on ly reversed is row a la a dlaaDDOintea aspirant ior tbe common waaltn would his own admission coupled with the bare baa the satisfaction of punishing for sheriff, and some ttlme for 'a while anyway, and ithus since he was the "liberal" candidate teatimony of eye witnesses, it could htm would the law's majesty have taken on was ran on their ticket and defeated, lie only come within the definitions of and worn that new and grace has lost caste ever sines, and now ap murder, under tbe law. But let us in me present existence charming or, WQlca we pears to be revengeful.. But no matter. of JUh.0DjP7 a monopoly. What right bad a government official loos at the legal provision' )a' tJXZ f- n- ii OGDKN DEPARTMENT. :;y:,i :''?:: ::. Vr. BAHGAINS! BARGAINS ! BARGAINS! ' |