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Show t it a in:. ir i ' a j o N K W f Y O It Ifc T HADE, BY TELEGRAPH. THE CPIAI etRMAJI he committee has under considerstlooC I'The Grand Army encanipmeutat RoBates explained what the ltaltimore & chester, N. V. broke up last.nbiht..".; and Apothecary REMEDY Vrttfytst Ohio telegraph expected to accomplish H M WK8TKK1T P1IKW TItlOlArH UW.' of the Pitterii silK weavers uivikmI ha new lOaon In the 014 I.Ub i ESTABLISHED i860. haa in tne way ol completion wiin. tne areMany reduced returning to work at the FOR PAlll SMro, oo th.eornf rf Keoiml Sith and W '. Western Union. ' AMEIIIOAW. rates, g", V . i IUImtm aa4 cans Prracrlptlona ou tiillj e.m'0uaeifc-London, 9. Miss Fortescue, in her & Co The National Asjortation of mIad IYatU9M by Iha n..iU Chliaw breach of promls action aialnst ItUEUMlTISM, oi. Manufacturers are in Heasiou Ketaneal CIUnlUa Mirder-- ; Gamioyle, estimates tle damages to Louis. Neuraltria v on. WrU tat Uiwu her affections at 30,000. i . WnoiesaU Mamifieturrrs of Arftuta ' Tlie steamer Citj of M tnm is to tike im . iaaas, Lasafcaga. ...ivv. The Howie committee on labor has the Votof place ol tha wrecked " f: rkortUTvi w.tipr Ji on BACKACHR. . DOORS MD BL1XDS, favorable ordered Repre a report 1 ROYAL from np the "JSCl . umlims. - ',?'.. ft Toido, ; n.t. tne estabbill lUMUDtTOOTUCtK lor sentative are more river Iiopkln's favorable. While lishment of a department of labor I A vigorous movement Is lclug made the water LurtiJl very Uifa, it hasfaljen SOBC TKROAT, The measure provides- for against college secret societies at Vale statistics. Boiaewhat. Ice gorges remain the , ouwav. MamteU, 1'rw, Churrh Fini.nh, Stair , the- appointment of tt commissioner College. water paHsiug off. The generaltlrni, , , ,. ,. feeling informaail usefull who Is shall Etc. that Toledo will escape the flootl. acquire Stni Ititlliii'j, Valuitcru, Nnerlt, SrBAIKA, Cincinnati Is the first city in America Has just removed to iis new anj connnodi- tion upon the subject of labor, its reAll depend upon the lee iowd-e- d ' ons hade not brvMss, Cats, lraisa, has gorges.whleh, where Nl'XOAY NIU1I1"N DISPATCHESIrvlug 4 CJIIICVGO,: III. means Henry of the iu.iricrs, ju it iiwrih of tl.e M J ui:cj and to lations pro' capital holding the water back, are reported to honst-8a full anj 2 TBonTBrrta. ' t i j a h'i' lie Mill . Muiul, hoc . the be . . htl, material, religions f moting very strong. Onr tlootla are constantly kept in Plork by ol ;.. , ,. The tvk j a vll selevted firmt lanndaUaa of and iuteliactuat LuiulM-.rluboriux the m I fc.ilt Dealers Vrlev ' Moore, prosperity The Whltaker heet lli laiw-- t Wheeling, nvRKa.scAt.na,. Major lieu. men women. l.i.sfa Is and ami IVice , MuuUliMg umi , lion MM Kerioasiy works Mkar Aa4 and WJIIf Tsiy t corrcspoudeat, tgleu. Chicago ear roofing TIM Terrible Oclrurliaa mt Wktri--!- : ... m4 salas tEF. UDTTBlV lEUfOlln! StllSREE; l'.wit3 btnt tie upou ;ipiljcatioa. I The House committee on company l.jge 75,(MW. The steamer though not dangerously ill postofliccs of NufferlMKat dl0Jly John Lewis arrived from down trte r .v. nm t cub i imt to and Massachusetts Dost has roads A'Oomuiittee" lurreeu report ! of the Tnrlou. PaIhIs. "ver'liM evenings She was riddled Ami Ever tUUitf la lilt 1 Inc. k, sH DiwW in Uvor of atl favorably the bill providing that letter Legislature has report WUh bullets, the pasensrors lyinj? on the Imwi. Ditaviwus ku it conbe in carriers every The employed Rostou. for elty railroad Uii Ullef elevated cabin floor covered with niatrenses and may In; t Kmiifk STAR HOIISK NAILSr taining 60,000 inhabitants, and not TU Caariss A.Vr5 Ca. Othtr Ilenmlrai Ornalza. as a protection from are' enaivd. In less la t coutaiuinj; employed places Umw en at a tlte missiles. The citizens to view the with of West WR, thua 20,000 and prodoeiiijra gross postal making a mirvey Suea Caual-- t iu a. a. ii.ii.r.. Oil- - HL.UKI, "POLISHED & CO. ' Wheeling and other places Ured on the : revenue of at least 2,Ooo per annum. largemeutof the j t:,. & GEO. M. ; i .'J BnI C'roM. Relief. t v. boat to prevent her The committee agreed to report a landing, as her nf tlM lVnnsvlvauia All Will boll a nboe .onJnfr In Kar-to)' lO.Miss Clara WASiiiNflTtiN, coming anions the submerged liou.se:) lor the bill to secure the epcedy Irou Works at fancaslrr have lestunttl would add greatly to the damage by other. We guarantee or Kail l'resideut of the American Na- delivery of letters. It provides for the work except the pujdltns iiuii. M the heavy: awash. The boat left tional 'Association of the Red Crosn. issue oi a special stamp to rosi jucem-slc KiM?d Quality and , i ' f The loornla-?- . l the are aillxed will to when J'arkersburg made. letters, to Reports by Hubbell, which, atcompanied lr. discovery of tin at King's Mounany lttr ibllliy that many houses at New Martinsyille field Hi-n- t of the Association of the between tain, N.C- - haslxfen announced. This U immediate their delivery '. Steam BaHer. Haters, are swept away. tstave Red Cross,' will start the llrst.liscovery ' of this mineral for 7 a. in. and 12 midnight.; , , 4r v V Made from the Best Norway inj ' i works and dry houses are a total loss, the scene , StaU'S. United of tlte floods. She goes first ;'' ': VHtnlmf!nn Ttf I Six ennvlrts. the, Nfovri, Tiinvarrl, Mot a vestige la left of Co.hransville, Iron, Finished Already to Pittsburg ami will follow the Ohio haa UHS i 111 TUU. CCQLEES. UnLES. PUS. 1TC. - i" The timnocUcut were . one and five colored whipwhite, niinli a ilniliiin wlka' iu Monroe ili , Ohio, village to drive, by the ; county. The Lieuto of thanks passed resolutions situation here amonsri the destitute have suffered. Miss Barton requests J a Newcast e thta morninx Vi Olookt of Depot, at conduct for! Rhodes tenant nuuu-Shtfp, gallant. This imwdiT never varies. A marvel I rrow.s worse. ' Clothing, food and the Red Cross Hocietipoof the UNION IIOIiSKi NAIIi CO., i uuiwu. itvsiiip coswjii.w. ror north wholesoineuess. More money are ., , t:ardtff strength and i TroU, ' uoqmrts; is ieiieva iho Gay H!ad disaster. purity, badly needed. At the glass will, until further notice, forward sup- from tae tcouuimctl and than O. Dor, o25, - Salt lafce City. Miners- 'kinds, on board. The captain ' New ordinary all lost La (with the 03 surviving bouse. CHICAGOsuuiti end, two children plies to Cincinnati as the central point had his wife aud twocbildreu has still rannol be sold in compeUUou witb tli mul- - aied Ilamijshire with him. d. from crposure and for distribution. of the war of 1S12. When n f tet, xliui t weight, alum or For Sale by Z. C M. I. and its tituuea of low The railroad veterans Jacksou; Miss., ft. 'Moth General Repairing Don Promptly. the worst MwIcra. That not has New llioiiliat yet luau gvts a peusion' he ' 1103 Hampshire a Nee. EnterluaHotel houses. ly launch Mutv9. Through the supervision bill passed tiniw in mm. lOTAi. ijakinq row- - beuu Ih a conclusion to which the lie can. as as to it 81 & 33 MA!3T., S. L CITY, UTRH. haugs long ona Sfory IVludowa. l'W Wall Street New York. It provides for the taxation of railroad btK , .,. thoughtful are forced. and i '.v. h.is fares , . the i 4 ly td ol Nureinlierir, Tiof.' rei, supervision etiz, Kipley, O., 9.Thc water Is higher ' Columbus, Ohio, 10. The engineer FToperty, The, bill will not go luto effect co. i crry an order to ca-- t " a bronze' stacelved Chicago t han an last an and inch year, the waded of Scioto rising 3 $40Wasoa 2 Ton, $50. wua lo Scale. Valley Railway, 1 ploMnra, sixty days, owing to the omission tue of the late President liar held, liefer to any Work do by ont to Portsmouth this inorniu? and for Ton deo, llemii Box lochi'tod THOMAS ftl. ARGALL & CO., hour. of 'a clause providing for the appoint- which is to be erectud iu SanFrancis-c- o. Is much suffering 300 families There 24 from miles tO lb l uriucr a Mettle. 63. Piketon, "V-A.:'"""""'""' ment of. three commissioners uauted in .' ", i ,., j are driven from home. Two-thirManufacturera of j of teiejrraphs north, the water is live feet higher in the act. , (, j , Iho "JJitle OowctlrB" '4 ci lo SO ,. , j r i Vthe town Is under water. ,nt that city than last year. The steamer One hundred and thirty-fiv- e tele, MMNS AND BOYS', J ill ,; Long View, Texas, 9. It has been Bonanza is lying alfoat on the sidewalk Washington, raph and teleil!me companies liavo &o TOOLS. f 100 tor con rORQES, and people are entering the hotel of the House Judiciary committee, raining continuously nearly teen iHCorporated in New York within hours. The bottoms in erery direc- through the Becond story windows. sisting of Seuer, liroadueau, jviaybury, three years, w ith a capital aggregating lor light Work, SI & :ti are flooded. Tliere are many ex- When he left the citv. three houses Risbee and McCoid tion Anvil landKttof Tads SH 4vtt1. heanl R.T. t"' . tj$l3L CSS XJKOAbWAT, .. i:.; M tad BMr tensive washouts anil- slides ou the were burning, which the engines could Webb, of New Mexico In support of 4S ! oM. ' AnciU Vint and other ArtkLa. nays that the report railroads. the charges made by him'agaiust Chief of'JolntMcCullouh his III health prew out ot tho fact and Dealer in ice in the Court Pa., of llarrisbur, Justice Supreme Axtell, :;;ir. lledurad i'rluo Llsi trua. y, Creek brokeand Keren Feet lumber tbaat La. Year. of New Mexico.- The charges cover he "wouldn't t'O out to dinners and jonif E. coirLEs. caused a tremendous Hood. Four from Galllp-oli- s: many- papers..imft' may be summoned SBppersaiid drink with everybody that ft'lro Clay, Plaster of 1'nrls, SADDLERY HARDWARE, Clcinnati WM. I.E1MF.RT, M S. VanPf.uE!, Y . valued at over 80,000, were is heavThe river bridges, up "as follows:. General Irregulatilies asked bun." Fir Kiuid, Flro IlrlcLs, rising; raining IsRINCKEPJIOfP, TURNER & CO., carried away, t Conshlerable damage ily at 5 p.m.. water now seven feet iu tile discbatfe,Pf official duties and "."If a black man burns his feet bv llcartlis uutl loom,' , HARFIESS & LEATHER. ; (Jciucnt done otherwise. Three dams were ,above the high water of last year. The lueomietency. JOHN C. NEEMES wa3 who prose- tnariing . a white woman," argued CO., lOO IMm fit- -. New Tork. ' I With washed the mills connected oillclal Cement Into the ' steamer out; to went the of relief he Inquiry Telephone, cutedjthe Domdass lilniiioyt in Fred atro, Oottak thirtyonyears Tilannfartnrcrs of and Ieilcrm freshet Point Pleasant y. ifAKUFACTDKtXa Architect must exiuct to stand That' xown conduet of Druid Millf. them were badly injured. ThefJuinOer-lantliu blisters." I,..: fiAii.- - IMii'K, "VxMllerry, Cement Plplufc, ever tne worst d was completely' submerged. ' The Inis in known the all will conduct favotite tUi!r braoda, and Hill, Investigation. N.. it feel to Mr. liowdo;s ToLiutiui" Well, on IKniglass, 1 Valley. Portions of the wrecked habitants , have gone to the high Aflplmlfe nuaibera Hard, M liun. and Soft stand J'rens, ; Fall River, Mass., 9. The end of the are now Jammed against the grounds... Cheshire, Addison and otlier j bridges , ERET 11 THE Portland 13 of Cement, finds week mills HUCK FOB Of ERALLS.BLSE.BRQWa.QH shut first down, the of Northern Central Railroad small towns are suffering in the same which live, were closed piers ' ' liOiitaTtlle' Cement, by weavers' K of the cret k. CTto Canvass of all nambera H to 150 bridge at the mouth way. well to rt:fer to the opin be It might are 23. 30, 32. & 3i M1CHICAM AVINUE, About strikes. 7,000 . . operatives woman Inrhea- wile, for lerk. t:ir. Trunk and An unknown Wheeling, 10.; WlIKKUNO, Assist-11. Ion ' of and mantels, O rules;" V;'. j 7 v 1. Armstrong, Esq., Machine Aprons idle. The loss In wages is over was drowned in the Fifth Ward, last Wai(n Coveringx, constantly A bottle was Tonnd the with of and store the lu auk Ja. Postmaster, Delta, for other purpoacB. Head Ntonet. Monuments., ; ... niidit, falling from the second story names of four young- - ladies, said to be a week. treiillcman savs : 1 suffered for ninety- Utndard-and v'r: window.; t .f ';! :; 'J at the time. On a card was - S- BnntingCo:.. Centre one bottle and with six hours drowning muriips, Oar Gool-- t are kept by Z. C. ST. I., its Branch The baby of a family named Lash, on written the words, Farewell, friends," qnantitv. "Katle." by the tJuanor me ' t San Pete Oolete Mtene, in two Oil ana dealers cured Jacobs of St. ui the Territory, days, 'l'Ueso Oooda can be obtained at L. O. M. I. the island, also fell and disappeared and the names: "Annie Clark, Mollie d 103 It CORRESPONDENCE. XL from siht. Neither of the bodies were Scage, Minnie Hawk,. Bernie Habit." t .. III Mlntou'a & Maw A Oo'. English recovered." Many narrow escapes are The Masons have systematized the the Eooatutlc, rrlntthl and riala ttonaetblns; lai Kelatloa RENOWN RUSSELL & EBSII HUDFICTDHI1G GO. reported ; doubtless several lives are work of aiding relief. The roll of all V ARTICLE OF & FURS. V lost and not yet recovered. ; not Masons and those is ClOTrraor. prepared, lltMtrth Faclo g , Vea tlbuka, HIDES, iWOOL Tlleaor and other . Manufacturer of Builders IS ' At Martin's Ferry, ouuv 2UQ people themselves sufferers will be called on 7 " ' t .''u eta. !, ; are fed by organized charity. Kmute for aid. ' The Odd Fellows and other WalnMoUBg, are drawn from the proceeds of tinea secret orders are also working. ' It Is Lake Connty, Idaho, Bear Fairbanks Pare Refined Lard IXCLUOINa THIRD BO0TH ST., under the Scott law. v some of the sufferers on that OIDITSy 33to BIDS WABVHO08B, reported 'February , 18S4. An iucreascd force of the fire depart- the south side are reduced to the ex- COItNKB Of T12IBD WEST, mmimi iiqs m .. . Deseret News; ment ,ia. puinplug out flooded abase- t reality of cuttln-mea- t from cows Editor St., and I and 43, 45, f 47 Vhambrrs k s ments. 21 S. Temple Street; West. TA.1XI3 found dead. As the Hoods recede, the 23 and X5 Jieade St., seems that Governor Murray' will It ' On the representation ol citizens of Ohio river railroad is believed to be necessarily have to revert to the mar- Don, wcs. , .. ;rf p. iar West Virginia, that local resources are entirely ruined, station after station, shalship of Kentucky, tin order to have - Factories New Britain, Conn., U. S. A. to relieve the suffering, the trestlework bridges and cars have been his life's history appear without blemA For Sale by Z. O. M. 1. anil Branch btorea. inenflicient Governor has telegraphed the Senators swept away. isn. as tnat portion oi it may necu a and Representatives iu Congress aAking the little modifying, at least, before the Joint resolution tor relief be Wlio want glossy lnxuriant The Sltuatioai at CatletHbnra;. Ilnislies his work, v biographer G K. SHERIDAN & CO., that Governor increased to $1, 000,000'. if he did and vravy tresses ox abumlant, said Tne llrst Napoleon rise Ky., Catlettseuro, some Jackson, at the request of numerous has I , nine! llCA. SCI thing to establish a reputaiihi.i ill II i,nil the Gov to increased from one inch last night tion hegreat must do something great to petitioners, also telegraphed Inches hour two this per morning, maintain It. It appears that the maxim LlUJH SIaA'JIIAIUUIN Tills MOUNT VERNON entors of other States on the river, and at one is It three feet p.m. higher has been exempt liied In this Instance, eleff ant. ch asking them to article al ways last year. A drizzling rain began as ' the river Jhan midnlht tt.At Cincinnati, such transactions as makes tlie eap Oxe wef altraya desired In f& Future. requires have 4 most is at The outlook p.m. gloomy. Got.it Murray's Hair stow freely is t4 feet 3 Inches, and ruing half an oc been his since inch an hour It is clondy, noj jrrow-in- s; SttU llltting-- a Cla i cupancy of the gubernatorial ' chair' of and fast, keeps it from falliug The Water ' CANVASS. ' colder as expected. f Utah to sustain his. former reputa rlasiatl. " out, arrests and eures iray-nes- s. K.K. FAIIIBANIC & Co., ALL WIDTHS COTTON :' tion. lielpre, , 9. Two thousand people 183-10 flood of The rem ores daudruit and1 Cincinnati. are homeless in Marietta and Hanuar. The great' Washington declined a omolA-o-o.- ; this morning, and the third was founare off their surpassed see of to houses he wished Hundreds term ; t JItilr perhaps makes BATES. REED & COOLEY, dations. At Upper Muskingum the river has been rising all day. Hardly how the governmental machinery itching 1'oi'Sale 1Y . C. M. I. aad ita, Branch a curllii"; exists that the would strong, gif iir? it flouscs and Uy alers (ieuerally, without; his Immediate bridges are all gone. Rice's iron bU a shadow- of doubt 4 ( dl03 ly will be reached and agency. work Importers and Jobbers of It In tanks are upset and the warehouse mark of last year next Inventors The machinery of tendency and . keeping; 3D Melton's tannery and one at passed within the at hours. The of various kinds would have achieved v lienu-til'u- h Goods, eone. desired Silks & Fancy u u above been position, all any are gone. All the wooden river has rising a poor victory if it could hot be manippoints . Fallowsburg is the sure lfatr street,- between witii continuous rains. The people have ulated by other hands than their ow n. healthy Including a f nil and Complete line of ST. l.OUIS buildings on Front the street and postoflice are lost faith in the signal service reports. If the Chief Executive of Utah does result or n.siug Jtat4iauon., Prints,' Ginghams, arid Domestics, Putnam J moved from thelrfounda-tlon- s. Additional railroads have been disabled not formally decline another term of and wrecked .,;. ' Leonard M and 90. one and the and 93, Baltimore, Harmar Hill is covered.wlth the Governorship, as his fame Is being m, W3, 547 Broadway. V ' !?' I "f and Cincinnati the Washington r : .:!.'.'.f:;$,ttUv'' .. ' opened so well sustained It may supercede Street t JSTHTW OUpeople in tents or in the open air. Liffiell & Myers Tolacco Coa'y .fu.- r.i.t is to Parkcrsburg and through trains will that necessity.-iuc iovyu t:aueliSDurg, ivy.ro, y ..VW.:'in At ; the ,. resumed ?' be 'r ANOSTMOU8. morning. V submerged. Only three completely ' S the water stands 65 Manufacturers of th , ? houses on the hill are free of water. o'clock o J x .!:; . HEMPHILL, HAMLIN & CO. , 2 The last . inches. feet ,V floated off. There year highest 3 Several houses have ,,..,;,..., BEAVER. FROM (Mi feet four inches. was nHOMETlinWCl ST1H. "74." SLEDSE. CLIPPES. COHSEll 5TQIE. not are fears that the worst has yet . . i (ijajr.-- ? Midnight, at this stage the river Is 65 The rK,i,;u'i.ii!tt ks.'come. '. x ' . ;.,V-.;vaort '..S.,V ", r Baslaess. Intrre.tr Iraa Is A 4 rain brisk r inches. Aad other Brands of ' feet was 9. river falling. The ISfiTS." ETC. Louisville, Kr., orwill marks flOlia fill ClOTBS. D83SGEIS, water The 10 department stationary nearly all day. At p.m. it der all hydraulic elevators AI10THER NEW MOVE! Beater City, Beaver Co., Utah, TOIB-fVOOO- stopped towas rising very Biowiy, tue' weaiuer 342 & 344 BROADWAY, i morrow. The 7th, 1834. Big Shields pumping February 1 am pleased Is cool; no sisrns of rain. For Sale by Z. C. M. I. and Branch Stores. can work at cases of drown- engine is the only one that . , to aiiuonnco Cincinnati, ti. Two News: Deseret Editor w iu tne xeei noous; oi Michael this "and Welsh Ed. stage ing that will stop It. The reservoir has A' number of teams have left Beaver trg- - Onr Goods are kept by Z. 0. M. I., and huckner, falling from boats. are enY L. 31. KllMSEY M'F G CO., its Branch Store. only Ave days supply of water in It. Valley, Nevada, load- Marietta aud Tarkersburg County, for Dry on will Thnra. will baled and with ed and telegraph hay. They neepenetl grain tirely cut off by railroad October 4th, with be occupied, with others from other since Wednesday. This afternoon a day, Manufacturers and JMtert of & BUCKLEY CO., In Into Iron DUNHAM, counties. City. wire was .opened t? hauling railroad netr. JMew in : Cl 1 N single O everytuing F 4 PUMPS AND FIRE i ENGINES; - Ohio, opposite Parkersburg; Utah, the materials which composed New and Ktrumentak, llelpre, of Jobbers and railroad narrow that the gauge extending Importers bVooi this source It is.laseertalned " Dead. finest Par Celeway tnoiosrraiblc CJ railroad Pioche. This to Klteet Bullion at from that terrible and been Lent IMpe Le.a, the flood has lors in the West., t Jlew the Anareby la the Arfutlae Hepablle. material wilt be laid down from Irom and at 8 o'clock Mem and Plumbera Pipes, point, (iloodx of all Citv to the coal beds at Cedar. It! has already ' river was still rising. thitn , ' Fitter Bra.. Dlt.' desert ptlon. of this county the vear. of We are now prepared to Turnisli DEA.LER3 and yAnllLIES last hi. hir Cleateral people ; Many eardan.' 11m and Ihwklan. Inf, are alive to the iron interests, that Is Ideas. New could , be; pi Ten, losses of details No '' ' biiHatloB at fellnbat. WHITE v i "with the .following grades oj GOODS, Etc., but U Is clear that both at Parketabur;! i. it Ken frames,being worked up by the Iron Manufac. " ' S10 Ereadway, . feel Ko. of Utah. be Immense. reThey t Agricultural Implements, and Marietta they mast turingtheCompany startling time has come for the succes- that ' Ions in f' BaUraadsv The Iron of in works establishment ful n. BRADLEY, wirs, V ' - ' 9. Advices from South Southern Utah. ' rsycK wike.'barbed aly LOxdox Itoolta l Kte. 51 f'EXCISO, F.lc, CniCAC.o, 9. The Atchison, Topeka Africa report the death of tJetewayo, a. Court Judicial District TheSecoud pood 1 ls fsney & Santa Fe Railroad Company has the tauioua Zulu chieftain, from heart has been in session since Monday ttaTConieand ST., ST. WIS; HI. L PECK BROTHERS &,C0.V WXi sued a circular anuouueiug that it will disease , ,J, ; - i ' ... seen.. If ours. hearing divers motions, also attending California freight transport through UUIod aad Waaaded la Saa Jaaa. to tlie drawing oi grand and petit the- - Southern will for Art and connection in JfanHactMrtrs qf '" ior tne Aiarcn ptm. jurors Kansas City via the Atchison Ixw San' Juan, Argentine TV public, 9. Prices, Callielian. of Patrick The owattorneys or Denver without breaking bulk, attacked armed fQrce Last night aq was tried last terra of court for at Atchison the police barracks and residence of whq ing to the close relation tlie murder of Dan Malhonev. motion' rewith the liurlinirton. It is thought the Deputy is The Mallar. Governor; ' which was overruled ed for a new in the latter company will be included killed" Many persons were by the Courttrial, PRICE paid for WHEAT. A HIGHEST THE and the prisoner was Gomez throng! car service, by the-- southern ported hena.tar of The wounded.body sentenced to 14 years la the peniten Union l'acilic was found on Bash PLUMBERS MATERIALS, route as opposed to the murdered. Street i s:,., tiary, and its four Omaha alHes. The pre-in Troops quelled the disturbance. The Judge being somewhat indisposofficials TS Ilfrekma Slreet, Mexican Central sence of tm I tb warn tnmt tire beM AXK ed, adjourned court till Monday. Htarvatloa Inapendiaa this citv srives rise to the statement ., V. PUTiiKKiSuHAM. woi-triAuk lor K. C Sltamn UEff that clone relations are being arranged . Sinkat from report Spies Suaklm, the Atchison, Bait Burlington, KITTTER. David tuc James. to eaten there up the garrison Kefer by permlsaion Having atd Mexican Cen camels, Topeka & Santa Fe cats and dogs, and now de' i TmbC' leaple Mexican irarac. )'o r.llir cmiplaltilnareso lunUHoos hi tblr I Totl Want th Be SlTFEr Lake Oit". ior tral Railway Col. Sartor! us leaves. tree llealtb-Sti-wk vouring Market. as tbceatTeeting tUe throat aud longs. far KKES '.(lack Ak Kiivtn have which all stores, Eieeated,' closed CIdaaaiM liquor up uou so trifled with by the majority of rnlft-AGENTS FOB TUB ONLY CEN0JNE, RELIABLE officers aud soldiers. Infested KITII.R IWlUtF. ARCH SPK1NCI been by Malad Valley, Washinoton,9. Chong Woo Tsang, Kurvalua and is. TUo ordinary eongh or Cold, .resulting British The aad tab. a other. gunlMats Onieila Idaho. New Ju " the Trk. Fl of a native appeared Office, St, Chin, &re la position to shell the ene,liais from a trilling or nneonsclous e to-iaart Coals. ' for the purpose of Deeov February 8,.18S4. Cdo Th. bMt MUd Stoei BHOTWA t thta clerk's oflicecitizenof of a fata if necessary ia often tut tbo my on hand n complete el ucuio, United SUtes. Constantly the WHIIOXS ' t Neva: becomiuga Detent naada by Editor in." , .. RPinoi f ba ftCTOUAU ivkaesa.' AY Kit's CnKItKT ' OeaeraJ dardoo. He stated that he come here 15 years II AH DW ARK CO, HT. LOVIM. Ou Monday night, Fehrnaryttk, 1S64, well iiroren iu efficacy in a forty years' flgh' asro and his residence was continuous Berber of Governor 9. The , Cairo, ' Invitation of one of the luenilx-i-n'ilk throat aixl lix.tsee, aud Abould be lor BtaeklTi since, excepting a abort time spent in telegraphs ton't tall la railWEED that General Gordon has by ' REDUCTION IN PRICK OF THE RELIABLE ANTHRACITE COAL. I attended a Joint, moettng of tlte taken Iu ail cases lung BCTTUK. China on a visit. He has been .edu- arrived in that ltbout delay. ' LLTEBNC ar from A letter BiASTINO, KZXTVCKY BIFZ.E, -. province. A ssoa Men's and Ladies' Christian Young Young Joined and here cated milirAIH LAWS, DUCK, and . par Taa, aeeardlaa ta .Ire. It Is far SirCRIOB Price, A Terrible Caacb Cured. citizen Col. Stewart, General Gordon's Just ciations of the Samaria Want. After ' church, and desired to remain adecided KLJCCTRIC FUSE. 8ent,from Karosko, tba HwkcL aecreUry. 1 affecter' tary which Master the exercises a Kdwin Iu clerk The tKi atrtraeok). opening of this country vx nc iei. beiore ne anu uenerai uumuu bvuicu DavLs, v:x fecce and kie us a lad of about 11 years, made o.v turn.-4-. I It a. I a terrible eoucb, 11ms For Fale b Z. C. M. I. and all the principal that no relief could be given him in on AU AXES, HATCHETS the desert, their stoen. klirlil Ithout through Journey mulit later the of a act welcci to of the the ,il, Territory, Mayttth, states that a son of the Governor of opening speech ,of consequence ElXiE TOOLS, rtM'KET ailflVES StoiI trtwl A V t u'h Chk.bv I"su and promptly filled. Telcboa eoanoctton with Yard and Office. Orders tU table gavent. in it was doner 1S82, which provides that thereafter escort. He .ays and was their Berber oidy KTIIMORS aaMl bII EARN, bearUaa; Unitwaa manner. of The or the then Courts no Courts State nrograniuie TAKD Wrommt M.4kWU U. rASSEHUEB DEPOT; Office, 17 Hal. HU General Gordon had sent a message to carrfjOd; Wt. It eunaisted b Trada Hark at ItKETI liCTTKi 11 y Uw of songs, Words fall to ed States shall admit Chinese to citiii,e wvovery of my troublesome Sheikhs saying: "Meet ; . a ar SUPERIOR ta aay acker. and 111. l'RCTORAI. S MS. o.ttnuwd dlatognen grati-tlf speeches. r tf me at Khartonm If yott want peace i U After tho close ol the FftiL. express myy Mr zenship. .m t,,w CJiemu TflT ... programme ....... bai. . tf anda rt".... t .land1 am , Mardera. Tba abav. Claad. ram ba Panbaa.il want war, 1 t.n re "dr. Two, salts nod yn yon Balenbroke Brothers old, Geo. and hearty, Henry I ret recout Uio. killJa a tba wbateaala llardwara Pealar SkUY Cabtkb, of NasUvUle, Tcua, la as missionaries t from the pondept'wew Thomas,Men-'a IN ruirvfiT. Kansas. 9. AH theerl a Um henefita derlrcd from Horace rAlnnnoTnKa., La Sal Laka aad Assoc totion t -- Malad ' ' Young. dence obtained ahowa clearly that the figW ficar Tokar. ItotrL Ingham, 15, l(i, ' dioa ly VtJuly ms soma ana gave instruction. good Ward, John of murderer Ponuluglon Gicthinc. FurnisliiDg Goods, Hats, Boots, Shoes, There crwli la Broiher wife Is a tramp hired" toy mm the day A Mother's Tribal. Craap. as David of eshlent Tn the of was committed. body Jenkln, Etrb, tTfb, M the crime la Ut. enantrr lait winter bit Ilttt rtavifle heea afillcted all my lif o Trlth'Scraf-- the murdered man was found lying In men; and also, Bister Mary Ann .boy,While young Ill was witb tltree take. etonf" old, years wuuams aa presiaent oi the young li nxamf't mm u no wuhki m iro. siranga ttL. fciy system aoenwitl saturated with It. It the barn where he had been at work, . The nra.!:ngh arpcal London. re-came oat In J:.tbe,lTler.,ad Mattery with two bullet holes In his head, while I be i ladles, and their counselors, and iu laurat.. n 4 ! fajuily Fturgelrj iur the against hctlU all orer say boJj." Mr. Carter states his brave wife, who had evidently com fiL.u We Ho iMi of Com- - fact all for the great interest taken In of Avuu'a C'Hfcitav 233 l!i!a mov1t W; OppcdU Oterksd Esusa. 4om, i Itlea waa always kept la tba boasa. lid, the rising generation. Unat ho was entirely cared by the tine ox to his rescue after hearif? him tonter. ftal Iar pcnniiting an anuUI was The health of th? recjp,!. eenerally to trlr.1 In lu lesaamithan fre)ubt dosea, Area's SAaaAPARiLXA, and stae. diseoo- - shots ws lyir,;? in a msfngied Te?au baa been tusauowea oy vnecoanui Iwir 11k (nr delipht wa. breatbiiie balf t '11m he has had feet! Aif herlitissml, la a d'.Upldted tineen'3 bench., ; t , Onalog 1U Bse, eilit months tWx, STM?ak!rfpdj. ttula xUwl f ;,'..-catly W enow Uivo ol wkich cow ahed." Thghonl shot her In the vientr oo retata Of Ui9 sertulocS sfuiptotns. tor said tltat lb. tin tKl ftccroKAi, l.. V !,r-lXew Qrleans, la, seined he I Irjterest makes not It woimIot cr, that very but saved sleighing. killing good tan yow face, my uarllng's lift, IaU ianeful lnfeeUona ofTlSi llood are a spade and beat her brains out, then ttlvkl! lnfjcaslaif- - AO tLe.KCsClctiS: At present there is a great demaiy yonra, buieereiy Km orgratitaar cotitumea y Jesuits . . ma , OrnxEV.' VIM. dre" was shed tor where the to hor l are alterayoung cattle, dragged try tUa'aaeaahUed Ii4 Wast ESta StXew Vork, May 16, lta& (naruynasna m torn "Icto fhreds Lave, arrived .The. Coats are nearly aroujYery 4jf t . SVbPjew.A j PvJB. V.. clothls her found, iia.m op t . Work tm t.e exposition rrqorida ( reay. and apatWred wiu oraliis and btood. CnennV waed i bar. Ayrn. .: vean. ad ao u HAY G STCHE. C3. SD FIHST SOUTH ST. E. The excitement is" Intense. Over 600 IjM.&fSnB;la wr titHMiy toe mml '" tMsaate- tu 4vaaMf M 1 lt Jwoei ueua. foci: n?Q2i now at Uie bcece of tl.e tragt IferlsnOeBtral TPnSwri, H , Dr. J.CAyer & Do.;tbwctl, Wiss. men; are eve Kava CfalJ. aas&cS. C3oo Col e aitd fur eunuk edy others are scourifig ta it pqqntnr director announce' 'that $1,078,') A.'J.CaAKE.'r i triod. "for m hoVU. vne OI tS. icn Sold by all I)rr?fc4s; 1. Searcu asajjiiJ. urju pttrsuaut ti Lak. Crjstal, Silna Marra IS, 12., j tho hna tx:n iiberibed-threats, but It Is" certalaiXhH It Ctmkltnj rets, tn floo.OW) a year. ; for,lJu,UJu. i The :rectrfi' mnrderer la captured. Judge LTnch cji1Increa ! lraflefdfotelplrtyearafroaiBroMrUtnr tn5 cspm,btoc tfOiH tib o ut r.KArr, and alu trying many reniedM-.Coniqcltis tad inotlier-la-Iaw- .. will officiate. 4 rewtra ciu''- ii "3 CliEk 1?. of I .as eurod by the Avra' offered.vbroth-v' 'tf1sni'i. 9. finff-ns- tTfw dhata la tfse Denver waa too wicked for Inscrsoll. eces, v vAUaa?.r joAm Hot Kptlps, A,rk.t MWs S. ' .? H. April t'J. Uyhaiia, ttWetrttsraUi Ctl tr .New Hampshire claims, the,. oldest were torwer iiynn. ; fa. ers, irauk, 4ack anda fcac WIS Cad II ta jmar mTamtcs ta caH si Tiri In of AvrnV arrrr:r Mason. U f m f tae at tr praino o'clock; la any .".". eo;-home "I tw errej1 procee4ing BS I llo th v a CHKBKT n Uocamct. ; 1 pMToaAL, a StYen r4 ociaiits tU'c thlsiaornia-, wtieq E?A cremation V Lcc famed but f its ose I sboiilJ kmg mi ice ba dle. society WflOLBHAI 9 IP WIt men arriveu " u:iuwvu3uvicas"'-eun- a " In New Orleans, K.' lilt AO DUX.?,,, trow hw? UoBblea. ! Llitha tiia out r. a.iii'-ii wt'..i t' wy and WUJtaeswra, tier 14 Xemas, April 22, bxsi I'aisauo.. a&d In.tjierealia.-.-.;-a aalooa of door opened the tAiperssa.iiayea from W1HS 811 ornaiT biws tae heaviest snow HT TFiHT. U aas f 'aa''afreUna' of ilio throat o ..:.., ; Itornioi $ij&frson Cre, Jack Wyx wta shot throca tM rcJWtre rain&tes. cawn&t In which le a lew died. greatly tzistm forehes land ' "4 V' It hs been decldH to rfbc'JJ the bangt rnn CaBfornla Wlnts put Bp la Two fM'Vi 'i t' - iron Wm. llyna was shot thr bv tba as. of ATza'a CHEBfr .Pfitorai p"T-'.tX J4sibert ... ' t, rea ufi pier iAMs Ca sof Oua Drcoo Faoh. eociatln of Fort, 4 My.' - t?l3. Of C . i: i breast, prnbTbfy fat t; eliinrn. and it wlJ alwav curt wbesi tba Umm t f aM Itabia r , a ZlaUnW, ceived 6hottiirou;;4 't, Aornca rbarry, r. -i .Tte Porter blU M CisaJ?y rasaed tie not already beyond tb. eonUol of mdclu. .rJ-;a.- l comyi'-rt" ( IJaU, Crax,dr, taaktrf la all 21 tattle (5 O 9 In? a siietst tvound". i ' tke ' cciuiiu.ii'! (ore 0t( 3 IKErAKLD by f "re"t - the drjwrf t - The strike en ? Uvre t Sa ficcl tttl oi rtada to Czj t u:.-s- a rlKJ "W IHlUr aa-4 TL -L5"!.$ HasSr?, rev. if OpjmJat Ct cay i i i a tK s cf t;!,4(Be..i tne Interest oi that cotT'Kf meaaares Eiiiway is liZer-; aticrward. llobert liirrreave, a ....) XcsaA.CirJIETa-- ; OPPOSITE ;P03T, postal teicgraj a U qvUUoaa slrm to er&t la throuwSt- th breast tW toil ttc w?s 14 ssts..', C i larft c;."; and will probably die J. II. Craif. a lumberman, received a prominent of buckshot through the back ; charge his condition is precarious. The oriifiuated some weeks agoon ac- couut of Frank Flynn endeavoring to prevent IX) ran from opening a gambl ing notice. Iorau atteinnttMl to assasBinate Fivnn, failing in widen he fled to the city, but returned & few nights swi. Intense excitement prevails,&nd strong mreais made oi mooinng tlie prisoner:). Seven were arrestetl and are now In Jail S. A Doran, two Prutt brothers and three others. - t'itizeua ioidly threaten to burn the Jail and hang the prisoners. ; ditll-cul- ;Vt' ! Paier FuUer , . ypil, to-d- 0, ay 9.T-Eepo- rt3 ty ; m.,goli)sticki:Rv , : - awnta-nitta- , - . , 1 ! " . , , .... , kt-c- 5 ; ! well-kuo- H - 4 ; i 1 NM-let- r s ers ono-ItH'cr- 1 a, " . I n, The-JBttsbur- ro in-Su- six-eia- IIAYNES & SON, , , t-- j ' i Absolutely Pure. , 1 S m to-d- r. . - ; rintllnsr, Et n , Bfailnluil, " ;,. .. ow g SCOTT e sub-stitut- aM-Blartsi- nUli iusurtl-entfoo- av 4 ' C, scale ! - . - 1 i. r K lil , ds -- , -- " :' ? sub-commit- tee CLOTHING, - ft to-da- ... ' y, - , . HKMO ELIAS MOMITS,: , - , MB. TICK ARB, - 1 , Ceno-dogqui- e X. n's to-da- - News-Journ- al , i , f 3 Colr-iuan- $ HAS JtJJ MOYjZI) to-da- CONFEOtlONERS, blltersif-s-i7i7udt-v- Iaveenl, it ! At-rrAKBLp- . - to-d- OPIIOAGp. gem-rall- -S- s -- & . - 30XMS . ay , TjtoSu- ctc, " J lIec, - U-- - ,;,::t,;;,--r:DIAL- i:B WORLD-WID- E - -- ! ... sen, imum pin - - Gfeiitle . 5 YOEK.. " :'s- I OITT a , s . 10.--T- l..nl lt ' i COTT ,IJCK. 0-Nr;:- - - - (D-- 2 the - Dry TK.4DE. 1 ('M77 - - -- to-da- .',v ,f;-M- k y, :: . , CAlirETIXG, ' I v.-" to-nig- i ht r I.'-- "1 t - . 1 '.. . . t I: 1 -- '''; ., ' to-d- in-inc- av Art myw1!' Bnzar kt : to-nig- , toa, , . liTOTIOlTSi''' ? ht - . , s , " . - '- 1jandONo. 2 ;: duet and ".-- BAKER. Patent, No. rURIFIED MIDDLING TJ.OUR. - mil : . ..-'- , Paci-tica- HARDWARE. nd 0 AYER'S ; . Jherry Pectoral' . . ? HAZARD POWDER SH KEHINGTON, J011NS0N & Co.; r FM'Tafev ay in . , 1 - . f aytMl - ti-- v iie ittracun a ciuzi k ,Ux-U- tr - vy solk-.lte- tr . Words . - ; . 1, -- -- Ayer's Ssaparilliu lien's h nniEr teleo raiis. TOVfJ FOR C1I2AP20T PLACE " J oci' d . , V. a Md Eat' Ei Iw-nK- rt It; ; : - tl'-';"iu- l . 88 a'tiill.i rall-foa- 'd' ft.-- Te J, II. rilKLPS, Bonsiainciuliuiiie tnm tip; te Y'4 ' Tin; J. WOOLLACOTT, eh an GnI!I Prt-roA- I - , s ,';.' 9,-rT-tiwe ?osel tl bel-iil- pr nisu; GEN TLEMEN; TA1CE NOTICE ij 1 4 . ; e markkt aitt b d ...-cr- or , l.ti U WDI TJ nu'a IIET7, TAILOPJilG ESTABUS - Vf--iiai- w-- r-- lla,frla "v y-'-- ' CTl'i coonea-tk?3:Wth- .ui by-ftar.- - ; .1a. OmOE. |