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Show wa. IDAHO STORE, EVENING NEWS. FOE ALL ! GOOD Batf Block SUk.lf Tkeatr. luedy GRAEFEXBEKG PIzLzLS. W. 8NELL. JOHN Grain Chopper Sawt Apparatus wgon Baxter six bora Tor more Chan Pill have been known and tiled. They a.:l . mildly but thoroughly. Billou Disorder-UeadiD-liIjver and Kidney Complainta, Constipation and Malarial Disease cured by ns.ng these Pills. - 25 00 Ll-n- PRKHISTOB1C RACES OF AMERICA. rorty Tear ties valuable Si 00 GKAFEMlEKfi t CATUOLICOX. ki WHAT . power Engine and SBC 00 .... New Uoiier. to 15 Acre of Land in Brighton... 800 00 3J 00 airon Heavy J 00 Ballard. Hide, new, oost $75. for Pine Tar. r l.iad or less rharcnal. load Ceilar l'ou. Uf in Iuwd. Rock Oar A Great Remedy for all Female Com SxiO, marble bed. J50- tjrtre Billiard Table 30. This Modicine f;are female Weai Wagon, Sprln plaints. To and Gi Fixtures ?Ctuuwn, ness aud Nervous Diiorder. Physician i bartvo fatter.. use this Catholioon in their practioe. limina Cherries.Lucent ; Baled Straw. and loose Aa Laiitijcr. Stove Polish, Wholel. Bauer and Vinenr, H'noleaale. and For tlone Ash for Assaying. RetLiinx Lso-oi-d lo. Hi ueinx. Whole A safe and pleasant remedy for all Child 4 Xon nd all kind of tcalee. ren'a Acting aa a lomo it HnuKOH Jkjuner, bel in the world. Leneflcial to every child that jpoaeJ. Many articles of Merchandize, ail for trade, takes It cash, etc. Send stamp for book to Graefenuerg Well Bored. Hous in 11th Ward U dispose of. Co., New York. Lame earth, over 90 per cent, lime, pood for fertilizing and making .mooth K. C St. I. HRCO STOKE, AUt-VTSample, front of store, tteli at JOo. d CITY. UTAH. SALT per ion at bed. M- - Call and See. J e-- i GIIAEFEXBUKO Children' Panafea. MOST PERFECT MADE Prepared bv a physician with special re gard to healtfi. No Ammonia, Lime or Alum NEVADA 8.40 a m. Leave City at " Vrrive EXERAgjTS MOST PERFECT at M Arrive " 5.10 a. m. and 10 2.30 p.m. and 8.00 Kg- SALT LAKE CITY BREWING CO. BEG TO LVi'lRM OUii M.VY WE piUrons nnd the ,.nl!n: (teneraMy that door norlli of thu A 50. 25c. Adult, over 6 nd under 10, WUliaras cierrans, unii Poet Oilice, aud 11J1 A Tievvliela, oipos;.te Tribune OJlc, are duly authorize:! to re- of ceive orders for our popular in tli: ity. uo other llecr. We Orders may ulo Iki pt'iil in lie Brewery Oilice. by telephone No. M. Goods promptly delivered to auvI .nit of t ul JKJitl .. ,he rilv. brain! - Special Rates Given to Wards, Schools, Etc. r. j. NOTIOE. p. p.m. Round Trip, Children, Price Baking Powder Company, Chicago, Illinois, and St. Louis, Missouri. p. m. p. m. FAEB ' ". A t. an it. o THE SHORTES1 AJD a TOE bo'y. 1 iia J lieas. 11 ous ideas couceruiriK tue veopid tnatforiaerlv Inhabited this continent. Pcopie eetn r.o wouder anil wish they knew about them, liow tiieycaine here, etc , but 'A thev v.wulr! lay asiii pfeju- dice and 6earca Hie records (B ok of Mormon) c.t the people who built the mounds ana other antiquities, all tnis wonder would ceae, and tney wotiid be informed of things that have taken and besides, place on this continent; they would learn more of God aud what is required of tlieia iulhis probation. While stayintt with a friend lately I was lent a book or pamphlet to read, of.the containing the following account would moundbullder8, ad thinking itLatter-da- y be interesting and uselul to the Saints I will send it to you. It is contained in Wiiford's Microcosm, Vol. 4, No. 6, March, 1885, entitled, OLDER THAN THE MOCNI BL'lLlII:i, and was written by G. R. Watiot), Iioanoke, Va.. "If, in this day of careful research, when science has left no retfku unexmade plored, a statement should be revealing to public attention a nation that were in their graves when the earliest known tribes trod over tne ground unsuspecting, would the testimony be accepted? It could not be challenged by otner thau ociuntitlc modes, and must reveal that what id hidden to the eye of research la often made manifest to chance ramblers, lor there is nothing covered that snail not be revealed. What a comfort it would be to fix the date when the mound builder roamed the continent. They came in mysterious bands, those old skillful workers in the mold and clay shall we say In lives are copper and wood? Their not read veiled, that history might them, aud they laid them down to sleep amid the traditions ol their worship. They rest amid the monuments of their blind faith. And thus from their silent graves they hold up feeble hands pointing us to their habits aud Dead though they be, therecords. and unchronicled their doings, they give us to guess the tragedy of then lives and speak of waudenngs, of Bearch.es of the mmdqueries aud heart-trial- s of simple wondering life unanswered questions ihey must have been. For knowledge to their eye.s ner ample page rich with the spoils of time did never unroil. Yet as we wander through the Ohio and Mississippi Valleys their rudi: : Mill : No. Eatt. PUEBLO TervU Street OSice: 21 South Temple Street, Weit 53 North BRANDS. OIOH PATEHT, THB Denver & Rio Graude Uaii'y BAKF.RH rc?su?lss waoLE y being the iannrversary of the admission of California into the Union has been declared a legal holiday. The stock and other Exchanges will be closed in San Francisco. A London dispatch says: Mr. Gladstone has not been outside of Hawar-de- n Castle all day. There Is much public missglvlng as to the cause of his seclusion, his health being far from gooi. To-da- m FEVER At this wiiion nearly every on needs to use some ort uf IKON entera into almost every phy sician's (onic proscription for thliaa who nssd building up. filGHEST CI5H Mi waT tlov. PBICEJHI Telephone Xx. ST1. POH WHEAT Ho. 3fT. ELI AS MORRIS. I 8pt ELEGANT DAY COACHES, 3TEEL t aiinx SAILS, Ura ( sxsairoAd la tlse Coiiiitrf, lniui'ii 3 's-si- h jifts ; B " rl VM the teeth, oanss head. It does not blacken or Kr LUIBEB YARD s, irmU BUS, V,. F. WlflT-- .' . . " d-j- . 1 n ( 1 11 hi-pcrti- iis b- j V son J I JOSEPH CinCAGO, ROCK ISLAM) AND PACIFIC R'l Beinf the Ureat Central Line, affords to travelers, by reason of Its unrivalled geographical position, the shortest and best roat between, the Kast, Northeast and Sontaeast, and the West, Northwest and Southwest. It Is literally and strictly true, that its connections are ail of the principal Unsa of road between the Atlantic and the PaciiSo. By its) main line and brmztehes) it reaches Chicago, JoUet, Peoria, Ottawa, La Salle, Ceneseo, Moline and Rock Island, la Illinois; Davenport, Muscatine, Washington, Keo kuk, KnoxvMle, Uakeioosa, Fairfield, Dee Molnea, West Liberty, Iowa City, Atlantic Avoca. Audubon, Harlan, Guthrie Center and Council Bluffs, in Iowa; Gallatin, Trenton, Caste ron and Kansas City, in Missouri, and Leaveuworth and Atchison la Kansas,, and the huo-redof cities, villages and towns Intermediate. The s GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE," A. it is familiarly called, offer to travelers an the advantages And comforts Incident to a traooth track, safe bridges. Union. Depots at all connectiag points. Fast Krpress Trains, eo a posed of COMMODIOUS, WILL VEXTILATKD, WELL HEATED, FINELY UP HOLSTERKD and ELEGANT DAT COACHES; a line of the MOST MAGNIFICENT HO ETON RECXXVLNQ CHAIR CARS ever built; PCXLMAN'S latest designed and handsomest PALACE BLEXPIWQ CARS, and DIXINO CASS, that are acknowledged by res and people to be the FINEST RUN UPON AXT ROAD IX THE COUXTBT, and m wkh superior meals are served U travelers at the law rate of 8 Z VENTT FIVE CENTS 3 HZ 1 TIIK ri'f.NAM NA11,. RtM! IKl h !hnl "i lli I. .:M ri- b M M w - - 1 6! Ull lEHLEiiS IS H3BSE MLS. FGB SALE m .-- itw-- i" .tn-jit- 1 b a1 t,a. i if i.' W-p- i a TO Putnam Naii Co.. PI nOSTtiN SIASS. P.O. Address Neponssl.Mass. O. l.y "25. aa! iniff I. OTx Ta X. iVX. If! GE.VFilV!. Price. $ij.lm V. dwAssm ; lime 3 iu aii-.- 1 ! BURTON, r i"v-- ii:. (..r'l!- it.:-:- ,f i GAIUXi:it ( )., LT. 1 r: OPP03TTR3 At;eiitH. rcr: THE EARLY REJ1E31BER - t. at. E. CL'klkllM.8, P. W. MADtJEN, t.3 B BREAKFAST W1NHKR, JK STOVE. r m) !il SALE STABLES, 1st South H:., SM ate J(os. 21 L x iKW nyoSj k.ist of t l I' I. i: AC OMMolHTI'iN xXv';; 'ii ir i'- - h! : i.ii'.;. Ful. .n:i f j, , j, Hj, i 1 pit, v w .a;..o; hi "ii rvv. 'i.i'iieili t.( lor I'.n lln-iiuiT and other-wl'iiih wiieuiM tinder uni - :i led uur:iu ttit-- ' U iv .ii ialcd at tu- iih pni-- of - I ;.nu I or i mi and let: in rin;tt eou'u uf lioi f t.-- J4 ii s. s, IVK MK A Till AI. tei- " ii- PS !! in m . SAMUEL CLARK, Prop. t LEGAL XOT1CK. . In the Probate OourTlu and for ball Lake County, Territory of Utah. In the matter of the Katate of Robert Dunn, deceased. Notice of time and place for the hearing of FetiUon for adaiieelon to Probate ol Will . AN ORDKR OF SAID PURSUANT TO said matter, notk-- is hereby xiven that Monday ,the2lE( day of September. A. 1. ISoo, s.t It c clock ii. m., at the County Couvt Ubttse in Salt Lnke City, L'tah Terri in tho courtroom of said Coai-t- , has tcry, been appointed the time and place for tho bearing of a petition of Cliarlea Long-soupraying for the admission o probate of a certain docntnont therewith presented, purto be the last Will and Testament porting of Itobert Dunn, deceased, when aud where all persons interested may appear and oppose the probate of said will, or the of letters testamentary to lilui granting as prayed for in said petition. Dated at Salt Laic City, Sept. 7. JOHN' C. CCTLEK. Probate lerk, Salt Lake t o 011 lot First South St, W. MADSEN & 00 51 ind 53 EL Silt Like City. RETURNED TO THE OLD STAND. UNITED ORDER MERCHANT TAILORS. f CO B d 'B I CD I PA r i ti K B o - a 1 S -- o i la. i TAYLOR itj I9i Temple Street. 23 0r.F00TE,Senior, fork. to KOT caoUoni the pnblie Hereby Wltta Cosnmeiialesste or Employ nsua mtjllng blzneelf lr. Foot, Jr." ritlseeit msvkln g doe Inquiry. Lexington Avenue, New In the Probate Court m of SiUt Lake. In the Matter of t;u ;iti 1 t. t .1 of EsUUe of Lluaiban i Orior ai;pa:ni;i.;: 'li.n :. l ei,: l'iut :r.:er rr-; Ue.ti th-.e- . cut lisar-iu-- l'JO - ALBERT LEV. ROUTE. reprp-seule- r d j TIIK IIOV. KI.IAS of t'ic tftn! I'cnri. l y the potitiou cf r.:..:.: iinu l.!.!redo and t . B. of .nt r cf Ad'iiitiljt: Eldiede, Kidrt-djtn, tlusthiin de."o.i'a filjd, i an ad4.- tc ail l e uUt. praylitjt for to emu tha; it sary to Beil the vli lett-- or porue i)oiti...n of the real ositiiu tu pay tietu outbt.iiiJ ol nd i.itJ CJi-Ing against tliu TliJ-ail par.jin inIlls hcret y Of."rrJ terested in ha ,X !;( appear buloru thu Probate Court of tti" ouuiy of salt Lake, Territory 01 Itan,( ivt iph ('.miiI IJouki of eaid Court. In the o.i.'t Houae in Suit Lakt t ity, on Tuoiid.iv.the '2.'th d.iy of 8f A.O. Ij65, at 10 o'clock a. 1:1., theu and tht-i- . to show cause why ;iq onler Ehonld not t to the said Administrators, to sell granted so muoQ or tne real estate or tne said de ceased as shall be nei e sm v. And it is fuithrr ordered that a copy of ihia order be published iu the IkEi;KT VS1N'Q XEWS. a newspaper pi luted And circulated in bait I .ate onntr, at leaal foar ancceesive weks before Bind Nth day of Heptember, A. D. Dated Aujrust Slst, KLtAS A SMITH, frobalo Judge. TT A..PPE.VUINSail li . Jivl f t!-- 3 34, MAIN STltJBBT, OPPOSITE Z. C. SALT '!" TLtJZJTL M 7.. OITY, UTAH. K.-t- bi'--v- s HOWARD SEBREE CO. mfni-Lraiion. n TinrriMTi rs;n. Ttrr i w. i KAnnnfi Klin i r in Ts S ' . M jmm. ptt-mbe- Terkitort or L'tahLk. tountv of Salt ( SPRING WAGONS, Etc, AT AT as I, John C. Cutler, Clerk of tlie Probate Court in and for the County of Salt Lake, m the Territory of Utah, do hereby certny that tu loregouig 13 a tun, true ana correct upj of order aouointinir time aud place for bear mg petition for order to eel I real eatste. u sne mi wf r vc uiv avsuai-- oi biusiusii deceased, as eppear of rcwd U ray offlc. In wltneta whereof, I bave borennto set my band and riKAL l aflijttd the seal of said Oouil, this tut day ol Anfiutt A. 1).. lHtf. JQHS C. CUTLEIi, 3864W Probate Clerk M $vV liml(r Twinw IllUVt IflUVIVI A IIAHDWOOI) AT CASH. A rv SPECIALTY. S? Mo oh LdttOAIi NOT1CK. sale. DSfiasTaATsjn AUD VIBTUK OF AN OEDF.lt OPTHli BT Probate Conrt, within and tor tlir of Salt Lake and of l'tah County Territory made and entered of record on thu bstli .la of August, A.l, 18-- , John W. layl.iraV Administrator of the Estate of William W Taylor, deeeaaed. will sell' at private K the tollowltg described lieal for Ik tate, belonging to said Keiate, fiiunm Salt Lake Caaty in tha Territory of L UiX towU: Ftjta r. Beginning a a point W rod Vf eat unit rod North, from the xerthcast corner of tits Southeast ooarter of Section 3 in To nli j, 1, South of Range l.Wett bait Lake Mer idian, thence Booth 40 rods, the nee Wt.t t. tbeace South li rods, tbeuefl Kat 09fc rod, rods, thence North 6 rod--- Ibenre Wes, tax rode to place of bgriuuinir, coutaiu'n,: Aore. trafl la 01.tj.1uuJ itbMi' in the limiU of the South half uf the N the Korth half of- the outhi-a. H ot aaM SeoMoa ,aodLotJi and i of Sec Towns hi lion 8, in Range t aroresnld. JGZSr-- EXlRAS FOR 6AM K. CALL OK ADDRESS HOWARD SEBREE CO., fc , toms at least coincident with Jewish rites ande enlightenment of revelation. Who are these strangers? and whence learned they this wisdom? Can they ad be kin to the magnificent Solomon.and "00!tO. were tneir onrying grounds planned 4A rods South iinu at a tv. Y.vtWu.M, from the court of the great temple? . , , miTleglnniug EACH. .l. tru. fmpoint i man came to 8alt Lake City reprecan we learn 01 them? llow This What 1, jjou li oj, of t. Ju i 'r. X. li. came THREE TBJLLN3 each way between CHICAGO and the MISSOURI RIVER. Lota, Towunldp here? can and senting himself as the son ofwell at last they it in our minds they zuovu establish Hang I, West gait Lake iiendiau, - XWO TRAINS each way between CHICAGO and MINNEAPOLIS and ST. PAUL Footk of New York, the that the old South fi6 rod,,tbence' ast 68 rodtjj the as abundantly proved by affidspecialist, new the world and God famons W that the bank of the River Jordan, them- ria peopled avit. Ai rumor came into Salt Lake City dewa aid ivet and jUmig tlig West iuihk from XiskoUtaod Montana from an expose, bath made of one blood all nations of thereof f8 rods, betbe game more or les.i, 10 men. ,. i made, there, m changed bis base and a noint due Eaiut (rain, tilare of beiriumuir as the won of a more noted himself ' can "Weary name one not If I do I you Seneca and wfU rta be between Dm aew Kankakee:, Newport Me'cialtiu New i'6rk City than Jr. E. H.' opeced, tbenc Weit 'Hi rod to tha place f betn Jaztaarr I3BS, k statement us make from to that they JOUST Biog, containing JiS Aeru. 8aid trx.C i I Hews,' Richzaond. Cincinnati, Indianapolis and La Fayette, and Council Bluffs, St. Paul, Foot, the well knownkno--author. Mr. Uireo-icrytheir dreary homes. It was learned Is just what Iti'name Implies: a rontaiaed wlthu the limit of I.ot iind F TKuW.of the well Trow's a and intermediate points. Minneapolis said Sectiof Si Township Hid Hugo as in Sew York City (forty years in the from them that after death the human Vegetable Compound, tb6. Purely rinsT em Ftut Kxprt AU Thrxm0k P . Train. gm Imank frame remains a Not the acts cSrectly upon the Liver ; cur, aioresuiu. oircctory business), TBIJUJ. the Hon. Abkam slightest particle of magnet. Is as their but Mr For mors detailed tsiormaUoa se Maps) and Polders, which may be obtained, as Fuller, ct forCub, aud ear dust log the many diseases Incident to . ftacrlnniABT kr a :itorni td rod Was! and lf Postuiaster in truly and powerfully positive or negawany WAKimast, wU as Ticketa, a all prtBOinal Ticket oJ&oee la the United States and Canada, or ef New York Ctty. Biso Surveyor tf the Port; as was the individual in life. This tl ai important organ, and prevents.; red Ikmthfroin the is'ortheaat eorawr of the "'"'W. B. CABLK, rave tUoir Htudavitts tuat theru are no other tive K. ST. JOHIf, & ona of the aide which led to the ths numerous ailments that". outiieatfconvh was quarter or hocllfln 8, la Tows- name of Foot doctors in Xew York ty the Oeas'i Tteitmt mm4 Paser XfswA bait Iake tf Ent i, Weet rU Wl smI Omtrai Mwm ssr. a.Tic trom its deranged or torpkl; Merldiam,-xneocelbrp'l. t or FoorS.ezcptipg Ir. E. li. HOOTS, the discovery of their bodies. And we tbviic rods,; the author of "Medical Common Sense," cannot In these days of incredulity at as snch "on, at Dvspepeiewi Jaun' beau c reos.xuence w est uxm roa,Uion4 ete., and h s two sons, I'r. E. B. foOTB. Jr.; tach much Importance to this fact. No Kft-2-ar to ot KorUi red place keginutng txtHa. di. .Biliousness, Costivcnecs, 4 lr. UL'BCitx T. Fuutk. Xb geaaine other ooay toi animate existence re. Rheuma-fcereafter ftlwa eu ItrJ rooxa. Jr wUt " tfcae In more death. tains What quality in deslynatuug hift pioy the iBltuds. K. tist . ee It I therefore a truism? uMue.o' lleretotor be has been known not practical ana corroboration of Paul's taisedX 'wttttistKtka- Wta: taall 4t the eald khe-livwisdora "one is 'Thera. hi i aon thai but , have Good Hsclth at vhertver 01 publication only Soataeait 1quarter ox aeciioa a, ana jut .'4' have bttonvCircBlated, ty tha naroeof Ir.-- t fllesh ot blrdu, another Of beasts, aa afore- Section h Towtukip as4 orderbe. must in kept men." OoTE, Jr. Greater care w2i be takett hereafter. In view of the fan Xhatnai Ana now we most leave them, but pereon 1& asaumed to profit by not to silencef we hope, though prLucivl4 their fBTigorates the Xlver Heolates !thT tialn aji Individ ed baif interest li-Lis nnd Uts father' reputation. ft be unwritten, their tombs unRmrftla. Btrenrthsuui tha Purl. Ke7f. S. Section li, la Townsino Those dtisirbaa- - farther aud more detailed. 1 annals -- had . te lettered. no . its tbo Elooa. aatgta jfcr&m could have will e r ogsteiv1 eww , mui to They I matter, i n .tin btvrmatkm respect . w . . ... . . 1 ,.n i ta no aart ii 'lanimaee. written no uied ucoaty ,u ttA Aiendiaa, nodimnu uy suuiiutiut iv reeeive OAJRX, XJk.Xt. .. , , . LstUe City Utab. Utry. Hence . were their customs. JUl Irmluable FaroOr ;i iHdna lot Person kavinr inforraatlon of annta?cr radltfonsteltefai in the Wrlil' klnilnr. eoninUBkiata t!l ti nlsJtmtta eourse of ages to .the perverted strange comoina-tto- n earn to J. W. iTy wita, BtUiexia44t Ale. iu Christian tfjajsaxxoss TSAors jjeavx sjxt laiis dailt, as roixowsi and of 1 rnay uropoa fo tae uBceraiysed Pagan found4n wiiiinar wriueg, Bride.KaltLaUCily. te pay. the iaiouat he Aztec. I - 3ejsteT Toltec t.ucr and the and &'k&vkm&fl-JTmuarulrites the MzaaT M '.tt Dr. pro hose to 1 consult :An7xperteno luvri desiring No. ii had leave lb earner r"Wsc 8. to lh. I MllXord Express at. . of other and - later aoaanc Eipreee at.. ...730 m. fcait aaionally or to AMrOer romedk hould ad architectureTetUmmiai vf Wth t Ward, Crry. f Ik Quitsce prW woes. have- - i bad ' drea either befui-may They aoeei-uj SuU OA b wiii Iso woa offer ut 'IStrtt, ',ti'i2$ H3sta uf it flit If ' f aarifaiH It aAniif sawu Psaenger Train Arrive im Sail Irak, daily a follow: B kA VVVUUS 2et B. Any B. or Jade Dr."p, Dr. Sr.. FOOTE, f tk fmi arbieisex tUrf ) . lptfmbT, 9tkuh talc sse tku f nooorand Babel become so incon O For full lstbTTBsrloa end yon rt2tt si 4 MiwjWta- tbe .provi ifiaie-ottr. .40 j.m IM. p.m. Milfoni Express at.,.. Pnciftc krpreea at. iLuZ?.. the time therahna, Mt tiM . YsJria' .. k 5Ww skI IJCMmc fittoki aw the r Llv I 'and MTlr?J rlwftllerB and of ,trih to Sa SAJOKtfLB, JHtaaVs) 1 Mae," KWt or in : Uy J lett Jf U'JOHN iU-!" per itKKiVK& 8UARP, srvis cops', VMS I certainly tvft galtat,Jfree, narai aa Of pKyL 1 1 CVunir L ; f te WILi r. Jfo 111.,-- BTJILDE RS. "MO. 13 OUACQUAINTCO WITH THE CEOORAPHV CF THIS COOMTRY SEC BV EXAMiMlMO THIS MAP, THAT THE ; , .a It. I. .v.-!.- i: .s Ai?-3r- '., S'rov itSnuM4, ( t' - W injuie trim msaicinct do m"he or produce const ipation Dr.. G. H Bnnn-ET- , a leadins physician of bpriuEfiold. O.. wiyei "Brown's Iron Bitters is a thoroughly rood medicine I r.HO it in lDjr practice, and find its action ail other forms of itnn. In weakness or a low oxcr-l-t condition of tho system-- , Brown's Iron Bitters is It is all that is claimed ususIIy a punitive necewitjr. - Gea. Pan & i ' tcra. , , Ti. ;!. a, Ki:.. ;'iie.-- CjU. . . tl-.- illSi, .t. vi' : Ma-hhi- St-iviii- d v ! m BEST TONIC. Gin-turb- : v l THE For Weakness, TaaitnI Leck t ofcc, it HAS sQ EQUAL, and EneTgy, ia Aiil v Iran medietas that wot t njnrlona. tliM TUnnA. Invigorate the Ir Tni-il- i SvMtem. Heateree ABoetIte.AldIietloij . CCTIIK Mi:.:UL'KI RlVKi: XC O TjJD ' E SEAVIK(i MACIllNK, This drawing was made from the n a'. ue a taken troin the hoof aud c.rtlu showu in Kige. I ,".nJ i. The Only Forod an.! Iim::irr Point Nm.i1 m irit; V, urjil liiai is no1, ed riorsc (tt i ':ire i iron: tlie !' eul, lipf... jioiiil uui' wlU liol split in 'triviii VERTIt'AIi z:xu Built by the Stl.ti' !on - 3T O XX 3 v ii'ui', jn. Enquire at K Cars, Z. 131 OTIS Ifoust-liol- One U Cary, Ogden Parker, nan. of Paints for sal ta M Its I. and braacke (k nfactornr COLORS. vraa mde from a n i The above draw showing the lamicatiun of Iron ic lis t'o. j Rolled and Sheading procesi PAINTS. HANDY AJfD c 'IV PLANING MILL, Office Telopbone Horse's Feet. GDL0S1 rRK, Bt ciiJiifT PAirr, qcauitt (KnatvTiii). A FENEST PAINTS I SKUsr,uJ 7 BED CROSS COTTACE CHIGAGO. if.nii El Mill ft OEQEH CART, Fur BROWNS a niouud-oui.lder- Nm. 1. IVo. 50 jJCajrltet Roav. J. CD. ; French and Spanish Merino Hams, CO. HILL & HASLAM, TO XOITR me sc Union Depot at Jillnian Sleeping MILL ROLLER PATENT LOOK WELL s, horse shoe mounds lead us to think ol it." rj restful, simple lalth, pf tuiiipiea; aud forOonctim bos trade maik and esossed red linos on cemeteries long before shrinea or Trapper. titii other, Madeoulyby Take now if were known. But what vaults BliOfl N UEMItLroBAI TlMOKr.MP. OF THOROUGHBRED. CROSS- the with BOoK usefal and attractive, while our ralnda are battling I.iPirs'IwtHans BHED of prin forrecipea. informarkm about mazes ot this early time and striving to o.irifl. etc.. friveu away ljr. rjl clealers in mdicine, or of and antiquity 'uaiied to ac7 addrcfis on receipt of 2c. etamp. grasp the customs ii women what men and those primal there r.ses up before us spectre-lik- e the phantom of an earlier day, beckonDR. ELLEN B. FERGUSON, ing still backward to the homes of an older people. Aud what if. alleged and stock? old, lare MostlvTwo years o the ilFFK'F. I?i;sU)K&CB, 354 E. BHIGH AM ' built and heavy shearers. when we see their restlug-placongue of evidence bo unloosened to ('l.'lUKT, MS Telephoue 51. culture aud Orders will be promptly attended to. Ths tell us of their broader no bliud or nltcnti 'n given to CATAJtB'l anil lot will be sold Cheap. higher faith! Let uscannotwe do of tjie XiSK. THROAT i.:; than, biased; what betterof old G. W. HANCOCK, ; alKb to Obstetrics and aii.l 1X'M. exTuscan with the humbly n .of H omen Lje.i-i:Sacramento, Cal. 1827 B. St., 5 claim, Mirabiie dictu? d230 lm lives their Impelled' toward breaks at through ages where the light before dawu ine the uncertain in 1 and long pondered 6ilent awe upon the character ar.d period of the uqciut when io, traveling in tue mountains oi southeast Virginia, I found my sacriplaces legious leet among the resting of a people whose name I had never 1 to the are take it heard, whose live N world an unwritten scroll. But uit-Wo must be to known. forward DEPOT. OF press EAST rt THE TGES. "Who were thise strangers In t;ie BLACK TIPS ask, land? When did they live?" Wc must imour learn from their customs and of tnose custoaic. perfect knowledge POORS. LIMBER, say for we know them Imperfect wethanks to the fct ir..U only in death, "Bash, LATH, they did not cremate. Ti;i;e has leu ; J. WAV, PROPRIETOf?. but imperfect vestiges of tneir fjnts, .SHIXJI.E-V- . mil LDIA'OS, none of their Instruments aud uuu- STl'J'.liT, 1 FHA.ntS. aili. ,; E1LIXG, a us Accident upon again brought , l ' Kl. I'H ... " :, .. TLOORIXG, t?:i;tJi. t'hnt(N) plantation in Montgomery County. V., ; .n i..t Spring i.mob. wheie these sleeping fortes were re BDWARE, lit S I It , " ' tn- -t C.':np'-li,.tj by hundreds and by ttiticd. Tuls " "a I'SAU fc X... is literally true, aud now we cite the ... 1AU VitMiHTS, two facts that are reinarkHbie aii'i pi c.'lliSM. .it tj.ici sc, lined aiiii Suj'cii jquickly distinguish thesa from oth-rknown. yet written of orwith ium 'j lo.Ucu lay ALL I31LL IJKOIITJY KILLJED ever lirst,the they lie la breast. Second, they boar.the ratio rectangles, whose bides 3:1. 'iwo hundred of them lie buried :u Hue ol east and westi and side ;v side are 100 buried north and souii!, thus iornilhsr two sides of a quadrant. e. SUPERFIME i.'ontritctors, and !nufaftirrers, and in these unvaried rigures in multiT WHOLE-WHEAover lie of areas the thl tudes they Are these fads not pecu plantation. TiiLDB. BQMNEY & A9MSTB&HG. liar ana distinctive iou ncnoiu no evidence on the surface to warn you A Co. ''hi T"loar Is made by Latimer, Taylor that below are a whole nation of men who sleep undisturbed under the tle srpelitl pricMa, of 1'. ). I'.i I'S. beat l'lih qnalMle trampling of the furious war horse or ALL and Wheat, contain) the roaming beasta. But downward tie nutrfllve elements we search, and soon we ud them, .Ve)tiir ha luiplantel la hands folded oyer the breast, the staltbe srruiit, prMiueaus; wart heroes of ages back in the davvn- bread. healthful, jtblie Know of time. nation you any ing Warranted as unchristian, thus enwrapped, lyhu and M ijaufactured represented, down to the "sleep that knows no wrking?" But more marvel, the graves The Pioneer Roller Mills, are laid in system, t nnstian in long near bALT LAKE CITT, UTiO. ana east west, you rectangles Ara they ol any nation who so do Sul.i nt $2.50 retail, by not certainly imbued with the spirit of .1 I. Wrtirrr; Pt fiartiaeat. Christian tradition burying to the east? 1 JinuiOii fUv 1st South Associate with this the rising of the i tila lion U, (ij, pail to Z. V. H. I. star in tne east, no planting ot our corner stone to the east, the wise men tD UIU1!! L'KAIJRS. of the east and tne general tendency of Christian burial, uut may they not be ie&ftl merely Indians? It la not showu in the skulls, though those people bury thus (why, we do not now ask) or, were W3I. they not mere worshipers of the sun, shown In this site akin to the elevated tribes that once adorned Mexico? Both of these conjectures drawn from the position of their bodies, are made Improbable by the simple position of the hands folded upon the shringe from which the divinity has fled. For' so they tell to us in unmistakable tokens their last undying hope that looking Undertaker, Funeral Director and forward to the day when divinity shall Erribalmer. return and this mortal shall put on immortality. came A full line of Fine Cloth, Metallic and But whence this hope? CerSod.vood Coffin and Casket. Air tight ana casact. tainly they are older than any race jan A complete stock of Burial Robe and Un The most remote of prehisl knowa. toric races are a mixture of rudeness aertaker' Goods ef evory descrtptioa kept on nanu, and paganism compared with these. If consutiiiy BIftuk or White Ilearo. descendants of these lately found Bodies without loe for any friends, they (the Mound builders-Mexic- ans) ienith of preserved time. are so remote the lapse of rartioular attention f Iven to embalming, time so great that the eajly purity and lhhilne and are or bodies. Krnbalrr nd shipping a specialty. definite faith have been lowered and Lots (rraves turnished in any cemweakened, if not lost, in incongruous in the etery myths and superstitions. orders city. by teteyraph or telephone, day Besides, if they were contemporary yrAlt will night, prompt "ntion. with known races, where are the evidPrice lor .ii terra roaajLaole. ences ot Intercourse always found in Office Never Closod. Telephone No. 3f31. early nomadic trioes, Could science have overlooked such If they existed? S. Westf These facts and reflections bring bellv-rl a ns Deoole fore that must have prior to any prenistoric tribes yet heard of. They are Imbued with the spirit of Christian belief, they evince cus- xxo PIONEER Topeka & Santa Fe wir b"Aw IS 0 TO THE EAST IS .. ATCHISON, ffltUk Cowuef - fellow-mortal- a; Most Direct Route VIA d tf i W KITER. A. MADE Purest and strongest Natural Fruit Flavors, Vanilla, Lemon. Orange, Almond, Rose, etc.. flavor as delicately and naturally as the fruit. TRAINS) m. 4.S0 SUNDAY Aeave City and m. and P- 8cr-tiie- ik While, travel! iik ft! th- suflny South as a servant of Uoii, I meet wi'li vari- - j LIU On and After TJmrsdmj, June 4th, 1885, lkarned and he mains. C!av Coantv, Ala., Bcckkyk, August, 26tH, 1885. : Editor Dt'tcrtt Xi M Wife. aido-walk- RAILWAY. WEEK Oil BMP TRAINS. IS TO BE FROM MISKW Xeao. own an . September 9, 18S5 strangers with a new stdry. Are they not worth our acquaintance? Can we not enter their stately chambers and "provoke the silent dnst" to Oi these honored tell us something their parentage and homes, their wanderings and trials, their battles (if any) r their temples? Can they tell us when their simple vivid talth, marked by such nnmlstaken theism, gave their souls to God, their bodies to the dust? RequUtcat. They have passed th inevitable hour, mortals that they weire. This is a correct copy, "and if it is worth publishing ycu can publish it, and if not, you may find room for It in the waste basket." Times are dull with us at present, but not wub the profes90r9 of the world. At the present the preat revivals are the day, and Jike the Pharisees taking ot old, when full of tbeir kind of religion, it stirs them up to persecute the true servants of God. Nevertheless, w e feel like going ahead and doing our part in building up the kingdom of God. The Saints are.having much persecution at, present. Let every Saint be true to his God, bis covenants, his wives and eliiidren-cofines and come life or death, is imprisonment, the prayer and feeling of your colabor-e- r in the Latter-d- a v work, - B.'-KD- -- EXCELSIOR MNUFACTURINO CO., . . , . Rft . Sick-Headac- S - Utah Central Railroad. er pre-8Cient- iflc an-ptbe- rof -- -- . NEW TIME 188S. - la.of m. 1 . jta . t-- s -- j. wr Ilf rrt(&t raseenger Agv. srtWikJ : - ueneraJ Street,. St. Xouts,;Mo. Saperlntendent. -i axw-ptedw- d ?UtT-1H- f 1 t, 1- -s it. & . i 4 rt, ar ''Bole Agenta ;in,' iHHfli-'it!!''- V ti - - v ''( -,- . lA.'Cifr s ; |