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Show EVENING NEWS. haturday, May 4, Ilii JOHN B. QOUOH.jt T :! ETgynro nr tub suspat f TWELFTH WARD. , LAST XIGHT'S LKCTCKK AT THE THEATER. V" J Sonic further questions on topics of ' . peculiar Interest hiving been pro pounded by the same literary celebrity who was replied to by Elder C.W, Penrose Jn the Twelfth Ward Hall a short time ago, at my request Elder Penrose wQl answer them In detail to morrow, Sunday evening, at the same as well as place, , Latter-da- y Saints are invited to be present. Extra seats will be provided. Services to commence at 7 o'clock, standard time. " II. B.Clawsox, Bishop. The lecture by Mr. Gough, the re 5 ACKITSH AT ACIRCVX. , TO A ExhlUttoi The St. .Louis Ciat.n.a Friday Morninx, April 25th, gives a graphic description of Cole's" great shows, and in paying the the highest tribute of praise it makes special mention of the wonrterfn! crowds in daily attendance upon this marvellous entertainment, which truly t9 to exhibit in Salt Lake June 10th u k II. Y 1 1 ,t i Vr.M 1 ri nowned temperance orator, at the FItAOMENTS. V ' f ' Theatre last evening, was well attendY 11 1 ml Go and see the Art Show at Calder's ed. Promptly at half past eight, the bell tinkled and the curtain rose, disFrom J.? A. Maynes' wo tare 2& closing a picture formed by upwards . j uobft Newspaper. of 30 persons. Including- three ladles, and Uth.1 Tin Is Mr John B., Go agh's ".first arranged systematically In groups upEast Cash "It verily seemed that everybody In Uavlntj ,madetxlleavy Purchase on the stage. On sofa in front 'sat visit toi Salt Lake City. St. Louis attended the two ' performr v Mr. Gough and Mr. Scott Anderson, ern anil1 European' 'Markets, during. the ances of Cole's great shows at Ifltb i . Ji . V r and. Pine yesterday. At the afternoon behind them were three ladles, and Severe ZJjeiiresiton, we entertainment the tents-Werfull, back of these the Templars of. Honor jcct to the call of the foreman. Ul.:. IN while at 'the night performance- the i In a full uniform, the last forming to our patrons at the Tabernacle of eager applicants for admisf ReotLAK service offering throng In the reach was so jdense that the ticket commencing at 2 p.m. Mlsalonarlea to Canada,. Elders sion wagon had to be closed, as every availing from wing to wing. As the curSociii. meeting of the Caledonia So- tain rose the" Templars' who were Joseph Spendlove, of Littleton, Mor able inch of space was occupied.' The circus programme which Mr. ciety itt the Social Hall at 8 o'clock to- - standing, lifted thelx, hats and took gan County, and .Richard R. Fry, of splendid Cole had arranged was carried out f r. will morn start , City, Tuesday with a skill and excellence J night.j i their seats, and as soon as this ap- Morgan entire, won the on 27th which the the U. SDDlause P. for enthusiastic ing, Inst., Mr." Scott Anderson The Firemen hare an excursion, to plause subsided, the multitude, ; The many novelties I passing through Detroit. of Whtcb aisttniruish the Cole shows from Black Rock and Garfield on Jane 4th. came forward and introduced In a few Canada,' on missions. They go " others of the same class were a revela words the speaker of the evening. Z ice their advt. tion, and while sme of the thrilling Mr. Gough 'at once arose, stepped were in progress, the great audiWilliam Gibbt, of farmer i .Ward, forward and having cleared his ; throat ; Child Drowned. J. A. Marchant, acts : ences almost held their breath at the : from Summit has raised some of the finest looking with ; ft Peoa, County, unheard of darine of the verformers. , wallow l of water,'' com- writing states ever and seen. have ft accident that occurred r.i i The recovered various had i !,'.t artists menced Immediately upon his lecture. aiparagoswe i. on the lth inst. A little girl, from the nervousness of the first day, Tue Home Dramatic Clnb give a A few words as to his personal appear- there or five years of age, daughter of and did their Parts cleverlv and with four ance. Is U He about aoediuas mvtinee on Decoration Day, rendering failures or accidents," ET2U QUOTED IN THIS CITY, INP Aliti OF TlTK and George Milliner, was found out any Life's and strongly built, though not stout In Fort CreekSarah the same play as at night and . taken out dead. She FOtLOWlNQ DEPARTMEKTS: nor even portly. He was dressed in ULOBE BAKE IXT. each. Revenge." . had In while fallen accidentally going black with open vest. Hfsbalr Go to the Criobe Bakery for vour holi plain some on ' of Seventies Second errand for her mother. ' ' The .Quorum ' i i I Xt V Z .' i Telret Department.' and beard are white and of mhCerate day Candies, Cakes, Fruits, etc. They .' Silk, Satin, Brocade will hold their regular monthly meeting be had pure and wholesome, at low can Is He wears He spectacles. lengtn.i American Dreu and French school house in the 15th Ward r'.j,Good. The other night under the prices. Monday far from graceful in his .beating, but lVhlfe Goods and Table Xinen of the eveiildp:, at 7:30 o'clock, sharp. . Elders' "th of j auspices Quorum, darand tree and as home STAHUN at .miTAMKlA rBlYAI.I perfectly 19th the was held reunion at Ward, declaED. TfpRavitn seats Ifor the. "Daughter ing In his use of gesture as In Zephyr,' Glnsbant and DniesUo meeting-hous- e. It was a compliThose troubled with rheumatism, of Jalras' will be sold on Monday mation. He Is a consummate actor, the ,j Cloth. Flannel and t mentary gathering to three members of who have tried other remedies and momthg at the store of Geo. Careless especially as" a comedian, while as a the are obtaiu will still unenred j certainly to and called Arizona. to go Quorum Tidy Curtain, Drapery story-tellhe Is unsurpassed. His & Co. Reduced prices will prevail relief within three days' and generally to Trlmaaluff . cra and voice Is anything but clear and silvery, Those who participated had a fine within six hours by taking Britannia. Fmhrolderjr Iace, pif. $1.50, A.. C. Smyth's Old Notation and In fact ft was quite husky last time, and contributed the handsome This great remely was discovered bv HaUisaa 'and , Glove an eminent rreat of English IIoMtery Tonic Sol Fa class will please meet at and there was a, general sum of flM to help the brethren about experience, and whophrniciau 4 has never lost a . the Theatre on Sunday at 4 p. m., to evening, Xttdiea Underwear and Cornel ; to wnom tms medicine was adair , of weariness about him, conse- to depart for 'the south. patient - -' rehearse Mendelsohn's ''On the Sea," quent no doubt upon the "two sleep ministered. Britannia is not a lotion ; T,ndle A Children's Shoe A Slipper can no external Rosml's "Swift a? a Bird,' and less permanentapplication Benefit ' Concert. Next Thursday nights" on the cars he had experiGen(i and Iloya Doet and Shoe ' ly cure rheumatism, which Is a desease Matther's "Voyage of Life." Pupils enced, as evidently the jresul evening a concert will be given In the of blood is prepared the Britannia though are requested to brinsr the music and of old age and falling powers. Theatre for the benefit of the East In wun vne irreaiest giui.anu a- easpooii- Millinery, Fancy Goods and Paraftol cold f of In a beimr attend promptly. taken nil wineglass WUles William Elder dian e Mission, commenced He by stating thatforty-onCarpet,1 Linoleum and Shade water immediately finds lts'wav to the years ago last October, he sinned and others being about to start for that Dioooo. wnere it corrects trie pain- Ijtd I os Dolman Harlan and Cloatlc the temperance pledge in Worcester, country to preach the Gospel. The con cansiuir element, removes it Immedi LOCAL JiKWS. the the of Gents nnl ately Dy puntyiug Clothing 4 lucgmng nuKi, Mass, Since then he had been actively cert will be nnder the auspices gradually builds up the entire sys They are Known. The names of engaged in the temperance work, and First Presidency. - A fine programme and Salts to order rersons wno nave useu in s the two scoundrels who chased and had: delivered 8,500 addresses.' The 1 being arranged. Elsewhere appears tem. In Utah,, tell us valnablcpreparation Hat mud Cap frightened a couple of young ladies on temperance movement was based upon a call for a rehearsal of A. C. Smyth's mat noiniog ever helped them as has Britannia done. reierences are known. are to Many which take They two facts, viz: the evil of drunken- singing classes, Wednesday nigbr part in Salt Lake City and elsewhere can be Furnishing Goods can be learned by. parties Interested In ness, and the desirability of its re- In the entertainment.' ;given. at this moval.) Total abstinence was adopted knowing them, on application Z.U.'M. I J drug department is the ' for Utah. A fresh supply lately office..! agent exhi second The Art Exhibition. met hod. as (the best effectual per prce as usual were some who, though bition of .the Utah Art .Association arrived. There tie. Special! rates to the trade. Third District iCourt.'-Proce- ed In noon O. i David at beastopened admitting drunkenness waa $1,35 IngH before Chief Justice Hunter, on ly, was Calder's Show rooms, First South thought Saturday, May 24th, 1884 s cowardly, and on the ground , that : it Street, and will remain during, next TXmin oilier ' was more manly to resist a temptation week; Visitors are admitted free. CrAM A. B. .Elfelt vs. E. A. Ireland; deAfi VMrat Mraiith Ktroot 'a rirtnrt. fendant allowed until and including than rnn away from it; they stood upon A choice selection of paintings and site the Theitre AHiolesale Buyers' will find Sexiou AND Raxd. what they called the noble: principle sculpture front the studios of Utah June 2d, to answer. ! reople, etc., vs. Joseph Blddlecome, of moderation." That is, they would artists, Is on display, including J3 CENTS. st I. a murder; trial resumed. Prosecution drink as much as they could stand, and contributions from Billings, tret at New meal Ottlnger, the rou will good rested-- i op Pratt, Tullidge, ' Bowering, Kirkham, lorK uonce uousc, MarKct itow. Joseph Blddlecome- on the calf It moderation and and get a while others, who drank but half or a Beard, Harwood, Gilmer, Clawson, posite Kimball Block. Call or stand for the defense.nice Lunchjroll, cotiee. lea oi Id Admitted .citizen Thomas lUrratt, tenth part as much'; and; "couldn't Axmltage, Lambourne, Culmer, Dallln. Dinner from 12 tocupi i p. m. Meals to " j aa of Lack branded drunk stand be and of would Reeves all now at order other. of Utah lours. Morris, It,'' formerly England, was space precludes extended notice In shame County.u"l i ards and suffer the - -- ljwhlch r a' theresult: "Prickly Ash Hitters" is an unfailing this issue. - Next week we propose to for all arising from The speaker said his own father was do the subject Justice, Visitors are specific 'Hearts of, Oak Concerning of the functions of the a derangementcomplaints thl-- i very attractive play, which will a moderate drinker all - his lifer and already flocking to the exhibition, liver.' It purines the blood and lnluses Pains in tue take the board at the Theatre next lived to be 94 years bW. This might which is very creditable Indeed. This new life into the invalid. loss of apexas an side, uneasiness, be one general taken those Utah of is the first 'arid pro exclusively disposed by "St. Monday Tuesday evenings, the bilious M' headache, attacks, &c, petite, V he an also But ductlons. j argument. has the following: ample and Louis are sure indications that a cor -ic, a who had had knew still man, .mi Asn rective is needed, 'irictiy is one of the best two bullets in living, "Ileafts of Oak"season. for these htm since the war adapted ' 'Bunch of "Keys. Manager Mag ters" is especially The play Is attractions of the It arouses a torpid liver mau ulre is going to a good deal of expense complaints! It tell a sweet of 1812. : Ought a young l.retty ofand romantic; to restores it to a healthy and action the narra- to go and get two- - bullets in him on story love, and surrounds this piece properly upon the condition. tive with "beautiful scenic pictures, th(s account? Yet one was Just as to place the i stage of Opera House next week, wonderful for their realistic effects I was troubled with Catarrh for 13 and the perfection to which the artist sensible as the other. The speaker The important scene of the play repre rEIy'a 'ream Balm has opened has brought his work. The first scene said his father's son could no more be sents the interior of a hotel office, and years inv nostrils, ana reaureu tne mnaiuuia- is the coast of Marblehead, which is a moderate drinker than you could exupon the vast amount of detail in Its tion my eyes can now stand strong shown at sunset; a storm gathers, a a powder magazine' moderately construction ft great deal of labor and light.N. Fegley, Wllkesbarro, Pa. weird picture of the wreck and a res- plode ; cue is presented, and the curtain comes or1 touch a cannon off a little at a time a considerable sum of money is neces down upon a ralnburst of real water. "Oh well, you'te weakmlnded then," sary to be spent. Not alone do they Vor and Asthmatic, Bronchial, Such a representation of a storm on says Mr. Moderate I Drinker.! ."All Complaints, l'ulraonry " manifest Brown's place the hotel office upon the stage. Bronchial remark the coast nas never been seen on the Trocbcs am Mr. too said I "If Gough; audare right," shown. rooms stairs crowded the two and last able but curative up night stage, properties. Sold only In a be weak to thank rise moderate to curtain demanded the ience drinker, There is a elevator, boxes. several times at the close of the first God I'm strong enough to leave it alone awindimc practical running staircase, a hotel counter ! "act. The mill scene, with the BCCUL.EX'M AttSlCA HALVE. altogether." He said he was willing with all Its accoutrements, a corablna in full action, the charming domes' the of ereakest wander medical The tic picture, the Illuminated scone near moderate drinkers should drink, all tlonsafe, a dozen or more hanging world. Warranted to speedily cure Whales's Wharf, and the other tab- they wanted, but not that they should bells, numbered as In. a hotel; In fact ilurus. Bruises, Cuts, Ulcers, bait leaux are marvels, and form an el- tell young men they were setting ' X them all those things that go to make a com Itheuni, Fever Sores, Cancers Piles, Xn ;.' it ? : .. '; ; .'. r ement exceedingly attractive. The ft : OhablalnsJ Chapped Tetter, Corns, example. good hotel ofllce and corridor, In the Hands, ana au sKtn somewhat sombre in tone, tlrama plete eruptions, guaranor but It is a good one, and has someri The lecturer proceeded to show that rooms that are shown above Is ft fold teed to cure t In every instance, v...- -' f.. it did not depend npon will alone, ing bed In one, a bath tub in the other, monev returned. 25r mvcents touchlug points of a: sympathetic per oox. m C I . re. whether a drinking, m&n became a chairs, washstand, carpet on the floor, For sale by Z. CM A:, ' but was greatly due to his etc., etc. T tO: i3Iri Henry" Called For. Among drunkard, slt- all Babes." and constitution. Home your along Bring Ke temperament "Bunch all of a' from reports, tlntrs by the "new instantaneons prothe many amusing anecdotes related natures 'were cold, phlegmatic, and has, been an SPRING and SULlLIERr KOHTHS PROVIDED FOR enormously successful we rjive trie only ijlgutiug couraejor his lecby Mr. Gorih jri had nothing within them to respond to production wherever It has been done, cess." tne in shutter city ture last evening was. the following: temptation. They were always good It is HOWKR k NKWCOMB. successor to Apolitical meeting was In progress, boys and went to Sunday school, some "Dreams; legitimate or. Fun in a Photograph but was much disturbed by a mouthy of them died young, and it would be a IS8TANTI.T BELIEVED. hands of the Sparks . fellow in the audience,whp kept cry- good thing for the world if more of Gallery." In the made W lnvlt attention t tne followm Specialties J Mrs. Ann Lacour. of New Orleans. decided a has it very Company ing out in the brief Intervals between them would, Such might drink a great hit. It has meritorious musical inter- La., writes: "I have a, son who has I 3 neen sick lor two years : ne nas neon V:' .WITH the speeches: "Mr. Henry! Mr.:llsnryr deal and be moderate drinker s'.v They ludes, fair of motive and our but continuity attended physicians, by leading Mr. to hear from The people want were so heavy and dull that for Char all to no purpose; This morning he some excellent rouse: them. But acterlzatlon. Itopportunities Henry!") Another speaker would rU Ito-Boois- . wlt- - had his usual spell of coughing, andIs and Ingenious arreatly prostrated in conseand say something but would no soon how wm 'It 'With ; the fiery tv. and continuously funny without a was so tnat aeatn scemea imminent. anence, , temperament, 'full ' Of poetry and er get suiriev tu We had in the bouse a bottle of DR. Henrr. Henry I" , would resound nervous susceptibility T A single glass shadow of vulgarity, WM. HALL'S. BALSAM FOR THK t tarouzh tlie hall. LUNGS, purchased by my husband, exhilarated, (a sensation the phlegm -wno noticed your advertisement yes Finally, MMJIenry . obtained the tie man never felt) and what followed BUSIXKS3 NOTICES. and he terday. We administered it, TO BK HAD IN SILK, ALPACA OR OINQHAM. ' ' 1 1 --r floor, but had scarcely said two word maddened and debased. No man de -was instantly relieved. ': Deeas. when his ardent supporter shouted: Uberately weat to become a Order your fly doors at the Co-o; Mr. Henry! Mr. Henry! Mr. Henry drnnkard, No man was such a fool. EYEjrrrri. bkuxg of issit ' NEWEST- - ' STYLES oif.: LADIES1! HATS; (f i s wanted !" yThe officer whose duty It But thousands were becoming drijqk-- r Furniture store. Weakness,' Indigestion, Debilltyl , DvsDensia. Blood. andtbin Poor the to here was kep order approached ards by process of ftrgnment and ! KOVELTIES IN , . ,i Are the results ot this change of oe)qr atuUlM noisy patriot end begged him to desist, conclusion. One would say, "When I Each an, woman and temperature. mftoufactared was The tenuins then (as was only who Mr. as it Henry find out its hurting me I'll five it LAWNS, PERCALES, LINENS AND can! invlirorate the system and J. E. Johnson, late of at. George.) child want off the threatened diseases of the meeting. - "What!", ex- op," but he might Just, as well say by : Wholesale and retail tti.i;. M. i. the DRESS GOODS ; Summer, ly using now, claimed the disturbing element, 'that "I'll thrust my hand Into a nest of Drug Department. , . :w t Brcwa's) n 't 1 j Baraaparllla ' 'Tes," replied tba rftttleenaxes and when it geU bitten ; lit, Henry?" " ' -- J and Dandelion with 200 Ladles' ana lients' Traveling oflieer,; "that's Mr. Henry." "Why," I'll pull it out nf have it cured J Iodide of Potassium, the best Blood ft? in Bags Excellent styles and qualities at Purifier was drunkard ejaculated the astonished ahouter, Man ever offered to the Suffering. irreatrr me reduced re Ito other people's opltdpn long . ''That's the little cuss that told prices , Scrofula, Tumors, i CHOICB SELECTIONS OP AUEBBACBI Bno. X 4 , ? i Kidney Diseases, Ulcers, fcoller.V If Mr, Gough had attended a he was In his own. . A mftn bad Rheumatism, Cancers. Bolls, Huslin Sacques, U2i3s Ulsters Linen Suits, la addition to th abov. w kav Ckoic Uoi of all lb 'Liberal" political wanting in Utah, he only to lie once to be a liar, to steal s V Constipation, LITTLE WOBLD Erysipelas, , . could scarcely have given a more ac- once to Left thtet, but he bad to be Sick Headache, Salt Rheum.' Hw Patterns, at ja.; j; Tjist week of the Little World, all curate description of 'tbi claer'Of drank of his Igmi before Te school ' ;lft zor. nve FOR TOK CEOWTX OF PATRONS DAILY VTSITINQ 'AND admitted children a. drunkard. CZ'--l See full formula on each bottle. This ' gatherings. . . CONSTANTLY cents., RETURN BEST TUB IS INQ RECOMMEND LyJL wasTJmppopularly considered! 1884 use this great. Blood Spring of ' fpeaker Illustrated the two OR CLOSE BUYERS, All DrucKists recommend Purifier. Offief e 'Vf, 'Dadly Scaxed-- -' j nf phases - of drunkenness, thai which The sunken eve, the palld complex Brown's ' ' Sarsaparilla. 1. .Therefor visit ; 4 , : Cditor Detrt ifewar eatusd roars ' of i I8gbtr and ithat, ion, the disfiguring eruptions ,on the in bait Lake and Kvery Druggist In your Issue of yesterday under the which made one shudder "wlth'Tiorrorr iace, indicate inai mere ut sometninfr every dealer in Medicines In Utah. on we the us and Ask wltnln. uo of them merits. its wrong going Above caption you Expel great He showed that it was debasing, de- lurking foe to health. Ayer's Sarsa-paril- U hove unintentional injustice. We have Bmws'i Arnica Salve. . m .... akd t. i .. and dantnlng". . devised was imbruting" for that grading, purpose; At targe, expense endeavored' to pro,",n boxes of Brown's Arnica 230,000 ... nature was the . It. man Innocent and .and does ihatthouah by duce a cheap, healthful ft on Salve have been sold (positive of awuseraeut for the young people, creation of God, yet the lowest In each to noblest which guaranty,and a cure effected great this cut, aad have taken vo he crushed nnder his case. CHEAP FOR CASH, t sores old cuts, burns, Bruises, reptile nu oraer exciuue w tcooa preserve and Inflamed sore eyes, yield at once to . while he . crushed Second-ban- d characshuddered heel and doubaul and Furniture and New craven objectionable sootunx remedy, unly i We think ters from our establishment. it, waft more faithfully il Aajf up th Upholstery. ' Furniture Upholstered tniagrateiut; ; we are deserving of your encourmire-liie- measure of Its creation than a and Hepalred. Lounges and. Easy s cents a dox. jaeep it in every noma Chairs from $10,000, udwants. Matand endorsement rather than the man . was he . got tress of all kinds. vwhen, A UVM OX A' DBIICf STOKE. j ."' r."'"' AGENTS FOB THK. ONLT GENTJINB. RELIABLE v, routlnucd opposition i and fijmturus. cause to - drunk v The temperance S. W. Jrxkixsok's, never Was aacn a rush maria far an which you are pleased to extendand reOne door west of D. O. Calder's, Druar Store-awas building a barrier between the un is now it Z.C. In reeartl to the unfortunate which you stats d 5w First South Street.- Store for a trial Bottle of Dr. iruir preheuslble eventCation of and the the child of cup lip polluted In Road ta for Consumption took place on the King'sNew Discovery alcohol claimed at Intoxication. Sojie lath Ward on Wednesd4y evening, jSi buu vuiixs. au prsuus uiixi- 1. 1 R9TUBEA6EH ;! ea wun XEILftOy strain be ft nourishment, aod that fam you think yon ana to Asthma; Bronchitis, Hoarse- midnight, don't r; r; our us Galremoved Have mOre or their pivalk voint when yon eoanert ot move Photograpklo ougns any anecuoq could IK PRICE OF THE RELIABLE ANTHRACITE COAL i Quicker, HkOUGTlON !l th 16 13 Throat to sret Commercial can a and from Lunzs. Street Orderly establishment with the rowdies Trial ' lery ' ' insult ladies sprightly and was njgre capable of aad ruffians Commercial Street. First class at low Bottle t of this crreal rmpd mm T" T g-- r :j rc, by ! I i Tm in ii Tre, eailtnz-awJtl titn witooat above n the street? Jfo such characters are Store. rug RcyVar HI ! Si. none re size 1,00, ft nest asd prices.. maa lata admitted to oat Rink and We oca PLEism bpraets vm ru run invzx iiii closed it. v:ji tolerated hanging around ttoomkXi'-' ; make to alcohol hm 1XT we always do see if It needs Wednesday mht asand Ordm solKif ad arotaptly AUaft. flephoa eoaasetiaa wttft Tar; aa4 OOtc. LEGAL NOTICE. Sand berg ft Burton keep on hand and young exert himself ." Whisky, some said bad at W o'clock the the promptly on short ail to make two hours admitnotice, He order, of lives. thousands saved ladies had time during l : f CL, Third la the piatviot Coort m aa for 1st Mass mt j. UWCKBt of Fly Doors and Windows. between that tour and li ted It, but It was like the school boy's kinds that elapsad Judicial District of lUh Ternuiry Xoautj street 108 and 110 South Templewhen the were aaaulted to visit essay on plus, Una had killed people West. tf other places then oars and enconter we followed them, who being swallowed by them, and savklinnie Caramin. PlsilntiC,' ' by tHfellows ehaUf nge the proof that we have ever ed many by not being swallowed. ' K A I si ri XathamM CvniBaisrs, Defendant. any ncottraed,tolerated or permitted A stained sscoed was an awful thing. B. Keysor, lately the partner oi J. our or at about, iie persons objection. Hr. J. It. Van Auxin has removed his The People of the tin I tad suts in the Ter- - ft. J. Lm. Man's memory was his friend or enemy nffir fc. J. BaiOKTU fstablishiaBt. i. f tn the new Herald bulldinsr. of litah sen Orectiar: W. u. ftaooss We offer a reward of $500 for evi- in the future. It could be ft pleasant wi.ere he earnestly sol lets his former aritevy Salt -To Nathaaiel Defendant. Camming, full ot music and sun- patronage and guarantees a&u&fftctton. Tracke, OaL dence that wa ere J the remotest oi pictureorgallery, responsible for tbc accurrance a chamber of horrors so full Give tarn a cau. ARTE HE&KBT BEQVIRKD TO ' shine, YOU! Wednesday night. ia aa action hnxig-h- upaiakt . utv aouvv of discords as to madia him. It was We are Respect nuy T oars, la tue was-Co ' j a mistake best to begin riiit. It CArsxr IlAKnarxs of tbeuun TUird piainuo JndicUU Kitnct of OOBrt, Pavilion. Lake of ta answer the Salt of to and one the and Utah, Territory could LsLa to wrong suppose ProprletiJrs M natrons will be sratifled to learn compiaim niea inerem wrtiiin ten day ex- ever get right, except by retracing his that w v au.w Our sUteuuptin regard to the m me aner may best the our facilities for matin unmona if aerved yon of itiis miicej feet, nhr.tnirranhic work were never better wkhia aUus " upon the two young girls was oa steps, coming back wrJ bleeding county ; or, tf served oat of this of new and is P-im Information farat&lied by the gentleman torn flesh and ttreamtej eyes. lie said than now. Everything this IV diatrict, withm twenty -' '.w, T.rfv-AW- , .'AAV. ;. .'.'.: best ; prices still the same. Books, cOBty, bt eArj vw -at whose house they are etoyplng, sub- -' he would give his -rl- -t hand to for- the v i. and r statioaerv.ladles' satchels, framm. dot ult will be taken C. you, ttentby again to the D rarer ot aald comniainu sequenUy confirmed by tie gecJlemaa get tla seven years er vrsrtence a host ot attractive novelties, for sale ervrdinabe what as low as ever. By all means pay the Th said action H bronrht to have de who came out (A his honse to reBt ft4 a drinker. He copJd f of thia court disaolnar the bond of SaBPaWa ' AttWalM '11 ot.that new Art Basax a .visit. C B Savage. era r btlSJlMITebeea.-tjrrothem. Both stated that the, girls i Baatrimonr extetiac between the Ptorab "d to tie aatf award in Maiau Defeaoaat, to been . (T Wftfttf of txesli'fti.i crportuxity, eerted they had ' the ear aad caatody o Jaila Helen, tbo i could cot ruks isa? ft John Broad bent, watchmaksr and unwcawLiaaiia paviUon and were followed from Temperts oi aaiaiDarriar. ana lor other aad fnrthefreliei si aliail appear ,who ChrUUaa, bat It coal 4 nelp to break : that ormu. aecordeons. eoac Inchuu .place by the ruffians must to taw Court- - Toe aoove - i pursued them. WhttW'We down the barriers tint, hindered ma tlnaa, etc repaired. SoutU Tempi ju. relief ta cqatiaute prayed for upon tbe rround of . ; west one oi iaoernacie. oiocJt . it I. .."- faUwra ,..,.-street, their ta prorMe Plaiatl aad admit that girls who. according U) from coming 'to ,11 an who could. ..J.(. .. 1... r 'T . ' aM tataat a awvpart or area taw eoau J own admission; will deceive their own Prayer would do muc- -; .but locividual ar ariea of Ufa sne Docwmber ara hereby aotittod that if T friends as they did, are not strictly re- effort and the grace ct Coa must effect AB,yoa Have a smoothness ot taste and ricn- -' fait to appear aad aaawer the aaid com -made waxed . V .A. '..'.- . ... i have and the reformation. UrrOoogh liable, they may ness of aroma sot found la any other plaint at above required, th said Plaintiff i re... . ana ae r ftre to assured rener tne win court the , to . In Parcnftsers reference for . tbe future, regarding the Incident tjmt eloquent ' of the maaetac . riimi therettt. . . .... ., ferred to, we still aseume the position when that wbfc is truel ijfgnt and Just kiVi ' the guarantee .' How. tho ." A. WttM ,,j John be will T" j., , .i that the Seal Skin Cigar ..i,a f fc U i4 & o that we hare ever 4one In reference ltd would retoara and air else wOuld be tarers the seal of the IH.- m. f a , ' uniform and pure as It bow Is-. ,J - r Jwre,aa kTt i ... .... met attbo v....... of a was conn, battlelaird jwdicMi reasons this The world Our for manuiaccontrol its the pavilion. swept ftwav,man lou-- -t i.i bo ions' as they " . : '. . te '.. aad tao for 71 Territory Iitrict, f vshete field, L titude have been sufficiently explained sav of ull, thia 15th day ofoweMay.ta, taxsu or Aii. ,r.,rrzZ9mm lxa&b faith and works ture. . (dSt), Z.C. it. Agents. througaover the year of oar Lord on prerious occasions, rendering repe- achieved and them by the the victory hundred sad eightyeight home-maa is good place, grace ot God. Our watchword is "For - A hrre assortment of tition unnecessary. It iwmr. mot:? "Ext ior, and Tresis Jut received at n in one decWed oplnfon, lor respectable vrd," orr o G. H. I Ey McXiuax, Ieputy Clerk. IlcJ rpeea tzt young people to remain away from. ' , - Non-"Mormo- ns' . 5 I a;ikri"i isi rax . rr-- v -- : .are e : semi-circl- e: back-grou- Immense Bar gams in for - T - nd m k The The Most Gomplete; Assortment, The Latest Novelties, and The Lowest Prices, . , ," 1 t 0) mi 350, Men?s Eiiie.vbats , . ! -- -- At $2.50 to 5.00 ed, rati 5.00 to 10.00 v , 'l .... .. Qda MEN'S PANTS, . Iadle. ! er I 2.00, 3.50 pr, . 5.00 2.00, ; A i : MEN'S . VESTS, worth 400 each. $2.25 each, ::.ltj ; - IB LACK - t- . MEN'S WHITE - to-d- ay each, worth 2.00 each - : tee-totail- sm j . and . - I ; ' - ; -I : OUR STOCK COMPLETE, OUR PRICES RIGHT AND OUR 'TREATMENT HONORABLE. self-deni- al, - w I - - 500 Boys' Suits 4 toJ 10 years, 8.50 ,$L85to 6.00 Si, igA'&n 2.75 j j , BOYS & GIRL'S BRAIDED KILT SUITS - Post-Dispat- ch WE AEE NEVEB UNDEESOIJJ. ra ,$2.65 each, . worth 5.00 each. ESTABLISHEID 1864. MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED. F. AUERBACH BRO. & Also, a Splendid Assortment of Choice Suits for Men, Youths', and Boys' wearat Exceedingly LOW PRICES .i . s." - t'-.- ; - 1 ,'fX'Af'''Xv'-'- , na-tn- 18841 1 . te . TEB'EL'Sl; S . 4 TAPESTRY1 BRUSSELS, 85o por Yard, Recenf AitiYals of u.iuj " BODY BRUSSELS, I $L35 1 'flt to-wo-tk BEST VELVETS, : ; ... p, iai . EXTRA SUPERS, . lns ? . - Merinos in tbo irorcst( Chadcs i I - be-o- - VENETIANS, - tii ., . m MX ' . . ..-- . - THREE PLYS, L00 two-thir- ds '.' .j J ..:. Lower Prices . ! -- fa. Hoiisb. -, " . i ' r CLOAK BEPAJ&TIffiNT BEMIRrrON,' JOHNSON .& Co., ut - s T ex-ert- who-woul. u i . r ..... a rc:L ' a - vaism - nri ca 1 ciisiirieEiO a y :i - ee A2a FLjLxma liu-trt- c uer-vi- e Traveling Wraps, Linen and Mohjair Dusters; , ' r-v- - " " n TIPS m er as-sa- ult -- SILK hill. l - 4 Trrt - de-tr- BRATOED JERSEYS, 02.76 to 08.50.J wft d -- iuir! : 1- . - t.t J . ., . nts lires7" Eathing Suit3, Ei:ce3, Cluldrca'a T7rap3 Etc 1 - . . Hr, . tea-denci- . taoa-and- - de lay rcu; Etc. 5 ..- . . . l ee f .. - - : ftl.LrCrca 4'! '! : i-- .'; : alls? Britfes! |