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Show Combat EVENING j NEWS. arrangements far a Sale of Popular FALL and 'WINTER STYLES, at PRICES which will make us have note completed SPECIAL 1 iLMv THE FRIEND OF EVERY ECONOMICAL BUYER. yiwruRM-FwsT! t MOST PERFECT MADE We keep thoBo3t Qualities, Styles and Assortment in Prrimrod with strict rctrard to Pnrity Rrrenirth Ponder ronminf DltV GOflilS, FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS, Etc.1 !r. Prio'r.r Hating . HealthfiiliM-sw- nnrf . no A.nim.iii:i,I.lme,Alinn Phosphates. Pr. rice t Kxinats, Vanilla, ijjmoii. eic, luivur ut PfXCE BAKING fiCWDER CO. Cueaga ami SL Ltesls. 1 inwj. S3 oar Customers and the Public, that we have a full and complete line of We take pleasure In ioformlnz LADIES', CHILDREN'S AND MISSES' The North China Doily Kctoa learns a private letter iroru Icbasg, dated that nothing mure was Scpttmbt r Slh, the heard thereof Chunking affair, or of any disaffection or persecution of Christian) in nzecnuen. i ne missionaries lind the lchang pvoplc more civil than ever, and the writer of the letter notes that foreigners generally make a supposing that they great mistake in are matters of tre and their affairs mendous importance to the Chinese. His own experience in Icbang and in ilupcb and bzechaen is that not more than one Chinaman In 10,000 even dreams of the cxisteLce of foreigners. The ordinary Chinaman in the country, it he gets a dook or a tract given biiu by a missionary, looks at it a moment as a curiosity and then puts it by without taking the trouble to think what it is or where it came from, or what race of people the giver of it comes from. The following proclamation was is sued by4.be Chinese oflicial at Chung- arrival ine i;nris-tian- s King: "lieiore my (Chinese) bad a fight, and the head of the missionaries seemed to be our pleased to dibtnrb the peace of lor:l. My capital with his companions. and in consequence, was very anir-ordered mc to come over. Whether American, English or French, they arc all ioreigncrs, ana Should immediately be driven out of the place, and no one should be concealed. H roots be not taken off the branches and leaves will grow. 1 notify you, my people, if you cut crass you must cut the roots also. Yon mav beat them from door to door. and so in al! districts when you ask for assistance you will have It. Don't be afraid and tremble. Any trouble I will settle for you. that you may not ne im people plicated in the matter. You should obey this and take immediate Hteim to do so. Don't lose lime, and don't regard this as merely a matter ef by FLAVORS CONSISTING Cloaks! ! OT ALL-- TEIE Latest JDesiyns in Diagonal, Uerlin, Twill, Asthrl-caBoucle, German Silk, Two Tone Erise, Plush and Velvet, in all Popular Shades. I n, Heavy Pnrclansers in all kinds of Ilaring been i, we are in a position to offer SPCI Al.. 111 INDUCEMENTS In this Department. It if only need to your to will It be that convince you a dose Inspection GOODS VS. OF CLASS FIS05I BUY THIS advantage to 0. MILP SI. w. H. For Sale by IT. T. AT COST AD, ! ! THE OLD.RELlflBLE DRUE STORE! WE HAVE AN OVERSTOCK OF LUMBER YAlil Paintjarnisli, Which w will Mil at COST for CASH dorlaj tha aext EAST OF DEFC1 K LIMBER, LATH. . HASH. (SHIXULEN, lSa. tl!NS, i - fO FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSES, it opeess ii mm EEGEITE 5PEML ITTEITICI. ' We Mil aX ninniniiifs & CHICAGO bgoen mm, & or TUB THE BEST ROUTE FROM OKI AH A TO PACKER'S FINEST PAINTS THE T. BFTWIK5 DA I LI TWO TKAtXS Ckkw. Si. E-A.s;- AND Paul, Dabaqae, Frrort, Ma4 at jdu4, OHAIIA JIlIwSttkM,' Kapida, (lr t t, ITa Ifo kfor !, JaattSTill, La CrtMM, Aa4 all other Important PoinU East, North PAINTS. ooxOKS; EXCELSIOB CEMENT IUIXT, QUALITT GUABANTKED. Cary, Ogden A Parker, Man nfactnrer of Paints. For aalc by Z. C M. L and its branches AKtv HAITOFACTBRINB east aad Southeast For thronrh tickets call on the Axent at SaJt lAkeOuy. Ulah. and the Finest 11 FOTAMAN 19 Oaks IK tiik world ra run on tin main lines of the Cbleairo, Mllwiaici and KtU raal Ballway, and every attention paid U paaMBsera by courteous employes of CO.. Ooaspany. A. T. H. CABPKXT.' It, . M11XIB, General Manager. UenH Passenger Ag'i i. F. TUCICEB, GEO. II. HEAFKOUI, Aaat Gen'l atanagor. Aas't Oeu'l Pass. Aft J. T. CLABK. Gen'l Superintendent. PKUPItK Mir, BRlSGfl liOLSB CESTR1L THE STODEBAKER BR'S. MFG. OO.. or BUTLDEItS FINE CAltHiAdES, SUeSIES & SPRING WAGONS, FARM, FREIGHT, Jro aad Trawling Wagons. , i 9.A.B.6. Depots, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH P. O. Box 1049. Telephone 294. Brensry near O.C.tVa. , SALE BUR I ZtxUce a. J. Lrmr, City. 71 Bait Laka, It I I Rubber, Coach CnndleftV Clo- tEtc i Waataen, 3rjck, fine Rarncss a Specialty. It' ALSO, r J. BMOKILb tl KtOUEK. Troche. Cat. ,' JAPAN. The ravages of the cholera have better. taken i V t ... a decided iturn ana mere is a maiKCU laiiinpaMniu me number of c&Fes reportea. in ioko bepternber hama, for the week ending ana y caes aoth, tbere were but so were for tbe deaths. In Tokio there same Deriod 510 new cases and 4S6 deaths. Since the first appearance of tbe disease there hare been 11,000 cases in Tokio. Farther information has been re ceived rcsrardine the loss of tbo.Takata- mnru. which foundered near To- bisnima, in Akitaxen, on tno Z4tn of September. Tbe vessel .left Hakodate on the tth, taking passen-ee- rs for Nil sat; and when near the d island encountered heavv cale. It was then deemed ad visable To run tbe engines at the big est possible fpeed, which was done, but the boilers could not bear the pressure and burst, causing the steamer to founder at otice; There is suptq have been only one survivor, posed n man named Mizushimava. who paved himself by swimming to the shore. He states that the uatuteneers and crew ail of whom are numbered ninety-si- x, believed to have been drowned. Kmalloox' is reported to havea brokeb . j ana two nunarv out in OKluawo-Keu and persons are said to have been, attacked bv the disease from AnKt 24th to September i3iu, oi whom 44 died. The American MtnistcB la said 'to have attended tbe Fore i go Department on the 27th of September ia reference to itbe ratification of the extradition treaty between Japan and the. United - lor-rtu- e .lt' -- 1 . . n. ntty-sevc- A lied ' I , II H n rnnH urllH DflMBERiSS' Ula.llllll iai.lll DEALERS IN v ...J; i fachloMr Mills Saw Steam Engines, aad Hon Fowera, SToOormlelc ... VTit IiATH. Ealnflea. Moaldlnsa, Frmea, , Doors, Wladows, f er NIADC .TO.ORDEit WfiOD TAMICl OP ALL DESCRIPTIOHS, - - :o::i ? . fr narrMtara Ktllwi, Snllry Plow nnd HoUlngsWortk BUadi, Wood Pompt, Hardware, Saah Welihty GtASS, Etc., Etc. Paakl-BoeeiBa!ld- Stl u4 Twlna Bln4rat Mown Md JSeapers, rrt ftt,uth Bend Chilled riawa, ; Harrow, Bnkv MACHINE RXTRAS. 33 - od silt- - uke cm. tfriii. flavor tWllfE. BREA0. THfp&tlM6irifco, l ffi AN OltDEIt OF. SAID PTJIWUANT TO matter, notice is hereby , von 8nturd.-tytho tilh day or Novemthat pi ber, A. 1. lAifl, at 11 o'clock a. in., at the Connty Court House in Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, in tho court room of said Court, .nas been appointed tne time ana pince lor the hearing of a petition of i'helio T. tho admission to probate of a certain document therewith presented, pur Will nnd Testament to tho be porting of Thom.is A. Judd. deceased, when and where all persona interested may appear and oppose tho probate of saiil will, or tbe gri:nting of letters Testamentary to her as prayca lor in said petition. Daled-a- t Salt Lake City, October 23rd. 1886. JOHN 0. CUTLRR rebate Clerk, Salt Lake Cou d lOt ltt Beefs o it Springs f AND ENJOY THE LUXURY OF A NAIL PASSENGER ROUTE at t- aa-vls- .ILl tWlfirlfn'.lK. V it ON, HIGH PRICES HAS COM l KoeelvinK my Fish frel 11 every day direct from the fisheries. 1 est and do sell cheaper than any dealer i. v town. Delivered at yonr doors fresh every mori. vy ntie lan, niaiuon. mg. Treat, DOWN WITH IIIOII PtJICRS Freeman n the van with Low Prices. II.. FREEMAN, J. DKALER IN FRESH FISH, So. aa4 s. ait.taib er 1 117 Miss Brown, this afly youne lady you were with " . . ternoon?" sir?-Tb.was 4my . 'Tbat, .. . ' h Jillsjister."! .1. ...I have noticed the to dons! I ought at L. That is that ' 8Then!ho wTshcd aniarthauatelvoaid bsppenlKht tten nd there. IT great i' resemblance I TRAiMmo ME ST! VAST AXi LINK ONLY - HORSE SiiSE NAIL Made by Machinery in the OliflE, SALT liAKE World. DOVER, Wo addrcaa these llnet to ITORSK OWN thcv are the pnrtlea tnol Wo feol aitured that e vitally iutf facta, and cItIdk the anb- o t due coiuiUeratioB, they will INSIST n.Ht tlwir horBFi be ahod with the Hot Korcrod and Hammer I'oiniea nan. a lew months' trial will always convince. e rti af-th- Nail Putnam The BUT CHSfiEE .i - VA- Oi.Ih Lin - .i't' I'ti'ttrHfrr nut .v. HAZARD POWDER '.;; 3, I'lno Hi., New York. hand a romplcto stork' of thi well known! and Justly viln-au- :. -- !n- - Cnnth 9 mt ttlFBSSIt Which trill Lrt"Tj and Hr Oram mi O 'ri if in and I for Salt KP Chicago. The only line to take ro. lea Hoiaee Marahalltown, Cedarltaplds, Cnalon.iiixon, Chicago, Milwaukee, and all pOtnU Fast. To the people of Colorado. H'f Orrsjon, W aV minx, Cuh, Idaho, Nevada. oners California and it superitv ington advanlacea not voasihle lr any etha r una. Amoni a few of the fttimerovs KiM m superiority enjoyed tiy the patrons or mil road between Omaha and Chlcsso, are if two trains a day nf DAT 4 which are the flu est that human art an, Inrennlry ran rrrate; Its are mod, ULEEI'IBIU I'IKN. which of eomfort and elrsance : Its I'AIIMil K4MIM reieltrated by any; and its widely the eqhal v I.ATIAI. IIN1 !!)! ! A elsewhere. which can nut he found At Council Bluffs tha trains of the I'aioa with Pac.lfla Ky. connect in llnion those of the Chinairo A North weslera Ky. Ia Chicago tha trains of thhi line make clotu. toanection with thosa ot all Kaatern liars. For Detroit, Oolumil.u. 1 sdianapolls, Vn clnnatl. Nlaarara Falls, Itullalo. I'ltuburr. New Yort. Toronto, Hoalreal. ibl Philadelphia, llajtimore. WaahlnirUia, all points In the Kaat, ask the ticket areal for tickets ia the Nlrka VI. The Toople of the Territory of Utah send tireeling: Iwis rt Omahai, Council Bluffs imu-- t Iewis Ttralihani, Icfendant. To BtSTUOt TWtl County, Utah Mary K. Ilralihnm riaintill. - ESTER N SHORT TIV J3 SllMMONh. In the Probate Oonrt. faS. Aft. RAILWAY. TUB A. KEYSKU, dAs 6mo UM. CHICAGO .jiy lh (ia. Mivjr. Sjpt. O RTjH- - MAIiKKT fKlt'KS. Wool iriuitrd at rurrnv mae oa ho Tli-ke- - THC mm r52 K:il an'tWostean f ir it! inii,l u i In-- 1 t ortlre ii ndCit nr.. Wlnli- V.Qf.hH r...i'MT, Salt Lake City. t ii iuni kci't, n t .tx;n(;K, a.n.BKNSKTT all Umes he sold at thi peicea. Cash advances Telephone VAi. a ikt Hull I. Kast at City frin tho fi1ci hi 4 4A .ra., ni., nnd i.t fl pi , ir, kin pnnni'Ptios with I ontr;il I 'm Itti: for Iho V ext. 1'Joot ? 4 a rl Nccimrf . 'fir I. inr. l,:i.o. TP., OUUIII "t JU I1C3I Where mar " s" ri: .' THE PACIFIC EXPRE88 D. & P.. Qi LU3IBKR YAE6 .U '.'i tV lik A' .for i timi mnd Suit fr,n.i f sfiifi7 1 0 i R13MOVAI or mi Orl I iriivi e For sale at wholesale and retail hv all the leading stores in the Territory, nnd nl wholesale only by J. W. iSundcrs A Co, Agenta, Salt Lake City. Pnr CARS niii'i'iiiMi at 1'iuililo and lienrer 'hi oiiiiiim, K:imkmh City and all points least. Klfle, niastlua;, ICentucky IClceti-lFuse UUI. CHS. THE ATLANTIC EXPRESS i iitcitrn n.ii'y';!.t ti ft ft. m. ; Ioavee Uirort l.nki) UiLy liiul.iil 11 10 wr. ih'niuilu t Co, Htnntly otj OLD TANSKItY SI i. On nil Tliroui'h 'I'a.JKCnpor Trains. t;n,.,iiti s i.t : i.i OiUee, t OF SLKKPhNG a 5 I.UFFKT VV I AM AN Company, ASD P.rnbham, Defendnn CrOU AUK IlKRKnY KRQUlHKn Tl I appear iniau action lirmilit accainKt yon liy the aliove nanird plainlill, in tli lYohnte conrt, of the eonnty of Salt lj(k Territory of Utah, and to answer the coin liieu inercin wiiiun &ii-- onys (xciu plaint or mc kiti viiu 4A'llll u-- '. nntwiau I'Al.lCI snrii4 vit'ti sivc hrvi. on you of summons if served within thi or, if surved out of this oonntv, 1ml connty; n this district, wnnin twenty nays; otucr , wise within forty days. Sinn nrxion is iiirouirhi to oiiiain a crec from this court dissolyinir the ninrrispo j contract existinir iMttwecn said plaintiff and vou, on tho irrohnd that defendant has wilfully neglected nnd refused to Inrnlwh ritnintitr with the ooiuinon necessaries of And you are.1 herehv notified hat Iftyon fail to and Answer the said as :ilwvo required, the said iilaintifl will apuly to tlits coiirt for the relief prayed for and cost of suit. NORTMtWESTERN " Witness, the Hon. Rliaa A. if yon wish tbe heel' ceommedation Ah Smith, Judpe, nnd the Sen) of tliclrolmteturt,of Salt ticket agents sell uckeia via ibia line. SKAL. a. n. Kirn. of a. n TAB ITT, :onntr. J a'l Manager. t'lah. this 7th Territory day of Sep-I'assenger gt lemlier, in the year of our GEO. D. WIUJAMSOV Ixird one thousand eijrlit Gen'l Agent, Room n, Windsor liunilred and eighty-six- . . VTM. KAHCHKJK iOIIX C. CUT LEU, Cloi k. Oeaaral Western Agent. Ofeaaa. Keh d oaw Cw u.-i- It, tml lvus. rnm-plain- t G'i Utah Central Hailroad. apkil;;i; 18(), SALT LARK DAILI AS FOLLOWS! . Month. OolBfr Kertb. 8.00 a.m Mllford Kxprean atv.' .7.30 a s Atlsntlo Express at. Park Oity and V. A N. express.... 4,00 p.mMr PsseRKor Train Arrive In Salt Lake, daily aa follows: Norm. From Hemfn. from 7. SO p.m. Mllford Rxpreaa Ptr.ifla Eipross at..... 6.40 p. i w. at u. a.nt. art i a.xnreas....ii.za uity and PABSKKQEB TRAINS LKAVK - I -:....r. i .'JOHN 8MARP, aeneral ftopoiintendent. SBAXCIS COPE, tionernl t r 'ght and Passenirer AgL m. : TIME CARDo NE r ESTABLISHED . 187. UMTEP ORDER MERCnMT TAILORS. FIRST VHO I SUITS CLASS .'J- - m MiMm. i5 18 UfiACQUAIMTEO WITH SEE BT r r THE OEOCRAPHY OF THIS COUNTRY, WILL THIS ItSAPyt THAT EXAKlira ! J. -- J'.'."J 1 HU '. JUt'-- f -- . MADE TO ORDEK. . PERFECT FIT "GUARANTEED. to V. O. TAILORS, Constitution Building. tSTAU Corrtipondenc . OARItT FULL TJJflCS OF VTIS FREXCII, EXGUSn, SCOTCH, Aim DOMESTIC SUITS FHOM 34 -. EaRTUQtf A5Bt. i. "Ohl who was that very home- V ONLY U Bam PoM TIIK" M Fcrpi TIIK ItKlWKKV GOODS. rnOVO (CLOTH AS 15 (THESE Mr.IlenDT Is safd to have found his Wht n position a very anomaroastoone.to Corea go he took the appointment be thought be was to oe ioreipi to the King of Cores, bat ho found on artlvai at seoni mat ne wasr, only to oe anviser to me wuuew who persistently ignored his advice. It is said that Mr. Denny baa now gone to llentstrr trr ponsult with Viceroy 1 on tue ihwiuuu ui suura. ' AY iiiif CIIKAF AS TUB CHEAPEST. EXGELLEHT MISEB1L dnrinsr tho BIT8 Tho Smptu ' last two months no less than. 40,000 nersons have died m Corea irom con.taeieus diseases.'" lit a certain village OPPOBITBZ.0.1(.l., cttt. irrAn of about 1,000 inhabitants 300 have euo UtUCII; ARK HEALTHFUL AS a few within cumbed to the malady WELL AS PLEASANT. va Inmates ofJ a Taotai's dam. The - . . t si u men, wnicn nuiuucreu. upwarua invy Do not jtot an idea that these waters all dkd f mm tho epidemic " dared no one to aro not as pleasant 'n tho WAJUI asia the and within one month, hnrv them. Tue" txreana are Kreairv GOLD weather. A trial wHl coaviuoe you Stoneciittcra Bpildcre, f riffhtened and business is at a stand thai they will rest and do you good. , Iron Tombstones. Mantels, MonnnenU, 1 ento have said V: ..it still. The cholera, : t h, Urates and lioarUi " XV JL. TIIK rOPULAll IS THE WAH r a? ia FISH, STORY. NOT1CB. In the Prahnte Court in and for Salt Lake County, Territory of Utah. IP the matter of thq Estate of Thomas A, Juild, Deceased. Notice of time and placo for the hearing of l'ctiuon lor admission to XTOuato oi vin o A. r THIS IS NO 7 ca-- K SAUT LAKE OJTY ' liir GOOD TWO STOIKY ADtliJFi nOUSf) of Graie Western THE PUTNAM acar PlOlffiR jrolLe'r . MILLS Koomn. 4 Closets. Bath ttoom. Kitchen MAin ST.,,,, vWATS0NR0S.,r pd -- . CHICAGO, ROC2I ISLAND $ PACIFIC R'Y Stones, 'Mahtels, Boat or Uhloaaro reason of its) control pooltlon, olooo relation to prinolpnl IummiBoiithwost tha city every boar for la tho r.4 Anntiniiotiailiiioa ot tormina! point WeL I4orthwtst-n.n;. tho Sfr:nga,: j' ST4 onlv middle-linaa4I flfaoil137S A IISO.'SOCTII TiatP-wbloh, k transoouUnontal ia Inthat systwa . Antrue 1 AtJnt.lA I aJIIui liill tMifflii iliHwitimi .nil li. .n.l ..II j , , !, ODpotU Auivkblt Hall. &ErREStIlIENTS of all kiads for sale include Chioatroijoliet, Ottawa, Th.e Xlqck Island main lino and. branch awn port, Huoo on tho Grounds, and every accomodation Salio. PooriA, Ueaosoo. Mollno njid Bock Ialaoad, in Xlllnoia; xowa iea ' to mod tho public,, want. r.U westiiiunrty. la. Gulhrie Audubon. Karlaiuvny. Tronton. BL Jnoonh. Camwoo somI :Ct-V.niu RitwJ In Mionourl: Leavmwnrth and Ahnhiaon. In Kaknaam: Albert Lea. ' fSALT LAKE CITY", Minneapolis and St. Paul, In Minneooto; WatrWwn in Davkota, sind1 liun4rod ' viustsroa. CAL1F0REI BREWERY. of mtarmactJUkto dues, towns 4Crf Wagons loaVa .. ?.- - St lvit K ! !, . rt- i HENRY REMOVAL! ltd! onr loal Offloe from LAOER liEER,; ALB and PORTER, urniture Store to " ; ' wnoLKSALK AND RETAIL--- f East 40 MAIS STREET, Second South Mtrel, Three Doors . from Main Street. ' " : 1 Z. O. M. L Nearly.opposilo - . . A ' the Wasatch an& 'Crismon , Mines, and , , l j PLEASMT VALLEY COAL, N. W. CLiVYTON, Ml ESTATE A ' From the Utah ' Central --ity.' V ' , ATine, constantly on hand. f Youthfoi. Mind. mi Superintendent (who '. ua WEBElP COAL From t WAGNEH, Wo bare "ft. DnwpodVy'a LOAfl HEEIIT, NOTART PUBLIC. , . THE GREAT ROC!C ISLAND ROUTE OnswitMS Snood. Comfort. and Bafetv to thono who travel over it. Ita road' ia tknmnrhlr bnilastod. Ita track ia of hswrr stssL ltar bri4arfa ar aol ntrnctnroo of etona and iron. Ita) roUinsr ntock 1. porfoet aa human itkill can maka v and it. It haa all tho safety appliance that mechanical1 treniua ha invented Ita practical operation oonnervativ and snethodn' proved valnablo. experioncf leal ita dweipiino strict and exnetinsr. The luxury of It, iaJSenrer sooowmrKi, uuvui ui vn. w taonai l unwiuniii ia in. w Ktvor eonattt ,t ALT. EirWESa THAIN3 between Unicaeo nnd tho Wtin-oelofranF TJIKINO OARS providHmr exoolh-n- t mcola. and ' and SUEKPLNCfOARfl. botwfien Ohicg-o- , &W Josovh, Atooiaouand biuiM CUty reetful HJa.GiAHlti4 ' ........ ,. oxxAiB ol . as JSAt been endeavoring? to'itrrpfX3 apon the miadslof the acholara tbe ft -- - .' qnan-UU- es ?HoiviEco.rcb. 1 . ...-- . 3 oita. - .i a. THE FAL10U3 ALBERT LEA ROUTE t FanL Ovtar and Wtnnaapoitlai and la thsdiract, favorite Una botwoen Cliloajro Trains run daily to tho summer rooorta, thia ronto solid Fast Exproaafiahinar Tho roh and Iowa Itfinnoaota, of Docalities and huntW and (rrounda watartovn. rachod via land of interior Dakota aro wheat fields and A ahort doeirable ronto, via Seneca and Kankakeo, offer surorior lndniv'n,', lilnH", to traveler, between Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Lslayetto nnd Council Kansas City, iluuieapoUa, St. Paul and iotor- feeavonwort tyvo-wrlt- 1 er r . :.. i nrl CoUneeiona made In all parts of Kuropto, SUtea of Joaoph. Atchiron, Asia and Africa aaa the United . We are prepared to furnish in any ; ' from eopeclally familios, ladiaa and children, reoeJ-at the yard at the Utah Central Hallway Amertota lesson of the long life of the prophet lluustVl renied and renu oolieoted, and a mATllMaiof patixm Book Island train protection, raepooLful courtesy an of of to and delivered officials irthe employe traus op acted at buauieaa any of estate tbe part real and city, Dtpot, tbe general punishment Elijah, . moderate pricoa. reverent children by bears.! Now, can al regular rates. Ko. 884. . ' " Ticket OfSoe lath Polde- r.. Wills drawn and estates oi decedents Telephone ate the any one tell me why tb bears ior or deaired & Canada tastes svod ixLformatioa, " any United, ' to. v t. trchlldrer at a reason, 4oa ' C A. KCLBRCCJC, Ooprlna; on ST. JOHN, Wee small i Voice (after a panse.). . B. R. CABLE, nrmre. ahio TkL It Pat. AL, Chkagea Ceal T. JLt MTTCHXLL, Cause they thought 'JLlJah Was too v "' V J Goal CWese. Gsa'l A S Art Xldxeds Bullduiir. k M'f'r, Chlcaga, Offloe, Xo. Hooper sVr, 13m. Old. Secretary and Manager. Srat aoor. M Wt Sunday-Scho- , 35 Slain 'Bireef, ' CR KINDS JUVA... Rio " IGAIi f" CORKA. 1 , fc Wl- - .i'J n and Mosfl rooms, Parlor; Dining 'Itoom, 3 'and Pantry; also, good Cellar and Attic. iot. 4 rods nv j". with arood ontnouscB: en closed withjrood fenee. Situated first honse 8 Build west of jsth Ward Chanel, Also, vo par iraca, inr Lots In the iilst warn.eiosp ' AN'OBItSON,-1', to Apply w 1, oan uiiu uiy. j.iiu aro, iMt beoonu aiates. i f CnM Tbrtttalas WHITC.i 0 TH'P but it pfctftizonarTTER LLIKE - miu-iste- j I I I I II DobMy r Sole Agents in Salt II Wajon Corera, Wacon Kxtraa, I'suU, XhJpa, : ii hirsjk tiHis ruovn inmiso, unodon : rA0. 3SE. M - M STIUPED WARE & TINNERS' TOOLS, BY J DENVER an rj In-te- i - FOB Talcptaan. KLxaa MoitRia. anpi 'FISHER BREWING CO, A. i t Fay-th- N. Main Street St. Louis, Missouri. FLOUR. ITL Ofloa K.M. an. mm Advices from report ag ARE STILL TRIUMPHANT! gressions tfpon French missionaries For sixtfen they have steadily tberer British missionaries have been ::i:n ft in fiivor,years, ud with aalea constantly liiivc the moat popular begonia thus far unmolested. v ncioaHing iirnct tiudagiiout the United Ktutes. A number of cases of cholera are re 11 The K, (I :i"l II srrmiea are made in $ho-tMedium ami Krtra Long Waist, sijit-ported in bbanghai. t::rurea. nil The it quality, inaao of lor Bv last advices from Java a massacre Kiigrwli Couiii. is warrunted to wear twice onabiubObra is .reported iroin jn e w s lonR as r.li:iary oorseta. st aw.mln from all the World's'trreat The captain of a. trading Guinea. llilu ;nrs. i he iai incuai rcccivou i lor rirtt liULCU BIcailJti , tUU vwi cuw. Atllipaii- of Merit, from the late Exposition ese engineer and two tailors have been Orgrte iiilil at new onciing. mnraerea oy rapuans. W!iil scores of patents have been found treacheiousiy Five other sailors have been wounded. vorilib ss, tne iirinefplt'8 of the Glove-tit- She had been Ivins vainly waiting for a inc hive rovel invaluable. Uctaiiei-- are authorized to refund money. careo for leurtcen oays.owiug to scar on on these Corsets do not uurnmar. if, tue exainuiatioii, natives of ine city a rri.rcscnled. ale evry- spot at length coveting the goods and urove. wUere. on determined board upon money lf!ot)in f reo on application. sinaing ine murdering ine crew ana & CO., vessel. Tbe safety of the steamer was due to the bravery of one of her d New Yorkofiiccrs !. who, with a Winchester rifle, shot three Papuans, of whom one died. FOB S VT.i:, CUEAl! - 012-1- 8 T)a indi-.ali-- IIAM9IKR POINTED. Fair Luwu, Duck, ICIEST CISa PIJBEFA10 FG3 WHEAT. w above-name- or na FUTL SHEET IfiOfi, UHU1 WHOLg WHEAT 1. Mm. Fr Wiattiia, BED CROSS COITSSE COLOfl HANDY Ttwle Strut, tftrtil, H'st BRANDS: 53 Xorih No. ; KIQH PATEHT, . Tit-Sc-i sibt, t(ll 00. advi.i-liH- n r- BOILER 'HILL PATEHT r who wantu of advertiHiitKdollar, IImcIh in It the informs-ionpond he ronttiros, while for h;n n he will Invest one hundred thoiiKiind dollnis In srtver-liAinia which will hmo U incut his every rcqttiratnunt, ir ean Ik made to do so by xlii;ht rlianyreA enpilv arrived at 1V eorrdsionleiiee. One hi.ndved and fifty three editions hate tieen IsHiied. Srnt, post paid, to any address ror iu rents, nn- ly to GFA V. ERTISlNW ni'KRAlT, If r.rr.rt ftpruce Su tPrinUn(t ltouoo 8q.). New tork. Our naila, therefor, are to all and purpose the same aa tbe old fashioned hand and hammer liointed. Some othrr mnnu facta rare claim to make a Hot Forged Natl, bat yoa will otwerve on all nch a Sheared Kdgo avar the point, ot PIONEEK W11M, I '10 - BOMTOX, MASS. P. O. Address, NEPOKSET, MASS. M. 1. aad 1U braaehea, ta-Psale by X. SUPERFINE Knei-Cho- XO ACIDS being need, and afterward . Rook 60DBE PITTS DBUG COMPANY. proceM, -- QiTOHiliate&St.PaalR'j MAXXJCT KATXS. and" LIQUORS WINES iHatas The Acting Viceroy has also publish ed a proclamation, in which he says "Know then all ye people oi Chung king that the demolition of the foreign bouses by the military students was brought about by the action of the American and British missionaries, in asuiuch as they persisted in establish ing themselves in parts oi me city y which the inhabitants set great store. Thev became thus responsible for be ginning the feud and the outbreak may lair It be attributed to these circum io stances, we ire nouna in amy the search out the right and wrontr of nacase, lest the chapels of the other t localities should in turn tuner, wmcn would not be in accordance with right. What you have to do is to wail quietly till your officials have investigated the matter ana actea accordingly . HI Chambers St.. N. Y. rugct h'juna. day. COLORS IN OIL, Ete., at IX) WEST POSSIBLE PRICKS. gallons at barrel prices. form." GRAEFENBERG CO, Every 3?utiixxx Nail drawn down to a point rrom id, rod, ibus ; reecivtoK over aixty qnlcK,nocMlT sharp blow, at a welding he(. MING OMAHA Raw and Boiled Oils, Turpontino, Varnishes, White Lead, Patty, Of excellent quality and Wong Chin Foo's Snake Yarn. Wong Chin Foo is an' interesting celestial who occasionally writes for the New York press, lie now caps the climax of the snake story reason in an interesting contribution to the New York S'un: A little school-bo- y while on his way to school one day, up what seemed to him a small picked white pebble. ' lie put it Into his It proved to be a snake egg, pocket. and in time, ttrough the heat- of his pocket, it hatched out a young- reptile. The boy fell In love with It aud carried It from day; to day to school with him, and fed it with a part of his own lunch until It became too big to be carried. when he made a nest for it at his home. But one day it sudden ly grew to an enormous size, and upon the boy's arrival home be was frightened to death. When the monster saw what be had done he was sorely afflicted and refused to be fed, but immediately put on mourning by taming his color from brown into pure black. He crawled beside the grave of his de I r ieni and lav there for seven partedand days nights. At the completion of the seventh night he came back to his late home, but the bey's old mother was so enraged at h1m for killing her only son that she picked up an ax aud chopped Ida tail off. With a fearful scream and a lash of his bleeding tail he felled the house and made his way ta the Moo Soon San Mountains, where he never shows himself except once a year, lust about the time he lost his tan, to come oat ana mane trouble tor tbe people by creating storms called the ''Tyfoon." This hu does to square nimseii lor losing uis valuable tan. Despite reports to the contrary, it now seems certain that there were but , IBAMtS, two hvcs saved from the steamer eru j We are now prepared to promptly supply tower, which recently sank daring a ri.MHtiMJ, the public wild Hg and Bottled Beer or ; typhoon. Superior quality, al popular prime. IIAItIUAKF.. There is great activity In military Cttr l9a, Hala SL lelcphe, 179. Mr. MA.SU VEIUlin, U1.ASS, cireles in cauton. caused iy tno con templated rciniorcement qt th- Jfrencn 1. FISHER BREWING CO. troops in xonquin. The steamship Ceebe had a terrible Mclnernev. Annapolis. Rev. Al A LI j RILLS PROMPTLY KILLED and Md. : ,4lted J. GO TO TUB experience in a recent typhoon, Star Cure gives good the Norwegian bark Jiotrid was dis satisfaction i " Cough mantled off the coast of Cochin China Wortopjtfs ClGtli Store I in a similar gale. Two meu were 3 . washed overboard from the Celebes. 33 TX x :q :ej r. The British ship Earl of Jerscy.whlch MEN'S and BOYS' Contractors, and JIaiiuiai-turcrsarrived at Singapore September 4th front Cardiff, reports that during the vovoce an apprentice fell overboard AND FURN18HIWC GOODS. TMlOH.!BBHiET & AHUSIBDBG. and a boat and eteht men 'went in st arch, but the boat never returned to Co. Children's Clothing a Special!) Lato it liner, Tnlo" the ship, aad was given up lor lost. V. O. llOX xoasra-aroieBi- , There is much distress caused by the recent floods, and subscriptions are M w. First SMlk being taken up for the relief of the sufferers. Many lives have been lost, and thelEmperor has Isent 200,000.1 aels to the anlicteu provinces. J' !i:!:-The wreck of on unknown vessel ms-' fisher was found native last by August Paid for STKAWatthc rnper Mill, month men on Ike Chimsfc coast north of. of Bi(? Cottonwood, Five Dollars per ton, bodies of white Seveial KYHOLE-WHEA- T Shanghai. men were washed ashore--. She was n lumbar-ladeand supposed to be from THE Uwiji la stock and at LOWEST prr botttle. .' Brnslies, Wall & Kalsoming al! Druggists. l act with These great mildness, and taken at any ime with benefit. cure ail forms Malarial Diseases and Fe used vers, and should to stimulate tho Liver and Kidneys to healthy action. are invaluable for Billiousncss Headache. and Complaints. Herald. : L D. AT COST ! MOORE & SOX. PLANING MILL, Faaxevw, Daseret national Bask, Treasurer. DA.YfB' JJtMMtt n. II. HALF-A-BLOC- J- - Con I & CD. Pitts iliiiU fidiiiiiliiv rreaideat. iniuix. L. 8. Hnxa, Cashier ArkanBaw oyrup is loo&uig you all square ia 1 yon want a enro, eafa nnd rolialde Cough Byrnp ? Are yon troubled with a Ooagh, .old, Bronchitis or Lnug Complaint? Do yonr Babips kocp awaka all nteht .with Hacking Concha,you Colds the ilfnulj oto. Do yon wani somethingia reliable ia the hones to emorroncios f We answer to m?et all s thra Go to ror lirOffcrist and get a Ilottla of the Arkansaw Conirh Byrnp, and bo troubled, no mere." Price, 60 cents per Bottlel MUWSrUKATlD UN. Me iiK Him of tho PILLS. 141SPArTO,V:tC:t it contain r iii liHtsot ncwnpaiMTu and eattmales of the rot . HOT FORGED NAIL lAI2FETBEIt y Cloaks! Cloaks & weight, within an ounce or two of three PILL.S pounds; muscles of its thighs over an inch through, and sinewy as though made of rawhide and brass wire inter may woven; bacK brown; breast and under black with t At thn bo parts while, spots. time it met its fate it was encaged in a a combat with black snake about six feet long, ia which the to be all oa combat seemed of Thev Its side, for the snake, all but eighteen inches of Its hiuder end, bad taken refuge under a loe, and that 13 inches the hawk was busily engaged in de bo molishing with beak and talons, and was so absorbed in the lob ttial he failed to observe in time the approach of the hunters. The discovery was made by both at about the same time, but as the feawk rose iu the air the man with the shotgun banged away and the They bird fell with a crippled winjb and was An inshortly afterwards dispatched. vestigation of the Held disclosed a Bowel black snake tuny six leet long, in a hole nnder the log, thick as a man's wrist, and what was left of him still 5SL0 Bl DBBBGiSTS; ISceits per box. living. The bird had torn off aud devoured a considerable portion of what he could get at, and 11 it naa been able to secure the rest of its body, might by this time have been in Canada, livinu aid well. Ills lifeless remains are now in the hands of Thomas Bell, the taxPANACEA. CHILDREN'S idermist. Kli:l:t squirrels, elc etc.. it remains to be said, were the balance of Best Medicine for Children. 50 cents the (lav's work. ntllxuttrg, ytnaa., CHINA. : .SEASONABLE We have taken the dimensions of big hawk killed by some Wellsburg dence, l'a.,that we think takes the cake in tne cnicaen tniei line, it was one of THE FAR KAST. the red tail sort, with a head, beak and like the bird of America, The Bteamer UUy of Peking arrived eyes and talons proud fully an inch Ions-- , fin San Francisco harbor .October 20th, measured from tne tip of one wing to that of the ether, forty -- nine inches, bricgiog Hong Kong advices to Sep- and the end of its tail to the tember 24th and Yokohama news to pointfrom of its beak, nineteen inches; as follows: October 2J, 4 Graefenberg PUTNAM'S snake'. Oct. 28, 18S TtinrstimT TFe (veen a "For Twtakai t t " i A. ' |