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Show April S3, 18M Friday ; FrtAt3MK3tT3 Dkpctt Rkdfdcld went to Amerlan Fork yesterday, to view the sur- rbntdlners. Thi bonda of rjlu Morris, on one indictment charging unlawful cohabl' tatlon, have been fixed at $1,500. Ix the Elk saloon last evening, John Haslam slipped while llltln a beer keg, and the keg fell on one of his legs. breaking it in two places below the knee. Kirsuiw, one 'of the convicts re leased from the penitentiary yesterday last night went, tcfa house of and created a disturbance, giving one - of theVomen a black eye. Thb suit of Salt Lake City vs. O. J Hollister, for 412,000 and Interest, ml leged to have been illegally collected a whlakv tax. was argued in the United States Supreme Court yesterday. A SMALL'satcbel containing a hand- kerchief,some money and a pass to the the owner's with Penitentiary name. The fioder will greatly oblige by leaving the above with, Mr. Henry Walk at Z. C. M. I. ThkD.& R. G. through train from the east, due in this city last evening, arrived this morning. The obstruction having been removed from the track, all is now clear, and a special train with passengers left tor the east this afternoon. 1 Two boys were tried in the police court this morning, charged with tafbing the peace of an old lady. The fuss was the outcome ot a dispute over chickens, and tlie boys were dismissed with a reprimand from the judge, on their promising to conduct themselves properly in the future. About 3 o'clock this morning the attention of the police was attracted to 3' - ? ' Ill-fa- me ? 7 shots in rapid succession. An investigation revealed Fltz standing with revolver in hand over the dead body of a wildcat he has had on exhibition. The cat succeeded in getting out of its cage and had to be "killed to prevent " dam-age- . Thb Postofflce Department at Wash- - withstanding the inclement and dis agreeable weather last night, there was a very fair representation of the taxpayers at : the i meeting called by the trustees of the Tenth School District, for the purpose of considering ithe advisability of levying a tax of three fourths of one per cent to build i school house. Mr. William Fuller was elected as chairman, and Mr. J. T Strong as secretary of the meeting. Mr John Klrkman,one of the trustees, gave the Ideas of that body In relation to the building of the hew house, In case it was decided' to levy the tax. At this point It was found that the school house where the meeting was being held was too small to accommo date those assembled (thus forcibly bringing to their notice Its incapacity for accommodating 853 school childrenthe number resident in that district) . The audience accordingly adjourned to the meeting house Mr. Strong resigned the position of Secretary and Mr. J. II. Paul was elected In his place. Mr. Hlllam moved that the trustees be empowered to levy a tax of three-fourtof one per cent. U. S. Commissioner E. B. Critche-lo- w opposed the motion on the ground hat he did not think enough would be realized from so small a tax, to increase the school facilities to the .required capacity, and favored a larger tax or none at all. ' His speech was loudly applauded by those present. Mr. J. H. Paul moved an amendment to the motion.thatthe tax be placed at of one per cent. one and Mr. J. M. Yonng offered another amendment, that it be still further in creased to one and one-ha- lf per cent. Upon a vote being called, the chair man appointed Messrs. isucue, Critchelew and Pyper as teller!, and the vote being taken on Mr. Young's amendment, resulted In a vote of 52 for to 40 against It. Mr. HUlman's motion as amended was then put and carried by' CO to 31, thereby giving the trustees the power to levy a tax of one and one-ha- lf per cent. Upon motion of Mr. Paul, the trus tees were Instructed to have plans and drawings made by1 a competent archi tect, which were to be submitted to a committee of seven ' of the resident taxpayers of the district, who were to report at a future meeting of the taxpayers, to be called for that purpose, said committee to be appointed by the chairman. The chairman accordingly appointed Adam Spiers, C.W. Symobs, M.Cullen, E. B. Critchelow, M. Hainan, J. C. Woods and J. II. Paul to act as such committee,, after which the meeting adjourned tine die. hs one-four- th lngton has ordered an investigation of theft of the Fordham-Be- st .the letter, ' which was published in the "ring"! or gan before reaching its destination. It s to be seen how much "assistance" the United States officials Change of Climate. A marvelous here wyi give the government's special change has come over the climate f agent when he commences to look for this country since it was first settled by white men in the year 1847. At that time parties who were somewhat with the Salt Lake Valley, familiar IXCAli SEWS. rom having visited It as trappers or KXCOMMCMCATED. mountaineers, claimed that they never of rain falling' here during knew ' . 1886. Oaxxit , April 18, summer the season, and though a This Is to certify that, at a public shower occurred almost Immediately meeting ot the members of the Church after the arrival of the Pioneers, as If of Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y Saints.in to of climate. It was signalize a Oakley, held this day, Amnion Tolman many years change before such afterwards was excommunicated for the crime o' occurrences became common by any adultery. means. During ths past few years, H. D. IIaight, Bishop, however, there has been a very mate H. II. Severs, Clerk. rial Increase in the rainfall, and the seems to be gradually changing Fined. The trial of Charles and climate one from of the driest in the world to Mary Miller, In the police court yes one of humidity. The comparative terday, resulted In the conviction of of late have been showers frequent vaon the accused of both of charges to make one imagine almost enough grancy. The woman was sentenced to himself in the climate of cool, damp 80 days' Imprisonment, while her England. a husband received leged The change of climate necessarily ' sentence of 75 days In Jail . brings about changes In the system of in vogue. Instead of the grand Jury agriculture Charge Ignored.--T- he to be diligently Irrigated soil having of the First District Court have Ig- all summer season to raise the through nored the charge against Elizaa as used to "toe the of kind any crop, beth Craig the Inhuman female case -small grain and who murdered her newly brn Infant, lucern Invariably, are raised now withfrequently Interthe product of her Incestuous out artificial Irrigation, and In rare course with the brute Thorn, who now cases-somother kind' of crops also, relanguishes in the penitentiary as a some farmers while actually find It crime. of his sult necessary to drain their land on It being too wet, Instead of Death by Drowning. On the 6th their chief care to procure water s' old, child, the enough for it, asbeing lust, a formerly. daughter of. Nelson and Mary Q. Bench, land which a few years Brown, of Joseph City, Sevier County, ago was considered almost worthaccidentally fell Into a washtub con- less on account of scarcity of water taining water and was drowned. O.B. for it is now extensively cultivated and Cooley, tbe Justice of the peace of the regarded as quite valuable. Streams district, sammoned a Jury and held an of water have greatly Increased in Inquest on the body, resulting In a volume and their capacity for irrigatverdict of accidental death. ing is now found to be many times what It was once thought to be. " Last evening the . con- - Springs have burst forth Arrested. in some places iH a I fa. started in pursuit oi tne that were formerly dry and barren and aianiewno It young woman Monson, of South the boring of artesian wells has opened toawood, to arrest her on a charge of up another resource for the develop infanticide, succeeded in serving the ment of the country. warrant. A preliminary examination In view of all these changes It is was set for this morning; before the perhaps not unreasonable to expect Justice of the'peace, but was continued that in course of time hot only will all over until Monday, and during the the bench land of the country be util terim the affair will probably be inves- - ized, but that even the low toot bills will become vineyards and garden llgateu of sue grauu jury. spots and yield a gladsome return for j&tdden Death. The many friends the labors of the husbandmen who will l of Sister Ja'ne Romney, wife ot Elder cultivate their slopes after the manner . Cileorge Romney, of this city, will in vogue in European countries. doubtless be surprised and pained at learning of her death, which occurred The Pardoned Convicts. The In t 9:30 this morning. She has been formation regarding the pardoning of cZiax tor some time, but none of her a number of Inmates' of the penitenfriends had any Idea that her condition tiary yesterday, by Governor Murray, ras dangerous, or that death was so having reached ns late in the afternoon, pear. She leaves nine children, who we were only- enabled to give the with the bereaved husband, will have names of the fortunate objects of exthe sympathy of all their ecutive clemency. It Is of Interest to the public to know the nature of the offenses of which they had been con The Utah victed. Depvty Keglstrars. John Emerson was convicted Dec. Commission yesterday appointed the officers 138l,of murder in the first degree, 10th, registration following deputy he having been indicted as being to, attend to the registration of voters Implicated with Fred. Hopt In the kill next June: ing of John F. Turner. He was sen B. Kanab tajje County L.Young, to imprisonment for life. tenced Johnson W. II. Laws, pretrecljet; precinct; cinct: J. A, Stewart, Pahreah Biddiecombe, convicted of Joseph R. M. Englestead, Mt. Carmel pre--- ! murder in the first degree, MaySOtb, -j OrdervUle preWillard clnctj II. A. Carroll, doctl Boutso, Gtendale pre- 1885, In ths killing of Charles Jensen. cinct; W. IIL Round, Upper Kanab Patrick Callaghan and David Fennell, convicted of murder in the second deprecinct. Mt. Saopete County--J. A. D. Fge, sentenced to Crane, ialrrlew gree, the .former being rfiaaat precinct; 14 years and the for Imprisonment Jacob Johnson, Spring City preclac; S. Ciawaon, Ephralm latter IS years, prectnetjGeo. Mantl precinct; Quinn, Frank Clinton, convicted of burglary Belah B. AtwoSd, petty precinct; Jos. December 8th, 2883, and sentenced to a MayftaU Chrlstensen. precinct;Jos. k ef term five Ed. Uannisow years. precinct; Bobbins, of A. convicted Reld, Fayette pTectnct: Wm.Zabriskte, burglary, Kershaw, Chester precinct; if. L. EUason, Mo-r- ol sentenced February Sad, 1885, to a term precinct ;H)urfstlan Beauman, i ., r:-- ' Walea precinct; II. L. Latter, Foun-'l- a of two years Oreen precinct! Melsea Tidwell, Richard Kelly, convicted of murder Hr Thistle; B. II. Young, Winter In the second degree and sentenced to Tooele' County Win. F. Moss, Mill lkrears, April 2nd, 1834. Bracket, Lakeview J.Dalton, convicted of murder la the ereclnct; ' James John n instead. Bates villa second degree, April 1st, 13Sl, and senprecinct; Robert Scott, Tooele precinct t G. tenced io a term of 10 years. John Ophlr Thompson, mimt-t- t Richard N. Bash. Clover pre- vrfuinl J Arthur. St. John Conrt Items. Proceedings In the precinct; Louis Strasburg, Vernon Third District Court i 1v i vs. et Farrell Battle .W. al., J. ' 'Washington County Jos C, Bentley, Williamson et al.; Judgment for plainmotion to disallow costs asAa Clara'preclnct; Julius Jordan, tiffs; pending of silver Beef precincti Chas. Westover, the entry Judgment Is stayed, C. a. Jtaraock rt. ;wm. Muraock; JFr., Leeds precinct; Levi N?i Harmon, ;Frsnklln O.Uolt, divorce and alimony; Court allowed precinct Washington ftnnlrtrlr nnutln't! J. ft. Bracken. Jr.. 4fHne Valley precincti Geo. Spllsbnry. '$50 attorney's fees and $25 costs of '"ToquetTUle precinct; John II . Ballard, suit.-- , T orHRinpi! tvn :wrh .acct b idruujB Geo. H. Knowlden et al. vs. Ji nar- JJancan's vItetreat precinct; Janthus subi Richards, lrgtn City precinct; James ward; trial beforeT 'jcourt mand - f Rockvllle Samuel i mitted, Terry, precincti n l), Oifford, Sprinndale Crss. K. preclnett TS. J. H. Stalling et Isaac Lyon p. th ufnitni. isnonesoaror nrprinrtt j Paee, New Harmony: precinct; al.i trial la progress.vs.? Edward Brain J. W. Rands et al, Samuel Miles, PrlcepreclncC Daniel et al.; Jury waived, and case to be tried precinct. ' M. Tyler. Hebron Houston, at convenience of court. . nGarfield County-Joh- O court came this The grand Jury into Pangultch precinct; .C; L. King. Coyafternoon and reported having found -. . dale preclnctj;Wm..AarmB, wauuuij- three indictments under V. S. .laws TiUe precinct; Wm. Alvery, Bscaiante and two under Territorial statutes, v ' .' w PAHfi , ., .Ttnh Slonaker. ii , hi. " H. Burton, Wm. Mrs. Wm. jBsrinxos came home Aahiey precinct; ' Rlverdale precinct; ?isA. J.. Atprrey, from Logan last evening. :,. .. jjrvwp's arKjprecinct. ' now-remain- . well-deserv- ed e tof i fifteen-month- . M A. - - ? . ; pre-cln- et; ipre-clB- TERRITORIAL ITEMS Tenth Ward' School Tax. Not EVENING! NEWS; -- Ct; -- to-d- ay , , - : " ww - Five persons of one family In Lo gan aggregate 1,041 pounds in weigat. A fire- - supposed to have resulted from & defective fine occurred at Lara mie on Tuesday last, by which damage to the amount oi aoonc swuwas aone to the Knights of Labor hall. Men's Snifa made to front Home - Made CI of It: New Styles Spring Suiting 911,118, just received from lite Tweeds, Flannel. Unseys, Trunk, Etc., for1 sale whole wo rv A Dean-Flanag- an rv lug-hou- se , -- -- J- 1 We have re Carthage Relics. ceived through the kindness of Sister Sarah M. Kimball, of this city, who has been on a visit to Illinois lately. a cquple of copies of the Republican. published in Carthage,: Illinois, in which we find an account of the tear ing down of the old Carthage Jlotel, to which the bodies - of the ' martyrs Joseph and Ilyrnm Smith were conveyed after their lives had been taken. Mention Is made of the finding of a number of documents relating to that interesting period In the history of Carthage and of the Latter-da- y Saints, and It Is stated that "a plank In the floor of the old hotel has been taken up from the exact spot in the room where the body of Joseph Smith lay the night gfter he was killed, and Is being manufactured up Into canes to be sent to Salt Lake City." Judge Edmunds, of that city, is said to have in his possession "the original warrant or order issued by the Mormon city council of Nauvoo In 1S44 for the suppression of the Nauvoo Expo$-ito- r, an newspaper. On the back of the warrant is the return of John P. Greene, city marshal of Nauvoo, that he had executed the writ by tjpe la the street and destroying the printing press." anti-Morm- on - ITENltY DXNWOODEY f COAt, ! COAX TITaKa 1 Y7rwV CnwUtAt . iy tjte ttejLTJBatr jum nobbiest sttjjbs. COAX I. TfA t aaii YHva t ley and Red (Canyon All the Coals sold in tne salt market. Our Weber is from the celebrated Grass' Creek mines and we are mining better coal than ever before. No other Weber to this market can brought with it. All onr coals arecompare nicelv screened and cleaned. Coal Department, Union Pacific Rail- lie UNB OF THE CELEBRATED JTATfclV - I SUITS, 'X'WJfctLlinD UT-jT- I For Children 4 to 12 Years of age way Company. A. J. Gtnrcrxxx, Agent. Office, Wasatch. Corner. Ws su offerlaf; galBs to STHOlll. fOX A All work' done by the REDUCTION Men's Suits, 95.00, $6.00, bo offer stock will In Spool! Bar- - Clos. ff Our NEW SPRING STYLE OI HATS, Whit and Colored Shirts. TJndarwear, IXoae, Sospenders,- najsdkerclileis Glores oud sTsnmtahtng of arerjr desorlptioat I ttnaqnaUed. In Dry-Pla- te stantaneous Process. Qret nargaln In ud 97.00, ;$a& ail last soa Prices of Photographs Reduced at PERMANENT. . iOT Publications kept constantly stock ; also a well selected line of the best Miscellaneous Books, for both old and young. S. & and M. I. A. libraries supplied. ; mama. BIO (D0HM SHOES OF BEST MiOTFACTURE, IlenA Women's and Cliildren's, AT1T1 TZEISTELA "RT ill) STYLES; ; THESE GOODS ARE VERY MUCH UNDER VALUE. I A FtTLIi MR. cts. PER MEN'S, YOUTH'S AND CHILDREN'S, DRESS GOODS. Exanlslta BOTeTUei la Bonela StrlMa. Plaida. Checks. Tlsaaaa. Heathers. Black and Brown Hixtarea, Cartas aod Cbavlota. A larra aaortmat of Albatroaa. Nan's Veiling-- , 8erga, Dtagoaala, Dcbetgas Clatha aad Tricota, aad tha ohaleeat Uaa mt Combination Salts w haTo eyer akow. All-T- er. SILKS AND VELVETS. A full line of Foalards, Sarahs, Sbadames, dammar SUka, Poaress s also a eeatplete lias of Black and Colored uros Gralna, Black Broeadod aad Two Toaod Valvota. - BABYlffiABES, COTTOW DRESS FABRICS. The largaat assortment wo haro otot sbowa, laoladla Forolra aad Oomoatlo Wotcb and Printed Wash and Dress fabrics, Caavas, Jaeonard, Fijrurad Xaphrrs, Chanv brars. Ginghams, French 8ateeaa, Batlates, Linens, Plain aad Fancy Soorsackars, Clink-leSeersuckers, Printed Sateens, i'ercales aad Lawas. Ot aaoJi aad ovary oao the variety is endless. too White and Colored Robes front $LM to 130.0. These are vary elaaorate. before purchasing elsewhere. J THI fTSIST UD CHXariSTAT y yjTNWOODKT'S. Ex-ami- PESHAMEHT ttEDCCTIOJr TEE WALKER BROS. rw' ' at rox A'Stmoms. 'Un notorrapba CO. Th ItarsuPa Vrlnnrt RnlW Ptro. NIGHT DRESSES.. Th " ' Krutunni int. r us f 11 raaey ri.vs, tie. Jfi-tO.Ul- . t Hands, Chilblains. Corns, and. all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Plies. or no pav ren aired. It is Kuaranteed to or money re-;ive onaeo. vnca zo cents per ooz.t M. L DRUG .' FOR SALE AT -STOkEi .1 T nleasant "BAtK, reliable and to that excellent preparation, Dr. -Ilepley's Celeryi pef andiron. bv ZiCilJU drugstore. CAsfftlJ ana nil jLr rfggtsMt a Bow to CosmmIs Or. hj Bsa' , 1.10 .70 1.00 1.15 .40 1.25 10 .80 AO of higher Ua AH-nror- e, . Two-tone- d .... - LACKS. This hue never beea so full of novelties as It Is this season. Rome et the newestDepartment we Utinjrs aire Mazarlno, Formosa, Mikado. Kryutiaa ava4 Monrosia. Th bave In Crams, lie lye and Black. All widths la Caaattuy, Spaaten Qaiparo aad Oriental, and la fall Ime of All avera. An examination of this stock will convince any oao that wo bare left nothing andoao. KID GLOVES. I . Besides oor SUndiu-- Gloves wO bsvo added to this stock a rive-hntfo- a Glove for $1 .50 and a Hit button Suede for Al.eS. that havo Ulove for noeqnal. Wo have tho Uest 1 tl n.1.r ihnirn In lh lt l. TRIaUHNGS. This DrJirtment la eomolete. oonMsrinc of Beaded and Plain Paasementerlrs. Colored and Black Mohair Braid. Beaded I ablets, Clasps and Woodea and Glass Beads in an eviors. BUTTONS In greater variety than over this spring. Everything wasted found in our stock. . ia this lias csa be HOSIER V. I This season we are offering soma bamlns la Silk an'd Uala tor lot of Children's Click Cotton Uose Uiat will notlast long. TAILORS AND WOOLEN 'DRAPERS, Optsstt Walker Bobm, SALT LAU CITT ttt S. If ACT STBXXT, tst. 100 .00 .89 IIAMBUBQ ESIRROIDERT. . -- ,5 .70 0 .95 At .78 .M AensnsI, thia Department tsfnll of theahoiceat goods to be fonnd la tbo' market, wtth aarraw Floaacintf to match. Inclnding White. Bloe and Cardinal chain brays, Batistes and Zephyrs are tho latest novelties, ot which wo havoaa endless variety. We show a complete lias of Swiss, Kalasook, Irish foist aad lUtcfcsd SeU ta WhiU and Ecru. ! BrtttlJUV'S A&H1GA SAX.TE. Tho. Bkst Sjxvss In the world for Cats, Bruise,- Sores, Ulcers, Salt Kaeum. rever soreF, leiier. cnappea M . .40 A complete Uaa of Children's Short Drosses and Infanta JBobes, from Me, to fie. QTYud; and-Kidney- s At IJO 1.00 DRAWERS. .SO M 130 CHEMISE. 1.15 1.20 .85 .95 .65 .75 .80 SKIRTS. M LOO L10 LIB Ltt 1M LM aadLU. Also a fall MISSES UNDERWEAR AND APRONS. 9. If vour Liver Is healtbr and active, bo - IHsUty, At J .80 .75 41 priced goods. if I Tour health for the vear deoerids. upon pnnrymg tne iiiooa tpring. No remedy will accomplish .this so ' " " readily and surely as ; BROfrN SAKSAPAftllXA wl&ki Law, tdl MUSLEf UlfDERWEAlt. Linon D'lade, Silk aad Oettoa Uoll, Pertlaa At cheapest, strongest, and lightest draft now;m ine mareec. it counis ensuigy. dorsed by the best farmers In the M. I. and try. Call and see It at Z. C. its Branch Stores, and at' 131 o 135 8.." Third West St. Co. Salt Lake Foundry 4 Ama Daadllai OUR WHITE GOODS. i ZAst seaaon we did a rery larre baslnese in this Nne.aad we tvtend to smstala oar rcpuUUoa this season by oCertag OHKAf AA QOODS TSLAN KVJ.R. New Caroets from 25 cents cer vard. , Curtains and Portieres. At AUgRBACH VTAH IXVaJITIOBI. to-da- The Evangelist gives as a "current event," the following: .A lawyer be-l- n asked what he thought of the preaching of a somewhat sensational of the gospel, of a neighborexpounder ing city, answered : "I have nothing to say about the preaching; the prayer was enough for me. If any lawyer had addressed a country Judge in the free and easy manner In which this man addressed the Almighty, he would have been fined for contempt of coErt." BOOTS AND SHOES. , 1,000 dozen Ladies and Children's ! ever or ague Is possible. BBOWN'H bRkirANSiOT AND JARSAPARILLA acts directly on the and purifies the Liver Blood. Try no doubtful remedies, but U LUa IwikJN xIluXJ . ' BUCKLE ; SON," the complete formula printed on re see Wells, Farqo 4 Co.t v. BROWN'S 8 A RSA PAR ILL A . ' Your CLOTl ISO TfilliMlIBS BI THE UBBTfiE TH1DE SQPPLIED. ceived shipments as follows : Fine bars, Druggist and Fhysiclan recommend it. cures Rheumatism. It base $14,3$2;6re, $2,(00; bullion, $1,500; The genuine - BROWN'S ARNICA Ketituctc gold bar, $16,000; total. $34, SALVEls fnlly warranted. eat mailed to .aay address o Samples rashio Flat and Rales dor BaUMfeam All Z.C. M.I. merchants sen Brown's apptieaUoa.. Correspeadenc solicited. Medicines because they are the best. l n. exotics In gardens at Leipzig. Swedish soldiers brought them Into western Germany about the conclusion of the Thirty Years' war. In 1717 they were reintroduced Into Saxony from Brabant, and within twenty-fiv- e years they began to be cultivated, their use being much developed In the famine period of 1770-7- 1. In the year 1882 over 9.000.000 acres were given un to the cultivation of potatoes in Germant. the to 23,000,000 tons.produce amounting CLOTHING Shirtings, Eto. Hew Stock of ClotMnff attention to his display of a verj choice line of jjtb desirable. LAOS OTXRTJCITS, - i pi-ing- the Tub Irish Potato is Germakt. In 1565 the potato was brought Into Germany. The first seed potatoes in a were 1591 from the In present Saxony Landgrave of Hesse to the elector of Saxony; Io 1647 they were grown as everything i aMMTEfiOODSiB VARIETY. LWof Sheetlxiirs, HOW TO SAVE MONEY BOOTS and a reminiscence of Klrtland daya from the same gifted pen. It is a good J number. SPRING TRADE, New Qlnghams, Seerguckers, ChambraySt Satines, Prints, Peroales. Cheok, Nainsooks, Printed Piques, Iaoe Cheoks and Stripes, Vie Iawos, Xtaminea, Orjrandies, lawns, Bedspreads: Napkins, bowels, Table n.d Bed Linen, ax n. The "Exponent." The Exoonent Buy for April 15th is before us, and among A PorfWoRTH RKMEMBEamc your Books, Stationery, Scbooi Supplies its other interesting articles contains and Jos, H. Paanr & Co.; nn account of "Nauvoo as it is To a6S.Magturinttot Main Street, where you get everyChurch day," by the editor, Sister E. B.Wells, thing at Bottom Prices. AM tha 1 Tdlas anS a The mor.t jftadiriilble stock at tho lowest prices ia Honsekee Goods eaa be fonnd with ds. It will be to any person's advanMgotolook at oar goodspinr before buying else where. , veneoi-satisiacHo- COHN BROS., A6enu for Howard's Nickel plated Selssors and Shears Guaranteed.! I Z.-C- to? -- ' v- T)r iicytXTt nrR bxad or moB U ;,, ... . 1 -- vy , 1 Yearling Bulls who would like to consult him bv malt LIV1 jriOST XtOE!FI7X:X. --.1 calLDS' DTJBHAII TEABLING BULLS, toote.tienioi1, authority 1TlainL O JO that they can have list of questions ' ' m VUVWK ML STIIIIUIUB UlTILTB' D V . mrm m ear of Nr. Joaa Hlacuev, aaa pan rora, anineu nuaresaiDS llox Ut, Salt 1?C ISllJ. 1 -. , -th Tarda la tha rearmm . vr furtJ. Mr. Iaaa of reaidaaea. Sixteaala, Jeaainn1 Wirf. The doctor has arranged to havetnfor. ?. .si.v j y ...jt.j SrtsBlarsjaaairtu mation in save this to way supplied ISAAC JENNINGS brjT.i W.UENNINCS. time.- - Receiving such printed , matter the correspondent can describe his or her case fully and direct it to tha doctor. In New rork .Dr. Foote i inc. cetslully treating all forms of chronic i '7.-K .' r diseases, a specialty to which' bo has ,yi.t K. J. BWTCKCtX, devoted of and years thirty study OBITTTkHlT; W. tt. lVKDOKa. practice. Evidences of bis success can Truck.ee, CaU SppKCBH.At Randolph, Rich Con nly, also be bad by addressing Box 414, as . . .. . . . all letters of but consultation above, tie of' Edwin 1886, April W, fenqral and orders for remedies Spencer, bo ad. r, shpnld debility. dressed to Dr. E- - B4 Foote, Sr.. 120 Brother Spencer was born October Lexington Avenue, New York City WEVADfi 1. 1824. in Louzhbroneh. Leicestershire. i N.Y. Consultation free. 1A.U advertisement of Sr- England ; was marVied to Hanaah Wardte, DrFoote, JUecember 23, 1348;. was baptized prQ 7, In another place', deserves attention. i t...i .1 -- DEALERS IN "" f 1 . ;r?' , .' A Now and Cdmploto Stock of. HOMES' -- , ; : 0 ; SIERRA : John Bonne) ; was ordained n Eidei 2iofri)ber 17, 1850; emigrated to by Eider 1849, PhUadelphia in 1SSS, and to rtah In 18CJ; located In 8alt Lake City, whert he received his endowments, December 7. 1SC1; received his patriarchal bleing nnder the hand of Thomas R. HcCann, Karch 12,1(82,1 Baa dolph; was ordained a Seventy January 4, 186J; and belonged to the Second Qaornm; was ordained a High Priest and set apart Second' Counselor to Bishop Mcginnon, Angnst23,1880; started upon a mif tionto England, April 11. 13S3,f and arriTilbn hla j retnrn,Septl71883.:--vBrother Spencer held places of trust, both pi church and state, and Waa a good and efficient officer. He leaves a wife, four sons J '1 deodAs J ,,. i i U Tnie bloom or ueaitt TOn hfir.brow IndlcatesHhe itcalth kIcwoj within.' What a Change: froir ttic inatidof a few montha agoi , Dt besides des$h, ; p ?ult. . to know ; it Hail JUMtt Syrup of Figs really possesses j snob-- ' wonderful efficacy, can obUiniuMi ooiues iree oi cnarge :C pf.i t Drug , Store; iVTholaaule AgenU, Salt . OrtLiver A Simmons ; C CL - - X . 1 Druggists. o r. niBAcvietJsi KscAtnc. -- - tli -- Li v- - l'r'-yl- . mers, Mrs. Louisa Pike, Bartonla, Co., Ind.. was long sufltandolph ferer with Oonsumption,and was riven up tp (lie by her physicians. She heard sumption, and began buy leg it of ras. In six months' time she walked to this a distance of six miles, and is city, so now much Improved she ha using It. She feel she owes her Lis L' to It." Tre TrtaLSotUs at Si O. tt. L Drug Etore. eit . CO., AKD ... . , .. , ; - , i ' LADIES CALL AND SEE OUR NEW tt I SEEING STOOK of CHILDREN'S HATS. ! ' 3, ".(.! l ' iTn'ir "TrrT:"nT?? to s" W.' W. Reed, druggist, of WinchesOne of my custo- Regulator, purely vegetable, is universally used fa the South to arouse the torpid liver to healthy action. It cures malaria, biliousness, dyspepsia, headache, constipation and plies. No nausea or griping. It Is most effective In starting the secretions of the liver, causing the bile to act as a cathartic. Regulates the bowels and imparts vigor and health io van wnoie system. f MmmtM ter, Ind., writes! Soatbera KcnfKly. lS, s For Gents': Boy's anHliilJrei'Si.ffeufi F Bf j pa-- d3 Lj (DWD JAMES & - Star, jrottingham and Xelcester :JLU!i- -' atz - MUL : liATII, Rhlorles, MoBldiara, Frames, Doors Windows, 'itf!-- ' uniiaers' rwaim uoim, ,1 Hardware. Bash Welchta. - icte:. ir.t.. GLASSH5 i y you know the secret of her renewet' Vti wlU teU you. Health r When s!m found that the pleasant liquid fruil remedy--Syruof is as agreeabJi to the taste as Jt.isFigs effective In cleans tag the system, calming the: serves ami awakening the : Liver, Kidneys, Stomach and Bowels to a healthy activity, sue began uslug it, and you see the tv- -. Ladies-rwliihl-ng LUilflBER ASS'Wi - i- twr daughters, and 84 grandchildren, ".t,l U- -J a host of friends to mount his Or. If eaitey .... f' ' 'OAfl pala tetoST, astd Irwav The funeral services war held in ths ry, Randolph Hall, on 8tjndy, April 18, upon lias the largest sale, and has relieved and cured more persons afSlcted with Which occasion the hal) was filled to overfollowed were 'The remains to nervosa )rosblea, thao any pne known flowing. ' . their last resting place by a long tram ot remedy. For sale bv Z.C. If. I. Drugstore, vehicles and, friends on foot. .a and all and I. : STAPLE less In it action. Cures habitual Biliousness, Indigestion and kindred ills. ; Cleanses the: system, purifies the blood, regulates the Livei and acta on the Bowels. Breaks Colds. Chills and Fevers, etc. String then organs on which it acts. Better than bitter, nauseous Liver mediclnes.pllls, salt and draughts. 8ampls bottles tree, and Jarre bottles for sale by all druggists. 2 C. M. I Drug Store. Wholesala AgenU, Fait Lake City. 12f i rn-.-- produced fbr the season. eeml-unconsclo- . EXTENSIVE ARRIVALS FOR THE ever before attempted. .Our Dress, Stook is com pleto in all the New Styles shades and qualities Nature's own true Laxative. Pleasant to the Palate, acceptable , to the Stomach, harmless in its nature, pain Calls especial GOODS ot the general public, which we shall oiler at retail at prioes Very Muoh Lower than . Cn-stlpatlo- ffiis;i. Suited, to the wantsj Sle-ge- i EJLfHCii ! i SPG , " rtum-- "- GOODS Have received a large etock of all classes of hiveu If yon are suffering with low and depressed spirits, loss of appetite, general debility, disordered blood, weak constitution, headache, or any disease ot a bilious nature, by all means pro cure a bottle of Electric Bitters. Von will be surprised to se the rapid 1m- will follow ; will &rovement that with new Ufa; you strength and activity will return; pain and misery will tease, and henceforth you will rejoice in the praise of Electric Bitters, bold at fllty cents a bottls at Z. C.M,1. Drug Store. But few articles have reached such a world-wid- e aa Angostara reputation over fifty years Bitters. For they have bee the acknowledged standard regulators of the digestive organs. Their success has incited imitations. Be sure you get the genuine-- article rt manufactured only by Dr. J. G. B. & Sons. . V'"" 1! (nnff Martin, two years ago.put twen y. ty-tcarp in tne waters ox we jina-da stream In Wyoming.! and they have since multiplied into thousands. He has now an artificial lake which he wui siock wiin nsn.ana expect to supply Wyoming markets inside of three years. On Tuesday evening last a fire broke out in a two-stoframe build Mrs. owned by ing house Jenny Dean Ti l.nanan m v ri m ItMlliA. I TAtin n .n4 nuu lie uivuicit vuu cioimauiuu situated on the Meadervllle read.about a mile from Butte, Montana. As the fire was outside the clt limits the fire attend it, and their department did not presence would nave oeen nseiess 11 as was no water to be they had, there secured within a mile of It. Closelv building adjoining the two-stowas another irame Doara- owned by John Prosperity Arms, and It soon became apparent tnat it aiso was aoomea to aestruc tton. No attempt was maae to save either building, bat hundreds of .volunteers worked bravely to save, the furniture of both. Mrs. Dean saved her most valuable household goods, and Mr. Arms saved almost his entire as all. The furniture but that flames only subsided when they had noon which consumed everything secured a grasp, r Not a single dropthey of water was thrown upon either house. Mrs. Dean's loss is estimated at $2,000, upon which she has $1,000 Insurance. Mr. Arms places his loss at $l,G0O. tie Is a printer by trade, and the property was purchased with, the money saved uy years oi nara tou. John in the Colu sa mine, PhUltp.employed went to Butte last Monday afternoon and got drunki He spent the nizht in saloons, where he exhibit ed his money in a very reckless man ner. About z o'ciock in the morning be started to walk to his home at While passing the St. Meadervllle. Lawrence tunnel two men rushed ont and beat him in a brutal manner until he became when they "went throuch" his clothes, ee curing all the money' he bad on his person over $200. Then 'thev disap peared, leaving him stretched, almost lifeless, on the ground. A few minutes later he bis senses and staggered regained back: to Butte where he was Disced In bed and re ceived surgical treatment! His inju ries consist of four; cuts On the head and bruises on various parts of the body, evidently Inflicted with an Iron bar. The deepest cut and one which fractured the skull is on the rieht side of the head and Just above the ear; another about three inches in length is on top of the head: the third is above and a little behind the left ear, while the fourth is across the right eyc.all of them very deep. Two miners, named Henry Hurst and John Skelton, have been arrested on complaint sworn out by the injured man, as the guilty but insist that they they are Jartles, '"" I" ',,1 sale and retail, at John C. n. & Dro Agents Proto vi avuua, vaaries was arrested on the 15th, and Cutler Idah, Woolen Mills, No. UO did taken to Oxford. It is said that he Is charged with polygamy. On Saturday Cons! if ution Building. hewas released by the Commissioner, there being no evidence to noia mm errs vr. " -- MlNFWRIG HOME-MAD- E BXCHASTGBSw CtnXBD FROM LATEST ' r 1 " JkJLX - OTJXfc IIA.XS AT1E OF 1 s J. ... t t .1 1 TXLXrTiojra coiannriaaTiojr Bo. , THB LATEST STYLES. II 'V QUB STOCK DF BOOTS, SHOES . . ct. i, Ll.r.i .". I ii r OATiTi SLIPPERS IS EBHPLEIL AIID DEC, |