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Show FOR sldaol an indftiWsimal riiiiotlty; III jibing begging at a price which, no per J realitr thejr are , In the ranks hi the son can afford to raise it for: We understand that in certain parts overwhelming majority, and it ts the C. I. ter.ahd asked her i sh? was still deter- G.RAND GHAliiTlT BALL. mined, to give him up. She replied, ROOMS, O with W withoutFURNISHED "Ye." He then said, "We will see," Hoard, tor par Urn and drawing, a revolver, shot her The Kiath Annual Bad tor tb benefit of far apply SSS . First South Street. to fto. "Mormon1 people who preseevtb In New England' the manufacture of through the heart, and then shot himif fOOB O'OLOCK. nobleBlcture of a minority battling lot starch is carried on id a sort of a pri- self, but not seriously. Will b given la the ' right, conscience and freedom against vate way among the farmers during rtlNTED AXO fOPtlSMSD BY THF SQUARE FIAHO, he winter season ; and If it can be overwhelming numerical odds, seeking ACH1CKERIKG perfect More Troublecondition, En- la the Famttly. The OPERA HOUSE, Stock-takinWALKER here? of done If there not of thera rob freedom. to any why this Office. thJt at quire DESERET NEWS COMPANY. cAfflcnlty between Mr. H. G. Carroll our readers understands the process and bis former wife, Isabella 01 Brnnker, of its manufacture we hope they will still are still en THURSDAY EVE., JAN. 22, '85, and continues, WE OFFER OUR VERY DESIRABLE LINK OF they cmwson caSkdecision. be public spirited enough to give the deavoring to adjust the matter in the CHARLES W. PE2TR0SE, EDITOR, S. RICH HT J. RICHARDS, J. C03IMEXCIXQ AT 8:30 P. M. community, through the columns of DRS. and A. S. Bower have entered The delay of the United States Su the News, the benefit of their knowl courts. Mr. Carroll had already sued into partnership to practice meaiciue ana Isabella Brunker for converting $275 a decision in Office In the Deserct Hank BuUd in Court preme Including aurgerr. rendering 1885. SO, we and make this also Tnesday, request No. 9, First Sonth t. Janaarj in of hi personal property to her TipjrTf worth the Clawson habeas carpus case was edge; Supper, of others who can make suggestions own llUntld, he and has use, that ominous, considered generally and impart information that will tend Dretyrtat Ladles. another suit NOT VERY CONSISTENT. against Admitting Gentlemen when given It would be unfavorable to to the benefit. Let us hear hir for public she "forcible Executive Committee: entry," the It is unnecessary for LADIES' MISSKSV mul CIIILDUEN'S Flrel tnU Streel, It. 144 The Salt Lake Tribune, has been mak-iD- g us topetitioner.theause of this antlci from you. .rd a having torn down part of the walls of M. C. Phillips, J. Glendenaing, lab. Halt explain Sly, I Uke E. IS. Ulute, U. Y. Wallace, itself rldlculpus over the speeches his house and taken forcible possession The beea realized. has which Col. E. Sells. made by a couple of members of the patioii, of the same. At last accounts she stil J. Crosiek, Proprietor. of the the SALT DELIVERY FREE FOR favoring granting point CM.mMwt "holds the fort." Young ilea's Democratic Club, a week petition, of the prisoner have been al LAKE. E. Wilkes, Governor TERMS Jl.OO. $1.23 and $1.50 per day. Major Murray, . last Thursday. Had that paper not ready presented in great strength and Darke appears as counsel for ;. M. Scott, J. Harnett. ko Meal at all hear,, 25 cents. VV. C. H. W. Yeanan. some were Whitte-morLyman, e time taken as usual by oilier been the defendant, while Mr. C. O. and it is- not requsite to enter Tub steps that Mrs. Joab Lawrence, H. O. Whitney, and treated the matter fulness, K. Wilkea, postal delivery for represents the complainant and Jirti. R. U. Chambers. Mrs. K. a aiscoasiou of that character at ago to secure a free lute Louis Hyaiua, Mackintosh, Mn. with some color of moderation, its this juncture, tt Is a somewhat re this city are fresh in the minds of the willuse every effort to extricate Car- 3irs. ALL REASONABLE & FASHIONABLE GOODS C. Mrs. J. F. Hamilton. SALT LAKE CITY, encomiums might have passed without freshintr fact that two of the Supreme people. Considerable disappointment roll "from his matrimonial entangle- Mrs. J. Royle, Floor ConunlUcti AT exckhig'tb risibilities of those ac- Judges dissented from the decision, was felt wllen the announcement ment. F. Allen, J. J. McTiernay, V. F. James, CALPRSIAJREWERY C. A. Henry, quainted with the real status of the and our ouauaUSed conviction is that was made that the department at ! ci. B. Brastow, J. Moriu subject. But when it not only placed the minority vvera in this instance Washington had postponed the grant: color-blin- d are Cieneral who are Tersons an boon indefi of Cnil(Mc the for Alfales Young on an equal footing in in the promised ing LAGER BEER ALE and PORTER, S. A. Merritt, or green-blinSharp, right. The action of the court nite period. The hopes that were awak usuallyandeither vv . it. uancron. T. R. Jones. their infirmity is almost Mayor point of ability, foroe and inspiraWHOLESAXJK AMD RETAIL. a great hardship, to :0 : is work calculated W. H. Remington, ened iu the first place can now be re always confined to one color. Cases J. F. Little, tion with his father, the hilarity which not East Door Three South but Mr. Second to S. Street, others, J. Q. Packard, Clawson, only Erb, WE ALSO OFFER A CHOICE AND ELEGANT LINE OF are rare, and no O. we have information from a of was even joined in by some of the W. S. McCornick, A. ThoniuH, fror Main acree. dU be vived, as convicted been have who a is unable of known Illegally instance person reliable source that a Salt Lake free to J. K. Walker. P, L. Williams, friends of the youngs man, was S. C. Ewing, distinguish between blue and yellow. Major II. C. Hill, yond a doubt. n will effect into another da.s go delivery while postal HEN'S, BOY'S & 1 It is a remarkable fact that, quite lively. Among J. E. Dooley. here been has A Kayser. COUNTY TAX SALK. inaugurated process e Is more or less K. A. Irelfind, one man In twenty-fiv4th of next March. J. the the more sedate It had a decidedHogle, W. O. Galicher. by which any citizen against whom affection seldom ocHall, R R K A 3. THE TERRITORIAL It will be as well for the people who curs, amonif the Gents "tlVTH School Goods, Hats, Cojjs, Tltc, ly nauseating tendency. No wonder . Swift, R. Harkness, .. case J. one women, " only is nauie accusation and County Taxes assessed in to M. H. Walker, furnish having been observed by Dr. B. Joy A. .Podlecii, so, such were of the the and the, effects pr6ducetl placed by his enemies, can be Indicted, have not already donewith arainst property upon AND A COMPLETE STOCK OF iiord Park, I). W. Glans. their full Jeffries in an examinatinn of fourteen M. laa yum Davcnuon smelting ana .u. one jo..ior upon those familiar with the qualities the open venire Jury plan teing ad their correspondents J. C. Iloyle, II. Cuilen, ana to dollar D. 1SS. A. amounting so as to hurdred. benefits Insure the an A. W. men Incongruof the two addresses, 8. Paul, Pitt, by such cents (11.80), remain eighty W. H. Sherman. adapted! for the accomplish W. A. Stanton, Men's, Women's, Misses', and Children's Boots, Shoes and 3f the delivery system. I V'uth.iiiKl Vunpaid. 'V,. .inn., Ii, lire ous comparison. The illastrious father mirably the and : of ment that open ohject, tor for Salt Lae County, Utah Territory, by Supper Committee me nines. Developments are steadily pointing of Alfales was a man among men. HiiDDer UQOds, at trices to BUSINESS NOTICES. virtue of the authority vostea in nie bv tnc Mrs. T. R. Jones, Mrs. G. Y. Wallace, venire trial jury system ives almost to the fact that this is oiie of the most of force of An mind, His An of the of Act S. D. grasp Legislative Mrs. K. A. Mrs. Tuttle. provisions Smith, as tirm an assurance of conviction as COMPLETE STQCK OF TIIE CELERHATED WALKER OPERA tfOUSE. Mrs. J. Jlogle. cities of its size on the sembly of the Territory of Utah,meentitled will and inspiration have In some in progressive Most of rem to provide Revenue tor Act An Evidence indictment. of previous Masmore modern John Maeuire. Mauaeer. Grand the counties there respects moved the world, but who uch a condition of jurisprudence is a continent. Provo Woolen Mills. Wooleit Goods from of St. Mark's Rigbt tory of Utah and the several Trustees Four Prizes Tirv. S2, 1S78, and of the such as the telephone, (inerade Ball Rev. C. M Arm- of' approved February n. a Tuttle. D. !..Hospital ever knew ol Alfales moving anything? improvements, the levied at have March amendments he I upon Grand be C. K. will thereto, consideration. riven away. jury electric light, etc., have been adopted Chambers, J. F. Hamilton, M.U., strong. We consider it unKind to the jounp secoudary namod property, to wit : 8.80. Spectators' tickets, 60 cents and Joab Lawrence. F. W HUhnir. Geo. A. Lowe following is the chief object or Lana iu me onnwesi xnree H. Acres (3) now It Is the first of all tte 85 cents, and now omce Hupt. man to perpetrate such Jokes upon hat will convict here, open. uoi a coior of Section twcivc iowubui will furnisn evidence tae that quarter a to have towns free Territorial . Last Sa (1 One South hit). Whether ihelr perpetrator knows of cuilt postal (S). Three Rane coming next. The decision of delivery. G6 to J. Q. Cutler & Bro. for PROVO W A. J5T Lake Meridian, and will sell the same or eg it or not their effect cannot be bene the HOME-MAD- E WOOLEN of Uuitea the Court much thereof as may be necessary to pay tne OTHER and Supreme conAJS to be We the understand MUST HAVE ficial to him in any respect. We have FOOT. JR., Taxes and Costs, alt l'ublic Auction, at the city confirm GOODS, Flaunels, LInsey, liianKets, TK.other . Clawson in Case, soon the States and ia surgeon, front door of the County Court House, Sal physician to of efforts the etc. Indebted n unkindly feelings for him personal Wool siderably Battinsr, Socks, Stockings, won up. Lake City, on the 31st lay of January 1SS5 Salary good. Must be that ot the Supreme Court ol tne Hon. John T. Caine, our Delegate to No. 43 West First South Street. possible. ing differ he much how iroay matter no at 11 o'clock M. Jy, 123 to 131 South Temple Street. keeps open the avenue tha Congress, for the promised early addiNATHANIEL V. JOXE3, from us, and therefore we regret to see Territory, of the ROCGSI oeen COIOIIS." for purpose has opened Collector for Salt Lake County tion to the local postal facilities. such extremes resorted to In placing SXjTRAY. Ask for "Hough on Coughs," far into County CoUector'ia Office, No. 3. County hi in Titon a chimerical eminence on summarily thrusting people cases prison sore Hoarse 7m Throat, to the 'rhj Colds, ioc. JLiauid. ABOUT FOUR Court House, bait Lake City, January pending the appeal of their RED d5 s2 ness. ac. which he cuts a very sorry figure. Troches, ALIGHT brantHM V on left bin. has 18S3. M. CANNON old, A. tribunals. PRESIDENT higher - The li.on lit. mv n ftTA tor several weeks. Tha position expressed by Messrs J ARRESTED. Gent's and Ladies' Holiday slippers, owner It IS a common sense proposition can have it by proVing property and COU'TY TAX SALE L. Rawlins and ALfales Yoilng at the s. at selection he to uunford advertixwur. the law was nev er Intended elegant paying expense ,1of n. n RE AS, THE TERRITORIAL AJfD WANTED. PENROSE HE HOX. meeting already mentioned does not that CW. ii.inMi. as an engine of oppression. To VV School and County Taxes assessed Mountain Dell, Parley's Canyon. and Catarrh from I Free Been appear to die ont. It keeps being used a man have tw a bailable the American Antimon y Company lw 31 convicted of We learned this afternoon a warrant cold In head the past year. I uied against vear January, 10, 145. thrust outward through the Tribune punish 18H4, amounting to four dollars for tli j to as the decision a recommendHave offense Balm. of arrest had been Creaai Prest. served eiihtv pending cents of and remain upon ($4.8u). means. unpaid Other Ely's By and by way keep NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. of his conviction, la not Angu9 M. Cannon. We understand the ed It to manv. It worked like a charm. Therefore, I, aatnamoi . Jones, uouec A SPECIALTY. ing theall rolling we here reproduce legality tor for Salt Ijike CountV. L tah Territory D. insurance Wolfe, Agent, J, not therefore atid CAB stood H good IIL'SIXESS RRETOrORH be to sense, cohabitation. unlawful vested mHE ine bj in of charge bv virtue the authority N. a letter in point, from an esteemed J. JL ried on by the Salt Lake Foundry Jt tne provisions of an Act of the Legislative tha' When we went to press the gentleman Princeton, WORK GUARANTKKI). GOODS WARRANTED. ladv. connected with the Church. The iaw. it is now decided Machine Co.. in bait Lake City, is now under Assembly of the Telrwory of Utah, eitiued Is bail ot matter was the UOT11KRS., discretionary In thp tnanMvAtnAiit uid control of the ander"An Act to rroviae iKeveuue ior vne i em custody. communication appeared In the Tri ou: signed, said company having transferred torT of Utah and the several counties there A couple of depute United States If vou are falling; broken worn Hewith the jude who tries the case. bune of last Thursday : and delivered its property to inefor certain of, approved February 22, 187S, and ot the XT X Xj This power in the hands .of a Court Marshals also called at the Kews and nervous, use " Wells' Health 2 purposes named in two aeeas. DeanoK uate amendments tnereto, nave leviea upon tne $1. Druggists. newer." piAxo-non- v 1. IKS4. respee Double AuiruBt and of June id. "Eds. Tribune: It is evident you whose discretion is exercised in oppo- omce, to wit: BUOr.lKR, Single, following: named property, a war armed wltu oe oarnea mi on, win Tne d business nd Dralae ud Messrs. Young and Rawlins J Southwest tively. of Land cauts, is Acres the Nine (9) sition to the commonest right of rant for the arrest of Mr. Charles in ray name, and all debts auarter of Seetion Tbirty-oaMKAT "A HI'S mid (SI), in Town the farther uotice.comoanv of RPIMNO because of their opposition to the dom from WAGONS, looseness suffer ma If to mi will be paid is a powar calculated to work W. Penrose, editor in chief of the bowels. Amroatwr Bitters will sure- - due the said Bl'CiCUOAltOS. two (S. son in or usne une ii, nasi inant churcn. to wnicn tney are inai CARTS, . . as no one is authorized to collect the debts shio Salt Lako Moridian, and will sell the same Vehicle. for all they possess and serious wrong in any community es News. The officers entered- - upon an . v nrf "tou.w KCWar OI. coumeneiis lie blc.ssod with nn A No. nnd liuinc but rectly indebted said accounts of ralniujze cntcrpriic and neccs myself. company as so bo or may much tuereui the eniov. Who are these modest (7) and pecially where judicial benches are inteifvrc scixl lo the I I. Co. lo lc pvupciiy hlil. Horses or lor that ask G. A. Trustee. anI druggist grocer at your GIACyCK. to and taxes sarv. tbe costs, pay es public expedition through the urecious (?) upstarts, if you pleasel?) IHMEDIATKLl' il, AilH,arenuine article, preparea oy ui. a. ;.T OF VAI.I.F.V anction. at the front door of the Count misslocan exploring filled by , but the object of their B. Slegert What have they done to develop and occasionally &'Sons. JOHN W. 'I V LOR, 1'resident, Court House, Salt lake City, on the 31st day build up Utah and to make her the judges. CLO. F Gllil;i, Sen ctm-- tmd Treasurer. ai. MERCILAJN of January, 1380, mt u solicitude didn't happen to be around she is.' lo wuom KATHANIEL V. JOXES. PEOPLE. prosperous Territory ft Pon are no longer coimct ted with the 1'. 1. Company, theA Coin TIII. S. Adam when d s is Altaies Young indebted for his money Collector for Salt Lake County. li Wells' Health Renewer " restores ,jny having porchnsed their inlerest. and education? and what of Joseph S. Ccenty Office. Bo. Collector' Coaarr cures and and vixor Dyspepsia. AND KEUTILIZE The Riwiins? Are they honoring their Cbart Uovse, Salt Lake City, Jaaaary Stb, 11 dO S3 fathers in payment for these legacies? 1S85. SOURCES. IMaordera Did President Brignam Young ever Throat For Coughs and talk like his illustrious (?) scion, use Brown's uroncniai WILL OPKJT OCT AT irocnes. should be the study of every persoL PER WESTERN UNION TXLEOKAPM LIMB. COUNTY TAX SALK. Do his gangrene sentiments, a? It Have never changed my mind respect- of the has welfare who the communitj 1 thinK Detter ol tnaa vaooreel at the Theater, barmonixe tni 7LXS . . b except lug them, RREA8 THE TERRITORIAL, anv uarticular with those of his fatherr at heart to devise means ior develop which I began thinking well of." lien,. In the building lately occupied by th TV School and County Taxes assessed AnvbodY that knew or heard his father, ing the latent resources of the couutr Henrii Ward lietcher. Sold only in London Sank of Utah. eaiastw. T. Clements, lor tne year a. u. knows that Alfales Is lighting him iu LATEST BV .LIGlUTNLHtt. boxes. ad1&4. amounting to two dollari and forty act and sentiment. What of young and utilizing to the best possiblewhich SEIIVICKSOF THE rAVINrO SECURED cents (J. 40), remain unpaid. Is he an improvement on vantage the muscle and brains Rawlins? the well known caterer, jeff clabk, fleeted. KOCKil ON PAIM." Therefore, I, athaniei v. jonos, collectwellof tne ult-cook or for Salt Lake tkunty, bv virtue of the Alfales? If so, in what particular? He are now idle among us. at the services nipht excolic. Cures H. I., 20. Jonathan cramDg. diarrhoea; ovster cook. WM. rELTOM. I am authority vested in ma by the provisions of Providence, knows that his father and mother are connection we may remark Chase In trna.!lv "for aches. Dains. sntains. known was elected U. S. Senator to now prepared to furnish Meal at all hours. An Act of the Legislative Assembly of the not Dleased with his course; that hefil-is- that this For 2& hav Idle who iheumatism. headiicnd. not onlv are those for cenU.to merchants and business men. Territory of Utah, entitled. "An Act to pro neuralgia, 50c. day by the lo. lowing votes : Chase, T8: man or beast. oDoosiite them as with tire. What vide He venue lor tne Territory or iio ana 2) and Isaac ueii, Jr liai affection! What a reyereuce for nothing to d6, but those also who wiiiiam r. snemeia, t; F. H. GRICE, the several conntues thereof," approved Darents! What dutiful, loveabie and might be better employed. For in- of Newport, 22. PROPRIETOR. a tf 32, 1878, and ot tbe amendments Februarynave But they contend that stance, there are many In our comnoble sons leviea upon tne ioiiowingr HOME-MADE domination. SILKS! thereto, Cooper's: named property, their sires were and are in the daTk; In 20. N. various are skilled The who democratic Albany, Y., w' that taev know a great deal more than munity Eighty (bo; acres oi land in tne outDeast HOME-MAD;idLl-y(t). Township three quarter of Section Two i their sires; thattby have drjak !ons; branches of mechanism, or the arts, senatorial caucus was held this morn une DRESS C.QOIIS, Houtn bast eait when Edward Cooper, of New S1JLK (3), Kange uie er and dived deeper ior me je wei oi in PATENT ROLLER MILL CO. Ueridian. and will sell the same or so much but for want of means or encourage- ing, received 'i votes, Joseph Pulit OTTOMANS. C.'KOXiJIlAINS, i ork, Be necessary to pay the Taxes they are ment to follow the pursuits to which zer mav as spiratioa, ana consequently thereof 21. and Win. Smith 2. Cooper's PIAIM SATINS CBUCASED better nostad.- Are they better posted? and Costs, at the front door of the County aixd JKE AII.KS Do they know more? Are they better they have bean trained, are now work- nominatton was'maae unanimous. Court House. Salt Lake Citv, on the 31st day Worth : No. Mill 53 Street, Temple of January, 1886, at 11 o'clock M. and more competent teachtrs than ing as common laborers or farm hands Alo, IIAKDKRCHIEI, for sale AssJgrned. A'os. OJJice: 'J I South Jempie NATHANIEL V. JONES. their parents? If left to be answered It is not unreasonable to regard such a Farm Wagons, Express Wagons, by West Prices, Manuta:turers Carriages. Street, Collector of Salt Lake County. bv the thousands who knew their sires, PiTTsnuKG, 20. J. F. White, asso. If Ore his skill he might, Deliviery Wagons, ciate jndie ot common pleas court ro Wagons, what answer do you think would o; man as idle when County Collector's Office, No. S, County Ikiggries, hense South of Silk Factory, rlCaflon BRANDS: to Chas Conrt House, Salt Lake City, January 8th, returned? Poor, simple, theoretic, im were properly utilized, earn as much in 2, made an assignment in TCorl. Sleds, sa Carts, Blcigrhs, d5 Spring AVagons. I860. IIIttH PATEHT, McKenua. Esq., for the Deneflt of simple practicable, unbaked, unripe days as would hire a laborer or F. his creditors. Liabilities about $75,000, Me, 1, BAUEB'S tons! One sauare rod. of Brigham two STRAYED. assets probably not more than half that FAMIXT He. S. Young's counsel and example is worth farm hand for a week. COUNTYJTAX SALE rv. rv It has been said that he who causes amount. PLEASANT :tt more, and will yield infinitely richerrROM HE RE AS, THE TERRITORIAL I DASH forehead enact: uutne and tail, small spot n HlbHLb Pttibt rmu rynnntxl. and more lucious fruits to a connruuu- two blttflpQ of irwtn fl' .1 w tvV" hi1 ' School and County Taxes assessed elated. on aim tnree feet wnite. orandea I and against M. r . Clements, for the vear A. D. thiirh and 4 and C P on left shoulder. bling seceders from the faith of their has not lived, in vain. How great a 1884, amounting to one dollar and twenty Office TelephiMae,San Francisco, 20. The Traus leftAlso Mill Telephone Xo. 371. a black venerable and esteemed fathers, to benefactor then is iron dark Stal errey ecu is 11. zuj, remain unpiua. orjvery who can find Continental Railway Association has Hon, .o. 387. two years old, branded 4 on left whom they owe their lives, their tal means nearly Therefore. L Nathaniel T. Jones, Collector ELIAS MORRIS, Sept. dtf to utilize that which before agreed to form an eastern and western slMiuIder. ror salt uiae couatv, Utah Territory, by ents and their mODcy. If Alfales 1 to he 04 former or them delivennir in contribute pool. eivinir pe person virtue of the authority vested in me by tbe Any Young has ever done a day's work, has went to waste, and thereby furnlshem-ployme- cent., the latter 46 Der cent. Both formation that i iU lean to their recoverr to 01 an Act 01 tne Legislate as ever driven a pound of nails, has ever prunnuM for aiid enable many of his pools will be under one commissioner ueonte C. Lamlert, Deseret News Office cinbly of the Territory of L'tah, entitled, produced a utilitarian article, let him fellow creaturcts to live well, whero ana conjointly furnish the eight pe will be suitably rewarded. tt djts An aci to proviae itevenue ror the rem Owing to contemplated I tory announce it. And has Rawlins done DON'T or Ltah and the several counties SEND EAST to be bouus cent, the abk-tnorthern even before if paid a an Is much more? But he they barely existed, orator; 1878, and or thereof," approved February IOR kind of Demosthenes. In all the prac do that. There are men among u i lines. tue anieaainent tnereto, have levied upon HAY FEVER tne ioiiowmg named property, to wit: tical values of life, one good young who are capable of doing that, though Nominations. EXTENSIVE ALTERATIONS ! 18 a type of caa.ignty (BU) Acres ior Land in tho North mechanic or farmer is worth an acre s Wa .20 . . WrI zht g Ca D h rrol not in east in ton of Two themselves Section the Town havinir may tarrh ie(2). possess quarter of such "fried froth" Infidels. This is they CUliarsvmutoms. commissioner of ZSOraTs oMr snip Three (3), South Range (1), last of Salt the first time I have ever troubled a necessary executive ability to carry out of Massachusetts, same or ao uu the and sell is will It warren attended ree by jseriuian, oi Home-Malauor; When Oregon, can In the amntmeol of onr Departments, lruut,Office, Lakeview you newspaper with my sentiments, conse that which they understand in theory ister of the Land buy the an lnnamea conmien tnereot as may oe necessary to pay taxes the and at the at as queutly I trust you will elve them and can teach to others. lindition costs, article the CHEAP of auctiou, and public S. O. Swackhanier, Oregon Oreeon; i door vour oot of the in and front throw n Court Journal, House, Salt County place BETIKB FINISHED. DISI of gthemembrane A man died ;in our community not Lake CUy.ou the SIM day of January, 1IW5, register oi Lana vmce, Lagrange.Ore them aside because they are in opposi uostrila, gon. COUNT - ducts TO and DEALERS AS tear WE ARE COMPELLED tion to your. long .since who was a very cyclopedia Mrs. J. L. Miller. XATHANIELV. throat, LOW. affecting Slocks. , J0XE3, miaA of knowledge, 'and was familiar with if,?.v a J the luofri. Ad 0 Collector for Salt Lake County. Mill Cruek, Jan 12tb, 1885. 9 AST Snd direct kto acrid mucus is 5TRKET, 20. Stocks firm. At the details of a - dozen different wall - to orri ocr No. Collector's 3, Office, County County the disecreted, Hen N. Y. Lake iue Shore and Court an Salt opening In House, attempt to diminish the force branches of industry that might be es- tral were a fraction lower, but later on tjke City, January 8th, scharge is with C. of that caustic and Incisive communl SAVAGE, tablished in our midst to utilize the me entire list movea up x to 1. Louis 4 a senua burning cation the paper which originally puO natural resources of the country, ville and Nashville leading. COUNTY TAX SALK. tion. There are Art Bazar, Salt Lake City. Hi lished it made this statement: severe spasms of which would furnish employment Win. M. E tarts Atonilnated- kIT k TrDPTTl Pi ERISASva THE a UISUI VfliLULi, ER sneezing, f r e to of hundreds, thousands, perhaps School and Coentv Taxes, assessed woman who wrote 20. The Senate formally "Bat. did the roed quent uttacka of (0 Albany, amountsnepparo, ror tne year 1884, vast for- suomitted the nomination of Wm. M headache, water and Id flamed eyes. the above letter to Thk. Tjubcxjc ever men, and against by which H t cents ing to two dollars aad Cream Balm la a remedy founded on a stop to thluK how different the Jtah tunes might be made. But he lacked isvarts ior benator Evarts re correct or remain unpaiu. 191.00;, or? dlasnosis of this disease and can be P v of would have been bad the both the means and the executive ceived nineteen and Cooper thirteen rPKAAM. J..k..t.1 3 depended upon. SOcts. at druggists ; 00 cts. Klder Young been like the younger? Lake votes. Salt tor for Utah Comnty, by Territory, 10 mail. bottle cts. Sample by by mail Would men and women have blindly ability to put his theories into pracvirtue of tbe authority vested In me by the (of Sew Tork.) ftlJLiY BROAL. P5 Chicken TMeves Killed. Oawefo, N.T lroiata. 01 an .actioi tne Legislative Asooeyea men no Drignter man ineni- - tice, and passed away without himseif prunaious ot the of nave a sembly and Author, entitled America's and been would 20. there Territory Lecturer, Evans seives, The police of tub, -or others profiting to any great extent Ind., 10 rroviae uevonae ior the Terri shame-marah Act on of the this city ville, shot and killed two chicken Greatest of Utah the which he the Spoclalltt. several and tory by couuties therknowledge possessed. children her?" 0 tnieves this morning. They had Loeated permanently at Salt Lake City. eof' approved February 22. 1878. and of the He was not unwilling, but rather been outearly in the suburbs a and had amendments have levied upon tha thereto, large The "good woman" might consistnamed property, to wit anxious to impart that whlh he knew number of fine chickens In bairs on following Office hours, 10 to 4 aad 7 to S p. aa.-- e One Handi-eand Twenty (HO) Acres of ently answer that If the elderhad been to others, thus a degree of their backs. The men attempted to manifesting uuu ib oonineaat quarter er section ine resist the officer and beat him over the like the younger, Utah would have Five in and unselfishness much (5), very, 3), South Had re Township liberality a head with club. Alain St, between d and Sd Boata Street.) One (1), East of SaltThree been, so far as he was concerned, a to be admired ; ut his worth was not Lake Meridian, and Which we wU Sell will aaroe tell so the or much barren wilderness thereof at Besides, appreciated while he lived. COXSTJI.TATI0N FRII o all Kerrftua, may be necessary, to pay the Taxes and UiujI obedience is a myth, so far as the Blood, Chronic and Female Diseases Costs, at public auction, at the front door et Our obect irf alludin? to this subaad Deformities, etc. iY the County Conrt House, Salt Lake City, on Mormons" are concerned as a body, Methods of Treatment Homorpathy, iv ain usr os umnuary, losj, at lz o Cloca M but is advocated in a certain shape in ject now Is to encourage those who Eolectic, Klectrioity.'MagneUaas susdMedi-eaieLATEST NATHANIEL V. JONK3, etc. llaths, Mr. Rawlins' speech, be taking the possess definite knowledge in regard Collector for Salt Lake Connty. FATCUEa Write far bet f t'nrM'jOaaraalMa. new to of branch that any industry nrstiOBs, testimonials, circulars, ate. County Collector's Office, No. 8, County ground that evey law should be Tbe Pnrtttiou- o( fgypt. be established among us, or the Visit made. Phrenological Chart fivee Court Hoese, Salt Lake City, January 8th, obeyed, no' matter how repugnant to may c 20 The St. James aa sx CLliAN Gazette London, 8TRAVV, the intelligence or conscience of those further development of any already hears CASH PAIDat FOB that will solve the England to whom It U applicable. - The Tribune started, to Impart that knowledge Egyptian trouble by assuming for a PAPEU 1HLL. COUNTY ITAX SALK. WE ARE the entire administraperiod WE ARE to brand Its hero of the hour with a through the medium of our columns certain Txra toof and tion Middle Lower or that others stimbe Kgypt, otherwise, may "shame-mark- " T aaaaaaaJ d CosatT School seems out of joint with Taxes f gether with all financial gaum XDomas xi. fage, ror tbe year A. I CHRISTMAS' its fulsome eulogies. But probably the ulated to engage in. the same if they ties, giving to the Saltan responsibiliUpper snd eaa, amounting 10 one aouar ana twenty are able not themselves to io. do with or any port Equatorial Egypt, cents. ((i.90k remain unpaid.. Q person at whom the approbrium is Persons possessing a practical know- porta on the lied Sea. The mission of Therefore. I. Nathaniel V. Jones. Cnllee flung doesn't mind It much. Lake tor for Salt Hassan Fehral Pasha. Turkish Minister Goaaty, Luh Territory, by ledge of chemistry find the. material Just read tui rubbish: virtue of the authority vested In me by the of Justice, ia believed to be connected existing .here la abundance for the with of An Act of the Legislative an provisions a scheme for the partition of NEW YEAR "She forgets that the business of the manufacture of a great many articles Egypt. mi una xeniiory ox c tan, aiwwiii titled, UNDERSOLD. An Act to provide Revenue for the Terrielder Young was not to work, but to that are UNDERSOIL imported In considerable tory of Utah and the: several connties there make others work for hira; the busiWilliam to Saeeoeri Prlnee S3, 1878, and of approved of," the We In February this ness ,of Alfales Young Is to teach peo- quantities. may mention aroeadaiemts thereto, have levied ple to work for themselves, auu to connection the chemicals used princiaernea property, to wtt: upon tbe following 20. J think for themselves. Whicu is the pally in the manufacture f paper. General ManUuffel, Berlin, 140) Acres of Land in the Southeast Forty more noble and holy employment? I sarter ot Section Twenty. nine (28), Town. u'lveruurui aishcc, Loraiue. nas re Test Tour BaHua Pewier Mechanics and farmers are good, bnt if We require at least $2t,000 worth Of covered froin his illnass, but'he Insists ahip Two. ), Sontk Range One (i), JCast Salt Lake Meridian, and will sell the same Messrs. Young and Rawlins are only poda ash and chloride of lime daring upon the acceptance of his resignation.. Brand advertised as absolutely pure n Li or so xnoco tnereot as may be necessary to The rumor is revived that Prince Wilis true to themselves, they will be of the Tear for oar new naner mill, all of nam Wh.ea tbla fit Uea place, tt may be nay the Taxes and Costs, at Phblie Anction. De more valae to their people thdto 'which must be will oi bis frussia appointed the front door lof the Coantv Conrt imported, and' yet we successor. m known by load breathing and loae of at their fathers ever were." UDiih. Salt Lake Citv. on tba aimt n THK TtSTt understand the materials for the man' . .... sense or at u o'clock U. Jsaaaxy.laclS. motion. Write to Pot Oat. -a MoFine a mn dt down oa-President Brigham Young had not ufacture of thesecoropounds exist here ' bet HM XATKANIEL V. JONES. Aeham-- 1 tbn rvmuvetbeeaveranduMU. DHl"EJ. London, 20. The Are on the steamer rrct.tl, Collector lor Bait Lake County. only the ability to direct and advise as In our Territory Jn abundance. ; i l not be required to detoet the preaanoe of Atubq, from Galveston, for Bremen, AaBOMnia, to the labors of others, being phenfof modlclae, which will be forwarded ecoaa OoUectori Ofllce, Ko. , Connty r There are many things Imported to which arrived off Dover, Jan.. 15, has dAw , Conrt Hoane, Salt Lake City, Jaaaary 8th, j by expreu. affamiliar with toe .... . omenally general onr Terr)tory whjch may appear trifllig Deen exungmsnea.. fairs of life, as evinced by his long and lq their nature and Tbo F re neb Invasion. scarcely worth any useful career, but he was himself one one's while to engage In the manufac 20. Advices i from Tonquin ! Pakis. of the most indefatigable workers. ture of, but which would at the arrival of more reinforce report if least, ' l i FQH- UAPIE3 can Alfales do in What the matter of made here, furnish ments of French troops. A general SUBSTITDTE8 ORj CHILDBtM, i : i employment for otthe one to of Invading is others those work some' Idle hands during the winter forces is teaching expected to hegla at things that, up to date, are past finding season, and that is an Important Item. ol the present t t i mouthy laf. out. , ... 4, t. rt A large proportion of onr : WiU leave MIKM . .' ) . ol tMupension. t Bedaetlon HORSFORD'S ACID PHOSPHATE community The statement that those yoang men woo are luuy- ; employed during . Lox KrN,-2Notice has been conWednesday , JlTetB5g a January :28th, will be-- "of Infinitely more value to the warm pat of the Several inferior and taHgwsos eabatl year spicuously posted, lo., the Moarnoulh " Uie for Horafes lutes Ad their people than "their father ever could well afford to work for Forees and Tin Plate worka genuine Phosphate f are bein, offered for tale : a6 SICBAXTXTO, SAX rui xcisco, im statlpg that tbe works will have to b were," is surpassingly rich. It may be half wages during the winter. we me caution aeaieTt and nereDy acor puUlc . CILB0T, SLJilA ; CKUZ, . 30X, ,tho workmen must suspended ' Mgaint btryin? or using- them, u thev wflj pertinent to ask who "their people" Starch Is one of these triflinir items. cept a reduction of wa3. The reason same effect upon th4 Or other Goods la ear line, either t!e ' H0XTEBST, Etc n'.tprodoe are. We presume It U the Latter-da- y iyt A pet son is apt to imagine In view of asalgnad Is the continued depression in tern ai the genuineHortford'i, aad tar tfith privilege of itopplnj over after' reach the Iron tirade. K AM Saint that are meant, but those young the small quantity eoaie of the as aae eanaeroae jngredieateia Sacramento going, ana at pieasara required for his own ; .i iVing 'o health. Choice of three roatea :'' men have not only "practically , cut retnraiug. Uk Rassla. ,j Aneerieoa the Calm0 manuthat ot these " cbsUrDtaa er Imkattons family the during year Some ' - hetweea Sacramento and' ' themselves adrift from the people, but facture of etarch could r Iilute Saa FranclecOte, ve simply Pnoephorfe Acid, which lbe St. Petkrabobo, f ': hterteree with the digestion; while aha turned their backs upon them in the made profitable, ) nor tendscarcely' has received the draft of a contract V m wane. to much " t DOES ixty cansee HOT Hortford'" ftuine C0TTAJ5 uol only oe ex Eastthe subm'tted of governor by hour of trial. To talk about "their check Importation. But we find! that MooUiewith the tiye BnllMWassU digf orgam, a which ern WtVCK FARE for Rpiiritf Trip, $B2a5&: ' , Before 70a examine our Siberia, proposed to concedo aeeist la their action. 4, people" under the circumstance no less than $30,060 worth and f Mia mblleaaooMrraenart-r- ef a J to an American company the monopoly It ta One ' that offeiel Is indeed cmriouj. for 1eliif Would ' their nearer $80,000 worth of starch perhap f reparation hunt-in25 years of tbe f uf trade and g for eonwimersreiinnieiaai. Im is tale, by Uie rallea, eowtalns Heta- or F, ro- - Foe M EXTBsr rpa mar bare a sjaatrlp fathers ever be found in such a posifar animals on the Itaaslaa Pacine ., ii TKEf TEST Cr TVZ' OYEH. t imiiMino &cra, wiki mrw aeciarea ut tae to Utah annually,, and yet no ..?i ;. coast, tion? It is unnecessary to answer the ported htghest aatborityeo ba stsieies. 'The amount of capital Is required for great Price Baking Powder prearalKa miae aoatalae Cbiorte Any person going with this party that Dave llaagred ior Hnootiac; nla question., These jonag mea may be Its manufacture; and all the materials Acid, which is a eompoaa4 ot Cbkoriaa. on fan ' Care m the V. C. K. 1L and anv U " m m., o. Westera roa4 te boarti or fj exhilarated by the patting on the back necessary litrfordjM aMtAiB .iiaither, of the la. PCS t wLIthebmu.reta.-aeare here in abundance. Why. Dr. PriceV Soedal FbvrJncr PxtAdtJ irrediehU. free an cartLanata Dgden. ; ;f. , are the who 20. from Thomas unscrupureceiving they Parry.' thousands of bushels of. potatoes have Galway, if. ewe MibsaMatee Ttseae his llaMe murdered sweetheart,Alicla Burns, "J I lous enemies of li people. They may i years t awB aataral . - aiJ oeen allowed to waste f ot 14 November last, was hanged y. ONCE.:' Ton eaa aae.nra fonmd ;aU 'aaaai Hernial he "AtTtY 1 Ttrnwjsa think they present a' fine spectacle in want of psi a maket, that might have been Parry was engaged to be married to ' iUeates of rttfoslt from B. 1L Schettiar Offiit i hetr eiseaakieaa; : 'V, the ' enunciation ol their proposed utilized in this manufacture: and Anr. Mlaa Burns, and she broke the engageSalt Lake, or Cashier, 7Jl hsrrngs Bank, Wh Tar UeM. bMrLia The ' CAUL forOi iL Dry a'nd one over hundred ich lipoid ment. traveled aa4 HOUBVOBA'S,"' He in Ogeee, .... It TAU . liberalism, TMKlstMMrM.' , appear another thing which la largely used In miles for making i veeeenren r ay etoaOay, Jaaaary of committinar DT BCUSL OU - . 0 OIUJER. - NEVI8 FOR SALE BY CROCfBS . ;. ,.l . . ... . tbe nuroose that they are boldly fighting on ; the the manufaeturapf the article, is now meueea, ' tie xouna uer wiuiuersie CHICAGO. .. J: ; a ua. ,deiKi.w.me-- ' ; j u ii yffi. . knt: j.,, , KV BN1NG- NEWS ITRST-CEAS- jj St. Mark's Hospital, FOR SALS; Previous to - NOTICE the to-d- $5.00. ay JsK. g WOOLEN and KNIT GOODS, BLANKETS and COMFORTERS; it.-anc-e CITY HOTEL, W Ulsters, Dolmans, Circulars, Newmarkets, Etc., Cloaks, : S.-W- - HENRY WAGNER, REDUCED GREATLY red-bli- PRICES d, nd violet-blindne- ss W.-O- olor-blin- d, CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, Furnishing . m the - I 1 to-riiz- ht - I II. . TED : - ELDHEDGE, PEOPLE'S TAIPLEMENT it CO., O-- VV WAGON and CARRIAGE BUILDING, m . GENERAL BLACKS 1.T1IING. HORSE SHOEING, - T i;kkkin; umn-gvatc- e i l'll-ICtO- . . .. v-.- v- - T'S LUNCH STAND thcy-calle'- .'. ita BY TELEGRAPH, Al-faie- s? N 1 tabll-ibment- latent carts, . B.-- T- CHOP HOUSE ST., AMERICAN. WH - - 1 ' PIONEER E '. - STUDEBAKER'S ; . to-d- : ay w -- I : F. AUERBACH - h-- ; BRO nt 2-- CatarrH 1 VALENTINES - ft de - O R. . to-da- to-d- three-fourt- A mmi a T A Entire tor Jr., 1 T O 11 hs STYLISH to-da- toe eighty-eigh- DE. FOOT, y. ay k- uMUHnn i Y-FEV- TJivnoisr STRAW! y. I'OKEIQ GOODS d bxjooxc, Regardless of Cost! d TKANN-ATI.A5T1- C 1 MERRY taiAs, 85,00 per TON NEVE R ie NEVER e, Mmm-tanB- eL To-D- ay APOPLEXY. EH A-- . 1 '.: iiA.'isrx a ; - i . , -- ;hnni'fi forward-moveme- DANGEROUS CALIFOKNIA. i mm nt thna S l Dress Goods, Hosiery, Iiaocsi CLOAKS Curtains, Millinery Blankets, 0. -- to-da- 5 Silka, Velvets,' bhoes, Carpets, .' - . j B y, - l- - !,sl Ltll . or , . datc -- ; tt -- Eeti a 0 y i - j- Q:- - 1 - ( ttjyHtow Dr.?PrIctlrTnitf to-da- u, d . 1 . . - K K . ffyf V 1 l H.W'. r mbo-aseraaeat- . ., '. it . T'.n." ....... 1 5. ! 5 BOTTOM PRICES! i. , supisaaioRi goods !H$j ,, l Ajfirr; |