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Show TRUTH VOL. XVIII. SALT LAKE CHICAGO TKADK. NEW III! lif DLct anJ Strongest oii)pi-,- f RECLINi.MG IN THE MARKET, Bend postal to tuu i..i!u'. in,.; aMrs or Informa froi in tion. Our goods are r3P over .m itii:K 1: FOR r - ii ttd lo givn anii tac- LHltttiO KtAl.li it)., (hiraso, 77 s" 7'. ; I inilactnici h Mil Co., fef lie. 7.7r. f h'inlvlt, Stuir Rnilintj, llniilxlrrtt. la, CHICAGO, 111. i I . ik- ilni:.- -. ii..,n application. I nl d les-.c- : tin-Stat- e ( V 1 ( Klec-Loi- oiher. W'e srnaranU-'- e our Nails to he Kqual in Quality and Ouralulily to any made. v- , Made from tho Best Norway Iron, Finished Already to drive, by the lNION 1IOKSR NAIL CO., chic (vao. For ile l.y iifid)!'li .Stole 5. L. C. M I. find iU Ulitlly TABLED. roughout the Wcalurtj States'. CAR LOAimu A SPECIALTY. & SEND FOR CATAiXXJUK. d92 6m II. BRUCKSCHMIDT. BROCKOTIDT, HEALERS IN Spool Cotton Haruware CaoiDe UPHOLSTERERS' GOODS, So 173 Randolph Street, CHICAGO, ir.r,. d92 6m M. S. N vrF.. an JOHN WK. LEIHfcRT. NEEMES C. & CONFECTIONERS, mar Our AfEMUE. linodi are kept ly Brnnch Store Territnrv. a. m. x, , mm OHICAaO. 2UUU-I- v:. -- X.JXSc Oo., CO., MAXCFACTCIIIXG 4 Sfl ' Ectfin'ton, Leaf and Outre Tables, fiitthen Tallcs, Stands, Etc. NA,d ly ail principal Fnrniture dealora riiniEfi.lLE - - - CFIICAGO, Ilili., WhutttaU Manufacturer of I1EUER & . , LOUIS F. NONNAST, AUGUST 11KOKB. al 7--. POLISIIICD OR BLUED, ('. M. I., its and dealers generally in the Z. d te; L ffl. KliW.Y MTfl CO.. Montf(Vtureri amf JM'trn of NJMPS AND FIRE ENGINES, I.eHJ Clp ril Stiet L,enl, ( llaml7' anil Stram t&l2 gi" 5f) applause. Dispatcher From GrnernlM Creole mid Nho(eId. riirfvw' Itris tiiKHii, liolt-luSan Fkancisco, 4 Presidio of San I lose nl 1'nvking;. Francisco, J une 4 The following disat 2 P.m. "Fort patch was received iiavard, N . M . , June 2. The Indians, Agrieiiitnra! Implcnfents, shortly after crossing the New Mexico line, evidently dwindled into small VKr-- Willi?. DAKIIKU tflRK, parties, which raided in widely 'separt:tc. ated localities, while the women were ryscxo, Ftc, hid away in the mountains. The troops 106 MOBTBSEGOHD ST.. ST. LBDIS. HO. have Ik en following the different raitf-oi- g parties without result other than the breakdown of their stock, it is for the troops to catch the. CARPET WARP impossible, raiding parties or afford citizens scat-:eiamong the mountains protection WHITE AMI COI.OKKD from such parties. A dispatch from t'ajst. Smith's camp, dated Sapillo reek, June 1st, states tOftt Indian women and children are scattered Z. C. M. I. WLR AfiKNTS. Can be ob through the mountains east of Duck taiucd at ll Iheir lrBcli stoi cs thronphoni Creek on the Upper Uila. Lieut Davis d.Vsalt Uc Territory. with sixty Apache scouts are on the trail hunting them. Following is the disposition ot the troops: The Peterson' Stent Market. present l'cnth citValry and thirty Apache scouts w Ak for Uj are moving north from Bayard toward f rt mrnleil Mow the J)otel range; Capt. Chaffee, with :ibw. It lpe n licet Satin-faIs in WEST, PETEBSpN& with one troop of the. titn Cavalry, ion Rod media of Cuehillo Neijro ; !Vf aj. Van the vicinity I with tuick Salen. BtTXCMlSXLS. Horn, with cavalry from Kort Stanton For sale by Z. and Meseallero scouts, is scootlntr the t3T SAUjiiQE A SPECI A LT Y . branch stores. east bank of the JUo Graude to prevent fwiUT TrvJ qltelted. Order by Telov.ham the Indians lroai crossing Cftptala JU WJtaTITUtST SOOTH STUKJKT. Ivfaddon, with two troops of tlje istrtb. Cavalry, is west ol the Burro mounthree troops tains; Captain Lee, with SALT HKE CITY BREWERY of the Tenth Cavalry, is moving across the Black Kange between Smith and USUcr. I'lne t.. !Sw York. an Vliet. Major Biddle followed the trail of 10 or 15 Indians who crossed PA Constant; on hand a comtilete f kiek rf this TJiOXS: TO the railroad near Florida Pass, beyond well Viioirn and eelenratea W arc nrnv tmflib;r our favorite Hecr in Lake Palamas, Mexico. There is no ! G- definite information of other Indians Fear airif Eight Gallon Kegs. crossing the railroad. The troops re Rifle, RlsioK Kentucky Fair Lawn, Dnck, Klertrlc Fune. now moving into positions near J1 AT known water holes letween the rail- For pale !v Z. f'. M. I. and fvll the $1.75 and 3.50 EACH road and Mexico, to Intercept the InDnrM'ipnl Sfrewin th Tern torf.ii nil by dians moving south. Captain Lawton, VTO Till FAMILY.TRAHK. . H. B. CLAWSON, Agent, with three troops of the Fourth Cavand Lieut. Roach's scoots are in alry, t Orders be promptly attended Guadaloupe Cation, near the boundary flwi dwln er Dul,m my Mirtf the (.'tty. line. Major Beaumont, with two of the Fourth Cavalry, is .la troops ' Ol , M.RM, Vm Stein's Pass. There have beento cititfti zens reported killed sluoe the S8th ult; It will be impossible for the Indians to keep their families in this country wltb a. nsflER my scouts after them. I shall endeavor to have the troops la position to Intercept them when they attempt to get FOR TRIMMING DRESSES, t Ursvary ptar DXJLB. A D. I.G. Depol i, into Mexico. -- SAtT LAKE tCJTY, UTAH, Gko. Crook, (Signed) 4XTRA WIDTH, Brigadler-Ueneia- l. 1" ;j jrV iox 1049; , Telephone 394. disWashington, 4. The following to nt AMa-taSUPERIOR QUALITY,; L ' We are bow supply promptly from Gen. Schofleld to prepared the public vHn Keg and Bottler! Beer of a patches General Dram, relative V the Infttpiirtor juaJiJtyBit prprtlmr prloes. dian trouble, haye been received at the War "Department: "in reply to your lOta, Hsla S(. Telepaeae, 179. City riatA. nlpiiw inform the isTiaYh nf 3VX. X. r 8ale br SO itf, f, . PASjliMK e! il HAZARD POWDER - V ofili CJKPOWDBB USE Daggett's Boll Brai j m;w a & finest colors: 0 lie-side- s, reservation respecting the attitude tne ( iovcrnmeut of the Ap.u-'.eon that reservation: "San Carlos, A count shows (iij,t Arizona, June on are all bucks the reservation. my There is perfect quiet and order here. These Indians have commenced to harvest their grain." Wired rfa,Wisilu(ou. 4 Thfr'Prystdeut toWasihxoton, day made the foilowjnfc appoint mnti Herbert Foote, to be Collector of for the District of Puget Sotiiid Iu the State of Oregon and tlx? j Terriof Washington ; Archibald Skill-matory to be Collector of Internal lieve-UU- 3 for the District of Nevada; s - v I Will hold a shoe on Longer than any ! lo-wa- rd iilvorNJiy. i SecrotarjVest, arriveil U.ty-a"oi.r m , Mo ., unl Senator this a ctrio.i'i of mo'. iiiiii;, accoiiipiwib-!y r i ii'inociatic lights from St. Louis, to art iripate in t lie commencement ex.-- rUe of Uuivcr.sity. A crowd of citiens met llie K'f'itlein.'ii at Hie station, an. the processi n, iit'tiih.-iby (iovenior Mariiiailuki! anil ol jn i on hoi seliack, Martctl iminedi-ateJ- y for the ' lit- L'ti: vei sity, umiil thi; wavinirof llas aiiii llrin; ot camion. The commencement exercises occupied until about noon, w iicii tho original Thii powder never varie. A mnrvcl of marble tablet on which is inscribed the strength and wholesonieness. More memorable epitaph of Thomas J offer puntT, ceonoinical than the ordinary kinds, ami son, and which was presented to the cannot he Bold in competition viih the mul University by the heirs of Jefferson, litude of low test, short weight, alum oi was iiiiveileti, and Senator 'est depowders. livered a ioim and elaborate oration on phosphate Sol't onl'i in rant. EfiY.M. TIakini; I'mv Jefferson, ('alls were then ma le for UKR Cu.,iwi VaJl .Street, New York. ISajard. The Secretary came forward and al ter prolonged applatise saitl "I with much humility ami some BRINCKERHOFF, TURNER & CO.. desire, I Jf may, the true Invitation, to pointout, w 'r5t. ICS It.!Vi! HI., relations of Jefferson and Alexander I liave perhaps some heredMamifaetiirtrs of pihI icalerf: m Cotton Hamilton. Sam. oodhen y," lo iiid Mills. itary r'uht to speak of tins. There is K., " "I'oi.iitMijs" nnl o'hor favorite brands1, alt correspondence to day in ny possesnuml'crM tiard, Slediuin and Soft. sion to show that to the influence of no man in the United States was the elecCUCK FDR QVEeALLS.BLUE.BRDWN.Bn !N THE EREY of Jefferson to tho Presidency to I 'll tion A5VAs ot all nunilicrs 'onus mote due than to the persoual counsels inches wide, for Deck, t ar. Trunk and un of Hamilton. The elecbitlueiice Wajron Covt'rini;J. Machine Aprons ami left the vote of th" for other purport', constantly in oloie and tion of rColleye a tie. It dually became made to order. A genu for l;. S. I'ttntinj: Co., "Standaial" the duty of the House of Representaand " Eagle," hy the Cipsc or less (pianlity tives to elect a l'resiileiU of the United These Uood-- t can be obtained at C, tl.'l. Slates. The two highest candidates were Thomas Jefferson ami Aaron UuiT, tiie one now the synonym of the other of treachery; patriotism; Hut not, so at that tlay. At that tlm the fate of the country hung upem. n thread. New, poor and" broken sates X w i 3 , la a!oit:x the Atlantic the GreaVWest wasathiit'4 almost unknown; means of communication scarcely existed; 2 ? .3 there were opportunities of intercourse none. Therewas no fociinjr of coneverything fled from the solidation, Sr ? " O enter to the circumference, and noth-:u- :: w " i but dissolution seemed at hand, then came t!ie letters that I nave held in my hand and read, to the Jefferson iiein Thomas Mien representative from Delaware whom I have the honor to call my He held 2t, - ? ir Applause, grandfather. the vote of that State, and it counted as much iu the ballot as that of New York or V iruluia. This onu man, and he a member of the Federal party and an opponent politically of Thomas Jefferson, held that vote in his hand, lie took counsel with Alexander Hamrv nv rj m run rn ilton. What connsel did he receive and what did he obey? It was the counsel that country is greater than party. It was the counsel that the The Union was worth preserving. Federalist from Adams, instructed by Alexander Hamilton, cast his vote for Thomas Jefferson, the arch opponeut of the Federal parly. Therefore, when wxuQuais. fsT"i fjtrow yi..ifg raaim we look to Uio past for leaaou a4i Uue history, let us not fail to respect the dignity of the men ot that day. They did differ in counsel, they di'd differ in theory, but they did not dtft'er in the one treat eud for which all were intended the happiness, the advancement and the welfare of the human species. Therefore, while we may and om,rht to draw fearfrom the truth every lesson in lessly 'he past, ami look to its teaahings tin tlinchinIy, let us also j remeinber with thankfulness and pride that in this American nation there lingers something stronger than party that overrules personal ambitions; that where a dread crisis approaches, teaches the American mau to put beFOR SALE neath his foot unworthy and small housrhts and to rise to the dignity of nis country's demands. Applause. The spirit that existed iu 1SW showed CT itself in I7i. There was a time when more than half of this people feJ't that they had been wronged in the results of ihe election, but between thera and the objects of their wrath rose the form of their country, and If a hand was raised to strike, the form of their country forbadetoit, ami they sacrificed the existence of this party demauds PITTSBURGH, PA., Union and lo the progress of the peoManufacturtrt of ple of the United States. Applause. Whatever may be the difference beCrystal nd Colored Table Wsrr-- Lamp Goods, men's tween personal ambitions, the Jelly Timbiers, Jelly Pails, Ktc. American people have recognized and A full lirje of our jrood can be found at Z. do recognize that there is a point they C. M. 1. and its branch stores, i.nlle ft which they cannot go, and that beyond s. A Co and Clark, KJdredge Roundy'8 Applause. point is national safety. U104 ly That is the guard, that is the boundary; that is the work which I trust all education in this country will teach us to Our education in all its observe. forms is simply to end in making us higher, better, more to teach us that we are humble instruments in the advancement, not of mere selfishness, bat of something far beyond It, the glory and welfare of our ent ire country. Uayaulclosed amid the most hearty m ( tl ' Keit ill ii iSTpOur (iood- - M'.' Stock I.) Itin linsi- -tix'l-"- iiinhiT Ii.mi.'il.i-- l.- in S.ill ITm and H v mid f IjiI.c - ho ho f I : , MOITLDHsTG-lH. I' iik. f'tturrh I a Absolutely Pure. SASH, DOORS ASD BMKDS, Alniitt 4'tiiii!ieneniil i:vereisH Missouri " K- - Faker, Fuller & Wholesale A l Hi. I S II Ii II ISiiO. L JIVE TIIK WAlt.n It 'KHTIOX. 'II t:& I tion or mav be return Address, d and money refunded. TOK.XADO Itsi.Tnril'M Wppech equal con ta hments. The fur niture ii uiarii wmmii, tal.le. with drop-lea- l live drawer and cover hox. rated for atiip nicnt it weighs no lls. fcyery oia lime guar-ant- i if . to do ant!iin- - ii'o:v:V it thispracticable time than has ;l.een done to .rive protection to the s tilers in Arizona and Mew Mexico from marauding Indians. It is not possibk; to actually guard all the frontier settlements. Tna't woultl require a forea many times than the United States urniv. the damage has "already been done in Arizona aad New Mexico. who have escaped have taken ivfuge at military posts and larirc settlements. I understand (ien. .('rook and Col; Bradley havo all tins troops tiiey can use in pursuit of the Indians, but I will send more if they can tlieiu. In my opinion the only way to protect scattered settlers from marauding Indians is to keep the savage Indians uuder military control and not permit them to roam at will over far .re reservations." The Commission r ot Indian Affairs has received the following telegram from Agent Ford at the San Car,.) Th.-settler- TO ; SIS lllilCIIIUO ll K.. Ciii-tor- as u, Gi-n- W. S. Kosecraus of California, Register of the Treasury, vice fJl ID i . o b li. K. liee, esigne. was The Cabinet ineetiutr attended by all the members except the is out of tor Secretary of (State, who citv. Tiie principal topic of discus sion was the distribution of the r !. ooij appropriated at the. lav. s ssiou .it Congress in aid ol American ste.n.i-snip.- s engaged in foreign mail service. No conclusion was reached. It was decided t'.at hereafter the President and membeps of the CaOinet receive no visitors on Saturdays. Commissioner Sparks of the Laud Oltice has made the following order: "Final action of this office on all preemption and homestead entries in tee San Francisco and Humboldt, Cat , land districts will be suspended mail the same shall have been examined bv a special aent." The effect o this order is si:i'ply to suspend final I.ssue of patents until examination can be ruade, and tt6t to prevent the Win'' of entries at local land ofllces. The Treasury Inquiry commission has concluded its investigation into the Internal Revenue lsijreau, and nude a report to the Secretary ot the' Treasury. The commission recommend reductions iu the presont force in sev eral divisions aud suggest a chaugy iu the method of doVni: business, which they think will expedite and Improve the vvoiv of the Bureau. The chuiiges recommended involve a general reorganization of the Bureau. The c:in mission will next devote its attention to the Supervising Architect's otlice, A number of inquiries have been received at the Postoltice Department n.. to whether the executive order made bv President Urant In lrii, forbidding United Slates officials, whose salaries exceed 411,000 per annum, from holding State or municipal oiljc.es !s still in force, and the matter will be laid before tie President for determination. The Commissioner of Pensions has stricken off the list of pensions the names of about 200 residents of the District of Columbia who were found to be not entitled to pensions, cither because they had recovered from their disabilities or wTe not dependent upon In some cases the the government. dead and in still more ths parties were widows hatf married aatrr. I ERTY. J. I UfOVY TERRITORY, u- -e lKI-;AitI- A 3.V sinsrer Pattern .v(t??k- - I.1NM 1 CHICAGO. ILLINOIS. MACHINE I'll II.I.IMIIS. nl n SEWINS : f r vxw NIDI. TKKRIRI.K the The Hartley Reclining Chair Co., SPlEHDiB (MOV Tl l.l.i: VKTt-:t:- iue all In world Sotlsfac-tlo- We Oiuiranteo TKLEdlUAPH. 1JV VOItK TRADE. UTAH CITY, - A UST b i: - i i ." -- ' , iv.-- -- lol-lar- s. Ati-oii- t.-- Thc 11 I s- Car-tbage- Cen-era- cou-vinc- ; na ls ed , among (he American forces has increased rapidly. He .says: 'Tbi yellow fever now seems liable to become epidemic, at any. time, as there has been a number of fatal cases among the marines. s I am informer! by the board f appointed to investigate matters, that there are now three vessels iirthe harbor at Colon, all with numerotw cases of yellow fever, and that thp dlxeaae Is also prevalent luthe cities of Asplnwall ami Panama." in rjjard to the political condition of the Admiral Hayss?"lam happy to state that matters seem to be surf-eon- entirely settled, and tiff; isthmus has now a better ami stronger than it has had for many government years, and this promises to be permanent." The Columbians, he further nays, now have along the line of transit aort garrisons they have ample force to proteot it and foreigners: Thev have relieved the 4rpenoar4 forces of ajl dqtea on shore oxoept guarding trains, and they were to assame that duty on the 2Gth ult. The Columbian authorities, concludes, seem very anxious to assume all the duties of protecting transit and foreign property. Naval officers who were on the recent Panama expedition say that the people of Panama are anxious that the United States should make its temporary possession of Panama permanent. They say that under existing clrcum stances It would be impossible for the country to remain in a peaceful condition lor any length of time. t for rrepariaff Aprtebe: Galveston,1 4. A Bpeclal to the News from : "The MexiPaso can government hassays for the prepared arrivatof the murderous Apaches in the Sierra Madres. Orders hav been sent to vartoue politico and presidents, of all towns along the Sierra Madre ana to the military commanders at Casa Grande and El Vatte de San Buenaventura notifying them.-tprepare for raid. The Fourth- Kesriment of hmm left Parral for Casa Grande.-cavalry baud of Apaches has been seen near Masco ftPTlK, and the bodies of seve ral murdered Americans and, Mexicans fcave been found near CaraiiU's Sarins the-Admir- . . o - moM1' Chicago, The . , uv Inter-Oce- an 1 -- .es.-rvoir- , The Trlcyrinu publishes a st i ie ol interviews to t,h(jv that John 1. Davenport, Chief Supervisor of Kiectio is, has beeu missing from the city hr some time. The a.re'il f ji- the flats in which hejiad i o.yns s.i) he lef t there May 1st, and it. was understood that he was going to New Haven, Conu. The 'Titt ijrum lie ;as gone away to avoid met tiirj' elmives against hi.n from Washington in rei ard to the conductof i'W Yimic, 1 - arena everything challenges attention and admiral ion, while the elegauee !':;.- condition of your blood. as hhown in pimples, b.uU lu , b.iii-- . r diseoloratioa ol" t he si. in ; or by a. feeling cf languor, irduecd. perlcips, by iii.u-iiiiv ei' iii.- hp .ra.ic'n, liviT, Mid kitiiK . eii s'louid take Awr's S:usai-.aii!iaIt wiil and in i.".;r:ib jour biood, and e:mse !ln vitsj organ-- to properly perform f ymi suirer from their function.;. with Ayer's Parsaparilla, thcro need be no fear of Dyspepsia, Kheumatism, Salt lllu urn. Tetter. Kczenia, I'atarrh, I.iver troubles, or any of Ihe diseases nn'sing from Scrofulous ta'mts In the blood. Geo. Garwood, Big Springs. Gliio, writes: Ayer's Sarsaparilla has lx n us-in my family for a number ol rnrs. I was a constant sufferer from Neu-ralgi- ; - . i 1 Rheumatism Dyspepsia, or Neuralgia, a few bo! ties of Ayer's wiil relieve ;;ud cure you. Alice Kendall, "J1S Trenioni it., Iosto!i, Mass., writes: " I hae been troubled with Ncu-- 1 ralgia, pain In the side, aud weakness, and have; found relief from Ayer's o:u sTip:iroi.i man ironi any ol iier remcily . .T. C; Tolman, C. ",ii 'Merrimack st., Lowell, Mass-.: In no other remedy have I ever found such a happy relief f,-lihcuuiatisii! as iu but Ayer's Sarsapafilla effected a perms-in-u- t cure. Seven years ago my wife wai tioubled with Goitre: two bottles of Ayer's Snrsaparilla cured her, and she has ver had any return of the disease. I regard this preparation as the best medicine in use for the blood." 1?. Barnard Wair, 7." Adams St., I.yr.n. Mass.. writes : ' For many years I suffered terribly from Indigestion. Dye; ej.sia, and Scrofula. Almost 1 took Ayer's Sar- n- , I'opc-lcs?- , Ayer's Sar saparilla ! g.-- ,;- - 1 i , : 5' t St Ke,- lor - Lii.D.., t.-- ii x I : r1 . . I.ltvHl. action for libel The a. and decorum with which every department ot t he great confedei :i! ion is conducted tiecures the patronage and of the most relbied, and atapproval tracts numbers who are not iu the habit ot attending public entertainments of any description. . It instils nrv lifes in'o th .eid no w. n r,,n i., The comprehensiveness and infinite sapariila." Wood,-an-I,. imparts Mtality trc, Ater's Sarsaparilia. the most thorough variety and rarity ol its grand zoolog- f being highly eoneentnited, it. is ical collection will delight the naturalmost and effective blood purifier. The best to ist, and amaze, amuse and instruct all. Jconouiieul blood puriiier. the cheapest. It is a creation reflecting display of the I mightiest and fiercest "bea.sts'oi the r. Ayor 'o l.ow. ll. Mas.. IT. B. A. rreparod l.y tropics and Jungles the curious and beautiful birds of a thousand forests Foffeale by all drug-::i.iPrice $1 ; sk bottles for gW. and isles, and even the mysterious depths of the ocean and mar-b- y beds of the tropical rivers have beeu explored to secure gigantic amphibia and rep- monsters. Chief Coleridge, tilian In the Mipr-rcheus h colossal y brought by Charles Mantell Adams, of the nivst eminent k based upon attacks ou his character made by dcfeiiiiaid. in letters to mutual riders, led by Mr. Junes Robinson, the frietiit.s, for the purpose of prcjuilitnng world's champion, and made fatuous m &i a m i& vd k& miss .viii'iieti t onruigc, whom Adams by such names us Robert Ntiofcniev, Luk.-Win. (ioiman, J.imt.s was coiirtiug, against him, was brougnt I.miuu Having een V, is ..r a vei.ai vki past visiting all the Urge Furniture, , to tiial iu the Court of Appeals Stow, Flunk A Ii'.on, the Macart Fami'i.a- Iniis.s. is now be iter prepared than ever to sell at Adams appearing as his own counsel. ily and two him lied others, gymnasts, ( arpel loaiiuVv'.ii: ! i:ii.' ..a-iuu ma ie ai ranveinciits ior large shipments, he la famous prices his ir.;, '.heatid Adams, in opening his cast:, made a athletes, s ic..i; H nol able.--.w Ii cted slock at. selling very long address to the Court. He fools ami astouisnii'I) educated a sucand novel conbrilliant present Justice complained qf Ivjunisty's and imduct v.ff11e p the trial of cession of wonderful the av'liloni for libel, whi'"h Adams last itations, from tho double somersaults vear br)uht against Bernard (Coler- over the towering elephants to the f'.tU un-ihr St.ck 'Did comport prices. of the Lord Chief Justice, arenlc antics of the brute pei formers. idge, elevated stayc or racing for writing letters defamatory of him (Adams) to Miss Coleridge, for the ex- carnival is a whole show alone, as inpress purpose of dissuading her lrom deed Is each of a dozen other nun tying him. The summing up of Jusfeatures named in the advertice Manisty, Adams contended, was tisements. prejudiced. "Justice Manisty told the continued Adams, "thatlhad uu The jury," Bride and (tie VoIilt,i;r ( aLr. A com;,;. !.' aiid num-iishome for Miss Mildred Coleridge. Sto. V of ail kitnis and varieties, from the cheaprst to Thank Got!, I have a happy home, if 1 A young lady about to be married l'"' l no st that, is made. ditTerent styles of etiairs to choose from. have not a gorgeous one, and l trust wauted to startle the guests with an my luime is equally happy lor Miss exhibition of her g ability in .Miidre-.lJustice .Manisty all but ima gains! Lowi Ju-li.- ;e coin-pan- bare-bac- y , to-da- y. ;!r:-.- ftni-ma- r "fdinj-iove- . -- . , ls JRHATLY JiEDUCED FIGURES. s The-niuseun- i, extra-urdiua- URN ry RE! U I house-keepin- . plied, in his summing up, 'thai I was a swindler. Bernard Coleridge in that case did not dare enter the witness box to justify the attack made upon his sister and myself in his letters to Miss Mildred,." Adams concluded by asking the conrt to quash tiie judgment of Justice Manisty, who reversed the Jury's verdict and dismissed the case with costs to plaintiff. Attordey-GenerJames to Adams by dwelling at lengthleplied upon the the legal aspects of the case, upon the of privileged communicaquestiou tions aud upou the rights and duties of a parents and brothers in sister agaiust taking steps warning which thev bejieved imprudent or dangerous Judgment in this oase will be delivered Th Motion to ImjeiMh Frry. of Deputies Paiiis, 4. resumed discussion of the reof Initiative, adport of vising the rejection of the motion to impeach the entire Ferry ministry. M. Hrisson, prime minister, speaking for the preseut government, urged the House to accept the report of the committee. To reject the report now, on the eve of a general election, would be a useless proeedlnr. jguch action would but reopen a discussion which can only result In dividing the republican party. The remarks of M. Bris-so- n were received with applause. The motion to impeach the Ferry ministry was rejected by a vote of 822 to JS3. In the course of the discussion several vloient speeches were made, 'X?iSA.itroi Cyclone Tout Tho Kver Y Jul tod Thwt Kesrlon. Apkn, 4. The latest reports of damage (June by tbe cyulone show that it has been the most disastrous which ever visited that region, at least since Britiwh occupation in 1830, The wind .every bungalow (or destroyed nearly cottage) in Aden." The Iron roof over the government shed was blown away, and great damage was done to shipping at anchor in port; many barpres were sunk and a number of steam laurches and boats driven ashore. r, The Torquoim and were driven by the force of the wind so hard that "both broke their moorings and narrowly escaped being wrecked. The steamers which have arrived since the subsidence of the cyclone nearly all report loss of boats and other equipments. The eastern telegraph lines are all broken. al The-Chambe- to-d- r ay and cookery. So she made the wedding cake. The day after the wedding, the most of those who ate the cake were sick, Thousands no from year to year, eatins such iudigestable things, and are consequently ill w th dyspepsia nearly all the time. Mrs. Naucy Collier, Tuscaloosa, Ala., says, "My niece has been relieved from dyspepsia and lung troubles by using Brown's Iron Bitters. Dn. Henley's Celery, Beef andiron cures Nervous Headaches aiTd Neu- raigla, I have sold out my interest iu the furniture business of the linn of Sand-berBurton and Gardner, but not my trade, which is my great capital, and 1 expect to invest heavHy, having many Tears' experience in hand work. All kinds of furniture made to order. Furniture Factory 108 W., South TemJohn C. Sandbekg. ple Street. g, Jtein-dee- Tst: We, ' 12,1)10.000 francs. irancs, aud silver, 4,7(10,000 It is reported that the overtures of the Porte for an alliance with Knssla, have met with a rebuff. Knssla, it is claimed, expresses herself content with the prone nt status of the Afirhan Question and holds that an alliauee with Turkey Is not now necessary, Tuns. Grlssc, employed by Willis & Cta of Montreal, agents of the Wanaer Piano Company, as city agent, has left for the United states with $8,000 belonging to bia employers. Grlgg was married and conducted religious services in the Primitive Method pat Church here. lie took with him the wife of a member pf his congregation. A contest betveeen Joseph McCann, of the Herald, and Ira Monuuprs of the World, tor a purse of SjOO, was decided The men set far three hours, MeCacra putting up ems xt sotid.minldn without a 0,823 and Sommers 6,022. Io paragraph,hour McCann set 2423 etas, thptlrst th best previous record, 2,004 beating made by Compositor A&ronsberg, some years ago. ...',.,..-.-.- , Base Ball Bqftalo, 4, .Buffalo 4, St. Louts 0. ' - ' Detroit, i. Detroit 2, Chicago 6v resignation of A G Thompson, inspector of public buildings of the Treasury Department, has been accepted, to take effect June 15. He re- -' signed by request ,of Secretary Mantype-settir- ur to-da- y. ALL T1IL LATK.ST IN STVLKS. choice selection, ranging from $s,oo to $?0,(0 ca.--;-- i. HOME MADE GOODS. stick of tlnso always kept on hand, consisting of Centre and Dining Tables in Walnut, or 1'ine, also GupMoards in Walnut or 1'lne (glass or tin doors) and Home Made Wire Mattresses. ( 'all Jiuil examine my goods before purcsusiug elsewhere. Every article kept in stock will be so'l-- Mm reMEI OURE3 Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Headache, Toothache, Swelling. Sprain, Brolua, Ttrart, Ultra, Buru, Scal.lv Front Sara 19Tt ALL OT11EB BODILY FAINS AND HUES. SoW by Drwflcl.ts and Dealfs rerTwbere. Klft Cto U 37 to DirMtioa. In 1 1 Lmuxn. j CIIAKIK A. VeKELtCK CO. Itke City. 43 W. First South Street, Salt toottl. THE L1N0SEY S STAXjLIOIsTS GARDENS In nt iny Fnrm, llie turnout namblHonltn KeiMfre IfAVK BKKN AND AUK NOW OI'KN DAILY. RE-FITTK- D Schools. Club and Me Nln Pai-Uetc., M'ill rto well lo consult ttie proprietor hu fore making other arrangemeult. ai-v isll supplied wit !i TIm) Gariteus Swiagg. VVIuiligigs, CroiMiet (iroumls, etc., etc. Also. gooU Spring W p.ter. special rates u d rUANK bCufl', Proprietor. use or keep, at any place within tho IrmitB of Salt T.ake City, any noisome, offensive or unwholesome nl)ntaiice, or any vat, pH of pool of standing wnter, nor shall any person havo a pifr-tyslwd, atable or priry, or eqffer any onai or outer reiiixe matter troui tne ennvo to accumulate on their uretoUea, which ia.y cause prtv noi6ume, oneinsivo or unwliol- Bome smell. Abt person violating anj- - of the prot'iaiona of this ortlinanco , on conviction therefor, be fined In any tram not exoeedinar arty dollars for the first ollense, and adinoged to Abate or remove fortliwii h from 8atd city the offensive matter with which he may be charged ; hnd for any cw-onor subsequent offense a (lno of ninety nine dollars, or imprisonment for one hundred (lays, or both line and imprlonnnt at the discretion or the eoqrt, and the-- mul noiaanee may be alvdod or removoi liy tle eitv auUtoi'iiia at Uiu expenuu of ttioair- e sow-hoaf- uti.-tll- And (bo well knoirn Perc'.itrwo, VIB 0,0 or Paddle Horses. sUould not fall to n,iTh0t,e(Wh? ,r'aJ1t to b.ny stfl,lfns. for themselves or write to me what they want. JJLjJM:j J. LtTK S. Bait Lake I AKW mm sierra com- - PRATT, rS? PLANING MILL. E LUMBER LTJM DEALERS IN LATH, Shingles, MouMIdrs, Krinc,' Doom, VIn1owa, oo ' """ iacKUtgr lioxes, Dntldera Hardware, Ssh Weighta, GLASS, Etc., Etc. ....... O- WOOD TAWKS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS :o :- - ,,r , MADE TO OHDtft. STAIK BTJIXJDmGr A SPEOIAXTX, ftm.it HlMk aoMk tl. . M. m. to:- - Ih.. ItVNI, L 1876. LKOAb NOTICE. In the Probate Conrt la and for Salt lAke Coaaty, Territory of Utah. In the matter of the Estate of John fack. lteceaaed. Koticeof time and place for the hearing of Petition . for admission to lrobate or Win. . Itn-j-K- In pursuance of said provisions, a thorough canvass of the city will be made immediately and the premises of every resident subjected tt a rigid insuch spection;- All persons having-anoffensive matter abont their premises are hereby warned to cau.se i removal, forthwith, as the Verms of the ordinance cited above will be strictly enWh. O. Phillips, forced, dlw City Marshal. J ff i :o. ..-!- j1 . i. OliJOJEa.OF SAID PCESUAKT .TQ-A- matter, notice is hereliy friyen that &turday, the sad day ef aJav, Aw i o'Ela&lE ill at. ate, at theComaty 1. Court House in bait Luke City, Utah Territory, in the, oart rKnt of paid Court, has iw-- - -- - -7t BUCKIiE Is ' ZJ rSGJS. : r , K - is, -- a presencejgjy-tJCcrslJ?ti'Firt-i-iT- ' ! CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. . that the STOCK IX UTAH. A larsre keen appointed the time place for the hearing of a petition of Johtt Tack. Jr., and Quince K. Pack, pray bag for tbe admission . to probate pf a oerUu a oeorne nt therewith K. ., ning. presented, purporting to be the last Will ant of John Pack , deceased, when The Secretary of the Treasury bas Testament and all persona, interested inav kq called on the board rrf rnnnao-prr,f th pearwhere and oppose the probate of -- ntd will, o World's Industrial Expositlonuyew J the grontiag of letters to John urieansior-aitemrzea statement of yack.lr., and Quince R. Pack, as prayed lor f ' the prjm.itanaiw V t. In Mhl pvtltiOBt-- t vt j t JOHS O, btTTLEH, Senor Bacerra, Colombian minister. a rooaie viers, oai( Aaae countr. saya most complete AXD O-I- ' f--- The Guards who arrived at Alexandria sciue time ago from Suakltn have received orders from England to remain there for the present. The Bundesrath, at fhe suggestion of CLEJlll Y0URPREHI5ES. the Swiss police department, has decided to expel twenty-on- e Anarchists from Switzerland. The attention of all citizens Is called provisions of the city Prince Bismarck has written a letter to the following ordinance In relation to nuisance : to the rThuringian Farmers' AssociaIte it ordsined, by the City Council of SikIl tion, saying that the question of is being considered by the Lake City, that no person "ball have, maVe, government officials. The French Senate yesterday adopted the treaty, betweeu France and Anam. i The members of tha Joint classification eoiumitieeof the Western Traffic for Association, left Denver a three days' excursion yesterday throngu the Mountains, The weekly statement of the Bank of Erancc shows au Increase of gold of C5! w A L I PAPER! B U Ikfil S Ij I KT CURTA1MSS A r's men-of-w- ar I 1 "0 1 sTiacobs nir ;m men-of-wa- n the lai;i;i:st MOI.I OVT. : a Forearmed cf (t:;n;rcr by e, to-ui$- i Navy report to Departnent of his recent trip for the purpose of taking a number Of Commissioners, in order to if make, possible, a peaceful settlement with the revolutionists. He arrived there May 13th, after the insur-gerj- tf had attacked Carthagena and had bean repulsed. Arjlira! Jouett found that the whoje insurgent force before Carthagena, numbering l.Ooo men, had embarked on board their steamers and were ready to retreat to Barranquilla. I lu Immediately sent an oltlcer to the leaders of the insurgent forces, Gaitan and Hernandez, aud informed them that tbey could not leave the harbor with their Wsteamers' without his consent, and that they attempted to 4o"&o lie woulu prevent llielr departure by force. lie also informed them that ha deaired to see them oa board the flagship Tenuetsee as fqou as possible. Generals Gaitan and Hernandez both came on board this vessel the same evening, ann tne Admiral nau a long interview with them. From their statements, and also from testimony given by outside parties, he was that although there may have been some Irregularity originally in "possession of the vessels, "they getting were only consequent to the state of war which existed at Barranquilla. They were used by agreement, ami the ins urge at 8 were Riving compensation for their usc.BAdmiral Jouett did not regard it as advisable to take forcible or to depossession of the steamers tain them longer, during an inportant maneuver of the Insurgents, military even ;f they were seized without compensation. The Admiral urged Generals Gaitan and Hernandez to make efforts toward a peaceful settlement of the difficulties betweeu the two hostile parties;aud they both consented to do so. Gen. Gaitan sent two of his office rs to Barranoullla. to lay Admiral Jouett's proposition to mediate before General Felipe Perez. Cfhrce davs later General Peres sent a letter to Admiral Jouett. thanking blui for Ids out declining to take any proposition, the matter until he should resteps Iusome Information as to what ceive Steps the United States would take. The. Admiral took Urps at that time to aecure a settlement of the .. troubles. u Admiral Jonett reports that siekness Forewarned i ! l to-da- Tho Situation nt Panama. 4. Admiral Juett Washington, to the has made an ollicia! ..: - I rt:!ie NO. KM 1SSV .", of .tue rain, ae ' iu;.aiji. bv terFrance, is not for th p ui p : Mid thuitiler, histin, tne seutiuiem 't this .'iiv-- o th-trtiek the town this afterlo ii lor erumcnt concerning ites, Si nor Hrtif the M 'tropolifan block making I'auama a li 'iU l.M !. a! t.ilii-iblstocks Iloltriiin is on his wa to I', dope, and of oods lo the torrents of has no business whatever wilii tins rain which tell. The 1'resby terinti government. eliureh and a n.iiiiber of mlier Ituihf-ieg- s Bv direction of the Secretary of War, were totally demolished. The loss land in accordance Wi.'.i the act of will a retate s veral thousand tin de Congress July No lives lost . tail of Captain Cv rus S K iberfs, 17th Jlunler in liie first Ie;ree. Infantry, as acting Judge Advocate for is andepartment of Kn oiM Mi, 'a., trial of the Tuomas ,leli'ei-oCluverius lor the nounced,for and he lias been ordered to us u duty. d his cousin Fanny Lillian report Ma iisoii.hav in:: lasted an entire mouth, and having been fought out on both The Comliift Monster exhibition. sides by the ablest legal talent, procur-a'.lwas ended with a verA K UK TT of murder in the first CO. S NKW INI 11.1 dict of !riillt degrt e. 'J ib- case has attracted extraMON s Kit i:o ai - now s ordinary attention here tromtiie prominence of the young people. At Salt Lake City, June 12th and lith, They liiov. il in ' lie bei societv: Ali.ss Madi- - is the date announce.: lor this great n h i a lent il decendant of I'resi amusement enterprise, which bus been d ut Mib soa. Her death occurred in received with so much marked favor ! .March las ., an her b'oily was found in and decided appro var wherever its a water the water beiiiir mightiest of canvases have beeu erectA contemporary tells us that lrom draw; fT. Cluvei tu.s's couviction was ed. cut n on circumstantial evidence. the entrance of its vast .ooioieal garden to the exit of its Koitlo-- i viips-lu- g Missing. in f l . -- JUNE EVENING, ? Spring" and Svjjxirner 1885. . v. ... o.li FINE IMPORTED AXI POMESTIC,,. . : ' 1 .. V(i t v, .... XVTV'TTJIVOS?, Etc, SXTi;TING, AND TtllMMINGS - JiY TIIK VUID. CLOTH' r - Liberal rtlr.etint to th - trrlo. Pa wiplot n nrrnilf'aj'isr ;,frn i" "r-- t. triajcnn 1 . ; |