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Show vol. xix NO. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH TERRITORY, WEDNESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 10, 1880 : 157. slde In this hour of your atflictlon a ago, has been anes ted on the charge HAIR of iraud In connection with that matnation ol mourners. and released on bail. At the time ter Cilevkland. Guoykr (Signed) every Evening, except Sunday. " PBIt WKSTBRM DKIOW TEUOKiTH LH the alleged purchases the drafts VIGOR Wi More Bald Heads. Immediately on receipt of the intel- of &! CO One Copy, one year, TURNER flOW on Camden Oil BRINCKPHOFF, the drawn Company the deatn of Gen. Hancock were declared by that " ligence of fi 00 Vsrnonth corporation to build" 31mm VrU. '. Ida Inn,ne the flag ou the War Department ISO three months, To produce a new growth of halt be forgeries. Crooks negotiated one Restores the color, gloss, and youthful st was by order of of placed at Manufacturers of and Dealers in COTTOg ing bald beads, in the case of persons on The atimulateaarlchand ts for the $15,000. of thesedraf freshness charge of hair; SENATE. and Mills Druid arrangethe Secretary War, A. Woodberry," Deck, 8ajl to believed be based is Crooks in' years, ia not always pes advauced cleanses against made were luxurious tne a for favorite ments "I'dLiiKMis" and other brands, promulgation on this fact. growth; thoroughly 9. The Chair laid beWashisgtox, I ,i order a Hartl.Wcdium andoft. sible. When the glands are decayed of general numlcr formally announcing dandruff and humors; the fore the the prevents scalp; Senate from letter the BEMI-WSBKLhis deathj to the army, which will be Arreated for Embesslemeat. DUCK FOB QIEBlLL5.BLCE JR0Wl.QBiS THE EBB and la the most cleanly and' effective and gone, no stimulant can restore them; Secretary Of vhti Treaaury in reply issued tomarrow. The Secretary of Inthe to recent resolution5 Senate 1. for 9. The fact was preparation MJBUSHRDTeBYrVEtDATAJIMATPRPAT, Sas OortOM Caxvam of all numbers 14 te the hair ever offered but. When they are only Inactive, front Fkaxcisco, he recalled the invitations also War Inches wide, tor Deck, C'nr, Trunin and formation as to the accounts of Alfred learned last uignt that Kobert Scott, a to the public. Rev. J. W. Davenport, the need of some excitant, the applicat to for the issued the had Onj Copy, one year. with Postage, reception f1t 00 B. an late Machine the j Indian Meacbam, of bonded in Covcrinirs, Aprons the wberehouse Superin75 W'ngon officers ot the army, navy and marine clerk tendent for Oregon. The paper was 1 00 for other pnroce, constantly in store an Bode & Karl was arrested Thursday af- Illinola Bend, Texas, Writes: "AyerV Jlbn df Ayer"8. Hair vigor will renew c evening. made to orders irpsforthis ternoon by a private detective on the Hair Vigor, tised In my famny for several their fitality, and a new growth will appropriately referred. .Sltstatloai at Seattl- e- Anotber charge Of embezzling jlgcntti for V, S. BtlntiMg Co., "8tanaad, from the committee on InTbe Logan, between $35,000 years, has no equal as a dressing, nor for L.V. Templet on, Newbcrn,N. C, ' less or Cnse " the and Eagle," by quantity dian 1 intrdduced a bill to Inkf us Utes Uls Wounds. aud $10,000 from his employers. These Uooda can be obtained l Z. C, M. I. creaseAffairs, "After a protracted Illness, with, or out writes: hair front the breventinz taDing of the the efficiency army. ; ' Placed on the calendar. . Seattle, W. T.,' 9. There is absowiafgsicx.'V-.'.-turntaz prematurely gray. It ranks fever, my hair all came out, leaving ma jj. this lutely ho change In thearesituation The following bills passed for pubPUBLI8IIKI EVERT WEONKSPAT. entirely bald. I the first . on among The militia still duty lic buildings : l'ueblo,Colorado,$l'Kl,-- : morning. One Cony, one year, with Pontage, 3 our exas Federal of procured a bottle, have luxuries No arrived troops 000; Portland, Oreirou, 350,ooi.; The 1 S9 six months, the sent to from "Miss argent Jfeiw " " three bill house." pected appeals for the of HU, Pino .80 S3, Offlce, Trk. VIGOR. of Aver's nalr appropriation Anotber months, AYER'S . t Monstrous Slab In London. i Washingten. of for the purpose ot & site for a publie Kate Vigor, aud beRose, 3 Another day London. 9. p. m. Fears are enter gloom and anxiety Constantly on hand a complete stock of this building at San i'rancltico, Ualifornia, fore I had used BT rPBLISHED Ontario, ended without material change In the tained that the riots ot yesterday will well known and justly celebrates f gave rise to om6 discussion. It was all its contents, a "While the: ' situation. be apinThis is renewed what wuo Although Writes: Mr. gravest started by THE PESERHT NEWS CO., ca-Klddleberger, i sidered' have when beea felt could be two Inches and the was of thick not whetner there clear throughout prehensions expected bead hair, naturally nearly of dandruff, quired growth Blaatinar, Kentoeky Rifle isUif lMXM CITY, UfAfl. the day, no collision has taken place. immunity enjoyed Dy tne moo in its keeping myScald Head, a piroiic Duuaing at mac piace. already DMMt f Major Oenerial WlmBeld L. D.M cJnnkln, head." covered Hair my Vigor long, "preventing Ayera FafrXeswn, Dnolc, lectrfo Fi ts con hold militia The the city, and work of destruction yesterday still eitanford replied that San Francisco eteost HatsMoratj strict martial law Is enforced. Intense sidered, The police showed they were baa also caused my hair to grow luxuri- PenxVlUe, Al,d., writes: "Baldness it1' CHICAGO TRADE. For sale at wholesale and retail by all the paid from $40,000 to f50,000 a year into 9. official The Nw Tork, on following all bitterness to cope wun sncn a antly, resulting In jmy now pwsessing hair beredftary in myfamnyl Five years ago sides, and the prevails leadinr store- in the Territorv. and at the puonc treassry ; that tne postdface notlilcaUoa of the death of General powerless weJl be moie grave. entirety not could as situation force with that which, they were forty-twwholesale only-- by J. W. Sanders ' A Co., buildlna was an old tumble-dotrair Hancock inches long, and as thick as the bilr on the top of my head was behasist been received : The militia have been on duty con- confronted. In the anticipation of an Scould Agents, Salt Lake City. fair, insulliclent and Insecure, and that I ifi w desired." The wife of Dr. V. S. coming weak and thin. I procured AVer's VT1 be wwria., iwinunuw small San Francisco was entitled to a build tinuously since Sunday morning and otber demonstration Governors Island, N Y., Feb. , 1898. are lof fir. Jtfferion fit., Chicago. which bad the of worn Hair can Of ont. No application words crowds Vigor, utterly roughs have been pouring 'Lovelace, WvelaeevlIle,Ky.,had very ing that would accommodate the General W. S. Hancock, U. S. express 2 Twi Wagon Scale, $40. 3 Too. S30. the anxiety of the. citizens for into lraiaigar square irom aiserent the. hair roots, and sent out a business of the city and the Pacihc A Malor sores' hponjher bead," causing the tetter 2:51 this afternoon. died at 4 Tom 60, Beans Box Included ja ; the Federal the presence of y Coa?t. trrops. points of the city and at this hour the aiklr to fall out. Ayert Hair Vigor healed new growth of young hair. my W. D. Whipple, ta scale, as. Appeal after appeal has been sent to crowd assembled there numbers fully At 2 o'clock the San Francisco bill as ever. I and lk months t Assistant Adjutant General. as thick twelve In less than hair and vigorous ''Little Detective Xosi to wone the President and, many Senators and s.uuu. oi the leaders nowever, 55 was displaced by the education bill. Id ,$. 3 At still uie the Vigor occasionally to keep my have produced faalr a foot long. ' RG E S, 'TOO LSi Etc. I General Hancock's 'death was the re- other prominent men have been tele- of yesterday's disturbance wo "Si, 2 this bill Blair took the floor. He t F0 "'" him to. to !' as take action. their made nrge on condition." t a of graphed a appearance tn carbuncle of the sult the the yet, ,Bet lorf-- Med for itotit Work $10 briefly malignant healthy explained provisions B a scalp " Diiiiin ttir' Chinese question does not now and whether any programme- - has r bill, and then the consideration of the back of his necki which had confined The aitw ana Kir. o Tools;- sur figure, but has been lost sight been - determined on tor another OR. a. C. AYER "i CO., Lowell, Pataur tin u4 mf sM jabspublic building bill was resumed and him to his bed for several days. No seem tothe bitterness engendered by Outbreak is not known. The West AYfeR'S until ol.ln serious alarm, however, wasi felt the following bills were passed: ' Btt, AatUa, Vises aas stkt artfaUa. Uu Vras. toe expired. ' wears a holiday appear-anc- e. before yesterdf.y conflict. While there is no End For tnd purchase of a site for a pub- shortly i atHome were Af ot Guards alarm 'and 1 The news caused the profonndest doubt that the lic buiidins at San Francisco. $350.- general feeling v..c u..;:uw4, HAIR ' Fur sale try all Druggists. ci and Strongest OuO. sorrow in commercial land financial tacked before firing and that they acted Insecurity is feltamong the residents I Reclining Chair in the Market, T' Of in the most that of bitterest the shops imprecaI On quarter and motion or Teller, tne Senate ehrcles, as- well as among business men end postal io that olio wing a4drcss?rlnfrina- a u.c ubuwiucu mi v iuu w When' the sad event was tions are heard against them . "i m ot bill to enable aiu the the State generally.uuku. V, i Jassed to take lands in lien of the known in the Exchanges and at the .tton. Our V Charles Stewart, one of the men in- nant at the lack of protection afforded That'most distractlog trouble, lnm Custom House the flairs were iramedi- - jured in yesterday's conflict, died to- them by the authorities and at the im- lot h and 8Cth sections set apart for In' or No instructions bago, is effectnaUy removed by St. the at had hot day.1 His death had tbeieffect of inordered It !S reservations. dian aw.-police. ately 1 flKf .v Cannon called ud the bill to Drovide DeenAjgenerally Known tnat uenerai creasing the; bitter feeling. There is Eotency given to the police as to jacoos uu t tot the appointment of an Assistant Hancock was 1U and his death was un- talk of making his funeral the occasion wbaicoirseJo pursue In the tevent of of a grand. demonstration. further outraees by the mob. and the of the Navy. ' A Secretary i Loe&n snbmitted an smrndment General HancOck was in Washington ro. expected. fel that they are entirely att Olynaplit. 4 shopkeepers Mob Asmttaer world and 4 was week ago, and return for the appointment also of an '..L: unguarueuofagainst me puiage sna ae-t- their. Coal Offlcej to No. U S. Mala obliged to to Yiding . W. T.. This ox their property. Thoogh ctloii toe bis, Guarantee Satisfaction H Olympla. morning war at jh.uuo without paying respects Assistant secretary Boot and tna Street, L. D. &, A. Young's er annum. The amendment was The Hartley Reclining Chair Co., president, the carbuncle which caused about, 7 o'clock a mob commenced It is welt known who the leaders ofconShoe Store, where thev wi 111 be pleased of the Chin ese mob are no arrests of any one its .possession death made taking having his bill went the then appearance and printed CHISAGO. ILLINOIS. on the General's neck at the base of houses In this city, and the alarm was nected therewith have been made. 'The Receive orders for all kinds of coal. ver. S?1 Betradesmen propose to sedd a petition Oft3T Also receive orders lor all kinds ' Mustang-- Liniment is older than the brain. was The education bill given by the tinging of fire bells. was made the (..;HS. Van Dkcssi, flu. Xkixbt could realize the citizens what Advertiser to the Home urace, demanding that fore Commercial The two o'clock order says: for special ot thev be afforded protection Gen. Hancock: baa been ailing for some happening a guard composed from ' the aoiui koouh, cvc. l most i men, and used more and i of Chinese the Anti members WATSON, inajmin. of the mobj tame has unable aad to rjoBM been On motion of Teller the Senate depredations A' f actively more jevery year. diw Association here were placed iu posliynciman, tne president of tne demmilitary duties on the session fl rs VI JFyFlgs?1 jtoHe tols passed the bill to grant the risrht of attend and Hi.Chinese bouse each the of disclaimsocratic a suffered from island. any Confederation, complicalanas way ior irrigation " tnrongu puDiic ia4?.it?i? SoW ACTNTSrCiinlie obuasuta cttfsuro tion , 01 diseases, . but still fought Chinamen were ordered to pack op and responsibility for the actions of the BVCKLEJa'al AJUfICA.aAI.Vat. tained At all (heir branch stores thronghout purposes. on motion of rmmo the senate tnen against his ailment, but the recent de- leave. The mob i was led by a young mob yesterday; He predicts that Tho Bur SaaVV:! the world or dfta alt the Territory. took up and. after a short debate. velopment' of the carbuncle while be man named, . Hetzel, who .was recently trouble of very serious proportions Cuts, Bruises, Sores,, Ulcers,, Salt the laws of was at Washington compelled him to employed as assistant enrolling clerk will ensue if the distress existing Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter,' Chapped passed the bill to extend A CARD. In Ms house.' From this attack In the .Legislature and wtjo has held a among the working people is no soen Hands,: Chilblains, tne umiea states over tne unorgan- remain all Skin Corns, mud ized territory sooth of the State' of be.dld not rally and his condition has position for aome time in the office of relieved!;'. Men will not starve forever, Srnptions, cures and Pllea, positively been considered precarious for a day the Territorial auditor, also a Junk he says, and it the authorities ref ase to or no m public lando or ' Kansas, and known as the ., pay required. It is guaranteed to A. the inost favorable auspices, is now open gttTJ itt? -A tvvo past.. His only son, died .last dealer named Bates, who. took, up his help tnem taea they must not De surj ''n,rtrip. iur tocvovpwm i pauenis, navins; rv ' perfect satisfaction, or money re- - iaoved of Manufacturers autumn, and since then he has not been residence here a few. .'months ago, but prised If force Is resorted to la order give i Tne Senate then adjourned. that larva aad commodious baild.. nnaen. mcew cents per dox, an to to evinces resist? disease rule the who bread. to with, given strength anxiety iTtbla procure Ware, Oabred ' ' " ' lately tccupied by the Beaeret Uni rer ieg C. Crystal FOR AT Z SALE DtXUQ M. I, an y. xt'.e apMNtmenta are new aad of ths The roughs are takinr advantaen of S7TORE.: ni t with the detrmination he had town. Hetzel is a ICniirht of Labur. HOLME. ,' r. ,M-Out Goods tire kept by Z.C. M. l.JtU Branch . Coods, order. Tba hail a ud raoihi an tan,. The bosses of the Chinese; houses have the fog U assemble ia various-part- s of previously exhibited.- - When the Gen tore, and dealers generally in U4 Territory. J ielfy Tarnblers. Jelly Palis. Etc. The Sneaker laid eral oicHl v Vcntlhitcd, and warmed by a furnace Walhington.9. been elven three days to leave the town West Khd. They are bold and impu- his . .wife was .be expired" " aeean- i- hoauns; apparatus extending-'abd m V oetore ui9 lrf fcliu... Upon . tne announcement nuuse, and the employes have received notice dent. One gang attempted to stop the i reypuaiw I! I.:"'! ,11.found :'f ji.!5 the wnela bnUdina;. Uoed aad ea-ST A full line of our Goods can beLittle through JIand lesolutioh ES TjtBL Z SITED, 136 Sheriff carriages of members of the nobility of nis death. ho flax at bis headaonr to leave, at 10 o'clock ft Secretary naraes are supplied, and every atten- MfcC, M. on'l lis branch Stores, pnble comuata summoned d Co's. has on to Who was were and Billings their way posse St: James's tiispiayed at Boundy'a and Clark, ldrcdge injn pan h um eomiort an weuare or Ita " TheiSecretary-- Sara- - "I have re- -i tera, , f .1,..- -' iSaiatea. The naedicaL departmeat com- the j dispatches were sent to the tus and they are being sworn now. Palace to attend a levee-give'by ceired the Inquiries addressed to the telegraphic i iU. pyises ajflhe stock of drags, and a line ot ' &rmy stations la the harbor, to the Wagons have bees hired to carry away Prince ol Wales. A force of police at hit. !' .l 01 the Treasury by the House army somen! the most valuable and elegant aur Secretary so ana the and far Houston Chinamen's at hand dlsGreen back drove property, the and crowd bgildlogs IIAOAN A UffiMA of Representatives in- their resolution streets, gical tnistraments and appliances eer m. The alarm is spreading the .Navy , Yard, as well as to things are quiet, with .the exception of persed-them- . the Territory. cirand balance the silver respecting Wholesale Manufacturers of Krted inomade tne crowd oq tne streets. and other to an parts oi tne city. places. t secure th int niedical-talen-- t : condition has been culation, and bea; leave to say in reply Washington 7 p.m. In ( response to the. call of a mob Gen. at o'clock Hancock's the Trafalear By paaKords ler tbebeneAtoC i tna eitv LUItTlO. aoe au 1 tnat wita idskv win Chambers source . t&e much four of officers and between ciuigence tienta. A specialty is made of the diseases of ' Mayor anxiety to Square was estimated to be 10,000 SASH, DOORS AID BL15DS, I am for the aand men of his department full answer to the same.; met hundred Lcltizens la live solicited and of since the this great correepoadence strong. The majority womeaj moment delayed by the current busi I from the attUcteU; j,, .j;- -: . in CelnmbislHall this alter noon. The throng Is composed of loafers and of the year. ness 01 the department and by, a beginning TL. IT. mr.AWSnV. Praaltani No. 9, Governors Island meeting' was called to jotder by the roughs of the worst class. Large numof front In 'i Medical Bupt. ' special endeavor to promote extent the orderly this, afternoon .was pacing Mayor, and enthusiastic speeches were bers of policemen are present; Uaniets, 7Vi, iC&irrU llmitSi, Stnirg. a lady owes her fresh M. P. HUUIIK3, Uoaae Burgeon. reforms in tne levy ana collection of to and fro. It was tbe residence of mane oy prominent citizens, atter their efforts to control the turbulence Jilany Kittle llntling, Jtautftrr, Xtnfttm, Or.." ... ness to it, who would rathrx 'K.B. WKIX3. Seorelary. . duties on imported commodltiea, d by Wlnfleld S. Hancock, which 100 names oi thei best of the mob so far has unavailXII. A limited number of. students will be .. ... -' affording information tbereonoab-co-in-- sea-so- u who died there at 2 sol o'clock. were enrolled; to organize ing. They have been proved citizens 4n unable to the clear ing h board who will fa the Institution, re for the advantage; of the taken, second istOry front room, furnished a- law and order committee, wnicn. the streets, and tralllc for the ceire lnstrucMa preparatorv for ' future ttnanca 'constantly4 keptftaIn of raittee of the the gW Our Goads are committee) e soldier-likreWith a loo the enrolled with the time standstill. aimpliclty, lay being isbroughf?.to deputies already studieav and will- be expeeted ia return to in, It Btockfiy the largest Lumber. A. the samel Senate, which has requested i M decid who, as the by Sheriff Billings, will be a sufficient; Tle spirit of the mob and devote a certain portlou of their time aad Utka tity and ijUgden, wmcn 1 am nappy w say is aoout mains of, the General ana villi; more check to bis lawless to K force led Pooka which labor te attendance on the sick, and ethet Mnt free any troops proceedings edly aggressive. very carriage upon application. ding TT to unoartake the eany examination of battles tbaiciaByvpf Ma.teiUtef? the Hospital, A con ia the future' The Mayor has Issued comes within reach of the rioters is at reqnlrflmenttcooaectadwith the difflcnltles set forth la my annual . Correspondence oa this subject is aoUoited vonce surrouudedc and Its occupants oa all a calling; XT persons , proclamation temporaries, ' to tne collection of TThetMatk'-o- f tbe General was not rtotonsiy atsposea to aisperse; aiso hooted, hissed and insulted. Daring irom liianone ana otner nntnownee an mna ia report ST1K nOBSE AHS.1 revenue atrespect 't-f- j; tne uustom - uouse at ' ew merely a. surprise to hla family it was callina; to reeraits to loin the la w and the early part of the afternoon a' gortta allwm , ranimm tar tas . pmIUm Tork.'! v JI..;bT a hrolr tnltlieni. as tj Ma friend. order committee. The two ringleaders. geous equipaga. was riven near the Itml of Ions ihnMMKfwmal IM otl f The Speaker also laid befara the Twenty days agolhe started on a busi Hetzel and Bates, wefel arrested at mob. Some one said the turnout was Maa4lBStwntr4. lmlw,rUaTflil House the reply of the Secretary of the ness Donos the Lord Major's and the rioters at iotatkatrHaaVAI'Ci'BI.STaaAVl&S aa Udsen wita tne uepart noon' and oonna over ia. connected trip to for a the resolution asnlng :t?H-HTreasury eiTSarnraasaad f .aadn-is- . From raent of the Atlantic for Philadelphia, etch to stand 'trial made a rush for it, aeemingiyde- Haw reek, a. a saoCuw. m rsartav, statement ot tne amount applied to tne Where he remained two days. He then the enthnslasm manifested at the' pub once 'JM totear to and it pieces terroineq AKD mod auring tne nscaiyearena-e proceeded to Washington, where' he lic meeting it Is evident that such a tramp the occupants to death. Tne to be Equal in QnalSty and singing ..i,i-- i ; tng j une av, ltseo. - ueierrea. had business. In Washington a boil moo aarappeareasiere a however police, Dnr&bUlty to any ntadeT by vigorous "o enargej The committee -Report developed ltaell oa-i. the ttackv-o- f KscarpnoH. following: ' his. will not be tolerated by the loyal citi- rescued the and its Occupants A. FIS11ER -- HREinSG CO., Route v iii,-,were submitted Miifalfmm ha Rm NnnsM It was lanced: January 30, and- zens of Olympla. The Chinamen are and got themequipage ; The to a place ot safety Miller of Texas, from the bank. seek. Bv so soan as do to ' leave rwas and will men at present l simply a tremendous moch inconven- aaxloas .:.: log and cutttney committee A Senate ha the General alaU'tkt. a vJkkUfc Ml ifttlFlrUahedAlfMdy t iti it by its. presence, he returned to as possible, but the'. Citizens will not mass of undirected human: sav jBrewaial Ioced bill the . receiver: any authorizing pf t ! f seem, York several days sooner than ho allow them to oe driven away oy iorce. ages. would ft Far sale at 2. 0. M. I., Godbe. Pitta A Co., national bank to nse.Ao-mucl- v orive, oy i Nothing, oI the " ia ' rtA' rnx Baraoe DarU, Ueere, Alien Co., K. Alf, the first week in Erery thing appears' quiet how and the bat - the want- - of ome popular i 8 ALT UKlciWfjS'XH, UNION HORSE NAIL CO., ft r. Taaadel, money ol the trust as. may be neces- designed. During Chinamen a remain In, mobtheir from Caaaiuftoa A Co., Clark, " the dwellings leader; iprevents, eforuary ineDou.aeveiopea4nto r;'laln.o,M-4J4104 Av. sary -to purchase any property in which malignant ddredjra A Co.. aArs 4 Uddl. exertlne lte strength in some r Organ HtrioVIWtj u ATQ-prrsoiTeupparated ;i the bank mar ; nave a. .legal? claim. consjantly erriroale,whleh and-prWe are now prepared to ized vented miicht brluir which movement sleeprest report supply PorTownstendW;T.,9.frhe promptly Placed on the House calendar."-was. canea, ana it was hat Port Townsencf is In charge of a. aoout tne most disastrous results. thepuBUe''WltK keg and Jtottied ttcer of a and lot Tr, lajiv by'sE., 0.5m S.j dlOB Warner, of Ohio, from the com- ur, janevvay, liy .v, marked weakness re- - snob is untrue, cio violence to the During the afternoon the police charged SstKtror.4MiH7Vtfxpu45r prices..; so.-.jnnUl, Branch Stores. ly mittee on postofhee andpostroads To salted of Chinese ls.aaiiclpaid-nerectmploy-erfrom the presence the mob twice ' I n t ull force,' for the qty Psaot less, ifala Sti Tsteikane; 179. reduce the fee on money orders for $5 thie carbuncle are Chlaesij-anthe that surgeon hiring dlscharglngs purpose of breaking it ap and driving or lrom eight to- five cents. Placed discovered that Ge tfack Connecti on h Onion Depot at wa white help generally, and the Chinese tuetragment irom a raiaigar' square. 'r:;.i;inSHK5i",?ItEW,C!G.C0.': L. JI. PilfllSEY H'F G CO.; PATEf IT B 0 LLEH MILL CD. 00 less . : s. .ii v s House calendar. Ifronw Uiabetii and Ikfdnei are settling iiand leaving the town by But both efforts were absolutely i utile. huttetxtd , . By Belmont of Jew York, from the I every steamer. vx a little'at the The mob would fine way caueq Mmlcai committee .on ioreign anairs An ad- trouiiif iitx 'President has point of attack; butyield U I Washingtonv would' bulge ont in in kplhetisndauiej verse report coiiceruinar an American Director ef the I)epartment, and Dr. been tna some oi oi advised snuaiio i other direction. The j tmiy : t lVOOD I I ; wna ths PUMRSUNPJFIREEGINES, so far ha re- couia nqt surrouna it or oreat itrpoHce M. SUrasoniet tNw;Yprfcji,The but in affairs exposition to oe neia in 4Anuoniu, Seattle, tacn i)i .,, ('. ri4 men concluded the case was m aiu may, ou,tne i? no ceived executive formal tapie. iJo, failure of the police appeaHor assuniing try ci'ii ad3rj'tj inji'V .end Pipe) and Sheet Leawl,, Gmm The. House then resumed in the a ery serious form- - on Monday. Interference. lie received a telegram the vast with cheers and BRANDS: 4Jah paid morning hour the consideration of the j lO'a'fclocl kfouday, toltfht before i going from Governor Sqdir last evenlng,no-tifyin- g yejls. Atassemblage Pipe, Ptamberrs And 84 estare this the rioters hour get0111 to prevent tne claim 01 war taxes Pitters' Bnui floods, Bel(V6H PATJEHT,1., had been ting enraged at the frequent, repetition (tniaklnjiasiplf Wood, at, flsie tne him, ur. found away way jane patient set-o- ff , as i a the States haying, in Eood spirits and able to 'assist him piacea nnaermamai law ana tne urv-ern- of the hostility and the temper of the J t.,- w:5 jsi ;iw :,.fBAJKKnt H. against lIsfUMtPMlxla . if ' f ;waEAT irwvM.: bad called for volunteers to a- - men is and left him apparently Improved: uol I ., rising. Tnoosapos . considerable After debate, but with self, 6 :4d! this morning i Mrs.; Hancock alst the local authorities n preserving of; men perceptioiy td! At the ard dowu sctnu pourlnir I .comitim went In dt House into Is SpUndidlu Matlpp&pUh action, the tlss;.Fivo Orderlv for Dr. Janewav peace. A telegram was received this and' alt the pavements in the v iclnity ol igncnlfiiaUtopIeiiientey : HfiIESIlSS IHJPIlLf MlfHUT. oat the dispatched mittee of the whole (Mr. Hammond; el as! A General 'was sinking rapidly. morning aayiUK tnat. toe situation V, imitJ I13 .Alcana, on. tbe half -- gal Thethe FENCE 1KIBB, BARBED WIRE, and' found Mill Tnlsphen Ko. 7L Offlce Telephoae Georgia in the Chair) Doctor came speedily unchanged "JTtte1,!8ecretary of cited men, the rows on either side of t, lon tax DllU. NO.SS7. state wuta War and. Attorney. GeneraLbaveialso the street beiuig nowhere ine.uetaaraun less than alx Flndlay, of Maryland, took the floor EIXsJI MOKMS, Bupt T VI and all the premonitory received several telegrams in regard to men deep. ' Z:. pulse with a caret ollv orenared speech nuon feeble iLECANT DAY COACHES, avmotoms of. death nresent. ; will be con thh trouble. a :au p. ro- .- j.ne increasing gravitv oi " lS5S5STS.SpiSJ,$TJliS,,Mll. financial the he. said. which, question, uii,-i(IS! i He summoned the two physicians Z7j7. sidered as the cabinet "meeting the situation finally slarnied tuei aunamed. Hvooderinlc' IniecttOhs If It is deemed necessarr an order w Ill thorities and they put" forth,. all, their an -33 333 Xj;S whetner or not tne Bland -.act should pii oranay ana etner ana caroonateoz lor tne united states troops energies to suppress the incipient riot. .1 ' " Bland- aotj' on its ammonia be The weretsdminis-teferepealed. to the scene to, aasist the. The police force on data at Trafalgar atMtWllr'o EntfnB1(ai and;4rsndy? tcrproceed Half Block Sovth 0 TtttUrt. i i at Lm atkat I lace, was an Impeachment of the wis however. alleviated Milakj IHi Va4 Only These, loai authorities.? f 1st ib4 Cdnntry, Iwattrlug Square was enormouslv.lncreased and dom of free coinage and a lrgistatlve the of the soidier who grid- - ! The situation ol anaira.,5i:jLif;j4-at Seattle prepared lor a well defined and exhaust assertion tnai mere was strong grouna nallysuffering was was at antu discussed death cabinet the sank' ;, asfault. This,',, after meeting i All for making a: distinction between touched at 2 away y. :51 p.m., as stated. When JAFITT11MFB8T11BXB1T ! All the Information possessed tiye the long struggle, resultedlu pou phshlng 4 iiflf and and. act this " the gold silver, came by rteatb and the author the three the showed 00 Graia Cbopper. . . . .. physicians by government side and- Lhu? into the (39 streets,, i advocates of cuvet gave up their whole tioepltal Bteward enly were present, ities nsa tne .matters. in control anq it Splitting it 'up. The, Baxter six horse power Engine and a. polIc.oU t- - troops 890 00 cake.' New Boiler..... aucocK.was tnen in an aajom- - was decided not tai send, up tneir wora ana.arove each jowea to 15 Acres of Land in Brighton... 300 00 nitosvvy Alter further debate ' th8 committee Ms. tf ';,V,ij.:-, thereat s.u.-present:,, of the broken mob until Us 'FdUBTRKtfTrt fragment were Si 00 rose. Wagon Xhfl fltiraT. leaves lita widow and Missotrni elements V dissipated In the alley Kesaanod Terras Bailard Bide, new, cost $75, for....... 45 00 Hoosefthen The o .'iii..ui:u t ti, mi i.(uiw, one adjourned and grandchlldrenr-twthree girls py ways ox the town. Jivery " I at: the Onarse and Fine, Sait. 100,60, 10,5 and iH wayfjana ' named Ada and nne, Mora, Deen Gwy lias taaen to prevent boy, 3.1 li. it Aire un. . w. r. wirtTE. the issoe f J the General's" son, Kus-sc- break has been reported from any point precaution the reasseiublage of any mob.:,. Many aiiew. i si I Pine j'ipw Gen. I'ass. ATk'tAgt, Sr NEW Kiv e too pest Satis i Uenerai Agent, COAli f "I who died Dec. 20, 1884, And whose in thercoke'. regions tptdaysheritt of, the Tar. at "rioters have been rested,. : t'if.-.; faction , and saeeU ever... since mourned Sterling ts here, swearing lOu jnen as Some of thesei. were-- ' fined and .disAievrartvia. Car load or teas Charcoal. a'ISUltiM xopeta, aan,. loss General the Bales.with Quick Gar load Cedar Posts. the purpose for a -AJ - bitteriy., 'ot hers .have been remanded 'fust; opened. (where iftl.Hcil8iiie.4h Veft iBk T. A5QSS, Traveling Paaa. Art. i, deputies otattempting charged; Hetmter Pait. in Xlnwley'si Report Tor sale ly 2. lamps. arrest all of tnose "who- were en for trial; white a number "have beeu OofcoeutDo, (ienral.Wblppl wilL. assame to Lane Billiard Table 6x10, marble bed, $50. - anaes suad Wats SlUpw - t "tra coMaior I. branch stores. irairedlBttb ttenrednttonsaSBrOartford scitenced at aianaoiitneaep art meat, supportto lmprlsonurent for various l Sprina; Wagon. S50. ; i nntilCol the ed br Lieut. Jackson, Tba. croita ttnat evuitea UUt'USCB, Gonnters, bhelrer. Gas fixtures and To- r " Jesteroay. ' ' Scottdale the 'I en vntter. meeting Chairman of the select committea pi President shall appoint Gen. Hancock's s ' A booker lOOpsgea. tto the men Caaowltirat the Ground Cherries. force work to suecessor last rreeeplar enerais war irom scnoneta, on evenings the ordnance and' Senate y book shins, for The best , 2ale4 and loose Lucern. or H6ward.' :.The orders In ref n thert to Join them, were 'Buccessfal, Ciat'of' riussfa' has an advertiser to yesterday- - submitted the committees' TeJ-ffLasaher. Thl mofning not a man was at work. engaged M. lAnson, professor of rhet acconsult be be ex an exhaustive It report. ' gives I , WM. B- - jbVJUtlNSON,,, Stove Wholesale. Polish, VT I.. w i. Tii. or otherAne atrice is assuming a more serious oric at the College ol . Toulouse,, perienced count of examinationa by the-- : commit- exaected Irom,, Waahlntctou Butter and Vinegar, Wholesale. 1ft .An) .in. wft.Jfe ' . he existing facts and U In vlewot the will Meantime, row.,, bf aspect tee vnrda the nrincioal n and body works, act to to htmj. and the ocearrences of ' y ester day and Czaro as; preceptor Proprietors itone Aafa for Assaying, loaning and rer .the France, TO TOTTB listaot newspaeraad estimate of the cost Dairaea oi tnepost ,. in this country and Knjand,. aoxl-,s5 1 .;nv -- v S' ti t, .vs V, witch. M. Lansou ia well known by tneomcera .1,r.v.... of advertising.' The advertiser, who want - 4 ' are Orders uy entertaiaed fears Wbolesale. grave aa good a Blueing, 4.1" Liqatd advocatetne tuner iDioriBstion Kaineu one iroiu Btrong, of, republican 10 spend dollar. Sods in it te inrorma.. 4 4 not a Ton and all kinds of Scales T"..-air 'lis, epilGET-SOUND'Pi'Pand as a result gives the fol .will be promulgated :tne- announce citizens 'that kelgn of terror i sources, t ion he requires, while for him n lie will Inreat Unussoai , . it .,f; piinclplcs, 4i CO.; wo best XH r.t excel Ja the the : meet of ..General .Hancock's' death'.' improbable and that it may Knitter, one hundred thousand dollar, in adver lowing:'- -; ..t'.i.14 ... . Xlreeee'a tJlttmataint, - :;:t:o will be Hocking arlelr riots.'- - Many, of the ir"'-- r jCXuL I. The United'j States 1s metallorgi when Uje.iCrulfttQn .......J indicated rwhich will mparning -Ji'r.ia'Ar-vtliictising, a schema-1- j , Merchandize All VW. Ml Id, ... 'l. for trade, pf 'Maayarticlea In those riots who ... miners meet his every requirement, or ean be mad participated stated om authorhy STol ftdepted. of , for Is all AiriKk3,W cally It Independent purposes 'ft Proprietors; to do so by alyrht. changes easily; arrived at The General will probably- be,, in are here sowiBa the seeds of weditlou that Greece Will immediately disarm af Krcbtsiee Uannfaer a... . ;; Wells Bored. wariare. is a chance- of" reapihjr. and cease .wan by correspondence. On hendred and House in lit Ward to dispose of. The manufacture of Iron and steel terred at Korrlstown, Peana. ! nam. wherever there .11 ,1 provided preparations, editions have been issued, Sent, wman 90 ncr centi lime, sroo IJme earth. ahia refers, oowever io vniy a; for parposes has kept pace no Turkey . cedes' Kplrus, ,ia accordance it to address for 10 rental postoaid. tor fertiUmae; and makina: emooth nci ug., tse angerons liiuess ot part of the men. The majority desire .side withpeaceful science and skuL of the foremost v. howkll co. mrwa to oeo. any ,; ,ii .,.- witUj tue treaty ot. jieriin ' ue walks. Slavsare core. jiy The rbe was front law vabtdlag.-of eii received' by the t Sample, j the world. For steel making our cast- General ilancockl PAPER ADVER1IS1XGI BDflHAT n.ic;-.uH M Mr & dt CenadoVaas and lv5t!jja.i.:,).' Aftaeklns the Preaiatealf President about o'clock' aud ampag Coupliiigsi prae- St. (Printing Bouse SaOiNewT ork. ing capacity Is ample, but the heavy- Was understand oar 'Ian aj Gall ud and ar- Blon.-read to the Cabinet, then in ses-- 1 buBfeW ofIs them M.i'f tfig'lvQiTiL, forging and finishing of guns ARE PIPES SVT1TABLK FOB te them when hard Just after the Cabinet adjourned guage.it rTjMKSIS pacify mor, willa require new and- ;costjr a second i either Carmauo, President of .licuatior,-waoil or, gas. and are made 'X waur,' a riot?.- KsTAMLlkHAlt ItiCi. are in con was aroused, last received ouqe they; telegram At attacked Saturday, night plants.? Xaguachl tt sustain a pressure m pounds to the GOOD yesterday the foremost and eying the intelligence rot' his death. 3, The machinery and machine tools :a gravity bead, oC,ovevoa one ol his aides, was g kilUsa rllq siuare torh. or ln'nf"! j nmd fi-irn determined men Were the Hungarians and AVaicr can of tne navai yaraa are suiuctent tor me The flag on the White House was be from any cle to kis JOSEPH E. TAlQLiOR; leeft, made brought escape Guayaquil, ;wheie vathtai in lliein wilbAut and the and a le w Italians,,. jThe people living he is closely lealraare muchvaa of it is mediately, placed at of engines, but adherent building his, guarded by l wm Inn rmm AnSAlata Atn Thd tube is made jof the bent luget Sound regions .are. etronidy op- On his arrival A: lV(iJent r soon . alter i. issued the in the coke in this city a disturb Utaliv Pioneer si. being thoroughly aeueoncd. is posed to importing labor; ta-- take itiie ance occurred with some pine, which, Means of ballcttng iron or steel. afiip, lollpwing execpUve prderi, of.hls . politii i.....ri iH) of of a in"i and y Jfnads' the; pi.fi-njriMT otrlklug miners' places uneryara nas a gooa ExKriV areiacKing. VfjAmxarasi opponents. .During the melee, tb iiitnble strength for any required pressure. ,of . citizens t wilt1 be. held at cal of limited capacity for :;flnlahlag. piant steel , jBsj. nauife's oi tue aeatti Chief ot Police and threeu others, were 1M or win-He- ) meeting whole eierior, is then, riven; a feat of to Scnttdale afainst protest . has done Some oad work, l wore lor mora than jrony Tears taese, vsJaable cues,Asand killed 4 Scott Hancock.Sehior Maior Gen wount asfaallaiif, winch proteci. the- iron from Tie above drawing was mda from' a hf more joretgn importation natll the ded. andeveral oherAj any a partial check . upon prlvaj,e eraiof 4i PUle have bees know and fcaed, They act ruatand the wixxl uum .lam- oi decay snovlna tne laminaiion iron United'. States. of th the JO '.i Army vwa'i l',' a pipe Is mad In H feetlenKths and epi-- Rolfcd and Shearing proccsa. f as a recourse in. caseof bovje Jhst been received, A patriotic 'lb mildly bat thoroughly.; Bflloas TMsorders, builders and j '&rTUm BwlgaHaa "WsirlM Al ir. Landed' and connected with i Iror some be J should buUt Arrested necessity, ana valiant ueienucr oi nis country, vnn,l Uvr and Eidaey Ooaplatnti, peadache, in the navy yarda,ships AVe raannfacture thta V!:.f the pans to be lorn-- 1 an pipeor.in, all "V liiif V'fcl in v able aad heroic soldier, a 'spotless Vrr-,Beu:Rade, 0. The, govertmaeBt has vises truia t to IS inrhesA The action Xeadville OoaaUpaUoa aad pajaialjpisasa'' are lshea Dy the to specials pjVsMl, loundrtesw1 I His ilk in 3 full' Ships ana acompHshd.geatieman, rewoed Ihe! KepuUica., saysoSi Minichw hnng iasued a ukase Ordering two private watcr iaaks it perfectly water tigha In a general should be built by private-coq. lev hours. In poiut of ilanUjilitT tliis bine alike pi minttryi rer atLeadvllle on Friday' for thf;marder visions of the army to go Ihto-caitae;iaurt;si all exceeds tract, aud private vards are capable of, laownant hther. The' apbaltuhi rontuig' ana tne nigaeBt trioute oi nis ot Samuel Bald win, on the way . to the immediately, and calliug upori rtgi-- i i t and aliiMwtevvrlaaiiinr ai 1 inn ,wuri, ,;iu uncertain na- fellow countrymen to nis wortn as a callows made a partial-t-con- f meets Af the Landstruia to hold thtatim atfurda a thorough uoing easion to to Govsome the iron bandtas is arainat of such ture rutl. that protection to was has bis TtiiS jcpalrs reward 1 in readiuesa lor active aerncd. while 'the wood beiiio mads front the ?dTSWing Cltiteiv.be gona ' bheruf and Monday sataratcd ftakrtn from, J as. selves ernment yards should be kept. ready to Jsfltflh'f Ser-v- la and cuilla bow ' V)J that every markof public re tae It Is stated in otiieial circles that . ai iee,- - Mai morning ... the:, . hoof At .1. Maaazaetarav and Dealer ,ta an will J n reaerativM.i. .water, tie m buGillespie. make ,.i.ce,uxe r theuv.NiVKn bos-9. I.. oe ot saown t in to nis memory. Locrsdon and Annie Hawkins ware ; ar In the eveut of the renewal if s&ouia 1 to 4 cents per toot, ac can i irnii..) Idndaot be laid for spect from - m n 6.' Armor plate and engines' chonld 'riuHwfom It U naw ordered h th rowbe A Great Beiaedy for all reaaala Ooav able orircd cost to iw,0y0aad liamtrer will tiie is X te rout to f put tillties, It as Bt2. eordiog and. taken to Jati. accomplices irtie Jhoe Nail In tbe World that Ml no the National flag be dis- - rested that , of, iron aad W etioai ia nit ratpotiHi nae. a ouiaison is the man wao on the frontier wnnip ten oaj man namea UmLUC W3811 Illl CLQTl CBIEIEB yiinta.TBlr Medicine earea Pentale Weak De obtained wholly from private man President t,,, A lipped or ehcarl irom tbe' point ana jj. at nan maft vfrrn an tne baud I did the snooting, oat fee. escaped lav very best Uinlinl iron pipo ness and Kervooe Disorders. Physlciana in driving.. ia t. bad never 6. Costly experiment1 for .twentvt. yayrn It .;M .Ut otplit executive in tmrsoi the i.uepariment the after murder has and Eisners. lesa ltal4n as tola Cataolleoa la their practice..., tstho ease wtca fcrvni' J five years have reached the stage which this taate, CQmium untU ftefj-h- j JLaaersJ' jball mediately never been heard' fTom'BinceY' He Is and van be sent to difUuit pwinu Madrid, O.Thei 'Duktf xf ?4JevJlld to Llfreete, Justifies i certain conclusions.' Guns havecity taken theeost.-'HJiia or or unsscccssfnl places to an be Pfwa at women the Last. made yesterThe attempt supposed should be made of open- - hearth steel, l m swum f arutor fli.l your horse is shod with this nail,' a f nu lla s rvzsiaruvcif. to escape from prision. Extra pre- any others ooatewplating are hcldaimpiy as witnesses.. ,di v.i breech-loadinday bf H,. lv4va chambered MaontaM' 1 .r""fl" V forged, .vead all nekaf'3: f;Ssr:f:i "t K' t'Otly to llieir advantngi find will be :i3 taken will in him supply keptrcoasuady ea haad, cautions t . guarding calibres ranting from ft to 1 inchest All for as information. farther toensnlt Court confirms his the until CHlIdreuVi Panacea. ot length ramrlng from 40 to 25 , cali- a IMKSSACuB- - JO,JS.;MANCOjCJV.Mf Supreme v f ii n.W guamnieea.--. if tm;: Tciephoaa and Telegraph Orxtora ' prompt-: to see' visi :;awork BJTtK,'ifdnL, great akatlng sentence, t lie is allowed and UoUtioas., j i. bres.' Armor and projectiles shonld betv forricca AMP.peud ftllel. r mJ; an Child tA'aaia l aad'piaaaanTrosiedy far the, 'sent free by mail,' by addressing ' sent., 'f ja j The Sewom called K. A. been fpllown has and Preeidenlalso race tors by between Skinner upon Ssnijilea Boston of Bodieo preserved la their naiaral eok ren's- Diseases. '.Tbe matia oi lorgeq steels hydraniM lng telegram to Mrs. Hancock:, M. .Reynolds, of Butte of five Solas an agent oi oruia ' Tne i i Acting aa aj tonie ,H ia forging press J. and) dluon, wiuioot extra charge, t ' better. produces ;reuit Co-- v - OPEX DAY AND KIOHT. miles was woq has joftered his services to Zorllia. positively beneficial to very child that than the steam lieynolds In l&.tA.s "JSXKcnTiva MANSION, hammer; costs much 67 "MAlX .STJlKKT." SAtT LAKK CITY. " i takes it. Wt and be UI should tse6w XVmr SB t r. craotre Govern-less, ' used for .! nod H: juWashiagtoa, Aleeeel;;':,'v . " i UL ,Vj ;!'"" K ; ''I . ' .V. ; , vtaii." ment work. MASS con a IIOSTOX should 'be i.i fclntt HonCb Htet, Mr Send stamp for book to Grtef aaberg structed of Shipsbut Mrs IF. ti. Hancock AJAKil ABA SANTA fl. M.Jrkocfccfort I - t . idcrt d Dr.' IS. W ran. J VTAlt,:.A?(li One and a half Uoaka Xaat of Theatre. ' euel, ceruin minor I" Accent mv heartfelt?QV(ernfriJiiland: Pai3, SNaerTork. claimed who and to ' be sympathy Crooks, In of be kls 'uatlon classes chami.r the rt may 70 and of ?M Hdfess-Hepdnset"! .i actingas steel l r'sutiiftAsr iuaiiu. Telephones composed cbndoUncein jour, terrible bereav- efor the Camden Gil Com pany of of the rejection by Ut i EDWARD TTATIiR. SorT. i ; In., the & u aad Atpbaltuin TacSory at run ittsburg purchase of the bdy ot the proposition to extend arcby 525. .O, 3VC. X and ats 7. The manufacture of guns suitable menj.. irioe aieruii ruiuto-- your dwaa ant haia tgatheiedV your Vrtega hanch for $0o,ooa a short, time nesty IT Seztoa'i Dffiea m same btulding. d braiKii store to poiuioi onsnuen, ajUVI JUAXX ClXr. VTAA. 1 isr ships and coast defense should be late jbuauaao iiw EVENING NEWS: Pubisked BY TELEGRAPH NEW YORK TRADE. L divided between private foundries and government shops, the former provid log the forged and tempered parts and the latter finishing those parts and asthem. . similating 8. The govornment should establish' two iactoriee tor machine tlnishingand guns. The weight of assimilating thearrav and; navy experts Opinion among aad prominent maauf adorers of heavy work in steel deciledlv indicates that the Washington Navy Tard anai Water-vlifor sudd factoArsenal are-beries. When the determination to contract for heavy guns shall have bees reached, the localities for finishing them can be easily determined. 9. All needed private capital Id ready with the for Cheerful government in whatever It may require. 10. Proposals for armor and guns Shonld require such qualities and extend over such a series of years as to the private persons Inj securing Iustify est plant. Payments should be made only for completed work,) and only guaranteed bids of persons having Capital and experience should be con- with-roelag- i ; DESERET Y, j ; half-ma- . ; et ")' st DESEIIET NEWS: HAZARD POWDER j !fJ30-,uu- 3 . cjasro wdjiB f? re-tu- - lt. t , ' j ' ' , ! jroREioy.j .. . HAIR In-ccrs- ; to-da- ; - . - . a o j to-da- y, : ! 4 iff To-da- ! vis f ni. tha-aore- . - e mm ' ' to-da- . y, - self-tiefea- . se, i half-ma- " st, j -' 1 j ru Man and BeasC , or-er- -- 5 ; . ed , - ! iraylng,-MovingFurhitnre.Hose- . - . - ' , - : : . CONFlicTIONERS, AtlTI IT-T- . - . ,. :ni . ; 1 . p . . . i.-..- ji to-th-e . . - J-n- . Ih-- . to-da- ' ; . y. halt-mas- PanlfipJn RfMn -,-- .z n r f . . - a Arrang-ement- - - law-abidi- ng -- ? 1 ! CHICAGO Major-Gener- law-abi- al ( . , . - , av to-d- . s . guard!'-remark- s, - v Q f 1 - - - 3 . kina-ma- d . SHdRTESl . ot. . . L - - ! ran s t- cats'-mornin- - . y Direct 1 Wi1rVn4' THE EAST TO . - - ; ! e 1 i f-n- , s d - neraL-Hancoc- k STHlDBGLiO eon-sttiti-dit .Woobt was-greete- ftyef&PiioCraudoliaii'yl. ? that-tbe-itol- ia, . ty i.tir -' or 1 - re-mal- fepk& ??;f 'Inb1 MXti -- . BT . r The-matte- . 1 IDAHO .STORE; John w. siveil 1 ! ¬ to-da- dv y. rt fHEflSttiliEpiE;;;;, te-issue- d. '' a1Wal 32.J.IXjS, as- ; !Plll to-da- - , 1- vIa aar-Ask.'f- or n tan i P-ska-Me.' O, AMERICAN. , - bivbh. . yaud; l toad-Koc- k "d-- I -- 4 f-- ; j-- li - -.1 ; ,.I3f'ii9.rhO ' ! -morn - : . " ot the-arene- - ow ral 1' - i l.-- i' E , i - . - nr flfty-thre- TrTi'Pw rfiJ) -- Water l3po - - to-da- v. - ? s POR ALL t Horse's Eeefep - - t r . ; . l half-ma- st, Ikflatiiiert daaas-- t i f- '' PIIXS Mi-rfstoi- rt -- i ' 1 r I ''l-aaS- , i W ; n o ll-- - -- catiiomcott. "l. .-fl- ron-titnti- dast-fur- - I 1 - W - lt - ! iH'-- -- ; corrode-virive.thewat,r- -- - 1 t CO-riJ- g, ..?.v-;h-- -- , - : I - - f i- o-- The ; J U,' retry A , ifb., , 1 - ' - w ?ms mm Piit nam5 Nail . 1 SOtB-'UtaRWT"- lfp-ntips,- . 4 i s e ; . una, : "I 4' 'I J . . r1 r v, lk j, , K.B.-rT(ancll- njj : : Oass,!; |