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Show EVENING NEWS. . Satnrdaj-- , DEATH FROM DRINK. VERDICT CASE ADDI TIONAL FACTS. Feb.; S3, 1SS4. : An investigation before. Coroner Taylor and a Jury consisting of Messrs. Cunningham, Pendleton and Cope, into tne death of Fred Hoist, who was picseanp ior aeaa ana expired on Tuesday last, was held at the City Hall on Wednesday evening. The facts elicited were substantially as given In the News on Tuesday. It was shown that Hoist was in Ban ites' saloon and had been drinking wnen me Danter was made about the quart of whisky, which he declared he would drink If another party would pay for it. Hoist had been heard to say that he once drank two quarts of Whisfcyand six glasses of beer, and afterwards walked six miles. This was In the old country. It was also testified that he habitually took large arm wnen tippling. . , a ne barkeeper, whose action has seemed so reprehensible, also stated that he handed out the' liquor in response to an order for it, not knowing what was to be done with It, or at least that one man was going to drink it all. and that he waa astonished on coming. Daca irom waiting on some other ens vomers, to nam out what had taken place. After the testimony was all in, the Jury decided that the deceased came to his death by drinking a large quantity of whisky and being afterU wards exposed to the cold. . It was reported on the street Thursday, that Hoist was abandoned by his companions m tne tleventn ward, on the night (Monday) of their 'spree, and that he lay on the side-wagroaning for two or three hours, before he was picked np and taken to his aunt's place of 'residence In the Thirteenth Ward. This, it appears, had some color of truth.ibut was not quite so bad as re, ported, It seems that nolst, according to the evidence at the Inquest, was working for John Hell, and was on his way to In the eastern part of the the he where city, usually slept. 'He was accompanied as far as JSnell's store by Alexander Wright, also i an employe of Mr.' Hell, who got him started homeward and then returned. Hoist had got about half way to the Ice house, when he fell, and remained there on the ground until Mr. Wright (who after going back and looking iato the 6aloontiad followed him up,) came along and endeavored to rouse him from his Stupor, ; Failing to do this, Wright went and procured a team and took Hoist down to his aunt's place. This was about 4 o'clock In the morning. When nolst left the saloon it was between 1 and 2 o clocs, as near as couia be, ascer- tained. It was bitter cold, and that Hoist succumbed to it, after his deep FRAGMKNTS. i Toub bill were passed by the Legislature y. to-da- A xcmbeii of ladies visited the te this morning. EEufeioca services at the Assembly Hall commencing at 2 o'clock p.m. . A bill prohibiting the Vale or giving ol toy pistols, passed both houses of the Legislature i Two men were killed and others Injured by an accident on the C. P- - at Tamarack, Cal., ...... on Tuesday last. i Uxcsuaa, preparations are in progress at the Salt Lake Theatre for the children's ball to take place on the aft ternoon of March 1st. The ElghtuIQaorum of Seventies and scattered members living in the 12th ' and 13th Wards, will meet in the 13th Ward Assembly Rooms on Monday, the ' ; 25th, at 7 p.m. j ' Happy childhood, "On with the Let unconflned." dance let Joy be children's to the children little go your ball at the Salt Lake Theatre on the afternoon of Saturday March 1st . Lnok out for the advertisement ol this ball In our next issue. Ths Mapleson Opera Company, with the exception of Fatti and tKfcoIini, '. will leave .St. Louis or to morrow morning for the Wcst,stopping only at Kansas City, St. Joseph and Denver beore reaching this city. Salt Lake and San Francisco are the only playing points west of the Rockies. Leg-Islata- to-da- i y. . . A IS TBI HOLST . ,1 to-nig- ht lk r . LOCAL NEWS. Priesthood Meeting. The regular monthly Priesthood Meeting of this Stake will convene in the Salt Lake Assembly Hall, on Saturday, March 1st, 1SS4, at 11 a. m. William W. Taylor, Stake Clerk. - 1- - ice-hou- !', i Slightly Off." In a late isne of the News, in referring to a big siiit for damages, we stated that Wm. Ki Held was the justice of the peace who! was sued. This was not correct, f It. Ke iiner is the Justice In question and -- not Reld. se ;'' I .Summit Snow. The heaviest fall of snow for the last four years, accom- panied by very'heayywlnds, has Ibeen experienced at Peoa, Summit Coanty, within the last few days. It piled the snow In large drifts." The storm has ceased, but ; the. clouds hang heavy around the mountains. The snow is was not at all surprising. : two feet deep on the level. , -- . r Third District Conrt. Proceed Correction The other day we published an article on Local Fire Insurance, from the pen of a Utah County correspondents It should have read $1,800 instead of $18,000; $13,000 total In ten years instead of f 180,000. f' Total Interest 0,900 in ten years Instead of $09,000. Grand total $27,900 instead of $279,000. The errors were made by our correspondents - Hunter, on Saturday, Feb. 23, 1884. Green and Austin vs. Roberts et. al. ; answer withdrawn and Judgment. , People, etc. vs. John T. Cnrran, .assault to rob ; sentence ?50 fine and 30 days in county Jail. People,; etc. vs. John Kellcy, grand larceny; sentence one year in tne Utah penitentiary. People, etc. vs. Alex. S. Hill; embezzlement; on remittitur of Supreme Court reversing demurrer, overf ruled and defendant allowed to plead, People, etc. vs. John A. Cotnpton, plea not perjury; defendant arraigned, : ; , guilty; ball $300. People, etc. vs. Peter Wimmer, perjury; same, People, etc. vs. Henry Clemens, murder; defendant arraigned, plea not guilty, with leave to. withdraw, etc. People,: etc. vs.' Thomas Austin, , arraigned, plea burglary; defendant not guilty; Woods and Hoffman appointed to defend. People, etc. vs. Elizabeth Gudgell, etc., abducting child; defendant E. Gudgell arraigned, plea not guilty,a Louis Rogers, a pettit Juror exr ' cused. abns-in- e People, etc. vs. Henry Shields, for prisoner; Woods and Hoffman not vordlct defendant, Jury trial,' ' w j , guilty, ings before Chief Justice , ; ? . . :. ,. . Painful Mishap. A little boy named Smith had his arm badly crushed and lacerated last Monday evening, while on the D. & R. G. riding on a hand-cRailway. It appears that some men were on the car running np the track to get out of the way of an approaching train, when the boy Smith, who had Jumped on the car, accidentally got his arm in the cogs of the wheel, with the result above stated. He was Attended to properly and is getting t jalong favorably. - i ar t i - . I , 5Slt Lake Music Hall. Next Monday Right the initial musical and literary entertainment will be given at the Salt Lake Music Hall, with Mrs. Nellie Druce Pugsley, Mrs. Thos. C. Hull, 'Mrs. Jessie Penrose ones, Miss' Nellie Colcbrook, Mr. Josiah Burrows, Mr. (Willie Davis and several other of Salt Lake's talented performers on the programme. It Is safe to predict a full house. To attempt an ennumeration of the artistic qualities possessed by these ladles and gentlemen would only be it reiteration ; of what is already known. . . - Misscalls to the ' Fire Department seem to be the disorder ol the day.since the inauguration of the District Telegraph. Yesterday morning the town was alarmed by the ringing of the fire bell, only to find out later that a lady at the Continental Hotel, la ringing for some oranges, had hit the wrong bell and brought to her rescue ths whole fire brigade. f .To cap the climax of the Ottlnger and his men, on learning the true status of the affair, forthwith purchased a box of oranges and sent them to tho hotel, addressed to the lady who sounded the alarm. x " False Alarm. " Joke,-Chie- Pleasant Call. Mr, Frank j -- u - ' ' r Business Transferred. The ag&cy for the celebrated Mitchell . Wagon, with the standard line of agricultural implements and machinery, hitherto n, owned and handled by Mr. L. B. has this day changed ; hands, as will be seen by a notice published else-- ' where. The firm of Grant, Odeil & Co. are the purchasers, and will hereafter conduct the baslness, ' , " ' i Mr. H. J. Grant, of, th3 well known firm of this city, his brother, Mr. J. Grant, of Frisco and Mr." Geq. T. Odell, formerly 'of Ogdsn, are the gentlemen composing the new firm. Messrs. Odell and J. F. Grant will devote their entire attention to the business. Mr. Lewis, of the Arm of Mlchell, Lewis & Co:, Racine, Wisconsin, la in the city and has contracted with Grant, Odell & Co. These gentlemen are well and favor- -, ablv known In Utah business circles, ana tnere is no question mat tne ousi-nethey have now entered into will nourish under their able management. Mat-tlso- ss High, General Agent at Denver for the Chicago and Alton Railway, accompanied by Mr. D. Bowes, General Western Passenger Agent of the same, were In- tut city on Thursday and gave the JS'kws oiUce a pleasant call. These geatletuea represent a line which takes within its triangl tho three great western icitles, Kansas City, St. Lnnis and Chicago, and has long been recognized as one of the" principal roads between the last named point and the Rocky Mountains. , .i. They are returning to Denver from the wast, and stopped here a day or fair extwo on business. Thcy-ar- e officials whose of gentlemanly amples courtesy and amiability have made some of the railway lines of America so noted and popular. They left for Denver yesterday.' - ? ,! . . ; we said, "Blow for BloW."-Wh- en in Thursday's issue, that the presentation of "Blow for Blow" at the Salt Lake Music Hall on Friday evening, would ba Oho of the best efforts of the season in that' place, we aimply stateJ what the sequel proved. Tne acting of Messrs. Josiah Burrows, , William D. Owen, N. G. Schofleld, J.JStanley Scott', Mary John A. Maynes, and Misses Hicham, Annie CTlissold, Lizzie and Hattle Longmore was equal If not superior to that of the average which have visited our city cmpanlca during the season. Mc-Gh- ie, . " y.7e' r """ " " ; r Sociable In the Theatre. To insula tbet:omfort of 4hos wbo: attend the conceit and, ball at theThpatre on next Wednesday evening1 the fcOmmlt-te- e has limited the number of tickets should retob sjoU. member that this entertainment ha of our been irotten up for the benefitYA-demy Choir and the B. Show. A tre- Tabernacle The Kentz-Santle- y and that the programof Provo, the mendous bouse witnessed opening me provided guarantees enjoyment for to secure performance of the Rentz-Santlall who are fortunate-enoug, Burlesque Company at the Theatre on tickets. .Thursday evening, but the entertainment did not by any means Justify .the Mr. ? Clayton's 'Lecture. Mrs. patronage. This fact was substantial-J- 7 Kate Homex Clayton, will lecture on the and emphatically proven on the 'National Evil." at the Salt Lake on Sundav evenlns next, at a an was there Thpn.tr following when 8 o'clock. A vecal quartette to In the off quarter receipts. falling n The show was cot entirely destitute will be In attendance. The Denver " of good features, but nearly so, and as Republican says of her: 'ft whole should not have come heralded . ,fMrs. . Clayton is a ..clfted, ;fluent ' asflrit class to a city like Salt Lake, perfect reflnement of speech and man- while lenient and Ar1mltrn ro. ;4. "rollrtlon . whose theatre-goer- s, exbe taken at the close tq dfray 1 1 merciful, are al90 Intelligent, exacting will " ' and critical. Passing pver the poorest, penses. .. we will simply name those featnres of Kompany. This the programme which did something Kendall Komedy concludes its engagement combination towards redeeming it. House this evenWalker the at Opera There was nothing particularly American renowned the ing, presenting No one's "load" In the pefonnance. "Col. Sellers," already. well sensibility was shocked In this respect. comedy I The costumes were mostly very fine known and popular with ourlocal pubThe company possesses merit indeed, especially those of Miss Alice lic. which is deserving of recognition. Townaend. Miss O'Connor is a very "Fanchon the Cricket" was played at a neat and graceful dancer. Miss Vlrgle matinee this afternoon. A good house Johnson makes a nice appearance and and a nice performance. . .. has perhaps the best voice in the of A meeting Caledonia an exalted is Society. not this troupe, though be held in will exthe Caledonia Society compliment, as cone of them are Vfna'c TTll this eveninsf at cellent stagers, or else all are suffering r.i 7.30 o'clockjor.the purpose of receiving wjth colds. "Zazel, Qaeen of the Air" does some good balancing, oa the theteportof the commiuee arpomieu ; slaclwire and rope, and also ijr. Ly- to r evli 2 the constitution and bye-laon on the high bar. Billy McAllister also to admit new memteri and collect Is a pretty fair stump speaker. This dues. It la Intended to give tne nrst oi .entertain- Js all we can conscientiously say la f -- the resralax. . . . ly . ' . ,1, .i tn ?M vrvi.iror of the company. They close their: ejects, inwhic in March. rate.on the second gaturdav engemept Our-reader- s j h ey Ira-"-ise- nse s , " I ? I ; . ' - ws semi-month- . to-nig- ht. Utah Sugar for sale & PERSONAL. : F. B. Henry, of Cleveland, Ohio, Is 1 at the Valley House. "of St. Joseph t Henry T. Reynolds Mo., is domiciled at the Continental. Isaac Thomas, of Wyoming, arrived at the Valley House yesterday. G. D. Shell, of Bingham, is stopping at the Valley House. . v,,,-- : j. D. Reese, of Fillmore, ; is stopping at the White House. A. Mathway, of San Francisco, la at the White House. E. H. Shorb, of New York, is at the Continental. C. H. Cross arrived from Ogden yesterday and is a guest at the Continen- el COH FIRE Proof Lamp Chimneys and Lamp Trimmings of all kinds at the City OQ bJore, No. 60 First South ' Street, oppo- if site ."e Theatre. Sesiob ax Ran JBR OT H E RS. N -- -- BED17CTIOX IX iCOAL. Bock Springs, per tonl by car --- FEBRUARY. 1884. :o:- WE HATE INAUGURATED "J 17 , AT rEASDEL'S it , OUR. GBEAT DRY GOODS SaXE ! For the closing Winter months. "fZ r t load, iwck Sprinffl, per ton, at yaru, -- 6JD0 .00 Ho Such - BARGAINS Itock Springs, pcy ton, delivered, Dry Gosds were ever; known here. Red Cation, per ton, by car load,- - 4,50 B.OO xvcu ai per yaru, ion, Red uiuuo, Canon, per ton, delivered, - 40 Weber, per ton, by car load,- 6.25 Cy Our Stock, as i veil Weber, per ton, at vard, U ths choicest, i thi tity, alltjfeio Goods, 6.00 Weber, per ton, delivered, of this AVowon's Purchase, which to Kill offer until 'f 4 h 1242 W. S. Lewis, of Racine, WIsJ, is at the Walker House. C. F. Fisher and family, of Cheyenne, are registered at the Walker House. O. M. Potter and wife, arrived from Michigan yesterday, and are quartered atthe Metropolitan. W. R. Stratford, of Kingston, Ont. is a guest at the Metropolitan. J. C. Blasingham, of the Denver and South Park Railway, J. Good Ruple Passenger Agent of the Pennsylvania Company, J. Telfair, Passenger Agent 11. & T. C. Railway, F. B Semple, Passenger Agent of & M. fc C. B. & Q. RaUways of the B.Traveling and George D. Williamson, Traveling Passenger. and Freight Agent of Chica v . Atauvray, gave this office go, uau pieasaus can yesieraay. A. Gould, Agent ; '.further m John Broadbent, watchmaker and Jeweler; organs, accordeons, conce-tina- s, etc., repaired. South Temple Bireec, one oiock west oi laneruacie It Is one of the of the American people topecularitles devote; all their timeto business, without regard to health. In this rush lor motwy and fame, many lives are ruined, which, with proper attention and a use of a proper corrective, eouldtimely be saved. For this purpose there is nothing equal w me Asn .unters. it re lieves theiTicKiy system of all Impurities, pu rifles the blood, and, by assisting na ture, restores original health and d&w vigor. ,, v 00 PIECES OF E9IBROIDEBIES. We have lust received ou first im portatlon of Hamburg Embroideries and Torchon Laces, which will be In- ciuaea in our great reduction sale. Cohx Buos announcement- "' - Silks, Ottomans and Brocades AT COST Brocade and Plain Veet.. COST Blushes and Astrachan ...... ....AT LESS THAN COST Velveteens AT COST Black and Colored Cashmeres..'.. AT COST Our Whole Stock of French Dress Goods. ...V.i ..AT COST Ladles' Cloths, Cloaklngs and Waterproofs. AT. LESS TILtN COST AT COST Flannels, Blankets and Comforts....... Table Linens, Towels, Napkins and Crashes ,. AT COST ..........f Merino and Muslin Underwear... ...v.. ..............AT COST In CORSETS many lines will be closed out at........GREAT &1CSIFICK All Knit Goods , AT, LESS THAN COST Wool and Cotton Hosiery........................ .W.........AT COST 1 Seal Furs, Wraps of all descriptions, Skirts, Shawls .. , and Jerseys ......AT GREAT SACRIFICE Neckwear, Laces, 'Embroideries i.. .AT CQST ' ' !.,.. . Bargains In Kid Gloves TOTJR OWN FRICE Fringes and Passementeries..... ..........AT . Bargains In Buttons. --' ..V.;v '."' O'-'- '' .............................. ........... .... .................... ; i ir"' -- ''';v:::V.'; ! .j Provisions. 1 0s la every Department you will always ... i A. H? JE1 find something Now at ES'Xj'i X 5. k f " SOME OF THE LEADING STILES OP "': John C Cutler, 38 East Temula St.. has an immense stock of home-mad- e woolen goods Irom ttxe Provo Mills, -' ior saie at low prices. For imported Bedfj and Bedroom and cheap, go to Sorensen CONTIXTEO FOR FEW BATS OXLT Suits, ff. 'n utrtstylish hi r. We continue our reduction sale of " bufesana Dress Goods for few davs GEORGE SAVILLE, only, and offer in connection with it a Manufacturer and dealer In all kinds of beautiful line o! Brocaded Silk Velvets Hoots and bboes. Custom work a at $300 -reduced from and $6.00.1 $5.00 ' ' specialty. Call and see him at 21 JE 2nd Coirx Bros. south St. . Wje still offer our Ladies' and child-rens- ' or If you want a Shave, wraps 23 per cent, below cost. Hair Cut in the latest Shampoon Style, call at . Coiis Bros. ; i A.ige-arDer anop, next to valuer's ' Cream Balm cured me of new uuuuiug. Ely's Catarrh restored my sense of 6mell. AtHt Elasle Slilpp. Vnr vlr! in lipad It wnrfca HV tnmrlc K. II. Sherwood, Banker, Elizabeth, ' Is teachlns classes In a nerfect s vs ' tem of cutting and tltting, dressmaking .r . IN. J. and tailoring, at reduced figures, at her new and second hand Clothing and ORAKGES AXD LEMOXS. Commission Store, half block south of Cutler Bros, have another car of valley House, jno. oo s., West! Temple ..!:! those fine Valencia Bernando Oranges Street. N B. Parties wishing to take lessons also best ., Messina Lemons am In making Wax Fruit or Flowers, can d2w Oranges. uo o in me uayiime or evening. CLOSISO OCT SALE AT THE SALT . GLOBE BAKERY. LAKE TEA STORE. Go to the Globe Bakery for your holi' People looking for bargains in Tea; Candies, Cakes, Fruits, etc. They Coffee. Spices. Yeast Powder, extracts day De naa pure ana wnoiesome. at low and In fact every thing in the grocery can line shduld not fail to attend the closing prices, out sale at the new Tea store. Good A MAGIC POWER. ,uJapan Tea 23 and 30 cents per pound. 30 Black Tea and 40, English Breakfast A Secret Agent at Work." 60 and 65, May Flower in cans 40 cts, We were surprised the other day to choice Garden Tea 0 and 65j all package coffees 15 cts. per pound and every learn that certain individuals in this eise ai exiremeiy low ngures. city, who had for many years yielded tamg Remember the placer Sallf Lake Tea to what was apparently an inevitable store, No. 53 W.T First South opposite iate, were startled from their torpid a condition of into asMarKetKow, serting their right to "fife, liberty and happiness.? These parHaving recently taken extremely the pursuit of bound bv an influence as severe (joius, acknowledge periect re ties imd been - as It was lief by using Burks White Pine Bal powerful Incomprehensible. They knew not the causeyet thev sara for two days. C. II. Appletox. were the to victims Thev were result. Quincy Dredge andTowlng Co. enchained, but they could not discern Soldby Z.C. M.I. ,;, dv wnat means tney nad oeen manaclA RELIABLE FIRST CLASS O RIO ed. They had long sought deliverance in vain. Their appeals to science and the knowledse contained in books were Will alwavs recommend to his custo equally unavailing. At last, relief mers pure and, reliable medicines." camel It was not through any action There is not a druggist in this great of the President, or of Congress, for recom woo does npt country trouble was not of a political their ' ; mend . character. Neither did the Governor's Brown'a Sarsapai-lIIMessage relieve them, nor any action and Dandelion with of the new Legislature, for it was Iodide of Potassium, av the remedy out of their power, and foreism to their Jurisdiction. Yet they were sud thatis curing more cases ofn j Scrofula, Tumors, denly and effectually released from the bondage they suffered, and placed on Kidney Diseases, Ulcers, the equal scale of human happiness. , Rheumatism, Cancers. Boils, ; "What was their trouble?" is what our Constipation, Erysipelas, readers will ask. They had been ren Sick Headache, Salt Itheum. Kiddered helpless by that universal enemy Than any other BloodJ Liver and i rheumatism. They had not Walked ney remedy known. Ask your druggist WOW even moved or without on tor OFFER JTUEIK EKTIKK STOCK OF CHOICE AXD pain years, to show you tlje.i formula, printed each bottle, and use no remedy for the and oa the strong recommendations of Blood, the Liver and the Kidneys but friends "who had been there," they DESIBABLE nEBCOUUrillSK AU OF THEIR 1JEPAHTMEJIT9 tried Britannia, and were at once reBrown.s Sarsaparilla. This sterling lieved and radically cured. Britannia remedy Is sold by in Bait Lake and is what did it. It acted like a magic Everr Druggist everv dealer in Medicines In Utah. power. This secret agent, quietly coursed through their velus, removed Ask them of its merits. cause of the trouble, liberated the the 1 I Always Reliable Warranted captives from their doomed condition, From bltes,lnflaraed sore eyes,burns. and now they congratulate each other of snch a tribruises, cuts and old sores, cured at on the accomplishment of the knowonce or your money refunded by youf umph, and the acquisition time That is the positive warranty-plaledge, by which they canofat any com druggist. their ced on every box of Brown's resist the encroachments Arnica Salve by the Brown Medicine mon foe. We could give the names of and Manufacturing Company. Only 25 the parties, but will wait a future ,. v . . .. JL3LXi d&s time. , cents. . A CHEAT DISCOVERT. FIDELITY BENEFIT ASSOCIATION That 1 'dally brincinz lov to the We recosmlse the ereat financial loss Winter Goods Ladies Children Furs; homes of thousands by s&vihx many of family and business sustains in their dear ones from an early grave. mans' know and his death the premature Truly is Dr. King's New Discovery for desire to provide against such a Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, strong sacrifice. Many men only need protection for a Side and few Tickling in the Throal,Paln in years during the time their famiFUR TRILIMIHGS; OOLr.UflS. ULSTERS AND CLOAKS, : a ana or tne nroai oi Chest, a any disease lies and business are wholly dependant Lrniirs. positive cure. Guaranteed. on over or to ttome them them .... r , . Trial Bottles, free at Z. C. M. I. Drug new enterprisebridge ,.T .. . .. . "i .... ' .i. they are perfectly will.vl. h... o Store. "Large size i.oo. able and and for to take proing pay could get it for its pretection if Woolen Goods, Heavy Cloaldngs Plushes, in sent actualthey but when compelled Emigrants and travellers will findcure eost, : i. Aver's barsanarilia an effectual . to pay in addition two, three and even eczefor the eruptions, boils, pimples,skin-'-thfour times this amount for reserves e on the 8IIAWI.S, KIBTS, LAAIE9 WOOI. E13TED AlTOES J J do it, and so carry their ma, etc., that break out they do notwhich effects of disorder in the blood own no one should do. The risks sea-dion baard life and Benefit Association meets caused by ' shiD. It is the best medicine forevery- - Fidelity every need for such by collecting only 1 one in the spring. the present actual cost of carrylug the .Tiixei aii . risk taken and no more . They do no t ask A BEHEDY FOB L.TTSQ DISEASES. you to pay or trust them with such a as pays ail losses and piles Dr. tJobert Newton.' late President of sun annually of dollars In coffers, but to the Eclectic College; of the city of New millions share of actual York, and formerly of Cincinnati, Ohio, pay only your mutual occur and in exact pro- used Dr, Wro. Hall's Balsam very ex losses astothey risk, Recognising the tensiveiy in nia practice, as many oi Eprtion your between the practical and htsnatlents. now living, and restored the theoretical, we have adopted the to health by the use of this invaluable ' ' will meet -practical knowing full well Itmen. ...... - ' ,. lie medicine, can amply tesiuy. The of business approval . r. . I said that so rood a remedv ou?ht the ' t .1 a r n:ucu( Assuciaiiuu is purely to be prescribed freely by every physio-Ia- n Mutual lueinj lilclnsurance Company.the on- as a sovereign remedy in au cases is a memDersnin ice ana iEHTS' UID BOY'S QVEBCOATS. FOB JSOD CBiaGfllUJi CAPS, y expense of lun? diseases. It cures Consump- actual ' death losses. Members are tion, and has no equal for all pectoral divided into four classes according to conrphUcts, ape. Class A Includes members from IS to Winter Gloves, - Sccrfs, Blankets end TQuI!t3,ri BUCKLECS ABSICA SALVE. B 35 to 49, class C 50 to GO, class U, of the medical wander The greatest D 60 to 70. Admission fee In world. Warranted to speedily cure class A or B is twelve dollars, either Salt Ulcers,File!. same inclasses Cuts,Pjinf-Pr.ains, Bruises,Snrac or C. dollars. Certifi Dlflfteen Vm cates will be Issued to members In any iMnlhlains. Corns. Tetter. Chapped such classes for one thousand or any eruptions, guaranHands, and all skin thereof not exceeding five teed to cure in every Instance, or multiple as desired by the member. thousand box. Members are money returned, M.25 centsper only assisted In the class I. Drug Store. For sale by Z. C, to which they belong and then only when a death occurs In that class, "Brown's Bronchial Troches' when an assessment will be made on are widely known as an admirable each surviving member in such class. remedy for Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Members have sixty days after being Coughs," and Throat troubles. Hold Doti tied oi a deatn to pay eacn assess; V . ; ORfjflTa bote. ; ment. Death losses will be paid bv the company in 90 days after notice of such , .. EXPIRED DESERT EATRIES. ueatn. All assessments will be collected and The Commissioner of the General office has finally conclqded to Said out at the banks in Ogden, Utah. Iind hold a icreat many Expired Desert Bevans, zcneral manager, has .. . . v ...... . ; . ' ,: J of which fact written 346,000 daring the lat three Entries for cancelationwill no months the for The doubt,be company. the respective parties plan ofilcially notified and that they wid will bear a close investigation and CurtainSj Shades answer and make stands to and merits. its have ninety days upon simplicity reason why! they have For f urt&er particulars see circulars or explain themake final proofl with- address C. II Bevans, Ogden.Utah. it failed to pera iSZm. x in the "siatutary period.canAny CETOICK, WEU. BK CCIA JLX PEICKS TO COSnTB M receive sons receiving such notice : in the advice and Information RETIREMENT SOTICX. all the by writing to or calling upon premises, As I Intend short! v to retlr from the Ihe firm of T. C. Bailey & !Bro, of ISal liquor business, my friends will understand the who Lake City, fully take jiotlce that the prompt please paystatus of all such entries; ' ment of their accounts will be esteem' HOMESTEADS ' jr.' a ed favor. Accounts lonar rast 'due, homestead hereafter will be oi In Any person who made a can hands the placed ? make a attorneys for collection. to June 15th, 1S80, prior cash direct entry of the land by paving respectfully,A. the price per acre, withootTublication, Meexrs, be Salt Lake City,George residence or cultivation. This canhave Feb. lth, im. done whether the homesteadsno adbeen cancelled or not, providedFor Inverse claim has Intervened. ha above or call upon formation write TniTS03t-b- f eOBTnlalnn In tti 11th Ward. earned firm. ' .' . . Feb. 22d, 1884, Geo. W. Timpoa, oa of G, "'". ..A FAH2SU-W. and Sarah E. Tlnspsoa, aged 1 month and , ......-..Br: We pride ourselves on hsvittq;. tie days. Come- and best list of Farms for Fnnertl at residence. Second South, see oa. - S. ' W. DiEKK A CO.,-eal Lstate Agents.. , Eighth East, nth War4, at 10 o'clock. Son-fl''.'..; . Invited. ..... ... Feb. J&th.," v SPRING WAGONS - 1884. - STIJLSZj , Lies MADE BY F.xu-Sp- , V 31X'DEIUKEIl BROS. lUIAN UFA 0 VUIJ ISO COMP'V f .galt i;Jlk:2I3 city4 u.rr Xx--t MAIN STREET. Mr DuaaiEs ix'rsrcEs to astoxiset ,.k-- 133 A 35 UPPER OVERCOATS, GLOVES, CAPS, BLAKICETS, ...... - WINTER CLOTHING, -- Office, ! of QENl'! ' riTIlM9HlNQ lia , OF COST,. r i ;' ' "." - v. ? -- 'i.y HATS ' .. .,. ,. Also, the ! ic IV i ' CELEBRATED ' OF, j! .. LIBBY SHIRT. S: AT-BAMBERGTER'- Auerbach & Bro. ' XD SEE TniS GREAT ASSOHTMKXT COMIC . GENTLEMEN'S - -- ' .?. ' ; ' , to-a- ay - : STJ. W. FARRELL. ' " COST CO.J & SAN I TA RY n ; (. llosfery & Fancy Goods, Silk Haudkcrchlcfg, . Notions of Evcrj Variety, Blankets, .isfi ,r"; Jcweh-y- , embracing all tho Latest Xovclties. --wa : 106 and 108 ast Temple Street. v r T.ndiesV THOS. ,W. JENNINGS, F. di&w THE l"OLXOWlXa 1.INE9 OP GOODS: i ty, ! . j .ClOSINCi OUT, POSITIVELY REGARDLESS AT SACRIFICING PRICES. ' ofl'ost Two Doors South GOODS, ARE . T t V, T Belnc about to devote thcintelvo excluntvly to th I semi-stupidi- V.' anTiivKt; tf.mi,WiHiWnitun. ibt l 'ag(u,jroClrt,, (.in, U fcroo, tlie . 4 J : ALL SIZES OF FARM WAGONS, Diamond". Wayon. Rxiiroii Wairon. the Moon, Inii U etc Tli who! of tliofe mre "A" VtikIh tco!il irmwili lilckory ; the axlf nru umda of HI UKI.; th KftrinWilsons of Knvli.h steal oil ; bo.l:e t rounJ rornxii suit Hoi kin' CoiuUuaiion nnfieJ pUin.willi cneer 6at; UoJjr and pAilu: immt(l Llark, neatly filriiwU. The nirout arts 'uriti.Je,' ls,t tunuitijf. liHiidMonivly .ioslKnoil an. I flniKhed with aame ,hk). ive- - to(r.niir i,7.' u to iiihL tli Uent rfprlng wagou in the wtuld. fs or t'hmiiget, JfV llnlf s ...! ril " yQj ' DEPO Ho. 70 W. Second South Street, S. L City. Utah. PLUMBING- T, ' AND GAS FITTING, - . Steam Heating and Ventilating., CITY WATER AND GAS INTRODUCED . INTO BUILDINGS. ACTTTAIi ; such as and -- , . - . ; .' and ;S' f X .. . .. V . Knit i A IV. jf 'V o et Lais' ai-wa- d .. .3 T A .. J , .1' I i t'ti Flowers and. all MilUncry Goods, : va Ufel M MMi r.f;- ' . :1 J - t I - 1 ILsJ - " 1 . goods, etp. Ermj'v:r BELOW COST - J - Our Stocli of CAEPBTS,: LniOEriZEIS ' . - VAT.KTl . . , and Furniture Fringes : 0,X,JI3X.IOXrXlT3 X3 T , mail cr.Dir.3 wiujzd r . . -- l TO - crjJU lii liriLlli .A ..A Tailors. v. : '. toUU lulu Conslstlct of l''Steerpri?f '1, ay morning, Friend -- : '. .. ooj33ixaxircxr FCHIICUrEKUS!!,. JC0TCI1 , C. DOMESTIC C30DS. u G00D3 C0ICTA2;TL" AEaVIKO. . .1 i 5 .e, lir'n toUfcebait...for Frame, ansyl to clean,notoin? dorable I cleat; market. on ever tae the vrlce ;5 put See tat Sorensea CaritiSsi's, s at hzduczd rr.:czo. p--IES- 1Q7 4. STITS 'CjL ASSAT, TILE MADS -- . A ; GOOD GIRL -- HOVPF. TVH C.rXFT? M, fa. wot k. jftiipirto iirm. A- - t'uwe, ,i5mVfe9taltcj&4J;oni tret.. Jt4 ' 3rio. c.o.. Hisses' anfl Cliilflren's Shoes, . - . uiuuuuuitU' inus. , ,i . Eggs, Cheese and HOXEY TO LOAN, ' . I I Pioneer Loan and Building Association. Three doors south of "Postoflice. : DEPARTMENT IS FULLT STOCKED WITH Batter, :: ALL WE ASK IS, COME AND' BE COXVIXCED oraer at an nours. GROCERY ............................... r "K- . ... - 23 CENTS. Will pet you a pood meal at the New York Coffee House, Market Row opposite Kimballlilook. Call and pet a nice luncn, roil, cup of tea or coffee. Dinner from 12 to i p. in. Meal to -- :o:- - ,,.....,.......AT ; 1 Boots; alsolin Doubls Solo in Calf and Stoga. Full Supply. Spring Stock at Popular Prices. Kcna Less. ; BUSINESS NOTICP. NOTICE, I have this day sold my entire busi ness tu urraut, uaeu & to., ana earnestly solicit for them as in v sn pres sors a continuation of the very liberal patronage heretofore accorded me as asrent for the celebrated Mitchell Warons, also standard agricultural implements ana macninery. L. B. Mattisox. , JfASU SOTS. For'the Grand Carnival, on Tuesday next can be secured oa very reasonable terms four doors south of the Post umce. , .... ... . !.,-;, i Over Shoes, Rubber Boots, Umbrellas, Blankets, Rubber end Gossamer Coats, Wool and Hair Lined 1 '..:. ;. P. Teas-d- " . tal. - by S. Burton. and Hardy Bros. C2 ZT-2TAT- f. 1 ;.CTRIZllT, r Or?-"- 0 C 'r. I., w""f" m y |