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Show EVISNJLNGr .NliYS ckf of iafcrma- - jmeJbC8i,90f t'AlaJ SteoJlns Hit; SALT THEATRE. LAKE On Tues o , day night four harvesters boarded a 13th. freight train at Whitehall, twelve Fve., mikM nuitu or inu piace, to eteat a ride. When at this sution four COILlPLIMEmSTjElEFIT TO i other men roarded the eaoce ear, ap same for tne but peer. pur parently after the train was in motion they drew revolvers on the first four men and after making them deliver what TENDEEED BT THE money they had droveohem oil the moving train. ULer man named Tateaacls Cioir aiJ Orctetra, Fa trie Knight leil beau long and; AtSOfXKO T was kiliett. i. be fuur trampe are for thydood. and were ar- - Mta. I CARELESS, Mr. GFO. 0ARELES3, Tetcd at iir'.gUtou y taterday .morn- - Mr. W.WEIHF, Mr. 8. K L4NQFUBO -' Geees field, Ills., 11. W A tt T O . GOOD J01NER3 APPLY 25 Co, hew Flour AT ABM-tror- Europe with money to recru t July C1RL WANTED. j Friday Utah, and that the "Mormon7' Cattle at land which GOOD UIKl rUH UKNKKAli Ul'Ueno companies A work. Anil to Mrs. HamuxD. Fourth rtlMTID MO PVCUSKED it THE Garden axe the results of their east, between First aod Seooad esooth 6tru. lttrald DESERET "NEWS COMPANY. gleanings. The. Boston most of MR. 0. R. SAVAGE, DRAWING ' & TRACING PAPERS, would find on enquiry that comth people who form theee S2x.etolL Z31ools.s, i CULM-EDITOR panies hare bean for muy year mOSR, j lKAWlNa INKS, MOIST LIQUID member of our Churfch, eLd thst AND ROUVO W'RITIN ntY BOOKS hare paid their qijrn. Wj across HI 1MIT il PPV 8TTtf)VRRV jtaiy 11, is3. they fftdMtdtjr, the water. Oar Elders go out with COPYING PRKSSE9, LETTER BO B'JOivJS, IMUllUJiiB, out curse and scrip" "to preach tl e Al?B Aodotbare. 113 BAUS FQ3T BlilS the BE gospel of faith, repeofairee, Lap t lam "' t - SSBt.rlaa Harder. JiTS A ChoriT of over One Hundred Toice COT ilORHOyiSa." and the laying on of band for ths Fwllow-ioDt8 11. Orchettra.' a aiut Hammocks from full Iowa, MoiKiB, f L23 to S 4 50. tmr U their gift of the Holy UhofctTbat IIlb pariiculare of the mur-U- r TICKETS. PRICE ' SHELF PAPER t 'Tha New York f:urna!a are t mlssiou. People whoj receive end ofIt. . Chugax: At Polk City, to take tome interest la oU-- tiiat a are juoved with iu thk county Jae last night, so lur stock of Prioter IqH, Cotnryltkn. E3T. . g&pl PART "Mormon',' lmrulrfrtirnlncjttJ V Bronses, Varabba, etc Sunptyalt Knit's, ih Ar to" the abode of iLilx ai kuotfhiJH. Mr. Cllngau with, his 1 WeltK-eto " deu.ie " ProaiOQaden g frorfixMS and ...Qanj of Am8rlcn Tyt won wtue the bablyty the recentatattempt Gtebestra. C cietk,b. Hanger, dosing Warebousea on abortaat notice, at aa soon ..as' and pilriurt'a they store or the load Irish psapert Castle Garden. tQHigionile, Cotse Ooa ... Away H iuuadry Prioef. ngut,iwo men cams 10 XOies Arise my tlr Mcr can obtain the aeotssary means, tin door lnaatia wby It la, whenouUlo'e epcaona "(Jood " Tty evcnuig, saiug, Choir. deciared mocitm hat been either by their own savings or help Kntlemeb!" D.awlug revolvers aw 8 Sccf SeoacAtioo " ...Eosdai toe pale of ibe Jaw, tb at 700 recruits from relatives JSL mum tiuir, aua without any Mae AffBMObeo. and fitlnJa In Utah, it w kite " O. 6uorUe A., f for the procribed oeaae are a 'lowed wa ihed at Clingan, the 4 Ouartette...W. Measra. W. H. roster, H. Oardloer, Vt Sail from England and land In they emirate. Thysome here in ball ning they TX Owen and J. Morirao. ' Ukiog eilecc below tne uuilar ihla coantrjlL; The.qaery ia a peril families. They have io i Intention boue.i, Mr HoasroUI.tf. W. Eroat Solo no Vlolia There is i liiataatiy. xientcne and demands an answer, to breik any la we.' Thty are not clue to the w. K. weibe. suanTwo perpetrators. a Hmr. 'm The Elowera of 8 Drier Return if the Mormons are to coatlnue " wolcti Igere wtie eea a snort time before it Millard THE GREAT WESTERN OQeeMore the le at fialt Like, the "recruit" in the seiwe Orebeatr&l occurred fraiu Aoootcp&aimeut, onatiatej home repereona by the government can that te.m U need concerning them tne OJJ FeUaw'e going MATCH CO., Me. only way Oeorae Utre'eei, by It being LoJge. taliate 1 by eotilng oil the lore'gn Ara matter of fact they are quiet, CawtfS. Land Mr. THS PATBOSAQB Of OrJB dark no accurate descriptioa T Cborus "Norma Cometh"....-.-- . Be UUJ. gOLTCTTS and ths Penpie In roerat recruits to polygamy. In no way orderly woialug r ejpla who aid in quite caa be gives of the murderers. iLe Cbolr. ,' prepased to &U any order oo could a more effective blow be .' ijr ..;' abortat Dotioa t county aJjicent to Cole Creek truck against the insolent hierarchy developing the country, and are a whole INTERMISSION. Matcboa will compare favorably was Our en arause i cf beand tw un to squads the of source wealth that defies our laws. nation, whh any Imported In Price aod Quality.; March" Kemembrsnoe of Fetersdorf nightiaBOouring , l ndi paupers in the whole speni theTUexe 'I'ni above . U fram the. Baaton ing troducerand and t a repot Oreawtrav Ask for. the Great Western r.glo. from tbe nature of ust now that sense, tbe pursuers are close Quartette. ."Qreetlu-o- f MiasSrrln',...RtrmuM Jleruld, paper with braina, publish- any ; Whiu Matches. Mrma-ceHelen F. Laura 8mltk. fal-on the track cf the murderers. T m o are sober,' iA ving,jDer ed In the centre of New England their Hull and Mra. Marg-lMr. ory, - hortes that ' cltlAddresa all aLd solid correspoDdetjoa to Saraa K. Laeitord. tbey had stolen, residents, becoming rjrGBRAT WESTERN "ealchsw." And yet It la as full of ridden F.Hoo Cteorge. 10 to HATCH Ca, been nearly death, having nr. James ;i. minoBr. nonsense as a rUinsr Lalloin la full xens as soon as time permits, j found abanOoned; two mote horses 11 P. a Box, 6, Salt Lake City, 17. T. White. Heart"... Poor lo tola la no Tr!o..."Deep there Heralds And. friend Were stolen there, it la generally Tektpbooe oouununloattoa. f gas. To Uh with, MornwU Mis Olaea, Mr. H. O. W uttney aud ds lai Mr. J. V. SpeuoM. j supposed that this is the seoond 11 Soae Um" li not "oatalde the pale of "Insolent hierarchy that deflea our ' In chapter of tbe myaterloua murder of Mr. Evan Stajioeus. the law."- - f oat 1 a nickname for a laws." Defiance is not breathed 13 tr Vetoed Cb Full this With of Pborua last dtuobe; mayor place, "Mormon the Mozart system of faith and worship Which the spirit of Retuii)lng " ear, fciio vas shot dead by masked books. Jmen. Sacred Be arch Cooir. its Church. who. Ma hundreds his entered bedroom. adherents by number fA Clingan and he were great friends, High Pt ivate in the Beat Eank.t uf thousands; and they are acanowl- - Listen to Its teaohlnga. Obedience and NO EXTRA USUAL BATES. achas been Is one to ji USmain tenets. of ADMISSION, an lows Clingan the taking dged to be sincere, devout believers tive part in ferreting out CHABQE. his muras a rale,are Its people, TQ OUR MANY PATRONS Christ Chriatlin the and Jesus' derers. in com as a Take "Mormons" the feaone from and Off TUE OKEAT Careapart Tfeketa ACCOUNT Hcripturee, lor tale Friday at tbe Merchndlaa Lvspartmnot ture of their creed and practice a munity, and there is less lnfractkn vrzau'a, iMyaea & ooaitera ana httt, of the ART BAZAR la removed to the ra.csit:ies3. of 'the Ivwa awongf them than O pattern of i?al and IaI cecapied by UtTld Yearsley, con moraiEf. in tbe Hooper ds Eidredge block. The L&1IST TSASM alXAMTIC HIS. tV Box office open on FrMay Who hs dclrel that religion among any other people on this S 16. ' oommeoo Perturmaooe wul at 1b "Irrefutable fact Photographic Department, in charge ol ''oatalie the ple of the law?;',- - Aud tinent. Thla aa this Mr. liaipn J3AVgp, oaa aiso oeeu transien Criminal sU demonstrable Conductor by "all BEE2LEY....... La woo amouat IJ the if it what 1 John Olson's new gallery, oo Comi OaewaT Vlcterlon. JO J. liAXe9 . AOOOaipauUt rd of thla Territory and of the tistios trtet. fere jus bavltig paid for mercll coun in the and newspaper pulpits , dl9 St LoNrN,t 11. A dispatch from can various Btates. But some one will be- - Durban portraits min advaneo at the o!(j.tsr.d to declaration? a were make such dated the 9th inst., eays a try In ye the ruUkea after July 4th, free of great battle was fought between the IHTClICOCIt j A STOVEK, charge. No palnaorwill be spared to keep it would be nomenpe. It would be Wrll. what of tt.a ? Hjmth of the forces excellence niinerio np the standard of CetewajfO and Oham and mulixUIned. ycctfary tTthe spirit of vAmeiicaa "Mormona'' have more wives than that the Kl!y! Rally 1 Rally I A latter was chief Le new erit:a of views will eoon be taken captured. Ijntllutiuiis, It wouldoj'ired one. Many cf that nuBaber entered feiliua. Nothing was saved from tho upper part Elahty to the ConatiluUon of our' cuuntxy. Q. W. HITCHCXXK, Wasatob Block, Salt or the art azar. their plural marriages previous A number of umuocesaful atLake City. i dlS3 It wjuld amount to nothing iu fact into CR. SAVAGEj to of of baen law have tbe tempts the passage made to' ravse the W. B. 8TQVEB, Loean, Utah. any d 194 ht 1$ law., "ilormonlam," an a reateamer Daphne. Eighty bodies United Btates on the Wubjjsot. Hul have thus ligion tjtem,ie independent of Ur been recovered. The haVe proved Inquiry instituted . by the govern- WALKER OPERA HOUSE. law and also of piblio opnlon. Uie voting statistics ment to ascertain the caose of the In the Probate ( owt of Sanpet Thiee who believe and practice It that the very,great majority of the accident has direcuncier the not into entered heun have 1 p'.nral people County, Territory of Utah. to . are axaenabla the Jhw all.- - Those who have tion of Hir Edward Reed. The bnild-er- s at marriage, the the 'do aay thing aga'nst of the Daphne testified that she lltTaE MATTER OF THE ESTATE Of so believe that their action i was launched ia the; usual manner 80EEN PETERSEN, DECEASUk Jaw; 'lif ta use the Ungu.g? of done the dupraftle Court .cf th United right." They have no doubt thatl and no fear had been entertained of Order to show Cause why TrJor of Sa M they, have complied with; a divine any danger. They said the deck en titaitj, they "break out into overt law. Real Ps'ate sbou'd cot be icade. the starboard side had been removbeen defiant. not have They act against peace and gjod order." ed to admit boiler plates. - Planking oeen a. an nas irameu againei f7L3Ik MAIUK PKTRRSRN TBE AT U at even then their creed will to aud other material were stored on JULY jw or ths c(tatof Soren 17th, 18th, & 19th, 1j inloutratrix decesred. U&v'.n fl ed her nstltlor untouched by, the law, for doctrines eetabllfchment of their;relijjIon, and other parts of the deck, ghe eanK hnretn it ytot for aa or rot a!e of a part cf and principle cf religion are not an some of them Lave disregarded that on her port side. too real estate, or sa:a oeoeoeed, for the oi U is it. i Troajbie as Taala. thrtln eet fil- dtr governmental control,and belief I.w. That all there It la therefore ordered by tho Judxe of said tiB should done? lunU. What. The French then, Tunis, dour is be of and a, i bat all persons ibtrrestrd In the estate In them mat necersity recently a Maltese because he enf said decea-tdappear before l be said free In thU lani of reVg'ouj KLerty. Ish all the people, Including lhoet Imprisoned Probate Court fa Mouditr ih, 23d da of ha a fracas an with officer gaged and 10 o'olook in tbe forenoon of ulr, 18S3, at To say then that "Mor monism" has who.have never broken the one law court martialed him. The arrest :s said dar, at tl.e l ourt Ho ho or eatd Probate been declared "cntslde of the pale cf that a few mty h ife 'f ignored? the cause of much ill feeling In the t curt at tbe Ctr or Maotl, in the Count j of wby ait rrder rbouk) rarntie, tosboivcsute the law,! to it.y that comebody has Abume that all who believe In the British Colony, who demanded the not totne svi adiinistratrtv to release of the French to ihe or mocn intend prisoner, eeuso "Mormonlsnt" reat tne estate cr toe . toea talking unmitigated foolish goaptl.of refused to hnd him over to the dtoeascd as shall be neoessarr. '' cno uteak that and, prevent British Consul. The matter has law, And that a copy of thiscrder be ceas.; at katten suooeMlte datslo the published oPEtii Dnuti jwhen they been to The term ''proscribed caua" is of them from landing referred the French and Ketvs. a newi paper printed and Kvisitra . . k. O Ilriiieh Lake , come euoresr la bait to tnese ptib'Uiaed tab Ter eiaiiaie County Is governments. the same nature. There no such mor. a for all thej hi as a elns,q JAMES allegedj A. the country AtLRRn, proscribed against thing Trobata Jods. rallitlon. a Uttte rtflijtloa will few? Proscribe a creed , beCae 1883. Dated -6, 8an Fate Zdacatlona.1 July Institute V3 Dm Offlee opea Saturday at 10 a. m. cho r thh beyond controvtrty. The some of Its adherehts are accuse J of We are indebted for the Prices, tl010, 75- o- and EOo. Kjeitra charje I hfrby certlfr that the forffofeg-- b a rur following highest court In the land has formu- violatlnz a statute which constitutes to Miss Helen Armstrong, of Hi lor Reserved Eeata. " copy cf tbeorlelsalOrdf rn rl e In mv office. Eph. iWltness my hau4 and tlBclal seal the O.h ' lated a decision declaring that, in part of their religion! aj; crime?. Go raim: .'; I.j y: aay ei Jury, a.jj. effect. WILLIAM T. REID, very religious faith Ja free. oaca vj tue ueeua nuu yaja ut mioj ESTRAY NOTICE. The Ban pete Educational InstiPreble Clerk. seal. People may believe anything that erance, and set up' the fnqasltian In tute held ita MT HAYS rOSSEOHCB t 132l0r.! IS annual I acems right to them. The free ex a free Republic? ;D.-a- 'the Govern- Mantl, oh June SOih, meeting at beginniug at One fieabtttea trvr WARP, IS yeancM. excise of religion is guaranteed to all, ment down to the leyaf of the hire 10 o'clock a.m. President John B. branded T.ob ru tMrh aod rcnud ou and while the law proscribes no re- ling clergy and sectarian bigots who Mai ben presided. Pre&ldent Mai-be- n rlrht shoulder, M on left aod Tenled oo stated tlbhattscbt-is a there that marked V U staou'dfr. O with a cross, lo too ligious bjttem, it la bouud to protect are howling for the jextormlnation Improvement In educational matters or oo can-nleft aod vented kit (aoulder, and Che adherents of "Mormon lam" in of "Mormonim" because they the county; thought the a ores tblfb on tut side 01 neck. throughout overcome it by argument nor establishment of tht institute had If net olalmed aod taken awai on or brfors their faith and. worahip, just as rveaa- - July 17 tn, wux oa aoia at xny ocrral meet Its religious power oy'BCii'p-tart- ? been productive of much good; also at xnuehaa the followers of Methodism iu a. ds. , J. L. B0ULDTN. For shame, BoiiorfMeraldl that the quarterly sessions held at or Catholicism, cr any other ism. If Mount Pleasant, Moroni, I lauiot Poeodkeepei. Ephrairn, at error the and and Mantl,1 Caifa Dale, Emery Co., July 7. 1883. sonscnHi, any cX them break the law, they are Look, respeotlveyl, had been answerable to the. law, bat their jonj tha para well attended by the members. as follows: Lecture on faith an J cause U not and cannot, be graph we have clipped from your Exercises WAITID. and of teaching, theory never practice make'sitch blun oolumns,nd WOMAW TO TAKE proscribed by the law. Wm. K. Keid: primary geography AMIODLB AGIO iofaot, wm hare a coed The question why "700 recruits" ders again class exercise, Mies Marine Ram-los- e; noma, turn umoa apply at music and song, "Gathering are "allowed to sail from England Shells from Harlns; secured, for the the gea fchore' MLs and land In this country" la not perTina Merrieon; clas primary reading ! present, the largo building tinent, I) A lrrelefant aud lndlca- BY exercise, Miss Miriam Tennet; gramtlvaof Iguorauce. If auy answer is mar claea exercise, John F. Allred; r .WILL PAY A LIBERAL RRWAED lately occupied by Z. C. M. I nmismM mam vauwaarw icaia. .needed It mtyWgl'tn Uitfly in a. n. Xjunu maae a rew remarks on A for tbe recovery of the fotlowloa- de- a MMwasf; the importance of Introducing the scribed animal: Produce Department, better tbese werdt: bccauie there ia no A terse floe two tear old, past, elajbank or ' siuoy or grammar into our eohoclj eoeeiout law against it. There Is no law of make, of roroiaa stock, known as the Old City Men menul arithmetic cla?e exercise. B dark stripeaonei down tbe back, both hind feet I.ATTJST fil LIUnTB ISG. J U. Aller; uenedtctlon by Brother walte to let took England forbidding the emigration a iuue wbttlsb lo ftoe. jam,thlrh. ' Was stolon from Jlarket, I am prepared to In aoy religious of believers Cl.fl. Aujonnud nil 2 o'clock p.m, braoded A J oo rteht - Stallra4 Batea. I Oa xnurdaj tusat, or Stiday tar premiass or Aiietnoon. Tbe continue the purchase oi organiiatijn. caie ""Tfunf aw 11. Vhe 'frioum aaya ' cuicaoo, ANDREW J. ALLEN, Prayer by Mr. Larson. Latter-daBalnU, or "Mormona" as there can hardly fall to be soma disi dtr Sketch on history, Geo. Soot bra per WOOL. Cull and see me. in the public mind as primary ar.thmetio they are vulgarly "called, may leave appointment class exercise. a Sa t Ureat Britain as freely as any other 10 tne rates irhich it ie announced vj. speiimg ciase exer the Paciflo 'will charge okw,it. mason; Northern H. B. CLfiWSON. If can Jno. E. Christensen. Mis their pay passage iraners over its lines to tne faci-fllople they Morrison favored the membefs with and the Boston liercdd would be recent Interview, in Bt. the sweet strains of "Gertrude's laa If to tha tratSo Paul, prrptexed general reqairexl crely give Manager, Dream" and a song; geography and We bare temporarily- He 25 a tangible reason why such eml- - air. wuir, siatea xo our reporter or urau,renuerea la a credit rate class: that for the the first and cured, premises passage manner fchould able to be detlord. It Is J as t 10 both pupils and KraQt8 rrom hi. 1'kqi would be iroriianu ' teachers, Utso. pwott: advanced read opened business under the the same with their Jsn Jlrif in this 1100, and tha for ihtermediate ing class exercise, Wm. K. Reld; Deseret Bank, where we will a N fTt country. The law djes not ttke points and for seoohd cl&& propor ticn remarKB on or trustees, be tne ausiea to on onr wait 2 02 happy ate figqlres would be made. The dis- Jno. II. Hougaard: select readlnz. ogniiiace of aoy irson'ii faith, tance friends such and of the between two the of termini pub B. H.Allen. There ia nothing iu the Aets oCjn-grea- a Bui5 V r the further u Pacific belhc 1.C16 lic as will gire us their pa Prest. Maiben sUted the that to which relating emigration milos. this of 100 is at the terra of officers had expired. Jno tronage, for which we. will th .n 5 2 3 cn u a mile. B. Maiben, President; tsn be stretchej cr twiited t) meet rate of morecbarge A. H. Lund truly De tuanbiui, ana en the casa of tha 'ilorraan" immi rhis, Jt must i e remembered, is and Wm. K. Reld, charge lor hauling. were unanimoosiy elected. J no. K deavor to deserve the same grants. They brek no law La land Imply the car aecommcdatl4na will 3Jpxg Jno. F, by honest treatment and tag, th?y are not likely to becoma a be an extra ana neavy one, and coet ChriatUufien, Secretary; ha a Geo. Cor strict attention to business, sscott, Alkn, Aseiayint; j klc-are of the r meals ana inciaentaia will make publii charge, they Secretary and Librarian We hare already u large line uf humai material that it likely To trie whole cost quite aa n&ch as that responding ta meet at Gunnison, of Furniture and more com' Adjourned as acroea of sail a oDsi 1505. dd atrength and solidity to the na- the oceantrip,to twice iseneaiotion. Dept. z, -, Europe. I At these P. So a S ing, especially lied Room tion, and the preeucaplloa that they pr;cef after a mau of moderate Suits to from $133,00. $30,00 may at some future time freak one meaus had gone with his family of fjhalrs, lounges (tvood and uf the laws uf the Unittd State?, If say one wife, wbka Jo I the fu.i ai Garble and and 4 FcAJts In tie llih Ward of th's city, July Upholstered) uorrcct, would uotbe cuXcknt to Lwance thla side of Bait Lake, had eD Joy fed the tm lit s, cl ohokr lufaotuoo, Ira, too of Iaae. Wood Top Center and Ex and ohlldren, 6 t reason a fcnatitste closing the duetlvw pljtisuree w Ufa andearah Jtne Bears, born Aajtuit SI, 2S0 tension Tables,; Bedsteads, altpiag of the country psrta aad dining oara a ad aui reullulcg Fuoeral from reside do of parenta at 4 agint them, be urged anluat and every cars he would Hod hl4uhehoutu , July Uih frieoda of the tam. Brackets, Looking-Glasse- s from the about 50cts. and all he sre iaTited. could; tae la a Immigrant seeking liberty pocket to 911,00. Gall and see and The trade manager of the tj oppcrtanltiea for advancement of- year. Pacific Northern to seek make examine our Goods. fered by this land of the free and ZlOa'A BBBIKriT BCIaJlKS . charges which he auudeunoes kuk 3. ncme of the brave. reasonable by cooipartdon bvtwetu H0CIETT. Respectfully, The Idea thai the fJhvernment of them and tuoee cf the iUnlou &d The Drat reealsr meetinir of the SORENSEII CARLQU1ST the United States ehonld ' retaliate" Ceutral PavJfij roa ii. ;lhia U an above Society will te held thla sa)aj unfortunate Thece Boa-te- a comparison. at ( the eTenln? Shoe the iu&nner the ta suggested by roads are managed byf m'tn who Wednesday o - . a oraxd rrarr class taotorj . . t at .o'cioca, . . ior in . rnrDsae JlcraZJ, is as great a mark of have ma Je tbeamiTee- a corporation vi ana entering is&iug eaiKcripioni XJ KT of which a under 2S O TJ XX. O ether remarks the have cloaked Imbecility their stock. they T. O. Wxbbxr, Preat. Win loave odious J0LY lftk, for the Woo- OQDEX, ! by their et'.ortion ta&t piper whicli we bavecotlced. rapacity, A. iAE3oK3, Becy. CWJsUMir of and disregard rlhta 'KeUlUUca ' is not the proper poli- and lntereets. Tbe peoeV alight dSoxen YFLLOWSTOIE lilTIOIIL P1IK, In th! issue will be fenni th cy of any government towards its which he shows to exist gin fa ?or je o; ear4 & Ya Hitchocck cf Den Utah St Kortbera Baliwav aod Baasntt Storer. conof enforcement tne modaratenees of tha icbtfrgee; of citizens; Tbe JOSEPH WALKER, brvja. ntara Lioe froai Beaver Caofoa who hare taken roorts for the stitutional law is right and requi-ait- e. the Nortnera Paci3c,U by no means tlats, a'oot eatcoUi Ko4s sod taroua-of their In tht practice BeemlfMl proXaaion Boeosry. S6 rates If of the LAYi the IT asy of the u Mormons?' vk- - large enough. rjr aa (Xats Ifanagsr cf Dtmrtt Carriage ul Central Paciflo are to b the stan- waaatcn xsroca. as v. and XTogtmCo. Bait It at would hw Lake, j&te the dard cf extcrticn, thai diSVrence KOCSD TRIP. nden to Ftre.Hola Ru!, mir ABornXat Lira; sjaysd. or ifAJtrjTacTCBjta aud KeturoAttbe b proper for tha Gorernraeat to should be erxrmous. Worse yell Low hate of cxtraly Mr. for Mull's Harriat to 5 Cummin informaMr. of Clc Baif ra 12, La rs, saner a nnder comparison, Cadreo, fi, Frea. faja; against tion has trocced Just reacned li that the cinnatl writes: f Yeea. rooknie Apcaratos, Oenploe Outfli the oSendcu. Bat It has no right railroad eommUeiooeracf arly laat winter my daughter Bisnkelsl Free, ttk Ono rrCk ,o CaJlorn, as SPEINGto Mretailateu by doing aay thing at laat frightened a eerere ooM into f aoiion by aiiacaeu witn WAGONS, BOVZ iJWW SIGHT, p rexsons on of tne HACLX FBtS ber lnnaa. We hUrTr symptoms of rlgbteoue popular which settled Kto, w. vuuum iVUtVD aod wrath, with their oompUoent toler- tried several catct'clntt, uoae of ftontne- Aoparatis tomutttt a ama falUi whs &r mt cinders. ance hanied It.. cf cntnj, ticladiaj that of which teemed to do her esy eood. Ufcbt Srrtnir Wafons acd 1 earns or Eaije U cna tei cf On tLtrJlarGli'i lre-le Turin at f peeiai ALL KINDS Of the Etsaford, Crosier hare bat ebe ocntlnaai to set worm, Flffureetebeyood patty. Wiihia Two daysKlde s the Cenand final y raised large ajnoucta at ids pointthenay Catllic fchoald bre Jt a law cf the reduced the rates of tangy seen be TS'airon from her lungs. We TeltAwmeeae JLafce United Btates, the Q J vera men t tral and Bouthern ensf'acifia to of blood taaan. rails, a called but cents be four family pbyaidan, the'r all "'m 1 aa In tilled per'mhe ' would be "retaliating" do berany good. We then Maata. ippeaeyeer.pnar, except where- ihy cross failed to BUCRSniTHHiG WORK o Othtr Ani r. sg&Iaat the Catholics by "cutting system a on r most TTonier. calied skil on end ooe mountains and bjalciaa Ftrf desena, FY CatholiLa ta to PneiVre Ovei at re:rulU" one oar of forti&n ful in Bone ta a t:.tacuy aannet. colkses cStil pro'eerer branch; this leaves the) Northern LlmU of Ticaet Ham. Pad So ratti mare thia 23 per cent. be raid that the could net get well. tiiiufcg wliila cism la this country. If some POT.tA Tltxtm flna .V. Prttl Tlolata the revenue hwa, hither than those cf the most" en-- ; At this a friend who had been cured Utiiti ra eauwav to S:t t ekeeMCity e.tL !!I!I!E BI.TDE!!!!! Ca Balsam for Dr. Hall's Wm. tha by oonsclonabje among laonopciy Be be ur ned He.f Fare. We at abroad should erU from' Kwturn no Preaby terlaa and. that too Licg, advifad me gbre it trial. A STECIALTT. American railroads, of Dp.:tthi a Uoilwe he permitted to land In this coun- ia the face of facts of . which the We then got a bottle, and before abe mam-he- rs Korthern Fact So are never tired cf bad used it all op abe bemn to so to In the and E rejard r try, iojs fTTnr timjsU. K.i JOSEPH WALKER, and by the nzm cf Lhrea tct-tlc- s er ti. H. Tiit, us of,tbat they have net a cf any Church, Association, reminding iaiaat, l'fsa. Liai Ent was estlrcJj cert 4. E3i8 Cf CZSXt CCd ttSt lt'.I Tlnf:urtb cf Hc t:t) Th fcs rr ttfia tiers c: l::Uzzz T.te JvaJI. aVt til Hst eitisitls go to at rest O'clock. f- -r - 2 ar MM. V -- j ' ' i ..O 0O IT '- . -- g h .1". w ci- - av -- !' .1 aV -- VMr ; yS SX ,V l5a & S IT, o' rav mi ,' O1 vO k .v sfav .. tr jr av a jrm w ; PEMBROKE. -- : - MATCHES aa io-Ut- tiig I ' I . nur-et.a,- k y - nt a ; y - Xv ?o ' j . t- FIRE! FIRE! so-call- ed , : .. law-abidin- g. fl leM-a&- FOREIOS. a - 6t-r- -- 3 1 DENTISTS. - : y GEORGE i HOUSE ! HAM LIN, SIGN PAINTER, & PARTI COLOKlaU A SPLCISLIT. HOTIGB. . SBTAIL Tile . ! Store Ef Shop, South Teaipla St. In rear of F Adams A Boos, Ha f BockWetof tb Vailes HAJLX MA KM C1TK. House. f3aTP.a fiaxlZL l&Stf " GHAS. W. STAYNER, BLACK FLAG! . Fet-erse- Atorney and Couuselorat- ;; VINO HA - o. ( imi fla . " COURT JProbate He la BUSINESS. Vy Offioe, a Judge's Ofloc. : alto a Kotair Public and Laod Lawyer. mm nuiiiii ; in all - ffe Is prepared to settle up Vstates, aad ao as Counsel for wiJowa, Adoaloatuatora a&ti others ha rice; oualnesa In tbe , Deg-mnte- EXTENSTVTS ainoe toa ear brauotieaof ,. PROBATE pur-pe- ee i HTJ A . alt Laht Main Ftrttt, City, u. r. OLOTHI1TG, v. Breakwater Clmrn ivo-i- BUTTER Made in from to three - i Minutes, J f one-and-a-l- . tAICTi DAVID !' H-.- . .1 a CLALIIPS, ! Z NEW AND NOBBY STYLES. tl JAMES . Ihliirihno-:- Agent for the Jackson Yea Ulatlog Grata and Fir co tbe Hearth Grates,Stores and M&sUea " i-: 1; h Si . ;.. DAViD JATilES Agent fori the Otto BUtnt uas ULgme. r.': ::: ta Sola ''at s . tt tztetmm. tt. a 7V"t .. .!:. mm , m m mm mm mm Am ' . f rm a a a wm r t? 4Atm : !; 'y--- , .. a a rrrkT.-irmAA AmJm. . mMm i niiVrfirii mun s(n Is Sole STOP THIEF TELEGRAPH. - H. D. CLAVSOr., BAL.lT I Y dlSS - " I Theraaqmeter funikheo lth c&ch Churn. For Bala 'by A- ct ism - ' BOOTS jSl2STX) SHOES, Gents! Furnishing Gdbds, ETC.. etc.;- uilf - g v.- . HATS j ! - Jy ! , : ' o - WHKHE TOU CAN FIND A FINK STOCIt OF THE FAMOUS j , : ' n s n a 'n 1 f Jtmm - i AnERICjtH. 86 and 88 East Temple St., SALT LAKE CITY. DAVID JAr.lES i la Sola Agent itoeflng. . :. i fri the ; Garry Iron 1 Si a-- Agent for ttte Haxtob. II. B Bralth and W. Hi Warner' Steam le So'e a AFTERTHE FIRE! o. VID JAMES D y Heating Apparatus. r - ui-ior- DAVID JAT.1ES y Jliii Vice-Presiden- ' ts, " o ih fr i Feathers p-- nd-mL-ht ' hi Ui. . - IO a NEW snopa CARRIAGEO, icjt r?i the Helljtr, Hygela, Zcnss, Jen ntags and White's eaaiter' Clos ets, all of which are flrBt class. ; . per-o- n. D Carrlarre, u -3 Em 'i Nwm-Cahk- t.. im-pro- Te, t::n';::fraIJie5t - '!( I iSla 1'4 Lii hi .fck.ti.2 til k ml kmMi li S. .iya-.v.t- J DAVID JAMES Keeps in stock thei latest Ln proved Pamhera Materials to te fcund iu the Eastern Markets. DAVID LJA.y.ES H cri?aialia-fc2K11 In stock the latest d signs of Gas Fixtures, selected personally while 3n the Ea&t the past winter. DAVID J ALTEC Uh In stock a large supply of Iron iloaa and Lead Pipe, Pumps and Hi FitUnga. " "" V Y. NEW. ' C! DRESS GOODS Prom 7 Cents up. V jH g YnEJV PRINTS, Cents Up. o S : m b DSM0KE3r3 AGENTS DAVID JAIV1EG In stock a larra aaeortnaent of Tin Plate, Eheet Iron ItocSsg and GalTanlisd Sheet Iron, and la to do all kinds of Tin, Cop and Eheet Iroa Work. ' Store ler Fomitare specialty. Mas pra-par- ed DAVID JArVIEG a large force of First Class Plumbers, Bteam and Gas Pltt-va-, and Je prepared to do Fkmbtag and Steam Plttlts; est the very la' est laprored pltus sdoptel t y Cutera Cllio, and iclldtj tbe O&i u ccnt2nne4 patrcase of the of this dry and rlclnltr. cltl-aan- a - prea-fcyUrlx- I m fismmmmf: Mm : kil - U Bole Agent for the Hartford Glass :, Water Closet! and keeps la stock DAVID JAUEQ tnt noUoa. w. Li Order . rtodved lit l Ho. C3 IIAH' tb Vf Tt'$- - i MA. f l H inn v"" l HI'S 1 y ,ilrf 3 g g 0TTc5. L, - prtjatwa ta lay Wttex Tlpca from the Water ca slicit s alio t --y- v ra r IU i (tig. P. O K B-z- 1 ! Ij g q BUASTINO POWDCII.X. " 3 Try our Rectangular Churn f tnd Gilt Edjo Butter' Maker. 'A'3T . AEE Tffi BEST HI THE UARHBt -- |