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Show GOVKENOE EVENING' NEWS. X Kafnrdar .''' Eu i Hay , l$s " Febkixs will lecture at the wpera uonae mis evening. untrue. IIOMK MI98IOXU1IES Will Visit the country Ward .Tits "Bnuch of Keys'! Company ap pear at the Theatre on Monday even . ing. Tub Eleventh Qaoram ol Elders will tnA asnotml in MnnriaT w rprt!n npxt.ip .MAW. fying result, X,;.- t7;30. The Theatre had been handsomely Ka lata ntf Tn n.viin mhs. decorated for the Manager H. was reieasea on szs Dan to B. Clawson takingoccasion. yesterday, an active part lnflt- appear for trial this afternoon. tlngjup the Interior. The bail floor was set for twenty sets, n A platform for ol a lost pocketbook containing papers the musicians was placed at the south of no valua to any one but the owner. end of the auditorium, and Just abeve them in the centre of the first circle. The 16th Quorum of Seventies will tne Sixteenth ward Brass Baud was ineet at the First Ward meeting house, stationed. .The dancing music was vn aiouunT crcuDgi just jvmi. at; i :u supplied by a band of selected per o'clock. formers from the ' Theatre and Opera V , r Alkx. b'UAXxox pleaded gtfUtr,' In House orchestras, led by Professor the police court jthls morning, to hiri- Welhe, with James Currle as prompter. Over the proscenium, depending from ng been drunk and profane,, and was ' ,.J lined 10. if the flies and extending the whole width of the stage, was a large green banner Petee CruMBEaa, who stole oti which was wrought with sun bales of hay from a man flowers the words: "Welcome Gov ; naraod Peterson,; was fined $10 In the ernor West,?' The two stalls to the ponce court yesteraay. were left a converted into BGks. A. McDoWkix JIcCook, why data, carpeted. and set with and i adorned with baa; commanded at Fort Douglas for a furniture, and flowers. Over all was number of years past, will bid farewell plants to Utah, and leave for the East draped la tasteful style the Stars and . v morrow. stripes surmounted at the pinacle by a gold eagle. On the front, worked in Boss Tuoit:, the female who has al- flowers, were two shields bearing rey ready served out 'several sentences In spectively the words "Kentucky" and the city jail, is again In custody under "Utah." .: ., a Judgment of 23 days for being drank His Excellency, Governor West, disorderly and profane. entered the at about half IX the Third lilstrict Court y, past 8 o'clock, where hundreds of Wm. Sullivan, who was sentenced two guests were1 assembled.; The throng years ago to fifteen years. In the peni- rapidly increased,' and the blaze of 'women and tentiary for murder, was adjudged in lights playing upon fair sane, and ordered sent to the Terri- brave men," decked out in all' the rich and gorgeous colors of the rainbow, torial Insane Asylum at Proro. and moving hither and' thither, was ' Jlaasits. Corii, Davis aaJ Teasdel splendid in the extreme, The memdid not offer to justify as bondsmen in bers of the varioas committees the O. P. Arno'd case, having learned wore handsome badges of various that the requirements of the prosecutor hued ribbons .lettered with Gold. were such that they could not comply As arrival entered he each; witnthem. or she was presented with a programme and ushered to the dressing-room- s TnE Second Quorum of Eiders, by those Eiders living In the First at tendants In waiting. The rear of the and Tenth Wards, will hold their regu- stage was closed In and reserved for lar monthly meeting,; la the Tenth the refreshment buffet Messrs. Arbo- and Gallagher being the efficient Ward meeting bouse, next , Monday x caterers.1"?;'; evening at 7:30 o'clock. Soon after the Governor's arrival. Wm. II. Yeakux and A. Hollander, called the assembly Mayor who engaged li svflght a few days ago, to orderArmstrong and Elder B. H. Eoberts ofwero brought before Justice Pyper fered up, a prayer. The grand march this morning and pleaded guilty to the then formed, led of by Governor West, charge. Yearian. who struck , the first having as his, partner Mrs. John W. was fined and Hollander $10. $5. blow, Taylor. The .regular programme of Reugiocs servJcesjOf the Church of dancing was continnedjuntll 10 o'clock, Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y Saints will when a lull occurred and the Interlude be held In the Taberoacle provided took place. The band played fine selection and Treasurer O. P. afternoon, commencing at 2 o'clock. Services In German will be conducted Whitney, who had been chosen to detn the City, Hall at 11 a. m., and" In liver the address of welcome to GovScandinavian la the Social Hall atr 10 ernor West, 'stepped upon the slat- a. to. orm, where His Excellency was seated with J udge Zane and others, and spoke Attokskt Lomax applied for the as follows: admission of the girl Monson, ol Sonth Governor West The vleasant dutv Cottonwood, to bail, In the Third Dis- has been upon me, of extending trict Court this morning, and stated to yon. Inplaced behalf ot the municipal govthat there was nd evidence of violence ernment, a formal towelcome to the City this entertainment having been used to effect the death of of Salt Iiake, and menciiy nearts ana willing nana the child. Mr. Dlcison said he trader- -. wntcn have provided for your enjoyment and stood there was evidence to that effect, that of your friends. Permit us to exbut he had Dot had time to examine the press the hope that the present occasion is only one, the initial of many testimony. Tlte application was not scenes and happier still, which Into the await asbrighter in the fntnre. The citizens of granted, pending: an. Inquiry Salt Lake have for you the kindliest case by the prosecutor. feeling and best of wishes that vonr administration may shine with success, ; r that von inav win the love and reaner.t of the whole people, and that the AlXOCAli Etrs. mighty Giver of every good may bless bestow upon yoa from time to Killed. -- A twelve year old boy,' and and intelligence nectime the nrjned .Charles WelCh, was accident- essary towisdom the falthf nl discharge of the duties and responsibilities of vonr high ally rnn over and killed by a Utah Cenoffice. May your career: be fraught tral train, at Ogden, yesterday. with peace and prosperity, both to yourself and the people yoa are sent to la behalf of my fellow Dismissed. The case of the United govern. IAgain, o. tender yoa a hearty citizens, States vs. Agnes McMurrln, charged with perjury, was dismissed In the A hearty round of applause rang Third District Court this morning, the building as the speaker there being no evidence that the ac throughand Governor West, who had closed, cused had committed thooffen3e. risen on being addressed, was Intro duced to the assembly by Mayor ArmEll Pir strong, and responded as follows : TM Perkins kins who has wnSten so much about Mr. Mavor. f.sd!es and Gentlemen: iha "iUrlaanV always kindly,! will I am exceedingly grateful for this large gathering here tills evening to do mo deliver ouo of els characteristic coming aaianxyo a to take an liaur lastation. to ' night at the Walker Opera official 1 am sure that while Boose. His subject will be the the music we have listened to has been charming and dellghtf nl,there has been Philosophy of Wit and Humor." my nearx more exquisite ana dear He will product 100 laughs in 100 co strains, those that 1 have received in minutes and give you philosophy the welcome from the people that I am to live amongst officially, from their besides. gathering here, from their hospitable j faces. We see their encouraging looks. more than all which ever comes and Sentiment of the Crusade. The to the true American's heart to give following, special to the Ilertxli ap- him courage tor every duty that Is imposed upon him. the lovely smile ol peared In thatrpaper this morning: women. We kuow that frequently Paris, Idaho, May 7thl5S6. when soldiers Are drawn up in battle, will Duljois, United' States Marshal of that the strains ol martial music and to daring Id a bo, remarked on the street that he nerve them to deeds of of valor. JJut It seems to me that bad a jury empaneled to try Illegal feats upon some great. occasion when men cobab. cases that Would convict Jesus if desired to do some great deed, Chrlstif he were on trial. The attor- were were inspired and encouraged by ney def endin&a case lot Illegal cohabi- they, smiles of women, it would have tation bad Dubois placed ou the wit- the more and greater effect1 than all the ness stand and hs hesicatingly admitted martial-ne strain, from all the- Instrut was ruaite lue reniari. ai ' ments that have ever been invented. -- 1 Now, the speaker that has bidden tut? welcome has asked lor me wisdom that Yester Throwni tram Baggyk I may do my duty in the official station day afternoon Mr.Thos Home and to.whlcn I am called. I, too, look to his sister, Mrs. Clara James, were the Giver cf all wisdom to enlighten mind,' to strengthen my heart, and driving near Washington Square, when my to give me nerve to do faithf nllv, aad honesty, my duty as the representative tened, frightening the . horse.; The of the majesty of the law. (Applause). animal ran toward the Udewslk, and And here I pledge myself faithfully to d that in all honor tinder the the boggy striking a shade tree.the Mr. Mayor, the authoriwere tnrown out. Mrs. James ties ef Salt fake,ladles and gentlemen, from a great! ul heart, I return you my being severely bruised about the head most sincere thanks, v"j rz, y t and back, and Mr. Home having his The applause whieh followed was injuries. Ko otheTIlamage was done. loud and prolonged.' After music, bythe band, the Marine .Drill by twentywas executed under the four little Good Bread. We are informed direction girls Mr. of Fred Clawson, and Flour evoked , the most enthusiastic that the Saperfiae Whole-Whemanufactured at the Pioneer Roller plauae. Having presented arms apt to HiUs in this city, is now the staple ar- the Governor, who seemed greatticle used by many families here Its ly delighted at the spectacle, superior flavor and nnusual nutritive the little marines formed, two qualities commend it to all who give it lines up the stage between which the Atrial. i.The trifling extra cost, made Governor, escorting Miss Deanle necessary by- special processes of Caine and followed by a hundred other cleaning, grinding and mixing, is more couples, filed into the green room, than compensated by its strength; It where refreshments were served. The absorbs more' water, and the bread music and dancing continued meanmade from it retains moisture and while and the night wore away and the sweetness longer than other kinds, be- Mw sma' ours" found a happy multi Mr. tude still sides being .more wholesome. the light fantastic "tripping new miller, has recently toe'ViO the Hutchison, the strains. Goverinspiring xnoctt improved. t&j quality of this nor West left the ball room about 1 ineritdrionS and celebrated floor. The o'clock in company with Mayor Armnew advertisement. In paper, and was driven back to his la almost a lad sfmflie ot the brand on strong, hotel. The ball did not close until tb.esacksl.vj after S a. m. Everybody voted It a ; most enjoyable affair.' Baird's Minstrels. Oa the even- -' I ings of Wednesday aod Thursday next, ROYAL B YOUNG of this city se to the pleasnre-seeker- a be treated to one of the best of minthe popular Convicted, of Llring , With. Ills strel performances-froBaird troope, of whose ' playing the "Wives The Polygamy Charge Denver yews on the recent visit of the . ; Dropped. minstrels to that city said: ' ,Asfine a minstrelpcrformar.ee as nas been given tn Denver in a longtime A Tfcree-Cea- a IaaletaMSI was that of Balrd'a Minstrels at the With Aa etner "Ibk - . v - ! " ' v pin jsvi ,:.,J'U.vi : - . j one-and-a-h- alf - ; 1 i "-- 1 ball-roo- m to-da- . i com-prisi- ng st j wel-com- To-nig- ht lee-tar- es i ii . ; '. -- - ' - - .. law.-(Applause- nts at . . - to-da- j's , - i i - - , ' e4ad , academy last evening. ,"- , pUa0r Smry. - ; . ? of the best balanced and contains some now on the cork performers burnt , -- o ,ro . There is a trpat . After the close of oar account of first the in and part, business the new of proceedings in the case of the very number called forth hearty ap- - United States vs. R. B. Young, yester afternoon, 1 Deputy , Cudd strong day The qaartette is cxceedlncly lbs testified that he had peeped all encored,In lue Ddtheaouwen fine bouse the window of Mrs the through causal bell ringers clog, daed Emma Bawlings Young's bedroom, style, and tbe Fireman's toy eight handsomely attired aad and seen a man's clothing on a men, wm a preat bu. AO beard Mrs, Young say she would chair; f ua." of was full rattling afterpiece wpU-train- ert . - HOME-TITVD- E Suits made to order Home - Made ' Cloth. New Styles Spring Suitings Just received from the 31111s, Flannels, JLinseys Tweeds, Trunks, Etc., for sale whole inches. Mrs. Young could not refrain SXen's from characterizing this, statement as from - TO UTAH'S BallilAITT BXCKPTIOSf KxaccTivx.' ' ; The reception ball giyen by the mu nicipal government in honor lot His Excellency Governor .West, equalled In brilliance anything of the kind that has ever taken place in this city. When the short time allowed the various committees to perform their work is considered, one is led to marvel that so complete and successful an affair could have been arranged : great credit is due the Mayor, the Council, the City umcers and ethers who labored so en ergetlcally to bring about such a grati FRAGMENTS- - out when she got. her. clothing on; the window was up about eight come WEST JIOXORKD s On CnddiLe said: omw x euruurr deputy saerili, cross-examinati- by the defense. on I have been a deputy ucium uat a was lot; at Butte; had been In . . MEM K 'i ft To JTo. 166 MAINSTREET. o iu real estate ousiness in Belknap, sale and retail at Jolin Montana; had worked as a carnenter Cutler fc Bro ISFKCTFULLT THANKING OUR FEIXXDS had been a deputy .In Leadyille, also a Agents Provo and tha publie for past favors, ws invite nau Deen in tne mer- Woolen Mills. No. tto Old inspection oi policeman; cantile business in Michigan from Constitution Building. 1872 TJ. to W7; knew Mr. Young m mMfMMiHOa Tvica ouo New and Fresh from Factories Arrived. wtu, jutb uuku 11a Jnst vonr von are blood Imnnre. is If perhaps a dozen times; am ble to take any contagions or Infec now and Opening Out, consisting of tamlliar with bis voice; I saw him come out ox tne room that morning. tions disease that mav happen to be la BED R003I ASD PARLOR SETS, neighborhood. Avok all danger and supposed the voice was hisutue your keeping vonrself in health by taking caairwas tnree or iour zeetiromthe bv window; I supposed thev were his Warners saie cure. Lounges clothes on It; ha came out In about teu Bead8lead8, Call gjaatoesa. iesIjr minutes; l aia not askium fwhether he Which will bk sold had been in bed or oti Til.. Jan. Is. ISSa. In the Chicago. Denntv Marshal Greenman testified summer of 1879. 1 noticed I was fre AT BED ROCK PRICES ! ua sue morning jsmma Jiawllngs Young quently tired. Had diarrhoea. Family was arrested, we went to her nousw physician said i naa malaria in And $ss them. between 6 and o'clock j Mr. Pratt stomach. Bowels would move ? me: aamutea i searched all the onen half a dozen- times. If rooms, ana came to a room opening walked a' block rapid. v. Finally in I became too sick to leave m uioiQK nwm, arrats sata ne lruuj uic bed. Lay In bed six days. Had nigh aian't Know wnere tne key was; I sent August, Vandercook to the window andoutside. verr veuow tongue. eix its. and a moment later X heard him tell bottles of Warner safe cure cured someone Inside that If they didn't open me. WILLIAM WALLACE LOUNS- vuw uuumo weuiu come rarougn tne bkkpy. formerly with Kashau Lock window; a lady's voice. responded. Company. some "wait mi i get cameciotnes on;" she out inabont ten COAX ! COAXt COAX. I (Miss Rawllngs) minutes: I did not see Mr. Yonnc la Ul 1UUU1. All the Goals sold Anere was a man ley and Bed Canyonmaraet. unr weoer intneKaiE Aaae oea on tne tne room: in sleeping see wao dining Is from the celebrated Grass Creek t uiua i it was. better coal ine prosecuuon restea their case mines and we are : mining No other Weber with this witness, and Mr. Saeeks an than evertobefore. this market can compare brought nounced that the polygamy count bad with it. All onr coals are nicely been abandoned, ana cieanea. Joseph O. Young was called for thie screened Coal Department, UnionPacific Rail defense, and said I saw the defendant wayon the morning of Miss1 Kawllos' ar VAruipany a. J. umnrxix, Agent. rest. we were ootn out at tha hum wa&aicn vomer. umce, feeding our horses. I saw him come out oi; his houso on Main Street, and ANNOUNCE THE ABBIYAL OT after coming to the barn where 1 was, Prices ot Photographs Seduced at he went to Miss Rawllngs; I saw him VOX come from his house at about 6:30; 1 went with Mr. Greenman to tha hnnaa. All work done by the Dry-Pla- te In and saw Mr. Young come out. rrocess. stantaneous I saw the defendant come out ot that bedroom door: I REDUCTION PERMANENT. OP ALL GRADES OT am his brother. Emma Rawlins recalled The clothes HENRY DINWOODEY on the chair were those of a gentleman who came in late the night before, and Calls especial attention to his display Who took of his coat, hat and boats of a very choice line of and left them by the fire, that beinir the only-rooin which there was a fire. I don't know, his name: ha was soma one that Mr. Pratt knew; he came to 8, Body BrusBeUl VetveU, Three my room because I was tne only one Cotton up ;neoid oot leave bis vest or his HOW TO Carpets Chains, Supers shirt there ; he did pull off hirboots. JLace Curtains Large variety This closed the case, and Mr. Sheeks A Point Worth Bay ' stated that the defense were willing to your Books, School Supplies . j AT Stationery, ALL submit it to the Jury without argument, and Magazine- of Jos. H. Paskt & Co., but Dickson and Varlan refused, and s6 S. Main Street, where yon get everythe latter made the opening at Bottom Prieis. All the Church lie WAS followed br Men speech: thing Publications kent constantly In stock; and Kawllns, and Mr. Dickson Khk closed a well selected line of the best Mis wttn a vicious attack onon the defend also cellaneous Books, for noth old and young. ant, and lady witnesses that has no S. S. and M. I. A. libraries supplied. parallel in his past record in this court. Br4 Uy Tne. Court then charred tha inrv. Dew te c is is JHp. KEW 7EATTJBK IN OTJ3 HOUSS IS who returned a verdict of aroiit-rThe names ol these Jurors are as follows : Dr. Foots. Senior, author of "Plain Home Talk," "Medical Common T. W. Whltely. 8. S. MaxWell, Sense,' etc., etc., would say to those Aaron Sullivan, J. B. Paxton, who would like to consult him by mall D. C. Murphy, that they can have a list lot questions Kielittiuja, txr m m and a circular of gratuitous advice by George Chandler, 8. 0. Pancake. Box. 414. bait Lare City. addressing a ne nas aoctor arranged tobave InforThe time ot fixlnor ths datA Mriiata. mation .Wholesale supplied in thisl way to save Where sold STAFIJB OOOI3S ing sentence was set for this morning, time. Receiving such printed matter and court adjourned. in quantities not less than, Onp JL7oUar. the correspondent can describe his or Prices, This morning an additional indict her case fully and direct it to the doc Don't fail to secure the adYantag es of Dep'c. ment against Mr. Yonnr. coverinv thA tor, in New xork. 11Dr. root Is sue. forms of chronic time subsequent to the former indict ce&siully treating a specialty to which he has ment, ana lnclud'nr three counts for diseases, devotedyears of study and the one offense, was taken up for trial. practice. thirty cam Evidences of his success The following Jurors were called We are CLOSING OUT Lsxge Lot of to the also be had addressing Box 414. as box, all those who sat on the last case above, bnt allbyletters of consultation being omitted : K. J. Handly, N. Tre- - and orders for remedies should be adOTHERS. DB.l7ABnER'5 JtBDOUfllAL fi. HEALTH CORSETS weeg. irred. Anderson.CompHna Hunt Dr. E. B. Foote. Sr.. 120 C. E. Brim, D. K. Firman, W. B. Blen- - dressed to Avenue. New York City. Lexington. ner. K. A. Whlttakflr. Rrlwani UnAha ' N. In SUe from SS to 85, at fl.00 per pair j regular price gg.00 and over. Y. Consultation free. J. M. Kennelly. L. Goldberc and Henrr DrL An advertisement of Foots. Sr., T Sadler. Of the twelve E. A. Whlttaker was in another place deserves attention. aeoau peremptorily challenired by tha nroaa- cntion, and Edward Roche by the de- V UTAH. ISi VMM I'klttt. lense: eight were excused for having The Horses Friend Snlkr Plow. Th an opinion in the case, and the re. strongest, and lightest draft malniug two, If. Treweek and Cor- cheapest, now in the market. It Is ennelius Hunt, were sworn. suiy dorsed by the best farmers in the counA ms exhausted the list of inrors.and Call and see it at Z. C. M. I. and an open venire for 20 additional names try. its Branch Stores, and at 131 to 139 S., was issued returnable at i p.m. Third West St. SALT LAJU FOCfKCBT & M'o Co. This afternon the following names were returned: Joseph Foreman, W. C. Lvne. W. X. llskard. W. HnVn James , Hlckey, H. A. Cummlngs, M, Ai Haia-nessjs. eprmger, W. Keating, J. M. Harvey, Louis Ueggel, J. b. J. W. CampbeU. W. Chisolm. T?tJ xhi ransT Attn chxatxst, at Armstong, George A, Lowe, J. J. ' " ' PEtWOODgyg. O'Toole. Of this number all bnt six were ex. Is constantly replenished with tTBcr nsus. cbsed for Various reasons, and at & the BEST MAKJSS in Nature's own true Laxative. Pleas open veuir was Issued. ant pirn,toanother to the Palate, acceotabla to tha tne time of our going to press Up the following Jurors had been secured t Stomach, harmless in its nature, painless in its action, . Cures habitual ConK. Treweek, Cornelias Hunt, stipation, Biliousness, Indigestion and 11. A. Gumming, E.pringer, kindred Ills. Cleanses the system, Oeo. A. Lowe, HarvflV, J. M. AV. W. Chi holm. purifies the blood, regulates the Livez C3Just Opened lare line of the J. W. Campbell, ana acts on tne uoweis. Breaks Colds celebrated Chills and Fevers, etc. Strengthens on which it acts. Better than organs MIGHT & PETERS bitter, nauseous Liver medicines. t Ills. salts and draughts. Sample bottles free, and large bottles for sale' by all FEJ1NCJI "IB WKSTKStt OXtOX TELEOBAFn LOTS. druggists. 2 C. M. I - Drug Store, w noiesaie Agents. ait Lake City. IZS C P. CAE LOADS 3 . , ire-qaen- tiy W Uiatrs ana Eureaua and call HiEfiscmon - - uroHs-examin- Carp ets! Carpets! Carpets! ea - ITKOII. Cross-examin- mm. m - Aji Entire New Stock ed ID CURTAINS SAV"M0NEY Extra CURT Ply Eastern Bag j and - LACE and yets in WltlTF GOODS. SILKS, VKIiVKTS ! DRKS8 GOOD8 AMD The Bieeat atockf Checked Lonzinca, and Summer 8ilka we have ever trewmf Snnha. Khidaniea: Trlootinea. Foularda. and I'onses Mlka. A full line of VelveU in all tbepreraUlna- shade. we will offer until cloaed out. Worsted Areae ratterna, that We have a few MEGAEDLKSS OF ClWT. KmbroiderSd Robes la Albatross, LInon D'Inde. Gingham, Zephyr Clotli.Chambray, . Batiste, etc - MUSLIN UNDERWEAR, CWtdreii'aShort Dreaaea, eises from 1 to 7. Infanta' Slipa, Garret Covers, Apron. Chemtso, Drawera and Night Gowns. It Is a Well known fact that we sell ererj thing in this line, cheaper than any other house la tks city. aaaaiia unaerwear xor tne tur,At-- twaTEK, arrmns; srery aay. HA9IDUBQ EMDBOIDKRY. ' i Inch Flounclmg, Colored Aliover. ' Allover, I 1.60 to 3.U0 per yd. , 85c to $3.00 per yd. 90c to per yd. and Embroideries. Zephyr Batiste, Chambray, We hare always enjoyed the reputation ot hsring the flneat, beat assorted, aad mhvb i no eciiuon. cucapwt atovK v. aipiuwiuwra ut ui vi.j, ruu . . LACKS Ws bona-ha few too maar wool laces and hare a line of Edarlnn and Allaura is dark shade that at the present prices are sure to sell. S t FABRIC GLOVES AND MITTS. j ia this Has is imported by ns direct from tfle manufacturers, therefor Everything we nave a better assorted stock and much cheaper goods than aay other house. SOS) etoaest Heal llele UIotos la all aisea for Wo. per pair. IIOS1KBY. - '. j daaaa tjwlie Cotton Iloae. Sniahed aeama and good ahadea, for SSc. rr, nftlr. Black aad Colored liale lloae at aoc per pair. A complete line of F as tOO OO Usle snd SUk lloae. The largest aMortment of Children's Ribbed lloao. Colored ws have ha?e ever shown. Boys' Grey mixed and Bicycle Hose. Aaaok ' and PARASOLS. j We hare opened the largest assortment of Parasols and 9un umbrella ever offered, and prioes were aerer so low. The new Almeda la the lsteet novelty . trimmed ParaaoU from SS.75 to tis.oo. Sateen coaching from $1.00 to tajto. l-a-ce "' LINKNS. j L This department la full of everything wanted in this line at prices that will be sura to salt. A full stock ef Lace Curtains and Curtain Not, i S -- , As the season advances ws allow snore pao for this Hps of Goods. Checked Mainaooka from 8 to 4(v Checked Piques from 8 to 80c. Lawns lroia 7o. to 16c India Linen from 13c to 66c figured U to tOrt Plin and Vlimnull MiImhi fram Bouretts IV hare a full line of Fancy Btripea, Dreaa Llnena and Imported ZehhJrr VlOUia. TttM are tt flieil wmbuooiu mian. and White and Cnitm Tap Ohecka. rit.vi kMr.nitm rianraato Clotha. It ia well worth enie'e tore look tbia department through, if low priced (hut ser i are ttoooa queauon. viceable) Wash SU&1MER WRAPS. i The latest novelties and finest garments will be found la this stock. We have 'had GKNT8' FURNISHINGS. f I ! 1 aawja wwm aaasaaiai r,tock wwais smiv Shirt Boys' sVsBfAUT InJ! aaaasa. aVV Wauu. Cants' Unlaaadrlsd pCTCja Children's Lace Caps and Sun Bonnets in Greater Variety than ever. ' - Greatly Reduced Prices .1 rtm, . 0101 HflMR DIMfflIT at FOB are all this AND t i ij BABY , CAMCES, T SI E3I 4 STRAW HATS! STRAW HATS ! In all the LATEST STXLES for Wo hav also a JOB I0T of Gent's MEN'S, BOYS' AND CHILDREN White and Fancv Percale Shirts, slight-2 .3BC:; BS jSu ly soiled, that we are CLOSING OUT at 01.00 each; former price 1.50 to 3.50. BOOTS, SHOES AND SLIPPERS, :, EOB MEN Aim BOYS', v O ' J-f- : r1 j , er Alal THE IaATEST STXLES IN , Stiff and Soft BY TELEGRAPH. FiSTl - i " m SHOES E It I OA X . bt MGirraiNa, Tout the depends upon purifying the Blood this 8nrina--. Saltoa Omt. No remedy will accomplish this so readily and surely as of the (ieputles who tlred on aad killed BROW.VS SAItSAPAItlLLA several men in East St, Louis about a Amd DandeUon wltn Iodide of Potaa. inouttt ago. and who nas been held in the city lall on cbarsres of mansladirher If vour Liver is heal thy and active, no and of being a fugitive from lustlce. was allowed to furnish bail fever or ague is possible. BROWN'S in theyesterday sum of $3,800. After the bond AKSAtAUiL.L.A acts directly on the was approved Hewi tt armed himself Liver and Kidneys and purifies the with means to guard against all possi- Blood. Try no doubtful remedies, but ble attacks bv sympathizers of East St. see the complete formula printed on Louis victims, and made his way to BROWN'S 8 ARSAPARILLA. Your tne Union depot, where be boarded Druggist and Physician recommend it. :! " the train for bis home in Meridan. Mis It cores Rheumatism. BROWN'S ARNICA The furgenuine sissippi. The ether deputies will 8A LVE is fully warranted. cisn bail next weex and be released. Z. All C. M. I. merchants sell Brown's Mistake About Heat. Medicines because they are the best. Chicago. S. Information was re ceived at police headquarters late last EXCITCX29TT IX TEXAS. eight to the effect that iierr Most, the Great excitement has been caused It, KSTABLISJTXD 1S7S. would in anlve this city 4s vicinity anarchist, of Paris. Tex.- - bvtbe re this morning. The dispatch stated markable Mr. of E. recovery J. not Corley, that he boarded the train at Cincinnati was so helpless be could turn aad would reach Chicago at 7:15 this vno or raise his .bJd, head; everybody The authorities immediately morning. i he was dying of Consumption. A determined to arrest him as soon as he al f.- -i bottle of Dr. King's New Dis were and detectives detailed arrived, was sent him. Finding relief. to make the capture. The officers covery a large bottle and a box ol uougnt boarded the train, and the conductor :te Or. Kius's New Life PlUs: bv thn tlm the out to be person supposed pointed be had taken two boxes jot Pills and Most, but the detectives failed to re two bottles of the! he was cognize him from the description they well and had gained Discovery, in flesh thirtv-sl- x baa oi mm. 'ine aiaerence was so pounds. great that the officers knew at once Trial Bottles of this Great Discovery they had been misinformed. for Consumption tree at Z. C. If. 1. . . Store ThaJi TUty Arrests. '.' Drug Store. j, The railroad situation shows further BTJCKZ.EJrs ABiriCA BAX.TE. y. All. the roads improvement 4'.STYIiES. WOIUOIANSlTtP AND ' The Bist Silvi in the world for are handling freight in large quantities. lb ponce made a number of addi- Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt tional arrests last night and this morn-la- g. Kheura, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped PRICES GUARANTEED, BUCKLE A SON. V Corns, and all Skin Fully city are now under arrest lianas, Chilblains, with evidence of baring in Eruptions, and positively cures Plies, ...CLBTH lIO,THIM?a?ISGS ET TEE THHfiE TEASE SOFFLIED. r .their possession or havingexplosives fired at the or no pay required. It is guaranteed to reor give satisfaction, perfect A money police. r, , cents per oox. jrric Six Hundred Armed Socialists ass uuueu. FOR SAIJS AT Z. CL M. I. DRTTG mailed to any address oa Sample Fashion Plate aad Rules for ' at a STORE. Dynamite Bomb Faetery. application. Corrcrpondenca olidted.1 Viscnssxtt. Ohio.; & ne. Henley's Celery, and Iron. there is very little apparent Outwardly change in The great nerve tonic will cure strike situation. City employes the have been voted ten hours pay for 8 ileeplesssess, nervousness, neuralgia. TAILORS AND WOOLEN DRAPERS, Rheumatism, and builds up broken hours work and a 'number of indiviown constitutions. Delicious and dual manufactories have made S. MJIS 8TBXST, Opftalto Walker Dssss, SALT UU OTt. P. O. Bex 88-tii and settlements with tneir men, but the nutritions. Sold bv -all- druggists ' dealers. great mass of strikers remain Idle. I couutry UT. T. Tlrnr itnrm 7.. Iiv P .Pnr hear but little indication of a strike on 1 the streets. There are but few people and all Druggists. in tile streets and business seems to be EES CES55 GOTTISE COLORS FiHKEB,, progressing as usual. Orderly pro J23 CJ cessions ox strikers nave passed X3 HANDY PAINTS. CITIC-A.C3-through the streets every day. but very FsdsT-Opronounced demonstration of violence f black Jaundice, May S, 1S88. in FINEST PAINTS and particularly Socialistic methods ths49tU year of her age, Mary CJOAUTV OGAJULKTXB!. a has given to the public sense of free- Frost, wile of the late Kdward Serotters Ctmj--r. CtrAtTx A Tarter, niaa ajh of Frost, of riot. This feeling Grantsyille, Tooele County, j ' dom from danger PmiBta. Kor ai by nfstnrcrof IW brucDM. the shared been not authorities. XT by has Z. U. M, A. "N For several days the first regiment of Bnows la Draper, Salt talcs County, Ohio Volunteer uuaras nss oeen on duty night and day at its armory near the May 7th, 1896, Agnes E., the beloved wife Court House. Several hundred special of William Brown; born at and field, Nottinghamshire, January 6th, 186L. policemen have been appointed She was an affectionate wife and a loving organizations have been made safety all over tne city. At the mayor's re mother. She died she had liyed, a de militia bave quest four regiments ofthe Governor. yeted Latter-daSaint. been ordered bere by The explanation for all this prepara"Wn.LiAMox At Paragoonah, Iron Co., tor the first time. UtahjApril tion is made 27th, 1380. of eoniumptlon, John commissioners It is that the police son of James and Ann Wil Willlanuon, here have discovered that Socialists to the number of six hundred are organ- liamson; bora September 6 th, 1344, at Fa ized and armed with effective riles; dlebnry. Lancashire, England. Mill. Star, please copy. that they contract here with the manufacturers of dynamite for bombs; made was used one in Chicago that the for here, and they have now on hand maATD nsea supply of these internal chines. Tne commissioners claim they have found the name of the manfac-turIE3 --ACRATCa FITTED, to be William liaises, ot Coving tar Small Castings In Brass or Iron, can ton, Kentucky. This, in connection with a rumor that Iierr Most was fin be had oa IS hoars notlee. AU orders some promptly attended to. -- M Covington last night, gives author-ties, plausibility to the fears of the and accounts for the spparently JOHN 2IALLA2I Elimi, unusual precautions taken. The troops ordered nave not yet arrived. Theywlli 171 West, First Xorth Street, first house probably be quartered in the suburbs. CATICIT ITO. I7. wniniunuaMtDSui, tzr TSLsnioga coa the : mw SPRING ma&: co. ii if AMD ttw j KTSEE orm 82.00 shoes.; ran see otju ?.23 SU0E8. KT SHE OUU 9250 SlIOtJB. --Ta -- ssr BT& OCR fi3.oo;snocs. ui . OVB MOTTO t WE SELL pJIEAB Clli d.-'lJ- SUMEliER, '1888: . T m- 0'3a: E3 Coiplete! Prices Lowest! All Depfs k- - i Hats, - mm Eor Ladles9, Misses' pud Children, KID. xraaTrn. lsss. vear health for jjtTEBT The rjgtillva-Jepalj- r lm M AND -- A, M I H ' ."V ay, i laW - JLJ A J 1 i JLC -- I ' - L - h j h iu i to-da- " y o J - g m p o i S J 1 -- -' i1 ' , . fif MM ir " i .i'l.f in t iM- - ! r Ii 'I.-- r . I r,Hi Mili ....!.. EXTENSIVE AERIVAX3 IB i" i r I mm . rOR THE ISRRING: TRADE, , MVEBTTlTINa NEW ANJ BESIBABLE. 1 miim i ATI! " 0. OOIDRS. Sutton-in-At- BOOTS AND SHOES. h y JAMES & LIOBSTQini) to-d- ay STOVES REPAIRED er fiLOTHIfJE, CO., IMI IF X T T B B S. S 1? Flo. 3T: BSciira. C3t2reot 1,000 dozen Ladies and Children's THESE EOuDS 1BE VERY LTDGH UfiDER VALUE. |