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Show TABERNACLE SERVICES. handkerchiefs. All were shouting at the top of their voices, and the meetTic services in the Tabernacle on IStWixhnl Vniiy, Sunday Kjccrptnl, ing continued nntil all wereexhausted. February 22d, commenced at 2 Sunday, On Sunday the loth Dongel became AT rOUR O'CLOCK. m. President Angus M. Cannon p. possessed of the idea that he was presiding. speciallj sent from hearcn to prorlde Choir saog: PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY THE for the preacher. He took all his own I fair a mighty angel fly, BESERET NEWS COMPANY. available money and started for the To earth he bent his way. minister's home. On the way he met Jacob Meiser, whom he compelled to Prayer by Elder Arthur Stayncr. Choir sang: return to his house, when he locked CHARLES W. PENUhSK. ED1T0U. "4iim In the cellar. He then forced Mrs. Again we meet around the hoard Of JesiiK.oiir redeeming Ixrd. Meiser to give him all the money in The Priesthood of the First Ward ofTiisilwy. February 24. IHsn. the house. Just as Dongel was leaving ficiated in the administration of the Meiser escaped from the cellar and at to stab Dongel, who savagely sacrament. tempted Elder Arthur Stayncr was the first historical, vioukk. repelled the attack, Inflicting danger- speaker. lie believed that ot the congregation assemous or wounds. more been have tlir.'e Tm; lat ilas Latter-da- y were bled Saints in good l L's.s ilcvoti-iWhen the hour for evening service throughout the country to in such inclement that standing; cv :itin the natal day of one of the Dongel put in an appearmce at weatheronlvtho.se who lived faithful the church with a rude crown on his had sufficient interest to attend divine grainiest characters of human history We were; living m au eventworship. tir'nrtre Washington. He pOM.sof.sed a head aud with a huge club In his hand. ful to the Latter-danot age, rare combination of qualities. While Ascending the pulpit he declared that Saints, but to only the whole world. There he was Christ and had come to Judge were at this time many insidious influh;s combative force, unyielding tie teragainst the world. After a desperate tight in ences being brought to bearlifted the mination, initialling industry, of those up in being Saints; which several were severely injured, coumire and unvarying of covetousness, discontent, pride, fitted him admirably for the Dongel was secured and placed in an jealousy, euvy, bitterness and hatred were tne ones to which We were role of leader on the battlefield when asylum. most liable to give "way, and we human liberty was the objective point The crop of cranks has been phenobe overcome would by temptahis clear conception of menally large of late, but for real tion unlets we of were guided by the promptings of the lloly Spirit. ttie principles of popular government rapid development aud fanatical as a statesiuau spirit of anger was one against of behavior, Dongel seems to The in .ii hiiu which the Saints found it necessary to ill times of peac. be well forward mi the distinguished gtwiriJ at the present time. This was a It is seldom ttiat the qualities that list. a spirit not exhibited by our Lord in His ministry on the earth, nor by the l'o to in ike up a great warrior and a Prophet Joseph iu our day; they bore one found in perthreat statesman are the persecutions heaped upon them, OROUXf)-KWKLIi PKOBABLY A son It is even rare that a statesman aud taught the people to love their RUMOR. enemies and do good to those who iii times of peace shines vim i.s hated them. It was a wise providence v. itU auyt'.iin like tne a was aino splendor v Saturday we stated what our Heavenly F'ather, that diflicul-tie- s of in tine s of war. As an illustration, matter of current rumor regarding the and trials beset on every side for our dadstoiie is one of the greatest peace reason for the adjournment of the through life; it was benefit. Cut very few worthy statesmen of which history affords an grand Jury till the 10th of March. Some- own men or women were found araonn example. Jidt when the Empire over times rumors are wrong and unreliable, those whose paths were smooth; this uvrnment he has several but for the one to which we referred class of people occupied many whose because of t un s presided becomes involved in there may be good ground. Mr. Dick-so- u prominent positions for whatever good but their wealth, resolution his v.:ti troubles, is given to strategic tricks, and it did they were praised by the int thin air, aud his former is not unlikely that this is one of them. they and had their reward. One of world, of a life of contact with ss degenerates iuto halting, hes-- 1 r results the i.s not in keepwork Straightforward forces, was to make of the i aud indecision. The late Lord ing with crusade tactics. The grand opposing Latter-daSaints a hardy, intelligent 11 ,i on rii Id was his antipodes. He had no further immedihad learned by experievidently they jury people; to lu k a t,horousrh comprehenbefore it, aud under ordi- ence, aud the wisdom given by our ate business sion o: home .tiestions, but when the nary circumstauces this condition Heavenly Father through this channel be brought a knowledge that cannot liouor, prestiire or power of England would have demanded and caused a taken out of a Success grows away. tiir atenecl, he was ready, for any permanent adjournment, lu place of struggle to overcome difficulties, and Jlis thouhts were like this a recess of over three weeks has if there were no obstacles to overcome there would be nothing achieved, his decisions were reached been taken. Unless there was a definno victory gained ; those who laded to and v, Hii lcui irrvalde they rapidity, ite anticipation of doing some, work on actively eugage in the bailie oi life, Would always be foutid weak and wei-put into effect with the same and after March 10th, the feeble. The Saints had covenanted c. L it v oi dispatch. Although Grorge of the jury would have been superfluto the will of our Father, anil "Washin -- ton was probably not as brilous. Cases that might arise in the didperforin a life of ease, but that not expect these remarkable men, ordinary course of things could have they would have to work liant aseith-ro- f out their The kingdom was the combination in him of the more been left for manipulation by the in- own salvation. up of individuals, aud the comstrikiu- -' qualities of each, made him quisitorial body of the succeeding made bined efforts of all strenghtened the of or other one than term. infinitely gr.'ater whole. It was the will of (iod lhat this tii in. Persons who are now in retirement people should obtain all the true Tne base t Washinitou's greatness in consequence of the strong feeling Knowledge they possibly could, and this they should comprehend the consisted of his unselfish devotion to to the effect that accused "Mormons" for of the duties devolving upon nature the. weal, his public career cjuld not get justice under the them ;1ight and intelligence should exist them so that when the servants ui,e.,' no evidence that he was ii present resime, will not be likely to among spoke, the Sainls would ne il avarice or other sordid lay themselves liable to iminiuent per- of the Lord know the voice of truth by the inspiin of s. The absence nepotism muni secution. Was there auy confidence ration of the Holy tiliosf, and not b someone else to point his oiiicial course was most strikexisting that the clasn of accused dependent upon in which to waik. This ing, audcvhredoiR'ut the few extreme individuals referred to would get a out the path could be attained knowledge only He lefrained point of his character. square trial, and the privileges of the through a preparation of prayer, It vvm also religiously from promotinsr the interand eariie-- l labor. law, including the admission to ball ests ot his relatives, carrying this idea pending appeal, those who have sought necessary for I lie Saints to lirltit their that they should become united almost, if not quite, to the point of security from legal persecution by re- duties, temporal matters as well as spiritthem. Hut his altitude in tirement would doubtless now be in in ual. They were at piesent too much t lis respect was in accordance with his open view. But tl.e; outagcous and in the habit of purchasing fiom afar those tilings which could be produced comprehension of principle, and it was grossly indecent insults to which wit- at home by themselves; they prayed to it that understood he as (v principle nesses hae been subjected, the one- the Almighty for His blessings upon he v is sided and cruel course adopted to- luem in their temporal affairs, and the it is :i somewhat strikiug fa.t that ward defendants, aud the thrusting elements with which they were surrounded were provided in answer. main of those who are now loud in into and keeping in prison of persons The land in which the Saints were to s of Washington belong their pmi.-cwas a fruitful one-- everywhose cases have been appealed, have the clays who, were he now living, entirely broken down the last vestige thing necessary tor their temporal placed within their reach, would be denounced by hiiu as ene- of confidence in the present executi ve weliare was and it was their duty to make a mies to the country, because they re- and administrative legal regime. proper use of the ii'eans prosort to oppression and religious intolNone but those blinded by prejudice, vided them; there was no excuse erance. There can be no question as fauaticism or disappointed political as- for neglecting those things pro- ided for advancement and happiness, to the position that such a man as pirations, could blame people for keepand looking to the labor of others to rein Washington would have taken ing aloof from running the risk of be- provide them'. The speaker reali.ed lhat in the near future there would be gard to the legal and religious crusade ing subjected to such barbarous treatup in these matters. No Latter-da- y Saints could he ment. Those vvluf are threatened an awakening line could be drawn between have been brought face to face with it with it will be likely to avoid it, the dividing the temporal ami the spiritual, and the He was not in flue need by the demands temporary adjournment of he grand Holy spirit should guide the Saints in whether engaged in but was governed by jury to the contrary notwithstanding. all their duties, of the ministry or laboring fordaily bread. o whole The genius principle. The Gospel was not for Sun i' a'on. , his career was oppeised to the central but for every day. Men coulo not comAN MAK10S TIIK MARSHAL. mit sin without restrain during the i.aiion of power and in favor of local ARRKST. week, an have it wiped out on Sunor popular sovereignday. This was not in the justice oi our g of of the policy Kather. The sustenance of the body-waty. T.k. advocates 11AKK.VS L'OKl'l'S STAXOS IN HIS WAY. as much the duty of the Latter-da- y of their rights any community ' as anything else. It Was much Saints K VI'K HKl.O AT TIIK CArlTAl.. on 'istitution religious nude, tie' belter lor them to live within their indenounced by been uave irrounds iiDii.i, comes, than to plunge iuto debt and Washing rN, 1). ('., him as the enemies of free institutions. grieve the Spirit by becoming miserFebruary It!, able and discontented. There was too The supporters of such a monstrosity Kditir Dfacret Xew : much of a love for tine clothing, too of in popua commission us place much love of dress and stvle among been has Ireland hanging Marshal have" lar representation and rule would around the national capital for some the people, and the persons generally been esteemed by him as conspirators ti.ne without much apparent motive. attracted by this show were unworthy and evil results ofleu chief business, However, apart of confidence, cnibuet! w.tii traitorous instincts and The Saints should unite in to from straightenwhere-up followed. Irving t !'e:i o ja e motives. tin- endeavor lo make these vanities his accounts, some of to unpopular, and make the serving of Tne Father id ids country" was by hangs a tail lias been late Clerk of the Lord the most popular feeling etiTe.i. d witti the true spirit of indeprosecutel O. .1. Averill, of Utah. A among them. It required fortitude to llx-- d Court District in the Thir uas and unalterably pendent e, to have i'u e as a Saint. This people were the wliich of sum money ought was of all observers; a great deal favor of r. iigioiis toleration. This been paid iuto the territorial treasury of envy and malice had been incited in in Lis commuuicalioii to the while Avcriil was clerk, failed to find CN the world against them, and were it its wav into ttiat depository. Tne not "( , ii' ral oiiim.ttt e of the I'm led Eap-ti.for the protecting care of our with many additions and whole affair, written h. oi ii.o Virgiuia," was lullv and more Heavenly Father they could not stand. embellishments, exhorted the Saints to ens:i..i tii ail. r the framing of the Const than fully elaborated in that general The speaker to realize that there was a purAs il is an interesting paper, slander cesspool called the Salt Lake deavor pose and desigu in their coming to this was prosecuted and is apropos to the present situation VV(V. unr.thereAverill no intenpla.:e; that each must perform bis own was evidently one could not receive that which tion on his part to steal the money, his p.nt; tl t ii ai lis, We herewith present it: though another. If a man ever irreatest fault in the matter being his w :is earnedto byreturn could have (i! i :;mi n if aud abide in the and consequent per- expected the slightest apprehension frequeut absence Marpresence of the Father, he should unby the sonal neglect of his toduties and that tae oii-- wl itulioii framed honor that to obtain that biessinghe to shal Ireland curat! Washington to derstand here had the Convention miiscearn it. There was great danger i:nr!it. possibly endanger the arrest, the defendant. Meanwhile, side, giving way to a feeling of avarice; it (r '...(. ri'ht "'" an; ecclesiastical Averill paid the money (he says he in was not pleasing to Ood A true broththe handled never cash) never delinquent ;v, certainly I would have setfeeling should exist among the be erly to was 1 case if and the supposed pi .i j in? hii! nature to it, and and all should unite in 'living S.h.iIs, that the general govern- tled. w could ii an eye single to the glory of Clod, and arrest the made Ireland anyhow, ment in; :iil ever be so administered in--as fear not those who kill the body, has hung on to his man with strong and of conscience but. fear the Lord of hosts and obey t reuder !ie-the- libertywill determined fe persuaded, tenacity, being seemingly you Mie, was not Ilis commandments. The be more zealous to lake him back to Utah, with the far distant when this biesseddaycondition fia' n o.i If towould of (flory and fees, lint double object effective establish a ni.s Hi.ji things would to great extent be scheme, Averill's of the horrors of spiritual alas! for his little against of hibrix realized. f.ent a writ friends of l id n'.'i'v sprrifis religious tyraiinv celenext addressed IlishopO. F. Whitney .: For vou doubtless re-- i corpus, and a somewhat .'..!. He paid it was lawyer here named the congregation. r have chen expressed my brated criminal the wT all Saints, aud especially case. On Saturs. i.iiiiients, that anv man conducting Cook conducted it was heard and it would have of those who taughtofthe peopU , lo entiimseli as a good citizen, and bdnsr day the Holy Spirit. done your readers good and delighted joy the inspiration accountable tot tiod alone for religiousin all friends of Justice for Utaa, to The tilings spoken y of by the first speakthe be to protected opinions, the Judge "go for" the Utah courts er were particuia-lapplicable to the worst. 'nun-- th. Dietv accordlmr to the hearofficials. The Savior especially He knocked the vitality people and f his own conscience." Isotati-Mi-the Saints to be united; that out of tne Indictment, overhauled the We advise those who In the same Prosecuting Attornejs, Marshals, etc., their destiny was the same, and that and Assistant District Atthrough their union was the way to breath sound the praises of (Jeorge in general Varten in particular, and flayed their solvation. It was the .same detorney utter the demand and Washington in this day. with the Saints 'em alive. A pity they were not presSaints of ent to sec themselves exhibited in a Th y must sustain the authority privation ot the Latter-da- y th-'- .r glass that reflected thetn in their true id Cod to be successful. The people rights under the Constitution, to colors. Averill was discharged and should obtain that knowledge that they docuof that contents the ponder upon might see eye to eye in all things; the Marshal is disconsolate. be convinced ment, that ttiey may thus Miss Kate Fild who has been dosing there could not po.Jsibly be servitude of their own hypocrisy, ami repent. the readers of the New York World In this. It was light aul intelligence with Sunday troughfuls of hogwash that enabled the people to kttow when Washington's ideas of human govern-ithe ,fMormons," is iow here "thus saith the Lord" came, whether about nt were hig'i r above the heads of prepared to deal out similar stuff to it wa9 the will of ChI. i itiLdix:cijt those- perv erters of popular institutions the pious puritans of the District of obedience to tne wili of our Kather she there was frettbHii. Tne eyes probable that; that tnan tltetopof t.'ie luouumentdedicated Columbia. It is not of the world w e r- - torm-toar.l iW accomplish what is desired on atnrilay Jo his memory is above willcreate Lo ami they sUoui-a sensation among the Sena- .Saints is, l ioiitlKa. the surface of its site. tors and Representative so as to in- all an example worth M This people hud we i'Ikwu to U ltie spire additional some uuderhandedlegisaod pioneers of a great work ; Hh whole lation. Only by tin-rworld was opposed to th-i- ; h A KU'IDLY DKVELOPKD illegitimate process can any such meas- no session possible ttlending of the ures prevail during the present CRANK. ! V toUf W now nearly at an end. It is along No one could serte (kwl time since ''Mormon" affairs wcr so The Saints could not cite Ue u O v Friday , the Kith inst., some curiEven the avarice and worship Crud- II" ioi now in this region. as quiet w at were itnessed scenes ous tltv &atat t.mM tm la Utahdoes notafleet society was at hand w beu Ui-more nulled than wrr mi Ohio, from the development of agitation here, but wherever the true inwardness an this would Ue wide maiil-!- t raid is unveiled in by au extraordinary type of the genus of the unrighteous is the natural consequence. ivoik. Some were oppset to the raak. Tae eccentric individual who dignation Exil.B. union of the Saints lest Ufj wklit le An revuir. was the centre figure of the affair is called "exclusive," or be thought illibThe should Saints eral. le Christian Dongel, who, previous to the !.nd at the saute time In view of the many deaths that have exclusive, date mentioned, was a confirmed infimost liberal people on earth. to lubor del, and a man of considerable wealth, occurred among children in our com- TaU was their mission deal of influence in the munity frOm the use of concentrated for l he salvation of the wh-dliuiuau and a but there was no necessity to community. On the day named he lye in the household, for the purpose family, sink to the level wf the druukrd, the attended church for the lirst time. of cleaning floors, etc., is it not about adulterer, the sinner, to manifest libg During the services he preserved time for this abominable, erality, riiey should seek to lift men stuff to be entirely tabooed, and up to a higher sphere, and not become a stoical indifference until the invitaslaves of iniquity. There iwas no tion for mourners to come to tne altar something else less dangerous substi- the selfishness in the attitude of the Lattera loud for in for families with tuted cry was given, wheu, it, especially -day Saints. They were called to an example of righteousness, and mercy, he ran like one possessed to the where there are children? What is set more natural than for a little child to be the light of the world, not to dwell akar anil knelt down. in darkness; to tell men wherein they The audieuceat once broke into a take a drink out of a cup when it can erred, and to out tUe bold Id so case do of the it? To of true wav of life.pointIt was a yelling. gel frenzy of shouting and men to tell them of a Benches were pulled up, men picked a cup or can containing liquid lye, kindness to had wrong they committed, but there in Us most horrimeans death them certain smashed aud against chairs no kindness in flattery, and in sayup wi from or ble form, irreparable Injury, ing all is well, when it 13 not. The the walls, while crowds marched up Saint-- ; were not to compel, but to pernnd down the aisles siuijiugand shout- - the burning or eating away of the delisuade the people to do right. Thc.doc- of the internal and syswomen membranes cate of fainted, in". A number triiio of was the doctrine of a Miss Lewis fell into a trance, in tem. In some cases that we have luciier, compulsion and it was lor the advocacv of survived a have a such children of known for time., was east out of remained this doctrine be long that which she heaven, lttxa doctrine was largely befaint breathing being the only sign of accidents only to drag out a .miserable lieved In the world, who claimed existence for a number of years, never that Jesus by did all that was necessary life perceptible. whether we desired About midnight" Dongel professed kuowing what It was to feel well, and for onr salvation, or not; this was not true ; no man it knockdied ot their have then Anally Injuries. up suddenly, sprang conversion, will be saved unless he for it; all against the Better to banish; such dangerous stuff Will be rewarded works to ing the minister violently according face from the household before such acci- the deeds done In the body. This was pulpit, cutting his washead and in a even of as at the the to Bible, As truth the taught expense this, dents occur, paid severely. No heed St. Paul has said, there were different and the preacher, with blood stream-la- g little extrauselabor or cost, than to per- glories; men would shine with the and until fatalities are caused lustre they earned. If they deserved down his f ace, led a procession of sist in its on thelf by it that will foreyeraauje regrets and only the glory of the moon, they could jneui who carried Dongel not shine with the. brlbtoes of the eboalders, followed by women wvw$ reproaches. EVENING NEWS. a;kk.at ninefeen-tvventiet- hs i y self-poi- e, sud-deuiie- It- ss nt D dis-soU- 1 es i y snn, and If they only earned the gloTy of the stars, that of the moon would be beyond their reach. Those who say that Jesus did it all are the enemies of the people, and lay snares for their feet. The friends of the human family are those who would inform 'theio that God has opened the heavens and revealed Ilis will to .tha children was of and it their men, that will. The duty to obey servants of God preached the truth unmindful of the opposition It received. The truth had always been opposed by ignorance and wickedness. All the great truths that had been brought forth to the world cost sufferings and death to those who brought then.. The world were not gratetul for light. For an instance, Columbus, wtio ""sought for years to teach that which had been revealed to him from and which resulted in the disa new world, in covery of the lace of superhuman obstacles, was opposed, ridiculed, persecuted; and when, after years of trial aud sorrow, he accomplished this object, alter the bestowal of a few honors upon him, he was starved to death, in a dungeon, in chains, by those whom he had (l.-d- , and his was a mild fate compared to some. The Lord Himself had giveu His lite that the human family might thereby receive salvation to the truths He had through Those who differed in opinrevealed. Latter-daion from the Saints would do well to investigate the system were they opposing, lest they might be found fighting against God and His purposes. The speaker bore testimony to the divine mission of the Smith; that the work lYophet Joseph in which the Latter-da- y Saiuts were engaged was the work of the God of Heaven. The promise was to all that, if they would do the will of the Father they should receive the Holy Ghost. God would bless the humble searcher bciielitted ; 1 ex'pe-dieiiev- , I i unl Kveu ing. , !. in r Mi'L. I ) ,v liuke M:ijor r.uiitlinriit' .r .i..-.-ri.- Sohi-ilo- CMS LOOK OF THREE Now i:v.-in-. n.- l.n:ili"ii. .M.irlli.i I'risliin, Mfiy ti ( '. Me I.nu llar.lv, I'.tiur.i is i: V LATEST TRAXX-.Vrr.ASfTl- I 2 OF HEAVY DRA9Q0NS : I . 'Ililrty 'ompaiiN .17- -. i.l o RUVNOI.IU, t ALL! GOOD FOR Lon don, '.'4. The steamer. Mieijhenn, from Cardiff for Galle, lost her crew. Thirly persons in all were drowned. War Motes. Konri, "24. Gen. Brackenbiiry expects to reach Abu I lame. I SuaUini, g4. Gen. lVivis with two I el i us y n- I be e Pill s. jseAFi-:.B!-:isf- t'T I' !. ,'iU'll tiled A i lie--- Dri'krnbiir)',ii Column. a. i - lii- e - i.i- N i l.'emcdv fur M.'dn in. . u, r . . I .1 1 . ci s. oi ii - . - . Coin-plaiiii;- male eak Physicians i. - .. New Trk. ' i il, i: l (Mil, CALIFORNIA BREWERY 1EN'S, BOY'S i 1 : I eii-teiti- i 1 . coic-eiv- i n. I i HOME-M- HUM l s M- . .1 lltMII.MK ItltC- - I,,.. Manufiicti;'. Ml. -- II. v. i fi.in MinN Hint ii i: MIUM i vi:i - ev- ' ecer.d hojsif roiilb -- .'1 I. "Ml - Ml. anoi I I.EtiAb NOTKT. I'liibHte Court, in and In I lid le Notice nf tune and tition for iidmi-'i.ii- i lace f.n to T Ii t I ' Kcliu.ir, the Iw.i.is - I'. A. . I i . a;.n may il n. to-da- -- y, tu(;rti lr Li-- Mata-mora- - s, y e ( ) death-dealin- STOCK - 0 -- 1: We Aorlnt'iit offer our NHtruiUront of SILKS, VELVETS, BROCADES. -- l.l.i:. JiillN I', rrobatc Clert. Salt Lake Co t ( dlllt PLUSHES, I Iiess Satins and French A rvi-i-- Goods, lri(f lot of Short Length, la thli I'rlrr. t ilruuil linir if K.truUr UapartnniDt i Oar Wonlen Hosiery, Knit Goads, Shawls aod SUrts ( i itOJ lor " 0. il Uoiiu-- h ''ds, Troches. .s,,r ' ile.s. I.. I. on - I l.Vv V No. 'M't;II." i t ii oi"hs," Hoarse hroat, Liquid. A. VOI'NU Vi.li Health Uciievver or and cures I xl.v l." l. IMS . t: '.v $1 ii au- Meals al all hours. i' rents. i " restores l)v spepsia. po-- HAS CoMK T ha; some e d Go M. I0. ltitlii, lo. lo. ! in Huh i!v. ( Inc. north north nf a.-.-- ., . l.1-- lo ROC l :i.1r. 7.'.c. iy OUR MILLINERY DEPAllTM EXT KNOWI.RIXJE MY jverHon Oder baB cilia led lepori that am a spy in the einplov ol tv. liickoon. Hie district attorney, h. .ever s larlcd lhat accusation, is a liar, hoi e llnef and coundiel. t HAS. S. DAYIs, 17 .'i .c F.nirle Soft Soap Co. I Doifn of Lodlk Ire l.OUO l.OOU CAH.D. r. Wil l. I'I NII HU Lower than Kvor t)Heiol Sou III ily. I lata. ClKlslKJJ, PltoI'KII'.TOIt. .1. '.'V:. 'imw ri.oi'i.i:. v: J'it-i- t K Musi PIECES OF EMBROIDERIES, to bo Sold by tho Ploco Only bOO CITY HOTEL, Ill t.. .Slrl, Have removed their line stock of Shoes to lit! s. East Temple St. "Wills' ill h .and TIIK I"KI cm, . Kel Bargains In au (lilt HnnnU, Kluwi'n, Tip 1 I'liiinos, tr. - The Largo Snles in onr Cloak and Suit Depart'! n I nii-- r ( impel im to ntfike rxtonoire nit oration, winch w ill n nl.lf us vn !i t mic a flu id our pa mi rr omlnit nt sM(rtnifui nof Knit Oarm' n is, mxt :il t lif h" f a in m An Nr Ashoi iiiumiI I.kIk HHim. nnd llttinx the Klft4nl nmrkris, I H u mm ( 'ii i ii hi m on tin nl t n tUiKtliuuiiH Bad hif tN' U. k im n U :. h uk- it t wo ot1i t l.o est Prit'e tj noted iu this ;t y in ordor to i ti: tho v ul nt1 lot in I Uv inn Ttni ty luvo. t Women Who want glossy, luxuriant riuI wavy tressosof abundant, beautiful Hair must nSo LYONS KA THAI RON. Thin cheap artielo always Hair ?row freely tisi.l fast, keeps it from falling cut, arrests and cures sxay-i;'sremoves dandruff and m MATCHES. ( A WO ParfiDtSiS n s Shoes with HALF-A-BLOC- A.S.T.CS result of using Kathaircn. i;i I.IXRIR. LATH. TIPS SLACK. P83TLCT1K TBE rioouiMt, S Late Armory Salt lUII.b V H4itbtV AKF AII SATI RDAY", 21st Thren clauses in instant, will be latielit: Cadets, I.nilm. aud Tcraifl, ?10, IflS nnd fJ-ShHrpMboolcvs. Full course of instruction, lu w eeko. Fine Kitleand Pistol tiallery, in botn for 56 cents. Underground (iallery for uhooters' own liilliard and Pool wciiiions, same rates. in the Armory. Tables. 'Tfefrcshmetits Hall lighted with Sietucn's Regenerative Coins and sea them. Saturday Uas niplit, from 7.:jo to Iti; tjieoial exhibition. Please call. CEO. A. M EEARS Director. tnJ Saturday Matinee. GRAND FASHIONABLE EVENT. rositive Appearanee of tW Popular Comedienne, 'T Ml ss Kate Castleton ntjU XX. BY JT Specially Selected Company, Matinee. r.ir ttu S M . faint Compdny and Siemen' Vegmcrative Cat Lump Company. Ayeucg. Mott't Patent KUl Wm.'Hl- - if, WL-- FILLFTK BiriLTJERa. and llauulinluicm, , LaU Latimsr, Tuy'or tt 99 l B65. F: AUERBACH '& BRO. PEOPLE'S 1MPLKMKNT CO., 125 to 131 South Temple Street. :o: and CARRIAGE BUILDING, GOODS WARRANTED. SPECIALTY. II WORK GUARAXTKKl). PIANO-HOD- V JIRF.AKINU MKAT CAUTS,. CAUI, CAUTH and ntC'KIXOAHIS VllJKUtX CAUTS, Patronize bomi enterprii and Uc blennej with an A No. 1 Vehicle. Uoreen that Interfere cnil to the 1' I. Co. to b properly bod. Xot the Atlilrca: HIMCDIAli LV WI.ST OP VAI.LF.V IIOl Sr JOHN W. TVYI.Oil, ' UfcO. K GIHIi1, Hecrclary nnd TreuMtrrr. s. Tl. S. I Ad aim r.t Son itte no lunger conuecled with the P. 1. Couipmiy, tlic Ton d.t tulerct. ,nnv havinjf purcltatnrtf-thci- S!Silil!L 1 SILK WORMS. COME AXV SEE 'MIL VAKIKTY OF AND A, YOUNG'S a French FOR Store.AT L.VarTi. YellAw. Price $3.00 per variety of Uk Worm epgs. excel or doc worm ounce. This specie lently in this country. For particulars en quire at 11S Main Street. Furniture and Upholstery! ExSMdprs' J VanlKoS Cafcea, THO CAIt Oi'tann tto., to' ltit,rpddlnffa, dell A., na froaa THKHR IS TTIK SMALLEST KOCTIU the heart of the i iiihl, a? llic coinfoitHhlo Library Wfll r OfHce Cllair tor the huainc." frnlt lk cutely ond BatnroUr whlaib tUmy are Made. JUST LOADS AIlRITi:i! ' the I'ulenl lin ker for tft" or Ke idina tnan.nn.t iiiiiirmi nnd the iru of 1. KL i:.NI H TURK for the younir tiotn nnd maiden just . of on the ch Hturtinp; (unit and tee and be convinced thxt tho'. . rqie tlt conrfort.ble KafV t:liair for For StrensrtU and Trao Fruit erble a nil kind iatrbux-h' FlaTOp ntll Thy Stand Alone. lCK.M, l'AttlXIU and KITCIU-., , ncpiiiig by th(' f mau-iuiouT- Prloo Baking Powder Co., circumstances ot the farming population Clicfi9( III. makum or St. Louis, Mo. and the stringency of the money market. Our charges will still remain tha same Cheapest nnd IsBest Placo to uniform aud Just. We desire that Bishops at Buy Dr. prfce3 Cream Baking Powdtr and others should give this publicity in the Alio,'; as as settlements far be Able to do S0REN50N & CiLQUIST'S, no tor me puuuc gooa.they may Dr. Price's Lupnlln Yeast Gems, STAYNEB 4 SIMMONS, i ' Beat Jrir HibTea.'' ' Land Agents and. Attorneys. Squires' 30 W. First South, St., 8AL"S BYOROCERa FOR building, Mam Street, Salt Lake City, Utah, .1 MABKET BOW, ws )f, O. Box 087, prr tuns (jvauty. 0wlf STUDEBAICFR'S i ' , ! , -, 1 HORSE SHOEING, SA.-L- TO SUIT THE TIMES. UNTIL notice, we will take good merchantable heat at 6i ceuU er buuliel, lor onr services in all land canes, and (or final proofs and special applications. We make Oils offer In consideration of (the I E9TABt,ISHED THE PASTRY .IF With MitfeCafltletonfn h?Vrifeinal Char arler. Usual prices of Admission. AMOVE 'm II v GENERAL BLACKSMITIIINO. with a UUUs Villainy A Ieal at Abounding witUXew and Sparkling AIusic. WHEAT WANTED. i o.ir-i- . l SIMUNO WAUONS, "SPARKHES." i , tt and.lump-alw- Evening tha Great Eastern 5ncccss, v . WAGON tUrtuedy Aii.l an Saturday i Ui'rniiU'oil, t'lol In,ut .iiiii('i c, I.Mmtiji-i- l!iii'!in.". i;uliini, I'l in ihn 'il eti., al l.o4 tiiils ol inn In a wold. e nre devoting our K U c Atlertioii to Hie lih a view to )t in our y iun l'an uim I'i ompt uimI oui u uu- - Ai;i ii:m.i au.l (lu1 Kn Ii 4ilut of lie i.' M 'iie ... .1! II. d :t WHOUJitliC Eti; I'tHM know our Iioum; a Hie Uoot" I'l'hfciil irqilirf-- in Dry voods, r'aui'5 ,:iod.i, Millliu: hirl Iimi II. u H.ol Chi s, Cioltmur, ('..lints. 'lo. BUGr.IICS, SlniclePouble l.-he- W Cm. NO PQ1SQI! IN Wo SUITS TO OUDEK, AT LOWEST I)J!( i:S. mm i mmm, mm, 3 E, FIILVr K4(ITIf TRKET, MTWKKS DBKCRKT BktiU. AND TREAT BE. tlvemnc aod Saturday the New, Novel and Orig-ti- l Musical VI ay, entitled an Ini i eM0.1 ItusineB. I BtltlJi IHtOJiniiY Jotitractor SHOE lD'l?JTZrriLlZ12lr-I'm art ant OXJJR V Mr. jPKCltiXilJPS, AERYPPORTk.D at tr HI v i , ON (1PF.N . FKKKI AQY 27 ana 28, l.f. ti i' i I - I C3KNTS I' H I . Kit and H oi kiimiiblnp TOES. it: c iik mi mow Ihn t I vpin IiikmiI f inn I lie top Hour In llir 11. uu :iImii' our of tin1 I l'.'!ni, m In numl Hel:iii. In he ituclif.l I'T itn liiiiri)Vi''l i':uv Hlanw.i will nIusvh ilmn l,i. Hon.ilile lo nervoiiti pi'opli! iirM.irk in lliin o it im-i- i u'ip lin-- l M 'ik'n hnit I n t i ,'!tnut lMi4Mi" Ml l.nwi'.l I'nii'e. W u llJI all ...!'.!., I'i m,'. I oi k iu tii'i) i Qiui lit) anil r it ot oui E.V MIIIIMJI.Rm. EVENINGS. caimi:t OTJR Is ilnir KAScI. M '.ip, The marVcJ ini Teaio iu DfOl. EAST OT K ( i -- PLAMN(i Mil A., Heau-tifa- l, FRIDAY AMSATUBQAY and tnnrlul la liter Suits, 11 i4'm4 and lioys' OvprcooJ, nt. der wear, ut a rodu (inn ol v; Have Imluccd na t jjw desired position. healthy Hair is the sure Salt Lake Theatre. UInTDKBSOLD. IDTJEVIE 1Z AV LUMBER YARD s, iUtihii?, makes tho Hair siroiit?, giving it a eurliiin; tendency' and keeping it in v ABE VSJZ -- 'It 1 11 , KKD CAP MATCHES" AUK. AS j;ood as the best imported and fullv as if not cheap cheaper, so when you buy matches ask for liie red cap. L. I MUAiCIST A. CO., P. . Pox W5. ds iw Of : -- Makes the 1 e K i. l, Ik-ti- 1FRIMG- Ii:s-I- ( antl-"Mormo- n" -- !. Ii , - -- Full ul ROOM i ai mid the irohale of said nl, .n Ihe i:i hiiIiii .1 b I'h be Judd him letters testamentary ball, lleber I". Kmiball, jr. and ra ik tin.-- i. as ,1. linings, for m aid Hated at Salt Luke City. I'cl.i n:n 1:, Iss,. o.i-u- tau-jh- TO MAKE C.niiiU Cmn at 10 o'clock a. in , at in House in Salt Lake City, I lab '1 ci il.-Hie I'.iiurt ro.nii .f aid ( mil I: - be, n a, the tiuir and da.e I.m" lie It. n i i n l' pointed W .Icn hiclt-- , n..n. a ictiti..n of tf to ii...'.. il. .. a ci lam lor ihu adnii--i.- n document tlieiewith i.i pu 1. nj; to be the last Will and Testament ol lleber I'. Kimball, deceased, when ami where all 1 t CLEARANCE SALE. ol'svl!) n.n.u OUDI'.II AN ei h. :n ni;r .1 I'e ill ..t said malicr, lliat lridi, ih- inleic-le- WMWE l.al.. ill id of the Kllllhall, deceased icrsoii.s Hllll. I".. I matter d m tall Tri il.'i onnty, given scelilli dav fjl"I l'.I) t'Z. AUEOACII & . d .'in I.,, id rl'ttSr.XT Mills f' . I I. l!KATKI I : o i ridi A as. .i;osi. it ltitti STOCK OF TIIK CHI. tVoolen (Joods from tho Provo Woolon I l V.tc, STOCK OF COM ri.K'l'K A CO.MI'I.KTK SILK! DK A CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, Men's, Women's, Misses' and Children's Boots, Shoes an4 Rubber Goods, at Prices to Suit the Times. a'anafca. b.ir-r.er- -i to-da- y. LINK OK ("HOICK AND F.I.VOANT A & AND WHOLESALK AND ILETAIL. Second South Street, Titrte Doo.'t East from Main Street .114) vv ob-erv- -t : (Scuts' Furnishing (Hoods, Hots, LAGER BEER ALE and PORTER. 1 1 i WK ALSO OFFKR ! SALT LAKK -- i :0 HENRY WAG NEK, PRICES REDUCED 1 I LoxpiiN, t. The nrrival of Gen. Li a.' kenfiurv'.s column at Abu llamed ill liecome an important event for the British, since there will then, for a fi'EaJSiSreisV. fevv weeks at least, be a possible line A ale and plea alii remedy for all bild oi communication with Korasko, above ti e second cataract. This line is two ren's i, ci a lonn' it is Acini"" miles lornr po ilncir Inn. Ihiial to hundred and thirty-fivchild that is and there only one point it. lakes a is which water fonnd, lint, stet.s will doubtless be taken to tc'Si'ii.l tatnp lor l.'"k to I .raefenber forward stores of water to F.I Mtirad '.., . u l I'l l.. in a. vance, and by forced camel march th" distai'ce can be covered in nine . l. ! D1C1 j NTOItK, A4JF.VIM, davs at best This line will be an C T A II. d&a SALT I.AKK is but preferone, anything several of the to able the isolation past davs. is. iu.-e.- GREATLY i 'al bol cou in heir pi ac ice. ( o: AT v. . (ATIIOfiHO.V. all Female 1 irou-clad- s. , I to-da- y. The navy estimates for Loudon, m;,."iO: are pound's. This is intended to meet ordinary expenses and prov ide for the construction of 71! new vessels including eleven l.vii; l.t r H It c l A vr I. -- . hundred troops arrived :!4. w O i vh D&. T. A. SLOCL ( fii,i. ui jr i I ... r sufTf-re- in the I'..r nun c tluui l ol ly Years these valuable Pilb. have been known and used. They ('t m.'l.lly but t Inn oii'lni . Iblioiin iisordei, l.iver and Kidney CoinplainH, Headache, Malarial Diseases are c.i'i d ip.n ion ai . l mi cnc.i'l ii'i taadlnx hats t veit In U etllcary, th:it V A In the lrownel. e pr bftve . Se-"y- I ALL SEASONABLE & FASHIONABLE GOODS iitl IM thnuHihimit I - I ami Cll IMISSi:S' FORT VAS COM Ulsters, Dolmans, Circulars, Newmarket s, Etc., Cloaks, . ii. ii:Air,ii()Ki ,J MAIN ST l: KKT. DtH-IMTtlll.- I'erKOBS It....) h.l.. LADIES' ! . J v. fc iw: to yet Mine wttri a t.t,;ther Ui JkU Whit I'vper, (i. 1. Abler, lolin Andersen, Robert Ed mini. :, J. r lowers, lien. Thatcher, W. I. K. W. Scran", s. ,M. llariiilt, J. W. I ha. A. I. ainb. Millie, Dan ll.Cal Sijuires, ii .. 1). S. Spencer, .las. iler, W. I'.. I'lc-loi- i. in cl. red Claw son, Smn ('abler, l!riT r:i (bi.ldai.l, W.J Krott iiinjr, tieo. Yeuilon. ui. union tki.kqkafh wttancKH I. : 'law Mm ami llaisy Shell. ' 1 GHORUS TELEGRAPH. Y the IS BLANKETS and VOLUMES; v I 15 HUNDRED WOOLEN and KNIT (SOODS. MAIDENS: Katie Viiiiiiir, Clara M. Paul, Jennie M. Yoiiiiit, Helen Yinim-v'tai'Young. Nettie Abler. I' lmeiii-- Abler, Kmc shell. Knpheli.l I ..il Brow r. l.iilie niie Jennie hitnev, iiin, .Millie I'.iek, Neltie ItaleiKh. Ahre Kaleiirh. Aliec PURCHASES, WE OFFER OUR VF.RY DF.SIRABI.K LINK OF . fciii. 1. !"ypcr Tints. 0. Crawfortl Jim. S. liar lien J. I. Spencer J. T. White Krei ( liiHi.nn I"'ii1iiih-- 1 SPRING . Jac Luvibei K MOST US KM Well Iuisi Kifii.i Kusscl BOOKS AT II u,r MHiiti-- Kil.l . 1 d Itie stock holders of the liullmii, lie. k champion Mining Company," will he held ul IhfH 'ompanv's oflipe in this city, II o'clock a. oa Monday, March .'d. . at in , lor tho election of the olticeia of the "An angei from on high, Tlu long, long silence broke." Benediction by Elder Ellas Slorri . s ni . . . I . .Not lie Tliiitctier f'tilieiico. Iiiiv l.lJuuc. - M iu ci .me !l. and a ....d adobe house, stable, cellar. irehard halt a mi le ii.nih I r.n.i Minn Im further inl.n iiialimi inii ; ' .. ilu'imi'ii .'ii the ilnee. sat I'ltANs ;. .1 N V PERFORMANCES! JMdtittec Tj ACKKS OK I.AM) m luct'l ii. la 1711KTKKN STOCK-HOLDER- nt rub-bin- 2 OURfWINTER STOCK AND MAKE BOOM FOO TO CLOSE OUT 3v FOR 3JODVY, FEB. 23rd. 'v-A- i y, NkM H. S. Krouse. Musical Director, y know Pianist, Saints The J. Mclntyre. that they have the truth. It was no because they J; proof that Jhey had not,Wlu-Full .tlrr rprci ;!;r viujatfrd. were in the minority. the Lord was on the earth the majority of the 21wt alunlay, February world were against Him; only eight at lo a. i tV.i "Nilopen for lieserved extra enncj-in. of believed the tegHuiuny . persons Sc:i!-Noah. In each of these cases the V M A i INKK, 1IAI F PIMCK. i.s It in so the and were right, minority at the present time. Those who do not investigate the principles taught S bv the Latter-da- y Saints shooid cease MEETING OF t tight them. The choir sang : ri'MiK i:k i i i: annual mkktinc - l' PATIBICE! alter truth. Latter-da- ernei-jenc- in-ih- YKll. '2in h. A rot KKT r.uoK, JLj containini: ti tin nj; mder.s d i ii in fa vor of Sanauol Knsiirn. The Under wil' be i rewarded by returning it to the rnce, or to d?7 2svl SAMl'KI. 1.NU;N TRIUAY. i ; y LOS T. AW THEATRE. SALT Carriages, Bugrglos, 1.1 . r i ! t Farm IVnpons, Express Wagron. Ore Wagons, Wiu?onv Dellrery ITT ff4... d I : fllMta - " ifJb P'i: ..:) y- - ?r |