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Show r i t ! I 1 hJ TBTJTH I' SALT LAKE CITY, 3UTAH TERRITORY, THURSDAY EVENING, VOL. XIX ."EVENING NEWS: Pubithed NEW YORK TRADE. GESERAlKEWS. every Evening, except Sunday. One Conyone year, with Postage!, $10 00 M " & OC . " six months 2 SO three months, j THE PACKERS CQM1KG TO TERMS. JDESERdETNEWS: r- s b m wis a x PUBLISHED TUE8DAT EVKRT The V. ARD BATTJKDAT one year, with Postasro, " Coiy, six montn, three montos, Vhio ffHOYAl. DESEIIET NEWS: Ono KVKRT WfcDJTKSDAT. with Postage, .'i'y, one liionihs, " - six three mouth, y.-ar- $2 60 1 60 , .80 M T rUULISHED i. THE DESERET NEWS CO., SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH. CHICAGO TRADE. jHMv-le- Tg IVf Fil B. the First Cloas c 1 Establlaked IS 39. Boapaiakers, PerftnerB, BT TKS ,iui. i Pure--, !; iii Cfceiaicta. ' World's industrial and Cotton cs tennlal Exposition, New Orlear.s, 18S4 and 1883. Extracts froiA Jurors' Keports to the Coait. of Awards.) Far Collectre Display of Toilet Soaps and j Perfumery. For Fancy and Ordinary Toilet Soaps. For Excellence of Material, Delicacy of Tcr-muet ana rtcauteii ui'MTic. For Zenlthla Shaving Soaps. . For Laaudry Soap Specialties. Fur" Fxce Hence and Snncriorlty of Lanndry. Harness, and Medicinal Toilet Soaps. Highest and only Awards for CbemlcaLf Pure Glycerine. r Itc sold iu cun.petiiinn with Uie mui ( low teit, short weight, aium ot iowdpr. i')siiatri Suit! oatp in rata. ROYAl. PARI Wjiil Street. New York. D1SC11AKGK WHOM WS PLKA6K, and conduct our business on tbe I'OTT ten- - hour plan and according to our best interests. Signed by all the meinbers. The Packers' Association held a pro BRINCRERHOFP, TURNER & CO., longed meeting with closed doors this and alter much talking adopt 109 Iniviie Kew Vork. . evening, ed u resolution wmcn seemed to be a Manufafliircrn of mid Dealers in CoTTflB Sail Dick, " Voollen vi" Druid Wills complete back down fromto the!r ex "I'uLUKMls" and oilier favorite brands, ;i expressed determination clude labor organization laborers nu:ni)crs Hard. .Mciliuin and Soft. in the Chica from employment FDR aiEaAUS.BLU.uHa.V.QR IS THF.CBQ rone oi tne stock" yarua. go 14 to 1M i asvass ot all numbers taiK about tne meetinir, would packers nclics wide, for Deck. Car.' TiiinL anj and th v answered all questions in Wntron Coverinc. Machine Aprons aivl for ilicr iuviocs, constantly id store ami monosyllables. Mr. .Baldwin, secretary oi me asso made to order. Afrcnis tor 1". S. Hunting Co., "Standard" ciation, said that tbe resolutions above and ' F.aplc," by the Case or less quantity set forth meant Jutt what they said, These Uoods can In obtained at Z. C, M. L and that the packers intended to inn their business without dicutlou from the Knights of Labor. Delegate liarry. when imormea to- niirht reeardiug the action of the pack ers in tilting tneir emoareo against union employes, expressed great .r.r. Co.. AWARDS D I lueeiicx ol the Tuckers' Association tiiis evtiiins: Wiiekeas, At a meeting On the 8th last, resolutions were passed conwru-iti- K the relations between the tnipluy-t-r- s and the labor organizations; and Whekkas, We are convinced that said aclion aid unintentional Injustice to numerous peruana who may be members ot tuch organizations. liesolved. That huid resolution be rescinded and the following be.adopted as beiuK more in accord with'thts mutual interest of enauioyers and tin ployed. are con vviiKUKAS, ice packers fronted with the fact tuat their em ployes are irepeatedly leaving their employment without notice to them. and to tbe great detriment ol their business; it is therefore Jienolotd. Vbilwe will not exclude such never t tries. A marrel of from biuploymentwethe members of tne Tins win exercise liurity, treiiiih and wholesomeness. More organizations, rroimuneal than the ordinary kinds, and right to employ and Absolutely V ately about $10,000,000 among about 200 banks and individuals in every section of the country and would in his opinion be of great advantage in the moving of crops and otli-.- r branches of business. The Secretary's action, it Is said, win oe entirely lor tne oentnt oi th business interetds. Representative Wellborn of Texas, who Is one of the ablest and most ex- in the ferienced parliamentarians .asked by an Associated what effect the I'rtss reporter contest of Mr. Carlisle's seat (should there be a contest) would have upon his candidacy for Speaker of the House. to-da- Telegraph to the News. A Ulraui of Hope for I tie Klrtfcera. Chicago, 10. The following resolutions were unanimously adopted at Uie By 1 00 . Anarchists' CaseB Washing ton Motes, Etc. 1 Ja MCWlf $1 00 ; Pt'FLISIlCD LIBERTY. A. IN JD ;tt: i y, MR WELLBORN REPLIED : "Such a contest would furnish no reason whatever why Mr. Carlisle should not be the weaker of the House iu the Fiftieth Congress. Rule X of the House of Representatives 'Unless otherwise specially ordered by the liouso, the Speaker shall appoint eac h Congress at theeoiumenctmentof the following standing committees:' (The list Includes tbe Comn.ittee on Electlona and a1 standing committees of the House). The rules of the pres ent House cannot by their own lorce fix the method of proffciiurw in subse Nevertheless by quent Congresses. unbroken esage, a now House, as pre liminary to its permanent oraniz-t- t ion, previous House. adopts Ithe rules of the Such, think, will be tne course ia the nxtthe House, and, Kule X will thus cou-trconstitution of the committees in the Fiftieth Congress. Should there be a contest over Carlisle's seat, tbe Hou.-- e itself will in poidh suitable way select a Committee on Elections, tnd thus Carlisle will be relieved of any on that possibility of embarrassment score. To hold U at ThoebeJs contest with Mr. Carlisle disqualifies the lat ter for Speaker, conducts to a result illogical and absurd. If such a holding were followed, the influence and power of the chosen leader of the dominant party in the House could be effectually crushed at any time by springing a con tested election case, no matter how absolutely devoid; It might bo of merit." It is said not lii the iiabit ol ;o:n to e.huieh, as we tint! their own churches vervpoorh some attenled. We have neelveil wordy persecution, but no violence since that reported in our lvtter last We have held meetings in May. ?cliool houses, private houses and in the open air. Many people have exat hearing our docpressedassurprise had no idea that we they trine, preached any. such Gospel. One Charles M. Frazicr, KNIGHTS OK LABOlt: Upon tho right to employ or not to employ, discharge or not discharge whom we think best as on reemploy es, deem thjU we continue j 8ij. ptbper as to employing those who returned iu our employ at the time of the lock out or sti ike and those whom we have since that time employed. The above was in turn rejected by Messrs. Bailey and McGuire, who itiidrew from the conference with the A MINISTER statement that the negotiations were or the Gospel of Christ no doubt the ended, after which the executive committee of tho knit Goods' Association people ol Nephl will remember him, after consideration adopu-- the lor il he told as many falsehoods while iu that quiet little village following: he,taj(.d The mills will benpen to all persons; some ears aco as ne did 'in onr short whether In onr emyluv or not. on the evening that listened to bun it would basis of an agreement by those whom make hjm ever to bo renumbered l"V' employ, that they will ackno.v-Ic-.dg- c healing ol the good work near Fayetteaud respect the risrhtef tbe em Ci'v, lor a fetvdollais taid by auti" MormoDS," uavo- a few lect s li ployer to hiie and Oiseharge as with the. bdiool houses in that vicitii'.j best, and not interic-rother employes, including those who a;;aiiit Joseph Smith and the "Morhave been at work during the recent mons." We went to hear him one strike and lock-ou- t. evening iu the M. H. Church at I.uey-villFayette Co. We asked before A Voltmble Invention. the lecture commenced for tne privl-legSan FuakciscovJO. S. 1). Suolis-nofof replying but were refused eveh a ltussian resfd ut of this city, the privilege ol asking questions, am! claims he has invented as the house was a!;So deuled us wt bomb. Ho says he has discovered uotiiled the people that we would ada liquid with which dress them in tho street, which we didmay aaj mixea maKing it a on,Sunday evening, Jnue27th, (the anbut by adding another chemical, ituemary of tho utartrydom of the the is transformed to TYophets) and how was fulfilled oue ol its original state. He uses a double th.j shell, the inside oue containing a asve ritOI-'KSSE- NO. l'.siA,..l JKI u.-e- - e, " itti) INCOUl'OltAl ED 1SS3. wile lite Drug Company. :0: ' . W. II. SiiKAkMW. J. It. r w.l.ow, Secretary. S. - Uii.i.s, Cuslner Hcserct National Hank, . K. AKPEHSON, M. D. HOII) J'.MI.. I'icr-iileiil- I e I- :0: MAMCU1U: SETS, ODOR CASES, VV V (JLASS BOTTLES, GLOVE BOXES, TOILET SETS, iiamki:uciii:f e. AND f, uitro-giycer-t- nitro.-gleerl- ne A GREAT VARIETY OF HANDSOME AND USEFUL ne uon-explo-Si- nitro-irlyceri- ne oi non-explosi- ve mixture of and the outer one containing chemicals which liberated the pure nitro glycer ine. Howard says ino invesition is worth looklag into Other oflleers have pronounced f.ivor ably upon it. Tne French Minister of War has sent lor details to experiment on tne invention. Tbe.Anarebi9t t'as-- a. Chicago, 10. The certificate of the rviaence as container! in tne i ceptlons and the record ol the court in tne Anarchist cases, was completed to day, and will tie signed by Judge Gary mat twen it is ihe matter hours laterexpected will 'be laid before the Supreme Court. The document covers 10,000 pages of type writing, the preparation of which cost $3,000. 'Ihe record of the State, which is even more voluminous, will cost a like amount. Oblo'a Oilleial Csanl. Columbus, Ohio, 10. The official vote 01 the btate election received at the olnce ol. the Secretary of SUte nitro-ai?ceri- ue JMnjor-uener- ai I ' ty-fo- ur at the nautical almanac of tjat on tbe evening of Saturday, November 12th, no less than six stars, fice 1SSO. 11, 1 re.-til.s- : OCCULTED BY TIIE MOOIT. NOV. fBOOKS OF JOSJSril smith's MISSION It was told him by the aiuel that his nauie would be had tor good ami evil among all people, aud how tnis iffon in to prove that Joseph Smith was tijina a Prophet was helping to establish not the fuct by speaking all manner ol evil against him whilo jast 42 years after bis martrydoiii. We Were endeavoring to tpeak in ids deleuse to several buudrrd people who listened wi'.li mucn interest. There have been baptized in thi: part binee last January, !2 persons, aud many others are inveetigating. Presi dent Wm. M. Palmer ol the Noith- weatern States mission arrived in thi.-SUte on the H'.h ult. aud on the It;. I. and 17th wc . held conference at ih New England school house, near Coal Valley Allighiug Co. There was a fair Irom all tho Branches representation in the State and many Saints and was strangers preseut. Elders D. F. Stout and Jos. Lixlwell having anived from other Conferences in this missiou, and Llder Thomas Butler, who had been laboring iu the northern part ot this State since last spring, also put in an appearance to the Joy ol himself aa OLIDAY GOODS 'Have J u si 'been Iteceived from ttie Hast and West; and are now being opened for display by the aoDin: riTTHmtuu co., and are offered at Lower Prices than ever known in . for the same class of yoods. Is City t3f Our friends and the public generally arc cordially Invited to luciuding Aldebaran. which is ot the first magnitude, wiil be occulted by rail aud examine. It will be a pleasure to abow goods whether the moon, between 6 o'clock and midyou purchase or not. night. Some of tbe stars are of onlv the fifth and sixth magnitude, and will rctiuire telescopic aid to be seen, but . Aldebaran.and two others of the fourth gives Kobinsou (Rep.) 840.KJ5. Mcvisible to the unas magnitude, will be use Bride Smith ot an ordinary (htm.) 3,314, ) sisted eye by the . (Ito.)'s wen as nis opera-gias- s. a. j. Lm, K. J. BaiOKBtA. i,m2. 3s,o3. jjensai lureennack In SIX MKKT1NOS 18S4 Rob The tho plurality. ll.81. of Treasury Secretary W, H. Kaunas. Salt Lake. I St'RPIUSK AND PLKASUEK. inson's plurality for Secretary of State were held XniokM, Uai. oay issued tne iouowing circular ia re was tho all Conference, during lie hoped tne packers would now at gard to tne prepayment ol interest en 11,2::. luerestoi the Republiwell attended ami some times crowded. can State ticket has a plurality rang- Good order prevailed and an attentive once consent to a conference to ar the public debt by virtue of the author range for arbitration of the sole re ity conferred by law upon the Secretary ing from 5,000 toC.OOO grtster than the congregation was addressed by each neau ot tne ticxet. ine combined ma of all the aforesaid Elders from Utah maining issue a technical recognition oi me Arcasury i JAS. S. KIRK COMP'Y, a day. 'In this the quesof the jority in the Congressional Districts George Barnes and Juo. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN will exceed the head of the ticket about and by Elders' CHICAGO. tion of wages cuts no ngnre. lie local hitlers. of :vicu.nai.i, Reportswere vote The in the total 10,000. will SUte would endeavor to meet the packers that the interest doe December 1st, the standing of all the branches a DEALERS III over be little 700,000. and leit conndent tne diff- ItStHi. on tbe United State couuun bonds given by their respective presiiculties could be readily settled. If the ol the lunded loan of 1880, will be paid CO,, Gt 0:xe Bar dents viz: Elder HmI CUurc'iics. la KAXiyiClTUISJ OF packers agreed to arbitrate tne men wituout re Date on line presentation ol ol New IGnglaud branch, would immediately return to work me nroner connons Pa., 10. The sessions of ney at tne Trcanr in tnePittsburg, Elder John McDonald ot Elkhoru CUAJ1HEU SUITS, national of convention United the would a abide and pending settlement, and at tne various blanch. Priest William Rae of Little yvasuiQgion, u. opposed to instrumental Bedstone branch, Prlefct Norman rae check or reg rrcsoyteriaus SIDEBOARDS and BOOK? CASES, by the findings of the arbitrators. Tbe LATH, SbJnglee, Monldl are. Frames. Doors. Windows. in music de men not did hoars weie churches, bat eight expect par istered Interest of that loan will be voted to the discussion and 1 Wright of Mount PR aant branch. All DUnda, Wood Pumps, ravckJac Hoxes, Dulldera' la Walaat, Caerry aa later icaa Kakofaay, work and would for eight hoars work, lorwarded to the bolder as soon as adoption were as in a flourishing con Hardware, Saab. Weights, GLASS, Etc., Etc. at the pro rata prepared and may be presented for 01 a lengmy aeciarauon ol which the dition,reported Just as much over-tim- e w ith one good Sabbath school Mmmmmetmrwrt ef mm Pern leri tm wages as the employers requested, if payment without rebate on or about ioiiowlng is an important clause at Redstone. L,ittie Oar Goods ar o Sal in all tha Principal tbe principle oi eight noars was recog the 20th Inst. The coupons of. the tores la the coaatrr. Brother Georce Davidson was' or WOOD TANKS OI ALL PESCRIPTIOWS .Believing in instrumental musio. in dained dlr MADal TO OBOIK. nized. four per cent, consols of 1907 lllinir connection a Prletl aud Kut.auart tonreHide with the worship of God to was a near collision There oue on over Eawt Liverpool (Ohiojf branch, will be paid oe witnout authority of Divine ap the itsai, January ist,. er mckiptiox, Ashland Avenue bridge between a presentation before maturity, upon the iieo Brown oi Mount fieasant pointment under the New Testament urotner EfPEOIAXXX. , crowd of strikers and a rebate oi tne interest at the late of dispensation IF.A PITTSBTJIta-Hand therefore a coir up man Ai Ho ii ct .iTjiaiiliM. a n .1 O . (. . atuafaetBTW of CeaUr, Library A Pillar Ex Wa annum. three Tbe cent, inte John of per per uon was Little lieaston Young MAM. 01 also JOHN our is ma? it to by naas SQUAD OF LNFAKTRT. duty ej. v. au m. ., , J. sloa,Aitekea,BraAfast ft Cvamoa liUutoi rest on the stock of that rei use in anyworship, way to countenance and ordained a Teacher. For sale at Z. C. M. I. and its branch The bridge was guarded by twelve loan will alsoregistered on and after De support be local paid The and of authorities we its and general use, here counsel stores. Sears A Jiddle. Uodhe. Pitts Jt Co. men from the- Second Infantry under cember 1st, 188, upon receipt by the an our Dretnren to u were stand Arm and not the Church nd of this Barnes A Davis, Messrs. Allen A Co., Cuu too balance of the .t reasury oi tne united States of an Lieut. AlcMillao, or f nie wound sustained, many mat wort not mem. their A conscience Co. lnulon Clark, soo., by bers blnredge Hat Raoks and Whatnot, a in vicinithe of stationed s by power company being application accompanied Thl9 had been a dAs alt auy compliance with that which is con voting ITS to J21 South Clint a Street, Chicagoty of the neighboring houses. The attorney- autnorizicg that olllccr to trary to conscience or in to part of tbe Ir.d ara conference, bnt it Goods caa be fooad at the was oetraed oest to divide the confer crowd of strikers and sympathizers, collect the interest for tbe quarter end wmcn conscience is not clear.regard rurallnr Co. and other: Dealers at Salt ence to niakc It more touveuieut for and to retain numbering about 500, was determined mg uecemoer sist, Lake CltT. dly to prevent the packing house empioyei a proportionate amount of tbe re tbe iUiers,Jaboriog in this part and lor tne general good oi the cause, hence PAS HANDLE CARPET WARP from crossing the bridge on their way bate remitting the balance to the ab- back to the city at the close ol the piiani. FOREIGN. the western half of the Stale of the whole State of Ohio charged day's work. The crowd was WHITE AXI COLORED. THE FOLLOWING TELEGRAM were by the squad several times and forced wishes to ccUi the aUrmtion the his to retire temporarily, but the increas has been received at the Department WALUKMAIl'S KLKCTION DIS to his to A FORMED added numbers INTO 01 its public generally, persistency ing CONFERENCE, exceptionally large Agricniture: CUSSKD. and a serious conflict seemed Immin Z. C. M. I. SOLE AGENTS. Can be ob and complete litis of Fort Scott, Kansas, Nov. 10 with Elders J. W. Pierce president and ent. Finally Lieut. McMillan gave the tained nl all their brunch' stores throughout F. D Stout clerk. President Wm M tnc xcrriwry. to load with ball cartridges. The To the Commissioner of Agriculture : as alt crorder Comment a on tbe C'boiee. Palmer was the principal .sneaker and wd thereupon speedily dispersed We finished boiling S3 tons of Loasi-and tbe employes went on their way ana nanoieu in a matttriy manner tbe sub AIRXOVA. lO. Ktarnhnltfr rw1 Mt. cane which made nearly fcuroff of the divine of Joseph without further molestation. Ho one ject also Ironi.i the resign regency Smith the Prophet,authority suffered serious injury. i,uuo pounds 01 a striae, we weisrhed uruer w the Auk for the tCf a new ol tqeeiection auu tne aposioiic oroer oi me cnurch, rri-ns;it- t tbe a portion 01 tne run into a centruugal, regency. simpuiy It is reported that late Stove They wiUboth be 300 men who were being impoi ted from wmcn K&vc u uer cent. 01 dried sntrar the mauy failures made by bow. I Scj S I 3 1.o o mIU Ur I'lp t.w1:1IJcst the the Sohranie debate I his will be more than 120 pounds. hpbH. showing SatisS to ine leaaersnip. Kost to nil the places oi the strik f the giv?s " prctenuers election-oWaidemar. Prince Ingthe e faction and meets The first sugar per ton of A very nappy and lone to be remem house in ers Fowlers pocking M. Stambuloff and others dwelt witn Ouick.Snles. a ui iv per cent. 01 sucrose and pne the bered time was had throughout, and S of an attenmt PESERTKD Lfi A BODY. s For sale by . and ;f . I u the next evening after the conlereccc per cent of eincose cile necessity JZach Department. Russia. their Although hearta stores. Arriving Daily solids. It Were vith Prince Another meeting was held at tho same per cent, of total The train conveying the men is safd to and 14h nave these Alexander, made onlv so pounds bv was which well as nave been met by emissaries oi tne would attended all place of thir the other meetings had been. The re speakers said tne Knights at an outlying station, where the ield 40 pounds per ton. The late ruivr was impossible. were excellent. After the fully a was known stop would be made. STIR DORSE SAILS, it "ihe public received the news of marks madewe sugar is 01 nne quality. made conference No lime was lost by the strikers cold. with waiaeruar's rrince election it, H C lemlst (Signed men uncere M and tbe Eastern Wily, agents, Prince Alexander ness. being the popu POUSUKD OB BLUKD, A FLYING VISIT ii ;3 r, moniously quit the train. This dispatch is regarded bv the lar vuoice. Trov. N. 1.. 10. The dealers here autnorities Alter Will hold a aboe ea Longer tbaa an the of Deelection tne Waldo. Prince at Agricultural to the branches in this part of the are getting dressed beef from Chicago partment as tbe fulfillment of promises mar to the Bulgarian throne. th w. . State. other- We guarantee oor Nails On October lst. Prcs'.det t as is ot very iiiue usual, 01 13 IJent 01 ex the tne siaugntering results first informed the Sobrauje important to be Eqeal la QaaJity and Palmer preached to the "Josephltes" done in this city. Butchering to pertinents being was in be as the diffusion oepuues convinced that that process, fc in their hall in Pittsburg; nibject, the -i tt a limned extent 01 capsie oougni at appuea to sugar caue. Durabiilr to any Bade. Europe would ratify gathering and various poiuls of differ- West Albany is going on, but there is ! be Collector of Customs at New An Immense Stock ia all Ue Neweet Styles, lncladinic ;uce between them ana us, us to au TBE fRINCE'8 ELECTION. Hi4 from the Rest Norwty no trouble with the butchers on that York has made a report to the DepartBANKS. We FOLDIHQ BEDS, tor adaita and ckUdrea. were etc. a to challenged thority, score. No cattle have been received ment la regard to the complaint of u nru.rtj.rt that discussion Vienna. 10.-- It Iron, Finished Already on those paints. which chal ram unicago. i & ii Messrs. Wood. Co.. una in ar i l i ii ii ,f ,', aitainst Payson hebau ff, Russian Amba8ador lenge we accepted, but tip to date there to lrlv, by th Cohoes, lu. A firm has made prepa tne action 01 tne united States Ap here, has oflieiallv not.itlo.i i!nnni u.,i- - has bee n on SO in the then way bead daily, re praiserat new xorK. in returning aa. uocKy tuat rrtuce Micholas Qf rations to slaugbter UHIOM HOR2K NAIL. CO., DESERET MTMAL BASK. ceived ela part and sonictaing perlmp the debate will not irom t mcago, la ,th Czar's candidate for theMingi scoured ccur. It ProbaPlv not would Bulga be um. 10. C Tne situation of the Jersey ty, rian throne, and that tho election ol tltable. SALT LAKE CITV. DAKSKAI WOOLS, strike at tbe hog abattoir on the Iiack- Prince Waldemar does net meet with President Palmer has gone west, the m 1' ensack Meadows was unchanged to wool which they claim is only washed ad lta For Sale by . tne e.sar s approval. Klders have returned l their fields oi PAID X'I CAPITAL, day. A sheriff's posse is in charge, ttud also in making additious to the 41U8 ly branch Stores. 10. E. A Feirv Boston. lr.tl.. labor i od th work ot the Lord is I 2IIO.OOO None of the strikers were loitering entered values of such CrJBPLI'8. wools, where neraia irom London this cvenimr dm noving on rapidly as a grand whole. aoout ana no Giiucuity is apprehended. tbey entered values, without anv ill'JUVBI ad A MISSIONARY. -a party 01 butcuers ar At noon II. S. Eldrkdge. PreBidcnt. the highest rates of duty in selecting I'rmr-- wmicmir ,i rived from New Yark to rill tne places ditions, carry GRAN! J?L u fKOAMOKZ I J rTLE.Vice Prest , a as successor to Pi imposed bv the wool statutes. Assist uenmarK onne striKers. John Sharp, ant a in letter to ander, ba Fuirchild, Secretary Assembly Waf. W. ItlTBR. Directors the Collector on the subject savs : iua.uo a cuusHsrvative cnoice. WMbJaitoai Waifs. BrouchiLis aud asthma promntlv suc fRE LATEST AND UOST CHOICE SESIGSS IHO COLORIRGS. it wa cumb A. Choksbf.ck, J. .."As intimated in tbe Department's to Red Star Coiih Cure, No mi iqsi iue pairiotic L. S. IIili.8, Casbier, party would 10. Prince Komatsu. Washingto. to letter of Alexanth-r'you lbtb. the uaruc uiius September as. x, uttlk, Asst. cashier. jorui jrriuce lepreesiou. uncle ol the MiKatio 01 Japan, called at question as to whether such wools are ano insist mat tne was abdication le toe White House ito day iu company washed or scoured la one of fact which gally incomplete till approved by the with I'nucetB Kumatsu aad the mem RECEI7ES be determined by i ou from the on at booiaojo. This Course ina still mutt iebsh. bers of his suite and paid their res report of the appraiser, who is re oe item in reserve snould th Hnl.furi- M. t II AM II . HXAJ.Y, pectb to the President: Tbey were re quired to raaxe a careiui examtnau-.. dU GoveiLlLtlit find It imnoa-i- tl I Bmym and fef ceived in the Bine Parlor. The pre Eirbanya on ,en i T'EAOIIKK Or PIANO AXI OKU AX. and report thereon. In forming bis avoid the veto power of tbe Fork. Hrsi frikitefsoo. tit sentations were made by Secret try Judgment - "lornia low. I nObite llio soutlic.-iH-t . . wav. liul.- in as Other to Chta:s -in f whether any particular poo i,irn.p rtf Id., , t K IV....I ...... Bayard. During the reception, which importation 01 wool P ocouredor not, Louie. Oiiijli.i, ImhIosi, susU price; was PR1XCK finite Mrs. Cleveland informal, WALDEMAR, tbe appraiser may nave recourse to Ml l'oiitlnalnl CKIesj- entered the parlor and the visitors were chemical commercial detlg- - uie Assembly snows that it de.drf m analysis, ner. to AWalakes collections, remlttlDg proivad individually piescnted ana to any Diner process 01 in avcrtfurlhcroomDlicattons hv nrnm The rresident's rule not to receive uation WIE IaARGEST AND BIOST OOMPIaETE formation or mode of deteimiuatiou. lugau unexceptionable Prince-eleLIVERY, FEED lAIVD jSALE from out. ff r ra visitors exeept upon thoroughly to With of value. tbe me regard question an irreat confirmation Powers ry IN UTAH. cial business and at til weekly after the Department concurs with you iu the Sultan. The Prince's MOSG MXU, noon receptions, goes into effect to- - tbe opinion-tha- t r acceptance nrswary 't e.a.B.0. BepoSs, l'.C.a., cases in where 50 E. FIUST SOUTH ST. oi tiie uuuor is. u iwever. verv mni. "morrow. He proposes to devote his wool is entered at a value so as to such ALL CSADES OF DECORATIVE 110 PUIS 17ILL PAPERS. ren questioned. lie A maarnifleent stock of Silk Shawl; ITami will decline SALT LAKS CITY, OTA now atteutioufrom until 24 C 36 South St., kerchieft, principal me to rate It L'hincte der liable of u a duty u tne highest Chinawart, Japanese and iaere risx oi nnnn.i i:ai'h meets to the preparation of unner tne statute tne return 01 tne ap Uon." rr" OmaSent. at Low lricea. Itnlba f the Congress . O. Sox 1049. SALT LAKE CITV. Telephone 284. Chine the entered value, 11. Lily, a Biont beantifal riowcnng bis Increasing London. praiser The mm Standard, 1 lo nrwmatlv We a now . rianu Mir i u. vox k7, salt 10 I I m.mm. more prepare need sncuh not than city. cent, m I T, mm. ANNUAL MESSAGE, per carry ineutiBgon the election of Piim w.i M I with Keg a.l RbuieJ Keer ef i A Large Assortment of I F M 1 i 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 M I J I I 1 ?S I H ) with it the importation 01 aa addition tiemar to ine Bulgarian throne, says II MtMihiK and will not be botheredjabout.'ap- - al at Uierior qaaiity, popular pnee. (penal) duty within tbe meaning of . . ,J pro'oie tnai the election DOUBLE AND OTLB VEHICLES, poinlments. awo me a. Bala sX TaU!4e, 17. ai Section Revised oi U, Statutes." win toe TBI BEST Bfibl. uissipaic loe surveyor cl customs at Louis tnreatenlog cloud. SADDLE HORSES, Ktc Etc. ville. Kentucky. In a letter to the Fool m Well ate VlllalBu A. FISHER- BREWING CO. Treasury tne Uepaatmeut, inquires San Francisco. i0. Alexander Gol additional duty 01 ten per denson, whether OTJj JSJ-- Siifdal allnUionCo fUSRALlS an 19. art student living MAIN STREET, cent, accruing on certain wnisay oy at 24 Hayes Street, in aged CORRESPONDENCE. IN fiXVT AND TEST ' DXSIBAXLX (TITLES'. and EXCUIiSIOXS. : (bis city, shot reason 01 us navmg remained in the a Mamie killed Kellcy. a year since im and instantly N. t7taH. warehouse more than Xalce WOBK IN PEAAsJYLVAAIA. aged 14 years, at Uie corner of ivy may be remitted la con girl GRANT 11 II OS. eft CO., portation, Avenue ana kik street, uoldenson W. A. sideration of the circumstances that had Pioprieter. as 11 A ! . Seorad South St for some time been paying Several Bramebeat ataiawsi XTma. JEAL ESTATE ri LOAN AGENT. the importers, through a mistake in tne ariri M9- - T"bon i . r ne was deepiv in ". IN ALL THE LATEST fTTLES. cMaai( ( at catferBe. the memoranda f urnUhed them by the love withattention. Beet Aeeeawe4t1oae ta Us City at tfte Gol- reason The him. AMD only s 5,. tne in surveyor onice, . doorxeeper lattt t.u aer 1.M Kstaulisii CkarteaV LN eay. he a..Ajii.ijiii.u f were induced into error aa to tbe date denson assigns tor the deed is that PiTTSBCKo, Tenn NOTARY JPURZIC. thoroughly tired oi her. "When as to which the year allowed, by tbe was was Nov. 0, 1(88. was she & CBHTS at school," be said, "she JOSEPH E. TAYLOR, 8131 QLK 1UBLALS, law would expire in the case. As out I , WITH TMMUBfQS TO MATCH. , Editor Deteret iVetcli my sight, but as soon as school r!saIlAal Ifana mAilH Im sistant Secretary Fairchlld informed was of a VnwAata was at over, she my heels Oara again. Pbneer Undertaker of Utah aae teOpa as was and inasmuch 1 him in reS frvf nn. .K... it ia and Africa and the. United States of -SCnd TOO Klgbi. reply, that Day . . a atrpty-.. .mwimt Any man would get tired of that." He aiuKti ! l ' may. aad treia DepeU. : ..... i. ... mertetv. not a part of the duties of the Custom also soon alter onr confernst when claims he refused to that reneon and rente nnllentail. nil a a lionsoi officers to memoranda House of answer ner letters she caeled him Inde wmcn keep new at Little Ked- general real PRIME GEESE TXATHERS LITE AND DOWH.. tbe dates 01 importation lor tne use ol cent names ou tbe street. The affair 0wuv. btelui lammv IMC. U.a . Dooeraui estate buainese transacted at JOSEPH WM. TAYlOfc importers, prica. of the Church was organized at Wills drawa and estates ol decedents at. has created intense excitement in the sou anotnerNO GOOD SEASON to. ended Mew at the where ol took !". it portion seemscity place. on dona at a rsuna. .'Olivine: ttoHBly. Elder ilite is perceived why the Importers should The deed to be wholly unjustifingure. am inff n Alien inn mvwir uj. able. Goldonson surrendered. be relieved 01 what appears 10 De unii-e- . a no. A nuUd Uooser labor Eldredre la this part, and hearing of par. ret floor, plain loss in consequence of tneir own dii Id East Llvernool. Dhlrt. that ties to Kett:, Trylnc UAHRESSES! LIATTHESSES! BED LBUHGES! BED IODISES! negligence. our and aiter cuHuirtug people M. Haudail. Chairman of the' Housereligion, Y.. Iff. The execotive we went there, and AlbanyVN. the was result exCommittee on Appropriations, is , committee ot the National Knit Goods Iaclndun the BEST BED LOCEQB Hf AMERICA. . pected to arrlvo bere on tbe 18th In Association and Messrs. Bailey and UrtdeKaAftr, Funeral Director mn4 a-era rmra ; to readiness for ; the ( stant, get things la , Haaataeterer and Dealer aa a :j Tin PKfisoNa McGuire of the Executive Board, of Embalmer. illegal ". UlVXiAat DALttl which takes Ihe j klnda of meeting of the committee, of Labor met here Knights were tn h added th Phnwh De A lino a can if k..H. to fall Gitte$ an Fine of quorum Itelirf at brought -place, witn reference to tne settlement or tne - onct and Elkhorn. a 11. Sedvrood Cofllns ftad Casket. Air Ugh gether, on the Among the mem differences now existing In the knit iieiurningp to ud cloth Cure$ we dc Casermd Casket. few ContJi baptized are persons bers confidently expected those goods district. Messrs. Bailey and and, with, those A enmplote stock of Burial Hot and Ut composing had that on the the McGuire previously tbe following as the ; Icrtnkeni' Goods ot every dcseripUoa kep Important step. branch COLD. IS fiEID. ALIEOS SrOCK ALWAT8 OV XLiKD civil appropriation bill, which only basisoffered seton sundry which would on nun. they Church was said-tMr. measure be Is ' liandall'a it organized." W : on or Black hilo , tie behalf of the Knights ol Labor Hearse. of cornx rrRJnwniJfG Call rii Unekept our M7 conference Elder examine tntittnodm'1 he for tHirehna CATARRH, vS0,rt!ter wuu Bodies preserved witbont. ! for an purpose to have in readiness to be rehand . constantly naa oeen reieaiedi to be re return That all the to the House at the opening of elsewhere. .' Mvertt ib( ported enyth of time. article tetll he maid. GJulSAt I nm home, went fntt Mnnt HAY FEVER. former places i that to embalmiaa the session. The estimates are now In Instated Particular attention and Telegraph Order prompt' Telephoae the IV CJIlSAJPJSST. TZeta.il. aim hole -former be until the hands of the printers. It is said, here PI t 1. suspended employesa settlement cr na snipping a apecwjiy. owr persona, ana aaiing Not a Liquid, nave with made not oiilclai their they that tMtte presorved ia their aataral coa by though authority, f:mll eons Pow or summer Snuff, othnra won, " extra charge. of its laws tbe .. 1. . i.j grave farnisbed in mny uu a der. ilUwa, riUc tueir aggregate is slightly below? 1 the organization lor a violation .r Fret from tery ia tbe e.ty. unncn. ni. in . auumuiur and roles." . MUJVUUfs OrES DAY AND SIGHTJ All orders tytetegrarr or telephone, day total ol last veer's appropriation. our traveling around in Injurious Drug in UUL X to .treasurer New f"uw. is aiternoon said 2&S mn& Jordan a. Ware) r cation. Beeeja, The proposition was relected and i his btate we have found it very difl and Offensive fmmfrr nign:. wiii'.vetv prompt : that the effect offer oi the j .to term reasoaaote. . prepay rvtcca lor . Ftret fonh the following was submitted by the cult tp nrocure bouses to Offlce Kvr Closed. Telephone Ne. SSL the interest on preach In odors. knit sroods reoole as a baskr nron Owe and a half blocks ast of Theatre. wa J?nld Ket bouse, ' nartlr.la u nnniii.il n In jt..l, , ...i .i j. thera is Aarreeatiie. XUCBV ' ". rCBUO ?" f actUXSXS IHI i wblcb tbe mtaa would open m- 60 ats at Irurrista ; yo. 70. 37 to A3 23 " Went T5T., O. E. CI S, Soutb Street ' be mills to the to would distribute almost irnniedi. tbtr Temple OJSoete twins) baCiivs--' rXT C. ARXrU ATTKJrTIOir CIYX5 ORDERS T i MATES F, WolfcPattoiicfcCo., - GODBE PITTS 1)RUG COMPANY. Kob-inson- ?. J. ERRA NEVADA LUMBER S El J suo-ireasuri- es. to-da- y, 1 CHICAGO.! irai B. E. POHLE, to-nig- ht STAIR BUIUDING A im, - TABBED, - ml.-sio- fes-tbe- - - - USE THE DIIWOODET,; 11. Penn-sylvaniaa- nd friends and mm to-nig- ht, I' St. ' i to-nig- ht cane-Juic- in eight-tentb- , .3 1 mm - i E ce 1 "i a -- 4mm FAL1 - Garpjets SPEOliLlTY! 1 . to-oa- BROS. CO., v ,. p ian a mm tmi b j. n WALL PAPERS! (rln.nt' i fisher mmm ct quoxa -- l:asl,2d - stock co. y - TL IIIa. lrc -- : N I'll CLOTHS, RUGS and HATS, -- ' m ? DYEBLUD HOUSE yalt m-- W. CLAYTON, City. tm, CURTAINS! . i CURTAINS! . Upholstery and Drapery llaterials, PJE ATHJESRSlllTEkTHElis Iji-i- . ar SbTI h iu cn, brfh r - - -- tvne-Trrit- er i . . j. ' - . niniru "-- to-d- Miit, nil '.nag .,:tlFnn.:ill!tlSin" ay sab-commit- - y former-employe- in-the- BY a JJlshi1 Eft di. iV&FJZ!9pK. " "-- kto 1 : 1 . . fletoe aa'a " f nc. ti and ina and 1 -- ? :dii Cloth.-MeUll- ic ... ; fdJ?. I - H. DSNVvOODEY, riret Btrct ihil. tj, a 1 |