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Show m:w tisaik. youk nr. Tit. Twelve, the Seventies, the ElderB, prebend it,' bat I very much qaes-tio- n with us. It la not spiritual thing, of Its climate, of its oondltlcns, of and tbe various tflijers who have whetturall cf'jou can or not. for we are all of 11s very literal and its mountains, of its valleys, of Its ST me explain a little. We are very temporal. We nave arms And crystal streams, and the rcarcely of W Ik. J.LIMUtX. baen orda'ned and set apart to . flViHUtOfW, the Clospei have fulfiJd tolJ, as I have . already said, that eyes and ears, like other people water making it admirable for set FBESIDEKT JOHN TAYLOB preach we are the children of our tlement their mission to the nations of the God is the Uod and Father of the leg, a peoby a sparse JOHN C. NEEiES & CO., We are fur titer Heavenly Father as others are. He ple such aa we are. Nopeople, denee p With-som- e '.Rcmar&i lu rtettdent earth, they have dcua Just what the spirits of all flash. Se could live here. Ixjrd ha? required at their hahe's told that Jesus tbe n cf Uod exis has introduced the Uospel, as I hate ' George Q. Cannon delivered in and no more. 1 further wish to state ted before the worlds were. It oeiore said, and one or the nrlnclolea 5 PnESXDEJSTTAVixn,at tills point, the Tabernacle, Salt Lake Cilyt to the Twelve and to tbe Seventies ia also stated that He la our elder thereof la that of gathering, and we again took the stand and said: I Fop Fine Complexions-- 1 al have gathered together, j I need not have felt the exertion almost too that they are mt brother, and Sunday Afternoon, October Irh, and to the Elders fo the reception or the sothat is, our spirits did., When quote to you. the Scriptures in the much for me. I am not very trong Strni-Annurespenaibie 1S33; 1'osiure ronci ana lmmnni-i- -y Conference? Hatan bad gand an ascendency Bible on tbl suijsct, for you know la body at present, but I will conrejeottbn by the world of tbat word " 4 i'fom eoinnlcxional llcm::. !;: to so over : the inhabitants of the earth whioh Uod hail given t them; them, and I need not oocupy' time tinue. PEPJRTEIJ BY JOHN IKVlNE. ishes latter-daas y for to consider We from are them them far is We in that had communicite. Pi- i Bainte It maybe found la Hacan's day. quoting departed they t proper Uod and .violated lib laws, what here. Who cime In the first plaot? that we have rights here j and alMagnolia Jtalin. A dcUcato Tha Prealdrnt feollu? a Mtloweak la , body to uaa all necesaarytfiligenca and and toj plainly and intelli- would be the feelings of those spirits a. numuer or peopie ' rrom . tne though we have been dealt with, as aud harmless avliclo. Sold aKeJ tba cp!isldorate attootlon ol th oon in tbe eternal worlJt? Jj3t me ask eastern, western and southern we would call it, rather Bcurvely by Our Honda srefftttlod-Oo- d Interested in tba welfitre of gently, and with prayer and faith kept by 2. C M. t. Its Branchvcryw bore. aa messengers to the na- all intelligent people, "Would J they States who believed the Uoenel and the government that ought etorca auu daio a,irally lu Lu4 larrltorrforth to foster t by drngglsls tbe go at bout The all the to most briK family imparts to Is not turn oi as not ba 6103 It It. to the same we the legates It time skies, have liant and lifc-llk- o apt sa : ttnelr look tions, ileavenly obeyed necessary go us, yet at tbe Church, an J tha rsapoDtlbllity rsetlnr clothed ntul, mm down our Father and from 'l'ather, upon with authority nistory and dwell on events strictly adhered to the letter of the Ocd lia glvn to iipoa tba rrkaibood as Do even cannot those inhabitants. , the auMisclosest of God In upon In tho even the face eX9 " CHICAGO SCALE CO. In the corrupt law, assumed Heaven, the tbey transpired Ohio, sertitiny (wrooa aofportion, of HisTheBilrttThe see them?" 41 Yes, ,1 see them souri, or in Illinois. Let all thot-- purity those people pf ? lonWaKor.So.le. f40 3Ton,50. 5.rr (our enemies) detect its use. All unsflitly wlckeduesa thority of Ue Hoiy IMeJthood, you tlat Spirit jirompttajr . t.-4iTon tio, Ilcnm liwm Witt! of the Son aud l miowJthem." is it lust that things pass. You can road them In to attach to themeclvta. We Dlscol ttaa lubabiianU of tha 04c lb )n tlii days Which is af ier the ore'er i Erofess of Si4 lb farmer orations, I Eruptions, j Scale, order (f we, thy children, should be docmsd our history. But as I have said we not resisted any of tbete Rincc Marks which lis u cf Got', of Noah flood The tbe Why eauie under the eyes,, t lb "Llttl Pctettfvo y ta to y which la after lite po- to Inhabit those filthy, corrupt bod- - are here. Under what auBplee? things, but haVe treated those men would not repent h U 03 pel Alelohisedek, pOUlitM, 1,1. I to ento tby According tha laws and usages of who came as oiftoppresscra, If you Sallowness, lledness, Itouffb- wer of aa endless life. He has lea, and thus be prJikil.oJ M a warolnjr Por3eoutlon FORGtS, TO I) JOS. & lnoignatlon, and it may the United States we settled cities, please, with kindness and due resness,' and the flusli of futiffiio them, jas j ou bavj heard;to wrath and Ffcia MaJs for ll.t Wurk, $10. Our rslMlOttehlp to tbla uatlou lu a political dowed be thou anda of years - before we towns and villages: we settled ion pect notwithstanding they have inWith authority to call mtni and excitement aro at 011 eo upon 10 A of Tool'. iiaaa Auvii an.lKit Commonwealth Ol. of view ha point - t r-- l"P. hut. I4T lla ksl t.olT 4lLf iM lot... come back etc. can we to be pres-eof a t into troduced which to and their had farms, thy many again Bin, iQourmldt-baj repent things right j bollt up In tliwe mountains by tb dispelled by tho Magnolia '' VNok It is not Just,' and on do. We put chased and paid for- the at variance with tbe laws and con llalni. t!z3d in the name of Jesus or the 111 ii. utfirr lrt l. r, .4 n tk." I'ixs " unJor ih blessing- c Qo ITofalrSy He ba? this piinclplo the 'Father destroyed property that 'we poseees as other stitution of the United Btatee. and remission of and treatoJ as a people by tho parent govern- told them toBins, handsthen Is the one incomparable i I peo-pf- e them with a H xd and recommenced ult'zms do. i the with our rights as American C on' y liy Latter-daSlntat hara ment Tho of Cosmetic. the We thus with thus and earth this teed President At Tavlor. the have belief for est Ait t. is nun 1HSO. peopling the point. log being yielded, which the y will Book legally to maintain 1 bapt'z-.d- , and to confer upon them a righteous man.' feeling weak, requested President time being, but we turnoee in behalf Couotuslon. me and did the Ueo. Q. Cannon to talk a little on of ourselves, of our children, m be- Uut. let of the the what' Ghost, sik, Holy gift & Co., Tfcts pfwdr ww TArUw. marvel nt when they have performed their Liord do before Me sent the flood? the subject. nair or tue institutions of this nathat In Mrri;th end w ho iwomej irm. More Pkrmit me to mrlty, labors ' and fulfilled their duties He sent Koah among them aa a PjrEar. Cannon eaidt President tion, and of thousands of honorable cutiom 1 1) I bun Ibe crdiu irT klttds. and n&ii. quence of lue imuieuse wit lee'!l In ccinprtl.loo with: tu multitude tbat has assembled on thf3 occasion their garments are free from the preacher of righteousness; He sent Tay'or is sufTerlng from fatigue and men In it, to: test these things to TVho: :a)o MauVfaiJ!UirS of of int, ilKN t re(rbt,iiluar cw , phtMiibatr It wiJI be sbiolately necessary that blood of this generation, ;and the Kooch; 'He sent many EUtrs W1I take a little ret t. We have "the last bats end," and eee legally ANOTHER NEW MOVE! 8ort miy in rant. ETTJUL Buna Fovddi the Btriotest order anl quietude people are then left In the hands of amcng the pooplo, and they prophe- gathered here, as he has said, and and constitutionally whether this I nm ilcnioI tnnt nniess insy re have bail t up a commonwealth in nation will sustain these acts or not, ft alt street. Haw 1'orWi (Xw, blnuld Le maintained, la order that Uod their , Heavenly Father. JPor bleu to inem .t auiiouiK'o and then if they do we will leave la a great !a- - the people, as before stated, will be pented ' judgment wolud overtake these mountains a commonwealth all for it may hear; J Now to Uod for their them; that God would overwhelm which, If It ware not for the pre- - them In the hands of Uod and pur Jvl O ITXjTDX3:T 3-Hint my GEORGE H.CLARiK& CO., ujr to addreBa eo maoy tuoueanua of held responsible m k a'r A ; sue our coarse we nooa wuu It a nave ana to of to not tne Church eartn udloe and Him. With. the that contend in a Blalra, inj feci weak . I As little Gospel, rejection trusting finish, aesiroy Vip, ttantrl;Rail (ople.I y, : ' will thereof that Is. would be the admiration of But one thing I will say, and that Is Jtlair if the Inhabitants opened 011 Tlinrn-daing, Balt.trra, Ifeitreta, JKto. body hope, therefore, you will give us. cause Is to witlt a not October this who would I as thoee will "Mortalk listen further The It little the mankind. that and alnut r CLARK ItOTIt Itli, despised mRS, onward; 111. quiet And considerate . atten the the earth, who have in Uoepel of tbe Bon ' of Ucd; for mohs" stripped of their proper-tie- my brethren have said, eo eay I. that every tli ing New. New tion. peoplef Our Good aisonoMautiy kcftln Plot by N c w aiitl driven out Into tha wilderness Uod has commenced it and lie will We have likened to a great many theirj midst Christianity and other the "8n"Jof Cod was in exit. tara-ra-t . Ltoiber Dealers to Salt lake finest care I . ou tence as take of know as not it. for IMioiograpdiic lar-lor- s t utcaits, what I am the Society unfit then; intere sting principles since tile com- religious professions. I have quoted personally CtraiMlivrtoi). l ro lAu aud HouMluf in the Uet4t. Acw ut existed in the eplrlt, and of their fellow cit zsos; having been sylng. I know when I am epeak books i.t free upJil amiJoaUou. what is stated m ue Scriptures or thie conference, moDcement CiIootlM or nil IN" IP, . ; "y O TR. Wo occupy to day a yery peculiar that Uod has given to every man a the ptomlse to .them waa that He treated in this manner bcciuee of ing that I am speaking not oniv to to for to oome atone but for: Le and the His the of should withsins alleged crimes that at ktst you It will world; description. profit Spirit poeltion tml It U proper that we, ns portion !3V w ileaH. Co-- , SHERIDAN? ijatter-ua- y tsHtnie. snouu cjmpre al. But that! baa nothing toj do of the world. They wore taught was the I a 3t flea tlon that wai otTertd published to the world. And I tell " SMS HORSE MILS! G. CS,K.Tftrnna New Latter-daLitter-dato not Saints is for friuuex,' with these but treatment the of you the the our It y Uogpel and rejected hend fear, that various they thing particularly. position Strort; New Tork, MurtiiiiK rc- relation to the a principle which Is implanted In the them, that is the grtat gujorlty of SUnte because they were such si not to have, any trembling in the in rceponibititiea el uctluim in POLISHED OR CLUED world la wnicu we Jive, (lie naiion heart of every jhnman U ing outside them di J po. - We are alsulold that wicked people that tbey deserved to knees, for the God of Israel is on tbe 1 looks . mi d j of alside hosts Of and With of be mob and walked Enoch the its treated infloenca under tbat aud the Israel, and aeaoclated. are we God,' violence, Will hold a nbr fo l,oncr than any with which angels Goipel by Rootle. so. are more us There for are a fancy oilled our Wo than and have teen many he had Nails whole world, it; may be said, acqui ottT. Omrttiim and the duties and responsibilities there city which they: I Ctrcoiiieninl to t I ;vjI in .Quality and be can there to Uod Zion exisand a In been and esced meeeen-Krrand in had verdiot us; aa the that us which devolve against Zlon, peopla great good gathered principles upon nee ours Durability to any uufta. All- Widths Cotton Canvass. of ealvatloti to proclaim the tence on the esrth and among the tuen, as we gainer I no people to pronounced upon ua, cr at least Wilt sustain the right a id take cure . lor Art mid of and if Ills All was thereof. walked Zion men this In Enoch preserve not ia to if art a from the !( Norwy sumcleut manhood almtst there people they for peoples mankind. It 'day. Ooppei Low, will only do right. I'rices, Uod was to and in nation instructed the raise with and we mac courage by tuer possessing any degree necessary biiouju everywhere Iron, Inland Alroaitjr BATES REED CO OLE Y, We havd embraced the Uospel. to tlrlte, by the comprehend the past, that we of intelligence feel that it la light to Hiin, and he instructed the people the voice against it, though It mu should comprehend the preaent, and b hontst; and a'i civiiiaed nations of Zton. There is a very short ao- - sands of people: felt that it was an We have placed oureelvea in another we should also under tha in- influenced by that feeling pass laws count of it In the Bible. There we outrage. Driven into the mountains. poiitbn from that of the world. IIIO! IBBSEJUL tOIIPUL Silk and Goods that Fancy We into eaored coven fluence aud by the direction of the to punish the thief, the rogue, and simply told that ''Enoch walked In this manner stripped of OIIIO-A-GO- . some of us coming ioto ants with the Lord and He exnects took Hplrit of tbo llvlcjf God c Jtn pre- the man who! possesses himself of witn uod and was not; ror Uod not thought: neces- these valleys:- With us to fulfil our covenants, and those c. at. i. andtu Prints, GLr.gharas, aftd Daaettica, bend the ror thinps of the: future; for Other people's property lr any unjust him" It WhS ty to Latter-damore cover us Who do not fulfil them will be con thU aa these and to Branch Stoves. and do manner, have sary feelings Balnts,upon scarcely enough we, clothing sutject; tosy M Ijwnsr din ir 3U 245, 37 1 maul war, Bt, tS, to do with prinoiplea are generally sustained but tue facts were that Knooh and for the sucoee ilng winter, uod has demned. There are certain rules we the have wilh i at, ZtSTJH. PUtt. W; the present, and we have to do with by the honorable of alt c' juntrles, the people of his city, having been blessed the per pie, and through the and regulations that exist in the heaE RENOWN IK ARTICLE OF more or lass taught for, upwards of SOO years In wisdom and the power ana innaence vens as well m en the earth. We and operate) Hhe future. told tbat before we can enter in& BUCKLEY to of niatlons. all inhabitants the relation In among DUNHAM Chicanery, the principles of the Gospel before that He hai given o this people are CO., to the celestial kingdom of Uod we looked are iraud the a I overtook' I and have have S3mctlme3 the world the built, said, world, upon deception ai udgment they feenerally, j FilHBASK S PDHL BEFIHEQ LIES. IMFOUTRR3 AND JOBBTjBS OT think tbat we entertain very as evils in the moral world; and were translated. : Thus the:, neonle commonwealth In these moan tain a shall have to psa by the angels and in that day had had fair warning, that is the admiration of every un the Gods, aud if the Latter-da- y erroneous notions concerning them men ioflaenoed by that jprhituple a very few paid any alt-- n that our l ieu are too narrow and Which, aa 1 stated, la planted in the but only prejudiced iran. These so called Saints aim at a celestial exaltation too contracted, that we do not com besom of every individual feel to tlon to It. We are tol i concerning Mormon thieves," these "Mormon they rnuBt live and abide by tbe ce or Book Is "it to abhor of of the Enoch te fraud tbat these people who were lestiallaw or they will not get it spta whioh in the outlaws," aqd deceptkn prehend relationship stand to God out Ueavenly any kind, although soma people tea titled of In due lime, and then considered unworthy to live In Illi any more than the Gen tiles will they WITITE G06l)J3iMtc. BalnU ! Uod Father and we are apt tg fall Into practice them to a very great ex- we shall know more about these nois and m Missouri have come Hear it ye Latter-da- y ay to be we aence now. tent. we than Hat Men wba! and do ibehold the tinder hun was wh!ch error you an here, expect in icfj pure, vlrtnous, things SEW, TftlE, Indulged by the Jaws in former agea, aud to cry of ihls spirit in the mercan- of thoso who were dlsobel lent? dreds of rettiements, hundreds of holy upttoight, prayerful, honest, dly out. HU obedient consider They were thrown into prison. eltUe, buUt in: the moat admirable hw, and not to fol'The temple of the Jjord, th Ittilea world, fornot instance, 1 and desires of low device e s to the manner. ner did en continue exiei their A of of lUw the the the your disgrace long keep government they, temple aGssELL & Bsa fiSAicsFAC nrsin6 CO. temple Lord aro we." lieaaaae Uj J has gagements, not t pay tue'r bcneit there?.. Until Jesua came.; What for the nroteoLlon of. the noor aa vfe!! own hearts. Uod has revealed r conferred upon na llht and intelli. debts, and laws aie made to reach then did He do? He went and as the rioh; and I have of tea said, many things to you and He will re reached to the spirits in: prison, that when we take Into considera veal many more. He expects ycu ra sealed itn will uoto offenders In those case. So strong tA JFVfwrs. In Ohm J genceaud too 'lrfd was "pat to death in tbe flesh," tion the fact of the poverty of the to abide His law, and thoee who do of honor le the to down are look feeling we many. among ; i sot. dpi mi u?. apt up j . in this nation, in England, in we are t. U la the Bible, "but people, that we have had an lomix not want te abide It had better qnlt IR01 A3 BRASS. W0G3 03' ftSACHIXE SMEWS. on the refit of mankind & aliena and TBASE HARK, tire sooner the better, for undeaerviss of IJ;vloe regarj; but Kraiiova Uermany,nnd in other I'juij quickened by the spirits by which every year of about 3,000 ou an aver- God Ar. Tf. FAIIIBANJ3Z Co., 43, 45 JZ 4 7uti.it Chnmbrrt St. anil VI an us to do Different nations--triHis of will sua all or unto tne went in also expfcts age preaonea we foreign lie uuu are many very immigrants, MS JCadc St., Styles, Varieties and Grades ioiu tait inaua ui ropeaxi p;t With oar metbods of living, things, f If we are Seventies we one blooa an trie ramuiea or me those people thatould be eeteemcd spirits ia prison, which Bomatime XT 33 AV" AT LOWEST PRICES. and In were .disobedient, when once the not xamtjjar wttn our cuniate, com have to go to the nations of tie l actartat Now Britain, Conii., IT. 8. A. fartb, and that He ban givento unto honorableif in their feelings X. I- - And It Braae For PV by Uod wailed In the ing here stripped that le, Coming earth, if we are members of the of ttcm tVJT Call and rr. and we will try to rtf aor r- Fot.Fala by Z. 0. :M. I.:itnl Brand them n portion or ills oviruke long suffering stincts, calamity pro 1spirit Koueasaud PwarareUtmarsiJy. Twtlre we have also to go to the ra- yocr retrotiseo bj Honest Ixallnf and ttrlot dlSS 1; fit withal. We are aidi informed, and they are unable to meet their days of Noah." Is that In the Blbh? here with very little to aid themYei, that is t is one i of the moat wonderful tions and preach trie Uospel, or tee attenUou to butlhefs. that Ocd la the Uod and Father of II ibJItlts theyjveiy frequently twna-m- lt Inquire the Christian. things that a community like this i"ai mis woir ia uone. ir we are S Peers WeMt of Kimball Corner ' sulckie, wrong though it be; m your tsroie. spirits of all (lash. We are given THOS; H. ARGALIj fi C0S the II. Dlawaoder. r.oui.H Thus we sea the dealings of Uod can absorb so many pepie annually Presidents of Btakes. we mast do Reagrly to understand that lie feels interes- they would rather die I than ba dla ur duty, draw nigh to God and iLiJiTrvAonma ted In the welfare tf all the human honored. Now, these sentiments or with those people., i Noah had and ahow no evidences of pauper ReKpeotfunr, I,. We have no paupsrs. seek for the revelation of ills will fiat they are bonor are gcoa so as tney go; put nothing to do but to preach the Uos ism. family, for it Is written Now. my brethren and slaters. that we my know the things we do SORENSQfl MENS' AND DOY3' & CiRLOUIST. all ilia ollsprlng. J. iiererore, we as this ia outside of the Gospel, t here- pel and obey tne word or the ljoru. Lineit;& Myers ''Totacco Co morWe have nothing to do but attend these results and I think them un and the things whereof we testify. l.atttr day Ma!nt3, ought to feel to are, of course, many If we are Bishops we mutt perform I wards the world aud the inhabitants ohanu and ttten cf large mean", to the same things. We then leavs der the olrounistances significant- t earth In tbe are uae to the our the inhabitants duties cr, w Will bj moved out the use who h their for talent and tf .weal. our wisdom, as blessing, of Uod, then Haavenly Ktar, 17 J,V Slodgc, Clipper, 6C8 RlJOADAf,; A of! taking Advantage Of hands of Uod. It is not for us to power and guidance of our UjJ. of our plaop. I do not care who It is the we ft els toward for them: Father purpose Corner feiiono, laud oppressing the Judga them; for the! Jjord ssyd, We havej been sustained here by these words may etito ; for Uo-- l the so Uod are told world the unwary loyed AND OTTIFit tRAND3 Of lid Ing up a Zlon and that Zlon in other coun- "judtf- ment is m no and 1 will re- - His arm. - Yet at the same time we that He gave Hi 4 only begotten poor and in this and r- -J means the p ire in heart, tbe hon- and all scrofulous diseases, Korea, Erj etno-la- s, of pay. r Yen men nave onerea un- - have been treated ltka a step-ohll- J lob jy ihcvianUa tries cj for atone their to Son that annually Stonin, M. I. Krocb Fiar 5to ty Z. C Kctenia, lilotcliea, Khigworiu, 1 whosoever belleveth on Him might millions of wealth from the unsus tothem tbe words of lhj and they by v.tur parent government. Liyal orable, the upright, the virtuous. Carbuncles, lioils, uud Kruptlona HAmLfH & CO. not perish, but have everlasting relect these wot da, tbty then be at earn to the core: believing a ana thoso whose sympathies extend Jife: pecting and poor y their qu HEMPHILL, tho we to oome carSltln, sre tbe direct result of mi of CO. do to the the 01 that and r amenable comtuutloa of of the and welfare their ia cf our of the if L. lil RUMSEY promotion this and fueling (M jlneatitblo greed; of the blood. stato e tihpure as is of the I ountrv sorrow. condemnation Is, a'.ed be UoJ; locking the human fmlty. He expects us iusp'red mUery and Ueavtnly Father towarda the in- - rying poverty; MUiut4tUTil nnl Jotlr (4 To euro tlieso diseases tlte Mood must ha to came this of form to that the as msllioui of of honest into in behalf the distress upon the we interests world; tarch to Operate of light the government for, habitants onht MATS EBCECETS OH CLOTH to a lieallliy and rather than Uxt given and aa the best possible of a fallan World, and to brine all to puiifled, and restored enteitahv the same seatiment. laboring clashes. As God has pltnt- - but mtn love dark nil PUMPS & FIRE ENGINES, FLBBl 312 3145 HIJOADvVrAV; . rorm or numau cunditiou,' AVKii'3 S.sAPAitlLt.A lio4 oif because their deds are evil of the truth that will Ills Bpirit within light wasr oa the earth, ed h iturtion government:: not knowledge Jesus When f ! forty years Leon recognized by oinU it. tor over withstanding ,w eater tain tbeee lie tea to U and cbey ImI I'll when He establish 1 the Unpel them He will hold them and not Us Mli persecute , the liidfera bu views', medical authorities AH llin most iow. lieu we to forth been have treated Ue fori to us in their from then go build bean per as and' they has established They it preach. responsible expects aet; honor secuted Jesua. fciT" Oiir Ooo(!i ar kept by Z.jC Af. I., atxS upon it, in existwicn. It ficca arful imrlfter as liltKxlj tha we of riches we and wert stead h beginning They persecuted have been though la theee Jast days, He satd:"Ud temples ponscssiug Ostein front "alt foul lpunors, ( luicKes antl racking. sent not His Bon into the world to their names will ' brc?ms inramouA tlla disciitc. Men i ia many in aliens and as though we were a step and are doing. And here per the lug. U condemn the wcrU; but that the on earth and thereafter. And ia stances even in this nation a na child Instead of one born legally ana mit me to say that I cm and Btreugtbens tha blood, reinuyei nil trm-oaud t.rovt.! itsii" a lion that 1 emphatically called the entitled to the bltsstnirs that the mind the Latter-daBainu of mercurial treatment, world through him might ba saved." stead of wallowing hv their tr AGBICULTdBAMEIPLEHEHTS, conipleto maslor of all Bcrofuluus.disensfs. MAHUrACTlMllUU V 'And when. He commissioned His ten gilDS they! will find themselves- land of the free, the home: cf the rest of oar brothers and e'stera In for the energy they, have dt ivloA Eecent Cure ftt Scrofuloim Hurra. brave, and the asylum for! the op- the compaotof the Union are entitled played In these things. And it is for ' calling tutroa their Apostles HU command was-- "Jo ye with Dives iHASS & PLATES WOHI FEIVHTEMIS ASTEU mm, BARnnD wir, imci so ns troubled cf water to ; cool pressed have put to death some of to. We hava had this sort of us to honor oar Uod, and to obey all "Soino moiitlifl a lili for time tne all drop Into the aud WJrlJ, preaoh .TO. Bra , ritNCINO, Ox-pe- l 1tt l.xta 'I'll.. or our iuldera because of the testimony treatment from the : beuinninir Just and c institutional lawr, and to iviif t.iii. ...... fi,l..nra Vila ami Gospel to every creature. He that their parched tongnes. men can were hndly swollen tiifliiird, in v hot they have . borne to them, Tb is, Every act of ours hai been viewed oa quel and reAOeanie, and operate limbs tlia aoies uiscliarcd jl.ugo ((uni.litks belleveth and is baptized snail: be ho Uoepel. honorable II! E8ITI SEC5S3 ST..ST. LQ0iJQ. la to with we f all with for in and acordanoe be nmttvr. condescend of Plumbers Materials, and irnsive friends Jealousy. Nevertheless, Chicanery decep however, Kvery reuwdy 1 liU'd the mankind, l.tiled, tintii 1 uued Avon's saved; but he that belleveth not Saiinai'AI;!! i , shall ie damce i." xne damnation tlon; and while following the lead of the. predictions of Jesus. He told have prospered. Uod hai been with but do not .condescend to their per- - .f 73 BEEKMAN BTiasr.' 1 mow whicb lmva taken Unco or odnd em oat ion of the people who that Inward monitor they ould not tits dicipies that, "If (be world hale us. ills bmsing has been upon us. nicious, corrupt and damnable prac- with tlia r.Kult Hint lli enrea mo btlll, We have maintained good ord?r in tlc'ea, tr God will 3 e enow mat is natea me be my general grcnlly linrri.l. you ai He an.l rejected the Gospel lie could not yield themselves to those heartless you, t roi-- l piateful for tU good your rrT Refrr by perutaloa to 6v!d Jam in . threo mounUiao, not tecAute will Judge them. juJge In f .ir us to do medicinevory fore it hated words In other : Ho cffere l udto them and praet'CiS,tha It you." Again. done has inn. help, Sail Ijtka City. . reaeet fully; Mns AKN tlT.ni A.v." ;Yora words cf llfp, and according to eter- there ia a honor in the minds of the.Bavlor said, "If they love me governors have been sent here not right and work rlgltteouness, an 18 Sullivuu Hi., Ktw Voi k, Juin Z4, lsMV will love yop; If they: receive of cur chtoelng; not because federal God will bless us. We need have lhy nal, laws that exiat n the heavene, men generally about shedding in no. me t iC All persona Interested are Invited they will receive you; if they re officials have been sent here in no fear pertaining to the future; and m n must be goveruett ly certaiu cent blood, and laws are pisseJ to Mrn. 4'ttrlan; ttln upon (h.i me they will rej set you; if they whose saieouon we nave: had no when we have: completed' these lo rail on to A'eitf-of crimes kind and orJt.'. that to 03 if associate ' ject prevent desire Pti Street UikVt they principles 1'. Wild of Itl l:.if.t It It Mrrtl, ltev.'. not for becaus ma tiunir-wnereuo we will teveral toe a onencer.t ImioisUr and voice; Ucs aii will persecute persecute years temples go iney with the a its, and if whan the New York Olty, tvho will taKe lenaur roeen nas . oaca He icome further said a And Front and it to llio won.iei lul etttcMt y i fiom? almost it ueemed therein the sacred ordinate is of In you," pel was preached thry diJ not re these thing) not in Itio ni o tbat He should j have to a quail fl ja tlon for oftloers to; hate God'a house, and tbe Hpirtt and or .iyer'n celve if, the oondeianation rested that Fp'rit vrii ci Uod has planted is singular own r:io aiul till lady, but in 1.1 only In the bosom of ail iua. You may say it to His d kelpies, men who were tne amons blessing of Uod will rest upon ua, many atormon" condemnation people And the them. with Kia otlivia within knowledge. Ul viLJ, tallies vC'aS Vau'. iir.ASrrxa, .VvlAj jiiflb, grows . out of thi. : that light had take tbe lowest and- - most degraded good, virtuoup, pure, upright, and wnom toe federal otilclAu were go and we will ataud, aa the Sariptares ' The writer onlhe Boston IK kektitcky tii .v, vck, serve:: to to desirous of Bonze of the greatest crlmi but because there ha say, sb eavlora rpm mount Zion, 15. W. prom de tha welfare coma into the world, but men loved of then, log ELF.CHIIC, FV9U. N.lt., write1!, Ball; of i:oehcstcrf " oals perhaps, and they will say 't If humanity it is fcingular that lie been a unbn in the midst of th and the v Kinsdooi shall te tbe because darkness rather thm light, an ;l nd I, . tha p Pate br Z. G If. L, to a an shonld see have say; "Illeaaed are ye, people, there has been a wisdom LordV; and wot ! to them that fight nonoraoie man, virtu they their deeds were evil, i Buffered anverely fr romo year Having ptlDOlpal Siorta lu tba Tcnlttwy, od ly 1 v ill. Ke.zciim, and having failed to ttn.l vein ( man, a kind hearts and genefotaa waen men snail revile you, and per there has been a nower In the eov against Zion. Amen. The Lord Jesus Has given aa a ous II. II. 4 IJl WWI, Assn.. comm'.saion secnte you, and shall eay all manner ernment which God has given. God iroin other remediea, 1 bve ina.le upa, iui u of tha eamei kind to man. a man mat aeta uprrgutiy inn pai-- t llire iiu.ntha, t Avf.ii'h Harhafa- world of mankind, aud you have V We respect that man, . we honor or evil against you, falsely, for my has developed true stateman9hlp lu wiueu l;ai ttieetea a complete rutf. BRfflCKERHOFF, TURNER & CO. the hiixa, the-sv or Latter-uasake. tne be we for his midst of I him; heard during this Conference Kejolco and; the him, exceeding respect vlrtuep; Lams Pok Hlng, President of the consiilcr it luagnllicuut reinedy lor nil im fhna St NEW 70KK. we cannct imitate him, we are sorry glad; for great is your reward in hea Saints. There are hundreds of men 8am Yip Uhlnete s manner that these things were Company, Ban blood diseasa." COTIn of Man if cturem anail)c!fi that it is unnecessary to say,' and In tbla. way they will vent for so lenecated tbey the In this community who can take a Francbo, Cal , endorves the great i11 for me to repeat them. Hufllce , it ackno wleJge that which la good and Prophets which were before you.1 body of people and go Intel thes Bt. Jacobs Oil. Were men thete are a da ert 6ott (o say. that the build enemies feel wilds and cr aa4 were themselves that tf up ftH iafr city, aoiog they they brand, C some of the rrin mankind because they told them a nnmner or cities, and eovern and stimulates aid refill ten tbe action of tlia a 1 at mi duoad by the opening of the hea wrong. These are end m tne irutbV All intelligent men emtrol them In a manner that it in nature.. human Uod our tbat ligestiva au.V assiniihitiva orcans, renews of etst the appearance by tens, nBuibctf rt: VOITON CAKVAS and strcufthPiis the vital forces, and sneetlliy so far good; AC tne No. would Are were those are Elders whole the world t Son say in Hts Father Jesus uey Truuk and Car. governed Heavenly IJoefcr tor i ISO 14 to locba wWe, cures IiheumnliHin, Neuralgia, Itlieuiim-tl- c Christ. Iy IbeadmlnisUHng of holy time there is another ient'msnt who go forth to proclaim the Gospel tbat way wojld produce tbe grand ud mda Sther la to est rSrpotos, is. All the of mankind? and cwintantly enemies virtue Cioitt, Catarrh, Oeneral Debility, iiud restoraUoa that of We results. the the protect have prevatlc U SALT. AT F. happiest jHu -tngel, ly to order, nil diseases ftrWlng from an lniOTeiishc-- or Priesthood, and by the revelation and chastity, It Is not praoUc d aa intelligent men will say Now Well, demonstrated : our capacity for tell .4 j CTT 33 3 of 11h wl'i to tian You woaia you try to coerce met.7 No. govern men 1, ana n is inherent it corrupted condition of tho blood, and a w eakextensively as fit cuaht to be; ami ' Pate," by lb Case orKs Tl.i . UcKKJi can oa c iiuiii" ened vitality tw i heed very well th naturecompre of the grt at amount of hypocrisy exist on Whj ? Because Uod does not do it. may be said In the j no pie, irr ng J t Ij iucomuarably tho us to not aa I want does dedo He la nevertJUelcas and It. liut duties it thuautlect. from and the the wisdom cheapet blood medibelieve, l ing, organization, ou nccount use of millions conceulvated not of would its Influence heart in cine, the but and individuals Gad certain bastowed that any has implanted strength, upon volving bleislng O- - 3 . T" lir"! .laMiMM and great power over disease. ft . and qnorums in this Church. The of tbe hum-- fnmilr: and the? i'xk that of truth to lead any man to a upon men. . There la too! community A iw y Twelve are eet apart aa special wit- upon the seducer of woman and the knowledge of the troth. Any other within the omnatsof liiese PIIKPABED BY nesses to the natioas of tbe e&rtb. de filer of hi easel, and upon Abuse m quence, any other po wer, any United rjtates tbat can furnish so & Co., Lowell, Mass. Dr. J. 0. Ayer and are empowered A'jd aathoriau who riractlce ciioif s asaooiated with other spirit ht not cf Uod. There is many practical men; of tbh bharac- Sold by all Drngglxti; irice f 1, els bottloa to open up the U:pei, to iatroJuc j these matters, With dlfguat, f Tbe a spa j lea or fa'se Christianity that ter as can tue xauer-Ja- y ' riaints, lor k wal-y, 1 to is are to Ink nations and to evidetiCM kilt the turn and ef are the however, to be right it it, prefecu'e paople bjys thereof on In because rottenness and of their religion, but those seen lu the good order that all people, and the word to tbe t corrupt ing to others associated in regard to these matters, yet there po eased of that spirit, whoever these menu and tains from Apostles inc. liHCJt I ! f BUTTjER! with them to the ; Riders of Israel are thousands and millions or men thy are. are of their father: the north to south and from east to west, 1 I 1 who t Latter-dawomen abhor de11. because his IlVt y worki Cboleo and do. 'Uo fowa wherever the into KEEM impuiity Bain Is, ail the Is they lire Creamery Tilry generally ye ICHlmmoam v Aak far ia a. world and preach the Udspel to and vice, and cannot sanction been- - Uo 1 believes in the freedom of man-ki- aod have Influence. I praise-Gor UUTTES. L IE3, T3NT. t, and Batan was cat our of hea. for it. I claim no credit for man In every creature. He that belleveth liousnesa in any or us msgnsung CURES van are because to this he forma. All take ia thete good la matter. thing and away be It shall blessthe Wotxm and sought dlvin B. baptized saved; W. J. iB. won Also on band a fail supply of W. J.PAW, I1IE1B MavaeT Sciatica, he that belleveth not shall be in their tlaoe: but this alone is not tha free agency of man. la various ing, and It Is In acoordatcB with Rheumatlsm.Heuralgla, Headache, Backache, Lumbago, 1 of the world, under Toothecto, various the la aat age as was tha damned." This Goatjel. ha been in plan that ! j theit Twelve rant, BwetllBar. Sprataa, BraJaea. WOLFE, PATTOH & CO, Lin, ad the same thing has been in the heaven. Whv, the very fact Bare TliUarM, former ages. To assist kVhi titia. Now, la former times, in the days gut Sk1U, ALL OTHER ACBHL DOIMLf 1KB AUD rAIfcS we or some1 Bomallaiea in whioh they Are en the flood, for. instance, that we were permitted to be driv- ScU ay Dracftsu to DUere artrrvhtr.. Fifty Cats a ... lBlAlII in the labors people political, SUCCESSORS TO are the Seventies, who are became very corropt, 10 much so tira93 religious, and sometlmee en to these mountains 3rL jOL 3XT IfADM r gaged, shows us . 3, ' THV. I'NVIK A. VINIK1.KI1 tHi UABDWABE CO., called as special witnesses to the na we are tofd,tLat the lmsg;nat!or,8 tf othar pretexts are iatroluoad ta on the band of Uod la it. 1 here wis by tha d a ot box. RTT: IVA IZ J. ISliUB A. IUUUJ.Itl.tJ.) , MlUwn, fo U It, tions or the earttu fall What; for? tbe hearts or ram wer oiy vu pre is mnUind and to deprive them no room for expansion in our old pa ManuIarturioaaa?DeaIeftn Aebuke lot of "We oonid not have Who organized these Pevenlie, and and that continually, and the Scrip- of. that liberty; which it Is their grown v thtBO Twelve, and who dictated tures say it repented the Lord that birth right, ana which all man have we cou!d not nave develops 1. Bat I la far iCrEaloa Californ Dried Grapes, , their duties and respinslbllltes? The He Lai. mad man because of his a rig it, under God's law, to erj y our enemies were determined tW alarMI. L tj tA talfe 3d nOW wickedness: COma Tnf but Lord. Anr O c and us .A.XM l. make do did He it? Bjcawe, eruptions I grt at, and they thrust us AH AXE, HATCHET" Wij ages, OF ALIj KINDS. oah tlons lip to this nation in a p ,JU',ol out and rent us some tell that it us ui repented POCKM a iurmer Into felt Interested tie laid whtch SOflE TOI3 m iae welfare of the human fa ml that man had - been made because polas of view. We ate hero la this Uod evidently had deetgael to be BOOT &IID SHOE MAKER, CORN, OATS & Frtrlory, 139 11B WCOD Street, BAELEY, ST ly, and it is not and never was the of the' abominatlohs and evils that Terr to y of Uth.- We were told seitlod by J rut. auca : a HBTAIL BT0SE, i e - to g tuier here by the by lbs car load or smaller Quantity. and we aa cu te yei. Lird, There fia u,( 43 SECOND BODTII STREET, wuj or uod thati mankind should ha wtfntsecd in his day. Uod des- hava i? SALT LAKE CUT, UTAH. obeyed His command. Just as such . Ian 1 j under that they ail lafght be trnvfed tha wicked ef that genera ' f 6uiv " ptrlsb,Lat Q Coane and Fine SALT, to a knowledge M flood. la the habitat, the true Why did He they dl J, as I before atated, in the Far ala tA C v. l- Ooaba. brought tioa with cf tbe It tiutb H IVw HAHIr wfcala attention paid to Cut' ta any QuaoUtj. fM and to an obedience tiierscf, if they f ie trey tTSpeeiat hi. He destroyed them ! Zion of Enoch In h'a dav. Wh.n habitat or tha torn fFcrA. Ileptxirhkq maVu done. we . U-Cwe taw tme can 0 our here If C bodU s proper, 93m. fotthehr and yoa brought if when the not, oott A Oik, Cuonmba i, adalrabdz?ia ta ,Ta.J :(iici(;o Iit A SURE : RECIPE pu-latlo- ; (lIFiMffiS tthat-wetraxis(e- cd nil mmmmmMi, ai-- i ,: ;, t;mi,ifst e Jt - tint, i e afr r Ante-dIuvl- t'-e- eut-ject- i e Bg-il- i - nc al Mor-m- oo - - . - ! ill-tm- It r. rlg-lo- Absolutely, pure. Palmer, Fuller .. . s. sy oonae-tuultitu- . , SashDoors & Blinds, j ' 7 f CHICAGO, leArt . ! ruo-you- HAT WAREHOUSE ", . w O M j f 5 y ' I COTTON DUCK. - i ; ! ii. l . - ? - j : 2rj a-- e fu - bare-roote- FURNITURE .8 i d, - y , have-entere- d ; YORK. WORLD-WID- : - DRY GOODS, asroTidisrai td-d- : Ird, jJr ; HAHBW4B.I3, TRY IT. CHICAGO. ; to-da- al YORK, . 'trade.' , - , - sr. y, unao-quainte- d r rr ipole ; ; CLOTH NG. Rf!"Rni?.TTT. 1 o a. tht o o I- 1 MTC caiifetijxg, etion-ableao- ti . lit im-tur- al Ac 't - . - ! -- ill-go- . y ' : ; - ta4 11 1 i i cold-bloode- ( - d 1 HAZARD POWDER! i " (V n -- . i well-know- nr n ' w-l- : e ! paln-banlshe- SPOOL uuibtr-HarJ,Ma- mmummm 1 mmp on to-d- ay 1 M. !3. t"lta X. ! a : i A Ii U Ay e r's Sarsapar ; i O Ij ; r, : iiM d . l to-da- to-da- .fT! prtvaib-throughou- - rrlT A d a BUTTER , - Ukather. JSlioep pre-arrang- ed e, G 33 ; . sv9 R R U f SHES W. Bim liberty i 84ktn. I - I !.. : ! i . K- - 1 - Cn? to-da- s y. gjg i I. r : ia HOOPBB, Orease H |