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Show EVENING NEWS VMAf JTMUy, fiNuUyi lODl AT PRINTED Excepted, O'CLOCK. AND PUBLISHED BY THE; NEWS COMPANY. DESERET ,; i . CHAELtS PO'ROSE, EDITOE." W. I. - - - Feb. 4, SALT LAKE STAKE CONFERENCE. ti.: v'A The Conference of the Salt Lake Stake of ZIon which closed Its three days session on Sunday night was ' one of the best ever held In this city. It was well attended from the beginning Three meetings were held each day, making nine In all, and the Interest increased . till the lme. Hundreds could not obtain admission on Sunday afternoon and crowds Inside the building had to stand, j The reports rendered by the Bishops and others tfere Tery encouraging, as they Indicated a marked Improvement In the spiritual condition of the Saints. It is evident that they are alive to the fact that personal righteousness is the great object . of our faith, and that mere belief in true principles will not of lt3elf save and exalt, nor prepare any-on- d lor the iclory of the celestial Klng- "ilora. The disposition of the Bishops and Presidents of Quorums to bring forward and develop the talents of 3the youth of Israel was' made apparent In their reports, and the number; of CourLsMng Sunday Schools, Primary Associations, Mutual Improvement Societies and other organizational for the culture and guardianship of ihe young, shows that the need of training the children in the way of life Is appreciated by those who are placetf In local authority. The instructions Imparted were of a practical character, and calculated to stimulate the Saints to good works and avoidance of evil. The exhortations of President Angus M. Cannon, Especially, were powerful and tlmely,$nd . iristo be hoped that his remarks Regarding the errors and shortcoming! of some of the people will be effectual In awak.ing them to repentance andm- - THE ' ;i ' truth." a. m , Feb. 8d, 1SS. Jesus, the giver of all Singing: we enjoy." . Prayer was offered by Elder Joseph Home. Simdnpr; "Sweet is the work my God my king.' The following Wards were represented by the brethren named : The Twelfth, by Bishop Hyrum B. Clawson ; the Fourteenth, by Counselor George II. Taylor; the Eleventh, bv Bishop Alexander McBae. Bl&hop McRae also by request related many items of Interest connected with his ea'rlv experience in the Church. The Tenth Ward was represented br Bishop Adam Spclrs; the Thirteenth ward, by Counselor Nelson A. Empev, and the Ninth by Bishop Samuel A. Wooley. A statistical report of the Stake for the quart jr ending December Si, 1883, was read, showing a net increase for that term of 303 souls. Also a report of donations from the Saints of Salt Lake Stake to the Logan Temple, in response ta an invitation extended by the Logan Temple Committee, amounting to o,6M. 2 t p.m. Adjourned The Choir sang an anthem. Benediction by Elder Charles W. Penrose. Scxday, "O 10 k 2 v.-- , p. m. '; 29,-131- anti-slave- ry, Pro-Slave- ry , . 1; Anti-Slave- ry - . - , , autl-republic- an ut " - antl-"Mormo- n," - , , - . tliy . lii ; ; ofti . ob-serr- . a -- a nr II0LLA5D COMEDY CO. OtSMITUcuw, Feb. ff, 84. Wednesday, Tlu, company after a morth neeesM eaon at ue u " 7 . siZxYmr kaa Commencing rranclBC.'c5cnif TrXf ag ; . , Jose-hPoUa- ta fueyWantu, - rto of vs -- - r- etEARliyG'- SALE - V iisrr "a wn vi form. - or and Apothecary Druggist Baa ll1 hlsnfr op CLOAKS, DOLMANS, ULSTERS, km Birr a. isopubWearaeofdialivlnvitad, ,,u..l.,llnntMIIIUlM. xmonfiiraua - i 4 t , Ij . if Vjil . ,o tha moat . FOB : 1 STA'TONHRY : ZAVIUSK JHJ38J5S' and CHILDREN IN O-o- vnic. PINK DOMINOES. ,I!POE,'SAIiE A 8 1 OOSTKMPLATE KKTCBIN'O FEOM Friday Evealag, active bulnas I offer for sale mr en 1.. a.r . .a mt ITAvavilla rnn In r ttt a prist LED AST BAT. mill with two run ot btthrs (never freeies). wuu, u house, tarn ana eifeniy acres and Usual prices. Box office open Tuesday, feuoad Poles. with Cedar l'osts, Lamber oia, esiruary Coma and sea. For full particulars apply to J. ;.! uivi.u. KarsvOle, Davis IN GREAT VARIETY. dsAw Co.,rtali COL' CERT IIISTRUMEtlTAl VGUIC '& OLQENr AjrD VALENTINE BALL, WCl be fivea at tb ujii rrn nDrti wnn'Qr rrn rnnHr tha auBolces of the SALT LAJCK FIHE PKPAKTUEXT. for tha benefit of tha FIREMEN'S MUTUAL ASSOCIATION AND L1SEABT, A box for the reception of valentines win oe stauonea in tne noaae u mi and tha Valentines distributed every hour. Tha Uraod March will form on at -half past Nlne, tha full Brass Band playing- for tha March. Tha Farquette Circle wUi b reserv cd for thoaa holding BaU Ticketa. Tickets for Concert and Bali. 13.00. The Ticket 021ce w 11 be open for the sale of ticket to Circle on tne lata ana 14. tri t Circle, 60c. ; 6econa Circle, 85c. The Commlttae will havo ball tickets for sale at tha Opera House, on tha 13th and 14th The Fort Douglas Band will furniah the mniic for tha Concert and BauV usdar tha airscuon oi rroieatvr ciigier. y PBOGRAMME FOE COKCEItT: March, Major Perkins By J, Misiud Fort Doucrlaa Band. 2 Grand Selection, KljroUette By Verdi Fort Douglas Band. S Me diev. Yankee Tickle By Bytr Fort Douirlas BraM Band. Quickstep, i Happy Momenta, By PtnderviUe Firemen's Bras Band. and Waltz. KiKhtuualo. fiAudiihte y JioUin$on Firemen's Brass Band. 6 Selection, Lucia By Vonnixetti Fort Douglas Band. 7 Waltx, Sparkling Wine By JtingUber ' v.. Fort Douglas Baud. 8 Selection, Olivette ...By JBytr 1 Repalrera of OrtransJi ILL USDS OF KUSICAL IXSTRUKEJITS. woas QcaaawTfiD.' : Cooczacxat Bt. Ito Is le a oi Dusinass uerona my personal super uion, I hara this day entered into a copartnership with my two sons (D. W. and II. 0. James) and Mr. W. U. Schlutfr, who will unitedly with myself, constitute tae firm of Davia amas co. ' I am grateful for tha patrons a received In the past, and 1 command tha firm to tha aasured that in the future wa shall be public, mora able, by and attention, to command the promptitude all our old continued favors of to make and food by patrons, workmanship aa many more oew ones. I am, with respect. " AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES! ; SEBREE COMPMIY. HOUARD ITATTXO INCOUl'ORATED MY BTTST aess in Salt JL&ke and Ogden. aa well as XI tor trade in Idaho, hereafter will ba known Howibd Sebree CoxrAJrr, main office. as CLOTHING IN THE CITY, DAVID JAMES. . i ; WE ALSO OFFER THS MOST ELEGANT LINE OF KNIT GOODS AND HOSIERY At Prices to close AhOma : , it Siv will hi' o;oncd on Tlinrs-Ociobcr wills corporations and towns. Mr. Robinson presented a communij 1th, Xew. New lit -cation from J. D. Smith, collector and everything k( i anient", X e w and assessor of Millard County. Referred ts committee of claims and public ac- ! ' ft i'liotograpuic tlVxl Ihn lorn in New counts. , i , ; iiotxl of all Mr. Cummings presented petition t from members of the County Court of X!ecriptioxi. c w ideas. Rich County, In relation to delinquent w rrames, tax list. Itef erred to committee on re iiarf S n claims and public accounts. ) c ling i ions iu Mr. Thurman presented a remonItooks strance from citizens of Springvllle in Cmpy SirroEieand relation to the limits of the City CorYours poration, etc. Referred to committee for Art ' mid on municipal corporation and towns. lrices. C. T. Jfo. 6 was read the first time, j Sr-tand referred to committee on education with special instructions .V Mr Robinson presented II, F, sfo, 29. A bill 1 defining the d utles of pound to committee on keepers. , Referred ; ' ' ' agriculture. Mr.Boyden moved that thc;Territorl-a- l Auditor be requested, to furnish for the Information of the Legislative Assembly, a statement of amount of taxes iJEALEll lit received and appropriations made to public highways, bridges, etc., In each SADDLERY HARDWARF county since 1874. lOarrled. Letters of thanks from several for courtesies extended them,-werHARfiESS & LEATHER. read. Adjourned at 3 p. m. 11 MO Iir- . ' ' tk AIX ITSi BBASCHE3. :'i e H0RSE-SH0EJNG- nnd SPECIALTY. A Commercial and Olive 8ts., East of Palace Baths. W. L.PICICARD, ren-tlem- en e - SecoilSoHtl Street 30 . SIDES, WOOL & FUES. USE .VAttHHOrSE, T8IB0 CJRNFK S UTEL 81V TrllBD WBgrix OK Fire Clay, Plaster of Paris, Fire Sand, Fire Bricks. Cement Hearth and Floors. Cement Chimneys, Cement Piping, Asphalte Parement, ' Portland Cement. XonissTille Cement. Slantels, Grates, Head Stones, Monuments, Centre Pleoes, . San Pete Oolete Stone, VA now offer to the public previous to our Taking Slock and ' to zaake room for our Large" Spring Purchases t Prices to defy Competition and to Suit the Times, Z3The Goods must and trill be Slid, A :o:- - ted Xsa.lEE OITT 'TAKING INTO v Oar tmikll wmy of RsjnvnxK, b., 4. Sandy Note. To more cases of diphtheria are reported In Sandy. Day and Sunday Schools are yet closed. It sickness keeps away they will soon open. Mr; Joseph Astlll has burled hie fourth and last child. It died of Blight's disease, making four deaths in his family in 11 days. Mr. and Mrs. Astlll are nearly distracted. They have the sympathy of all. PLANING MILL, HALF-A-ELOC- -- Esvuif entire supervision of turns out Dre . LATH, Xlto. 21 8. Temple Street West, D OTP.a Box, 1083, DAVID JAMES & Co., FLOOBISU, FRAJIES, PICKETS, 1IABDWARS. KUSTIC, 4.LL UIUL3 Have In stock a large supply of Iron, Hose, and Lead pjJ?9t pumps and PK03IPTLY FILLED Contractors asd Manufacturers. fiOMSEY & .... Fittings. IHLSSTEnS. - r:;.sJ.. Lat Latimer, Ta y lor 4 Co. ... V . . DAVID JASIES & Co., Are Sole Agents for tie HaxtonHv B. Smith, and W. H. Warner Steam Heating Apparatus. v . David jjizniia m Bfk Artii f mrnr tm i Are ared to lay Water Co., 'teaUas lfal BUlUakr. pref rtpes from the water mains on notice. Wholesale Commission, 'DAVID JAMES C Co., y s-- ort . :.; wtiiis TsyrsbrD to Zemp Claanfcla isa t&u irislacxj rit. ctrasr. Katsl Dalt Z,alio " r riiilo Kail,. lrr?t i,i "?rrr.Tr it rrrrr;, rzi. Focr kiocli or oa cf j-- , Kat!Mial Eank. of U. C Xiepov . uu, ' ' Eas:tf fsr SIX MOMSS MAXXMM C-kt- Ajwtey CMsago F&aU Campmy Cat teicS t r orj- ft vrx t?i 'CAavx, r vi af4.r. m k J JKI . vrru W SJ C Dive 'C'iso; f orr i' : xt nt-c:-s. Pluabers, Eieaa' tzi Cas Uttss, tad i prepared to do riamMng aad Etaam Fitting on the very latest Improved zUm as ty Eastern cities, and x. 4 Tla.riaU, fcj siacj Ir:aWc:5r. c' Let a- 113, In - a I s; i ar t r- r -i.i : DEALES3 Df ; o Salt Lake City, 40 E. ITirsst SoutU Sitreot. wMi AmmmM if' 7ii73 Hi I -afi1 'i "f; lVf1;5."i - ' ""X'AXAf -- - ',- - - -. SuOVES! RETAIL A'.''" 't, ' """- We ' ''"-' tT mam carert ' .'r" car Jcads cf : QOOfCfi HE ATI NO STOVES 11 THET XUHUACE THE C2LERnTrn CO'" tzl.v EEIIOTTTTFrn - F!T ait niun::2n rPnT?TTTH T XA VAklUiU UKi3 cf nkmra lUUXXO. v07pr"ana Seet rs a 7 -'- y C. HEE5C1I. Elltchell, Vance & Co." Gas Fixtures, PAGE STXCl TLEA.TES2B9 TUERIS WATER MOTORS. duL. c3 r.;. J. FOR tc"cl:i tie ccr..:ied jstrtrs ct tie tLztzi ct tlU ctty tzl W.'.zlij. D Avrr j. Co tsiTaE.Lia Er&r7 IZxUbr oi Eox CS2. . ' Corapllin cntary Benefit Lor.'OEn. CEDin posts. J : P. Iron and Lead Pipe and Plumbers Supplies. AGENTS : la tst , S. Mala Steeet, Salt Lake City! JE35 r DAVID JAMES & Co., Have In stock the latest Lti is correct. . designs Gas Fixtures, Mlected personally while la the East the p winter. , iramfzZiin Ftm wrj Cotra 'siit? EfucOv. Skatfmt (XT. BontaA, Afw4aa Baa altfor stuck rely upon having their garments at prices no other Tailors Are Sole Agents for the Hartford Glass Water Closets, end keeps la stock the HeDyer, llygela, Ztnes, Jenalnp, sad White's Sanitary Closets, all oi which are first class. DAVID JAMES & Co., Half .., HEESCH & ELLERBECK, PLUHBERS, GAS & STEAM FITTERS. Latest Improved Plumbers Materials to be founl In the Cistern Markets. a at S. LeT u Tar orders and prove what we adTcrtise Keeps In stock the mhrnm il DAVID JAMES & Co., ' BTJIliDBEg, TIROH. gents for tie Otto Silent DAVTD JA3IES & Co., HASH WEIGHTS, GLASS, Eta. i Vouturo to Touoli.? .' Are Sole Agents for the Garry Iron Hoofing. - . Hearth Grates, Stoves and Mantles. . CEIXIXG, DEATHS. from residence. St. Louia papers plaaao copy. imxaT.-I- a tts Eleventh Ward. Fab- Ada, beJoved ruary S4, ls-- 4, f t cliphthersa, Cicr .sr oi v.i..-- aaa vaaa i;u:iert, 11 1 ieqiuU and 13 days. ar4 ytti, from re;Juc ct pare&U oa Funeral Tuesday, Feb. 6ih, at la o'clock. Axdmiov-T- n tb ElewitJ Wwt Salt Lake City, f ebmary S4, of vhiberia, uur of flnry Febeea An aaf Jero. aor ; Ared 7 years LuzatfeUi ' AJaeron and S Are Sole Ageuts lor ; the Jackson VentilaUng Grate, and Fire on tUe Sole T PJsvIa DAVID JAMES & Co., SIIIX442.K9, Pstidar, S. U. IXLBBBECE.' Gas Engine. HAH II, aU orders. Customers may 1st Xrmry llrstClass SZZ.X S13T0, Aj-- e . biulaeM Walnaootipgj etc. DOUBS, '....V. .. Rcshtow At residane, opposite Repr! Bow, 7th Ward, Salt Lake City, Richard Bushton, departed this life, of paralysis Peb. tin, 1S34 ; aged O years enf 6 months. Funeral services will commence at half- past is o'clock oa Wednesday, Feb. 6tb o X7 TS realize that w have aa Heduoea Prices. Voiry Tailors and Woolen Drapers, EAST OF DifPOT. K ACCO Which we shall be pleased to sell ritosf or Hearth Facings,Vestibules, lrARD DArauinEs&co., LUjNIBER Peter Clifford, a young brakeman of the Ohio Central railroad, was awakened late on Saturday night by two men, who asked him to come to the door. He went; as soon as the door was opened one of the men pnt a pistol to his breast and fired. Clifford fell back Into the arms of his wife saying, 4The Hickcys have killed me," and died In a few minutes. He was much esteemed among his neighbors and only recently married. The Hlckeys, who bear a hard name, were arrested, four in number, l.iclud-ln- e Joe Reddy,brother-m-la- w of Richard Hlckeys. Last night a mob of several hundred men surrounded the Jail, took Richard Uickey and Reddy to a grove near by, where Hlckey was hung, refusing to confess or deny. Reddy was also strung up, but the rope broke and be protested: his innocence and begged so plteously that the crowd spared him for trial. . . ,. M. I. IMMBIsTSB STOC , - C H. S. ELDREDGE, SUPT. Z. Maw A Go's. English Eacaostlo, Printed IU . S.ua-X- 1 Manofactnrar aad Dealer in 4 a A MA LQ CIST. ELIAS MORRIS; Contractor &Biier, Uinton'i O V aeatn in Oblo. The wife and little daughter of Morgan Martin, a farmer four miles from here, were burned In their dwelling on Saturday. It Is supposed the wife's clothing caught fire and thus fired the building. A aaasslnated. J. . ALT Av BLOCK, HCHTHISC. ASfotber itod Daughter Burned t Mwdtwra tyehtd. Deatbabx Fire, Ciscisn atti, 6., 4. Galllopolis, O. : VEI) TO LATEST BY Mmm Dead InghJa Assassins fiboet ' Own Doorway One of (bo ' 1 . -- V , AME.BlOAy.' tret4 saeeessfuUy, All at CHEAPEST BATES, at old 'Stand, loT rvatut a wa. ana DUmuei of the Feet Corn cods. HAS It ., and Notions, "We , "anataasa-- : wEsxxjm vmov . ' ' Repairing in Wagons & Machinery. ! BY TELEGRAPH. 7 BLACKSMITHING i i se si. StaDle and Fanov DrvJ Goods. Trimminea w sJ JOHN MALQUIST. l3' ! Stock; which, together our usual Large and well Selected Stock of 's out-Season- with . , ! TTK CONSEQUENCE OF THE XXCBXASE 43-Tick- ; Time to Secure Bargains NOTICE OF den, Utah, Shoshone and Caldwell, Idaho. ' P. 8. Tha undersigned conUnuan tn man age the business, no change having; bean except to consolidate for tha purpose for Sale at the Firemen's Hall made, carrying on the well established Bain and of Committee. Doors open at 7. con of and Agricultural Implement trade HOUSE.. 'T at Eight oxlock, prompt. Wagon cert to commence more vigorously man it nas ever beea done ' before. 2. p. m Feb. 4th, 1881 Howard Sabree Company starts out with Several members reported absent. ui ui igmu anacnes ana tne. orurnt pros Mr. Crcer presented a communica pect for a Uf trade in 19s. NEW MOVE! Thanking friends and natrons far nast fa tion from citizens of Springvllle In revors and hoping to merit a continuance for i u pleased nvw kffuiPUT, lation to the erasure of names to a ids nssaounca HOWABD SEBREE petition presented some time since. Ii:iI my Referred to committee on municipal i AM ii ii no. PLUSH, CLOTH, RHADAME and STOICKINGETTE, SILK, 1 Biter, tendering the President and Council, during the session a compli mentary excursion to such locality as they might elect, to visit on their various lines, offering to set apart a special train for the purpose. Received Council adjourned to 2 p.m. . CIRCULARS AND JACKETS' a- '... v played Thursday s ...... i OUR AMERICAN C0USI1 Holland Mr. ry rnndrary..i A.M by him over tww unw, V.-'-- r- terriC H f 1 TJ A. Xj jSl. 21T 25T r n.inrnint i.. store. "SITrrTSrSr a Mpwwu theaa as andiarglvui- Lord -4 :, ... .;. .' ; tO. A communication was read from Superintendents E. Dickinson, W. B. Doddridge, John Sharp and W. W. rd oe-CiU- i. r to-o- baryrtfchi i i v lul and elaborate stage maaagemeat. WEDNTSSDAY EVK5IXO. FEB. c , ar.jt errirv Montana, Idaho s Wt-iu?- - celebrated h i AnnlV DIPHTHEni-- HOLLAUDi MR QEORGE ansa cu.3i-,v- 7" . la? con-fusi- on w' ur STAN SIGHTS ana ; . - TflSAm LIKE , M. - 1SS4. 2 p.m. Minutes of and approved. read session previous Mr. Heyborne presented two petitions,.,., One. from Joseph II,JWrlght praying that the county seat of Junction City In Piute Co., might be changed to Bashoram, In same county. They together with another from H. J. Morrill were referred, "without reading, to the committee on counties. Mr. Tattle presented a petition, enclosing a bill of costs for collection of taxes, etc., from Geo. T. Billings of Sanpete County., Received and re ferred to the committee on claims, etc A communication . from , the House was read enclosing H. F. No. 26, a bill for an act making an appropriation for the University of Deseret, a resolution relating to the school law, also notifying the Council of their in the resolution relating to clerical aid. Mr. Barton introduced a bill, Ci F No. 14, relating to chattel mortgages Read the nrst time and referred to the i committee on Judiciary. Mr. II. J.Richards presented a bill, C. V. No, 15, to repeal chapter 15 of the laws of 1862, relating to debtors Passed its first reading and referred to the committee on Judiciary. II. F..No. 26, a bill making an appro prlatlon of $28,011.88, for the University of Deseret, came up on its nrst reading Passed and referred to the committee on appropriations, .. The Clerk read the resolution from the House to the effect that the school law, as it may be amended, be printed with the reports of the Territorial Su perintendent of Schools and the Chan cellor and Board of Regents .of the University of Deseret. Concurred In. Mr. Taylor moved that the Council do not concur in the action in refer ence to clerical aid on the revision of los the laws of Utah. The motion was ' ona el vision. Mr. Grover. moved that the Council do concur with the decision of the House, referring to clerical .aid at the rate of fifty cents an honr. After slight lamendment the motion was agreed in-s- . Monday, Feb. 4th, 'Council met at -- . '; s V ; ' ! MULKS FOB SALE; 6LSm;L i Yard... special- rjnt'Jncht wa. rmn cocxen.. 1 , ? r SALT : LEGISLATURE. The choir sang: "Oh say what Is Benediction by Elder Bobert Campbell. compelled to resign. That report is nowbefore Springer'a committee, and all the writhing of Murray and all bis that the Mormons are trying to plaints 'crush him,' cannot destroy its force. Coincident with this comes another yjhich may or may not be true. story, atIt will be remembered thatMorray'sissutitude as a moralist prevented his Utah ing a certificate to Cannon, the who had receivDelegate to Congress, issued ed all the votes. He it instead to Campbell, who had been run by a few Gentiles, and had but a dozen or so of votes. It Is now directly charged that it was not altogether a moral sentiment that inspired this action, but that Campbell obtained the certificate as reward for having bought largely stock of the mining of the company la which - Murray was Take it all In all, Interested. Mr. Murray had better let the Mormons alone and attend to gathering up the drazgled shreds of his damaged reputation. Charges that he is the victim of Mormon hate, and that political enemies of his in Kentucky nave conspired with the Saints to crush him, will have but little weight against that the Dereport and evidence on file in partment of Justice. It will be remembered that White of Kentucky said the other day in the House that if Murray had his dues he would be wearing striped clothes in the penitentiary. That is pretty harsh language to use of such an active reformer as Murray, but it shows that Mr. White Is thoroughly In earnest, and at least thinks he knows what he Is talking about. Governor Murray avers that he can refute the of charges. Pending the presentation bis evidence and the unal report of the committee, he is entitled to a suspension of Judgment. His present mistake lias in attributing his uncomfortable position to the machinations of the Singing: "O'er the gloomy hills of darkness." Praver was offered bv Elder Wm. A. McMaster. Slndnr: "O Lord of hostswenow invoke " The sacrameut was administered by Mormons. the Priesthood of the Kisrhth Ward. The Authorities of the Stake were presented and unanimously sustained. Apostle Albert Carrington had been WEXDEXL PHILLIPS. much interested In the reports made by the Bishops and Presidents, ana Axothxb strong American character was pleased ana ttianKiui tnat tney was not surprishas gone from the platform oqmortall-t- y. were so favorable. Itwere some who to him that there The wires Inform us that Wen- ing were inainerent ana smiui. me prodell Phillips breathed his last at six phets had foretold that even at the o'clock on Saturday evening. Hf was time of the coming of the Son of God not be found faithful, hence a man of great personal courage and all wouldsome no might not be lalttilul though an was of the orator He persistency. one should permit tnis to sa&Ke dis first rank, and ninny a time and oft has faith In the ultimate triumph of this moved the multitudes by his fervent work, but all should be careful for themselves to live worthy of the promiseloquence while dwelling on the theme ed blessings. Though all were children remark of God, yet strange to say, the great upon which he brouf ht all his of majority cnose evu rattier man gooa. able powers to.bear the abolition In the days of Noah, which was given 'V ' - " ' slavery. an example of the last days, but Ills literary ability, was also used for as eight were found who would listen to the furtherance of his pet object the the word of the Lord. Though In our campared iberatlon of the colored men of the day we were butora handful tne v ona uoa wun the people South. SO strong was his advocacy of with one man was a majority over which all the subject and so unremitting his ef the efforts of the wicked could not pre it was a matter oi surprise to forts, that he probably did more than vail, him that the children of men after any other single man toward precipi- tiod had revealed the glorious Gospel V1;' f rprovement; tating the war of the Rebellion. r.gnt ana tne autnonty to administer The effect of outside pressure He w&a born at Boston, Massachu the ordinances cud blessinzs thereof man should Instead of bailinz' it always been beneficial upon setts, kov. graduated from that loy choose darkness ratner than ' ias Its gin Harvard College in 1831, from Cam with the Latter - day Saints. lizht. and even oppose, those who iludace now Is marked. Union, bridge law school in 1833, and was ad choose the light, and morn so that eve l those who had rec Lived tne n jat faith, lively interest in the thing of mitted to the Suffolk County bar In amontr suouiu so lanorget tucir poaiuuu the kingdom, and desire for individual the following year. He Identified him some as to turn their hearts away from the rectitude and perfection are exhibited self with the small band of abolition truth. This was explained in the la a pleasing degree, and we trust that ists. In Boston In 1837, and not only scrlpturcs; they love darknes rather than light because their deeds were evil. this progress will continue when the took a forward part In agitating Elders who went forth in humilpresent storm shall have subsided;. As but also woman's rights re The of home ity, sacrificing the comforts Apostle Carrington showed, prosperity forms, temperance, and the ameliora- and friends, without nurse or serin to teach the principles of light Instead of has been the most dangerous condition tion of the criminal law. gladly received were rejected with for the people of God in every age.; In Among Mr. Phillips' published pro being scorn ana contempt oy- - me peopje adversity or when troubles threaten, ductions are: "The Constitution i generally. The Savior himself came as t'aev cllnz close to the Lord.but weilth. people and was also Compact," IStt; "Can a ransom for the ease and the absence of hostility teem Abolitionists vote or take ofllce under despltefully used, lie should think the world would learn from their own t j render them comparatively care- the United States Constitution?" 1845 feelings of hatred and anser towards .: ; . less. "Reviews ; of 8pooners Constitutional an Innocent and unoffending people their disposition to meddle with .We are glad to know that thefcn Ity of Slavery," Daniel Webster's and other people's affairs, and their failure Speech and of "Kos provement exhibited in the condition Fifth of March1847-5in all their efforts In this direction that of the Salt Lake Stake is to be seen suth's Curse" Speeches, 1852 they were wrong and In the dark Yet 3Iove while they would acknowledge that in also In the other Stakes of Zlon, and "Defense of the every respect we were the best that the prospects are bright for Israel ment," 1853, republished la London almost had seen, they would people When the Lord Is with us, what mat- - besides quite ' a number of later pro scheme they for and consent to our des' truction. There were but two choices ters who may' be against us? And He ductions. . With the advance of years and Its for the children of men, that of good ., will be near to His people when they or and God had decreed that draw near to Him by faith and purity of consequent decay of physical and all evil, should have their agency to heart afid life. He will fight our bat mental powers, Mr. Phillips became choose one or the other, to befvallant lukewarm, according to our own detles, and no weapon that Is formed somewhat querulous, captious and or or capacities. The Gospel was a sires these sour, against us can prosper. peculiarities tending some of liberty, comprising all that was what to impair his Influence, as the law good and infinitely superior to all the public is ntft generally very conside- good contained in the plans Instituted man, and all the good they had they TIIE SILLY PLEA FOB GOVEK-- U rate or charitable even to the most by were indebted to God though they JiOB MURRAY. k gifted and naturally philanthropic of would not give Him for, the glory. The the sons of men. . v v could only power that produce happi- Tas San Francisco Chronicle echoes But few men have made a stronger ness emanated from God. All the govthe silly cry, started here by tb4 clique or higher mark upon the pages ernments of men combined could not of which puts Governor Murray forward American history than Wendell Phil-Hp- s. produce it. The Spirit of God could not be deceived ana could not deceive. as its tool and mouth-piec- e, that the He ranks among the great spir- It was strange that men of intelligence his into while acknowledging the superiority Congressional Investigation its who have figured in our Republic. of this people, and yet saying that they alleged crookedness fwhlle Marshal of come from the dregs of European Kentucky has been Instigated by the could not see that there was countries, "Mormons," and puts It In this .way: a power they could not account for . W STAKE CONFERENCE. about them. They had their agency "Governor Murray Is the real, author and he would not compel them to Saturday, 2 p.m., Feb. 2d, 1884. of tiic plan for governing Utah and know this, and on the other hand wo an our "Come by Singing: appointHoly Ghost, suppressing polygamists had our agency, and though evil might " hearts In of the council ed inspire legislative placeMorabound, we need not partake of it unwas offered Wm. an elected legislature, which the Patriarch by Prayer less we elected to dd wrong. He mon vote always elects and the polyga-luis- ts Draper. would not stamp out evil from : to "All this redeemour For control. Siuglng they praise always the earth, but would teach the j , hate him with an intensity which is on- ing Lord.' and old and then f were Wards and The bred of ollowing ly representreligious ed superstition Joung chooserighteousness, If men for themselves. the brethren namdd: by bigotry." were how could their faith be not tried ' The Pleasant Green Ward bv Bishop cultivated.. The powers of darkness This is news. Or rather It weuld be the 21st Ward by only prevail so far as we yielded if it was true. Governor Murray is LehlNjJlardmanj L. N. Allen; the 20th could Bishop to evil. He dreaded the U ourselves t 7t the real author of the legislative Ward oy Bishop John Sharp ; the 19th as tend-in- x of ecests lous Ward by Bishop James Watson; the weau us' fromproperiiy of God to commission scheme.! He Is not the 17th Ward the ways by Bishop John Tingey, and much more than adversity. But we "real author ' of anything that we the 16th Ward by Bishop Frederick must be proved nd tried lu all things, know of, nor of anything Vpe have Kesler. in the day of choo and in order President Angus M. Cannon said lng we may bethat on the Lord's side b:ard of except the doings In Kentucky there found 6ome brethren who were we must strive to live by every word which are now being investigated by a acting were as Bishop's Counselors who that proceeds from the mouth of God. committee of the United Stated House never seemed to nave any time to aid M. Cannon urged President of i Beprcsentatives. The legislative the Bishops m their duties, and if the the people to Angus of themselves avail not did attend to them they political privileges. In view oftheir Bishop the commission plan was invented;and ad were In He the growth of the Stake it was necessary rejoiced neglected. had been vocated and debated long before Ell H. testimonies that given of the to organize three new wards. He urged - Marrayjsas thought of for governor the the necessity of calling the young to improved spirit and condition of ofwas people, It important that the in the Lesser Priethood, that oi Utah. The dislike oi the "Mor- ficers of the various wards, quorums, positions be exercised in those they might mons" to his administration is societies and associations atshould and be prepared callings not simply because of his advocacy tend these meetings that they might the higher Priesthood, instead for of of that and nnstates- -. receive the instructions given and re- waiting until they wanted to get marthe of condition their port men were respective Where ried. not man like measure, calculated to do charges. It was worthy of important that at- receiving the blesvlngs of the Lord's the towards of be should tention nothing suppression paid to the proper house and wanted to get married. of the young, exercising those polygamy but simply to work Into the training should marry them and then were called to positions in the Bishops to teach them to make themhands of certain played-ostrive politicians, who In the assemblies of the selves the blessings of eterworthy ofshould but on account 'of his disregard of Priesthood Saints. Jesus . though tempted and nity. so teach their Parents both act and word truth and Justice la persecuted, soucht not to do hts own children that they would not yield to will but the will of the Father, and evil, and not seek to thrust them into as the Executive of this Territory.' could we expect to receive a celesfor which they were unpreAnd the "Mormons" care very little how tial glory if we did not do the will positions about the Governorship, anyway. It of God. The Savior refused to exer- pared. Adjourned until 7 p. m. amounts to but a trifle. The office is a cise His power to satisfy a natural and The choir song an anthem. Benedicsome yet professing tion by Elder John Pack. mere sinecure except for a few weeks proper to be theappetite, sons of God and aspiring to a every two years. And .lt affects the glory in the presence of God will deal 7 p. m. "Mormons" not at all except during out strong drink to their brrthren and How are thy servants Singing were others to slaves strong drink. blest?' that brief period. If the Governor but The leading authorities of the Church was offered by President Jos. performs his duty under the law, the had determined to observe the laws of E.Prayer Taylor. "Mormons" have no quarrel with him, God and follow the dictates of the Singing: "Though deepening trials Spirit, and It was expected that whoever he may be. The present in- Holy of- - the Priesthood and Saints in throng your way." all The Eighth Ward was represented cumbent is as Innocent of originating turn would follow their example. He by Bishop Elijah P. Sheets, who spoke or "Mormon" under the sun, in anything rejoiced listening to the testimonies the Importance of providing emas any official who of the Saints when uttered under the of for our brethren and sisters ever lived simply to draw a salary. Inspiration of the- Spirit of God, and ployment are cratherinir who here for the purpose uo without man was fit to of building up Zion. spirithim The Seventh What he has said has been as an echo, teach. Itthat see men to Justlpained Ward was represented by Bishop Willwhat he has done has been as a tool, themselves and condemn fy their iam Thorn; the Sixth by Bishop Wm. But supposing the "Mormons" have brctnren instead ot remembering their H . Hlckenlooper; the Fifth by Bishop own charitable and weaknesses, being Richard Brimley ; the Fourth by Bishop instigated the present 'congressional and forgiving to their fellows as they Harrison Snerrv: the Third bv Bishon Inquiry into the doings of a government expected God to be charitable to them. Jacob Weiler; the Second Counselor on Is absurd Its Those who or ewhich facsold odder liquor indulged in James Leach and the Firstby by Bishop 1 ron e drink would be 6 God. rejected of Warburton. why should that be offered la extenuanames would be blotted from Joseph Elder James u. Hart said he had fortion of tlie" alleged crlmes,and' as an andtiieir the midst of the people of God. t been a member of the High argument against the Investigation? ' Adjourned till 10 a.m. February 3rd." merly Council of this Stake. There was now Singing i "All hail the glorious day." but one member of that body with Is not this childish plea a potent arBenediction by l'atriarch William J. whom he had associated. He was now gument against ltselft The Kw York Smithy and had been for twenty years a resiBBWW)iMJ-World says----dent of Bear Lake Stake. The Saints m. . p. of that vicinity had grown from a The general impression of Nxd Reto a comparatively things 'of thee small number publican organs is thai. thougU Gover- areSinging:- "Glorious wealthy and numerous people, and nor Murray, of Utah, may have been spoken.'," were strlvlc? to keep the comthe prayer was osered by Elder Enoch they guilty of malfeasance while dingKenmandments of God, improving as a omce of United bUtes Marshal in a. iripp. Sine! be has condoned if U by the . In whole, in every good word and work. tucky, The facilities for making a living la beautiful manner la which h 'ha Per- 71nn Jgv "Jesus, mighty Klng The following Elders anorums were that regrlon were 'excellent, abounding secuted the Mormon Saints.".; all the necessaries of life, though the representeds respectively by the breth- la ineral ren That 1 the idea. It (s a climate was cold. In consequence of named The Second Quorum by President their unity, they enjoyed a political one, is it not? The Governor! Is quite James E. ilalln, the Fourth Quorum by power that was not wielded bv tones an admirers-l- a sounding sentences rejoiced la the Winters, ths Fiita larger counties. weHehave of what he calls "consUtntiosll moral- Counselor Thomas of the power testimonies that President W. Jas. the Quorum by Ure, ity." Is this a specimen of the article Sixth Quorum by President Francis of God as (manifested in our deliveras oSered for "Mormon" imitation by Cope, tne tleventa Quorum by Presi-de- n ance from the efforts oi our enemies wm. P. Alec, the Fourteenth aralnst ns. Republican regenerators? Tfia Cnlca-g- o Quorum lilder C. W. Penrose bad been lnter-es- tt by President Caas. A. Harper, ifcro&f has a pretty clear understandin and encouraged by the reports The Twclith Quorum by President John . , ; A. Egbert.-Elahcps, There were, however, ing o! the situation and thus presents 1 Eitr.leenth TTtri ras rcprcfifint-d- - many thicsiin whica we Eisht ia it la a rcctat editorial. by Luhop Orson F. Waitney, who prove.Ue ursred upon parents the necesof Utah, Is now "Mr. Murray, also spoka of teaching their children to walk nee of of Mormon ne.,rposing as " victim In the wavs of the Lord.and unless Bat order oiImport tae Cauxch aad sity tieupontn It is dLClcult to see wnt the .Mormons frieauiood and respecting every man In they did this they would be held achave to do with Mr. Murray's unpleas- Li j place, eventhocsa some might be countable for the sins of their children. ant predicament.' The foundation of youag and lnexperieaced. Any other Though there were many who were do-lmnst necessarily tend to better than formerly, there was thit was laid long belore Mr. Murray course acd tLcord. He testified that stul ranch room for labor and csaisr! raids tha acquaintance of the sinful era, iltr-shthat,al this woriTfotUd prevail 'said that the In this direction. If the children cosiii taints. The facts simpin Stt-of tie wicked would only be reared in the fear cf God then wnen Murray was United ; r Be. opposition of Kentucky. Joh- - D. would all the bleslnai that bad beea v3tr s"yrOTr'. fro ir4Ie a- -' The dwinut Ward "was represented promised concerning Zioa be i uliiled. la Consss rreentatlv charge , -. oct ere nee aajourned Murray's '.by Lisnop accuse.? to the Mstl i r- - - .iens A r us ? : t r on t ali that lKinrin?: "Praise sdmialatrat .oi. , ii? BEk:eLctlon bv President Daniel H. ci It t to of exacu: ; $jt:i.. I'rienhood cn-diking Isisa vouchers, of crawlr? t ct in positions in the W. W. Tayxcb, Clerk of Eiihe. fcu 1 it was cot pro-- f cnearncd Eileara cf .w;a-sT- : & i er f for- - positions 13 of caciirr ccc i.'css, arrests fcr tte fee i " jioc l.; ; Jt:-i'tiraiellciU not purpose of i r. wf Justice tortkp; sest Georfra take ml.:o himself Use honor of being TeS Newson benefit will come oil at Depart.-- : caUed of to but waited until he was the 15th Ward Musii'IIall oa WednesGod, investigate K. Ciiae, special azent, to called. tne cnarres, who reported: that tatj In were ; cji tae Jc. j.rr; I unUI 13 ja.c,' on Saaday, day evening. ?'IIIIy" wiU appear Lis fivorite specialties. ; " 1 3,i:a.r.2Ia!a I;:i3 EJ tojzzjt tt to Wui2 CZTZT tin Erer.-Cd- l city, tzl Izzzhi .,t thm czr'- Lugs on and tlxL s 7 |