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Show E VENING NEWS. Wednesday, r Mfcr. CITY COUNCIL. Proceedings tht CItr ' Crinnrii Tuesday evening, March Uth. 1884. Mayor Sharp presiding. , , The Mayor announced th fnlinwino as the standing committee on Jordan bou oaii iane Uity Canal: Alderman Patrick, Councilors Davis nnd Pettlt. A petition from Robert Avesnn nH l.tHil others was presented, calling at- kuuuu vu preasmg necessity lor the people residing on the north bench to be supplied with water for culinary and other purposes, and representing that they did not presume to suggest the source from which the supply should be obtained, but would leave that entirely to the discretion and bptt.r. Judgment of the Council. itelerred to the committee on irriga. tion, Arthur Robinson and 19 others askett that Fifth South between Seventh and .Eighth Kast streets be improved. ; lief erred to the committee on streets , and alleys. The Second i South Street Cabld tramway Co., by its president, U. S. Krb, asked that the time foe perfecting the agreement between the city and said comDanv and accepting and continuing the franchise conferred by the Council be again cx- ienaei ior ao uays. '4.ne reason3 assigned for asking the extension- wera that Mr. Lighthall, patentee of tha system owned by said company hail been unable to render the necessary plans and specifications for the commencement of the work to tho failure of the contractingowing tu parties place such data at his disposal. Also 'it isM. 12, - WUGMEXTS. A splendid performance at thelAb-bo- tt matinee this afternoon. v Jou.v C.' Graham, Esq., editor of the Enquirer at Ptoto, called in to- day- ' i Mas. Chaeles again attended the matinee at the City Hall thrs morning. The usual assessment of $5 was paid ' by her. :: r j ' . - . . "LfCIA to-nig- BlUDE i at the Opera House. It will In ht be given English by the leading voices of the Abbott Company. , to-d- ay Tickets for reserved seats for "Hoop of Gold" at the Theatre are going off rapidly. Mr. Kossiter Informs us that a sufficient number of seats have been engaged to warrant a very . . ffKd house. Ax entertainment will be given In ,.the Second Ward School house, by the young men ot the Ward, on Thursday and Saturday evenings, March 13th, and 15ih, at 7 p. m. Admission 23 cents and 15 cents. The proceeds will be devoted to the new Meeting house ; fund. ;j. ,to-nig- . , The amount of the Appropriation Bill as It passed the House Is $H1,G03.8G; the Conncil total is $02,000, and current expenses about $5,000, which will total a little over $210,000. - 4 i of Lammekmoos" ht I that Mr. McCornick, one of the prin- cipal stockholders had been abse.ut for several month. The petition was and time extended as aske1. granted Charles S. Burton and six others avdt-e- d that the decision of the former Council to level the banks of City Creek at Its Intersection with okl "Wall" street and make a ford, be re- considered and that a bridge be built at that point, if only a temporary one. Referred to the committee on streets and alleys. K. F. Sheets and thirty-on- e others that t the street lamps, petitioned ordered be to upformerly on first-,-- - East Street, placed or ;ln case that project t was uot , ' feasible at present, that an electric light be Square at a placed on Washington where it will be the most benepoint ficial to the traveling public and citizens in generally. Referred to the comi mittee on Improvements. :. . r Dr. S. B. Young and seventy-on- e others asked that a good, substantial bridge be constructed over Emigration CaDon gulch, about eighty rods west of the Insane Asylum and near the residence of Henry II. Harris, and represented that that road was traveled exfrom Salt Lake tensively by freighters to Park City and was the only possible route to and from the Asylum and Pleasant View. Referred to the comf mittee on streets and alleys.. Win. Wood asked that a deed be given him for a parcel of land in pla 'E." purchased from the estate of If. C. Kimball, which,- through omissiod, was never flledupon; the petitioner represented that- there was no dispute us to title and that he and his grautom had paid taxes on said lot for twenty years. Referred to the committee on. public grounds.!for liquor licenses were Applications received from various dealers and v granted. Alex, Watson 1 petitioned 'for tlie of opentng and working a saml privilege bed on the ll'th Ward bench, near Elius Moms' claim. Referred to the coni-iitt- . on public grounds. The supervisor of streets reported his expeudrnjrcs on street improvement ucconnt for toe quarter enaiug jt cd. rs, total of iJ4,324.9. beie84, showing sides 1,307 k days of prison labor. R-- f committee on streets ' anf erred tohe ' I alleys. Tue superintendent of waterwoik that an expenditure of $714.Ui reported bad been made on waterworks account Feb. 2!), lsa-iduring the quarter ending The superintendent directed attention to the need of new and larger reservoirs at the bead of the workaln City Creek CaDon. Referred to the committee on j waterworks, Are depart The Clwel Engineer-'o- f meat, report for the quarter was also submitted showjng an expenditure for hose and shirts of $T0,and for current expenses of the deuurtment ot Also that there had been 14 $350.85. tire alarms during the quarter involving a loss of $1,430.00 on which there was' Referred to an Insurance of the committee on lire department. The commjftee on polU?e reported upon the Marshal's. expense favorably bills for Feoruary and recommended their allowance and the appropriation of the amount, viz, $3$4.0ii, Adopted. The committee on streets and alleys, to whom was referred the petition of the D. &. R. G. Railway Co., to operate a railway on Second South street from the Uptt of said company fifty -- six rods eastward, and the remonstrance of Wm. L. Binder and others against said petition, reported recommending that the petition of the railway powpany be not granted.' Adopted.' The committee .on sanitary regulations and quarantine. Jo whom was referred the petition of Geo. Showeii for an enclosure around a portion of - the land ovec Jordan . used a a dumping ground, etcM reported inthat the City did not own the land question, and. recoiwnended that tho . petition be not V ,.. 'Adopted: granted. . The committee on public grounds Ui whom were referred the petitions ol Andrew T. Case and A. M. Mus3er, to lease the Tenth Ward Square, reported in favor of Andrew T. Case, and recommended that the lease be given him tor one year at Adopted- A bill of Dr. Clinton for services for v $75, was allowed. February, The official bond of Wm. W. Taylor, as Assessor and Collector ot Salt Lake City, was presented for approval. The sureties were accepted and the bond approved. The Treasurer asked Instructions as to whether certaiu promissory ; notes presented to him in payment of water pipe extensions should be accepted. The subject was referred to .thc committee on finance. Appropriations were tnade as follows : To the Deseret Rational Bank for interest and exchange 16: to Skeeks & lUwlins, for legal services, ' . JflOO. The Marshal yr as instructed to supply the Council with the necessary stationery for the transaction of business, and to have the desks of members conveyed back to the Council chamber pf the Legislaupon the adjournment - ture. . Adjourned for one week. ; " . . - LOCAL an ar3Tml it.We publish ticle Irom the Boston Index. Without ndorslug !all the sentiments of the writer, we consider it a well written and candid statement of the Utah situation from the standpoint of the writer, and cpmmend, It to the attention of the thoughtful. to-d- ay r lilddlecome Murder Trial. The trial of Joseph Biddleconie for murder in the first degree, which has occuykd so much time and attention In the District Court of late, has at iBBXhe Jength reached a stage Which might be denominated the "beginning of the .t nd." ;The examination of witnesses and adducing of evidence has closed, and Xh6 arguments of counsel ' have commenced. E. ,T. Sprague argued ahe case for the prosecution this morn ' , -- . - - "Whims." The audience at the . IThMtre last evening was not so large as.lhe performance- - merited, the latter jfoingwo II with much vim and anima are familiar tion. Our theatre-goewith the piece by the original name of "Hobbles,", in which Nat Goodwin and j " ee iF.liza Weathersby won such laurels several years ago. The Holmes Com-fiparticularly Holmes, Haverly and Jennie Bradie, give a very good interpretation 2 Jt and keep the house In a oar. The local hits were numerous ial witty. All present went away eutiafied. The compssy" left,' for Dg-d'1 : this morning. f y, ing business engagements from appear- ing on the platform at the Thirteenth Vard Assembly RoDms last night and deiiverloa his lecture as announced, Kl4r H. W. Naisbitt very kindly, on i:short uotlce, - consented to be the jfpeakefta his place, lie delivered a TfXj j P f ere t i n g address based upon his during a receut'i trip ;oosrratlons f through Se Territory, giving a glimpse M the various jodustries and exhibiting taelnecessitjdr fin extension in .order to provide employment for The audi- Jy increasing population. nce was large and appreciative.! and evening Haverly's "Strategists" Company will give two j performances at ye Salt Lake Theatre, presenting that splendid, comedy, which has been played here before with great success. An arrangement has been , made by the looal management, whereby a liberal percentage of the receipts will be demoted to the B. Y. Academy fund. Tickets are already for sale at the ook stores, and special agents wilt be out ttuvassing the town between this ;aud ;te day of performance. Half sates wVJbe given tn the railroads youth, to enable all who so desire to ome up to atteud the performance. ng 'J?aU Crazy." San Francisco has irons Patti crazy. The great diva, according to present arrangements, only sias once la that 'veniugi. Every ticket Is soldi and ' speculators are now at work disposing of their purchases at a premium. Preclty-to-mor- " rov 1 vious to the opening of the sale a line was formed to the box oflleo for 2 jSours, and as high as $12A was offered 4qi a place in the llne.a great many V.vere unable to procure seats, as all engaged before their turn came t buy. There is every probability that Tatti will havejto sing lo the Bay.City before herretura East, and a lengthening of the engagement of Her Maiesty's Opera Company lu that place is also very A New Invention. We had the hkvly. The Pattl concert la the Tabernacle will be given early la April, Juw pleasure last evening of Inspecting a newinventiou la steafti engines, the .mediately preceding Conference. result of the combined Ingenuity of y, Messrs. Sndbary, Whitehead and T1IK ALTA VICTIMS. of thU city. It U a perfect workHK BiHtrd TO BE BROCGHT HERK FOR ing model, built on a small scale, but i UCRIAL. power. It was on having a Z. C. M, I. boiler room, at exhibition A meeting was held last eveuingln at the rear of the main institution, tke Federal Court House to devise where It was manipulated by Mr means tor the removal of the bodies of Whitehead and examined by a dumber victims from that of tha Alt snow-slid- e and others mechanics practical place to this city for burial. Captain The points which reader it entirely J. C. Morrill was chosen chalrnian.and new as an invention, are in the .valve J. T. Bateman secretary. Twenty- - movement and the opposition direction Ight men enrolled their names as of the "cranks The valve Is single-actin- g, volunteers In the venture and a and yet produces this opposite of live were appointed to rea result never before obtained action, ceive donations of money for the same in the same be wujv Th2 valve can ' ;' purpose. on engine. any placed Jt was stated that thirty men from i The clalmctt for U are the stone quarry In Little Cottonwood, speed, advanUgcs durability aud steadiness of would be furnished by Superintendent action, and consequently an Increase of offerJ. C. Livingston, who had kindly power, Jt is stated that a speed of ed their services. Weather and all 2,000 resolutions pay minute was atthe from thiags permitting, the party tained last evening, and tkat a loco- mc v irom start y!U city rnotlvc engine could be constructed on R. O. depot I nioruing this basis, which would rua three miles iwv -- ml f not then, as soon M at miiMtfee,' wlfhu. more etewiiBess Bud the schema Is thougiit prciicDie. leas trtctfcon than an ordinary locono The party will go by rail to the end tlve can run tirenty?flve of thirty miles track, elsht mllea this side of aaEour, (of make A Idea of the Invention originated .vita, m1 from there will on' the trill best tenThe o Alta, ud then decide years agoj with Mr Samuel J. Snd-lur- y, and the enjdne haa been ?nesjas to b ssed In conxeyln the todies to the railroad. by nl8 nephew, Leo White01 me airccuon under Is an The part head, crpcrt mechanic and a mUre of Uua,born In OgJearThenglne Mr. George Collins, feuperiaieuucni, he uiue where the fatality oceurrea. on exhibition was made at home In a TUc names ol the city volunteers, oaonths time, but could be constructwhose expenses are to be paid by the ed at a Tegntar machine shop la awee. A patent has been applied (or. Also finance committee, are as ioUows: boiler feeder and a or a Georjre Wright, A-- Earner, tJeorre urana, Rainer. former Mr. Sudfounder's the leorfre clamp, Uowarta, .Tbonuw fcamael the latter .Mr. C. Invention and lHckioi. bury's T. James. litito Tho. Muchell, Whitehead's. , " ' " they-wer- e - . J Snd-bur- : six-hor- se cora-jaitt- "Mi." : - " this "Hood bf Gold. popular se psational drama, which comes heral.iedas among the best of its kind, will te presenUd at the Salt d of new and Lake Theatre "A elegant 8cetery accompanies the troupe, and s Vme fine stafe- settings are promised, b vsldes a great cast in a splendid nlav. Vco "ad." ' for' further details. f The Syracuse Madard says: ; Of the many new lays offered to Svracusans for consid ration this sea son the "Hoop Of Golif presented at the Weitlng last evenlng"ntalns more real merit and dements ojsuccess than anv. It ta essenttallv or the meloo1 dramatic order, of which'. "Light fore London" and "Silver Klnff''-Werrunners, and contains a plot ot thrillinga Interest which is worl;ed ok wttn commendable degree, ot all1a?a,' The eharaetera intrrwlnorl m. wide range of life and were Interpreted by an evenly balanced company," To-nig- ht - car-loa- - - . e BUSINESS NOTICES.1 lEYSS A.3SnD EJA.iH-No- . -- 173 ce i;j;1t.,UU . con-strnct- self-acti- ed ' A. OUen, A. Aadenma, J. J. Petersen, C Fred Cnliinan. il. C. V (U?or? Hice. Collin. Joseph J omi Bun. Joha Albert Thom?. W. U. ColUalh. ,s . ,. r. Whlteley.-M- . fol The finance committee are lows: . Chas. Read, Louis Martin, John S. George- Reynolds, Boi JJ, C. ; i Scott, Martin Uarkness and Henry .; . City, t - lVallace. t hmstrr and jAhn TtwaiKAnt conce- Jeweler; organs, acconleons, oou-.- a iinas, eic, repairea. street, one block west of Tabernacle. HEW MPBIS6 COOD8. have Just opened some ."very choice Laces, in EscuriaL Real Duchess and ' Valenciennes Medices and Oriental. CQH9 Bbos. . at'thk' kAJLT cLOMrao ottt bale , LAKE TEA STOKE. --; People looking for bargains In Tea, Coffee, Spices, Yeast Powder, extracts and in fact every thing In the grocery line should not fall to attend the closing out sale at the new Tea store. Good and 30 cents per pound, Japan Tea 35 Black Tea 30 and 40, English Breakfast 50 and 65, May Flower in cans 40 cts, choice Garden Tea CO and 65; all package coffees la cts. per pound and every extremely 1qw flgnres. thing else at Kenjember the place, Bait Lake Tea 63 store, No. W. Jim Sooth opposite t i Market How. GRAND ENGLISH OPERA COMPANY. XMrnue-enacvf rkm C --AkWi Uru4 u.ctm, UtU BK1DB . TMUPnAY-C5od8l- "al Oper, FArSTl WAVSTi CIST. mwmn. Will nlwitira nwnmmnil to his Custo FRIDAY-Abb- Mt M. -MS - B.19IDA, mers pure, and reliable medicines. ' RHUtant Opera, LA There la not a druggist in this great AiTUDnav MATINEE-T- he recomdocs not who country SAT U RD AY EV EN I U C Abbott's Farewell -- Kje- -lmenu Opera, KIUOIJETXW. Bnwn'i SnraapnrtllA . :o: . ":. i ' at ine box voire, aale in all narU of the boose, oa Iodide of Totassium, as the remedy m. riirir sw tor reserving ceata. that is curing more cases of Sl.OO, f 1J said 2.00. No charge ruiCEMt-s- ae rxToiuia, minors, Kidney Diseases, Ulcers, ltheumatism, Cancers, Jioils, Constipation, Erysipelas, Than any other Blood. Liver and Kid ney remedy Known, as your uruirgis to show yon the tformula printed on each bottle, and use no remedy for the Blood, the Liver and the Kidneys nut Brown.s SarsaparUla. This sterling . remedy is sold by j and COMMENCING WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12. 1884. in Salt! Lake Druggist Every dealer Utah. in InMediclnes every ask litem 01 its merits. Always Sellable! Warranted! tnflnnuid corn nvot hnmS. XWm cuts 'and old sores, cured at bruises, once or your money refunded by your Anai is me positive warranuruggist. on - ' - " every box of Brown's Maaager. ty placed CHARLES II. HICK, Arnica Salve by the Brown Medicine and Manufacturing Company. Only 25 A Presenting the best of all Spectacular Melodramas, ; w "II.e, SH ! to-d- ay ' t 2 "' iMur"" ..: . . OUR DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT . ; 5 Is stocked with the newest Zephyr Cloths, Glnfe'hain, Cheviots; Sileein, Table Linens, Tablecloths and aapkina to niaicu. a vuu. of Towels at low prices. Lca curtains m paiwrus HUU f r..w. - Tidies In aU styles and qualities. MAUBURY & OVERTON'S COMPANY. Krwl Knrlnrra on a Frame, easy to clean, light to handle, durable and cheap ; nothing like it for tat Sorensen See & Car,loai A Carlquist's. of Hew anlBepl ' RETIREMENT NOTICE. lnf nni elistvtlir frh vt.lpn from thA mvirienus wm piease ousiness,that liquor notico the tromtt nav- nuitit nf tholr nprnnntu will lie esteem ed a favor. Accounts long past .due, hereafter will be placed in the hands of A NOVEL STAGE EFFECTS a J tn -- attorneys ior couecuon. Itespectfully, Gkorgk A, Mekars, Salt Lake City, Feb. 14th, lutH. 10 .... a.in. , .. . ;, .::: , --"- -- , 'T ."1 w.v., . ' Wholesale and Retail. j , OUR SHOE DEPAKTJUU1Y1 :.. - li In n?celpt tJ of Newest Style Shoes, Tics and.81lppcrs for Ladies I and Children. ' Ml-e ! r If TAnrta Vnoa w Una SUIV1MERHAYS & Coi, j. W. IJGATIIEK MANUFACTURBllH, (7ll.ir Vnl. ' lltlVM alll lrif'Lvlv Ash Bitters' for the past seven or eight oi me years, ano consiuer mem iouu most reliable proprietary medicines I by the continual handle, asIn is evinced and the almost .uni versal satisfaction which attends their u& w use." i lrnrir1ut: of 4 1 - Agt We have ;or MAVFACTOIiT: BISHOP IWNTKIi'S TASXEIlT, . L. 1 3 Furnishing Goodi. Tlwtla anil fClwwta a Choice Lino of Cloths, Diagonals and Trimmings for CiinU' and Uoys wear. Make suits to VJjrucr anu uuamuni! 191k WABD, XAKE CITY;P. O. BOX, 778. SAITSOLICITED. i TIIE CARPET DEPARTMENT CORRESPONDENCE i SPRING PRINTS, great variety, 5c & 6i per yard At AVALKER BROTHERS: l . i . , Velvets, Moqailte, Tapta- with newest patterns Body try, rnree y, ingrains, uerop, .oac miuhik, qualities; Llnoleuiu, Oilcloths, Crumb vloths,. Window Sl4dliiys, VU tures, and everything oeionginsvo iioupe uriiiiiuiB. lis stocked ty. . .1 ..." 44 ,"'" I uaics ami t,ouu"iv ; 't. was lncomnrenensiDie. cause, yet they powerful "as They were knew not u.. They discern were victims to t.h romi.. but could no .. enchained, they . . n I. .. ,i riW tlrKot .Ln n i ua,v uiuuun lucjt uau uctu mauaw ed. They had long sought deliverance xueir appeals k science and the knowledge contained in books were equally unavailing. At last, relief of the President, or of Congress, for uivu uuuum nag, uuii 01 a poillicai character. Neither did the Governor's Message relieve them, nor any action ot new the for it was out of their Legislature, to power, and their Jurisdiction. Yet they foreign were sudand effectually released from the denly on bondage suffered, and the equal they scale of human placed "What was their trouble?" Ishappiness. what our readers will ask. They had! been rendered helpless by that universal enemy rheumatism, They had not walked or even moved wlthont pain! ior years, friends wbo had been there they an1 U7ata trlffi af filial u icu AJiiUAuuio, ouu t v as Hq.i PELTS, FURS, and Warehouse, 45 and 47 S. Third West Street, half Klock South of Utan central vepoi. j i learn that to what was apparently an inevitable torpu fate, were startieti irom tneirinto as condition ot riarht to "lifeJ liberty ant their winirsult of happiness.! These par en bound by an Influence as the p tioa .Hats of fewest ,, - .. certain individuals in this .'. seml-stupidl- Gents' and Boys Clothlnit ot Latest Styles. 41 Offlce at Work, AND SHEEP DEER WOOL, HIDES, A MAGIC POWER. A Secret CLOTHING DEPARTMENT akd vcauiu is r ala - ODS, . j - - - 7- .J;;, -. v ; OVB WINTER GOODS WILT, BE CLOS1U OUT REGARDLESS OF COST., great variety, CI & 7i DRESS (ii cents per ya. KER BROTHERS. ' At wal, Bra-Hcls- so:- - ' -- . whhlenale Cnstomcra will find our Stock Complete and Well filled Urders West, . (all and 8.c U9. ivieea to eomuete with East or . ' n uuaranioca. Treatment Honorable promptly. Seli-cted- . I : . . LOT White and ful. a JO !"..'.,".'.. Pffcrt nnrl Cnfa HUM .OVUdj 9JJj ' fiKti- vt vrk?a UUli llUl ijaia -- H At WALKER BROTHER LQT of Soiled Shirts arid Underwear, r. Price .;t At WALKER BROTHERS. A FINE LINE of Children's anil Boys' . Clothing Cheap .; . At WALKER BROTHERS. : . . It I VABI0US QUACKS JOB LOTS Ladies' and Children's Shoes almost given away rt At WALKER BROTHERS : - . :os- j fl- rw- iuanu deslirns. from European niwHt n...Kd.iuria. MM AVINVI xas f in Mills. t f i A...t Iacturers.l Ribbons, Flowers, Feather and. Mlllinory U all Ui branches, . GREAT CAST" AMD .1 r ol Ladles', MlsseaV and Children s iioery. Gloves. Muslin Underwear in variety. v,orw m Harley Heny. Box Office open for Sale ol Reserved Seat?, Tues- USUAL PRICES day at ly Scenery , We show newest Neckwear for Ladles, also Noveltlerln Fancy Stock of Buttoua U choice ana complete, a choicc uu GO LB 1 HOOP O F rt . IN OUR NOTION DEPARTMENT " SOLID COStFOBT, I OUR BOIIESTIC DEPARTMENT THE EVENT OF Tl'E SEASON. rVtnofettnr ... .... SALT LAKE THEATRE. j B.UM. TricoU. OireH, fjooda, ol i ortign anu uoiuvowv. ma- Urt.. ' 1 I. Silks, U rccclitaj Nordtlti - . 'at G ' , . WlM-Ea- l ; .''. ' quacks: legal 1. jTVf j"; quacks, theological quacks, BcientiQc quacks HOW TO HHOKTEN Some of them are medical quacks. The receipt Is simple. fcYoa have only and fellows who argue and smilo the bland, oily it. and to taks cold, neglect world Into behevlng in their favorite bit of Abernethy, the great English surgeon, she asked a ladywho told him only had hnmbtur. Others are pompous and pretena cough : "What would yon have? The tions parasites. But they make it pay. Men Beware of "only coughs." aeem to love to b awlndlod, plague. The worst cases can. however, be cur- only that it shall be neatly done, stipulating ed by Dr. Wm. Hairs Balsam for the to the In Whooping Cough and The dear public are equally liberalThis Lungs, felfraud. and electric magnetic it irritation, immediately allays Croup hia line. He will a in low terminais to fatal sure is genius pot and prevent tion of the disease. Sold by Urnggists. a magnetic belt around your waist, a mag ' or necklace fit under your chin, netic yon MOSBY TO LOAN, entire gait of magnetic clothes, put with Pioneer Loan and Building Associa- warranted to serve the purpose of ordinary south of Postofflce. garments, and at tke same time to care all tion. Three doors dtf to hasty diseases, from whooping-coug' 4 ponsamption, 38 East C. Tcrnpla St., John Cctijeb, Most of these have no more electric or has an Immense stock of home-mawoolen goods from the Provo Mills, magnetle power about them than reside in woolen blankets or in girdle of sackcloth. for sale at low prices. Only when applied by an expert U electricity of the slightest use as a medicinal agent, GEORGE HAYILLE, value is grossly overManufacturer and dealer in all kinds of and even thenla ita work a stated. What the strongest possible preBoots and Shoes. Custom 21 see him at K 2nd sumptive evidence in favor of a particular specialty, Call. and ' . ; 5 (remedy? Clearly that it should have been j poutaSW prepared by responsible persons of acknowlKEDCCTIOS IH COAL. edged skill in the treatment ot disease. Squarely on this foundation Stands BEX' Rock Springs, per ton, by car - - - - - $0.00 SOU'S CAFCIXK rOROTJS PLASTER. Enload, Rock Spring!, per ton, at yard, - 6.60 dorsed by 5,000 physicians, pharmacists, Kock Springs, per ton, delivered, 7.00 druggists and chemists, it needs no further lied Cation, per ton, by car load,- - 4.50 apology nor introduction. It is the one and 5.00 lied Canon, per ton, at yard, tried external application. Red Cation, per ton, delivered, - 6.50 only trueof and aU kinds pay the Capclne the Quacks Weber, per ton, by car load,- 6.25 compliment ot their dialikeT Satan iasdd Weber, per ton, at yard, Weber, per ton. delivered - ..- -. 6.00 to hat holy water. Look in the middle of the piaster for the A. Gould, Agent. U212 ... ' . - E-ir- . ; i 1884. . de 1884 Ruttcr Boats, Uctorias, Ehniets, end Gossamer Ccats, 7c:l tzi l&r Ur.:d Over Shnes, .'---.,-- , FEBRUARY. AT TEASDEL'S h Mtzi D:2 Boots; also, in Full Sola in Ca!f Stock at Supply. . Spring " tlcna Less,-- ' ' : 7,1. .9 t , enj Stcga. Pc;:!ir Prices! :T. ' . 1, i 1 t : wins AW4PX BBWWurra, The Z. C. M. I Drug Store are always alive to their business, and spare no article pains to secure the best of every in their line. They have secured thea acencv for the celebrated Dr. KlS New Discovery for Consumption. T hen, only certain cure known for Conaumo-tioCoughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Asth" tz iSoll on Botttovl 'hi TSmit and Ltnirs. liefiuiar sia r e . GROCERY , V--' C3TES 3 M CAT M A3 KET, s V DEPARTMENT IS FULLT STOCKED WITH Flc'jr, Eggs, Chc3se Cotter, i t3T la every Department ilruita, Candies, Cakes,Qary ay etc, They can be had pure ana wholesome, at low prices, Have Jnst Received en Immense Cicci ct Flno Imported 'V ST1TLE. Vzb STATIONERY :.. Meat tnti.rsryCw Is .a? , ? . f i Itejfaliren-' j tuits c" " d , i-r- 0 OVERCOATS, GLOVES, ' " CAPS, BIiAlTKBTS, j an s - of Organ asm i:sTr.:::ns. w" AMD Rices !" ,,"f I. '. PAIITIIIGS "to 13 a? Dciy' t fill vitnti'Z nits T - - CMIfireii's 3D02s4ZES'l.,10 t , - ISsos' afli yon win always find aometldng Neir at G feoll-d- HELAJE Sloes. . -- f or your ; ...... " " to the Globe -- 'cr.j Prci'ishi's: J T7o A Cure t Last.. Ely's Cretni Calm than any ojie Cat- -; ies morrf directly u-rof tbe iuseaM, to tM sest rensedy and baa resulted in mow cares here Hueiaret fa.. than ail others. ' Go - 1884. vca idccicl lioci cf V BEEF, MOTTO JT, VKAt & PORK, Dice lUDcn, cup ox tea or ceiee U to 4 p at. if eais to Dinner fromroil, oraer at au ooura. CSiBE BADEBT. I Eecji S3 CEJTT3. Will ret yon 1 pood meal it the New York Coffee Hows, Market pm, C54 posite KimballKiock. Call and (ret a Leader. i word "CAPC1NE." Price 25 cent. Seabury A Johnson, Chemists, Xew York. mmMOUTMMT-f,CITT- 9 1 j 40 BSCBLE 3 AK3TICA AXVi t&e The jwatr mdi-aa- to wander !c.r workU. Warranted s . llnrcsr Urn tm:r- Cuts, .hice j,k- t Kiienta, tevcr tkires. Casts'i..-.4 13 Jani ahoat eiyht mde south-wef Coma, Tetter, Chilb:.ums,, Uo, ' with watwr nght. For information Hand.-ikus and all inert- 1 citr, , v" .apply u ' csra 4a rfty r aASBOFRtTT, alt Lake Troar-- r toreturn-!i..' at iuktrism Oice. dsJtw lmo 1 r tide by Z. C si. I. l'---i- r LAXSESnOUB. A BEUABLE FIRST CLASS DBCO lievedand radically cured, Britannia is what did it. It acted like a masric power. This secret agent quietly coursed through their veins, removed captives from their doomed condition, ana now mey congratulate eacn otner on the accomplishment of snch a triumph, and the acquisition of the knowledge, by which they can at any time For imported Beds and Bedroom resist the encroachments of their comto Suits, stylish and-cheap, go Sorensen mon foe. We conld give the names of & Carlqulst. the parties, but will wait a future time. 'For Home Made Clipboards, substantial and cheap, go .'to Sorensen & Carl- ' .. qulst. really good things, are If reqnently imII. C. Barks: We havensed your itated. 27ie genuine are sold only in White Pine Balasm in our family: lor Is months, and it works like a charm; the best remedy for coughs and colds I have ever seen. This is the uniform all my friends who have testimony of tried it. v J. F.. Stout, ; Danville, III. ;(; ; . i. , Clorgyroen, lawyers, public speakers, eh with bla wa ftehem the opinion of the and singers,-connrClUvat Uw Field f Hamaa public in regard to Ayer's general Pectoral. IVnti All say it is the best Cherry remedy that can be procured for all affections "of the vocal organs, throat and lungs. There have alwavs been -- mm . m Tin -- Ii?aac Be&l Whiteley, Chief Constable," Uitenhage, South Africa, desires the address of his sister Sarah, or ot any of the family, who may b? a Utah; or information with regard to their death If not living. Address Mr. WMtclo v at UUtnb$re, or -j Street, w. Type-writ- er . niinaEin imm of tee mnu um im J"''"' ng Slii. y. HomtU 'i OPERA HOUSE WJSJSS.E'R. Proof Lamp Chimneys and Lanip Oil Trimmings of all kinds at the City Store, No. 60 First South Street, opposite the Theatre. V TVe s W. Brandt, C. A. t'arlgren, A. Ledingnam, Third I1KE ' 5 TeSS- - - WASTED. Operator. Wages per month. Address P. O. Box 243. A Lady ,' Corniia JDnnon, K. Burrowi, ;' Cam-pobel- 31, ,. . . r The performance by the Emma Abbott troupe of the charming opera of at the Walker Ooera Douse last evening, was nearly If not quite as well attended as that of the preceding night. . In the eyes of many it was an Improvement on the former opera, as giving better opportunities for the singers to show , what they conld do. It was well cast, and notwithstanding the absence of Signor Tagliepletra, who is already go great a favorite that his failure to appear will be the cause of no little disappointment whenever it occurs, the presentation was fully up to the company's standard, and, as already stated, in the opinion of many an improvement on their opening per" formance. ' lo Last night brought oat Signor and Miss Rosewald, In parts well suited to their respective capabilities. Both .became favorites from their first appearance, and shared the honors with the reigning star. ; Miss Abbott, as "MIgnon," showed to fine advantage, as an actress of versatility, as well as a vocalist of acknowledged merit. The boudoir scene. in the second act, where she paints and powders her face before the mirror, was a rare piece of comic acting. One of her finest vocal efforts was the song; "Would that I Could Follow Her," in the first act. . Mr. Castle had a fine part in 'Wil lie lm Meister," and acted and sang with his usual grace. Miss Seguln "Frederick" was very good indeed.and i n her solo "Here am I in Beauty's Itoom," won a, well deserved encore. X be other characters were well sus tained, and the chorus and orchestra rendered excellent support to the tlrntinatig peraonae. ,Mlgnon, la a fine op ;ra anu though showy In some parts, seemed to' give general satisfaction as it was per formed fast evening. ".; - ... gCCCESS. ..j - The "Strategists." On Saturday i . . Last Night's Lecture. Elder Arthur Stayner being detained by press- mirth-provoki- TIUC ABBOTT COMPAXT SCOBS AKOTQEB " i en afternoon ; . rs . - . TTt . n Cnn . n ln onlo h S- - P. dcl and Hardy Bros. & Burton. 3UGXON. st - ALT LAKE CITY. ' ' P. Q., -- 4 C3. ? a., bto. I . 4 f |