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Show SaWifiTiwiMH tnd pii&mvia tlmfi Hofe Mcfittots b Uis receivable blight ndl lo be On the Contrary rnted at par. yfefda' BANKS. uiv.uen;i oi tour per cent., payable TliAT BODY l8 INSTRUCT!. ThSiret pfoflt fot the ibsTiCK zane Ajrb Hi tfc FOR DcDrwrtiwr yearenaea. December 3lsti ovef 10M be. Vfcry heavily discounted Ihey U. S. DEPOSITORY. should The company, is wlthdut BUSINESS. at root O'clock Set 'ent. A y couiENcfrt Or Other iariehtidnua nn.l hk a business. statu of the in computing & H g Gentlenieiif of thi fcrrand Jury : It LH "liable, surplus? of $210,000. PTot- - Wednesday, Feb and it is far more creditable to the DESERET BMK ....r..UUiaaK .ui. ucpicsniuu ill UUS1- me PSINTrO AMD nJBLISHED BY THE tne is court to give you f nessi amy. oi manager of a store to pay no dividend the traffic for 1884 shows a duties: When charge Stock-takinyour respecting liabilities met are than all all until increase over 1883. The nt IVIR. OLIVER BYRON, SALT LAKK CITY. retire to the room tt will fee DESERET NEWS COMPANY. at traffic "of the Central and South prase Ameri : to deceive the shareholders and run ?ou you to elect some one of vourproper numcan Telegraph Company shows an inSupported by the Charminjc ActreBB, the chance of bankruptcy by pursuing ber who is a legible writer to take crease 900.004 PAID CP CAPITAL, of 35 per cent, over the corres II Y RON, SURPLUS, down the of each witness. KATE MISS WE OFFER OUR VERY DESIRABLE LINE OP testimony 800.00 the other coarse. CHARLES W. PENROSE, EDITOS. ponding period for last year. not If should AXD THE take the you literally, " In conversation recently with one of substance correctly; because It may be Famous Byron Combination! H. 8. ELDKB0OB, President the shrewdest and most successful ot imponance aiterwaras. Wm. Jkkw1!ob, Vice Pre. u The will swear all S5. foreman of the EVES1NG. FEB. 4TH, Jt Fefatuaiy, S, managers of a country Tuat!ny, a. In the Honse. of Mr.TTEDXESBAY FltAMOSZ L.ITTLB. Ottawa, Ont.. witnesses that may be brought before Y. A. Sradamore'i Drama of Joax Original LUBjaCTOB store in our community, we learned you, Skur. Common, Shakespeare, of British and you should bear and PaatorarMetropolitan Knhh Life, entitled, Wm. W. IUTkb, from him that in taking stock preparaColumbia, asked the government if it S. lill.L. Caahter. I.. ONLY LEGAL TESTIMONY; TOO TUAMSPARKXT. would introduce a bill during the preJam. T. Littub, Aaat Caahler.J tory to declaring the annual dividend . 1 sent the imqugra-hear and of .wltnrsaes wo oieaiM .restricting LADIES MISSES' ami Titk other day the Salt Lake Tribune on his business, he discounted all bills under the tejtbBony tne lOmtn!on. so as far consists it oath, except 50 an in Year of Second Now reduced the the receivable aasur4 air John McDonald replied that the per cent.; IECIIHS .POSITS PMfill II let a luamraoth cat out of the bac. It of documentary evidence, and except whole Artistie und Kinaneial Snrceita of theChlnese had ben question was dune in an article, in the punning estimated value of store, real estate, In the case w here there has been an. ex- referred The fnited a thrcnglionr to commission, who would m N Bay an4 SVell ,E etc., very materially; marked the goods amination before a magistrate or com- report to rarnaiiicut of whirh that Journal deroted an inKingdom. in a few days. rrJM-Uroan St and has the defendant baa missioner York, aud a hand below do. birag. the present long way terval to falltug face downwards Until the report was received the gov THPRSDAY, EVK., FET5. 5TH, of a ernment tonfakfca, Load on, aatd Louts opportunity could not would worshiping Dlstriet'.Attorney Dickson cost price, aud finally carried a part oi witness, or the witness has since died ao in tne matter. say what they The Uealihtic Drama of American and Auso: pad CMlliaBtl ClUe. tralian life, iu 5 Acts, entitled. The name of that individual consti- what still appeared am net: profit on and cannot be produced before you. Hemon 2c a withdrew for notiee its evito are not You hear the required tuted tho caption of the article. The the business to a reserve fund before dence ot witnesses Be Htated the PostT M.kM CnlJectiou. remlUlog proceed, ALL SEASONABLE & FASHIONABLE GOODS for the defendant ; postaArAte. master tieiiTal would that writi-- so far overshot the mark in the declaring the dividend. Her considered make a report promptly bat is evidence if within there any to A Across ttie Continent. uu eioel mis AT mnjeci. character of the adulation that an annual dividend of teu per cent, reach, within your: knowledge, that would explain the matter In testimony FRIDAY EVKAING, FKB. 6TH. xWliialtaa of O'Ooaatvu'i piled upon the unfortunate object of was quite as much as shareholders before ItESTAlIKANTS, you, it would be proper for you AsMllnat. 'ihe World renowned Flay, his flattery, that the dode was abso- should expect, and we endorse the sensuch witness in, or to produce to bring Kew' Yoitir. Dndlev vvas lutely MckeuitiK. The apology Kiven timent. The ?reat profit! expected soch ev idence to hear it. You ought to find an indictment, taken this morufns from the station tac public wft the in- - from a mercantile business, and the for house she had where confined been :0: in gentlemen, in any case when all the Now in the l.'ith Year of rt on paralleled rlpid trash was the uecesaity to advise high rate of idkerest which money night to the Toombs Police. before you, taken together, if during the A CIIOICK AM) EI.KGA.NT LINE OF M F1113T SOUTH ST.. WEST. WK A number of people sratheretl our country has commanded in the evidence OFFER Court. 'The country of what District Attor AlO or uncontradicted, would, unexplained the station honse and followed the Seats. Mir So extra charsre for past, have tended perhaps more thai la your Judgment, warrant a convic- at ney Dickson id doing." olucer and his charge while thev walk Intrial jc jr Uox Oflioti.oif u Tuesil' ait 10 a. m. from tion to else deter by Jury. people His mission is described by stating anything ed to Court the House. When the You should Into all MEALS AT ALL HOUBM rvlEN'S, BOY'S & CHILDREN court was reached Mrs. Dndlev was that this "ireat and t?ood man" has vesting in home manufactures. If men cases where carefully enquire conducted into the private examinabeen "iveu a "hoh trust to execute." lu this country would be satisfied with Vents Good, Hats, Caps, PERSONS ARK IMPRISONED tion room where she remained on as or as small Investments is trust profits 11 to t p. m.. tScta. The holy character of the Dtnneri fri case was until her bv called AND A COMn.KTE STOCK OK in Jail awaiting an indictment, or Justice manifested by the employment of low a rate of interest on money loaned or Other ateata from tSc to 60cU. Patterson. Arthur C. Butts. has been held where to the apas party receive in other and people and desperadoes parts, sneak rauiin-the accused to accompanied 4V PVaT THC MAJLKBT JLTTORDi to answer an indictment who is lawyer, When the lact of the presthe court. affairs especially if they were content, as peo pear rtfen's, Women's, Misses' and Children's Boots, Shoes and the into to family ont on bail. ence of the the became known prisoner are iu when settled older have to is also wherever It countries, ple of respectable people; yon nan or justice Decame raoidlv occu your duty ,UR "RED CAP MATCHES" ARK AS Rubber Goods, at Prices to Suit the Times. eooi as the beat imported and fully as LUWCHES WT UP for TOURIST children they establish a new business, to run it know, or have reasonable ground to pied, until woman and was denied to later entrance delicate ao if when aot an heai you buy that comers. The enclosure reserved for niHU'ha aafc forrheapor, COMPLETE STOCK OF THK CELKllKATKD through for some time without looking for any believe, the rail utp. draped into court to be put catechi-zat'h'iIk. J. QKXTriTHS. rronrlaUW. was occupied by a number of HAS BEEN COMMITTED OVFKXCE A CO., U lawyers no IST reason home here i; profits, why I.VHtQt and most indecent the vulgar 3. JP.U. Box those gentlemen, some politicians and Provo Woolen Mills. Woolen Goods to pursue with relentless and industries should not be started more in the district, to investigate the of some reporters. When Kirs. Dudley en e extensively in our midst and be made fence, and If any member of the Grand tered, tne gaze oi every person in the NOT1CK TO TIIK PUBLIC. calloused hate the most virtuous Jury knows or has reason to .believe court room was riveted on her face. in the coiumuaity, using as a means to llourish. a public offence, triable witnln She waiked calmly to the bar between that HERETOFORE CAR Our advice, in .brief, to THE BUSINESS this district, has been committed, yon au officer and a lawyer and, after lockof persecution wretches who are on by the Halt iake Foundry A iu business as merchants is: should declare it to the Grand Jury, ing for a moment Into the Josikie'a Machine Co., in Salt Lake City, i now under steeped in immorality and corruption; companies of the under SALT LAKE CITY, the manai(aant and control and the Grand Jury should Investigate face, let her eye fall to th rreahd. .. ...... V passing' by the gross aud lascivious Get out of debt, and, as nearly as pos.1 J .. .. n VXIfHW, l it a thorougniy. She looked trifle tired after ' having sible keep out of debt; pay small div and deJlrered rts property to ine for certain .. . . 7 rimes of his own class, and institutkA 1. - ' L is your duty to investigate and to n! U . it ui uue sianoii mfcio, pmrpoee Mmtd in two deeds, bearing aaie CALIFOMIAJREWERY against idends, and use any exceaa of profits inquire into the condition ot all the her but cheeks were of Augast 1, 1883, and Juna id, 1884, reaper ing vexatious proceedings house, have industries iu till still rosy and her eyes quite bright. establishing tively. Tne boitnesa will be carried on, PUBLIC PRISONS, "Mormons" living In peace and purity, you may further uoitoa, in my name, and all debts PORTER. He case. ALE litttts will and in BEER that time render the the reLAGER people presented of lawyer their on account family simply due the aaid company will be paid to me, and any public places where any per said he received a dispatch late last aa uo oae ia authorized to collect the debts V IOT.EJ AX.K A3TD RKTAIL. sons are confined on held, and tnis you night, signed P. Edwarda, asking hijpi lations heretofore formed, and to them and accounts of aaid company but myself is do EaMt should sacred This Door character. most Houth of the therougniy. ty oeiena Mrs. Dudley. He went to the Second Street, Thrt A. O. GIALUl'K, Trustee. Kfation-boasuror Kacn J e should Street"and (irand saw Mrs. t Dudleys from Main iUl irif' "!ioly trust," which this paragon THK . Ct... . . 1.1 suu anew it TKNOK OK JUDGE ZANE'S oub saiu . KEEP SECRET notnjng aooui tue of "perfection is executing. INSTRUeriONS. dispatch, bnt desired him to ' take 15 ut the we named have says Whatever he himself or any other charge of her case Ue learned by the p;iper DON'T SEND EAST sincere as he is modest." We However much we may have had member of the grand Jury may morulng papers lie is that the dis a or to how was have a one. said, FOR J. we are not displeased occasion to differ from some Of Judge bogus patch Pierepont tloubi it not, aud member of the grand Jry Kdwards, (of Kcw Tor.,) to note tlie fact that his sincerity Is Zane's Judicial methods hitherto, we any has voted. Keep everything secret that measured by the extent of his modesty. have no special strictures to offer in occurs iu tne prana jury, roo.n, mnass TUK BRITISH COltSUL, DKHIKI) MAVfN(i Author, Uerturr,mrj America" StCNt A.NY DISPAf CH Greatest Specialist, It there can be from tlfty men of equal regard to his chargt to the grand Jury. you may be called as a witness after tn in law uourt oi wards pursuance In dls located permanently at Salt Lake ttf, whatever. When you ten buy the Ilome-Methe whocan Butts said he had no be Taken as a whole, It is dignified, and Vou should not disclose anything that county Intelligence iftah. consulted DudCO" MAKE E00M FOH OUR E11ESSIVK of tMvby less of apy as that article s CHEAP and little of room the tenor regard the to occur instructions quality, the in unexcep play any ley's friends, and did grand Jury Offlee tooort, TO to 4 and Ttolf m.'fS aT know DISso snould do BETTER FINISHED. lot the most ordinary amenities of life tionable. It the grand Jury sbalti be person outside, ii you severe ne wnai should do' In tbe subject yourself to punish case. COUNT TO DKALKRS AS U'JVXOT TTiOOJU Ho than he, then it is scarcer than we had governed by their purport in their de you continued: told "Sue inent. Main St.. between 3d and Sd eoath 8treeta. me she me to desired LOW. defend' .her. no reasonable will any idea of. person liberations, SL While IN CASK. OF THEiSON as counselor my reserving right FRKK on to If In the article devoted to the worsh all llnd fault with them. so, tiieir Nemoua, COtSa,XTATION t3T Send direct to in the. act case I or to withdraw, Chronic and Iiaeaae female Itlood, be tt necessary that it should proved shall emk-aro- r ot Mr. Dickson Judge Zane is tendered a operations will be characterized hf an to do what 1 can for etc. witnesses, and in case, ot Mr. Dudley's best interests. For the and UcSToriitftiea. C. sou, which that absence of malice or prejudice aglnst by two one Methods of, Treatment IIoTnaepalhy, somewhat sickly We etfr our Magruiacnt Aaortiu-ii- l of witness aha corroborative peiinry, aledl- Kiertrtt-ltyMarnetism and client mute. will remain prese my 'will no know a doubt or individuals Hjivwd gentleman classes, spirit against evidence. Caled Iti Dm, , Art Bazir, Salt Lake City. Tour duty in a general way is stated She how to appreciate. He is rung in as Write for liat f which there has been good groanii for tanik UiMrartel. KEITUfcK PLEADS QUiLTY NOB NOT the oaths which vou have taken oueattoaa teuntaiata, otrcHiare. ate. sort of second fiddle to Mr. Dickson, complaint in recent preliminary .pros lu SILKS, VELVETS, BROCADES. PLUSHES, Vuuta ut ade. Vhrea4aa;teaA Caacte (Itm Vou should Indict no one, through ' guilty". the latter beiug projected with marked ecutions, which have bea notoriously malice,. hatred or nor sltould, "the court remarked she would be oniineiice. and for an unmistakable and bitter. If an fmpar you leave any case unpreseated COCUTT TAX SAlK. through fear, favor or affection. You held to await the result of Rossa's purpose. Speaking of.the terror claim tial disposition shall obtain with the should and be remanded Mrs. her. When Injury THE TERRITORIAL the created been among ed to have EERKAS, gentlemen of the Jury Just empanelled, turned to leave the court room School ami Conntr Taxea assessed SZEIDXJOEID IMPARTIAL IN ALL YOUR INVESaDudley soille played over her face. She "Mormon" people by the present un prosecutions for unlawful cohabita airiiiimt Mary Sterena, for the year A.. her drew anu cloak uonar uae to walked v Tribune about, her aud TIGATIONS. mncry hoi ner.secutivo crusade, the 13t, anouaiina; tion, an offence specially mentioned by a larre lot of Short Length In thl Dapartinent at almost half of 'tr?u'ar to the rodm behind the officer. two Cent (1.V2), remain nnpaid. concludes as follows: Your only motive can be the truth. calmly 1, .Nathaniel V. Josea. Collector Therefor. Judge Zane, will not be conflaed withRow'i WuiL. (or Salt iJike County, Uiab Territory, b? nothing else; and if. any man. .should "ThM is due to Ju lge Zane and Mr in the limits of tne "marriage rela virtue of the authority veated In me by Ue before whom asralnst be you The brought house of stuff which the Chambers and law of the surgeon tion." but the full scope sterling Dickson, proriaiona of an Act of the Leyiulative A a have must you you a lay prejudice, Woolen Hosier?, Knit Goods, Starts and Skirls Inst Go sent men do Street these who in what communication is required Hospital, Oi eerably of the Territory of Utah, entitled. will be considered, and cases'; Inquired vour prejudice asiae ana investigate to tha court this statins? nrntne men are doing should be appreciated 'An to that Act provide iteveane lor case fairly and impartially; and if on examination ofmorning and tne several roaattee Hossa's he Tnere will be a change of administra into and decided upon Independent of his tory of Utah vea man is brought before you in whose found the ball entered over wound, any of appro reornary zz. ixiv, aaa et whose? this of THE PRICE WH.t. I'l sill TIltM. Democrats vt the centre conduct The the thereof," fact the mouth. persons tion i.e the amendment you may be prejudiced, or to of the scapula, running upward on an thereto, have tolevied apon ciLv snould tosee itthatMr. Dickson or favor is "Moriaona" being investigated named the be whom you may under obligations inward course, passing beneath the following property, record as an otllcer here is laid before non "Mormons. of 300 PIECES OF EMBROIDERIES, to be Sold !y tho Piece Only Hnndred ancf Sixty (160) a The glariag preju you cannot take that matter Into con skin for loar inches, and that this Mr 'ie eland, and that Mr. Dickson tn of Section T.aml the Southeast quarter aud evldenci! the when 'ver he was In pood condition, Utah has been dice hitherto displayed a Month oenor' removed. One morning against slderation; Seventeen CLEAN FOR STRAW, (17), Township I'AIH (1, no matter who It is, whether having Lower than Kver oH.timI in this t.'itv. kanfre one (1), West of Salt Lake Meridian, "Mormons" has been extremely dis warrants, Ui'iai'it'l ut passed a comfortable nigbv, waiting for a score of years for a Dis it is your oesc meati, or in Dirtiest having slept and will sell the same or so ranch theroof m i'AJ'KR MUX. no aIh suffering p quietly, trii t Attoi tu v. It has one now one graceful, and It Is to be hopetf that the man in society, it is your duty to indict and no uncomfortable may he neceasary to pay the taxes aud eou Ladle' lroe HilltOMtt, f I Or., orli iJAr. I 3lic. u no i, as A. houe or desire except to symptoms riad 1,000 Daaun at public auction, at the front door of the Mrs. Dudlev was gentlemen comprising the gjand Jury him, so that he may h a:vou fair aud d in, dills, and one, too, who knows developed yet. Do. Do. ar., worlli liO. lo 7.1o. Ii.OOO Do. City, on the County Court Houae, 8alt Lake Jury of h locked in a cell at the Tombs, kbe rehow to exe will not allow thenwelves to,be swayid impartial trial before, 12 o'clock M. at 21st 1885, of thorough) that duty, and day February, fused to say anything to reporters. ate It. la wouiu oe uo loss iu mi from the of au Impartial perform country. NATUAJilKL V. JONKS, Prosecution of offences, in ,practice Dickson ti luse his office; it would be ance of path Collector for Salt Lake Couiitr. an can be eomflienced hy ouly duty by any consideration here, s to Utah ahd to good gov Conntr Collector' Office, No. 5. 0fttj indictment. Hence you se aeutle whatever. el IiUH.IU lie c Court HoOBO, Salt Lake City, January Jll. men, that you occupy a very iuiporuun c: i n i: it a very rvspouiie position. We do not suppose it necessary for position The various urimet and offences biw i i i km r TB.tNNAt t.A us to draw the attention of Chief Jus POULTRY CULTURE. been described by the Territorial COUNTY TAX 8AIJ5. Offers Real Bargains in Hats Bonnets I'Io a .m s Tips and Plumbs e:.-' ofS. Zane to the evident intention ticc aud codes in Congress In view of the high price and ready Legislature "TIT" H E RE A S, THE TERRITORIAL sacti-lk-iyou will flud iu the acts of the Tern V dispelled of placing him on the School and junty Taxes, asae ei Tletorv. code and sale murder which tonal command and eggs' manslaughter pocltry work to or Jonea, for th. yea. aud James frank endeavoring altar, van and a. and in we Admiral larceny, burglary our market, are Jed to wonder robbery orreuces Toorbet amoBBtina- to One iKillar and .inetv- Paris, Tl:e I.uiije nU In nni tilings so that his otllcial head wiil u liv more other tnai l will not tatt hay fever , tbe War Office Cents (S1.92), remain nnpaid. that tbe attention is not aid by our ous You will ttnd to time mention. them V. ca basket Ia the a of Nathaniel iuto Jon'ea. prepared, a already Collec type I, Krenctiiorces. alter severe tleht, Therefore, drop to the raising of them, and why described n the code. tarrh having pe tor for Bait Lake County, Utah Territory, hy the Chinese wcrrka corDtnandhig in the mind's eye of thi conspirators, farmers collar of the authority vested n me bv the In virtue find of act will the symptoms. tlit: you some do not mines. Cogrss Vt 'COU.fUl- He stated that enterprising persons Krlung to receive it. He is given a soother It ia attended hy provisions of au Act of the Legislative AsPOLYGAMY AN1 CNL.VA 3 lost an1 killed nine troops a make conthe business an inflamed .of '.specialty ' sembly of the Territory of Utah, entitled in inc. shape of a small (piant'ity of taffy woundeil durlnK Uie engagement. The TATIQ-V- , dition of tlielin An A to rroviae uevep for tho Terri is no a There but busi such (Uestion while Chines: a loss way heavy. on the point of very ioug stick, in g membrane tory of Utah and the aexr raij ronnties thereanil Offences. Nd other matter how if and conducted a lirer nobtrilM. ness, of tbe wliii-will enahle n i.i systematically of," approved rebruar-- 24, itfjH, and of the Mr. Dickson is tendered a huge mass Compel ns to make extensive alteratioii.-iommou an offence may be in the tear ducts and amendments comfort Hi our piMi iiii leVied npon the Assortment have alt.ud at thereto, and luno be Fine. imc of miht Garments, intelligently, madeexceeding the from it requires you to Investigate it r ladies' Xewmurkeis, ot sweetened slutf direct throat, ajfectiag-thAn in exiiinlniuir and, ttttinK the sninn. following named pro',ierty, to wit S. U. was dozen Grant at . Presi30ct. more the so m this l much the An Eggs per ai linriit. whi.'h youngest thoroughly, and if IX, a.iguiy (ouj of cre. r lnnd in tlte Sonth-eas- t Russian Circulars. Dolmans atid Child' Clonks now on liaud lUthy hand ot the donor, with a promise ly profitable. mocna ia acridlunga quarterOne Section Twenty three &!), we otter at Lowest l'i ices quod :a tins c:ly m ui et- l. loan the utiru lot iu the nixi uny man is guilty, wuoever he may be, dent oar nation has ver bad. Ho was oi permanent board and lodging. The and chickens at 30cts. to (Dts. each tbe aeereted, South Two s. is as Township (2i Grand Thii it (i). liauge ty Dii) Jurors, and not forty-thrwhen first inaugurated. the preseut prevailing prices in on underyour duty is West of Salt 'uike Meridian, and will sell lie 'csMiy of his retention iu ornce.and a your oath, to iudict him. with the same or so mnch as mav city-arthereof was about the be Franklin best Fierce seven, paying Au.d pro on forty1 only are the of hearing shriek tor democratic assistance a burning aonaa aeceaaary, Pq pay the Taxes and Coals, at testimony witnesses you should be careful uot to :iyd GroVer Cleveland will be tn hia tion. There ate public auc'tion, at the front door .of the MiV.ciij aii'l I. u bile- the intention of seeking ducts which the farmers have to sell and Rovs' Overcootn. Winter Suit-- llu - h an. riimrhili.i be .sAvra soannia of County Court House, salt like City, on the Cent's upon 'II witnesses and the profits which they realize un ninth year when inaugurated. imposed frth Uitwenr.Til a reduction ol j.ii .tin to l.rocuro the expulsion from the is 2Ut day Of February, 18S6, at IS o'clock M. it generally not much trouble WAY-FEV- ER system of raising poulrty at truth nent attacka of to come to a conclusion; but If they 'al.'l Justiceship of Judge Zane is clertha in XAT1IANIEL V. JONES, are The uiari'l iin'icase in Snvogue water inflamed tell and not present do nothing compared that il ls Collector for Salt Lake County. know eye. Women who are sensitive and coy as headache, IImIm Is a things difficult they e. pi ill', visible by the ominous auJ on founded a ho Crewm to koaietimes tell where remedy would the with what under No. OOlce. 6. Collector's they County County fi to their li j.is silence in regard to any necesswill learri with interest correct diaenosie of thia diaease and can be Court House, Salt Lake City, age ends and falsehood begin, and the latest improved . system, in truth Januaryas2th, ; 80 eta. if they won't tell what they do know, tKat this common vanity of their sext depended upon. fiOcta. at drujrgista ut ink. ity- ot his being retained. bv insii'. Sample bottle by mail 10 eta. which an artificial machine is made to it ISfcStill a ditlleult matter ims a is a of a that matter the in vin the tun lloor to tl'C ll.ior above our In one of ij KI.Y IlttO.H., hm(UU, Oiwece, ,T Have induced us to move that I'cpai i'.ieteai juice origiia. so of lli to avoid the take the place of the mother hen in the satisfactory conclusion. It is a duty the Year Books of the Hetaii. to be reached by an improved t bUni of law" the "limb COUNTY TAX Edward SALE. democratic eertaia to nervous peojue. Our bt.'.ck m tl Is lejiart un'u'. wiil nlhv-- fclniu tne conto r3pi;f the that whese objectionable you.owe party business. Our incubation Oil e Territory, duct Is being investigated to see that Uli is reported a decision' in which ? nil ord'is l'i i!ii.'y, Warruul We Ti ii on the position now llest Make and Lautst iXM.i)iua at Lu lit- - an eye THE TKHRITORIAL Quality and Fit of our Work in every reaped. ane. however, is not the only place in the you are not Imposed npon by any per-ntJ<re Barnaad make this remark: VV School and Countr Taxea assessed tv Ju.tge ... s. ap ftcainst and Uoon the urouertv of V. Fnller Union in which this branch of business that may be "There is no, nian la Fabian d who can aiocratic administrative pol is Tn. for the year A. 1). 1884. amounting to Thirty One of oar California neglected. woman . to A.GAI.VST make if has reached as UIM PREJUDICED six Cents (Stic), remain unpaid. Rightfully tell practicable, icy is, so far exchanges says on the subjict: Therefore, 1, Nathaniel V. Jones, Collect from her or Territories the in not,.for some majority; many.wpijBen or guided by or for bait Lake County, by virtue of the appointments Improper motive, w are Is doii-4- an Increased Business. We Wairaut every I'uir AVo Stll. is we on If it local earth la the "How thai don't a ho at least thirty years old, want because it veatea ta me or tne provisions oi amon actual residents. great hardship and a authority more or raise California? There :o. tne Legislative Assembly of the An act poultryln wrong for any man to be charged with; to appear as but sixteen." Thin was in Democrats w iil lend their aid to secure is no climate in the world better a crime of which he is Innocent. of Utah, entitled, "An Act to proIs It Territory vide Revenue for the Territory of Utah and GENTS' SUITS TO OKDEIt, AT LOWEST Mr. Dickson's seat, the fowls than ours, a wrong for which uo .adequate com- the year 1377 more than five centuries adapted to raising the several counties thereo'f," approved yet there is no part of the Uiited pensation can be made, it seems, and ago. 1 talernity generally, or those who and as, 1S7S, and ef the amendments I.'n IfniiJ.u. ilii.toin. Februaryhave Fit Kii.l W.di KBianshiD Gnaiantieed. Cloths. where fowls and eggs are as it is a great wrong for a man who has states hold the aud its levied upon the following strings thereto, manipulate etc., at Jxiwent I'ncn in tlii.t . II as heru. todear a crime committed namea to wit: unpunished. make will ? property, with K iti.e Attention to the lla;la ol ..u l.u n. There are worse places than banks to in a:iee.t submission, wo are dcvolinr-ouIn to 60 Part of Lot Four (4), in Block Thirty"Eggs are worth from Lite, liberty, and the right of proand iticieartiafc I'atrous l'ro.npt and Coui It nr three (33). aa platted in Plat " K " of tat a view to giving ur conetiiiiLly an efl t to unseat Judge Zane, if it cents a dozen. In Chicao4 St. Louis, perty and society are protected Dy the depoutt money. A short time ago a r thai.- M ney. h uli Value the fresk-lal- a Lake sell will and or the Batne and Kausas Milwaukee City Survey, of to code the criminal a box containing a mass of dirty pulp enforcement City doe- - not occur in the ordinary course, li.l a iho iU'n.l.iirier for ao much thereof aa may be necessary to pay WatOtEMALa! BlTfERf know our house eggs are quoted at '22 cents.; Here you large extent, and the pcbllc hag an vas received at the the Taxes and Costa, at public auction, at Merchant requires in DryCoods, Kancy eioods. Mniuiery Hoots an t s ICS, II il and un d b' enable the local aspirant to atTreasury' Departcannot buy a decent fowl fit for roast- Interest in haying all criminals 'eeh the frrnt door of the Connrv Court Hon Clothing. CaiU, etc. cents orf 1, and lit- victed.fthat thereby other persons who ment, accompanied by a note from a tain the object of his ambition. ing for less than Salt Lake City, on the flat day of ebru'.ry! Cap, as such tle Louis used to XT. broilers, Tnis is a scurvy ond hypocritical may be disposed to commit like lawyer stating that the contents of the Wheit thfc fit takes place. It may b 1S8&, at 19 'clock M. 1864. oefore dinner, offences may be deterred from comwho is being gobble as au appetizer NATHANIKL V. JOVS, plot laiaiust the Judge, a pair. At this season, mitting them. The object of alf pun- - box were all that remained of .$500 in known by load breathing and loss of are worth .fl.50 Collector for Salt Lake Crjunty. openlv patted on the back and secretly at Chicago and Milwaukee, the trains ishment is to protect .society, not y4 greenbacks which an bonest Wisconsin sense or motion. Write to Countr Collector's Office. No. Connrv his rib are prefarmer tlMi a boxes had with the of from and barrels by Collected tne innocent out tne guilty. stabbei. .under arriving neighbor House, Salt Lake City, Ja'auary 27th, Cort pumsning Itine all and fat for of fowls, So. ax the grand Jury, you and burled in the earth. When he dag plucked ready gentlemen tended friends. jra.. the gridiron or roasting pan, which Bell see that you have a very bis treasure he found nothing but for medicine, which will in forwarded up at u cents a pound. Iu New York and duty to perform. You have important d4w the Interby express. of fowls can be est of the person whose conduct you tbe worthless fragments described COUNTY TAX &.AXJC. Philadelphia, a fine pair a for and fat for the be officials POLICY. $1, Tbe above. in coukl to bought hands capon AN I NWISK may Trraaary investigating your' THK TEtLRTf 0BIAL, same mney. COUNTY tAX SAhK. Here a noes capon Is a!large extent, and you have the internot Identify the scraps, and the V Scbooi and Ooaaf Taxes assessed f coas a as much The worth from of est Un krood Yoi resulted hands. sheep. has nearly much your aaraiast aad apon the oror ,nrtv of K. Mevera. That THK honest farmer Will have to lose bis TERRITORIAL, for must gosociety forward , only bird that Is cheap here is the indithe year 14, amoor.Unn to One Ddlar In our Territory, WHtRKAS, j Taxes aeseseed business in County operation money. and Twenty Cents gestible small wild duck, which is near(l.Sf .,, remain unpaid. agal ast and upon theD.property of . A. HONESTLY AND FEARLESSLY. no otie acquainted with the facts can ly unfit for human food." I, Nathani el V. Jonea, Collecf tor tho year A. 184, amountinjf to torTherefore, , Alariu. '. 125 to 131 South Temple Street. Lake Salt Cou nty, Utah Territory, for One Jlollur and Twenty. Ceata (Tl), redeny; but thai all the beneficial results We shall be pleased to hear of some and do Jour whole duty. A nan that " uy Tinae oi me aani .nty rested m roe hy main nnpaid. la any department of life susceptible of-- being accomplished by of our friends engaging tn tills busi- does his duty Th eretore; t, Nathaniel V. Jonea. Collector the proviaions of an Act ol the Legislative need of be not afraid anyalso of the Territory of Utah, entitled, must anywhere it have not yet been attained for Salt iJtae county,' Ctan Terrttorr, Dy I "Assembly ness, and if any of our readers have thing, neither in tbhr world, nor, as we AaaowsatlTH At Big Cottonwood, Jan. virta t to rroviae atevenue for the me by the in vested e of the the have aathonty Nor hopes acknowledged. be JCrin Howard, aoa ef John and fcKh, ot An Act of tbe LecislaUve Aa- - i T of Utah and tr.e several coynUea any suggestions to give the public upon b Here, tn the world to cme. A coat approved irebraary 22. 1878. and of the sciouaneti of a faithful and hoaest dis- Lucy liS, of the late I'resident Brigham Youngi this of the Territory, of Utah, entitled, I H. Arrowteuth, aged S years and we shall be to pleased subject, cf to I'roviae Revenue for the Terri- -- I ameBamenia tnereto, have levied upon the ' ' "A charge of duty will be a passport amid months. the founder of the system In our com- publish them. j t: thereoohtlee 112fH!lJJUk tory of Utah and. the several 187ff. every dlffleultv, and every danger, and One Hundred and mnniMrii'Ahnaivn ahd of the One munity, yet been realized In connection n man as a Grand Jororor otherwise, a of Salt (MUL HcrraxaK At the residence of Erel atnen4meaAs there toi, have levied upon the Tlate ia Plat with it. He never thought of limiting lias a right to take' into Consideration uut City BOt vey, and will sell"I"the same namea property, xo wh: so or c msequences to .himself. ' He mast do Stewart, Springviua, Sarah Elizafreth UpUi lonaMCing much as thereof to the business of imbe aeces .oae may tlKM Lot Three (S) In Block Twenty POOR WIDOW DEFRAUDED his duty. saa francisco ana danher iaaer, i : J i Lake CUr 8tu- - aary. te pay th Uxea and cosU, at public rua Salt ".ot id His ia merchandise. and platt selling porting BV A DEPUTY MARSHAL. auction, at uie ,Ir" 9?01" of the County I will state to the Grand Jury, if of the late W. J. Stewart, of thia place. She vry.ii wiil sell tbe same or ao niach there - I Court stores Lake City, on the Slat dav House, idea was that the J'MCHLTy. to par the Taxea or ro over to visit her father in hia laat of aa may be bWIcTau aaaary further. you Instruction, any require J teS. at U o'cock M. c t lo n, at the fro- -l rebraary, nd Costs, at The following has been forwarded you can receive --It from tbe court, or islckness, remained here with her brother, established should each serve as a v Salt Court .of Lake rtTRiniEl. jovrs the Cotnaty Mouse; door WORK GUABANTEED. thfc Prosecuting Attorney Who- will be and died on Jan. 27th, 1835. GODDS WARRANTlttJ. uucle us abound which various branches to us by a Payson correspondent : J'' Collector She waa born for bait Lake County. ty ay of February, 1889, at, J3 i yon from time to time, and who in Carrol County, Miaeowrt, Jan. 8th, 1836. ocio tk.lt. Collector's of late that a person with of manufacturing aud other industries "I have noticed Office, Xo, ft, County County will NATILAKLEL V. JOXIS, you any information as to Court House, Salt Lake City, January Jlst, 8alt Laka pspei a please eopy. should be established; and that the by the name of H. H. (Jilson is figuring yourgive under the law that may be CJlectorfo:Slt duty LakaCoMty. 44 s2 as 15. complainant in proper aud rights mercantile business should tend to very prominently County Colleetor'a Offloe, Ka. i, Cooaty) 1 want to gl cases. Now elty. slat, January polygamy l3, aaot LAae city aaaary aiat, foster or support these other branches you a little Information la regard to of heart diaeaee, the wife of K. R. Kneass. Court Uouse. die' .!.. SPRING WiVOONS, ?J,,' ATrJMVrTs!and until they could gain a substantial how be has treated a poor widow with ZHla William of and and t daughterai tOAULl Via UAVliiitUii two il sanOi children in lives that this mna UY aaoBtn t footing. a.aays. mv, jemre, ! Vehicle'.' a(e I tots as with think Meeeed conduct deserves place, Tatrenike home ntrpriie and beP I. Co. to be an . Keyshod. he was beldvad by all who kkew aver and lu pursuance of this policy, Z. C. M. exposure. About tea or 'eleven years . properly hateri ere sead to the Uoraes that i wear onto TBLaoBArv JJaa. iiaxaa aitoarof frlenda td motrn her loss. ? ia In 1873, u got into debt to her f A KY IICfE. LLTitcr, Grain, Flour, rfcote the A4 I., the parent store in this city, has ago. husband for store goods to the amount mer.lOHN'w. with T.YtOR; its President, connection in Kte. A. Etexv' established H laCIHO A Jf i til 14 of $180. The husband died about five uil Jreaaarcr. 5 ..m cantile business a tannery, and the years ago, after hav lng tried tn vain to V. 1. Conipnny. the Com with the no are -. Bfkda Son 00 ft roBjOaim .?300 N. L. A4iad their interest. longeronectea Apparataa tne amount from Oilaon, and .TT. I , .:. . 76 m raamy bavink porchaaM IieBo manufacture ot boots and shoes, collect .tIJ-- ; 11V. - ,n i r ' since then his widow has had men go r t a iteain ; and B etc U quite Chopper........... BETWXEX tAb''6tatk KaJk'eCeaUtl; clothing. see htm, to whom he would always feaw' and 7 4O0O Apparatus HQ RSFuRO'S ACB PHOSPHATE rarior BUhard Table with Ball aad other of the 19th Ward. Naw Vork. . The'Aeadaaarfcerii of black the Wayatde Inn and will number make a great many promise that be TheSnder nleane leave ovrra. so ao the O'lXiuoran Hoasaa would it. And bee4 Territory paper throughout must you pay Iravj companies It ar thia osVce and be rewarded. 40 0 ". .Screrai iferior a ad danxeroas " aBbafl- - 1 Burry. tt was no understand that with their small stores, connection have, in 40 00 Horsford'a. Aei Light Wagoa.... iBiea " lor the genuiae; Street tfBere see and to as he task a lived go Hospital, him, con75 00 tuay-aai avtwo. 1'imaiiaaM' . are imiisk sicreo developed other industries to a in- long way from Payson, and almost chief lies btIfcr Ironf Baxter alw borae yower Enirine and .w hereby, tvtutiou tue. eaira aau . Mr. Dudley' DUtot tttll lmblcUd ,9209 REWARD. ?iu in siderable extent. But In too inaoy U1 everywhere at the same time aotabiy hl or aa New T lioiier.. 400 00 usini tbem, thev uxiunst hnrinir back, . . vm m Tl ta 12 Acree of Land in tiVe aanre effefrt uuon the araltoss'a Oflice 4 rentrefl la Nephl, Gunnison, on the Sevier and stances the desire lor big di idends on In ILL VR GIVEN FOR TDK KECOY- - not nio4do was lltr oireet closed and tlvn 40 w l llorHfoTd's," ItivBlalann where amthe he. mountains has Heaty Wagta genuine at and J ery of the watches which were stolen Jit the titt htockholders of f the part .44 a inerditata ; iu eouie of the as are aaaaereua Heavy ranch. However the men failed to get it the beipltal thcftilAEossjiai pro veil rwownet.iry. on the desire HO this Breech Shot spin os sjr, Uoore Iad part anything, and gave it up. The, widow iiunuH luc niKnt. 'fhenly rfcfWr ta healths, t;;l: bition to gratify ' ..'li tc(H)iui,iiflWiawuiute(l.' !4k "bBliKltutBs" or Insitationa Jlolterd Kile, aw, eoat 75.... ...... sqtio - ' ' 'Hi j '!.-- !t Hmiie raesa t of managers aud directors have tended needing tne means badly, oo Deluded ta Komup to 11 th)y;nornin. na bis ' : iooae Baled ActaLvhacb Lucent and Baled Straw-- i ' auetihort4 nrf line of manu- go and see him herself, thinking he secreUrjiFatrckJyce. liBy-I vlhluta M.,4to!ia i Va she dtajsntsoa ; ; Ooarae. rhtaa tika .tfrft-rto stifle enterprise in theside ftatt, went home harT1 reaod Jat manhood would have nigh ifoj surely ;1 8htnla and Lfamber. enough turneu industries WUvWord'a? aot. ouly caasea n IrOSTmornma. facturing or developing him a ! to about widow tis after aa pay poor t I Stave Poliah, Wholeaale. nKtire rsanatpt In TflBROAD OVER THK RtSTIl jrsHtfKWfMa in connection with the stores. .... traveling solar. However, she was f Vltteirarj VTWeeule, IfTIRUn HSliai, 1?u Ward nri Ihe lJUnfcntiaik.lii4a4tn on the part pi mistaken, so got notmag- bat Scouring SapoUo ; Cbarcxial. - wiaaaiBiniK m heme; , t,Wpliuation,tWaa ' Home X itmnar yard, a Docket fact, this disposition m Aah Amaavinir for nsi-was This etaJr mt . year agoi last w M.W au owaer, si.e, hy the jtallon, contalna and papers oXj nUu oj..reT, .Tsuch officer has. In some Instances, If promise. waaa. y rpinfkntimv 7fB, summer. r I Will sav that wM irC- - I Trifl this uiKMt which -are dot Mmn Acid, i11ioitiorie lea inemio " ii--e twr-"- r;" we are correctly lnlormea, t bwidow l Utterly unable to earn a dol i- for w'W":r--wity- alao - centaine calorie ... iw mn air heatni DWH. .in tk. i. ..,... .....i . J , as sue is a very weakly woman, and steady, then advanced g for stock toXZ-- -. ' ..ft.iewie MMttumlibn declare fictitious dividends. In other lar, Braaaea ia avaitter, the world. eot CWoria; obioms 'Aehl. whirh,; In debt to Is therefore to a great extent under the Kelloe. fpoaea and SooBd-haa' '.! I ' l l i T Plfka.' ,l words, while considerably which S'JtorsforCa;" coatawa-aieitfell o &r&2 fat K and necessity of being taken care of by her Later, bonds r eat Uil iiaBnfartorer, tauk aaany atrudes from M.I they A. , i .bvi stores Krf" vBeaatirat sale X; , .yi :ti 7,tzT arredtonta, the wholt relatives. Gllson acknowledges owing stock to 11 X . reBral ; iark&quiet" - u,.j, Of ' .it. - gTawiBf of aettcs of 8rmbola and , VT 11a Bored. HkM n ., wii. mciusiva, ox iLxporia make their purchases, they declare and- f 140 of the amount, and ay he paid Bieauy av.it. jsort1 rmavr 4iaarad.' tav t JtBMaeat. - fiew V xs m dlrork for from her ... to $40 husband that be specie) did eMaitatBBaeMiaM not sU shareholders lb nirn wapoaeot. r Mwntta in untow and oata Mm ao.sMl large ipmVM give week iav out to their him credit for; be has acknowledged ending tOHfaere ?7454000. iM t.! uiaatratea vTJ '""large fXcitah) Farm Wagoiis, Express 'Wagons, Masonic idends. No douDi, wnere tut hooka and with to this and several are OaiTiaejes, there foods ' persons, bottom lakrrsMS'ia08gT.t gaaV' X'ALLtoa-- . Mnoiesroitrys Tlnln4no the assets of the business much mora several persons who, know that he fixx f n. Ni!wYK. 8. Thef 4d of dlree debt: la fact the widow baa mnBi,iw iAr'wtf tbm 4r 1. h than counterbalance the Habjjlti.e, owes the ..f!:iv,tors fact.Mexlcau Com of Spring wagons. of of, Carts, that thes 1QJ gna, oicasf l Tegranh plenty proof Z0m W. SSEI.L. considering all at par.". Bat EVENING NEWS declarou a sctol-auBb- Salt Lakq a . ThOatre. X- - 4th8S. ; WML satis-Jacto- ry Previous to WOOLEN and KNIT GOODS, BLANKETS and COMFORTERS; . RAGS; and BONES Uiitliiini. Mill Cloaks, Sa ng cross-examini- g aH-ln- Ulsters, Dolmans, Circulars, Newmarkets Etc., : . 10,000 Miles Away! fiil-or- kmmm 3.-- Mrs. : smfi-itiat- Keiiei-Ye- restaumi Griffiths- REDUCED BSEoTLT PRICES d CLOTHING, lite, FumUhlna MATCHES. from the 1 4. peo-pL- HENRY WAGNER, i mum cleTrance sale. . V. .; ' 'F"' - .1 . -- A 1 . . 1 -- 1 to-d- DE. FOOT, ay Jr., VALENTINES de . 3P&DSTG- 3 1 Kole.-ik-- ill-wi- i one-sid- R. SAVAGE, . ll, Satins and Prencb Press Goods, ed w STRAW! PRICES. AT L- - wit:-OnAc-re- -- ( C !. S 5,00 per TON o I OUR MILLINERY DE PA R TM E N T nr . ; . - ai tel-eraii- to-tl- ay car-rif- It B Catarrh ns U 1 Cloak and Suit Depart't -- y com-munit- y . s - ni-'l-- e Kh-iru- : , - , e ee e . . - teU-tha- -I -- I I i 1 i tiiae-liooor- h 1'm-n- i ed ti-- e y I . m -- OUR SJEiOE DBPARTME1TT ' r -- rni II bal-uii- c, c- ' , . , - , : - :i- APOPLEXY. . ESTABLISHED XkJ E. - PLANT F. AUERBACH & BRO. xXo ttrHIlIll. ' PEOPLE'S IMPLEMENT CO., ; ' , Terri-proviHio- -- there-eembl- y V j'i iatr i ' , KMEASV-rtaxtb- H ia CARRIAGE BUILDING, HORSE SHOEING, HOMHBUIIiT 1 - and GENERAL BLACKSITIILNG. i , WAGON ,0?5JS? ,:-- Bft-ken- TEliBGRAPHi DANGEROUS Prcce, .. ;-- " I -' teliL Kt co-opr- atlv ; tr , Rrio-hto- - tr-aa- . y. . "11 FiBB-asi- d 1 . - (If , to' 2" M . 1 I -: I ?w,.Ubt -- 1 " . n . a.tahv rM . , am ., MeiaBdiafBtra,,ue, , , . ' . . , .. , ti - S(THJ:D a E.ets |