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Show EVENING NEWS ' IEXAJIIIXATION TH - i A OMENTS The Grand Jury tuut Ignored the castf against Win. C. Brooks, for as sauit. j Milton 'Nobles. ' lie Last night of. playb "Man ol the People'? at the Salt Lakfe Theatre. ' 7",;-:- ; 7'v 7. K U " J. pi. boocwix, who tola the tale to the Leadyille Arete, was In Qgden yes terdy, going west. No Investigation 1 for him. r . gTrlE; usual Sunday services of the Chuich of Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y Saints, at the Tabernacle, commencing tw0 distinct shocks of Loiy earthquake last Menday morning. It is understood that Blaine has had sev ' . . The Fourth Quorum of Elders will meet In the Fourth Ward meeting Upu4 on Monday evening next at 7 :30 SUBMITTED The TO ANSWKB AUTffl preliminary examination1 W the iC'vlDm' borUon . case which fhas occupied the tlm ana . tion of Justice, Spiers' court for the past lour or nve days, close at twen iy minutes to 12 O'CIOCK this forenoon ti. ubu own resumeu at 10 a.m., from xnursasy evening. unh witness ptaced, upon the stand tttf morning waa Uri. Mliando waaTeealfed for nr uay rratxjijjia poses of additional examination by the prosecution, but was not interrogated more than two r thxea' minutes, and was men exensea. w .y $ i f ur. uamutoa- - was then -- swornyfor me prosecution. His. testimony was or a damaging character to the defense Lizzie Evans, as has already been seen, had admitted the ; use ' of certain laJ struments upon her person by Dr, Fowler, shortly before the alleeed w aooruon was consummated. Dr. Ham uton was called on J to testify as to the nature of said , Instruments and the object of their use ; In the sur The - witness gicai ; profession. stated .that the nse at unrh instruments would be very danrerous In a case where there was any reason to oeiie ve the patient waa vreenant and theTise of any instruments at all in such a case would be considered, bad ' 1 THfc Jury in the Lulkln perjury case yesterday and were dls disaiqreed ' c harsfid. and the case was continued for the term. ' ; Go Ci.S "fi In The 15, 1SS4. eral 4l30. ABORTION ' to O. F. Due's chrysanthemum - practice. t He was also asked as to the' condition show In the Ryman Block, west of the he found the patient In himself when a is beautiful It display (louse. Opera he made an examination of her last of floi er. '" : temporary' J. B. Thrall, of Derby, Conn., al accepts an inviUtion from the Congre-catioachurch of this city to become t?kV. li -- its castor. Those acquainted with him His o ha hrinpq an excellent record. 13 likely to occur before the appearance end o the present month. that in the WEre requested toG.state DeWlttD.m II. Church. Baptiet pastoh fervices will be begun at II a.iu; ami 7.30.1 p.ra.;youns people's meetm at .30p m. Evening subject re"Brobght back, or the wanderer's free. turn. ' All are invited. Seats Wi are4uUe willing our esteemed oteo., the 0ien Herald, should use our reports of the Irons affair or any other f case and it always gives due credif; for sucn tMuga but we dislike to be made responsible in the eyes of its readers for absurdities that result t ana Dr. AUeh Fowler it bondsoxof, SjOOO each, to await the! action the' Grand' Jurv. Sureties were furnished, and the accused per sons were riven their lihoptv Whether, the present Grand Jnry will1 take the matter, up remains to be seen.' Mr. Dickson, in objecting to a contin-- l joun-v.iron- s uance of the examination lastTuesday Jury 'was then tin 'sessfou; and the wished the prosecution to . be . . ' imatter, ' a. a1 a t jpus rigus uirougn,' so it could go before that body before they adjourned. The testimony Is now blne transcribed by me reporter, a. u. vviun, WItlTtit -- object presumably In view. It will be several days before it is completed, however, and it ii douktful .that the matter will get before the." Jury before the middle of next ; week, unless, they take It up Independent of the testimony and Subpoena the witnesses ' oa their billiard company Own account. The latter U tjiefnsxiAl Brunsiek-.Balk- e last suinmer, of which Peavy acted as mode of procedure with oar Grand rr agent He vas bound over on exam-befo- re Juries-. U. S. Commissioner inatiocj McKay! IJAII4 DKNIKD. 1 team ts bad The case against Charles W. Peavy f or emWzIement, was yesterday Ig nored hy the Grand Jury, the defend ant discharged and his bail exonerated. This was the case brought by the proof-readin- g. , END Of TBI HABKAS CORPUS PRO- cbkdinos - nr tiuc clawsost LOCAL NEWS. AST JCVAX8 ' CASKS. The Immigrants. The comf any of immigrants in charge of Elder J . Alma The arguments in the habeas corpus Smith, passed through Chicago at half matter, affecting the case of the United past 3 'o'clock last night. All well. States vs. Badger Clawson, and that of Elder George Goddard is with the com tbe same plaintiff vs. Joseph H. Evans, pany. closed, last evening. ' Tbe: powerful of the "The Phoenix" was wit- arjeamentforofMr. Clawson, extended, as Thjre. nessed last evening by Mother good counsel before stated. Into tlie "part faoose, j&ad tbe popularity of MLLtou of tbe afternoon session. earljr Ha nnotX cobles 4nd his efficient company newly numerous authorities tbe' posiupon uestedi Tbe plaj Is so well known Ms Bide that the defendant tion It was u to need no description, and not could ' legally be panlshed before presented In first clase styld. It is unIxla case been beard , In .tbe higher doubtedly Mr. Nolles best prodnctlom, cottrt on.bad Its appeal, and pointed, oat it: In all maci wMAs aXl,anl talUnj for that the Mr., Clawson imprisonment as first the , very enjoyed last evening differed ua nor , iu- little nderolnj time it was played la tWs city. . from that which he'w9uld tticly make their last appearance ornothing suffer when bis of affirmed, if sacir sentencebetwas finally in "Maii of the People," another should,. the,casj. A' . ' th's mtttor's popular pieces. He referred Also to. the pre at delay consequent In reaching the Supreme boys Court at Washington, and said his TXsltig the Tannery.-r-TJ- ie attendliotlie school for deaf mutes at Id prison for three tie Uahrsiry ot Deseret, under the cllentmi?ht remain or four before his case could be years guidance Li tuov t.oicji, visited the taken j:iv 4 Z. C. If. . tannery in the 19th Ward warn replied to by Mr. Dickson, He resterdayJ and Inspected :ritU much who spoke for about',. aahonr. The interest the process of rnanulactmti was suffering from ar severe .kttier. It served as an object . lesson gcwtUnian end u evidently aflccTW his headache, to tijem. They were conducted though . which , diction, lest; lewible und fteeitabllsamentby the courtesy, of clear than He said that- - tn nsual. Mr. Boskill, one of the foremen.' The case might .be ; heard tn Washington turnery to nsoat finished leather equal within the next 'six months," a' prorl-sio- o w any pr dnced , lu Lynn, Mass., the being in existence rn: the United ms SjVofgt. Crispin; . States Supreme Court rules by which criminal ' cases could be P adranced aaprtmp Ccnrt Cases. The Sa under - certaln , clrcnmslances. t He preme Coprt, la addition to hearing was a held It that great temptation theanrumints in the Clawson habeas to a man Who bad received suih a sencorpus casi, yesterday, disposed of the tence as Mr. Clawson's to avoid .the louowing law by decanrplDg. and .reiterated that lathe case of F. Anerbach et al., re- - the question of ball was entirely within spoadefitsi vs. Robert Mulhali et al.. the of the court, and that If discretion on appeiuaui appeal from toe inira ' Uistrict, al rehearing ol the cause hav- the defendant were allowed to go on ing been heretofore granted and had. ball the Court would surely. make an the peUtiqa for another hearing, sub" '' Its discretion, f mitted the. 10th lost., Is denied and here" abnse'of - Mr. Bawlins, In behalf of tne defend by dimVed. In the ase of Thomas rel ant Evans, addressed i the-- Court, for spondent,! vs. Sslt Lake County, imp from the, abOut thirty ;mlnqte9tJ teyiewirigthe ppeflaat, oa Third District, it wasappeal evidence and principal features of .the ordered that of this cause be and. is hereby case.-W&r f. . desied. . v. until 2 court adjourned 'The .their la the case of the People of the Territ- ocibek yr g nnderstand-inwith the of ory Jj'taa, respondents, vs. Daniel that the. Judges wonldi ponder eaneU4mQ., etc., appellaat.on appeal from the Setosd District, it was order-- w upon the matter oyer night,con3alt that a rehearing of this cause be and the authorities cited by counsel, and U hereby defied, i x , i tae cas$ l James k wing, respon-an- t, render a decision at that hour. the vs. Edirac Merkler, appellant, on L Shortly after two o'clock ay PPAi from Ue first District, U was court Zane nstice Chief and J ordered that a rehearlne .01 tnts caqse rendered a decision, moat - of . which Mantis hereby denied. ' . waa written, wherein he stated that it was the ruling of the full bench of the Death of! AYlUlam Parkinsoa- .Court of Utah 'Territory', Supreme Ta name df William "Parkinson,' of the defendants Budger ClawDanaUr Farin, near Bury, Lancashire, that5 son and' Joseph H. Evans ?ba not it familiar tot many of our readers.-- " He admitted to bay, and that they remain was the husband of Mother Elizabeth la the Marshal's custody pendln the Parkinson, who died wme time ago, of their caseston appeal. Mr. and though not, like her, a member of hearing who has been In court while the Chnrchrhe was always a kind Clawson, was matter the being argued, was then friend to tUe Elders who traveled that taken baek to the Penitentiary. way. The foUbwIng is from the Millcn . ' d . To-ulg- bt nps, - .. w . - "i- -. v- FeB-tan- ine; lTTw. to-da- to-d- re-one- ned -- -- ' . l A i ' at irn-- 97th. bcinran by llder terpt of; cortespondence X.Woolley at Dunster Farm, and OctoberaaMis ex- - K. dated j of the death of "I $ learned VilluM PrWtaon. which event took !eeat Caaiburn, Lancashire, October lie wasfXytaraof asc, and was cttvelj employed in bis frm duties tntil & short hime before bU death, hich oceomki while be was on a visit the hom ot one xf his daughters. aoasessedf ;inany ood traits of of rcter, among Others that he has prominent; being Vitality to been 1 honest 'and rrpripht. . He never embraced the Gospel, but J baa ever well treated and admln- God who have been a his boose. Jr'rorn toe time that ifpostles II. C Kimbaii oai)rsnn FivH wprfl Treacninz tne has this worthy Goherennil"how, extended a- welcome hand totbv fWers who visited him. He is the tter of five children, who are now three sdns and two daughters. Siag ne the wife of Brother esse daughter j Hopklnsdn,' has lived with him to-d- ay - DunsterFarm, nd solace to years, also render- ald to him. lie was very nng late years onithe oa has been a 1 comfort In his declihine S1?1 attached to his lfamily, and i ; j " par-ui- T this dauthter last mentioned. resided .in Chatburn, after- -t 2!" atTottioztbn, then at Ramsbot-- r fcP'Md'finaUv attnia farm, at all of J,ca places h3 has kindly made pro- -l tSVorthe lodglnr of the Elders mScu11' Although not possessed of S Efficient UUh himself to embrace P?1 he wU certainly reap the rS2f minister to the tiJv tQOS who wulvlf disciples ot Jesus, , Uis 11 known and spoken prominent Elders, lie Uhnvy Church, Elton, - w ue ne Sa,Jrt o much loved ana re- - of hrhrnrca tU?,at i4 ; i : sir li V'JCTT RECEIVED From the Provo Mills, double, single and shoulder shawls, Unsey ud flannel 1 ! Liquor dealers In Waahlneton Ter. sheeting,: dress flannels and linseys. Also Wtory have organized (to tdefeat the yarns, blankets, socks, stockings,etc.. at No. 4S"VV. 1st South N- t- onondaylaw. 'm,. sita :, umwQoaey's, ' ' - y ; fit At last accounts, . Red Cloud, who Ktt UKO. j j,..,-- , J (j. UUTLKR auai from escaped Halley Jail, Idaho, on the f i evening of November 3. was still at I $100 EKWAIU J is lie be large. Mineral 4cld found in. Salt supposed to in Salt, For J J " Lake. j Lake Vinegar Co Malt Vinegar., .i firfra W l.J Vim V.ef Kf,aat bait James riehan "was" found dead in ws bed at VlrglnU City, Nevada, oa take City, P, Box 657.. , . . 1$ If morning i of the 6th. He was an ARRIVALS OrDKRS fnrWAh Hnil tmm Hnmi. SEASONABLE OOtWB t oio . resident,' anL oras i at; oe time Coal Comoanv takrpn hr Tlpnhnn either by H. blnwoodev or at vartll rresiaentof the Miners Union. " d t considerable excitement - exists (Yard telephone No. 309.). i ouax, w . x ., over the mysterious disappearance of Herbert Clark, a ' Hereluuata f ttalt Uk CU. :t Mr. John C. Fowler, of Kw. York bariketbf Moscow, YTJ T. 'FcAillay and who supplied many of our is suspected, as hU books are all con best Denver, merchants last fall With holldav j rect. , . the Indies souvenirs .Ifor and little folks: . U us . t A Reward. of $l,poo, la offered for ' I" k. mm a lew wi 'in agaiD With a fine and selentnd ifivVnl cays, rnorli the recovery of the body of T. W In his line. Hold your orders for him: Cover, an old "time Montanlan whq was supposed to have been lost on thd AT PRICES LO vEVER. " ' J . OlOBB UAUEKT. Colorado desert while prospecting on - i" Go to the Globe RaVef fnr OF EVKBt' . UESCETTION.' t . V.'. the 22d of September last. Gros-dc-Lyoi- iB, d puN fe EJisha, Reed, convicted of tinai4 ca? i wholesome, st low a. ,I 4 O - ' J pr,C5 . ' slaughter at the December term of the District' Court,, Deer ; Lodge' BtTAII. CLATina BUYERS j : i xa&no, and sentenced U im Will find it to their Interest ; by eaam-- j ' prjsonment, for the term of 25 years. inlng my- - handsome line of men's, i i , I. : . was pardoned last Monday by acting DOTS and children's anlta hlh I asli AND TH CELEBRATED . , , ., . LOWER THAN ANY OTHER ' Governor Tooker upon thtf con(Moq iiuui i, mi to mree aoiiars lower than ! "A i ' ; , oe I anv : 7 A other ti.of k Vn purcnoseuat tne Aerniory nouse m the city. Call and see goods SEASON;'" AT. I wives. Tif jl.. uolubf.ro "": uiuuius, never voluntarily ' ' to return tnereto. ; ; IN ALL THE LATEST FOVULAB SHADES! ' ' , ' j A reunion of the Tanner FamUv. ia .VTALSVT,to be held at Payson about Christmas. Carved Wood Mantels, t Th family in question is i said ? to be and Grate, all complete at with Mirror . . ' i ' ' ' one of the largest In Utah the number ' ' ' .H. DINWOODBT'S atx Furniture Rooms tn Utah alone being estimated in tbe i Zzdifid California IJSacquings, Rtisketi 1 hunlreds. In connection with the TUB PAVXIXlOIf SKATIMO HINlt , i reunion each branch of the family has vocneco ReiH-ilenU. viomt, 'K!?- - Papula Placo of cheap and - ' oeen invited to contribute a. written : : , Shaker Oprix naeraent continues to be .11 historv of thit ,UviAnn I.4' iu.u ; . . I'S w- wuvi nuiui ii I " evenlntr ';'"v . paircuizea Dotn nav . and '' ' to oe compiled into- one yolnme and sn hnir: sniccaia Ktar ine AZiD A rifiL ALL C LINE i. mosto by the 'Opera House Band, the then published in book form best so rented skates, quality At cheaply, Vlennaldaho.the snow Is' about and the good order preserved merit the' Staple Twills, JFrHxes ; Lin$ey b, Canton8 Etc,t JE:tc 8 or" 10 : inches deep, and that the place has achieved. everything success wears the asnect of. winter. . tha v It is patronized bv hundreds of the' ifcupie ot tne city, and no objecground Is frozen to a conslder&hin wcBh tionable or disorderly persons are per- inand depth,; tha'mountalh. streams 'are' ' or even cuter to stana around solid. ; For thirty miles on the Ket v' The Dronrietors" dfiMprvA fhi fhaVo chum road from Vienna the country is I uu ' .. ' a. Off nnrln. and patronage or tne order-lovlni tue at. curiae uMuuM,uun,.uu.vu respectable ladies and gentlemen of the the head of Wood river It is all of I city, and we are glad that thev Vliiie at! eight Inches deepj and teams making ' ' 10 to 12 in the from Open 2 morning; tne trip no w cross all ,tbe creeks on tO 0 LntJia 03 1 tA.in 100 aitrnorin: a.nrf f irtm &' Grey me ice.wUbout danger. . in me evening. ' a. a. Warrington was held ud at ; tne corner of Galena and Washington "BOIIGHOJIIUTS.- Grey ft Clcars oo rats. mice, roaches, flies streets in Butte, Monday evening by s, 1 ma, Blankets! : . Mottled, ?ind three tmen who evidently had murder stunts, chipmunks CURTAIN POLES, . WEATHER j avpucis., iw, Aruggists. STRIPS, and booty In view He was struck 1IEA0T PAIX8. . ALSO THE over the eye with the butt end ; ot: a - - ' FalnltatlOn: "nrnnslfiil Snralttnira a severe DlZZineSS. pistol, producing ' Moari contusion, Indtppstlnn . Jose. OalAVLiW f Celebrated but he recovered 'hmselt sufficiently Nioepiessuess cured by "Ny ells' Health knock one of the miscreants down, .iwaewer; and made away .Uolored the robbers In ;,' '"HOUGH 3T CORNS." 15LAJNKHiT, , Ask for WAllx .' ox PrtllrK nrt rnma the ? without hav corner, possession ' jjr geSat 'Vabiett.' .'r.M.TO .U I V. iM U"Vi ing gotten anything for their trouble. bvmlons. warts, of those unavoidable accidents uvuruH, which constantly threaten the life and Quick, completer en llmb;ofrallroad employees bappenedfoa Bladder and Ilrtimrv ltlaona K.oi . the , engine of train No, . 8, few'days inn. Irritation. KrnnA. r.rnni rot.rrh l Airuggtsts. ago, as it was leaving .Green - River. v wo uiuuuer. jiue water gauge Droae, throwing a WB ARB BnOWINQ A IMMENSS ASSORTMENT t)f ! WtES ft PILES . PILES ' .of water and quantity boiling tf escaping snre cere Titimi. nioorimo for steam In the face of the fireman, James ni LMES-niSSES'&CMDBEH'liies. One box has cured the DOMESTIC PLUSHES AMD Measures, badly scalding him about the worst ases of 20 years' standing Ha lace, neck and arms. A telegram was tne r.ed suffer flve m nutes aft'r t sent to uawiins to nave a conveyance naini, ii:iarr,-- incuan File t) intuitu its nbsoibs tumors, illavs Itcliint--. Afia in readiness to take him to his home as ' pouUU, gives in.tlant relb-- f .' on the arrival of the train, '.and he is o lor the I'llos, itching puMiniy ; i now as, comfortable as skillful . treat parrs,- - notftlng- else Koid by ' aau iuaueu DECORATIONS. ment and tender nurns can make him. iragiisij .,V" .V 7 7 . ' receipt 0 y. iN'AtL "ma Latest . 60c l .00 pri f tej The Laramie J)Qowerang la lnforrnJ or -- die b Z V Mi r Drnff Dent Dolmans, Clrculara, Net-Marke- t, ed by a gentleman wlio la thorongtUy I ' Frazier Medicine Co , TftopV fc, ? Etcl ' ' I ITavelocks. r ? Coats; Waists, conversant with the affairs of the Crow CleveUnd,;Dhio. , ' ' n f this departmaat wal hav the Lamest Stack - aad Cheapest OartUeata rc . i Indians, that the , Colorado syndldate ' .Patent' Adlunt&nle - Bed BtIKT. offered. bar : i liavo had tnelrpaid emlsss riss t work Springs, mannlactured i at and for sale vv -. . .i JNo. me. South Street. Indians among tbe first past during .. Uaji and see,, tliree weeks, and that a large number Bl'kLL & &6nEUT. , d, of the iadiansMe already signed tbe ' ' j ; BOIlfARIZED rnOM 1ATX8T CHANGES. ... - KX- .", Winter Goods 1Mimm w - ; , t 'n. DEPARTMENTS w 1 ... . M i ARRIVALS. ts-- " t VAIZT Coats!:1 and rf.EW - FULL. MMK6 . I ,'. -- s ! , W ! Every BepjU billing Up 1 ' WERTHN - -- Plain 1 W '. m - Hats, Gaps, Blankets 1 Clothing rancy Caslimoics, atlnesa Belgri,. Brocad.es SllliB, Satins, Silk Velvets, Pluslies, !j ' . - - ' - ' Elberon and Neapolitan Velveteens, , . "Sb.E:L'Si - - , . WOOLEN - Flannels, . . - Flannels, iu - suitings, - . no-rr- ;. jriafa r Flannel, , r-- . GreatReductioii Prices.! SPECIAL BARGUSS Ul BLAISIiETN , ar ' 50 Pate Pamgon Blankets $2.50 pair Pairs BlanKts at $2.50 3.00 pair 200 Pairs Blankets at $5.00 pair.; : LATEST NjOyELTIES . Vicnniai ocn-oug- White . CORKICES Mairsvilleaand San ana Jb'jyilLi iein, w 4 , " - ''''' - r--Ono Gloat'" and - CEILING r- guitKep f... Ib-hiu- g CLOAKS S s pi. . - pr-.va- &2: COVERINGS. ;wAisi;jL',iiar", . :?r3BtJEi' sttijs. Jsey rr " Slilela, Madras, v-?'- - - a-- . . icicasc ut iuu resurvaiioa to taai eyn- dicafe. 'This gentleman states most positlrely tliat tbe operations of these Colorado schemers have been connived at by the Indian gent, who Is donbt- esi working m&tt lnutnictloniL from the i Secretary of the Interior.. The cause for the action of the Secretary is apparent; la bis straggle to, secure the senatorship for Colorado he has had to give thH syndicate ome consideration to work for him, a this leas is, the. consideration.;, These matters will be thoroughly Investigated and properly 'i " i ventilated, ,. ;t . A year ago last April the unfortunate victim 'of 'Friday's .cruel murder, left Montrose,. Colorado, .with , partner, with the Intention of purchasing cattle with which to Btock b$ ranch at Clm meront '.Arriving; at Green River, he was-- anfortunaie enongh to lose his partner by drowning tn that treacher ous stream, together wfeii. quite a sum of money. ' Alone 'and considerable poOrf, he became discouraged and re traced his way to t Montroset where during a year of Industry be succeeded In accumulating enough .means wid which to make another venture. .This !time after several months1 trading; he vas pn his way bcfc with about 160 head of cattle, when at Cisco, 140 miles cast of Green Itlver, he was intercept' jtd qy a reputed; hard gang of: 1cowboys, Thomas-- ' Tidwell, his,;, son pamedt JU' rank Tld weiiand JTosepa Anderson. li is claimed that these men 'accused feorensen of driving a heifer belongln g to them In bis herd, which was denied. .The Tidwell gang- tried to force, the return of Sorenseato Green .River, which, beins resisted, reeolted in the shooting of the ' latter.' through"!: the peck and abdomen," resulting fatally. Ufflcer Redfield, on Friday, .who was but with a warrant for Frank Tidwell on another charge, succeeded in. malt tnr an arrest of all three men, and rfesterday brought them toivorThe Tldwells plalm that their victim fired two shots at them firsthand that they Sorensen's killed him In hArrior. however, thoush scared half Out of his wits,'ciaiin tha he. was witness to the deed and that hismniover was fonllv murdered. An;-eamfnatlon was conducted on: Tuesday ' 1 , - ; self-defen- ce : , Our' to Mr. Blaine's recenUllness OwXHQ he has concluded not to do any more on nis dook lie receives anuntilJbtaena wok ex Verba Jtsitters. th er supply ....r - . bjTOp -- 'liw v By mini t TniT.t. cotcn. r.' i -- Dr. Fmier'a . Throat .and Lung Baisani the only sure- cure for HonraeiieH and Sore Cuuiu Colds. alii diseases of the throat TJiroatsaud io-not a cough. and iangs. neglect ana 1 may. Drove fatal scores nun dr?ds of gratrfuf people owe their iv.-to Dr I raxier'a Throat and Luna dalsam. iud no ftimly will ever be without it after once usmx it. and dls covering its marvelous power It is pat up In large family bottles and sold for the small price of 7S oepts per dot" Uo ior sale by Z, C M, I Drug Dept. ' t i l i Tne Manti Mrder.A at 8:15 the'NKWS. received to-d- r APPLIQUE AND NOTTINGHAM - 1 CD r ' - . : " 1 t( 8 , - j '. ' " ' ; . For 25 years I waa . ' afflicted with Catarrh. For two months at a time confined to mr room. I tried Ely's uream iaim, irom tne nrst i norma p f. tit In the best remedv I ever tried.' W.C. Mathews, Justice Of the Peace, Shenanaoan, lowa. , '.f ' 37, 39, 41, and 43 First Somh Street ,t r"- m ' ': w A lien's Heavy, nediiim and Light Hoots, W, Salt Lalte Citj. CONGRESS - GAITERS, BAMOIUIS,. i re-H- "r iv a vcirvn nrivrrn . PAX X i A N N OTT NCEM BN'T ! . Can any one rrriwa ug a case of Kid WE HAVE RECEIVED neyor LAver Complaint that Klectrii uitters wilt not sueediiv enrer We of case tar thev cannoU as thousands iireaoy permaoenti v curen ana who ' . rrg-t7- . "A Lkwyer'a OplMiani of Interest v', ' '; J -- , BUI WITHOUT 8EEIKO OUB Particular attention U Uivited BtTPEBII' Wa are Showing the Largest Stock of SILK VELVETS In Town. mi i .vt ii ut vwu, a Aim ueij aaivt kkci. Ihe-oai- n . : 'Ty ' size, $1.00. Warrantadl Alwnya XUlUblel A f s ' if) .1 , qoaUr aajurtment o iniitteis, j'st66k''W very '.- tbe - ? f ? 1 . : : prlcea KiaiiKefs and Comrorts. i largo and contains everything: required.''- i Tapestries 1 (.1 -' Merino I'mlerwcar nnrt Iloslerr. naa ucen house-keepin- g r - ed k v p BODY BRUSSEtS, aid Three ' I M t 1 .,. u M - - ' PER YARD. ; ..ii ar. T AmrrM j; tnw. JbUW.:ZU&:5 UJfiflTS ' SMTENA BUGS, 1 ;Hys.: DOWN TO THE COTTON AND HEMPS.- M ; '''I ut v'l .. '.4 T TRTAT 111 II ITPi ATT 1 t" r,, , ' EICQUETTES; ?.l 1 i n in the City, representing Every Grade o; ywrpet, from tn Fin 1$ Unequalled Assorted la lows And SPECIALTY. f' Laces- -' Trimmings, RuUousandcud As uaual lead at lowest 't UPHOLSTBESfOC STOCK IS ALWAYS TIKIS' Beat VELVETEENS Consumption, the best remeay in tne woria ior cougns ana coias. lints uever failed to cure the most severe re colds I have had. and invariably In the chest." - : "f t lievea sure cure ior i Trui uotties-iortniLnnc Diseases mar oe nai Thvoat'and Free at is. u. ai. i. urug oiore. Large t. Apj BTOgK to our Marniflcent striit . 4 ,7 V - AaM nl mre showing many novelties In this line. Plain and niton i ' i ann m FuU Linot of French i raiuo, Annnrca, lyurmcrews, Tailor-mart- s VV UiutitH-Tricots, Ijitlies' clotiis for Suits vneviois, haye Fifteon Qanlilf. nf Dlack Oashir.ercs and Twenty-flr- c inherent Stylo antt QaaUtiea of BLAl'U UOODS, ? Cm STOCK. OTOOKare OUR IKE SHOES,- - . SQ-les- i CHlCDHEfl'S OOHOII II 'STO.V:' SAIiTDAT.S. ABOTIOS, A H f ' ..y'ii .v IN FULL COMTLETB V Z v J. A Tawnev. ESQ.. a leading attor ney f'WJnona, Minn., writes " Af asms it ior more man mree years, ter I take ereat pleasure In statins that I New Uiscovery for fnnrd Or: Klmi'i as ; I , DOITT UlSStXP RUBBER BOOTS FOU mSSEVand A , - itd' ' . :' Russian Circulars. 'AIm a complete assortment of ' f MISSES', iriiid CHILD K1.'S PLVSU SI CQUES, UAVELOCK3 At4 S"E VTM ARRETS, the Largest Stock we ever carried Ja UU Lfhe. Latest 11m ttils Juwet lrlcaa - M 1 Aver's Pills are effectual In 'a wide range of diseases which arise from dls orders of the stomach and digestive organs.- They are a convenient remeaj to nave- 'Siwavs at nana, - tnev are sunr-coate- d, effective to to easy take, operate, sere to onng rcjiei ana cqre. ' STOCK" OF i .,-.- -l ior sale at 60c. abot ' 6vU LARGE ,"" A v I coxsistiso or Brocadey Velvet, Plush and all the Leading Hovltles new this ; Season In Cloaks, Dolmans, Sacques. Newmarkets and , are unity reuouiiueuuiOB: is,nn:ii ic nil .ters,' will- prove. IirfglitJs Disease, uutoctcs. rveaa .back. or any urinari uev nurin complaint autcRlv cured. the blood, regulate the bowels, and act directly on the diseased parts. arer, - LADIES- states that the examination pf John x the before is Pclf-iCa3e Farmer and John Follett. charged with i Self and Police' Court this afternoon. In which a the murder of Hans Ottosen,had Just the Siqtb been completed in the Justice's court, boy .named Fred. Self,-o- f. TEiriD THEH await the ' fToWBHin MAIL OHDERS , REOJEIVB OTft 1JEST NATTENTIOn I ITTJ , Ward, is accused or stealing a coW be- and they were bound over to: Ball Cathartic Pills nowmannfactnred Was irrand ot of the Liver Brown's Louis with Jury will to rills. compare Oriatt, theptnEf longing t ' teenth Ward, and felling btr to My4 fixed atOQOiacarpurely vegetable, and pleasant,-bu, a All aell sure dealers action. their la U. Ii. KIUU3. Gnlver," butchers, who killed her for Liver Brown's rills. i the "frit-tthat !The Davles without knowing SarsaGrlsmer nse Brown's Company the For blood, beef, combination will ap parilla. For Scrofula, nse ' Brown's had been 'stolen. 'The boy, It The above-namFor Rhenmatism. use Barsaparllla. the pear at the Salt Lake Theatre ior tnree Brown's seems, took the- cow to them vfith had d&s , ; SarsaparUla. com mother bis that matinee, niirhts and Saturday represeitattoitJoslah Da vlVs Trouble. sent him, to sell it for the purpose of mencing Thursday, Not? 20th, opening taxes her oi to Joslah pay Dumas' grease roaniia Davis,' North Mlddletown. money raisin? enough ia piy 21, Kv.. writes: "lam now uslmr a box seemed Cn hor. and told Friday, so Crlsto."' was Monte simply The tale of Carbolic Salve upon your. Henry's on were and be win trodnced, : i.nn..'i .HlOlsvm an ulcer, which, for the pant ten clays ' " so probable that the butchers melahas given me great pain. Tnts salve is deceived and so paying the Rktrirdav." Kov? 53,3 the g,ret completely 21? the only remedy I have found that has the cow &nocon.- had 'Mlchaei they his price, boy me ease. caus was any given U My.ulcer Fraaciscd Chronica JZr i ea auo . ana was nro- slaugbjeredr I , . dt varicose veins, uu o in .meantime, i nouncea incurable bv mv medical doc- the Jlr. Oviatt, gpeaKing .r1,""! flnd,; however, that Henry's cwv. itors. I h&JVe mUsed bis cow and began sesfcis her. There is pwu?uuun. y-is afiectlntr a cure Carbolic streets scene f the VM""'1 all ci thriilic??if He first looked through .4 of Beware 1 imitations, 118 piot me SO a witfl and and finally came upon and stray-pei iilhAIKrilWe did not much l(? hide and pair of horns at Knight's th attcDir.t to. rroduce BTJCKUTS AKXICA HALVE. Vtf ogolzed aerin v: e e tora at the I'ont da Uard. fo: TrnS slaughter bouse; which tine actor, .Cuts. Best Salvk in the world Sail Uruises, Sores, Ulcers, as those onee worn by bis young as ucainuu Hhenm, Fever Sores, Tetter, CliapiH-boylne. Mr. May, on bejpg spoken to, and Monte cr Hands. Chilblains, Coras, and nil rVkin hls B4kes jo4b Qvatf weut vJth.Mrt Erantibns. and positiver cures Files, at opce twi n tne pea or no pay required It . gnarantee? i'oltee Oce and reported tie mttjpr as grave, s t" foTn wstry inp to give pemoi saiiaiaciioo, or moucj v- -n and tbe result was youns Sell's arrest. dSad aM 'five's Tinj ABOVK HOTEL WILL US J h's teiuuuutt I rice s.iAlcriius per - X. Lis tJia tboti tile ; - 1 re It transpired that; at For Druz C sale fvK a, Store 4. tv the tint mother's takes was a falsehood, as she, tl" -- "ri ed rr- ! - ' li d erv- - Aver's eMvt'i afTOR THE RECEPTION ANT - ACCOifSldDAT ION 6pTilE ' V. the. of Cherry Fector?! womVrfnllv S1Ti'-poor woman, knew nothing V "it is a yocpf , ; TRAVELINO FUJJLIC. ... '. lncretsesthfa power and Cexib Jv of fair, the young reprobate having spent Thi Hotel ha been tt4 up ia U its appointments' wUi a view to tueVi the and ervt;; vcice, al iirfri himself, k. mr.T,av entirely utK)n Morccrf, till a J firearolrs cot u as WL3 3 are troubled wL.i it his sorrowing parent prot ac T 1jt2.no c 8rr now that her son was dishonest. Ke nale part Accwtf-a- j to location f room." A fall i ol.cite, --r which wo are aared will be foHo-i- i as Vf or f sieaowu"-sorae r7to rriety and valise The other bougtt a watch,.' would avoiJ corrb- it, . books with the money, t which articles taine'- rrei'Jv ta t- -e comfort of both , . , ir', ' COAXES OF THIRD SOUTH AND 5IAIX ST3 SALT LAKE rs si.4 rut t were tasen iivux CITY. Theatre. who arrested fcini, t. V IS FUU, TO OVERFLOWING WITH A FINK STOCK f . coats,' lmck Uoods Ilantinff Suits,- - etc CKttare' ScJiool atuM ILUl Suits, a. Specialty. t.-.- ay fclathinkt DenarthteH! leaiy-IIaie1- ! Men'a, toutIls, and Chjldrcn'i Sulfg, Pants 0 vcr N ' : ! i niieimuD TU eaa la ranch larsrer paia is inene Misses .rinAny Prost bites, inflamed sore eyes,burns. twin ever. anA Csildi eavariety befond wtUtosa tiuag that ia nooilod for Ladies, ueptrtmein. hrnlaea. cnts and old sores, cured at end. once or your money reiunoeu uj your V is the positive "wardruggist.1 This ivl IfntiaAli ranty placed on every box of Brown's looie Linens. ?irDKmt. Towels. ur&Mian. CnrtaJna and nitwatn-vArnica Salve by tbe Brown Medicine Yntn. ..4 and Manufacturing Company. Only 25 rrcr) thing rcqu.red for ue, hare )ast been opened. All now Md fresk , :cis cents, . , special td p.m". ' 7-- - , ! - . . . ;" v Coat,;; 1 . Hal Kinr , HUSINESS KOTXCKS. . . 'll'lTOJ j f - --r : TERRITORlAIi ITEMS. .V. , J- Tuesday. This was objected to on the ground of confidential comronnicationa between doctor and patient.' Mr .Dick son claimed that there were exceptions to the. rule referred to. ,and that this waa one of them, Bat the;Court'heldl that the question was Inadmissible, as a would violate the confidence exist ing Detwecn the physician and the patient under his C: J ' This closed examination; the Investigation, the de- fense offering no evidence, and thj matter was submitted without ar?n4 ment.; Judge Spiers- decided a ... to hold! Uxi EKthe heading of "Personal" the Oj :den Herald anno a aces that Gro-v- pr Cleveland will be our next Presi dent df the United States. We fear the irentleman will be offended at this free use I his name by our esteenfed con- , - 1IA.TTINGS, COCOA-1IATS- , " TtmCOLIAN andiLAOE CURTAINS. Silk and Worsted Furniture Covering ; " ; :;: fri:;bes, flushes cnrroririK. :Etg; OUR .GENTS' FURNISHING m i i i - ns le :T loa Are rilled foveltlca Tor tlio : FaU V and 7lntr.rionth3. ; ' ---rr- ' t Rroi. -r d 1 t-- O- i . V---t H d wUawf," OPENED LIONDAY NEXT, OCT. l7tii, . ' ; ' r-- -- r ir... crch tli;; t-- ev . 1 fct-u- rjters. cs 7 TciiaorO Leo to rE:Ti r. a OUR GOODS. ARE FIRST CLASS, I .3 . |