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Show .4 ? a ' ' j EVENING TRUTH XIX VOL,. NEW YORK TRADE. One Copvjrme year, with Costage, " " tlx liionth " " Itiireo mouth ' fKK WESTKRX $10 00 5 I - W EEKL.V, FTBXTsnKD EVKIiV TUESDAY AS1 SATURDAY EKL.Y, EVESV 12 tm.ISMED Jp WEDNESDAY. $2 50 1 50 .80 bt rriiLisuED THE DESERET NEWS CO., SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. CHICAGO TKADE. 4. vcu Pletur, 7x8 BaaaUlnl Colored nith rarh Package. peober Pure. Absolutely This powder never varies. ltophnte SoLt only powders. im cans. ek Co.. 196 BAKINO PoW- - BoyaL Wall Street. New York. TURNER & CO., Dnano SI.. New York. $3 DUCK FDS 31EBU1S.BIGEIH0WH.DR IB TJ1EERB Cotton canvass or nit numbersTYunL ti toaiK! package suflicient (or 1 Loaves of Cakes,Wholesome Will Bread. Light keen lonrer than any other yeast. Try it and will always use it. inches wide, ",t'or Peek, Car, Wasron Coverings, Machine Aprons anj for other ni poses, constantly in store aii) made to order. A cents for V. S. Bunting Co.. Standard" and ' Eatrlc, by the Case or less; quantity These Uoods can be obtained at Z. C, SI. 1. POWDER EXTRACTS. HAZARD POWDER WORLD. IN THE TiTinm Each contains lO Brand . joa SOLD BY ALL GROCERS. BAKING E. W. GILLETT, -- Minf r Chicago, 111. d&aalt For sale at wholesale and retail by all the leading stores in the Territory, and at wholesale onlyiby J. W. Sanders & Co., Agents, Salt Lake City. SIX. Cafe - AWARDED r a aal.rtOVAKRVNTFIl f C. CUtUa&US. PBfihf,uTToirgacsa'yM't DKSTRlXtOMI) Soapmaiers, Perfumers, Chemists, . to-da- BY THE Industrial and Cotton Centennial Exposition. New Orleact, World's 1884 and 1883. Reportd to the EuurJ (Extracts from Jurors' of A wards. I For Collective Display of Toilet Soaps, and Perfumery. For Fancy and Ordinary Toilet Soaps. For Excellence of Matt rial. Delicacy of Per-- " fanie, and Niaiueis of htyle. ForZenithla Shaving Soap. For Laundry Soapifiecialties. For Excellence and Superiority of Laundry, Harness and Medii inal Toilet Soaps. JAS. S. SIX-CO- Spool Cotton Z. O. CHICAGO. SAMMONS, CLARK & CO., Nlreel, t'hleaBO, Ills., I0 Randolph MANUEACTUEEKS O? UMITBO. MIRRORS, AMD l'ltltlHKS, of and Jobbers Wolfe, Patton& Co., COHHICES POLE FRAMES. MOLDINGS, I. JM. Etc. Oar eoods are kept at S ivaee's Art t and by leading Furniture dealers dthr- .'h-ualt the Territory. - F. MAYER & CO., OP MANUFACTURERS CIIA111ti:iC Nil ITS, L islililllii and BOOK CASES, la Walaat, Ihrrrj aad laieiieas lakof any, SIDEBOARDS CHICAGO. Our Goods are on Sale in all the Principal .stores in tne couuirv. uiv A of F-A-- at Z. C. M. I. and its &brani h Co. A Liddle. Uodhe, Pitts stores. Sears A Co., CunBarnes Davis, Messrs. Allen & uo. ft ctarK, Co, r.inreage ningtoa - Hat Racks and Whatnots, - lv wuiu ( i.nlnn W Woods can be found at . AAO Cw and otlier rurailure. CiU - B. BROCKSCBHIDT. AOGCsT HEDER. HEDER & B1CKSCH1DT, Wholesale Dealers la Ask for the CorrtirMlet Stove Gal inet Hariware frivesIie Best Satis faction and meets . AND with Quick Sales. For sale by . C M.I. branch stores Upholsterers' Goods. ALL! GOOD FOR - O j 1 dll5 6m STAR HORSE NADS, Ott BLUED POLISIIKD AN . Wired from Washington. 16. The President Washington, nas appointed ft. rrentls uauey, oi Utii-aNew York, Thomas N. White, of Hernando, vv is., L, li. Kinnie, oi lo- ledti, Ohi, Commissioners to inquire into and report upon the 40 miles of railroad constructed by the wortnern I'aci nc ltailroad Co. in Yakima ValleyKm the t 'ascade branch of the said com road in Washington Territory. pany'snas also appomtea t reaericK a..lie of New York, Franklin MacCondert, v eaLch, ot Chicago, uawara Alexanaer, i Aagusta. UeorgUt, Marcus a. iian- ua, of Cleveland, and James W. Sav age, oi umana, uovernment uireciors of the Union Pacific Hallway. Assistant Secretary Of the Interior MuMrow has requested tbe Attorney General, if in his Judgment he shall deem it for tje interest of the United states, to institute civil proceedings& iL'auisttne nrm or tjraway, wetaier tvo., and also against Julius Ordway, (. w. weidlerand Milton weiaier in dividually, all of Portland, Oregon, to recover the value at $14 per thousand feet on 6,000,000 feet of timber alleged to have been unlawfully taken by them from the public lands of the United States and also criminal proceedings against bald parties individually for trespass. l h: war Department has lurnlshea for publication a statement calling attention to tbe pretended and fraudulent operations of an institution located in New York City under the style of the United States Military Post LiAssociation, the managers of brary nave oeen asKing aia irom tne whtcb benevolently inclined upon tbe plea that it has been, and still is, rendering moral and religious aid to the olistcd men of the army by supplying them gratuitously with read me matter. The following confirmations were : mad.Collector Asa Ellis. First California District. Army Col. H. J. Potter to be Briga - to-d- . av dier-Genera- Street. Chicago. the Lke 1 - Var aal Extmio A Co ESCHlPTIOlt, PITT9BTJEGH, by JOBS RAM. K. E.Outer,POHIE, aamfartarer Library Plftar iB4UtcheB,Brcaktast Of ITXET j , AT.WTTOL'ESALB & COMP'Y, KIRK RD roa ali for Chemically Highest and only Award Pure Glycerine. Ui A M 1. Will hold a shoe en Longer than any other. We guarantee oar Nails to be Equal In Quality and Durability to any made. Made from the Beat Norway GRAEFESREKO PILIA For mora than Forty Tears tttesa valuable Pilla have been known and need. Thay act auldlr bat thoronzhly. BUious Dtsoraew, and Eidncv ComplainU, ueaaacne, t riAn.ttnatinn and Malarial uiseases axe eared by uainf these PiUs. i.r Col. T. H. Rager to be JJrigadier- General. ( ,'nairinan Curtin called together this f tor norm his select cemmittee charered with the investigation ol tbe labor troubles. There was a general iaterchanre of views as to tne proper memou oi con- UUCtmg tne inquiry, iUH 99 mcooio Crain and Stewartf two of the mem bers, were absent, no conclusion was reached.! was the 24th anniversarv of tbe emancipation of slaves in the Din trict of Columbia, and the event was celebrated in a somewhat unusual The colored Seattle disa manner greed among themselves as to how the celebration suouia De conauciea. ana as a result divided into two factions. one beaded by W. C. Chase.editor of the colored newspaper, ana tne otner Dy Perrv Carson, who was a aeieaate to the last republican National Conven tion. In view of the lack of harmonv between the two parties, the President eitner positively reiusea to review procession. Both passed In front 01 the White House, but mounted police men tnek gates ana preveniea . .LLie guaraca 'PKn auv a ito cuiciiu iuc tt,iyji uvio ident. through his private secretary. bad previously notmea tne chairman of the' opposing committees that - it would give him pleasure to accept a Joint invitation to review one proces l'o-dn- I T-- 1 111 n. sion in wnicn an couna amicaDiy participate, but that he could not take sides in the quarrel, and therefore de cllned to accept either invitation to re view tbe party, A strong enort was made to reconcile the difference be tween the two factions, and have them unite in one demonstration, so as to , GBAFENBERO Iron, Finished Already CATIIOIalCOW. to drive, by th Ortat fiemedy for all Female Com UNION HORSE NAIL) CO., olaiaU. This Medietas cares remn n Physicians secure the President's recognition, but Bass and Nervous Disorders. -- f without success. IMheir Oatbollcoa practice. this as CHICAGO toe senate to session oi executive in m L and Its For Sale by apon-thday. Voorhees made a speech XUS Branch Stores. ly WielLabra treaty, rims was men lata ORAEFENBEItO aside and tbe calendar nominations were taken no. All Unobjected cases, dJItlldren's including a numoer oi suspenaea 'a aaie and plsaaant remedy (or all Child cases" were confirmed. rea's Diseasesj Acuag aa m Two Utea M ordered. nnaitivalT benaflcial tO STCTT ChUd that a e Pnaeea. mi uj 4 '5S2V s 'mm m SaBHBBSl l S-'- iea MM mmm ii a 8.3 .150 D iel i- 4i 1 saasaaBBaa c2 inaian late chief clerk of the uun a irencr. has Inst received . intelligence ofthe kiliing.on the White sun-cnBier Re. OI (nrution. nf KhsviAd. tne a. o. at. i. Diet) iTvui, the Uncompahgre Utis, by Chief Aro ana tne saDseanens BiyiuKyi 4 ALT LiU OITT. UTAH. witz, The am wit bv friends of Snavano. last Sunday at the tragedr occurred uraa lh SntnAri on,r fihamnn the chief who succeed' ty to Sapinero, eraxinrav. ne wu not uuuuiai uu or tha abara d laaaaa ;,n lis ferid had existed for Tears between I havaaaoaiaWaramad i aaaVOba wont klad aad of aaa taaaaaaaa himself and ArowlU, who has recently lawtnn lost three children by death. Aro lattaaaUaey.Mtatlwtll aaadTWU irri.a witz. with Indian ehnerstition. Claimed tTa apraaa and r.O. aadwaa. MauaaSarar. th t Sh&yano had hoodooed bis children aarSend stamp for book to Graefeaberf Oo New Tork. iei lourn, nrt X. a Denver. Col., takes It. 1 snvw m a. :.!51s 25 s Pa s . - a aj a . tntr2. VMM . upon tueirtsu axcuBuuer 'in' cuargfl Would be 2.000.000 per annum, to meet which It would be able to levy for rants amounting1 to fav3.ouu.uuu per an num. ana. this sum wcuia t tuo nrs -- . v w v.m .a i. t-- 7j- 'aaya -r- r ;T. - s i ,1 .aiaa-ai-a- aaa . ;: .. J , . that their brain refuses to respond at call: that their nerves are all unstrung. Fire Journal. a se The Wearing of Crape. Flowing crape, as a sign of real sor row, is not more reliable than orange nowers are of true happiness. Thev are both delusive at times. The memory of a departed husband or wife can be perpetuated without it in dismal, dreary colors. shrouding To the philosopher the present custom is positively absurd, because it does not tend to the end desired. It is not painful memories that one desires to perpetuate, but the pleasant ones. Then why resort to the most efficacious means oi doing the very thing that is not desired r The Hindoo woman is buried beside her husband, her ashes miugliug with bis. The Chriitlan widow conies as near (jtoing this as she can. She isolates herself from the world, shuts the light out fijom her heart aud keeps her sor row continually before her eyes, thus dyingf daily aud hourly. Pitttoury- Di-patc- 'a4..,;Tf BOXtD JkJSTID 4 W. M1DSXK Fint CO., CHARTER OAK hl CaiIm neutrality. "How does vour to regard my coining here?" father seem nxiously asked Adolpbtfs of little Hobby while Miss Maud was upstairs to present herself. getting ready "1 guess ne don't care nothin' about replied Bobby, carelessly, it," But "SO be nas no objections, eli whatjdid he say, my little man?" fie said if Maud was a mind to makej a fool of herself, why let her." From the Binghamptoti Republican u I a.J New Caroets from 25 cents ner vard. i Curtains and Portieres. j Aukrbacii's At SeTT Sooth St, 51 tnd 53 JLt Silt Like City. EXCELSIOR MANUFACTURING CO., . '. '. i (Vej cannot too strongly impress upon our readers the fact that most diseases are caused by irregular action of the kidneys; and this is true even though you do not feel any pain in them, for are aencient in nerves oi sensathey tion and give forth pain only in the lait staaes or disease. It is an undeniable fact that for all diseases of tbe kidneys caused by excess of uric acid in the STUMPED WARE & TINNERS TOOLS. blood, Warner's safe cure has no TIN PUTE, SHEET IRON, 11, 1886. TO to-d- ay j "V Main Street, St. Louis, Missouri, 3r. 2--18 23. SALE BY FOR . O- - -- I., LVE- Solo Acrents in Salt Xalxo City. so-call- ed d, id -- S . 5 o i3 o ? 9 1 P I Eh 6. & 8 -- a H .'5.2 2 s Many a Lady g M 1 3 H - . . o to lisisri'- THE BOSTON LADIES. - BUICK-MAKIN- The ladles inmress one alwavs with air. They do not their appear to care whether they have a gentleman for an escort or not, and are quite above looking for any particular little attentions from the creature. Handsomely and tastefnllv dressed, and with that eatie of bearing mat ueuoteo an iu culture inev lav claim to, one begins to admire them. and soliloquise on the superiority of the sex in general and Boston ladtetf la articular, when, to his utter disgust, Ee suddenly sees a couple of the admirable beauties lugging ' an ugly poodle dog, each In her arms, as a fond mother would a loving child. It Is openly declared here that many weauny taaies spena a great part ol their time in this nooie, elevating call ing of attending to pet dogs. Gould anything be more lamentable than such a ridiculous, waste oi attention, tender, natuiui iabiv .mm auvvMuu, wiuvll many a motherless child might be made nappy witn, not to mention a still noDier caning tnat migat case tne place oi tnia wKUaiuiii uuc. self-depand- ent THBi FIX TaRICK YARD AMD J3 apparatus. First Ward, this city. term, see or addresa 3 g Q BRICEMAKERS. ARTS. Both men and women eneonra?a the nne arts nere as u it were a sort of i duty so to do. The Japanese are re celvins considerable attention here tula winter, and it is uw right thing to no tu auiuire cveijiuiug uneotai. The Sabbath is variously observed Temterance lectures where tha nniai Indulged, la are'held; estapplanssts "sacred concerts" very unlike B. B. Young's at home are held la the music iiaii, woere au kinas or songs. even toe negro uuustrei son, are sung and boisterously applauded aad re called every Sunday evealnar. I AM not anticipate to is in the world" fas we term it m in wm v aies tne' sab bath was even better observed by all classes tnan -it is at some, but either tne " worm- nas grows worse since then or America and Wales differ greatly, to the former's discredit. U great for many of the ex cellencies of this world's affairs, but l cannot oring my sen to see that here, civilization and wodllness i walk hand cannot .but hope and in band . ; Ana, pray wua mors t soucitode than ever. that la Utah as we grow in learning, w uf j,mv..v?w Kruwwg in uoaii ness..; , .n - A. oawdAs rot- - Al. MAJ33S.ll, n6x H, this city PItOSVCSXvO ox 'X'XZS Silk CORTIGELLI NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estate of Sarah K. Tubbe, deceased. "VTOnCH 19 HEREBY GIVEN,. BY THE , .a. ' .IIUVtCIKVU, VWOVN W. ministrator of tha Estate nf Sarah K. ubbs, all and to creditors tha of, deceased, nersons having claims against Uie said de ceased, to exhibit them with the necessary vouchers, within four months after the flrat notice, te the 'said publication of this sail AumuiiBiraior, ai no. ihc atain Lake. Lake City, in tha Ooanty ot Halt straei, Dated at Salt Lake City, ApWI 12th, 1SWJ. l 3ATB 46 4 BSOOBD OF YEARS SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS, 4 Antedating and Excoltlntr all Competitors. O. YOtTNO. jnsRPIf Administrator of the Estate of Sarah ft. dlrJoaw 4w Tabbs, deceased. - PIONEER LULL HOLLEH PATERT CO. x N: S3 North Ten East. Office: Vl mouth levipie tftrtH, West VOI ' SKAKD8: Hie II rATENT, ' ' CORTICELLLSPOOL AKKafBl Urn. 1. PKItrUt WJiOLKtWESlf fLOUB. IICIEST C1S1 FBlCE FMB ifill tslaiikeae if. I7L ui, aai. . Bt , , PR&eMMiitrtS STAJTDS f BB fCHEil. SM THE SMOOTlijES'r: and STRONGEST. ! Ottee Talepaoae COKSCMIBS BITOCUI , . j , AVOID INFERIOR BRANDS. EXIASjafOKBia, Sapt. on the rents and taxes raised charge h t.ha Irish trovernment. i ne present contriuuuuu ui a iau rs to England was swUjOOO, Of Which England paia oacs in me irisn arvihe and in the service of col J ui lection i!4,895,000, Ta residue. Which STREET, seemed to rewesent an Imperial con trtbuUon tor the army, navy, atHonal U was debt and ; Imperial civil charges; ' Whatdid Engiana ao witniw 42,085.000. L i't a;A. nHoiaont ill Umf iiAl rt,000 men to: Ireland and. kept them mere at an4 annual cost o :io,uw,Ju Bssfi AaeaauaaastlMM fata Oty at tVj B ' 9iA.0oo mora than tha balance' men Wandkeino Ute. m , Caanrsi. f Lit 91M tioned. That was ' a specUroa of the ' the speaker want' economy of a system 93 CBXTB. SniGIJB MEALS, ' i adtnrontnn. !i e ) ,!..' Mr. W. P.' HurUlg, pharmacist, the Mr. Gladstone commndl Francisco, says Red gtar Cure Ctml Osrt mm-- Open Day and xicai schema to Jtrt?t eJqu. careful, Ii lure and speody,- - J? Cough. r pass to aad tram Papots, . f . . - Editor Deseret Woes : Before returning to home 1 have noted down a few of mv observations of things In general in the "Hub," and as I looked over tbem I thought some equal. of them might be interesting to a few of your readers who may never come" Life Ueta tbe Better of Death. here to see for themselves. Lousvtlle, Ky. Nov. 18, 1885. For CHARACTERISTICS BOSTONIAN eleven years I was a confirmed invalid, ROUGHER SEX. suffering all the agony a person could stand. Was several times pronounced It is well toknown that BostonAmerican Society dead. Two best physicians pronounced the very highest lays claim my trouble iemaie complaints, used to find Warner's safe cure. I passed a large culture, and as I was Ieager have to consisted tried what this ot, as when a girl stone. Am well of .7. T. avail myself every opportunity to It Was a miracle in my case.-Mr- s. notice the peculiarities of Avenue. 4th 562 RUchey, cultured .people. First, let me start with tne men ttne more uucuitureu HCCCESA. careful to appear sex). They are blacked and hair either boots sale of Syrup of Figs Is slmp Tbt well oiled lor cut to stand straight up. immense Everyone is taking it, and on the bead (scared-to-deat- h fashion) ; ,t Is the best medicine ever used. a careless air is preferred to a courte"hTMrn .t fnr It on account of its ous one, as the latter might hint at nloimnnt t'ls'lK bml irmffO DOOIlle Who want of American Independence. They nave used it once never take any thins are generally chivalrous enough to sit else- - uniiKe otuer remeuies ior on- carelessly in a street car and let the lousness and constipation it never ladles stana, especially u tne taaies loses its to act, and It always are not in silk attire. Of course they leaves thepower organs on which it acts have been through college and studied stronger than before Besides, one all the branches of learning Just to feels fresh and bright and realizes ttint take thel course and have forgotten t is Nature's own true laxative. more than the western young man ever C M I. Drug Storei, Wholesale Agents, 1 heard of. Tbe latter may have a much Si.lt Lake City. better idea of tbe object of his study and consequently may make better use BTJCKLEN'S ARNICA HALVE. of his learning, but the meal does not courses as begin to consist oi as many men The Best Salve in the world for at tne Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt that the cultured young Hub" have to digest. Fever sores, letter, snapped Thev attend church when the speaker Khenm, Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and ail Skin Is a noted one. and the music extraor Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, dinarily fine; they preferarelectures to or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to sermons though there but very satisfaction, or money re 25 cents per box. here, as a rive perfect Price slight differences in the two none ownruie. luey are very moral, FOR SALE AT Z. C. M. I. DRUG or more wives, or cohabiting STORE. ing two with more than one woman "in the relation." Do not suggest to marriage them that you suppose thev do not out or of it, they will Smile, and lof at you as f you hadn't learned the society ways. They are au interested in pontics, and the labor question, to some extent, while a few work nobly In the interest of humanity, helping the poor to get daily bread and education, and tbe drunkard to return to sober ways. is beautiful, all but her skin These deserve, and. will, I am sure, receive their reward. And their are also and nobody has ever told many, especially In tbe middle ranks of her how easy it is to put life, with a fair, practical education, imbued with a Christlan-llk- e on the skin. a Beauty spirit, who are reasonably free from tbe beauty "seven. deadly sins" which a reverend on tne skin is Magnolia minister not long since singled out as Balm. being sins of voumr men In modern times (I suppose he meant in this part or tne country, as l ao not mintc we are at home afflicted with any of them to any great extent.) They are lazi ness, drunkenness, gambling, untruth fulness, dishonesty, want of virtue and unbelief. well-dresse- THE E1RLY ISREIKFAST STOVE. 4 Bofcavrler. London. 16. Gladstone propounded his Irish land bill to the House of Commons this evening. There was hardly any excitement attending the event compared with the enthusiasm which attended the memorable proceedings of yesterday a week, when the Home liuie measure was proposed. At noon y but 90 seats on the floor of the House had been "hatted." and these were nearly ally taken by Irish members. At 4 o'clock the House was rowded to its utmost capacity. Mr. Gladstone rose in bis place at b;2b aud was greeted with cheers. u.m.,i w nen uc negan to speas nis voice was low and husky. He said tbe aim 01 the present en deavors of the government was directed towards securing contentment among the people ot Ireland, and a permanent restoration 01 social oruer. The speaker's proposals would greatly benefit the tenants of Ireland, but the landlords were the principal object of the measure, although he thought that many of , these landlords were most hostile to the government's policy. Tbe history of Ireland was one long indictment against its lanaowers. Agrarian Crime had originated and increased under the absenteeism of the landlords, and tbe raising of rents, astheir expenses, wnue away irom ireland, increased. Oppression, wedded to misery, had a hideous progeny. Crime bad been endowed with vitality to perpetuate itself and band down its miserable inheritance from generation to generation. England was not clear of responsibility, for the deeds of Irish landlords were ingiisn aeeas. "wiiu the power in our hands we have looked on and done noth Union absenteeism ing." After the aua tne national sen became general, timent ceased to have a beneficial in fluence on the relations between the landlord and his tenants. The union itself was obtained against the sense and wish of"every class by wholesale bribery and unblushing Intimidation. Tbe land act was intended to go into effect on the same day oh which the Home Rule bill would become opera tive. One could not go on without the operation of the other, which Would provide a legislature, in Ireland to appoint a, ttivury autuurity ioueaiwitn tne ianaiora-- estate ana act oetween the vendor and the purchaser. The purchases would be made through tbe issue of lt).ooo,ouu oi three per ceDt stock issued at par. These new Irish consols might with the consent of the Treasury, be commuted for stock of the lower denomination. If stock could be issued forthwith, scrip of equal value would be Issued for the same purpose, a ne act was to give the landlords the option to sell out under it. Actions were confined to agricultu ral holdings and did not include man sions having demesne and woods. The State authorities, acting oetween tne ueasant and the land owner. WOuId purchase the land from the latter and put the peasant in possession as the absolute proprietor, subject to an anual rent charge uutil the total pay ments eaualled the purchase money The State would not force' the small occupiers to become proprietors Nobody except tbe immediate landto-lords would have the option sell to the Incumbrances, and then he mnst sell bv forfeiture, and not as an ontioa for himself. Applications to sell would have to be- - made by all tbe tennan'j on the estate, and all these do regis applications ana sales wouia tered. ADDitcants wobui' oe required to give security for costs in certain cases. The Land commission wouia oe empowered to refuse the applications The basis of the prices would depend unon the rental for uxea prices. iae of 1885 would be the judicial rental cases wherein the rent standard la all of the land to be sold was then fixed : in ail other cases the Land commission would have oower to arrive at. the by comparing other Judicial rent-ai- a price with Rrtmths'g valuations The land commission wouia also oe allowed to examine the state of books concerning estates for ten years back. Twenty years' rental would be the nominal' pqreuase. in exception rnopit Ii vears. rental would make the woqiu jor sate1.1800. Applications purchase. after march not he received of stock of millions Ten pounds T """. . Ka fSJ von lit oe l.asuea anring iron r ju.uvu.000. in 1888: 20.000.000 la lft and ol tbe two succeed 20,000,000 In each ' WtNlitR, JK . B M. K. CTJal MINUS. atADSKN. uEPHBER crowd surged back, .steamer No. came up the street, tbe magnificent black horses striking lire from the pavemeut. But bold1? A wheel comes off! the steamer is ovei turn d, ttinl lh.- brave ureuieii are picked up blucdiug aud senseless ! An Investigation revealed the fact that In oiling the steamer that morning the steward had neglected to put in the lincli-pi- n. A little neglect on his part had caused a loss of hail a million dollars. The busy marts of trade are full of men who are making the same fatal mistal.e. They neglect their kidneys, thinklug they need no attention, whereas If they made occasional use of Warner's sale cure they would necer say that they dou't feel quite well ; that a tired feeling bothers tuem ; that they are plagued with indigestion; qiiiekly-gatuerln- ; Boston, April T. W. "Stuid back, gentlemen! ("l.'ar the track!" ir shouted the police, aud as the - 16. v CJITPOWDlEH;! Tsfi tmuehawa'a Strike. Clements of Georgia from the committee on affairs retorted back the foreign liu''lf-resolution calling on the President for any information in bis possession relative to the ex clusion of American fishing vessels from the right to enter the ports of the Dominion of Canada lor the purpose oi trading, purchasing supplies or loading iiso caught in deep water, for shipment in bond to the United States, or doing other acts which the Canadian or otner British vessels are freely per mitted to do in the ports oi tne united States. Also requesting tbe President to inform the House what steps had been taken to bring such warrantable a tid unfriendly acts of the Dominion authorities to the attention of the British government. Tbe resolution was adopted. 1 lie river and harbor bill waa unuer discussion until recess. The evening session was devoted to the considera tion of the pension bills. The House at its evening session passed forty-fiv- e pension bills and ad- journed until UIHee. 63, line St., New York. on hand a ronnilctc stock of this Constantly well known and justly celebrates 'IK!" unbiased examination of Englishmen. If e was convinced it would be recognized as a fitting part of a great ausplans of picious effort to sustainforthe, the welfare the British Legislature of what had long beeuaud, the speaker hoped, would ever be, tinder the circumstances, far happier than heretofore, an integral phrt of HeriMaJesty' dominion. Mr. Gladstone spoke for an hour and thirty-liv- e oncluJcd minutes, and amid great applause. Mr. Gladstone's proposals do not imply a new issue of l80.000.ouo im three per cents, but of only 50,tW0,lHrt from Hie 180,000,000 In the new threes already authorized. Following Gladstone Mr.- Chamberlain read a letter, which he sent to Mr. Gladstone, tendering his resignation as a member of the Cabinet. In the letter Mr. Chamberlain stated that Mr. Gladstone's policy would throw a heavy burden on Great Britain, entailing an enomotis addition to the national debt, and probably an immediate increase of taxation, not to secure a union of the Kingdom, but to separation. Mr. Chamberlain then went on to say that the land proalthough they had been modiposals, fied since be had left the Cabinet, would still impose a great burden on Great Britain without sufficient secubill rity for the loans advanced. The was'calculated not so much to benefit the tenants as a sop for the landlords. Although only 50.000,000 was to be Issued, the option to sell was offered to landowners holding land valued at the full $150,000,000. Supposing that ia re numoer 01 options to how all would the money rccepted. be provided? If the Irish Parliament was to be entrusted with the pro tection of the commercial classes and the maintenance of social order, why could it uot be trusted to protect thr landlords? The Irish people would regard the bargain as one imposed by a foreign country, and won Id be Josti- nea in taxing tne nrst opportunity to repudiate it. If the bargain shoulden-berepudiated bow would It it be farced? Under the Increasing depression in trade hundreds of thousands ol hard workers in England would probably be thrown out of employment. While refusing to assist deserving Crofters in Scotland ami postponing the claims of tbe English ialiorer, could tbe Government consistently grant large sums for the hem tit oi tbe Irish peasantry? CheercJ. In conclusion. Mr. Chamberlain said he was not an irreconcilable opponent of Mr. Gladstone's policy.- If the land modiproposals should be sufficiently fied, be would be happy to be relieved of the duty of continuing his present attude of opposition. pur-Cha- NO. 123. APRIL 17, 1SS0 EVENING, Chicago, 16. AU the Union switchmen of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad here went out on a strike this afternoon. The difficulty grows out of the fact that the Switchmen's Union has demanded tbe discharge of a few nonunion "scabs" and the refusal of the company to comply with the request. Tbe local agents of the company say their objectionable men were taken into the employ of the company at the time of the last strike and have been faithful workmen and he thought the company would stand by them. Between 50 and 70 of the Chicago, went CORRESPONDENCE. Bnrlingten & Quincy switchmen out this afternoon for the same reason and the Lake Shore switchmen threaten OUK LETTER FROM THE "HUB.' to go out Wandering- tlte Speaks of Boston 1IO BSE. Washington, G-Blasting. Kentucky Rifle, Fair La wd, Duck, Electric Fuse. 3MLixlX A of the First Class L I B E IR, T seii-snoq- ae-fic- te Manufacturers of and Dealers in CoTTOf Sail DICK, " Wuodlierrv." Ittilirt Milld 'l'iLHEJif 8" ami other favorite brands, a numitcra tmrti, aicaium ana f?ou. 9 f te A marvel of BRINCKERHOFF, 101 The Central Paelfle. New York, lO.Thelfollowing statement is made by the Central Pacific officials : The rental guaranteed to tbe Central Pacific Company by the lessee the southern acme is at tne rate ot $1,200,000 per annum, and Is payable en May 1st ot eacn nscai year, ir tne above the fixed surplus noearnings not reacn in is sum ine lt Charges must be made good by the lessee. The lease was in effect for nine months in 1883. Tbe amount of tbe rental due May next is therefore $900,000, not $1,- 200,000 as .has been stated. This would sutlice to pay i per cent, aiviaena, ii it were available lor that purpose; bnt the company has not landed all of its funded debt, and it may be required to pay some portion of it out of the rental. The question of declaring a divi dend has not yetj&been considered by the directors. priating $5,000,000 to compensate citizens for losses suffered by them such depredations. The bills through were referred to the committee on Indian- affairs. com Vt "o'clock Uhe inter-Stamerce bill was placed before the Sen ate, on which Camden was entitled to the floor. Voorhees waived in Camden's favor his motion for an executive session, but said he would press that motion on the conclusion of Camden's re marks. CHi Horn said he wouhl press the bill lrom day te day untihdisposed of. umatiD tnen aaaressea tne senate commerce bill. on tbe inter-StaBeck offered a resolution, which was George, to a agreed to, appointing membership on the Senate committee on uuiciarya in place ol Jackson, resigned. Another resolution of Beck's was also airreei to, calling jOn the Secre tary of War to transmit to the Senate the otlicial report of Lieut. Alien of the Second Cavalry, on his explora tions of certain rivers id Alaska. Alter au executive session the Sen ate adjourned until Monday. strength and wholeoineneBs. More parity, economical than the ordinary, kinds, and .tin not be sold in con. pel it ion with the mut. .nudes or low test, biiort weight, alum or ni ay I NEWS: DESERET W 1 to-d- 1 $3 00 1 75 1 00 One Copy, one ye:ir, with 1'ootage, mx lnonihs. three months. UNION TELEORATH LINK. NESATE.) Washimgton, 16. No messases having been received from the President, TUataiats. a motion was made bv Voorhees at 16. The following cableXI :25 o'clock, to go into executive sess Detroit, : gram was received In this city siou. had of said be notice his. given 16. lolph London, April intention to address the senate this Eev. Charlea Iteilly, Treasurer Irish Namorning on the Indian depredation bill. tional League, Detroit : Voorhees withdrew hW motion. I thank you lor your encouraging KiddlcberKer objected to taking up advising me of the dispatch of any bill or having any business done at message tbe munificent subscription of 12,000. tnia time that would interfere with the We here attach no credence to the resolution relating to open executive recently cabled from Amersessions. There seemed to re a deter- statement as to tbe existence of any ill feeling mination, he said, to interfere with the ica the part of the National League of consideration of that resolution. on or its leaders towards onr Unanimous consent thus having been America movement. We have tbe utmost conrefused, Dolpb, made a motion that the fidence in the leaders of the American Din mentioned betaKen up. We value their exertion and un in is motion uiaaieoerser cauea League. that your help most highly. vVe trustand the yeas and nays. extend may maintain motion was aerreed to. yeas organization ooiph's te influence and high etflciency until 42, nays 1, the one being Rlddleberger. tbe cause is se victory of the Irish uoipn tnen aaaressea tne senate on his Indian depredations bill, and the cured. Parnell. (Signed) bill (also introduced by him) appro- DESERET NEWS: 11 , death, and meeting bis enemy Sun-n- ay a quarrel ensued,' which resulted in the murder of Shavano. Arowitz attempted to escape, bat was pursued and shot fall of holes by five chiefs who captured him. Tbe Uncompahgrc and White River tribes occupy tbe reservation Jointly, but no trouble is anticipated between the two factions. XLIX iOXClUHSS. OB 250 One Copy, one year, with Postage, ' six HiontHs, " " three months, " 2 BY TELEGRAPH. every Evening; except Sunday. ; 3ST XD SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH TERRITORY, SATURDAY NEWS: EVENING Pubithed S i A. - tax-paye- iu .H.i.--Bosto- 1 " . FLOREKCE KNITTING SILK n ifAlK Salt Clty Uiali. JC-a- ;ITTT,-,PioprIetor- . OUK ILLUSTRATED HOOlCK)n Knlttlnff (Ko. C), vrin tent on tccctpt pf three 2 cent pIjuuih. !;f -- I ! t ' 317 Broadway. St liotf't i . '88 Wttt s0 , .1 .1 "i t ' . . (. . 1,.' Ttint 'Strt, Clncinmmi t v |