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Show 9KM EVENING NEWS. AtMitherf Daily, &HUuy At rODR O'CLOCK. Kjcct-lmJl- PfttNTED AND PUBLISHED , 8Y THE OESERET NEVS COMPANY. CHARLES W. PENROSE, EDITOR. Jumm 20, Saturday 183 PKECISKL,Y THE POSITION. Ever since the earlier phases of the cruMde, those who hare been conducting it have been c Ailing, through their Journalistic organ, It has been asfor serted a good many times that the occasion had arrived for the ttJvent of Mr. Joaeph Smitl, that he might help in the efforts that were being made to break up and destroy tha ''Mormon" Church. A to whether the gentleman has been induced to come on account of the flatterlngjlavltatlons that have been extended to him, we are unprepared to make any definite statement, but appearances lean that way. At all events he is here, and the guest of Mr. War nock. We are not often ia accord with the enemies of the Latter-da- y Saints, bat in the matter of the appropriateness of the coming of the head representative of the Josephite Church we are not widely at variance with them. If that gentleman chooses to humiliate himself by acting in the capacity of a tool In the hands of those who are working an injury to an innocent and conscientious community, that is his privilege. The dignity and manliness of such a position however, is open, to say the least, to the most pronounced criticism. And if he fails to penetrate the crust of hypocrisy in which those flatwho are heaping tery upon him in sickening doses, his obt&senes9 must be lam tn table. Any person who cannot see through the flimsy subterfuge of the raiders must bo fax left to himself. Their tactic degrade him to the position of a Jos who shows his teeth at an elephant, those who disgrace him shont-- 1 ag wsek hn." M tch a we may differ f ora the gentleman on. any question we regret to see him placed in such an attitude by men who, oatMd. of auk-hik ciUpaw, have not th for htm. The consideration aiightest policy adopted toward him Is certainly an Insult to hU intelligence. The reason why we do not express antagonism ta the idea emanating from i ho other side of the fence regarding the opportune character of the visit of Mr. Smith, is because of a view we have taken in connection with the entire controversy in progress. It U permitted in the divine economy, In order to purify the ranks of tha Church and fit it for the high position It U destined to fill, that stumbling blocks should arise. Inducements to fly the track must necessarily be of a varied character, that the hypocrite, the coward and he who has defiled himself In fact the unrepentant sinners-m- ay be furnished with excuses suited to their tastes for leaving the In the hour of trouble. The elimination of the smut will leave the wheat In & cleaner condition, and tha result will be a people whom the Lord will delight to tbieas, and through whom He will yet exhibit His power to a marvelous degree. The gentleman named and the cause he represents only add an additional element to the process of elimination. Saint will be Every true Latter-da- y able to perceive this without difficulty. Ht is tn rapport with the opposition. He Is united on that Bide with the world, which appears to lave him for convenience sake and is Joined by the corrupt and cruel knaves who are moving earth and bell to oppress and distress the Saints. Asfde from resuch as his ligious considerations being a repudlator and without authority his attitude and the company In whose ranks he is enlisted should be sufficient to place him where he belongs in the minds of the faithful. To render this position, if possible, still more clear, we will quote from yesterday morning's issue of the organ of slander: "He will receive without tstint, the heartiest encouragements from those who have departed from the polygam ous Mormon branch on account of Its autl-"Mormo- n" ne antl-"Mormo- n" m- body-religio- us nary to And in what loyalty to it principally consists. In doing this let as assume facts forbid ns doing more, respect tor office forbids us doing less that the Federal officials of Utah are loyal citizens of the Government, whose servants they are. Loyalty I mean the genuine article-- Is manifest mora In works than word, in practice than in precept. Bogus loyalty may prate much about allegiance to the greatest government on earth the government of, forL and by the people. Beautiful theory! What true American can think of it without emotions of pride? And how the patriots' heart must swell within him as he grasps his oarpet-ba- g and seeks an appointment to become Governor of a Territory whose citizens ihad no voice in selecting or electing the President whose commission he desires, nor In that of any Senator whose approval Is necessary to confirm the appointment, and fully authorize him to govern; citizens who have no interest in him, and for whom he has neither Interest nor sympathy. Unbidden and, of course, therefore unwelcome, the Territorial Governor comes empowered, among other things, to veto absolutely any or every measure passed by the 36 honorable gentlemen full-fledg- loyal. Be this the fault of the system, or the man, or both, it Is called Republicanism. So a harlot is called a woman, a depraved debauchee a man, but neither the original type which God called good- - The theory then of republicanism is government by and with the consent of the governed. The practice of republicanism, as prevailing In the Territories, Is to govern tolthout the consent Chronicler. of the governed, and loyalty consists they meet Ulra? in abuse of the governed by those who can not be held responsiBY ble by them. " On the other hand, theocratic fcfXK. HTKIIM L'VION tCIt forbids any mau to bold office In Its eccleiactlcal organization without the consent, nay without the api,iTi.ii? by proval, of those a uioug whom ami for whom he Is to exercise the functions of 75,&eo Fetind tteeireted. his office. Republicanism, encroachO,, 20. A story is pubCincinnati, ing upon munarchial privilege, ap lished here of the Hading of o,0D0 in a, gokl and stiver coin. In the walls aud points without reference to the of those to ie goremed, while Cifilings of a four story building, y Louis Schertx, who occupied the place theocracy, in precept au.l practice, for vears ia the liquor business. lie ''holds out" the docriue of common died "recently and left to his brother a lu what places consent so strongly that no''Morm6nM memoraadura showing Ims louud, but did not could bo fouud. meaa euoiurli to the- money would Indicate the amount. As deceased has even wUh to sovcrn without the- - ap- aiwavs an beared to be a poor mau and In Uxts fckteed in the storeroom, the finding proval of the governed. this large sum was a surprise, it Is theoratlc "Monnon" government, the of said ho left valuable secrets in whisky combined authorities of the Priestrectifying and phius for hood and oftlcors of th Church have compounding, the construction ot distilleries, neither the right nor the power to 'the Neventeen Year J.oeutU place any man in an office without the New York. 2). Reports from vari consent and vote of the people over ous parts of Long Island state that the I whom he Is to preside. And seventeen-yea- r locusts have in a it e suipo.se for this reason they are, If good thir appearance in countless numbers. Wore Ironclatts. "Mormons," disloyal to the government, whose principles they inuat Chicago. 10. A gentleman lu this and do practice. city has received living samples of theCalifornia grasshoppers; the chief lnI...K..H.. iiui.Hi.u..it. loud-mouth- ed i.imria. teel-tng- - , 1. tuu 1J muuat tuueyeuucui the result of their power- looanoao, r nvcr.riiio tKi xmotnAn ... .... i. .... me pari ot uu. ou i iu, the people themselves, the disposition to maintain their rlihts. then. 1 for doe, thank God for their disloyalty. And if, on the other hanll, American patriotism, manly Independence, dignified honor, modest bravery and noble action are fruits produced only by s, hungry culefly true to themselves and their and whose Instincts lead them to assume office among those who desulse them. then the "Mormon" wants none of any. It is said that a rose called by some other name would smell as sweet. It may be that certain "American gentlemen" would smell no stronger!! called by what their practice Indicates they really are traitors to every prin ciple of honest repuollcan government. .11. """i action are . J 1 jk.c, carpet-bagger- grip-sack- s, THE GRAIX CROP. 11. CIIKONICUCS. CHAP. 3. gov--ero- - " ' ed. v.- Haviirg ascertained, in majln, .the aweet are pat into the same cap, that they willsomingle? Even will a scabby sheep infect a whole flock, or a drop of ink stain a whole glass of water. Nevertheless, the grain that Is sound can be cleaned by going through the cleansing process, and will have Its brightness enhanced, for all Its good qualities will remain. Therefore a good husbandman know eth ail these things, for in the threshing process, after passing; the fans, it must needs go through the screens. And the rmctU will drop through, and the more grain the sareen (shakes, the more will drop through: for (these so things are ordered in the nature of threshing machines. The grain that paiseth the spouts is placed in the bushel ready to be yet, to prepare it for the great mill, it bath to MM th limit. ter. Ye this Is done in order that all the dost, and whatsoever Is not tull Q M. DESERET SATHM!, 1MK RIKPl.l H. S. . i ! l At'! . FAIU I'H .1, i;..0 Wr ELOkKt-J- IV' S, Leads the IV! ar kef i I : i i ilRiVt)!!?. iJTl'--r JiMS SHARi', WM. W. KlTi R. U 8. HH.UJ, Cl.i.-.f- . Jab. as l.irn.tt. T. lioyt and rorb. Sau MiM tt S CeU3irttS peJ tor t Ith . -- m Ht-. , , .,r-t- lis jjljLa DiVORCONS DR. HENLEY'S - Join. YThc excellent. lecture of Bishop) O. F. Whitney, delivered last evening. will be published In full in tbe Nkws next week. Jamxs McKxioht was allowed unlil Wednesday next, at 2 p.m., to file ar guments in the disbarment proceedings against Aim in the Supreme Court. He claimed that the attempt to disbar him from practicing as an attorney had lu foundation in malice. TrsMto-S- rfes f ! Patents. From the Patent and Trade-mar- k Office Melbourne, Australia. Mr- Ed ward w aters writes, that one of bis household suffered with toothache and rheumatisui,and was cured Immediately aud Completely bv tho use ot St. Ja-oOU; the great pain cure. - bs DEATH S Batkstaw. In the Seventh Ward, this city. June 19th, 1S&, Mattie M., wife of William J. BtteraiuJ. daughter of Will mm and Martha W. Lnubournc, born In ht. LouU, Oetobe.-SUt- , Wil. Funeral service At 11 o'clook, SuucUy, Jane Slit, from TweUtn Ward Assembly Uooraa. STRAY HOBSE. T JL HAVE IN MY POSSESSION'. ONE dark bay HOKSt, aur in forehead. white hind feet, bvauded on lett thigh with II with I ou top. not very legible. Tbe owner t rineted to eorre-Houi- l . k " i.i. uyuciiiiuvu mill iiiutq u ri a NconelU, Kraery County, Ctah SA Xj IE IT OTl Assisted by the following named Ladles and Gentlemen: PROGRAMME: yrusT PART. Chorus, "I Lombard!," " O Trio, Memory," Mrs. T. J. Mackintosh Miss urare Almy ana Mr. it. Krouse. s' Mr. M. II. Mc iwith piano and organ), Song, "Jerusalem," Mr. B. II. Y oung. Mrs. James Hogle. Hong, "Guinevere," Duet, " The Moon liath raised her Lamp V. Mackintosh and W. above," Messrs. U. B. Young. SECOND PART. Bfircarola, " La notte diffonde," (sung in Italian), Misses Mary Teasdel, Grace Young, raisy Woods, Crissie Lawson, Hetty Young, (irace Ahuy, Mrs. T. J. Mackinuuib, Mra. James ilogje, and , Messrs. McAllister, Duubar, AV.W. t;oddeii. Harper, J. D. Spencer H. B. Youn;j. Jr. nnd Music," Mr. H. 8. Krouse. 8ont, "Forliidduu we Meet, "...Miss uri.ee Almv. bom;,"Vlien " O Bwallow, Swallow," Mr. B. ft. .otr,Young. "Ave Marie," (with olriigatn and piano and MUses Dairv organ aC'impaiiiment Woodd, Grace Young and Cnsaie Ijuv on. and Chrus, from Muse in Kgypt,' 8!l Mo8e Mr. T. E. Harper Mr. J. T. Dunbar Aarou Mi CrUaio Lk.ou. Kther alack-intosh- cure in cases of Neuralgia, SleeplessNervousness, ness, Debility, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Languor and Malarial Diseases. s&-- For Sale at all Druggists at ONE DOLLAR a Bottle. - " J. HENRY WAGNER, t UJ O hi r5 P4. era I J ? 0 a 0 3 trf... t xx in CMJFORM &REWERY MEATUS RATES. IS NOW m ar.d PORTER. WHOLESALE AfD ItKIAlI. Saood Uovth Street, Thref. Dcix-- Ens, from Main Street. aui LAQKR EEEK at 8:30 p. m. t o r.r o PREPARED T1 Tllilaiiii Post OlSc.--, Tntuii .ei e Ucff. d tf :..!.-- 1. l.i.t. it,';t iXW :!:. Of J 1 i Established r ..;,. vc I . l'--ir-' V.'. I, tbe city. ' .. tJu.y i MAi V t.iii;' 'ii.il tt-- e A Ti tliii .ni OJ'e. wr-li-- i O.'Lit.T; At which all London and New York have been l.mehinjc for the paet two years. Tbe comedy hit In years, and greatest one of the best Comedy Casts ever seen in this city. 'i'.iu ie j ;i i'.j'."'ji i. l I . . j M .X. ea "K. m I 4J P 11J ft '..'i.ii., Hi. t:.H. &f. 'I J IT 5O0 JCil i CONSTANTLY NEW ARRIVALS Fstablisiieu wa 186?. iORATIVE '.'!. i: ';.- - - i '1ji ii' ftr.j,.ji; no Oi'-i.a- KINDS OF AT-- L Paintliiy at lleasonablc ilaUv, SALT LAKE CITY BBEWiHS CO. 7Hi lii-i- i To IS FOl-li? ii.i'tttb- - J "t tlio Jll.-'i!- DO HOUSE, SIGN AND u) "c OF GOODS ! JOSl?PH E. TAYLOR, FRIDAY & SATURDAY EV'NGS, and 87, Jan Fust production In this city of the celebrated Madison Square Comedy, Pioneer Undertaker of Utah. EVERY DEPARTMENT THE PROFESSOR! BRISTLING i . With W. II. Gillette in his great original the title rale, and Miss Bsllk Jack-sopart of as " Daisy Brown," her original part. Other characters by members of the Madi-seSquare Theatre Company. if n ii n DillllUUH n 49C sua! prices. Seats on sale Monday. ADMINISTRATRIX Manufacturer and Dealer in kinds of 8 ALE. METALLIC, WOOD ISO 13 HEREBY GIVEN, THAT NOTICE after the Third day of July A. D. CLOTH Low Prices Cropping from every Shelf! al! Cli'ElLO M Not o: NEW ARRIVALS AT r AFTER THE FIRE. TAYLOK Regardless of Cost. Ru8so-Persia- Air-tig- TEASDEL'S! NOTICE! For the DEERING Celebrated Junior Twine BInders,Iteapers, and Extras for same, and WHEEL Eagle the Rakes, with either Shafts or Tongue, call and us, or write for prices are the and terras. best. Spasmodic but Perpetual! Ladies' Dusters, Lawns, Kid Gloves, Chambray Ginghams, CART WHEEL and CATCH ON Straw Hats.. Boni, FOKEIG JOSEPH cat t SAX.T LAKE CITY, ldBS, the undersigned. Administratrix of the COFFINS CASKETS. Estate of Barnabas L Adams, deceased, wil sell at Private Sale to the highest bidder, the properly ef the estate, situate in the A full line ot COFFIN Fl'KMNHI.iitS First Ward of this city, and described as on baud. kept constant Lots One (1), Two (2), Three (3) and Four ). in Block Twelve (12), Plat B," Salt Telephone and Telegraph Ordeis promptLake City burvoy, containing in all Five (5) ly flllei. Acres. Bodies preeerTOd In their natural con Up to the day of sale, bids in writitg will dition, without extra char. resbe received the at her by undersigned, distion of said estate and petition for OPEN DAY AND NIOHT. idence, 705 Eighth bouth titreet East, Bait tribution of the estate of snid deceased and Lake City. Xo. S.U E that the 7th day of July.A. D., 18&, at ten Fiwtory aud Ware Said property will be sold, however, sub X o'clock a. m., at the Court Koom of said Ject Houtb Ntret, First to underthe estate life of therein the In of Salt Lake, County of the City One and a half blocks East of Thcatio. Court, to her rights. ' Salt Lake and Territory of Utah, has been signed, and subjectJULIA LATEVr TRANSATLANTIC A. ADAMS. Telephone No. 70. duly appointed by said Court for tbe settled td Administratrix. EDWARD T. TAYLOK, ScfT. ment of Mid account and distribution of said estate, at which' itne and place any Sexton's Office : same baildiog. d person interested in said estate may appear said shew if and he cause, any there be, why Gladstone Catflhet London, met tals morning and discussed the account should not be settled and approved as prayed for. made and distribution scope of the assurance of aid to carry Mated June 13th, 1K8. on tne government, wnicn it is pro JOHN C. CUTLER, shall give to the d 8w posed that Liberals CSerk Probate Court. Conservatives . A. HI MKT. WISHES TO INFORM Tbe Pall Mall Gazette In an editorial MRS. friends and the putlic generally, W3I. article says: Th opinion is groving that her store will be opened on Saturday & Co. that nothing will break the existing morning, 13th Inst., in the Herald buildings, one block west of the Deseret National deadlock hut a return to office of Mi Bank, where will he found a large stock of Gladstone." Trimmed Hats and Bonnets, which will be closed ont Russian Arrest. Mowers, The Time$ reports that one of the officers who crossed party of British n frontier recently. the IRON Also one hundred Hats to be Given Away. while traveling, and was arrested bv Undertaker, Funeral Director and will take that to the trouble call, Any lady the Rnssiaus and carried to Askabad, Embalmer. can have one gratis. d.Vs Hay was clerk In the office ol the British A full line of Fine Cloth, Metallic and consul at Reshd. At the gwe of the Kod.vood and Caskets. arrest, the clerk was the bearer of a Juk Cases Coffins ALL SUNDAY SCHOOL and Caskets. note couched in the tnoet friendly see A complete stock of Hum! Knhes and Ua. SHOULD SEE terms, from the iousul'at Reshd to the dcrtakers' ttoods of every description kept CJUPEBISTRXiiENTS the KEI.IKF MAI OF 5 ALK. Knssian commander at Karakhs. The ou hand. TI.NE at PKMBKOKK'8. The Map is the They ltlack or White Hearse. consul had been on a visit to the camp most practical snide to the Bible Hislory, ot Bodies preserved without ice for any the of tbe Britten frontier coimnisglou and can be that and Land, Holy made, of etifrth time. a to bad had tbe misfortune lose mule should be in every Sunday School In the Particular attention given to embalming, Uitv near Sarakhs. lie sent his clerk to the and Territory. and care of bodies. Russian commander there, aisklnz for ibijtpina: a specialty. Embalming and PEMBROKE'S 71 Mill SHEET. help to capture bis mule. Tbe otneer cemIxts and gravesshipping; furnished in any did not re'ulv to the cousul's uote, and etery in the city. All Ciders by tetegraph or telephone, day sent theclerk a prisoner to Askabad. r niftht, will receive prompt atteution. dJts i, CLARK CO., M ovists' Briskly. Irics low and terms reasonable. 20.-T- 1 3 4 t3 .Seci-otury- Salt Lake City. Jano Pill, HORSE SHOEING mium . to Co-op- ., 4's A E. gg e. ri fttoehs. PBHDT.ETON AND 8. I.. 8IIEET8, a ; . havs )ut opened in the Smv xork, Threes, 13X;4's, 23 ; Pacific 6's, 27 ; Cen tral Pacific. 31 H; Burlington, 28; North 010 STAND OF NAYLOR BROS., em Pacific. 18: preferred. 39 Northwesteru.fWX ; York Central,88X ; ON THE STATE ROAD, Oregon Navigation, 74X; iransconti nental. 13H : Pacific Mail. 64 W: Pana And arc prepared to do Hoie Shoeing in Texas ma, 98; St. Lours & S. P., tbe Beat Style, on Short Notlca. Pacific. 11 X; Union Pacific. 63; Well.a Fargo Lxpress, 10 H; Western Union, Interfering;, SUnmblina;, OvrReath 3S. in;,. Etc., PernaaaMnrtfy Cored. Chopra. gbllaof Washington. 20. The Secretary the Treasury has asked the Secre (HE IS I till III IE CDIIIICEI. to appoint! medical intaryof State spectors at all Cuban Consulates, in view of the spread of Cholera in Spain & SHEETS. and the constant intercourse between d2w that country and tne porta of Cuba The duty of these Inspectors will be to watch immigrants from Spain and to IiUGAJU NOTICE. make prompt reports of their move ments to this government, so as to In the Probate Court la and for 8olt Lake revent the Introduction of cholera County, Territory of Utah. Into the United Statos from that In the matter of the Estate of Charles quarter. Button, deceased. Senator ftablo III. HRREBY GIVEN, THAT Sxillwatkr. Minn., 20. United NOTICE ISButton, Administratrix of the states Senator Sabln Is dangerously 111 Estate of Charles deceased, has Button, and bis at his home, attending physi rendered for settlement, aad Hied in said recover. not cians fear that he may Court, her final account of her administra- M! Ot THK STOi.'KH' f.PFkx of tlio Ic:eret Telegraph Company Jutiu iay;.;.r a ui-liwill be helil St Suit Lake City, I tnii, ou Saturday, June SOt b, 15, at U', m., tor llic pnrir"c of electiiijr a lrt;si'lent, Vice I'i oitli'M. Secretary. Tretsurr nnd Nine ;) Imvc-tor- s, to aerve tinriuff on; '.nc two j cuj W. II. DOI'OAI.!.. LAKETflEATRE. SALT 91. TIP O nsr OtL fa a . f casS ! Syrup of Prunpa " for Constipation, 75c. Best rcineiiy. Sold by Drugnists. Take no other. I ixi o Supt. - CO " Use x. live. II. S. KLDRI o- Mil. WILI.AKD WKIHE. At the Organ. ...MU. JOSEPH McDfTYRK. Accowpauist.MME. MAZZCCATO YOUNU. Mf Commencing c. It causes an effectual MADAME MAZZUCATO YOUNG, USUAL ow PRICES! The Great Nerve Tonic! AJ1D " My Pretty Jane," 8og,Allister. HiIte:, AND Celery, Beef and Iron IK. B. B. YOUNG Pili-rim- STOCKS COMPLETE M fni.i.l Uoile:ti'ii. remut'nc Make promptly h-- . a-.- x.i cnltsi, i m?h itmn(,r Tmii'tm-'- O malis. i.onia, WITH i lEEEIIES 8EP0SIT3 IE MAM'ZE Vl SALT LA UK WK HALF INTEREST IN THE EOCK tue tact that a aentletnan, who was a Mill; and eltfht seres of laud upon winch tilottled, at 'ruiiujton. This resident ol Kansas lu '74, '74 and '75, iulII IihiIt iaDie JUNE 24 and 2. beil water powr in finds them to be identical with the auu ol meaanw ana pu ooiimy. uests which ravaged that Stale lu the euro land, fencedu aorea MATINEE. AND SATURDAY a with uood fance. For f artliar particular ud price apply to yeats uamedt completely destroying In Fircl production this city by the ever crops wherever they appeared. The r. coojiks, popular specimen lu hand .seem to have lo Co Uit.vi J Aiujiagton. little of their activity In their Journey Pftrmlngtoa dim siwim Madison Square Theatre Company, from the Paclnc coast. Itteludina-- Mr. W. II. CllUette. Aid tor the Canadiaa PneUae. Of the screaming Farcical Comedy, lu three OfTiWi, 20. At 2:30 a.m.. a division acts, entitled the was taken ou the resolution for the re lief of the Canadian pacific Railway, PRIVATE SECRETARY ! which was carried by a vote of 100 to WW..-.- --. IEJOriSTOKV U. S. ns, AIM EE! llETURNED TO THE OLD STAND. UNITED ORDER MERCHANT TAILORS. i Z 03 9 I. I I J n S ? S NAYLOR & PIKE. Londos, 20.Politlcal matters are and people are moving briskly the issue. taking au active interest in This Poneonby, Private Secmorning retary to the Queen, delivered to the frani Marquis of Salisbury a message Her Majesty. The Marquis Immedithe message, ately upon receipt of Hlcks-Biactelegraphed Sir Michael Arthur Balfour, Win. Henry Smith, and Sir Richard Aahton Cross that he desired to meet them In council. In a short time the gentlemen named were In conference with the Marquis of Salisbury In his house. to-d- ay Oi&ce Never Closod. Telephone No, 23 S. West Temple Street. mum mi cobrices march of cholera in Spain for the past r hours are as follows: In Madrid, new cases A, deaths 1 ; Valencia (city) new can en 18, deaths 14; Valencia (province) new cases 249, deaths 124; Murala (city) new cases 240, deaths 83; Castellon (provluce) new cases 97, Tbe cholera continues Its ravages Spain. Tbe new cases reported number 607, and the deaths daring; the last twenty-fohours 278. The Inhabitants of the afflicted district are terror-strickand m no condition to combat successfully the spread of the malady. Truly their ease is a deplorable one, and it should call forth the commiseration of tbe whole world. In to-d- ay Of CHICAfiO. 01 good j arc kept at Savag.y Art li7ar, and by furniture dealers geuerailv at Sail Oily and other pri&cipal towns nl ItnoiKini throughout the TerriiurT- . O "3 h In 1L. MORTOlSr, E.srccEeson to h. o. stearxs. OPERA HOUSE Lunch and Ice Cream Parlor twenty-fou- deaths 37. AND CONFECTIONERY. iggjp co." EH Jz nr In connection with the a bore will be run a FIRST - CLASS DINING ROOM, Where ifealu will b served from 7 ft. m. to $ p. m. . tfr Special attention (or parties, ete. given to Sappers t ULUICHEa AT ALL HOVM. en The able argument of Mr. Klrkpat-ric- k before the Supreme Court of the Territory in the cases of A. M. Cannon and A. M. Mosser, as published in this issue, will be foond to be interesting reading. Hi; points were well and if ar taken ant clearly portrayed,' guments could nave any weight with tbe Court, hie onght . to. It was an nHqe1qpet;t appeal. - Dr.F00TE.Senior, mdicokire cusses. 11 RANDOLPH STREET, h, Progress el I he Plague. Madrid, 20. Official Reports of the or fbaxes, aoLuism, MANUr ACTL'BKHS 361. riCTUSE ' USB Uaiptt's Boll Braid o FOR TRIM Ml HO DRESSES, l&TRA WIDTH, MJPEBIOR QUALITY, FINEST COIiORS. gar-nere- d; gitrnd rwttnpyr J. BANKS. . Sam-mo- i -..- AS1USKMKNTS. the Chicago business firms wbese advertisements appear In the News, is one to which we desire to SILT LAKETIIEATRE. draw especial attention that of Clark & Co., manufacturers of moldngs, frames, mirrors, cornice Saturday Matinee and Night, poles, etc., and dealers in picture JUNE 20th. frames. Their place-o- i business isatlG9 Return of the Werld Keenest. Randolph St., Chicago, but samples of By Special famous Comedienne, MLLt. the goods manufactured by them can be found at Savage's Art Bazar in this city, and they are patronized by furniture dealers generally throughout the Territory. They are a reliable firm, Supported by her Excellent Company. and their manufactures will be. found to be rlrst-claIn quality. MATINEE, Jessop A Gill's Uproarious r unny nay. Weber and Silver Creek. Fishing in the Weber river above Its Junction with Silver Creek ts said to be excellent now, and sportsmen are already The rreat Play of Startling Surprises, in wnicn at uc. Aiuiee win sing many making their way to that stream from songs entirely new hare, also " Pretty as a Picture." various quarters to engasre in angling. Silver Creek used to abound with fish EVE.VINU, the great Comedy Triumph, also, but the "slickens," or muddy deiniuu iuasiCTpiece, In from the mines Park and about posit City has not only killed or banished the ! fish of that stream, bat of the Weber also for a long distance below where Matinee at 3 o'clock. Evening perform tbe two form a Junction. The name of Silver Creek now seetm singularly Box Office open 49 Prices as usual. Friday, at 10 a. m. Inappropriate for it, as It is far from silvery In appearance. In color It Is much like the Missouri river during SALT LAKET1IEATRE. the high water season and where "the meeting of the waters" occurs between that stream and the Weber, there Jun 22, 1885, at 8:30 o'clock, p.m. is all the disparity of color noticeable A VOCAL CONCERT that is to be seen above St. Louis, where the Mississippi and Missouri BY "Mor-monism- - '.'. Picture Frames and ItjoldJngs. Among TELEGRAPH. ut proud." w, -- - fcThe above are sweeping charges, often repeated. Are they true or lalaer The Government of the United States Is supposed to b Republican, and it is o, at least in theory If not wholly o Id practice. It. Is frequently, 'often boat tf ully, spoken of a "a government " k- - wAvnl la.? for the hvJ the neon w w V kUU ywv a other government In words, people." .existing by the contest Pi the ld grind-Beho- known as a Territorial Legislature. His politics nay be averse to those of the people. By virtue of his commission he rules without their consent. Their bitter enemy he may be, pursuing them with unrelenting hatred, yet they mast end are It and still be dis- wrong-headedne- ss. ren-deri- ng Therefore, so long as the grain doth "hold oat" we will continue to pluck and thrash, and prepare for the we have got be whip-roand we are determined to harvest all that should be harvested, for though we know not where we shall pat all the grain when we have measured it, we will continue our works, for yet our master must needs prepare places for It. So In the course of time they began to redouble their diligence; for, say they. The night cometu soon, and we are only commenced. And it came to pass that they were seeking to hurry up matters, and there was much hurrying to and fro, and though the sun shone and the wind blew, and the showers descended, yet the grain grew and waxed strong. For It knew the tares must grow with It until the time was fully come for the separation, and that they should find their place. The wise will know of these themselves accordthings and governknow three and six ingly; yea, they make nine. Yea, remorse may not gnaw their conscience much at this time, yet it shall gnaw some more. Nevertheless, the darkest hoar in the of the crusade has not come; history but to know there is a God in heaven makes the trials acceptable to Saints. Yet how will the crusaders feel when ed Once upon a certain time a husbandman bad a large field of grain, and he took great care of It, insomuch that It was beautiful to behold. for the grain was sound and plump and of goodly quality; yea, it stood so fair that it became the envy of all the fields of grain; for It was pure and free from cockle and cheat. Therefore, said this man's enemies, to Let as go to and make this field of Thus are the apostates who belong no religious organization committed grain like unto the other fields: forbe-II we it continue In its growing, to an unstinted encouragement. What hold,letwhen the day cometh to market receive to support! it the owner thereof will receive a props from which This is tantamount to a declaration greater price for his than we receive oars. that that special class of opponents of forAnd it came to pass that they were "Mormonlsm" are ready to make agreed as touching this matter. in are And they forthwith proceeded to sow tool of Mr. Smith. They cockle and cheat, and sunhis mission. seeds of and full accord with all manner of uoxiou.t flowers, Saints Latter which the day weeds. And the seeds that were gown did worthy the name will estimate to grow, even until at its Intrinsic value, lie starts Id take root and beanInsomuch became rank, that they well, for he has the plaudits of the vile they did threaten to choke out this beautiand low and the itcod will of the world ful grain. the grain continued to Nevertheless, lings In general, and Is fflrem the very and waxed stronger and strongbest evidence th&t could be lurnlsueu grow, er, even unto the ripening thereof; aud that his work Is of the world, and also the noxious weeds continued to therefore utterly devoid of that divine grow unto their ripening. Therefore the husbandman saw that element which always has and always when the time of harvest was apwill, until truth shall be triumphant, proaching, It was necessary that be t.e opposed by It. prepare machinery wherewith to harIf Mr. Smith has a special mission in vest nis grain. i'or though the weeds were rank and visiting Utah at this Juncture, it is evi there was some smut, yet .he saw that dently of a very different character to the grain that was grain was of goodly The him. Is which by that professed quality. Therefore, when the ftiuntaer was ungodly, who make uo profession the harvest time approached, aud of rellglAu, s well as- tbos who do, come, he had a goodly number of servants, are causing the unworthy to manifest who were ready to care for the grain. And bis enemies aUo had a goodly th1r trne statu. He Is united with number of servants who watched thisthem, and may prove useful. In his thing, aud were determined thef would same In It direction. the way, peculiar have a band in the harvesting. to servants as of the Is our duty, God, For they were desirous to have the warn the flock to beware of wolve. full control of the harvesting machineyea, say they, We can't see the This part performed, only those sheep ry; tares plucked out and not resist. which cau Ltd better dispensed with We prefer therefore to pluck all the than retained will listen to tho voice sound grain, lor that Is tho kiud that us the best price In the of etrangers. The good, the brave.the will bring and It will be shekels to us to market, of tho to voice the will listen true good secure all that we can. preye not. we are shepherd. They will be led by that i'or, toknow cut and bind, aud fully haul and spirit that enlightens every mau and pared and garner the grain Into the woman who has become Identified thrash, pen, until the whole crop Is tally harot and not God has work with the vested. For we so much desire thla goodly forfeited the right to that unerring Inthat we may secure It for fluence by traasjrression and the love piece of land, ourselves, In order that all the noxious of the world. seeds and grain of our liking may grow thereon. Therefore there was commotion lu COMMUXICATED. the land, and the servants of the husbandman strove with the servants of WHAT CONSTITUTES LOYALTY. hU enemies. Aud It came to that the servants The opponents of "MormonUm" have of hU enemies pass to gather the iegan was frequently asserted that "to be a good trraln. and some that thev thought began to thrash . 'Mormon' and at the same time loyal folly ripebethey It known that tnis choice Mow, citizen of the United States Govern-iKtyea, choice above ail other (bewas impossible; because they grain, cause of the seeds sown that were the Church organization and noxious, and permitted to grow In the same field) because some what affected. teachings, being theocratic, contain Yea some of it was smutted, and none of the element of democracy; dirty, and had partaken more or less of that In practice the Church government the elements of the grosser kinds; for, of the many by the few, sinks. the In know ye not that where bitter and dividuality of the masses, thereby individual thought and indepart, impossi-bl- e pendent action, on their thus dwarfing their manhood and Wiling within them every ampliation of which an American may Justly teel yea, though It all must pass through this process, yet; It only makes the good grain the more tit for the miller. Therefore the good husbandman secth that they are only helping him, and though they think they are working htm an injury, behold the grain is only purged, and the good remaincth. Therefore, though the good grain may not like to come In contact with the other kinds, yet it knoweth after it passeth through, that its value is only enhanced. And it came to pass that some were harvested and threshed, and though it was dirty work standing at the tail of the machine, yet the feeders did continue to poke in the grain. And though there was much dust and smut made manifest, and it did cover them all over, yet, say they. We must not lot up in our feeding, for the motive power is In good rucning trim. Yea, It is well oiled up and the belts are true to the pulleys, and every part doth work in its appointed sphere, and thtt field is great and the laborers are may be separated ewmwspsJ .. f Sale br SB. Oa U8aa 13y nrby Lesmgton Aveouo, New York, cautions tto pnbile SOT t a Employ or Cosmania(e r man btmtell Jr. Foot. Jr." atj-Lluf- wltJkoaa (Ba.a;tiiK due tnqalry. TUU man came to Salt Cttj- repre K It. lr. kuowo entiui; hiineelf an tho son ofwell Foots of New Vork. the aTJ.li-vit- . as tpeci&list, ibontlaotly proved by rawora cauia into Sal s Lults Vny - from Dakota aal Moutana from an expose made there, he channel ii'a la.e and repte-entebhuaelf as the con of a more noted New York Cltv than fr. K. U. specialist Inwell known aalbor. Mr. John tbe Foots, If the well k no w a Trow'n J'iirec-coryTuow.ot in Nw Yovk Cny torty years in the f bask business), directory or Utah, and the Hon. Ahuxu Fumjek. Waksham, for many yeix Postiaaster la New York Cltv, also Surveyor of the Port, avc their atlldtvitu that there are no other fdoctors in New York ly the name of Foot . 34, MAIIT BTUBBT, OPPOSITE SALT XaA-IC- lEa: o iiii :d ' o is SEWING MACHINE, :E3i "u-- s I MANUKACTUUtl) . KX 1111. Household Sewing: Maeliind Co., rroviileiico, f4 "w;;:ti br addressing Uox Hlt Information of mdvantaKe harinr rnoni to plainUtla will' kindly oommanteate the to J. W. Ivey. uritb Sutherland St ile nm Bride, Salt Lakt City.Thoee deilriaf to connult Dr. Footb pro - :' tjafiV DO e either Or. K. B. FOOTE, Sr.,-o- r Dr. E. B. r . FOOTE, Jr., lKKtotrton Ave Aew Yorlt. ' UI Conaoltation Free, In penton or hy letter.' Ut6me 3 is receive It - - o 1 . 3 Si 111 ' M I., OITY, UTAH. B or Footk, excepting lr. fi. B. O0T,tbe the author of "ilcdicfil Common Sense," ere., and h two sons, Dr. K. II. Footk, J a , and Dr. UVBKHT T. Kootb. Tbe genuine Dr. Footk, Jr., will hereafter always emthe Initials. K. B.. m deeio&tiug' his ploy name. Heretofore ha has been Known not only at home bat wherever hia name ef Dr. have been circulawd, by the be laien Greeter care f oOTE, Jr.la view of the fac th&t in bercairer, perron fcas asramoi to profit j hi end hi Uthefe repntntdon. Those deairin; farther And more detailed iauimrtaa in respect to thie matter, will feMioaally or to order remedies should 7.. C. v BUJITON, - GARDNER, & CO., Agents, X. ; OPPOSITB ZL O. " j |