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Show i- - :. - r, f f 'f V.;s, -- r,- IT WTT Y7T, II " "1 "?s..j.f J'J Pf 1 1 hul rM hAyfl 1 A ilL I 1 A XX I f I I X X 1 II I T ZEi. 5T NO. 97. MARCH 18, 18S0 SALT IiAKE CITY, UTAH TERRITORY, THURSDAY EVENING, VOL. XIX 1 : . LI B E XJ1 I I A 4- - ment of the main subject at the State ter and With the exception of; a few esc ipel through the window, all Department. The legislation proposed whaother was not calculated to Induce the the negroes in the building were every Euening, txcepi Sunday, tB WESTKKK USIW TE LEO RAP II LI!E. Chinese government to accept meas- wounded, some seriously, One Cpj, ne year with Postage. $10 ures of compromise and fair redress, B "' Six months if The RallreMUls. XLIX CONGRESS. ? bat the were measures which would three months, ' J ItcLKXA, Mont., 17. Considerable of anthe feelings aggravate certainly SEJIATE. exfeeling has been created in business imosity and hostility which already Under these circumstances it circles here: by the threats of the he Chair laid isted. Washington, was to thought be unjust to the Secre- Northern Pacific Railroad to build parbefore the Senate a letter trom ttie of .State, that these measures allel lines to lied Mountain and Sand tary a S E DO. I - W E E S I. V, reoort of Secretary transmitting I be taken up until the hands of Coulee, where the Montana .Central HJBLISHKD EVER! TUESDAY AK SAIODA;Y Special Agent Spaaldlnst in relation to should were loosed by the ac- haS extensive mining and coal interthe Secretary 01 me iue irauuaieni lmportauon One Copy, one year, with Postage, of something in the di- ests. In the event of the Northern Chinese. complishment Referred. " 75 six montns, ot the claims of Pacific doing this it is believed the rection J Van satisfying offered the reso? Wyck following 00 three months, " Montana Central wilt push work to which China had presentlotion: indemnity, tI make connection with the Canadian v ed, Resolved, That the committee on The Senate committee on expendi- Pacific this year, as such a connection Public Lands be directed to examine tures of public money continued Its in- would be most desirable for the the nature and extent of the alleged vestigation of the charges made by The business sentiment ase and destruction of timber on pub- Commissioner Black with regard to 'strongly favors the Montana Central, WEBKLV, lic lands adjoining the line of the the official acts of bis ETC&T WKDXESDAT. as the company have invested large Northern Pacific, particularly by the Black again occupied predecessors: One Copy, one yenr. With fcsiage, 1 60 the witness sums of money in the development of ' : " mix Montana Improvement Company; to 150 and in reply to the requests from Montana's resources, which otherwise " " threetnonlhs, ,80 ascertain what if any, additional legisf chair, months, Senator Harrison, whether he could wold have laid dormant for years to lation is necessary to protect the lum produce the names and numbers in any come ber on the public domain and to. hare claim which had been allowed or reSan Francisco," 17. Round trip tickFCBLUHID IT to send for persons and papers; jected by bis predecessors on account ets good for thirty day are dn sale power T H E D ES ERET N EWS COp, -, of the politics of claimant. The Comto Omaha and Kansas City for $40; was to. The resolution agreed SALT LAKE CI TV, UTAH., i replied in. substance tie Chicago, $10.50; New York, $84.25; The Chair laid before the Senate the mlssioner tickwould like to give the committee an Boston, $88.25. The East-bounew electoral count bill. Hoar abundance of evidence In reference to et must be used the day after purchase, the Senate on the bill. CHICAGO TRADE. d ticket may be allegations mads in his reports.but but tne At the conclusion of Hoar's remarks the was unable to do it ' from the flies of used any time within thirty days. the bill was passed without division. office. New York, 17. C. P. Huntington Seveiat messages. from the President the The House committee on coinage, has gone to Kentucky for a few days to were laid before the senate, one of considand measures, stay, and it is said that President them being unsigned but "received" weights looking to the re- Strong ot the Atchison road has telesaid President pro tem. Sherman, "In ered A tie graphed to a friend in this city in such demption ot the trade dollar. doe official form. vote resulted on the motion to redeem terms as to cause bewilderment Among The message was returned to the the 9r 5 t ."i in"i some who have believed the transcontrade dollars In subsidiary coin iThtoinowder-BeTeSrlea. A' matryl ot President for signature. standard dollars. The tinental war was near an end. fclore unfinis&ed business Edmunds' stead of The purity,' strength! and wholesomeness. to men carried the proposition Commissioner Parson said ecoowmical than the .ordinary, kinds,' ands tesolution was then laid before the dollars trade amount of the have rates on the transcontinental nannot be sold ta competition with the the "The Senate. of low tost, sLor weight, alum ot redeemed come out of the monthly Sil- lines are again unsettled. The result resumed and hia continued DolpU ver bullion purchased. phosphate powders. is that through tickets from New York Soli only in cant. ROTAL BAKIKO POW remarks in favor ot the majority re of the First Class of committee Some the member to 8au Fraacisoo are now being sold at okk Co.. m WaU Street. Kew York. port. forflrst-elas- s whole were and the tickets are subject $54.50 iVlBDID absent, however, Dolph reviewed the history of the subject was finally deferred until fuof a to rebate of $10. The rates west on the subject ture legislation oftoCongress are $25 fors. first-clameetings. counsel for the Union the Missouri River snow that power ma BRiNCKERHQFEr TURNER & 430, of removals second-clas$20 for Mr.rTweed. limited and not lie exclusively with the President. PacificRailroad, '.appeared before .the: 'There Is a rebate of $5 on the $25 rate liMXDiMUMvftM He also quoted from speeeches of Cal House -committee HtWjYtrk. r Pacific on railroads on $20 $10 and the rate, making the net Uouafucturtra of sua Dealers tn GOtttm noun, Webster and other statesmen in y in reference to the financial prices $20 and $10." Baiu Di'CK, .Wtfodbemy Omid Milaii support 61 his position. lie also cited condition and what of the company;' and othofaiforka brandsaiV the decisions of the Supreme Court to i ,lLVBMi-d Attempt to Wreck Train, be able increased security was ot" removal the show that powetf" ot to event in 17. An attempt the the give government Marshall, of to THE the OUCK FOB 3VEREL5.6L1IE3BGW1.I1B power appointment. "SoajmaJtsrs, Perfrmers, CheaJsts, II EBB incident In which their was made nearTexas, of extension time the here last nigbt,to wreck Hreaas Hence. the areued that Dolph to the 'government must- - the north bound passenger BTIHl otoll numberslnGnt&lfafc identrftndvSenate train on the OmtoxCaxvass ' the Pres- - Indebtedness appointed, Tweed aa yet be The A Some Texas World's Industrial aaC6ttoncreii pinches widOi for Veek.'-iSax- Mr; company, Pacific. men, paid. remove. ana senate snouia ideat aiW uoipn lBchie Vjirons Wagon Coverings, would be Willing to turn over its unknown, removed a rail from the tennial Exposition, New Orleans, for other puroscs, constantly in stoie aiit had heard it said in this debrta that tne said, nnsabsidized lands and other assets to track on the bridge a short distance . 1884 and 188SW senate' had entered on this controversy the mad to order. trovernraent as additional security. north of Marshall, but the mischief S. "Standard'' U. for the wltal lor cfc, Bunting thePresident pur Agcnu the bills Introduced, ia the was discovered shortly before the time (Extracts from Jtitors' Reports to th Boan Among Case hc or; tnd in order. Eagle, ly pf keeping Republicans : ,i JS ofAwardiS were the following Senate for the train to pass, and a great loss Thoso tiad- cam Jtt Z, &' Jtf JU pose disclaimed ' one such motive. He for any For Collccttre Dipl3y of Toilet Soaps' ao To of life and property was thus averted. Hoar Senator (by By request) .v i i was . desire to ho raise any There ques rerfomery. the eeneral land and mining two-witTta Referee FlnUlagm. the adsoiuistration. fie did extend For Fancy sod Ordinary Toilet Soaps. tne united states over tne xer lawaol believe a was there not Republican ritorvof Alaska: also. Hamilton Cole, For Excellence of Material, Delicacy of Pert New Yoek, 17. Senator In the Chamber who was not Senator Hoar (by jrenuest) To Referee, in the action brought bv Geo. fame, and Neatness of Style. to treat the President willing the settlement and developFor Zenithia Shaving Soaps. I, 4ffic63,.flne St.,)3rMr York. r. - C. Holt, assignee, for the benefit of Prest "facilitate as they would treat a Republicanprecisely of Alaska. creditors of Ferdinand Ward,' against For Laundry Soap Specialties. vMr. Doles, ho Wevcrr would KO ment f Constantly on ttand a cqrhplcte stock of this dent. beDr. Wm. S. Warner, filed his report with Rogers testified For Excellence a.nd Rnperlortty --well knoarn and further, if the President iwould say lastly celebratea " the clerk of the Supreme Court y. Harness and KedXcinaiTgU'et Soaps. were there that agabastzhe charges ; 3 mittee. He described the organization It is in favor or J nuan l. Davtes, Ke-Hlghet "and onty Award for Chemically suspended ofQcers, and if he famished of thePantElectrle Comnany. as bere- - eeiver of the firm of Grant & Ward, and fine GljccrtnC these charges to the Senate and asked tofore published; When witness Rifle, Blasting, Kentucky pro finds that the payment of all money Fair Ijawn, Uuck, Uectrie Fuse the removal of the officer, Mr. Dolph posed to give sju.wu in stock to each made by Ward, either by his individual would consent to a suspension of his associates, Senator Harris said cneck for JAS. S, KIRK & COMP'YJ one, or Dy eneexs oi urant ana wara For sale at rwholesale and retail by all the provided the cause Was reasonable, CUICAGO. contract baslness. at even though It might not have been it 'seemed to be a little' too cenerous. upon the leading. stores la, the Territory, and but as they expected to make enough were fraudulent and void, as against Sanders A Co, sufficient cause of itself to warrant waoiesaie cmiy oy j. money for everybody, they would defendant Julian T. Davies, as Re4CH1CAG0 SCALE ? CO. AgenU, SaJtiLake City. removal. But it was a different mat accept witness had stock. the and that Warner must pay over 'the to President when the ter says - JeJenmSt.t Chicago. to Senator . Windom ceiver, to yavies s receiver, an tne .moneys ffMSl & 35iVII IIBKV.I : have removed A. B. and written Senate "I Benjamin Le Fevre and Architect received Dy mm irom wara, over ana VVWW, IW appointed C. D. I will not state what Clark v3 BjfisS that he had a small Amount of above the amount 4 Ton SCO, Cnm Box Inelu4ed by him to A. will are and the B., against charges stock to their credit, but they had all Ward. This sum the paid lat. referee . finds to n0 him no defend to irlve him opportunity Gentlemen associated with be, with the interest thereon from 5 'Little DottetirC'Xox. toS3B,fS- self." Mr. Dolph characterized aS declined. in this company were to pay Mav. 1884. over $140,000. and makes the s 5 J3 fa oO J3 v most extraordinary the assumption la himself FORGES, TOOLS, Eto. their Interest. Witness total amount to be recovered $1,- nothing for Best Forge Made for Light Work, $10 the President's statement that the wished of to secure the were on file In the Daoers Department suith ajotu ana tat ox 4.001a, ftv men of integrity and of national re c Jate. not official papers, but his private putation. IMilrtlwi Um and mm; Sulac Slaslar Suicide. Without the names of such Ann YiMS ami tT srtlolM. Ums rrw. papers wnicn ne coma aesiroy n no men. the stock be not conld The sold. 17. A Watrous special to u C Denver, g .6)5 chose. It was stransre that papers on objsct was to bank on their names and the says: S. B. Watrous, Republican which official conduct was baed, or t..v. and Strongest ana on my son s genius one of the wealthiest merchants and reputations oai to were influence which intended S KECLINING CHA4IIN THE MARKET, Two meetings were held in the room stock raisers of New Mexico, suicided be could cial action, 'regarded aspri the Senate Judiciary Committee for by Snooting himself through the head ieodpostai to the folkring address for Informs vate papers. The power of the Senate of tne organization oi tne Telephone this was a native of Now 5:5 Uoa. Om morning. He conferred by the Constitution was not Company. There were present Loonev Hampshire came to New Mexico and to bewaived bv that body. It was Koods aJn Senators Harris and Gar- In una of tfie t rlKiaal tad.. Jr.,Omul Roger. JvlMf mil tjteUcra bndonedbythe Uniir uA grantees of the San Jama grant, one of was not at meet Atkins first there the most the valuable landed properties In Coke followed. He contended that tag., A charter for the Comover ute tne Territory, ills son suicided a few I the power ol removal rested with the pany was obtained InTelephone and Tennessee ago. Tfie trouble preyed upon rreaiucuit. uc isust uave uuvvci tj rei one for the Telegraph: company was months world and his mind and .caused the act of this move incompetent officials. How In New York, There' never The coincidence of the morning. We.(Guarantee SaUafsiUonl could he carry out the policy an obtained was stock issued. .any the deed was com no u need by the people in his election the certificates i tragedy is that :' an were about follows mitted in the same spot and with the in harmony with his vvitnoat 4 agents o CHICAQO. ILLINOIS. Is entitled $500,000 H4 PAS nASDLECAftPH' WARP purposes? How could he comply with in i"J. W.RogerSxeiepnone uompany. samo weapon which, ended his son's me. take care that the the Injunction If S. Van Doen!, ffu. Lbimbst Signed Vocno, Casky laws snail be faithfully executed," uni Powderly. WHITE AND COLORED. Secretary." less by securing men of his own selec Senator Harris opposed the issue of 17. Mr. Powderly, Grand St. Louis, to execute tne tion lawsr JOHN C. NEEMES & CO. Witness supposed the gentle 'X'XXJLil lxx TTSX2. After a long debate, in the course of stock. men were . unwilling to have Laoor, toBeck this and others which took through Edmunds, Z. C. M. I. SOLE AGENTS. Can be ob their names go- on the stock because UAlfUrA.CTVS.lSQ onpassed hia wav to Kansas city Pit to taincd at all their branch stores tbronghont part, but in which no new arguments they regarded them as sacred. It was night o m of importance were brought to bear.the also suggested in the conversation. meet and confer with the delegates toe xerntwry.- f . t ' five District Assemblies which resolution was reierreato tne commit said he, that possibly this whole thing from embrace the entire Missouri Pacific mlttee on Judiciary. m case con wouia and ail that tan, la regard to the strike on that A motion wa entered to reconsider would be looked npon as system He would not talk about the system. the vote by which It. S. Dement was cerued scoundrels, and they had refused to' go strike during the few minutes he was Surveyor-Generof forward. as confirmed lUU!..(M!CSlUlltIEIDE PlTISBUA.fi H, PA., here, but expressed considerable surUtah. In answer to questions witness de prise Mamrf acltrrers of ' Hoxie dethe clared When the doors were ne naa no iaea: wnen tne com- clined that to confer with the committee of . Crystal and Colored Tabla Ware Senate adjourned. pany was organized' that Mr. Garland !JllgUlB. . it Lamp Goods, Oni Goods arekeptbyZ.C.M.l.,itsBrsnck .Attorney-Genera- l; be would he but ; I ' HOUSE. tores and dealers generally In the Territory. - Jetty Tumblers. Jelly Pails, Eto. Will bo r.ymekied. bad done his best tor make him Attor 17. Burns, of MisH ney General after Cleveland's election. y, Washington, A full line of our Goods Can be found near KKOxvitLK, Tenn'.,17v tie nau aeaicatea a Doos to Attorney Aionaonou mues at Z. C. M. I. and its branch. Stores, Little i sonrl, from the committee on appro ESTABLISHED JSSO. oeiow the juioxvuio, and tne dock that fc Co's. Garland, general predicted d argent reportea of Thomas and priation, was Clark, murdered by ' wife Bonndy's Eldredge Gray deficiency appropriation bill, with theV Cleveland .would select the' wisest. a vminc miilittn na mail TY m mil..Ala Senate amendments. purest man in the country to elevate Grry.who Is wealthy farmer Burns explained the report of the the Judiciary of the country; On May CapUiu nu a iuuciii, icaviuK uw negru at nrun s committee. Concurrence wasrecom-- 24th he had sent letter to Attorney-- work on the premises: Returning two mended in some amendments and non General Garland, asking him to Insti hnnri la.tiiv ha fAniut hia wlfa rt.,il am Wholesale Manufacturers of tute a suit agalusf the Bell Company, the floor and their infant chlldplay ing In others. concurrence tncmsw ' was out received no repiy. of the committee The report uer uioou. uuiespie monnnva urays SASIi, DOORS AXD JJLLVDS, Do yon remember in airreed to and the House went Into . The Chairman horse and fled. It is supposed he first come Mr. vom on to tne' Indian n house si swvH4fvs Young having Ka ssi committee of the whole a vasa nnfM wv w vaawcauo oirv aa7 Inter-View son an ancLtold and of yon your appropriation . .. . bill. . fired two loads of shot into the back of a i l ... weunorn. with Garland? in ciosinz tne aeoate. saia aouoie-narreiiueau uer a XaHtrls, IVtrs, Chwrrh t'Snlmtt, At lira. snot irom Witness He said that a suit would the history of the Indian policy was a Stair Mailing, Bamlttrr, A'rirrls, JCU now be brought and there were good gun. A hundred, men were soon In dark record of broken treaties, iraudu-lepursuit, swearing ito lynch the negro 111. devices and treacherous practices. prospects of success. I asked if Gar as as caught. had already forfeited land bad promised, and be said he had. wassoon The government within 1ft mlWGillespie sf r.h - Onr Goods are constantly kciit u confidence of the Indians. When t Chairman How did you come to--ask scenecantered the of the Ho confessed the murder. -Stock l.v the Jnrirest Ltimljcr luicrs in Salt him? domain ; this he reflected that mighty lie will nnrtnnhtMil ha lmnhui Price Lists sno Lake City ond ,Os;dpn. Witness I thought It would have to crime, reached from the exeat lakes of the . i before morning. : osng books ont rcc upon application, a seas borne covered of Garland's and Southern to North the through promise 1 t ' Chairman Did Young Indicate that a vast extent between the two oceans; be had an interview with Garland? W when he reflected mat tne. vast-i1? liixnrtrM XXTMiram .11.. HAILS, Witness Yes. I think so: It was Willis,' Vnpr perial territory had been wrested and alias flliott. Joseph was predicated on that. When he said Gar- is locxea ap in ReUIy, neadauarters he from the Iadians, police land had promised. I said very emphat- on the charge , of tilled with amazement that the gen having., swindled tieman complained that the govern ically t "If Garland has promised, he JTosinbMSiirsri ofasMl Dtmltri tm will IK" do Then said: too liberally-witthe Will hold a shoo on Longer than any ment was "Bat Young dealing Butte City .and Ban FranCheyenne, . an fUWl ntnrtn . n .1. Indian.--. Not on.y was ne nnea ;wnn Garland has said be will refer the mat III other. Wm guarantee oar Nails kuo auiuuai ui v,uuu. biBvvi w j neuiy ter to Mr. was .'VThen Goode "How the said conviction I: but amazement, la the husband of the actress. Kate . i. to be tqaal ta Quality and; forced on his mind, that in: the eight ot aooaciuatr uoar wouia uooae actr Cnittlofnn " ThA man ipil k.H . MT. t. oesu-me- s Durability to any made. Would as well Garland?"1 as do tne be "O ntnas had or trxsi ESCBxrnoir, in His who Him, N. Y. parties. the Ing Rochester, of nations, as well as the fortunes yes," said he, "I believe 1 would rather Made from' the Best Norway W1U right ft Oat, , i of Individuals, no attempt would be naveuooae than Garland; ne will be inaians all right." That is the substance of NKW O&rs&VAIT-.R- v Iron, Finished Alroady fan it remaining acceptable until tneand' benevolence ot tnat conversation. -fthrough the energy with the strikers train was' eTdVrVe, fay tW511- - freight von clear that he told sent out Are to Chairman been the had lifted Government the over the Texas & Pacific road Banes Davis, Moore, AUen 4 Co., K. Alf, plane of onr own civilization, and en you uariaaa naq UNION nORSB NAIL CO., promised? this; evening.- Receiver Sheldon' Says r. innei, ionningion at CO.. inrfc riched by. the richest of all earthly w uness as ciear as tnat exist, nn l th will flrht it nmMiif i dlMAy CI4ro4gsaCo..arsUddl boons American citizenship, ine would stake mv salvation on it. be the strikers If it takes them a year to v education of all the Indian race in cause I rose up and said t "It Garland do it. r. ' t For Sale by Z. O. M. L and IU America, he said, was the solution Of has promised, he will do It." I was L Kansas City. lfl. The Missouri Paci-f- le 4108 ly the Indian problem, and it was the delighted, of coarse. Brancjh Stores. obtained-a- n Company- - y order Ai FISnER BPtEWKC CO, only solution.' The country was on the Aojoaraed.from the Circuit Court forbidding the was tne tram in s motion rignt track, from on com- Killed In Osts Court. strikers and moving forward day by day, and Tots nanir'a rrnnnriitrespassing nr Intarfrini. the ntlh' . rswvry near VX.B.B. a BJLK.G, DesoM, L. 51. PiUJISEY Jl'F'G CO.; unless obstructions were placed in the fuavune from Grenada. , Mississippi. property. All was lifeless in the freight SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, aestination civilization ana citizen says: News of a terrible tragedy en ' V: V acted at CarrolUon, an Interior town, Ap- of the American Indian, 0. Box 1049. Telephone 294. ship TilanoA I 21 miles southwest of Grenada, was PUMPS AND FIRE ENGINES, f.We are now oar ,iu,wshb, W '!'. lJ,-Tprepared to promptly supply The bill was tnen read bv ttarazraDhs received here this evening. ? Fifty; men steamer y Leo from Sltka the publto with tteg and Bottled Beer of a for amendments and -- nI town rode into to the afterward FlpeastslSlteef LnAj and the with dates toarrived repaired shortly March 6. prices. - were V aaperior quajity, at popnj mm& sUosuna aa13 ana uouse where rose A ; Plaubers' tne tne court, committee negroeswaiting Pipe, l,rtfAtti,ama.ltii.w..1t..l4 '..tk FlUers Bmss Cosds, Bsl " lor tneir trial to commence. Xne wntte 8d Inst., aty Bsnot lets, 1010 81. ITstopbono, 17. Joarned. at which resolution were men walked room Into and court Uooo the, t?acklaa.i lag, sho V ten ot the negroes deadvf and vuau cuarouj as King tne jf resident A. FISHKB BREWINQ CO. mortally Wounded the other three. The laws over Alaska. I'ndor tha hooting .grew out of the attempted laws no, one can hold igrlcnltnral ! Implements, properly except assassination of James L4ddell, a uiui;.i? uvi vu lyUCJ CUb kUUUcr W1U1" ! was who and citizen, shot fXCX WIRE, B4RSXO WIRE, GOOD prominent out the risk of prosecu tlon. Wtret from WnbisisB. negroes seriously wounded by these ': 2L. '.T4Z. n 17. In the House Several weeks ago. WisnijjflioN. y a A Winona. MississlDol. sdocIaI to the Committoo of Foreign Affairs I0BTH SCCDXB SL. STJ.DSIS. UO. , motion bv Mr. PhelDS. came uo to Picayune says : At Carrollton Kmma Norman, a yonng lady. RAEFCST BEBG the consideration of the Mor tearful tragedy occurred, in which ten It years of gei shot postpone and- - killed Henry row bill until after she consideration negroes were killed and three wounded; Arnold, a grocery store. of proprietor such a measure as should give effect Some weeks ago two negroes attempted it. ia vuargeu mat Tor note lata forty Tetrt the rklo&W ol Arnoia ruined Miss tVh tha AilfrooatlAna In Itia Unaolantla MV inassassinate to v v uv J, Llddcll, Jr., vuy l V9iV.UV Norman abOUt IS TTlrtnths rrt anrl h,A wvwvu7 Pills bst been known ant! nied. They tct - not mess&f-- e that legislation would be re- - flicting. . Bome painful, . but nuldlyjbnt thoroughly. : Bilious Disorders. Snired to settle the complications with serious wounds. The - . negroes A. short time ago be married Miss Nei- exovernment. erowintr out engaged in this dastardly--attempUyor and Kidney Complaints, Headache, in front uucj!Of uu standing Constipations a4 Ualnriai Diseases ore of the destruction of toe lives and are known to be- - the most defiant and In . .Kn. fallwuigui ntnra Hnn'wuiiei Ko.w. cured by using those PUlsu! j A long lawless In the country, and since the thmiifh th property of Chinese subjects, Iimfi.. ho iun.n... lit.. discussion ensued, in which alt of the attempt on Mr. LiddelPs life have been who approached him from behind. i .r r : members of the committee took part. more openiy oenant than ever., For mus aorman resides eight miles In the The republican memDers votea lor the some reason not known ' they, swore country and carte to town this after- a few the with a warrant aid out of days ago forMv OUOn for the f.mrPU nnmn.nnl' Vllllnx postponement,' and, Ask for the two democratic votes, those of Messrs. Llddell's arrest. - It was at the trial her seducer. i --Ts.. CATIIOIilGOlT. She was arrested. She f Tor Klbosr.Hlovo Belmont the Worth that succeeded and killing Ington, was occurred, The expsesses great satisfaction faIt k flriat Eemody for aU Fsmalo Oosa- - In Ptpo at the were their Uie armed. carrying; Best rives urged negroes present point. It mostly , would be illogical to consider aud At 1 o'clock a party of armed men tal result of her shot. , that and imeeta- Slalnt. This Medicine euros FsaaaM it With Quick Sole, iJferrous Disorders. Physicians report the Morrow bill, which: looked numbering about 40 or 50 persons rode V For sale only to an infraction of treaty obliga- - lUp' to the court house, r s They' ase this OaUslloon la their practice. i 'M.I. by IS. branek stores.! and entered the building and UVIUB. DIKU ItUO WUlUlllfLCB UVUHI UO called npon afterwards to consider the at once commenced' firing' npon the lkAA result. Thr r This)- trtVj nf- tiAtya urr cou Cooril iieniey dui, in which they propose an negroesf vw-ubi i has been ratified by abrogation of the treaty in Its entirety. then returnea tne , same route they and Bulgaria the InThe not near of in the also live came, Carrollthe xneyao Panacea terestrepublicans representatives spoke powers Inter- . . t t v. of ton. estea, Secretary Bayard's diplorV safe and pleasant remedy! or all CMi3. A later dispatch from Winona throws macy, Which Mr. Phelps said, the demCask paid Tor good, toand rea's fitfftdlflh DlllArtf ItlnAmiAa Ik. .AM. Diseases. Acting aa a tonio it is ocrats seemed rather on more the i to Ignore or assassina little light betrothal of Crown Prince Oscar, ing 20 was He now t to about bonolcial the trial child that posiUTOly to At make the left colored tion. QaaklngRsIp lyood, despise. erery - - ' and Princess i LouUs, . settlements with a fore inn power- la a men were present. Fifty white men of Sweden, UkeslCv i 0 ' ... of the Prince oi Wales, not b daughter satmatter of and a the each to mounted well Paper j Mmr greatest delicacy, " Bn carrying stamp (or book te Qraef eabenr- isfy China. for the murder of some Winchester rifle came riding np.and is announced that that ia it less llian. Fire' Inches In di- CoVewTerk. , , mJ., scores of 'iter citizens. To propose surrounded the court house. They nccrlrd . hstvnan now the .l fired to not then into calculated In the negotiations for a 'com any legislation . ameter. building, instantly China I. OBtfl BTTOfaat, ITT1, appease the Chinese mind, would onlv killlnv ten negroes, and wnnnrllnir mercial treaty, ana lor one deflnlag the so add the. THE DESERET NEWS CO, CM.SAX' soon fresh to that others treat three died al Tonqaln frontier. XAXB OrZT, VTAJL complications they AH NEWS: EVENING Pubitluii BY TELEGRAFHl NEW YORK TKADK.. : " DESERET NEWS: 17.--T- i DESERET NEWS: Cana-rdUtn.ro- - v; 7ll;:-- i . to-d- ay : nd art-dres- West-boun- . to-d- ay Absolutely Pure. anti-silv- er to-da- y: sis: mutdaziS mat-thud- r -- . ss to-da- f they-woul- : y' i . H n i . to-d- av ; h HAZARD POWDER j y -- -- J.-W- . a- cj isr'Q j w id to-da- y to-da- & -- so-call- t. ed A Paris dispatch says, there ii great indignation among people who Compose the "English circles" there, at th revival In the French press Of tie wanton and scandalous attacks on the 1 Prince of Wales. A Lima, Peru, dispatch says: The elections were tranquil throughout the a country except at HuachOk where of the sharp struggle for possession voting tables resulted in 13 persons being killed or wounded, The House postofflce committee on Tuesday heard President Norvlh Green of the Western Union Telegraph Company npon the .alleged monopoly of telegraphic facilities of the Pacific railways. He defended the coarse of the Western Union. A Cairo cablegram says: Moukhtar PStSha, on behalf of Turkey, opposes the proposition made by Sir Henry Drummond Wolff, British High Commissioner to Egypt,to reduce the rmy of occupation. Moukhtar Pasha declares the present Egyptian army Is not sumcieni to aeiena tne ironuer. A Paris dispatch says : Prince Ame-de- e De Broglle has been badly wounded in the side in a duel with-- , swords with, Vlcomte Trederne, , whose wife, Prince Amedee's sister,-- obtained a separation from Trederne on account ot cruel treatment. Vlcomte Trederne denied the charge of crupersistently elty, and Prince Amedee challenged him to fight. Viscount Henton, the scapegrace son of Earl Ponlet, land who, to revenge himself npon bis father for refusing to pay athe young nan'debts, recently took circus to Crewkernel, the Earl's Tillage, advertising it as "Viscount Henton's unrivalled show.'f was yesterday sentenced to one year's hard labor for obimprisonment at.means of false pretaining goods by tenses, A Bermuda dispatch says: On The 11th Inst, the steamer KlrtU, frbm Rio Marina for Philadelphia, while off these Islands in tow, having run ont of coal, parted her hawser add drifted ont ot sight. Two tugs were sent after her and towed her to St. George, arOn the 9th Inst, the riving y. mate and five men of the Kirtle left the steamer In search of assistance and have not since been heard of. Ilerr Flegel, the German explorer. Chief of the Benue Expedition, has returned to Germany and submitted his report on the alleged aggressionGer-of England in the Congo .country. many maintains that the ninth degree of east longitude marks the boundary between tbe German and English ter ritories. Flegelsays that the English are occupying the whole of Benue and the surrounding districts as far as the thirteenth degree. Negotiations on the subject are being bad between the English and German Governments but Prince Bismarck Insists upon the ninth aegree as tne Donnaary. Wonderful Remedy. A E. M. Sargent, 41 Andover st., Lowell, Mass., says : " I commenced using Ayer's Cherry Pectoral about the year 1842, as a family medicine, for Coughs and! Colds, and have always kept it in my house since, The v'iSw of A.yrs Cherry Pectoral, n the p? btectifcu it affords from tbe dangers f pulmonary disorders, cannot bo Mr. C-fPhilips, Tlttsburg, Pa., writes: "Abot tfirco years ajo I had severe Laryngitis, whicS resulted In ekronle hoarseness. By the use Ayer's Cherry Pectoral I biVe since entlre?y regained my health.' Mr. Henry RusseM, Excelsior Printlngj Co., New York, writes: M Influenzal became epidemic In toy neighborhood. Several members of my family suffered severely with it, all of Whom took Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and were eared by It In a few days. It Is a wonderful medicine for Influenza. Too much cannot bo said In its favor.' . over-jstimatc- jd. j that time. I consider it the best remedy that can bo had for these complaints,' J. B. Robertson, Clayton, N. C, Dr. "I have used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, in my family and practice, for a number of years, and have no hesitation In recommending it. It is an admirable to do all preparation, and that is claimed JVtf- 1L" E. J. Stycrsj, N. wrifs: "Ayer's cjhorry Pectoral is tiie best CbOh preparation I ever saw. It gives Instant tUef." writes: wcll-quallfl- cd j - Gor-manto- n, C IV Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has cared a Cough In a few aoses. It always relieves Irritation of the lungs or throat. 'and arrests the tendency to Inflammation. It strikes at the foundation of all rulmonary diseasesi Is without a rival as an expectorant, and Is a sura cure fir (ho most obstinate Conghs and Colds. L. Garrett, Texana, Texas, writes: "II have: used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral in my family for twenty years. For throat and lung diseases, I consider It a wonderful remedy .M ers Cherry PectordL -- nf Dr. ' BV PREFACED C. Aver A Co., (Analytical Cticmist3), LowJl, MastJ Tor sale by all Dru lists. J. to-da- oil sTSassU 3M Jmj H i O . - e O i There are no epidemics of colds now Red star cough care is prompt, sure. ' 25 cents. i r. i : rwrDMnr-avMatlet- o H ! CO tion ii "r, A Cleat- Skin - - !! MfeiWIiw8 is only a part u : ot jbeautft but it is; i part Every ladv may havi J it ; at least, what looks 13 te it. Mafrnolia Balm ht h frfxJina and . li ; beautifies , IPan-Electr- ic , ran-uiectr- "-t- ic J. Ltkh, Salt Lake. o i CASH PAID FOR BSST MriL this v.- Wuuuic9 Muiwa- vaw-wrstnd Old Ore Sstcka aU Office and U Deseret - - CONFECTIONERS Truckeel'cal" . lper Mill. ' DEALERS. IN. j al . OHIOAGO. Vice-Preside- nt ; To-da- Palmer, Mep SCo.; '''' - W6lle;Patton&C6.; - , -- sv-- s . ea To-nig- T" ; LATII, Shingles, Monldlnrs, Frames, Doors, Avindows, uunos, wooq A'nmps, facicing uoxes, Sntlders mrPDTf f5l it ill nardware, Sash WelghU, GLASS, Etc., Ktc AT m fans lUHiri lisurot Bowspapers aad estimates of the cost VYpOD TANKS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS MADE TO ORDER. or aaveriuingv too aovorbeer who wants sao informs-lio- n 11 to spend dollar, finds in it the be requires, while forkim who will invest one hundred thousand dollars ia advertising,hisa schema: Is indicated which will meet every requirement, or can bo made HaOf Bleett Bowtla V. C U do so by sligbthaages easily arrived at by correspondence, One--- fcandred- - sad fifty .three editions have been tsiaedw Sent, to any address for 10 rents. Ap. ply to GEO. V. ROWEIJL A COr, KTCWn. raPSS ADVERTISING f BUREAU, IS epvues St. (rrintlag House Sq.), Now Tork. STAIB BTJIXDINQA SPEOlATiTT". - :0: - BL, at. Stopo, J. . LTXX, aWpt, - post-oaid- EXCELSIOR MANUFACTURING GO., nt CHICAGO, r- . TLT lOOotrer. book for advertiser tone exbe console. perieaced or other-- , u . " ' OlSTMRSE ht ... PITTSBTJEQK, DP. - ; Li i . -- - -- - - -- -- - - V- -- - U T JmA. -- BJ-f- I.9 t- ' Salt latxe r plijr tfiaia. V-- h I - V.'V.W, A. PITT.' pioprlstor. iBsos AeoMnraslaUsM .Obn,-fl.fj. s U tke Clty at tto Bats fLie par day. ', ira ra jSr-iG- 4' ' 2s tar Opeir Day" and Zas to and from NIgbL Depots.; ' ' - ' CKsrta.'- tJ. Street Cars .. t -- r ".'-. ki: s : 'vr-- . : -- f ' j . f " - i- 1 Xeg-roo- ;.;! .;..r:-,AJsk- . He tu to-da- - ,;i , - a 4 to-da- to-d- ay A to-ni- ght CP . t - rcis-ikie-d : -- to-d- ay : Satis-turuo- ia jiis-moun- ted - with-the-above- - " Cliildrcn' - . - iiast --.r- - A- . , , - -;. 1 ,: v i - 'in . -. rlt k . ' ! -- - , b( M c nf - - f ,;v - t f, V RAILWAY.' j t TRV BE3T H0UTJC AND BHdifeitiiivjs BXTWX-- UI t i: - - - FOR ALL ini rrcTc-D- .. . t.- - 1 i - ' - igtVJ,! .nil I to-da- - CHICAGO AKD ,TH - Omaha, i TIM PLaTE, SHEETJHDfi; GQuncil Bluffs 61218 fc llTain Street, Sl. ZouU, Missouri. FOR! ' IAL1CI -- ;0 SALE-.BYrS5ss- Hi ; s WARE & TIHTiERSVTQOLS. t I i Ohicago, tes . aloinea. Tbe 'only line ie take for Oiutlon.Ulxim, Marshiiltown,Uedarltaplds, ana. ail points .km st. sinwauaee, ijnioaro. To the jneeple of Nebraska, Colorado, Wy ptaing, Cub, Idaho, Ksvsda, Oregon, Wssn inrton and California j. it otters lODerioT kdvasuges not possible bf asy other lias. I Among: a few of the kssteroas points o. ot thl Superiority en)oyeI by the pau-oabetween Omaha and Chicave, ara i rud two trams I da; ol. PAT I OAClin srhiicb axe the flue.l that homaa art au. Insrntiiry can crrste; Its are aLEKPI4 k)AIL, which nmeL ' tt comfort and elevnm-e j lis PAKLol DUAULXO CAKK, uuurtsie by any; and its widely ealebrnted tA I.ATIA1. DIM.VU VAKtt, tbe eqnal o. rhick can not be found elsewhere. ' At OooncU Blaffs tbe trains of the U&loa Pacillo Kr. connect, in- Union Denot with thoxe of the Chicago A'ls'orthweslern Ry. In Cbicasi the trains of this line make close son nectioa with those of all Kastera lines. ; 7or Detroit, Columbus, Iadlanapotls.Cia cinnaU, Nlsrara rails, BuBalo, ntuliurr, Toronto, kiealreaJ, Boston, Mew York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Waskiarton, and all points in the Jtast, ask tbs ticket ageai for tickets vU lbs STmPEO ( i .'4 1 . ' t : Solo !fcnt3V in Talt Lalco City, ; su J .Vy. (VI IVI E R H AYS & CO., ( - ' 0 RTH-- U W ESTER N 4 if yoa wish tbe best accommodations. ticket scent SU tickets via this lino. . BtQaTTTT. E. S. KAIB. ti a'l k'anagsr. " . Gen'l Passenger GXO. D. WTLLIAlfSCN HideWool, Deer and Sheep Pelts,Furs;Eto, :ir.-- I UiVfUi"-WAN- FOtt consumptiox ; - V ALAKOE .LOT Ot T i AL . r 'V V in tmeiu taxnkut, for wnicn j -- ' xt Gsa'l Afoat, Room t, Windsor lUock.Dea ver WAN. BABCOCK ' Oeaeral Wsstera Agsat, Osaaka, Xsk HALF BLOOK SOUTH OFTHB UTAH (XEimiAL DEPOT, S. L. CUT Y. WAREH0TJSE--01T- E ' |