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Show ' - C I, , L AS IOC O'CLOCK DESERET liEWSjCOHPAIY. C31RLES W. FmOSX, EDIT02. IS, 1IH. the scnooi ...tax! squabble . . , The litigation la the Third District Court, over th school tax question, Is ludicrous and jet shameful. Thc laughable part Is the attempt to tarn Jntean- - election a meeting of taxpay crs.'to determine whether they will i tu to agree to the! assessment of build a Ischoolhoose. The shameiol tbe-- falsehood to which a nam part la me ber ol claiming to be respectable hare resorted, for the purpose of avoiding payment of a tniil tax In' the Interest cf general education. The statements that are set forth In that part of the complaint which seeks I was.flghtlngthe. games onJtheblazlng carpet saturated with coal oil, with s- Finding the lire palr of blankets. gaining headway, as she first attempted 7 to, smother them in bne place, then another and another, leaving the blankets over the part where the blaze was largest, she with rapidly moving fingers stripped 'her person of her outward apparei,"tiscd it to good advantage in smothering the fire and fought nobly till victory ; """" crowned her efforts. . ' " . While all this was proceeding the children in the bouse were ottering piercing screams and all was confusion and fright, but Sister aueOvoVnad appeared upon the scene at theV first with a baby under her arm, kept vigor ously at and Intent upon ber saving work until its object was attained; " What the result would have beeatad she been less clear headed and prompt may well be imagined. n" : ' ' j j . . 1 . . - : ' : IS be- - f H.-- STRAYED. J. B; Teaoxro. low, Dubuque 20 below Fargo 80 be A. S. GXDDES. Have you called on Barton, A Co. ow r&KaII5ES OT JOHN n cow. Irvine, lvth M ard. a uform the owner c her trhereaboats and r dlSSt be rewarded i dark-brow- the last week? If not you thould r it faQ to do' so f and examine : t their styles and: prices on onderware, as they are closing outi their stock 4n ana uave reduced tbeir tnai use TXULKSVATIa: TI o pVices- - ' to the lowest figures. $ li rATcnxa Thev also have an eleiract line ot.-lnand . sealskla eaps which are quoting very low." And as to Loxdox. 18. A special from Turin they ineir eiegant styles oi ciotning ana says there is no foundation for the ru- furnishings, you need only examine mor that Louis Kossuth is dead. The their stock and prices to be convinced venerable patriot is in excellent health. tnat tney are dealinj? talrlv wltn tne and are desiroa of establishpeople, their firm oa tbe most legitimate ing a Stanley has written letter with ref business. erence to Congo matters, in --which he Home Cored YARMOUTH BLOAT- points out the urgent necessity for set tling! the neutralization of the iCongo eks, at country and of determining definitely Its lrootler, and brims auont s general recognition of tbe African InternaGent's and Ladies Holiday Slippers. tional Association before the Berlin DcsroRD'sL: conference has concIuded"1ts labors. elegant selection at II these problems shall not be settled. . Always Ileliablet Wamsttedl he thinks Congo will only prove a Frost bites, inflamed sore eyes,burns tempting bait to France and Portugal. He thinks England should propose to bruises, cuts and old sores, cured at German v that inasmuch as the Associ once or your money refunded by your ation cannot make war, therefore war draemst. This is the positive war- snail sot be maoe against tne Associatplaced on every hox of Brown's ion.-- If the conference disbands be- rsnty Arnica saive Dy ineurown jueuicine these have been fore and Alanufacturihg Company. Only 25 great questions r. ; settled, then farewell to the Congo cents. 08 " Basin and a long good night to its de ' . A TTT7 velopment. Coughs and Colds. Those who are mm Brltse Buffering from Conch s. Colds, Sore Throat, etc., should try Brown's Bron Loxdox. 18. Col. Nazlndie. chief of chial Trocnes. Sold only inbozet. tne aeparcmeni oi explosives, says, in nis report aoout tne explosion of lxn don Bridge, that the dynamite was pro baorr snspeaaed to a grating over a ...At..... i.....,..-- , sewer hole at the base of a pier- Bxaroa. November 18, Ogdea City, force of the explosion was 'much 1884, Sister Nancy Kay Barton; of Vert reater' than was supposed at first. weber "Ward, Weber Co., TJwh. ' everal stones were badlv shifted and " Sister Barton went on a short visit to her The curbstone at the joints opened sewer was pulverized daaghter In Ogden, was.. taken "sick while bottom of the The diver found fissures in the pier ex there and died in about five days. She was 'six feet into tne bed of the baptised at rrentoa, England by the late tendingInto some of which he could river, Heber C. Kimball while on his thrust bis hand to the wrist. The dam President first mission; emigrated) tg Utah with her to the is age bridge, however, merely snspenaea anai tne 'strengin rox the husband, two sons and tree daughters In structure remains unaffected. 13; settled at;Ws(. TVepr where she haswithin to-d- ay - school system of Utah continue to be misrepresented by unprincipled A :,VV j V rs. " n.'AJJD BV . C tXJLLlSlON. CHRISTMAS IS CODING! D ECO RATHJCQU R iHOWI ES "VirXTH KICK CHRISTMAS MOTTO? VI done up a every stylo and shape d slrable, and in all sizes. Large alouos io the School Room or. Meeting House a Prices strictly low. specialty. ANDKR80N BROS., Old Constitn. Sign and Show Card Writers, tMn Hoiirfing. opposite Z. V. M. 1 slaur d Street. r,: - j.- j: - to-pres- r LN Ut ' ID it: 4- FilGHTS AND . 1. Signor ne Las a sweets srmtathetlc - and phenomenally powetf ul tenor voice T7EEFTn5WARD 1UIX; which he how well knows . , ,f : to use. thoroughly i Campobello sang a ballad at s recent FMIJDA Y performance In fire different lan- tFJIUJiSDA comes a He of noble guages. family' Deeeaber ISih aadiVth. and is highly educatdd, besides being a great artist. Annandalcrls the mischievona One ofH TAYLOR'S nOBLDTOOfilSTS. Abbott's compAny. She applied an ..' ' U Keonion Instead of a smelling bottle to Abbott's nose In a sad. operatic,, scene not long'slnce, but she is a great favor MlSS, AGGIE TAYLOR, ite m the company ' Ms well as with the Cornet Soloist, lata loader Wattarman's ' audience. Band, st W oodwarda Gardens,; Saa Such a phalanx of artists seldom re Payillion :.j.Tancisco. ... .i j.; gale the music-lovin- g people of Salt Lake, and there Is a great rush for tickets. The ability of the artists,' Minstrel of California, Yankee and however, Is not thebnly attraction" as Pioneer a. inu iyuiiiruiu .uu ..(.11 j 'lot M v&w the . pieces to be jresented possess l act of iris-lence. in his own great merit even when performed by ing two banjos at one and the saiue time. an ordinary company. ; - . ., m - Grand z Chorus and Orchestra t rit MARTHA. . . r BOOT! SHOE - - HAS REMOVED to-da- No. 66 Market Row, :' - ',:-- . -- . 5 - to-d- ay - ' .. " .ituy r; . AYER'S JMerry 'Pectoral , i 1 -- - iwiv . (Camille.) Abbott, Castle, Tagliapieti--, Abbott, Ilindle, Allen. Thursday. Grand Christmas Uatinee-- ll With a Brilliant and Most Complete Cast H. B. SALE OF SEATS WILL Til? AT OPEN REDl'CEDTO Fabrini, Tagliapierrak Allen, Ward. Trovatore. MONDAY. DEC. SALT LAKE TITEATRE BOX OPPICE," AXD" CONTTKVK FB.OM. W a. m. to 4 p. m. AILY '.' to location. MUSICAL GOODS ! THE LARGEST STOCK geirai niBsicii wmm To select from between CHICAGO and SAN TRANCI8CO and all at the ZOWEST POSSIBLE PBICES! Kone taken the First Prizes and Highest Distinctions tot Msnionstrated Superiority at all the WORLD'S ORE AT EXIIIBITIOKM dnrlng the past eighteen veers. Their Latest was. at the World's Exhibition held in Amserdain in Oct. "83. New Styles Just Out Triumph " ' ft ,. ii- -v ',; . , '' . CHASE l'. First-clas- 03-A.lV- S in Every Particular, and at Most Reasonable Prices, and Guaranteed to Give the Most Perfect Satisfaction. Four Carloads Sold in six Weeks. s Sar THESK ORGAXS SOLD FOB CASH OB ON INSTALMENTS. -- s Brass, Martial and Orchestral Bands furnished with sets of struments at Manufacturers' Wholesale Prices. S a - l atf.l" - 100 Blanket Shawls, 100 Double "Wool Shawlsi 3.50 100 Prs Brown & Grey Blankets, 175 " ; pail u 2,00 100 " (( Family Blankets, 6.00 300 " Men's Lined Dnck Pants, 1.25 200 s' Blaniet Lined Pants, J.50 100 " 150 it 0 100 t: 1.25 " ; " J Pleasant .Valley, Anthracite and Colorado Blacksmith Coals. REDUCTION IN PRICE of the CLOT nmc: ANTHRACITE COAI. WELL-KKOW- N Pleasant Valley and Colorado Cbke and Charcoal. WOOD ATtfD PIG . IUOX. ? Orders solicited and promptly filled. Telephone Ko. ill, connected with yard and oflkv j YARD OPFQSIJTE D. & R. O. PASSENGER ' DEPOT: t Office 5 and S3 Seotjd : South Street. , t -- . Oi ,.; aavuuuuwa - -- -. . iiuii.uv Dee. 2Qth, At rf i,t uxa I 148 Main 8troet. 11 tt TTATTCO JUST RETURXED FROM TOE EAST WIW A NEW XX and Well Assorted stock of Inanonds. Watches. Jewelrr. Rilr ,wsrC, Marble, Cherry and Walnnt Clocks and Morelties, all suitable for CUU1S1MAS rilESEJiTS, I will offer each at a Very Low Margin' Af 1 aoove nememoer. AUJb. XKW. and of the-1- ' " .. ' LATEST STYLES. . ' r jttx. aiz uooija; ' I will smarantee my roods as represeated, or refund the money, ' t Jewelry Wanutactured to Order at Short Kotice. ' ' ' 200 Young Men's . l- - .'PtEASE QIVEVME A".'OAi,ii. .1 . - LS.!?0 s lo 6.00 00 15.00 suit - it a suit Suits , : - . 2.25 T OOSTI : ..:sf" jo 10 Itednced from $15. 00 an d 20.00 sit It, Ma.UA U , 300 Boy's Siiitsj r (4 years) 200 Youth's Suits (10 17 years); .Ob Men's Suitd, 500 Men's teinicrj Suits, 10.00 to -- 'V i r .81 LK8 abd LAG ES I . , ' ' -- band-kerchi- 90c " 50 Boy's Blanket Lined Coats, 2.50 50 Boy's Blanket Lined Vests, 75c JOHNSON & CO., REMINGTON, ' t AGENTS FOB Jul 4SSLT GENCTNIJ Vests,' t:uA,:.u'i. 100 Men's Blanket . i-- 656 " It 10 CALDER'S MUSIC PALACE. j . 40 c " In- SHEET.HCSIC-Specialty.- Selected Sonys and Instrumantal Pieces received as published.. S9 Send for Catalogues and Prices. . a 50c PeltiSkirts, Ladies1 10 50" MASON & HAMLIN ORQANS. others to compare with tliem. have been fonndas Durable. They have None 10 fiozeri Misses' 10 t " OF 0 EACn. ASD IMGMNS! 15TH. Admission, fl.OO; 7&c. SOo.; 25c. Reserved Psrquetto Seats OOc. . Extra; First and Second Circles aSe. Extra. S" Boxes, $10, f8, ?6, According $6.b $8.0 . POFUZAR OMSBA PKICJES WILL PREVAIL. - ft,...N. 1' ..50 KACH, ALL. S1ZJES et Parorites. ? bt i isSEMiCHILU COATS, M BOHEMIAN GIRL. Aanandale, . . TERAH; 88,75 200 LADIES ULS1TEliS Thursday Emma Abbott as Arliue. V. LA TRAYIATA. . ' & 1.5 MIGNQN. xtroaencs, Aijen, vunneu, Tuesday Emma Abbott's Greatest Success, Are 7.50 1 Abbott.' Boilini, A nnandale. Castle Campo hello, Allen, Broderiek.- - Abbott, Annandale," Pabrinl, Campobolle, - RISER Reduced. frbii -- I . EACII. iSO.OO TUB FOUOWIXG BRILLIANT HEpEETO ItY. WILL BE GIV2 : f Abbott's Last Rose of Sdmmer. Wednesday Three Priina Donnas, Monday : 65.00 AN3 d to iO Years, , -- - Tnr Wm rutlA Inra Bellini. IJaaie Annandala. Valentine Fabrini, Maurice Oonnell.' Baritones The Renowned ther antous campouciio. lias so and lioHo A'iliiam Broderick, Waiter Tairhapietra. Allen, Robert Ward PRIMA DOXNAS Emma Abbott. JESSIE TAYXOE, '. , Strongest Array of Noted Artists Ever Heard In English Opera. " i IfcT t. Englislx Opera Company. t GEO AND IUEXOWXEO , - ,r ! 9' Irft 'v rOPUItt EMM A 'A BBOTT Grrand - ! 1- 100 LADIES' $ALK1IG JACKETS. CHniSTf.lAS MATIHEE! TAVOUITES, t- s I-- BY KA -- - AT 810.75 AND 312.75 EACH . '' ; It-- ?! O - .. ..f, , ' v -- r y: - 500 ladies Elegantly Trimmed altlualieOnlie - " -- WATCHES, J - - al GREAT HE IX ALSO . s : CTTSTOMKES. 1 , - 'said-anim- T0 OUB i , -- - . ZmlLmXJLLJL First-Clas- 4 --i.' :f fiDC SPECL4L . I' "r" 1 " :; $75,000 Worth of Seasonable Goods, 1 to be Closed !0iit Previous to ' Howard, Clgin, Walthara. Springfield and CenUanial .'"'.".'":" ' : ,m - j. WWlll give , ESTRAY, KOT1CB.J Ena-lis- v;r' ; ' UAVX Stok e One red vearlinir . HEIKER. white ender belly, white tail aad white spot on irampt ever She X,JGOli ;AXO 8XLjV'S' CASKS bas buried her bssince. lived 2o brands pperand uadertjit in rigktear.! ... (.. r band and sons and passed through inany visible:Which if not clumed Will be sold Monday. ' THE QPJEBA ARTISTS. trials, but always proved .faithful te her Pec. 23d, at 1 O'clock p.m., at the Estray She religion. awjy without pain Pound at Manti. Sanpete Co; s The sprightly contralto LizzieiAnnan- - and was buried passed All our Goods ar Warranted in Ogden cemetery.: in every respect Call and see for your- Utatiict Poundkeoser.' dale Is again with Abbott. She made XriOenniat Star please copy. .;:! t. . 4u aelves ana ne cenvinceu. ,Manti. Dee. 12, 18. ., a sensation 1st opera in London ' last ' ' ' his At residence Stswakt. la Spring: . . ,. .v year,' ath 188i..WiUhua. Jackson me Abbott troupe does sot carry VlOeTsceasber faatillarly kawa as Vacle Jack. much scenery but it always ' has its Slswart. Icea8ed was hern December ltth. 1S14, is " ' ' famous "CasUe." .;' Overton County Toanessee; received the Laara Bellini, the new. prima donna Go pel in Madison County, Illinois. He it r I ' I 0 with the Abbott company, Is a Clncln nialntsined a faithful testimony to the last natl girl who has already captured the of the truth' ot the Gospel as restored public in Italy, Havana, and Mexico through Joseph Smith. He performed sev She is a beautiful brunnettevcoquettlsh eral laissioas while in the prime of life; in manner and possesses a rich and among them one to tbe British, Ieles in 1RS6, a ad was called home with the rest of the ' ' ' ; , powerful voice.' Elders from Utah at the time of the Echo TheN. Y.' Morning Journal says of Canyon Com. campaign. . .... : J: AIUIRICA'S Fabrlni THR l Non-complia- jtfatn street, 'fT-- ' (DEC. 16TH) A HORSE LAST XIGUT iu rider oa Second South Street and nas not oeen seen since iy tne owner. The Horse was medium sized, of a light the forebrown color, with a white . epot head and ne hind - loot wbite. It had a bridle on when lost- The finder will please leave the animal at Frank Uodhe's iu thej ; . 2t 1 lJth Ward- .- X r,-- J - --- JUST.RECEIVEO,. j' STRAYED. ! . -- lou THE Ol'TICATf ' ' B0ODS l oris-inn- to-dav r t 1G2 r Mr. Joe, Taylor, - ' 'T 'T PRESENTS '. I - sssis i It u an tiniaiiing remeuy lor inseaees oi tns ...: KMseys and liver.' It is invaluable for Iacarcs 'wculiar to IV omen, and all who lead sedentary lives. Owiag to the Xarge and Elegant Itdoes not inj are me teetn,efina neaaaene.or frra meditinn eli produce eonatipaXion-ArIt enricae and. pnrifies tne blood, attmulates tbe appetite, akia the assimilation o food, relieve lleartburn and Belching, ead strength-en- s tlie muscles and ncrrea ' I: f. For Inlermiuent xcvera, Laautude, xaca oi &ehas no coital. it 2Eersr, S9 Tbe genuine nas enoTe traae nark ana rosscd red Unes.on wrapper. .Take so other. Maaatyky SSOWB cassnuL CO BUtTMOaav - ' ; Mini Fmi -- .t-- . BUY USEFUL 0.4.EIIAS01 This medicine, combinlnir Iron with nre and vegetable tonics,- quickly a aillsjaat taaa, completely tira llysapaiw, tsassre HlanS. lalarla,Cfcillie mm v s ? r wvnsn . i t STOCK RUNNING AT LARGE. " We have received the annexed corn- The accident which happened on the D. and K. G. Western near Thistle yesmunication : WST JORDAX Dec, f7, 18S4. terday, which the News brleiymade mention of has created considerable Editor Deteret Kewt: excitementin our especially For information to a great many, will among railroad men. " city, , answer the following quesyoa please uons, uroua your vaiuaDie columns: The following message was received First Is there any established law yesterday after we had gone that compels a person to fence bis "We met with "ran accident sucks and orchards In this county? - near role canon, between a work and Second Is there any law that com- rezular frelsrht. killinir three' men and ... a person to allow stock of any Jels to three others, damaging one run at large on his property at wounding PERSONAL engine ana tour or nve cars., cause any time of the year? Cuitarist and Protean Actress, as the Kit- not yet ascertained iuuy. Dut said to oe J. W: Kirk has returned to our Third Is there any legal way of carelessness on the part of the conduccity. , ebea iNmestic mtrodaeina llanjo- Vaets by claiming damages that may be' done comic sonirs. and the "Maid Col. R. N". Rogers was removed from .latest tor of the work train. Yoa are at lib J stock running at large. land Muleteer," from la rerchale. and her to we all the news, give possess.to the Continental Hotel to the Sisters' You will greatly oblige by giving erty rreat character of Mrs. Stmtland. in the " ' ' . beautiful petite comedy. "The Little Or jne papers. t A space for the above questions. , f Hospital this morning. Y . 11. CASUROFT. ( ...phan.", . v Counselors K.T. Burton and John I. The law in regard to fencing Two of the bodies were Qi brought to Cannon went to SunimltCOonty'to-dastacks, orchards, etc.i will be found in the city last night: on a special .train, Dr. Benedict left for Butte,- M. T TAYLOR'S WORLD TOURISTS. page 11, Laws of UtaiVis&J, and it re- tbe tnlrd will be brought nere as soon He is expected homel&fon- ' yesterday. quires as it is taken from underneath tbe en : i day. v "That owners of orchards, stackyards, gine, which is on Its side. , imiE. 50EEI OF CGUEDY, ; ; John W Young, Esq., toot the. Rio J. gathered crops, and town or city lots, . An Inquest will be iield this after a us are hereby required to enclose them Grande train for Denver this morning. "I is the i.rrn.i! tn at f Oar o'clock; I with a lawful fence and keep the same beginning - E. II. Parsons arrived in the last ' city herewith The names of the killed and wound in repairvi ' .,. it sad Tickets, for sale at shall work a forfeiture of the right of ed areas follows: Edward Woolley, evening. . Brothers and .burton's. Dwyers j Hardy sucn owner to assess- uamages or tin O. II. t lef Dr. for,lf,arlc:.Clty J.Fsqst " kill and Edward Wallace,' Lariscy stock trespassing or doing pouna any this morning. damage on such premises: Provided, ed. John McCarty, Frank McGulre Capt. E. I". Hooker, registered at the This act shall in nowise affect existing Peter Nelson and two others, whose ' Continental Hotel. . ana inciosures concerning jaws joint learned, were division fences, nor interfere with the names we have not G. W, Bartlett, of New York, is tIs ' jr : eaiorcement oi any el city ordinance pro wounded. Our city. is tne copy of a message lting hiolting animals from running at large Following Wm. Paxman, of Juab1 intake, witmn sucn city.' , received from the conductor of the is Prcst. in town, no la law pemitting anl work train. II. There .. .. mals to run at large on the property of .... Thistle; Dec. 18, 1884. gor on the- - UiC; north bound fxald this s person not the owner of the stock at iV. n. Salt Lake: Bancroft, morning, r any season of the year. ' But the law L. C. Parke, of ; Parke, Lacey A Co., the" unfortunate occur facts The of provides.;" p; rence yesterday are as lollows: We arrived from-SaFrancisco, this.morn "That owners of horses, raulen, cat- - were at Spanish Fork about 10 o'clock, lng. Ee Is at the Continental. ana do other ana a lew minutes before leavgoats tie, bogs, sheep, shall be held liable to a.m., Bishop John C. Sharp of Rush Val mestic animals, ing, beinir in the office. I asked wheth said animals done all by er they knew anything of 21. t. The op ley, is in town. ' pay A. v. damages Fr6m his Old Stand to on the vremlses of other persons. erator sat down and tried to ask, but John A. Sharp, of Brlgham City, was CI whether sakl premises be protected by could not get word, when I said never y. fence or not." .(Compiled Laws of mind, we will have to flag up any how, rustling around our city and went out to the conductor and j Utah, p 175.) "A as you not a Mormon Mr. werejready to go and would The enactment in relation to stacks, told him we no. wnen on zi. nag against stopping date of thau that l spose I nam; lwas born 'ere A few doors west of Price A dive's, where orchards, etc.,1s later Jhe curve where the accident happen-pene- d "yes, he will be pleased to see hia old last quoted, and therefore it must be I sent nag ahead. No. 21 came but I know wat the tithln hofflce his1," ' taken as modifying the older la w to the upon us while we were standing; still. It etc. This Is a specimen of the idiotic ' patrons and the public drivel - now fornlshei to Tribpne. 1. extent of the exceptions made by the was snowing very nard at toe time. :(- - i generally. p" V readers, by the imbecile who edits its later. ;rliv , wbunded men have Four also been ot twocolumn. a kind Mor a '"Wat" ol funny ,If the people any county ,by thirds vote of its registered voters, dc brought to the city and taken to the woa .that "war born eTe,". do, yOu would talk like, that, silly dlare at a general or special election In Sisters' Hospital. Jbhnj McCarty, "spose iifavor of fencing farms , and allowing one of the unfortunates, had his fellow? by Dr. Fowler, f txonxxT torrxxxt,! amputated stock to run at large, thea no damages foot wounded At Ogden an Interesting land litigar are doing as well as 'can ' can be claimed for the depredations of The STATIONARY J i re tlon is in progress between the D.- A stock In thJ county upon unfenced or be expected and, will2 probably lUllllitlifl)lllM J R. G. R. B. and Margaret Edwards et . cover. JiLi jTtfv insufficiently fenced iland, but' the on of condemnation land owned al., by Tbe received this following message owners are liable for damages done in ' i by Thomas - Quest, chief 1 the estate of the late wml Edwards another county or part of a- - county afternoon The difference of tbe claims that lis clerk ot the D. A B. O, Western : yt where no fence law prevails. between $300 and $900, ' the burden of as As uun. is. far r.V.Juocuon. a be III. Damages may collected by we can find out, the accident happened evidence from the many witnesses ex ' suit at law.' Or any animal found do- - as follows; iDewon train witn iu men amined showing that the land is worth lng damage maybe! taken tip by any started iroat A'oie canon to go - to $800 an acre, J. S. Lewis, ' at Thistle Tank. Befor sUrt- - at least person, and if the owner, cannot, be siding referee of the First District the Esq., from Pole Canon tbe conductor, found, or if found refuses to pay all lng wno is a teiegrapn . operator, court in this matter, will give hia re cost and 'damage, may beard a train' Teported at Clear in a short time; ' ". V be taken 'to the precinct pound and Creek which proved to be No port 15 and he took it for. SI and took his No other eomplaints are so Insidious In theit be subject to sale L as , an estray. chances ret to- - th& switch. It must itaek as those affeetina the throat and luics The. damages' must be estimated by a have leftto nusnsKss notices. he before Pole Thistle left one so trifled with by the majority of suffer disinterested ' voter,! who may make a Canon. These are txhe factt'as far IS ' ro eiinEX soap ra The ordinary cough, or sold, resulting has believe them I his gone. reasonable charge for services, and Investigation " ' with Spanish from, a trifling or aneonseious ex Clippings 'erhaps one no Smoking true at and is be to fault the but of the time 1 and place the amount, Tobacco, as it will sell without premia fata. ure, ia often but the beginning crew. work train and as for quality and price It ickuess.$.WtTxas Ciuduiv Phctoral has ? ums, damages, with the - description of. the ' UAxcitorr. ; , w.xi. t cau-- d oca. t cmy cents a pouna roll mty animal, with the name, of jtheper- -. prrea itn'sfflcaey la a ferty years' Ugh at Sam Levi'& t , vita throat and luMg diseases; and should be son damaged, and, if known, the name Cigar Maaufactory, 171 17a s M&ba St, .. taken in all eases without delay, v; of the ownerinnust'; be specified in -.'M ''(b.iiiH.i-c". j" demurs the to owner A Terrible Ceurk Cared. writing. If the useful and Fob substantial Holiday rxa wxsTxaa xmon txlxgrath uxs. Presents "InJASlI took a severe eoid, which affected appraisal ha may choose another apItorwooDiY's. go to my lungs, tl had a terrible court), and parsed if and may disagree they they praiser, .light after sight without Bleep. The doctor tried-choose third and the three make anCiixtr Pr.e yes's iT me u a relieved, . sIatest TJTAM. TO THE WOBtUUOSf uciirrariarct. XSSr soy .lungs.' Indueeal other estimate. No animal must be reafforded tne rest .ueeesaarr TTavtnir heen ensaawd fn th TohiwM I I 'or ths rseoTsry bf ; my strength. tained more than three days before deBy. tin frr, th. V. hn.in... IX - -Tiru." - I tinuad ass-- of the Fzctobai. a pernia.v ii .Tr Narw Toaav WStocks weak,v de livery to the poundkeepesr a fine not neat cum was elfec ted. I am now62 rear prepared some Smokina vto, nais ana neany, ana mm sstisnoa.yoai exceeding a hundred dollars' for each clined X to IX, Delaware and Hudson class, I have Tobacco, cauea " spanisa cuppings," leading. ' animal so detained may be imposed. i HatixK finuArnn." Money lO!; bar silver 107X. Stocks which for purity and price ia the best 15, 1862. In every part of this Territory, fcow-ve- r, lower Roeklagham, ;' Tk, to July offered 11 a the a.m. sear but public. alter midday " .. ' ' The price is within the reach of all as. "'. there are ways and means among steadier tone prevailed. Bally of 18 to f Ciwrp. A Mother's Tribnts, cents per pound. members of the Church of obtaining a 1 took place, 3s, loix;X's 113X;'S I it is omy nxty While In the country last winter my little orders mail at by promptly .Country boy. three years old, was taken ill with croup; Just settlement .of disputes occurring-. i Bam Lkvy, tended to by" i, 4I Cigar seemed ss If he would die from stranguMaunfacturer 1714 173 s Main it through depisaaUoiis of animals, with- Blo4y WerKI an lation. Oa of the family suggested the us otmew r o Avaa's Caxaar. PscToaata-4ottl- e dtj which out recourse' to asul$ at law or even of was alwavs kens In tha.aaBaa. Tii la Ohio, 13. Last evening Ctevelasd, v W.2ST-TJEthe services of the poundkeeper. They a farmer rwaKTETV was tried in smau aad Ueqneat tfeses, end named Harrington, living near should be ressrted.to" by; Latter-da- y h.?ttr d!JifSU. was called to the door and Of endless tiling in, different colors Geneva, Saints and exhausted", before an appeal opening it was confronted' by a masked I to said thai the CbiakV PrcTonaL had VJU587AV"? Costs nothing. Call and see them. Usart my daarlfar's Ufe.- - Can Ton ' wonder at civil courts. The man with a drawn revolver who de; Is made to the ' took ( his manded Harrington money.' bet"tsar titadeV - Bmeeretv tovis.OanHrsrv.' I method thus provided is cheaper, sum from bis pockets and small a Esha Ht. " "? West 138th Sfc, Jbiew Vork, May 16, 1882. ter, more satisfactory and the only true handed It to the robber, who took it WXATHSB Strips at t t I Christian way of settling disputes be-- ? and cried.,"That Isn't all. I want theef DUWOODSV'S.' Cmntar PEcrosAt. I have nsed AtMt't hv iuy family-foseveral-years- , balance." At that moment, the l t and do not tween brother and brother. , and ' besitate te prcmounce it the most effectual lira. fell from' hia eyes ? exFaunltsure. ssjBsWeUXSfcMM remedy fpr. eougus and adds we have ever Harrinsftoft standing . near v 'A W. ' , claimed: know him." r A. J. ClAJ.,: ! , s' I n0h. decidedf We to sell have; ill.fancy MInr? lCtyetal, BABE PUESKNCE OF MIND. "You do, do yon " shouted the ruffian, or at furniture near to Very cost, cost, i I suffered foe eight years fromBronehltis, "take that, then," and he fired. The until after the lloIldays-'-- v in jr mmjar rsinedies with no ine. Tnm presence! of mind displayed by bullet going through ber shoulder. She i JuxaSLaTT Bros, i cess, If Ur i v wastry recared by Uie ss of Avaa's CaicB- neighbor's for help, andof a Sister Janet, McMurrin, of the 8th ran to a with friends, evidences Ward, on Tuesday night, as related in turning struggle .were found in the desperate extraorwas " I eannot say anoueh in praUe of. Aria's ft - From the ProvO Mills, doable, single the Nkws of yesterday, house, and Harrington lav dead with Cheksv PBcroaai bslisring forehead. Mrs. Har- and shoulder shawls; as I do that the in hole bullet and flannel llnsey dinary. but for its use I should long since have died as a murderer the dress recognized she flannels how rington sheeting, well anf Imagined linseys.'j front lung trouble. 6HAr03." it cannot be farmhand named Teck. Citizens are aiso yarns, DitntKecs, socks, rvcKMngs, could have acted with greater courage, scouring the country foe him. : cMf ' ? 7 BetowSeMto Cleesr. n Ji hrot skill and promptness, j ; slteDlnwoodey's. . " T tangs exists which eannot tie greatly relieved dtlsl Bro. 4 OCcnxa a la flash, theclothicgol the, lady i se is the weather Osnr i.at. i '. by the ass of Aran's Caxaar Pbxtobai whose garments were ia flames, was verest in this ' city- - experiences 1 it wiH sdwoya as when the disease U I Cam Believe Bho cured eatlrelf and placed the present winter, and tne same is oy aud torn from her person not aCream was Balm. already beyond the eoatrel of medicine. sufferer I eleand Ely's true throughout tbe entire7 a.western beyond the reach of the- devouring m. in this for years with Catarrah. and under a At States. northwestern ment. treatment, for over a year, ir:- the mercury stood at 11 degrees- physician's w. a. justis,'. xirat rtauo&ai iank. Dr. J. C. Ayer Co., Lowe If, Matt. v in less time than it takes to tell it, city, o uiuj'ireu ireanu zero at belOW n, j. woman I inw. At omaha-i- t waa 15 degrees below. ' t swa pi au Draezmut, the intrepid and clfftr-beadm ii i -- . BR0T1 EES! - , TIIBCK MEN KILLKD AND, OTHERS l.i . FOHLIG. j Mil ' : THE ROM , A - PRACTICAL - ILLUSTRATION. The force and correctness of a leading point in the discourse of BUhoj B. T Burton delivered in the Tabernacle last Sunday, was Illustrated yesterday, when a prominent milling firm of this to make, it appear that the District citj.f who had arranged to purchase Schoolable sectarian, that no several car loads of wheat on its ar can be either a trustee or rival from the south, providing It was a school teacher,' thai the "Mormon" of good quality, refused to take it when religion la taught in .those schools, di presented rectly or indirectly, are most certainly The reason for this was that the confalse. .The text of that part of the dition of the grain was simply abomin complaint will be found In another able. : This is in the face of the fact r:i ;.j ' column.":4'.:'.::.. , that the general conditions in this Ter ' The arguments of counsel for the ritory are such as to admit of the raistrustees were directed to reasons for ins of .wheat' of nnexceptioaabiy fine the striking out of that part of the quality. complaint; 'without attack!. lis Careless farming Is a losing business. racitf.1 The motion to stria est la Our grangers should take Bishop Bur iorerruled, and now we suppos the ton's advice and produce the best redefence will dispute; the allegation sults of which the rich soil of Utah is aet forth and put the complainants to capable,' - Tbp, same principle applies the proof. j It. seems to us that refuta- to every other product. ; tion of the falsehoods in the complaint be an easy natte. j . : 'It Is evident that the Court la disposf MORTIFICATION SET IN. ed to Jean to the side of the complaint, Thx decision of Judge Zana In the and we expect that anything which case, of C. Douglas against George seems likely to do injury to the "MorW.Clayton, to the effect that mon" system will recelT favorable Nephi the Governor's nomination to a Terriconsideration. But If the district torial office without, the consent and Schools of Utah are not public schools, confirmation of the Legislative Coun then the term "public" has a signifies- -. cil, is vuld,was a great disappointment tlon not to be found! In the 'standard to one branch , ot the .conspirators ' and ' if they V are dictionaries, the peace of Utah. : Dr. sectarian in any way, thenthere la not against one of Eli II. Douglas an unsectarian public school in the pets, wanted the odce olT .Murray's Territorial V-j. United Statea and the Governor did his best Wis truat that this matter will be Auditor, to give It to him, but the scheme inlir. thoroughly Investigated, and that the ed. The. demurrer to the complaint falsehoods ofthe complaint will be. was sustained yesterday;" demonstrated, and the aoptry of the the plaintiff declines. to amend the of counsel the arguments pfaintis' so the case against the Au will be exposed, so" that the caoe of complalnti dltor is ended and mortification la cer.common education in this Territory tain "Liberal" quarters hasV ensued. may not be retarded by the selflshnes4 The. Doctor had . better prescribe for of a few obstructionists, and the his attorneys. non-ilormo- at St-- Paul 30 below, Desmoiaee rA 1 r , af - sini'; - ". 18.-4Th- e to-d- ay - . ed in : 1 . , I S ." 1 11 mi r fi ...f(fl . 1! 11 i 1. !, h in j Endless Yariety of mm V. 4 |