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Show - ' jj- - r, Hi,,.jsi ------ as well ask a bigoted Catholic to give very Buoallpotato indeed here. What particulars for a fair Insight "into the ahas he done? Any man can get on top and tend Froancles of the principles of a barrel and shout, down with Mormonlsm. and that Is all the Governor of Utah has done. EVENING NEWS it roui O'OLOCI. I PRINTED AND PUBLISHED .' THE BY DESERET NEWS COMPANY. CHARLES W. POROSE, EDITOR. 1 1SSA. "MORMOXISM," IR12IGATIOX AT THE DISTRICT SCHOOLS. ' - Thx Christian Union of January lOthj has two articles touching on the aob- , Ject of "MormonUm." The first admits that "lejal prohibitions, enforced aomtimes bvtne military and sometimes DTta mob" bare been tried "ever since M ormonlsm was a mere speck," and that they have failed while It has constantly grown. A different treatment Is suggested, and It is declared that: , was not disturbed amtthe train reach ed Umatilla, the Junction with the main line, on time. The company, however, still expect the line to be tampered with on some of the "high trestles or curves, and every train will be run slowly under full control, f -- CABLE CAR SYSTEM. THURSDAY'S SUICIDE. It is curious to note the character of the causes which operate upon the minds of people who commit suicide nd apparently influence them in the commission of so terrible an act. The mind must be in an abnormal condition to Wln with and in that state impressed with some circumstance or condition which is brooded over until the mental depression becomes so great that life appears to the unfortunate being utterly unbearable. v , ' In this connection we have been Informed of some interesting circumstance associated with the late Thomas Morris, which explains the reason why he rashly took bis own life, , The deceased lived in a little house on a strip of land in which Brother Brigham Young- - had kindly given him a Ufa possessory interest. lie had worked in earlier times as gardener for Brother Young and the latter, from pure benevolence, took a lively and practical interest In his welfare. As has been stated he sustained himself and wife by peddling bottled horseradish. He purchased a large quantity of the root last season from a Bountiful farmer, the value of the supply being about 5120, the entire amount of his working capital. His store of material, which was in good condition when and was alreceived, became heated " most a total loss. 'T.'Ti This incident weighed upon a mind already weakened by the natural operations of time, until he reached a condition of chronic despondency, causing the poor old man to frequently give vent to his feelings In tears, Efforts were made to encourage him, and the Teachers of the Church visited him and took care that he did not want for the necessaries of llfe.but alii that his mind was apparently capable of grasping for months was the fact of his loss. . The case is one into which the pathe tic largely enters. Although the weight of misery which led the old gentleman to take his own life was apparently trivial, the effect on him was as heavy as if the fate of a would had been In volved in it. Our city is fat becoming a metropo litan centre. We .have here at present, a party of gentlemen Jrom New York Cfy branch ot the cable car system. This investigating street railroading has been brought to a very successful standard In Chicago, and that is the reason the Gothamites came to learn of us. They adopted our public patrol system a 6hqrt time ago. This has revolutionized all police routine duty. instead of dragging a drunken brute through the streets, followed by a gaping crowd, he is now whisked off as tea o can travel. fast as a first-cla- BY TELEGRAPH ran westers cniox teleoraph link. AX. A M 12 , ItlO ; EteatrmeUve ; , MATTERS. We have had so many Area recently and seme' under such suspicious cir cumstances that the fire marshal has Issued an order calling attention to legislation on tho matter. The number of bankruptcies seems to be on the in crease, though there is nothing like a panic apparent' we are likely to have an Improvement in this city, which will be not alone an embellishment but a very useful structure. The railroad companies have offered $300,000 for a plot of land on the lake front for depot purposes. It is to be nopea tney wiu succeed in getting lt,as they propose to put up a depot that will be tne first of its kind on this side of the Atlantic. The aldermen talk of the Exposition building, pulling down because of nouae', rcut This would be a shame,complications. and it is an act that would not be at all relished by the citizens. This building has become soldentUled. with fat stock shows. concerts, political conventions,, fairs ana exniDitions, tnat its commercial is a large importance alone to the consideration. We are city also having some new ideas promulgated on the license question, and it Is likely we will have a lively year all around in . . e4 EaplalBi Ou in ( Captain Wriest t T ; : EiplMtMlM. BosTOsr, 19. An explosion, probably ... of gas, last night in Nos. 1&7 and 159 Hanover Street, completely demolished the building, blowing- - out the front and sending the root across the street. Wm. Conly, 6f East Boston, and A H. Blake, of Chelsea, passing at the time, were badly hurt. The windows of almost every building on both aides of Hanover Street for a distance of two squares were broken, but nobody .was, killed. Loss probably 413,000. ' of the Ylettms. HaVerhiix, Mass., lS.yThe Rev. C A. Hand, lost on the City of Columbus. was rector of .Trinity Church here, and had Just started on a vacation with his wife and daughter. His father and mother also perished. ' .1 - , 8n - a a flne Hpirn ttm t - rASatni . , . bar M koM - XciH- Ilepairers v- JSESFainJTTON, VEAIi & POEK, imi snir A j i IV flSDS CF . . . AJTD Foa 8t. ft A TtTTlfi tt r of the Ettaisox .v, T T1 CUSICAL-ISSTF.UKEE- OcHHEHCtAt ;' OIRCULARSfAND "JACKETS, VC1IIC & OLSEW, U of" Oreraasa, I '. .,.., '. CLOAKS, DOLMANS, ULSTERS; a T., $S and SVUT3 ulia. TSrpUaacSfi . - . XI. weil selected stock of a Keeps -- i k: ' an jt CHIJtiDIlEX HISSES UnrACfl "rSSr" th h.t.Coart.en or arier of February, i utt est ana ..aaad, At tba UIM OI htotess Irfdoer for aaJd Pre irawi a Dim and Apotftccart, Druggist In (bof'M l1h naw Rm otned ha plaoe on tna corn-- of Seoi am BiMb ibe p'b!toarordial . ontnt-tv1 .r n. a "- Presort trfiriua -- t SILIC u' rwl ' : inviio.;. r W i i r 8 i' IXHADAlNiE CLOTH, PLUSH, and STOICKmGETTE, oii-Jil- 5aire-iiitii?- :.- , 'i U. tr - FOREIGN. Cf GSSAT YAEIETT. BOVm ST, WEST. TtBMT ataLl nouns. smiiiS Dinners from U to I p.m., tScta. ' Other afeala from - SSo. to THE UARHET AFTOEDS. " irk . v OYSTEI13 COOKED ASTY ' WAY . LIKES THK3I. , TOU Cooked Meats sold by the pound. Laacot "!jt up to order for Tourlats. D. J. QSiriTrilS, Proprietor, fl - it X SOota.--BE3- - Ito ls Seoifl Bargains Time to flifl , if .'. If,' '." :Ii 'U L ! Mr ... i ' . T body-snatch- er . - 3 TEX 33 viry .3; MARKET. MEAT WC3TCRN zl, mttMiax Kama by the week or awnta. j , SALE , IKE CITY "The power of the hierarchy must be i ns liw or Vfcu i broken; that requires law, directed, w addition to Uat ef nf ?h. to A not but however, t hi. death, against polygamy, . - j 0iec-. -i or pai against the despotic power which the Ana to mu m polygamous hierarchy exercises oyer Its subjects, chiefly by controlling the V j j ....lxri mm fnllOW. tO Wlti system of Irrigation, on which their food depends." The remedies proposed are breaking Si7o aSYiorunnm theaee Wt twenty Captain Wright Iusss. . earner of saia op j the hierarchy, by destroying the vrr7iBt A dispatch from Wood's Shoals power to control irrigation, and the states that Captain Wright has become dissipation of Ignorance by planting a Insane. The Tug 8torm King violently school-hous- e In every village. If this and revenue cutter Dexter, are storm- lWd1 oi mafle'at any Is done, the Union thinks, "polygamy notice afj bound; the former at Wood's Shoals, pnbUlooo?thU the tot the latter at New Bedford. A driving lforethtt nuktng- ot the sale. AU Udi --or can be left to take care of Itself." snow storm prevails, and the weather rltinaaud left .t the ret What a pity It Is that writers tor the . is very thick, f Chicago. wirtStreet, or delivered to the uudewixnad Christian Union and other papers, re- BODY SNATCiriNO DENOUNCE U. P a not and ISaUd alt Lake City. January iSth. 1884. secular, do llgloas spend lit Even the bones of ' the dead are not tle time In obtaining information on JOSFH BUIJ, aISV rest LATEST TBASATLASTIC vile in to The V peace. permitted JOBH VVHiiKY, ' the subject of "Mormonlsm." If they invade the hands of the PATCHES. ute of Horace the ef have not taste for this they ought not dtd sanctity of the rrave. and the remains 151 WAK one so which of THE were loved the lucuKTPTt fondly to write about It. Most of their and tenderly and tearfully lowered into brations are predicated upon grave NOTICK. ' EgypUaa MtMdM t tne suent ciay, are rutmessiy resur- Deeper mistakes. As a natural consequence F rected. It is conceded on all sides that In the Probate Court of Salt Lais County, we have among us the meanest specithey spend their time and fill up valuaAerritory 01 utaw. men of humanity to be found y srmm Fere, on BSret Cat OS ble space with, articles that do no good, t.& aHIi. flnmrA fanalililf anf Vl Mid Of medical Wade a this the Utm in of IIM planet, shape ot jkuzaoein oimui, rnKuu bhuw but only help to mislead the public, al' wno followed luu tat Blveev . tne remains oi stuaent, and Eouna f earl Smith. Minora. his sweetheart to the- grave, and the ready In' gross error on the question at same use OeaeMkl resurected her for Mw night body , 0rdeiBest Arranrenaeats Katie af Guardian SaU 0 itaof Etiats mi . Issue. on the dissecting table. Though the tm For the Information of the Union, we nn0,t State law amply provides for the supPoaafblew IS HEREBY OITEW, THAT XTOTICK will state that there is not a village In ply of subjects to the schools of medi I ' nn tin ran nr. A ot an ordr of tha Pro. A are somehow its KluurtMHrn. t and that CrltteaU cine, without yet Utah provisions CSchoolhouee, CadlUa Cat Court of tha County ot Salt Lako, Tar- defeated. It is an easy matter to trace of L tan, maae on tne twoniy-nra- i the schools are regulated by secular uy troo The of the Cairo.W. rilory ds position is only a and the cause of this. It A. D., 188S, in Uie mttwof of December, most at Khartoum is "Mormon" the not and law Church, Europeans, by 01 few months since an awful cry critical. ana &uaooui Estate the Their retreat U cutoff by smith. Priscilla uaaraianantp was raised about the dispute of the Smith and Emma Pearl W must also repeat the statement hold bolh sides of the Smith, minora, the nnderslxned. the xuardl who Arabs, and editorials dead. pauper Speeches that the Church has no control what 01 Araos are' aiso an of .aald minors will selfat private sale to denounced the - heartless disposition river. Bands ever over the system of Irrigation In ior casn. ana owtc vo OUR CHICAGO LETTER. Berbers The rha hiirheat niaaersaid made of the unfriended and unmourn- - closing' in- isaround Probate Court, on or confirmation by "Who shall cry .help u, general this Territory. The Church does not The undertaker ed county pauper. of February .ISSt, after Tuesday the fifth day mnx we are SPECIAL TOriCS INTKLLIOENTLT Anercoeia aeseneu." captureu, was in deceased with un charged own the land or the' water. Title to trading an tne firm, uu, iann ' hours march from uaaim three within OCR REOULAR Smith and iTHSaTKD with PrUcUla and the BY, Elizabeth said Smith, cheating humanity, A In brousrht U imIham Moussa. Sheikh a the soli is vested In the Individual who 0m sfAMia recently mm atvtweniw aan Vaa a dhun AUiuvi aMUIU cry is raised, grave. Now a different X CORRESPONDENT. nan 01 nts tnoe wnicn naa joinea and owners thereof as In other parts of the to all that certain lot, piece or parcol of and one paper, says : "In the case of in - ills tribe men nave gone to ana w smui im the rebels. netngtltaate, tying deceased criminals and paupers, who the rescue and a - Chicago, Jan. 12, 1884. country, and rights to the use of water of salt jam ana Tim tory of of the garri- land, Connty City, portion a in the have been upon charge public man aut, la bloc for irrigation are held In a similar has gone out to support them. Utah, and being part ot tot (o) ATTACKS ON MORMOXI8M. Lake City life, and whose bodies after death are son "A" Saltas touowa: Osman Dirna, a chief of the rebels. (75) aaventy. five, Plataascrtoaa ner. It Is all regulated by law and not Editor Dtserti not in for is the ' claimed it interment, . Ntvos: Survey, particularly a to communication sent refusing CommancloK one rod aat from the North interest of society that the cadavers by any hierarchy or ecclesiastical ' As it moved toward the end of the should be turned over to the medical negotiate with the. Egyptians. He oc- weat corner of aaid lot and running thence power. a on Slnkal the position East two roaa.tnence sou La ten roaa,nnc week, and not having noticed a single colleges : it is the only recompense cupies miles from Weat two roda, thance North ten rod to the Breaking up the hierarchy would not reference to Utah in any of the local which tne outcasts can make for the route, . tweny-seve- n ;.s ;. place of beginning, containing, twaaty The affect irrigation. 'despotic papers, nor having heard a word spoken wrong or burden they have inflicted Suaklra. roaa.- rostrum" or pulplt touching the upon society in life. and. even from ot Wsn. QatoiC for 3,060,000. 'gqu&ra Failure Tilda or oifera mv be made at abt time af power" which we hear so. much about from quarter, I beean to think that one sentimental point of view, the remains th first publicaUon, and before the said is a myth. The organization of the same New Yore. 19 Wm. n. Oulon. of ter week would pass over .without hearing of such, can with more propriety be fifth day of February, lSi. &. Gulon.has of firm Williams the late Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y or reacting auyimug aoout Mormon turned over to the colleges than to the made an All bids or "o tiara mnat be In writing and assignment. for the benentof dalirerad tofhe nnderahrned at her raal Saints is remarkable, compact and lam. lms morning the illusion was grave as food for worms." Jcnids Individual creditors-deace. i N. Wet Temule Street. Salt LU dispelled, when I glanced over an accomplete. But it is not a despotism count The Arm of Williams & Gulon was of Culiom's Senator at thunder with the liberty Washington, and further on the acvesterclav dissolved in consequence of Dated January 13tb, 18Si. Itof does not Interfere WESTERN FLOATS. the embarrassment of Wm. II. Gulon; i k , SC3AN E. SMITH, any person either within or count of the arrivalof Governor MurGulou's liabilities are rumored to be Guardian of ,rtho penons and eatatea-o- f without Its limits. . It does not control ray at Salt Lake City. And as if the ARRAXOEMEVT3 wre effected on the $2,000,000.-- i t Kiizaoetii smitn, lTucuia Bronn ana willed it to render the dispelling their Individual property. Its presiding fates d 43 Sw Kmma Pearl Smith. 11th, between the Oregon Railway and The Waa Case CJMd. of my illusion entirely complete, to ' ofilcers are "chosen by the body," and use a pleonasm, a friend of mine placed Navigation Company and the Oregon of The 19. prosecution sustained In their position by the vote, in my band a local weekly- which con- Construction Company (private con thePittsburo, Nutt base included rebuttal testi a tained remarkable from production mornlnsr. of members and this and the the defense faith fellowship tractors), by which work will be con mony, pen of some Irate Hibernian of tlnued not offer any carlnto of the Church of both sexes. The the in to on branch the Baker City Cottonwood. Under other circumthe case closed, strength and unity of the Church are stances, -- this las( production would terseetthe Oregon Short Line. Con evidence, r: .A' AND Cieneral Clorden. evoke not maintained by any species of force, scarcely more than a passing nection will be made by the end of and coupled gammer; Private advices show that glance, - but 19. It fs offlclaflv an- Alexandria. but by the powerful influence of an with present associations it made that the Khedive has not the active and spirit which me xeei reauy serious. It appears matters (have been sd arranged, in New 1 nounced Gen siiKhtest Intention of commented, hu- York that there will be no interruption eral Gordon goes to resigning. guides into aU truth and inspires the the Salt Lake Herald Khartoum with on a Mr. Bran who morously perhaps, whole body. to .:" power make the best arrange aisirancaisea nunseu in la the prosecution of. the work upon full voiunuaruy raent possible for settlement of the ' ' The imagined ignorance and absence New , York city. As to Mr. Ryan's folly part of the Oreggn railroad systems or affairs 'ii In the Soudan. '"f of schools in Utah are misconceptions or wisaom we nave nomine to do. Its cognate enterprises. The Oregon ' ' Chln Siitcldea. The people understand .much more even if he committed suicide, physical Construction .Company has done all wen as pomicai. xiui tne uoiton-woo- d the Id. Mail advices are re Loncfoh, ux than they are credited with. They arc 11ns the beyond Pendle grading is even more to effect that several Chi the celved not as a rule from the hlghlyeducated foolish.correspondent .was on last which work The letter he writes ton, stopped nese bankers have committed suicide, ' ' be "t common : are sense with but the hundreds week. ; . might compared classes, t they , owing to the unsettled political situa written .twentr vears aero hla folk gathered fromthe Industrial classes own tion and deplorable state of financial own and his And religion people. of the world, and are able to give good If Romanism The California orange ' crop of the affairs in Canton, v . were substituted for reasons for the faith that Is In them. Mormonlsm, his letter would present a present year is about below i Trops trta Cna-tag litera- the average, and as a natnral conse And they are governed, so far as the fine specimen of LoKDOJf.l 19. A dispatch from Po: The clergymen of his church How states that Chinese troops from Church Is concerned, by their own will ture. were treated just the same as the Mor- quence the prices will be high, the more Canton landed there with stores and and consent. Their children have am- mon Elders are now; the. practices of so as a species of corner In the fruit - The torpedoes-.were his reason a exists. for Several the fanaticism and religion good styled partial anas ior a gunooat.English ple opportunities for acquiring nun the ; and monks, common education. . None of them superstition were all classed as lecherous failure of tho crop are advanced, the t Heavy Saattm, have any valid excuse for remaining clergy carnallsts, and the convents were put most plausible being that this was an off Atchenese de The IIaoux, as not bed ot prostitution, free- - year, last year's crop having been an mand suo.ooo 19. The away from school. The schools are aown for the release ot ' gulden love and was viclousness. aswas It general also unusually heavy one. It ta 01 tne crew 01 the steamer Nissro mainly supported by, taxation, and in the State of that thU Kentucky that the weather was cold at the where tuition fees are required, the feeling raged wildest and most deter- serted IMPORTED BY US froii EUBOPE. time the fruit was forming, which also amount is small and means are. provide mined. Senator Cullom is a native of Ken- contributed in a measure to reduce the ed in the various Wards tor the tuition and at the time of the religious SQPPiy- - The lime crop of California is S BaRkes In the 11th Ward of this city, at of children whose parents'are'ioo poor tucky, a.m., Saturday, January 19tnt 1834,' ot old hatred above mentioned, he must nave to pay for it. been a young man impressionable and also short, and the fruit I3 of inferior age, tucatje m Barnes, aged 77 year. ' The Idea that "polygamy can take plastic. This goes to shqw that his quality. The' lemon crop Is considered Funeral 9 n.day, Jauuary 30th, at li ASS A Y ; care of Itself," Is a sensible one.' Ra antipathy taMormonlsm li not the re fair and the quality of the frutt up to am. Trleda Invited- - ; MATERIALS. suit of pure conviction as to its sinfulit.-- the average. - " tlonal people are beginning to see ness, nor of calm deliberation as to t the of Ia NlathWard QitLETT. this city, t ; that It is no problem" at all. That falsity. His feeling Is the result of from inembranona On the evening of the 15th, Joseph January 118th, 183. teaching and training.! He wa. it is a matter which does not concern early eronp. tiraavule, aon of Oranyule and Fan in will and educated he Monof Butte strife, AH our natrons may rely oa bninjr religtoOs Rich, pawnbroker, City, the nation half as much as they thought continue in wis to tne end oi tne ny ouiett, aged 4 year and 10 months. chap left his treated with tourtaay aad;uberaUty. to went and his premises tana, Is "Mormon" did. at setvicea That society ronerai raaideoce of partsts it were tbe aame tei. If tnecrvto-da- v .Teat deal better than society where as 25 years ago, he would be found on supper, neftt door, as usual. Upon at II a. m. (Saaday), Friends of i;eutc re his return he , found the door opened the tamuyare Jnvltad., certain Puritans are clamoring tor the tne destroying swe. anom ivT-- . me one without the use of hla key, and going ot sldent told iunctu, a of system marriage suppression for the ailliu of one of hU going in he discovered that that time, some party which then do not' understand. And race, a tine of nve dollars would be but If the fined person would or parties' had' paid his room a visit SAIT Iti'iE , THEATRE. GODBE CO. that it really has no proper bearing imposed, of some noxious animal during hla absence. . In the show case bring the headthe upon politics, bnt is a matter.. of pure- that infested State, the fine wcfuld he had left a tray containing fourteen 417 ly domestic concern, affecting only be remitted. If . It were not for . S3, the democratic party at the time, gold watches, valued at $2,000. One ot Wednesday, those who are engaged in its practice. "AT KianT crciocK, .. freedom oi religion In the the watches alone would bring 1 150 in This being the ease, the suggestions the ! United States was sealedforeyer. And any market. A closer examination of the Christian Union about a different It- is significant .now .that Senator treatment of the "Mormon" question Brown, of Georgia, an ardent demo- showed that he burglars had also crat, is the first toof raise his voice for taken $30 in silver, which was stacked amount to nothing at all. ' - - ' the preservation personal Mhts and in one corner of the case, and two gold cenltltutloual r WU1 deUver her equity. There is not a chains, a large number of silver y, ia existence, that The second article, la the Union is religion watch gold watches, rings, in CElVEBIlATED cannot chain, it DSAiaa in objectionable LECTUIIE devoted to tha consideration of a let- something be pointed out by, some party or fac- pistols, etc. No clue. SVTTtXBD deIs even all some in this tion. religion vigorter from person city Aye, SADDLERY HARDWARE, ; and by a strong follow scribed as "a well Informed correspon- ously aaeailed, At Victoria B. C., on the 11th, in v w That writer states that while tag too. the House branch of the Legislature a HARNESS & LEATHER. i dent." ; or ob"ac FRooassarvx forces the schools here are under the reguladebate was had on a bill to spirited MOMSM." tion of "a board of trustees regularly exclude Chinese from the coal mines. my person who understands the The leader ot the opposition warmly chosen," "the bishop. Is thfi real manof the American continent 50 ceat3 25 cents. to ager of school matters in every case ;" andidltlon the advantages to humanity and supported the proposition. Th, Pro- Adisissioa Mormon and Book "The also that pf. modern civilization that would arise vincial Secretary retorted that the last Paired Scata, ,ceats.' the Book of Doctrine and Covenants from a proper colonization of It, wm speaker employed Chinese In clearing the fact that Mormonlsm is reveladeplore a town-sit- e he owns. The leader of (the latter containing Smith's handicapped in lt.usef ulness this way. the MIm raithfoU ha delivered this eloonent tions including the one on polygamy) The 351 .V. SecbiI S&l aaid the statement was future outgrowth of that religion opposition tho thrlrtlaaa extrafafraace . agaiatt hold an honored place la the curricu- will naturally move southward, ana in a disgraceful , falsehood and he could protect anaiua oi tne oar at tno nrinciDa I'ni. time wouM extend into the high and would say something about the ana ; la m," etc. .;' , dne iosophictu ana JLItorarr Inatitutiona in Eagr- r ..n America. Jsoutn of ceatraiana ana navityr naa as luaat unv If the correspondent is well Informed, A be and culture of that reli Provincial Secretary that would make ma ua i aerert occaa-onoa Bcouaoa, tba bnknv of. OXALESIU . he or she is not fit to' write for a gion discipline nu-or hbaruodrv. are admirably adapted for fitting him wince. The leader of the opposik, u..tn ofe a tbath k. Q., Mj4 Mayor London, Xjoii aye, even the sav- tion declining to submit hla charges, Frovoata religious paper, for the remarks of Eiiiuuurxh and Ulaaow, the HIDES, YTOOL & FUES. Take a the Provincial which we have quoted are false afts, forof tht-oan of was a said he the of Che iter. 4anchater, Secretary even people, of ctiariea iiike. si. Iff every , particular. We are.amUlar colory and many other the humblest ranks, and they will slanderous coward, whom he would no bur eminent praona. with the school law and its workings organize a better municipality than longer address as an honorable gentleHIOB WaRROCBE, THIRD tUTa ST. in this Territory, and also . with the a colony taken from the higher educa- man. ' The scene caused much excite. : ' i tional establishments of the east. The . CvCStR Or TrllHO WKST. NOTICS. LCQAL we have and the of Church, operations remedy for IMormonisra is, give ment. no hesitation in saying that the school proper Uia Probata Conrt Ia within them and T7ZTJ eyXPtT for tha taema&tate Government,- give Connty of Salt Lake and Territory trustees In the several school districts, the whole American Continent from News from Hosewell, Jfew Mexico, . 4 11 .,, Utah. of to and before Lake City Patagona hold and exercise their office as the aSalt Betor the jBoa. EUaa Smith, Judge. the American brings information of the killing of law directs, independent of any other can ride in his Pullman car fromtourist New four Mexicans at Seven Rivers, Lincoln In ta Mffr qf tht EitaU Jokn Van Cott authority. And we do not know of a York City to the most Southern point county. The murdered men are American Continent. This re- district school in the Territory there . of the can Flues and Slstl Gullerrus, of TTOHN. OA T"30TT, EXECUTOR OT THE never become an oligarchy llgion Ajn Is certainly not one In this city where m Teaumeatof John Van m tne isct tsat au its oraces are re- Las Esteritos, Teodoro Alibani, of La tf .Ln used-a141 Ilia I Anrt a textare oseetd, preaantod the books named o and Its elect Ive.and priest-hopresentative , and Juan Lermo, of Corpus tor auinoriiT biM nai i so exteiisive and so admirably or- Cuesta, books, or enter into the course of Info tfie '4 rr.vKi ieoiiar:i! mixPLiANINQ adobe Texas. Chris tl, all . the Theyjrere that in usa are v books ganized la iaw mjH tiuui van vu'-t- , ttc.ea, to pay people zasJy struction given.-- The some way parule in it. ers, and were engaged by ranchmen exlstifiir oaLU araiaat tut tte aad tii similar to those adopted via the t ' and of aatUiu; tn etai X liyiiij tnlhe Lower Pecos Valley. The dtiOta TKE TREATMEST. EAST C? CZ7QT. FROPjUl havlnr :evnaud naid anl tli e Court schools of the virions States, and the Seven on to were their Rivers men U way tt Court t" i"ifrei lh tnat interestiiisr tf no be. will to the It doubt, Union correspondent has,' study ' auj ta aaauera la aaid th question will take in Waah-- to buy provisions, and were et,npon ei ).. b' ft tiara tefrii oa jtionday tua oeen imposed uponTSy ome person as course -a who of kTu . r ton. gang by "Bustiers," i.h opened A. nehitis f of ., U hardly UA.U possible day o'dock sty, as the reckless of th$ truth present ti--t any Ixau: ?ent man can admit in fire with revolvers, kiLUrig the parties a. n., mt I - Court ilou'a ia Salt Lake f Ctah, fuitl that ail Executive of the Territory, who has h!fc?art ttest t ?e course to be pursued mentioned, five others escaping by ran- -. Connty t . i Tarruory aVAal.r:V ; trf aaid in Jost'Jiable.' 1 polygamy la a sin or ptw apiar had the hardihood to assert something li a i conrt fc( aed I, t were the "Rustlers' Uta fcrso p!ac fur Among ning. Jurtspru-cjoce.tcriiUi a with ail meetlt wcuae, r( a I lutiw tu-- , if fcuy tier b uocicirca. very similar in hU message to. the Legsame as any oth,er erlme.Chl-car- o Eiry Wilson and Tom Pickett,, mem- Vik&iri r f ati i on t,u.; J noi Uyi i" islature. The statement ltat "sectahundreds of undetect- bers "of the former. "Billy the KM" nerr-aUJhas ty c4 l x U.tt ; CEiixra. puijJisa. 4iiUie-- l c ed th!eves, aad who thinks of framing ia ten aoc. .tasr Xttvn rian tenets are taught in&! the tilstrtct of u b U ajjt ii. ?C1 Ue put,. to harass the whole community on Eung. Jf o arrests have, been madelas esiva iia t tita , -rhools" la an abaoltsle ' f uvw t, vwa i. re 10 ukl iik unt. Tb case reminds me of a yet. t The dead Mexicans were buried tiy,ut y iT!ni",; Wfivn e&u nwonnn- -r U It is not unlikely L" I !w e yd on the ahootlne of by friends. The motive of the kUI'ijx MLAKDWABtaV 4 ' C . l cf is the puoi .' Cty and tm teuni ECT1C, ; formed corresponder or:. One rpeaker asserted was pure cowboy deviltry. 13j Crs'ti no drawn and t clue Unionl? l, i S, A 12:h day cf Jabb. tit found to Lis mnrderer. ary, A. , K the same foul fount. .i I t : Li. a i remeJtfS, he on tho ITH. Kear Pendleton; Oregon, early Jnds f Probate. c uaCed by our inexatj; cae in particular, sad that u.-i- . -was to. T doiea Irishmen morning of the 12th, the military drove TSX.STT02T Vt rrtl, ULn occasionally Tt8 Chrk-'teALL CXLL3 VZZZZ i !"3 1. 1 that CoUi.jT tf ? vlcir'ty of ttt the mob from the reservation, on wUcis tibits a desire to treat tice 13 bill Senator' "inrdr. is C C Callta' about were" C. asi 1, John f t Probata trespassing, marr omeiul "3r after the ir &n aer cf 1.4 em they la a fiir and temperate Conoiy ot iutLce, La Started down the track towards Unaa- - Cnwt in r ) ! " ; et esnaan cf sch'xii-- tf bating so-- tUIa...-Tl(, j LsrT ct 70 ttcrtlore regret that its ;y tLt ringleaders .bcidly declared t fT " it i 11 t" a mes two i, true jry. . ; cne r lit:!: forced 1? rtUiloa '; : :, -C.-v.3 rr . the ?r a t 2 w- WOmc ', 1 1' n,;. ii.s wfcole that the r;eit trt!a Iacu u ia lb tl'.ccca'onc I ythearticle are based vould be mi t ted toVecIi I "J. Ths It ,.4ulty tat' cor' tot a ApiMuu-nd ISauamXjaetwrew. c til o ttirn ji, n la my Conti is i prweie wich l"alii witn ajyr. riedOem.- - Tl- -. i 1 ' ! therefore-!;:j T 'l'Ive f" que: '"ja,t,eai really ci.JilaaL t . ' ;omxaendtIotJ tre Toa rus coxs. :;;xr " " " r 'tn-- ": DT.AL.J "item be.I,w,:iontl.tf rreet lalorthrowarw-- v ia not such an Govr-- .r 1 .ie tr.ia . f . A. Hp. lei to Irr.. question, man that there shouli im oa the ,';..omoo" t- - . v,a n -tp.a., QAbte so e ncr? f 'r?tyro r a .a ji.'v. - ' lT3rxfcS STATIONIiRY s tfAantraUylK,rrsl-eaaii-omt ror t. to tue rrooaw ?T t ftto irmine ' TSlJffiTnOPOLITAN. 3 ...... XT -- LEGAL NOTICE. LATEST BT LIGHTS ISO. ss MISCELLANEOUS """" to-d- ay - - i . " - 4 -- SEBREE COMPANY. H QIVAR D WE ALSO OPFEB THS MOST ELEGANT LOS OP TTAVTNO INCORPORATED MT BTT3I. neas in Salt Lake and Oxden. ai well as will be ksowa nty trade In Idaho, hereafter aa Howard Sebres Com past, main omoe, Salt Laka City, Utah ; branch honaea at Utah. Sbeahone and Caldwall, Idaho. P. 8. The undersigned continnoa to man age the bnalness, no change having been made, except to conaolldate for the purpose of carrying en the well established Bam Wagon and Agricultural Implement, trade more vigorously than it has ever been done , .s. before. Howard Sebree Oompany atarts out wits all the former attaches and the bright proe-pefor a big trade in 188. ; for past fa Thanking friends and patrons vors and hoping to merit a continuance for ths new Company. HOWARD SEBREE. it , 11 CLOTHING IN Of-de- n, CITY; f.if AT GBEATZ X RED TJCED JPRICES I ct - 1 i -- o- . - KNIT GOODS AND HOSIERY . m . I m r j At Prices to close, out Season's SWck; which, together witH our r stial Largo and - well r Selected Stock q! i - " . TEflSD EL'$ --i- ' 'I,: ' -- -- tal 1EDICIIES. - - We now offer to the - public previous to our Taking Stock, and to maKe room ior our juarge opring. aruxcuamja BOOTS, A feamine at Call and i - . PURE WINES . : to-d- ay , t LIQUORS. one-thi- rd know-nothin- vice-Cons- ul English and French Crucibles, . - and MILLINQ . ;PITTS - Jan, '84, MOTAL . ' IlissEiiilyFailffl -: to-da- I 6 W.L.PICKARD, . 1DDEI10 -- n as it hmo run . id ALTA BLOCtC, - Stot a . semi-barbaro- us, nt. - -- . , ( OATag - - LUMBER YAJXD es U4 s ar Mnx, iitt nMtt HALF-A-EiCC- pe-t,u-- n, 1 " 1- X S he to-d.- eti ; X -- it ' - !.- . - JtJ :s': 1 1 , t.-- U-- ' " , i-- tr;rcd - rt - -- n l -- sroed i- I t- .1 dtK-eiui- .1 ' 1 . 1- &3 sj.--ii'tc"-- i- i . t W -1 -v wry . IH 5 ' ' i: - - Ct, t.- if ; .r - ( ' ' '' H ' - y ( a ' 1 j , J " a' CEESCH. , ELIAS MORRIS, . HEESCH & ELLERBECK. Contractor & BuililiBr, PLU3IBEBS, GAS & STEAM4FITTERS, j ' - alannfactarer and Dealer in Cemeut Chimneys, "7; Cement Piping, Asphalte Pavement, Portland, Cement, : ... lAuiaTlilc Cement, Slantels, Grates, Head Stones, Monuments, Centre Pieces, San Pete Ooiete Stone, . Iron and - DSALEBS Cf V - Fire Clay, Plaster of Paris, Fire Sand, Firebricks, Cement Hearths and Floors, i and Pltymbers Supjptles. aostts tow Mitchell, Vance' & a Co. Gas Fixtures, PAOE STEAH HHlTECil, TUEIIKS WATER MOTORS. . Zend- JPlpe - 1 V ; t.l .. : ; , nilnton'a dt Ms A Go's.' Kaglteh ' EnoaaatlOjFiinted and Plain rilea,for Hearth Facings, Veatibulfe, ' - io. Waiasootiog X3to. 21 Sm sr.Temple Street West. o. usa. xr. Bos, da ScUt IJctlce 41s ; JMS&Co., CrXTlrist Sou tli Street. City, i jm; s 2sr sj s a? o ok: i Our small war ot bbalj ' 'i.w-' v . SZltl3 O23T0, - ' w realise Wnloa we eha that we bare an j' ' be plMe4 to'aeJl at j. TToxy XLocluLooca. tXxio bia!,1 . - O. 2&Ttm Ct 01I AIT3 01T TtClaa "T7xixr i. to Touoli. " Iveusyojor(Uraat.rovewBatwea4rerUaeUcrrect TaHws au4 Woeiea ax oie Agents for the Otto Slleat uaa jLngine. , t , .DAVTO Jlato Street. S2i S. FT AMES &...... Co., . rper; Sat Lak j o 1tsr. a-:Ej:isr- soie Agents for. the Jackson ventilating Orate, and Fire on the ueartn urates. Stoves and Mantles. DAVID JAMES & Co., j '4. Havt&c eattre anpervUloa ot all ordera. Coktvaaera marVelr npom having Ihmr ganaesta tm Eveagr rwrUeeOar, at pricaa no otaer TUr tame4 out ; Are f i r. 0. Bx City. .. Are ooie Agents for the Garry Iron . UWlUig. DAVID JAMES & Co., Have In stock a large of Iron, uose, and Lead Pine,supply Pumps and . . - Fittings. DAVID JAMES & Co., Are Bole Agents for the ilaxtou II. B. Smith,' and W. U. Warner Steam n : ft f n a n MM ii j Heating Apparatus. DAVID JAMES & Co.,: Are Sole Agent for the Hartford Oasa Water Closets, and keeps in stock -Zanea, Jetjatoga, nd White's rgelh. lyer JJ I Sanitary Closets, ail ol "Vr, . 'i ff ',!"'. ! ; Si.) '" which are first class. DAVID JAMES &Co. Keeps) in stockthe Latest Improved Plasters' Materials to be fount la the Eastern lUrkets. - ; DAVID eJAMES e Co., Have la stock the latest des!-- ia to Gaalxtore. selected persocally while U the East the past winter, y DAVID eTAMES -- a C6.f '' ;. I v" f..!j . v. - ... .. s Are prepared to lav Water Ph?ifrom the Water mains on short notice. ' DAV11 JAME3 f n '.' - Have .' : ' z - i .T Co.. . , v Titst9 large force of Steam and Gaa Titters .ni Plarers, is prepared, to do Hambln and Steanr r.ttlr ca the very lite;: Lrfrorcd PiaiJ as adopted by Eastern citiea.'a4 soUclta the continued patronage ot dt2cc cf this city asd nVzltj, tie ( nVnMln COOKS H E AT I h! S TftVjr e j - 1 BAV1TI.;JAME3A Cb.t? Hite KHKACE THIS 'CiirBlCATKr. ?i ' Have la stock a iarse assortmejit cf r.-- i . CTlEIIOWHEDELrPORTOM.-COOKS- , tad tti tT0 rziTrtA to da a'l k.Ia Ja of Tin, Copper an! Bneet C-- I:: 2, Ii IronTTorjiu-'- EJove Fiir2itiire pr'J.nri 1 -- ' II. S. ELDREDGE, SUPT. Z. Cj M.J. '' 8. M. ETJMTBBECC 'k. , ;( if 1 sr irruid .1 tS-TI- ie TEA-SDEL'- half-a-centu- ry, Mel-qulad- - ') t Prices to defy Competition and to. Snip the V Times. ' Goods must and will be Sitd. ' ? 'j v.. '.':,-;.;...'-- I ( " ) .'I . $1.25 TO $3.00. i - ' $3.00 T0 S6.Q0. ! Staple and Fancy- Dry Goods,Trimm and Notions, v v I to-d- ay ever-prese- nt abd-- to $2.50 CALF, DRUGS - aur-r?bnt- HErj'S BOOTS. KIP. t-:. 1... a Pti.. :l'tj: i0Q. to d..- uxri - v" .mIh fe, cur iStiL: |