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Show s "Si-- . 4i. said Mr. Grar. "The toor f et . I ttiloon before and had been drink finde bis coat End had me walk with bsMte Cmtr, Idah rr. uxoanc stahk. lows are lost, and we may as well go; ing at several saloons during the even-bac- k. him to the circular platfdra. in the GeorH tstmrt, Va'art.1 . eleing. A tblerably fair description of centre of the training ring. The Jonah iKvaw, Pamarla. VNo, no 1" cried Mary. "There J these men was obtained, also the iu- - phants were all standing s with Jofaa XL Jones, Cherry Cicek. ' someonesee a I that riven formatlon was ranchman cloud who to. by I through dw their heads the ring, while uarvey uunn, cimon. Bmtmry, SmikWr . of spray. It is Tom l Quick I For came Into town during the morning, loooklng on. stopped, . ,' neaven's saxe puih ahead." , that three men answering the descrip- and opening Arstingstall ti w",ntta) dropped a tiny : Two each armed to on and s, mounted aallors, a power-horseon clinglag to mouse tion, the from it platform. A BBAVE GIRT. plank,-werhurled half drowned had passed him while on his Within three seconds the elephants ' the boat. way In about day light going south at every one. oi tnem l oeiieve were wixlt.iAM.it. fnrrar..t"..C.lf.. .Prastrat The fresh morning wind,? ad If sent continued Mary,' leaning a rapid rate, evidently on their way to trumpeting and surging In a mad sort "Help!! Hron. white-crestjobs w....HSBaJiIwi-waves r vwiiii.-jv- i . the THE MOST DURABLE & PERFECT CflOKIfIG STOVE MADE rolling op over, and with her left hana clutching New Mexico. of way. I do not remember to . have t n tB . . m i 7 channel. deeDened the rosy slow on the Ml 1 . ee ? Pauacoa, one hair of the as hi of sailors he. i ' the was ranchman's l "Upon hearing story ever made fa&nr time than I did In the cheeks ox a little Kir) of seventeen, being swept past the craft. : ii .. wwi asi wj wvaa officers separated into three squads the of the to the named Mary Gray, who stood by the pavilion.. getting Robert Knell, Ptntr! She held on- until her father and an- and started off well eo tipped for an eni'i "The secret of this singular fear" ' " Bisnopa. beach near her father's humble cottajce other rvr-r-a " ' fman drew the half -- senseless form counter. - Every trail over the moun- noiessor Nepal K. FaweMt, Prim ex two miles from .Falmouth, talking, to Into the afterward Chaa. N. Pmltb, Itockvliuj Arstingstall 'f Dountlfut' Chatter East Call. boat. was This tain examined to and person proved " me. every possible plained to i "is that in their ni Wau Urown, Boutb HounUftiL her lover, Captain Thomas Brown. be so Tom exhausted followed clue Brown, had for several to but Tboa. a that, moth live countries , there is days, flying Wm. & Wart. IsTtieor, Jim., Weal Bountiful ( "I am sure my father likes- you." he not been' taken from the sea Just no purpose. The, bank officials, u alterJwM,1at MaO rancer, M WardT about the size and very similar In an- - Nathan Miilr, Cheney, Ceaterrllls.' . she was saying. ' "I have heard him then, he A. must Chaa, have w , .. been drowned. town of the and Governor M. of the pearance to the mouse. This moth, the J. teertit, farauurtock yor Terry, id Wrd, . David IL juoa, 4tb speak well oiyou." The other had who been offered ' Peter State KanvlDe. , rewards for " Itarton. the ana castaway, ot capture Ward, bite is which pam-! me to "Then why has he refused let Wm. A. DrUyrhurm, first mate of the schooner, was oi me miscreants wmcn in tne agre-ga- te fui, gets into the poisonous Vdwin Parker, South Hooper. vlllo, ear of the have you for my wife?" asked her com the John Parker, VlnreoTxxjoer uavM & uook, Bouth webee. amounted to several thousands where his trunk cannot reachelephant, City. pulled out of the water, but no more i dis to Panion. MAreus WMHhlnctao. the crew schooner's of were Kink, seen. of dollars. This induced a large num- lodge It. .This fear is instinctive. Ele- Kealy she responded blushinjr - With much difficulty the boat ber of determined and brave men to are also as much afraid of a deeply, "you and I are both young.and back to the cove without swamping.got Join In the pursuit, .which was prose- pnants bird this because of a bat In w,n ""Win, Otan TAwST small, -EHtnr HtAUE. 4 , AluMOHilttmsell. then, for the first time, Mr. Gray cuted for more than a week without the east .which attacts them with Grafioo, ."Your father would have me wait told Tom about the fortune his uncle result . torturous sting."--Co- r. .M.nMpfSSdSOt uwiieu. noil, riambiln, Indianopolit until I am sixty." said Captain Brown, had left him. and the vonnr man real Ctrsoa & Arfams. of the parties, com"Finally-on- e Harrteburg, ized graveiy. how much be would have lost bad posed oi three of the best frontiersmen 3 Iboutai Hooper, MtddlMoo, ASMUSj08TBVaifJU! "Of course you arejesting' she said not his brave JonrroC. fish the la the Mary came Mountain TmlL Peteripeo, persuaded am country, connaent "Mot in the least, i go out to save him. the fugitives in a rockysuddenly canon inupon the shall be sixty before 1 can earn the ersA tofew How French. the Time. ' Disregard. months after obtaining hia fastnesses of the Needle Mountains, fqura Hepwona, fprlncdals. sum your father expects me to have uncle's : BISHOPS. legacy, Tom received another shortly after daybreak. Just as they saved when 1 marrv you." Uawla -. MeYiMi Caotle CNaeo, Dale. a and richer Watchmakers in .dull Rennlng quarters' of Jaarer uobertaon gift Mary .Gray,; whom were making preparations for , a rude ..,1,... . U- Caatj, fie is certainly unreasonable, replieil he made bis wife. Paris Orangevlllek fixed derive incomes from breakfast. them to sur good upon Calling Mward Fred Ftunkei, Jr., Tlunkervflla.-farroo. Mam noaunr. Wm. h. Dranoh, Jr render they were answered by a volley being employed to attend weekly to CasperUiarn, -Cbrisieoaen, Muddy. Metqut. Yes, said Captain Brown, "but" he the Milton L. Lee. Panacea 4 clocks of prosperous chimney of once shots were which at HandolDh H. returned. Moan. Ktewart. added, his eyes lighting up, "you are . Punctuality is not a French Oeorse PrantsBn. PHoa. one The battle bourgeois of life or t death. being worth striving for. and 1 shall work FANSY'S .TRIUMPH. John R. Hammnnd, Eafc Vsltev? the firing lated some minutes without virtue, and half, an hour's taw is given Charles PuMpner, Uuntmcwo. harder than ever. As captain of the at Artemm Mllkt, 8priu Valr, , . indinner to those one private of when the parties result, nshinir schoonor "Sea Wins:." my sa desperadoes vited. At There was-- sad look on Pans v Mil. fell the dinners sit The wounded. others guests public mortally but the owner of ford's pale, beautiful face as she stood lary is rather small, a man and a boy, kept up down at about an hour after the time s vat t JfJAB STAKI. tne lungwooa' nas onerea me more to behlndher counter in the elegant dry apparently In the time of invitation. sjtauc. the until their ammunition was specifiedclocks firing take command oi ais vessel, ana establishment of Lawerence & W. goods W. on the facades of ter- WILTIAM 'PAX MAN. - . CLCHrr, ......... when they were compelled Railway PrMdaat. exhausted, mean to accept the position."' ox sne was the v thinking time, JOSX. OaOVER, to surrender. They were taken mini ate five minutes in advance of Soon after the two separated, Mary gjo.,xor before the death of toounjelora. her parents, when K. Krforce Ward those inside. An appointment is hardly J (CtHmselor.. house, and she had not been obliged to toil for of the the camp or main rendezvous returning to her fathers xepc. uamoetta was punctually pursuing party, together with ever her lovar fastening n the. direction-o- f her daily bread, but had been- happy the "mailt C.Mtr the rare Frenchmen who are body of the dead man. There it was one of to Falmouth to close his bargain with and well cared for by them In the small I.'"' Use . Thousands always the minute. Bat his friend . .BISHOPS.' BISnOTS, ff'errttory, V the owner of the "Klnewood." but comfortable home where her artist aproposed to lynch the survivors, when M. Spuller, sometimes gives himsingular thing happenedThe boy, who self Brown. was an industrious father painted his pictures.; : I Thomas Wm. 3 H. Warner, 1st Ward, NepbL a couple of hours margin. M i0i' . DevM UdalU 2nd Ward, Nepht young man. lie was an orphan, who 'As the vision of home and Tarenta appeared to be not over eighteen years , U himself of the ob- NeUs ij from childhood until his eighteenth rose before her. strive as she would! f age and of fair complexion and servance ofpiques Leran. social duties, and is In John Aagaard, ! S M. Haw. Mona. long hair addressed the assemblage this For and an its BraEite year had lived with Henry Richards, an to put it from her, another 'Image about as follows : "Gentlemen, 1 sup' respect a pattern Radical: but Jav Wilton, (Presiding Priest) Jua Oraaoh. uacle who kept a, eeamans's clothing wouid ever obtrude itself. he when we makes an appointment he is John Desk, have not Very long to live, but Eureka store in dot naa workIt was that of handsome Lawrence pose j.ne of before you carry your into ex- not vexed if the person he is to meet ed hard iriymouin. his relative, Hartley, in the employ purpose the eenerous, wealtly gentle an M. :. hoar late. wno was wen aoinir a innvimc dusi- - man wno naa come often to ner father's ecution allow me to say that this man Isthalf j. Bartholemy Btefhenwafkenr innocent of any complicity in the St. Hilare and De Leswieps keep t the ness. But liichards who had the name studio, and kindly encouraged a. K. Atwixid, Kama. KARAB the un- - Is STAKE, time marine the watches man who Is, dead by purchased Johu Holnberg, rrwldlng EUtor,' Park ol belnsr an eccentric personage, final known bat talented artist by purchas murder, but that aoroaa. 1 a Qily. deputy who piques E. Ti W(LtBr,.............v.ffjMidw ly sojtd out his stock, and went away ing many oi his pictures, before lm ana myself killed him, and your ven- himself iff know his observance of social duw. u. jonasoor, the only ties. to parts im Known not even teiiing nis pprtant ; business had called him geance should fall upon me, Wooiiag Territory. jr., IV""" One day I had an appointment ' Taos. CBaiuuaxAiv, guilty one Hying. . s. . , nephew where hea was going,, and not abroad. James Downs, with him one came o'clock. He for "The Almy. his for the clear, musical, pleading Show the ladv soma larj. Mlu im. the giving youth penny past after two. When I ventured to reproach . hair streaming la the roice, WBt tide, Eraa. mSn.Br0W,1, Jr V long winu. . ford." KaatCMaiy, with being so late, his answer was Mi' VYou ixustslillt lor ToorselL as As the harsh ' voice of the flcor- - and the brisrht, sparkihe eves, which I blm Joba ' " MoOra, PrealdmgA Eklar, Book BcrW BISHOPS. I P"wti with animation and were anf-- 1 K 1. sorry yon naa to wait so lone. w wv uvM m pgv walker lnterrnnted her reverie a8ed wltk tetn during the appeal, but why did you com so early?1:'. The Wm. D. Johnson, Jun., Kanab was all he said to the young jman,when the nar Henry IL M. Jollev. lit. CarmflL TOOEUC STAKE. ne took leave oi mm. i It'wloheVahaurfitybeautl- ffi.tfii5SSJ? made a ofrendezvous J5. Thomas Chamber tain, OrdervUls. And so Tom. who had always loved ful face of the lady standing before I u,me ft. HCOH 00WAN8... A...'" uie, unless as duellststo a sea life, bad familiarized himself her that iAitter, Xitendale. Pregkten, royai J. W. the other Thomas Pansy K?ked lifibut I ould r' e other half an hour's margin, give Smith, Pahreah. which with nautical affairs, and in due time pale And Jaint as being 'prisoner he suddenly SSSf IX. TnOMAS Wm. W. Ui,,,,,!,' JCounaetota. Jp. -. one Johnaoo. Johnaoo, on taken both makes K, sides In became the captain of ya fishing it was the face of the l&riv'a all I iu. uenuemen, nour. Jsenaon ori: h '"V "V jjailf JHeutm. fair, handsome, smiling, face of. Law! Cxmty. .A few days after his .meeting with rpnr.e narr.iAv. whn hri ruw .. nUXAKPSTAUK. BISHOPS. I r unworthy me, has accompanied me - .iTi"". Mary on the beach he called at her oi The Rcuno Passion. "At the fu- IRA N. niNCKLET, ........ ......Ufresident. Thomas Attin, Jr Tooele City. father's house to bid her good-b- y as "VVhynsy'lMlss MUford, have 1 1 Kth neral rawara Hunter, jr-- Orantsville. man. . be had obtained the command of the found ion at iut? of a very aged ,1 I'AHIKti TIOWMI, I nX. wi.J William P. Mom. It T ftf w encounters saved' my life. and was to , take the ine next moment uin n which I once directed bn Arch 'i JOS. V. 30SUOH,.: perate. Ringwood" I Moaea ana Martin. imIm: ' .. X craft, to ; Uedlterrane&n port for naugnty Deauty at his side were alike t although delicately reared, has street, his widow, an old ot Oeorre W. BorrMjrts Bt. fruit. SKtnav forgotton for a time, while he eagerly and Buapu m au tne hardships, daneers riKmj ' years waiKei into tnelady room John C Sharp, Vernon. Joha'a. ' CMjr "Good lock to you" said Mary's fa questioned raasy about the past, and privations of my life, and not only J where he lay in his' coffin, about a If'-:. BISHOPS. rrjaiioia lie t Jear. Vkrvr., ther, who teas a fisherman, to the can then listened while she told him the had no Bhare in the transactions of that quarter oi an hour before the time set William Lea, Deep Creak, IX Smith, PTOmors Ward. tain. "Ton have the right staff In sad story; of her parent's, misfortune evening, but would have prevented tor tae iunerai, ana sat down ; at the Jojeph R. David Stevens. Holden. them, could she have done so. Don't feet of the corpse. Taking out her knit- Thomas you to get along, and you shall have and deatn. .. . r:,- Tates, 8dpla believe her; she would save my life at VTJkU STAKE. to work at it very in- Peter livVMMn. my girl as soon as you .have saved now the "If to fkilr rvaw show ting she beganHer is lady ready t expenses of her own. obenough to make yon both containable me, I would like to look at the l&c I the"This dustriously. granddangther st! Josenh & Rlnnk. TWoml. A.a8M00T, streak of manliness in a na. serving her with great surprise, said $ njrwn u. ueanect. Meadow Creek. ; loriue." came to purchase." ......Preaida A hi am afraid it will be a long time ' The following nlcht Puna wa onM. ture so apparently mean rather stagIt rim Cmiliinnn. f MammapMw. thee "'v' Why, grandma, wouldn't surely K OUDWV.....1 U. U. ...... Am the men """ in their Intentions for knit at poor grandpa's funeral? before A. said ly and haughtly Informed that her agered KaaoetiZ j tnongh lot that," but presently some of Wal' reSDonded the mnrf nM ima moments, f the yoaneman." ' services were no longer required, as thetewleaders ' remembering -t ..... their pur I lest thought I might- as wail draw "Sever you mind," said Mr. Gray. she failed to show proper re&nect and " . BISHOPa ' ordered a that whileshould few pose, were threads T x the ' preparations . . . . . people , BIOBCAIf 8TAKC early nowadays.-aiwnuon to t miss JLAngaon. one nw 1 TIH PUTE, SHEET IBflB, ST10 PED WAR E & Tl N S EHS; TO 0 IS wasoiks marry,tlve-toowhenii;took oa TboniittJ. aJoChulOUli. Alntoft. gathering.',-oafthe r, WTXLARD Mudgct. ) Mary's their best' and thirty most wealthy custom! J?"QI nanging oi WHikua M. Bromley, Amerioaa ronk. mother - 4. for my wife, and a good woman ers. i T. TITH,.:........tesldent a i t. owm tiuint Vtl Bennett. riMta. w-urn ' tu n0nrfvMi sir. gy. she sartamly was." When she reached her hnmhla hums i her WUhsa. Price, Goshen. a pistol from A young, and snatching "You had no fortune father, when and entered the little room she shared 612-1- 8 in IT, inhas been Thoroaa U. Coaler, Lehi. novelty LnH . 'Street, St., Louis, Mo. courtship w men. via . . uuh ui . . . . - tnm troduced In Prance. you mamea" saia xaary siyiy. i Th with itt Eva Travers. a pretty, refined airl ' neruvi P" a Tanner, Payaon. 1 nusuana: t L 'iTt1 Other in Coamay. f reason the ' very WQO filled toe position of assistant in IsplriUfihe feir on her kn?M "Ay, girl, and that's . Jjlw Brown, Ptoaaant Grove. opportunity to Tom to nave one. do you see. Mmes. Dupbnt-larg- e hair dressing leSnsiv ravd tht srfjym man KnfMwa Cam tlfJJi-KMiI want ui uuutcui wtpi in me pre-- 1 BISHOPS., , i. saw when it was too late, how hard rooms; and had confided the story of to senceofrher parents John nopkin, Croydeo, it ' a ner aismissai, n.va gently ana lovingly wasspare her love, her life. ? The appeal ronsoles himself it was to be a family -- mwwlthout John Johnson, 1st Ward, Provo Clta min- Charns her by carrying Pjt Tnrner. fVaith MfMtn. and W. LovekM 2d, WardT mo8tplteous at and nice little sum of moner." affecting, comforted Pansy as she said i iature portrait on his thumb nail. The Joseph R. ' Its tia ; close Bast fell a Porter, deadVswoon. into ,1 A few hours later the "Rlnsrwood" m PorterriDa, 8d Ward, Myron "Pauline Morris, who was one of carrying kef to one aide, the picture is transferred to. the nail or uai VUJa. John K.Tanner, varm, mens . M Booth, 4th Ward. rhastfy 4uons an I Albert n. Dfetom. plunged her bows into .the foaming Madam's assistants, left v; ,5h fixed th snotoeranhr and . Kinhnw . rwer pi Madeen Mh Ward, ly' sea, and with the summer wind filling her is not yet filled, I will preparations 'were soon completed. - i cnemicais' t)0 that it will not I JlmMnnear, Milton. ; i aer saiis,away she went on ner course. speakposition ? CurlMn. to Madame at once c for you." MMm. this fashion is .Qr?e.lovers who are J.K. Weeks passed and as the too drew Hall, Enterprise, H' Thus it was that one beautiful winter of Jack - MalthSBTlvasarnHniS "w2.i-- epreaa,.ana Ooorjre HalUdayVSantaquln. U a Aoderton. North HorMn. near for the return oi her lover's ves eveninar. as Pansy was about to start mid air. and the Oeorre U tuelL 8pBniah Fork. VXZ wUl inched ex cruel ?ery. probably crime which had boen commit' wepnt Packard, BpringA-iUe- . sel, Mary Gray would often 'ascend for her home, Mme Dupont came to ted was tend the French practice of thumb The was wife one of the cliffs 6XO, T. ODEIX. complete. on the coast and watch herand said: nan m.l!rL0p8L,baw' rrWJ Elder Bprlng to the of each photography to fingers and beOXXIOA town, after TAKE. for the expected craft. hovering Miss Milfor- d- Mrs. T Horn ton tween life and death uanu. ana perhaps to the wrist bands Jw i One for weeks finally auq the wind was wishes the nuffs she D. HKNDBICKS- -. .......... .Prealdeai. ordered to he nnt recovered ia morning July to be sent bio wins: a heavy gale. All along the home home sufficiently ; she also requested to her friends Kxxjuxm n. Hiu, in the East, who proved beach the huge waves came- rolling In mail wouiaseno some one with ;:;;WAaTCUBrgAKK.' (Ooanselow. Oao c. PaaKtssoN, them to of bq wealth and people with the din of thunder. ABRAM HATCH...... standing." who could show her how to arrange Denver iVew. " J "I hope Tom's vessel will not appear them."- , iitt uau, v.,.., :y shore" was When she reached Mrs. Thornton's o3 WIUEI.T rTJKXISHED BOOMS. ' BISBOP?. rpwo K in .a ..IV. Mary's mental, comment, as she gazed elegant mansion Pansy was at once ' torensaJU natch, Frinklln. ' Artificial Eyes Moving in Their ' seaward.' " '.;. , conducted by the servant to Mrs. VMatthCMMly, H. H. Wuhan Mound Valley. Uer father, near his boat, which was Thornton's boudoir and directed to ' Sockets. Raarnus Kasmusaen, Mink Cieek. " Bisnopsii r' ,,. t ox a . on nauiea beach the take a seat until that lady could come up small, i ValieyT "ruwi, AMh Rhert . Duke', East tlah. sheltered cove, stood N Kobart with ' very important surgical operation 2:T tewla, lxfont 'r Clearr. Weat Helien some fishermen who.conversing . had collected A few minutes later Illlda Xanrdon i;wutujBu 1 yesterday, muuscicy ' A. A. AIIcd, Weston. there. the ultimate results of which promise ' entered the room. f MTIrdooi, Nympbia id Peier luvrdale.Mr. Gray was unusually elated. Thd As her astonished gaze fell upon the to make a stir in medical and surgical Joba (I Ijinnn. nnvslllM. cause was known only to nimseu. u IteuJauiU. Cluff, Centre. aceful form of Pansv. Hilda Lanc- - circles. Heretofore the best that sur- John .,lha char. Mormon. the day before while his daughter was on uttered an imnrecation.and then ery has accomplished In replacing tieury Moon, Woodland. " Fred.0. illilama, Ptisldlns Elder, Incuua. AND absent, a stranger f had called 'at his asked imperiously: estroyed natural eyes with false ones PfiCSIOENGY BISHOPS. house and inquired-ihas been to put in the injured mem-ber- 's direct ; "Girl, what are you doing here?" : PAXUU1TCU. IVTAVUt. . t latab v. him to Captain Thomas Brown. ; C'ONaity. "Mme. DnDont sent me her a with place a glass eye, which,, however OF ' I TUB Mr Gray told him the --Captain was Mrs. Thornton's puffs," was Pansy's a kT ' J, ' Jeremiah tluicli be detect t aaalways w uwiun ii uu a proudly spoken reply.every dayi ;.expecting to - return.1from , Tbotuaa Ulnghtun,Ashley. motion, Monutalu Doll. . . WwteaHl MUklUO sumar voyage, sUon. "Well, l,will( give them to her, and ortran ill you send him to me when he you i I from was to gazing Hilda's may go now," point . point. Clarfleldu Coaiatx. s3 i na comes?" said the man. s "! will be in and she mentally t ... ' decided thatreply, irpose jfthe new operation m she ?Z WtBEK STAHK. waitmar for him at the Oeoree Hotel in must get rid of this girl at once, , same whose the eye C. narla. 1st tard, ramruhiki "" Joaeph flower-lik- e 4 motion as thatarwnciaj i Plymputh.,r-- v of the r was BisHoraic. face so natural fair, like the eye. rivlnev' va Aarm aw 'inWLlA The operation was performed yes- WM. fl. PBhSTON..... PmUllotbhh0r. DUU IUlIO UU U11UX EVHU 11C H itir portrait of Mrs. . Thornton's dead mawoansoo, liilisdale..-- ' him?" the shrewcf fisherman, rah. ' over the mantle, for terday morning by Doctor lloland D. A. P. Sohow, Eaoakuite; . said JKUBKBT T. Rmmi: I ' . f. aaugnter 1.1 i nanging ',. " 32 of No. Jones, .'JCoucselcts.Green she feared B. Elmer, Cannonvme. ? O. oing nis nanas. "Ain'ttnatsor;' effect the Ira Josh that .A be would streeti "I don't mind tellinir von If rnn vlll Poduced if Pansy was allowed to see Benny Irwing, 7tyears old, of Jlo.tW ,4. ,y;V Wafceip CtosisMy-- , wmiani King, Klugotop. I'iute Coovty. keep it Ja yourself ,V was. the reply.' iUIO. XUU1UWU wuosb eye was nearly "v"w ' '":BIWI0P8."i''"J out by an accident on i Saturday But much to Hilda's surprise, Pansy I ' -r I last. rAKOWAM ealmlv ivnIM . - . . fl WTAMSsfy-promise thai.t'i . i A : was JBAJIXOCK, , KTAKkV 'V ov assisteu rr!?1J,UUM lCobrt JJcguar I Doctors J, wanLM '"'' nantatn "I must wait and see Mrs. Thorn "Well, then P. Whltten.H. N.K. Swan THOMAS K. 4ow rarr, 3d ward, ....ristMeot. IHUMAS J. JtJNRV,. : .. TiMlllllill Wla Brown's tincle is dead, and has left his herself, for.that was Mme. Dupont's dwardNunea, and J.P. Boyd. ..VThe - WitxtAM BICK?, KilttlamMnl.4ih.i a ' ; r. Rigbt, ruwuW.IMUUR,, order.'1 coniunctive was first severed from the nepnew a leeacy oi 0000 in the Three Mumoam Hi tC Counselor. on PnaKois U C. fMaftrr.t ARM, r A. llaiiunond, HuutBTUw. CHwau, f HUda. who, as Mrs. iThorntbn's per Cents." 'muscles of the eyeball x ; HZ. . were A?en A7inI2. aiding Priest,' nearer whistled Mr. Gray. J I al adopted daughter.'-- .was also Mrs. eyebi.5 it? hi City nd cut P from the avviasarvs BHMf ways thoueht he was rich, bnt I sarttn. Anoruion-- reputea heiress, had areat 1 wpmc nerve cut, ana the eye- tl.v Staterville . , ly never before knew he was geh'rous. wiuw h icat a uieeuoir oecween tnat uau taaen out. i nn mvum m.,c.--i JAA11. wm. p. wruij, Kaoarra,Waa hlnsiofc so. rive thousand 1 That's enough! that's lady and Pansy, whom she believed to were then caught up again and sewed T Henry Lunt (Mh ot". , t plenty i" he muttered to himself. VThe oetne grana aaugnter wno bad been to the under surfaoe f the conjuncJohn L " Mi. HuhL Rim.i rlvuutO Mit-yoang f ellow.can have my Mary as soon so vainly searched for, and at last, tiva, and when thla had , wm. ntnxjR. . . . ;..r,. . ; William ll. n i iv. ..v.lprssident John b. ; dead,or forever lost tQ7 heri pliahed tho eonjunotiva was allowed opw give? Tne deuffhted llahermftn TacAvaA . w Thornton. uau mio tne .' it thus Da rid MeKat. IM to tell the news to hia ria.ntrht.Ai nntll by Mrs. rjumu rfwiea, raraxoonao. 'xi' nerei ore, as she listened to Pansy's tuiuis a aaca, in wmcn cavity. when the heali after Brown's return. :. .. a has bean laat lalakto. ing process reply, the dangerous her light accomplished in CMsty, glared k Wholly unconscious of the good for- dark eyes, and while she pointed her artificial ye will rest. Dr. Jones' the ' " AHMET? BTAJUE. " i L E4mu4 W. .VidaPtaL- -, vU tune that awaited the TDnnrmm. la J , white a tnat is wnentne all beT ,' muscles ory r. hand, have with glitter jewels, stood on a rising promontory, still toward the door, she cried out anerl-l- came permanently attached to the Henry A. Lewis, Oeorge Town. 4 A mot R, WriKht. nonnlnMT gazing oft towards the rushing, whirlXAKICOPA HTAKJE, AklfOJfA t conjunctive, as they will in the heallni? r. . f7 Joaji Mais., .... ,Z JOsu-j- ta. that obscured "Goat once, I - say: vHow dare you process, they will respond to the H. IL ing masses of storm-rac- k Jt Prcstau. nalryinple, , tne oarx waters in tne distance, t movements of the muscles of the rrmiuwu. . ,v When 1 command you to gof All at once she uttered a cry of dis- - remain Bef use to obey again and I will : ' Konf-- : eye. move the sack, and con- jS2 call the ueaitny uucu ana pressea uota to servants " ' IS" sequently the artificial eye in confor" uauua to ner neart. ; r y, While she was speaking the door had mity with the movement of his natural Edwin N. Austin, liberty. Z B. H. Altrad. C1imm. JOMKriI STAJUL li, merging from the rack came a top- B. O. Hpeooer, 1st Ward, Park.; companion. Owing to the badly in- CB RISTOP H B B IlW.-prwidn- t. '. or young irwlng's Wm. HuIom, Bkxmiington. ' ' I J. B. ktartlneu,-CounMlo- r. ' John Bartholemew, nerioremo8t aud with all above conversation, entered the bou- John A. Hunt, 8t Charssa, AmaaaTuekM. the canvas of remaining, Si -her main-maj w torn to ooir ana inierruptea ner. : " " as " wj aalrht tatters, have' been.penecB ehUdr the case, but it V".WnI she ex otherwise Wm.n. JohMon.ft. iHnrwi. tin4r. Sola, The group of fisherman had already claimed, Oneda ChV is Pa?toif, 4twhat der a enoue-b expeied that N A. Wltoox. Cottonwood. Sprtaiaa, outburst confidently Macdaoald. passionate seen the craft, which VT? , was was a not; half of temper, and all for nothing. The accomplished: to demonstrate the : , Ttaiitat V, Value JOrMD Of league distant. Doctor Jnnm tKw. rI JflrnnMn. young lady did r "! Rlett 7aiBty. Vtavkt. to refuse BkMtth perfectly HansJenaea,aiam4, right Joa. "she'll eo down before she ktrtlrea to K. 1 Pima. leave.for distinctly told Mme. Du- addphia Record." . Rosr, the rocks," said one. "They have pont kiiauo M. ; - Cmim. rurtl.. : that I wanted ' one of .her assistJW?llMUnSnr? tried to as can see I ants C to bring the puffs, and not to In lighten her, you MlowviD4. i iTpt!Cta,Dan' : tM ' U a Oken, AUytteld. , K AlcKlnnon. ltanrinlni.. ws iwjlo ui uer iiuuoer, out is wonbyt leave until she had shown me how ' to Cow-Pe- a UTTIJE COLO&AJHk ajTAUK. in W. Florida.' ' H. . .. do any I Woodruff. , Lea, good." them most becomingly." arrange fi Jame A, Allred, eprlog Qty. Uw 'Ii l'm no' mistaken," that vessel is Then, with a kindly smile, Mrs. "Uncle," I asked of a weather nam-..- .' ' . ... jiuun4. tor , JobnB. Beaae.Watefc the Kingwoodl " cried Mr. Gray. jinornton turned toward old native, one of the bbukMt but Pansy; much agitated. !God help Captain no BIAVEK Y1 Brown BTAJUC. i Lmen uae m,"S gave way I as to mouth, and ears ? ... and his crew !'. i linAkino-nfVnir.- . to a iiT0 half astonishment. TfVU , , HAA.T JLAIAK MTAAUK. V hH t irTntwa vVNo hope lor. them.' ioor fcllowa I as twenty -- u. she startedy aavftrfe SSZS terror, said one man. "The best of swimmers and, catching Pansy-b"" 7 M. L. JCountniora. vlw mTtSt . " 8hphmu, JOSkSn K. TiTTm . bishops. Keen no in sncn a a The couian't L l "You's i are all doomed.'' got has twenty acres, P. W. Nekon, ftanatw. : cl?patonatelyK: , . Chahuh w. n yd t f ;.;s :s t JOoookra 1 has , you f daurt-f my Mr. Gray clenched his teeth and ' Joseph H. Bichards, 8b Jnaeph. looks at me anin with I "Yesi readf..1uT.t- f I BESHOPS. ' : aalllAaaCMMJI ' walked to and fro in despair, Mo"n oi.KTrm2FOrt,, dead my beaotlful Vot IWe and Paiisy's T'suaah eyes?" Tontn Raain. Coppy. ind IS awful 1" he muttered tn him' Charlea IX White, 1st Ward, Bearer, i "It am Pansy MUford," was I seed? lots of H. otler ' the'genJ. Jamea, WUted. : self. "And to have to lose his life, tie replvt and the next moment John X. HmHh. h . V Now. too, Just as he was about to receive a found herself. clasped i?1?? oinlht Wlnerarllle. j five .KiEiSSJiXK pui - t wmmwtw MMSMV " " ssXAU I " . LX IN . n Jaeoa Waller, HrS Ward, Mia nrimmrl lTfrl Ay! I ? Ila , EA9TEKJT Ulieywhite. V AKIXOJTA TTAKli. nead. Benjamin gray W. MekUUaa, AOif ori?. 6ienvIDa , ! acresponuerous cow-pein Da's oui IJESSB N. as." onnuey, ward. I '' .T-SMITH..:...: I last? good-yifTi. nvSL A .UTi k V"uu" we Rrsnacaiia atbeau-.'pmu. ' uu I "V'"1"113 ward ' ixMunao H. Hatch,. I . 1 fathV. or . . " "WeU. what shall I put fire xnore caiiq oi my ' I mui ueaa oauenier.": ' V . I ILDXB in7" sITABJBi i.r j . tMieeta, ath Ward. r Ehjah " I Xhen Pan-" XTZ , '""KBuuu nayeiimied, J "Wal. ef I Wor VOn. I'd nnt...Ava ma) M P eaiauei A. Worn " w MWi ey wouia nave oeen .. ouyzR o. enow,........ ; yApaahs as I in cow -- neasf" Arlxsraa. WeaT. Adam Sptera, instantly slain, A. IIUZ,.... & huge roiling masses of water. Hilda Lansrdon realized ' ' th that ' u Aleranrter ' " Counselon. J. Q Buax,... Moiiae, 11th Just then there waa a simultaneous pised working girl on wham she had so "Whatt Tn acres?" itishops. . H'f wS, C. Oawua, WoodrusT.' Jama A .Cla d' cry from all the men. k. at. l wreaked her brWg?ln?U' TWmXXm mercilessly a vengeance had CimEMtrCMi John Hunt. Snmrflak. The leaking schooner, having filled, triumphed over her and m tha v4.k. A John H. ttandirttd, larkML Nw the other ten. had plunged almost out of sight, with- ful heiress to all of Xfra Thnmtni. . . Wnwk .a, ar o. r rfonnana. KraMnm. ...... ' a.a . ci a wo, you in about a hundred and twentw fath vast wealth, and also that she ' w. . V. LliavkiK.DdalU8t.JohM. wa ui . s oms of the shore.. - r i e n offered the honor of becomlnarwould be ' v.' M ( SUPDOSe-hP. Nkaoiia, ant' T.w. I "' rinld '.k1'. J. " . Hi i Oraee. w CbitopberanD, The forma of several sailors UIUXIl A. Maen. rence 4 ', ad .. lmon N. Hokton, Amky. f wife, an lienor which fawinfiewof Jamea Watann. iutn . WlJil. S?en. Whirling ahont. aa th ohn weioh, 4th .., tu.LZtZLf. STni" -- wiBxt. rinnntn Hilda Hartley's Fdward A. Kobk. Bih herself hafl an lomr nrf ".tni.l StXumt 2 Orin 7 A. --- --. planks which had drifted clear of Ihe schemed to win. Perry, Three mm Creek. 1 he artSnd aooono Ca, I. I'll Mwwuavaaw BVlbcr.h : Seorge raeer, Wiltard Citju ,. vessel. , , r U. Drlm. Kum. A C. de Peter spl&ln Jensen. ob de ' bA matter 'Tom ma V. one- Ot thnsa nun Itl pLllosphy ; Joaeph K. lbera, Hmkkrlll, Graham lWl H. aiOUBleV. fknnM Wa Tbomss Harper, North WarA ftroin new noan 1 cried Mary, " We must go out and try , want avax VA1A I J?"l rteekJioe' Hlh Prtat.'V1II lViv' Wm. fciiawona, PrrskUnc titer, Foroat baW nam l J&r'Ja vhnarkrvhotAi AAyi . v to saye KVKN liooeyviUa, fcf, UNTO DKATTI. htni.,, deV'r od rvffii IX IL Brlnton. Iliir . "I don't think It'll " rA nr- The poor fellows would be drowned THB DESPKBATS KVOTION OF AST OUT- - spend all ob yo' arnins on stinzntetors I liver C. IloskliM. Piwi.. SAW LUIs STAKK, jHna, south Couoawboa, J 1 ; ' . sa m r before we, could reach them." o MnouvJiJi5iifl UOLORADO. , aniri wv. Soiouion J. XMMpain, Granite. dem's de natersi fartinsrlisers ie X" P: lbm' rk Valley. . wi tue lisnermen. I sweetens 'drfchea ie trronn Vr Tha fniimtrin. .v..'Li..... vaatarasaw, "mnsafT, - ' fftraitM ' "We can try." said Mr. Orar. "niw U Ztioel. Waahakk. Ln & me lift With the toat.t r y oi irontier lile ras told the reporteT I twe,ntT get ?lentT feedfor Jaiacs Crane, Heriti.,.uu CteJoa Vmmmtr, roo i, tlohares, Pijmouth. Olanda I - ' I, ' ' n oWier a, year. l)en yo' plows " . Archibald Gardner, .v Bat now aOlhe tnoi htui? W , Tt Sk f . e!ls 0y, Mr- - Nelson rraVnt I i BI8HOP3. u tun iiiy ana wno has uvea hadeiLd,eI2' ' ? " for read7 required: a heart lot Care so OMlda Cniif. ldah& , J. C DalbA. ortpryo.8 hk .. I . a aea. KJL L. 1 1 u it rich tnn. I Maiad Oep. i n Btuart, all life knowsz" I KkKmunm, City. my fcphra'm. in Silvrrton and otheT towns "If you are afraid I will go alone, ytMrs : IX Juure, Chetry Creek. J. w. ii. Harrtrz:;..;. bo took half of old I the hd man' Said the fisher's brave' camps in Southern Colorado : Jonah Fran. fauisrU. U kf. Heieraoo. M. hard man. Prt- -. Ln NarrHiM. wm... f ti ' anrirrHnw jAl Into the boat. nad been commit-ted- . and have wished more than forty times Hortoo D. Habt, uakley, Casals Co. ?lnK?h?17 s, The oCicials of a well, known uia&uau MiKcume wnoie, lor "SoI! exel Afmed her father. nnlrVi shelled, went up to $3 a bushel JTJABf ITAKK. followinff. Yon can steer and nandle banking.InstituUonln a town In Southan oar, Mary, in good weather, but not ern . Colorado upon reaching, the build- this season, and I should h CACHE CTABX. or PL ATT D. LYMAN.. ...1... one $40, besides ing all discovered that a pocket .PnsldtBt. jourseii in sucn a sea as tnis.'v L i .... ? "jSeven! m side door morning, my feed for cattle and peas getting bad been broken open, caps. for plant? Wa' TJTTJOA1T4VT w .'Prealde&t .4... the of 'thebther meri naw mna- - fastening M. W. 1 Marw A.. MRUM DenUon't of an Inner door forced and ing. Letter, Jens Rellaeo, Bluff City Ward. Oasow SmmfTT.... .' jCounaalora. tered courage to loin Gray and his Luther. C. Burn ham, Uuraham Ward. goods to be XTNICEIJaED by any in the Tarkfit. vla t aaat. i bles drilled and blown aud relieved I RlinvMI tnniivla of Mrrtno lha m2a ita contents. A carefal search cfthe iciephants Afraid of Slice. and request BTHCrSfc . public to examine the same before tuMi-- j s lamer toia ner to jump out. 1 KSTI0PS. M. rfM.' revealed the body of the Him premises i " .... u bishop paxiToyg 'uuinii addition to' tho above we will"No." renlled the vonn? pM- 't w atchman la an aijoiclng vacant lot I wsj at the winter quarters of the pnrchasiiig' elsewhere. toga-wt- y. to save or will with die. la! knife help 1 Tom, . wounds and covered Barnum pierced . FJLni!J?n,!ef Rtowntortoo. Boar UkeOa Circus at. .RridtrPTvnrt Stock of - oTv carry rv,i . . ' vwv UI i i uie attempt I" with bruises, showing the evidences wAtr.hinr Pm. . As lihe SOOke she Trashed ineeiepoant pavilion. rnfcrl H. (!fmtiw-- j t A.lciio!a, lirisham, box hhiar Ca. of a struegle, and that more than one fessor "I . 01LG EiY RISES, George ArstinRStail rehearsing GILFI5 SULKY .FL0t?S,f rock, sending the boat out towards the person was enga"ed in the murder fcis and Cbariodd L. twenty A. In wuu waves oeyond the cove. the mi- I smtriobi, Turner, W nrran city, Morraa Ck fh robbery. Soon tae whole coramunitv litary d. .1. H pachiderms ' Paul rVniiMin, Warci ilaM .' ' ? You Will rather smaU man, Itooert Ut aaasfriiih, ! Ta rarminston. Usvia (n V nvinire me to ster." shn was aroused and the SheriJf i with a and I to nnf him ljarnea. at iNit expressed my astoniab-pntcontinued. "There are but four men posse of armed aud mounted men was nuutrr,un.,uraniaviila. locals a jwra u Pro. I FTr t. the ii In fear abject ihich that wm. rormao, Keber WaaaiehCo. here, and all must pull or we shall ready to tart on the trail cf the mur- herd ct enormous . , Jinwen. talina.. mase no headway." 1r derers. Eat who were tfcey and where mn ol his stature.. beasts stood of a Joua C. John, Provo. Ctah Oa. owareoaou, VermC:i. Covev. T I Vr rjM " tIon o xnanK x I be ".ton I'k wwu I uu ; .V. J iuu uiuab iivt ccr.i they tiielr ycrycUberal paLV, found, were questions cawiA'e nranihh. ku puoiic "Perhaps it is A. A. ILimbalL Llilmnm. tlillv Pn. , . they Jo. ai r, je,C rkaton fear raost," repliedinsignlicance HCIS Ut.C, 1 rr-ltGeo. Farrawcrth. Uu llirast. Sanpete' Co. with and solicit continuance of theairie.1'Ai go!" But as he Said this the boat dr'.ted Arstingstall "Un the lloor cf tie baciinff lAU?:3: "tMu: for Instance nf thci- - Aim I rr ,L- a lvm. fotberlnvharn. rinan OmmIVi among tae hugu rolling Vives, an i ten found a lirre brined socibrero, I '"Tl Tbnn J. Jruea, I aroan Iron On, t eo. Hatch, p. p., ,1 It was absolutely fl; --V ta r i w. Crosby, Jun., Fanruttoa, Iron Ca 11 ,a Tr, t rly tie, :ar drriied I and , tie nectsry eHarrJo. oars, i wupri.. . r. U. tVoliv. rerenl kii.iih. ki.aivi e wtt; as U9fc4orr!'-rc.j.r2 h We are ennv-net far how W. Oeo. A BLOCK SOUTH 01? TMEATJZE. Bran. kktt.nf.Ut. KmWIV. f bc;r j v?cra ty t' tl ct tL3 .1 c :: Ari'.. tlrrs a, .?mes 0. hfeak, et. Uoorjr", Watkfortoa Co. trie rock on oar, return nzZ's tis ttLo L.. j t; vra ti a a t:.U U t.:s t. Aj . i La i . cove.M CMIffll iftffiil Id,-184- .' raty 1 the--tra- p e to-wo- rds f . ed JS" . f 1 NEWEST -jdOa rrrn -- i;r - SEBTfV s - . 1 - ? " 5 r -- 1 : .- -- . I 1 ; .. - ms ,, . I Y if 7 -- , - a - hit - , , "With or Without Eeservoir and Closet V it in Daily i';;;-- ; - i i i ' Cle-menc- eau : - M il Z. C. M. I. jkTMf1 4 . 1 . - 1 s , . - . v vv - p;.. j 1 8- L? T.Lr, . - - - fSZtlJ?SL -- lfl Tr . dSWrd . n Quaker-gentlema- . - -. " - , ' . - i : Q - - 4 "A? i : Main Xfor " v ? : . u O. 321. t . to- ai . h-- r -- to-da- Sole Agents iiv Salt Lake City, GRflKT, ODELL ' S a ..'.. Pai.n . ui Sale by 5 m - m . r r.nri.hmr?;! w - ocm-yey- ett ( CO ' . snin-CQlla- fs, - p-..- . to-d- ay this-perllo- , MITCHELL WAGONS. 1 - ... - :: . lSua '' - Pre-ee- . A . be-ooru- ld r ' - I "s "" I ' M. States of WW ........ . 0 S, 3 f rin i ; . m Mr.-Richard- i' - i I ,? . 1 - . '' . - "i-hew- l" WOOD HARVESTING JaVli1"-- : m s hn MACHINES. - rteyw.r uar - ' yr 1 : . pt v- :t- j,-- Cac,BBtJ - riVl -- " rr v - , - 4- - ? ; f - rJj"'""?n st' . i OBeuip.rSo'V rr"r a -- ir'i Ha-rwT- " - - - T. -- - 1. s - - . . - 1 , - ,., , . . - ( ;i YTttZZi f inr'' Ip-pard- a ?" T - tXt- "C1A1 I. z' WreSid iiTtaSy sTpI f- - 1 1V1 kLAAta .rr.0 1 as "f ).. , ' W f. t- ia - T.ni t0au RUSSELL & CO. TJBRESHERS. j pIa-Aor- s - f " " - i . JU-k- . : ' 1 1 7 - ABC Tl vl-- 1 rZ. W.W mm . v ' - A (Vmi dan-gerw- us j4. - v a wrr" .. v an J 4kA 1 1 11 ""a araivlC"' a2i2Tt a . 3" , V.u.'r. 5 i . l- cow-pea- , . . I mn-w-- y r aa ... - the t : . In a Full IvflJ 'svs 'Aeim'l - - . f ap-s!- PABIUAGES, BUGGIEg, me i Xk-ona-sre a lor 'Ej V " x ; . ljtc. . - Lw, . " . . v-8- .3 JtJXr - r4" til Ut5 i-- -- -3 cl-Isc- -s -.-ad c; l.tIm. i---t a. t-- -d r: r-- T.. -- t;--j:- . - a. li -3 It..; ,i J'm. IX1 Ueutu soka, t&. atiJa, AJuxtri, li Ca li-b-a Us CA . , |