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Show rivers, and Islands Paris, Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Malta, Galwav. Hath, Edinburgh, Perth, Danube, Carlisle, Frankfort, Verona, Vienna, Bremen, Palermo, Parnaa, Kigi, Elba, Jierirerj, Hamburg, Sardinia, Warsaw, Castile, Avon. Lima, Geneva, Naples, Venice, Genoa, Waterloo, Itome. And these were all accepted by the legislature, and make elements of our local geography. Still there was a multitude of nameless towns. De Witt distributed among them the names of all the distinguished writers, orators and discoverers he could think of Franklin, Fulton, Volney, Galen, Clay Cicero, Milton, Byron, Sheridan, Dry-de- n Ilemer, Solcu, Tully, Virgil and then he rested and wonderd what next. EVENING NEWS. Dwnbi Saturday FIFTY YEARS jRMT OiLL, & COHfT. (ixcoap:iiTKD.) Geo. T. Hf.nKn J. Grawt, Johs H'v TOES: J. Gbast, Odkli., DIEBC F. abram Hatch, SMITH, r. m. OSBOR A. WOOLLBT. ltvan, . ! niill (n niimlnA our varied MHort- ment of Mitchell Fnrm nml Spring Wagons, Bnggiw I arlx and IIiietoiis. Our complete stock of John Deere Steel Plow Kidinir and the NEW IEAL GANG. They arc the lunt scouring and lightest draft Plows In the World. We are Sole A cents for Whitman's CnM""ont IIa .. i and can oiler special inducements in prices. We carry a large stock ot Wagon Material and Hard lroHH, Wood. 1 ThrMihlnir Hacliliic Is offered Rnaall at a very low figure. Save time and money by visiting onr establishment nricea are as low as any. W ur ifeur r t i"i V ' '" -- TAKE GRAIN. AGENTS FOR UTAH AND IDAHO. MI TCHELL xi-- fc m Spring Wagons. so:- - :o:- PLOWS, CULTIVATORS, and HARROWS. :o: RUSSEXJL THRESHERS, ENGINES and & Coo LITTLE OF KNKW TO- - day's coxvenie.ncks.' The change that the last hall century has brought to the commercial, social and domestic life of the world are re markable. It seems, indeed, in looking back over the recent inventions and discoveries as though mankind made no great stride in all the 400 years succeeded the inventlou of printing. Fifty years ago there was not a reap ing or mowing machine to be heard in any Held, nor was there a g to be seen or any apparat us ior doing farm work except such as had existed for generations. stetl-plaut- - AXCIEN'T HISTORY. er labor-savin- FIKKAUMS Ia 183a the ItL'BU&K. PHOTOS Half in despair he bunted in the garret and found an ancient history, and that proved to biai a urine of wealth. Here arc the solid nuggets which he dug out and distributed among the still forlorn townships: Rome, Greece, Utica, Troy, Corinth, Syracuse, Babylon, Palmyra, Macedon, Attica, Sparta, Ithica, i'barsalia. Marathon, Smyrna, Delhi, lirut.is, Scipio, Moraau, Camill-ULysander, Hannibal, JaU, Alexander, Aurelius, Nero, Fabius, Pompey, Marcellus. These, too, the legislature adopted. But a town to which "Nero'; month later sent up a very haf been atW-chefinrrv nrotest aratnt the name, on the ground that Nero "was an execrable Ivoth his wife tyrant, who murdered md his mother." A committee ot the assembly investigated and found that Nero was reaMr a hard case, and re mitted to De Witt. "Tout town puts on a good many airs," said the disgust ed olticer who presided at the over worked baptismal font; "let it be railed I:den" Aud Eden it was, and is to this day. farmers shot squirrels fowling pieces, Spring-Helinnummuskets, or some of thewere said erable "queen's arms" that to have been picked up on the Held of Hunker Hill. Percussion cap locks bad not come into vogue, ami Hint locks were retained in both the militia and regular services for many years g thereafter. The first needle gun wap inade in ISoii, am! in the same year Samuel Colt patented his revolving pistol. Fifty years ago such a thing as a Photograph had never been imagined Daguerre's process long since abandoned, was llrst announced to Academy of sciences by Arago in 1S,'K. Portraits were painted in od tor those who ,could afford them: minatures were taken in water colors upon ivory, and 1jor the reat there was OVEUI.OOKED. better than a silhouettu prolile nothing cut In white paper with a pair of scisWhen the legislature had adjourned sors, and placed over a piece of black it was found that oue town ou uie Silk. borders of Pennsylvania had been that Charles Goodyear overlooked . "Name vour o vv n to w n " It was in took out his first patent for an India said ths fatigued De Witt, They did rubber cement. Before that time the so. About half the settlers were 'lew "gum" overshoes that were worn the other half Yaukees, came from the crude manufacture ol and from the llrst nylable of both these of Brazil. Garden hose, words thev produced that name of the fndians and all the multifarious Chinese look and sound "Pen-Yan- ." waterproofs list of hard and soft rubber goods be- And lo! New York was tiuished! long to the last hall century. 'rofut in Itetroit Free iVess. with Hint-loc- k d 8, Sem-proniu- breech-loadin- . h s, ! l'lNS, PENS, Fl'EI. AND UIMIT. In 18J5G the first successful machines for making pins were put into operation in New York, but these were the kind with wire or "spun heads" which had a way of slipping down toward the point and leaviug the nppeivenit of the pin to go into the thumb or finger. The process of making pins with solid heads, such as are now in universal use, was not patented until ALL SORTS. said a "Iu the first place, brethren," orator the ottier mgnt, ' We must be careful of what we say, and. in the second nlace "there was some noise in the congregation caused by people coining iu, and the speaker re-- p paused. ''In the second place," atcd the speaker.anil a','ain he paused, 1840. a small boy a.ose and cried out: their letteis with quill and People wroteand are In the second rens in lXVi, there was uo note "The Alleghenies Cincinnati got licked." Pits-liiiri- j place, of rulefl little kind, any paper paper, Chronicle. no blotting paper, no envelope and no stamps. Fine sand was linedoneto take up The Tuff boy family were at tea, and the surplus ink, and only sheet or Mrs. had had unusual good piece of paper being alovved to goby luck Tuffboy with the biscuit, which were mall at a single rate, foolscap was and the butter was sweet and largely used for correspondence on feathery, 'nuthi r biscuit," 'Gimme goo I. account Of its size, till it was replaced .shouted my son, "Jimmy, Jimmy. slieets of letter by large square paper. ton are making a great effort are on Steel pens were not iu common Lot? This is the seventh." "Is that nor for a long time aftei wards, all? My eyes! lv'e gotthree more to for tuey were neither cheap nor good. I'm 'breakin' n.y record and I'll The use of anjesthetics was practi- eat. bust." He was towed away cally unknown till, the effect of either doitor from the table and given" a dose of iu rendering the patient jn.scnaible to soda mixture, Hartford Post-pain in surgical operation un an Coal was hardjv uouueed in the rain come 'Papa, what makes small known us a fuel in this country liftv do.vn" a very girl to her aH burned wood, paret-- t a tlu y stood, father mother livery body years ago. Lucifer mate hen were not oft-'i- i child, waiting under the shelter of orsmelled iu thosi days: tire a and a urocery sign till the car should come aud run kindled with the tindcr-Udies and pipes were usually liiiU.I iyiih "Don't bother me," said the father. live coals from the fireplace. There 'Ideally. Maria, that child is getting was no gas for lighting stteets or to be a nuisance. She is pcrtfft houses in this country. Whaic oil asking absud uuestlons." I think she's real cuuiiinir," said lamps and tallow 'dips' were the universal reliance. Jluriiinjr tluid, lard the mother. oil and camphene canie later, and it "That's the way you spoil her. ' was years before the discovery ol You be cunning cucourage her tomost of and the manufacture ridicuand she makes the petroleum Kerosene. lous a.4 of herself all the time. "Wei!, she's tfoiug to be very clever." HOUSE KF.EPF.K CAKPKNTKIt. "I don't believe it. J don't believe The housekeeper iiad no canned iho'll know ber way homo wll" she fruits whatever, and no preserved grows up." "It's time that car was coining meats, soups or vcgatables. iShe could get no condensed milk, uo cocoa, and along," said the wlfeUietly. "1 suppose there's some blamed jam but little chocolate. She would have bad to look long for a banana, and all down .the street. 1 don't see any in imported fruit was scarce. Khe would sight Vet, and we've been h re twenty as soon nave tnougnt ol putting a raw minutes." said the small child , "I don't squash on her table as a tomato in any r, form. Ice did not tattle in tier this street." see pa," any car track on and she had no refrigerator. It was so. They were on Tyler street 'Soda water and jee cream were not and they were waiting for thcTurk-strettca- r. mined the The motlief at hand to cool the. palate In summer, and lagar beer wasni u id whom- name "Nauon" waltz all the wav home, but was never proaini'ed on these shores the old man was very mad, and the s maThe flint really child was fii'te unconsciously practical sewing chine hail not been invented, and the of the uituation. household linen was spun and woven There was once an Ingenious reportat home. The carpenter prepared every piece of wo'odwork that went er who had a quarrel with a political into the construction of a house, lie orator. Indeed, the politician had hewed the sills, joists, beams, post. said some very oratorical things about rafters and braces; plauucd ami him that would not have souuded well matched the boards, shaved the from the platform. Tire reporter had all his confreres- to understand shiugles in the woods and made sash iriven he intended to get them ou his and doors at his bench in winter. that out for the vyoraen knit their stockings, for the enemy. So they looked big demon stores held no Jlalbiiggan hose, and next occasion,tne it was a was on hand. reporter the only elastics they could buy stration and were made of silk enclosing several Tue prominent speaker was the politician. To the surprise of all his small coils of brass wire. bretnren the reporter made au elaborate ELECTUO-PLATAM) STEREOTYPE. report of his speech, and cvtn said was most complimentary things alout The process of electro-platincamp-meeti- ug . :- water-pitche- - SAW-MILL- S. mlss-tres- - THE ONLY SINGLE LEVER SULKY PLOW MADE. :o: Co. Manufacturing HORSE HAY RAKES. - g ii ul f J. mnl him. I'nnuu j hum i.oii.-'Lquently the cheap plated ware of recent times could not be had. Forks were made of steel and with but two prongs. Everybody put food to his mouth with the knite, and the ban dana spread upon the knees was the the napkin. Individual Credecessor ofhad not appeared. Stoves were by no means In universal use, and the capacious brick ovens still did service on baking days. In lsy.i there were probably about 1, '.MO newspapers in tho I'nited States; now there are live times as many. The of stereotyping paper macue process was first used on-- ' New York liews- andvelec.troty piiiA dates papeisnotin istil, more than thirty live years '.tack iMruit Fred, Press. ago. - "I thought you intended to get even on him," said a friend; "but you've given him a splendid aeud off ." "Hush," said the reporters. "I've through." mispejt bis name straight Tney bad put. up a job on him . The fact is that One of them had been look ing irf the dictionary and he had found the word nostafeia, and they made up their mind they'd catch the wiseacre. It was a swell dlnuer party aud all was going mrrily, when the attack began. "Nostalgia," said one in a ve-- loud Jones.' He key. "Nostalgia. " Ask knows everything. "What is it?" said Jones. What's a good thing for nostalgia?" "Oh, I doiit know. Jv'e never been able to flud any medicine that would . y -- '' Aparhf W HPS. A . I "uy r A II. .... nstiit, It A i . . L'nr,. . . iOy'o. In J SI '.(.(.. r II. 'dm J I I'ieasmtl' 'irtttH.jti'n, III!,.' 1 Irn. ''- - ' I . . . i'.'c . VM l. - I . pi t) hit. li M. V. t i.. II )l Urudilli? , . . I'lllt rfull Ilit in It, ' ;7"-- . llAl II, Mini nt ( 'it rmrl ' irilfrftlte, r , , h iiimli,. Joli !. v. . : SKI. I. . IIINCKLICV, Thoinfton, ) KohiftOi), . ''.ugle Rim L .. . I ks, r I. II. It. .t :nltt iil.eh r en, I' K John 1. i,:i 1.1 . hi T. mil Iie.rbtirff, im Creek H ii hard S tmuel I'etoH . IVilford J. Hint t)ai.,., lieoi-if- 1, I I ( '"'""l-r"- Kohcrl knell I't'tt rsott, Sorth South . . . . I'orlrrrille, hart, lift, ille, - In ille . . u Hal.. n I. II I ,., e i' i H H lenilll, I' ortll, I' I K K. llrtnomas Judtl. siui'f tint St. Un rae. t'.roi iff, ,',,,, aril t. Urorye. 'limit Wtirtl,. St. ileoryr, h'ourth M'.iei, rut S' I Waller Ura litter i J. A. Terry. II. t aniion W. A. lirinrlinot John I'arkei' Mn re us Funk . 1 . I idleif, tiyte I tiilrp . H ei ton Kdtvjtrtt l.uaker. jr. I.. I.. Woodx, IV K F. jl.'iiniiioiid I' V. I Mtlllll I 'ok i ...J. , I"aunrra Sprmg alley. L. M . .. Ai leinun re 1 Mlllft, I' K ST. JOSEPH STAKE, t I.AYTOV, .lollllnon. I III II Mm I , i.i, '" ' i I'i t'niilrnl octtlne t ni,ly, ( A 1. ii Donald,. st Dtmd, l.s ll II VV II Mt M t.rHlmin h Central , t. rnhntn ' ttl , . . ..lot-.- .. . A till It.. ,.! ! ' VmiiM'1' i (oiinl). firth I' II Caidcille IMIOI liolx i Hoytsrxlle, A lima. V .Salmon I halt A Kj.e, liarh x In, lu'in Monro IV mi ei , s F. Aln o, ,. A' Hennejerrdte I I . . Park t'itn Parley's 'flrt', I'e liockpart I In,, lli.'niln i llM it, I' M 7i .. it K I" .HlepheB Wl lr anhip, . lui I 1'ieaiui nt I'atk. SiiiiiiiiIi K. t , ller iila. W . STAKE. I Alinn Fldri'dKi', V in I K SUMMIT 11 t.li t'Uift lolm I .Haiiiiiel W A Vl oi JioirrnM.-- . her, W onnl. ( M . ,l K .1 I, t Sirtin, M Hoi II. Merrill, I' I'lMll I . . In.,. out i ., Ul i L t Intah t onal), Wjsmlni. John ll...kina J. k Hall Kli liilei o II A iidei.,n H'crfiriMe IMIiin 1. in Ihoiu, V K F W. June. N. K. rawi etl I '. N Mini l Shi.ni.nlii.ril .1 minora. ' 'cotilen , wii. urniiF, iVfBiijtnt. II. ('olinsc!,,! , WAKUS. Morunu BEAR LAKE STAKE. Fry, an. if Ten v IWI.iK llaroi'r, alley Wo, S II A rlaonia. rreaident. SWITU, A li. II,. Pfii'f A ix kcHe itnti Ctnm 'IIKIs-rorilF.l- 8TAKE, Morgan County, Utah. 1. II in.iH ........ li II, lorrr MORGAN Ilrii s'aroi. I r k iii.u, r.o ii. dam I' K i 'I . K II untfiriiiiii i; WoMH.MM ". lliiiiihlin, I' 111 i i A II l(. Ilennell lViei Ander-,.- n Thomas ale. '" l ..I mil J,e, I I y Mulilti toH it Met ens hin, I. nil tiritdiMiMin. N. Memtoic 1 reek, ' rrf XV. l, 1'lali. t'nt3, minors Itiirtililiu 'Inriiii nt t A. . s ltl kl.uiu II. WriKliL, hrilikl'l a J. i. ii. ii, r k. II. Uiihm II, I" k ... I II l.tttilnk I. S llln. L. K. ( uIIimui I .. V. M. T K. l.'i. v J;tinen StltekU'i, I' ill'tl I till I ('ounaelora. tnioith, - idnev ''arker lo o. eiNoii 1 I laj. nr, tOlca. I' l K II , PrpHldent. Tlios 7,..',r,i I.. IU Leo K iiiik, I'. K. l I!. F Jiirdlnp . I.yman I ill more f '. . iMl I Ili'iii . I' olcman, in iiuir. Hcllrrue Ihittt nn HiUf'lon, Bisnors. ice ret Ke.lford. I" K l.e li e y o..., r. k I.- r lime l!l8. A I. illton. V Home. .!rnru.K t . , ....,1 Mm do. k. M,u 11, Ml. li 11 .1 dl liv. H I'll II I '. .u Ihoii .1 't I r . I.lnrwln on tit), Nevada. i'olnel ny H. I't'tsifton T. fc.. Jtilleu "IJII'f J. I . i i .it.l ir-je- K. I M WaxkttiyUm . ... ... ii, lUittl.-cf .1 Minn I'll IO ".l IHSIUH'S. er Canyon, Iturtoti ('eitar Ituttes,. . II fm S. ,i, I'oker... I MILLARD STAKE, Millard ouulj, I lab. rs. -- 1 W I. t. T.M. K.Stewart WAiina. 1 II , I, V ltiirrnOnt Ilihrim manors IIKI I.ilti BANNOOK STAKE, BliiKltam fonnly, Iilnlio. T. K. IIII'KS ulent. Kioiiv.. .1 r , ttatlilSKtsN Iliuil dajl J. l l. . Dhiii it i. k T Ml Al l. 11 Fit l"i Cidrnt hit inn I Oil IIMI' lorn. Ii. M. A i I ll.-h- II. Warner f WAliUS. aildrei III 1,11 I I. r , I'hiiiO 111 Mlli.UH tl.,tll. . , . .MaCIkiNAI.H, I'reaident. II. c Koifcrs, t 'ounaeh .rn. I. UoliMin, lomisejors. ' n A. K. PRESIDING BISHOPRIC. It. J'JiESTftX. lit. K. I". MARICOPA STAKE, MMrleo I'oilDly, Arliona. . C 1. V AltOH. lor, BISIIOI'S. A. L. Kmrusworth. J. H. KirlmnU W. NeUon. IliNl Allen t,r , J'o.un i:tk.-- II I AHuHitrO W Tluwa oune or" ,, Sunsrl s . t lnh. , 8T. CEORCE STAKE. 1'uunnol.in. 1 ( Ihooklmuk, . H'ilonl I XV j lent I. ItlHIIol'S. W y h. 'i ex liitr . . . i. S. ItoblUHOU WAIIDS. Moan Cupyy, St. Joseph ' n ... t.r i t it " i t L IT SMITH, PreKidenL n I'. n simian, , , Organized Stakes of Zion. ATTKNTIVK I iiHelor- - . LITTLE COLQRAPO STAKE, A pacbe ( osiaity, Arlaoua N A.ME3 .uuruiu. I ; . rviit.,M, I I'takv. ..Thomas Sialwortliy. It J uller W. I JoIiiimiii, I. K li. H. Kohiiifton W. M. Jolin.oll Aluii lleHlon. II II. M. Jolly. II. W KmiiIih. T. W. Smith. 1. V. Sicilian Annul' .l.'C i llnliiH'tut HuhHcl.t lit. hM 1.1, SilOel, etinilttlr BIMior. , n ' liamhel luiu .IlillHHiiH I. i r . I ry, Atmy Kvansinn. U Kltfr tot k Synnys, wn 'tiarlea I'urnet Janiea ( .111 n. J K. oi, i . Samuel ( 'in lei . Janiea Ikott its. Jaineh Jli .it, n, jr. . . . iniiilj, MyonutuK. JiiineR Sinn' I' K. . I) V TOOELE STAKE t link-o- n Ilrar l.ttke Count)', Irinlio I uoU CooMly, I las fam rwneer l'rvss, WAHD8. l'isiioi's. ONEIDA STAKE. H. 8. liillV altogether cure it." I'lind. III. A If. V Ilennhigton, "Have you ever had it?" I. AnderHiin, MEN I). Heme J lin Knnl, I'. 1 lllirRS, president w e(, j l ouuh1oi a. NAMIWG TIIR TOWNS. "Oh, yes. I am a victim of the diss I' JIIK I'KOVIPKNT ii inr MILK. -- A milie I'liHuuinifton, . in. ease. I've had it off aud on for fifteen having WAH11S. I 'ottoHtnixt It. """'hirA S. ,. a nice present, hid-ireceived I'i'rkiiiaon. minora THE TASK WHICH WAS (IIXKX KKWITT years." h'Uh Hare . I. dill Si... k Doi rr . r I. away in a Hollow tree. A shout, pf laughter went up. I carciuiiy a Ouel ifortietincii II A. Lett Idaho Ifeep Creek,. .. did snnly vi (' I.I NT ON. hide ' Wl.at are vou you "Why your present?" 7 asked K. K. at?" laughing VVAIMH V. r Mo, a l.ilirtp City asRed one ot ine animals. IHKI' M .it tin . S.'iiniifl itrantm Jones Muntfpeier ouickly. K.Im ille,. to i it i rrel. ai d Id, nil i The Sun recently published, but did "Because I intend to keep it for my Xounan, . . ., John Kinner, IV uVrtii'po hml nrwtnltria fift- ami on f l. Jonen LaketHew, Mose Mai tin children." n.it answer the uuestion, "How came hltcen Hnrvi'v n .leiiM-St. John Itter .1, t leir ion i.iee ... lieL.in.in Ha ,,. Tooels City,. yearsr" so many towns in central New York to Win. Vel Paris, Writ Hunt.. "Jut suppose you should have no 'Paris, .Thou A k in li ritiiklm "Yes." Second Ward,, I,. Vernon Hat, I.'ohert I'riee have such strange classical aud EuroChildren?" J I' Millii "Of course vou know nostalgia Ileoiart: st ,,., ,,.!,,, ..II. II. lllllVMl.lilink i ueii ii win uo ju?j as well ror my t'retton Cn t k, pean names?" The iterry ought to homesickness?" IlanmuK IC.ismiineii 7. Charles, I. II n A. li nave had some sort of an answer. 'reslon X C. I'm Half Work South of Theatre. Salt Lake City. kinson And another yell went up. then it agrandchildren," replied the hi'ile, wltiticerdaie rtiurlow Weed told me years ago how calmed ( onnly, Idahn. oi pareuiuf tenucrIVler IV, n Itlnhcm ijvjcui ctjin-siudown. Strut, UTAH STAKE, tria it nappenod, but I doubt if the loimh Kvann liesi. .. "What Hit your Soda Sprinbt, r . i I. John Muniel La n, I. K "Well,"at?saidI Jones, : I'. llarri-oiiii has ever been publicly made laughing ...J. ame a morai iuis icacnes f mat I nh haven't been homo fori tmrn's V. A. Allen in full. He Witt Clinton, I think he Rich County, ( tan. foresight may be so A O. PM(M)T I'l OMdl'lll years." i as to iu middle the and at sag said, ra surveyor general of the lilteen blunt get Harden City,.., Caqnty, Aud somehow their joke did net the ousiuess enu. Aire. l.'oh. rl aldei aviti John state in 1S24. The legislature arranged ' lieiterHelil I.nkrtotrn Ira Nel.ek. oiiiie i) a rL. p. u in.t y I. llutl, for a division of the vast area of un seem to have hit. . Mitnh MeiiitotccilU,. J e k md, al! Itilley,. ell ;rui . M'.'r.noii, Mr k i.'ntiilotph,. occupied lands into townsbips of ii I tnli 'Mjiity It. Thatelirr. nni, There's got to be ome H oiitit I II ova ruff, W. II. n about equal size, and a week before about H. WllllHIIIH this widow business. Toey up' Ouford alley WARDS. Iiihiki i n on FROM N De to called THE it FOUR Witt WINDS. H. Lett i adjournment set felicity in large cities; they are an . .T. J. W. l 'ullole I, Alpine supply names for them . uucontrolablu element iu villages, and . V M American hark,. The bald head gathers no dandruff .(1 How many are therer" asked the there BEAVER STAKE, is one now in a fair valley ol . ..Fll llriil.y Cedar fort, lliniirll Officer. lu . California that Oomhen, PANOUITCH STAKE. ....Win. Price dollars srold pieces are not leeral devastating one of Fifty About 250," said the clerk. laL . T. It County, kM our most peaceful hamlets. Down ueuuer. alter I. W. CRUSH V, Ja., 1'rt'didenl. J. S. Tanner Pay son where the breeze blows over the salt BEGINNING. WITH OITK HEROES. R. sfUUiOCK, J. riMMial n dm ...It Orore, lire A salesman with a seven by nine ) the foothills marsh: where all M.M.Steele, F i nn kiln Johu A ah worth I r oiinsclora. Prono Bench.... Coalier. f". h a is iUviatiaiueroa "Two hundred and fifty towns the dust circles' inalong acauisitlon'tn valuable (toui.seor.. nr .soft and wooing smile W. "TWO U Bhcphcr'l, .1 ... i .J. P. H. JohiiHon t Cat, hirst Ward j to name!" exclaimed the astonished clouds around the loving couple stroll-in- e my goixis mart). "rovo City, Second Want, . . J. Invtt'a fiaHa,d C'onnly, Utah. man. "I don't believe that Is Included DI8IIOPS. in the summer moon WSaffectionately Third City, "fov Ward., . ..Myron Tanflci it has been decided to build an ice Adamsviffe. BIBIIOI'S in the duties of my office! However we light night ; where in tne winter women rovo J- K. Wot.ih II. haurth J. Jnnenh 14. Ward, and bold a carnival at St. Paul Wm. J. Ilenderaon can begin with our feeroes. Washingnearer, ffrst Ward, woo iu articw and men make love in palace ine Wtnte Cannonvitls ('. yovoCUu, Fifth Hard... . .I'eU'f1 Matt'-A. V. Srhow. .1 winter. nearer, necorut Hard v. Smitli hscalante,. .. ton. Jefferson. Adams, Madison, War iumi boots, thx-r'. !. rvm, is a patient maid uuring . O Hillsdale... Scth Jtitiiison CreencUle Dtiu Lillevulifie Janni, ueorre llalitdsT aummifimt band-bags Greene, Knox, ren, Putnam, are played out. (Ja rotters luajuru Gates, Mmrton,. ... waiting that fate of which the Church V It Kin Culkfrt Spanish fork, o, a lie ft ' Panguitph, Writ Ward Stark, Decatur, Steuben" pronounces the sentence. Khe lias use a section of lead pipe when they Uintsrsviltt, J. V. Oavia "Prng Jaue.-- Mckiucht tAUss amucl tlitonalma enclerk the said SmohU a man. Iter S. Wrnrd, band with rob Church Plumbers ditto. rangwtch, "Very good," stood, metaphorically, mpringrille,. Ncplu Park at,: her lovely eyes, gazing up tbe couragingly, "but. taejr have all been shading CtMsMfr, Hah, appropriated In this;; state, except De- road of life, watching for the man t "Good gracious,', said the hen when finery unir, BOX ELDER STAKE. ntngtton William Kin catur even Adams and Jefferson, who who is to tell with what elation she she discovered the porcelaiu egg in rUasont Vnllsy DVid WilUMfk "1 a her be shall nest, died this year." bricklayer found at last one of the figures, so G. SNOW, IVeai.lenL Q. UCAb, "What can I do, then?" Inquired the many of which had dissolved and disanxious officer. "I can name one appeared or turned some other Worn-oPAROWAN STAKE, leather boots and J. Ii.' nurt. Connsqlors. WASATCH STAKE, after myself, and three after my wife become a solid, plausible realityway, and aro- ground loto pulp and makeshoes into Box KUIor and sisters. And then? Well I'll sec." approach her. lie was a widower. emnossea Ir rtaJa. Connty, IJH. WaaaMib Conatly, Hah. Connty. leather for the covering His pace Was slow bat comparatively wans oi iioraries aud dining Manufacturers WARPS. Dealers in rooms. BI8UOF8. THOS. J. JOXE9, Praaidant. SEARCHING THE SCRIPTURES. ABUAM HATCH, Irealdeat, came he to ber. She sure, anil at last r Rivtr Citv Carl Jfinon Kdward Valion, l mere are jw.uoo doctors in tbe ttrinham T. II. Qilea. fie went home that night and thought was to be bis. Her life was about to worldCity, hirst Ward,. . .Henry Tinirov Morgan llie.uarda, Jr., conaaIors. And Uwhat Alexander .( Couniolt r. know don't they tt over. He beg a with the names of be fulfilled, One of the male sex bad P.rtaham VUt. Second Ward.. Alvin Niclml human the about form divine wonld Hrigkom City, Third Ward WAaoa. A. Madnen hla family. Then he took the Bible fallen Into har affections, lie was a wards. manor, Bianora. John Welch and found Hebron. Canaan. Gilboa, sorrowing widower, gnd lie had lost make a 190,000 volume medical library. Brigham City, fourth Hard, ( lul Osarfrs, ...Ilenlanun eaarvut,. I.D.t. Henry IttweyvilU.. J. C. Dewcv . ...N. C. MurdiMi' Jerusalem and Sharon, wrote these one child, to wftom be oad been very Ckarieston, r. win. Willis. A CVseA. man flroHs In Long Klaiber K. S. links Wm IT Fla., Heer Kast '"tniWWWI... recently (Uwn on vacant towns on the great fondly atlatched. I have hinted at the j t;vt;ujuueu a. weeKivWood, Honey vitls.. ........... Abraham Ilana.iker 'Pmrowan first.Warn ....Mm. V. Mite boll a r Heher, West Hnnry Clfinj map frpreaa out oeiore mm, ana men existence of a widow, she, too, bad This trade was not soriartf ior ian as Uautsus I. Jensen Second laroumm. Van MiAmmy K. Ward, Jiio. .!. ltsllsv STaUsemrg inappropriate there because "these Bible lost a child. But at all events the hwouiu seem at Hrst Thos. Harper. stopped XV. K. Nulla II 8. O. Unlet. blush. They A'ortk names are moflUy oea lawbreakers." widower and the maid were being con- arc E. 1. Jtlecctiani Part I mUey,. W podlana Henry Mooa mc luuvstui race. oi M. inUUU)aU Plymouth uoyyi J. Rirh.irda Then he named three other towns gratulated. Amongst others the ........ ...."O. O. Ifttakins Parlstms) I'lnlah A new telephone is callel the after states Florida,- Maryland, Ala- sidious widow was quite effusive. Connty. SnowviU A. tioodliHc. "pan." Three SALT LAKE STAKE. "I have never met your future hus- From the racket proceeding from Ashley bama, and three after large cities, Jeremiah HaU a . tho UtU,... A, t). Perry Mornntaim Boston. Richmond and Charleston, band. Won't you bring him up to tho Star telephone some days it would Washalit,,. Ml,. Tbo. Hlnrbaia I. I). Zundel. J( Uk Caaaij, Utah. and went to bed tired. In the rooming house some evening?" seem mat it was one oi the pan pat- WUir4 City,. A.. GeorifO Facer. A. At. OAJIVOK. Preaident. he found be tuid named sixteen towns ('au vou imauine what would be the tern and that someone was hammering OwelOat Connty, Idaho. and those be reported to the legisla- feelings of a maid who had not quite OU It. WkBER STAK, riUe,. ture as "samples." They did not show secured ber prey at such a request from O. W. Peiii!ri, Connlora. Win. Jtecly. Hock Creek of aci'rofessor Simnniw were was chemistry a ber such xiiorn uc bat ft they quarter? dangerous great originality, Wiar Con ml y, Itab. MAIT LAKE CJTT WARDS. were called to a patient who bad and the command was sent (lrst impulse to refuse, but then her you cepted, W. SIIURTLirr, PresiaVsut. a Heavy nose of oxalic acid, , back to "go ahead." WAsma. suaaora. woman's wit 101a aer utiwouia give swauowea O. P. Middleton, I you administer? Jones Wmrst CACHE 8TAKE, "l can't think of any more," said her sway and show Iww uncertain was what iawould Joseph Warberton. H.O. Klygare, jOoBaeaJora. for tho pulpit, and Second Word preparing Peterson poor De Witt, Every town and locali- ber bold upon mm. ., oo sne consented. (who Sannal ', wno only tases cuemistrv bacausn it i WARDS. t1IOFS. Thirst Word ehe Jacob Weiler. ty had an Indian name, and many of But a happy idea ; struck her. 8he t.L fith. ronnf7, J It "a". J Fden.. . fourth ...I. M. ferrea into wouiu SttetTT llarrlaon Marat,... these i road out would one were her and the bar. aamiuistr ooiigaiory) Parties desiring: any of the above, Insignificant, euphonlus O. HarrUrills... a CABD, President. . M. T. Seddoti Ward. ..P. U. Taylor rth wu.tauiritfe ruuscal; but the cltristener, like most tended's heart. .. Sixth Ward. Uilberi ltrlnap M. W. Merrill, J f. H. Hickeitlooner Hooper t. vited to call and examine our Stock and Price fooiisn Bat you Wooden legs are now becoming very Oow-M"We'll come up Americans, discarded these, ffuntsriUe Thorne! Wm. Orson uarid MrKay J 8Wlta, ZFVJfZ? and so a ght for "somethinhateounds a and be child is very know he ban lost Mtamtm aroro,. ............... '. Tbonaaa. Lynn jr fthAela aiucico. a. WCIUaU ..,..!. qjcrai ner W1IDI. iarc like something." before purchasing1 elsewhere. Harriott A- lunhlo. msnops. sensative about It., It Is a painful nsw .....Jamas s Woolley! BBsosmi woo.Ttn W2 to 2iL leg ... ...... Benson.. hort Moor Hound Uarid don't sayany thing thotnp him into subjection, and ..Alma Harris. !E2nZ'tZk''''' nublfCt, and r'ease . FROMjroRildN LAKD8. t'tmrkmton,. Sorth Ogdms, Wallar. ....Tho. .Jobn Jnrdlna. .Alsiaader toat will recall it. ases Canadian which Is hta, O. CovewiiU.... WardTwelfth -. ..B. CYtwhelow. tr n . . J. C. Laraen. hollow, to Ogden, hirst Ward, HKOtaa atlas, and anDlied to hn 'ertalnlv not not foe the werld.'V tote about a black Thirteenth Wsn.. Kobert MoQaarrla. filled wltb lyds Part, '"MixYia AxZZt Oadem, Second Ward. Rolxrt liumes rourteanth bUt ot vacant towns the name of So that evening the coeple duly ap- whisky, from which bottle Third '....Wtnalow Pam Ward:. he Ward Ogden, Hyrum..... M. Molcn out Tbomaa ...S. peddles Taylor. abode. . a. VU.A widow's . ,...l , the After of counties the he most saw Scotland, peared at ,r Word. Lestisttm, r wt rrnr,..,.i,iviiiH Sire if of 4. 'V"r annas at. to cents eacn. ..W. 11. Uwia hifleesUh . oiiaro t i Vnioiiiuqia flttie Plain Sixteenth conversation-Ward'Vs Word City ir Lota .First .....0. W. Bremwell. ...... Frederlnk healer Pleasant Ii. M. I wis. iBssI,lffrvy,MejIco,,ChUw'd;e,n Virm . Hcury Btllard. ,...,.K. W. W ade. "What caa we do to enjoy our- - It is'a inatter of fact that there bare slogan, oecona H ard. lanover, tyaif, iioimnu, roiana lUrerdnle Saaford JCiahUenlh tUnrhan. Ward uoffon. n Third Ward, ... Itobcrt fidon wi.itr..l these weje solemnly adopted selves?" said the widow "If theie sot seen a oozes casinois DelLq im. SlatervilU. CORNER EAST and SMTH TEMPLE STS.. SAIT UKF CITY. astaly.and ...J. A. AUrea T. X.aimti ard Weuoii J thenames of towns Un New York. I as only another here we cotild have a ported Into tbia country in as many iZHl' Vtntah Gala, Prei. Elder Ju. Ward, Bbarv. ...Joh 0 Then he adopted the tutnics of cities, rubber Oh, Alice, won't you go and , years, for tbe simple reason that tbe ...J. I. Hart sQk m7L'""""'JLialii Tventftn U H. Allen WesUTeher :o: - - . , . . i . . lle.-j- t . I , 1 ( . . . . . i GRANT, ODELL & CO An-li- . - I I 111 i, . . . . t . I . . . .,-.- .' I i .11 i . I I . I . j . I I I.1 r.- - m I ,a,. IliHg-linn- ( i . A . i I . . . Bvr PAPER! PAPER!! i . . Tri'i-iden- t. . . . V . - - . e . M s . DESERET rrf IEWS COJIPASi, ut - and - . NEWS PRINT, BOOK, MANILLA 1 AND STRAW ...... . , Waa-one-r ......... T ; S. are W - to-nlh- t. , ..,. P'. , . DESERET NEWS COMPANY, i- 1 ; i.J'" k I. Mire. STAKE. .t onroe , .!oilli4oll, I. 1 1 In nun-- . alley i rats I titlr y , I'ltltrbei 8TAKE, Kane Caiial), I lab. (iL:.KY. Jh President. I I , I I .!, li KANAB SARSAPARILLA I I!ht Klinrr T . J hi, d Mar., r.ini.i Ward .V,,..' It is more than a quarter of a cenhV tury .since Jav Gould tasted whisky, and the firktdriik was the last. luthe w hen lie was a f. days surveyor in.a small way and was mapping a counti-- on the practical plan of getting lodgings and meals of the farmers iu exchange for marking correct sun dials on their doorsteps, he became tired one hot, dusty afternoon- lie came to a country tavern. In his pocket was a live cent piece. It suddenly struck bliu that, as a medicine to relieve fajutness, he ouuifht to buy a ylass of whiskey with the half diuiu. "1 was ignorant of Par PRESIDENCY AM) BISIIOI'S usage," he is quoted ad filing, ''and so, w lien a idassf and a bottle were set before me, t Idled the tumbler chock OF TIIK full. The bartender made' no protest 1 r .roUMuJori Disuora. V? H.I. f. I ..IK. K.t.s. . . . John r.eck lilt. rroU'v. S , l...lh. l,r-- l I baTO a poattlT ramcdf tor (liAaSove ihscafte ; by lt nut li'nl ii1 ol I. iii7 aM thooun.liufcuntol 1tho ' "C n fii'.iU 'i.l tkadtna I1" I?u"l. wl l i;i lr-- n In Uinc-r,lliH- t lioll i.KS iRKK, R is : " s V A l.r A BI.E a " tl.. with Jliuu, together I' O mlilr 141 tilv p. o.s suy aulTrer T.. X. bLOCli il, lei I'riM St., .ew Tork. JK. K la It. I'rcaidout. TAXMAN, nver. i ii.u :i'a i CONSUMPTION. 1'. .1 .1 tHI'B. A ttiiol.rUe, A u i oi a, Hun, tllr ( uiif tllr r n. n r. I.I.H., ...I, I Juab t euaty, Ir.ln Mil. Ik. it. I in l V JUAB STAKE, A jnJu utus tho li cHhlom's , ProBidiiiif Khltr. Il:.u In imiiootu aitifi KolfilMiu iicuiKe i i milieu . . , . USE. Itenovatos Uie body, makes he<liy llesh, strengthens the w eiik, repairs t ho wafttes of the system with pure blood and hard inunelo; tones the nervous system. Invigorates tho and imparts the vior of manhood. brain, $ 1 . Sold hy (tnitruists. OFFICE 14 Murray St., New York. The aii'i J I hnw'rc 'niv, S T. ItfHTOX, . I I M f J I'nwetv. i iK. n i V i h! IN -- 11 Nt h Tlnii ei II. eeK'iuller. A i on I I SEVIER IK II. i. ii n t i il it I ir.l. 'hai lfH !"uNi.lii'r Mi l II. II. I.. S Kca'h Cintle lUilr n llm 'iirnrfi; Itelit n u III I in n Oll'l :..!.. din .1 Vrttpitllr SfrinQ ( 'ity tirUt rnt w urcsMil V i t I I,. LA Us K.N, I'lCMtirul. I Srel ( 'ouusclom. h.iiiii!- Juplin d, UANMIN, M. h. l.t . dah Stindlflol ('. ,.M 111. 'I Hi ker .me W in:i:i .J fit n.ii it ,i I1M iii.h .1 i Vrii-- M I ii .ml'., li... M.iinl . Kiesn,thu on nonrlahed, and hy tholr Tonic Action the Stools aro ll4reaUrOra;ans,lttrular firoductsl. Price tMte. A Marray ROBKBT lolin k EMERY STAKE, i'.uirry onnlj. ara especially adopted to aacb cmsea, one dogo effect a eueli u of feellitf aa to astonish the sufferer. changeIncrease cause thn Tney the A ppetlte.and tbo ayatcm u body to Take on Jho. y. fill i' i.i in r i in ler on ,ir. M tier CONSTIPATION. 1 W. n l Ill Al. SI C. ew . it K hit '" SI, ml. JolmMin ro'lol 1 II n .Men Il I'ri'.iil.' Ill 1iinnu.in. ... ll rllrt Mnlro. J kururru l ualj, 4b.II senaatlon In the th kn4, with hack Palo Binder the ahoaldrr-blaFallnaaa after eatlnc with a disinclination to exertion of body or mind. I.ott spirit, wiilt Irritability of temper, m. feellns of bavins neglected some dat y, Fluttrrlnc nt tbe Dizziness, Weariaeas, Heart. Dote before the eyee. Headache over the right eye, Kestlcasneae, Willi fllful dreaius, HUlily colored I'riae, and H'.lf. II .1 . t Ii 1 1 ..('. I I h'l'hrii Vler I i.ai on hrneM iVilJru Ifjijann n K.i.N ol.le t ei J T ... Hans llaiiHae I . K Chrtln I hivij.i httrr ' s.-oi- TORPID LIVER. Loeaef appetite, Uowelcoatle, 1'aln la and I swallowed the big Horn. Then I went my way, trundling my wheelbarrow-like measurer of distances, aud occasionally taking the bearings with a sextant. Never ;n my life had my work gone off half so bllthcsoujely, and for wiiue i n il as uiougu making a map of the starry heavens instead of a very After an hwur or more of exaltaiion. grew sleepy and took a long nap under a tree in a neui. l awoke with an aw ful headache, and found thatahe figures entered in my notebook dui ingthe time of extra steam were incoherent. I was iiuiy convinced that whisky was a bad surveyor and have never tried it for any other purpose." Alhamj Eocnuuj . tif i . . . STAKE, v . A. N .S. K. Stewux Ii. Il IKft IkIiiii.iiI I'1iiII(4 Inhllhl I hfdcl CANfTE Ilrni Krnl. ,l,.m It M.nlirn. n mi BIMIOIS K. A. Nohle . . A. IIIHi W M .1. lraper) Jordan,. I itrlicna. nt J, Ati'iHe, Ths Greatest Medical Triumph of the Age! - i .1 J Nailrlr ( otinlr, Prldit. . Ibiidy r.iinlll ir.lniaa lei II iua S. Kaw H4 II M . SANPETE .IF'.sSR N SMITH,, :. II Match. ) Counalvr. .ii Munn, TOTT'S PILL , West EASTERN ARIZONA STAKE. "J I TUTT'S EXTRACT "nn ( '. Il.'inillfoa I 'r rrl. 1 i .114,1, V. II n S :i .fleuicoo . . TCTT'S PILI-- J. Vim Awjrir S I art, I' Stlh Jir,inn South II i WILLIAM R. SMITH, Prenklcut. .1 W. li- eA llxll Cull, jr(:UUli(.lors. Bimiora. W1KIIS. Cheater I all Bountiful, f ast,... W m. I'.rom n i.i'intti'ul. sml,. .. W mi. S. Muir. )r West,... l.unOu, t 'eilt rrviilt ...Sal hall I he lieiM J. U. Sen liirimriijt-...Kiwm t'arkrr II.H'per', SouA A Pfter Hnrton (tvei Iavid S t ook U'cW, .Se.dA I SYMPTOMS OF Santlti South ITH. t'oaal, Datvfa '':; t Jay Gould and Whiskey. J IRY. Amonc the twelve men good and true who com the in posed Jury Judge Kcon's court room at Minneapolis was one colored person, ltie testimony on a certain was all in, and the Judge damage suit commenced to charge the Jury. He mid no more, than began his itistruc- MKiia Luau liic coioreo oroiuer drew a newspaper out ol his pocket aud began to toad. The example was not lost. n a remarkably short space of time there were ijvc of those jurors reading bo To sure they didn't newspapers. an nave tne n.rvc to go about It as as did man this of color, but openly wus no uuuuc nieic aooui tiieir reud- ing. When tho jury went out they consumed only five minutes to weigh me evidence, and men they caine"in with a verdict for the plaiutiff.-- f STAKE, I E in ti Iti i rf Ol nnbriAu'i. u un hi ' r it in DAVIS al of the Chaldean inscriptions dated front sou H. C. to J.uin It C Patent oltice reports do not go back so tar. The Servians are advancing cauThe tiously into fcTurkish tcrritorv. more cautious the Ser ians'are the better tor them, otherwise they ina the .experience of the enduplicate quiring man who thrust his hand into a horse's .Tiiuth to see how many teeth he had. The horse closed his mouth to see how ins ny llugers the man ha. Trras Si ft i wis. A Christian Hill housew ife bought a ham, Wednesday, at'one of the popular markets. On the following dav she and said she again visited the had concluded to lay in a w inter's stock and continued "That ham bought can yesterday was so nice that if you assure me that these th e w hi 'li I ha -, selected came from the same howill take them." A woman in Vinelaud, ., lives on nine cents a day, icpairs ler o n house, carries the niorter use lip the ladder, anil skillfully applies it. We suspect , she receivesa about t do.i n marriage proposals dav. With such a wife, a man might devote i; hours out of the down at th conn saloou explaining how a Imisi in- boom could be started. .Y "( Istt'll Herald. IN L. Hainel Makul H. .1 JainiH (Vaaa - a Ii Krlrtr He4 Ilm II. M. H ! raderlrk Miovfaf. . Y . . j The answer is llnal, you can lake y our hat. The New York N'.irW, although it pretends to be authority on almost everything, does not know wh invented wheclbari ows. It savs: The appear in the Kgyptiau inscriptions made r,noo vears ago and also in sever- 2S YEARS IHff fWfomowx firxyhton Tint .W.; CretH irwicr Samuel Hdlimr. KoIhtI 1. eat ha hi. W. U Miilnn.rc lrmffi- Kai n il. .'rtH4tr. J- ll .lurdine H rmmm 11. W. MUl i'rrrk NujUm A.'H'looi lrll Aorth ..-- ..in, i.iren, WtUi-U- , that. : COVS1 RY WARPS II:inruuk MmttlrU, J'rmLn ; end "I shall always lu izf you a a friend. Shall value youi friendship," and mi. Pmlth Henry Hugh O. I'lllon rrvfidetu-- It is very true, is vou ofi will Hint. That a woman' "So" N not lier mind ltul wiieii you hear, as your ple.nluiK , AN tac chamois have become so scarce that a Lfpan, Seventh Ward, successful chamois hunt is of rare oc Mendon,. .V . . . , currence. Tanned sheepskins now MUivMt, Xetcton pass for chamois leather in many mar'oradur kets. s, par-Lie- vs f mmm MD - n, D eere & Go CHILLED PLOWS SH.i . Binders, Mowers and Reapers :o:- AGO- 1 . o o ID -- OCR FATHERS IS. ask your brother to come over, and that will be four." So Allice rather unwillingly went out to lind the fourth. She had not closed the door before the widow went to a bureau drawer, took out a photoeraDh of her child, and when Alice came back she found the widow and her widower bohooing in one another's arms on the sofa over their lost children. There is blood on the face of the moon in that peaceful vale. If Gilbert had not let his imagination play with the arrangements in Japan of a hundred years ago, Ko-k- o would never have wanted for somebody to bu- head. sixteen or seventeen years ago I was witness to a little that snows til' curious ideas episode held on the of We were redecapitation. subject turning from a festival held on a high hill above' the city of Nagasaki, where the main amusement haa beenawon-dcrfu- l exhibition of kite manipulation, with exacting lights between kites in mid air. the strings are covered with ground glass up to the kite, and when ever one kite crossed another hii:h enough up, one of. them had to tloatofT into space. We 4wcre back, and oh the hillside road walking we passed an old Japanese gentleman with two little boys. We nail just passed tliem and in men a oeno in trie road, when we heaid a noise behind. We locked ba-- k ami saw the old geutlemau's head roll ing in the dust, the body lying on the a drunken yacouin had a ground, while sword in his hand covered with blood. We learned that the vacouin had los lied against the old man, or something na i happened equally trivial. Con sidering the behavior of the civilian liniHTt ineut the yacouiu d.'eW his sword and cut his head off. I asked our Japanese cpmmauder what would be done to the officer. "Why nothing," he said. "When he sober he'll probably pay llfty rlos get's or something like that, to me and it ianniy, will be all riht." The Chinese are, however, a little worse. At Ihc rifle butts at Shanghai, the foreign volunteers banded together at the time of tho lionLsin massacre used to practice every morning. One day a couple ol Chinese boys playing arouud and heedless of all warning, got in the way of a conK; of bullets and were killed. The Municipal t'oun cil gave some .t7."iO to each of the families and ever alter poor Chinese in the neighborhood used t send their children to play around the butts, hopiug they would get shot, and it took the most careful watching to keep them out of the way. Hut mouey plays a large part In the economy ol the lowerclasses iu China. In the winter very few shooting going up country after game, escape money penalties for something. I temembor that two friends of mine went up, ou one occasion, on a shooting excursion. China being covered with graves all around that part of the the country, it is riskv at ail limes to lire at pheasants rising tor as the country is thickly populated, yon are always in dinger of shooting somebody who pops out from behind a mound. Those two fellows had the mistortoue to put a few pellets, into an old woman, who had been hidden from sightuntil too late to prevent the shot, and the whole village turned out hikI made a fearful row. They thought they had settled the little matter for and they came home. A few days later a procession of Chinese entered my filends' oilice, and on a stretcher they bore the old woman, who began to yell the moment she got inside. A loug parley ensued. They wanted loo. That was refused. They haggled a long time, and linally accepted tin, the old woman moaning terribly They had sent for a doctor but as soon as the .10 was paid, the old woman got up from the stretcher aiuj they all walked off carrving the stretcher With them. JS. F. Chronicle. jrr.......W. WUson B. H. Jtlnrhara |