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Show TELKGRAPH UY i: cV Criaiah fata. Fabis, lemp says: If the Tonquln credits already asked for' should prove to bei insufadent the be prepared tovote Chambers would " more. This, afternoon, while Prime Minister Ferry was In the Senate chamber, a man IS years of age, went to the Minister of Public instruction and asked to see Ferry, and was informed by the secretary that Ferry: was absent; The stranger left, but returned ten minutes later, forced hie way Into the leception room, noldieg In his hand a revolver,o which he kept pointed as If ready fire. The ttilctel Ee'zi him. and after a struzgle overpowered him. While being hell he ebouted,"Vit " social! Vive la li listubliyue 'lfae tevolver jVtas fully loaded, and 30 carthdges were found on his person, He gave his name as Currieu; was born at Uaguena in Alsace, and was a baker by trade. Currleu stated that the murder of at a Ferry had been agreed - uponLAW meeting of a secret lasociety at ', aud he came to Par to eoute the mandate of the society, lie regist-te- d he had not been successful, and said when libeiated he would make another attempt, which i would be successful. Ferry did not hear of , . 16 WHO IS UNACQUAINTED WITH THE CEOCRAPHY C? THIS COUNTRY, fcfcfc BI fcAAlttlNINQ THI3 IHAP, TKAT-THI j Will Kallread Beperla. TORPID LIOWELS, DISORDERED LIVER, New Ycek, 16.. At noon on Sun all clocks on, the line of the day MALARIA. M: and sources arise Railroad Fromtbeae between Pennsylvania race. These ofttae diseases ofthe human New York and Washington, and existences Indicate their symptoma of Appetite, Bowels costive, , Kevr York and Pittsburg, wiJl be Kick Ilesdaehe, fnllnens after eat-in- g, cbHDgfd to conform to the new aversion to exertion Of body or Btandard time. Eastern standard ot food, Irritabil" Eructation mind, ..iWI7y of" Xtovr spirits, A feeling i time will bo adopted at that hour ity temper, dMty,Ili- - for rurjiilnq; all trains east t f l'lita-buroffaavlng neglected tsome the IIcort,l)oU and Krie, and under the cenzlnM,F lotterlng before the yes, lilKbly colored tral standard time all trains will 1 demand and CONSTIPATION, Vrliie, .. i the use of a remedy that acts directly on ' run west of Pitieburg. j the Liver. AsalivermediclneTCTT'S All toads tbe leatJinpr throughout have no eqnaL Their action oa the new time the Kidneys and Skin is also prompt; the country will adopt all impurities through these f aa proviled by the - re tut railroad removing tlireo of tle digestion, yten, o invention; also, many cities. sound producingcaraigera appetite, B eton.l8 Tfee Bop ember stateand a viga skin clear etools, regular orous body. XUXT'S PI1.U8 cause no ment ol the Union PacifcComiacy nausea or griping nor Interfere wita aliows pross earning of the month, ; daily work ana are a perfect $$,S91,07G, a decreve from the cor-ru- n TO MALARIA, ANTIDOTE. fcold every wliereu8. Offloe44 MurrvSt.N V. pen ling month laat ynr of f E x pen aea fl 535,183, an increase of $274,596. San In earnings, J DYE $,458,838; decrease, $450,815. The or Whiskers changed GkatIIaih toaGl-OSSBlack by asingior decrease In earnings is due primarily of this Dte. Sold by to the extension cf the Chtcego, application sent by express on receipt of $1 Burlington AQalncj ; also to the deYork. New Murrnv Ptreot, Oflloe, crease in Cok ra Jo tusine. g, t The or October show a gnoes earnicp decrease $50,003. tf According to Um Oivftt OantnU Llw, attordi to trmrr, by reasoa of Its 'uartval gocjrsphlca. BtBff the earning BANK OF figurep, LOHDOrl UTAH, approximate poattloa", tb tbortMt and bwt rout twtwMn tho East, NcrlacM 'sad Southeast, and lb r thow Noremb first in for wee, the fTtat, KortkwMt and Bontbwest. moru of than Inoreaae an $7,000 It k Ht ally and strictly true, that Ita connect Iocj ats ill ofih principal lines of rod 22 GREAT WIKCHESTER ST., LORDOfl,- over the aamo week'last year. :5 bMffra tba Atlaatto and tb PadOo. ..AXO.. 'Joinnala.Boner Midge , phioagclS. La Falle, I By Its mata En and twaoobas It rwtobM Obteajrs, Jelled rfora, Otta-cry received notice of the with- ly Viah. Lake Salt City, Baewo. Moan and Book Island, In mino!; Darenrtyt, JfascatljjBi Washington, Keokuk, Milwaukee of tbe drawal Chicago, knozTflle, Oskaloosa, Falrfleid, Des Moines, West Llbertfi' IOwa;Gitri At!anth3, Aroca, Autboriaed CapluV.. from wia & . St. Paul the Iowa Trunk Oj. . . Cameron In Treuton, Iowa; Gsjjatin. Audoboo. Earlan, Outhrf Center and Council Bluffs, , S41.S7S. Ltine Association. ine ooiy expia "Xl te bunde& iubsoribed 'and Kaoas City, In Missouri, and Lemveoworth and AtchiMn la,Xaj"i offered Is they are not satis oa nation three-fonrtn- s g . ; 17(3,-23- , 9. TUTT'S HAIR Druie-glsts.o- Chicago, Rock Island & PAcmo RW Cone-mum!- i the aCair until 6 o'clock. OHUDS' BOOTS, Ifsrldaa Street, "! liidianapoiis, '.I - 'limited. . IO(L: - XJ-c.IXE- ilia lS Eatabllshed for the special treat men! of Nose, Car, Throat and LuiiX WssafiC3' Also, :tll Deformities of the Body, such1 as Spinal Curvature, . Hip Disease, Crooked Legs, Weak Anktes, Club Feet, Ulcers, Tumors and Tolypus. Also, all Medical and .Surgical DlBeases or FIT FOR THE j Women. ; "''': if ; 1 '; -- I: '! f . Dr. Van HnmmeTl, Physician aud Burgecn of this In firmary has an ofllce at S.-- hour . -- Ito-da- a Iro-lan-d, '''' D AUD South of ValleyHouBe, on Wen Temple, Salt Lake, and at tho urgen request of his many parents lift decided to temaln during the Fi .V : months.'' h Van Hammell's succees j Dr. these diseases stands unrivaled, am be openly defies the medical profession to produce a physician or Institution that will equal him In show Ing as great a proportion of genuine v living cures. He has successfully treated mcri oases of these diseases than any SOIL p ...: , Solomon, Bros. & d -- .JV,'f. i Gold. ''!'l. -- , 1EY MWIi a .:',..'.;, -r- ...... o, ':;!" 1.; lirniTJurii i UI'HOL-8TBBK- CLIMATE ..;4 : , s GREAT ROCK ISLAND .ROUTE, :, -- ; P,-Inc!-p . - mm SHOES MISSES' : j : ; CHILDS' SHOPs MEN'S: BOOTS! ;who to' shoot Currleu, sought j Ferry, has been examined by a doctor and pronounced a lunatic. A member of , the Chamber cf Deputies states that Admiral Cour-bet'- s pesition in Tonquln is critical, and Admiral Peyron, Minister of Marine, proposes to defend him by blockading Canton; but this would involve tending a formal notification of cities, rUtea-e- and towns Intermediate. The gkarefaolders liahle tat amount nooallwl fied with the arrangements.' Out- - to the maritime lowers, and there-- : SJm payable hi CDgtend, rot!and or thla action will precipitate fore a declaration of war against sidera i!' - a rate eay sold at low ratos of sxehanga. and that inside of sixty China, a measure from which the other physician in the world. war, allowed on Csrtinoatsa of Deposit, IiiUreet a to Incident oomforts Is days things will te lively between Chamber shrinks. As It familiarly called, oirers to trarelers ail the adranU.ees ard, Ills cures are gc;vt tercel nil payable en demand. i dvanees made and approved E0ta dtp Chicago and Uoonoil Ululij. : General Items, moot track, safe bridges, Union Depots M all eonneotliif pojutjs I'ast Jiprwg Trains, over tbo United States, ns bis teimted at lew sates of la teres WP.Lt. HBAFD, Cincinnati, 10. Ni oflloUl action eenposedof COMM0DI0tT3, WELL VKNTILATSD, 16 JourThe Vienna, will feliow. projected been (estiuional4 taken here baa M IIOUTX)N CENT S I FI MOST E. ?: AUSTIN, by municipal a line of the and M.KOANT DAT OOACB or iDomnaercial aathoritita with ref- ney of the Crown Prince begins to h&s been in ..-" Dr. Van Hummell CHAIR CARS erer bu.'V PULLMAN'S lit? erence to conforming in buslnesa to ciuee uneasiness here- - It Is not for Salt Like but One month. To and FstACKBLBEPINO CAES, and DINING CARS,.that afe a? prs a j&ow to' toat Spanish quarrel led the new railroad standard of time, gotten, IN TUtt t,ii?STBr,and In which TJ. S, DEPOSITOHT. propieto be the FINEST RUM UPON ANT HO AD SBYtNTY-Fwar , ia j of 197 it his the J. how skill It feared that h&a professional highly teen CENT3 EACH. and bo far as expression ) superior meals are serTed to travelers at the low rate of Alfonso not hold ha) King to MIHoirtiX-UIVEenough the ho favors if the to. refers I appreciated here, the CHICAOO and public reeling,, given . THRKB TRAINS each way between ot on the people to secure the Crown' retention for general purp-jseTWO TRAINS each way between CHICAGO and MINli r AtTiuii and. ex. fiULT BESERET following well known tilJzenf wht locii time. Newspapers will print Prince from insult, which would up4 have some membar of tamooa their familler set of the work years aud terminate the time tables of the raUfoaif, givj all assurances MAIiT ItAMM CXTX. i. 't of cars t his under J. peace. :h ln local time. : ' BOYS' BOOTS, N. INFANTS . A 1 t i anil WALL PAPER. CARPETS HC5-IN1N- MM M S. 1 LEA ROUTE. ALBERT and a KanVkoik between Newport new Hne will be opened, via Seneca News, Rlohmond, Cincinnati Indianapolis' and La Fayette, and found Bluffs, Et. Paul, I Minneapolis and InUrwediata points. res Trains. AH Throojh Passeners carried on Past Per mora detailed IcfornistlTi sea Maps and Folders, which may be obtained, as well a Tfekett, at" all principal Ticket Offices In the Pnlted 8tte aud Canada, or of I January 1, 1S83, F; E.. ST. JOHN, Csn'l Tlcfcui A R. R. CABLE, DENY1R iND BIO GRANDE A.ILWA & i TBI Finui;- niis-uiTiiEiTi- si rm'r aml Jfaner. Tl-Pr't.- CTAtf OEITRAt - NSW boote L m X 3XT X3SS, BRWBEN -- -- nfj OODEIf, SALT LAKE, Pioneer Xne of Utah! LEADVILLE, ! !..'.-;- . SAW Mountain, Gannlaon, rt . AMD Ite-labl- Standard Gaaare w Solid Koiid lnt iJd--- Clase .SiiU-'lisike- , SUNDAY, JULY lttt 1683.' Ths Atlantic Expreea Train, composed of s Pullman Palace 8ieepers and elegant eoaabes, win leave Oirden dally at 8:4fi &. m. (on arrlralf train from San Praoclsoo od Salt Lake City at 10:20 a. m., making eonaeottoo at Pueblo aod Denver for VaosB City, St. Louis, Chicago, Pittsburg, Philadelphia. New York, Boe too, and all Eastern Northern and Southern point. The Padflo Rx press Train from Denver, Pueblo and Bastern points will arrive in Salt Lake City daily at 6:43 a. m, and Ogden 7:27 a. m. tnatlnr direct ooooeotlon with the Central Pact tie Trains tor the Pacific Coast. Lornl Trains leave 8prlngQle at 0:57 a. m., Salt Lake Clly Be20 a. m., arriving H Ogden 10:49 a. m-- ; retarnlng, leave gden 2:47 p. m., Salt Lake City 32 p. pa., arriving at Spring-vl- e at 6:47 p. m. Leave Salt Lake City for all mints on Blnr. a. m., arrive haai and Alt Branches at uB p. to. For BonOeld and Coal Mine, leave Salt LaXe City 10:20 a. m., arrive 6:48 p. m. first-clas- dt-ie- Oototoorjfare 1, 'OO. Ex-pree- :; t r. J '' Blt rk JAKES SI1ARP;h FRANCIS COPE, H . Gen. F. 4 P. Aft. Asst Gsn. Supt AND ' JOHN $UARP,. Genl Supt. MOST Route to the tiast IS TZA . IXJE wrra ; thb Pullman Sleeping Cars, VtSt RAILROAD BATING IN TBI COUNTRY, HOUSES INSURING 5FEE1! Uliltl C0F0HT! S1FETT! vzr Quickest Time to the Missouri Biver.-- tt : P. Q. FLYNN, A W. P. WHITP, Oeoeral rent. Gen. Pass. Ticket A gt. fait Lake City, Utah. Topeka, Kan. 8. V. DBKHAH, Travellog Agent, Bait Lake City, Utah.' LEADINCI RAILVV AY f; TBI VEST NORTHWEST I It b the Short, burn eud Sate Rovte between m COUNCIL: CLU FFS CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE P2LLLU3 !S5 ECOrj LVIS majority of the W$ ofthe human arise from a derangement of th lodjf WEST OH K3HTHWEST OF CHICAGO. both the ttomaeh and affecting Liver, A a Tick-et. Insist oon Tftket giits eelllrg you to effect a euro, it is order bowels. Ja re-rOid. and f tnem, fo remove tho cave. Irregw vl' seeessoir over ,,ot ee r"4d hT tbe ict W " tar and Sluggish action Of the Bougie, ItHtlway. fW a, for r If yoa whh thOei Traveling ActKnino-datl-'U- S jaeadache,Sicknceat the Stomaeh, Pain rrrfitMl .! W. It you will buy yriirTlcfeets by this Pip the Each and Loins, etc, indicate theM CST AND JT1LL TAKK NONK in XMer gives the Best Satis 1 at fault, and that nature re rte, th ; Juotton and meeii OTHlTf AB Ticket Aro' dl TCckett by thfr Ltaa. qulfc$ antiitance to eaaile thi$ organ fa with Quick galea. The : PT For Sale by Z. C. Jri. L branch Stores Overland House, fftrss Doort SouUv cf YfaDar Eousf, Xlain EL, Ealt JLake City.TJtali - Beltct aeccjHnodation at Less Kates rt&aa. any other -- to the City. Secood-Clju- tS a House riTT, ProprMo& PtTst- Cars that pm to ana VT. JL. Tr ,J i C'h'caivT-''trwreter- - r- ? t9 jr. : p. lATsfi) throw off UnpuriStee t rW. ISVHTEWWETT, tieo. :paaa. Agent, Cbteago. W. N. BAB COCK, General Agent, GEO. D WILLI AM 30N,tTravoliDg Agent, Denver, .Colotsadri. WATSOW BROS.. - f Prickly Ash Blttcraareeepeetatfa eoatpowftded for this purpose Xhep are onild emref action and effeetiee em a f their are pleasant to the taste and toJtsa easily hy both children and mduZlu X hen according to direction, then are et Oafs and pleasant wevorDyspepa' l XetilIIt-,IZnbltaaCOKk General Diseased atlpatlon, Kidneys, a SKxxl Purifier then etc., etc. As to are superior any other enoiloinet eye ten thoroughly, and cleansing the nemo life and energy to theism imparting valid. Xt is a mettlclna and not an STfinEGUTTEBld BUILDERS. ttttoxic&tlnz beeerae. Tvmb$trix, If nittmnt, JUarlle XZvtUel. iron. IItlr, Orate ant a not BBseoisT rst rcssiT asa trtTrrv lt7 vts iicrrii ttehpi.b! bt. ''. . t. . ii K, !. ji '. Wil ins u re a hearty appetite and increased digestion' vl ;'.' I Cures general debility,, and gives a new lease of life. , " 1 andtakenootnee. PESC3.S.LOO pee BottU, fnicrLTucH Eimr.3 C3.,s:le rr.:rr.:iTc;.j Til-Ilngb- aat ? , i I I i ffi!V f ifti f - 1200 to 1244 1UO. ; J. Wesi'xb. 1881. Suth Corner First IjsfeocnjrB. f- - y. From a prominent : capitalist, former owner of the Golden Teira ntine Black SON, I81LEA LI1KEBS, t ia Tins. C.1U5. inTiii fus.ns jii .'"-.O. ;;'V; t iil jLLX STOJUK af Asa, $LT ILIX ill Cw ISI MAMFACTOEEl ; WTI0LB3ALB AfTD hSTAIL DHALES3 IN TP awl. IP . Sj 2 jfJ P r "J o 5$o G syaVi I 5S 9 & 1 29r1?3 a w.y cf -- . V'' 1 ESTIMATES GIVEN AND tXJHTftACXJ Wood TrtaJus, " LOIiSl LU MADS fOH ALL RTNM Ct SCtLKKM Tanks of all Descriptions Made to On!r. OUSLDINC A OPSCIALTY."53 &2ns t&mt U. c. jr. U B. B. Dvyot. Haul L. xait " i ii. , w I ' m' ' ' EIIUs; I f ' - ,1 , March 6, 13T9. Dri Q. Van Hammell, Dear Sir: I am happy to Inform yon that the catarrh and throat trouble for which you treated we over a year ago has not returned. 1 consider tbe cure permanent. Tours graurully, J. W. Bau.it, j Dkicvbb, Col GRM1TE IROIWARE. V &P Shi :-- rui BROILING, BAKING, BOILING, PRESERVING. LIGHT, HANDSOME, WHOLESOMEJ DURABLE . -- CITT Ex-do- rrssiatly. 0 VAJLdsTTMMJh u. tin I5iU.-Iirii- . 11 WITHOUT EXOBHTIONf MOST DUBIOIE 4 PERFECT, COM STIVE THE -- Dr. Tan Hammell's professional qualifications atteetea to by one of the first men In America, Tt A. Hen- '' :' i dricks: j IjrDiAHArot.1", Ind., Oct. 80, 1S77, OovMnor Irwlnj' Und. rs'andinK tbsl yon will be called open to fill a vscsncy in the Siaie Board of Health, I tske pleasure to recommending Dr. Q. Van llnm-mefor the poeltion. Dr. Vau Hummtli was hod long resident of this a very near neighbor and friend tity, of mine. He makes the treatment of Kom, Throat and Luugs and other CUrot lc Ear, eases a epeclstty and therein has been very anrcessfel. B t he is aloo we'I learned In his profession generally. He 1 s gentleman of excellent riablU.and dianc ter, ind would prove a valuable member of the Board. With ereat rrwct. A. H endsicii. Jours, etc., to- ftii' Thojlscst WarelMitae -- BlooSva ksmm ' I BUILDERS COHTRACTOBS; k-r- ! a, :o.- SIERRA iTEVADA KJ-GTA- .R kod Third West. Th Care is Permanent. fee--, "I a yn medicine made. m ' -- r J. PRI"R Rf t, W, H. KhCOtu, ; Bitters & city. XjJkiei j needs "bracing up," than HAYNES ' Soutla Street, LVMIiEIt YARD AND FLAXIXQ MILL. LTKN, aaisLakaJ X&sJtf ', 'any J. I have be. n troubled with From Mf. Warren nusey, rmei! har of Salt Lake,, owner Of Jay Gould Wlue; Bullion, Idaho. i Lkji vkb, Col., August 2, 1373. This la to certify that 1: Lava been for many years a great tniTVrer from caral and bronchial catarrh,' the from it in my head and eyes bdn at times almost nnliearablo. I have tried mauy doctors and remedies, with temtorary relief from some, growing piaduiHy worse, until last later, being iu a very bad condition, I consulted Dr. Van Hoiutntll and ut myself under his treatment. From the firM week my head and throat were f 0 icved, have hot had a headache thev were the baoe of toy life since he began with me, sad now I remain entirely well. I write this for the benefit of like sufferers who may be seeking relief and urgently recommend thm to give Dr. Van Hummell a trial. The tit 1 had horn his treatment is Invaluable, and 1 know of many others be has freaU'd equally VAKitrK Hleest. will have 3 better tonic effect upon any one who ' S. Nasal Calarrb Cured.; -- . sitx1 III Ml- i t Ir. L. f, Gairf in. Brown's Iron Easy Chair, I ana psiia, : U traly ytnrs, 8TSPHSK B. years I have been a tret tuQerer fiom lllocd Disease, Lys ia peps , and Constipation.and becama to ilcbilicaicd that I could not retain anything oa my stomach, ir, fact, life had at most become a burden. .'Finally, when hops had almoit !eft me, my husband seeing Brown's Iron Bittbrs advertiMd in the iaduced me give it a trial, raper, new talcing to the third bottle and have not felt 10 well in sue ' years as I do at the present time, - CI as H. D N VYb bjD E Y'S, XPx?mX g Will infuse with new life the weakest invalid. lor six AND I Dear Doctor: I Walker St. Baltimore, Dec. I t. 9 la. j Btrcet, Chronic Natal Catarrh for tbe pstt ten years. I am happy to fct&te that your treatment was entirely rucceeefal la my rase.i If by pnbl'shicg this yon can others suffering with this dreadful disease to try your tkU.you are at liberty to do so. Becaute tte physicians who can cure this disease are very scarce, and when one is found skillful enotig'a to sue eecd, 1 think tho public should know it. I remain year,'" Keeps off all chills, fevers, ' and other malarial poison. 37 Midan j.. Salt Laeb Citt, Utah. 23, 1S33. . ! ':! rS'v 1 iMVN. Very: ii ; I : Having secured the right to make them, I am tuaVIng them in all ' grades. tseff" Call and see them for yeureelf at fc'-- - t t t I.otiajre, ih both night or licrt Ilanded Ileatl.i arc utljusluljile. : August Dr. Van Hummell; I take great picas are In certify U r to the fflcacy ef your reatment for Nose, Ear, Threat aod luug Diseases. v I attribute! my ra.j,id recursion to what I consider perns&nrnt good Uealth to the treatmeut I received at yonr hands In 1879, a&d I nnhesttalli yonr treatuieot to all ffl&Ud with Catarih, Throat or Lane DlFiate. Overcomes weakness, wake. fulness, and lack of energy . - -- "- nerves.enriches the blood. I ? ... hi very I'reKy and First S Letter from Judge Wenner, Offlescver j Londou Bank; - Strengtherjthe muscles and v. l e V INDIANArOLIS '. ,: r T S- : chil4-- i .;' Dispels nervous depression ' and low spirits. Restores an exhausted hurs-- r ing mother to full strength and gives abundant sus- -, tcnance'for: her, '" fji JUGHT.UAKD LOLiGE, 0 ! F'Mrtw'sifjriiiMi i . TOGCEl :o: NEWEST AND V TE 1 ! Bl XU3GT I ll AfiOTHErt EWr.lOVE! 1 1 pleased j t in MllitoilllCO ' Hint my Xew Art It 1. 9. 11 r , - i will be opened on TJinrs. . . 1 i a.st Ai vciuuer wiiu nil, ATew. New every M1h. . , - tiling X e tt finest and Par l'liotograplile Ior4 In tbe West, etr . - TiatlcTJUb; I : ' : 'pf:' THE TAYLOR SOIFfl'BED i and iilnlug :' ' - 1 : rtnnib-e- Celebrated Dining Cars of tbe seaton thla morning. Cotton and all other vegetation ia killed. 16. A heavy Halifax, N. north-eas- t storm commenced early this morning and prevailed nearly 11 ay. Snow is driRing In some places four and five feet high. New York, 16 A fire is burning In tbe vicinity of the New Jer ej Central Rallw ay depot, Je rey City. The iccsH'y Is iee!ate(f, no boats running thereto from the New York eldest this hour. It is reported tbe bulk! In R burning is the railroad " freight house. PUUbursr, 16 Tbe iron maaafac-tarer- s of this vicinity are greatly disappointed at the condition ef trate The expectation was: that the year would cloee with a brisk buBinese, bat now in addition to the tow prices which have ruled for the last eighteen months, orders are falling eff. The retult la only one or two mills In the city are running full In any of their departments and there are rumors that in several work: will be shortly suspended entirely. ' i Chicago, 16. Later developments in regard to tbe fa.Uo.re of A. O. A Co., leather dealers, Indicate that their assets will only 150 009 instead of reach about 5100,000, as at first stated; llatilitlea ; 1579,003, instead of $100,003. ' throih trains tf ih's road. It im the Only; . ! spon wbicrt are North-llesir- H - ; Galveston, 18 The Neve Dallas special aaye: The first frost and lea bal-Urao- re PACIS ; .." a treat-mea- er ' Ike . ... ," '! eeri-ouel- y i J 1 r: i:i: The above are the remits of neglected and mlstroated Catarrh. Btlow follow t the results of Dr. Van namnieirs of Nose, Ear, Throat and Lnrg Dis1. j eases, The Doctor has: taken an effloe en West Ternple Street; third lioube Soath of Val icy House, Bait Lake City. ; thii-a'tcraoo- Chicago. i . That Bro'sIron Bitters will cure the worst case ( thought all hands were lost. She was cemmanded by Captain D. Lin ear; first mate, James ' Loft a?, of 1 , ! l , aasaaaisaBiaM wataMas ? It j CItII J. FewionPralth, 'I Mr. - con-ial- Are run on all ILJ Hummell. - 'i . lr. ' o, cf dyspepsia. ... . i Mr. mephen licyhurn, first onth and Soeond East Sts. Cured lire years ago; ' ;f i remalos well to-d- a v. Stelnhart, 23 StateInRsad, tried all the prominent pbyatciana at. Louis and New York a,nd went to Eatope last year seeking relief- - Ho recelred no benefit until he applied lot! treatment to Dr. Van li Know . Xr"- - tT" C Mr. W. Bredeiutiyer, Mlhlug Engioeer, 48 Second Sonth-i- tc-ni- ght. . Fitzgerald. '..'.: SOFA, X Col. Q. L. SteycDSon. a the! schooner ", , Mlae, About 800 people Chicago,1 16 attended tbe eparrlng exhibition by the Sullivan Siade omblnatlon At its cloee, Parson Davis announced that Paddy Ryan would accept Sullivan's challenge to srar him four rounds In San Fan-clscinside of three months, for half the receipts. j And all point EAST, such AS Niagt .Falta, Nsf York, Phl!aeKb'ft, Baltimore, Pittsburgh, MonSre&l, Toronto, petroit, deveUnd. Train or the Chtoaao th Ttluffa Oonriell At deU. P. set ft Nortb-Wte- rn come Union at the' Railways and .arrive part froui ' '!: Depoti At Chicago, eoe connections are made with the Foorr5, Mtihtjraa Central, & Ohio, tirt Wavne and Pennsylvania, and Ch;oRe Grand Trunk hallways t and Fan Hand wRoati .: sv ; J "iifA i ' s w . j n. from Totqain. Ti f- s - is the OLD Fim Ifv.Tr CON3TRUCTBD1 BEST EQUIPI'KDI and hence the ' ; I ": are dlscuesing questions connected Engineer. mVv-5V. McDonald, Miner. with tbe discipline of the clergy. Mr JrOn Kcgora, with Spencer tlaw-soBhaT;ghaf, 16. It Is stated troops (; are being concentrated at Canton, In Mr. W. N. Wililams, Friniltare, cornei order to keep back the Black Flags Of West lad South Temple 8trt els. when tbe French drive them back Capt. i. W Pluminer, Bnpt, Matnniorh .......... . Elegant Day Coaches, His Honor Mayor Jennlsgs. -i. Col. Lee J. 8barp, A ttofuey. U. J, Wenuer, Attorcey. Judge i Mr. isa. O. McGaddon, Agt. U. A R., Q fix press Co ft Mr. Xewls fetlgter. Leader Fort Don glass a 3 .c f;.. sj Band, j Bishops an Rome,16.--TheAmfsric- '.,.( at Is Bptonoldl7 Equipped wit r - E.NEWBERYi . Tliis New Line 6TB EL RAILS, v - e Denver & Rio Grande By. j fit-Id- X- TOPEKA & SANTA FE Which oonneoui in a Union Depot n . - guar-Anto- s TBT1 ATCHISON, D-y- t , -, - i Madrid, 16. Marshal Serrano, re-cently appointed Sanlbh Embassador to France, in an Interview with the French Embassador at Madrid, said that Spain is not menaced by any foreign state, and should reserve all her energies for home re-- ! . .TK; ; form, i,The rumor that the Spanish legations at Berlin and Vienna will he raised to the rank of Embassies U unfounded. .The Cabinet! does not wish to take the risk which would be Involved In damaging' debates, Which won li sarely be raised la the Cortes on the subject If such a prof position were raited. . ON AND AFTER ' Four express trart" Salt Lake for Ogden daily as follows: :j Pactflo eijirws at klQ a.m. s, Atlantic express at.OO a m., Park City 4:00 run. ? peel J.1 ei press at 7:40 p.m. 6:30 Arrive in Ogdcn st 7:40 am.; ' ; p.m.and 9:10 p m Kxpresj tnlna Ioiva pgda at 7)0 a.m. 9:30 a.m.; 10:30 am. ani 6:10 p.m. Arrive at :50 .; 8alt Lake 8.33 a m ,.12.00 noon u and 7:10 p.m. Express tmla Icayes 'Salt Lake dally at 730 a.m. for Juab and Intermediate stations, acd An Aooominodatloa Trarla will leava Pleas-a- ut connects with Salt Lajie Western Railway for Valley Junction at 7:17 a.m.. Thistle 10:57 Tintio, and with EanjKto Valley Railway for a.m., Spctnjcvllle 12:4.3 rAin., Provo 1:33 ' ,jarnrla at Salt Lake City at&02 p m. This Sanpete. . rain will run dally except Sundays. tesiVes Salt Lake at !&J3 p. Through express Paaeengers win aof be carried on m., and connects with Stage Lines at Milford tW Freight Trains. and Frisco fori Southern Utah, Nevada and " P. C NIM3, R C.' DODGE, Arizona. , Gen'l Pass. Agent. ;Gea1 Manager. train from Juab and Intermediate Ixpresa E. A. MUDGBTT, W. H. BANCROFT, r Geo'lSup'U Gen'l Ag'U Pass. Dert. points arrives at Salt Lake at 6 p. m (! Through express from Frisco and Milford. City. Arrives at Salt Lake &S0 a m. ; -- i Trovo, Ki'plii, Jnab, Mllford and Frisco. . ON AND ATTKB ' t-- i Utih, Colorado and New Mexico. Ogden, 4 Viee-Prse- t. en-gipi- eer Kqutimat. j Um ;! I i j - Old JUAN MINING DISTRICTS, DENVER, IEUIlIsO, And an points oa entir systsm la ,i $200,000. Tk, 1.. 1 11 ' i KOW OPEN FOB j Red T. . 11.. 1; mi : ueiiravltv and Disaster. 817S.OOO. sen plus, . Ottawa, Ills., is TheA eculh-boun- d paatenger train and freight train on the Chicago, Burlington & n. B. President. Quincy collided this afternooa near jRNNINgS, rsBAiiORZ LrrrLs, Four pettdns were killed Btreator. rDiaaeroKA. and several others john sharp, woundtu. W. UliKII, Ti. trala cn U S. HILl.fl, Cashier, Jtaier.The pasaengtr J AS. T. L1TTLK, Asst. Cashier. the Fox River brar.cn of the O. B. & Q Railroad, which leaves Chicago at IECE1?E$ 1?ISIT1PATJIILE EI lEL'AII. t 16:45 a. m , is due iu Btrtatcr two miles fronoi the 1:8 J. . When was a car mm eolla oxefaonsTo oa Sow latter place. It on stopped Says SMtm main of coal standing the track, CtoSeoaro. lnulM, unloaded. The freight tiain Lnla, tmaha, lVextdest, led prlaei. being which was following tbe patenger pal CeatlacBtoI Cities. was not flagged, and It came cbwn the grade around the curve at full CeSSMUeeh smlttutg preceeaf rsr speed. i The locomotive crashed completely through the tear coach, ana partially mrougn tne Eeccna, Did lio Die? killing Li. H. rease, an attorney ol No! "She lingered and soiTered along, rjlnlog Dr;lgb(; Mrs. Alex Henderson and daughter, of Medton, and an eld away all the time for vms," ' The doctors doing her no good;" man named Hottertton of 8t rets tor; "And at'Jast was cared by this ITop and badly injured Drl J. II. Fmley, Bitters the papers say so much about." of Stieai.or, he was scalded anu Inderd! Indeedl injured, and will probably "H w thankfal we should be for that otherwiseM. Murdoch of ritreator, dlt; K. medicine." A Dnueltter s Misery. lawyer, scalded; Ltyi Young, of freight, and fireman Hmlili ' Eleven years oar daughter suffered or. of Aurora, bath injured about tbe abed of misery. V i" From a complication of kidney, liver, lower limbi; Lewis Green of Streat-or- ,j rhrnmatlc trouble and Nervous debility, ' l farmer, scalded; W. II Jaaiet-Sulliva"Under the care of the best physicians', oouductcr of and freight, "Who Rave her disease various names,: of Gar , wounded, they 'But to relief. were to a hotel at Bireatoi now Ehe taken Is 'And restored to ue in good health by & tlmple a remedy as Hop bitters, and are being cared for; The corr that wo bad shunned for j ears below using of the county is investigating nr I'." Ins Pitcsi3. " theicauee of the accident. , i 16. Father is Getting Well. Fourteen inches LucaD, Ont., ' daughtesa ay : ebow of iill and fa'licg. ' "My "How much better father is since be used Chloago, 16 A private telegram r Hop flitters.""He I setting wen after h'slorg suffering to Veseel owners, received here tofrom a disease aeolared tncurabW reports as follow: The rcboou-s- r 4Aiid we are so g lad that he utej jour Bit. dayiVbr man is ashore cn Hog U lano ters." A Lady of Utlca, N Y. (4): ieef, full of water, and wilt, proba-fciyig- o to piepes. The schooner Flying Mht id t ighttd' til FrankforJ, HEALTH IS VE<H1 Ilichigun, dlfeatled, leakir g and wiil prdbably go to the bottom tefore a tug can reach her. The- schoonei Regulator la ashore south of tit Jcavpb, Mloh., acuNwill probably be a Uital wreck. Ti propellor Aron, of the Union steamboat line, 15 ashiore near Buffalo oaaeandy beach loaded with sundries for Chicago, at $100,000: Insured. valued Im. K. c. Wui-rNsrvb avo Bkais advio j also confirm the Private for a raBATum, Iiys gixifaatwed iptcitio Kervous previous report of the loss of the lts, tena, Iazlnea, Convuisinrja, rvous Pr04trstiOD schooner E Fitzgerald, with all on Neuroia, HeuJaobe, caused by the im of akiotaoi oc totaooa board. t r WakernHes, Uentai decrcaetra, Soltenloa Tofonto.iS the Drain reeuitiag In Insautty and tradint Reports from Westeeatb, PcematureoU ern) and Northwestern Ontario state lomitery. decay sod Age, BsrrenneM, Loss of power caused by thai from six to eighteenL inches o? a I Kach box ha brain. 3Tbrx4rtlon of snow fell to a ot treatment. month's box, day. (.60 ok Kansas Clly, 16. The westtlx bxon for (SuO, Mut by naa'.l prepaid oa (resit of ptleeb bound Rock Island ' train due here wt ai'AKAirrce six boxes at ten this morning bore a party of To cure any case. .With each order reoetved excursionists from St. Paul and tyr us fur six boxes, aosooitanled with i.00 Minneapolis for Southern California, e will send the iifchnssr our written to refund tta mooey tf the iretmn occupying the two rear coaches. As a ur. Gbarantors lesiMM the:; train neared (kjs act uBai Janeeport, Mo., Mtly hr - a M. L inug Br, aaJtOLok......! eighty-fiv- miles from f I' here, at eight o'clock, the flange cf the wheel of the last car broke, and the oir wa? precipitated fifteen feet down the HaGELLSEftTIHfi HOUSE; embankment, rolling over twice, Adam Got sin, a well known clt'ztn of Bt. Paul, Sunday school superintendent, was injured, and died His daughter was AS TAKEN TflR ECFINES3 OF Mh! Mr. MftcSmitb, wife broiiej. H John Uagell, aod is now prepved t and, eon were badly hurt. These tiriiisb were left at Janesort and Trenton HOT DINNERS FROM 12 to 2 p.m Several others received, painful but are able to proceed with j Every day, exclusive of Buudaysi the train, which arrived here at 4 SO thla afternoon. The party continued HOTfyiEATPIES, ETC. tbeiir Journey this evening, ; j , Lanebee Put Vp tor Travellers. Boffilo, 16. The propeller Avon, Union Steamb at Company's lioe, Dinners gotten up for Prlfaie or Publis which left yesterday, was caught in Parties, In the French, Rcg.'Uhand Americac a terrible g le of wiud and snow, in styles. All orders promptly attended to In a the afternoon and driven hack, dessatitfaotory manner and oa reasonahlo terma. pite the t Herts of several tug, and driven high on the besc'i In a dlf Weddlng or other cake made to order. a Medljoncitltpjhtr wheel bn km and E. NEWBERY, her rudder gone. Crew eafe. as, flat Sooth Bt- -, Opoostte Theatre The emsll Canadian schooner Ma of Fort Burwell, tound for p'e Lea, was tais pott, caugbti in tbe gale yesterday and blown down the lak(--t a furious rate, and about 6 o'clock' list Inlght ran ashore. This morn (ng she ia almost out of water. Her crew were able to get off. It is believe! the three-mast4unk cfTPort Burwell last night is PAID UP CAPITAL mt f-ji- - . Goodj of all description. New Ideas. R cw frames, BtHrtlliis: re-dncti- 1 ; ons la ; and; Rooks fancy goods. ESTComeaud eeo us. Yours for Art and Low X'rlcea, I 1 V , Letter rrom tho flrfit Rev. J. Iplscopai Elbhop of Indiana. C- - Talbot," I5D1 am ipoli f lad., Feb. 19, 1874, My D.ar Doctor: tou ee entirely at liberty to nee my faame aa one of yonr ; ; many references. Tour skillful treatment of my wife, now nearly a year past, has entirely cured her of severe catarrh and coueh, from which she suffered much for many years. Very lruly yours, " ; : Jos. Talbot, bishop. a - Closet With or Without Reservoir and Thousands-i- wCcnultations la or by letter free and tavlted. peraon from Iljurs to S fcnd 7 13 8 jsvenUiss, Sundays r. Fcr fcj JOatlu Vae Z. C. M. in the I. asi Territoryall its BB - |