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Show WiH 8TEESGTH .07 .CHIHA. ' Thr wk breezes that have been At MV1 O'CLOCK. wafted to the western. world from the shores oj. Ton quin have stirred pttNTi mo rvtumo iy the other than French anxieties, and deseretI NEWS COMPANY. np the possibilities of Chinese success have been ; gravely discussed in The ImiCH11LES If. PmOSE, EDITOB, several European Courts. 1 quick-wittetative powers of the liongoliansare well known, and WiiImmUj, . , Pepf S, 1SSS. their readiness to copy tuoae Improvement of the Inventive race BEM CONFERENCE. with which they became acquainted, has b3en seen in their adoption in many parts of the Celestial EmTO TUB PRESIDING OFFlCftBS, EYENING NEWS. THE m d 5'::; pire. EIJ3IR9 AND SAINTS. ' i '. '' upon the minds of statesmen that Chinese vical Conference of many The over whloh Is not the French, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- tory at all Improbable, might be the pre B&Inta will bo opened at 10 cursor of an Invasion -day by hordes of d o'clock a. m. on Friday, the 5th day warriors into civilized of Oetober, 1883, Ju tha Large Tab. countries Which, considering the millions of mn that the Celestial ernacle In J3alt Lake City. ; Empire could spare for war, would John Taylor, be a much ; tnora; formidable affair George Q. Canhon, jf than many might iuppcse,parUcular. Jossfh F. Pmith, ly If the modern implements of warFIrat Presidency of the Church fare were placed In the hands of the almond-eyedhosts that could be of Jesus Christ of Latter-datbe hurled r : enemy. upori Balnta. This probability has occasioned much inquiry Into the military strength of the peculiar country MflTOBIAL JOTZS. with the enormous population. The Choose those companions who ad- - Lmost complete account of. this has been compiled by the Bt. Petersburg imfnlster to your Improvement.. Gazette, frorja which we learn that The Presidential bee ia in the bon- China has two separate and distinct nets of ambitions men, but as yet armies; one called the Army of the has gathered no honey. ; Eight Banner, and tbe other." the I.. of the jitJreat 'Banner. The Army Work ou the Panama canal is be-- first is' the Imperial army, the enother the provincial army. Together aa puahecf forward wltii greatwork-idcn of total somber they numberf 760,000 ; men. The ergy. Tbe Is orei 10,000. officers are distinguished from the common soldiers by being athletes. id. do Braxz, the African explor- The choloe troops 'of the army are er, baa penetrated to the heart of called the Imperial Guard, numberthe Cono country, but has not yet ing 18,000. Q , these the Infantry, established himself in the heart of 6,200 mentare provided with muzzle H tan ley. loaders, presented by the Czar of LRnseiaJ the rest are armedjWith flint A bright lad of fifteen years has guns, lances land shields. Half of ust died in Brooklyn, N.Y., from tbe cavalry,! about 2,000 men, are the direct fcUect of cigarette smok armed with .'Chassepot rifles. The bronze guns, ing, which induced paralysis of the artllley has thirty-tw- o heart and) brain. And. still the bought In ItuElA) and a few mortars. cigarette is popular with other care-1m- c There are 1,750 educated artillery : I men. 1. youths. '! In the Peking' province there is a 'A fine portrait of the great poet body of troops 80,000 strong, 'under Longfellow adorns the Century lot the Governor of ChlJIIy, who are inOptober, and the illustrations are structed by English and French more than usually excellent. In office! s. Thid army has breeoh-loadin- g rifles and Krupp steel e?ery department this popular magazine is nrbt class and It ranks with According to German writers. the very best monthlies of the day. up to 1879 Krupp had sent to China Published 'at Union Square. New 150 heavy guns and 275 field guns, York. The army of the Governor of Khan. Zu and Shan-Ze40,000 strong, Is Lord Coleridge has made. a few said to be supplied with all the remarks which show how very dif- modern arms, and to be drilled ao ferent he la from the general run .of cording to the principles of Moltke foreigners who come to this coun- and Manteuflel. This army fought try. He said that it ill became any successfully: against Yakoob Beg, person making rapid tours through and, indeed, proved itself the best foreign countries to form harsh Judg- disciplined army in China. ments of their social, political and With ammunition the Chinese commercial qualities. are well supplied, making their own gunpowder. They have eight large Considerable care should be ob- arsenate under the management of served in administering patent Englishmen, one of which, at Jlan-Zltoethaohe drops. The quantity of turns oat 5,600 pounds a day. creosote contained in some pot into A.t the arsenals of Kankln and tha diseased tooth of a little boy in Shanghai the 'American guns of New x ork was sufficient to cauBe Remington and Bpencer are manu hia death in a few hours. The old factured. At the plan of curing toothache is, after all, Arsenal submarine mines are prethe beat way. Just have the tooth pared. At the Arsenal pulled out. cartridges and arms are manufac N. tured. ?$"-- ' Business men everywhere will be Pekin is the 'most strongly forti hv laarn that . Intaretatjul w. WW. twA M. WW. t fied city, being the capital, and deJ a rAn decision Of the Niagara circuit court fended by a fort well supplied with sitting at Lockport, N.Y., it la prao- - Krupp cannons, which also are tlcally determined that the verbal mounted at each of the nine gates busineas contracts made by tele leading into the city through stone phone, and which can be sobstan-- walls forty feet high and from forty : iiatea Dy trust wortnjr witnesses to seventy feet thick. Canton, from both eeds of the telephone line, and Shanghai are alao strongV art legal and binding contracts. ly fortified, as are all the large in;. terior cities, tj: I; ; The Prince Imperial's tomb in the three has China separate fleets, Zulu country is, it appears, kept in the I the g and the Canton, good order. There is about a quarter fleets.' Together they of 'an aore of ground inclosed by a Shanghai a few have twenty-seve- n gunboats, wall, and within that another a of and number frigates transport Queen Victoria's cross vessels. Nine cf the were gunboats stands. The original wreath placed made six workmen, by by English around the cross is still intact, Frenchmen and the rest by natives. much faded. monu The though ironclads, armed with guns of ment was placed by a British officer Eight the oalibre, have lately been largest In charge of a chief named Babuza obtained from England. The fleets and his clan, who promised to take are in good order and efficiently care of It. They have kept their manned by Chinese. The strongi promise well. part of the fleet is made up of 13 small built of steel, pro Daring robberies have been com pelled gunboats each carrying twlnscrswe, ;by mltted lately in certain railway sta two 28 ton 10 inch breech-loadinlions of Paris. The robbers hava guns, mounted upon cantre pivots, usually been disguised as porters, the 18 pounds of po wdernd woo, while travelers are purchasing the charge projectile weighing 400 pounds. ticket, pretend to fake charge of They carry besides In etch four, 40- their baggage, placing the trunks breech-loadln- g guns, two and boxes on a truck and disappear, pounder breech-loading guns, two ing immediately with their booty. Nordenfeidts and four Gatlings,and 'These railway thieves belong, it Is two stearu cutters fit- thought, to a numerous band. A furthermore, sea wiw spar . lorpeaoes. Tne ves rewjof them have already been ar sels are also armed with a formida rested and the police are trying to ble steel knife edge spur or ram. discover the headquarters of the Thus the Chinese army,it appears, gog. is not at present a very formidable A new flying machine has been affair, as tbe thoroughly drilled and efficiently armed men do not num oonatrnatjut In W sjsaa sum - J acted to a trial which the Inventor ber over 120,000, the rest being un declared to be wholly satisfactory. disciplined. Tha navy seems to be in much belter" condition than the ! It is propelled by steam, flret en the army. But In the event of an exlaniii until a velocity of thirty to tensive war It would be found that thirty-fiv- e miles Is attained, when It is, by means of a fan lever, pro- - these provincial troops would be . J tc tej into the air. The machine is soon trained, and made efficient. made of light wood, with a frame while any number of men could be " pressed Into the service, and either like that of a carriage, of the great Powers of Europe would and has two large wheels in front find a brush with China a very dif and: two small ones behind, with a ferent task from; the easy victories d screw for the air. The of a few years ago. ; the British inventor thinks he can easily travel at the height of one mile. It ia dawning . Heml-Annu- pig-taile- I I !: y , i I ' "! ; can-non- s. e; n, Fu-tcheu-- fn ! Lan-tcheu-- au ; ) I mmm m 0, i i Fu-tch- eu j. ; Fo-klan- g m m B3W4 ; foar-wheel- ed nlne-blade- Poor Vandervoort has been making desperate exertions to get in the office from which he was unceremoniously expelled. But so far he has failed, and his own supporters are beginning - to desert him. The Ban Francisco Chronicle BY TELEGRAPH. ed LATsurr tor liuxxtmisu. : ! : TIltla Terr'h . J-- Rohaol-bou- 1 y. 'r-- E'.I. mnortaiit Wereuce se IOST. -- fl ' . I ' . ! " " " j- . A very large proportion of the inhabitants of Utali surrounding; Territories, are enjoying the luxury of ia our Unexdelled Cooking a and in order that many others may have the privilege of par. ticipating in like blessings, we announce the arrival of 1 I- FIVE; j CjA R LOA DS of Charter Oaks Mom Royal Charters, Moni' Champion to rs, etc., etc. Also, a large yariety pf H e at e rs and Par lor jCpo ks which we are offering at astonishing lo : . : : , .f UNION SQUARE prices and we confidently assert that for Cooking and THEATRE qualities, durability, readiness of action and economize SEPT. of Fuel, they have no EQUAL S, and for. these reasons poured the SQle Agency from t!io Manufacturers Parisian i have PREFERRING- THESE TO ALL OTHER STOVES, which we have at various times been sqlipited to adopt V Our Hardware, Crockery, Glassware, Tinware, and Stove fnnriifiiiifi Tirn nf mn rkvt f ci - rrf olein nAYrirlif a i"vi rill branciiek! so that the Carpenter, Blacksmith; Farmer; Minei! and the Housewife can have their varied jwants supplied at NOTICE. Pricesjrttwill ehsure satisfaction. Please call on us ami you wijl le readily convinced that TRUTH AND SMIL PROFITS is; our Motto. H. S. ELDREDGE, SUPT. Heat-in- g . t " - -: -- a, - . 1 DRIED - a Vice-Preside- nt - FRUIT BUTTER, EGGS, bt 11 ETC . TO UTAH LIME I jr i -- I ... Hsa 1TOTIOB. 86 & 88 EAST TEMPLE i C Ji. I., K. ; . matt t STOCK, i TRANSFER v Sit, Ibis iDSUtuttoa Will b - 0niaEPTEMBEK15tb,'aad on Ootober Cib, . 4240 Sir . PANORAMA co Beptembor 4lbt li&i. '. j next i- , i I Salt Lake Cuj, ' G. 117, DAWS'. to-d- ay GREAT REDUCTIOPt! OF PRICES! my property la the Eleventh Ward, for a reasonable figure. It la eltus. & CEMENT COMPANY, ted abont half a block South of tha New Oat hollo Hospits), and the At Pascoo & Burns' Kilns, 20 Cents pep Bust V same distance from the First Boutb " 25 Delivered In Salt Lake, Btreet Oar Line, Property in that to locality is likely Increase in value, as It has fin the .Eighteenth and JL iVb. 1 Build in $ Mod:, at Quarries, $r to ,p; pa I Twentieth Wardaftrt ia therefore a good mTe3tment. 4 tar QP.TH:!;3 hF.CS.IVj; SALT LiKR DEPOT AT OLD MAUKET M'. O. CHA8. W. rri' YNKB. 9. BOX, AT KILNS BT TELEPHONE. ' d tso tt Mr:- - i ' . " ! NEIGHBOR TO IAwillBUITABLK sell a lilco Building Jjot o:l - -- OTHERS BUILDERSJO BOOK3: I . Of or a - ST. r p ; CLOHED BEOPNKS t ' f ft i i li T. O. WEBBER, ;! j. iSaoty. and Trcaa :.; tar Ask itr ibe Elbow. It Pipe Ivea tba Best Fatis i faction and ueeiS with Quick Sales. tW For Bala by . O. M. 1. brarjab Stores $100,-000,00- i PROPOSALS. lis Hm TTP TO MONDAY MORNING V Cetobet tot. 1833, at io a. m., Kds -- Ul ba reoelred for FrelgbtlDv between t bis City and tbe Paper Mill at fiirUerrtlle, salt Lake .; v county, asJbliows t .. Baas from Salt Lake to Paper MM. Cbemloala and Otbcr MaUrlaU to Facer J r- - . J FURNITURE Iron-gra- y A letter from Bt. Pierre, Martinique, Bept. 8th, received here say t: On the night of the 1th hist, our harbor was completely swept by a mo t violent cyclone. Eighteen vessels were wrecked, and only one Boston, 26. or Kephl, Juab Co Fept. 22, It 83. tx 1 , inaWeeh Radically Cured ax I o v n ail tnose in port saved. WSS. TODD, A. M., M. PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON. , & Colored Coaventloa. and Residence, Rooms 7 and 8 Whits Louisville, Ky.J 20. The only Office Bait Lake City, Utah. Important point in the colored con- Bouw, Hours 10 to IS a. m., s to and to S p. m vention this morning was a resolu tion by W. ri. Wilson, of Louisiana. S GBAND endorsing the administration or Artnur. This raised a great stir and mucu oratory which was oniv TO quieted when L. D. Herbert, of TRADEMARK. Louisiana, moved to refer it to the CHICAGO MID ST. LOUIS Different committee on resolution?, which Styles, Varieties and Grides win leave on tbe regular Fast bound was adopted, rfothinz yet aocom Atlantic Itxpresa Tra'n PRICES. plished. SEFTSHBSU STtta, 18SS, AT LOWEST . vw, UU w.ll IX .U Lime from Klloa to Paper Mill Machinery to and from Mill as cirevi instan ces may require. Coal from Franokljn to M11U 1 86 & 88 EAST TEMPLE ST. '; I Granite T:tV '! Paper from Milt Tbe different olaaees cf frelabt bet wee u any two points can ba tamped at so much per ton If desired. Bids to ba based upon a toa cf f ZX00 pOUfida. Tbe rlfbt to reject any or all bids U reaerv ed. M , Bonds will tie required from tbe party to wbom tbe oontract is awarded, for Its faithful performanoe. 11 , UEBESET HEW9 CO. I ME Salt Lake City, Sept. 22nd, 18S3. t '. A wu ds i iiii exoeptioist wnouT DDHLE .. & PERFECT EOOKISC I.I0ST THE The Iron Manufacturing Uompanyi ot Utan. j uSa.2NT33 - m W J tKm ' TIE CESiEfl E!0 C1H3SE UllUl bostnars. to attculloa THKQHAT BCEN1C.EOUTE, Chicago, 20. The Journal's IdnFanlnr orer the BURLINQTOV & Mig. ccln, .Neb : Light frcst Ml here 8OOKI Poor West of lilmball Corner ttlVEB RAlLItOAD totheMlasourl last night, the first of the ceaaon. ruver rrom Hearty oppoalte 11. Dlaweedey. and ntumlar by the Bo far as can be learned it was gen ATCHIdON, inver. TOPEKA SANTA S BAIL. IlospeotfuUy, eral throughout the Btate. Damage UOAD to Pueblo, thus giving new eoenery, eto. can Tou thus arrive at Kauaa City. to corn believed to be light, as the Pi&Uamoutb, or Atohlaon. aa CULODIST. pretarred, cn tbe SDBEDSDD crop is pretty well matured. The MMaoun lilrer. Ton can lay over at pleasure Eaat after and at arrival at meet goingPueblo, republican Btate convention wmo returning vveat on tuaau-lere-ot here It is relieved Judee any aiaiiou within tba Limit ot Ticket's routes, xjaxe win do renominated for Ha Time. The Denver Ss Rio Graode Soanlo route taxes in moe canon and River, ureen preme Judge. v and Oraod Elvers, U iron toon Hirer and Canon, Cimarron Pass, Blaok Canon, "Wiu w on!era caver 0ael" Mare ball Faaa, Arkan1 Y? 7T sas itivar and Canon. Including tbat now wW Wit well-knowonder. and to Royal 00 Gorge, IATKNT TKJlHH - ATLANTIC Ola. fueoio, woera are looated lmmenaa Iron and Steel Works, and Gold acd Silver Smeller l riTCUEN. and Beflnera. Also lnelodea Colorado Bprlnr, WUliama1 Manitou Bprinta, Pike's Ovtraiaa. Canon. Cava of tba Winda.Peak, Dta Vbm. H.tn. 26. In Five townships bow I alls. Garden of tba Gods, Monument Dublin, Park,and other seenle attraouona too numnr. Tlrperary County have been pro otia not omtrtlng; over Looh Kat- claimed by the government on ac- no to mention, oown on to toutn Fiaue Klver, urue,it to count of outrages perpetrated there. tollowuif Dourer, where the Exposition la now open. Artesian Weljs now running-anKilled aa more bebr aunk, and many other ean ba viewed with Intarast. 1 ha Home. 6. The cfflcicl report o roads traversed by tais party WIU fatalities consequent upon the late different ui mur iMiia w imer n ana towns ibu 1990 at lochia' stats that aiaoa; tbe UUsourl and Idlasleatppi Elvar. earthquake of Colorado, Kansas, Nebpersons were killed and 874 Injured. through StateMissouri A; Illinois, amen Iowa, raska, a. Ceaata-tlaotowns beln Barhoaton. Qalnov. htnnZrmtba Cauflasratlaala Nauvoo, and tniodrada of other CoDstantinopIe, 28. A fire In the oppoalte Towns and Cittat toba aaaa on the man ainoa-tkls route. TLw trip takaa In tba Kadi KenI quarter of this city last SJT. I.OCIS FAIB AHD night destroyed S01 houses. Fraat. 111 to-da- y. s' y'TW FOIlfiilQ Cv T7OR THR PUBP03E OS" PROMOTINQ tbe maaufaatnre at Irnii. tbtm Omrnint been lnoomoratrri aMvuvtlnir in htm anA bas purchased tba plant of tba late Great western Iron Com nan v at Iron H1fr. Imn Couutr. U. T--, toatsteer wltb tbe Immense two iron oiairos. tor sevfn or welch LtiitcxJ States patents have been obtained, lha Oomesm a!aa own m.a lntnpi n onnw. r be beat ooal claims la Iron for wblck OoTamnieot tlfle baa a tooCounty, been d, m tba DrOddeC Of whtnh la nf ..viUnt lor t ba mao nfacture of Iron and steel. .Tbs Intention Is first to erect turnsoes for ins manufacture of pis: Iroo. Wbensuaoesa Ja lhat tOftadualliT extend to i?'aJlie, brancbeo. Tbs tlma hu ennui vhan ik. pfjron and steel ean be mad ircfl:ablo,and toelr manufacture will immki w other infliis tries. AH who have tbe welfare sre Invited to sub. L'rlTerrltoLTLbodr stock. Tu books aro r ow open. Captal stock, fOOilO. bhars oro dollar aob, eertiaoatea of whloh ean be bad by par. to In fun to the 8eowtary. Jobn tX Old Oonatlfcut.tan Bilidlrr, 8alt Lake Cutler, City. L bOS Mj ... null, it iiivuriM THOMAS TAYriJB.) Geceral Business A iaxnwa. f:f riBST-CLAS- EXCURSION Tina WL S1C1E With or Without Eeservoir and teut. wmm For Sale II CULT ty Z. C. CSE !L ll I TEE ail tebhuibt. all its ceS. IW6 Ceata. remark: 'The Postmaster-General'- s New Yoi.k, 2i.i The Herald this Course, we fascyV will be morning, without .flourish or editoed by most people, foMtis getting rial comment, puts the words "Two Cents" on Us, margin, where hithhigh time to lop cff a few cf these erto have been the words "Three extremely officious men who are Cents." v; ;i eager to run political organisations A Prlatea. : at the expense of Uncle Bam. The ?23. Prince George, Grand Army of the Republic is able Hamilton, by Colonel accompanied to pay Its officers and the quieier yesterday, Czowskl and Capw Durant, of tha the rule is adopted the better It will Royal Kavy, Yislted Kksra Falls. be for the efficiency of the civil serDam redres Telegram. vice. In th!s Individual case we WAsniHOTdN, 23. The following fear that Vandervocri's bead will rotes age was sent to President Arremain In the basket, for CJrasham thur last event:, ia answer to the congratulations upon la a man who, when he makes op President's of ti:a Central & Booth the opening his mind, Is not to be bullied Into American .Coa toe The Emperor aud Empress of Bra adopting another course." ' WAHTIO. Theatre It is a long time since zil thank the President and Gov WAmnv. ernment of the UnltedStates and m the lovers of good acting In this city ATKW QUOD LAHUlttlur fmmadlaiely to V. A. Paaooa, at salute, concur with bad such a treat aa was furnished office ot tba Utah returning their CemaotCo. and Una them la tne assurance mat toe new Union channel of direct communication last evening by theTheatre. Square L OJS T ! "The via Company at the open between the two countriescon& PArjL'S UVEBY hands other In than Rantzaus" any Valparaiso and uaiveston wiuof TWEKDLIjOy 1 .1. ir.nl i li the those of flrst-ch-us B' tribute to the maintenance be would players Tbe flodw wiu to vwo lad ro6 liaeo-pltais happy relations existing between common-plac- e but little uHabtjr W r warded on tearing tbem and possets tnem, and tneir material nenenc." InteresLBut as presented by the com- office. ' teeratle Ttetery Iredlea4. now performing at the Theatre pany 16. a At SPBisanxLD, Mass., It was Intensely interesting and n TRK RTATH BflT. TWO UILltS quarter past 12 Jonas II. French, auth at tbe ol'y. a amalt Roan Mare, with attractive. Every part addle chairman of tbe Btate committee bridle on ban toat. Any one called the Democra io Convention was well sustained, but the John tvwr and or ner wmtoooui. iu lnrormaiiOQ Becre-tar. M. Pih of Eaat Mill Craak. Bait Lake to order and Col. Coveny, Rantzau of Mr. J. H. Btoddart and Co.. will be rewarded for tbalr trouble. read the call. While the call the Father Florence of Mr. John rcee Chandler was being read, 4. W. and addressed the presiding officer, Parse! la were the chief figures In r - F O R 8 ALEi but was cot recognized. He re- the drama and were so ably per JERSEY COW AHU UALr. r or frtom mained standing until Col. Coveny formed that no praise of ours would A and to see the Stook, call 00 had finished. T As Col. Coveny ' Sevaath Ward, Salt Lake City. ceased reading N. A. Plimpton, of do them Justice. Mr. Btoddart's d exhibited were talents rose splendidly and addressed tne Worcester, chairman. Chandler insisted upon last night, and he was deservedly his right to be heard, but French "called" again and. again at the SALT LAKE THEATRE. decided that Ply mp ton had the close of the second act. The scenery ..i 6 , . floor. This was greeted with hisses was render was and the play of and superb the hall, in several parts Eitraorfliaary Attraction ! ; for a second there was quite ed in a rare and praiseworthy; man commotion. Parisian Plympton moved ner. "A Tonight that the officers pf the Btate com- Romance" will be tha attraction, a mittee be temporary organization to the excellent addition in of the convention. This motion when, doubtwas declared carried, but was performers who appeared last night, ed, and an uproar ensued which several others of equal reputation CO. was promptly checked by French, will take parts. The scenery tco, v. Mr. Be the called who upon COMMKNCINQ CN TUESDAY Slmms to offer prayer. At the con- brought by the company will be unad25, o 26,i" 27, 28. clusion of the rayer French usually attractive. '.! He spoke dressed the convention. . WEDNESDAY BVRNINO, at Borne length on national affairs, reviewed the recent address of the r 23 X 23 3D Republican Btate Convention, reRomance ! Miiwiu.-- At Faoa, Eept. 19ib, 1SS3, of A ferred to the administration of Gov. Butler in the highest terms, detail- putrid sote throat, Robert Maxwell, son of1 and Ellen Maxwell, egad 21 years. ing important events that have oc- John THURSDAY EYENING, month and U daya. and the curred daring past year, A PARISIAN nOJIAXCE. knew and Was well who liked all him, by predicted a great victory for the democratic party throughout the diadCom.la full faith of the Latter-da- y Work. FRIDAY KVENINQ. nnnntn. conclusion French's of On tbs FREJTCn FLATS. . O , BDeech which was greeted with sen Bocton In: Bait Lake City, Sept. SSlh, 4.15 eroos applause,- various committees 1883, at p.nw, of consumption, Barry W. tW Usual Prlos8 or Admtoiion. were announced. Tnayer, or Wor Bouton, lata of South Nor walk. Conn.; aaed tW Raetved Seats SS oeuta extra, cester, moved the appointment of a 3S yearn, 10 months and Z0 dejs. Ha lived and tar Free 1.1st to ba Suspended. a Ealnt.M committee to nominate 15 members died as a central committee. . Thomas ' Tbe funaral aarrioas will be held la tbe 11th Box Offloa Open Monday, Sept. 24th at TEN on Thursday, SepC 27, a. m. G. Gar gen, of Boston; claimed that Ward Mcetina-noushe had the floor before Thayer, but atS p.m. '; j 4 .,. , , Friend are respeotfully invited. Urenctti, aecidea mat Tnayer had the floor. Forth Norwalk, Conn papers please eopy (Cries of "shame") as wa After the motion had been BR A MEETING OF WILL rnHERR put the chair reoognlzed GarX Stockholders of tbe Iron Manufacturing Com tD of Utah held in President John gen who' said: "There exists Tailor's office, Cotober 4th, 1883, at half past a feeling iu this convention that the twelve (ooou), for tba purpose of electing-00Btate committee desires to perpetu and ttve president, one ate itself. Tbe actions cf the nresid Liiractora, and to transact otner bUBlneas to tna cenaininacompany. thus have not been far, ing officers, dlOt JOHN C. CUTLER, Pecy. in accordance with the usage of democratic conventions. Let ns have a committee made by tbe con STRAYEDOR STOLEH. vention,not by the committee itself. I move that delegates from each STREET, ON MONDAY, FROM MAIN county seleot each one man, and 24, 1883. a ebest nut sorrel marc, that they be the committee to branded with three Vers joined toaetbsr. ftbe Manx coat of arms) on kft shoulder, also 1 K nominate the Btate committee. oomoioeo. aa oomoiDoa on ten tnign, and M John J. Ceffy, of Boston, seconded on tiirht thlah vented on riaht shoulder. the motion, ana said: ' I am od Had eo aCallfornl aaddLa and bridle whan to cut dried lost. this and work and posed A liberal reward will he given for the re opposed to that with which the con turn or tne above described animal by uw 1 s ventlon had no more to do than had do n thn rflnnhllran Rtafa nnnnnliMi Ouo aad A ball blocks north of Deeerot Kens U1U09. This has been called Butler's oon- I not let be but it said that ventlon, anybody but the convention itself runs this convention." NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION Thayer, of Worcester, said he ex THAT pected this outbreak, but those who NOTTCR IS UEREBr GIVENunder the existingfavored it were in the minority and AND GET THE HIGHEST PRICE same of Evansheretofore & Lewis, Merchants, "West De would overruled. End" Store, eorcer rlrit South and Fifth West, la ibl s day dissolved by mutual conPowell, of Spring fldd, was recogAT sent. All unsettkd acooucts of said Arm nized by the chair, but Coffey in will be adjusted by H. Y. Svacs, who will slsted on being heard on a point of continue in uiMiness at U old stand. H. V. KVAN9, oraer. Tne cnaTr would not Haten ' T" p" LEWIS. to Coffey, and there .was a scene of 2 1333. Lake Silt 1st, City, Sept. Order confusion. great having been some to restored extent, Powell was allowed to speak and moved the m.IUII WILL CALL IrOfl F8IIIT. previous question. UTAH BREWERY ! f- Gargen again got the floor and the 33 noise became so deening that he could no longer be heard. TTJE ARE STILI AT THE OLD ' MORMON-'9II Htand aud these who dealre 8600,060,000 Aunwally Wasted. their ramlltes Bundled with Mar New Yobk, 28. Joseph Medlll, getta' Delicious Ale and Porter, can of the Chicago Tribune, do so on short notice. publisher Our stock Is was a witness before the good and free from adulteration or United States Senate sub commitimpurities, and has no equal In tee on education and labor. He said WILL BE Utah for toning up the system and ; he had been connected with the a goou appetite and la highly press since 1848; that the chief cause Exhibited in the 8th Ward' swing iBcommenata iy tne medical ira of the Impecunious condition of the temity. mass of laborers In this country SST Orders by Telephone wlJJ re- Assembly; Rooms, ehpuld be j attributed to their own oeive prompt attention. TO-NICH- T, Improvidence. The only way to imEstate of R. B. MAROETl'8. prove them was to teach them to ;.t .".'.4 ds w save. Too much of the earnings WEDNESDAY, at 7:80, and of laborers was spent in liqucr, tobacco and beer. He calculated the TIiurtMlay Even's in Hie 14tli amount annually spent by the labWard School House. oring papulation in drink was and at least (200,000,000 is now the most complete series 1 G ENSEAL MBBTINQ OF THE STOCK more was spent in cigars, tobacco of Itillustrations to the History of the XX holders of ZlooS Meroao- and useless amusements. The high Uhurcu of Jesus Chr'st of Latter-da- y tlle Institution will be hold In the Social Ball, licenses and high rents would do Bain and should be seen In thU olty, on Friday, Ootober 5th, 1SS3, at t much towards lessening the evil. by all. Is, p. m., for the Eleotloa of Offleers and Dfreo- Witness said the present tariff was tors for the ensuing year; also for tbe purpose fleecing the farmers, and they were of amending Article 9 of the ArUoke of Assobeginning to understand it. What 'Tliorougli.bred Jersey ciation ao aa to enable tha InaUtuttoa to re the country wanted was more metain a greater pre port ion ot the profits as a Bull. chanics. . reserve fund, and for the tranaaetlon of tuoh In speaking of the raliroad question TT AVISO BOCTORT WM. PrTT3P BULL. other business as may be brought before the Medlll said, some means should be XX ba will ba kaot for aervloa at mr Dlaes mealing. , the l'Jth ward, two blocks north and half T. O. WEBBER, adopted for seouilog a uniformity of In Soboot trom bouse. wst iota ward rates Railroads should not be per"i ; Sooty, aud Tteas. d JAMBS SOLOMON. iw " mitted to exercise the power of arSalt Lake dity, Utah, bitrarily changing the value of all 18S8. th. d240 lm Eeptsiaber ESTRAY NOTICE. the products of the country. Both i HAVB IN MT F06fU8ZOrn Btate and Federal leglslatlon ehould be employed to remedy this evil. Oca The capitalization of many railroads 81UD,two or three years old on left rhoulder resembllnf t 3. was in excess cr tbe coat of con branded OnM rMt IkrM ir nn structlon of tho roads and they were brandedhion MARK. right thlah raiembUnV Zl or annually oxfleecing the country out of If not 'claimed will by Oat. 8rJ, 168.1, muiions uoiiara in pronts. aoW at tba Nepal eatray psuod, at 8 a.nu: Im a. b eesela Wrecked By a Cyclase. ailbv, Dlstriot Poundkeapar .. eaSAI THE CHICAGO EXPOSITION. mm Blew. Speoial Rates wd ba aaearaS aa v.!stA tha Manaria, who DaUin, 25. A severe storm paes- - will ba la our party by .haTT... &ft ed over JLImerick The Town satstharaoC ts TIMto look 63 DAYS. Hall was blown down and one of .A. 33, 33 : the bridges over the river Shannon was badly Injured. A cumber cf Cnleago and Hstsuns, f 0. houses were destroyed in various St. IVaals aoe- Not aa soma aohrht suddom tlEO tn rm nn contiguous dUtrlcLs. . M m.i-- fVlrl'liaUi r,t v C him a Aaawer. o- - or ttPor (152 Slzc3EdStylc3.j present, the Irtrc .uitAt, lateljr occnMwl by z. 'u. 6 SS-3- faonrad 8aptnbar ij. of zin Farla, 3. The reply of thecov- - Trlba, H. 0- "I, who ma amment of China to the dispatches drtated march", l f lor last urtr U.M. 1 i of Marqals Tsess relative to the been received has JiXVf.t --LL, Tonquin quectl&n ; here, Bg tit, ECt UJts City. ! l-- , known ni "net, fOB SALE BT i:j Urn lln tilt U.5 " City. contlnn WOOL. th oia m. tj,lr Iejt treftrim ... the .... rnrn-- , v Htn? '. CjiUa., II. D. CLAWSoi ' . 7- " ' isliifiill IMA A. to-da- nl r. ' r I ! s r s Si 0 |