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Show I Iet "Christian EVENING NEWS. j I cor.TPLCxioriG ALL. " - re-elect-ed - 1- Empties -t eTi-denc- es - ANTI-"2IORHOaiS2I- -- m lnter-nation- lnter-nation- al : , ltlaaalbd ' i . , ' TIOE, y, j. . . ,; i ... .ST M.-'- Y I i:':!' i I us mereiice Announcement! !;'. .! :i i hanter , Oaks FIVE CAR jliOADS ol Monitors, Royal Charters, Moni- Champion torsi, fete, etc. Also, a largo variety 01 He ate r s and Parlor Cooks which we are otlermg at astonishing low : : , prices, and we confidently assert that for Cooking and Heat ing qualities, durability, readiness of action and economizer of Puel,!theythvB no EQUALS, and for these reasons wo have secured the Sole Agency from t!io Manufacturers, PREFERRING THESE TO ALL OTHER; STOVES, which we have at various times been solicited to .adopt ": Our Hardware, Crockery, Glassware, Tinware, and Stove Furniture Departments, are also complete in all their i His asroTOioEJ.; i C Z. f Salt Lake CUy, Sertember 4tb, UO. thsi Instltutloa will...be on SEPTEMBER 15th, and on October 0th, next. - . d2Mtw j l n-- fa-ol- nc ""'"" 1 j : r ter-d- ay to-da- y. - ; mons," urging scticn on the part of Congress, and demanding the aid of Representatives and Senators in dif ferent districts to secure the passage measures. Re of have published art! llgious papers cies innumerable, and "Christian" societies have been formed to, battle against the alleged "heresy" and panleh Its prl&clual adherents. JSo of money has been gathered and pocketed by the most zealous anti-Mormo- ' ed preachers and pamphlets have been seut to Utah and scattered where it was thought they would do the greatest good: the most absurd and outrageous things have. been said about the system and the people, so that ridicule might play its part in the warfare, and a general hue and cry has been kpt up to make ! Mormonlsm" unpopular and ren tier embracing It difficult and dan"Mormon"-eater- s . f i i i J: 4- -. gerous. 1 here has been bo lack of "aggression " In times past "Christian" preachers hrve headed mobs th drive ont the "Mormons' from their homes and possessions, and even now some of those holy expon eiits of modern ''Christianity" advocate the wholesale massacre of the "Mormon" leaders as the most feasible .. method of solving the Mormon" problem. And less sanguinary disciples of ."Christian" orthodoxy are at the present time clamoring for the political death of ! all citizens in Utah, male and female, who believe in the system called "Mormonlsm." This is surely "aggressive" enough to suit the inost belligerent. It is not for lack of the will or the money or the men that ''Christendom" has not externa ina- ied "Mormonlsm. What then is the reason that, as the Pott remarka,the former as "feeble" in the presence of the latter? It Is because the grat, wealthy, popular, Iearned,long-establishe- d and wide spread power U not what it purports to be, and " is the genu this so calls J Christian ine system restored, with sill Its prlstlns principles, lnflaenoe, spirit, gifts and awurauca. The much misunderstood marriage sys tem whloh k a part of it, Is not, as ' supposed, its distinctive feature nor its nrincioal becaliaruy. It has been made an excuse for ihe force .which professing "Caristians" have used and advocated against this Church. Evan that is really a restoration of the marriage system", of primitive Christian times. Bat "Mormon lsm" in its entirety Is a new revel ation of that which Jeeui of Nazareth and his dJat'ples set up, and which has been perverted and departed from so widely for centuries, until nothing is left of it in Chria-teniiabut Its shadow and feint nisaaorlss of what it once was. so-call- ed he.-eay- ra BT IJICIIITlIIBe. I , ex-oouv- . "Wait about-borrowin- $90,000 from Miis mil and making a contract to marry beif "That is a lie out of whole cloth. I never borrowed a cent from any woman in my whole life, and as for making a contract to marry, I am a pretty old flab and tost kind of bait won't catch me." "Did joa glvsf tar you let?" i 12,003 before s What an Ides! tarn not throwing pieces ef money around in tbat way. Now, I; don't want to say anything abjut thts mtter &t all. in the paptrs, bat this woman may compel me to say something unpleasant, for I understand she is . very deceitful. Bhi dabbled some in stocks. She had a nobis father, who was an eminent lawyer in She the c.ty of St. Iuls. mile a scene once In a lawyer's i in San Francisco where she dramxticaliy took polaon and the lawyer had bar carried cS to the police station. I have had some oLioe Y' JL ' i' -.' T. O. WEBBER, 'l; Seoty. and Tress. ' No. 1 Building Eock, at Quarries, $5 to $61 Warket row. XST QRUBH9 hVXEIVID C0- - saLt lake rmwrr at old U2UU O. B. BOX, TELEPHONE. MT?. AT KILNS JSY 86 & 88 EAST TEMPLE ST. . TjV)B THB PURPOSK OF PROMOTIfTO 1? the manufacture of Iron, this Com pany has been inoorDorated aooordtsx to law, aod bas purchased the plant, ot tbe 'late Great Western Iron Comoaur at Iron Cltr. Iron toeetber with tbe lmmeuee County, U. tea troneiainM, for seven or wuoa initM States patents have bean obtained-- Tbe Company atoo own an interest in some the best ooal clalma in Iron County, for whieh Government title has also been obtained, tbe prod dot of which kef excellent quaUty or the manufacture of Iron and steel , The Intention k) tint to erect furnaces for the manufaoture of pi iron. When suoeav CO b that, to gradually extend tto The time has oonee when the manuractuve of iron and steel can be made profitable, aad their manntactuns will prepare the way Sur Other industries, AU who hire tbe welfare Of our Territory at heart are invited to subscribe tor stock. Ths books are now open. Capital stock, $250,000. Bhares one dollar eaoh, oertlfloatrs of which oaa be bad by pay-iin full to tbe Secretary. John C cutler, Oid Oooatltutloa ButkUor, Salt Lke City. oaa g. cannon, .. 2resldeut.. hi attained in OLbet brancbee. .(.;, w ijLa ss i I I ' VIJ r LfJ ns ; THOMAS TATfJOB, r General Business Acent. , JAMES DAVID CO rooeral froos Mrs. Bebeooa Brown's rest-denoe, Fifteenth Ward, at IS o'ekxsk a. m., - 1.. IiOO T. -- New YorkJ IS. The police of this city are notified to look for A bra ma Neshltt. ft 16 year old son of the President cf the Second Kat- ional Bank, of Kaa ton, Pa., who ran away rrom home and is supposed to have come here. He Is said to be heir to f 500,000. . Insist Sesaloa. OOKCORD, 15. The session of the legislature which closes this morning is tbe longest ever held in this Bute. The members eaoh received 102 days' pay. It Will require upwards of $10 J, 000 to settle their per diem, nearly 875 hills and Joint resolutions were passed, f StMlsf Sfesiea Esplslsa Chicago, 15.in i an 'interview with Sharon this ' morning he gives further information to that given in tnese ai ipatches last night in regard to his arrest. I lie says: "The cbarse airatnst me was oris- from Bjd Inatedbyan ney, New Bauth! Wales. This vile scoundrel is named Jno. M. Nelson. I had a woman: ejected fiom the1 Palace Hotel because she was not a desirable person. ; I have nothing to say against the woman." Was her name Aggie Hill? . X don't want to mention the woman's name at all, ba&auee she has resDect&bls friends and relations. and I do not cre to injure them. Jttut you are charged with adultery, as defined; in the laws of the State of California, it. must be open , and notorious. I really don't - know anything about the charge at all. It is false, base, libellous and originates with a man whose character is black and low. But as I waa ssylng this woman had been Invited to leave the house and she did leave. That same evening as I was leaving for Wash, ington, Nelson came in to the hall and demanded money from me for tbe woman. I told him to send her around herself, and he said that she would not come, and if I did not give It, that as aha had no character to lose she would make It warm for me. I simply told him to get out. and then th next thing that I knew I was arrssted as I was going tothe train. It u was a shameless, BG&naaious prooeeaitig, and some one may have to sufier for it. . D Is Sole Atent for the Jackson Venimparities, and has no equal So tilating Grate and Fire on the' Utah for toning up. the system and Hearth Grates,8toves and Mantles on Sunday, i rli giving a good appetite and is highly recommended by the Medical fr ternlty. , fa'J. ., fp-t& Orders by Telephone will re Amsterdam, 14 A Congress of ceive prompt attention, Is Bole Agent, for the Otto' Silent Commerce and Industry began to N WEDNESDAY KEPT. lath.: Rb Estate of R. B. MARQETT8. tween Hlir OnMimMnl and Wr. lmta. Uas Engine. day. A resolution was adopted de .! WhIM Siak naniiun 4V dsw cause of oneIll,black, daring that theofprincipal one red and ooe anfioished. and ail ver resul ts fi om the deprecation tnlDS 01 MMlee appareL If the finder the decrease in its coinage In Eu- 7" toe same as u uiooa Bakery, Bait Lake City, oc at West Jordan aiui he will HEALTH IS WEALTH I rope. The resolution abo expresses be suiublj rewarded. Is Bole , Agent fur the Garry Iron a wisn ror tne adoption or a com man double standard throughout Y ROOflng.' f , Europe and America. ESTRAY NOTICE. The American Consul at Canton thinks there need be no further J HATaVL MT P988SR8IDMI anxiety for the safety of foreign tae mm M ABB, years old, black mane Is Bo!e Agent for the llaxtoa, H. B. residents as uanion. and tall, hind feet white and white la fore 14 6 on is branded head, trouble left Bmlth and V. H. Waxntr's Hteam Shanghai, reported Whloh, if not claimed,thigh. will be sold at tbe in Woo Chan?, on tbe ' ' Betray Found on Tuesday, Heating Apparatus. U- - B, VTaer Nxava an Baata fomented by the White Lily, a Brighton 183, at 10 a.m. a for Taaantawx, ruaraateed HysspeeiOo secret society opposed to the present TliBa.lio&AR, Jr., teria, U sunees. Cenvukioos, Mta, Herrous Metrlot Poundkeeper. .1. Nerrous Headaobe. Prcetrattoai dynasty. Tiioou, late French Min.Near!, auBBS by the uee e .aleoenl oc touaoeo, UJ ister to China, aocompanied by Sir BrJchton, Sep. 14th, lSda. Wahefnlneei, lieatal Set Teas lea, BofteBlua Geo. It o wen, British Governor of or tae Bralu raaaia- Id bieautty and teadioc Is Bole for the Hartford Glass Agent to misery, erear aod death. Premature old Hong ICong, has gone to Pekln. iosnr Tavum, Water Closet, and keeps In stock Aire, lianeauees, Lon ef power caused by of tbe braUk Each box eoa. the HelJyer, Hjgeia, Zanes, Jen US0 a b. or tsti s aie month's treatment. Ix for S&.0O, miu ay mail prepaid on nlnga and White's BaniUrj Cloc- -: PAKQUITCH STAXE CQ3TER- -! reoeiiof ptioa. all of Whloh axe tint class. eta, Wl OLAJSJaBTreB aix BSXES EHCK. Government that there is a Spanish exue in uuoa making preparations for a rising of colored people, who are reported to he disc in ten ted. The plot, however, is destined to AHEfilCAg. .ATSCSTT ' CLOSKD r ' ; . I At Pascoo & Rums' Kilns, 20 Cents per Bushel. 25 Delivered in Salt Lake, I OF BOOKS The Iron Manufactoiiirg Company, of Utah. - BY TELEGRAPH. TRANSFER STOCK 1HB 1 UTAH LIME & CEMENT COMPANY. ' i. man: is 9 jtJ n ion: xej GREAT REDUCTION OF PRICES M. 1 I : dyed-in-tbe- j branches, so that tHe Carpenter, Blacksmith, Farmer, Miner, and the Housewife can have their varied wants supplied at Prices that will ensure satisfaction. Please call on us and you will be readily convinced that TRUTH AND SMALL H. S. ELDREOGE. SUPT. PROFITS is our Motto. ' eelf-dlvid- ed ; ; - - ' -' un , r Unexcelled Cooking-- and Heating Stoves ' tn , i ... II A;very large proportion of the inhabitants.of Utah and surrounding Territories, are enjoying the luxury of bur I;. : r II la . and in: order that many others may have the' privilege of parttioipating in ; likeblessings, we announce the arrival of - ie-fro- : e -- M f 1 mission arle"oome bitter remarks made about me but Councilor John W. Young adto us with the Bible, with the Oil this is the basest and most wicked. dressed the Conference upon the Testament or the New, orjboth, and It was not made for political, effect principle of faith, and also the Word LOVELY of Wisdom as given to the Prophet as vesa O'CLOCK. we are ready to receive the! doctrines for I am not in politic: but it made purely and wholly for the pur Joseph Smith; wanted the Sainta to contained therein. More than that. pose or block mall, and I won't be use more diligence, ana sine disci " or me youm. We can prove to them that their blackmailed on, of a dollar. rttXTTB AD rUttKJItO IY THE pline In tbe education and Dal ton John R. POSSIBLE TO Of Edward Elders Senator Sharon tot said the scriptures. that politic, DESERET NEWS COMPANY. creeds are contrary p lope republicans Murdock spoke to the people on sub Pacific tbe hat they do not ; and, dare not were reorganizing and Would be In jects of Importance. lYhat Nature denies to many preach the doctrines with the pro good shape for next year. He 2 tu aii. iuo a EDITOB. both and' California . An secures PENROSE, SHAMS Nevada p.m. mises taught by Jesus, Teter,James, thought Balm coul.l be redeemed. Senator dispels Yery Magnolia after Jones, was Sacrament administered, John, Paul and their brethren. That of Nevada, was now In Ban Franoyercomxs sadness,s, statistical blemish, which the .eJtake report which the Apostles taught that cisco. There was little doubt but was I30gh-nesI" ; Saturday, Sept. 15, 1&8S. that these "Christians" read. Sallows?, Freckles, neglect or that be would be when T. Cainewas the first and Elder John Tan, sneaker, taklnsr for his text, the repudiate, ws accept and enjoin. bis term expired. . ail and remotes FAILURE 07 ''CHBISTIAH'' Nothing that can be established ChaDtec of St. Peter; his remarks Blotches, slew MIsmI Cetfe. heat and exciteof or ana run goou wtre very edifying, from Holy Scripture- la found antaNew Yobk, 15. A I new official Instructions. The ment. Magnolia Balm The general add local to distress 6torm and and "Mormon" the danger faith, gonistic to signal occamost delicate ana were then I'o&t FraDClaoo Ban authorities the Tub bu for the t Signal Service, ea tbe Conference, ail of presented were imparts whom natural si maliy something to say about the but it. is ail incorporated in the code, complexionai tints coast station. In themarinen Jour sustained. no detection In a recent editorial creed that the "Christian" mis not la published by the Chief of the unanimously 'Mormon. being possible- -io A. new ward was sec apart anu It draws attention to the success of sionary in' Utai wishes! to at signal office at Washington, with Cuibert Kinsr sub tamed as Bishop the closest obserration.1 Hence the fallare of full instructions for day and night The boundary lines or saia warn Under these circumstances tbe 4f Mormon propaganda," not tack. means of this night of east By signaling. the all these King a "Christian" Canyon faulty Complexion: is little pretended wit hM aod log the opposition met code the form of the niarht ston, taking in Otter Creek North to signal or a crime. magnolia to short monism." down"Mqr put with by the Hlders in some places, agencies signals has been adapted to tbe sig tae JNriOsrs, uiover run, aum-mjn- v Balm sold is the sham everywhere, costs al It the of code. the nals In fighting reality. Distriot and south and east and tLe general unpopularity of the 75 frith fall cents, and letters of the of the E st Fork. L only j system which tbey advocate and The spurious trying to stamp upon using these lights are code made ad by then Brleham Elder Young Divided, errbrfcharging thegenuine. an of defend; speaks of tbe landing the burning of single or combined dressed the Conference, read from other shipload of immigrants, pay furiously upon united tmth. Coun lights corresponding to the letters to Doctrine and Covenants, and spoke iff ' ' ins their own way to Utah, and terfeit "Christianity"; boldly at- - bs represented. encouragingly to the (saints, si well to ins: uoon many suhiects. . - '"5v' and s outshine the) j SSsmvm.! pure tempting addn Choir sans an aninem. JMneuio- coin. unadulterated W AMTKSj. of 15. Gospel funeral The York. kw "In view of this fact and of the There lis no tion by Elder Henry Lunt. and editor late that ia rot" Hush J. Hastings, as "dry FOR Mormonlsm of ORNEBAu HUUBEWUttB. aulourneu inree AOIBL Conference teady growth jor DroDrietor of - the Commercial Ad- - months. temll In th SUbarOS. APplf ' ; religion, nna it impelled to inquire whloh la called "Mormenlsm." It veriiser, t Tknmaa J.rilrln' mklnM. lib WSM. Ota took place this morning. It whether Christianity has lost vital is solid, compact and v igorous. 1 1 On Friday. August 31st, 1883, tbe toutb, between East and Wmt Temple BU. of tbe was attended many by Conferlargely a to in with and met unable it cope energy, Primary is reviving that childlike faith In di- most prominent ciuxens. Tne pau children that new and pestilent heresy, Mor ence, which was a grand success in "Chris-tlanitbearers were i'reai. Anaur, xuwws evxtT narucuiar. monlsm? If we may lodge from tn vine things which modern 2STO Conkling, Hugh J. Jewett, Jay JiX We lUOl uay iui iwwn failure of Christian missionaries in saturated, with rain philos- Gould. Gen. 8muel Eokert, Sloan, i to Relief to Mormon Utah convert a klnRie Society a Conference In the or tub Utah axd 8ai.t laal opher and honey coin bed with doubt, Vanschaick, Wm. G.Weed, which waa well attended and Crriaa Cabas. Company, Christianity, and their appeal to tbe has helped to drl?e out from the Jenkins m. W. Isaac Jtuagiana, at with the presence and good in hit Salt Lake Cltr, Beptember 1Mb, IMS secular arm for help, which they in souls of men. With this revival of of Albany, re TaDnanand Jno. itoey. rne of Apostles atruetloiis irastus l l,t, PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS PAY- variable make when addressing mains have been taken to Albany goov and xoung J b!e In Btoek la the Utah aad Bait Lake Eastern audiences, the conclaaljn is that faith comes divine assurance for Brigham interment.: Oomoaaf. are beraby requaeiedto re-Elder John T. Caine and the Pre Caoal Inevitable Christianity la feeble In and divine power and divine light, bum ent l at tbU uffloe on or before the f list bs and these make strong the votaries KallrMd Wrtek. its Dremce. It has csised toare sidency of the Stake. On the evening ot Oetobex, A. IX, 16S3. Aa,li,r day A.. M. M. I. Y. of above the date Its standard bearers Br order of tbe Board. Wiio.iMANtio, Conn , 15. The andthe of this "Mormonlsm," and shew up the Y: L M. L Ais. met in oint d sJkle fcntrs?-,- ! la whittling away ail Us of the bound section fourth JS BoCKHOLT, Seoretarr freight weakness' contrast the and worth west on ridiculing the In agreeably New York and New Conference, the time was subetsnce, denying orbeen the wise ilnstrucand the,Lopa lessneesof the vast sham which do6irut4 which have Railroad met the first sec nent. much good to tne young peo- and solace of ages, t he dry rot is claims consideration and worship England 16 fast freight bound east tlon! being given No. tion. auove NOTICE TO DELINQUENT church. nle Dreinren the the vlailtug by evangelical destroying one mile east of here at 12.15 this ''.'J' When thiagi have come to this pass under thelname of Christianity. so morning. The engines and eleven named. TAX PAYERS ! This bogus "Christianity" la within the church, what ; wonder if Saturday evening, September 1st cars of merchandise were wrecked was anu oauieu a friestnood Mormonlam, or any other Btrauge feeble In the presence nf Mormonmeeimg Disobedience of orders was the filled to overflowing, the should prevail?' doctrine, lsm" that it dares not depend upon causa. The conductor of the west the housewere i Couirrr Coixsotoh's Ornca, - ' John W. Young, John speakers The answer to the foregoing ques the only weapons which are permis- pound train nas disappeared."; Na 5, Countx Court House, r. Caine, Erastus Snow and Brig tion is, ye.; that which is called sible by itsown code. ' If "MormonShot Himself can ham Young, the instructions giten, ; ? koj. uiji oep. d HEREBT GIVER BT THE IS XTOTICK nut Col. lost ine 15. if win vital hat such into a is and lsm" energy, pestipractice, Fortress Mokbok, Christianity "palpable au persona oalnr Lie- 11 uadersbrned. loSchool and that It la unable to oope with lent heresy" as la ; charged, cannot Robert M. Mayo, of Westmoreland, means of greatly improving this part Territorial and County Taxes Uoqueat v tne ard. shot of within and for 8alt Lke County, Territory et vlnej "Mormonlsm" has been demon truly Christian agencies be employ- Vs.. Member of Congress, m himself this morning on board the Uteri, tbat It my Unperauve duty to eouees strated in the struggles of half a ed for its overthrow? Why this gen- steamer same by salt at aa early day, tborefere tbe Stake Clerk. Baltimore from i Virginia unless your lazes are promptly pau aa ae- cenWy, Christian missionaries" to eral recourse to carnal' weapons by for Norfolk. j wiuxoiww. Utah admit that it la a hopeless the professed disciples of the chariGEOHQH CEI3MOH. iOaUbctor. 42t0 1 & w lwe "Js Xleeelved. l task to attempt to convert an adult table and pleading Christ? Is It not fine of dolmans A stock to "ACormon cloak?, either of their creeds a tacit confession: that in argument, ' ; aad Jackets at systems.. They think they may reason, scripture, they have no pre LaTEMT TO BUILDERS AND OTHERS! via. be jtble to catch some of the rising vailing strength, and therefore are PATCHES, 5 i. ;. generation, by getting them into de- compelled to let the strange thing Wanted to rent a dwelling house mO A SUITABLE NEIQHEOR Black Flats. Tke or four rooms. Address C at this 1 1 will sell a nk nominational schools under th e pre- alone or else fight It by force? Baildlng lxt on IS. The official dispatch t Paris. text of imparting secular education, my property la tbe Eleventh Ward. But whether the decaying, dis- es state- the numerical strength of flice. for a reasonable figure. It la ultoa- and insidiously Impregnating ,thelr cordant and system the Black Flags in the recent battle ted about half a block South of the Sevle tvr youthful minds with the eesentlal called "Christianity" I wields the St four thousand. The Black Flag Its New Catholic Hospital, and the reinforcements Commander sects. f of a But the at (b expected orrencn dogmas whloh alone .may be law from satre distance from the First South weapons tne but gun Ceiato a CeBy. wool "Mormon" they have not Street Car Une. Property In that used in religious, warfare, or boats riontag, ;(their arrival. fully prevented the slightest expectation of captor invokes the aid of secular power, locality is likely to increase in value. General Items. aa it has in the iilehteenth and lug. civil, military, mobocratlo or diaTwentieth Wards, and Is therefor Berlin, 14. It is denied that Bis .Hut tb.U failure to convert the j a good investment. J bolical, the result Will be the marck has been taken eerlously ill Mormons," the masses' of whom same. " Mormonlsm " is but a and his physicians suddenly sum CH AS. W. BTAYNER. ; are generally acknowledged to be nickname " for i; the !. i Sepb lBth, of pnenmnota, KW Feroeila, a zoua r Church moned. a general demonstra daughter of John P. and Eva Boreason, sed sincere, honeet and devotional, it and Kingdom of the Hying God, set There was tern tion at Wor see'ms to ut should ' make very burg this evening, 3 years, 8 months aad Udajs. BUILDING LOT SALE. on earth never to be thrown down dense crowds thronged up the streets, Funeral at resiaenoe, rear of Brooks' store doubtful to a thinking mind, the forever. It Is not a handful of slnghi g national and religions -rilBB UKCLB JOHN SMITH CORNHa songs, First South Street, at 4 X ia tbe 17th Ward, S rods east front, assertion that "Mormonlsm is a united believers that are to be over especially Tin ther's hymn, "Erne U Frleods ars iaTlted. Temple Block, 7 rods nortbx front. For feste The order of Utah Journal burg." eloquent please eopy. loruoa enquire or pestilent heresy.' The necessity come, but the Lord God Almighty, XUUNU. the Emperor and speech of the atf of that "appeal to the secular arm who McMasxbb At Box has introduced the beginning Crown Prince created a profound Brifham City, Elder for help whloh the ro$i refers to, of His on earth, and impression throughout Protestant County, BepUmber II to, 1881, Elisabeth F., government! is rather an argument in favor of who intends Their emphatlo avoal betored wife of John B. Mc Muter, and that it shall spread and Germany. of Tbomss aad KltxabsOi rorcesb of staunch Protestant convictions dana-atethe superiority of "Mormon' printhe kingdoms of this and earnest faith in the lasting ben until Deceased was bou at Ban ton, Dumbarton- prevail, ciples to those, of their opponent!, world become the kingdom of God efits cf the .Reformation, have been shlra, Bootlaad, Jane 14th, im, and was bap : than an indication that "Mormon-i-s and His Christ, and spurious Chris .received with siaoere sympathy by tised Into the Ohuroh of Jesus Christ of Lat F-- t m 5w(h UtrmL 8--on Hae. Saints when eht years of are . She n" Is "heresy." - tne enure rrotestant world. all the with Vommr, tendom, systms,invenwas a beVoved so Ttuther with auuifi the Baiat, Simultaneously by Dealer ta all ktmle ef SI B: A T fe It la a mistake to say that iatteoay tions and creeds bf men, will fall, The funeral took nlaosat a general Catholic conven auwhiknew her. U ' called orerW by ltphdf wul "Christianity has ceased to like the millstone of the Apocalypse Festival, Brlfham city on the 13th losu, and was rery is held at losee Idorf tion at rate Alikhteaof in its into the te aggressive," any of the sea of obli- Wind tnorst proposed that an asso iariy aueooed. . Uomfjrtlna-- and eooour&s-a-i XT S3 were aacuetses ciation attitude toward "Mormonlsm." vion, anddepths of of be Lo-all Catholics nations mg oellrered by I Apostie all an,d natlons,re- j A. WKAaATT. Bnow, lenao and Xlder Tlnaer. that Bishop The legislation which waa rush- deemed from peoples V. religious meetings error and priestcraft formed, ana to otaer Monaster for Catholic be unification Brethren. The BeSerl pray ed through Congress with Indecent and kingcraft and oppression of held November 10th,. the anniver society . or which deceased was for a too of for the purpose destroying haste, tune seoreiarj, mwrooed In proosssion at the kind, shall willingly bow the sary of ljutber's birthday. UTAH BRE1VERY ! the "Mormon" system, was forced every Vienna, 14. The .London corres DsaaoctosraDeral. Bhs lsam 'a hi band knee and serve and obey Him. pondent of the New Free Prua savs and three ohildren and numerous fdenda ta upon the country through the ag China and France have accepted in mourn ner loss. ARE 8TILL AT THE OLD gresstve influence of the preachers WE Bland MUL Star please oopy. and- - these who desire principle tne mediation or ifingiand and their fanatical followers. Con for the settlement of the ronquln tuelr famUies sucnlied with liar ventlom, c .inferences, con vacations. EUxaaacK. In this etty. Seotembar uth. getts Delicious A.le and Porter, can question, i and other religious gatherings pass Madrid,!. The Spanish legation 1883, from cholera infantum, infant son or do so on short notice. Oof stock Is ibd resolutions at Washington has informed tbe James and Sarah B. EUarbsok. good and free from adulteration or against the "Mor DAVID JAMES DAVID JAr.lEQ , 86 & 88 ' EAST TEMPLE ST. ? DAVID JATJES Vang-tseBIi-an- faiCDlFiiiffli g, Beutem-berS&t- h, ( DAVID r AMES - . i ; m . zio3sts t Conference convened at the Bowery, In Pangultoh, Beptember lit and continued on the;2ad, 1883. September let, 10 o'clock a.m. On the stand were present f the Quorum of the Apostles, Erastus Sacwand Brigham Young; Hon. John T. Calce aod John B. Murdock of Bsaver; the Presidency of Stake; Bishops of the various wards and the local Priesthood. After singing and prayer President Crosby made a few congratulatory remarks, and asked the Lord to dictate to those that might be called upon to address the Conference, Joseph Li. Hey wood, President of High Priests, reported the Quorum over which he presided. Joseph Cameron, President of the 1st Quorum of Ciders, and Councilor lie wis Duval, of the 2nd Qioram of Elders, reported their respective quorums. Elder Brlzham Young spoke at some length upon tbe reaponilbiR. ties of the Priesthood; exhorted the Elders t3 be mindful of their duties, to be vigilant and energetic in extirpating all manner of evil from the midst of the people. The remaining time was occupied by Hon. John T. Caine, who expressed his gratitude In meeting with the people of h, thanked them for the reposed in him by throwing in their 'mite'rto help elect him to tbe National Congress last fall; closed his remarks by advising the people to be true to their eovenants,aod to live tbe Uvea of faithful Latter-da- y Saints. Blngtng, benediction. WEh BAI con-flden- oe , 1 l p. m. After tha usual exercises the Bhhopa reported their respective Wards. Councilor John W. Young", Edward Dal ton of Parowan, and Henry Lunt, of Cedar, appeared on the stand. Elder Erastus Bnow then addressed the vast congregation upon vail-oa- s subjects of Interest to the people, beaeeched the Elders to be steadfast and more punctual in their duties; Invoked the Divine blessing upon the Conference, and upon all Urae- LBlngtng and benediction. . f After BepL 2nd, singing and 10 a. ra. prayer, AlVDse . J TRUST COI.IPANY. 13. tkt-u- p '.'aye anyeaae. With eaeh order reeelved bj us for six boxes, soeoutMuaied wah will seud the pinuhaser oiir written guarantee t refund the asonev tf the tteatietidue aot tSMt a seae aeraaae M. L Lvue mi e. Sa iy hr a. aa a eat aavmas as i. LOW ELATES ef fflfflDOTIBY. TVE. ROMANIA B. PRATT OOMMKN-X- J eea a new eta as in bee office over Godbe October Sth, at 1 oo)o rata Drar store was Tnsi eohool stabitobed tn 18TS. aim mm crave montas, three lectures per Is a practical course tor those wnode-fctr- e to enter at onoe iuto thai work. It ta ad will ad-athat those whnee clroam-Maooa- s aueod a eaoood oourse, tor She is so eomdrebenalre that a rerjotlUonsubject of tbe advantateous, especially to those of KmaW education. utner Manobes of Bnedidne are tanrht bear specially upon this euo-l-u ??lrthey More than that in so limited a course wuuki am woo eapernosu. jianifcin, etaarta and lauuMH are ueea ttt lTarmns; IXPTEHSKK aVSh, list, mver iu,n,) uumiaua wm wwhjq, uDumu uhmjs uanon, wondtra iver oeaeet" Mare ha pasa, Arkao. vuuuut ujuiuQina taat now woodcr, Boyal Gorire, and onto Pueblo, where are rjcated Immense Iron aod Steel Worka and Gold and BUver aod Befioers. Also luohides Colorado SmixLVL. Manitou Sprints, 1" Ike's Peak, Wuliam? Canon, Cave of the Winds, Dte PasaTbam. bow Falls. Gaiden of vbeOoda, laontament Ilirt.iuul other eoenie aaraoUons numer. ous to mention, not omUtloc overteo Loch Katrine Divide, down on to Sooth f juowm, il to Denver, where X"1"" is now open. Artetaa Wlj now runsdn? larai and o beina; and many otbrTak N. B. Orders or Docks must be eentln traotAiLAean bs sunk, viewed with Intezeet. Tbe early so ae to ret theos from the East in diaeteot roads traversed by tale narcv wij time. take In many potats of Interest aionr the NHeourt and MlesiMippiandBlvevT through Buuee of Colorado, Kauaas. NiS raska, Iowa, uourl 6e liiiw arooW the weli-hnow- n m, " 11 Ai, theVe 3Q-0- ui-r- MITOSES TITE GREAT WESTERN I HATCH THB CO., PATHONAQB SOLlCm ana the People ta0LmsI to fill au y Prepaid hortest ntxioe at reduced rates. Our Matches wu aoy to ported m raron tj Ask for BSjaZ9 the Great TFesf era AjMtms all oorresponoeooe tn GREAT WE2T2-1- 3I HATCH CO, P. Dor, , Bait lake CM . n. T. Tispboos dommunioaUoav . 9 M a while) lo . f-- aeW .detdalgnof persocfcJJj the 1Cat sr. x.ocia faik a bid TUB CUIOAUO EXPOHflns. Itates wUl be seonred as hitherto el JBpeetal Hotels for our party by the WanaieraVwha wUi be la a teodaDce ' esu tbereot 11MB 61 DavX tar k round FARE toa tub TBIP OKI). Not as some tnbjht suppose $150 to gSXM. CSoatesof Deposit for Tickets enbe ravings Bank.isait Lake Tribe. merchaaU Cvthm.Ciiy, A fur (urlil- - r..rtwii7f. tl. H. Y A Box 619, Salt Last city. 7rti Sa- ' - ' - Tvr-- n t f n'e past w Inter. Uas in aCAek Hvsa a&4 " IfUttBgt. I THE! UBST. j :Iy:' iU-c-ri l 'inrge supplj- - at Iron dL Pip Pums and DAVID JAdESi With or Without Reservoir and Has In stock a large aa&ortment of Tin Plats, Sheet Iron Roofing and Ualvaiafcai Bheet Iron, and ts prepared to do all kinds of Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Work. Btove Famtlturar a specialty. ' : K.; II IE1S5!!SS ti Safe BSE CULT Z. C. IV1. II TIE UES1T13!. 1.; ani all its DkaVIDJ Has 'a large" force of First Claia Pltiubers, Bteam and Gas Fltteta, sutd is prepared to do Plumbing aiid Bteam Fitting on the vary . I 1' et Improved plans .DAVID1 :JApEpj:I XCT Order - i received ty ai Cflca and WorUhck, Ho.. C3, LIMIT ST., cr--t t T.'V' f tax vra SOW : gife s r?r I ieJso prepared to lay Vater Plptw trota the Water ilalns on short '1 USrV .X aa adopteJ f W TxAtern Cities, and solicits the continued patron of the cili t Bis of this city and vlclnl ly. notice. Closet Braccbni I,,,-'- --' ta enaAT xv DAVibi JAMES 1 MI3-SOO- iU ad-vte- A LIES J the latr In stock Una Flat urea, bound) TIE DEIVEI iS3 HQ COE.EilLCfl, THE OR AT eCENIC ROUTE, Passhis; orer the BURLINQTOS 3c KlVttt KAILKOAD to the bttssourl Itlver from toorer, and returnlne; br the ATOHl-soN- , TUPKA SANTA ft UalL-ttOAto Puebk), thus rtvluv new soenery, etc You ranorthus arrive at Kansas City, Mohlson, as reeterred, cn the Psutsmouth, Missouri Hlvir. You oan lay over at pkauture Rxaav East after arrival at Pueblo, and at anr station when returnlne West on tbe dif. reot rouiee, within tbe Limit of Ttoke- lime. Ihe Denver it Bio Grande BcjuC u.vuv NUWEOT DAVID ST. LOUIS Ilea East AND oa tbe regular Atlantic Fxnress Train . P-n- rk, Kilt d EXCURSION D SCHOOL. SIfilll Keepe In stock tbe latest lmTj-ovePhrmber'a Materials to ly found In the Eastern Markers. S II HONEY TO LOAN rmi. genuHUea FIRST-CLAS- WUl leave Deposit, DAVID JAr.lEQ - Oapi nvsv per COOKING ti-O- CHICAGO eaook. ...... vcattni . twfbfiiieJ Co-o- p. HOST DURABLE & PERFECT HE To cure GRAND HOSTTELTlE'SmET, sr doors south taTthe (A. i Pao-guitc- e ' J? i ijj "- -? ? r--- z ?i-?-- & ? h( 2 mhmlmmrtu'n W 1 y i4 ' |