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Show t EVENING NEWS. Returned Missionaries. Elder Monson; one of the Elders who returned to this city in company with the Immigrants who arrived on Monday evening, left bis home in Moroni, Sanpete County, to start upon his mission on the 16th of October, 1883. On arriv-i- n Copenhagen he was appointed to labor as a traveling Elder on an island called Gotland, in the Baltic Sea which belongs to Sweden. He spent five and a nail months there, in company with another Elder, mak the known principles of ing inhabto the' the Gospel He and thatf they bapitants, during tized eleven persons. jtlc was then sent to the northern part of Sweden to labor in and about Sundswal among the Laps, where, dnring the summer time the sun can be seen almost the entire twenty-fou- r hours, and where in the winter it Is almost one continuous night. He remained there from May to September, during which time, of court, it was nearly always daylight. The greater part of this time he traveled among people PACIFIC COAST NOTES. m. Jennings & sows. BUSINESS NOTICES. If You Want Furniture and Upholstery, Good, it Don Marc Antonio Colonna, Duke of l&n ana go to Thursday - September 17, 1S3 cheap, Marino, son and heir to the titles and boRBSSEX & CaKLQCIST's. estates of Prince Colonna, ef the Roman and primal branch of the famous SCHOOL Of tIKUI.0 Italian family, arrived in San Francis-o- n FRAGMENTS. the 13th. He is accompanied by his Will lie open Monday, D. G. McDonald, ol this city, leaves wife, the Duchess of Marino, Miss Mr. B. B. Young and Mme. Mazzucato-'-Youn- g Vernon Harcourt, and several will see pupils to arrange hours," via the D. & lor Chicago etc., on the preceding Thursday, l'ri- K. G. day and Saturdav, between the'hoursi In San Francisco fell on the 12th, bury-lu- g of 10 and 2, at Calder's Music Palace. R. M. Brows, of Eureka, Nevada, d 249 4t a large number of workmen bewill go east over the D. & R. G. toneath of the them many ruins, Injuring morrow. i i more or less severely. A great number wi: !U" in mi: Prices of Photographs Reduced men of at water into the the Jumped .N .n A' s v O WJous Martix, of this city, expects s FOX risk ot drowning, to save themselves to leave on D. & R. G. from beinsi crashed. It was marvelous A work fJonc. by the e lu- train lor Philadelphia. ,ua, nunc n tiu rv j Al - w . stantanoous Process. i in; A McMillan, a KEDUCTIO X PE K M A N E N T . boy, was A fcll attendance of the "lolantne" on the 12th in San Francisco. drowned St. .1 ullfH, company is requested at Calder's MuThe lad and a number of companions furniture and t'pfaolMifry sic Palace at 7 :30 this evening were playing ou some spiles when his Stit-io.- ' ( ! Ititi in. brother. Daniel McMillan, and Michael Cheapest in town, at& ( .Sor.ENSK.V ViHIUl'IST PMrs. Adam and Mrs. Moore, oi Drlscoll felHinto the bay. The unfortunate boy jumped into the water to Candelaria, Nevada, leave on M. A. Tl'CUETT, save his brother.althouga he could not ol narrow gauge train for Boston. ! .M u il fu t u r 1 ii swim, and was carried out by thg tide. t'OBlecllanrr. A was and two the skiff other Pure Home Made Candies, all kind, procured Tue 8th Quorum of Seventies will boys were rescued, but the little hero and prices. H'holcx-.ildealers meet at the usual place was drowned before anyone could go grades will find it to their advantage to handle A Hmii: t tlMhlKT UANUK8, to his mvMAKPK t AM. eveuiugat assistance. prompt attendance these goods. Trv them and see. -who had never previously heard 850 E N TI KM Ni First IV South requested. Street. AK' Factory, No. !.". STAi'Li, lllSMAltflK, a He distributed a great the Telephone Gospel. was are We The Grand Jury. That body At pleased to state that Iloa many tracts and tried bard, but with .li'(Miii':ii, Win. Jennings was so far convalescent TIIUSK PCKKO.ft examining witnesses. an open- kept busy as to be able to Utke a short ride in his little encouragement, to effect DaRichard The Oliver, Desirous of seeing the original charge against ing for missionary work. The people under the Territorial statute, was con- guerreotype, kindly loaned to me by carriage yesterday afternoon. as a rule in that part are very bigoted sidered. AM) Jr., for the purpose of Joseph Smith, a wa Members the families of tfcrr ci tut and not at all inclined J.L. A. Thomas, of Denver, Col and priest-riddecopying, of his father, the Prophet, A. M. Cannon, A M. Mus-se- r, can President for have ten the davs opportunity traveling passenger agent for the "Bee to Investigate any other than their ol" Robert Morris, T. V. H. Morton, from the 10th of September, 183.".. Line Route," Ls doing our city, and State religion; indeed, they are not C. W. Caktkr. Kobert and were Swain others among pronounces it the prettiest he ever saw generally even well posted in that. They the witnesses in attendance Gallery, Third South, corner of Main, diut Svtwlte Ills taste is to be admired. are also very Inhospitable, and in many the Elders ?&L WE SELL WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. found it places impossibl lied Bvoin Srtts, l.. a. i iMMixfis, oi tnis city, was The Kffeet of It The effect of Judge Go to for SOKKKSKX & CARUH'IS 's.Q sworn in as one of the aides to the U to even obtain food or .shelter fo i: u or Zane's decision, in his instructions to rnNpond with us. Country Buyer:, iuvi'- i u s. Marshal and now occupies money. Elder Monson was obliged to the All are as who as can a is and that be, busy busy per jury yesterday, the.chiir now rendered vacant by the sleep out of doors for tire nights con son gi King Telephone No. cohabita with unlawful one and at charged withou go time, VI! Oh' secutively ; Alil.N S l(i III' discharge of the lecherous Miller. food for two days and a night, because tion can be indicted almost an indetlThose who pass Market Row with a OUPONT'S CELEBRATED MINING anil SPORTING POWDERS. meru., the people would neither sell aim nite number of times within the three By goods of 1 111 &. Ilasleiu. some years since the Edmunds Act came into nor locxx In LOCAL EWS. districts, however, in that resiou tore,?. That the three vears can For Bureau, divided Commissioned. The Governor, into aN v he found the people very hospitable be up periods Go to SORKNSKX &. CaRLOTJ S I 's. '.?. . issued commissions to A. G and lar more liberal In more or less small, down to one week feelings relig 111 and l.'t V, . l.itt tori h,h li it ittl Johnson, mayor of Grantsville, James iously. One reason probably for the and indictments be found for each of Rlaek Boards, Cloth, Erasers, atPein-broKe'T. Hammuud, mayor of Logan, and Illiberal treatment extended to the El- those divisions of time, if it be shown Liquid Slating, etc., etc., 72 Main Street. John A. McAllister justiceof the peace ders was the outrageous manner in that the accused has "held out" his of Logan. wives the within In limits. ma which the press of the country segregated J 1ST RECEIVED rUOK TIJfc llgned their character and religion. He other words the law is now interpreted MILLS. Broken Arm. Last evening as Mrs was subsequently transferred to Hel to embody a penalty of imprisonment 4 Flannel Sheetin?. for life. L. H. Murphy was crossing the ditch singborg, In the southern part of .Swe Llnsey Sheeting White Twill Flannel. in front of Culiner Bros.1 store, to den, where he preside 1 over the brancn 4 Plain White Flannel. eater her bugguy, her foot caught in of the Saints there located, and labored 4 Killed by a Stepmother. The Red Twill Flannel. the bridse, and 6he was thrown to the with much satisfaction and moderate IJutte Miner, of September 9, contains Plain Red Flannel. Ladies' alljwool hose, men's Also, success was until he released to return the following accouat of the inhuman ground, breaking her lelt arm Jnst and overshirts, undershirt above tbe wrist. Dr. Benedict at home. On the whole, his mission was treatment of a child and its subsequent socks, drawers, and a complete stock of an enjoyable one, and he feels thankful (ICUth tended the injured lady. woolen goods. Wholesale and retail, at for the experience he gained whi John' C Cutler & Bko., of now Helena are "lhe C.1 people just 1 1 TITCi UliVlT 4 T Sent to Jail. The two boys Henry abread. Afenti Provo Woolen Mills, much In over exercised the death very on No. that East t: of Niels Cora Eider city, Sunday night last, Hansen, another of the Wright and Charles Martini, were tried Temple St., South Store, a si.w child who Hooper & Eldredjre Block. at Bountiful yesterday on the charge Elders who returned at the same time, died liaoerij, in tue Sisters' Hospital from of petty larceny, and be Ins found left bis home in Manti on the nth of wounds inflicted by a brutal step OYSTER UROTTO. cuiitv were each sentenced to pay a October, 1884, and after his arrival In mother. The little girl wastakento C 'O Arboeast Is still alive and on tine o; J 10 and costs. Not having any Denmark labored In the Aalborg Con- - the hospital nearly a month ago, cov ered with told the hand to suppiy his customers with the money, they were sent to the city Jail, feience, In and about Fredricksuavu attendants thatbruises,hadand Wholesale Buvers nvill do well u Cull on us. been inflicted famous Boston Ice Cream, for the uu- they where they will remain for twenty and until the of last May, meeting with fair by her mother, or stepmother, the rlty and richness of which he Is ever success Jn gaining converts to the ino-'- t of the wounds being caused by ready to vouch; having his own icedays. kicking her with a pair of wooden houses and farm, he Is ready to comtruth. In April last he was called upon stioc-that had been brought from pete with all. lie intends to make his the to of Fredrickshavn A Hp Over. This morning, as Mrs by police give for all kinds of it la saiu there was not a house the headquarters refreshments. upon the child's body which was first-clalleury Dinwood.-- was driving aloux an account or when ana where he was spot Call and try his pure candles, dell- not biue and yellow from blows. A East Temple .Street, at the Eagle Em- bom, when he went to America, when great sore formed upon one of her clous ice cream, sparkllnsr soda he became an American citizen and SIS ". 1MHS. cross she to ! attempted porium corner, legs, caused from the flesh being water, or any ol the manv delicaciea what if he for received of season the to he any, bruised tne in has his was and a salary, from coinDletit in of this hack her front that bone, diagonally is principally due. Gangrene establishment. very close. The driver of the latter preaching. He was left In doubt as death blood and set In, and the pulled his horses up, but the tongue of to why this information was required, case, which poisoning was doubtful, became a Try Ayer's Pills, and be cured. Mis the carria-- shot out, and strittnt: the and after giving it was not further in could not be saved. ery Is a mild word to descrihe tha mis certainty her lifeon 1 23d with of terfered her until the chief to body and mind causpd bv habit Alter death mornlnz May An bunday ReceiYBfl top of Mrs. DiUwoaUey's bugy, tipped oncers went to and out Silver ual use Tho City of constipation. regular that vehicle over. The unfortunate at which time he was acting as Presi arrested both father and stepmother Ayer'a cathartic Pills. In mild doses. lady ws carried into a drug store, and dent of the branch of the Church where ona piacea tnem in tne county jail. will restore the torpid viscera to The father was at his own request healthy action. a few minutes after wa3 taken home, he labored, when ho was cited to ap to be present at the lunerai before a the There permitted pear magistrate. re been She bruised. navtng silently of his child, which took place at Silver from order written the highest judicial Titci or nun. ceived a severe nervous shock. the stepmother expressed no IILST ottlceriof.the kingdom was read to him, wish to be present. Nfctare's own nue Laxative. to tiip to ihe Paiate, his from acceptable banishment the Mining Company. Sec'y Thomas, ordering He Stomach, harmless in its nature, paln- objected, however, to District Court Proceedings In iess iu its Action. Curt-- habitus! yesterday, issued a certificate of in country.immediately in. and asked the the Third District Court yesterday stlpation. Biliousness, Iudigestiou and corporation to the Bannock Gold and going kindred ills. Cleanses the system, Silver Mining Company of Idaho. The privilege of visiting a number of afternoon, the case of Flora A. Gau puriaes the blood, regulates the Liver in his field of also labor and places vs. cher of Robt. is the on motion and acts Warnock, the Bowels. Breaks Colds company organized under the laws of Utah, with principal office In Salt to go to Schleswig to visit his relatives, defendant to strike out part of the Chills and Fevers, etc. Strengthen on which it acta. Better than Lake City, and works located in Al and Anally a period of one week was complaint was argued and submitted. organs nauseous Liver mediclnea.nm. him to do so. He was furThe grand jury came into court, and ritter. turas County, Idaho. The object Is to granted a pass, which he was re reported that Certain questions were free, and large bottles for sale by all conduct a general mining and mlll-ln- jr nished towith Z C. M. V Drug Store, show to the police of every answered by a witness on a charge of druggists. business. The capital stock is quiredhe visited Salt Lake City. 132 wnoiesale on his Agents, to place way Copen unlawful 100,-tfcohabitation against Thos. placed at $l0,nu0,ow, divided Into he with and reaehed after there, shares. The officers arc A. S. hagen B;irningham ; they complained that said assurance that failure to do so answers -3EP were not THAT COCUH. or responsive, Paddock, president: M. Saaughnessy, the would subject him to imprisonment hi view of other proper sna Frazier's Di. By Throat answered using questions Boyd Park, treasurer; Lun iJulssiii the onl sure curt- tcr fine. oy her. lne court held that the an Arthur L. Thomas, secretary, and a and Coufh.-Coids, ITo&rseness mad Sere On saw he Copenhagen reaching swers were seven of trustees. board respoasive. Throat, and all diseases cf the throat President A. H. Lund before calling aad lans Do not nejclect a cough Surah J. Wllilams vs. Edward Aus It, may prove fatal and was coun upon the chief of Sores and hnn- tin ; motion to strike out parts of com- - di Concert.- A grand concert will be seled by him to police, ds of sriiit.t fal people owe their When to go Norway. to and aini; e dpmurror to meeting-housWard complaint r's I lnott and Lune litmilhrar.f t'euluthe 21st he called upon the officer he found no fiimlv will eveT b ,U!sam. arsjued. evening, commencing at he had his objections to ban- This morning, in the cause of Z, vtrtK.ut u after oiu.e using it, and dls 7.30, for the benefit of the Sunday shmeut and bis in overing ;t marvelous power It is requests now vs. Julia bckman et al.; the de schocl of that Ward. An excellent wia up in urpe family bottles and sold before him, but xn inform writing ot com the murrer to defendants the small p. ic of 7S rents per bot- the for programme has been arranged for the ing him that he had changed his mind n or ante uVi. u m i urue SJeut II) was and time witti overruled, given occasion, and this fact, coupled would not want to visit Schleswig plaint and answer. The worthy object of the affair, but would go iastead to Norway, that lo and singers find B' Flora A. Gaucher vs. Robert H.Public speakers ou'ht to draw a full house. functionary seemed & Sons' Capsicum Cough Douglass and told pleased motion to strike out Warnock; ne of the pieces to be rendered hioi to go in peace but be sure and parts ot complilnt allowed, and .Tops a sure remedy ior Hoarseness. on the occasion, by a chorus of never return to Denmark. On de- plaintiffs allowed ten days to amend. BtTHLES'N ARNICA HALVE. about 75 voices, t a beautiful song know why he was banished to Karen Nielsen and Carl A. Carlquist manding Thk Bkst Salve In the world for composed by Apostle Moses Thatcher the flleer told him it was tor proach- - were admitted to uts. Bruises, Sores. Ulcers. Salt citizenship. and set to tna.-iiby James- S. Hancey. ug "Mormonism," and that the de Laron A. Cuminings was '.sworn as lihevim. Fever Sores, Tetter. Chapped It is entitled "The children are pray- termination Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin was to put a stop to the bailiff. and positively cures Piles. eruptions, ing lor me." Jt was arranged to be propagation of that Richard Howe ivs. George Manwar- - or no pay required. It is guaranteed to religion. .sung at the jubilee in the Tabernacle Elder Hansen went to Norway and ng: default and judgment as prayed. ive perieci satisfaction, or money r- on tae i'.h of July, which was given labored lumieii. rice zo cents ser oox. as the ol President M. Osborne &, Co., vs. Franklin D. FOR SALE AT Z. C. M. I. DRIIO up on account of General Grant's Frederiktsd reTo effect as sruKis. branch until Clearance of Summer Stock, and ladlock; default and Judgment G-ooddeath, and this, so far as we are aware, leased to return home. He was prayed. bv. we to have will be its lirst public rendition. determined Goods, rendy released sooner than he otherwise London Bank of Utah vb. Flagstaff offer the rema inder of our Summer Stock prices X3 would have been, and against his in Dist. S. M. Co.; motion to allow copy A Damaging Runaway. About WIS ILEJJh clination to remain longer, because of oi original papers, the originals hav Jones. At Suaithfleld, Cache Co., Utah, that, will convince the purchaser a joudu' man named noon til health, having suffered severely from been allowed. IV ng lost, of 13, 1SS5, WE and liver HAT SAY Sept. kidney complaint ( Smedley was In the Titnlng yard loadrheumatism ever since the first of tae Sarah J. Williams vs. Edward Aus Mary Ann Weekes, wife of Ch&rlaa Jones ; ing his wsicon, when a box slipped year, lie is still troubled with rheu tin; argued on motion to strike out born August 2G, 1328, at Welling. Kent, Eng from the spring seat in the wagon and matic but otherwise feels well, parts of complaint and demurrer to land. Baptized August 6th, 1349 ; emigrated struck one his horses. The animals and is pains, to Utah in 1853; died as sbe had lived, t mean's sorry that he went complaint, and submitted. no by immediately started, and the hub of upon his mission. Saint. B. Brinton vs. W. S. Uulllnger;. faithful Latter-da- y I). one of tho wheels struck Smedley on Mill. copy. please Star, motion for judgment upon statute of the hip and knocked him down, anThe relations Answered. She How HOLDER On the CUi limitations at the rest argued and submitted. other wheel passing over his arm. The between the ot her daughter, Louie M. Clarke, at and dence grand present jur of ran team out the yard frightened Dover, Sanpete County, Martha Holder witnesses called upon to testify ' Embracing: nil the Intent Novelties, All and down East Temple Street. When the passed away, In the 81st year ot her age. seem to be ot the not SCHOOL SUPPLIES. before do them now and near Walker Brothers' corner the most amicable nature. striking'. School Books.ail kinds, Maps, Charts, She was the first person to embrace the Yesterday af wagon collided with Dr. Hamilton's ternoon the inquisitors again filed into Globes, School Desks, Blackboards gospel in New Zealand, under the mialon buggy, tearing off one of the buggy the District Court room, bringing with Slating, Call Bells, Map Pointers, of Elder Cook, in 1951. Her home there for School Registers, at lowest wholesale many years was the headquarters of the 10o.f word 15o wheels. The horses tnen turned we3t them a answers wltues3 whose rates. At Dwyer's Book Store, Salt missionaries. Truly she was a mother In lady A FULL ASSORTMENT OF and ran for a couple of blocks, part of to their City, Utah. Israel. Interrogatories were not pre- Lake Send dsw. list. for liie way on the sidewalk. Two wheels cisely what price Mill. Star please copy. the seemed to think of the wagon ran Into a ditch, causing they should have jury and the followbeen, the to the wagon capsize, bringing was handed to the Judge : Kn Enerjrisns, Reliable lions. ; whole outfit to a standstill. The only ing STRAYED. DiMtrict In Court the the Tliird Judiof was the breaking damage to the waon mi o::ly to carry in stock th best of MORNING FROM THK cial District, Territory of Utah : of the tongue, and tho horses were not ;verrUiin.', but to secure the Agency YESTEEDAT a light red Cow about tlx Ac J a Complete Btock of other n or :cn Shirts.1 s as nave mueies The Grand Jury of said court for the years old, branded with a faintly visible injured. brand on the side. Was abont to calve. . m 4s ' Term, 18S5, having this 16th September '.i.ereby sustaining the reputation of when she Ten. Finder will be suitably re dry of September, 1835, under considSJLiKx . with alva s enterprising, and ever warded by leaving information The Kair.- - -- The Primary Faix opened eration and Investigation, the case of ii'imr JOHN H, KIMBALL, i.i;:i!!e. lluviug secured the Agency Birmlu the Social Hail this morning, and the Unitedof States vs. Thomas ft Mill. Go's Grist r the celebrated Dr. King's NewDIs-over- y Opposite Armstrong Bountiful, Davlar Couningham will comlnue until Saturday eveningfor Consumption, will sell it on cowith unlawful Utah, ty, charged The teihlbit made is an encouraging habitation, several witnesses were expositive guarantee. It will surely ure any ana every aaection oi rnroat, before Bald Grand Jury, whose ! on, and shows an improvement over amined to show that said L.uugs, ana cnest, ana to snow oui former lairs. The articles have been evidence tended we Invite call to and you Burningham was married to and now confluence, contributed by members of the Pri is 1 :el a Trial Bottle Free. the legal husband of Ellen Burning-haLake of Salt ftM Sam o( FIV BCMDBCU DOL Stake, mary Associations Thereupon, one Zin Sessions nd are the handiwork of children be Burningham, is years of age, was called LARK wot Imj paid lor tnformastoa A NTABTL IXG 1KOH LETTER a witness and testified that she lived tween th ajesof five and fifteen years as wUl TEXAS. in the same house as Thomas Burnttat to tae The hall is tastefully decorated, and ingham and his wife Ellen during the Hill County, Texas, ana eon1eUon of tat apfrhenaln Irejte, r and ; conveniently past eight years that she had three the articles neatly Jnne 29th, 1S36. wk this in said bouse, the all Mi born room children, of dastardly the sides the aroi'nd Gentlemen. It affords me great arranged old ia February next, eldest five and oa two long tables iu the centre. the secondyears pleasure to send you the report of outMtsrea iu the rldneea ol Csq three years old, and the the wonderful popularity of your aaiaaloner McKay and Atlovoa The girls' department shows creditable youngest now three months old. BUOWK'S SAR3APARILLA and was asked The beautiful specithereupon wltaesj instances in cd many ; Dnndelion with lodids of Potassium, la DIckSMiaaaVatlaa, fa (bla eity, oa the following; questions ; this section. First, I sent an order for U mttcUt of tne ISth tat. mens of needlework, crocheting, kniteldWho (a ol father the First your medsoon dozen and sold it all. Its deeora-tiuest child? To which she answered she aicinal JTAHES ting, uairwork, painting, HARP, effects made it all th raqx. There Is so much to did not know, but that the child was About '.etc. rive weeks ago I received & tf d3 Mmf. while living with said Burning-haattract attention that it would born as gross and have now only 15 bottlxs hi wife. special to make parties taking six bottles at a he impossible Second who is the father of your lsft, time. J. F. Myrick:, one of our mention of ail deserving credit. second child? To which she answered leadingDr. xvn, TAYIiO R testifies to having physicians, did not she know. that was , One quilt, containing 1,100 pieces, cured himself and one of bis children Who is the father Third of your sewuse. of Rheumatism will I its the invalid a little by girl, made by youngest child? To which she ans- soon send for another gross. does not know; and ing being done while she lay ia her wered that she Yours very truly, J ft, J. IMtsU T?T) to the boys' said witness now refuses to answer I I,TrCT3nK T. F, Bywpm. bd. The contributions fir. h. of the and third second said questions. of excess & Manx's; Co., in To Medicine are Brown largely .department The Grand therefore, Jury aforesaid, Leavenworth, Kansas those on former occasions, and inil produce said witness before the court and request that she be instructed in MEN'S SUMMER SUITS, ALPACA COATS AHO DUSTERS. some instances evince almost UnderiatTer, runeral Director and the premises as to whether she must s name food'Ms "Blood the b irrestlv' Ingenuity. A locomotive, wagon, answer said questions, or either of often tmbalmer. given to Ayer's Sarsaparilla, bewheelbarrow, plow, rake, harrows, them. Morris E. Evaxs, cause A fall line of Fine Cloth, Metallic and of iu The qualities. the items. Foreman. Redwood Coffins and Caskets. houses, etc , are among a flue a Case and Caskets. .-;--. DZAixta After the reading of the report, the LAWNS, ; GOODS vegetable division contains A complete atock of Bnrlal Robes and AM AJTSWEB WAITED. ot sugar cane, corn, cabbage, Court informed the jury that- - the- - wit Goods of every description kept this ness had answered the Can any one bring v a case of Kid- constantly band. ix'jgaLtn: aqoaali, etc. A peculiar fatur In questions prof-- ney Black or or Whit HoarMs. Electric Liver which that s Complaint a Una arc the snako cucumbers, add different could Bodies pounded, reply ice without Bitters will We not curef for preserved any say speedily to inches eight six from not be compelled. Tie Jury then re they cms not, as thousands of cases al- length of time. .ifvary in length XXn. SMaclaa. Mouldlars. Trim- -. '. Xoor. Wliul Particular attention given to embalming1. ieet. tired, forced to content themselves for ready permanently cored and who are Jhlpping an, XtllBds.. Woo4 Pwp,, bodies. ef Ux Utt4 Electric. noninAl one, the present with the testimony given dally recommending ?. Bitters, Kmbaloritt ud shipping a specialty. . The admission U only a Diawill B Diaease. prove. right's famished for 6 Utsfca cent ia grarw. was the rather and than what any it by witness, 10 cents for adults, f Weak betes. eterv or in the any oriaaryeom-city. be supposed by the prosecutor she was plaint quicklyBack, i cured.' ' They purify the All orders by tetegraph or telephone, day Uchildren, and those who attend willwho .a .3 .m WDUV SNM Up. Alt DESCRIPTIONS HADt Tt. OKOKaa able to give. 4 yi .S,.... will yr i s'.VeuUonV diaLd ...,v act blood, All night, ivlve the prompt visit. their "by bowels, regulate IOI amply repaid Prices lor .id term reascaabla. rectly on the diseasedV parts.. ; should wwmm - no. 90U vivnu. arejntirested In the children bottle aovobi RXWARb guaranteed.A is offered.tor the recovery For .call aad aee some' ol the handiwork: of at oOe.bottls at at Z.O. of a stray cow. Be advt. , . M. I, Drug Stof..sjrw.!ci. l . . , ne . Mori COLLED FROM WESTERN F. AUERBACH& BRO EXC1IAXGK3. i- RANGES! HEATERS! COOK live STOVES! Hept-tinbe- ! . j Drv-Plat- i- New Goods! i i First Shi)m.4iji l1 Ti'.uo Cars of Stoves, i i ten-year-- l'r ' Our Large and Ml Selected Stock 5 to-d- pi ay . Winter to-da- v. I (Gfo otls Stoves ! do CO. n, S MOWS, "all Descriptions. -- Stove Fimiisi.inirs . to-da- y, Two-eighty-thr- IS ARRIVING DAILY! - 1 yo-u- I r to-da- sos, is lug. s, S-- N- -i mm W ALL DEPAIffllEl'TS TO it JLtb.Jf 4 4-- nnirfhw a fCi 4-- 4-- 4 CALL AND SEE SOME OF OUR : Tn ia nine-year-o- one-ha- mm. . lf ss WE la-;- ABE NEVER !S12I'SM0.I UNDERSOLD LnmonsB FALL Stock t, MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. ESTABLISHED NOVELTIES 18Q4. DRESS GOODS! F. AUEBBACH & BBO. B0YS' SCHOOL SUITS. O IBH IE! A. ! X) : vice-preside- - Great Clearance Sale Girls'Newniarkets,Choap - iv-.'- IfBE BARM! mum i.-- o a for Fall EATH3. to-d- Just I M Mew all at ARRIVING DAILY! ay M iui-t- s ARE OFFERING 25 Dozen Striped Summer ., DRESS GOODS! Skirts at 33ic, worth 75a 50 Pes. Check Nainsooks, at 50 Pes. Fine Chambray Dress Gingham at lOo, worth 12ia at 25 Dozen Men's Fanoy well-know- vry 75a, worth - 1 50 Dozen Gingham and Silk Parasols, 500 REWARD 75 Dozen Boys' and Men's rpnt NEW GOODS ARRIVING FOR ALL DEPARTMENTS, Straw Hats VlGl WUjbSoM LOWERTlanEYor! at Half Price. arwi pr 300 Pieces Standard Manohester ; Prints at SIX cents. BARGAINS IN g, EVERY DEPARTMENT! m OOHIV BROS LADIES' SUMMER WRAPS. ALPACA & LINEN DUSTERS! Joseph. -- Yi , Airn jpLAjrnro won-derf- IRJI -- blood-enrichi- ng : PIQUES AND Air-tig- barn-ple- DRESS HEIDI 1 ajW mill. LUMBER ilSS'O, ;i pt-,,-,'- 5 owl - - EX AMINE . - AND . BE CONVINCED. . . reUf ! .. 1 - , , , , s 1 1. r'J- , CTAIXi BTJIItDIIiG A BTOOXaXKr. A. ETll, |