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Show V r- - j - - i AL . . i 'AhJ W "" VIJLL I LL ? Xj vol. xrx EVENING rMht& I 33 3R, T "X" SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH TERRITORY, MONDAY EVENING, JUNE NVS NEW YORK? TRADE. (u V n1 14, 1S8U V-- v f 171. NO. BY TELEGRAPH. thex St. away. After a while tue,retune J with condemned the President, was guillotining every the property Louis ft. Saiu Francisco. by Wheu the a strong military escort Tifca they ne coutd reacn. repuoiican erwy Xtemimg, except Sunday. The chairman then delivered a care- new vuuipnuy incorporated UOUld re succeeded in conveying tj the castle tB WKSTKKN VS109 TELEUBArB ISHttm ful decision in which hev reviewed the fused to take any Interest in the road, guards aud the excited .peaxatrtry an 10 00 2 Copy, one year, withMPostage, of the civil service law and and would not turuish money for the inttll gible statement o( the! deputan alx month 8 00 provisions XLIX CONGRESS. the scope of the rule under which the prosecution of the scheme, lie used t'oa's simple and harmletts missiou.TDe three month. IN were perrulttecl to enter point of order was raised, and finally SMATE. those who controlled deputationfs the castle, but could notlsucceed in sustaining the point ruled the provis- la intimidating the road. Until thev abandoned the out of the bill . the King. They left Prince of the vtesi ionGibson o-a of Maryland, moved to strike contract ot.buiiding InO tnis city from reaching Kiug's replaced the Lieutpold ' t VtaUa, tana maae tbe contract with servants byletter, out the appropriation for the commisTHAKlJfd placed a strong xothers, ol d BESPEOTTULLf tor sioners, lie opposed the civil service Gould to coma in over the MJssiurl military cordon' around the castle and favor. we lririie Wasitington, 12. After the routine law, and declared if the Democratic raciuc tracks; hence the alleged left two physicians to guard tne kind's One Cory, eae year, with Pottage, rooming business, Whitthorrje ad 3 00 room, and then went away. Subsedressed in favor of Frye's party illustrate the very genius and es breach of contract. , eixwontns, " 73 TJ. I M bill to promote the political progress sence of republican representative quently the physicians succeeded InIn Tlie three montha, M 1 00 Tronble. Fishery the to access King. They and the commercial prospects ot the government, that party would not obtaining fight along Its, pathway for such a Ottawa, 12. An American .gentle- duced hith to permit himself, to' be reAmerican nations. Whitthorne d remised bv beesrine the squinting device as civil service re- man now in tnis city says large actus moved to Berg Castle . needed of money ara being sent from Boatou The Catholic clergy evidently appreBED ROOM AD PARLOR SETS, indulgence and pardon of the tenate form. The Democratic party the embodi- and other American cities to aid the ciate the gain -- to thctu ot Lul'Vin if be transgressed its asaees br so no reform. It was eetYMhioiiint Derisive laughter ment of reform. party in Nova Scotia., lie deposition. Tbov will undoubtedly early undertaking to address it. lie on ri7BLHKD BVBBT VIDHIIDiTi Chairs the Hepu oilcan stiiej uentiemeu states that lie is personally aware o( assert rbore influence over prince Tpuntfcs,L rested bis Justification on the great in One Copy, one year, with Postage, 3 50 asVert suc he conever oue the laurb.. but fact could that Boston has tlrta than challenged might Dili be terest they took the introduced in Lieutpold ItureauB dud TtedMeads, by cessful contrareution of the trx months, M I which waa forwarded over King Ludwig. position, tributed bis iriend, tne nonoraoie senator irom " three months, .80 WmCJQ YVILL UK HOLD the day btlorfe he left that citr. and he EThe Pope has sent congratulatioui t Maine (Frye). wita whom be had the that the Democratic party was embodiment of reform lu politics. also atates that the secession move- Prince Lieutpold aud ortiered. the PaAT BED K0CK pleasure of lont? association in the theUioson's TUBUBUXD BT ment la looked upon as a primary step pal Nuncio at the Munich court to esmotion wan lost is to 7a. House of Representatives. Whit rmCALL AND 8 E IS TtTKH. thorne believed that the interests of The bill was then read Without Inci towards annexation, which mould give tablish the most cordial relations beTHE DESERET NEWS CO. the people 4tt bisbtate, as well as ol dent until the clauiM! relative to the the Americans control uf the wnole tween tbe regeucy and the Vatican. SALT LAXS CI TV. UTAH. At Berlin the deposiMon of lvini Ludservice was reached, when Canadian fishing grounds. the whole Union, are deeply inUr- a. it Is stated on tbn best wig is regarded with uirMu- (mllfior- woven with the policy sought to be in Taulbeo of Kentucky called, hp a moHalifax,! auiratet hy, the .adoption of that tion made by him last night to Strike Ofliciai tmilioiliy tLat the ftrilisb Gov ence. The fuit atory of I.tKlwltc'8 r: niiSftilll.l'iilnMUl"" CHICAGO TRADE. measure; ana not only were the out the appropriation for the assistant erniuent has Issued, outers to make no cent eccentricities, and those whic United states interested, but the en general superintendent. Kejeoted. . more seizures of Atnettcan vessels,ex passed the patience of ptatesiucn After several minor matters had been cent when the violation of the treaty would generally be rcgaxaedas lucrt-tire American continent is interested lu the policy recommended by the bill discussed, the House toot a recess un uf 118 is so open and flagrant that it ible. wiuiinorue reaa statistics to enow til a o'ciock this evening, the session cannot be winked at. Ho tar as learned the ioreiea commerce of the world for to be for the consideration of pension from the guarded official utterances a series ol years, and called attention ouis. instructions do not here, the UUIEF TELEQBAMtt, At the evening session the Honse sustain ft Imperial IT' QUI 33 to tne marvelous and gigantic growth the Canadian construction e Tli 1. powder' never rariea.., A aaarrel at and expansion snown by those nxures. passed thirty-fivpens loo bills, and at that the three uiiie limit la to be reck an Tbe California Refinery 10 :45 paritT.streorih aad wholesonieneaa More This, he said, showed the importance oned from headland to headland adjourned. of nouuecs a reduction ot econonucai than the ordinary kindaand oi sue as indicated in tne oui with the mat One of policy cannot he sold to, comoetitioa Tb West Folia CavJeta. of a cent per pound on all grades of most facts of the the eloquent titndet of law test,- aLert weight, alum ef of sngar. By this reduction tbe priceever West Point. 12. The graduatiusreX' Cuba statistics, however, which Whitthorne powoen r ' pnoniaut sugar is 67. cents, the lowest Sold mir tOW has f ound was that which showed the tn tne pres reached ercises occurred here. ence of a vast Concourse. Secretary of industrial capacity of the United States ubk uo. iw wiu street. Mew xera. Wired from fFsinsilntarf. of tk Fint Claas War Endicott and Generals Sheridan Terrible storms and Hoods have lor compared with that of Europe. Of the ATKOID wnoie avauaoie industrial power oi tne several hours prevailed In the Freucb Washington. 12. The senate comt and Merrltt were present. AND United States and Europe, it was m ittee on public lands ordered address waa made by provinces. Three Bhocks of eartlt Tnerjncipai found that the United States possessed a favorable report of the House bill to ueucrai uioson.wao strongly defended quake have visited Poietiers. At Ron 30 per cent., while all Europe com timber culture Pita John Portct. Speak iuir of that balx lightning destroyed a number of repeal the bined bad but 64 per cent. Our advan and desert land acta, with an amend olllcer, he said: '4,Itemembcr, above bouses aud killed several people. tages over apy one of the European ment substituting the provisions of all things, that one who is acquitted bv An Austin, Minn., special to the Tin nations was therefore apparent. The the Senate bill on the same subject tor the ' deliberate judgment of Grant. ta says : The Mower County Held Schofield. the can for and those well in contained the House Gettv. bill. great Terry and expansion Bank National suspended yesterday our y of Whitthorne afford to Call a introduced ntand commerce, Senator acainst chances the np growth Tbe liabilities are about $90,000. The saw. in the nations lying south and bill authorizing the Secretary of the oi any accusers . Scapmakeri, Psrfiimeiy Chemists, are creditors ' mostly depositore. west of us. Could these republics, he Treasury to pay timber agents who uea. ntcnoisoi the board 01 visitors Members of the firm stated y 1TTB1 that , ,;i it oe lndinerent to European en- served prior to the War of the Rebellmade a asiteaj. speech. were about $.V,0O0aud tt e World'a Industrial and Cotton cci General Sheridan said: "In the the deposits ion whatever sums may be standing to terprises of building an inter-oce43 TXLEPHONX CfOMMIWICATTOW o. ST. of the De- name ot the army, whose commander I assets over to,uw. canal, an enterprise undertaken with their credit oh the books teajsUl Exposition, Hew Orleats. u a view to limiting and curtailing the partment, am, 1 welcome you 10 our 'rank:. 1SS4 and 168S. BiSK Chicago. 12.Chicago Preident Cleveland has accepted the know liow anxiona yon- are, and the o, rvansasBaix. power and influence of the North (Extract from Jurors' Ke porta to tbe Coaro Vityz. en was .1 T. sooner not suttesr mat American on of the Exhibition clotheB you honorary presidency your plaiu pat 14, sc. louis 7 netroit jz. Detroit of Award.) tne tar better you will oe gratmed." terprise a significant oner who was to take place in London la May, 1887. 12. Philadelphia "i.. ca Philadelphia. For Collective Display of Toilet Soap and j oaj there that could not see that on the General Goshorn. Resident General uvu m 1CTO 2. USVIVWIJ' UWIWH '' Perfumery. completion of such a canal' the Counsul ot the Exhibition.thasideolded words of congratulation to the cadtts Washington Boston 12, New yotk a, Boston 1, For Fancy and Ordinary Toilet Soap. United States would have to in that the main ofllce in the United States and ottlcers of the institution, and For Excellence of alsterinl, Delicacy of Per. crease their naval armament and shall be In Philadelphia. President then banded the diplomas It Is stated that Parliament wiU bo to the grad ' fame, and Neatnes of " ! Style. y dissolved on the 24th Inst., and writs land fortifications? Should not this Cleveland will open the Exhibition uaiea. r r Ft canal enterprise be regarded by all the from the White House, and start the Soap. Benediction was pronounced and the for new elections wiU be Issued on the .'. ' ' i For Laondry Soap Specialties. 25th. States oi the American continent as a machinery by telegraph land lines and gathering dispersed. " menace to their security and power? the cable. A committee of over 10U0 ForExceUence and .Superiority of Laundry was an Immense gathering of i There Btaae. A Ilia; Harness, and lledlclnal Toilet Soap. Let our people note tnis. soon our in prominent men in Great Britain have members of the Primrose Leacue to Pacific our a State be would to terlorand selected been welcome and Award Cbetnlcal for give Highest hearty only llvsciTTxvr'ttS9iZv;.-r- a are do day at Hatfield, the seat of Lord Salis Fare Glycerine. able to supply all the commercial needs to American exhibitors and visitors stroyed 'the extensive wards ot the bury. Lord jonn Manners, lit. lion on tne tne Victoria the when countries oi pa Queerr cornering period during Muscatine Lumber Company; aud FOB 9kM Wm. Henry Marriott acd Lord Salis and cific will her or celebrate Ocean, the JAS. S. KIRK competition intensely year COMPX number oi restdeixes; together with bury addressed the assemblage. A vote oe encountered fiftieth anniversary jubilee tnen of would her -European reign. railroad bridges. The loss will of confidence in Lord Salisbury was CHICAGO. V7HOLE9AXB on that ocean The secretary 01 the Nary has three by revson of the Panama reach fully half a million dollars. passed, to which he responded. we consider too, that written to When the President of canal. the Board A later dispatch says: This afterV T a constant make of would canal New vessels of at that Gladstoae has gone to Spend a holl-- l Inspection York, fire destroyed the large saw II 1 armed power a necessity on this conti saying that the Department is anxious noon's at tne country seat 01 tne nepnew the linuiif Manafacturioe oay CO., was profoundly surprising that to secure a list and description of mills of and nentit at uorcing, wurrey. jsari uranvuie, the Muscatine Lumber 01 vaxvvACTVBBma or the American Republics, especially the those steamers of our merchant marine Company He will on Wednes return to London Several million feet of Company. should which time need f in of called be next. (States government, might day were CITASf Dim SUITS, also The lumber burned. losa Suited and should continue to be upon at once as auxiliary cruisers, for will aggregate 50,000, The Orange lodges In Ulster havh BHIKCKIIRHQ.FF, XURNEH & CO, so Indifferent to the progress of events transports or for special purposes. He I. been Instructed to suspend drllllnk riraiMKtir , on the isthmus, me people oi tne also says the Department proposes to . t yatk. 109 DnaM Ht Blew Terk. U Wahta t, Cherry ad 1 aserleaa Knaef any, tne excitement in jieuast. TrT uunng United States should not forget effort extend the functions of the Inspection 12. this out New fire" York. broke ' ' Uantifacturera of aad Dealers in Cottoi of Louis Napoleon to establish a Kar Board by directing it to examine care. in car'stables the and of ' depot uruia jaiu sail duck, weoaocrry." power in Mexico as an offset to fully steamers oi all classes of our evening Oar Gooda are on Sale in all the Principal "tuLtiMii's'raiil Street otlicr favorite brands, si opean Forty second and Grand Forty-secooiniea. jiu indica mercantile marine, in order to. ascer- the tnai oi tne umtea iiamber-Hard- : store in the eoantrv ING- aledlaM and Sott- s ltatlroad at company tion! pointed to a great struggle for the tain and report upon their adaptability Ferry Street and Twelfth Avenue. commerce ICK FOB eVEBALLS.BlSUHQWI.lB II TEE C9B aomnmmenca. . He above for the mentioned oi service. growing were 123 horses In the stable at IKIiS FOR GKNERATj IIOUSK WORK requests the President? of. the There Cottow CAirVAas ot U snraWrn M to 13 when we were faced bv this Question. also the time, but they were all got out In C VJT also Oialng Koom girl. Board to endeavor to enlist the Intermehea whle tor' Peck, Varr "Trunk nnf bv abandoning so rich and magnificent were cars There the in safety. re-ill ! we as our w est of shipowners In this matter. and Wuaon Covcrinar. iMachiaot Anrons aid a neid, conia nesicare aaafaetarer 4f Center, Llhrary ft Ffllar Satea Smnlovment Ofllce. 69 W. Kirni South they were; taken' out. The for other iunoe, constantly ia atore amt ply' Whitthorne advocated the cultiadds that the Department will cause stable andww Ua.&rtckea.Brws.tut ft Ganuaa SxUnaien consumed, loss, 110,000 Street. building relations ot with name as the closer fill the of vessels such vation may. -. Hxmnng Co., atanaara" AltentMwr . Tklrteent Perlahod. American countries. the necessary requirements to be enM " Kaarie uv inc case or e ouanuir Sooth The arnrv appropriation bin was tered on a list which wilLbe known as VALPABArso, These Goods can be obtained at Zf C M. 1. called (via Galveston) 12. A np by Logan, and passed as re' the auxiliary naval list, wdth the object strong northerner Hat Racke and Whatnot, set in here last night, the committee. case Senate in from vessels such the of ported employing n3 to 341 Sooth Cllatva Street, Chicago, and at midnight there was very heavy me xne our desires Government senate author out, passed Goods can be fonnd at the sea. Several vessels were lost. 1 he PAN HANDLE CARPET WARP izing the removal of the Southern Ute American fleet. . Fnrnitare Ce. and other Dealer .at Salt bark rondicherry, and Chilian Chilian ' to the of Colorado in Indians Lake CUT. Territory K. B. ArbttrmUom, steamer Guaycurut lost their anchors, WHITE AS1 COLOBED. Utah. ilew "the former; after collidlag with Offiae. J, Plata and A bill was passed meaning! the ser 12. The three arbitrators. Chicago. ships, went ashore and became 11, 1 TI X333JSX lax X7033. Stevedore to be in the marine E. B. Thomas, Hugh Riddle and E. P. aseveral wrccxr ft BeaeiUfail rlerel Picture, 7x a;t. u nineen persons per Coetantlr on hand a complete stock of this vice of the total in a lien and favor Z. O. M. I. SOLE AGKXT8. Can 1)6 ob establishing service, well known and justly eelebratea Vining. who for the past few days have iflbed In the disaster, Including wtth etcb fackav. the sucn controat all their branch stores tbrpnghont been hearing both sides in the service. oi his wife, and three chil tained aas ait The bill was passed, authorizing ves versy between the Atlantic A Pacific captainandand tne Territory. mate. the drtn, as to sels encaged in lowing carry and Southern Pacific Kail way companUUMUUEi U.cnayBjsiam.V M1UO KUlod iky Apstefcea. Fair Jjawn. Daek. Klectric Fas. many passengers as-t- supervising xa ies, growing out of the transcontinenAIO STOLES, rendered decision this may think necessary. their tal spector war, Tombstokb. Arizdna, 12. News has For sale at wholesale and retail by all the & Pacific Pacific forfeitnre bill afternoon Northern The The Atlantic 1 WOOD WOOD ! I leadmjf store in the Territory, and at was then placed before the Senate, and Company's lines terminates at Mojave, lust been received tea's two men were PRICES GUARANTEED BUCKLE A 8QN. wholesale only by J. W. Sanders ft CO., tne senate by Apaches at San Pedro, in and xor tne pant two years were naa killed aajournea. fifteen miles aoutb. of the been a contract between that company Sonora, CLOTH ISO TfilHMISBS. II TH Cnah paid Tor cood,: lountl M$?Wl and the Southern Pacific, by which the boundary. , Atlantic Pacific company was allow Hie at Wood, laakliirst8p 1. H.-0'ft, of Penn rr..i:,i.. Francisco do ed to San business, using; Wasmkotox, fltmplc rashfoa ruts tad Rales Cot committee dn the ooutnern racinc line jrom Mojave U say aiireaa CI If Pnper Mill. Must not he V OK sylvania, from the xor a oiu a tne erection to that citv. A dispute arose alter the , sppllcatioa. Oorrepondenca aoltolted. library, reported n.Ki j I di ban In Five tm Inches UKTTBD of monuments to Anthony Wayne disruption of the transcontinental pool rnooalMt Bthiei. of the in Febrnary.wbicbwas oyer the division and William Penn. Committee eter. : 13 The whole. of earnings ot the through line be resent proprietor of. tne banking THE BESERET NEWS CO Alter the reception of various com tween tue two- companies, me con- S ouae aa a at n aaaaia 'aval aw mittee reports, the House went into tract govern tag- this business was made name which did business under the aau iMituKB nuuktn uKAraHa, , which of acob Is Raussher.'and J on the whole 188 the legisla in committee of and provided that the Southern P. 0. Box est. tSS a. I&nr STBl-KTValter staaaa, til.T tAKI CUT. Orpaslta ia Edward into gone ser bankruptcy, Pacific Company should have for Its tive appropriation Dili. The civil vice clause having been read, the Chair share ol the through freight and pas Woblfahrt. Wohlfabrt is charged with embezzlement' and Jraudulent bank stated that the pending question was senger rates its mueage pro rata 01 v2 V? at. E. CrJalatTKOS, WOR1VTJ the point 01 order raised oy Morrison "sucn tnrougu rate as may oe estau-iishe- d ruptcy, and has fled. MADSEN, .( a. IVWDEE, JK ; 8KWINU rnSTRER OPERA MAdTTNE airainst the provision looking to a from time to time by any through Kach naekarn contain lO Bamaia Plan's Plsn U U VT PneMisa JL hand on Shoe work. tors, experienced 'fX:sOte. nfflclent for 10 Loaye VU change of the rules of the commission. traffic." wnen tne 1 tausconuueniai lll'..Y JI Lurht THE HIRLY CREiEFiSr STOTE. WM..H. KOWKj XJJ-I-U Paris, 12. The Cotnpte de Paris has AppiytO Wholesome Bread. Ilolman of Indiana briefly antago pool broke up the Atlantic & Pacific arrived. noe 1. x. c. ai. After bis in affairs aa SetWing it other than east, claimed aianager y factory. nized the point, holding that the pro Company any to the Try, si longer fit- Jt1 1 i tight yoa will alwaya a it. vision was merely limitation on toe meet any rate t which Its competitors Prance be wilt go tJRngland.williris re the Prteces Orleans BY GROCERS. ALL SOLD expenditure of public money. might make, and that the Southern Pa expected Morrison, In support of his point, cific was obliged under contract to lake malnln France. Prince Jerome Na-of -- 4 niLEn'S SrtS BAKING POWDEI (Plon Plon,!, upon hearing said under tne taw tne duty 01 adopt- its mileage pro rata 01 any tow rate poleon the result of Chamber Received Direct from the Mannfac ing regulations devolved on the com - that might be made to mevt the comEXTRACTS. ViJK tnrer a New Supply of Of jriwywtir n I saasd P slar an soon' shall exclaimed, "I Deputies, mission and the President. The pui- petition of other lines. This claim the retarn save those-whiutve pro pose of the proposed legislation was to Southern Pacini refused to allow. scribedteme. E. W. GILLETT, Minfr, CMcago, Hi from betng guillotined moose certain conditions which the iaimlna that the only established rate by tail ' law did not impose, and therefore .was contemplated by the contract was the tneir inenaav::-i.;.iKTKBT T ZSCUFTI01I, Men's, Boys and Children's. ' " a change of the law, in contravention one established by the Transcontineni; v .; fhe r a)vd. ;'.7;'" i ' it'."' ' of House. ' i the rules on of the con this ni. tal Association i... v Acting ..''ii -AUeUST UXUXX. B. B aOCBSCHKTPT. Sar Call and see them before purchasing. The dead victims of Belfast, IS. are ,: Keagan 01 xexaa iaid oown tae print struction of the contract, the South' Bipmmttd ay JOffX'MJM. riots being burled to Lowest rrlcea guaranteed for CAM n that the House might refuse t ern Pacific compelled the patrons and the recent clple was feared the .funerals that atock It HATS C. of FUR Z. V and GENTS' For sale Large at ait ior tne civil service customers of tne Atlantic Pacific day. HEOEB & BROCISCUM, It I. and its branch ;t'KW't 1? ' store. Searsit Liddle. tiodlte, Pitts Jt Co., appropriate without a violation of th through lino to pay the old established would provoke fresh disorders. . The NISHINGS. . to una commission, were routes tsarnea & uavis. atessra. Alien the different cemeteries uo., such and thi that the ft J W Atlantic argued rules, being rates, forcing thereby Wbelesaln Pealers la V CO.,, Kldredge A Co. oington A Co, Clark. case clearly in order to place a llinitai Pacific to pay back to these people the etioagiy lined witn soldiers.- No viodA alt rtotlni: has yet occurred. 44 MAIN STREET. difference 'between the cat and the old lence lion on tne expenditure ma appropna - Thj or scenes attendlag the funeral ot -T . tion committee assumed the autocratic established rates.till tit f ;r ISrecent riots were The board of arbitrators in their de the victims ol the power whlcb this bill sought, whktj ' Women walled and affecting. the House songm to taxeawayxrom it; cision sustain the position of the At4 very, VBWBbBI xrowda along the JT. lieed.of Maine, premised his ami laatic as loiiows; men sobbed. The .ta,- -r ' I tJU"," :rji--xracinc, noioing were seen tne ment with a sarcastic apology for int The clause, 'such throueh rate as may lunerai routes largest AJTO EanisJ -- was MEAT neru OEM MARKET no be established from time to' time for bereforiMWiy jreare.cf terfering in this affair among brethren! oS mii'Ury who. however, they might differ as ta any of the Uvrough trafllc, means and diborder. Mi A.tst ,,,. SS XAST. SKCQXJO OVfH . way m Upholsterers Goods, t In were unite wars and means, the waa intended to mean sucn rate as may stood iCl' a.w wlthioacfcd Tiave rmes.I,'Thepublic MeaU of All Kluda In Seaion; caube of real economy and reform, lid have been given, accepted or permitted KO. 173 RANDOLPH 8TRKKT, .! J! ,uU 1 ex the aeiray i . siew thty were so unltod, becausd by the members of any otber through sabsciibediisei'siiyto' jABE2 W. 'WE8T. Proprietor. thev said so. ILaaehtcr.l it pained line. It being the decision of the srbN penscs of thj 1 uileral.'and the haadbome TT.Ti. dillSif Telephone Mo. SIS. him to ,see that the gentlemen from trator that the Atlantic V Pacific Co j balance will be,eUvadU.saaBg tthe-el-., dllSI , Indiana and Texas f Hoi man and Rea4 haa a right to make any rate tbat may ativesoz tneaena. the rioters have already ' AnntutKrol gan) bad arrived at their age' in ordef be , given, accepted or permitted by been convicted and sentenced to varito anceruua uw iu wsao members of any other throurh linen. ous terms of- Imprisonment one to ; ?. r, 5 ought oot to be limited in its powers! and such rates are to oe divided be seven months .it7-,s- T STAR DORSE KAILS, at bard' labor,' The 62 4 S d Both these gentlemen had been lor tween the Southern Pacific Company to arrive In large numYETERISARYt many years united In refusing to the and the Atlantic & Pacific Company, troops continue Htm ' II, coroner's Jury In- - the case Jl'll' The bers. uonse to t'un U h(sl and power increase Kansas !.! Francisco pOLanxD San expenaiioresi t:America upon City bltjed, Vti one reot the of Vtierinarg victims, us id's .Jt.M ii .i.iii i' Mary Reilly, because they have been opposed to an mileage, as provided in tne contract." . 4 v t Colltfft. m u muruer, ycnirci increase that has been constitutional . WlUaol4aasZn4waaaaay -- ii, Uhe decision maces 11 neceaaary to I itaraeu ... wou the ureti j iulo We guarantee enrXaB. and suitable : but the moment the thinri tohct sraiiwuw thu i Traata-alunlitinv : Mow, dlaaaaaa and. lintnMS of Lm su iXH4K I BOO t AWWei'S 1XUI .Station. , th amnnnl: t aaortaln o ho Kqmai ta Qnaltty and went across tneir grain it oecarae an j Bonn aad Cattle. Agent for tbe oetetwated . ; , . . . .3t "A.ttiuu k.tJ la frt)t'o unconstitutional and unsuitable llmi-- j be paid by the Southern Pacific to the II Ism 11A Maa4 B, iloof JCxpaader. JtoUina: , AioUon but K KMUSB .i DwaMllty te aaynusd. . a h ... wl.T of Holmaa tation. lie inquired i ft t Atlantic A Pacific 00 through business UT .uMf tirfku at u j SHOW. Bg ' South nao not employed tne leisure wnicn the since the disruption trccL with fH-.itof the pool." The MS-ft-Sr Madt from flu Rnt Norwrj 111 aM W, 3 A New'icaniV?12. to to 11 Son. ahd rendietoB 5. One 9 Ancxrir. five uouse on In him bad forced Hour, taking ' Atlantic A Pacific was backed in the ' I EA great bills eaa be Orders tables.! left with the of n Iron; nnlahtd AliWy and 1cp3 "8at5jj-sawav from the sppropria-tlo- dispute by the A. T.fcS F. and the hundred natives ten English 'bave any t.. J ftiii, 41H iJ i committee la framing a bill regu ITT Iw a. .tLn.vl to sfrtvtvarytkw.. . . 'ta f & san jrrancisco companies,' lost their lives through the erufUpnOf - irfi.! Louis st i ... aalariea and expenditures. 'l'h who are Joint owners of tne line. 1 lating a j ;t ' trtnov vXiorsr juoj co ,1 nad been active o: t tri'A jsw gentleman's mind The arbitration r has attracted on nucu an toe matter ne tusual llawliJ- s M outer suoiectn, attention among railroad men, ;; j VitVillil4 to in abolish Iff. the. Novoe The St. yesterday believed I Pxtxrsbcko. because brought the is settlement d it H provision for paying the of this question will aid In the fidal ad- - VremyasU.ua that the Shah of Persia Far Sale by S, M.J. and tt oet'ta,,ry xim'Uwn.igX I Calcimtnerttnd dent. . , oz tne transcontinental aim- - has granted F. H Winston, XrsAeh Sterna. . . " Morrison stated he had 10lly : tO' Persia, concessions . '"' Minister suggested to justmeni 4.1 (I t..1 States culties. tv nuewasjier. ."tW ii ii , Ilolman. the propriety of tnaaina: tha ' AmoDir tha Drorainrnt offlclala nf lh for the eonecructtoB of a railway b i made. ; HI I JMa Mu'-- I tween Teheran, the capital ot Persia All work attended to promptly and ia a sat- - t.i change which bad been " tne ainerent ar at l.R4TIJtfO present companies Keed expressed his gratification at bitratioBiwere General TralHc ifaeafcr add Bnsbireand Meshed, near the Al 1 manner., r cm t tut .is I'f .;!1 isiactory .to. democrats the wereeveri that learning Stubbe, General Passenger Agent and than Irontler,.wlth such branches as Beaidenee U0 8vnth East Street. Ehon, law BaansteJs Mrwt, kaec. allaw temporarily united. He desired tot Assistant General Selleltor Haymond j may be found necessary for the dein i,,v: nau moca nest or vaiiey uouse, ; a OF , ; stABTrt ACTOmBSJ of the democrsUd sides of the Southern Pacific; the A. AP. velopment of .business on the main I praise bothwnen t. f.; were oivtaea m was represented bv General M a oarer lines. As a guarantee, the tShah. has iorIt wastney party,were M1L1IICS. FUMES. FILE CDHI1CES impossible for both. Roblnson.General Winston a twenty years, conthey Freight and Pasaen-- i granted S of them to bo wrong, which gave at ger tract develop all tne riches of "to Solicitor Hazeldine Blssell, Agent and ta la arranging to go chance lor Justice Wlnaton righteousness and cA.v Persia.' New of Waldo, Judge Henry HOUSE AtfO' IOT T$ TIIEt 1TII aVassl Jiehhsa-be done; and the country was to be Mexico. For the fit. Lna!a A Ran to St. Petersburg to snake negotiations 4 FIOT VBBf.Cts. 'OtrCsJ(S;-.i...n t.,3 h t ft ii Ward, corner of Third aad A etreeta. I Laughter. He deemed, I ... H are knpt at Kay ara' Art Basaar conveyance to Meshed. of pleasantly or congratulated. the rod were O Day AndC.nVi rranclsco John .t to situated and convenient tbe smt4 g tnvuMtii, aad by leadlmg Furattare daalara thruih 01 order the material unfortunate trans-that it construction point by 'the iA i bnsineM center; lot nxlO.rods; good barn, at UaTamwry, 'i'taltr..... should have been- - made, for.tlt was; I , ; General orchard, etc , .. M,l n? . SoU '! - CMptM ItOi JL i. evldent that the point would have ta Alsoa Farm of 15 acrea, $V mile south ueuerai vonnaeiv ' represent' of of Lake tne bait not be sustained. Why withdraw City.' Knqnire ed the Atchison, Topeka s Santa Fe. ; it BKOTFTITRS YOllNd see the and let ' ' howj country . J fl . f,i n . point, King Mcmcn.M. deposiLedwtg'a ::; 88 Main No. a ,,, t i. ,6Q ? r ai tji" owwtav; Street,,. in tha Old Constitution , a gloom over the marry of the patriotic democrats who jrF throws tion baa t i' ' i..i, jsoucung. " TfB had applauded to the echo the assault ' r.onnr 12 ST." Loms.4 ' WnrvlfnrA Bayarian. metropolis.: Business ia made oa their brother democrat front "it .4.i the United Sutes Clr- - paitlaliy upended. Many evidences fCjf .iij'iii on every side ot the deep Maryland Flnlayl would venture td i'aiLv0r against Jay Gould, a suit are presented tne . on names Let list. the) ior ww.w ior breech of contract while attachment ot the people tor the unc A. FiSDER DREfflSQ CO, put their iiJ lw country see Jiow many democrats de j the St. Loula k San Francisco road fortunate Kin. Wheai Lodwig heard 1. themselves record and stand to sire was up appro-ching AlinUiterlal iwrw deputation the uuymg way into Louis. - at AAA is owned someStfanning in Erawary nar TJ.CEB. A BJt.aUB. Pyt, In favor of economy and reform as i. who his llohenschwangcn Castle r 1 SUCK .TIPS . WinCTlTMl! Tin. presented by the committee on appro-- j wooaiord, to vm uw une, him for .0 a iga letter tne to with consenting ALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, There was an executive the Nad Offrriutoojected ( i IJI. nM.n. price to tn regency. h ordered bin guards priations. CV of friend an earnest devoted and and xivij condemned, Ask for the forcibly prevent P. (X Bex 1049. . .Telephone 294. ensued, during to load tAair ruiea service reform, jvho not only would toe coarse oflitigation I which he discovered a, the deputation from entering. lie then MvIt W ara now nrenarad Ia AMmnttv snnnW ft nave dub not an the laws intenerea Avlbww. inner room. The thannnlio ia tue witn, in Blp the Best Satiscorporation of the company. locked himself with Keg and Bottlad lieer ot a who desired to extend it to that nebaH gaw became in This information mount rreatlv peasantry he give New took to York w'mTK'at EMPLOTMEXl lous bird of that hitherto ondiscover-- j ana Sapariar quality, at popular prtcaa. faction and meet Uvea threatened of the the aad to rn excited tae Gould imparted an ml any of good glrla for ed wita Quick Sale. . country called "offensive partisans conaiuqn taat tne Jay tieneral llonsework. . latter should loin deputation. W hen the other members Ciil lta, Xala ft. tUhaaa, 171. For J by Z. 0 Offle-M K. Second Sooth Street. In A. J. ship." There was Brother, iiigglnrsj tim in tae v vumai UVllUIJ of a rail war ol tba deputation saw that Count M. I. branch atoms. nose the in tbe Treasury, who under 0 Iron WhiU's Baal tat Otti lie, illsaourl, to bt. Loula.on J IXolAtea, was arrested, they j a ran dli i f . DESERET NEWS tI fl P. OAK LOADS 3 tne.-pod- BESERET NEWS: to-d- ay and , to-da- - y rJllCES! life-savi- ng ' SORENSEflsCABLflUlST - DA Absolutely Pure. to-d- -- FldUMBEB TINNERS, one-eigh- th AMEItlCAX, GOi, LICE ay - SIX JAMBS & to-u- ay 1 to-d- ay STEAM PITTB pre-empti- neer-Pte- 67 Main Street::, IVow to-da- to-da- five-min- ute an - 1 EcaJtbtft-SbaTln- g . . & ; P. MATER & . - ' i J Hj 5 4 . . . . . . . , CH1CAOO. - - , . SPR nd It. E. POHIE, -- THE TJSU 1 ' ' SOM MERSIBSB. ANJ) few;,?; I HAZARD POWDER r. c spy r , pe 1 I t !. .1 p WOItlOlSlIIP - . JtMMB 1 Neil Wolfe, Pattoii&COy EI f the . , FJtANKFOBT-'OatXHB-MAI- S ' nnnm in .,. . . UWmm i 1 I the-vot- e lu-th- e . e , pittsju ieoE:; i - ' tf 1,1.1 1 BARTON - . k i . '- Caome I Harihrare , - ( -' W. WESTj . ,..83. 1 ! CHICAOO, O - oa -- - - 1 g M ii i j . , - . Offlce-Secb- . nd -- X tK clarx r . Js '''"VtitCw "'Gj " ... james Vice-Pres- Plasterer' er-Unlt- ed coult; 1 s mmm, 'r? ,t;jrli i -- rH'sllls lilisi i l ? II . .' .J h.. - 'I co; 1 1 ) . 1 .. I f r-- 1 1 - - FOR' a AIiEi 1 -- j j-- PoMlSiSMoSa : -- ti'"tji - sf. - ,..H CCJ" r" .jis-sMi.- 5 jJ a .x-K'- , - 1 . 1 ' aj - :CQ.rt -'. -tn -- , ... Crrifwl ysaanaaiBBasBw4 -- A:n. - , t, . e s s i' 1 tf 1 |