OCR Text |
Show - ,"' .' - . !''''.,. i : VOL. XIX, i mw . f . - t ,;. t f ; r !' , EVENING NEWS: One Copjr, one year, with ToslMgc, " Six ltlODlh.4. " three raoutha, " $10 M 5 (X f BK "V. 3 00 threomontM," p : .:" "'. ' e. - , ' , . - . XJXJ UIVAJT XI. in..!tir B!i rnnt.o.t : that country with ; i ' - JL -- 1.1 I tit in iwlth 1 lit. Tin. endurance wjltthe Cfoadian . was oanecetiSary and ''t-ie- . ..- - - jer o um-monnd -- . iner-eliautis- e, ! . Pure. bsStUtely Barrel' ol eeder never raries. Tbi- - A nrlty, strength andn wuoleaomenea. nrninMrw-mima- JfWWH'.!'11 oatnea-we.re-p.rlnt- vetrt-itoar-uer- SLOB Pamtjamisii, fall , -- . - thoujftu-fuaconstderalio- e- Turpontino, Varnishes, Wliite L -- - -- r - IS s. . n, mm - , Cr-- . Cotton e CrlcaLi., -- to-da- SIII-CO- RD Spool Cotton ' S. roa .iL . serlcu aakcaay, tb conatrr. B. aeterw aaaf . POHIE, . tom,Utckaa,BraUat Hat Raoka and Whatnot, all to S31 South CUatoai treet, Cbicaio. , Qooda caa be fonad ai the faraitara Go. and otbttr I)alera at- Bait - , acacar utru. HEDEB-- K. BKOOXSCBKIDT. aaaaaaal ' ae Cabinet Hardware, V- -. -- aaam la Vaotaeala Dealer s " g 7 to-nig- ht' ' f - aaBBBaaai '2 St8; W?1 STKKKT, j c . Win bold a ahaa aa other. We fqarantea oar Na)la . to be Equal in Quality add r Xharabillty to any mad. Long ex tfean an WoHeTattdBiSCo., . - -pro- tec-tlve--erasure - j to-da- ' Detroit.T-Fniiadelphl- . . ,. . - i. ..-...-- its ly - J -- : . to driyi by ttfar V . . CXIOIf BOUXS HAIIi, CO., M. - St-Loui- s. from th Rst Norwty Iron, FInlahed Alraady -- , ur ttavf OHICA&O GO. h : POLISIIED.On BLUKD For Sale by Z. O. .Branch stravi - - JAMES & ay , . -- i al a. ' STAR DORSE 5.VILS, ' rjRAPBS - r.p.-.'o.vBOx'.aa- to-d- CD Upholsterers' Oobds. O & SON, . -- ter-rltott- V BuekLi -- n 173 IIANDOLPH Er-glan- to-da- .JSC, ;5 any l v '. ' .sjgi AJTD JCO. kl - ; BROCKSCHMIDT & for - j J h , and d, ' Laka Oltr. d . Cottow fASVASS ot all numbers-i- U toJJi incites wido. for Deck, Car, Trunk aqf Wngon Covcrinjrs, Machine Aprana nl for oilier i)urjiocs, constantly la s feuc re aa( made to order. Agonta for U. S. Banting Co., "Standard" and ' F4urlo,n by the Caao or lese quantity aUX Thoiooct3gu,li, ontalnod-avZC- , Coauaoa Exteaaloa COjOTANT. By tho lfanL Tho Tiado Supplied. -- Hilar Estea of Center, Library Ge-roni- " the Prisclpal- y : ! BRINCKEESHOFP, TURNER !& CO.1, 103 Dntuia Mi.. Bfew Torlc HanuCactiirerc of and Dealers in TOTTCV Urual MlUa Sail UC'CK, "nmt Woodberrj-,other favorite Irand9,a ltLiiiit;a" nnmlwra risrd, Alcdiura and Soft, f CASES; CLOTH e Z; O. BI. I. CHAMBER fCIXS, StOTM Id tmrn aid TRIMH16S - IT P. MAYER & CO;, MAvtrrAortrnxu or mil IX -- GODBE ?1T3?S - & COMPX Ottr Oeoda ajra oa Salaln and liIQIIOES ow . Vttlmwt, Caerry aad Xte, nm ammi mmm mn Mim , j. CHICAGO. Lm - Die-ma- Fee Fancy cad Ordinary lci3t Soaps. For Excellence of Material, pallcacy of F- fume, aod Neatae4 of StU. For Zenltbia Ehavkjjj So4p. " - For Laondry SMp SpccJaltie. , For Excellence and gupuriority of Laoolrr. Harness, and MedJoiaal Toilet Soap. Bifhert and only 'Awatd for CheailsaL" - .aad-BOO- - -- - 18S4 and 1S85. fExtrcai froei kurort Ttepcrte to t'ae Scar? ' f Awards.) for Tsnect; DlspUy cf Toilet Soup wi Kalsonung BrasIiBS, Raw and Boiled - - ictUTf'-Alrxande- SIDEBOARDS AT COST THE PLp,RELlABLE DRUG STOfiE! ms-th- c . Rtal KIRK iii r I of-tb-e ed . Wore a, gyr MS. S. i . laud-.-pnroba- . Jun iiisL itiuil VtUiUtraJtTm or , ahoRnhata powders.- - ..- . .J DAKia4 Fow Sold oju.taanju " OEM Co.. 15 Wall Street. Kew Yoravo Putc Oljcuxin. ; ii XT COST . I c tecsUl Exposition. Heir i31 NO, r e -- . .- . BT TBS World' a Indnstrftkl and ij ,' , DIBHOTOBSl the-lan- CHICAGO ItlAXJn.- - - -'. -- ctrr. ctait; ' Mamifmatwrtrt eaawf JHmlw at LOOK WELL " S apEt-osaaoB- .r . P v. -- or iriiT , 1 For sale at - Mcirn, : ITT:SKjei7Ka-ECt-3EJa- . BqpU&etpi tyJOSS MAM. M, "C5. l.' and Xiddle.dbe. Ctorefat nirtin 4 Da Messra. Allen if 15, & Co., Ciarl lildreAge ; j Its fcrancU Pltt Co., Oa, Oun-ningto- n 4 - , Co, o -- - if I Ask for4 Ike f I ! I - Stove rriper Mealed ltMw. I' reu . 1 o4ioa .'JWita 'Fc L uest sans end- - PAS I5ASDLE CARPET WARP - nwt I. SOLE AGENTS. Can tained at till thai branch, stores Z4 C. M. U Je ob- ds alt Territory. r . r"n :,T gj Salt . aj-" City, TJtah. - I-a- Ue W. Ai mT, Fxaptlato. pati AewatftjiaHmtatCityAa'tte iay r. ill S g- a Caargad, 9U09 tlM par day. Baa. ;.:Q....--."- ' FOREIGN. -- -- the d Wv--i- ',- - d ; as-a- n the-Imperi-al S3 OSSTsl. I m -- -- ! ar opaa xay aad Oaif aaa taaadfraai Dattata.Hifa. gtmi 't U f amaaaaaaaBaaa BIS Q US I , - in 1 's--a ;. -- I 11 11 I I .T a. -- TIPS nmctiit - ii r- - prdflt-Cheers- Fariis ffliiraoafift BLACK 51 - braarji atorca, aaa 5 .. - Qnidt Sale. HlkT V 8oe Pitts Drifg Company. -- aAiT'tAKK ' lie thought compass of the speech. have ' LO ft f(J RATK D 18S8." '' AaiAai wwsp theuoverumeiit iaouId rtvivcd Hues of their measure's until the ififcues themselves cottiM .be presented But he was unwLjjug to complain of the action ot the Goveiunieu no He intimated that he would lake part ia the- - divisiontie on Parutll'a tienecated amendment, any attemptLjttrfoi'ce a Ue'llaile ptvma-tur- e uc the pvi-e- y ol opluiou expression whicu the Uoveinint loieshacuwed for future guidance., .Their poficy; however, was cpen to W. IT. 8nA.tOiAl, Presiaesu .'; 5. - Ftetaw, rematks. it oore upon live diilei'eLt L. b. Uiuji, Cashier Desaret Katteaal Baak, Treaserar. a i The of issue namely points, rojai ' David Jam is, W. 9. AJtaaa a.atav . commission j HUestlons ot puoJo au Luo land inquiry ill Works; porcoaee. rents aud subjects of jewa d toat tu government, lie believed ! ! policy was not . gevernmeut ! one, but was eminently cejBnt.'g and desendud tue difficult. uladtonu policy of the government as au abso lute luvwelou of tlte policy ot the late li eland government; Instead of gtyiui; novru-ment Uhj present "proposed' tht. Kunlan ehouid a ireiauo to greater exicui tuau jjorern IC Uid at the? present, time. A gteut. the government had proposed that taaeu rents; and revenue ol Ireland bu loaus-.-lias security for land purchase WIS HAVE AN OVERSTOCK OP only hoped fjat 'tue critics wuo coudemnod that vecurity would b aecun the equally vlgllaut couceraiug ty bow'prcpoaed. '' & Tbe government, be ..continued, intended to adopt a large evidently Wa& uf scheme of Which we will sell at COST tor CASS darlag Ue aaxt a day a. tenant, he aaked.to be created upon real rentable, valtje ol the basis tbe property, and the landlord upou the basis of Judiela-- l rent? And State" to make up thud! hen nc. '( Mr. Gladstone maintained that th ;rc . JOUs, was no power within l'arilauieul tn u to1 a mm such fatal carry propoulou effect. Cheers. lie had oeeu Uuuteu witn paying become the leader of.iUe Irish Nationalists, as if that was a -COLORS OIL, charge against him. Bat tie was at having any part whatever in always in stock and at LOWEST MABUT IATX1U becoming a leader or loiiowei ln ci.ti not care vhicu lu any movemieut teud lng to make smooth the path of .he people of Ireland and encourage tbem to hope for a roallzauou of their just ,! rights. Cheers The Unionists have issued a whip a tbeudment to against Mr. Parneli' ' tne address. FOR MED fC AZi PURPOSES, Mr. Chamberlain will move. the ad Of excellent quality and at LOVVBSr POSSIBLE PaUCX8. We setl 4X Journment of the debate oirthe .adgallons at barrel prices and on ThuRd&y he dress will move a division. I bi mm Mr. Gladstone will start for Mun-con a three week's vacation Uehas arranged to return, it uece;v eary, at a moment's notice. . , '-y- . ; ,' tbe-mai- n but-TKg- e, any-weaker THK OESERCT NeW8 CO., jp- - . ' i .,, , i. the gravest anxiety. lis 'declined to whether Ku?s!a was imp Heated 6tate ETEBlTr!ITT!r-K;LCOIU.PLINE. in these events, Tho faostia as to . 'display cl violt.cca and Russia's complicity will ' be renewed . ; n. toniOrrdw. bravado toward Mexico' He declared that Vvbair Umt United Slates "HI. 'WIBEO FftQM WASIilSOTOBf. V accept arbitration as a rata us agreed n? adlustluff the difficulties with Eus- London, y 21. Telegrams from Bustate that the majority under bonds charest Aaeuwr Bead CUa:prta kaua fiand, tbeJoverDmtnt was ' Import-Ramej- val to tne pgDiic opinion ot we woriu w of tbe Bulgarian array, as well as the J Aytclaea offerroUratloa to party majority ol the llqlgarian peepii, have . an a mcaua of ettliug- a"dillculty, already declared, arinerence to AlexBeitajiajia,tc. j It ta that otherwise we placed ourselves in th ander, including the soldiers In the Washihoton,2 another call for 4.15,000,000probable arWldd!inr Necropolis and Siliatrla gar.three per disrepntable attitude of cent, bohda will be made during the bitration with a strong acccptlus and re- risons. Col. Montdoroff, e.def of the second weelj of Septntaber. Rouraelian militia, has offered-tlead porting to l,orco with a weak: power. the Ttw Chiel of the Bureau of Statistics Thero to meet Prioce Alexander, waa no adequate caUso for the troops escort him back to Sofia and replace bu scut to the Actinic Secretary of the detnonstratiou, Treasury a statement ot the values of we the speakpr,. him on- t.be BnlMHan ' throne. M. cannot," the imports and exports of the United "without SUmbaoloft, President tJt . Tlrnova, characterjiBdjival-btate for the montn of J uly, lSac, and ry, begin our ucnottatlons with turcats provisional KOVxrniuent. acting in oon fort the seven and twelve months euded of cert with ('ol. Montdoroff, has war." TnlliatA f Bulgaria to serJjafy 3li 1S&5. t Rtcardlnir prohibiten, the speaker; tnercban-dltie Intercut of Alexander.. M. lathe Ma. vice ue Tficyajua ottba axpoits ol of party Republican lor the month of July, lSStl, ac- jaidtho had been, pledged to proulbltiou Icohj Sjrambaulolf declares the garrison at -to 78V the day ot Us orKanlzaiiuu, and had Sol, Which seconded-thcording tho atatement, was revilatioa," 707, and that of the lmcorts cl rnacted all the laws respecting lis en- is rcatdy to surrender to any govern46fi.630.709. a yd reaffi raod its ftita this ment psoperlcrepresoutldi the. deFor the 12 months ended July 31, forcement The Democrats were opponents posed PUnce, provldlug the soldiers 185o, the exports .o(CUachaucrUe year. are of ot prohibition, and aUil certain proassured; amnesty. auionnted In value to $USt,&M3S, and hibition advocates had adopted the .'Auotlier X'LCOvuiuBMl verrmBka(. the imports, .$1,2183, an excess of sliibboletli'Ttie liepublicaa party hhjbL experts overniipom of l4,703,2d. Cpxs.T aStix o rK 24. A second iro be killed!' and had made an alliance 'IhtJiiae ot imports and xports of wlih the Democrats. visional goverufnet baa b.ee.n et up la U'.c two precious metals for the same: The speaker slid agonal thUalrjaBce jBtttgajia wjtii neaqaartet,t ,xirno ' to . T!iyovemii:cnl period was as follows : liepubllcant partyrpnsf nied lwr-- 1T--t va.that For July 1880, exports, gold $1,170. the ol KaraveloC.,?ii it favors cord'ol unfl6rmsuppoft' ti pronlbb?, 31tt silver $2,24,37. , Imports, gold ti.,n &n1".tiii'. Aint-ritn ARxander. aU'.nbouioflt- - .has .been protection of. Kmade president of thje. Tirnoya govern- 55,07i; silver $1,403,607. labpc. uif-- t. . tie is one: 01 me meg, wnose For.the twelve inoatas audio? July sHiubi inland. In thejcircplar ls- 2Ud8S9;.4ortsr gold UZMl'JZSt Mi ports, gold f,735,- - , DfiTttoiT Mlohat The followrng j sited yesterday by Karavelofl's icovern- raeut to convince people that aff prcm-ineu- 't wr&vyi Th iNT la. lAi. l.w.aa Am, ft rktTt rl r was men nf (hja country supported the. thafCUU OavmmeataTttlly declded- rjTT .tfrrringtoki&onn&ll Strut, Dub S revolution. to permauently remdvejrom- the Ter-f Berlin, 54 A" letter from Prince. Al - Wl iLteli a.t rltory of Arizona thoic, oi.thfi Uhlrica .Hjflaa fw darn Am mailing Maloney draft for $3000. t exajlduT.'btA rnxtr ' Wajm 8prlng bands of; The before" Lis deposition has baen received Inreads American with League Avaehea now oouhe Satrgedsto reserof 'he Gweedone aad other mimac ty. in.tno vation." Xha only .Important question, dignation bectuiimt' and will do its ut- sayss "My ixsitiou heartless evictions, not yet decided Is said to be where! most to keep our kindred' dthlcult. The Teoiki are 1n their shall they he located. This question, homes .while waiting- lor' an Irish .alarmed at tht, Serviatb armament and Which is regarded as a very Important .i5trliaoenl... ... : . Turkish Comtnls-bioueittiepccseuceol.tue one, baa reculved earnest and In order to reassure the peo. Cuts. O'Rkilly. (Slgueu): and there now seems The treasurer wishes it aistiuCtly ple, who have been" Iworked upon by to We a probability, that they will be understood that this transmission Russia's opposition, reques'tu Count On rott Marion 'military reser- from the surplus placed Kalnoky three weeks ago to Induce of the legguu fund revation, at St. Angustlne, Florida, where ported to the Chicago convention, is In Servla to resumc diplomatic relations Jhihaahna and his band are now quarBulgaria Count Kalooky connected with tue&urilatneaf-ar- y with tered. The smallness of this reserva- nowise but Servia has not .replied, consented, cases but used ol la fund, emergen and-shtion is, however, regarded as a serious cy and In cases of evicted tenants. No has continued to fortify her other less objectlona- - funds will be .held, ondeposit here so frontier, leading us to expect a refault, and some beselected, yet as. a pressing necessity requires' sumption of hostilities. The ministry long -- stated 4s have asked me to order an advance of that at it , Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, of Chiel their, ise in Ireland. troops, which I have refused - to do, Clavelana Asiavrchlsta. Chatto and his dozen companions, who knowing the seriousness of the first ' were returning to their reservation iu such a case.. Oa the other band Clbvklaxd, 24.A committc J of step from a visit to Washington, and who Anaronlsts.cailed the press attacks me oa account of the Garaner Mayor upa ' a as his-Qeronlmo and wll y , and be refused to ;tho appointment of delegates to the Turkband of ish '.commission. I am,, therefore, beloog to use yn the public square. Uegrant BlftSr renegades, told the Chiricanuas, was ordered as committee he would tirevnt suchthea anxious to be absolutely free iq regard: ToFroteet tndlords a precaution against their antici- meeting if it was witUw .his power to to Servia,. in order that I may devote Dublin, 24. Curragh of Kildare, a pated bitter opposition to the scheme myself" entirely to thu Turkish' quesso. of renaovaL It Is also stated that the do tion. The excitement 1 so great Geat plain owned by the British crow n Tlie CatUag Case. President has given his willing conand against the coihmlsaion that an attack used forheart ol Kiidare Count, sent to the' change, and has military purposes.is the 24. An official tele- - upon the delegates is probable." placed .the WASHJuaTow, natsuat of at details in the bands of secretary Lamar The activity present. oeen received irom Aiinlstet Sans;nlBiai-Encounter, and General Sheridan, and that he fram has connVmlng place is being put fa readiness to rethe press reports live ceive additional of the vigorous poliwarmly approves regiments of London, 24. The Dailz Telegraph but giving no par- other additional "regiment!' cy of General Miles aad believes that- o( Cutting's release, says : It is stated, that a sanguinary f .These reah the peace of the southWsSjleaisinlsof has taken place among the troops are to cavalry. ouoebt IsenterEalned at the De- encounter be used In ass 1st tug.- In the work oi tnat tne nosuxessnouiti oe pursued un- partment Ron at mania, troops Jassy, statetae resulting ' that published wtnrer. til captured or exterminated and eviction the of .in the during coming killing many and.woundujg reasons-allegeoq to wita ments the regard - The authorities expect that vthe de. when captured, should be j sides. .. the Mexicans 'for their ac- -' troth nunlshed as ether perpetrators of high tlona arebycorrect. A Bucharest dispatch says that disfault in Tents among the Irish peaiau-tr- v Tue will not release crimes are punished. in order through tbe winter will' be unusuSoha, and that the prevails affect is whkh to Sedgwick's mission, The work upon the models lor the learn all force In are waiting the sig- ally great, aad that the presentVtrecxth-eneoutlying garrisons in the The case.; tacts the Ireland will, unless much 1ST Sample Fashion Plate oleomargarine tax stamps baa been de- Government does not at present con- nal to march on the capttaU Is statedHhatthe Roumellan miliprove totally inadeqaate to. the layed by the absence ot the Assistant cern Itself with any question of damIt work of the interests are of and. also for oj active service, protecting Superintendent will Engraving prepared due Cutting, oat will use the in- tia Rules Setf'JIeasuremettt mail not b ready fox ages Printing, and they formation It? may gather through and that. Alexander's cause is hourly landlords. several aald la be to The gaining design ground. Sedgwick in f urtherance of Its negotiA ParUanaeist o KottOna;. cd ta: a simpledays. address on application a serpent un- ations null trampling tor a change of tae Mexican Gladstone and Pai-nel- l tne der .foot, in the centre, while around laws, la House in so far as they are h Id to give - Icrd Mayor Sullivan presided tothe margin are the words 'Oleomar- the il of Comanosu. right to tiy Americans for acts over the fortnightly meeting of the day garine" and 'Internal Bevenue." the committed. Correspondence tollciltS American within the terri24. Parneli wai loudly National League. Iu hi? addresshe Londow, denomination of the sumps being ln- - tory. w.. cheered In the Commons on declared that Ireland was prepared tcr aicaiea-uc corner,''mere win oe tnre murder Is rising to resume the debate on tee ad accept Gladstone's home rule bill as i varieties of stamps. The new stamps Still the subject of correspondence, dress in to the Qaeea's-- settlement of tbe controversy with needed la order to operate the oleo- rather of inquiry. . As it appears or at peecn:. - ne reply Of course Irishmen would aaiu no 'Dene vea tnat U margarine taw, are one kind for retail- present, the .only act for wuich thi. country had been given three more not, Sullivan said, refuse to receive ers, another for wholesale dealers and Government can demand redress Is tor the weeks to consider. the Home Rule bill, whatever good things the Tories might a third for manqfactnrers. Those will that of kidnapping Arasueres when'ne the toiies would not now be seen In- offer short of Gladstone's proposed be made of several denominations, and was domiciled this side of the stalled in the bench.: The benefaction, but the Tories might ac. coupons will be attached, in order to borderline. In upon no event cau it be ex? Irish party hadTreasury reason: to be well know now as well as later, that every make any intermediate number resatisfied with their pected that Mondragon will be surthe people of Ireland would never be position. content . quired. rendered for trial to tne American au- The majority of the present liberal party until they had a Parliament of had later-venJnaaee Ck Blatao en tat Pliuea ln a declared In fs,vor of Irish thorities, special treaty clause their own. aMiisenloau to warrant the refusal, on The lories had only profited autonomy. from. temTAILORS AND WOOLEN Mexico's part, to surrender one ot her porary liberal hesitation. After the Folteeiaeta Arraigned. Skbaqo Lake, Maine, 24. James G. Citizens y upon any pretext. Blaine made a speech -- ere in present government had- - exhibited El Paso, 34. Cutting this evening themselves for a year or so as a spec Belfast, 24. Nine policemen re 235 s. MAIN ST., Opposite Walked House, Salt Laks Cify. opening the political campaign In this an to the address of tacle for God and man in an attempt to eentiy arrested charted with m order people State for the republican party. After publishes '.tv. In. which he tnanks govern Ireland, the liberal hesitation for Bring upon and. as alleged, killing reviewing he factt the induction of tne United States a xaso ot number the . democratic party to power, the them, the El press, and the peo- would vanish. The Irish, had people daring- the late and particularly Consul reason to have patience. Theirsevery was riots, were brought for examination speakerloqched upon the record made ple of Texas, Into the criminal court. Tbe by Congress, and declared from the Brigham tor the interest taken and the a winning cause. If tbe Government over Tbe head record that it was shown that the assistance rendered him during his im- speeches were intended to exasperate all swore that they fired : of theneode. Judtre Monroe . rranteri lie says the main issue and threaten, they would fail to have policy ot ""protection ycrsos tree trade prisonment, on to ball with two extr4 that of Mexico's right was anls-that effect. At' the same Ume there the policemen release stuped and determined Would be icousiderabie difficulty with sureties, qualifying for $750 'la eacb no longer by sectional preference,-bn- t jurisdiction ovec fore iauers cans." Six of the men, who took conIs not aft settled by his release, ' lie tne rent question. . had oecome general and national. Mex of abuse lie wuitlippp-witspicuous parts tn the riot; were to.that the 'Ooverniaent regrej.ed iecdng a distinct aylolent of division bet wees the republican and I eo and aer institutions, and hopes tue had nb( appreciated tile gravitr c4 the day committed for, trial. The commit democratic parties. lie contended United States Will soon .Invade and situation. A royal comajkalon would ting magistrate announced It .was h! ue unable to report until the pinch of intention to serve all the rioters in the thatrthe hostility f the democratic conquer the whole country over. If the system ot dual tame war.-party to protection 'had, emailed upon Anetatar Tranaeontljaaaial Bteyllst. winter was waa to be replaced by the tne country, a vast loss, and in many ownership Clsoiern atetarna. Loi ' Asaxiits, Cel.. 2i". Jred. E. sys em of single, ownership,; cases ob'jtracted the progress and dethere' would be a r sk to the English taxpay the transcontinental bicycllie Mefcrbeke, velopment of certain sections Hcark. t4. The cholera returns fox A5D gave a statistical comparison of the ist; has. arrived here on his way to San er; Parneli said he had agreed to . tae the past twenty-fohours are t daanciai condition' oft the working Francisco from Mew York, lie leaves adoption of the land surohaie act f Barictta IS new eases. deaths. for San Francisco. 1885, because he then Meted that the to ' the enact classes - prior r 7 cases, 4 deaths. the - flraf ' sttlemtnt Qf the National Question; v Blscelglla el eal rtavenna ii cases, v aeatns. - aa eomparecf with cone would and because concurrently Vlaeenxa caaea, S deaths. y IS, Boston 6. the Conservative Government had sent i - 14e spoke "or tne labor ques- : CaiCAQO, Padua 12 caes, 5 deaths. a tcr Ireland Lord Carnaervon, 10, lietrolts 3. .waa who tion; contending that the . mn who Other Infected districts S4- casss, 18 St. Louis 8, Washin- an avowed Home Ruler. - Now, the deaths. could by any prescription remove this i v. ..... were conditions . discentent and at once restore har- gton. :ii , entirely changed Kansas Vorfe Kansas Gladstone's purchase scheme woukT mony and happiness, would he a pbilo Citf.et? '" ), have salely settled the land question. -. and stafaasman. - The City 7- opher, man wnopatriot Every penny, principal and Interest, C proteased t do )fc tne ipe4t .Prominent .athletes - and ' oarsmen ftp-rJArHetlier Cbops Cblld. tar TOLEPHnNB COM II DXICATIOH ' Ho. SO. could nave been t coilected, er aald, would generally prove to be a euro through muscular stiffness' and soreness, and exciseNew York, 34. Police Captain customs duties, "and the with St. Jacobs OIL ceurpound of empiricism and ignor- Conklin of tue Uast Eighty-eight- h ance, perfect freedom1 to test the money would have- been- as safe as the '. . , t. '; of r4 bank dissen the foilow.ng virtues and secure the advantages of street station, England. If the oovefnnaent' thought of re and to exert pow patch to Acting Police Superintendent organisation - valtf the Steers, this morning i Kate Stalb, a solnng- - the . Irish .question, without er through combination,"strong room In to a are set German fire the settling the9 land question, it would nurse, speakerr certainly among a.the a. v recommon basement of No. 213 East Uigutleta hod that it hadot hold of , the wrong rights of all men under O --j Street. The owner smelled the smoke end of a very thorny stick. Cheers.! publican government." lie : said he and v.- KBmm traced it to her door. When he The government must red.tt.Q9.- - the could only wish to inquire of labor ' TTCTTZR TO bow. under the rules' of entered her room to put out the, tire he rents either at tho expense of the landlorris or the expense I ret, trade, could wages In the United discovered the body of a nearly newthe British States te kept above the general born child on the burning bed. It was tax pay era. Parneli denounced the disstandard of European wages? Ue also half consumed by the fire, and It was honesty of attempting to stimulate tbe 4- dwelt upon the fact that the colored impossible to distinguish the sex. Ex- crushed hdnstries by liberal doaea of He said, tbe men ol tne boutn were developlag Into amination stjowed deep cuts on the English publlq, money. iYevTiiIed, child's Head that hard killed it. The Irish people bitterly refused to sell citizens, and if free trade birthright for. the mesa waite labor not only i. u uuts . iubo com police put the woman uader arrest and their ngtlopaj the government ofsummoned the coroner. Appearances- Of pottage wh-cpetition with the highly skilled and indicates that Ca,tqvrlP9v. Utab tilled- fered. rarnellite cheers ! -- The- way miserably paid laborer of Europe, but to develop the reeoqees of Ireland wa the colOTed'labdrer would remain sub r crematlDglt in the k'.tcbeu stove, to allow the ,Irtsh. to develop them Ject to the will of the, w&ite men. re' (Cheers. They did: not ceiving inadequate compensation for but found H even Mter muttlaUna It, themselves . . of capital,- for there was his own tail and steadily crowding too large, and built a funetal pyre of want an influx in the compensation of the white laborer. the pillow oq her bed and lighted lt .plenty of that Ireland. v They wanted to be allowed to help themselves. B:alne dwelt at great length on the Sue persists in her declaration of inuo r risacry question: 'fie' said that the cenee and utter lgnoruOoe of the crime, Conservative , cheers ajqd lauvbter. Senate and House having formally ter- aud -says she awoke to hnd the bed on Thh government allowed the ftUq Vd minated the treaty ol 1871, by an ate.- A surgical examination proved, hul.d harbors, drain land and general reaoqrees' of th counoverwhclmiDg vote, Secretary -A State, however, sue had recently, become- a ly develop the did hot allow the Irish born try. wbnxhey 2, Bayard, cpntiaued the treaty for six mother.fromThe child had been killed -S- t-g f to Teap the The months atrthe request of tiie Brlllsb alive, appearances, 8Qcj irlih a with the blow the repadlated tne la lastrument party proposed pf sharp Minister, pledges ! above drawing was made from a sail, that the President would: recommend tbo laaunaboa or Iron ia the Celsl lat ufarly severed the head from the lraud on the liritlab taxpayers.. ' Let byiiiod th appftitrtmeot of a CqmUlss do td body. The prisoner lived for several the govtrRmen,t, which Obtained plike snowing Bh earing process, aad . weald not decide upon the egilc? baj la olihe fish- months at 239 East .Eightieth Street, by in iMenresen-atloqfawhere she Passed for the trite, ot Otto pay by ly mg pursoe.thelr own way ery rights ot Doth Nations, Tne Presiwholesale system, ol the promise lo tne Williams, youi batcher, waa visited and establbta? des, carried-ou- t' and eorrnptioa.- - IChaera.l r ' bribery verbatim janguage of the compact. : cere readf his amendment to Parneli The apeakerl characterized the" entire the address and proceeded. Ue said that the Judicial "reuta were too hign. uoinrwJLaMfege'-Dein- r held; In : Jt"J Ue objected to the ' Government's 'i the BriUsbTorefifb oface. robbed tha Tals' drawing : was nude treta tae aaQ jZi landlords to 'evict tha' . as talcaa treat President an ecu hoof Ex of. aad the as ooJla baas bUiiberty j bowa ta rife. 1 aad . knowing that . agrarian tlve.- w hen- it waarmscer talned that rayox tuituxM: 'f" wholesale, crime always followed, evictions. Why Bet Fcrgod aad Rammer Poiet-Congress would not sanction the interTheOaly Horse-sho- a Nail I the national commission, fthe Dominion Two' Pravicioaal oovek'aneBita ' 1st did tenants., submitting to moonlight that is aot -. Beor sh eared ltiu lite poiat aad to "give evidence! raids, refuse of Canada," the speaker said, "with cat.clippad, tyiw ' BalsrsuriaHaat ta f , f is jtut spht driving, the Tfoopf cause, taking Kerry the presumed approval j .i tenants knew, that before,example, Government, began a- series' of outraids .Lord Klnmora would not ;THE PUTXAMKAlXe : A yacht, "aupposed rages upon American ahlppinc and Bcchah?.$t, roof over the- - hedj ol his the The-Irisfishihg vesstls and fls.Uhg crews, seek- to luive Alexander oa board as pris- leave See that your bore is shod with this aalL , W 0 I i.ar ' wottfd be patient, .ad . ing In every tray to destroy their busi- oner, passed Gulrgevo ovlthoat stop- tenants. avoid aUrteka. 7 ..t , mtSrv - ' Til out to landness, and deprive them of their fishing ping. She expected to touch there but the ind,ucemenu held ri tents. This- was done with the de- n The yacht waa-- algoaied-thi- smornlnat lord? .wba trjed to exact Impossible liberate intention and" obvlons expec-tatP- near Silistrla. : It is auDooaed t jet the rents would bear fruit- andf ;might pro- Sampler-sen- t fraa ly faaH, ty addreaalag ' exasperation.- The lanaiords of forcing concessions from this revolutionists intend to land otijas J duce At wedid clamor for cqercton-aaforce . uovernmeni." ' to measGovernment coercive adopt of Ki? aq ernmedthM taken all the necessary et up jaine toon Ves he Ibelleved that coercion j.. ST attcussea it from the tandpomt oi1 steps to'protect Alexander It h shduld ures,, ana woswa severe '" come, very coercion land la Ejnmelia. The yacht wa.3 Isst Webster, fnd uslne thsr lasaualie 3iA23.: rrj;cK!ctxLt, BOSTON, I ' -n. tbstttateaman.'said: If an American reported at KeD, la BesstttOU, at the too. Coercion, Hut would sot ttopa Bait oppoflshlug Vessel was cactured bv one of juutnon vi tua rruta ana tae Aanuoe crimma.s,beout, avtava pouuoat nent, it - tulght offer 'suggestion P. 0. Address, It'epcnseT, f.lssir. : ier majesty-a- vessels .ci' war, tae yam is atuastan aa.territory. . would urge that judicial tenancies he Crdwitof' Knzlahd twm anaxexa a 3V9C. X. aad ttaFor sale fcr H3.-0- . ue axed years Instead Vanrb BriaLa a- - lae jroiutcai ti nrmvorrrtpw tne treaty was made with It, And oie, was deltaicon., Onlreeva ahouid It dwAa"ani ., 2 "Z stores. ' ana mere ofmat s should be a years, ii Would In Ron mania on the Danube, opposite net 'expected theUnlsecr-Stateof he rents tq accordance submit thabrrlghta tobAd1hdtcatcd la. Rustcauk, which," saya that Julartan reversion : With tne prevaiiinj prices a petty trlbojiall cX provluceSjOr troop la eastern" Bpume.Ha Jiave- ue xriah s be ia( of Binconciusiuq to 1? X) vessels favor brcqastg-bleseized itHprdnunclameuto ouj i or other veuroQaerrah'd con- - Prrn AJexauder; r The.' dispatch f ur- - Kwiu.never4iu haw t4 a. government not their own. Loud cheers. vTJae ques SG001 ,OIEt.';TO Vt& cGSNESAL demaeo; by the (municipal courv ot Ii , I "JI aonsaWorl.- Xaonlrt of. an autonomous government . - ". J t m 711 "1 iT Ap Mukoroa have, wo? ,CoL Quebeer viewtoandlend' and ; a ir. Luoop proclaimed f J S-- V7 fl ' i rT? n I win always oe nx UlaV titAVlalAMal . ITn rT rhearta Aaunmatir of intne or Airaaswickf Canada. dtrstt IPonrnlj last Street. Blalsa aald ItTwboid? ha .Vef refililnir It wWtheeT'or; ' the government of Earaveloff. and adds" Webstet'e words" fchoaid be repeated, iiir GLAoatoaav'a a. KCB.' " .Tne that the; --inhablUnts ofed sumla. and iron oVCiail gource , Zl Paeklat ahdv tth443roa' bare pablkly-declarfpr, EGldstbne,uetontxfaln'gwaa 'idndV . fPeaMreci sgiAa begad by tcuaih the urn tea biates couia not ro ta war. ex- -1 Aiexanaer ana. me .movtmeat lor hi cheered., uovernmeniioi navisztaxiBAn au usual 5 J:U epvcomftipgiattAiacVx5i?-tmarxst.: vsa JAs ouuidA tha BT JfO WOOD. TAR Rft .O ft AtX ?4 KUH$M$Z$f perlai lntferltTxjf.oneortut)tliet f firi'rJUJocWrerguon, Under get---, course in" going CRD Stt, tne from dorff mxszx .Me the coaauy ls weart Of hearine nhaiLretary ,fox Jjorelgn AjSairsreplyingto; ipeecn wuir;c,va taxooelf ot4.a3aVa,j. qvtb Canadian constables mre. axrwetina; 44UeUn Mr the tSonaavt Commons I re.membwr an .occaelOarlft-gftyyears74 IBaaaoau or All Kinds wnen the Qovernmtut thbus-h-t It poUii I American cews audit hat Cemadian this aiternoon, stated that the mm an uss no tuv had news razv from additional veatels suwiu cavtarSrr vPyortuaity pneboaia oaM JABES tr. WIST. lP5?rletot. AUa) pigxtvauot'va, iuawicaa say, Bulgaria.. The govraxeatt hf f ajid, tdf explaining; lt policy beyond the Velnaftaa JL . .e0 ., . '''-- to-da- il so fosts, ,, , ' ." 25, ISSU. - - - . so .. " - . viewed the events hi lo.-a- pt OBUWID ETEST WKDKEtDXT. Ons Uvpy, ore year, with , Bix " " t!urcenionih.i, mootfci. ... 11 ', .' . DESE11ET NEW St - : , ' - - .. ... - - WEDNESDAY EVENING, AUG JITYf XJTAII XERRITORY, "v. - w 1 ;v : gpin 2JC Cjpy. sne year, with Postage, One f ijlBBRTT. TE.TJTH AND - ,',..... " ' ' SALT IAIiB NEW YORK TBADG. JDESEKET NiEWSU E : :. :". '. - - BMI-"W- J j' yp " , . i - ."'H. .. ,, .w , - EVENING - i. i'Vl h, , : T- . ir - '4.- v. I - n d the-trea- Putriam;jjNa ty -- - I f k 4ll.-Ti- &tr el--o- w. - at-to- re . is-si- etf eaiui--TJ4i- , Kyeal IT a a I IVJ w,vliJ TW mm a- -. i il w aa ra mr a bm awwva miu im m t evcrr desealutlOBt kest . t ft on hund. 1 or WWta Hearae Bodice preaerrad without tea for; matf ... ' . . ttirth. ww a y aemkerrTKd-o- THE -W01lIj. aeii aaekam aoatalaa 19 atawaal st re, aiBoiats-l-- -i . ie sonsta-atl- i- of titn. to embalming "far aueffloatatlvcii and are or bodies. TTbiniilngI t nd ahippiaa jfmijala-'te fT retary , An ordere by tetemt)h or telechone. dT - soap Umft thaa aay ataar F SOLD BY ALL CROCKS; .ciitTriAriiiN-k- EiKiiiG ?mm AUinviwi iaria r:YTriifTv ia . 1 totted. i . bpt aaJwuf . ra tjttire'uraaaies.; t jTBiaatrwinroah r a- r, f ;C6.J - tts&f e . iiliiiitiiiiii. 1 ri - to-d- yi . ' Coee',"-BnIlderar4r-''- p BUnd;-WboA-Putnp- ; h l8?-treora- tloa nqT'tscAT Tr -- kot-ernm- i f' ent t'Ji . -V--eaT -- stair jjijxxjyxija ;4P Jtijtnxaz:9 |