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Show merely giving his own views, not by authority, and not as general advice, but In regard to certain conditions then existing among th Corinthian EVENING NEWS ' XMUA4 Vmlljf, Bundayt Txcpud, On MINTED 'j AND O'CLOCK. PUBLISHED . BY L'H THE J; DESERET NEWS COMPANY. CHARLES ' W. PEXROSE, EDITOR, Jf enday. EDITORIAL ifOTES. A dentist at Calgary Las been busy lately extracting teeth from Indians. It is stated that before the advance of clviliaztlon.'when the natives subsisted solely on buffalo, meat, decayed teeth were unknown among them. Braves vrho stand' the torture of the without flinching are reduced to I a state of abject terror when they feel a the cold grip of the forceps, i sun-dan- ce I The St James i GasetU aayst "The need of an instrument whereby the 'the horizon is rendered invisible" by 'mist has been long felt In the navy; I 'I Saints. The restriction of a raaa to one wife Is Koml-sh- . not CHrlstian in Us origin, and earfy Roman history, which records the "rape of the Sabines," gives the key to the reason for its establishment. When Romish paganism became incorporate in apostate Christendom the monogamic principle was established as a dogma, and the same error Into Which the Essenes fell was adopted by the Romish clergy. It aided much in the establishment of Porbidding to marry at ail and penalties against plural marriage of evil The sprang froTitthc same-roo- t sanctity of marriage was not understood, and celibacy.was falsely exalted Into a virtue.. There is no debasement In the marriage relation, unless natural aud proper conditions are violated. And these are more frequently trampled upon la the mpnpgamlc: than in the polygamic state. ,Bachelordom and spinsterhood are unnatural and Improper oDmtlon.i Natordand Nature's God 1ntended And fUced tho sexes for there Is no essential virtue in their separation, or in the crushing out of powers which, when Koverned by wisdom .and put to (heir intended use, are the source of life aud the ' developer of true- - manhood and ' : -Y antl-poiyga- ;but a new apparatus, devised by Ml Renouf , promises to supply the want. :M. Kenours device has been tried during a voyage to America on one of '" ; 'the. Atlantic mall steamers, and all the womanhood. Mr. Potter "The Creeks and says: .'observations were obtained with an the Romans, though harboring much 'error of less than fonr minutes, social evil, had already passed beyond . i . Joseph Lawdor, of Bridgeport, Con-- f polygamy when Christianity came to Yes, and it was to their influ- -. hectic ut, was a seafaring man until them.". ences the monogamlc heresy was that vessel recently. On his last voyage the inducted into the perverted ChristianI was wrecked and the crew all perished himself. For days he drifted ity that succeeded the pure systemso-pf except the primitive Church. The gross 1 around on the hull of the bark without cial In Greece, and a bite to eat. Quite a nnmberof mice the evils that abounded corruptions that followed In Koine were quartered la the; hold. These under have I would frequently venture out and nib- - their monogamlc Inregulations, namodern every counterpart ble at his feet. At last he became so which tion set has Itself the against J hungry that he begao butchering and Mr. Potter thinks polygamic principle. eating them'. Upon raw mouse, and that the. first formal enactment in that alone, be subsisted until a sailing Christendom for enforcing monogamy vessel picked him up. was the canon against ; concubinage, declared In the year 40Q by the Council of. Aus. jThe Crown Prince Rudolph, of Toledo., If this is correct, and we trla, has undertaken ' an exhaustive see no reason to doubt it, the notion work on Austraia-IIungaryIt Is to enforced monogamy was estabbe an immense cyclopaedia of usefu1 that lished by Jesus and his Apostles Is at knowledge, It will deal with antiqui- once exploded. Not until 400 years ties, history, literature, language, art, afterwards did the Church fulminate a science, and a hundred other subjects. asalnst polygamy, and by that How many volumes it may extend to decree had become Romanized, pagantime It nobody has yet stated, nor Is it at all ized and apostate! likely that a corps of specialists, each has been from time Imme Marriage a own of out his for working theory a morial relation regulated by ecclesithe satisfaction of a Royal editor, will matter be found to err much on the side of astical rules. Matrimony is of debasement' to a mere Its religion." brevity. One of the questions to be treated at length Is discrlbed in the civil contract is a modern custom, and The programme as "The Mutual Influence une that has been prolific of evil. foriConstitution of the United States of the various parts of the Empire on each other," and there are also to bids interference with the free exercise I be extended essays on the "Ruling of religion.' Therefore" religious mar' House,' "The Monarchy Within and riages are beyond the purview of the t Without," and "The Position of Aus- - National Government. In answer to Mrs. Cheney we will say that there is as a European Power," nO United States law in relation to I " j Countless 'accidents, as every one marriage, with the exception of those enactments specially aimed against an knows, arise from the use of matches. To obtain light without employing establishment xt the '"Mormon" re ligion. The laws of the various States them, and so without setting things on are different in some particulars but in now an Is lire, ingenious contrivance the main are similar,, and are in nsed by the watchmen of Paris In all of monogamy, being in inthe magazines where explosive or flammable materials are kept. Any one this respect based upon the statute of King James 1st of England, the. first may easily make a trial of it. Take an secular Jaw In Great 'Britain against or ana tne wnitest clearest viai oDiong ' r, , bigamy, glass and put into it a piece of phosdifference The between the crime of a size of about the Pour pea. phorus and the . practice of bigamy polygamy some olive oil heated to the boiling f point upon the phosphorus ; fill the has been repeatedly pointed; out in vial about one-thifull and then cork tnere columns, ana Mrs. uneny seems It tightly. To use this novel light re to have perceived it clearly. But the move the cork, allow the air to enter Congress of the United' States has leg the vial and become luminous, and the lslated the two Into One, and made Identical by law things which are en light obtained will be equal to that of ' a lamp. When the light grows dim its tirely different. power can be Increased by taking out The educational question In Utah the cork and allowing a fresh, supply of will never - be" udderstood from the reair to enter the vial. , In Winter. It is statements of or District otherwise. Onr sometimes necessary to heat the vial ligious between the hands in order to Increase Schools are public schools, and no the fluidity of the oil.; The apparatus doctrines or tenets of religion are thus made may be nsed for six months. taught therein.; The ( University of ' Chicago Times. Deseret gives "an impartial, liberal education," and is not devoted In whole or in part to the teachings of Some years ago we visited a farm, any sect or denomination. Bltuated on the west branch of the A desire for correct Information In river Brandy wine, in Chester county regard to Utah and the "Mormons" is (Which possessed a water power that springing Up anion; intelligent people we were told bad been used there for in many parts ot the United States. It over half a century, .and although we is a good sign. The public mind, saw one like it jrefore or since heretofore" has treea almost entirely they were not uncommon in that coun closed ' to , our side of , the subject-- . ty. There were.wooden logs laid down When the. disposition to hear reason for a distance of some', three hundred and investigate Impartially becomes yards leading to the buildings, at the general, the world will wako up to the beginning of which, unler cover, was fact that It has been Imposed upon by a pump operated by a huge shaft, to preachers, lecturers,, politicians and 'the end of which was attached a box hypocrttesaad the truth will go- - forth or bucket holding about half a barrel in its strength to the discomfiture of Into this bucket a stream or spring our.- enemies and the "redemption of was conducted from" further up.the man from the thraldom of prejudice, j hill. When the bucket' was nlled""Iti weight would force, the shaft down, and striking a platform. the bucket THE PAXIC'ix NEW YORK. was thrown over and emptied. Being deprived ot its weight the shaft would, About three years ago, as near as we by a weight on the other end, be forced remember, a convention of eminent o Its original position, only to repeat bankers and business men was held for its descent as soon as the bucket was several days In the East, wherein the again filled.- This motion ot the shaft financial situation of the country was discussed by some of the jpnt in operation the pump, which quite freely drove the water to the Itujldings, sup kings of W&U Street and other finanplying the dwellbng', a dairy, smUhdJ cial maguate44 The result of their le- -. barnyard. We were informed that It liberation was the almost unanimous seldom got out ot repair, the water ooncluslon that a monetary crisis was and the works being all nndergrouhdf impending,' as a f natural consequence and the frost did not interfere with its of over tradlag and over production of working, which continued the opera- the country, and its advent was merely tion day and night throughout the a question of time. One prominent financier went soffjjra.4 to declare at ona of ttfese meUnt,-- s JJiat.. these depressions In businetis circles were of ANSWERS TO "QUESTIONS ON periodical occurrence," and that from his obaervalion he Was of opinion that THE MORMOX PROBLEM." uch a state of affilrs might be anticim letter which ap We publish with reasonable certainty about pated tit Boston a peared short time ago la eleventh f year. Whether this every The writer, Mrs. E. P.Cheney, was tigat; la reptrd to the jcatiiuan has been studying the "Mormon .prob of panics at regular inter lem" In her own way, asd does not prevalence vals or not, It appears that he has depeemtorely for her direction Bpon .singled out tho year in thla Inthe usual rule, which is to credit ail finitely stance as it Is Just about eleven years the evil said about the "Mormons" since the close times of J373. t "The panic over confldsnca restorMr. Wn- - J PoUer, one of too editors ed, The has no effect here,"etc! i of theadVx, In a leading article en Those arepanic of the head-linsamples titled "The Evolatkra of Marriage, observed a some of our eastern attempts to answer tome of the quesfl 'i ' tions propounded by Mrs. Cheney. He While ;we realize- - probably' io the i.f. i ,; admits that, extent, j tne urgent necesIt Is one of the most diracult prob laiiesi of" cohfldence la financial sity lems in Hebrew and Christian hwtury matters, yet we must confess to say Just when and by what causes polvgamy was abandoned for mono-gaui- v. that.we Cannot la reasou believe that Nothing is plainer than that the trouble is entirely over. We sinpolygamy was a common and aiowablo cerely wish it wasv, But when some of tustoin among tin) Hebrews at. the the influential houses time of their greatest outward proslargest and most .... ot the mercantile ' metropolis, estabperity." ,...j It is a common fallacy to suppose lishments of extended connections with hat the csUblUhment of tne. Chris- ramifications reaching o at jilraos t .a II tian religion marked tbe authoritative over ifha JcotttTy goi down one after another, and we see the inevitable change f rm plural marriage to monogathis Is Jncapabla of proof." my-,But V succession, of smaller There is not a line in the New Testa- failures cla? ''after day and the preat ment to establish the assumption On depression in stocks and markets there ts ranch Im that book throughout phe ; coo sty, r wo ;cf nnot taitbtray to support the proposition that plural dose pur eyes to the' facts presented, marriage was countenanced and ap- and reason. teaches us that the end Is t jvk, probated by Jesus and the Apostles. Mr. potter states that an ascetic tplrlt came Into Talestlne through the and tha early Cliristlaas much 'resembled them In some particulars. But the Essenes looked upon marriage altogether. With disfavor, and this was AMFiKICAN. not in harmony with the icenlas ol t!i tLs TEST BIT LICUITJIIXa. Gospel.. It is thought tht Pmsl as I? Apostle rncwirted that tee,-epistle tithe C UaU.'.-5, YohK4, yj-fhTymJ$athTJex-tenUe- d who U teaching tLe doctrine thai i,? to Donnell. Lawson and Kimn- inftrriedoea well hut he who abstains- Lson.h induced them totmbawt a pro- r des bettcJ.Yet'.w,ua ineir creaitors which wul a this same Apostle teUing TlmothTlt in taelr resuming iu a few days. ! The decline was doe to realiza tions: subsevueutly there waa a raiiy t ' of U to IV. BjNo rate for money; prime paper 4 ($ a a, exchange firmer, but unsettled. Banters advanced tne posted rates to 4.Niand b8. Businetfs 4.84 Ci 9o,4ong 4.85 (a 8tf, demand governments lower, iH s. aeennea to us, registered 110. coupon 4 s to lJJr btates .quie. luis-vill- e railways firm, stocks weaker; and Nashville market declined on large sales to 30 H, other active . shares declined H to lw Nff Vmrk. 19. Bar Silver 11 V. Central Pacific" 44, S's 99. 4X 12, 4's Pacific C's 20, Burlington 17X, 20', Northern Pacific '2:1 K, preferred 49K, Northwestern 103?, Oregon Railway and Navigation 1X, Pacific Mailran- -, Panama iw, tSt. Jxuls ana ban union cisco 20, Texas racinc Pacificjtl, Fargo ExpressftS, Western Union mx, uregoa ville. Aiu-cuuuneu- uu Orwra. WmI Baa was Ia th Eleventh ward. Skit Lake city. May 13, of pneaatoaiaaartaret Whail, . A : Wis ef timet Brewer. Vi Deeeased was formerly of Becclet, Suf. aced 70 years and 11 montW. 'vj EBU(Tted to Utah ia 1SS1 la Capt. Canaeld's , , tria-Hunga- " ry ' ; the-Intere- st - . rd ; . antI-"Mormo- -- - . - . to-d- ay - Jdt. ? . - con-sequen- cer t r-- Es-fen- es) Jr - i - m .j- that "forblaJMJ .ri!."., wtj ' examinauon oi "that he was shows epistle the former A pa i wi stocta - ewmdU with -- a wiirw nt ;iTOTIOBI " ; 3 BOPPl Blut I.. lwti,rmyl " -- v"- i ; Now In Stock and arriving dally la numberless Shades, Styles and Qualities Single Width NUNS TOILING, Plata Finish, Double Width Crepe and Plain Finish In latest tints STAT iONliRY J in Bronson Howard's Master War, : v dUSlw GEORGE S.' KNIGHT, R10LPH BASON YEJTEai' SniKS, SATrNSNlco line and Plain and BYNES&SON, . - . : . ft . . - Etc., Etc, , , - 1 ALL WOOI. CASiniERE AT 50c. -4 a sa FOKEIGIf1DIS LATEST PATCHES. Paaa4l Away. Mr. Sara. Ward died at He passed away Italy, surrounded by . loving Feacefully la Fatal Coaflag-raUeCoxsTANTiNOPUt, 19.At Bel Bazar. a city In Asia Minor, 050 dwellings, M4 warehouses and shops, 11 mosques. 13 9 Khans and 14a other buildschools, ings were .destroyed by fire, .Eleven IOxdox. Petrli. 19. y. to-da- Jf IiOBT. TKAHS-ATLAXTI-O , . ATUROAT, MAY 17th." 1884,' A ttOAK e broke awar from me. ahe waa about s or years old, branded with Church brand on left boulder, which was vented on left thirt. She had o a new halter and M feet of new rope whea she left. Anyone to her giving Inforniatioa loading or to me ia the discovery Ward, w will h. vawswIa 11 returning l.b. . , her o . . -- lags i . , vo s e a a w - S ' - .i.-- Plain and Figured, a Full Line, ' . MUSS KLINE DEd INDKS In beautliul colors and deelgns, OTHER DRESS GOODS, Etc., of most desirable patterns and textures, - ' 3 & V . KSTBAY NOTICB. r bats nr mt posaxsaioK. j From the Boston Index. ,. , SOME QUESTIONS BEARING ON T1IK MORMON PROBEKM, ; ' : 1 Selpio, NOTICB EARLY, VEGETABLE PLANTS. OF EARLY VEGETABLE IX Plants for sale at a. Kraft's. Finest A stock la towa. iota. Ward next to Smith's SORTS ., Dairy, 5. , . 1 and Styles. 152 Sizes ; A THIUIIPn OF SKILL p. - v- .4 .; Beaseaaato PrUea, ; . FULL STOCK OF RIBBONS IN ALL SHADES. ;:?.:f'.-" ( i roT-.?-- - 4'!'V'':-!':T'- :: f' Laces, Embroideries, insertions, Fischus, Lace Collars, STEiA,"vV'.GOODf5i all the InnanaeraMe Etcetera ot Use Ne4loa DepartstS, Ss And J THE - l cm, sr., s. 4 41V tin. OEESALE DEPARTMENT r IDTJZE3, .MC 5S wttt ofCtyl Eoutt, blocl GOMIS. flHDEBS 7 , - J-- -. .of Fresh Flowers, S40 W, $ WH ALL CORDIALLY-. IF1. HAS SEMOVED TahU i place of butinett, Third South St., STo. T., with Extra Flave I.fnea, aad rteea Kedaeed fa Sail Celag roily Stocked tba llirn-- l mr KailT tar mm lumndlaia Nartar Trad. Florist, Seedsman and Preserver BS IU FSOMFTll ClHEflilLl HI I ED INVITED TO INSPECT. - , ' m f J .... M 3W .7:; Bf.XJ DE1MQ KOW G6T&BUSUKD ' IIEU ELEGANT iNEW STORE, OPPOSITE Z. ..... j C M. . ( IM Cordially invites the general pobllc to examine her NEW STOCK of IMTTT.mFRV FA STTTOTsPAT.TiTn ? TTTIS BUSINESS PLACE OCCCTIKS NOW acres ot ground. A very large, ix M . new rreenhouae was built on tbe ground Etcentlg purciuutd from tht best hotuet, ast and Htst, last Fall and is now in good working order, 'A full assortment of and con Trimmed NEWEST Untrtmmrd, filled with plants of allkinds for spring aale, SHAPES, such as house, bedding and basket plaats la etantly ia stock; also a Splendid Line of PLU3IE9, TIPS, FLOWEltS, at moderate and great variety, prices. and GESKltAIi' TR1MM1NUS, at Prices . UlllBONS, Garden seeds, pure and reliable, ia bulk as ' well as in packets, in great variety and at within the reacli of all Buyers.! j moderate prices, aUo peas, beam,1 sweet A ; NICE LINE OP CHILDREN'S SCHOOL HATS, VERY CHEAP.) . . . corn and herb teed. ' All floral decoration made to order of ' AV nease call and be convinced, j i lt is no trouble to show goods, j , live flowers, for weddings, funerals,-- etc., such as wreaths, crosses, anchors, hearts, O. Box, 1074.) NoJ 18 3IAIN STREET SI.: MRS. BURROWS, etCw. also baud bouquets, table boupillars,etc. fresh flowers preserved cheap quets, and perfect by the embalming process, so they will keep far many years. The largeat B. M. ELLEKBECK. ' tftt .j.t stock of fancy baskets, everlasting flowers J. C. HEE9CIL and ornamental grass in Uic city. ' vv'v i'ruit trees, suiwie ireos and shrubs, cab O. T?'0 TT 11 T T. Tr'"v Ty Tr kagc, cauliflower, celery, tomato and eggr by the hundred or thousand iu seaplants son. Orders by mail or express promptly attended to. Catalogue free to ail customers. Visitors are cordially invited to look at the greenhouse, - Residence in bouse on Ute the . DEALERS ground. The Denver A Uio Urnnde surest 15 ate pass hj my place every uunutoa. .'" LUriTfaAOYS J. Preparedfrom Select Fruits TIuU yitUd the finest flavor. Have been Used for year Become The Standard Unvoting Extracts. Xone of Greater Strength n Jlone of such Per-to fect Purity. A.loay certain to Cakes, impart Sauces the- naturalPudding, Flavor of ' the fruit. f . -- . ". KAircrAcrrman PEICE , Cz bt ttf JaAKI - ' two-stor- mmmmmi 1 CO. ; ' D R I iff K I Bf G ; RENDERED for the Jackson Ventilating Grate, and Fir on the Hearth Grates, Stoves and ICantles.' ; DAVID JA1TC3 & Co., !....".' , 1NTSEBMT LE1E mrrciT makes k DAVID JAME3 & Co., lor the Garry Iron -) a i j SALTIElt.l ZB"y FOR'' ... i...,. r. Have In stock a large supply of Iron, Uom, and Xead'lFlpe, , Faxnpa ' and WtUaga.!..,,- i f Klin 1LU11 X Heatina-Apparata- a. i V.;, DAVip JAME3 ! i Co., ii'- if Are Soli' AenU for the llartford Every Prenalae FalAllea mmA Every Glass Water Closets, and keeps In stock A aPtetwe. ,WJ ar . ; the Hellyer, ITyreia, Zaaee, Jennlaxs, There is no amusement exhibition, and White's" Sanlury Closets, an of in the world that receives so many, which are flrat class. flattering compliments as YY.W. Cole's, HAVJD JA1IE3 C Co., good shows, which are. exceptionally to exhibit in Salt Lake City on Tuesday and Wednesday. Jan 10th and Keep U stock Uia latest Improved . ,r, ;.'.T.j 11th. U. J PI ambers Xater1als to be tonal ia the The Leavenworth. 7W Col." Anthony's paper goes into genuine rap- - pastern trarkta.;'J,'-tures over the great event, and graphically says : "As a matter' of course a circus performance UnDave der canvass ; but ColeV .uifiers front all .nock tie latest deslu tn the rest, and really begins wtth the Gas nxtnrsaeiecud personally while street parade. Ia t&t the outside dis- ta the Cast the jtast wliter. play is exceptionally interestiAr and ' many principal features of the exhibition proper are exposed to view, and j DAVID JAIICa & Co., the gorgeous procession. 1 takes the ' Are prepared to lay Water Pipes frora form of a glittering spectacle. From the moment the doors are opened, the tiie water elaIss on short notice.' performance moves .without further ,,.1LAVm 'eTAT.Tizrt ceremony.. While early visitors Cor the wild animals and strange ' Have ?n larse force ici Urst-cla- ss brute features, there is a constant series of entertaining acts presented la Plombera, Cteaat and Cas Tttten, and the menagerie tents, of which ' there ts reared to d TtnsS&itz aad Etetra are two.- To particularize the performances In the several rings and on the Tittlug on. tie very latest imyroved elevated stage, is a task beyond the plant as adopted hj Castern dUea, and patience of an .ordinary, .newspaper solicits the costlsaed pssrona- -t of the writer. There ts only ens trd In the .iiSbstti of thii r and Ttdar. " English language that will describe this wonderful exhibition, and that is ' perfection. Every Actls ABjdB pie- -: ture which any artist might copy with "Have la 'itack a credit to himself , ami the iirTif vakr;aiaortient' ' of , of features and varied- e rtn.iiste.'.fEhect riety 'jTro' Eoofiaj,-- and ment offered is somethlu vrLchsur GalvssizedZros, are reared to Sd passes ordinary events. : ; v clt? ?t ' Co all 13Mj Tb; Ccp.cr as4 Cltet pears to be the first rule, mtls jii irfa merit the leaJ! virtue of r;e- j trulj meritorious enurprise; tshed ta ciilv7.-.,jv- i 4fJ s.ii y? ', ; rtnanee every 'no particular, tee needs special ltnentioa, bat tae . fpfJF-- iSTllriii.T ! ; c ' F0B 1 U-iP- i i i- At-- " 1 rr " .J; M'' r -- n otooix I1T"..!DESS GOODS; " 'I -- 'I.I "V . I ' J tT'' wnttialaf the SHMTlill, ,";2rmj i"? ' - '.' beat faakesof'- 'towfIA , Is very exteaaive, contains all the Latest ehadee la rm mi ii IUJ, mmmim, KUau ' " er asael v 9 Jerner Bfl Kltta. sasasessj, ausa SaMia . - ' ' ' .u , ',"'", i " and In Great Variety, Utcst Styles, SuIUbJe lor Parlor, CABY 1 PARASOLS We have NO OLD TUASII from past aeaaana . All ftw Ooods, and ttey very handsome. i in ... ; & ,. o , ''1 ' ii ... ,. ! '-- are-Indee-d ii i Assoetmist oi ilautoas axd Brackits. a CARa,ACE3 VUIUICB - Cntire Ajc New Colors and Styles la f ,: , PARlOSJI Vew fetoci."' ' ';da5apct Iale. ELEGANT CHE7F0MEES, BUSINESS AND 1'ANCT DK?KS a ' i --o- - Car ju-- pDinnTr'in ovootjc ii Sflk, Uale Tbread film ri in pwrt;, aad to his extensive premises, and made" heavy DnrchMPD4i!!df,1fH Additions was. Jow. b offering inducemeau to his patrons aa l'. tSfiubilclS i. We are showing a very larre atock of eeseriptlon; mm AvaUnsa and attention wae paid ia the --election, ef thU 8tock7wchIuret pl easeT d CAeTOTS. A il -J.V v""a9"3 styles. - FaaXsaatiBnd Eat4aloa,'.J.-- ttWCWOI, -l ' ' '' Tzztfl,iJkcz3;' i;ixzmjtQu-cdhi3- Aad Neckwear coaetaatly artvtet to rmleeiah tale , ....j, atwayaito feed tee Jt.oes liwr -- aar WAUL , k A," i&moHiapimdfMm. t :. - M'm . . ' ', ' " xw.Erox3' mtr Sck, where you are anra rrtot et liswta, ... ;,. . DtrAXTMk&r titor AfsoaTzrxkT kanra m iif 1ach ,,.cm99ri to " f PAICJCS m1tmc4 s and mtchea. Bed-roo- ni Wa are offartng, an entirely New Stock lathis Une, which is proeonaced hy all who havs . , , (1 ,.JV ; .: , v; M ,4 f srpaiins;ail.iw fwviovseiieKs. ' Ji.-?i-tk:ts i it J i ' q j .j t( d i':'i - trik :,:oxx , as preseated by MdllcAIise, t dareAt cCse and Wofkshczx Ea. O devil dives and crial flights of Dunbar Street, or recisince 1 )j ols tj :hy i.m 1 wpODcylGTFU OS eryIes.ta iFaai!Bara' . . . 1 til.. .''V'- : ',.f5telfijrt i.. a well-earn- a are-viewin- g n'mm Ws cerUmly "ainUin our repnratlon. We have nothing on our counters but tb mosi desirable styles, aad what this eaarket leonuea. ' " . j vo - 1 -- mwm Never was ae large, and never eontafned so many rositlv'e Bargains. I fan1, ailfc... JUICE m :Cr33E5, - r J t..s" . n v" I J SPEtNQ AND SUMMER SEASON IS NOW bJ?ncN and search of Genuine Bar- eteJ. f&vfii&SfSJPti? Dr7 Good .ol description, will positively neglect oaf Remarkable Stock and take tsd- 8 tfe'l,a!? Indoxsementa Lxtoardin,Lry noi offered in our eever-- ' departoients ; ' rsK, t ( I O11?!0, FirSt Soutjn Street. 12. . 1.. O O SZsT aad W. U. Warner Steam City, 4D lio rf Jim' .!PFy'XVUIEB,.,: BBOS. 1 are sola Areats lor tbe llaxtoall. r. '" '' ' : ;. ktmKzszs b Co.; B Smith, " : AGENTS TOll . .. . ., - . delicious axt i. '' DAVID JA1IE3 H Co., . j.ii f. it, I-t- HEALTHFUL DRINK. - i Salt HARMLESS ..BY. ADDING A SMALL PROPORTION 'OF TTTlTTTfTl i II , ! "Are Sole Agents for the Otto Silent Gel Engine, tJ ' " . MItchell.j VariTO & cb." Qas Fixtures, PAGE STEiM 1IEA1EUS,TUEIIK'S WATER MOTORS. W A T E ft 0 '. Are Sola Agents Are Sole, Agents Roofing, v v ' ' Iron' and Lead Pipl ' and, Plumbers Supplies. - " " r aCOONO ORAOC OOOO ; ri ' y Rower Seeds Oyer 300 Kinds. DATIDJMES&CO., on t PLUMBERS, GAS & STEAM FITTERS, ';j fi' IX. - II L D D Y - ff t I', w K J L HL, and St. lioala, tt . rm Tari ni dloea-o-, he-moral S j sal at the Kest . iuiuuii . tl ' J ' Utredeeea fate 6alt Laks City 111 TBDUSLE TO 'j ff GIirGlTAirS, Eta, Eth. DR. WARNER'S HEALTH, NURSING, COR ALIKE AND OTHER ' , CORSE TS.l HOSIERY AD INFINITUM. , Mill Findings, V aiil BMsioit. Tools, : V" Miners1 c r.-- e v Moves, Tin ware, 68, Main Street, Salt Lake City . .1,i-i-..- AT THE - DOMESTIC CLOTIXS, DAMASKS, DIAPERS,' TOWELLINGS, PLAIN, TWILL, AND OPERA FLANNELS, . . MATELASSE SUITINGS, Eto., Etc., la alaxxt Xadlats Variety aad at figures te Salt all Purchasers. , HarawaretIron,Steel, SALE BT P. W. MADSEN & Co., . 'SELECTION OF ..... CALICOES THE FINEST LINE OF PRINTED O . GUABMIEEB " t; r geo. m: scon & co. sold rxrrxY roH , , ADMISSION (Sc. or 2 tor 20ota. Large line ot RAT TAIL an other CHENIIXE FK1NOES. The fashion' ' , . able TrlutnalBg of Ute Seaeeet, in Clreat Variety. i IIW.WJ ' ' !CE WEEK, day for She Crotchets, Embroiders, Writes, Sews, Cuts with ScisHors, uses the Knife and Fork with ease and grace.! Go and See and be convinced, that "tiod moves in a ntsaterious way. his wonders to perform.'!' . .. ,(t , Snr HeraWa Oltl Stand, Main Street, From J to 5 p. m., nnd from 7 to 9 p. m. each 19 BEREBT GIVE If BY TITE . COLE'S BIO ' 13 ON : " LARGE .,J ... ... '..:.(..., LINEN LAWN8, ORGANDIES, ZEPHYR CLOTHS, PERCALMS, .!:- EXHIBITION ' . A ' . Administrator of the Ea Ute of Jeremiah Woodbary, deceased, to tho eredtore of, and all persona having claim againat the said deceased, to exhibit tiiein with the necessary vouchers, within .ten month alter the first publication ot this notice, to the said Administrator ,at his residence corner of First West and Sixth Sooth Street, Salt take City, ia the county ot Salt Lake.:-.-' Dated at Salt Lake City, May 1Mb, 1984. THOMAS H. WOODBURY. Administrator of the Estate ot Jeremiah d 131 oaw w Wood berry, deceased. - : .. balls aa ta Prlea stal Patttersa. la Chraaa Taiietjr ...... AMRLEAKT05IS0K to crkditors. notice; ": .1 branch stores C.M.I, Born Without Arms ' ... Estate of Jermiah Woodbury, deceased. V:'; or , .. est anti-Morm- It Pipe Klbow. Best Satis fives the and meets with Quick Sales. ecs-Fsale by Z Oiiitrict Poandkeeper. Co., May Uth, WS4. MUUurd S4r I J - self-inter- j av AbIc for the rorraaate4l Ntave - 'i-- . immm - One dark red Cow, white ia faee shape of ....... ". wnu vm . u m. mwuv w.i,hiud hoalders aad while right leg, long aaderbit la right ear, branded a oa left hip. If aot claimed within 10 days, will be sold at public auction at the Scinio-evtrapound. ' ' Editor of the Index-I am cxtremelv elad to see the vari ous articles which have lately appeared In the Index on the Mormon question. It is one of the most Important and most threatening problems In our political life. Asrltation on the subtect is necessary, but still more desirable- is information. There is a great deal of and political expediency and religious Digotry mixed witn tne righteous disapproval ot Mormon in stitutions. I think the liberal thinkers of America are especially bound to consider this question, because,- being fettered by neither political nor eccles iastical ties, they ought to be able to do so without heat and solely in the in . .a terests 01 trutn, morality, anuJ' gooa 1 should like to have government. some information irom Air. i.urtis or some other person acquainted with the ' ' , matter on some voints. 1. As to laws la regard to marriage. Is there any United States law on the subject? What is the law in the several Mates wnatis tne criminal law" o the sublect? 2. What is the practice in regard to a case of polygamy in the States, if such has ever occured? What is the distinction between: polygamy and bigamy? Hoes not bigamy imply deceit, tne nus band concealing from one wife his re lations with another: while. In do!v iminv. both relations are . open and avowed? Has such a case ever occur red In our country, in any but a Mormon community? And, if so, was the the criminal offender punished by f '"' courts, and how? i ; 3. I should also be very glad to learn from some one versed in church history when and how either the Jews or Chrisistian Church established monoa- amy and abolished polygamy. Was It bv direct statute aealnst an evil still or was It onlylla exlstiug andofpowerful, a moral feeling1 'which recognition had already destroyed the custom? 9 4.1 am very much interested in the different ttatements in regard to edu cation In Utah, and hope we may have an possible lignt tnrown upon tne bud Ject ; for I believe that it Is mainly up on the education of the young people of Utah that we must renlT to over- t)irowthe delusion and tyranny of their 1 nave mue personal Know theocracy. s UrKan Iu4a VA 4Ka UUVr TTUVU Av a .i tIAC vnarvnix HJ lUabtl hn few days in Salt Lake City, f was told that other than Mormon teachers were emnloved in the schools, and that the relation of such teachers to the pupils and their parents was ireeana menaiy The report of the National Bureau of Education lor lssi tne latest issued), does not touch upon this point direct ly, but we may draw some inferences Irom the facts given. The University of Deseret appears to be leirallv recoenized as an authority in education, and it is fair to suppose that this institution is under strict Mormon influence. The pvesident of this university, in convention with the territorial and country . superintendetermines what text books dents, Vhall be used in the district schools; and books thus adopted cannot he changed within five years. The normal certificate of graduation from the University of Deseret, Indorsed by the Board of Examiners as to character of the applicant, entitles the holder to be chosen as a teacher in any of the district schools. The" Jaw appropriates ffS.OOO a year to this university, provided forty pupils shall be instructed free in the normal department. Under these conditions, this must certainly exercise a university great influence upon the people of Utah and it is very desirable to know whether it is giving thera an impartial liberal education or one. wholly in the interests of a church hierarchy.' There are schools in the Tersixty ritory, in most cases supported by and under the control of Portestant And Koiuan Catholic churches. Would It not be wise in the 'National Bureau to Issue a special circular, of information in regard to education in Utah? And, in the present plan of nadiffertional aid for education: In the ent States, might not there - be Introduced some provision by which the be released .schools jof Utah should from ecclesiastical " control? Two other points in the report are. worth, first, the increase ,1a tae a umnoting: ber ot pupils; and, secondVati Increase iu the proportion of women teacher ..; :s Uji compared with men. j wiu not now lengthen thla comi munication by. touching upon other very important points, but shall look with Interest for lurtheT communications in lite Index from the able corwho have written respondents already - E. on the subject. CHKuncr., 'C': ill a persons perished. ' SATKRN9, ' ! fut 1 " es j idllSti DESIRES CORRE3-Y1TTM. II. EVANS ladies or genQemen, pondence with in the reporting or corresponding stylo, of Ben Pitman's System et Shorthand.. AdCay. dress, P. O. Box, 221, Salt Lake - U. 1 .1 ' " MR. AND MRS. ; EDWARD BRAIK. Slat Ward. Pre. Yards, 1S8A April 7th, i . raaeral servieee will be held ia the Elev Ing of the wool, growers of the United VELVETS, States was called to order at 10 o'clock enth ward meeting Imhim at S o'clock ' p.m., this ranrnimr. 134 delegates being pre MaylMh. ; ; SURAH sent, 60 of whom were froin Ohio, 38 ililUwUal Star pleajM) copy. from V Pennsylvania. Twenty --one A'. to Herald. live. born T, A character Ko'aBiTSH. At Uakm, May 16th, Isa states and Territories are representees j BROCADED Clicap, of Kansas, was elected bel BramhaU Forbaah, daaghter ef Nor- J. fc. Codding, Boiler Steam Makers, ' Bramhall 50c. Moaula and be temporary chairman. The committee the 75c. and ind ; utQ. Popular Prices, $1.00, MOHAIRS, on permanent organization ;was ' ap- loved Figriirod, wife of Leria X. Forbuah. 4 , , . pointed. Recess. 11191 III TlIlS. COOLEES. KETTLES. PilS, ETC. Deceased was bora .September Sad, 1846, , CASIEJIERES, Wheels. . ! aad baptised whea eight years old. She Beonreyonr seats at the Box Office.'' '' 'i WMlunttta j XN XNDXJCSa TASUCTT Of SPMNQ AND 8UVMR SIIADX8. j leaves a devoted hesbaad and sevea small Shop, IX Blookt East of Depot, C., 19. The llfth Washisgtox, D. f ox e ea V o S $ tne a of a League ? annual lueeting a n't.....!...... .mni.rurMi LM Paaeral aervicea were held at Union jo f P. O. Box, C25, - Salt Utke City. ........ ; .. .. Interest ... an . TTmittiml " J Ot. AItlUU .i.t.. " u.0 iHAFniiiff Ailed waa Ward overflowto which Bomae, attaches to thel meeting ou account of-- iaav The Creaeral Repairing Done Promptly. .5 2 I I were followed to the T tne reporwsu mieutiuu 04 bwuji. mo of cemetery byremalaa SO vehicle. ever Poeee be to law move dissolution a to ones isiled S3 m ;'.,v- -; ALL WORK GVAKAHTEXO. ihu io. .ma ft la tntA that from 1JS00 hevaahea, ' a Tt s p Hambolt in the will Complete Line of BUNTINQ LININGS la all Colors, take part MefUttr, please copy;".' to 1,700 bicyclists g S , E3ec Ba Kefar te any Work oone by as with pleasure, paraae BLACK LACE BUNTINGS, ...,,(-- , 'I Cash. Apply franciaco) return for THIS KIUUT OXLY, America's Greatest Character Axbata, . ,., w . . nrr NIGHT ONLY national mass ineet CmcAao.19.-Th- e BEICIC ! BEICKI ooot brick to b sold cheap tot OUUeUUv to and Vernon, the wonderful performing WALKER. OPERA DOUSE. the white hippopotamus, elephants,, the white-face- d elephant,, Kamson, the largest elephant ever-i- n cap kLUCAGXH. JOHX MAOVUZ pertorming .stallions, tivity, the ; skatersbicycle riders, rolling;. slide for life, dashing equestrian SPECIALGAGEr-IEHT- . performances by the renuine Arabs. aad an endleas variety of other re ! markable attractions are but a few of ONE the distinguished objects advertized and presented with a degree of integIT-rity that is truly marvelous. Cole's JIOyDA Y :MA . JLOth. circus is certainly beyond comparison. Bv special request ot the leading citizens, rafter a most successful engagement in tan OOISJ1 om-w- i . e. Mlfiar, ld averv X2XI.C1J. 3T to "4i n:sf sc iirii street? n.? c lt ke tin. ; |