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Show T ' ir i t 1 1' T ' Iff evening: news. aRKh e, isse atarday j.,., '.fi FBAOMKSTS. Sec the card of F. W. Summons la oar special column. 7-' j .' - Wbat It Ooeo AMUSE3EKXTS Dr. 'Henley's Celery, Beef and tron ought to be In every household. it will not only relieve, out will permanently cure all nervous troubles indi- SILT LAKE THEATUE. sleeplessness, neuralgia, chills gestion, and f ever, weak digestlon,etc. Leading .j. ; physicians In Europe acknowledge its MISS MOKEIS' 8TATKJHKT. value. Sold by druggists and country W and bed MEXICAHTYPIGAL GRGHEStBA my stores. Deputy Gleason came if off me, asking pulled the clotbing me. In bed with lie r t . COAX,t COAVl COAl.( -'f there was any one ITS and pnlled then went to the ValRock looked Pleasant and Weber, a sack of straw from there Spring, LEEMTEO OAriCEBS 15 SiSSEBS. next ley and Red Canyon All the Coais sold up the chimney. lOne of them Glea-sona In the Salt Lake market. Our Weber On their Triumphal tonr to the East and pulled up a piece of carptt,wben Karope. saed Thompson If he thought is from the celebrated Grass Creek j mines one we are wasi and better coal under any there mining ever than other said before. and Weber No j THIRTYARTISTS there.1 Tnoinpson "No," d It, we bronght to this market can compare Gleason exclaimed, ' ' our All 1" with are: coals looked also look it. APPEAR OX will nicely any way They l in cupboards, boxes, trunks, etc., and screened and cleaned. Coal Department, Union Pacific Rail- Monday, Mar. 8, 9 & 10, a small tea chest, but threw nothing answered, "fly G d, I found Watson In the same kind ef a place!" lie then said be thought Easton was concealed in a small compass, and that he expected to find him in a similar place, ana was going to get mm Deiore ne left. fire-pla- ce ; T, J: Homk missionaries will visit the citr ward evening. ' Tub Fourth' Qaoram of Seventies meet at the usual: place on Monday ;. .' eTeningnextj Thk 10th Ward brass jand honored the Deskbkt Wawa with a choice sere- - out- j Dade Thanks. WILLIAM THOMAS 8TATKMKNT. Tab Mexican Tjplcal Orchestra! apThe deputies called at our place pear at the Theatre on Monday, Tues- about daybreak, and came to my window and rapped. I asked who was day and Wednesday evenings. They there, but received no answer. when I then tried to raise the window, Elizabeth "Morton was brought to called Said and they they were ' the City Hall In a hack last bight, officers.again, 1 asked them to wait until I - drunk. She was fined $G this morning. was dressed, but they said no, or they would break in the door.i I told them TnVl&h quorum ol Seventies will had better let that out, and they they nieet on Monday etenio, March j8ta, went around to mother's door, which and (father was sumopened, at the 1st Ward assembly rooms at was The moned;. deputies next went to j j 7:80 o'clock. the bed of Mrs. Elliotts and subher. Gleason said, with a C. H, CoixrNS was fined $80.60 in the poenaed that he knew there was oath, frightful Third District Court yesterday he another woman in the house, - and having pteadetfRoilty to selling lienor searched la boxes, trunks, etc. Without a license. Tub, record of yesterday and! today ' proceedings in the Legislature BY - has deen crowded out of bythat ol the - msss meeting in the Kit WESTERN UNION TELEORi JH LINE. Theatre. ' I , to-da- y. . ; ' TELEGRAPH. -- -- j i . "Sbjutor Edmcxds la mating an ass of himself with greai power and Denver Xetes. It Is pertinacity. really too bad to perpetrate such a .libel on 4te ass.. i Thk funeral service over the remains of Mrs. Janet Sharp will! be Meld In the 20th Ward meeting house tomorrow at 12 m. Friends of the family are Invited toattend. Thk 13th quorum 4 Siventies will-holtheir regular meeting on Monday evening neit, March 8th, at 7 p. m. la the 20th Ward school house. A fall ' and punctual attendance Is requested, of the ' Thirteenth Thk Seventies " Quorum and scattered members Jo other quorums resiling in the ' Twentieth and Eighteenth Wards Will meet on Monday evening, March 8, la the Twentieth Ward school house, at 7:30.. A full attendance is desired. Rkiioious services of the Church of Saints will Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y be held In the Tibernaclo afternoon; commencing at 2 o'clock. Services In German will be conducted In the City Hall, and in Scandinavian in the Social IIafc at 10 a.m. AMKItlO ji'.'w ""' -- i. - to-m- or row- - 1 ''"")'' Arb the District Attorney and tie grand Jury again feeling alter Brother A. M. Manser? It would seem so, from the fact that Jlrs. Belinda Mus-sand her daughter Flora and Mrs. Annie Musser Were before them, today la answer tq, subpoenas, and that Mrs. Mary Musser was also subpee-nae- d, but was prevented from responding on account of diphtheria in her family. ur '(;.! i ! LOCAL KEW3. Statistical Reports. The Presidency of this (Salt Lake) Stake requests the Bishops to send full and cor rect ceports of their wards not later than" March 10th, 1886. The attention of. the presiding officers of the Fourteenth Ward of this city and Brighton of the county, Is especially called to this notice. The reports may be sent to" or left at the Dkskret News office. 1- - $3,250 Damages. The Jury in the nit of Griffiths vs.F. D.Ciift,forlO,000 ior damages received from Mr. Cliffs runaway horse, returned a verdict this morning. The amount of damages awarded the plaintiff is $3,250, and the t siim was agreed.inpon after the Jury had been out about six hours. Thirty days' time was granted the defendant In which to file a Statement on appeal. 'j iitest ttt ' EcUtor. Kixostox. Texas. Txn W.Bj 6. HoW- - ard, editor of the Hunt County vnrouicie, aenoerateiy snot a. Kapseii on the street yesterday. Howard discharged both barrels of a shotgun at Russell. Some of th9 stray bullets hit a spectator named Overholt abd a boy named Kirk pa trick. Howard left Immediate! On horseback. He was pursued half an hour later by Sheriff Russell. Overholt and Kirkpatrlck are both fatally wounded. Russell if! city marshal of Kingston. Howard was an eccentric young man. As editor he in bitterly assailed the saloon keepers bis paper, charging that Marshal Russell and officers were gamblers. This caused Russell and two saloon keepers to Visit Howard's office a few days ago and chastise, him. Smarting under their redress, Howard threatened to attack Russell on sight.- - Several occasions on meeting, both men came drawing their weapons and firing. Yesterday when Russell wis returning from the postofllce Howard suddenly emerged from his office and fired both barrels at Russell's back. A 300,000 Ft rein Akron, Oblo. CXRVLAND,: !6.' At 2 O'clock this a Are broke ont In the extenrooming sive oatmeal mills of Ferdinand at Akron. These mills are the largest in the country and consist of several Immense buildings. The' fire was discovered In the sevenstory wooden structure. The flames spread with alarming rapidity and were soon beyond control. The building first attacked was soon entirely enveloped. The fire next communicated; te the dry house, which was also destroyed. Two thousand bushels of wheat in the elevator were next eaten up, and at last reports another mill was threatened. The Universalist church across the street and the freight house of the Cleveland, Akron & Columbus road were on fire. The Windsor Hotel, also owned by Schumaker and valued at $70,000, was also threatened. The loss will reach $300,000, but It is Impossible at this hour to give the loss and Insurance in detail. The firemen were unable to cope with the flames. They gradually Increased in fierceness and before an hour passed the entire square seemed doomed to destruction. The fine brown stone office of ttcbumacher was entirely destroyed. About 4 o'clock, calls were sent to Cleveland, Canton and Kent for assistance. Canton sent an engine as did Kent.. A large elevator containing 150,000 bushels of wtieat was destroyed. The Fire spread from this structure to the New York, 1'ennsrlvaula and Ohio depot, and entirely destroyed It, together with most Ot its contents. The loss is now at one million dollars. 8cru-- t mac her carried an Insurance of $15,000; Tne Strike in New forU. New York, strike of the Bleaker Stieet, and 33J Street cross-tow- n railroad employes coutiuued to day. The situation being uochauged everything Is quiet around the depot. There is a possibility of a car beioe started from the depot before uoou totv-a- r - Bcbu-mac- so hcr estl-uiut- ed C.f-T- be way Company. A. 'I J. 4 . tS SELECT PROGRAMMES, I Costumed la their native dress, inclodiaf; their chorus, 'the inslrumeuts used are Bandoldns, Salterias, Guitars, Harp, Violins, Violas, Cellos, Flute, Clarionet, etc.. under the leadership of GU9HXIX, Agent. corner. PER.1IASEXT BOVCTIOX vv asaicn voice, xm Photogrrttpb at Fox ; & Symons. ti and very much Improved CITY, r f m z.. . U S. DEPOSITORY. Antidote lor Malaria. is generally known that Simmons' It Liver Regulator, purely vegetable, Is relied upon to secure immunity? from all malarial disorders. That this med- DESERET B1K. icine does this Is proven by Its popuone who has lived in larity, and any seen SALT LAKE CITY. its curative effects the South has " and the protection it gives against the . return of this weakening and danger- 1AII W CAPITAL, 200,000 . . ous malady. It acts more promptly suitpirs, 200,000 than calomel or quinine, without any of the injurious consequences followH. S. EtDREDOC, President, f eramorz Lrmjc.Vice Prest, ing their use. John niarp. Wm. Wj Kitkr, Directors iki;p of rtca. A. tlHOKSUECK, Nature's own true Laxative. Pleas- J. L. 8. HiLUS, Cashier, ant to tht Palate, acceptable to the JaS. T. Litxlb, Asst. Cashier. Stomach, harmless in its nature, painless in its action, Cures habitual ConRECEIVES BEP0SITSPm3LE 01 BEKflO. stipation, Biliousness, Indigestion and kindred Ills. Cleanses the system, the blood, regulates th Li vet purifl: Barm and Sella Excuance Aevt a ad acts on the Bow els. Breaks Colds Chill and Fevers, etc. Strengthens Tttrk, Nan Fnuelatt, Chtrasro, tit organs on which it acts. Better than Lnls. OnaahA, London, andl prfnei bitter nauseous Liver medicines.pills, nl 1'ontlnentiU Cities. and draughts. silt and Sample' bottles collections, remitting proceeds free, large bottles for sale by all I Drug Store. M. Z C. drugsifvts. Wholesale Agents. Fait Lake City. 13f No well regulated household should WOOD I WOOD ! ! bo without a bottle ot Angostura Hitters, the world renowned appetizer and invlgorator. Beware ot counter-fritCash paid for good, sound Ask your grocer or druggist for the genuine article, manufactured, by Quatitiigiisp Wood, at Hit Dr. J. G. B. Slegert & Sons. Hon them IFTi2rJOXTo.lVXXSE ''' o 49-Mak- STOR.V tiful Chiming Bell j and modern Piano :' : tuepcDinc ORGAN'S. AJEtJ33Z. ases. (. voiucirKiin idqri. ', Cont.unine beau They find their way into the homes of :0: -- il PIA.XOS, . ! , the Best Piano mtde in the United States! s Uniforms, jBooks, Music, etc, at Lower Kales than by any house west of Chicasro. Piano and prjfan Teachers and Players can alwaj s get latest Books, Songs, Waltzes, Marches, tic. lowest discount to teachers. OX-X. Band leaders, by Writing to as within the next 60 days, can Ret the price of same, iuchidine E prices on a full set of Band Instruments nt and B flat Corne;s, E flat Altos, B flat Tenors, Baritones, Basses, Drums, Piccolos, Clarionets and Cymbals. Mn?t be sold in :lhat lime at nv nnw. niwida in dition. ITpn can get up a band at a trifling amount, and yon may never have another , one-fourt- h : gucu oiiance. , .1 pleasant to Lft. preparation, Uenlry's Celery, Beef and Iron.For sale bv Z. O. M. I. Dm Store. 3 and all Druggists. reliable and Stk, iuai excellent wme. - - llfPORYASI QtCRIKNANSWERCn Have you Scrofula? Impure Blood? Kidney lMsease or Uheumatism? Dele ys are dangerous. You can be cured now by using BROWN'S BARNIPAUILLA ' j AA7 A TsT' .GrZEUsT h!"T) in every County. Catalogues Mailed Free. Information on any musical matter given vrith pleasure. AVe w5re established and ' continue to rrow on enterprise and fair dealing. . 1 C0AITER & SNELGR0VE, ; LAMB AND GREEN Will soon i m THOSE j DESIRIJS CHOICE CUTS 75c- - qrST BE- SOI33D, '. MAKE ROOM - FOR OUR :!.SPRING PURCHASES, ; HICH ARE ARRIVING DAILY. COHN BBOS. A New and Coiuplcte Stock of Time i 77? 7 '1 ' OF ';' n aving EI JUlT For Gents' Boy's S ! determined on making a i CP WW f Rim PEAS in order b a. WME33P of all ipiAVY WINTER GOODS, pre-paT$to- j rv to tho Arrival of our Spring Stoulf, m will offer Special Bargains in lms CALL Ap SEE OtfR NEW all departments, and respectfully ask tho SPRING STOCK of CHILDREN'S HATS. attention! of the public to the groat have to otter a.lvMa h j; i'jAXJL Or. nenley Popular Remedy, Celery, Beef And Iron, the largest sale, and hai relieved nis and cured more persons a 111 ic ted with nervoui troubles than any one known remedy. For pale by Z. C. M. P. Drng Store, and all Druggists. 3 SB IT IN 011 SALE. . 1 and Mantle Maker. THE OTJR HATS ARE OF THE LATEST ST1TLBS. OUR STOCK OF BOOTS, SHOES AND SPKINGTIME, SUPPERS IS COMPLETE. CAM AND SEE, s' cip WE ARE CLEARING OUT ALL RE1IMTS of C11PETS ! :. cos ; iTEAtJ OP HIGH GRADE E DURHAM TEARTjINa BULLS, Stimulate the DIGESTIVE ORGANS, regulate the LIVER ; and Durliam and HcrcfordlCrpss Yearling Bulls IA.T , A ul vrlne-glassf- AND ; HEAD OF HIGH GBADS JT ISIOE3S. IffiASOFAjBLE are at American Fork, hi care of Mr. John Uindlcr. The most of there Bulls at the tr See our Show Window, and ;;l ' f BITTERS' TlrfRTI-rtV- AT JMH ENSE REDUCTION! ?! ' SEVEXTT-WV- j and part For farther in the rear of Mr. Isaac yards Sixteenth Ward. Jennings' residence, ' before each meali will snake particulars enquire of J ISAAC JENNINGS or T. W. JENNINGS, you BELIEVE this statement. a "j. irs) souin Mt Bait Lake Cityij A ANI (the They CURE DYPSOSI Alcohol Disease) by their charming action upon the STOMACH, restoring: its natural tone and entirely work and business is at a standstill. The men ane quiet and good ordi r pre' the MORBID APPE- -1 destroying :.. , vails. Treats SoecssfsUy i j! '4 TITE for stimulants. MALARIA Dlsebara-intbe Knights of Labor. WORMS. OP DISEASES ALL t ad Replacing- tnem ''wltb Colored disappears before them, and PER Men. Fbr8ymptom of Worm Disease FECT HEALTH resumes Its sway. GAtYESTox. fl. The Knights of Li-b- or VL 1. PUST. l; at the Galf, Colorado ud Santa Fe No.IMmu For sale by all druggists and wine mer40, First South St, Salt Lake City. Utah. freight depot, who rclused to handle j chants. I '' ' - . nt 7r " - ;,..:.i-7- -- '.ls , Hf - JinIns in the 1 BOfti, 'CARPET :k 7 7. 'i And all "; - ti . - " " Weight Clotliihfr, Vin Jtr Underwear and Gents Furnislitagrs K ! ' 1.1' t ..v.,'... ! 7 pHeayyy i DR. E; L. PLAKT, reputation as the such standard-piano- s "Webex, and vMalhushek" and tie lamous EstyOrgans.f ully explains their steady and complete success as businessmen. The members of this firm take pleasure In attending to the smallest wants of their customers, ail orders by mail being filled the same day as re - trie Mallory freight, were displaced celved. t. thUmornlDg by colored laborers. At the Mississippi Pacific Yard very few f Knights observed the boycott and none Thieves Sentenced. J no. Gallagher were Both companies and John Riley, wbci were found guilty have a discharged. number of colored men selected of the yesterday of stealing an overcoat ana with a ofview Labor asreplacing fast s the Knights piccolo, were brought before Justice latter Caa out.Such changes will be drop Fyper thlataornlng to have Judgment permanent. Rumors of an impending pronounced upon them. The sentence gpuerat sinae ot jvnignts tnrougnout are current here and elsewhere Imposed was $200 fine in each case, In Texas ' ' ' tne in State. Indications point, to an - ;" i deiauitoi tne payment oi wnicnuaiia understanding j . the . on of the part -gher and Riley wUl remaini 200 days in Knights to quit work generally on f i 1 M . the county Jail. The den of vice In Monday morning on all the roads carwhich the larceny was committed is) thai rying Mallory freight. There is considerable dissatisfaction in the rauks. "run by Fitzgerald to the cellar under the of the local Knights, especially i J III those i . . , i "t- i corner Wasatch It la this vile place employed in the great estabcompress ' '' " that furnishes to the police court la lishments. large proportion of Its bustacjs, It and to make room for Sprint; Far? rrcTlous to Btorfc-tafclnbeing a resort for the lo west dais of rvm,tc. Misses' and Children's Wraps, all Ladles'. our we elose win chases, town. the There criminal that Infest ITavlBir iresitrhed position as man. New, stylish and Fashionable Goods, at j j is aa ordinance regulating saloons, asrer of The WalkeriByBro's Ccu, Carpet ana prOUlOltlUg lUU3it., Btu&iuft, Himcs, Department and associated myself at ! REDCCTiOS OF iTWESTT-FiT- E PER CE5T. 1 etc therein, which. If enforced, the Eagle Emporium with Mr. R. K. now who In New York 11-4 would make a' change in fbe conduct- - Thomas,an entireisnew stock ' I I V t i. " of carpets buying es for r log of "Fltt's". 1 the spring trade, I take pleasure WE ALSO OFFER , In inviting all my old patrons and tab Bhment.'- - . irtenas to Call and see me at 'my new ' am personally COMPLETE OJ HOMY: AND KMT GOODS. BY DEPUTY , OUTRAGES in the department will be In it MARSHALS. my favor to do purchasers of carpets a grcah ueai kuuu. ltspeciuny, : Ladles' and Children's Underwear, '. A Beaver County correspondent has , t, F.W. Simmons. j Lake March Salt : am. to Clty 6th, taken pains procure the following - Bed Quilts, Comforters and Blankets, statements from victims of the recent .' outrages" by deputy marshals in Beaver will Aatonlah YW HOME MADE FLANNELS AND MNSEYS, ns the same for 'The It but County, '.and sends and . thorough perfect, gentle : t '; .Flannel and Llnsey Sheeting, Jeans, Caa&lmeref and Tweeds action of this fruit laxative, Syrun of . publication:, Prunes.: Sold by Z. C. M." I. Drug ' ' MBS.' KASTON'S STATltMEXT, i .4 .:. otore. A j A GO OJD8t WOOL FLANNEL LJs About 7 a.m.,' deputies came to oar1 admittance. demanded house and ' wait untU we got T asked them ta would ladies' Clolli. Eider Downs and Repellants ;:. them iu. let we Tlxj sale of Svrup of Figs is slmci; dressed, and not , would wait, DeputyGleason said he Everyone is taking It, and and raised the window and got partly A the Lwt medicine ever used, A.O? CELA-TIjYriDXJOElI- D we the children the time by opened through iery lor it on account of its door, when he drew himself back and pleasant and grown people who came la through the dour, lie then aavo usedtaste, It once never lake any thing went into the ; one of the elee. Unlike other remedies for bilthe young ladies had tcot under the iousness and constipate it never bed, from which Gleason pulled loses its power to act, and It always the bedding, to andcomeordered the leaves the organs on which it acts vouncr lady out. This than before.' Besides, one ran Into the other stronger feel: fresh and bright and realize that she ' did, and was ,.f met by Thompit is Nature's own true laxative Z. room where she son I asked Gleason why he pulled C M I. Drug Store, Wholesale Agents, 7 the oeddlng from the bed,- and ha SUt Lake City, . us ail to see ' I , . c I I iULLiFOB 8AJM PEEUVIM clednse the IlilDNEYSi A M ' ; i puffe PRICES ; When yon feel USED UP.' Then i the system requires help to throw off tile accumulations of the STAG NANT PERIOD, wlnttr. 1 - 7 ! . throat. -- '.' 7 NF.WS CO. J Dys-pepsl- at 50c. WORTH 75c. WOBTBC $1.00. . . 1.90. 500 CORSETS p Must Hot Ixi Hi nu less Five inches in dl I sii in, Should call at .the i'Tblood Purifier jthat all Physicians Aiucricau Meat iSIarket. "enaorse. , Aik your druirglst to show tne formula and commence using yf WILLARD BIRCUMSHAW.' at once. Satisfaction Guaranteed. YKSI 130,000 boxes ,of BROWN'S AftNICA SALVE, sold1 on a positive . KSTRAY KOTICE.iT " guafanty and not one returned. Alcures ways burns, cuts, bruises, sort HAVE IS Mx rOSSESSIOJr: eyer, piles, etc. Beware of limitations, u.e only Brown's 25c. a box. Use Brown's Tar Troches for Sore One brown. MARK, bra nded TE on left hil .white snot in forehead. ; Throat, Colds, etc. If not claimed within ten! days Will be Use Brown's Pepsin Tonic for at public auctian, at the Fillmore etc sold Indigestion, Headache, csu-aa. m., March 8th rouita an iu o'clock No remcdr Can can compare vita It. . J. Ill MACE, District Fbandkeeper. f The Throat. "Brown's Bmnchutl Fillmore City. Feb. 26, 18. 6. Troches' acts directly on the organs of tho voice. They have an extraordinary effect in all disorders of the .1 yTEItSE YS for at THESJ3 ' nuicfer. THE OESEItr.T d aAw 4. ' es Paper Mill. t JERSEYS for $1.00. JERSEYS for 1.50. JERSEYS for 1.75. S0O CORSETS Box D, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Beef, Pork, Mutton, Et&, tnd Dandelion Wtb lodldo Pota - at tha following Price Our 2.75 JERSEYS for 2.25. Our 3.25 JERSEYS for 2.50. Our $2.50 Braided Jerseys for $1.75. Our 3.00 Braided Jerseys for XJ.25. Our 3.25 Braided Jerseys for 2.50. Our 5.00 Braided jSseys for 3.50. , ; . i Our $1.35 Our 2.00 Our 2.25 Our 2.50 ' C33LM s. a. ;!i-- J Qf a few Lines of jGooda,Iwhlch will be dlapoaed OXIgIaKTS, . ' of CLEARilCE SALE their elegant and complete line of GENERAL WESTERN' AGENTS FOR 175,000 now in use ; 1,300 made every month. 3ISQ1,jE3"y Handsome oil finished cases, pure, rich, powerful In tone ; fully warranted. S SPECIAL ATTENTION TQ A CALIV XxA-Ici- B SA-XjO- ? -- 3333 jE3 Vnsed and Dancers. REMOVAL. COcts. 75cts. Prices $1.00, and 2Tcls. No ' The Singer Sewing Machine Co. have extra charge for reserved eeats. Positively an enure cnunqe or programme every even moved into new and elegant quarters on Main Street, at Palace Hotel ' cor-ue-r, ins;. Office tlox open Saturday at 10 a. m. opposite Clilt House. Call there for any thing in the Sewing Machine .. . . tit w uose A nauasome tine oi uaujes mift, BANKS. 6nly 73c per pair. All colors. Tub Walker Pros". Co. . y's Bare added ' A to-da- mm : : v !i SENOR1TA LINDA BRAMBILLA, preferred by all Artie U. We have Just received a very large j The great Prima Donna,'.also assortment ef Ladles' and complete ESTEY CAMP COMPANY & MATHUSHEK. PIANOS in Upright TA. PAQUITA MAItTISlEZ Musllnj Underwear and Children's . ; . which qoare an urana. be sold at prices will presses,' Ai . : lower than ever. Call early and seSEXQB FCO. MARTINEZ, BRASS AND STRING BAN DS can le furnished with any kind of Instruments, lect, j, Corix Bros. Famona Mexican ,- i 7k lLJLTlr ST., i PROF. CARLOS CURT1, SIS. lit SUCCESSORS TO DAYNES & COALTER, j Parry Mterary Journal -f The day; 'March number of this popular uontb- - AuotlMr Blar Strife Ordered bjr tSe LOT IN THE "SIXTH WARI WITH Kulxbls f Labor. a fine Granary, which could be made ly Is Just out, filled as usual with an residence at a very smallexcellent selection of reading matter. Mo., 6. The employes ol 11. toua nice small Sedaua, The' number Is embellished with a Missouri i'acitlc aid Missouri. Kansas cof ,,WU1 sell10for cash or trade. For parshoos struck tin ticujrippiy V B. B. l UliLSlbK. .f beautiful Illustration In color, which, & Texas atrauroaa 10 ;3J. Every thing around morning ?51 W., rourth Soath St d J betto would have however; appeared an.i in tne suops u in a, state ot cnaos, and it is impossible to ascertain the ter advantage in black Ink. Its leading cause or extent of tho trikb. It is pipers ar( "The Lust Days of Wash- supposed, however, that an ortter came an ; Intercontinued ington's Army," from the Texas Knights of Labor. It esting story' "Judge Not;" "An Ad is also reported that every man but one CI ABDE SEEDS IN BUIJC.! ALSO Peas. Bea'as and Corn, wholesale and venturous Ride," from the pes of in the shops here belongs to the Knights of too and went wltti lie in, all the best varieties, crop ls85. the rt toil, Labor, thrilla Archibald Forbes, describing others. FLOWER SEEDS, 300 KIDS. A'l the Knights of LaHt. Louis,-6- . ing episode, la the Zula war; "Havbor 'on the- Gould system centering In Bushes, four years oli. ana, from a Tourist's Note Book," this Itrge 1to9ePoplars, 35 cents each, i, went and out strnek this Lombardy city scenes incidents of and life i desctibing O. F. DUK, SEBD8VA1T, No particulars are at It. morning sewell a Third In Cuba and Mexico, and; South, aiO West. kuown at present, but the strike Is to been have lected number of poems. ordered the by supposed central committee of the Knights of MRS. J. A. . TAYLOrt, ' ;1 at tne suggestion oi tne Texas A Musical Firm.- - Messrs. CotlUr Moor Assembly of that organization. Infor- Dress from Da Mo., is to the Snelgrove, the" enterprising music mation at that point have that the menSoto, dealers,' have something important to effect hlr fr;ends and eastom&s that out. al.o gone say to our musical readers and tie St. Louis, 1 p.m. There are 0,000 sheInforms has removed her business to larger and Issue. Knights of Labor in (he strike on the more commodious premises, at No. 63 K. public in general In over U. V. Davis' Store.where she Jlain The steady progress made' by this Gould system. will I e. pleased to meet her old customers 6. Little The trouble Ark., Rjck, house .the last five years has been with tne her operatives of the Texas & Pa- and as many new ones as may favor IG6 lmastonishing, when it la considered that cific .Railroad has extended to Little wjth their or tern. the Arm began with a limited capital, Rock this morning. All the workmen T the St. Loots & Iron Mountain R R. had muctt competition to meet and a on 800 machine over in all, shops, stopped to establish; but the hantl-Ing- - ' ; 1 SKELGROVE. R- - k mm so MUSICAL . mm LiciiTaiaia. Tbree Peraona KllleU by 5 C. CiLll ' I ' ; P. COAtTEIt si Prices J jii uess man manufacturer uu... ti. !' t I t ; - h. . j 4 ! i i 0K EVERY DESCRIPTION CHEAPER THANlSVERI I i ,i mA J f v- A - . . . '' 'hi i -- Just received, full lines of Jerseys,; . V'"-'- I g;. to tub j Laces, Hosiery, Embroideries, etc., piu chased by U. K. Thomas, who is still in " ng i i huki,,,uuui 1 IMS ted ' ; " .. the Eastbuying for the Spring Tradei New Goods arriving dailyl " - -- WILL OPEN UP A NEW L TNE OF i j yD i I J)IiESS nuiin-uMt- PRICES. -- ABOUT MARCH lOtlt. bed-roo- m n. j Staple Goois CoileiG in Every ,.!. - . -- Line. n TO) W- - FTT1TU IK'!' "nrr a " 7 M : 7 '." J?l" g " ' .-1 " "- ' -- i,'.:"!-'-5iVi. I 1 . THE WALKER BROS . CO. 4 - HI! K Ir'1 '" " is ALL DEPiRTIIl'TS ! : i I crime-promoti- in S in i II AllGMS 1 . |