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Show J ; ; ; EVENING NEWS TRUTH AND CiriClGO TUAIE. JfB W It T It A O It V E T Ton KOO. $50, Included ltatttn Box lb I riner Scwte, - 8et Furga Made tor Light Wufk, $10 44lb. Anvil and Kit of Tools, (1 Lkimbut Wm. VamDedskpt, JOHN C. NEEMES & CO., UAM " 30, 3?, flgl UFACTUIilSa 1 31 MICBIC1I IJEIOE, Washington, 17. Pendleton presented a vetition of newspapers praying for a reduction of postage on second-clas- s mail matter. Referred. Calls for the regular order urought up tiie bill to quiet the title of settlers u the Des Moiues Kiver lauil, and liplKiin continued his remarks iu opposition. On the conclusion of Laphain's remarks 'Morgan's motion to indellultely 27, postpone the bill wa- def eated-yea- s nays 28. fSome amendineuts proposed by Lap-hawere voteJ down, and the bill went over till The contract labor bill was then placed before the Senate and its considera'ion proceeded with. Miller of .New York supported the bill and opposed the pending motion, which would strike out the clauses prescribing peualties for violations of me law. lie was iu full sympathy with the bill. It simply meant that while HOUSE. slavery should not any longer be tolerated in this country, European conn-triWashehoton, 17. On motion of had been lor years dumping their Reagan the resolution was adopted paupers andcriiniuals upon our shores, calling on the Secretary of the Treasuand the time was coming when we ry for information in relation to the would have to pass striutreut measures range aud ranch traffic of the Western Ve could not States and Territories. to protect ourselves. afford to leave our ports open to such The House then proceeded to the We should not neglect consideration of business under the importations. tti inquire into the character of every special rule. person coming here. Hutchins, from the committee on ap Morgan did not wish to see a bad propriations.reported the naval appio- a precedent bill and gave notice that he precedent established that mi'ht hereafter lead to the pas- priation would ask to have it considered to sage of a law refusing the colored men morrow. the right to come from the south or The Senate amendments to the Indi north in search of work. an appropriation bill were non-co- n Miller assured Morgan the people of curred in and conferees appointed. the .North would never pass a law to Dorsheitner introduced a bill to reginterfere with the coming of any class ulate the coinage and promote the cir ot ptjaple wao should come of their culation of gold aud silver equally. own free, will, and were not criminals Keterred. or paupers. the bill tbat, as soon as est expected to vote for the bill. He practicable, provides the Secretary of the Treas had no djubtof its ury shall cause to be engraved notes of Jt was an exercise ofconstitutionality. the power aud the denomination of 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50 right to preserve the life of our insti- dollars and printed in such quantities tutions and our civilization, it was not as may be necessary to carry out the intended to exclude any of this act. Said notes, provisions man from coming to the united States, when issued, shall be payable on de lie was glad to see that Sherman ami mand in silver dollars of the present other republicans favored this bill, standard ol Oneness 4o grains troy Vest Sherman waslthe father of a weight-o- r, if the holder prefers, he bill to the office of comad stand receive silver may missioner of immigration, one section stamped by the United States, atbars, the of which provided that all contracts rate of 44 grains to the dollar. made abroad for the repayment of passSection 2 provides for the deposit age money by intending emigrants with the Government of standard dol shall be binding here, and be & lien on lars or bunion, lor wnicn notes pro their wages. According to newspaper portionate of such deposits shall be accounts, there were 75,000 men out ol given, rejecmaDie in saver oars or employment in the streets of New standard dollars, the standard value in York. "And this," Vest exclaimed, both coses to be 40 grains to the dol "after 24 years ot republican ascendlar. Section 3 provides that the coinage of ancy and a protective tariff." Morrill said he had never discussed gold and silver ana silver bullion, the the tariff it was not under consideraof the United States, shall be product tion, but Vest should not give blows free, but no silver coin shall be made without being aible to take blows in at any United States mints from forreturn. The tariff policy which Vest eign silver, and no foreign silver shall would pursue, Morrill said, would beadinitted to the United States without throw a very much larger number of paying the highest rate of duty iin men out of employment than were out posed on manufactured silver. of employment now, and it maybe that Section 4 oro vines for the exchinsre much of the tlilliculty now experienced of silver dollars and certificates issued iu the labor interests wasduetothe under the former act for the notes au fears that had been entertained of radthorized bv this act. ical interfence with the tariff. Labor Section b authorizes the Secretary of was in as i;reat trouble in thecouutries tne t reasury to cause to nave of Kuiope as in America, if not iu at any time, out of silver in the coined, Treasgreater trouble. To offset Vest's re- ury, into standard dollars of 4M0 grains. mark about the responsibility of the as many as he may think likely to be republican party and the protective needed, and to retain in standard bars so much silver as be may deem ueces tariff, for the present hard times, Morrill asked Vest to look at the condition sary to meet the demand for silver in of industry after the lonif leas of that form. Section 6 makes the notes hereby au power by the democratic party. Morrill then read from President Buchanthorized a legal tender at their nominal an's Ijrst message the statement that value lor all debts, public and private, "the industries of our country are in except wneu omsrwise expressly stipu a deplorable condition. With all the la ted. elements of national wealth, we find Section 7 repeals the ict of Feb. 28, our manufacturers suspending, out 1B3. public works retarded, our private en The resolution for the appointment abandoned ana thousands of oi a commission on tne subject of the terprises laborers thrown out ot employment alcoholic liquor traffic was reported and reduced to want." Morrill comback adversely by English, from the mended this picture to the contempla- committee having charge of the matter, tion of his frieud from Missouri and laid upon tne taoie. (Vest.) Riggs, from the committee on public 1'lumb favored the bill, butithought health, reported a resolution recom that it might uc amended in its demending the appropriation committee tails. to insert in tne appropriation but an Dawes spoke earnestly and strongly item of $r00,OJ0 to be expended in ore in its lavor. venting the introduction into the Sherman, entering the chamber, said United Stated of Asiatic cholera. Re f erred. he understood that during his momen The House then went into committee tary absence the Senator Irom Mis souri (Vest) hail alluded to him in of the whole (McMillan In the chair) connection with the act to encourage on the legislative appropriation bills. On motion of Mills, an amendment immigration, passed in July. That act, Sherman said, was a tempo was adopted appropriating $10,000 to rary measure. 1 he Senator from Mis enable the Commissioner of Labor to souri ( est) ought to have remem- obtain information pertaining to labor bered that at the date of its passage in America and elsewhere. On motion of liugley, an amend-mo- at tins country was engaged in one or the was adopted requesting the Secmost memorable struggles in history. our labor had been taken Irom our retary of the Treasury to submit to the homes to put down a formidable re- next Congress such modifications of bellion. The gentleman from Missouri the law relating to commerce aud naviwas not at that time aware of the mo gation as will simplify, and improve tives that influenced Congress iu the the same and remove from American passage of that act. lie (Vest) was vessels, whether engaged In Ashengaged iu an attempt to break up this ing or domestic or foreign commerce, The act referred to all unnecessary restrictions and burirovurument. : was one of the means designed dens. On motion of Jong. the paragraph to meet that by Congress emergency. It passed both houses of authorizing the President to disconConuress unanimously, receiving the tinue the appointment and servioes of vote not only of every republican, but officers at ports of entry, in all. cases of every democrat in both houses. where for two successive years last Soon alter the war the act was past, the revenues collected at such having been only a temporary ports are less than the salary and of the officer i employed there, measure, allowing the passage money was stricken out by a vote of 00 to 77. of an intending emigrant to be reOn motion of Brents., of Washing turned out of his earnings within 12 ton Territory, an amendment was mouths. Sherman thought it would be adopted making Tacoma and Seattle well for Vest before he arraigned for ports of entry. Ibe committee then rose, and the bill inconsistency either Sherman or the was passed. republican party to recall the circumThe House took a recess until 10 tostances iu which the country was situated at the time the bill passed. All morrow. the measures that bad been passed lor the protectiou of our laboriug men, Shermau said, had emanated from the A ME It I C A .V republican party. It was the policy ofthti republican party "to elevate andbuiid up the laboring menol thlscoun-tt- y DYNAMITE fSXPfjOSIOJi IN and to build up the industries of TERRITORY. the country so we may be independent of foreign nations. Sherman strongly supported the bill under consideraTHE CHICAOO BALLOT tion. FORGERY. Vest replied that as far as Ithe remarks of the Senator from Ohio (Sherman) bore personal allusion to himself (Vest) and his status during the war, TERRIFIC KNOW UTBMH IB! THE he ("Vest) would only say that whatever NORTHEASTIV-TKAIAI- S may be the opinion of others in that BLOCKADED. regard, be had no sort of apology to make to that Senator. It had nothing legitimate to do with this discussion, ! Hatred. lie (Vest) had only stated what be bad Reviving-- lb because he had heard the Senator from' 17. A Sn sneclal from Nbw York. Ohio (Sherman) condemn in toto the Ga., says: Excursionists from principle of "contract hbor." That Gridln, lowa passed through tins place Senator was now compelled tc admit Oh' their way tq visit tho site oi that the principle itself was applied by AndersonvUle, the Confederate prison the republican party to meet the conA large crowd assembled at the tingencies of war. In other words he pen. and an address of welcome was depot, adopted the principle when he thought delivered, which suitable response the emergency Jits'itled it. That legis- was made. toThen ten minutes there. lation hail been engrafted on the legis- was minxlloK of for citizens and excur lation of this country by the republican sionists. As the train started from the party. It had never been expressly rethe lowans . Joined lustily in, pealed either. Vest said, but was depot " vr'u iiang jen Davis to a merely omitted from the lieyised Sta- singing, Sour Apple Tree." For a moment the tutes, and that not until 1874. Jf it were Citizen i stood dumb, and then burst merely a temporary measure, and meant in a yell of execration such as is only for the exigencies of war, how did forth seldom sent after departing visitors. it happen that it was on' the statute One ex -- Confederate pror, Indignant books as late as 1874? a mas Re sen to tne feiegram posed A vote was then taken on the motion, next town to of Bayard to strike out section three,' mob them. nead tne offenders off and which prescribes a penalty oi i,uou lor Tr a)bi A tmmmg Rt fc Erxfcer. violation of the act, ana the motion was not agreed to yeas 12, nays 40. KkW YoKt, 17. The contention be Those voting to strike out the penalty tween th Stock Excnasire and the section were Butler, Coke, Colquitt, Mining and Petroleum Board is one of Garland, Groome, Hampton, Harris. the themes of Wall Street. Tha Hatter Maxey, Morgan, Saulsbury, Slater and organization claims to have a member- Williams; The democrats voting with snip oi II'M ana 4ou,000 In the treathe republicans to retain the penalty sury. Ita members sav the Stock fix- were Brown, Call, Camden, fair, change cannot succeed in its effort to George, Gibson, Jackson, McPherson, monopolize ; dealings In stocks, and claim that open dealings in all securiFugh, Kansom and Vest. Coke thought the bill would prevent ties is what the wide awake men of of Texas the day look for. Members, of the the farmers and stock-raisefrom securing sufficient labor, and Stock Exchaare. when Questioned. moved to amend by excluding from ridicule the pretensions of the rival the operation of the bill, agricultural Exchange.and claim that the affair will laborers and laborers employed in blow over in a short time. Thev v' threaten to retaliate upon the mining stocicr&a9io.. board by listing oU on the Stock Maxey supported Coke'' amend,";v ment. A press reporter saw a broker, who Miller of New York said the enormous farms of the West and South- deals largely in California mining west could only be perpetuated by stocks, this afternoon. Her said : cheap labor. Toe longer we left open "There Is little or no activity La Pacific the possibility of the importation of Coast mining stocks. About a dozen cheap labor, the longer these enormous stocks are listed on the Mining and farms would continue; the more se- Petroleum Fxcharige, bat dealings in curely we; guarded, against that class them do not aggregate a clearing of anti-foreii- kepi by Z. C. M. I., IU Brunch and dealers generally in the Territory, d LIMB. iu CHICAGO. TGnodi are Jree TtLEQKAra - CONFECTIONERS, ?i. VNIOM NES ATE. 'Utile Detective" oi. k2j,$i FORGES, TOOLS, Etc. : M. S. WK8TEKN XI.VIII CONQItBSS. Ton Waittxi Scale. $40- - 3 Ton. M4Q - of labor the sooner we would see those farms divided into homesteads. Coke's amendment was rejected yeas 14, nays 37. Morgan moved an amendment to the effect that the bill should not apply to any agent of a State, acting under auwho should induce Imthority of law, iu migration, nor to any person who to good faith should assist families come to the United States. Morgau aud George took opposite views as to the necessity for thi amendment. Morgan insisted that it was necessary, while George contended that the bill already permitted the things that Morgan desired to provide for. Morgan said the bill was so imperfect that the bar of the United States would laugh if it should become a law in its present form. Williams opposed the bill, and Blair defended it. Several motions to" adiourn were made without success. A vote being taiten on Morgan's amendment, it was deleated. On suxKestion of Butler, Blair con sented to not oppose adjournment if a vote could be unanimously agreed on for 2 o'clock Consent was given and the Senate adjourned. BY TELEGRATH. Htlt CHICAGO SCALE CQ IS l S. Jeffentm St., Chicago. 4 r 103 1 ru es STAR HORSE NAILS, I'Or.ISIIfcO Absolutely Pure. marrel OR BLUED, ot This powder never Taiiea. A More economical ordinary kinds, and cafinot.be sold in competition with the multitudes of low test, short weight, alum 01 pliOHpuale powder. SiJj out in can: ROTAL BAKING POW ntit Co , lab Wall Street, New York. Will hold a tbiM on Longcf than an, other. We guarantee our Nails to he Eqtial in Quality and and wholijsomeneaa. punty, strength than the Durability io any made. from the Bet Norwsy Iron, Finished Already to orive, by the UNION HOUSE NAILi CO., Marls CPIICAGO- KSTAbLlSUKD Uttnuacturert of and Deaiert in LOOKING GLASSES and its 103 (J I OP EVERY DESCRIPTION. y mrZlr. Now York. 1850. Palmer, Fuller FOB SAKE BY & Co., BRINC&ERHOFF, lOO Htnlr feu-M- . ( oonitantly kept tj largest Lumber Oealers in Salt Lake FOB OVEHALLS.fiLB E.BHOWN.OH Hcmufactwart of IIJISS ft PUTEI ViBK F8B WITEI. Fairbanks Fine Family Soaps. NO ECONOMY IN BUYING Muythini; solely because it is 4'HBA.F, Uit when you can get the 3E3235"X" at at the price of the poorer article it is clear tv to vc.ur advantage to purchase. 73 Beltnia s Refer by permission to David James, Sail Lake Oi- t- Are undoubtedly the very beat in the mar to this fact, u the Soaps and yon will be convinced 1 made of the fln8t materials arid t.tv toe If you have anv doubt as WHITE CO.. Chicago, K & CO. & CARPETING, t now celebrated all over the country, and is in every repert strictly first class. It in on the hands and laau wondeifulij eiky t.t u Im'iI.k used. He also in .ike the following well known erandri, all of which are highly recommended LtKKSIDK, BRILLIANT, e6l.DK! WEST, OLD (1KKMAN, STsVIMKD, JKWKL, ALHASHBA, KPA.1ISH CASTILK. KXTEA ASKttH AN FAULT. m'm Samples of any of box Soap always AIltBAN HAMLIN HEMPHILL, ae pr;;:arc'd skillfully F Sti-e- t, YOEK. Fairbank's Fine Family K. A 5TEAU PLUMBERS MATERIALS, JL N CAS JOBBERS IN rilUKUE IS furnished when desired. RET PECK BROTHERS & CO., USE THE BEST! S O J IP COTTOW iiH-l- City and Ogdun. 1'iiee I.iU and Moulding Books kenl free upon application dl03 ly 5 TURNER & CO,, St., New Yortt. II TIE Cottom Cany ass of all numbers 14 to ISO n ht-wide, for Deck, Car, Trunk and A'atfon Coverings, Machine Aprons and or other ptirjioses, constantly In store aud to order. Afteiita lor U. S. Bunting Co., "Standard" uid "KaKle," iiy the Case or less quantity. These tjoodb ran be obtained at L. C. M. I. 0CI . CHICAGO, III. in Stork Our Good are ifae M. L, " Stairs, it tug, Halujilrtt, Xrwrtm, Etc K C Druid Mills Sail Uuck, "Woodberi-y,I'm HkMii.t" and other favorite brands, ail numbers iiurd. Medium and Soft. SASH, DOORS ASD BLIXDS, MOU JLTDHtsrO-ImrrA Daait Z. Mantifu'turers cf and Dealers in U'iultaU Manufacturer t of MmtUtJ. W. MEKRIAM & CO., . - Z. O. M. I. For Siile l.y Branch Slorea. Fiona Oil BH0CCET5. CLOTHS, Mi MATS. ETC. X 344 BROADWAY, FEV YOEK. Km-- Our Goods are kept by its ttranrh Stores. Z. C. 11. I., arul 111 HAZARD POWDER loiBrf. 3 11 tie Terk. St., New W 2 m Coaatantly on hand a complete stock of this well knowu aud Justly celebrated GUNPOWDER! IltYLR, b foi Sale km the t L. 7.. V. M. I. and all the prlictiaJ Territory, and J"" II. I.1WM)). Arena. H. RllSEV JITfi - CO., SALT PUMPS AtiD FIRE ENGINES, Plp aiMl Nut I.emil. lata;, 1Im UKE CITY BREWERY TO OUIt PATRONS: l.aa riuinliem' mn.l Kleau Filters' Uraaa tlooia. Halt- - lJMav, . U'4 i ititnvjacturert and Jol4eri of l.r-m- i -. a, Bf.ASTISH, HtC.YTUCKT FA lit LAWS, ItrCK, HI.ECTIUC tlSK. Avf. We are now selling aail fneklma;. j our favorite Beer lo Four and Eight Gallon Kegs, AT 1 Agricultural Iniplenients, yjtlfCM WIRE, B i RBED 'Fl SIC, etc. rxsCisa, I3S tc, TO THE &OU1TZ & itw OIO.LEN, P.iui Kiicrous OVERLAND HOUSE, South of Walter Howit, BUTCHERS. SPECIALTY. Main St., Salt A lake Utah. City, Better accomodations at Ics Rates than k any oilier Hotel in lite City. JOSEPH E.TAYL0R TERMS, $1.00 to $1.75 x o isr u an ACCORDING PER DAY. TO ROOM. W. A. PITT, Proprietor. Take the t trect Cars that pass to and frotu the lcpot, and pay no alleution lo dAs DTIDERTAKER of UTAH. $OT Canynasert for other Houses. Io. 283 FIRST SOUTH STREET E; TELEPHONE No. 70. GIVE NOT1CK THAT I rHJS ISnotTO changed my place of business, t.'.Uier have I any connection with any (her drm, but cau le found nirht or day .t theold stand to promptly and eflioenUy 111 all order entrusted to my care. Orders answered by return train. SEXTON'S OFFICE In eme Pl wx CM Tele-Krap- at it 4 Swuug. HAYNES & SON, Steam Boiler Makers, UEEl 41 11L THIS. CSOLLBS. Shop, r. O. IK Box. LtTUIS. FilS. ETC. Bloolu East of Depot, 1 25, - Salt Uks City. QouHd Repairing Don Promptly. AVE. WMM CWARAJmXA. UunrWtktMiyMirRkiMni GEO. M. SCOTT & CO. Datus rw ex-penc- WASH-ISfUTO- Trade Solicited. Order by Telephone rKlv at we.-t- . rutsr south strkkt. je self-relia- . PETERSON" & WEST, SAUSAGE f 3.50 Each FAMILY TRADE. S1.75 and mw Orders will bo promptly attended to rftd delivery made to any part of lb") City Peterson's Meat Market. IT it ; til &HBTB SECDIiO ST.. ST. LQUI5. ij 2 m iP to-d- ay rs Hardware, Ironj Steel, . Moves, Tinware, Will Findings, A fers' fiii BlacMl Tools, 1 1 i ETC. S H i - IIUI ST.. s. Jjr. I ',- l tin. ' ma., . IB T "X" IR, !E3 - j .. v .v.-- - Kx-ehan- ge, weekly. Very few of these stocks JTor Bodie Consolidat ed, California mud Virginia, Hale aud Norcross and Kossuth, there is a slight demand, but for Alt, Chollar, Maitlu White, Potosi, Savage and Yellow Jacket, there are but few calls in the course of a year. This may be attributed to the gwneral depression both here and on the Frisco Exchange, but it Is more probably due to the frequency of assessments." Tfee "Miehljriaa" Nttll Miami m. MlLWAl'KKK, 17. This Is the ninth day sioce the missing steamer Michigan left Grand Haven with supplies for the (Meida aud has not In view of the character of some the evidence giveu before the uncommittee, aud the circumstances der which Mr. Collins Joined the expedition, the following extract from the win have peculiar significance report to all who knew the unfortunate Journalist: "It appears from the evidence a gentleman was that Mr. Collins kindly of heart aud charitable in disposition. By reason of au act of Congress, it became necessary for him to enlist as a seaman in order to be permitted to Join the expedition, and not Ileitis accustomed to 11:1 val .liscipline, his exercise chaffed and irritated liiai, and so far as lie was concerned, he $2,000 aire held here. mid-lak- Philadelphia, Da 17. A To-uig- Washington special says: Kosecrans' liffllli m to-da- - THE p 1 .1 . JOO,0M M, r.i.iKKtiiR, Pre.Ktoni H a. Jknmnos. irr 1'rem. M. 8. FKH4MOKZ l.irriK. John Vmiaki-- , Kl rH, H's. f.. 8. II 11 is, ( ashler, Jas. T. Lit i BEST TONIC. IMiemoroas Asm Taitiier. lk, mm KCEUES HPOsiTS meii ii This medlotna, cornblntTif; Iron with inr rrirLabls toii:ics, quickly aiul com i.Ulwly I r1 la ration. I t'Hrra I. Mml Sir la rnLnfM, on Ne llnya 1 m MaJa rla, kill, miitl Krtrn, York., parslyap.l&, Hau I raoi lwo, at and Nan raj iv. It Is an unfailinr remedy for of ths l.oula. Omaliai, I.nnalon, ami striate. ! IJver. Klilncya vnl itiliM4lnl Vleiea. It is invaluable fur I Harases peculiar. to m'li-tittlivt-all who and les.l YV.imn, In jure the ti i lh.nuw lit mlm lir or It iloos Makrt (NiDerlions. renittlitifi pioreed pnxluce conaliatioti itttur Iron inr.fc.rin ,U pruiupjjy It onrlfhei ami purifies the Mmxl. pi imn'airn Ihts appetite, ai)s tht assimilation ol l.xl. n lievcs Heartburn ai.l H Iiing, and 'Mj.kUi A I! It A X , It ens the rnuseies and nere. For Intermittent Fevers, I a1tud, of Enercy, Ac., tt has no equal. 9W The renfttue lias ahove trade mnrk nn.l iniPLiTiici' iruaaad red tinea on wrapiprr. T ake no oiliei I: M. wif a snowi itiaau iL co uuimwi, M FIRST SOI Til ST . WICST. irhn Blt. r rhlr, 111 -- ! KST TS niVTirni to-da- y, DE. FOOT, Jr., y, Da. 1 NI'M BASK (TV. Vf ( AI'ITAI, PAID to-nig- to-da- MTIOM SALT LAKK ht seven minutes speech on the Giant retirement bill yesterday is deprecated by his friends, because of the uncalled for attack made upon the military re putation oi Grant, and Mie mean m- uendoes indulged in as to his personal integrity. Kosecrans protested that he was incapable of permitting his feeling for alleged injustice personal done him by Grant to Interfere with his sense of public duty, yet every showed tbat bis thtf House. sentence he uttered opposition to the measure was promptRepresentative Randall is suffering ed by vindictiveness. The speech did from cold, and though present at tke Kosecrans more injury than it did Capitol remained durisg Grant. the entire session in his committee room. Cbllrf Mangled by Agent Armstrong, of Crow Indian 17. Mamie Hasson, agency, Montana, has reported to the Philadelphia, aged 11, returning home from the ludian bureau that Spotted Horse, was Bear Wolf and Deaf .Bull, three Crow butcher's with some meat followed by three or four dogs, who Indians, are turbulent and dangerous, were jumping around her aud snap- and have assaulted him. The Secreping at the meat. The child became tary of the Interior, therefore, directed frightened and ran toward home. The that the Indians namud be arretted and wnining curs were joined by others, imprisoned. who quickly secured the meat, and The indications are that the Senate knocked down the child and attacked may this afternoon confirm Mr. Kried-le- r as Marshal of Montana, to succeed her. She was terribly mangled when rescued by two men, attracted by her Mr. Botkin. cries, but may recover. Excelwlor Null Concluded. Nkw Youk, 17. The suit of Frank Destruction by Dyuanllc. T. Butler, assignee lor 11 holders of Whatcom, W. T., 17. The new resof tne Excelsior Water and Minidence of John II. Stenger, President stockCo., of Cala., airainst James B. of Washington Colony, was blown to ing director of the company, ami ilaggin, was atoms by dynamite, Loss, others, concluded No lives lost. The cause can $3,000. dismissed the suit not be learned, but it is supposed to be asJudge VantheBrunt others yesterday. The against the outcome of land troubles which Court iu his charge said it was for the have been brewing two years. Jury to determine whether the purchasers bought their stock durlnir the A Defaulter's Assurance, time llaggiu was a director, an'd if they 17. diThe Chicaoo, it believing it to be dividend-pavinpresident and rectors of the Aurora Watch Co., bought The a verury gave which has been in trouble tor some dict for $,hoi . The caseplaintiff will be apa time, filed bill in the Circuit Court pealed in which they allege that MauFurtber Temllmony In lite Ballot rice VVendeil, secretary aud treasurer Foraery Cawe. and chief stockholder had spent $200,. 17. Sullivan 0OC of the went upon funds in the space Ciiica(o, company's of a little more than one year since the the stand In the Federal coujt this the sfory,told company was organized ; that in one morning and rehearsed item for machinery, etc., he alleged in his affidavit, of- his subornation by that he paid $124,000, whereas the ac- Mackln to commit perjury. The revea sensation in tual outlay was only $40,000; that in lation created box. Members of other ways he had misappropriated the Jury are being the funds of the company, and that the Jury closely when txed therewith, Wendell adguarded, and are not allowed to reaii mitted the truth of the charge, asked the papers. This was the first lutiruu-tio- n them what they proposed to do about The they had of what was coming. thus far produced has that he went into the com- been eldeDce it, and said very xconvincing In showing that pany for the purpose of speculating on the ballot-loof the 18th Ward was the money of the stockholders. They rifled of its original contents, aud that ask for an accounting. forged ballots were printed which were Strikers Resume Work at Old aftewards found in the ballot-boami Rates. had evldentlyieen placed therj after box had been given into the cusUxjb' Columbus, 17. The State Trade and the the county clerk. Testimony hiB Labor Assembly bas appointed com- of been offered by ensrravers and printers mittees and presented resolutions con- that the forged tickets were printed at demning the bill providing for the pit c ' the request of Mackin. plan at the penitentiary, and several Tit man, owner of the presses on other measures proposed iu the interest which Sullivan swore he printed the of labor, including the committee apbogus tickets on the night of Novem pointed to investigate the cause of" the ber 3d, was also arrested, and con strike in the Hocking Valley. in sayAt a meeting of miners held in fessedhethat he also swore falsely rented the presses to Sullivan ing it was resolved to on Straitsviile that occasion: that W.J. Gallagher, go to work at the fifty-cerate, and of the defendants, approached him request the operators to withdraw the one on about three weeks contract binding miners to discard the andthe subject tbat It was subsequently arranged, Union. himself, Gallagher aud Mac-kiReports from the valley are : All the between tbat be should give the false eviold miners who can get work are going dence. in, though all can not be accommoTitman was put upon the stand avain dated owing to foreign labor, which this afternoon and swore to substanhas been brought in during the strike. the above facts. revel- tially WaaMna-taattrwia It v. froattrf a i w iiimi unnunltitn News. as they break down the entire theory of 17. The naval approWashington, leave the damaging as to the House. tne defense of and reported priation bill, the prosecution uncontestimony an for of appropriation Provides The estimates for the next tradicted, except by Mackin, the prin defendaut, who' testified this fiscal year were $30,054,011, more than cipal that he did not hire Sullivan one-ha- lf of which was for the increase afternoon commit perjury. of the navy. In lieu of the.estimate for toTitman made a If urther confession increase of the navy, Randall's propoevening to M. E. Stone, editor of sition providing for the appointment this Daily News, In which he said he of a board to consider and report to the went with Mackin to the Palmer House vessels of for the navy, Congress plans met the at and making an indefinite appropriation a few days ago, and there deiense, ana was introtorneysaslor the for the buildiug of such vessels as may- duced man who would the swear his be recommended by the board, was office was on . the rented hiiriiA,r comof The members the . ... . . i 1, i adopted. t iiovciuuci au: luat, lucre ne mittee favoring the proposition were ut was first told. the name of the man who Randall, Forney, Ellis, Hancock, was to swear rented his printing ofHutchins, Follett, Burnes, Washburn he and that Mackin gave him part ol and Long. Those opposed Holiuan, afice, republican ticket, which he was to Keifer, Cannon and Horr. swear Townseud, (Titman) picked up in. his Ryan was absent. This same board is printingheoffice on the morning of NtV4 . authorized to consider whether the five Titman his office Wifl?k further says unfinished monitors are suffering from on tne night of November 3d, their present incomplete condition, rented that it was impossible that any and whether they shall be completed and were printed there that night, tickets and armed. An of appropriation as there was no steam to run the press. $500,000 is recommended for the com O'Brien, another of the witnesses of the view i ork. pletion was also seen bv Mr The Secretary of the Interior bas under arrest, Stone, and began a confession. 11?' made the following order for the suche bad carried books in aud out of cessful management of Indian indus- said for Mackin; that he trial schools conducted under direc- the court-roo- in all, a dollar and a hall tion of the Department in the several received, irom Mackin: that he (O'Brien) dis States and Territories and not on In- covered the printer, Sullivan, as a mail dian reservations! "It Is very desirable wno could oe induced to swear lie to secure and maintain the friendly tne fraudulent ballots found in feeling and sympathy of citizens in the printed ballot-bothe that he introduced him are schools which the iu community Mackin. The prisoner then proto nave co to and their cordial located, to further detail the facts, when operation with the managers of the ceeded commanded blm to cease school in the advancement ot the In his attorney dian youth, in furtherance of this talking, and the confession ended. Heavy Snow Hllrnt. object it is the dcslrt of this Depart ment that a board oi visitors snail be Whitehall. N. Y.. 17. Heavy snow organized for each of the schools, to storm last night. About eleven inches consist of five citizens, residing in the fell. Terrible wind. Trains all laid vicinity of the schools, who are emi- out. No trains from the south since 6 nent in their respective communities last evening, for their public spirit, intelligence and Plymouth, N. II. 17. The worst snow and who may be willing storm and blow of this vear. occurred philanthropy, to serve without pecuniary compensa- last night. The highways are impasstion or other expense to the Qovern. able. Eighteen Inches of snow fell. oueoec. 17. The blizzard continued ment.DSuitable persons will be Invited by the Secretary of the Interior to serve With unabated fury '111 daylight, when as members,' of said Doards of a storm set in. The railroads are visitors for the period of one blocked. It H. A U. S. DKi'OSlTOKY. DESERET ee Ledger's zzr r- - w thought it unnecessary: Perhaps, under the circumstances, it is not strange that he entertained this opinion, aud sensitive by nature, he took exceptions to acts and conversations that meu of different temperament would not have noticed or regarded.'" of the House The committee on appropriations recently presented to the full committee the lorlitlcatious appropriation bill, providing for an aggregate expenditure of this bill was re$500,000. with ferred back to the instructions to report a bill similar to that of last year, which appropriated about $100,000 for repairing and preserving existing fortifications. The general deficiency appropriation bill was completed It aggregates about $4,000,000. Speaker Carlisle has almost entirely recovered from his recent indisposition, lie wad at the Capitol but did not preside ov er the session of .- II BROW of since beenneard from. Olllcersof the line to which she belongs still refuse to believe the boat has met w ith serious accident, but think she has encountered a heavy tfeld of Ice in and Is nnable to free herself. Lake Michi ean is now said to be entirely frozen over probably for the first time In its history. Hoseeraiia Urant. NO. 71 FEBRUARY IS. 1885. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH TERRITORY, WEDNESDAY EVENING, VOL. XVJII. 2 H. MEALS AT ALL HOURH (of New York,) Author, Laeturer, and America's Ilnners from 12 to 1 p. m.. Iftcta. . Other Meals from :'iVo. to BKST THE MAKIlKT ATTUUHS Qraatest Specialist. IiOeated Mk-ta- permanently at Salt Laks Otty, Utah. Offlee soars, 10 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m.-- a y, V N i: W I IDS, 110, 112, 114 T anil 1 10 XV. r ITI'TK, Fii South ut.. LUNC1IKS PUT UP for TOUIUSTs, Kt next to Ilrrald building. CONSULTATION FKEK on all Nerrous, Chronic and Femala Diacaaea Blood, and Deformities, etc.. Methods of Treatment HOmoipathy, Eolectle, Kleotricity, Magnetism and Medicated Baths, etc. t'mrm lmnrnmfl. Write for hit of qaeetiona, testimonials, etrculara, ate Viaiu made. J. GRIFFITHS, rroprtetor. D. MKKCIIANTS' LUNCH PARLOR, Main Street, .l IT THE OLD DIM LONDON UTAH. OF to-nig- ht to-da- y. NerMl Kvrry lay front IS lo o'rlork, mill Irom lo m n'rloek, lo Werelianlit l.niM-l- i DON'T SEND EAST 3 ltiialnea Men and Utelr 4'lerka. and lb Flllt a s o. VALENTINES g. When you can buy llie Home-Ma- d e article ns f'HKAI and 11KTTKR FtMSIlKI). T TO DKAIjKUS A3 IX) W. . to-d- C. nt n, To-da- y's u Stonecutters and Builders, Art Baar, Salt Lake City. JKmrij, Iron lltarik Ntonn. ISSO MUTII TEMI.K MTm Afonvmeni TOMAsftnrs, (J rat ml and MmMtMa, ISTS OR EXCHAKGE KOK NOTICE TO TIIK PUHL1C Lumber, Grain, Flour, Produce, Etc. x, y, WATSON BROS., Jt. SAVAGE, FOR SALE Itl'SlNKss rpiiE 1 nod on lv he Etc. HEKETOFOUE W It Salt ijiku Foundiv A. Co., in Sail Lake City, is now under Soda Fountain Apparatus $;HKi oil niaiiHicrineiil an1 roiitirol or the under 1111H1 .r (hi trie I1HVI11K KIKIH'd, trHllHlei led W) txi Gram t 'hopper itft pnperiy to 11m for certain and delivered I'ollipHliy U Wl fcaw Apparatus Ix srlnii dato two in named lieeds, purposes Parlor liilliaril Tiil.le with Halls and 1, 1MKI, and June "id, lum, renpec m 00 of Auguxt Cues The busmen will be carried on, till 40 HO lively. Hnpfry further notice, in my name, and all debla 411 00 IJIflit Wagon ill be paid tome, due the said eoinpauy 75 lJ Horse as no one Ih aulhoriied lo roller! the debla Baxter six horse jmiwit Kiiirine and and accounts of said eoiurinnv but lnvrll. New Boiler 4(10 00 A. ii. l.lAl wI K. Triisle. 12 to 15 Acres of Land in ItnicJitoli. . . on 40 00 Heavy Waifon is 0(1 Heavy Two wheel UrVeeli .Shot jfun Ml Oil Iluo M.xiro lxtniliiu lray Mni-hin- 1 liallard llifle, new, cost J7' 50 00 Haled and loose I.ueern ; Haled Straw. Salt, Fine and Coarse. Shingles anil Lumber. Stove I'olitdn Wholesale. Huttcr. I'otatoes and Vinerar, Wholenale. Securing Sapiolio; ('harroal. Hone Aii for Assaying, Kefluing and Kit linrinn. Liquid Illuecng, Wholesale. 4 Ton and hI kiiidx of Scales. HraiiNon Knitter, bent iu the world. Felloes, Stiones aud Seond hand 1'icks. Neat Oil Manufacturer, and many arlirlcH Of Merchandise, all for trade, cash, etc. Wells Ilored. House in lltn Ward to diHpose of. Call aud .ee. Xrlh I Mill : .Vo. AX Kant. OJtlcc K - rtriAT, FOR WHEAT. HIGHEST CASH PHICLPIIO Mill Telephone No au S71. :W7. No. Office Telephone. ELI AS MOnillS, PupL J. C1TMMINOH, . Trmpl tftrref., South Temple It A It EICS Mo. i, FAMILY Nc 2. ,TOHN W. fSNELL. M. CO. HV.tf HANDS- T. iiHJii Illock South of ThftUrr. F. W.' MAI8KN, J : Street, sTonn , IDAHO Half patent" roller 'mill 1 (1 H. WIMiKK, JR. REMEMBER THE EARLY BREAKFAST STOVE. ' 'T "e- ---r -s. ,;; ' m x; the desire and with year. the reof this Itpis Department thatshall visit spective boards of visitors the schools .for which they may by designated at least once each quarter. for the purpose of examining into the general administration of the affairs of the schools and the efficiency and conduct, of the officers and employes to thereof,' and to make, from time time, such suggestions and recomumendations to the Secretary of the I as, in .their lodgment, may be for terips the rati era! welfare of the Indian children, the better management of theschools, and tor we interest 01 tne puo11c Be r vice. . in toe exercise oi tneir functions the respective Boards of Visitors shall have free and uninter to the school giaunas rupted, .access enau ne penmneu hi asq Muuqiugs; fPOt all toe roonuMBspect au property, !ood and supplies, and witness any and all exercises of the school. Superintendents and managers of the schools will afford, ail Drooer and necessary facilities, to enable the Boards to ren der aid And assistance as is designed xtv this order." uepreseaiauve JDeiiora says to engraic that 11 an attempt is maae vpon the sundry civil bill a proposition ca SOSpeBU me cuisage 01 tne silver dollar, there will be lively times in the House; and that, before such a mea sure shall succeed, ne and other irienas of the silver bill will resort to flllibus- terlBff tactics and continue them until March sthv.Cui. Belford claims that11S member are opposed to the sussilver coinage and will fight renslon ofhaving that purpose la view with all the means at their command. The committee on navai asairs.wmcn Svee44irated the caarees made by Dr. OaUias- who alleged bis brother, Jerome J , Collins, then of the New York Herald, was Inhumanly treated bj certain oaken connected wiul me . Jeanne ue expedition, maae report finding that the charges are not sustained Ly the evidence. t SOLD -- V X3 I. W. MADS EN A X., 68 Mnln Mrref. NhU l. tr I It EXCELSIOR MANUFACTURING CO., he GBLAETER OA Li m '."J siystt . - wr. "rj,jr- r- J ' ,. X' ' ; , 7 .f - t , i .- . -- i urn. i , 4 . nt ,0ijx. ' 3 to-nig- '. oWU Montreal. heaviest snow. storm tor years bas been raging here since last evening. Traffic on railways Is at a standstill. No trains arrived today from any point, ft Hamburg, Pa., 17. The snow-storthat raged yesterday throughout the western ana northern part of the State, was one of the heaviest for several years. 17.--T- '..' j a SJW 1 litH THE , GREAT CURES Rhumatism,Heuralgia, Sciatica, SwelllM ImIk 'Tktt Karaa aWlda, 1W HIM. raus ass Aran. An a Lit era ib aoMtx Sale kf tormatwu tm Pwlw Wfirtw. rtAy C : . l a bMUs. ma. , Uft . Phiillaala II oa a.itiMm.M4.s.ai. i oxm-- . TIS FUTE, SHEET IBOH, ST1UPED VME &T1I1IIEBS' TOOLS. Lwsbaga, Bacltache, HeadacKe.TeoHtache, Sra f S T O "V B S , A TTST. rt- ' OlfrlS ' JT. L ttatn ,: '.:'. '..:', Street, SU ZouU, JTo. f IU HEAD OF. YOLTXO COWS THAT 1 wuTvalve is the prinjc, not under three nor over Ave years of age ; describe animals aad state price." ' ' ... K. , XHOS. TATLOR, Deaeret Hews Office. . 1 S" tHt tJ3 Send direct lo - to-da- TI1K NEATEST A ClIK.VI'EST E ATI Nl HOI M IN SALT , KE CITV. nntl yivf Hg tt rtitt. K. II. (iKK'E, l'lllll'KIKlDH. IMS-COUN- ay ltilllr, lor tieiteriM Solo 'Affoniii Bait Xako City, ' |