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Show i i -' VI f DBiGP&loGriie WHO IS UHACQUAINTCO WITH THE CEOCRAPHV Of THIS COUNTRY, WIU. JwJ' twm 1 EVENING NEWS. 'THB SCEHO LINE of Hi WOBLD." J V WJ ) , Feb. S7 Wednosslny, 'rX TBI KB W 4; : Popular Trane - Continental Route - .: rSTi - tn the' middle of e. dark nleht Joel. ' i & hoy of nine rears old, beard his name BETWEEN called by a voice which, through his sleep, seemed miles away. Joel had Salt Lake, Gnnnison, Oden, been tired enough when he went to bed, and yet he nad not gone to sleep for some time: his heart beat so at the Pueblo, Denver, Idea of his mother being very ill. lie AT VTHIOH LATTEB POINTS well remembered bis father's death, nd bis mother's illness now revived some feelings" which he aaa almost . Are made with train v forgotten, fiis bed was merely some for and covclothes spread on the floor, not Kansas City, mind ered with a rug; but be did AaA all Principal Poinu in the United State and he could have gone to sleep that, v at once but for the fear that had come and Canada. over him.- When he did sleep, his sleep was .sound, ao that his mother's feeble On mmd mter Jnmnry Mth"t 188 f, ' voice calling him, seemed like avail zxnnEss , ATLajmo of the Celebrated Bullet and 'from miles away.Joel was tip and wide In a minute ' SieepingOara also Elegant First Class Coach' ' es and Emigrant Sleeping Car will leave awake he could Just Ogden daily at S A3 a. m., (on arrival of train; candle,".; 'the "Light from San Francisco), and Salt Lake at 10 '. voice tne bear say. a. m., making direct connection at Pnebto the candle, and his beatlie lighted and Uenver witk tenia for th East, Horth when he saw heart seemed to stopseemed ing and South. lie hardly hi mother's face, rruaa PACino Pueblo and tbaix to know whether it was hU mother or JL from Denver, xxpiem Eastern no. ' l points will arrive at Salt Lake daily at 6 51 a. ' " "Shalllcan m., and Ogden at 7 87 a. m., making direct connection with the Central Pacific train for C'all my delar. Come here." San Francisco and the Pacine Coast, his cheek to hers. lie laidnobody, he murTRAIN'S leave Spring. 'Mother,Nyou are T OOAL dying," JLi villa daily at 57 a.m.. SrU Lake 912 mured. v. h a. m., arriving at Ogden at 10 47 a: m. " "Yes, love, I am dying. It la no nse Returning leave Ogden at S 01 p. m.. Salt These little ones, Lake 4 43 p. m., arriving at Springville at 6 63 calling any one. ' p. m. "I wlll take care of them, mother." Leave Salt Lake daily for Bingham and Alt at 67 a. m., returning, arrive at bait "You, my child! Uow should that Lake S 33 p. m., Ogden at S 1 p. m., and beM leave Of den at 6 fti p. m., arriving at Salt "Why tnot?" .' said the loy, raisin? Lake at 7.33 p. m. and standing at his best ,i :, himself, A V ACCOMMODATION I can TRAIN at "look height. Sunleave Salt. Lake daily (except I you.'1! work, promise Val4 33 a. at at Pleasant m., arriving days) Ills mother could not lift her hand, ley Junction at 4 47 p.m., returning leaves but she moved a finger in a way which Pleasant Valley Junction at 0 33 a. m., ars .. checked Mm. riving at Salt Lake at S3 p. m. "Promise nothing that . may be too C. KIMS, , . z. c. bodok, r. hard afterward," she said. Gen. P. & aen'l Manaser. Agt. '1 promise to try then," he said; DENT SB, COLORADO. "that little sister shall lire at home, W. ttm BAITCIIOIT, A. JfCPGlTT, I. Sad ntver go to the- Worfc House." He Superintendent ! GeVI Agt Dep't trpke-cheer' though the- candle ully, .&ALT AK CITT. in the two streams of light glittered tears on his cheeks. "We can go on living here : and we shall be so" ' It would not do. The Bense of their JOHN MALQUIST. comins desolation rushed over him in a way too terrible to be borne, lie hid nis. iace Des me ncr,; u, motherl mother I" , hmurmuring, I ' Ki J t 0 ) IN ALL ITS BiiAXCaES; !j Ills mother found Strength to more hcrhand now; j hh.9- stroked his head with a trembling touch, which he & Machinery. seamed to feel as long as he lived. She Repairing In Wagons could not say. much more. She told him she had no fear for any of them. A SPECIALTY. They would be taken care of . She advised Mm not to waken the little ones. who were sound asleep on the other and Etiaoasoa of lbe side of her, and begged him to lie down IraifflU saecesiitully, mrusen till aayngiii ana try 10 sleep, when she should be crone. All at CHEAPEST ItATEfl, at old ataml, she said. The "This was the last Comuiorclnl and Olive Sts., candle was very lowthing ; but before it went East of Palace Baths. J. MALQUIST out, she was gone. Joel had always done what his mother had wished ; but her could not obey her bx the last thing she said, lie lighted another candle ir. cnirns when the first went out. and sat think "VaWen. hW, eh 1, 13. Gentlemei: lng, till thergray dawn began to show 1 euiren u with aiucki or e ok Keajdche." wmaow. througn tne female trouble, for years' In When he called the neighbors, they Keuralia, ho moat tenlblo aud 1 xcraclatlng manwere astonished at his quietness. He ner. .. the children and dressed had taken .No qifdJcIne or doctor eonld eive ne re them, and up made the room tidy, and 1 or I'ef euro nntll used llop Bitter. lighted the fire, before he told anybody "Ti e first hottle what had happened.' And when he N. arly cured roe; the door, his little sister was in opened 1'he made me ae well and stronp his arms. ' She was two years old. and t when pbi'd. "j could walk, of course : but see liked "And I hsve hcen ao o this day." being in Joel's arms.: Poor Willy was Mr hnstaud was a luvalid fur twenty the .most confounded. He stood with rr era with a rl o z i ' i 'i , his pinafore at his mouth; staring at ? "KWney, I Ver abd urinary com plain t, ' the bed, and wondering that his mother 'Pfnonnced t Uoetoua beat 4 lay so still. If the neighbors were astonished at 'IiiCurahM Joel that they might be more: e v. n hctllos of yonr bitters cared Llm so at somemorning, saw afterward they things d I know of the but they were not Everything seemed . done so Live of tlttbt persona" ; naturally, and the boy evidIn- vny neiliorhood that bave been ently considered what he had to do so mwrd y ,oar bitter, . .. I .i moch a matter of course that less senAnd msnv more are ntlng them with sation was excited than about many smaller things. iwat benefit. After the funeral was over Joel tied Tbef almosH v Do mlraoesP' ' ' . 'r: ! all bis mother's clothes. He carup , ried the ' bundle on lone .arm and his Mra.E.D. Slack. 6) sister on the other.! He would not have liked to take money for what he had seen his mother wear; but he changed them away for new and strong clothes for the child. He did not seem to. want any help. He went to the usual, factory the next morningtheaschildren (Successors to XAYLOR BROS.) after washing and dressing and getting a breakfast of bread and milk with them. .There was no Are, and he put every knife and other dangerous, tolngon a high shelf and gave them 'some trifles to play with and and play with them promised to comeAnd AGENTS FOR he did play, lie at dinner time. heartily with the little one, and played a If lie enjoyed tti every day at the noon hour. Many a merry laugh the CKLUfiATXD that .room when highbors , beard . from the three children were together, and the laugh was often Joel's. now ne learneu no manage, and STANDARD RRAPKUifASDhAIOWXlJSr to cook, nobody knew; and specially r tit could himself' have told little more Grand SulkyandHisxl Flow, than that ha wanted to see how people Gorham Seadorsantl Onttrvabore,'" did it, and looked accordingly at every Ornm nnd Seed Drills, He certainly fed the opportunity. SULKY IIAX RASES, and himself, too. He children well; rend Cutters, Chilled Plows, Harrows, Eto knew that everything depended on his ' and a Slock of Extras for the same. sister sat strength being kept up. illscould feed on his knee to be fed till she DZALBBS VX herself. He was sorry to give it up ; Hardwood, Wagon Matarial, Iron.Eio, but Iie.sald she must learn to behave. So he 'Smoothed her hair, and washed Sepatrt all timl of YtMclt and Firming her face before dinner, and showed her Implements, how to fold her hands whilghe said grace. i He took as much pains to traiu fvppiA-rir4 siiOKiyfCi house her good manners at table as if he governess, teaching a little Call and Examine oar Stock before. had been a "baby" he ' lady. While she remained n iou Bug. of the bed, between NAYLOB & PIlwE, slept Inthemlddle the two, that she might have room, and 'irst EastStrecUbotwecp 1st aud, ?d South. not be disturbed,: and when she ceased to be ;a baby, he s'Jently ' made new himself a arrangements; to hat, which he much wanted inoforder coarse buy a considerable quantity dark calico, which, with his own hands, he made Into a curtain, and slang up across a part of the room: thus shutting off about a third of it. Here he JOSM-fAlffl- i. contrived to make up a little bed for his sister;" and he was not satisfied till she had a basin and lug, and piece of of her own. Here nobody but soap (Lf ifmajrr of Doertt Carrlag and himriblf .trAa to Intrude uoou her with- ut leave ; and, indeed, he always made MAJOTACrWB3n OJC J er understand that he came only to take care of her. It was not only tnat 0A.TCKTAOE3, Willv was not to see her undressed. A or two . now nirfihfw . . and then lifted . SPRING' "WAGONS; the latcn wunout; khockjuk. 0 oi.j these one day heard something from behind the curtain, which made her to listen; and cay Jief husband silently aiterwai u ircait-- jut--i ui tney always A ajLJELTtT GhB, WAQ03JT if he were a man, and one whom they looked un to. He was teaching the child her little prayer. The earnest, tone by the boy, aid ; wuct, devouti choc Blacksmltbiiis: Work 1 the rial Imitation of the Innocent, little one, were beautiful to bear, the Don tm m Satltfaciory manner. listeners said. she f .Though bo well takenv' care of, not ia-- e pampered there would wu have been no Kindness tn tnac v cry 'she was taught in a early, .indeed, sort . of. way, to put things! in merry : ;.:..Jl SPECIALTY) ..L their places, and to sweep the floor, .... ... o and to wash up the crockery. She was a nanuy mue inmg, weu iramea ana WALKER, docile. One reward that Joel had for his inanageicent was, tnat sue was Btmtm Baxtd, Tkureiotba ot meeting. This was a early fit to goto f TISMtS?, choosing fto send great point; as he, go till he Willy regularly, couSd not him. CITY. LAKE She OAIjT take the little girl with could er ne known toox resucss ;,. ana ner. Joel was quite proua Willy was not neglected for the little children girl's sake. toInthethose days and worked vent earlier factory now. I r.2r thap they do Ify the time the sister was five years old Willy became a factory boyj and his pay put the little girl to school. When she, at was altljoget,ir ra easier one. He ilife T maintained them all, from always had the day of nis moiuer's aeatn. ine times must have been good orwork and wages steady he , a. camMsJt i'ii. is, sti'' . conid not have done it.' "ow, when all his he sister to three were earning, put a sewing school for two evenings in the rk-ah-d the Saturday afternoons ; and an evening he and Willy attended could afford they school, as they found escorted the little rirl it. He always rfcs 1 r to Into the an J 'iifei i' i;a.in o l- -e school ftict-urme no door ana agiju, um w iue onn-d?- y School; yet he was himself remark- Jir .punctual k iruia iuu nunup, a0 was a nuraoje, earnest, uucus pnpu School Sunday himself at quite nnconclous tiat he was more advanced sublime w.ci toOty. He felt &ir- -i v ri-- i' was very kind to hua, t.tit everybody but he ws.s ciware that others felt it .'J an honor to be kind to him. he was I linger on these years, which of a faet. growing lad, in a state high to emu-rI unwilling proceed. and i Is soon it 2jv-ti.r ciii ii.stcoie, j He tt3 1 f ixteen, I think, wfcf': a teacher i,i y's tiif ta becorr whl whcVy not i and :l f.- a-- -lie tt' '1, w ; : . r, i be v-- n , - lalYlIle, and Direct connections p heart-strick- - nura Tm " ; 0-- l. yA...;-.- HOCK'.t.''IU'; ISLAND J Jk, . CHICAGO, ... LiI.''! ?' jJi 2 AND PACIFIC Ii'Y Being th Great Central Line, affords to travelers, by reason of Its unrivalled geographl-ca- l position, the shortest and best rout between the. East, Northeast and Southeast, and j the West. Northwest and Southwest. ,i t It is literally and strictly true, that Its connections are all of the principal lines of road .,,,... 5 4.. between the Atlantic and the Paclno. , ; .. By its maln.Une and branches it reaches Chicago, Joliet, Peoria. Ottawa, Salle, Geneseo, Moline and Bock Island, in Illinois; .Davenport, Muscatine, Washington, Koo-kuKnorvQle, Oskaloosa, I"sirfleld, Pes Moines, West Liberty, Iowa City, Atlantic Avoca, Audubon", Harlan, Guthrie Center and Council Fluffs, In Iowa J DaHatlh, Trenton, Cameron and Kansas City, in Missouri, and Leavenworth and Atchison in Kansas, and the hun' ' dreds of cities, villages and towns intermediate. The , t v j ( -- - 2. . j " GREAT f ROCK ISLAND ROUTE," As Itl familiarly called, offers to travelers all the advantages and eomfosts Incident to n smooth track, safe bridges. Union Depots at all connecting points. Fast Express Trains, wu vsvmr iTOn, writ cgmmotuqvo, ompsssd HfifFn. rrvriv vo , . 1883, , i I R. tt. CABLE, ami Otmtral ' " Ffc-wPr- I e' e. SX. JOHN,'''"' Cm'l Tick and Fast'r AffmtL a n. ri ' " . Manmger. rr tt tn . , , (EST EQUIPPED Let it be forever remembered that . H ' I HDRTH-WESTE- t'- - , RfJ RAILWAY , TT .WAY. ZELA Pioneer line of TJtab, is thqj best and shortest route to and from Chicago and Council liluffs (Omaha), and that it is preferred by all well posted travel ers when passing to or from j n -- nmnRinnw AHDl n&iiFnRNii ww w mmmmmr ( sn aw m mm It also operates the best route and the THE SOLID e ' short line between i! BELIAHLE STAS0A3Q OLD tOJLJD EUACE, j First Class Equipmentl and St. Paul, and BmnvrNO BiTwtiir Clilcasro Minneapolis OGDEN, SALT LAKE, Millwaukee, LaCrosse, Sparta, Madison.Fort Howard (Green Bay), is., Winona. Owa-tonnMankato, Minn., Cedar RapUis, Des Moines, Webster City, Alcona, Clinton, MarshnlUown, Iowa, Freeport, Klgin, Itock111., are its 800 local stations ' ford. on its lines. amongst a of few the numerous points of Amoujr eniored by the patrons of this superiority road, are its I A" V COAt'IIES which are the finest that hnman art and iniennitv cn create: iU I'iLATI.iL, SLEEfUH CARS, which are modelr 61 comfort and a, . - MILFORD AND " -- o OJT AJSTD FRISCO " AFTJCX OOTOBERi DRAHIX0 elegance; its PALACE ROO.H CAHSt, which are ansurpassed by and its celebrated j widely any; ' - J 1883. 1, Four express trains leave Salt Lake for . Pacific express at 6:10 a.m. the like of which are not run by any other Atlantic express ,a 7:00 a. a. Park City road anrwhere. In short, it la averted that p.m. . Special express at 7:3C JT IS T1IE BEST QUIPJPD RO.tU Eapt ess, , I.V THE WORLD, p.m. Arrive In Ogden at 7 :40 a.m. ; 8 :30 a.m. i All points of interest North, Northwest and t 25 p.m. and 9 p.m. West of Chicago, baainess centres, .summer trains leave Ogdenf at' T:W .mJi resorts and noted bunting and fishing nonncls are' accetsibJs by, the various tia aoa.; 1Q.30 AJn. iad6:15 p.tA.i Arrive al ""branches of this road. Salt Lake, 8:30 a. m.; 9:50 a.m. ; 11:00 nooa It owns and. control over 6,000 miles-oroad and has over four hundred passenger nd 9:iS p.itb . rondnctors constantly caring f or. its. mil leaves 7 train Lake Salt Express daily at :0B lions VI PBITQUI. f for ticket via this a.m. for Juab and intermediate stations, and Ak yonr ticket asrenta routs. AND TAKE JTOXE OWE K. All connects with Salt Lake Western Railway for ticket agents sell them. It costs no leading more to travel on this route, that rives first- - Tintio, and with Sanpete - Valley Railway fo4f r class accommodations, than it does to go by Sanpete. the noorlv eaniDoed roads. Through express leaves Salt Lake at 3:06 maps, descriptive circulars and suml orresort mer papers, or other information not p.m., and connects with stage lines at Mil-forobtainable at yonr local ticket office, write and Frisco for Southern Utah, Nevadk ' to the 1 and Arizona. i-H- . Croc Juab and Interasedinte Expreastreia point arrlvs;at Salt Lake at 6 p.m. 'i .'1 i t and llllfold 4. Arrives at Salt Lake 9 :30 a.m. 3f 0HTH-WI9TR- t" CABS,- X :! S.-O-0 , f ( .. d n, tEil- ffiSfMST Ji Tuwh-axpreMfroaalVii- THE SHORTEST - TO THE EASED ; tm m Union Dtpot PUEBLO atjr . lixe PULLMAN SLEEPING TUB UNTO SHORT 's ' rwT SPEED ! ' -- tte Country, MEllraFOET! A A A&is 4 fTmr j LUXURYJ VW I I, ' -- ' j i sleepers im tee old. are Gning JEast, If You are Going 2forth, ' SJi, petU, J9. S. MERRILL, a Gen. XL CVy. . Gen..Pas. Agsnt o.' n; its ttci, '' crAss't Gen. Fas. Agent Gen. Supt. f'.H j A. V: H. CARPENTER, kianager. "j.T". CtAHS, , 0. Eox 743, S. ' dt L.;;;;, lit ; jj t. 1 - ' ;.v J Bn.fff mrm:' S. Iic PLANT, , OX IS . DEATH , , mvr . : M l r T j . 1 hi::rki VKTLCB. t J removes them 4a Two Honrs, Head and Tail, and his prie is very resisonabio. ALL CA.II13R jCored in ltv-4-..a- ; SOKC0 jl- - Jab. T. W.L.PICKARD, i Li Lt L O m IsT 0? it'A, Xi 17&AOO lit' t- SADDLERY HARDWARE, HARfiESS a LEATHER. Lirrrt, 0 7or fsiposf or, j- ! ' ' .in! L..-hf- t cr" fr, rtrst c! U'9 tuii-r- a tb "r r..nas. i i t. t i,: ty . DR. E. I PLANT, Sontk Sine Wn . L. Ctty, Ciasw C. JIT. t? i'v'.y y r a . 'M'ABKET, i : " , Jobjs O. Bbchtox.! J A. HCHTOI O'. TIIE METROrOLITAN. ' lfW Brlek. i.' ; Kswly rmraished. OonSf Wtit Temjils and Third South Sts. SALT; LAKE- CITY Thi Hons U coatrally located, s la every respect. Fine Sample Rooms foi commercial men on first floor. Also a fine Bar aad Billiard Boom connected with the s house. A Lunch served at the bar ...... ... 9 to 13 m. , $10 aad $3.M per Dsv. EaUs by the week or month. The D.4B.O. Streot Oar ' pas the nous fifteen ; ; ; minute. vary FOniER With or Without IXOT TFATKIt BAS FEBHAKEITLT II UCITEI S1.75 PEI iUfJCCDBOlHS TO Street , . Can Irts consoltcd daily from 9 o'clock a. to i o'clock p. m. and from to 7 o'clock p. m. Sundays from W a,m, to 1 p.m.- - ' 01 (: 1 " MawsawsBS ! . Oppotite HOT JJINNEUS FKOM 19. to i. Loaches at all hours. Hot Meat Pies al v . way on hand, , , d sv.ur E. NEWBERY, Froprletor. f ; j ' MOST ECOIIOMICAL PERFECT AND , 1'. : , T APE WORM -- NO CURE NO PAY. ' !6 FIRST SOUTU ST., WEST. STEALS AT . Coiif uhation at the oulce is Pre and examination and advice liir.rougu or HualytiH tsJXi ,,' Oome at , , not put it olf. luiue, . . ('orreijonjpii. e lrtct!v ronndrntal. f ' ... Dinners boat 13 to S p. in.. 25cts. Other Meat from 85o. to SOctsv LUNCHES FUT UP lor TOURISTS. ..)"" T.' or toPUos, Ilsadache, aca,Sanow' Complsjfn T. rtaaaataJd Ha orisiastor, and. horevev issd la sat. iicienteusr. sntv far ins imsrM, unurtlcPmp. rsHvss aad that elss Of MOMdis BIT.TZRS aa kavo btstone -- feetsba is try their CURES. Eractions ofBkhsta. (hermarbe ears their AllDiSEASBOFm required to soiDtaat'rn STOMACH I it a km weakea vioisot turn to ciners! to Liver, m mild yetaCaef hi Btrsowta and Is as to piesBat tne taste aa aadVioor. ALIDRUG5IST3 fw.li IMililai priceIdouail Jot eOl the! omplelnt or tt! is kind ao i Xidnr atomaeh. bowhis. a, itin U, ,, .ST. LOUI9 4 t?3. ICAM8A8 CITY, AFMO BIBLE A ii 0 b&tHn roport Of thn and Va Cek-hrtttt- , . xx a o XJci o x id '. j rnrx ' t ' jt BEV. DS.. J. P. : ' . On th t, . CiZLEJSiiiC-- . DOES THE nt JUa Tarf o C tnois- -i Cs XSZOi . - t- -- aUJUt , , , -- . t . Mil - ? -- "' - ,; m , ' , -- Ti? ir-.t,- r X i . - - ..2;-;-;,- : . ". . ftrii a?td . 2. - j i , , Till PLATE. SHEET IB03, STUMPED GfiBE & TfHNERS TOOLS. jr. Zlain Street, G 13-1- 8 3E?W ciaio: by 221. Solo Acpenta i ttXi1 in Salt Lako City. LITiEDEn 8.J.LTr, ; f c St. Zou is, Mo. 1 p.. PEAXIJTG MILL. I lu jutn iiiii : Jtu 4 ..ij t Bavia4s JUti AKI JLll, HJSAItlCSS "I oa IM- - , '3D Hi "I L.llJ. i. 1... a cctli.. 5 f? fii! oiip" 7 ? .? Vs ' j f j. f i sir c t r. It, I 'w;j . r i i;-- i v - ... . it .;tastt niiJ Wi 1 ri. o, t 'r i fff. V ' ( A ' f-- n .i y.j t aolit ai a a Ju T'r'",.'r-13r;ti- ? C'T ; . thy ; . J. BniVitifX r rifriT "Tininhn unnnm .vnnini u 1 1 V., r-rr, ur rr, a cfK?Tbesides two fcr. iiove), iie:- a roost -l thre vran- - ... w 1 ' .3 . if ct.f.r-.t, !)tr(ptAr, li.!.'"!;"',I tii"' .. r tn tt f.i.n. i t. ? ,r and at rriATr 3 crrnr atd ccirraACTs hads c t f te.llry tf .. Tin,:i!..r; c. i i.vt iwt cr"? en ; . TO YE S a aid "I te1' lly ofof l'eb- C t, t ria-f- , A. ., "T t - rf . wltnes whereof, I hare In ., booto set inyavand and I'aJit ; n .in " -- (hvn. fiaiiMssi ,K . - - . st9 - ' tf i EXCELSIOR SLOUFACTUMNG CO. - l -r CWaidsrn jrW i v. Lrr. A '. Istwwit, t t, - HolJ 1st ib Jfsw TahernstcKs, Ss: EAi CI tjm Asicaat I2tta. lAtb .; j i for the IXacId t tt.. TlOIi FOLYGVi?; ; VteMS-'Se- d War Kc&t Rock- - . .! , TIi wood, jpeeeattd. itlc. , KET7Xlii r?llbi-K- of th Ertate of Albert F. ir "" , i ; v READHSG Kock-sroot- ' , LIGHT, HANDSOME, J WHOLESOME, DURABLE, Tt aw(cir TOGO; rfconorrat hi Ao Authetticr.ted BROILING, BAKING, ! BOILING, PRESERVING. U ired b ehitiltssi assaults. ASS4 SrfTFPH ts at ffiedieiaa raro msrlt. maA nnt set inf ix. besrss. aad beloir imrelr veoetatole ia its eotr" posief It is sot timewiidbttaoolrniv. claimed a a core-bat farOerrfMnMt of the Orvnns mentioned. it is sipeoiae sad a BLOOii"UUi' I.Brsahaboveallothe pro. partlor,s. Ask yonr dragiasS for it. sod five IS m I'iiFtr'rtt. iisaaoBODiaaaagaisniaHaeiiir' - -i- fWid tor roo. ' ; 1884. THE PETITION OF W, Kockwood and fllinK an al. will and testament of Albert P. Kor.k- wood, deceased, it is decreed by the Court tne petition and the matter therein contained be vet for a in this Court at th Conrt House inhearing Salt Lake coantv aad of I'tah on the. 15th day of frarr.lt, Territory A. XX 18S. at 10 o'clock a.m.. and that all ner. son interested ia said, then and there appear in Conrt, to show cause, if any there be, why said ailesred will and testament shoold oot be ad ranted to Probate. And that the Clark of this court cans a doe and certified eon of this ordr m iu published in the DfcaEHET Kiwi daily l'uuiiiucu ui oiui uaae and in reneral circulation in halt LakeCity, Coantv and Territory of Utah, in tea successive issues of said paper, the laxt of which shall be at least five day before th said 15 th dar of Court issue a citation containing a true copy thereof, and that it be personally served on Koto Kockwood, Aluheus Itoekwood. and on Frank three minora, by deliver- id to earn or mem personally a true copy a trneeoovthem. thereof , and by deliverinc of Susannah Cornwall Eorksrood, their mother and Guardian, and on feamue Bor Frdrit.a B, bockwood and Apollo awiwwu. viper minors, oy Deliver ing to eacb of them personally a true ropy taereof ; and Julia Sophia Kockwood. their mother and tinarcLsn, and oa Jolia fkDhia Kockwood aud fensannah Cornwall Bock' wood, a true oory thereof, all of whom to be v ervad t days befor the 15 th day of Karrn, ItM. tn ixn open coxtrt, .tuis iota aay -or , Feb nuury, A. !., E. SMITH, Jo&f ot Probate. :l. TaairroaT or I'tah, J ' ' ' ' ; : . County ot E t Lake. J Zj John C. Cutler. Clerk of th Probat Court in nd for lh Connty of Salt Lake, in to ry or t i, co aereoy eerury ua tro and correct "y t' for- rn.-.r is a fa.!, a Csae to hear petition of the C as .! of Albert P. Kockwood, to probat . - , appear t record ia icy aad is as MUiitTtakSB PRICKLY ASH DITTCK3 CO pa Probate Conrt wtthin and for the County of salt Lake and Territory of Utah, .... . Before the lion. Elia Smith, Judge. OX aareordial, Braik LKOAIi NOTICE. 1 4IUL la ffte matter SosS svinslsl dta ; all its I ;' an Ia th direct AND and original ! IMcIItAA ratoiij Hto . Salt Lak City. Feb. 20, I KIDIIEYS Xiiverlsoat foTdsr,and aremea Is Bccranma-tlon- iort and praetles of Xrr. IVI . , .TO AN ORDER OF SAID PURSlTAatT said matter, notice is hereby or Aiarcn, in inn aay mi ueuj, I ;nnniv u a.m.. u ism: u iu Ilousa in aid County, has bean appointed the time and place for the hearing of a neti- tion ot Neptune A. Bromander and i'anl Christeassu, aying for the admission to ot a certain aoenment therewith Presented, nnruortinir to be thirlaat will and testament of Frans Bromander, deceased, ana mat me ciori cause notice 01 same to be published la the Dkbebet News for ten successive) issers. at least five days before said Uth' day of 'March, 18S4, when and where .ail nersona interested ma v auuear and oppose the probate of said will or the grauung 01 letters testamentary to petitioners, Mephtae A. Bromandr and I'anl Chris tensen, as prayed for in said petition. - ' .Probate Clerk. Salt Lake Ooontv. kf stnrr exparia'at ineaicai rsssaro Ont, Is constipated, withtenden Z. ;.C. . LKGAX, NOTICE. Ia th Frobat Ooort in and for Salt Lake County, Territory .of U tah. ; tat Utter of th Estate of Frana Bro mandcr, deceased. BITTEBfl. t'ille Manlt 4 t : : ba Inaol DBin eoniinnaiiy tlred.wora D.'J. GEUTTTH3, proprietor.' , If .Fir. Sale IEGAL. -- M. - tT l. n-to- rn JI '.- . GMIOTE IROIWiftSE. BEST THE1 UAEKET AFrOBDS. hHSbe(WI!MaclllrinhlbllMl tar L1m w 5? f amiiT i9 tnhWt arlu In thm Is not ontv th lusmmt, bat at tha Ua on of tn moat lmportaut. TUe vaouslint blood, on Its to th heart, this organ, and through in Us paaaags the Impurities, as also th sscrvttsns which ars nocessar for digestion as well as for cathartic to assist ia renewal of wast rial e. sxa eliminated,thei'rora thin i t U easilymat, thstsh Liwris liable to et out ol dr tTa or Ipss extent, end when this oeeutstti pester irapomibleforltto properly fulfil its offie f rs mortog ell obctlonabl matter from she bloo. but auows it to pass throng h, earrria with of vrbicb it tiioula hare nl&rV pons With mpnre UH.B.F.5HEslWood tbnholSTsPRICKLY ASH tam beoomes aSoc .and no orsarr Ran lis! property perform funatjoa onleesitKi! sapplied with FCKls vuxmta nuklatnin fiotbo ttsstrength. Liver bsGomes alt I tmportsnt.and when vam-jhaethfeel-- f 5 HOTJES. ! , ITS FUSCTlffSS. All, - , - nmnMi. THE UVE3 AN3 V- j ..;.( ti:eatki and cuked successfullt . -; ; ;tnVv io: f J.. MftnufMtured In ENDLESS V AKIETY, nItabT for th Rmallrtt Pamliiea or Zrvgmmt Hoi!. Call and lie oonvfnocd of SStxm fiu. JRANOE3 OVi$K ALL, orfiERSI. , pertorltjrof th GRIFFITHS' RESTAlTilYT, Expelled in 24 Hours. IS fi-:-' i HOUSE. pwBERy's Seating house: No.68 Flit ST MOUTH STREET, Theatre. ! i -- ss - . Til' ' I v ABOVE '' HOUSE NO Eow, First South Street H here you can get a' first-clacop of eoflot-anroll for 10 cents, and a No. 1 meal at bed rock prices. Pa- f all kinds for sale, tt Airuetioas of the Throat, 01 Bones, Nervous Dei Inlity, Purals's, Djspe'pigts . ion , Heart and Kidnej DIaeas s. '" Skin t' YORK' COFFEE iV ; All Cliron'c Dis6ase3,.Mcrcurial All -- - YEARS epecial treatment expeneiict) . ..."... AT THE GALI W., Market , . 2 If ; NE ; ITE HAS 111 AD inXWEXTT-FIVtue .... ,, i. ,. ;,a,.J. c .... , It EST A U It ANTS. '' OppoBite Overland Hons, Iu Uniou Itloclc, Room lVo.1, i'irst Floor. -. t BOOM X PITT. Proprietor. W. 1 11 Take the Street Cars that pass to and from the lepot. and pay no attention to Eunners rom other Houses, ' ar without ttaohmnU, ' . th (BXCtptloa , , SUIT UKE CITY, 2G J, JWain JSTo. iJ . , ,'; '' BAty FRANCISCO. i: A i ! Iss TH i 1 HahdsoiYiest; iVlost Durabie,, Tlrss door$ South o Waller House, Main Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. Rates thaa at "Better svrmovnnodstloa Iloase in the City any other Second-Clas- s - . . " SUI , diS OVERLAND HOUSE - 0 TABTNEH " - oiit-uil- suits, UROUGHTIRONiMrlGES' KmT spsciat. jSPECIALTIST, TJ ; MONITOR . EATKS-$- 10, BTW ll.SfEHfflM t p. from OA.I1T ' & C O 's! ESTABLISEMENT. first-clas- HIDE WABEHO08E, THIRD gOUTB CORNIft 0? TaiED WEST. a-jl- . 224, MAIN STREET, OPPOSITE POST'OPFIGE. - first-clas- , 1 ! iTjivfcpjr's G-jmrnUtt'i- rr ' f DVALEB IU ' - They hT th Ftzuat tin of CLOTH in the city for - HIDES, WOOL & FURS.1 , TAKE ' NOTICE ! , ' CALL AND SEE HIM, BER G EN j. KE"W TAILORING 'I IlOXELSi ALT A BLOCK SecoM Soill Street iJOf. ' Yon win find II to your adTanUge to call at . - , E. GENTLEMEN Make Collections, remitting proceeds " ... ; promptly TO X Cities. ST. No. 38. FinST SOUTH mii ' t. Ls he became t.a before. ' tic text year a tremea- - Lro-sr- l, tularlsct' and Hay and Grain Store, DiaiCTOua . : Asst. Cashier. J jal ConUtKotal II AS HEMOVEJD f t.-.- e vr r & T HAS OTEITED THE ABOVE st. KffliES.CT.iTs. mm n ttuym and Sell Eiehane eu Torlc, N Cfalnff, St. rrelao, Knls, Omaha, ImssIou, and prlstef. l'-rr- -'. , j S ' ' . " i'A--Si- d "- ! : 30 J. MAES STREET, Opposite Z. ; n OP W J ; 92OO.O00 m Johx Sham," Ws;V. KlTtt, L. S. HILLS. Cashinr. fr Jn-t- he - , Vioa-fre- y te ... PID UF CiPITAL, - - OIJAIXAKTEEO.' DOMESTIC GOODS. NEW GOODS CONSTANTLY ARRIVING. j BM 1AKE.PITY. SA1VT iff' mo . FREIlCli; EKGLISfi; SCOTCH ' : Bll . J Ei.nKxrOV, President. Wm. Jskniku,' Fkkamoiu JdTTLX, '.,.-.,-, M f J - ; wav-nev- , Take the BEST ROUTE, the J ' t2. ATJST1X,' Manager. , V. S. DEiPOSITORY. " , IT. S. -- 1 JOSEPH ST. 1 TAT s, .'.-- i i TRS ) u Or to any point beyond; or WAf. MINERAL :VATGiV IX-tou- Etc I - Ps. 3 . ; T- O. C11ICAGO, BIILWAUKEE. V. F. WTITTE, ! AA KaSXIFICEUT ciiiis Gen. Cenerr.l Aent. ATi'k't lg"t Salt Lake City, Utah. Topeka. Kan. S; - V. D ERR AH. Traveling Agent, Salt Laxjb Crrr, Utah. o)r O UaUlJ AMD nsEST 201,0 Mihouri ililveti G. VI A" XX, PAUL WITU PPULLRaX'S QUTCICEST TTTIIJ I. j j Js now running its FAST EXPBBSS CARS,, Isianrlsis em M . and ST. MILWAUKEE 3 TIEIEJL. RAILS! Z rou tn nrtiv CHICAGO, ' Elegant Pay Coaches, Carriage and Wagon OSDt SHOPS.,, Omaha and Council Bluffs, 1$ SpitmJUly Equipped with . j uunr, juim Genl. Supt. HAZZiWAT Denver & Rio Grande Rail' KJsir tt P. Agt. a r WITH TS1B Tins Gen. T. NAYIOR & PIKE, ' . -- "lie--denie- Topeka & Santa iteil Which Comntct FRAJTCIS COPkj, Asst. Gen. Supt. Most Direct Route tA VIA THB eo JAMES SHARP, ' .; "wCABRT.FUlUlj LINES otes d approved en (never honnc. bsrn and eifchly acres of rroexesi, land, all fenced with Cedar Posts, Lumber and Pole. Come and see. 1'or full particulars apply to JOHXWErSEL, dsAw Kavsville Davia Co., Utah .f -- V1?, . - , ' X'piiFECff FIT nncaUed -- Englad. Scotland or rates of o CrtUlctes of lposit, nTiiriV" liy-Icl- arn ZBZEZDt T?mb. 'insou ' - OAILROADIH THE VOiiLD. i ; ., I COSTTEilPLATE RETTRIfTO TROM A Sactive business I offer for asvl bit D2SERET RMOXAl n etuiw asoosucinx or a fcrtat real h.vjtiuo, uuuxw ran nun wntn iwo 01 ' Y ALL ODDS Hi ' HORSE-SHOEiflG- ! " f - 1 a new line will be opened, via Seneca and Kankakee, between Newport News, Richmond, Cincinnati, Indianapolis and La Fayette, and Council Bluffs, SL Paul, Minneapolis and intermediate points. All Through rauengrrt tarried on Fast Kxyrest Trains. r deUUed Information lee Maps and Folderswhich may be obtainod, ai more For Kt well as Tickets, at all principal Ticket offices la the United States and Canada, or of ' 1.255 uuoica BLACKSMITHING ., . ll?S!5?Ia vm liaviX " E -- January I'. ... AS . POE SALE me-mothe-r. f iMADB TO OflDER AT f7TS,4e , ,--. 110LSTERED and ELEGAXT DAT COACHES; a line of the MOST MAGNIFICENT HORTOIf ItECUDHNQ CHAIR CARS ever built; PULLMAN'S latest designed and handsomest PALACE SIEKFING CA.11A, and UOilXO CARS, that are acknowledged by press and people to be the FINEST EETX UFOK AJfY ROAD IX THE COUNTRY, and In which superior meals are served to travelers at the low rate of .SEVENTY-FIVCENTS . ; "EACH. THREE TRAINS each way between CHICAGO and the MISSOUUI RTVEB. TWO TBAXXS each way between CHICAGO and MINNEAPOLIS and ST. PAUL .1 c""V via the famous t :. . ,. " k, . i - t j ,.".,,,', H FIRST .CLASS THE SUITS; utak,; SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH. , Omah'a'' oai;x ob ' 22, Great - yiacbeater St., Ix)ndont h A STORY OF DUTY. ;- ' LoriDQM . 1SS4. JOEL. . :,T"":il,.'v:.-iCa- .'.'Bl'ii'tts;' was heard in the dons clatter and crashworked. ..A dead where Joel factory succeeded, and then several silence was an only iron bar called oot that It ianen uunu. ims was true-- , that had iron had fallen on Joel's bar but the and he was taken np dead. head, Knf-a funeral aa his is rarelv seen. There is something that strikes on all hearts in tne spectacle 01 a soiaiers funeral the drum, the march of comrades,, and the belt and cap laid on the colBn. Hut tnere was something more solemn and more moving than all such of this young observance in the funeral had so bravely filled his soldier, whoconflict of life. There was in the place iha trpiid of comrades here. forth was filledfrom end to end? longest street mens nrir lihluci kuu jOr relics, dirge, the unsister; and for a solemn controllable groans of a multitude .Every Other Saturday - ; f -l- is--. '4.'' ' ' 1 .(,!,' rort all exsi3 of bcildixg HADE TO OBDEB.' r-- s 4i -- -s 1"' ijT-B- Jl, t IEsEjIi C C C 13. Zrs, . t, hhji, esq,- - f . 9 |