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Show Socialist leader, llctr Ccbcl,-th- e The policy of concent fating many small frontier outposttt ju larger per- made a violent attack upon toe milil; manent stations, which the rapid ex- tary administration of the governv szA T ' tension of railways has made feasible, ment. as the approGen. Von Schellendorf. Prussian as been far continued has . BaUardmy, NevBber M, 18S4.3 priations for barracks would permit. minister of war, on the other hand, .UXX HOST...... This concentration Is - resulting in maintained the excellence of the preTHE CCCCr:A?HY C? THIS CCVfafVsY WaHO IS UNAOUAINTcD-WlTbe was sent not true, said, of supply S& BY fcXAi.llWiHU TnSJS J.'AP, THAT THr system. It greatly increased economy and improvement of military discip- that the military pensions were conline. Lieutenant General P.ll. Sheri- stantly increasing. The recipients of FOB yALL AJNTO WlilTEB IN THE C1TT. that since the date of the pensions were nearly always able to dan TORPID DOWELS uce certificates showing that they ram wutsu irnoa tslsobafh un. last reports of t his immediate prod report General W. T. Sher- had been made Invalids ia the service. 'FINEST IMPORTED 1876. . 4 LIVER. DISORDERED at has r, enjoyed Ue urged the necessity of aiming r the army u man, u sources these fro uU etuci-enc- y. standard of the military almost complete rest from active highest of Uic diseases of the bnmun icoe. These AND fields of operations, but that its other Germany's position la the counsymptoms luiilcatetbeirbxUtencQ : Loss was based upon cil of nations of AifD of.the DOMESTIC Sick largely duties Btwtli f consisting Appetite, occupation tatUn, IT. aV. TBEAJHCK1EB9 RKFOST. - V llaaidae e.rwllaaa allfrtkUadmTtr ' army. Yvitb . l Sf possession of a strong posts on the frontier of Canada and of her alow ta exertion of bdr or mlad. WORKMANSHIP would not be the part of this it near and stations Indian army Mexico, KreMstaAtuia of faod, Irritability of , r the protection of Indian res wisdom to tamper. a reelinarof hav ttmrtr.Law awlrlts. sLCBETAsr or agencies, of tne and of Indian ervations V 1 Urn guarding aoane Cbrtatlama. : e"leetd, OVERCOATISGS Fugitive iX doty,Iota before ' , guaiiantilkdT , WAS, yiautes-ia- ; Territory from Intrusion have been at the IIut( Tfnvaanva. 28. The Catholic mis and laborious. Tne reports Urtaa. tha eye, highly colored important and demand tho uo of of military commanders show an un- sion here has advices that the Viceroy .A BIClAMOfJS BABOSET. that acts illreeily on tlie Liver. of canton has closed ail tne cnapeia remedy quiet. precedented A a Liver medicine TCTrs PILLS . The superintendent of the Military there and also razed the enure Catholic SUITINGS bav no equal. Their action on tha Kid-Academy at west t'omt reports an im- - settlement.' - A missionary arrived at typy and Skin U also prompt; reuiorlBgstates from the interior tone that Canton the of la and ftivrr THE. discipline kixu or all Impurities through these three "eavErovement andi the Christians of the western provinces Secretary recom- the omajarsetftlae eyetea,' produeingappe-ttt- a BELQIASS. AKD the enforcement mends of the are fugitives In the wilds of Tonquio. sound ion, regular tools, rigid ana a vigorous uouy. which prohibits the return to lie alaostatea that tha Chinese author. statute eiearaaia TO incausa nonauMaor arriplu arnor AI of any cadet found defi- itiea of the northern provinces have the academy LTE AMD CATALOG OF CBIME THI twfere with 1ailywnrk,nntiaiaTMrfcfe cient in his studies or conduct, except Issued a decree ordering the expulsion " ' IISAB)TEB. ' ANTIDOTE to HALAniA, upon the recommendation of the aca ' ot all missionaries. Upon appeal to the ,BnCKIiR & QJi4 DER COr.'.PETITIOII. nowever. hizher authorities at demic board.-e ample Fashion riatas and Knlea for BeH - Meaaarement forwarded oa spplioabea. The Secretary recommends that '3i the decree was rescinded and the atf UsUteet Ctat serTi taken under the protection of years ox honorable and faithiul men 7 ln- IIairCii.oasr ok WHUXKM vice In the army entitles enlisted Qkat to uuinese general government. : ebanjr1 the liLACK a S3. a re Btantlr Tbe annual by a'aalaon and be the retired to Wasbingtux, list, placed Sold by Dn:japnUcaUo of thla of Treasurer ' Wrman, of the that tbe term of enlistment be reduced .. Foreign Eawiaearloa avt Worau aem vxpre on receipt oi wi port ritu.or United States, stows that tbe net re from five to three years, as a means of Loxdox. 28. Penury Fair quotes WOOLEN avarr waartt. Gfeee, 4MurraTtN.X. Soid venue of the government was less than reducing tne number ot desertions oi from private letters xrom officials in SALT LAEB C1TT. ' ; ; p. o box ss ia m& by $49,707,71. The decrease in men who become- discontented by rea- India stating that there la a dangerous PACIFIC CIUOAGO; ROCK ;. receipts from cuatouia U $19,739,007; son ot inaptitude for the service and condition oi affairs in that country. . ,' in receipts iroia internal revenue, wh The feelings of the natives were never the contemplation of the length of the &lax U Great 0atral Lisa, aJerda t traelera; by reaaoa of Ita oariralled geoeraphj t 134.24a: miscella and la receivts from so excited asainst the KnglLsh as at resent contract of enlistment. J. BVTOVBLS, B. J. aj poatttoa. tb aaortaat aad treat r&t" boiweea the Kaat, Kortaeaat aad Mntseaat, aad neous Baarceti. jb8.o49.S43. From the p me total nuinoer ot omciai oemanas the present tlute : and foreign Lm, emissa H. Aauoaav i i Serthiteat a4 ouU-deSalt Lake. S be these should of Items TrDcAe.Oal. aggregate upon the Department of Records and ries are at wora among the natives, ItU UteraUy and strictly trua, Uiat c ocajiecUcna are a3 of ft pnactpal llaea of road in an the ducted increase of $1,854,840 Pensions during the year for informa stirring them up to strife and prepar " ) MtwMa U ACAbUo and the Paaflo I CVUl V t4 . UVUI ' SS1C9 VI UUUUb UUUOi J tion as to the cause of death in the case ing them to make an explosion, un- rescue 811 branches a. tt as sad leavtmr the.net reduction stated of deceased soldiers, aud for hospital cers high in command have sent to ataia Use JoUet, Peoria, OttairaJt By above. The net exDendlturee auzre- - records of invalids was 658,971. aad UocX ItiaaO, ta XUutotai Uavaapot, alaaeatiaa,' WabMgtoa, Ca belna f mr urgent demands for authority i eatedS244.120.244: decrease from the 53,683 less than the number of similar England to iorui camps of ref uore for women ka a, KaoxrUle. Oakaloosa, fatrGeld, Dea Holts r; Wast Liirty, lonra City, Atlaatio Aveea, amount in the 1883, $2l,281,8i)3; surplus applications daring tue previous year. and children in order to be ready in waT a Ja boa, Hxlaa, OtiUuna Caisr sad Cooaol) BIuss, ta Iowa; OaUaUa, Trenton, Cam s is . applicable, to the ruducilou of the pub- including &j,o&s applications remaining: case of mutiny. ., x ' aon aad aaaa Ciry, 1b Misaouri, and Laaveaerorta aad AfJaiaoa ta Kiaiaa. aad tha aaa lic debt amounted to cl04.393.625: a de unanswered. At the end of .the last dealers in ' , towma Th y. tatavaatdlat. Katetialve Fir. r crease of $28,485,818 from the previous fiscal year the total number of cases to i bti0t eitias, Yitosea aad j ' year, me items y oi expenaitures be disposed of was 78.429. Replies Glasgow. 58. Powis 4- Stephens' 5-JJH :. showing a decrease are as follows: On have been furnished proper authorities Arctic tanyard at Dundee la burning. r-; ox account of the '.War Department, $9, in 92,148 cases, ' were to The Warehouse is filled with sealskins. BaBHBBBBBBS aBBBBi BBBWBB W BBKaVBl BBBkBBBBBBl which t,94U , , .... " .As U U amlllrly caUcd, offer to traveler all tha advantage and comfort iacideat to a ,..... 481,779; Interior Department, $11,4C,-93- 8; the Commissioner of Tensions, 5,583 to whalebone and oil. I he nre is spread' Interest on public debt $4,531,75:2. the Adiutant General, aud 625 to other ing rapidly, i . IATII, . aiifratO traca, aaia enagee, lqub vepea ak mn waaawiag bwibib, aaae avspreea inuu( lloaldint;a. Frames," Doors, Windows, Shingles, mere was an increase oi in parties, ' leaving 6,281 cases to be ' Wood I'umps. xMkcXlns lJokea, Bnlldera BOBlDed ef COMilODlOUS. WTCLL VSVTIUATKJJ, HLL HalaTEO. CIKaXT Dr Kpiiiand Ullnds, Tlesk-TalTtM , y.' account on Troaty. civil of addi In searched and reported on. expenditures Hi BOL8TCKKD aad ItiQjLNT DAT 0OACTIi3; a baa of toe HOST, MAUXlFICXXl Hardware, Sash Wlghts, GLASS, Etc., Etc. ana ,uu,it in ex- tion to tbe number of reports, above miceiianeous, account 28. The Chamber of Depu- Paius. baUt; PUl.TJtAtr UUt designed fiOttTOtt UOLIXISra CHA.Ea OA&S of on tbe as the furnished Commissioner ties Nary stated, penditures I aaadaoaMet FAXACX by a vote of 879 to 35, WOOD TAMK8 OP ALL DESCRIPTIONS MADK TO ORDER. oL1pxK CLAA3, a4 DIXDfQ CABA, tkat are acknowledged by Department. The disbursing; of of Pensions, 1,470 have been prepared adopted the order of the day, declaring wM aaa people to be tbe FTNEST KCX VPOS AST Bf)AD IX THJB OOtTSTRY, and fa ficers of the i United i SUtea had and furbished the same officer the by that the Chamber maintains ita deter U are aerrad to travelera at tbe low rate of BXYKNTT-r- i VTS CUTK wblck sapeiior to their credit on the - books of the administrative! and miscellaneous to Insure the execution 'of A TtTYe ; f j CACH. . Treasury, at the close of the vear. $32. branch of the office, makinz a total tof mination Tien-Tl- n ' treaty. Later an order 4.080. The statement of assets and 87.410 reports in pension cities furnish the THSZX THwAXSa eaftb way between CIUOAGO aad tbe nOSSOUKl EIYXE. was a of of vote the by day adopted, . , f liabilities for Sept. 30, 1884, shows that ed during the year. Beats V. C B. I . TWO TBAIXI eaob way bet wees CHICAGO and aaXKIATOLU aad STi PAUX 282 to 187, declaring that the Chamber Hall Bla-ea-t In hid report takes 'cognizance General The Tae esMtlerlfftf etAe ilia fth kwmmm the general "balance was reduced from of of Paymaster declaration X ,"r the l TUUifinou f Jl i ' eeV W- ; 'I'll 1 ll Ue $183,232,463 ,tn 1883, to $140,525,002 .in accounts for $15,180,160.86. He recom- the government ana relies upon its en Vl ateMHFw efamd )Hee Ve 1884, a retraction oi $i3,7U7,4U0. The concurthe with eetJ aU7veNtT tAeataweh ot mends, ; Secretary's of to insure the rights respect Uier.k. Jav ereTev effeae amount of told and silver rence, that officers of the be per- ergy ranee. a e aregate : coin and bullion lield by the Treasury mitted to furnish bonds array of approved Jaiioary U8S, a new line will be opened, via Seneca and ankakee, betweee Mewpert I IndlanauoILs aad La Fave'ta. and Pouaen Bluffs. It. Panl is Increased from $362,510,809 in 1883. to guarantees. t :fM. Rlchmimit . ,A Tigaraai Paliay, r " motion mft0 g MluffffU tmd tor ,an 1884, in Increase $185,216,297 of $42xne cniex on ungineers snows ,inai r - - - rat atluatapelUwid Intermediate poIaU. a (Ae gtamaa.Fww) fuu,487, cine prose assets increased PaedaaJsawJliam Madrid, y.28. At the meeting of the . the ureent necessity of beginning at Cabinet the King presiding, re mmd LoM, indiemf rtet from $456,119,817 in 1853, to $519,690,249, once Jaoai n ta coast de construction the oi aee dataUed To intonoatioa the whlcb be of a at and tbe condition affairs cor Folders, Slap may obtained, V an increase of $W3,670,431. From Nov. fenses. : Steel forts and turrets, to re- garding ttoaawtoeWZtVaMatAaiafiirara. it was decided to continue well ee Vkete, at aU prinel?! Tlcktt oOoe la the United SUtea and Canada, er of university, wte e t ifafrtw e e utaief ww eryewa a the reserve sist guns which send a projectile the t,i8S3.to wov. ist. or1884. j vifforouft uollcv already adopted decreased trom $160,822,-o4" 5 . $12,752,225, K. ST. JOH3T; e. weighing a ton through sixty feet iof against professors and students, wi; a R. CABtK, to were There nomi $148,070,290. Aan have like guns Bitten 'f jnrivadT , sand, and which must sid Peaarel liemafr. view to the prevention of all teach &' TicM aad Farr Igead,! aaaaawrfHfib'ttMraiaee. V nally outstanding-- At the close of the with machinery to load and manipulate the JtwW Sey held to be contrary to the inter ings V fiscal amountoertlhcates silver year, an etaeaaee awsei in cannot be the built time eyeew awtid i them, of and ests religion society. inar to $120,891,691. an Increase of $32. eSeswBwt BaTeB BUPt f enemy would give after the cessation -' v .. ..: z.,auu uurinK tne year; me amount of diplomatic intercourse. v- ,. a 41 aw bate. etfrai nat ante hild the Increased from by eC Treaaury the in The balance 1st, July Treasury teewareai eT4reewev frlinff to $23,384,680, thus leavinsc 1883, for improving ha', bora and rivers, 'if TELEQIIAM;. j' rVJ I 1 f A. T eVeawdpfaawteareterPyep;paTtai $15,906,145 outstandinir 997.w)7.0ll: ac was $10,021,694.55; amount the actuaiiy approOeaend Debnity,Baiiiniaii increase. $246,32. The amount priated for .1884, $1,319,634.62, and the ' Governor "Cleveland declined the attlpartloti, Waea amolflertAaw Kidaeya, tnai of standard sliver dollars coined no to amount drawn xrom tne iTeasury, irrand banquet tendered by a; number est iPlool etc 1884. was $182,380,829, of 228,7034, leaving a balance . of $3,112, ot prominent democrats. Sept. which tho Treasury holds $142,349,409 580.63 in the Treasury July 1st, 1884. : - " " v : sv Q lewsMtMsT Md ewaleae' KlmbaJJ. philanthropist, dis arenf y, Of this amount &!7,094,&1 was for (M.' 3.000 mo secretary urges uongress to tributed g of food Thurs pounds the silver of certificates PAJSSXSitt TKADf3 LEAVE 'SALT LAKE DAILY, AS FOLLOWS: j redemption make liberal fiVaidiryytaal. outstanding:.- Tbe amount in circula ations to theand permanent appropri day to the poor at the- City t m mOXCUUi Me gUNeMi '4d, Hall, New t ; 1 " Iti ordnance department for tji Oedttir Xortlk it ! OelBr Seeith. f was or 21.8 eaaareiFaa tion about tatomtceattitaT $39,801,953. per f chase of irun material. .The the ....... .ie attaatle Xxnreaa au.... ......... 7.30 .m. Miiford Express at. of the total coinage. As usual, steeltur makers of the country require the ass tin itiitinmmiii ah htto, cent, official vote on Congressmen in The ..7 .40 a.o. i'acinefxpressat.t.k. ...... ...... J50 p.m. f Jcl Exprea ac. the amount1 outstanding; reached the inducement of their being fairly remu- New York SUte shows the following " eaT" pxBxar Tralnj Arrive In Salt Lake, dally as follow: hlKbesttpolnt in December, when it ex nerated for; the outlays necessary! to result: - Kepablicaa,' 67S,wiy aemo-- i T ' ' I ceeded $41,000,000. an aftrrecate never enlarge their . From ewtli. sufficiently to proFrona Jfertlx. 528,000. "j w before reached. The decrease to June duce steel in plants 19.10 a,a, masses of sufficient size cratic, kuthorltles Pauflo rpre atu.I.............'10.tO a.m. Miiford Expresa at. was not as rreat as ia previous years. and suitable quality for gun construc of Kiel have decided The CIO p.m. Atlaotlo xpreu t. p.o. I JoeKxpre et to acarcitv oi one and tion. . The manufacture aud test of ex- to expel the Danes from that city. k prooaDiv 5 Freight Trains lenre Salt Lak3 daUy. except Saadays, for North At S.t3 a. m and 4.4 two dollarowing and on' September 30 to their participation In- the notes, guns will require four r" jor owing 1.40 S.23 ; a.m. ' South at and p.m. p.m.; for in Schleswlg-Holthe amount was &t&),7l7 - greater, than perimental German agitation Coa-greandi five action by years, prompt ; i FRAXCIS OOPB. JOHX SHARP, ...,at the same date In 'S3. Counterfeits stein. v in tbl4 and 8: making appropriation iie&era and Oeaerat f f oaperlateeHtent. Agt, Freight Passenger of to kind various $11,000 Si ' factories amounting government gun i. . . . if i. , i i ,. V ; i, ; 5r.":i Pittsburg, 28.- The ." Connellsvllle were detected auring tne year.-- ; as a establishing to secure,-withireasonable time, effde syndicate i consequence of the inability of the icient means of coast defense, is asked. cided to reduce the ol ail labor treasurer; under tne existing practice. Pending this congressional action, the era & to 10 per cent, wages TO J1. December 1st. I i use other sliver dollars or silver oer department is proceeding with the con The reduction .will on to ..CO.. 8,000 about affect ti lira its settlement with the riew version oi smoetnoore guni into rines: L ' a ga York trln Clearing House, whereby the far Fifty will oe thus converted the pres Market V are ent year. Is by far the simplest constructed .and easiest haudled Plow si W esa 9 Tendon. 2S. Record of the pedes greater part oi its disoursements made available, eold ran down from trian match at 11 o'clock last nUr&t; $155,249,600, on. January 1; 84, to $116. TJTE CATALOOCK OF CBIME AjfO Little wood 354, Mason 830 Cartwrigbt . i '818. 479,979 on Aiignst 12, '84, while tbe sil Ho. 7 W. Second South Streil, S. L GJtyUtah.: . , For Sale by HBtslO SEBREE CO., at . 7 lill-s.,JIlAslTa;Bt. ver dollars ana Dumonon nana, rcpre - Baltimore, 28. The usual secret ses'f' sented by silver, certificates outstand f'ftit Ills Head Oil. ; ', sion of the Plenary Council was held SALT LAKE AXD OGDEN,' UTAlit iNVKISElt, CALDWELL, riDOSUONB, same ' injf, increased dnrinsr the v. 27 :; Godwlu. 7 . and T. Nrw S'ork. considerable progress .Charles . M0U5TAIW IJOME, IDAHO. 1 period from ; 27.itw.037 'to ; & Co:, cracker made in formulatlnz decrees whlcb Godwin of Charles T IS ; a As tX)3,958. expedient temporary . committed suicide at had been under discussion during the To stop this drain of arold trora the manufacturers, ' Portcbester, between 3 and 0 . o'clock week. ; in xreasurer tne Assisiaut treasury, this morning. Jay placing his bead on Steam Heatin g an d Ventilating New York was directed to use, ' in the iJarhes C. PUSey. Chief Clerk; of the track, His head and right Kansas so: payments to the Clearing House, Lf.nlted armrailroad State Penitentiary at Leaven were cut aud his other off, body States notes to the extent of under wise mangled.i He left his home at 2 worth, Kansas, has disappeared out: hut the amount of these) notes ia the o'clock State charcre the of WATER AND GAS INTRODUCED INTO BUILDINGS I defraudinir a this morning; great about $3L00Q by means of false'. Toach-of making treasury which.' at the time of. the noise, and - his wife byand pursued commencement .of this . node of pay 6 o'clock ment bad accumulated beyond its needs neighbors. lie was found about The steamer Great KoaUr, will sail fia now become so much 'reduced with bis head tylnjr about 25 feet from ' for New Orleans December 13. In that they are no lohsrer t available for his body. He was evidently insane.; .And Dandelion, wUli Iodide of JPotasstutn, was in reoorta ex she coiiseoneaca ' of ' that such payments to any considerable V , Did It; lrlnk REMOVES ALL IMPtJRITIES OP TDK BLOOD,. no condition for an ocean voyage, the , tent, it a return to tne lormer practice Matthew McCarron. a laborer, reel vessel was thoroughly surveyed and It eorrseu tha of making payments entirely in gold, condition of the Liver, and removes all osstntctloas ot the Kidatya, torpid ed his tenement bouse 18th Into East ia were found oreoia ceruncaies, saaii result in a street, at midnteht Thankstrlvlnar. His her hull and machinery DA1LC0AD CJTHSWOnLC sound." One hundred men are at work -- ' ' ; continuous loss of eold to the treasury wife r23 ., - O "Cf y;: him for lef ther8 making the ship ready for sea. r, a having upbraided not made up to a suuicient extent Dy Merchant Tallorinfc ffcv a Ooa- sick BoOsJ woman Til cers. Salt A alone all Berofala. Ervsioelaa. At Tordors. Khtan. Cancer. Xvsiepsia. day. ' other of from frold sources, receipts Lac U be forever remembered that t oclock this morning the wife was found btck liaadaohe. Fever Bore. Kidney Litaeaae. and IUranauans. The foraala Eastou, Pa., 28. The reduction in , tmd Clothing House jrQlf tbe Question must soon arise for-thA atrpjauoa. this great bleed of Brown' Sarsaparilla la printed on every bottle. Physicians endorse SI wouuds about the head wasres at the wire mill a - of Stewart .M decision of the department as to whe with terrible IS TIA TJtM f In America. mills All 40 per boitlo, e : cent. j Co.. about tbe JEvery arnargiat la the State aelis It and reeom menda It. Price is per She pwrtler. and face. been had in stabbed or to ther it win continue make in goia six bo&le for ix liaaaCactared only by tk Crowa Aiadiotn aad ataauactnriag C one of that the A la both company, shoemaker's including awl bloody eyes. now it representative the payments discovered in a bureau drawer. just been changed from a roiling to a Laavajwortn, anna, , - RAILWAY made through the Clearing House, or was WANAMAKER McCarron had left the house after for- wire mill, will be started ud Monday use In its payments ill ver dollars, or tha beat end shortest rente te aai frei. his wife to open the door," Her next, when the proposed , reduction 4& their representative certificates, ia the bidding CUtcago aad Coaadl ttlafi (Oataha). aairroans (attracted other inmates, and wm go into ettect. ame proportion to the' relation which the iUat ll la prereirea uy ati weu poeiaa ? . era wnea BROWN, suffering woman told how her hus to er irom not in tbe dollars the silver paaaing treasury Judge Mainsty, whose course in tbe ' nad assaulted her. She Mill be Coleridge held for certificates outstanding bear band case in London caused ro truck Comuett a a IMea) Zae et blind McCarron she if was lives. ar ex an CAUFOR'ilA AND COLORADO to the available assets, and to mcch criticism, is to retire from the . rested r t r'-l Vtent similar to that In which they are bench. 'The ostensible reason is old : , It also- operate the ben route end tha Arnuaaeipnia.! used at other oraces oi the treasury ; t1 agei ; He is 75 years old: short hue between 28. One of the hop During the fiscal year $126,152,572 in ' Columbus, 0 , v k. r i I A full Iia of i i i who York In New died Henry Ivtson,anational bank1 notes were presented for pers at Straltsville was fired about 7 the ' great pwet footft itock was wellChicago and St. Paijl ani member of the cent, more o'ciock this redemption, beinjr 22.83 per and a crowd or yesterday, will ba found wiUk Ivlson. Phinncy A Co - than the preceding year. Of the amount men refusedevening, to let tbe citizens put it known firmofofstandard Cf rande Slinneapolls & PJt Denver school books 68.90 cent or Rail'y U:iNcaukee. TjiCmss.eTarta. MllOBjTi JOHN DAVIES, $86,922,000, , out. The fire department was called publishers per presented for a quarter of a century: came Mew cities from lour one ork.uos man out i uws Wla outdid SVinuoa, UvMard " SALES ir notmng,and nnaiiy AGENT. (tireaa bar), Vton. Philadelphia and Chicago.- - An in rushed in, others followed, and the ' i H A In m.tn' O.l louna. il.ukalo. All DC. Cedar RauiJs. De f of 22 .83 per cent, in tbe amount flames were extinguished. crease uubiok Several a flour mill owned by John Bed- ecstr Utah Lake City. Aigona, Mjh.e. City, XJZir LI1FE rwoon. r.inm. tuna of bank notes presented for redemp shots were fired to intimidate those troyed iarn uitowrn. i low, f40.uuo:- insurance. S8.0U0t loss well, na aw r local iwihmi forU, Ui., tion reflects the condition of the mer who wanted to put the fire out. All origin unanown. arnungst ' cantile and monetary affairs of; the the mines In Straltsville are closed and Arnoni: a- few of tb numeroas point 28. Is followlmr Oru Portland. The bv In shown as of country the company is holding the county reports or mi iy ma patrons Washington Territory's official vote -t V- LSI which ar. are ita lAlf COACH creasing business failures and decress-tn- g responsible for damage to property . . ?UllL!A!I Slttri;;G CARS, voornies (aera.). Delegate to Conthe Unct that hnraso art aad invenaitv est clearing house transactions, and it crrcss, 20,f9i; Armstrong (rep.), 20,848. a continuation of the course that its 1'ALATIAL, iLttrlSl is raxt: coruiori an i'&lx. vtliu'h are- mooels or DBAWIM bank note redemptions have been pur D bnVer. "28 .The 7Vu -- Beau Mi- - ine total vote in itu2 was is,4y- Elegant bey CoAeh4f iUiiare: it PALACE 1974. since a Mount of the Holy Cross special showlngan increase of 22,318 In two year year, can' suinz. by which are ansarpsssad b women cast between ten CAM, "Air: of notes amount bank The aggregate says: J.Seymour liaii, owner of the years.,The ay; and it widely celebrated aud votes. thousand eleven the for Cleveland suicided last 'redemption during presented mine; by night DU1S8 CABS, ten Tears, expressed in round num shooting himself t through the lieei etatlTwa! Katlmg Beoaeai heua. he State w ' Chicago, not run are which any th bf he Canvassing iiia by eSJe ca bers wa $l,404,COO,000; yearly aver Business troubles,' together with the Hoard to-ds , . tan tJbM Csaalry, ijBeautea; r.w 1 inrvtifr. la abort, it e asaerted U decided, in the Leman- me actual recent of reaemp age, $i4U,uuu,yuo. discouraging developments Brand contest, that from the testimony IT is rue iiF..rr KtAUifre. hwai tions varied widely from this aver the mine, probably led to the act. , tS THE WOULD. given before It, Brand (democrat) was "iFUBI Atl points or iutereatMortR. norxaweaiaB not entitled to a certificate of election. Kfewt ta the Baek. West of Chicago, bnslae centra, snusm and falling oa to $5,ooo,ooo ' in 1881 referred the matter to Gov. Ham They resort aad aotea nanung fine- - ilton for final decision The aggregate amount of bank notes New York. 23. A mlddle-asreThe Governor ue ar roua accessible varioa MM by redemtion for name the man. of the John during presented' mth XI S looking and giving stated that he would , render decision Q CTIOICC3T this road. ' nnfliual 49S7.O00.000 was first a as years lilecker Macduff, o case registering next Monday. v ' It owns and control ever 5,000 ntilee To' i ZTtssouri JZiver, ruad while the aggregate amount the last street diamond broker, applied to the in the '.T1H FUTt SHEET IRBn. STIFEOniHE&TlflliERS'TGOLS. and ha over four bundred paaeM(0. was but $426,000,-00- Yorkvllle police- - court this afternoon five years coaductor constantly caring lor it tuii 19. ,n. dt VLSlrona. In no year of the last five did the for tbe arrest of his wife, who, he 12J for ticket via ta: F. WE3T3 Ak ronr ticket arenta - eoatveusiota tnirt " rLTXH, equal those of any of the said, shot him in the back yesterday. redemptions ' Ai A OAK 2 IiEw rontft. ASO TAKE JLJaln Zlo. St. Street, first five years. The large redemptions Mrs. Minnie Macduff, a stylish-dresse- d eem.Pafa.ATlanj aeeu mam. cos.s u i..M.ii.iir ur.ket . ' LSI. vuy, uiaa. were to some X MINERAL, WATER. uepeaa, juta. of the 7ars : woman, wearing much Jewelry, Ar .r Ln this rout, taat (of Xew Tors.) "V':y.J.l y . V. DKTtRAH. Traveling Agent, extent due to the denressiou of bus! young was brought bofore the Judge. Mac-cu- ff cir.Ki acconvnodation, than, it doe to go b' comthetlnanclal and wife his besa demanded that testified 1. Lam Oct, Utaxv rowu. succeeding Mitf:.lDd Author, Lecturer, and Amerloe'e rnnrt, mercial panic of 1373. and the compar $300 per month pocket money, and he F.ir nuai. tieacrlbtiv circular and sen: . Greatest Bo Speelallat. atively small redemptions lu tbe last couldn't afford to give it. It resulted Located irer resort naoera. or other laformaUoB p.E!.:-d- y be attributed in a quarrel,; and the wile shot him Lake ot.ciinabla at your local ticket efliee, writ Salt five years i:i may Otty, 3Lw9 periaanentlyjU I row lath to the recovery, during tnose years, when he wasn't looking. Mrs. MacOffice from the effects of that panic and the duff swore her husband used her to hocr. is to 4 and T to 8 p. &.) DvJeps!a. EEi'L flSS. IEEITJ. 1 increased activity of business and the further swindling schemes in disposClseasts, Sedentary benefiu attending from the resumption ing of diamonds. She got very little CHICAGO. I1X. . Ci.iousneta, : r.Cfey complaint. of fepecie payments. Btatlstics of the of the money received, and he had Main St, between td and Sd Boi(h StraeU.) ' GEO. d. vrnviMso. ' . J op rax tiiexx ten rears sh Sw that redemptions are beaten and abused her. Tbanksei vine .Lung Diseases, impure Cen'l Agent, ltooin 8, Windsor Block4 'live COXSUT.TATIOX FHKK m all Nervous. by business seasons day her husband loaded his. revolver, l.ltMtd, Cliromo and Female i invariably affected W. N. BABCOCK. liscaea m tne her warned she was mother to and and autumn, ; . Deformitlea. ate and by decreasing spring UCttWM CllVt. viuiwi, .v, nen sne in is and Aletliod when trade of l shot him. active, TreatmaDS "be Increasing HonMcpatBy, prepared." amo Coca AmjaAOTUMaa, VyfvcTooe d midwinter and midsummer, when trade Ifi default of $2,000 bail Mrs. Macduff Eoierlln, Electricity, MagneUjia aud baths, !, .: - .. was placed behiud the bars. , is dull. ST. PAH Cnreei Writ ihU of for (.utrulMd. ' ! llorder. War Meerearr f War, i j tesUuuuiala, circular, etc Xteptri GROCERS questions, PLAIN MXD i!C AV STIC. CCLDryn UCQ'TTS VmIu laad. M-; tf-t- v : EVENING NEWS. r v. : V BY TELEGRAPH. COMELBTB STOCK - pre-deces- or. throe-i'oart- PIT STYLE . Mm?, AHEBIOin. " hie befort ilii PRICES oftitje o, tuti dlg-.M lti PANTINGS. ". f - TUTTS HAIR DYE. BfT ; tela-eionar- ies iri JSLAmSD ! f Aim PLAxma mizjo -- ' Wt ; ' " I m ! . Oar. 1 ca SOKT,' S3 Pt. rifrra A sayana oibeb nnfnnn . B Bsl Bnanal SI Bat BBBaay AB . - - . - . BBBBBBBBwPa " "GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE;"' ....-- I. ::. K . BBBPSBBWSBwBflwBWaV :.! ill! I . . - . , at er ' , y, to-da- , ; i . , . '.J - STAIR BUIItPIrCr A' SPEOT - , v . ) I'll !!''!, ' AIjBERT aBAj ROUTE;! ( 1 ! h. mm. in -- -'' , The FMnff . to-da- " . IS. . -- nce-Frer- ttf 23 fill -- NEW jOCII3 CAKD, SEP. 8. 1884. -- --- V yaw-Wa- r. . -:- -:- s . . .V - - .. .: .. - r--- .; i. "-- J t- ; f ? - BeBefceeaV eaBesfateT XBalePeaWeVe avFeT - B . 1 ' - - 3 . - - i ! sa - - -- - . - i ..- -- , , ,.i . - n to-d- rs C?ke-produce- ay ! W. FARRELL & ! I 5 SAN ITARY DEP O.T The Lightest Dratigiit Sulky Plow Made. - 13 - in SKi:. - - '.-- , . J mjm, Bo -- to-da- PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING; ? ' - - - ;;;. h - one-hal- cm TECH - - 1Y ALL ODDS PEST EOOiPPEt SHORTEST Host Direct Houto r6 THE "-.- '' mifr t , '1 H. . ; OAK HALL, I- -- !- .feL-Vfcr-4is- .t;-ic- ; . ' : x. i A-- :j ;SJt KENNEDY'S 5?nM iWi TlIIS - . - I kKl XOETn-WESTt- K : siFmooni! unit a l m xia-iaii- - aw U - TBBl RAILS, . BXCELSIOK HAMIFACTURING CO., . ' rua-.t- . : - . ; ' ' -- - . uw : 1 r : - PUEBLO 0 II. s . e mmn rohtiktestebi. Santa Fo Topelia - EAiST ATOHICOIJ, blood; - Pij':tJR' BROWN'SSARSAPARILLA - - m - 1 - - 28.-T- ay ! x ana-naai- d. fi 1 " - - 11875-187- 9) (1880-186- 4) tnl tut 1875-18- S OR T L I Nil the voriDi OmsLhVan'i Council faints r.i::!ficoT An BMj, sitirtu mm ML Eft snr.T.rn ELIA8 11 J. eoorauoas. a coates, CK.:iS: - w . kkw Toaav - era Ctcltij Or to aay petbt XZcsf, bcyad; r VpporU KAl.F-A-ELC- D:i!l:rs, sornt tejilk st. Jitmllg UtuL. 61". t i Secretary of War Washikqtox. the Lincoln, In his annual report, says untotal expenditures by requisition, der direction of the Secretary of War. Air daring the ttcal year enUIngj one 30th, lS&t, are $i2,Si2,S.8.l,. which Includes tne sum ot iyj,uj.i, uo unwn from the Trrasnry, but credited under the act of March aa, 1979, to the subsi- ditftdPaci..c railroads lor transporta EAST CF DEPOT. tion services rendered tie War De- dur!"T ta ncal year l84and jrtr:et:t . ft to the "T4. "jut carried p:iorve J . a ..a i fscrr I ' i 1.4,, was $l, t roprlations utiuns, (..; v..e r 1;.3 l r ; June 30t&, fjr ' A A KIT, l 5, rr3 estimates - r rr v-V "t June auth. fur : . ; e t t estimates HOIIJUISGS, I : . ; ( r ' those rl jersjtelow .'. i 'Ye a s, theprin-: c ? ; :tic, co-u- n"virUii, sad !'!jrut, aaeeiiij A lualuBifs. I I Oil .IS . ; j, th div- j cuarge is a ix e:ll3 rnoiiPTLY . rt hs e . v f . . !; jv. r i . . - ; . 1 i ( l- -s Z- Z- .C;r.-trtct??.ai- ctrrrrt. t f i i ; ... t i ' t 1 v. J TSATF iF 1 1 TIX-TXIS- . tlirfre-fpu- .e Ufa l l. i.' t0- - C e 3 t-- .T-- lr i -- r i t- - ; . i i t BJ t ."Atf i 1 r . to 1 l- -. tri!.i " ,.- i J 1 i V n lU.JUli -- - 1 I -- t ot j a r.: 7ir i. 1 1 .1 i,.r .. 1. . i Its- - C. i ,l;.. VrJVA t .i t- -e r r .' ra rt in ie ("He li t :.e St: ETC. - ") ' " . - XZ- C bur-va- rd, - t- t J t tt f- :e1 by t ' ' f 1 t,. - '" .' "': ut te, dgFECPOOOPG SmK!!!!L OF TUB fcs-tat- . S OSPH f .enseofthe - ' wnbis sad fer Salt Lake Ltaa, aaada and Conaty and leiruorv f Ao-A. U.,1m, entered on tbeKU day-ola the iBattnrof Heary SniiH, deesed, I, juJartb SuUib a AiluiinULrviiix of said will celt for Cms at rnle the following desenbed Baal boloBvtng to said Biiaste la Salt Lake City in fcftl. Lake CooatyaoJ lerriua-yoUtah. U wit: All tbftt part tt aambered oaa (1), two 2),thrte (?.) ad four ) in fclottk nnta. S lat I" of let live 4 eemj w inch la (':) br fuiiowc (tuscribfd and 1xadd Southwest at tbe of aald lot A ast V rty-t- t tfnr (i), Ihence ruaniagtoiw -r (4) (30) rxl, one (I) foot and iacho, Uifcic-(7) ruumug Aortn I .y.,ix e.t rtids and four m,rti 'tvt rtvucg North S3 CCT., Veer fear U) ro.i (11) ieet four (!) incite, tbeace raii)ir t H est tiiirtv-oa- e (SI) foorta two inches, thence nmsisr ten (lo) touts (it) rod to tbe place of beruiniTxr, containing lUree buolrei' asd ior r,ruii,, i fittd s t, J aj4t r(l 1.i) aad ( "i ) -- inr i i is. t t t js r t lu- Ibm lanii is .r i e fi!.v. comr ef )im i ( support of FCRTIXLB DLBUi: TUB GEO. .MAX Dl'DVET. :.- TO AN PCR'UAXT rtiications icr;e Solo AjrcnteHn Salt Lake City. - THE H0ST;O0JL'3lE NOTICE. ADMliTISTRATOBra SAL XBTATS., oi-fic- ers on a u LTX3AL. ns ' led volun- '. ae lmport- t" '3hm Faraaoiogioal Charta glrea News is .28. Just received of an affray which oc curred on sumiay last oenveen Mexican police and a number of Americans at Cananea, a copper camp in Sonora,' which resulted in , the death or an American teamster, nam.nl Lee, and ol several Mexican policewounding men. A mesaenser was immediately dispatched to ' the commander of the Mexican troops at &a.uta uruz, bonora. He sent a detachment ol 40 men. who demanded the surrender of. the Americans. The latter refused, but were persuaded by the officer of the Copper king Company lo comply. Two15Amer-cawere escaped, the remaining marched off to baist Crux. The of the Copper Kin si Company ac companied them. Additional news ia nonriy expected. ia fully j . i 'it THE i c port of the CIIKISTIAX TFCITIVCd VI:.-mr tie ycr li4. A Lr.;aecr s. over the Br proprlAtlons t enrrest year i x as.ed ta r?&ke .u i 1 1, e c ..ce cf FOEEIfeiX EIXSAEira NTIKUIU ' ' i jr.' m ' t! .at: rt : r a i.a - t- in- l a.icis ct fe. t i . i .' c, 1 1 1 ' i . .r . ; , .t(. , ' - C. fillitd : . . f-- t a. ; t j. t r fc.t m- c"' ' .;oii wu.h sa t i- -- A M. -- ' . iiemie4 by U'ftr-dut-- j' l v' uiinraruH'tmua. iciisiul -- ,' "1 OKiOn oi ttiaUs-- ' i if m?rtitrie of tlie r.:n;t. ;.j. rir:;!.!- - ; ;.;.,-,..-".l.- i bavlDir i - t.-.-.- i- -! HAY FEVER ' Is a trpe cf ctit. is . Tombstoxk. Arizona, S - CIlLtSO, i t IJMeolau PLANING MILL, ad AVAnnn .aw rii. S j WATSON BROS.! t xsss ' O. :ljji:lai.M iieui-cale- LUMBER YARD Impwrtwr'S Agaat, CUg. rav dlii aod asf. ly Stonecutters CO " For Pnblio Bailding aad Dwelllar , Glased nnd foaateiieo Tile for alantiai,. Hearth, Wainacottaac. ete and lor Ea- - urwr C: ... LCTIEJ:!. Tom r i- MUTTON'S TILES. raaalng tte FAST XXFBIII TBAISS dally treat r Loud, For alo by, (1880-188- 4) " TV 'tfflTOEB cd ii 01!18 - 1.-3.- 11; CHICAGO, ' ; 1 - . Jr., E.; JOOT, 79 1 u Ul W. i r.r V . WS |