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Show TiTT'Ci TE?0 TP'nn H EVENING NEWS TRUTH .A. 2sT ID LIBERTY v vol. xvni. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH TERRITORY, SATURDAY Uir I CA GO THADE. -.C- HICAGO fWI SCALE 1I S, tftffenon 4 ! CQ St., Chicago. Ton fc0, Meant Kac 1neu4e4 240 lb all "'Utile DetectlTO" oa. IoIis,$S. FORGES, TOOLS, Etc. tor light StO MM ' Bert 491b. An Til and Kit of Tonk tie Forga Mad F.rM. or. ttaa ul Work. . m.mm, 1MIH TIM. Ml MM, !.--,. . M Uta wi. (.mm. Taxdbosbs, JOHN C. NEEMES 4 CO., MANUFACTURING CONFECTIONERS, !i, 39, u, 4 u mum mm, -- kept by Z. O. M. I., iU Bmeh VesGoo,1! and dealers generally in the s ' Territory. d 103 O t 1 STAR DORSE MILS, POLISIIKD OR BLUED, Will bold a shoe od Longer than any other. We guarantee oar Nails to be Equal ra Quality and Durability o any made. Made from the Beat Norway Iron, Finished Already to ortve, by tho UNION IIORSK NAIL CO., QHICAQOO. VI. For Sale by Z. Branch Stores. I. and iU dlOS ly SSTABLISniD i860. Palmer, Mer & Co., of WholetaU Manufacturer SASn, DOORS AJVD BLIADS, MmrUel, Feurt, Citrrh finish, Stair, Stair Rmillnij, ttnluaters, Newel, Kta. CHICAGO, III. Good are Out constantly kept in Stock by the largest Lumber Dealer in Salt Lake City ana Ogden. Price Lists and Moulding Hook seat dee upon application dlOSly USE THE BEST! Fairbanks Fine Family Soaps. ECONOMY IN BITTING THKRB IS NO solely became it i CHE AH. can bat when at yoo get the at the price of the poorer article it is clear y to roar advantage to purchase. TlTtya'n Fairbank's Fine Family SO JL. DP S Are undoubtedly the very beat in the market. It you have tor doubt aa to thia fact, try the Soap and yon will be convinced. and Tnej are made of the finest material prepared skillfully. - WHITE BTAH la now celebrated nil over the country, and in every reepaet strictly first elaaa. It is easy on tn hands and lasts wonderfully when being used. We also make the following well known rands, all of which are highly recommended LtKEHlBE, BRILLUXT, GOLBBJT WEST, ST a!YIM KD, JKWEL, OLD fiKUUX, iLHlXBRX, SPANISH CAST1LK. AMERICAN FAJHLT. IXTRA - Samples of any of oar Soaps always furnished when desired. N. K. FAIRBANK CO.. Chicaro. HI. la HAZARD POWDER Offlet, S Plate mu, Hew Twk, QUIsTPOWDSRI LASTING, KENTUCKY RDTLM, LAWS, ItCCK, t AlIt MLECVRIC rUSB. Tot Bale by Z. C. M. I. and all the principal 3tori' in the Territory, and ! U. n. CXAWHOJf. Agnm. L. M. RU31SEY Manufacturer JI'F'fl CO., and Jobber of PUMPS AND FIRE ENGINES ..! kbe Leaui, a Let PipePlumbers mmd fsteavaa PlS, Misere Brau Belt. Inc. HM Used. and faveaUBC- - Agricultural Implements, WKNCM WIltM. BARBED WISE, FMNCINO, Ktc., Kte. 191 11BTH SEQKQ ST.. ST. LQOIS. V O TRADE II K mm. DISCOURSE PBESmm Ml. Peterson's Meat Marcet. PETERSON & WEST, JOHN TAILOR, PELIVKRED the Tabernacle, Halt Lake Hunday Afternoon, Feb. City, REPORTED BY JOHN IRVlNK. I have been very much interested in the remarks made I y Brother Eraatus Snow, w bo has addressed us. These are precious principles which only the Saints know how to comprehend and appreciate. We are told "that the natural man perceiveth not the things of Godr neither car jie know them, for they are spiritually discerned," and therefore those outside of that influence and spirit which is communicated to the Halnt.il of the fMost High, through obedience to the uospei oitotne boa ot Uodi find it very difficult understand them. But We comprehend them, because God has given unto us His Spirit which takes of the things of God and shows tttem nnto us. I and a few others have been away from here for some time, visiting among our southern brethren; Brother Snow, who has Just spoken to yon, was one of the party. It appears rather an inclement season of the year to go on a journey ui uiat Kinu ;oui circumstances seemed 10 mage it necessary that we should go and look after the interests of the people, socially and politically ; our religious This powder sever varies. A marret of for notwithstanding and wholeaomenees. More ideas, we still have certain rights.priy-ilege- s strength parity, coaornical than the ordinary kinds, and and immunities, which belong cannot be old in competition with the mat to uk as individuals and as citizens of titudee of low test, short weight, alum os the United common with State, inthat phosphate powders. And others.. were seeing things Sold eniy cans. Rota I, Bakiko Pow-de- i quite loose in those far-o- ff settlements CO., 198 Wall Street, New York. and that men and their families were being subjected to various kinds B. W. MERRIAM & CO., of outrage, usurpation and imposiin instances under tion, many itamtacturert of and Jaltr$ tm the form of law, it seemed necthat essary somebody should attend to these matters, and I thought it best LOOKING for me to go, in company with others of our brethren, to ascertain what was Or KTMRT DESCRIPTION. the true position of affairs, and to rive Hat. ST7 such counsel as the circumstances Breedwaiy, might demand. We found that a great FOR SALE BY Z. a M. many outrages had been perpetrated upon many of our brethren; that had been dealt with contrary po they law, BRINCKERHOFF, TURNER & CO., and in violation, as has been referred of the of rules to, govIOw Dwsme jurisprudence New Twrhu such matters; that a vindictive Manufacturer of and Dealers in Cottom erning and persecuting spirit had been manl- Sail Duck, "Woodberry," Druid Mills. that several of the brethren "Polhbmus" and ottier favorite brands, all lested.and had been sent off to a distant land from numbers Hard, Medium and Soft thuir own. I did not know but that UQCK FGB &YEHALLS.BLBE.B1.QW1.QS II TIE SECT they were without a in Arizona 14 to UO wnen I heard of theseprison Gottok Cant ass of all numbers and that things, inches wide, for Deck, Car, Trunk and therefore they had sent a number of and honorable men who differed from them Wagon Coverings, Machine Aprons tor other purposes, constantly In store and in their religious sentiments off to Demade to order. troit. I had these things inquired into A genu for U. S. Bunting Co., "Standard" and found they had a good Penitent iarv and "Eagle," by the Case or less quantity. These Goods can be obtainee' at Z. C. M. L in Arizona, and that there was no necessity for any such outrage as this to be perpetrated upon decent men. I was sorry to tlnd that things had been FECK BROTHERS & CO., conducted in this unusual and vindictive manner, and without any ostensiMmmnfaetmrart of ble reason for such extra judicial acts. Not only because injustice had been IliSS 1 PHTtl ISEl FBI .HI, CIS i STUSI. heaped upon honorable men, but also because of the position in which it JOBBERS IN places the nation, which was once the and glory of all lovers of freedom and equal rights, and boasted of as be-iPLUMBERS MATERIALS. pride "the land of thi free, the home of the brave, and an asylum for the op7S Bsc Strew. pressed." These foolish men are now seeking to carry out the enormities ik: that existed among what was called the Bcfer by penaisaioa to David Ji civilization and intelligence of ancient LakeOif barbarism, then, as now, under the name of Christianity and other euphonious appellations which are common HAMLIN CO. to us and that we are well acquainted HEMPHILL, with. I was In hopes that things were not so bad as they were represented to CARPETING, be, but I found that I was mistaken in FII3I 111 CUTIS, IBICCETS. HiTS. ETC. that matter, and I was sorry to find "so mistaken. myself Hi A S44 BROADWAY, In relation to this anomalous form of tbey are now copyisg the proceeding example of Russia, which is generally an arbitrary government, Our Good are kept by Z. O. M. L, and considered 4T and where has been supdespotism Branch it Store. posed to reign supreme; they have In that nation a place called Siberia, to which they banish men, under a desa 3 a without much formality of potic rule, S X atrial. I was hardly prepared to suppose that we needed an American Siberia under the form and in the name of liberty and the rights of men. But this is the fact. We have here tn Ameran American Siberia in Deica troit, to which place, upwards of two taousand miles from their homes, men are banished for a term of years ; 1 u and what for? Because they have the temerity to worship God a ccording to the dictates of their own conscience, and cannot fall down and worship before, the Moloch of an effete Christiani- Absolutely Pure. i GLASSES New York. -- f israw toe I to-d- ay iy ty. These extraordinary proceedings that have been going on in this Territory, 5. J!" " in e In Arizona and iu other places simply exhibit the very principle that Brother Snow has been speaking of. I need not tell you about affairs that nave transpired here. You are quite as well acquainted with them as lam, SALT LAKE CITY BREWERY and ought to be better: for I have been away from here for about four weeks visiting the Saints in our southern settTO lements, and we have had a most pleasant visit. Outside of these exBeer la our now favorite We are selling traordinary proceedings, we found the people prospering very well, with Four and Eight Gallon Kegs. pleasant homes and bright prospects before them. We had with us several of our best bretbren, and we visited many of our settlements in that dis$1.75 trict of country, the residents of TRADE. TO THE FAMILY which were very much gratified at our in their midst, and for the a Orders will be promptly attended to appearancethey received.. But I found sd delivery made to any p art oc ins uity. counsels that such hacf been the outrages committed that it was impossible almost MORITZ & OULLEN, for any man standing in an honorable PROPRIETORS. unto maintain ills position less he broke the law by position the resisting officers, and they thought it not prudent to do so, and so did I. It may 3"-- ! OUR PATRONS: It and S3.50 Each OVERLAND HOUSE, suit others to violate the law, to South of Walker Haute, trample upon human rights and desecrate the sacred term of liberty, and Miin St, Salt Lake City, Utah. this is f reqnently done by the arbiters tkT SAUSAGE A SPECIALTY. and minions of the law iu the name of Fajcxlv Trade Solicited. Order by Telephone but we profess to be governed justice; accomodation at Rates than Iess Better M WIST. FLR3T SOUTH STREET. by higher, by nobler and more exalted any other Hotel in the City. a. principles, and to move on to enand if Jesus could afford higher plane: TERF.1S, SI.00 to SI.75 PER DAT, dure the attacks of sinners: against Himself, we, if we have the Gospel that ACCOEDIXU TO KOOM. we profess to have, ought to be Able to endure a little of the same thing. A. PITT, Proprietor. There is BOthinc new In these affairs, HUDERTAXEE of UTAH. SOT W. Take the Street Cars that pass to and nothing strange in this at all. Many from ,the Depot, and pay no attention to of you nave bad much to do with tnese matters. Some of these dAs tfo. 2S3 FIRST SOUTH STREET Canvassers for other Houses. men that I see before me know a little No. 70. TELEPHONE E; more about those matters than some of the younger portion do. Many ot you IS TO GIVE NOTICE THAT 1 have been driven from your homes, not changed my pUtee of besiness, rins robbed of your property, dispossessed either have I any connection with any of your possessions and bad to flee wx Cq .titer firm, but can be found nihtr day from your homes to these mountain .t the old stand to promptly and efficiently 111 all order valleys, and seek an asylum among the entrusted to my care, Telered savages which was denied you by graph Order answered by return train. Christian brethren. Beyour SEXTON'S OFFICE fore you came here you were banished Snildins. iMtf from the State oi Missouri into the State of Illinois. What for? Because yeu had the audacity to worship God according to the ' dlvtates of your own consciences.. I have had to Aee from blood-thirs- ty bandits time? and time Steam Boiler Makers, ilo it. again. Brother .Snow had tomen and and, many of rou tohad women bare do it. What forf till HIlTaB.CISLUS.alTTUS.PUS.ni. was thertBecause of polygamy NoJ; do. uca thing; tbeu alleged. Wliat Shop, IK Blookt EMtef Dpct, tort Because you tad tHe hardihood. In this htnd of freedom, to worship T. O. Bok. 25, - Bait Lka City. God according to the dictates f yotir own consciences. For Ytbtarfrne. Dons GnrxU Btpatrfmf PrompCf. yon had i to i leave lyour jfeomea, rolme and you were despoiLeU and plundered, and .4diJk:7J(?ea MM aCAJULXTZKA. . as exiles Into aaotber land I had to do It, you have had to do It? ' Yo tefw t ey Wert eete my M wWk ntoaawm fled Jfrora Missouri to Illinois, ud then! from Illinois to thk ilaad, and why! i Why did you. lease Qttnoli and come heref Ila youInjure anybody? jro ITuey k Wed your1 Prophets, aed I D1UJ8 I saw them inartyred.audHyas shot tDost unmercifully myself, uader the plextga of protection Iroui the Governor,-anthey thought they had killed met- but I am altrejet by the graci el God BeL Why had you to leave? cause they 'warderedf your Prophets N loves, Tinware, and wanted to possess themselves of your property; mnrdet .' and spoliation Mill Findings, generally ro together.-'- And because they killedthem, they accused you oi said jroa must leave ani BMrnitl doing some wrong, your homes,- - and theref-iranobody fh .t found in all that wide land to4iheck ETC, asthe outrages of th e sassins, to administer ."justice, and- - to 31 & tut.: Em sr., preserva jsttt io, your lliUUarJL44w BUTCHERS. .0 JOSEPH E.TAYL0K PIONBBB grey-head- ed 2 r so-call- ed HAYKES & SON, -- tcrey-head- ert - aJ -- GEo.m.scorraco. - d Barflware, Iron, Steel, Ite' u - (sea-satio- Ms, ii: nil know any other reason; I never did know auy other, and never expect to be informed of any other. The history of these thiugs is quite fainiliar to you as Latter-da- y Saints, and you do not think it anything strange.-- ' Some ot our yonng people think that the present proceedings are very remarkable. Bat many of us, folks, have seen plenty of such proceedings, and have had many expeiicnces of this kind; they are nothing new to us at all. And did we ever expect them to get better? We have not so understood it. We are told in the Scriptures, and we have kept teaching it all the while, that "the wicked would grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived." That is doctrine which I have believed in for the last 50 years and I have had a good deal of testimony and practical confirmation on that point. We expect that these things will transpire. We have been told about secret organizagrey-head- ed to-d- Constantly on hand a complete stock of this well known and Justly celebrated tt ME W s. red-Hand- I ed n), tions that should exist, and they arc beginning to permeate these United States, aud are laying the foundation for disruption, disintegration and destruction. It is not necessary that Congress and the Judiciary should set and violation of examples of Constitutionaltyranny law, and attack the fundamental principles of free government and the rights ot man; for there is plenty of that kind of spirit abroad ; yet men who profess to be the conservators of the peace and the maintainers of law join In these nefarious, unholy, tryannical and oppressive measures. There are any number who are ready to follow iu their footsteps, and the whole nation is standing on a volcano; but they do not seem to comI it. Weil, are we prehend am not. It is strictly insurprised? accordance with my faith; It is strictly in accordance with the Old Testament Scriptures; aud it is strictly in accordance with the Book of Mormon; it is strictly in accordance with the revelations given to as by Joseph Smith, and all these events that have been predicted will most assuredly transpire. But 1 suppose it is necessary that "judgment should first begin at the house of God," and if it does, "where will the wicked and the ungodly appear," when it comes upon them? We are told that the wicked shall slay the wicked. We need not tro ible ourselves about the affairs of the nations, the Lord will manipulate them in Ills own way. I feel full of sympathy for the nation in which we live, and for other nations, in consequence of the troubles with which they are beset and which are now threatening them; yet they do not seem to comprehend the position. I know a little of some of the things hat will transpire among them, and I feel sorry. Do you feel sorry for yourself? Not at all, hot at all. Do you feel sorry for your people? Notatall, not at all. The Lord God has revealed unto us great and eternal principles which reach beyond this earth Into the eternal heavens, and which have put us in the possession of light and truth and intelligence, and promises and blessings that the world are ignorant of and do not and cannot comprehend. I feel every day to bless the name of the God of Israel, and feel like shouting. "Hosanna! Hosauna!! Hosan-na!- !! to the God of Israel, Amen and Amen," who will rule among the nations of the earth, and manipulate things according to the counsel of Ills own will. These are my feelings in reto these matters. But then I feel gard Interested in the welfare of mv brethren and sisters, and when I see thui'r rights interfered with and trampled ruthlessly under foot, I feel that there is something at work that ought not to be,and yet that ts quite necesto teach us some of the principles sary of human nature, that we may be able between the good, the virtuous, the upright and the holy ;aad the impure, the foolish, the vindictive, the corrupt, the lascivious, and those who are trampling under foot the laws and ot eternal truth. tioi has principles revealed unto us certain principles pertaining to trie future which men may take objection to. He has revealed unto us certain principles pertaining to the perpetuity of man and of woman : pertaining to the sacred rights and obligations which existed from the begiuning; and lie has told us to obey these laws. The nation tells us, "If you do we will persecute you and proWhich shall we obey? scribe you." 1 would like to obey and place myself iu subjection to every law of man. then? Am I to disobey the law What of God? lias any man a right to control my conscience, or your conscience, or to tell me I shall believe this or believe the other, or reject this or reject the otner? No man has a right to do it. These principles are sacted, and the forefatheu of this nation felt so and so proclaimed It in the Constitution of the United States, and said "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." Now. I believe they have violated that, and nave violated their oaths, those that have engaged in these things and passed that law, and those that are seeking to carry it out. Congress and the President of the United States and the Judiciary and all administrators of the law are as much bound by that instrument as I am aud as you are, and have sworn to maintain it inviolate. It is for them to settle these matters between themselves and their God. Tnat is my faith iu relation to this matter. Yet by their action they are interfering with my rights, my liberty aud my religion and with those sacred bind me to my God, to principles tuat iny family, to my wives and my children ; and siiall I be recreaut to alj these noble principles that ought to guide and govern men? No, Never! No, nevkkI NO, NEVER! I can endure more than 1 have done, aud all that God will enable me to endure, I can die for the truth i but I cannot as an honorable man disobey my God at their behest, forsake my wives and my children, and these holy and eternal obligatrample tions under foot that God has given me to keep.aud which reach into the eternities that are to, come. I won't do lt,80 Here the .speaker help me, , God. struck the book on the vigorously desk, and the large audience responded With a loud "Amen." The Constitution expressly says that no law shall be passed impairing the obligation of contracts. But we have entered luto covenants and contracts in our most sacred places, and that, too, la many Instances, before there was any law the same, and yet the atprohibiting made to give the tempt is now being Edmunds law an ex post facto application and to punish us for these contracts which were not criminal, even from the standpoint of our enemies, at the time they were lorined. f myself married my wives long before there was any law upon the subject, and many of you aid the same, by an ex post facto application ofyet laws since enacted the attempt is now made to punish us as criminals. I have never pro tea any law of these United States. and I presume that eome of you, whom our enemies now seek to 'criminate and drag into court as violators of law, can say the name,; Under the present system of things in this Territory harlotry and adultery are vindicated, sustained and unblushing Jy protected, and bonqr&ble and. virtuous wedlock Is 'trampled upon, condemned and punished. Well, what will you do X w'U obey every Constitutional law so far a jGod clvea me ability. What else will you do? I will meet these men as far as I can .without violating principle, and I have done it- - When this infamous Edmunds law was passed I saw that there were features in that which were contrary to law, violative of the Constitution, contrary to Justice and the rights and the freedom of men. But I aid to myself 1 will let that law take )ts aourset j will place myself inaceord-With- lt can. Did I do It? I did. I remember talking to Mr. Florrepont, who was Attorney Geqeral under President Grant's administration," He with bis sou called upon me. They difed with me, and perhaps I can explain my views on this subject our conrersatioa aa well byrneatiox as any, other way. I hare $ slater keep lng my house for we the ; Gardo Plerrepont came in, to-d- ay m - -- sofaa' -- , Ilote-.WheuM- r. MrrPierrebont. nermTt ma to Intro. dace "yon to mj sister, who is nay house-keepIt ia sot lawful torus k nave wires now. .and wtteo the law was Dassed I looked care. fully Over the document, and saw that u was to continue to uva la the same -es that 1 should boaewttl , er. Kd-mda- jay-wiv- ds render myself liable to that law. 1 di1 not wish although 1 considered the law infamous to be an obstrucof a Fenian, tionist, or act the or of a Nihilist: orpart of a Kuklux, or or communist, Molly Maguire or any of these secret societies that are set on foot to produce the disintegration of society and disturb the relations that ought to exist between man and man, between man and woman, or man and his God. I desired to place myself in obedience or in as close conformity as law, and thought I practicable to thesee would wait and what the result would be ; and that if the nation can stand these thing I can or we can. These are my feelings. Men and nations and legislators often act foolishly and do things that are unwise, and it is uot proper that a nation should be condemned for the unwise actions of some tew men. Therefore I have sought to place myself in accord with that law. I said to my wives : "We are living in tils building together We were quite .comfortably situated, and we might so have continued, but I said to them that under the circumstances, it will be better for me or for you to leave this place; you can take your choice. They had their homes down here, which they now inhabit; were which quite comfortable. So I said to them, you can go there and I will "stay here, or you can stay at the Gardo House and I will go there or somewhere else; for I wish to conform to this Edmunds law as much as lean." 1 am always desirous to let everything have its perfect working. We talk sometimes about patience having its perfect work. If we have latvs against us I liketo to see them Eassed fair develop and see what opportunity the result will be. These were my feelings then and they are my feelings Well, do you think, then, that the people have been outraged? I most certainly do. Xhc usage has been in all legal trials among all civilized nations to presume that all men are innocent until proven guilty; but we now have test oaths introduced which is another violation of the Constitution aud by which an attempt is being made to hold ail men guilty until they prove themselves innocent. Again : there is a usage which has existed among the civilized nations, and in this nation also, that a man must be tried by a peers, selected from the jury of his vicinage, but the juries selected for toour courts are composed day of our bitter persecutors and our most relentless enemies, and in many instances selected from the lowest and most debased men who can be found or picked up from the gutters. We also have another class of courts improvised fori the occasion in the shape of "U. S. Commissioners' courts," are operated which and run after the order of the ancient notorious "Star Chamber". Such institutions provoke the contempt of all honorable men, and the parties offices place themassuming such selves in a position to be of their fellows. I might enumerate many other outrages, but time will not permit on this occasion. No man's liberties are sale under such administration. What will be the result? The result will be that those that sow the wind will Teap the whirlwind. When men begin to tear down the barriers and tamper with to-da- FEBRUARY 14, 1885. EVENING, y. dis-pis- ed the fundamental principles and institutions of our country they are playing a very dangerous game ana are severing the bonds whten hold society together, and the beginning of these is like the letting out of Irregularities water. The next step that lollowed the Edmunds Act was the introduction of a test oath. The legislation already provided was not good enough for some of our officials here and another portion of the Constitution must be broken to. introduce .a test oath without any authority. I think this was introduced by our Governor. Then comes another class of men called Commissioners, ratner a new idea In American Government. Yet it was thought necessary that extraordinary operations should be entered into in relation to the Mormons. Why? Be cause it is necessary that they should oe ocait witn .differently irom anybody else. Now. I have seen some of my breth ren shot to pieces in cold blood and under tne protection of the State Government, aud the promise of the Governor made to myself and l)r. John M. Bernhtsel, who la sometime ago dead. In Missouri a great deal of that thing was done. In Georsria lately, and in Tennessee acts of the same xlnd have been perpetrated. Now, I want to know if anybody can tell me here is a largo congregation, and many thousands of you acquainted with our history I want to know if any one of you can tell me of any individual that was ever punished according- to law for pea&- it out, li you Killing a Mormon. know it. I do not know of any such thing. Brother Snow says there is not an instance on record Well, I would rather be on the side of the Mormons in that case than on the side of those who are their persecutors and murderers, for they .have' got something to atone for yet which we have not under those circumstances. We have got through With our part of it. The other is not through with yet. There are eternal principles of justice and equity that exist fn the bosom of ana tie, in tils own time, yoa, Will manipulate these things to the counsel of His qwn according will j and with what measure men mete, as sure as God lives it will be measured to them again, pressed down and running take care of themselves as best they may. That is what 1 have told people while I have been la the south to take care of their liberties, to put their trust iu the living God, to obey every constitutional law, and to adhere to all correct principles. But when men tamper with your rights and with your liberties, when the cities are full of spies aud the lowest and meanest of men are set to watch and dog your footsteps; when little children are set in array against their fathers and mothers and women and children are badgered before courts and. made to submit, unand protested, to thewhen glbesof libertiueshuswives and corruptarcmen; bands pitted against each other and threatened with pains, penalties and imprisonment, if they .will not disclose that which among all decent people Is considered sacred, and which no man of delicacy, whose sensibilities had not been blunted by low associations, would ever ask; when such a condition of affairs exists, it is no longer a land of liberty and it is certainly no longer aland of equal rights, and we must take care of ourselves as best we may, and avoid being caught In any of their tt snares. I cannot think that this is aimed entirely at us ; from many circumstances that have transpired, I have been led to believe that whilst we are made the victims, these proceedings are introduced as a political ruse, for the purpose of embarrassing tne incoming administration. What would you do? Would you tight them? No. I would take care of myself as best I can, and 1 would advise my brethren to do the same. Would you resist law? No. As I said before, I can stand it if they can. It is for us to do what is right, to fear God, to observe His laws, and keep His commandments, and the Lord will manage all the rest. But no breaking of heads, no bloodshed, no rendering evil for evil. Let us try and cultivate the spirit of the Gospel, and adhere to the principles of truth. Let us honor our God, and be true to those eternal principles which God has given us to hold sacred. Keep them as sacredly as you would the apple of your eye. And while other men are seeking to we will the Constitution under foot, trample try to maintain It. We nave prophecies something like this somewhere: that the time would come when this nation would do as they are now doing that is, they would trample under foot the Constitution and institutions of the nation, and the Elders of this Church would rally around the standard and maintain those principles which were introduced for the freedom and protection of men. We expect to do that, and to maintain all correct principle. 1 will tell you what you will see by and by. You will see, trouble, trouble, trouble enough in tnese United States. And as I have said before I say y, I tell you In the name of God, Woe I to them that fight against Zion, for God will tight against them. But let us be on the side of human liberty and human rights and the of all correct principles andprotection laws and government, and maintain every principle that is upright and virtuous and honorable, and let the world take the balance if they want, we don't want it. We will cleave to the truth, God being our helper, aud try te introduce principles whereby the will of God will be And done on earth as it is In heaven. we will obey every institution of man for the Lord's sake so far as we can without violating our consciences and doing things that are wrong and improper. God bless you and leadjouln the paths of life, In the name of Jesus. cru-sad- to-da- CORRESPONDENCE. FOR THE OPPORTl' NITY COMMISSION. A CHANCE Very well, what would tou advise us to do? Are we suffering any wrongs? Yes. Well, what would you do? 1 would do as I said sometime ago. If you were out in a storm, pull up the collar ot your coat and button your self up and keep the cold out until the storm ojows past, This storm will blow past as omers nave aonei ana you will see that many of the miserable sueafes who are active iu those measures, and who are crawling about your doors and trying to spy Into your houses, etc.,- will be glad to crawl Into their holes Well, what will you do? Get. angry? nor men at ail. have these, No, ,Let their day aud pursue their own course; we will protect ourselves Irom them aa well as we can. Why, some of our folks in the south were actually trying to seek an asvlnm in another land awav from the persecutions of free America. and I did not know but that we shall have a lot of Pilgrim' Fathers again here in thia country fleeing, not from England by way of Holland, nor from if ranee, nor froin any of. thoje countries where they used to persecute people and, proscribe them ' for, their iue tana America, religion. Dub from home of ot the brave, the free, the and the asylum for the oppressed" fleeing from there because of their religious sentiments, What an ideal Who could have thought ot St? People aay that history repeats itself. It is so doing in our day. Well, what would you do? Why, observe the laws as much as you can. Bear with these Indignities as much as you can. But It would Ot oe welt jpr these mea to perioral - - January 9, Deseret Nexes : Noticing in the News lately the rulings of Commissioner McKay and his findings, on the opportunity dodge leads us to relate 'an incident which took place last Friday in our "garden calls our enterspot," as the Cfazetteer prising burg. The Rev. Mr. Cort calls every Friday evening to lecture on the doctrines ot tne faith, and although he has.Presbyterian been going pretty some he for has failed years, steadily u we are correctly miormed. to obtain a single convert to his views. Undis mayed witn this tact staring dim In the face, and with a perseverance worthy of a better cause, he still continues to hold forth on Friday evenings, as his bills announce, although mostly his consist of himself and congregations wife. But we wander from our sub ject. On Friday evening last our reverend came over from St. George on horseback and had a damsel fair and gay riding benlnd him. Should not commissioner McKay be duly notified of this event, as Mr. Cort had opportu- ucyuuu an uuuui. uiucj Should our future Chief Justice feel Inclined to examine this case we would feel like helping him to the extent of our power. i ours respectiuiiy. fides. mow T Kama tKm. m. f H tlon Aaaatav tlse) Pesters. There is a breeze in the St. Louis medical society, over certain breaches of the . code. Several Physicians had "specialties" and advertised them. This being, contrary to medical eti- the resignation Of Suette, necessitatedHow queer It seems that when a good means of cure la found, anybody should object to making it public. It is to aeoret that use Brown's iron nf In their regular nractice. with Ittersjmyaioiang te happiest effect. Dr. M. . Doasr- htry. Jfrankim. va.. :avs. l am hlehlv pleasedi with Brown's Iron (Bitters, and believe it to be superior 'to all other iron preparations. Be ; ft. S. Kldrkdok, lYceidenl. Jennings, Vice Treat. Kekamokz Little, John Shakp, Ww. W. L. S. -- THE BEST TONIC. Jas. DiaxoToaa Kit, , Cashier, Hii.i-A- T. Littljk, Aast Cashier. IECEI1ES B EP051TS FITIBU II IEVUI. This medicine, combtatn Iron with pnre regetahle tonics, quickly and enimiletelj L'uree lytepel,3f ndlestlon, YhIi , Buys smd Sells F.Kbsnc 01, Krs. BlooA, MaJart&,t kills Iaspnre Ftrtrs, Tor a, Baas Franrlses, Chtrt-oNt Nonrmlctm. and It is an aniaUinf remedy for Diseases of the O ha, LwsmIom. and and IJver. KMeeya U Is Invaluable for Pi senses peculiar to pal CassUaieataU Cities. and all who lead sedentary Uvea. Women, 1 1 does not In) ure the teet h , eaose headaehe.or Makes Collections, remitting proceeds produce constipation other Iron medicine io. promptly It enriches and purifies the blood, stimulates the appetite, aids the assimilation of food, relieves Heartburn and 1U Idling, aud strengthH ens the muscles and nerves. For Intermittent Fevers, lassitude, lack of no has it Ac., Energy, equal. a- - The genuine has above trade mark and iroased red lines on wrapper. Take no other. GRIFFITHS' Masalrkl MOWI CSMKil, CO, BAltiaOBtt. B : t M rillST SOUTH ST.. W9T. ud sm-Id- cI a" IISTAIHAMS. RESTAURS DE. FOOT, Jr., (of New York.) MEALS AT ALL HOUIW Author, Lecturer, and America's Greatest Specialist. Dinners from IS to S p. m.. 25c ts. Other Meats from 25c. to fiOcU. BEST THE MARKET AJT011D4 Located permanently at Salt Lake OHy, Utah. - Offlee hours, 10 to 4 and 7 to p. m.- - IXST il4 and lie, AV. First South next to Herald building. X K W. r ITl'TE, 108, 110, 1!2, D. CONSTJTLTATION FREE on all Nerrons, Blood, Chroatfl amd female Diseases and Deformities, etc. ass- - Methods of Treatment Homarpatby Kolectic, Electricity, alagaeiiant and Medicated Baths, etc. Cum (iHsrantmd. Write for list of eolations, testimonial, circulars, etc Visits naade. J. GRirriTHfl. Proprietor. MERCHANTS' LUNCH PARLOR, 115 Main Street, AT THE COUNTY TAX SALE. II K RE AS, THE TICItlilTOUIAL. W PUT UP tor TOURIST. LUH CHB3 St., L0IID0IIDAKK OLD OF UTAH. School and County Taxes ns88ed I.uncli Nerved Kvory tiny from 12 to 3 o'clock, frtim 5 to N o'clock., to or the year 1S84, amounting to One Hollar Rimlsmii Men and Twenty Cents (l.'J;)i, remain unpaid. and I heir C'lerkN, sail I lie Therefore, I, Nathaniel V. Jones. Collec(jieneral Public, 'for tor for Salt County, Utah Territory, by virtue of the authority vested iu nie iiv the provisions of an Act of the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Utah, entitled, T11K N KATE ST A CHEAPEST HATING "An Act to lrovi1e Revenue for the TerriHOUSE IN SALT LAKE CITY. tory of Utah and the several eounties thereof' approved February 2- 1K7S, und of the Cutnc iiml rire us a call. amendments thereto, have levied upon the V. U. GHICE, Fkoimuf.tok. named to wit: following property, Lot Three (U). in Hlock" One Hundred and One (101), as platted in l'lat "l" ot Salt Iakc City Survey, and will sell the same or so ninch thereof a may bo necessary, to pay the taxes and osls, at public auction, nt the front door of the County Court House, Salt Ijike Citv, on the '21st day of Jt'ekruary, 1SB5, at 12 o'clock M. NATHANIEL V. JOXLS, Tomtbrtonea, Monument, Mantel. Iron Collector lor Salt Lake County. ManUl. Orate and Hearth Stone. County Collector's Oillcc, No. 5, County i a 78 Coart House, Salt L&lie City, January 31st, Rffainst and upon the property of K. Meyers, Me'i-rliNnt- i! Oa, - WATSON BROS., Stonecutters and Builders, is d5 s2 1885. Oppoeit COUNTY TAX SALE. THREE south temli iiiimUt Soli. HUNDRED it, VOLUMES COUNTV, SCHOOL MOST USEFUL WHEREAS, taxes assessed to Km Jackson, for the vear 1X84, amounting to Two Dollars and Forty Cents, ($2.40), re- BOOKS AT HALF PRICE ! main unpaid. A. is G. Now to the time Therefore, 1, Johnson, Collector get good Books for Tooele County, Utah Territory, by vir Cheap. liv the ttje of the authority 19vested in meto"lro-vldof "An Act proyisions of Section Kevenue for the Territory of Utah T2 MAIN STREET. and the several Counties thereof approved upon the folFebruary 22, 1S78, have levied lowing. named property, to wit: The North half of the Southeast quarter and the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 4, and the Southwest PATENT ROLLER MILL GO. quarter of the Northwest qnarier of Section 8, Township 4, South ltar.pe 8, West Salt Meridian,; which will lie sold, or so much :i North Temple Street, thereof as may be necessary. to nav the taxes Mill : No. and costs, at public auction, in front of the East. Office: 21 South Temple Court Honse in Tooele City. Tooele County. Street, West U. T., on the 5th of March A. D., lS85,at Ten o'clock a.m. day BRANDS: A. G. JOnNSON, Collector, PATENT, per C. R. McBhidk, Deputy. II A Ii EIfK Xo. 1, Assessor and Collector's Office. January d5s2 FAMILY I- -, a. 0th, 1885. II. PE3IBROKE, PIONEER mull - IU , HIGHEST CASH PHICEPA!D I Mill Telephone No S71. Office Telephone. No. 887. ELIAS MOKRIS, Supt. 4tt DON'T SEND EAST FOR r 5 f Ask for the VALENTINES Cwrra arMtMl Ktovf Pipe Klbww. It arlves the Best Satisfaction and meets with Quick Sales. For sale by G.M.I, When you can buy the 1ome-Mad- e article aa CHEAP and BETTER FINISH KD. DISCOUNT TO DEALERS AS LOW. t3T Sen4 direct to Z ores branch 28sS Jfl!l2 C. R. SAVAGE, lw. Art Bazar, Salt Lake City. 'At IHSJHIi - fas sm H -- ee--?f- eS FOR SALE OR EXCIIAME FOB ' Lumber, Grain, Flour, Produce, e. Etc Etc., Fountain Appwatns 4300 00 Ms Piano 78 0O Grain Chopper 50 00' Saw Apparatus, j. 40 00 , Parlor Billiard Table with Balls and .10 00 Cues 40 00 Buggy 40 00 .Light wagon.; Horse 75 00 six horse power Engine and Baxter ' New Boiler 400 00 W. W.B. Wolfs, J. Pattob, j.b, wolfs. 12 to U Acres of Land in Briirhton... 300 00 40 00 .Heavy Wagon 23 W llenw xwo Wheel Oray JflOOMooro London Breech Shot gun 60 00 Bnllard Kille, new, cost $75.... 50 00 LIMITED. ; Baled and loose Loccrn ; Baled Straw. Halt, Einc and Courftc. ' Manufacturer of md4i alert tn I Shingles and Lumber. Stove Polish, Wholesale. j Butter, Potatoes apd Vinegar, Wholesale. Scouring Sapolio ; 'Charcoal. Bone Ash for Assaying, licfltiing and 'Mf Ohs ATTT. K T ' Blueing, Wholesale, FACTOBY, 1 39, XilBKRTY ST., ij 4Ltnttia1 Too ana all kinds of Scales.' - ,i Wood ) 119 Branson Street, Knitter, beet In the world. iBttailStor, Felloes, Spoaes and Soon d hand Picks, j .Neat Oil Manufacturer, and many articles iof Merchandize, all for trade, cosh, etc. JOHN bak. ' , RxrfeKscxTsp . . i , 'I?. linn in 111 h Ward tn diannaA Af 'i i.l m Co.. l kW Call aad See. . To sals at z. VM. U Godbe. Pitts G. F. Culmer A Co.. Barnes it Davis, Moore, A'len Alf, 8. P. Teasdel, Geo. M. CoB. Cnaainrtea 6eott. ,Co., dark. j , Balf JUock South of Thentrt. Kidredae Co., Sears & Uddla. . Wolfe, Patten & Co. if ; ' ND3. st lit 'i. FOB WHEAT. , r. 1 , JOHN W. SNKLL. l. W. ; Hi ,.,.,t trant glossy, lnxnrlflnt and wavy tresses cr abundant, , beautiful II a i r must u 8 , ' : .s ? .;- - Who: i... tJ 1 MAD8EN, .(.v , ., . , at. Jt. CUMMIN r. n. wiawnt, oa, n. REMEMBER' THE EA! REfT. BREAKFAST, gfOVE. " ' " i- ": ' I. m . -- LYON'S 1UTJHAII10NI TWs elegant, cheap article always males (he Ilair mvr freely and fast, keeps it from falling out, arrests and cures cray- - be exceedlne clad ;for treat is your re ward to- - fceevwii for so persecuted they th ' Prophets which were- - before yodi" Well, wftat would you do? - - . t : them aa much a a you can. and take care not bite you.- Laughter.! And they do of out the way as much as you can. get won't you submit dbrnltv toM the Whati a ho Ian IS . Wall f , l. would only be little dignified. But when we see the ermine bedraggled in - he mud and mire ana ever trinchle ol justice violated, It fcehoores men to lu..i-- 200,004 Wm. , "You are unruly and disobedient." said the school teacher to the scholar, "and It Is but natural thai I should punish you." "You punish me unnaturally, though," whined the scholar. "H0W0O you make that out?" "Doesn't nature produce the light ning?" It does. "Well, llshtmng never strikes twice in the same placet you're hit me four times on the hand." "You are 'riant." said the teacher. "and you can. therefore, hold out your other band." -. TP CAPITAL PA IO of making you my wife?" "Yea. I hope so, I am sure,'? she replied. "I am getting tired of suing fellows for breach of promise." attempted auy anch acts. No pao- they le would endure these things aa the After-da- y 8alnte do. Will yoa endure them? !i Yea, little longer. Walt a little longer.- And after you have borne with a good deal, then endure "as seeing Him that Is invisible," and cultivate those principles that Brother Snow has so beautifully set before Us, and feel. "Blessed are ye, when men would you resent, these outrace and break; the heads of' the men engaged la spill their blood? No. them, and aa Avoldthem Juch aa you possibly can Just ayouwuld wolves, or hyenas, or crocodiles, or snakes,? or anv of these beasts or rer tiles: avoid SALT LAKE CITY. vtcft Wb, uvfrv, at some time I mar have the haDDiness i BiK DESERET NATIONAL 4 1. . biuih by-and--by. - U. S. DEPOSITORY. e 1885. EdVUir HlXrA1 . KS. A TlfK -- ovr. It Amen. Washinqtok, Utah, NO. 71. j hvwi .. a f wsiim iuau wtwng, manes ine lAair strong, giTing it - a curling tendency and keeping it in any desired position. Beau-- ., tiiul. healthy Hair is the sure result of using Kathalrpn 1 '1' .is. t IS.'-- .t .5 .a: t . .. , I i ,:.( . s ...... riv Pe T7. rtADSirr & CO CS Tl&ln Street, fSalt take City |